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Chairman Hinojosa Releases Statement On Paxton Impeachment Vote
from I Messenger 5-26-23
by Cheryl Smith
AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa released the following statement regarding the unanimous vote by the Texas House Committee on General Investigating to issue Articles of Impeachment against twice-indicted Attorney General Ken Paxton:
“Ken Paxton is a liar, a fraud, and now, as nonpartisan and Republican-led investigations have found, a criminal caught red-handed multiple times during his tenure as Attorney General. This crook should have gone to jail years ago. Texans demand and deserve accountability.
“While we fully support the Texas House voting to impeach Ken Paxton –we think it would be better for all Texans if he saved legislators the trouble, and taxpayer money, and just resigned on his own accord.
“This grifter shouldn’t be permitted to waste one more minute of legisla- tors’ time or one more dollar of taxpayer money dealing with his litany of crimes and offenses. Attorney General Paxton, if you give a damn about this state, you’ll go home to Frisco to prepare for your prison time and allow someone with any semblance of morality to fill your seat in Austin.”
Wear the masks, wash your hands and show love!