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Wishing you a surreal birthday!
Wishing an awesome guy an even more awesome birthday!
At your age, it’s all downhill from here. Happy Birthday
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760 - 03796 - 000
Many thanks to wonderful, beautiful you.
Wishing you a beautiful life together. Congratulations
760 - 03792 - 000
760 - 03794 - 000
760 - 03799 - 000
760 - 03800 - 000
Just checking in to see how it’s going.
Always love to hear your voice. Call soon.
Loving you is easy.
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760 - 03804 - 000
760 - 03805 - 000
Everything is better...together.
Hand in hand, heart to heart... forever.
Good friends...great adventures...the best memories.
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Side by side...friends forever.
There are beautiful, brighter days ahead waiting just for you.
Dive right in...You got this!
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