Making Choices: Life is Like Acorns

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Making Choices:

Life is like Acorns

by Cheryl Rogers

Making Choices: Life is like Acorns is the story of a mother squirrel, her baby Peepsy, and the mother始s attempt to teach Peepsy things are not always what they seem to be. The e-book was written, designed and produced by Cheryl Rogers of Tampa, Florida, using her own photographs. Mrs. Rogers, a mother herself, was inspired to write the story while walking under some oak trees with her young son, David. The story can be used as a tool to teach biblical principles. Relevant Bible verses are provided, along with discussion questions. A native of Miami, Florida, Mrs. Rogers worked as a reporter for several years in Florida and Louisiana. She is a stay-at-home mom, a free-lance writer, singer/songwriter and digital artist specializing in Scripture-related content. Mrs. Rogers also is webmaster at, which distributes free Mp3s, chords and lyrics of her Scripture songs. Making Choices: Life is Like Acorns is copyrighted by Cheryl Rogers of Tampa, Florida.

Making Choices:

Life is like Acorns An e-book by Cheryl Rogers Compliments of

It was a crisp, fall day and Mumsy the mama squirrel and her baby Peepsy scampered down the grand oak tree where they made their home. Peepsy was getting older and it was time for him to help hunt for food. Compliments of

“I want to teach you how to find the best acorns,” Mumsy said. “ You go ahead and find six.” Peepsy quickly grabbed six acorns scattered on the ground near the old oak tree in the forest. “Here, ma,” he screamed, as he dropped the acorns -- one by one -- at her feet. Compliments of

“Well, letʼs see,” said Mumsy, reaching slowly to the ground for the first acorn. It looked perfect on Peepsyʼs little pile, but -when she turned it over -- it was only half a shell. “Look,” she told her young one, “Itʼs empty inside. Thereʼs no meat here!” She grabbed a second one. It was a bit weathered, but it was in one piece. She cracked it with her teeth, then spat it on the ground. “Yuck,” she said, “this one is rotten on the inside. Even though it looks okay on the outside, it is rotten -- all the way through.” She smiled at Peepsy. “Thatʼs okay, though. Weʼve got plenty more.” She took the third acorn from the small pile at her feet. It was cracked, and bugs already had made a meal off most of the meat! “This one is picked over,” she told her baby gently. “Thereʼs not much left for you.” The fourth one looked the most promising. It was fresh looking. She snatched it eagerly, only to throw it disappointedly onto the ground. Another animal had Compliments of

been there already, cracked it, and taken the meat. The fifth shell also was fresh looking. She cracked it with her teeth, inspected it, and offered her baby the meat. “This one looks good,” she said, holding the Compliments of

acorn for Peepsy to examine. Then both she and Peepsy had a small bite. “Yummy,” her little one said. Optimistic, Mumsy grabbed the last acorn at her feet. But again, the top half of the shell looked perfect. When she turned it over, the other half was missing. The meat was gone. “You see, Peepsy,” she said, “things are not always what they seem to be.”

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BIBLE FOUNDATION FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION: “ looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7: 24 “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thessalonians 5:21 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS Can you relate Peepsyʼs lesson to you own life? How? Have you ever been disappointed to find someone or something was not as you expected? Maybe it was a new friend, whose family lived in a big house, but who didnʼt treat you right? Or maybe it was a new flashy-looking toy that broke the first time you played with it? Explain. Have you ever been surprised at how tasty a food is, even though it looked bad? Have you found out someone you thought was strange or different was really nice when you got to know them? Have you ever done anything you were told not to do, just because it looked fun? How did you feel about it later? Did you regret it? What did you learn? Compliments of

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Making Choices: Life is Like Acorns in an e-book by Cheryl Rogers. It may distributed for free, without changes, but not sold. For commercial endeavors, please contact the author at Compliments of

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