3 minute read

Circle of Trust




CIRCLE OF TRUSTKathy Robbins Maqsood

As I was pondering this morning, suddenly Ihad a vision and read these words "Circle ofTrust". I saw the dove leave Noah's ark andwent out seeking for a dry leaf to bring back tothe ark saying "it is safe to exit this place." Thebird went out and returned and again wentout and did not return releasing the message'where I set my foot is a safe place'.

I have been walking through a very deep placeof facing many insecurities. My mother passedaway 8 1/2 years ago and my former husbandpassed away eight years ago. We were her caregivers and lived at the home place in thecountry.

Raising our food from seed was a lifestyle. During those seven years God blessed this family garden and I preserved thousands of jars of food. I brought the canned food when I purchased a home in the city seven years ago. Holy Spirit told me I had been operating under the Joseph anointing. So I have been eating much food from those days because of a trying season we have been walking through

financially. God had provided in advance.Six weeks ago Holy Spirit showed me to begin to pour out those older foods. Growing up around much poverty and sickness I had developed a hoarding mindset. I was zealous over that harvest of food. But He wanted me to sacrifice

that which was good that had become an enemy of the best He has for me. I felt faint in my soul as I have been sacrificing before the Lord the thousands of hours of time and energy and the monies used to preserve the harvest. So many prayers were prayed over those fields. I did not give it to others for I was uncertain of the quality of the food at this time.

You cannot hoard FAITH.Faith is active. It is a daily walk with God and receiving from Him. Man cannot live by bread alone BUT by every WORD that proceeds from the mouth of God. He is teaching us to come and receive from HIS table DAILY what is needed for life, health and


I had poured my soul into that garden. Day and

night, rain, wind, sun, lightening- I worked those fields grown from a seed. I gathered the harvest all hours of the day and night by flashlight and turned it to intercession and prayed over God's garden and harvest fields worldwide. Six days a week I was up until the early morning hours

canning. We opened this garden to family, church and the community at large. But the season changed. Just as it does in your life. To everything there is a season, a time and a purpose for it.

I have washed hundreds of jars and was reminded about gathering the vessels to contain the oil for the provisions for the widow

woman. When she had no more vessels to fill




the oil stopped. So I am parabolically walking out something in the spirit. If the things you are holding onto have their roots in fear, doubt and unbelief and pride, POUR IT OUT out before the Lord. This sacrifice has cost me much. Allow Holy Spirit to wash you in the water of the word preparing you for a re-filling and re-firing. Get in His presence and receive your healing deep within and let faith arise.

This fruit is by the power of Holy Spirit and will be rooted deep in love which is driving out ALL fear.

Thus, the fruit you pour into others will not be defiling but instead will draw others to the Lord to taste and also to see that He is good. It is time for the fruit in our lives that is steeped in traditions and in the wrong belief systems from early childhood to be completely removed. It has a bitterness connected with it.

God is not condemning us but searching our hearts that He may remove those things that do not bring fulfillment and are rooted in fear, doubt and unbelief. Instead, He will fill up those empty places with Himself and His fruit. His fruit is eternal and He promised to satisfy our souls with fresh grain, fresh oil and new wine which is the Kingdom of God.

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