2 minute read

MARCH ISSUE AscensionLife 2021


Sherilyn Bridget Avalon



I woke up this morning with the

Lord’s Prayer in my head and thequestion, “is Heaven a place we’re going to or comingfrom? So I was breaking down each sentence, “Our Father who art in Heaven.” What does that mean exactly? What if Father was Divine Male Consciousness? Or Your Mind? Well, during hypnosis, things came through that St. Stephen was my Father. St. Stephen is a Supreme Soul - Divine Male Consciousness that leans more toward the concept of Love. Frank used to be my Father; Frank is also a Supreme Soul or ‘The Divine Male Consciousness who leans more toward the concept of Fear, the consciousness we are now working through. ( I know it sounds crazy.) The Male and Female energy we are working through is in our minds. Our unconscious mind.

What if Heaven is our mind?

“Hallowed be thy Name” (Hallowed means Holy) So the name of the Father is Holy. Holy unto you. Which will you serve? According to the

Oxford English Dictionary, water was sprayed over the hallowed ground: holy, sacred, consecrated, sanctified, blessed, blest; revered, reverenced, venerated, honored, sacrosanct, worshipped, divine, inviolable. ANTONYMS cursed. Greatly revered and honored: The English word holy dates back to at least the 11th century

with the Old English word hālig, an adjective derived from hāl (‘whole’), which was used to mean ‘uninjured, sound, healthy, entire, complete.’

“Thy Kingdom come.” Jesus’s preaching in the Gospel of Matthew, the “kingdom of heaven,” described “a process, a course of events, whereby God begins to governor to act as king or Lord, an action, therefore, by which God manifests his being-God in the world of men.” Where you live is your Kingdom. So, what is going to come into your Kingdom?

“Thy will be done” Your will be done. The power of your will comes from your emotions. Your thoughts with emotions are attached to them.

“On Earth, as it is in Heaven” Wow! Compelling statement. You are bringing down to Earth what is in Heaven. You are bringing into your Kingdom what is in your Heaven. What if Heaven is your state of mind?

Heaven is often described as the “highest place,” the holiest place.

So what that tells me is, whatever we genuinely believe from our unconscious mind, we create our reality through our thoughts in Heaven. You can regulate your thoughts through your frequency. When you think negative thoughts, you are of a low frequency. When you think thoughts of Love and compassion, you are of a higher frequency. Be mindful of your thoughts; you truly bring Heaven on Earth.

The mind is God the Father, the word is the Son, they are one, they are united by the light.

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