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By Mr Hopkins and Miss Evans

Thank you for such a brilliant start to the Summer term and the transition to North Site. This has been an incredibly busy time with lots of change and adjustment. Well done to you all.

On the topic of change, I must also thank Mr Jarvis for his efforts with temporarily leading Year 9 with the wonderful support from Miss Evans and the Tutor Team. I know the students have really taken to Mr Jarvis and this feeling is most definitely reciprocated.

The transition to North Site has been very successful with students quickly learning their new routes to lessons, free time spaces and meeting key colleagues who support them each day. I have really enjoyed the sense of community which is established through the roll call routines each morning on the tennis courts. I must also recognise the fantastic effort shown by the students each morning with their excellent punctuality, attendance and assertiveness to the morning notices.

We are taking daily steps to support the students in preparation for the next two years as they start their GCSE courses. I know they are eager to find out which courses they have been assigned with, this information being shared with you towards the end of term. We pride ourselves on the small things, the 1% changes which enable sustainable progress and excellent outcomes. This of course is aligned to their academic outcomes as well as their skills to communicate, work with others, demonstrate manners and politeness and keep themselves and each other safe.

I would like to say a massive well done to the Boys Football Team, who were winners of The RLT Summer Cup. We loved celebrating their success, with the trophy being presented by Mr Wallington in a recent assembly. I know that this cohort has a huge talent pool in sports, the arts, creative writing and so much more. I cannot wait to capture and celebrate these things over the next two years.

As I am writing this, our Safer Schools Officer PC Lee-Anne Berry has kindly offered to deliver a presentation to the students on Online Safety. From experience with working with KS4 students, their online safety is of great importance for their wellbeing and success in school. Thank you again to LeeAnne for delivering her presentation at such short notice.

Looking ahead, we have a nice finish to the term with the Thorpe Park trip and the best day in the school calendar Sports Day!!!

Overall, we are extremely pleased with how well Year 9 are doing across all aspects of school life. I continue to feel a real sense of pride and privilege to be able to see their development as we approach the final stages of the academic year. We wish you a very happy Summer break and look forward to the final push at the end of the year.


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