3 minute read

Because it is what it is!

For those who subscribe to Texas Metro News, the goal of the I Messenger Media team is to provide you with up-to-themoment accurate and reliable information; while also providing news, entertainment and commentary.

We’re working tirelessly to provide you with the Black Experience, in America and around the world.


We actually have team members on two other continents and believe me, they’re working to ensure that we are inclusive and enlightening, as well.

And yes, we do it for the culture.

Which brings me to my truth.

We’ve heard so many discussions about Critical Race Theory. We’ve also heard about the theory of erasing. That’s right, just make things disappear like they never occurred or reframe the narrative. Actually, let’s be frank. To LIE!

I heard Rev. Al Sharpton say the hardest eulogy to perform is the one of someone who hasn’t done anything with their lives because you have to hallucinate.

Sadly, there are too many who don’t put to use the blessings they were gifted from the moment they took their first breath; however there are so many who have made significant contributions that they weren’t aware they were mak- ing.

It is imperative that historians reflect so it’ll be “the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.”

That is also our job, our mission, as journalists.

Ethically speaking, it would seem that erasing, rewriting, or even hallucinating is morally wrong.

I have to believe that my ethics professor and then-dean of the Florida A&M University School of Journalism would have to agree with me!

Dean Robert Ruggles, can you hear me?

I know he knows that I got the message because he taught it to me twice!

And on college campuses, it has been one of my favorite courses to teach because everyone should want to learn about doing the right thing and I sure know how to live it and teach it!

So, as I hear the continuous debates around the wild hallucinations; I can’t help but think that future generations will think that our elected officials and the people who voted for them are on some serious drugs!

The thought that people are actually rewriting history to make it more palatable and to ease the consciences of those related to those despicable acts of the past is unconscionable and downright pathetic.

Therefore, I Messenger Me- dia is taking a proactive approach to the asinine antics of the revisionist historians.

Every week, in print and through our digital platforms, we are going to tell it like it was; and therefore it is and will always be!

When someone is reading through our pages long after I have said my last goodbye, they will read the truth!

After all, how many of you know what the officers who beat Rodney King look like? But you remember his face, bloody and puffy.

How many of you know the men and the woman behind the savage murder of Emmett Till?

But thanks to that heroic mother, Mamie Till Mobley, the world got to see the results of the torture her son mercilessly suffered. I know revisionists probably curse Jet Magazine for running the pictures, but I praise them.

I am grateful that in 1995 Mrs. Mobley Bradley and her husband (who was Emmett’s barber and helped to identify his ravaged body) came to Dallas and spent time with me discussing her son’s murder.

And if you didn’t see the pictures of what was done to her son, we’re bringing them and others to you; along with the truth, unfiltered, like award-winning journalist Roland Martin!

Now, truth be told, I understand why folks want to rewrite history. I wouldn’t want people to know that I was a descendant of a person who chained another person to the back of a truck and pulled his body until he was nothing but Exhibit number this and Exhibit number that; because he was in bits and pieces.

I would hate to think that someone I love or whose memory I cherish could be so savage.

But we’re talking about the truth.

So hopefully you will take this journey with us. Sign up for the newsletter, at www.texasmetronews.com. or you can send me an email to editor@ texasmetronews.com.

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Help us continue doing the right thing.

Together we can make sure the truth is told and we can make a difference.

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