Public Finance?
Mollica | What
Cherie is

According to Cherie Mollica,
Personal finance is unique to each person, and the tactics used rely on the person's earning potential, needs, ambitions, and time constraints, among other factors. Investments in education, possessions like real estate, automobiles, life insurance plans, other types of insurance, savings, and expense management are all included in personal finance. What is Personal Finance?

Corporate finance focuses on constructing the company's capital structure and financing operational costs. It deals with the funding source and how to use those funds, such as allocating money for resources and boosting the company's worth by strengthening its financial position. The main goals of corporate finance are to maximize asset value and maintain a balance between opportunity and risk.
What is Corporate Finance?

What is Public Finance? As per Cherie Mollica, Public finance takes into account variables including income distribution, resource allocation, and economic stability. Taxes, bank loans, and insurance company borrowing account for the majority of funding sources

Microcredit is another name for microfinance. Those without convenient access to financial services are the target audience for this sort of financing. These people include those who are unemployed and belong to lower socioeconomic groups. Even more services, such as training, micro insurance, and savings accounts, may be provided by banks. Microfinance?
What Is

Mollica said Financial products and services used to support and facilitate international trade are referred to as trade finance. Trade finance is suitable for importers and exporters to conduct hassle-free international business transactions by lowering trade risk.
What is Trade Finance?

Contrary to conventional finance, trade finance does not imply that the parties involved are short on cash or liquidity; rather, it is intended to shield the two parties from the different hazards associated with international trade. Currency fluctuations, nonpayment by the other party, political unrest, the parties' creditworthiness, and other hazards are all present in international trade.