________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Author: Cheryl Lynn Follow us onTwitter Follow us on Facebook Edition 1.V111.10
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Be The #1 Local Business In Your Community Dominating Your Niche With #1 Sales Performance, Client Base Growth And Foot Traffic To Your Front Door. “Never again worry about economic conditions, money and closure.”
~ Cheryl Lynn
WARNING: This eBook is for your personal use only. You may NOT Give Away, Share Or Resell This Intellectual roperty In Any Way Without Written Consent info@cheryllynninternational.com ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Unauthorized distribution of this document is forbidden. Please contact Cheryl Lynn International Inc. about promotion and JV opportunities. mailto:info@cheryllynninternational.com Copyright 2010, Cheryl Lynn International Inc. All rights reserved
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
INTRODUCTION As an expert, trainer and leader in the Mobile and Local Internet Marketing arena for small business entrepreneurs, it is my promise to you that I will teach, train and share my knowledge with you so you can create a dramatic income shift for your business by increasing sales, clients and foot traffic to your local business. As I release my brand new e-book “Mobile Mastery 2 Millions,” it is my intention to help you learn important Mobile and Local Internet Marketing strategies and tactics. I want to see every business owner who purchased this e-book, dominate their niche and to be the best local business in their community. As an entrepreneur myself, I know how hard it is to own and operate a successful brick and mortar business as I once did for over 20 years. It is my life’s mission and passion to be the advocate of brick and mortar entrepreneurs around the world in helping them increase their business sales, client base and foot traffic to their front door through Mobile and Local Internet Marketing. I will do anything, well just about anything I can, to help you achieve success and “Live Your Dream Lifestyle!” Look, you have been through a lot in life, in work and in your personal lives. I know, I was there! You have learned a lot, perhaps a TON of how the world works in your niche, and at this time in the economy when everybody is looking for new advice or information on how to succeed in this type of economic conditions of new information age, you could be the only local business doing extremely well thanks to Mobile and Local Internet Marketing. You could take this information and truly help serve your clients and other potential clients in a profound way and on-the-go! Or in these types of ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
economic conditions you could choose NOT to embrace this new technology wave of informational marketing and watch your clients go to your competition. The only way you are going to begin marketing to your clients on-the-go and dominating your niche is to learn the basics of this e-book, implement the strategies and tactics, measure the outcome, then rinse and repeat. The “Mobile Mastery 2 Millions” e-book has created a community of entrepreneurs who are willing to share their experience and knowledge to help you improve and grow your business. See, in the online internet marketing world it is a completely different strategy. People share and build relationships to help each other out - not even closely comparable to the offline marketing world where we keep our experience and knowledge at arms length. The internet is a BIG world, and it is exciting to learn FREE information, strategies and tactics from others of their success. Just like our customers, they are seeking value, value and value at a very low cost….we entrepreneurs should seek the same. Surprising, as you will learn throughout this e-book, is how relatively cheap it is to create, maintain and deliver successful Mobile and Local Internet Marketing campaigns. I will give you an example: "The price of a stamp is what approximately $.54 cents? And every piece of mail landing in your potential client’s home is NOT opened by them. As a matter of fact if it is not of value, nine times out of ten it will land in their blue box or shredder. Well the price of a SMS text message to your client is approximately $.07 cents with an open rate of approximately 98%." Would you not want to implement a marketing strategy into your business which costs less and has a 98% open rate driving immediate foot traffic to your business to fill those empty tables or services that you have open? Well I hope that you pick the later. Because it is true! The Mobile and Local Internet Marketing arena has helped
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
so many businesses worldwide grow their business in this way and especially through tough economic times. Mobile and Local Internet Marketing is a much bigger player in the field of gaining new clients and revenue for businesses today. There are 5 billion phones out there, more than there are cars, computers and TV’s on this planet. You can now advertise your business and specials to your clients immediately on-the-go. Cheryl Lynn believes that within 10 years we will be a planet of Mobi’s. Desktops will be considered old, just like the yellow pages….getting smaller and smaller. This e-book will explain the basics and illustrate strategies and tactics that can help your business gain clients and increase revenues with Mobile and Local Internet Marketing. You can either learn to make your own business Mobile or you could learn the basic how to’s of the Mobile and Local Internet Marketing arena throughout this e-book and outsource your requirements to Cheryl Lynn International. I trust you will gain a considerable amount of knowledge, strategies and tactics from this e-book - which took me years to learn - to help you grow your business and become part of our extended Mobile and Local Internet Marketing community. It is my job to keep you abreast of everything going on in this marketplace just like you keep me informed about your niche. I want to serve you in helping you grow your business to achieve the life you so much have earned to “Live Your Dream Lifestyle.”
Love and Much Success! ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Dear Valued Client It is important for you to know that I have a special gift for you at the end of this e-book. As I was putting the final touches together for this eBook…I received an email that caught my eye. I opened it up because I was attracted to the subject line….Mobile! I was amazed. It was a product that I was putting together myself for market. So I asked myself, “If it was already put together, and I didn’t have to wait 3 months to launch my own product, then why don’t I just buy it and test it out. Then if the product met my high level of endorsement standards, I would share it with others.” Well the rest is history. I bought it, tested it and signed up for the Affiliate link. It worked great for a local business near me.
Here is the Mobile site and if you click the link above you will get the desktop site. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Dear Valued Client
So in my mind if it did me well, then certainly my students would also receive great value as well. So today, I am so happy to share this with you. It is available to you at the end of this eBook. In this eBook, I have provided you with great information, content and links in order for your business to fully integrate with Mobile and Local Internet Marketing and to be on the forefront of this tremendous opportunity within your local market. Along with this information, I have shared with you a great opportunity for you to help others and earn revenue. There are 3 alternatives ways you can use this product. First, you can outsource the Mobile setup for your business, secondly you could purchase the product and setup your own Mobile website or lastly you can purchase the product and earn additional revenue to help others set up their Mobile website. It is entirely up to you, but I could not help but think of all the businesses that need help and I cannot do it alone. My wish for you is to “Live Your Dream Lifestyle”. So if there is anything that I could assist you with, I will do my best to do the research for you and help!
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
COMING SOON! Mobile Memberships And Forums ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Look for the news in your local email. Sounds funny eh? Should it not be local newspaper? LOL!
Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement (All that legal stuff) W hile the author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and tim eliness of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assum e no liability with respect to loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said inform ation. The contents of this manual reflect the author’s views acquired through her experience and studies on the topic under discussion. The author or publisher disclaims any personal loss or liability caused by the utilization of any information presented herein. The author is not engaged in rendering any legal or professional advice. The services of a professional person are recommended if legal advice or assistance is needed. W hile the sources mentioned herein are assumed to be reliable at the time of writing, the author and publisher, or their affiliates, are not responsible for their activities. As Internet inform ation and sources change frequently in this particular marketing arena, from tim e to tim e, sources may terminate or move and prices many change without notice. Sources can only be confirm ed reliable at the tim e of original publication of this m anual. THIS MANUAL IS A GUIDE ONLY and, as such, should be considered solely for basic inform ation. Earnings and profits derived from participating in the following program are entirely generated by the am bitions, motivation, desires, and abilities of the reader.
COPYRIGHT Š 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this m anual m any be altered, copied, or distributed, without prior written perm ission of the author or publisher. All product names, logos, and trademarks are property of their respective owners who have not necessarily endorsed, sponsored, or approved this publication. Text and im ages are
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
available over the Internet and used in this manual may be subject to intellectual rights and may not be copied from this manual.
Copyright and Trademark Information This report is protected by Canada, U.S. and International copyright laws. The reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, or display of the content in this report is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from Cheryl Lynn International Inc. This report is for your use only. You may not give this report away or share it with others. Any trademarked names mentioned in this report are the sole property of their respective companies. None of these companies are affiliated with Cheryl Lynn International Inc. in any way.
Earnings Disclaimer The information you'll find in this report is to educate you. We make no promise or guarantee of income or earnings. You have to do some work, use your best judgment, and perform due diligence before using the information in this report. Your success is still up to you. Nothing in this report is intended to be professional legal, financial and/or accounting advice. Always seek competent advice from professionals in these matters. Also it is always a good idea, especially when it comes to online marketing, to check all local, state, federal and provincial laws to make sure you are in compliance. If you break federal, provincial, state, city, or other local laws, we will not be held liable for any damages you incur.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Compliance It is important to inform you that I have a marketing connection to a brand, topic or product herein. Through the use of affiliate links contained herein, I may collect fees from purchases made.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
About the Author, Cheryl Lynn Cheryl Lynn is an International Speaker, Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Consultant, Author and founder of Cheryl Lynn International. She has mastered the art of Mobile and Local Internet Marketing, and she is paying it forward and teaching others how to do the same.
Cheryl spent the past 23 years owning several brick and mortar businesses in the service industry of corporate Canada. She lives everyday for small business, brick and mortar entrepreneurs. She is a world class trainer, teacher and servant to her clients while constantly a student of growth within her field. Today she is known as the queen of Mobile and Local Internet Marketing, and she mentors entrepreneurs with her experience and knowledge, blending this with new information technology thereby helping them to create dynamic growth, without ever having to fear economic downturns. Cheryl is a constant student and enjoys learning to improve her abilities and skills for her clients. Over the past 4 years, she has been studying the Mobile Marketing and Local Internet Marketing strategies and tactics in an effort to help local entrepreneurs reach #1 status within their community while building a strong client base, increasing revenue and driving foot traffic to their front doors. “Clients search on their Mobile phones and buy locally.� Are you there? She loves the Mobile and Local Internet Marketing concept because her passion is supporting small and inspiring entrepreneurs worldwide of which Mobile is such a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to give great value to their clients. She always gives her heart and soul to her clients. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
“There is always a need for additional leaders in this arena. It is impossible for me to service every business out there! So I mentor others so they too can have an opportunity from home and help other brick and mortar entrepreneurs.� states Cheryl Lynn. The world is a big place and small business owners always need to know some of the easier ways of marketing their business. Cheryl finds great relief knowing that at the end of the day her clients gain an increase in clients and revenue. The Mobile and Local Internet Marketing arena offers entrepreneurs an extraordinary way of expanding their income streams while providing excellent customer service with their clients on-the-go. Cheryl originally started building up her part-time Mobile and Local Internet Marketing venture in 2007. Studying like crazy and mastering her craft, Cheryl now works with entrepreneurs around the world from the comfort of her home office full time. Cheryl is also passionate about a business website. No longer should it represent the presence of a glorified brochure on the internet, it should today be offering great value with affiliate links and opt-in specials to earn business revenue 24/7. For the past 5 decades webmasters have been charging outrageous fees building glorified website brochures and this needs to change. Today a business entrepreneur can build a FREE website, offer its clients a FREE report in exchange for their information, build products and services within their niche and have it run automatically generating income for them 24/7. As a consultant, Cheryl shows entrepreneurs that it only takes a few minor additions to a business’s local listing and website to make it a first return in a Mobile and Local search. Grounded in her experience, Cheryl helps entrepreneurs with the mechanics and Mobile/Local search strategies and tactics. If you own a small business, you can use her services to create an online presence that helps assure your business will be one of the first that your customer sees when searching for products or services via their cell phone or home computer. If you are new to the concept of search, Mobile and Local Internet Marketing for small business, Cheryl and her team can help you.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
MOBILE MARKETING MASTERY TABLE OF CONTENT Outline and Description……………………………………………….……….……....19 Is Your Business Earning Revenue As Part Of A Trillion Dollar Mobile Industry?..........................................................................................................................22 Local Search Optimization…………………………………………………………….24 Mobile Search Customer Review……………………………………………………...24 Google Local Search……………………………………………………………………25 Mobile is Google’s #1 Initiative………………………………………………………..26 What Google Thinks of Mobile………………………………………………………..27 What Is Mobile Marketing……………………………………….……………….…...29 SMS/Texting……………………………………………………………………………32 Ringtones, Mobile Ready……………………………………………………………...33 Monetizing Your Mobile Website…………………………………………………….34 Mobile Content………………………………………………………………………...35 mCommerce……………………………………………………………………………37 CPA Marketing…………………………………………………….………………..…38
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
MOBILE MARKETING MASTERY TABLE OF CONTENT (continued) Pay Per Call…………………………………………………………………………….41 Local Marketing………………………………………………………………………..43 Lead Generation………………………………………………………………………..45 Applications......…………………………………………………………………………46 Ad Platforms ………………………………………………………………………..….47 Steps Required To A Successful Mobile Marketing Advertising Campaign…….....49 Subscription Commitment…………………………………………………………..…51 List Building………………………………………………………………………..…...52 Mobile Marketing Research……………………………………………………………53 Dynamic Mobile Marketing…………………………………………………….…..….54 Mobile Target Market……………………………………………………………….....57 Mobile Marketing Tips…………………………………………………………….…...63 Mobile Marketing Trends Mistakes……………………………………………….…..66 Mobile Marketing Future Trends………………………..............................................71 Just A Few of Over 35 Steps Involved To Make Your Business Mobile……….…...82 Mobile Resources…………………………………………………………………….....83 ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
MOBILE MARKETING MASTERY TABLE OF CONTENT (continued) Step-by-Step Guide to Creating A Local Mobile Website……………………….…..84 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………87
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
OUTLINE & DESCRIPTION 1. What is Mobile Marketing? This section contains the definition of the Mobile Marketing, the important facts and the figures, and the Mobile Marketing features. 2. Steps involved in the Mobile Marketing: This section contains the steps involved in the Mobile Marketing which are as follows: A. B. C. D. E. F. G.
Setting up your Mobile ad Landing page optimization Play with the font size Visitors conversion into subscribers Traffic capturing Subscription commitment List building
3. Mobile Marketing research: This section will contain the steps involved in the effective and efficient research of the Mobile Marketing.
Question list creation Survey set-up Survey testing Drive traffic Result analysis
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
4. Dynamic Mobile Marketing: As the dynamic marketing especially in the Mobile field becomes a major part of the businessman’s life. Here are some of the important steps involved in the efficient dynamic Mobile Marketing which are as follows: H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S.
Vigorous and purposeful Active and changing Push marketing Pyro marketing Pull marketing Target market Locate information specifically Timely knowledge Make life easier Financial incentive Entertainment Connection
5. Mobile Marketing tips: The most important and efficient Mobile Marketing tips involved in this section are as follows:
Database building Legally cover Dedicated short code Message composition Personalization Be relevant, timely, have clear instructions Make it viral Text messaging enhancement
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
6. Mobile Marketing trends mistakes: This is, I think, the most important section of the e-book, as it will guide us to avoid such mistakes involved in the Mobile Marketing trends which are as follows:
Treating Mobile users as a PC users Ignoring Mobile device limitations Mobile device capabilities failing .com name utilization Using frames Mobile readiness testing site failure Hide Mobile website Inactive promotion Mobile campaigns Same content
7. Mobile Marketing future trends: This is another important section as everyone must have to be aware of the future marketing trends too which contains some important steps which are as follows:
Augmented reality Mobile web growth GPS battery drain problem Mobile site and application Geo fencing CRM databases link in Mobile Marketing New entrants into Mobile Open up location carriers Mobile triple play Coupons to incorporate time and context Long live the ad networks Privacy Mobile commerce and retail growth Demand and supply Competition, frequency capping Location and Search
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Is Your Business Earning Revenue As Part Of A TRILLION Dollar Mobile Industry? The world today is so fast-paced, and it is hard to keep up with all the changes. The business advertising mediums are constantly changing with old methods reinventing themselves and new methods evolving. The Mobile industry has made huge strides in the last few years and now opportunities are emerging that will allow business owners to reap the rewards of marketing on Mobile devices, such as cell phones, Smartphones, etc. The Mobile industry has taken off this year thanks to the arrival of Apple iPhone and Google Android. I wrote this manual in efforts to educate you to a whole new world of Mobile Marketing because it is just in its infancy stage, and your business needs to jump on this! You can claim your share of the billion dollar Mobile industry for your business. Whether you are an existing business owner, or you wish to learn this field then help business owners grow with their Mobile and Local Internet Marketing strategies‌.you have come to the right place. There are my competitors out there publishing information on Mobile Marketing and making it sound so easy. Well I must agree it is easier to set up a website on Mobi because of its short and quick ease of use by users, but there are still tons of tools to learn to get it up and running and then to market it.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
As Mobile matures, I believe it will create the next wave of millionaires. And this is why you should have a Mobile website for your business, or you should look into this particular opportunity to lead in this arena, because it is going to explode. I am going to show you a world of unsaturated markets that is going to blow you away. It is ready for you to tap into! Two thirds of the world will have a Mobile phone by the time 2012 rolls around. Sure there are individuals who have already made MILLIONS of dollars with Mobile Marketing, but this advertising medium is still virgin territory for many products and services. Is your business in this arena? Are you growing massive income for your business on Mobi? Over the next 2 hours, I will open your eyes to an exciting Mobile Marketing journey for your business or your opportunity for a business.
Connect with me on Facebook Connect with me on Twitter email: info@cheryllynninternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Local Search Optimization Google uses all of your online information to determine the value of your Website and your business. It counts how many ratings, how many stars, etc. No matter how you think your customers find you, local search is an important part of your businesses. You have to be in reputation management mode. You simply can't afford to ignore this medium. Although I can't say this with certainty, I believe that local search will influence how you will be discovered in national or international searches within your business category. Example: pizza San Diego, plumber Hamilton Ontario, dentist Burlington Ontario.
Mobile Search Customer Reviews These local search returns allow other users to provide reviews of your business and Mobile is where much of your clients are doing searches and looking for you. They are also posting reviews with their Smartphone. In smaller cities, these reviews are typically "blank" with no, or few, reviews. Larger, more competitive cities or business categories see a lot of activity in these areas. It's a wonderful market research opportunity to read what your customers are saying about you, as well as, your competitors. If you live in a market that doesn't have a lot of reviews in your category, this is your chance to solicit reviews from your best customers and create a strong, top listing search ranking. Remember, the more information you provide, the higher your site will typically rank. Before you solicit reviews, take a moment to organize your responses. Left to their own imagination, people will generally write things such as, "They're a great bunch of guys!" Well, 27 different versions of this are of limited value to your company.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile Search Customer Reviews (continued) Ask your customers to give their opinions along certain specific product lines. For example, the video production company might ask for reviews targeting animation services, satellite uplink, editing, etc. Customers reading reviews will get a complete idea of your capabilities - and that you're a great bunch of guys! The most important defensive action you can do for your company is to read your reviews. A disgruntled employee, customer (or a disguised competitor) can trash your business. That’s what happened to me back in 2007. I had to let an employee go due to job performance, and she went and put a terrible review on Yelp about my business. I found it 9 months later. I spoke with Yelp and they immediately removed it. But had I been checking my name and reviews frequently, I could have saved much damage. That was a nightmare for me and my business back then. If someone posted: "I found a rat in my soup, and the waiter said it was typical for a Friday!" No doubt, that might put a damper on Friday's soup sales. Alert Google or Yahoo immediately if you get these kinds of inflammatory reviews.
Google Local Search Although I tend to focus on Google because of their market dominance, Yahoo, Bing, Microsoft and others offer some variation of Mobile and Local search. Although their methods and calculations vary, their goals are similar, to return the highest value search returns to their users. This means that search returns with the most information get a higher placement than those returns with sketchy or absent information. So to get higher placement, provide more information. To do this, you'll have to open a local account with Google, Yahoo, etc., but this is free and easy. After you set up an account (verified), you'll be able to add additional descriptive text about your business, photos, and, in some cases, videos. It's an opportunity to have a mini-site within Google Search listings.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile is Google’s #1 Initiative In February 2010, Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt announced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona that Google will consider “Mobile First” in all future endeavors. Anything that Google creates from here on out will be first placed on the Mobile platform and then be worked around the desktop. He concluded by saying, “Mobile is pretty much the answer on everything” announcing a major shift in Google’s strategy. This is why every business should adhere to this move by Google, as they dominate the search engines for your website. I pay close attention to what Google does, and when CEO Eric Schmidt says that everything Google does from now on is Mobile first—I listen! From an opportunity stand point NOW IS THE TIME TO GET INTO THE LEAD I cannot make it any clearer than that. Read more: http://solsie.com/2010/02/google-ceo-eric-schmidt-mobile-first/ In fact, in this article he adds that Indonesia and South Africa's Google were now seeing more searches on Mobile than via the desktop. Opportunity or what! Hmmmm, I smell opportunity. Why do I think Mobile Marketing is going to be the next huge marketing strategy? Because of the number of people that you can reach via Mobile devices literally outweighs all other advertising mediums – including TV, radio and the Internet combined and it is NOT going away!. Yes – COMBINED! Mobile Marketing works because businesses have control of their marketing message. In fact, text messages have an open rate of 97%. Try beating that with email marketing. In the real world, consumers are bombarded with advertising from a variety of different mediums such as Internet, radio, TV, etc. You are hit with 600+ advertisements a day. You end up ignoring a lot, but it is hard for you to ignore a marketing message when it comes directly to your cell phone – right? A cell phone is almost an extension of the person themselves. Almost everybody carries their cell phone with them wherever they go. Can you carry your desktop? ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
What Google thinks of Mobile? Almost 1/3rd of Smartphone users who search for local businesses via Mobile end up visiting or calling the location Mobile has 5X better sales conversion rates than online Mobile has the broadest reach. Mobile 4.8 billion vs. internet 1.7 billion users Approximately one in three Android and iPhone owners discovered at least 2 new businesses in the first quarter as a result of using the local search on their phone. The most popular types of information being looked for are an address, more information on a business in the area, and a phone number. Higher response rates - Mobile Marketing generates a 15% - 20% response vs. a 1% response with conventional media Reduction in marketing costs – Texting is the most cost effective way to market on Mobile phones Reach more customers – Texting reaches more than 3 billion Mobile users Google has seen a 500 % growth in Mobile searches from 2008 to 2011 and a 67% increase in Mobile queries in the last quarter alone. “Everything is leading to search,” said Mike Steib, director of emerging platforms at Google.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Due to the growth of Mobile Internet usage and the surge in GPS-enabled devices, Juniper Research predicts that location-based local search and information services will be used by nearly 1.5 billion Mobile users by 2014. Source: Q1 2010 Smartphone Intelligence survey by Kantar Media’s Compete. With eye-opening statistics like that, do you see how a Mobile Marketing world is ready to erupt? There are many different ways to market on Mobile devices and many different paths to making money with new channels emerging in the future. I will show you within this manual how to put this all together. Before we go any further, here is a great study:
Local search driving foot traffic for businesses: study By Dan Butcher July 9, 2010 Danielle Nohe is director of technology and entertainment at Compete Almost one-third of Smartphone users who search for local
businesses via Mobile end up visiting or calling the location. This was a key finding of the Q1 2010 Smartphone Intelligence survey by Kantar Media’s Compete. Mobile Marketer’s Dan Butcher interviewed Danielle Nohe, director of technology and entertainment at Compete, Boston, regarding the study. Read more……
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
What is Mobile Marketing? Mobile Marketing involves a communication process with the consumer via a cellular device like a Mobile phone (Smartphone), either to send a simple marketing message, to introduce them to a new audience participation based campaign or even to allow them to visit a Mobile website.
A few of the concepts that will be featured in this Mobile Marketing mastery which are as follows: • • • • •
The multimedia messaging services (MMS) The unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) Bluetooth, wireless and infrared The Mobile internet and the Social media Mobile applications
The Mobile Marketing not only enables people to connect to the Internet via a cellular telephone, the PDA or via other gadgets, but also consolidates the different communication channels in a simple, yet effective, medium.
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Facts and figures: The most important facts as well as the figures for the Mobile Marketing are as follows. Let us look at some of the interesting Mobile Marketing statistics: If we see that even in America, the short messaging system technology was not widely used until only a few years ago but in the year 2008, as the Cell Signs reported that over an estimated figure of 75 billion short messaging system (SMS) were sent in each month. Another Mobile Marketing service provider estimates that the number of the short messaging system (SMS) users, approximately 18 million, is twice that of active email users. These text messages are generally read within about 12 minutes and responded to within the hour, as compared to the email communication which could go unread for about the days.
Some of the other important figures are as follows: • • • • • •
About 30 countries exceeded with the 100% ratio of the Mobile device to the population ratio. However, only about 80% of the populations of the United States of America were Mobile users. Moreover, 60% of the world's population, about 4.1 billion are Mobile subscribers. China also has an estimation of over than 400 million subscribers. There are over about 50 million of the subscribers in the Indonesia. In the year 2006, there were about 241 million Mobile users in the America alone.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Some of the other important figures are as follows (continued): • • • • • •
About 98% of all the handsets in the US have the SMS capabilities. An estimated amount of 68.7 million US citizens use SMS and text services. Although a relatively new service to the America, over about 300 billion of the SMS messages were sent in the year 2007. As the South Africa is the 6th of the world's top most, out of the total 10, for the Mobile internet connectivity. Over 70% of the South African Mobile subscribers do not own a land line connection. Most surprisingly, the South Africans over the age of 50 spend more on their Mobile communication than their junior counterparts.
The most common Mobile media content categories in use today include: • • • • • •
Portals Email Weather News/politics Search Business
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SMS/Texting SMS stands for “Short Message Service” and is also commonly known as “texting” where Mobile users send each other text messages that are a maximum of 140 characters. The eighth season of Fox's hit show "American Idol" has more than doubled last year's record for fan engagement through text messaging. Over 178 million text messages traveled through the AT&T network dwarfing the 78 million messages tallied from the previous year. http://www.Mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/messaging/3335.html SMS services are currently hot for the companies who provide these services, and they make millions of dollars every year. There are literally dozens of ways that SMS/Text messaging can be used to make money or increase the sales of existing businesses. There are hundreds of companies currently running reverse SMS auctions. These are Mobile auctions where the lowest “unique” bid wins. Items such as iPods, iPhones and LCD TVs have been auctioned off on Mobile devices using this auction format. Here how it works? The way it works is that the bidder has to “text” in his unique bid, and he is charged a fee for each text bid he places. The company that runs the auction makes money by taking a cut of each “text” fee with the remainder going to all the big Mobile carriers. Now, if you can attract thousands of bidders for your reverse SMS auction, you can see how it can bring in a lot of money. Most of these revenues are made just before the auction closes and users are feverishly entering last minute bids to claim the merchandise. There are many, many ways to market your business using SMS texting. Do you have your own company’s SMS offer to your clients? It can be financially beneficial for your company.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Ring Tones The “Free Ringtones” craze is mind boggling because almost everyone with a Mobile phone wants to have ringtones instead of their regular cell phone ringer. The FTC eventually got involved because, although “Free Ringtones” were advertised, the user was actually signed up to a $9.99-$19.99 monthly ringtone subscription. Do you have your own company’s ring tone? revenue?
Are you capitalizing on this
Read more create ring revenue. It is amazing! http://www.ringrevenue.com
Mobile Ready If I were to visit your website, would I detect a Mobile browser? Would your website attract clients? Do you have a transition website giving clients the option to look at your website through their desktop or Mobile? If you already have a web site, it is important that you create a Mobile and transition version for your clients. Experts are predicting that Mobile browsing will dwarf non-Mobile browsing in just a few years. Once you have a Mobile version of your web site created, it only takes few lines of code to have your web site detect what type of browser is being used. Visit http://www.cheryllynninternational.com and we can assist you with your basic website conversion within 48 hours. Once your web site is “Mobile-ready,” you can start looking for different ways to monetize it. One method of monetizing your web site’s content is by inserting Mobile ads. Google Adsense has a program that will allow you to insert Google Mobile ads on your Mobile Web sites. This can be financially rewarding. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Monetizing Your Mobile Website Here are some great articles that you can reference if you are serious about monetizing your Mobile content. Monetizing Mobile Content http://www.podtech.net/home/4114/monetizing-Mobile-content-part-1 How to Make Money From Mobile Content http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG61DCMrSFQ&feature=related Monetizing Mobile Social Networks http://www.slideshare.net/infinita/monetizing-Mobile-Social-networks3010902 Tips on Monetizing Mobile Content, Social Networks: Buongiorno http://www.Mobilemarketer.com/cms/news/Social-networks/3334.html
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Mobile Content In order to create a presence on Mobile devices, you need to make sure that your web pages are Mobile optimized. If your web pages are not optimized for Mobile display, your web site could look pretty bad in a Mobile web browser. That doesn’t make you look good in the Mobile universe. If you want to see what your web site would look like on a Mobile browser, there is a free service. http://www.opera.com/Mobile/demo Here is how a web site looks that is Mobile optimized. On the left hand side is what the Mobile Marketer.com looks like in a normal Internet browser, and on the right side is what it looks like in a Mobile browser.
Does your website look like this? It should?
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Mobile Content (continued) We recently created a Mobile website presence for our local wedding caterer. At the time of writing this handbook, she had no website so she decided to create a Mobile presence in Wordpress. It cost her next to nothing, and she now can reach thousands of people looking for a wedding caterer in her local market. We had her up and running within 48 hours with her Mobile website.
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mCommerce This is amazing! You can buy your groceries in Japan using your cell phone? http://www.kirainet.com/english/real-money-disappearing-in-japan This is what our planet is moving toward, and this is going to be big business, once payments via Mobile devices explode. If you truly want to learn how to do Mcommerce on Mobile phones, then I suggest you learn from the Far East to see how it is done because they are almost two years ahead of the folks in North America. Mcommerce (Mobile commerce) is going to be huge on Mobile devices, and there are already payment processors set up that will allow you to sell items via your Mobile web site and have it charged to the user’s cell phone. I have already been able to download my app for PayPal and my local bank. This is truly amazing! I dug up this great article on Mobile commerce. It is a great read. http://newsroom.cisco.com/dlls/2008/prod_060308.html This article is over two years old, and the Mobile industry has already made huge strides with the strategies listed. If you currently sell ANYTHING online, then you should also be seriously looking at Mobile devices as a “fourth channel” for revenue. I may be hard to get prospects to pull out their credit card and order while browsing on a Mobile device today, but in time it will become normal. Mobile billing will grow dramatically, and you will see a ton of new services emerge in the near future. That will give the average marketer the ability to accept Mobile payments. Look at how PayPal exploded when they gave the average person the ability to conduct commerce on the Internet without the exchange of money. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
CPA Marketing CPA – cost-per-action (Definition) Online advertising payment model in which payment is based solely on qualifying actions such as sales or registrations.
CPA Information CPA marketing is huge online, and it is now making waves on Mobile devices with Mobile dedicated CPA networks emerging. CPA stands for cost-per-action, meaning that you can earn money by simply getting people to fill out a form or download some content. The actions defined in a cost-per-action agreement relate directly to some type of conversion, with sales and registrations among the most common. This does not include deals based solely on clicks, which are referred to specifically as cost-per-click or CPC. The cost-per-action (CPA) model is at the other end of the spectrum from the cost-perimpressions model (CPM), with the cost-per-click (CPC) model somewhere in the middle. In a CPA model, the publisher is taking most of the advertising risk, as their commissions are dependent on good conversion rates from the advertiser's creative units and Web site. Marketers looking for cost-per-action deals have several options. Publishers with considerable excess inventory may be willing to consider nonstandard offers. Sites specializing in incentive programs are in a position to offer CPA pricing on various types of leads, although the usual caveats concerning incentivized traffic still apply. Perhaps the most widespread use of performance-based pricing is affiliate marketing, whereby merchants/advertisers determine what actions they want to reward and how much they are willing to pay.
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I highly recommend that you visit the following websites for more information on CPA. Although it is an important part of Mobile Marketing, it is really not the first thing you should invest your time on. Once you have your Mobile Marketing campaign in order, then I would suggest implementing CPA measures. The problem with sending Mobile traffic to traditional online CPA offers is that these CPA offers are not optimized to display in a Mobile browser. If you buy traffic, you will just end up losing money. You need to send Mobile traffic to Mobile CPA offers that load up properly in a Mobile browser. http://www.easycpamarketing.com
CPA Networks Mobile CPA Networks are important for you to join. CPA networks must carry the compliant offers. If you see the words “WAP� compliant then you know you have selected the correct CPA Network for your Mobile site. I have listed a few of the most popular CPA Mobile networks below. Please feel free to sign up to get to know this side of Mobile Marketing to start promoting your CPA offers. I personally use OfferMobi.com. They also have a pre-screen version of desktop vs. Mobile so you can view at any time of day, how your Mobile website looks on a Smartphone. OfferMobi.com Offermobi is quickly becoming the number one Mobile CPA network. They have a variety of different Mobile offers for various countries and you can even run Pay Per Call campaigns. http://www.OfferMobi.com MobPartner.com MobPartner is based in Europe and they have a number of CPA campaigns for various countries. The major setback of using MobPartner is that they do not offer detailed sub- id tracking making it very difficult to optimize a campaign. http://www.MobPartner.com ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
SponsorMob.com SponsorMob is another CPA network based out of Europe and they also have a multitude of CPA offers. http://www.SponsorMob.com NeverBlueAds http://www.neverblueads.com MundoMedia
All these networks will allow you to work directly with Mobile advertisers and your job is to drive the Mobile traffic. The CPA networks take care of all reporting so you can see how many clicks and leads you have generated by campaign. The key to making money driving traffic to Mobile CPA offers is a lot of testing and very specific tracking right down to details such as gender, age, Mobile device, etc. Once you can determine the combinations that are profitable and non-profitable, it only takes a few tweaks to get a campaign running profitably. You may even want to outsource this for yourself, but you first must understand this important area of your Mobile Marketing campaign.
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Pay Per Call (PPC) If you wish to get paid every time you managed to get a prospect to call a phone number, you need to get an account with Commission Junction. Pay per call was first introduced by Commission Junction in mid-2009, which allows affiliates to drive and get paid for sending qualified phone calls to advertisers. Dozens of advertisers have signed up for the program and this is a lucrative way for affiliates to make money. So how does this tie in nicely with Mobile Marketing? If you run these types of ads on Mobile cell phones, prospects are literally one click away from connecting to the advertiser. Most of the major Mobile ad platforms have a “click-to-call” option where prospects just need to click on the ad, and it will automatically call the advertiser. This is really cool if you think about having to only pay when a call goes through. But it is not as easy as some people make it out to be. I have many products that I am an affiliate with, but there is a process. First you need to be approved by the advertiser on the network in order to run the offer, and in some cases the rejection rate can be quite high. Advertisers often have a number of rules that you must abide by such as using their landing pages as an example. Also, the calls must meet set minimum call durations in order to be eligible for the affiliate commission. Rates are high for calls that do not meet the minimum call duration time and affiliates do not get credit for these calls even though they are charged for the click. There is also the problem of prospects “accidently” clicking on the ad without realizing that it calls the advertiser. They immediately hang up and the affiliate still has to pay the click cost.
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Most of the major pay-per-call networks are powered by a company called Ring Revenue. This is a huge form of marketing on Mobile, and it will grow big time. http://www.ringrevenue.com I know of some big gurus that are heavy into pay per call and are now making a mid five figure income every month, but it didn’t come easy. I have highlighted the “click-to-call” option on some of these ad networks and there is so much potential in driving targeted prospects to your own telephone number? There would be high conversions because you would be selling on the same medium that acquired the prospect in the first place. When the prospect calls, they are a “hot” lead because they just saw your ad a few minutes ago, and your job now is to SELL! A little shy to talk to your prospects you say? What if I told you that you could get your own automated call center for less than $10 a month? Then pay close attention – my little grasshopper. Grasshopper.com Grasshopper gives you your own complete call-center for less than $10 a month. How is that for POWER! If you are currently selling a product or service that could use the power of pre-recorded messages or live operators, than you should be using the “click-to-call” option on Mobile ad networks to drive more leads and sales. http://www.grasshopper.com
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Local Marketing
If you haven’t noticed lately, all the big Internet marketing gurus have been promoting “how to sell Internet marketing to local businesses” courses - and for a very good reason. Most brick and mortar businesses have no idea how to properly market online and getting a Mobile web presence, and the email addresses of prospects and buyer is now taking an importance. That is why a lot of local businesses are willing to pay someone for these types of marketing services. I have had a countless number of offline businesses ask me how they can get more leads and buyers from the Internet. What about selling Mobile “click-to-call” services to local businesses? A lot of offline brick and mortar businesses usually have first contact with their prospect over the phone, and that is why the “Yellow Pages” used to dominate local marketing for years. Mobile ad platforms such as Admob allow you to target certain localities with your ads. If you are looking for prospects in California, Nova Scotia, Vancouver, or Hamilton, Ontario, you can target Mobile ads to only appear in those places. Mobile consulting is on the rise, and “click-to-call” services are a huge advantage to local businesses. You are sending qualified prospects right to their phones – it doesn’t get any easier than that. What about teaching them how to collect their customers’ cell phone numbers and show them how to “text” out any specials or freebies? Almost 99.9% of offline businesses have no clue how to do this. But once you learn the “ins” and “outs” of SMS/texting and “click-to-call,” you could easily sell yourself to these local businesses as a Mobile expert. You could charge them a monthly consulting fee just to manage these services for them. They are many SMS/Text service providers on the Internet that you can sign up local businesses to and start collecting their customers’ cell phone numbers into a customer Mobile database.
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Local businesses will soon realize the power of Mobile Marketing when they send out their first text message to their customers informing them of a sale, coupons, deals, promos or available openings. An easy way to find local business without having to leave your computer chair is right at http://www.local.com and you can search within your own city. Other great places to find local business are: Google Maps
Yahoo Local http://local.yahoo.com FinditLocal411
Businesses could easily hire a student with great marketing and communication skills to do the cold calling for them and split a share of the revenue. Since there is no one teaching businesses how to do local marketing, consultants can easily charge anywhere from $500 to $1000 a month as their Mobile consultant.
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Lead Generation Â
Mobile devices are an excellent method of lead generation for clients because of the amount of traffic and prospects that you can acquire. Set up a campaign on Admob in a highly competitive market to test the response. Prepare Mobile squeeze pages and landing pages. Set up a budget of $250 and here were the results: Impressions served: 1,679,541 Clicks: 4,198 CTR: 0.26% Avg. CPC: $0.10 Valid Leads Generated: 307 I initially started my bids at $0.13, but the traffic was coming fast and furious, so I dropped it to $0.07. There are so many possibilities that I could have done to monetize the list, such as using JV partners or an offline broker. You can send postcards in the mail to your client list or your general local market promoting a Mobile product or service campaign to attract emails. Remember, if you want to start pulling prospects off of Mobile devices onto a different communication medium such as email, you need to establish a relationship first before you put on your sales hat. The possibilities for lead generation on Mobile devices are endless and if you do decide to build email lists, you should use an auto responder.
http://www.internetstartupqueenshoppingcart.com Use single opt-in when trying to build a list on Mobile devices. I prefer using a double opt-in route myself because I want really strong qualified leads Build a relationship with your list immediately and you could reap the rewards of your efforts down the road. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Applications Applications (Apps) for Mobile devices are big business. When Internet guru Joel Comm released his “iFart” application, I downloaded it right away. WOW, it really has great sounds! Joel had 10,000 downloads in just one day at a cost of $1.00 to the user. That is $10,000 in one day from people who want to hear farting noises on their Mobile device. What app could you develop for your business? This is a simple idea that can make you a lot of money. Applications like “iFart” go viral because of their entertainment value. Very little promotion has to be done for a viral application that everyone starts to talk about and tell others. How can you get your Mobile application (app) created? You can easily outsource your application development to the thousands of programmers who are experts in creating apps for Mobile phones such as Android and iPhone. Elance http://www.elance.com Guru.com http://www.guru.com RentACoder.com
There are also companies that specialize in promoting your Mobile applications so that they get more exposure and downloads. You can consider these companies as online promoters. There are even online services that allow you to create Mobile applications online. appMobi
Magmito http://www.magmito.com So what are you waiting for? Get developing! ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Ad Platforms Now in order to drive traffic to your web Mobile properties or Mobile CPA offers that you would like to promote, you need to get familiar with the ad platforms. You can get free Mobile SEO traffic(search engine optimization), but that is way beyond the scope of this report. I will cover the paid platforms because that is the fastest way to start generating Mobile traffic. But be careful. Mobile traffic can come in fast and furious. You could become a publisher of ad networks and monetize your content with ads. Most of the networks I have listed below will let you participate as an advertiser and publisher so that you can not only buy traffic, but also make money. Admob.com http://www.admob.com Admob is one of the first Mobile ad networks and commands a great deal of Mobile traffic. Unfortunately they were recently bought out by Google, so there may be changes after this report has been written. Please follow instructions on their site very carefully so you don’t get the “Google Mobile slap.” The cost for their North American traffic is fairly steep in my opinion, but they offer great demographic targeting features. When you first create a Mobile campaign on Admob, you have the ability to create distinct ad groups in each campaign. This is especially handy if you would like to test different advertising platforms such as iPhone versus Android. That is just one of the many targeting features that Admob lets you play with. Take a look at the list below on how specific you can go to target your prospects: · Country · City · Device · Carrier · Gender · Age · Device model · Mobile operator · Text or Banner Ads and much more…… You can clearly see that you can basically pinpoint your prospects on their Mobile devices. Maybe you are selling something specifically for iPhone users? Then you can only target iPhone users to see your ads. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Here is a list of other ad networks where you can buy Mobile traffic from all over the world. Inmobi.com http://www.inmobi.com Mojiva.com http://www.mojiva.com Decktrade.com http://www.decktrade.com Adfonic.com http://www.adfonic.com YBrantMobile.com http://www.ybrantMobile.com Quattrowireless.com http://www.quattrowireless.com Google Adwords Mobile http://www.google.com/Mobileads Yahoo Mobile http://advertising.yahoo.com/adsolution#product=Mobile Microsoft Mobile Advertising https://adcenter.microsoft.com
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Steps Required To A Successful Mobile Marketing Advertising Campaign When it comes to Mobile advertising, there are a couple of things you need to know before you go out and start spending your hard earn money with the different Mobile advertising networks. The major and efficient steps involved in this section of the Mobile Marketing e-book are as follows: o Setting up your Mobile ad: The first thing you will want to do when setting up your Mobile ad is to ensure your landing page is optimized to be viewed on the Mobile phones and has an opt-in option to capture your online client information and your clients authorization to send them further Mobile SMS texts. The screen resolution is smaller, so you will need to make certain that adjustments to your page code are present so that it can be perfectly displayed. You do not want to start driving a lot of traffic just to find out that nobody can see your offer on a Mobile phone. It should also not contain a lot of information. Mobile readers want to be quick and concise. A Mobile website is NOT a desktop loaded with tons of information. o Landing page optimization: Before launching your campaign, you must make sure that you have everything ready to go and that your page is optimized. Ideally you will want to use a cascading style sheet to format your page. Pay particular attention to the attribute of the page. Ideally you will want to set it up to be 95% to 100% in width. This is to ensure that it properly displays on all the phones as well as on the handheld devices.
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o Play with the font size: Depending on the content of your page, you can decide whether or not you want to play with the font size. This will allow the visitors to read the page content without having to zoom in and out all the time. o Visitors conversion into subscribers: Something that most people forget about the Mobile Marketing is that, instead of just directly promoting offers; you will be better off trying to convert as many visitors into subscribers right of the bat. This makes sense from a marketing perspective, and you should always try to get as many subscribers into your funnel as possible. It is amazing how many big brands do not even bother doing this or more probably do not even know how to do it and lose millions of dollars in the process. o Traffic capturing: It all comes down to capturing as much traffic as you can. It is a most important 2-step process where the visitors will progressively commit more and more about how to attract more traffic via the Mobile Marketing.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Subscription Commitment Step 1- Be authentic: Being authentic reduces the need for self discipline. When you make a strong commitment based on your values, passions, skills and strengths, then it will work and play effectively for your business. You are energized versus the drained because of the reason that you are doing what is important to you, and doing it in a way that comes naturally to you. Step 2- Focus: What end result are you committing to? If you want to let's say lose weight, then stop focusing on what you are giving up and focus on the end result you want. So as far as business is concerned, especially the Mobile Marketing, which is considered to be the hottest and fastest growing business industry, you must have to stay focus on it with every aspect so to make sure that you are in the right direction. Step 3- Drop the excuses: Once you make a commitment then drop all the lame excuses. There is a difference between interest and commitment. You will do it only when it is convenient, when you are only interested in doing something on it. You accept no excuses, only results when you are committed to something. Commitment requires action in all cases. So you must have the capability to face the challenges because to be a successful business man, you must have to face it at all. Step 4- Add a supportive structure: This is the stage of the whole story where most clients normally resist. We have to get that structure holds our focus on what we have to do. It saves time, money, and provides more freedom on long term basis. So you must create a plan to change the habits as well as to set daily disciplines that lead to the achievement of the goal. Always stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach. There is a need here to make a room for an action. To keep you on track, put a structure in place. Along the way, make possible needed shifts. To keep it fun, you must have to set up rewards. Step 5- Give full instead of anything less: This means that a daily commitment to the excellence and the focused action. You must have to raise your standards to your very best daily by doing what will make you feel good about you. Take the extreme self-care time so you can be very best yourself. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
LIST BUILDING Efficient and effective list building tips for Mobile Marketing are as follows: Tip 1: Research your niche: If you want to successfully Mobile market to a group of people, then it is absolutely crucial that you know exactly what that group of people wants. Hang out in topic related forums, visit blogs, find out everything you can about your topic and what those people need and want. It would be possible by contributing useful comments, and ask questions. The best thing you can do as a Mobile marketer is to give people something they need and are not getting. And while you are in the Mobile Marketing forums, add a link to your squeeze page or website. Tip 2: Squeeze page creation and promotion: One way to promote your Mobile website is to use a forum signature. You can also blog and place a link to your website. Or write articles and have a compelling line in your bio box that invites people to subscribe to your list. There are many ways to advertise your Mobile website online. Be sure to mention what your topic is on the business card, though, if the URL does not make it obvious. Tip 3: Build and keep trust: Most of the Mobile e-mails should not contain a sales pitch in any form. If you continuously try to hustle your subscribers, they will quickly unsubscribe. They need to look forward to your e-mails. Make them funny sometimes, give them tips and secrets that will help them and make it worth the time of reading your Mobile e-mail. They need to be able to get value from you, even if they do not buy anything. Now, these will help to make your campaign more profitable if you have not started to build your list yet or even have not decided what niche you want to work in.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
MOBILE MARKETING RESEARCH The most important and workable steps in the Mobile Marketing research are as follows:
Question list creation:
Research what type of activities your clients are doing on their iPhones beyond just making calls. Get clients together to brainstorm on the right types of offerings they wish to have through your Mobile Marketing campaigns. Send your clients a survey with an offering for their time in filling out the questionnaire. Always remember not to make the group so big that you cannot get anything done.
Survey set-up:
Setting up the survey is very important before you start anything. The time required to set up the survey would be just around 30 minutes. I would suggest using Survey Monkey. Make sure you ask specific questions regarding your Mobile Marketing campaign. Ensure this is directed to your clients and what they want from you, so that you can go out there and do the research for them to give it to them. Remember it is always about the customer. If the customer doesn’t buy from you, you DO NOT HAVE AN ONLINE BUSINESS but just a glorified brochure.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Dynamic Mobile Marketing •
Drive traffic:
Companies like AdMob and Facebook make it easy to set up a Mobile Marketing campaign. It is preferable that you also use Google. If you have ever used Yahoo or even Google for cost per click advertising on the web, then you will find it very easy to set up an account with either of these companies AdMob and Facebook. All that you will just need a credit card and the information of your company to do so, and in this way you can drive the online traffic to your Mobile website. Once you have set up an account, you can create an ad with some nifty targeting like: • • • • • •
Country Location Based Carrier Handset Features Type of Phone (iPhones, Blackberry, Android etc)
Be sure to set a daily budget so that you will be crystal clear to not over spend.
Result analysis:
Once you have gathered what you think is a statistically significant number of the responses, then you can export your data into Excel. You can check to see if those 14-18 year olds answered differently from the 19-23 year olds.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Dynamic Mobile Marketing (continued…) •
Vigorous and purposeful:
It actually means to be full of energy, enthusiasm, and a sense of purpose, and able both to get things going and to get things done in the Mobile Marketing industry.
Active and changing:
Characterized by vigorous activity and producing or undergoing change and development in the Mobile Marketing arena. In Mobile Marketing, there is really only one way to reach the consumer, and that is the Pull Mobile Marketing strategy. In Mobile Marketing, do not use the “Push” marketing strategy. Your clients need to authorize you to continue marketing to them through their Mobile phone. The main reason behind authorization of continued SMS text marketing to them is because of costs involved. Carriers may charge your client for that text messaging campaign. Essentially, pull Mobile Marketing is actively reaching out to your client base with their permission or desire to receive your Mobile Marketing messages. The pull Mobile Marketing strategy creates content that your client wants to receive. By giving it to them, you can market your company in the process with high mobility performance. This type of Mobile Marketing allows the customers to see your marketing message, and where it is coming from, and just enjoy the value they receive. If pull Mobile Marketing is done properly, then the customer actually wants this content from you. All that you need to do is just repeatedly put valuable content and/or offers in front of them. The pull Mobile Marketing can be introduced in any of the following ways:
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Dynamic Mobile Marketing (continued‌) Building an effective Mobile website and enticing your customers to visit it, by creating a Mobile newsletter and encouraging the customers to sign up for it, or by producing a video that shows the viewers how to do something. Offering potential customers something of value such as a discount or valuable, timely information in exchange for permission to send a text message to them, is the most efficient and workable way of marketing while keeping yourself Mobile every time. While it might seem surprising, both types of Mobile Marketing work. If it did not, companies would stop doing it. Your mailbox would not be filled with the pre approved credit card offers if people did not sign up for these offers in the first place. The TV commercials would disappear if the companies did not find them profitable. One of the most important point that employers need to know when it comes to Mobile Marketing is that the Mobile as a marketing tool must require a completely different mindset when strategizing, because the same old way of marketing will not work. Push Mobile Marketing is not acceptable. In spammed text messages, for example, it completely goes against best practices such as interrupting someone with a commercial message when they are trying to find something quickly, is just not practical. Pull Mobile Marketing is the only effective way to market with Mobile. To create an effective pull Mobile Marketing campaign, just start with a single question, i.e. What is in it for the customers?
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile Target Market There is almost nothing harder than trying to sell something that no one wants. The effort necessary to convince someone that they need what you are offering is unbelievably high and usually does not work. On the flip side, it is easy to sell something when people already want it. Just think of a sidewalk vendor trying to sell a hot chocolate in the month of July. No matter how good the hot cocoa is or what kind of the discount is offered, it is just not what the people want to buy. Change the product to ice cold water, and the equation changes. The sales happen easily, and the customers are happy. You need to do the same thing with your Mobile Marketing campaigns. You need to offer people something they already want, and your campaign will be substantially being more successful and markedly easier to implement. Unlike the other marketing tools, the Mobile only works if your customers have given you the permission and the outreach. Mobile is a pull only marketing method. People are busy and overwhelmed with the huge number of the marketing messages that reach them on a daily basis. With a Mobile Marketing campaign, you are asking people to add more Mobile Marketing into their life. And, if you do not have a compelling reason for them to want to interact with you on Mobile, they will send back the word STOP to you. To start a pull Mobile Marketing campaign, figure out what you can offer your customers that will add value to their day. Remember, that people will only interact with the Mobile Marketing if there is something in it for them. If it seems like they are participating solely to receive advertising, your Mobile campaign will not work. Make sure that you also offer value. To provide value, figure out how to combine what you have to offer with what your customers want. For instance, you can offer a coupon for a free movie, dessert, drink, or parking. By offering something customers want, you can entice them to ask for the offer on their Mobile devices. Because it is a free sample of your product or service, you get what you want because customers will typically buy more from you than just the free item. Let us start with what they want. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
You have to improve your customers' lives in some way for them to accept the Mobile Marketing from you. Here are six options for providing a value Mobile Marketing campaigns. It will enhance their lives sufficiently for them to engage with all your Mobile and Local Internet Marketing campaign. I. Locate information specifically: This category is a no brainer for providing the information to your customers via the Mobile Marketing medium. Location specific knowledge is the first, most crucial reason that the people access the Mobile Marketing web through Mobile Marketing search. It is the most likely reason for someone to call your establishment and spend at your facility. Regardless of whatever fun, creative, and exciting elements you include in your Mobile campaign, always include the location specific information in your Mobile presence. A location-focused Mobile Marketing campaign includes the addresses, driving directions, maps, photos of the storefront, and anything else that will help someone find you physically or in relation to your location. Make sure that you have the keywords included in your local search campaign. For example, if you are a plumber, be sure to put keywords that people would search for to find you in your wording on your Mobile Marketing website. (Example: plumber Hamilton Ontario) Every advertising piece including website should have all those key words in it. Then use the same words when you are asked for tags or keywords to describe your Mobile website at any point. Be sure that you have the business listed in every local search engine, citation and directory possible. However, there is NO great need to spend tons of money advertising in newspaper, yellow pages, buses etc. It is important to target your offline printing with flyers (including Mobile text word and QR code) around your community for local clients within 10 miles around your place of business 3 times a year. But do spend some time setting up a Mobile Marketing campaign for all your existing clients.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
II. Timely knowledge If you need to alert your Mobile target market quickly about special information, even when an email might be too slow, the Mobile method is by far the perfect way to provide value to your customers. One example could be a pricing alert (as gas prices are going up in four hours), an availability alert (your favorite hair stylist has an opening in three hours, or the hard to find item you have been waiting for is now in stock), or a combination of these (we have open tables tonight, and if you come in before 7 pm, you can receive a free dessert) etc. This could also be a readiness alert because once you check your email at home or retrieve your phone messages, you do not want to go out again. The travel alerts are the perfect example of the timely knowledge. If a flight is delayed or the gate has changed, this information is instantly valuable wherever you are via the Mobile.
III. Make life easier Anything you can offer that makes life convenient and more efficient for your customers is a good option for your Mobile Marketing campaign. This category is wide open because there are dozens of ways to make your customers' lives easier via Mobile Marketing. A good place to start when brainstorming this value proposition is to consider what questions the potential customers ask you frequently. Think about where your customers are and what information they might find helpful to access now.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
For example, a busy working mom needs menu choices for dinner tonight when she is in the grocery store, or she needs a list of a healthy snack options for her child's classroom. Or even consider the exercise enthusiast who tracks workouts and calorie consumption and wants instant access to this data anytime, anywhere.
IV. Financial incentive People love to save money, find a good deal, and feel special. Finding a way to do that for your customers provides value. When you offer coupons, discounts, or special offers via Mobile Marketing integrate your offer into your customers' Mobile Marketing environment so when they first receive it, the offer is actually there when they want to use it. One example is using signs outside the business to offer a text message coupon that can be redeemed instantly by walking inside the store. Incorporating the loyalty program tracking into your Mobile Marketing campaign not only gives your customers a reason to interact with you via Mobile Marketing, but it also keeps them buying directly from you. So here it is important to keep in mind that customers will want a more intrusive, customized coupon to offer a bigger incentive. A coupon, let's say for a 10% discount that they see in the newspaper, may be enough to motivate them to get out the scissors, clip the coupon, and take it with them to the grocery store of which can be costly to a business, but if your customers where to receive that same 10% discount via their Mobile phone and Mobile phones having a 98% open rate, trust me those Mobile users will definitely use their coupons vs. the clip out ones.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
V. Entertainment Anyone who has a few minutes to spare and has a Mobile device is likely a candidate to entertain via Mobile Marketing. The games, apps, trivia, contests, recordings, and scavenger hunts are the good Mobile Marketing options. You can create your own games, apps, recordings, contests, trivia, etc. This can be real fun for your customers. If customers have to sit and wait for you at any point, then you're waiting area can become one of your best marketing tools or a place where people do not mind waiting. Or what if people in a waiting room somewhere else, standing in line, riding the bus, or just hanging out with nothing to do began interacting with the business?
VI. Connection The younger generations have grown up connected to each other through the internet and cell phones in ways that many of the other generations have not. This generation is connected by the Mobile phones unlike no other generation. Through text messaging and websites as Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, etc, these groups of potential clients reach out to these networks of friends at any time through their Mobile devices. The tools that allow them to do this are some form of the Social networking software. So do not be tempted to dismiss the Mobile Social networking just because you may not personally understand it. There are ways to add connection to the lives of the customers, even if they are not the younger crowd.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Through Mobile Social networking websites, travelers can update and check-in the timely information including the parking information, security delays, taxi lines, and other comments from fellow travelers via their Mobile devices. It connects people who are otherwise strangers as they are traveling to and from the same place, or within the same airport, via the Mobile. This service connects them in ways that add value to their lives and gives them this connection via their Mobile device. These connections can be offered as a value through sponsorship of a Social networking site advertising on one, or creating one for your customers to use. This will work best if the customers want to start a group offline naturally, or if they discover a common interest while they are interacting with the business. This connection also links customers to the business. The popularity of your Mobile Marketing company, or anyone in your company, can attract customers who want to be connected to you. Having a solid brand in a Mobile Marketing community comes in handy when a company is providing value through connections on- the-go.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile Marketing Tips The most effective and workable Mobile Marketing tips are as follows: A. Database building: Do not just start adding cell phone numbers to your Mobile Marketing database, get permission first. This can be done via a web form or when someone is texting your keyword to your short code. In either case, it is always recommended to still confirm, where the person has one extra step before they are added to your database. They need to respond with the word “YES” or “Y” to confirm their subscription. Having a double opt-in database will ensure a response list that yields few to no complaints. B. Legally cover: After someone opts-in, or even during the opt-in process, alert the audience how often they should expect a text message and give them the chance to not opt-in if it is going to be too frequent or they do not want to pay the possible message charges. Also, always say somewhere that standard rates may apply. You can even say this next to your short code Mobile Marketing campaign on the other forms of the Mobile Marketing media. This will fly with the most legal departments.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
C. Dedicated and Shared Short Codes: Dedicated short codes (eg: text KEYWORD to SHORTCODE) can be a bit pricey, but they are extremely important to a Worldwide or National brand, but you also need to make sure that you are the only one using that dedicated short code. Not only because you want people to recognize your short code, but there could be legal ramifications if another company sharing the code abuses the system. However a shared short code is very inexpensive, and I believe that every business should have one. It provides a perfect Mobile and Local Internet Marketing campaign for businesses who do not want to spend $1,500 to $3,000 per quarter. D. Personalization: Capture your subscriber’s first name and make sure that the Mobile Marketing carrier platform you are using allows you to inset tokens into your messages so you can personalize them. Having someone’s first name show up in the message goes a long way to help increase your response rates and build a stronger relationship with the customers. E. Be relevant: This truly is the most important factor for Mobile Marketing because this is not email, a text message is very personal, and it interrupts someone no matter what they are doing. Make sure you are not just repurposing the content from an email. Your text message should be very relevant. F. Be Timely: Being timely goes along with being relevant so that you can send out an email about a sale happening in two weeks but it does not work in the SMS world. Remind someone of the sale minutes before your doors open, remember not days. Also don’t send out a text message between 8:00pm-6:00am. The best times are 6:00-7:00am, 11:00am-12:00pm, 4:00pm-5:00pm and 7:00pm-8:00pm.
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G. Clear Instructions: It is firmly believed that every text message sent should automatically add opt-out instructions. The best sentence is: “Reply STOP 2b removed”. Sometimes the carrier will provide this automatically. H. Make It Viral: The text messages can be easily and quickly forwarded. Every now and then ask the audience to invite their friends if they like your service and include opt-in instructions such as “Text KEYWORD to SHORTCODE”. You will be then amazed at how quick your Mobile Marketing database grows. Remember Mobile open rates are as high as 98%. I. Text Messaging Enhancement: Nowadays, it is all about Mobile Marketing. Using just one way of communicating with your audience does not work anymore. Sending someone a piece of direct mail about a special you are offering puts something physical in their hands. Sending someone an email about the offer gives you real time insight into how effective your offer is. Sending someone a text message about your offer, and if they act now you will even give them a bigger incentive, creates a sense of urgency. Use each method of communication the right way to create one giant effective Mobile Marketing campaign.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile Marketing Trends Mistakes Historically, Mobile Marketers tend to approach every new medium in much the same way as they approached the previous ones. Early TV was like radio with heads. Early websites were static brochures. Today’s Mobile websites have mostly been scaled down or stripped back desktop websites. This dotcom thinking has finally made for some pretty great head way for entrepreneurs in reaching their clients or potential clients. It is exciting and fun, and customers love it! It is fast giving way to a new generation of the Mobile websites that exploit the unique potential of the medium. Treating Mobile Users As PC Users: Mobile users do not want to download the entire annual report or navigate seven levels of your Mobile website. The first rule of creating great customer experiences is to think about the kinds of things you want to do when you are out and about: You want a fast access to relevant information for reaching your clients or potential clients. You want services that recognize you are on the move. You want location aware, activity specific experiences. Ignoring Mobile Device Limitations: The fastest way to frustrate the users is to treat the Mobile device like a desktop PC. Phones can do many things PCs cannot do, but there are limitations that Mobile Marketers need to keep in mind, i.e. even the best Mobile handsets have a fraction of the screen real estate of a PC. Make every pixel count. Moving up and down is fine, but navigating around a screen is no fun on a Mobile. So do not ask people to print things out. PC users do not mind filling out long forms or writing the whole paragraphs. The Mobile users hate it. Keep the typing to a minimum. The Mobile networks are catching up fast, but many Mobile devices still fall short of the broadband speeds. Keep pages, images and file sizes small.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Flat data rates are increasingly the norm but some plans charge by the megabyte. And even the flat data plans may incur charges when roaming. Users would not appreciate you wasting their money. In the early days of the Mobile web, the Mobile Marketers saw these device limitations as crippling obstacles. Today, creative Mobile Marketers routinely overcome all of them to deliver fast, fun, fantastic experiences designed just for Mobile handsets. Mobile Device Capabilities Failing: The flip side of the device limitations are the many things a Mobile device can do that PCs cannot. One Mobile marketer we know likes to say that a cell phone is not a disabled device; it is a differently able device. The best Mobile Marketing websites exploit the many things Mobile devices can do. Remember what your users are holding in their hands, why not invite a call? Let your customers get famous for their photos or enter picture contests. Think short films that tie into your brand, campaign themes or brand values ask for short bits of feedback, input, votes, polls, opinions, blurbs and blog posts, or let them easily share your content with friends and Social media sites. Make special offers when users are nearby, lead them to the nearest shop; trigger instant, location specific offers. There are many ways to make the Mobile Marketing complete the transaction on the spot. Help people alert friends and share their new Mobile Marketing experiences share a tune, a pod cast or a ring tone. Show a trailer, promo or full commercial so people can mark that date right away, before they forget so your Mobile Marketing campaigns can link to the proper Mobile Marketing websites. If all this does not inspire you as well as your creative teams, then nothing will. Using iFrames: Cut this one out and tape it to your developer’s forehead: iFrames do not work well in the Mobile design because most of the devices do not support them, and they cause usability problems. Avoid them like the plague. The other tips for creating great Mobile web sites are extremely easy to follow, once you know them. Desktop websites are designed in landscape mode, where the pages are wider than they are tall. Designing for Mobile means switching to portrait mode where the content is taller than it is wide. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Horizontal tabs and columns of the text do not well work on Mobile. Instead, think of Mobile like a page in a book with a portrait orientation. So use a single column with text that is left justified. Your Mobile web address should use a .mobi level domain name. Use your .com for your desktop website, .mobi for your Mobile website and .info for both. Remember in Mobi there are fewer characters to type so users get to you faster. Using the extensible hypertext markup language means that any browser will properly render the web site. So do not let developers stray from the standard.
Mobile Readiness Testing Site Failure: The worst way to find out about the usability problems on the Mobile web sites is from the users. Manually checking your web site is never as effective as using a good, automated checking tool that combs over every line of code. Test your Mobile website on a Smartphone before sending it out to your clients.
Hide The Mobile Website: It takes a fair amount of time, money and effort to create a great Mobile web site. Making your web site searchable and guessable gives people the best shot at finding it thereby maximizing your audience. You only get one shot at having a search engine find your Mobile web site, since you only get one entry in the internet zone files the files of the search engines use to start every crawl. Your dot com entry is already used for your PC home page. You would not get an entry for any other non standard convention. In short, it makes your web site perform better on the search engines and come out higher on the results pages of the relevant searches. When people do not know your desktop website URL, they guess yourbrand.com.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Inactive Promotion: This one may sound like a no brainer but it is surprising to me how many great Mobile web sites are woefully under promoted. If you advertise in print, on TV or in outdoor media, it is far more likely that your audience members are closer to their Mobile device than to a PC that is on. May sure you use every bit of Mobile Marketing in your offline print material and marketing. From now on when you think of marketing your business make sure you include Mobi! Mobi is here to stay! The point is that there are some things your customers will only be able to do on your Mobile Marketing website. The more you promote the Mobile Marketing experience, the more people will turn to it. The top brands that promote their web sites are finding their traffic starting to rival their dot com websites. But people can only spend time on your Mobile website if they know it exists. Mobile Campaigns: You are running the SMS campaigns and banner ads on the Mobile web sites. What is the call to action? If it is not a click through to your web site, then you are missing a lot of customers. You must start building online clients database with your Mobile Marketing efforts. Campaigns come and go. Your website is your persistent Mobile Marketing presence and the center of your relationships with online customer database. So the successful Mobile campaign means building a dynamic and running campaign that links to it.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Same Content: The desktop web has one dominant client technology, the windows machine. The Mobile web is very different, to be characterized by thousands of the permutations of the device, operating system, chip and firmware. The result would be that content that works perfectly and looks great on one device can crash or look like hell on the other. The best way to address this problem is by creating device-aware web sites that serve up content optimized for each device.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile Marketing Future Trends In the year 2012, brands will accelerate in allocating larger portions of their advertising budget towards Mobile and Local Internet Marketing to further capitalize on the most personal marketing medium out there. At the same time they will be reducing the amount of advertising dollars they spend on print media. http://fastgush.com/marketing/brands-start-to-show-signs-of-social-media-fatigue.html According to the Mobile Marketing Association expects, growth in Mobile applications and rich media ads will likely be areas of focus in the coming years. Augmented Reality: Augmented reality is the ability to merge a view of the physical world with enhanced data or imagery that is computer generated thereby providing a richer view of the real world. Augmented reality will likely gain traction in the year 2012, but will remain a bell and whistle compared to list and map view. It believes that the year 2012 will be the year that this exciting technology begins to be adopted on Mobile phones. Using GPS, the camera and even the compass, your Smartphone can sense where you are pointing at and show relevant data for that place, such as reviews for a restaurant or virtual signposts to direct you to a place. This is called Mobile and Local Internet Marketing. Expect to see retailers and entertainment companies trying out ways of showcasing their brands with this type of expanding technology. Although augmented reality will appear in more applications, consumers will still prefer the list and map versions to search results on a usage basis. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile Web Growth: The U.S. Mobile web reached nearly 100 million unique users per month in 2010. In the year 2009, the U.S. Mobile web grew at an average rate of 2 percent month over month. At this rate, combined with the accelerated adoption of Smartphones and Mobile-specific web sites, the Mobile web will reach more than one half of the consumers on the wired web. GPS Battery Drain Problem: Despite its much hyped status as an uber-connected device, the iPhone has a major Achilles heel when it comes to location based Mobile Marketing. A user has to turn on a location application and locate themselves to do anything meaningful like search for a nearby restaurant, bar or friend. Contrast this to an automated service in which a consumer indicates what they are interested in, puts their phone in their pocket, and heads out to do whatever they would normally do in their day, the phone can let a consumer know when they are near an experience that what they are interested in without them having to initiate looking for it. This is so cool! Is your business there? Can people easily find you? Is your business location based?
Mobile Site And Application: Advertisers will invest significantly in both a Mobile web site and a Mobile app in the year 2012. I personally don’t think the “app” process is really necessary for small to medium small businesses not unless they want to generate some income through the app. There is no great Mobile and Local Internet Marketing strategy…just a cost maker for the business. In 2010, 50 percent of the Mobile campaigns directed users to a Mobile web site and 35 - 40 percent to a custom Mobile application promoting their products and services via smartphones. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
GeoFencing: A Geofence is a virtual field around any location that is used to trigger a Mobile Marketing Mastery message to a user when they enter or exit the area. Geofences have a chance to make a big effect in Mobile Marketing. They drive context: the right marketing message to the right person in the right location at the right time. But these messages must be undeniably compelling for users: great deals, products of passion, super-contextualized. All of this brings us back to the fantastic opportunities offered by location-based-services, of which Geofencing will be a critical component. I think there are five key GeoFencing cases that entrepreneurs should capitalize on: Passion I am not sure if my husband would care for a Starbucks ad, but he would love it if he got a text message that his favorite Harley Dealership had a sale on five minutes away. The hit rate would probably be 100 percent. Make it a private sale, and he would pay for this service. Shopping is entertainment. Geofencing can create feelings of serendipity that will drive more users into retailers with laser-like precision targeted at shoppers’ hearts. Entrepreneurs should care about their loyal clients and those who love their brands. It is really critical today to become #1 in your community for your clients and new potential clients. Irresistible Value People will buy stuff they do not need if they get a superb deal. I call this the Black Friday syndrome. It is a tried-and-true way to bring people into your store. Stores run loss leader campaigns all the time with print advertising, Groupons, WagJag offers, bus advertising, billboard advertising, but what if they could notify potential opted-in customers who are nearby a killer sale? For many, the combination of an outrageous deal that is nearby feels like I have discovered the secret map to a hidden treasure – almost like a game. My neighborhood Best Buy is selling DVD players for $5 for the next hour – think contextualized Groupon. Entrepreneurs should include bigger retailers with clever upsell strategies. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Perishable Inventory What do movies theaters and pizza shops have in common? There comes a point when their inventories – be it the pizza slice that is getting old or the movie tickets for the show that is about to start – will expire and lose all value. Geofencing allows for these types of entrepreneurs to quickly, and at an irresistible value proposition, liquidate expiring assets. Entrepreneurs in restaurant, hotel and events-related businesses such as movies, concerts, spas, sports, etc businesses should take note of this. Super-Context Location and time provide great context, but it would be better if you knew that I was driving and that my gas tank was on empty – then you solve my pain with a Geofence alert of cheap and close-by gasoline. Obviously this example would be difficult without a connection to car systems. But there are other valuable use cases. For example, a user located at a hotel in a new city would love nearby restaurant recommendations. Entrepreneurs who should care are gas stations and convenience marts.
Physical Click-Through Connecting buyers and sellers is the point of marketing. Google makes all its money on one thing: connecting buyers and sellers via click-throughs on the PC. Mobile, unlike the Web, can bring the power of digital advertising to physical retailers because the buyer is Mobile when he/she is viewing the advertisement. But beyond just targeting the ad for a nearby merchant, Mobile devices with location-based service have the incredible power to close the loop. A retailer such as Best Buy can know that someone actually walked into the store after viewing the ad – something we call the “physical click-through.” This is done with Geofences. A Geofence can be set when an ad is viewed and then used to confirm that a user has walked into the store that placed the ad. This will serve as confirmation of Mobile performance for location-based ads. Entrepreneurs who should care are retailers. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
CRM Databases Link In Mobile Marketing: Mobile Marketers generally are recognizing the uniquely personal relationships that consumers have with their Mobile phones. For retail Mobile Marketers, combining this with the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) data that they are collecting about their customers like past purchases and categories of the interest offers the opportunity to deliver the personalized messages when a user is near one of their stores. Some retailers will get it and others will falter. This will come down to execution and end-to-end integration.
New Entrants Into Mobile: Advertisers, who previously relied on more traditional advertising channels, will increasingly allocate portions of their media budget to Mobile in the year 2012. More than 25 percent of brands anticipate spending more than $5 million on Mobile Marketing in the year 2010, up from 12.5 percent spending more than $5 million in the year 2009. And this is double in the upcoming years. The leading Mobile Marketing verticals will include even more aggressive budgets from the pharmaceutical, automotive, travel and retail verticals and will challenge entertainment, telecom and portals for premium placements.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Open Up Location Carriers: It is a widely suspected, but little understood, fact that carriers are able to locate any phone, anywhere and anytime. This same capability can be turned outwards to enable consumers to opt-in and receive messages when they are in a place and at a time that makes sense. For example, a consumer who likes to shop at a particular retailer could sign-up to receive alerts on their phone about special offers when they are near that store. Up to now, the carriers have held onto this capability, hoping to charge the Mobile Marketers for every time that they want to locate one of their customers. In the year 2010, at least one tier 1 and one tier 2 carrier gave users the ability to share this information with the Mobile Marketers with a different business model than a per transaction charge that exists today. This will enable the Mobile Marketers to deliver location triggered programs to consumers who have asked to receive them.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile Triple Play: It will be easily identified by a formula (i.e. location X relevancy X immediacy = the Mobile triple play) in the year 2012. Consumers increased their average browsing time 3x from the 4:40 average in the year 2009, and average page views increased 170 pages per month. Relevancy becomes even more critical to engage these consumers. Mobile advertisers will be increasingly drawn to Mobile’s unique opportunity to reach and engage consumers with immediate and location specific content. Coupons To Incorporate Time And Context: The recession has resurrected the coupon as a way for retailers to drive traffic into their stores. There is clearly demand from the consumers to take advantage of location triggered promotions, sales, and coupons and to learn about entertainment opportunities around them. As price sensitivity begins to wane and consumers look for more meaningful ways to interact with the brands that they care about, the year 2012 brings a reinvention of the coupon, specific to interests of consumers, as retailers promote PC web and Mobile web destinations where consumers can opt-in for specials and coupons.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Long Live The Ad Networks: The advertisers will leverage Mobile ad networks’ ability to create and target custom audiences at scale. Offline ad agencies are finding a tougher time keeping up with sales. Sales are falling for them because businesses are beginning to get the fact that Mobile is key to advertising to their customers on the go. Pretty soon the Yellow Pages will become the thing of the past. Privacy: Reputable Mobile ad networks will follow guidelines set by industry trade associations and standard bodies. Offering opt-out capabilities to protect personal identification information will be an imperative and will propel the roll-out of more contextual and behavioral consumer ad targeting via the Mobile Marketing. Mobile Commerce and Retail Growth: Of the Mobile shoppers identified in their survey: 55 percent said they will use their Mobile device to find store locations, 45 percent to research prices, 40 percent to find product information, 32 percent to find discounts and coupons and 25 percent to make purchases. Mobile driven retail activity and commerce will continue to increase with retailers leveraging new Mobile specific technologies to convert browsers into buyers. Today just about every bank, including PayPal and various other payment providers have a Mobile app articulating m-commerce purchases. It is a way of the new paying power. Paying and buying as you go!
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Demand and Supply: Demand will exceed supply in some areas, and supply will exceed demand in others. The demand for advanced Mobile video advertising solutions will exceed available inventory in the year 2012. The supply exceeds demand in application Mobile advertising and the number one priority of publishers and application developers will be to find ways to improve the quality of their inventory to better meet advertiser needs. Competition: Apple will face credible competitors in the year 2012 as the Android and RIM developer platforms continue to flourish. Frequency Capping: Advertisers will demand 100 percent share of voice on the Mobile screen and the vast majority of premium publishers and ad networks will oblige. Frequency capping will become an imperative to avoid consumers tiring of repetitive ads. Unique user identification will become a best practice standard of the leading Mobile ad networks and analytics firms.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Location: Location data will begin to be mined as a rich new source of insights that the Mobile Marketers can harness to improve the effectiveness of their efforts. We are now able to build place profiles intelligence derived from the businesses and points of interest for a particular location which reveal what is available to consumers when they are in that place. Layer on temporal elements, census data, demographics and psychographics, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), and aggregate Mobile usage data, and a rich picture of that place emerges which is dynamic, and which the Mobile marketers can use for the delivery of effective marketing programs. For example, the Mobile Marketers mining this data will begin to use it to create the automated services that can make the recommendations when a consumer is in a particular place and time and tailor the message based on these and other factors. Expect to see the first real world executions derived from this data done right, it will be perceived as useful for the consumer, and will build brand loyalty and increased sales for the marketer.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Search: Mobile website optimization now factors into mobile search ads quality The Mobile Marketing search is a category that will continue to grow in the year 2012 and beyond. Expect more localization and more Mobile Marketing businesses related to Mobile search. The Mobile Marketing search will become a high driver for in store traffic. Overall across the world it is seen more brands spending more money in digital, in general starting in 2010 and it will continue to grow. The best consumer experiences on mobile devices happen on websites that are designed for mobile. We all know the difference that sites designed for mobile make in pure usability - they are designed for the smaller touch screens, making it easy to find what you are looking for and interact with. We believe that giving consumers the best possible experience on their mobile device is critically important. A poor mobile web experience can negatively shape a consumer’s opinion of a brand or company and make it hard for them to engage or make a purchase. A recent study which asked users about the performance of mobile websites found that 61% of users# are unlikely to return to a website that they had trouble accessing from their phone. Last year, I limited ad serving on high-end mobile devices if they pointed to landing pages with Flash-heavy content. This was an initial step taken to improve the experience for mobile users. We will be introducing the mobile optimization of a website as a new factor of ads quality for AdWords campaigns that are driving mobile search traffic. As a result of this change, ads that have mobile optimized landing pages will perform better in AdWords -- they will generally drive more mobile traffic at a lower cost. We encourage you to visit the website for your business on a mobile phone, and experience your site as your customers do. If your site is not mobile optimized, we are committed to helping you get started. We recently launched a free Google Sites tool to help you create simple mobile pages. Here is a webinar that has useful best practices for mobile sites. There are case studies from businesses who created successful mobile sites, and a series of blog posts (1, 2, 3) with tips on how to build a mobile friendly site. These are some resources that can help businesses get started. Here is the Google Mobile Ads blog for news of upcoming events and initiatives related to mobile site optimization. ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Just a Few of Over 35 Steps Involved to Make Your Business Mobile and Local Internet Marketing Ready o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Keyword Research Google “gmail� account Domain Purchase (.com, .mobi, .info) Hosting Purchase Create Wordpress Website (logo creation and theme) Install Mobile Plugins (site makers, QR codes) Set Up Blog Local Landscaping Go Mobile Processes (claim free listing sites) Google Places Google Maps Set Up GeoTargeting (pic, hyper local ads, citations, reviews, etc) Set Up Optin Processes on website Set Up Social Media sites (foursquare, twitter, facebook, etc) Set Up SMS campaigns and platforms Set Up Videoing (amazon.3w, youtube) CREATE AN APP!
If you require this process to be outsourced please visit
PAGE #88 ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Mobile Marketing Resources http://iphonetester.com/ - See how your site looks in an iPhone browser http://mobisitegalore.com/ - free Mobile website creator, http://mofuse.com/ - Free Mobile website creator http://winksite.com/ - Free Mobile website creator http://www.google.com/gwt/n - Google Mobile Optimizer: takes your current website and converts it into a Mobile friendly site http://www.brysonmeunier.com/ - Natural search and Mobile SEO blog http://www.seoprinciple.com/ - Good blog for SEO and some Mobile matters http://Mobilemarketer.com/ - All things Mobile http://www.googleMobile.blogspot.com/ - Google's Mobile blog http://mobislim.wordpress.com/ - Your fly on the wall view into the life and times of a real, live Mobile website. http://mtld.mobi/ - Cool Mobile blog
The Mobile Marketing Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Mobile Marketing – By – Kim Dushinski
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
STEP – BY – STEP GUIDE TO CREATING A LOCAL AND MOBILE WEBSITE _______________________________________ TIP: Download a free password administrator. It remembers all your passwords. These are amazing tools. PC – www.roboform.com (they also have a Mobile app) MAC – www.lastpass.com
___________________________________________ SPECIAL OFFER BELOW! Videos on how to Create Mobile Websites for your business! A. Set up your own Gmail Account – For each business it is important to set up your business name with the same gmail account name and domain name for best results in the google search engine rankings. Example: Pizza (Home Town, CA) Gmail account would be: pizza(hometown)@gmail.com Domain: www.pizza(Hometown).com (TIP: If you already have a .com domain make sure you purchase the .mobi and .info extensions as well. The .mobi is for Mobile, the .info is for transition and the .com is for desktop) Set up all your other Google information like maps and places with this in mind, “Pizza Stamford, Connecticut.” ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
B. Keyword Search for a niche (if you don’t have one) – Your niche should be centered around what people are searching for in Google. You want more than 10,000 searches. You can pursue research for both desktop and Mobile. https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__u=1000000000&__c =1000000000&ideaRequestType=KEYWORD_IDEAS#search.none If you already have a website you can still do this search. A cool tip is that you can link your old domain name to a new domain name based on these searches so you can get better rankings.
C. Location Search: With Google Insights for Search, you can compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties. You can search for your local market. http://www.google.com/insights/search
D. Location Market Research: Go to www.google.com and put in your keyword for your niche and see who is in your local market. Plus check all the available Social Network Sites with your new name: http://www.namechk.com.
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
E. Set Up Domain and Hosting: Purchase your .com, .mobi and .info domains based on your niche keywords. Always look up GoDaddy coupons in Google and get a most recent coupon code so you can put this in when you go to empty cart and you will save more. Also remember DO NOT purchase anything else. GoDaddy is great at marketing so they are always trying to sell you something. Watch closely and don’t buy anything else. Domains: http://www.internetstartupqueendomains.com (recommended) Purchase your hosting thru Hostgator. They are the best. Make sure you get the “baby” plan because you can get multiple websites hosted at no extra charge. They are very helpful. They helped me transfer my website from GoDaddy to them. Hosting: http://www.internetstartuphosting.com (recommended) F. Set Up WordPress: WordPress is free.. Go to wordpress.org and set your new website up. DO NOT USE WORDPRESS.COM! This may seem a wee bit hard at first but once you get the hang of it, you will always be setting one up. Basic plug-in and widgets are used in Mobile application set up. Set them all up… the .com, .mobi and .info. You will get all new usernames and passwords. Keep them all separate. I have one generic username and password I use for everything. Make it unique! TIP: Make sure you install the plug-in “WordPress Mobile Pack”. That is the best Mobile plug-in to use in WordPress.
Videos on how to Create Mobile Websites for your business and others! ________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
CONCLUSION I want to thank all my clients for purchasing this product. I hope it is of great value for you, your family, your friends but more importantly your business. I would love to hear your testimonies. Should you wish to have any of your Mobile and Local Internet Marketing needs outsourced, please view a list of our services on page 87. We can get you up and running within 24-78 hours. Please send them to info@cheryllynninternational.com Thanks again! God Bless! Love and Much Success!
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________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com
Videos on how to Create Mobile Websites for Business Owners and Consultants
________________________________________________________________ 2010 Cheryl Lynn International Inc., All Rights Reserved. Cheryl Lynn International Inc., 664 Fennell Ave E., Hamilton, On L8V 1V1 email: mailto:info@cheryllynnInternational.com website: http://www.cheryllynninternational.com