Best LED Tubes in India Lighting your way to a better living!
Input Voltage While making the purchase, you must choose a tube that has a minimum input voltage requirement but still a good output. To balance this, you have to consider the ratio of both these voltages.
Watt and Lumens Yes, lumens and watts are two very different things. Watt: This merely indicates the amount of energy the light uses. Lumen: This describes the total amount of light emitted. Higher the lumen, more the light.
Light Throw Tubes are shaped like tubes! Designed as an elongated rectangle, it throws light at 360°. Some tubes emit light only under them, or around them. But the modern tubes are designed to throw this light all around, so the entire space gets lighted up.
Service Life An average tube life is approximately 7000 to 15000 burning life. The tubes get dull and lose out their light after prolonged use. So as the light starts getting a little tedious after a while, it may be time to either clean or change the tube
Colour Tubes that we use for home lighting usually come in shades of white; warm white, fluorescent white, cool daylight.