5 minute read
Deltas Honor 50 Year Members Dallas Alumnae Chapter's Dynamic Dozen Still Going Strong
from I Messenger 1-27-23
by Cheryl Smith
Sharon Denise Bradley
mother, she has been involved in the Church Clothing Ministry and she also assists a neighbor who is blind, with errands and other support services.
The Dallas Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority celebrates the founding of the 110 year old public service organization at its annual Frederica Chase Dodd Founders Day Luncheon, named in honor of one of the organization's 22 founders.
This year members will pay tribute to 12 of their sisters who are celebrating 50 years and 15 who are celebrating 25 years of service.
The Golden and Silver honorees will be joined by Dr. Anita Phillips, a nationally acclaimed trauma therapist and In The Light Podcast Host.
Dr. Phillips is recognized for her ground-breaking work at the intersection of mental health, faith, and culture. She will keynote the event at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel, 400 Olive Street, Dallas 75201 on February 4, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. The Chapter's President is Dr. Andrea Hilburn.
Initiated in the Spring of 1973 at Eta Delta Chapter, Texas Woman’s University, Sharon received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. A retired nurse, with 40 years of service, she is a member of Greenville Avenue Church of Christ. A wife and
A Diamond Life member of the sorority, JoAnne was initiated in the Spring of 1973 at Alpha Chapter, Howard University, where she received a Bache- lor of Science in Microbiology. The Vice President of Brunson Construction Services, she is a member of Concord Church. JoAnne is involved in the Trinity (TX) Chapter, The Links, Incorporated; Dallas Chapter, Jack & Jill - Associate Member; and she is the Past Secretary of Frederica Chase Dodd Board of Directors. She and her husband, who she met her freshman year in college are proud parents and grandparents
Cheryle Gail Fleming
Chapter (SWDCA), where she also served in leadership positions.
Joyce Gibson
Cheryl was initiated the Fall of 1972 at the Theta Nu Chapter at East Texas State University (now Texas A & M University-Commerce), where she received a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Master of Education in Elementary Education. Now a retired educator, she is a member of Saint John Baptist Church, Wichita Falls, TX. She was a Charter Member of the Southwest Dallas County Alumnae
A Diamond Life member, she was initiated in the Spring of 1973 at the Delta Gamma Chapter, Texas Southern University where she received a Bachelor of Science in Business. A retired educator, she is a member of Friendship-West Baptist Church, a devoted member of the Texas Southern University National Alumni Association (TSUNNA) - Dallas Chapter, former Friendship-West Baptist Church Usher Board Member, Lancaster Spring Creek Homeowner Association Board, Treasurer; Dallas County Volunteer Deputy Registrar; and MLK Center Volunteer. She was TSUNNA, Dallas Chapter – 2013 Alumnus of the Year Honoree and TSUNNA, National Convention – 2022 Inaugural President’s Award Recipient.
A Golden Life member of the sorority, Cafea was initiated the Fall of 1972 at the Beta Gamma Chapter at Dillard University where she served as chapter president and received a Bachelor of Arts in English Education and later she received a Master of Education in English Education from Mississippi State University. A teacher/ Central Administrator, she is a member of St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church and a past president of Dillard University Alumni Association. Cafea is a Girl Scout Leader; Texas Democratic Party - Voter Registration Volunteer; and Children Ministry, Stewardship and Church Council Chair, St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church.
A Golden Life member Jacqueline D. Hoyt was initiated in the Fall of 1972 at Iota Gamma Chapter, University of Texas at
El Paso, where she received a Bachelor of Science. She is a retired Vice President of Bank of America and a member of Antioch Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church. Heavily involved in her community, Jacqueline works with Citizens on Patrol (COP), Desoto, Texas; DeSoto Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association; Transforming Network Together (TNT); Lynwood Estate Neighborhood Association-Street Captain and Texas State Technical College, Women's Resource Center, Waco, TexasFinancial Chair of Advisory Board. An outstanding Texas Delta 1999 she won the Volunteer of the Year Award-DeSoto Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association, 2011; Woman of the Year-American Businesswomen's Association; and Sisterhood Black Heritage Image Award-UT at El Paso.
A Golden Life member initi- ated in the Fall of 1972 at the Zeta Eta Chapter, University of North Texas (Denton), where she received a Bachelor of Political Science, University of North Texas (Denton), Oretta Johnson is a retired, Information System Technology Manager. A member of Concord Church, she has served as President-Elderwoods Neighborhood Association; Board of Directors-Dodd Education & Support; Heads UP! Foundation Board; Group Leader - Bible Study Fellowship; Mayor’s Rebirth of Redbird Community- City of Dallas; General & Primary Election Clerk (Dallas County); Member, UNT Black Alumni Network; Concord Church Expository Preaching Conference Staff; and I.D.Ministry LifeMinistry Oretta has been the recipient of Concord Church - Deborah Award for Christian Sacrifice and Elderwoods Neighborhood Association - Presidential Award.
Initiated the Spring of 1973 at Iota Psi Chapter at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Lincolnette Lockridge received a Bachelor of Arts in Education and became a teacher and school counselor. A member of St. John Unleashed Church (Grand Prairie) she has assisted in organizing health and job fairs. She loves reading, traveling, walking, baking, and watching crime shows
Linda Manuelfonteneaux
Is a Golden Life member initiated in the Fall of 1972 at Delta Gamma Chapter, Texas Southern University where she was chapter president and received a Bachelor of Business Administration, and began working in Business Management. She is a member of The Village United Methodist Church and her community Involvement: includes being an active member of Women of Faith-North Texas
Conference; Reading Partners of Texas - Student Tutor ; Methodist Hospital of Dallas Auxiliary and Charlton Methodist Auxiliary.
Janice Raymond Mitchell
as a Deputy Registrar (VDR) and in Voter Registration activities for High School. She loves swimming, water aerobic, walking, shopping and traveling
Barbara Morgan Punch
(since 2012). A wife of 48 years, the mother and grandmother loves to read, bake, listen to music and loves calligraphy.
Initiated in the Fall of 1972 at Delta Omega Chapter at Bishop College where she received a Bachelor of Science Degree, Janice Raymond Mitchell is retired and a member of St. John Baptist Church. She volunteers
Initiated Spring 1973 at Eta Delta Chapter at Texas Woman’s University she received a Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and a Master of Education in Early Childhood Education. Barbara is a Speech Pathologist/Montessori Educator and a member of Singing Hills Baptist Church. She is involved with Dallas Retired Teachers Association, Texas Retired Teachers Association, Texas Woman’s University Black Alumni (TWUBA) Lifetime Member, as a Past Member- Scholarship Committee of TWUB, Women’s Missionary Union of Texas (Dallas Baptist Association), Couples Sunday School Class, Co-Teacher and World Vision Child Sponsor
Mary Ann Wallace was initiated Spring 1973 at Iota Psi Chapter at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Education and became an educator. A member of Bibleway Bible Church of Dallas, she is a community servant, working at Life 180 Prison Ministry and a Bible Teacher at the Youth Village. She organized the Personal Item Drive for the Genesis Women Shelter, Organized Clothes and Goods for Turn Around Store at Oak Cliff Bible Church and tutored students in Preparation for State Exams. She is the past Secretary of Skillful Living Center. She received the Pearl C. Anderson Career Academy PTA's Teacher of the Year and Mother of the Year at Bibleway Bible Church.