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Wake up !
Light Body symptoms are manifestations of the energetic changes which are now being created in our human bodies, as we absorb more spiritual light into our Being. Some people are using the term, ascension symptoms to describe this phenomenon. Also, see Next Dimension Healing Light Body activations and Awakening symptoms.
The Earth’s vibrational energy field is now transforming, becom-ing hotter, brighter and more electro-magnetic, enabling all life- -forms living on Planet Earth including human beings, to absorb more spiritual light for our current Ascension-Cycle.
As these higher frequencies of light rapidly intensify, they are creating alchemical changes within our existing structures which are quickly changing the fundamental foundations of our Planet, human bodies, psyches, consciousness and DNA. This infusion of light is creating a large scale purification process, which is affecting everything and everybody on Earth.
As we (human beings) absorb more light and become less dense, we begin to change from our existing old carbon-based structures to crystalline-human beings, which enables us to move into higher dimensions of creation 5D-fifth-dimension, which is now part of our evolutionary journey and the New Earth Energy.
As As Light moves into our bodies, it infuses the cells (cellu- lar levels) and this catalyzes a healing and purification process, which causes the tissues to release old energetic patterns, out- dated-beliefs and any existing (3D) fear based concepts. We may experience aches, pains, feelings or memories, rising into our con-sciousness as these old energies are released. (to be continued) Ascensions.us
My Little Angel