1 minute read
from Options Booklet 2023
by cherwell3
(After School Course)
Astronomy grabs media attention – especially the exploration of the planets, black holes and the possibility of life elsewhere. Yet astronomy is also one of the oldest of the sciences, having had a significant influence on cultural development throughout the whole world.
The course occurs once a week after school for one ninety-minute ‘twilight’ session across two years.
Edexcel 1ASO
What will you study?
Planet Earth: the days and the seasons The Moon, the Sun and eclipses Planets and asteroids, meteors and comets Stars, Constellations and Galaxies Observing techniques and space exploration
How will you be assessed?
There are two, 2 hour written papers at the end of the course.

You should consider this option if …
You have an interest in Astronomy You wish to gain a further Science qualification You have the commitment to study after school, leaving at approximately 5p.m. one night a week