3 minute read

Year Team News:- Pages 64


By Ms Fowler & Miss Howse

We were delighted to welcome Year 13 back into school for a Leaver’s Breakfast and Assembly on Thursday 24th June. Whilst this wasn't the send-off we were hoping for, it did seem somewhat fitting that their unique experience of sixth form drew to a close in a unique way!

During their studies, Year 13 responded to significant change with maturity and resilience, very quickly adapting to remote learning only a few months into their A Level courses. Whilst they were able to return to school for the final few weeks of Year 12 they had to complete their end of year assessments remotely. Returning to school in September there was a sense of normality with Year 13’s returning to face to face lessons, completing combine tests and celebrating the Dan Hemingway Award. Unfortunately, after Christmas, another lockdown meant they again had to adapt to a new way of working with lessons taught via Google Meet. The announcement at this time that exams were cancelled added to anxieties but again they responded with maturity, optimism and strength of character. These qualities enabled them to successfully participate in a period of assessment in Term 5 to complete their A Level studies.

Whilst Year 13 would never have chosen this experience I hope that now they are out the other side that they will look back on their time in the Cherwell sixth form fondly. They have developed skills, resilience and friendships that will serve them well in the future and as their Head of Year I couldn’t have asked for a better year group!

I wish them the best of luck with all of their future exploits!

By Mr Wallington, Head of PE

What a strange, challenging, and unpredictable year for Cherwell School and all of us. I have decided to document the year in PE for this newsletter.


In September the restrictions upon us meant that we needed to use minimal equipment and keep to activities which kept students distanced. This meant we got to run our usual summer timetable of activities in September! Amazing! The students got to do Athletics, Softball and Rounders in September. This was a brilliant way to start the school year and gave us the opportunity to provide activities missed in Lockdown 1. OCTOBER – DECEMBER

Restrictions tightened, and in PE this meant we had to use even less equipment and have stringent cleaning policies. The positive outlook on this was that it gave us the unprecedented opportunity to focus on ensuring that all pupils were physically active for sustained periods of time. This is a huge part of our intent at Cherwell PE and found this part of the experience hugely positive. Students learnt through activity and experience and were able to be consistently playing. We have learnt from this experience and the department practice has been permanently changed through the positive aspects found during this time.


As the country shut down again, we faced another challenge. Turning our brilliant practical practice into something that could translate through a laptop screen to our pupils at home.

The PE team, two members of staff down on paternity leave, were led brilliantly by Mrs Green to devise an outstanding programme of practical lessons delivered remotely.

The students reacted brilliantly and seeing Year 7 in particular running up and down stairs (often in the PJ’s!) was a highlight for many and we received so many emails of support and thanks from parents. All of our remote learning lessons are available for all to use via the PE Department Website via this link –https://sites.google.com/view/cherwellpe/home

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