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The 10 Commandments of Living Out

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The House is the Lord thy God.


Thou shalt have no other gods before the House

Living out is the Holy Way. Now you must let everyone know exactly why and how you are better than them for having a House.


Ways to Spend May Day Have a Ball


Thou shalt not make unto thy House any humdrum image

Do not deface your House with mediocrity. Deck your kitchen window out with seasonal garlands, or bring back souvenirs from your vac adventures! Anything to make it yours.


Thou shalt not take the Landlord’s name in vain

Hopefully, your Landlord is not a vengeful Lord. If you’re lucky, he’ll take you out for lunch and a pint once in a while and won’t ask about the concupiscent nature of your kitchen decorations.

4Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. AKA Bin collections!

You have a House. You can come and go as you please, oblivious to college move-in dates. If you so choose, use your 0th week as an extra bit of vac and come back knowing everything is just as you left it.

5Honour thy father and thy mother

If you’re lucky enough to have rent that comes from Mommy and Daddy’s pockets, make sure to call them at least once a term to prove that y=ou remember they exist.

Thou shalt not kill thy housemates

Tensions may run high sometimes, but that’s no reason to put out a hit on someone. Even an accidental one. If your housemates struggle with weak genetics, make sure not to put whatever will kill them into dinner.




Thou shalt not commit housecest

Some say that one of life’s hard truths is that it’s not a porno.

Thou shalt not steal from thy housemate

To avoid drama, start a Splitwise! It’s quite a useful tool that tracks who owes who and how much.

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy housemate

Keep things civil. If you’ve got a problem with someone or the way they go about living, be honest and straightforward with them! If you operate from a place of mutual respect and understanding, nothing can ever go truly wrong.


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, or anything of thy neighbour

If your neighbors are uni students, befriend them! One of the great joys of living out is the incredible autonomy (and partying) that comes with it.


What should each sign expect before May Day?

Is it ethical for us to encourage readers to sneak into a ball? We’ll leave it to you to decide what to do, duh! This option is only here for those who’ll risk spending their May Day getting chased down and manhandled by security.

Club Night, All Night

This option would be higher if it weren’t for Oxford’s lackluster club scene. The most typical way to May Day and worth its salt if you plan it well. Make sure you have something to keep you up all night, like lots of Jägerbombs!

Midnight Picnic

Inspired by one of our editors, have a chill overnight picnic with your friends as your May Day celebration! Find a spot where you can see the stars, crack out the champagne, and crank on the tunes until morning comes.

Time for Techno

Oxford may not be Berlin, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have the techno night of your dreams! Organise a rave in some old building, or fnd one if you know where it’s at. If you’re dedicated enough, no one can stop you.

Dionysian Orgy

Find somewhere remote in the woods. Start a fre, bring out the masks, and dance unrestrained by torchlight! That’s what an actual “orgion” is supposed to look like, anyways, though we DO NOT condone animal sacrifces.


You want balance in your life but if you can’t fnd it this this week, that’s okay. You can blame Mercury being in retrograde.


Oct. - 21 Nov.

The sun moved into Taurus on Thursday, so look towards your close relationships for the quality time you need.

Sagittarius been weighing on you. You’ll feel lighter by the end of the week.

Nov. - 21 Dec.

The Leo moon energises you and presents exciting opportunities. Be ready for them!


First Impressions?

I found Austin to be good looking but unfortunately he had cut himself shaving and was bleeding profusely throughout the date.

Did it meet your expectations?

Austin seemed either like he was in a rush or that he simply didn’t want to be there.

What was the highlight?

The coffee was good.

What was the most embarrassing moment?

When I watched his blood from his jaw drip into his coffee.

Describe the date in three words Friendly, calm, dissapointing.

Is there a second date on the cards?

Probably not!

Chill, interesting, platonic


First Impressions?

Jane seemed lovely but was slighly underdressed for the date considering the effort I put in...

Did it meet your expectations?

Maybe a little less scary than I thought it might be meeting someone new, but was more of a friend vibe.

What wast the highlight?

She bought the coffee.

What was the most embarassing moment?

The awkward hug at the end.

Describe the date in 3 words Chill, interesting, platonic.

Is there a second date on the cards?

Not sure.

PCP, also commonly known as “angel dust”, is a dissociative anaesthetic that can have hallucinogenic effects, but it’s more likely to distort your sensory perception. Some feel euphoric, others feel panicky and anxious, and one feeling might descend into the other. 3-Fluoro-PCP is a PCP analogue that generally has glowing reviews, based on some quick Reddit scans, but also has a reputation for being changeable.

An unusual and, on the whole, tragic way to begin Monday of week one is by sniffng lines and listening to Radio 4’s ‘Ancient Trees’ in your student accommodation. The drug is so potent that I had to spend £50 on an accurate scale to make sure I didn’t administer too powerful a dose, so I was expecting big things. In the drug’s defence, I messed it up from the get-go by staying in my room for the whole experience, but by the time I had done the frst line, I was already too high to venture into the outside world.

My vision was the frst to go. It didn’t exactly deteriorate; it was just as if my peripheral vision clocked out and all optic forces were focused on what was directly ahead of me. 3-F-PCP has a lot in common with ketamine, if you’ve ever taken it. As dissociatives, they both make you spaced out and distant. But ketamine is a warm, fuzzy teddy bear in comparison – this stuff is clinical and cold. It makes your mouth dry, your face hot, and your palms sweaty. The whole thing was kind of sad. When I initially pitched this column, I promised that I’d “have their bad trips for them”, and this was one of those times. People talk about “set and setting” a lot when it comes to psychedelics: the mindset you begin with and the environment you’re in greatly impact the overall experience. On this particular day, I was heavily pre-menstrual, and it was raining and cold. That sets the scene well.

The two main things that struck me about 3-F-PCP is its functionality and its inconsistency. It was as though I could click in and out of the high on demand, and I’d taken enough to really feel it. At one point I was splayed out on my back on the foor, staring unfinchingly at spatters of yellow highlighter on the ceiling that I’d only just noticed, trying to fgure out if they were real or not. Seconds later I had to conduct a ten-minute phone conversation with my grandmother in my weaker language and, despite my panic, it went fne. The inconsistency was not fun. I went from blinking at my refection in the mirror to lying down from sudden total exhaustion. I was obviously way too wired to sleep, though, and instead transitioned to dancing around my room while listening to John Coltrane play the sax. There were moments of almost-mania, hinting at euphoria but never quite getting there. When doing a drug for the frst time, you often need a strong dose to push you into trippy territory, and then you revert to normal doses in the future. Constantly on the verge of something intense, it felt unsatisfying in the most irritating way. Everything was more or less the same, but I suddenly became very intolerant to sound. I opened my window for some fresh air and the cacophony of wind and birdsong and distant revving engines that foated in from the (empty) street was too overwhelming. The biggest noticeable change was time perception. Only a few minutes at my desk felt like an hour, yet what turned out to be three or four hours felt like half of one. I did relatively little, but was never bored.

Everyone has different reactions to the same drug, and those reactions differ from experience to experience. Minor things can switch the current – anything from how much you’ve had to eat to which song your shuffe lands on. From just one trip, sitting in my room on a Monday morning, it’s diffcult and probably unfair to judge. I can imagine that 3-Fluoro-PCP would be fun as a party drug, or at least fun to do with a few friends. Perhaps under my watchful journalistic eye, the drug was over-scrutinised, but it’s way too changeable to score high on my trip list.

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