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GCSEDesign and Technology, GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition, NCFE VCert Engineering
Through all of the different Design and Technology subjects you are able to develop a range of relevant and necessary skills for life in the modern world.
Edexcel Design Technology

Gcse Design And Technology

What willyou study?
This GCSE involves designing and producing 3D products using a combination of plastics, woods and metals.

Students will study a range of design skills and also learn about a full range of materials and manufacturing processes.
During Year 10 pupils will complete a range of short projects learning a wide variety of skills. These skills will then be used for the major non-examined assessment that is completed in Year 11.
The course will require the use of ICT and Computer Aided Design /Computer Aided Manufacturing, which will be taught during Year 10.
The emphasis is on making real, full size, working prototypes. Projects for a GCSE non-examined assessment might include a lamp, a child’s toy, a storage solution etc.
Challenging homework will be set weekly.
All Design Technology students will be required to learn some maths along with some core design theory including, Electronics, Textiles, Graphics and Resistant Materials. The final written examination with be made up from 40% Core and 60% specialist area. Your maths knowledge will also be tested within the written examination.

Leading to: A level Product Design (offered at Cherwell), Product design: Design studies, 3D design, Furniture design, Architecture, Engineering, Animation, Gaming Design, Advertising and Marketing etc.
How will you beassessed?
Non-Examined Assessment 50%
Examination 50%