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Metro Community Calendar powered by
Announcing Inaugural BrainHealth Week
Feb. 20-24 Celebrates Brain’s Ability to Get Stronger. Free activities all week Call for info. (972) 883-3007
A Black History Night Lancaster Recreation Center, Thu, 6 pm 1700 Veterans Memorial Pkwy Lancaster

5th Annual Living Legends and Scholarship
Gala Fri, 7 pm Crowne Plaza Dallas Downtown, an IHG Hotel, 1015 Elm St Dallas, TX ***
Linny Nance & The Network Band
Fri., 8 pm $20 Advance $25 At the Door Ladies Free before 9 pm The Warehouse 1125 E. Berry St Fort Worth, TX 76110 ***
Black History Month Poetry Competition & Open Mic Fri, 8 pm Black & Bitter Coffee and Books,100 S Main St #101c Duncanville, TX
Universoul Circus- Jaw-dropping stunts and acrobats, aerodynamic aerialists, fire breathers, stilt dancers and more! Opening Feb. 23 to March 03.Showtimes vary. Under The Big Top at Red Bird Mall! 3662 Camp Wisdom Rd, Dallas, Texas 75237
Southwest Suburban Dallas Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, invites you to the 20th Anniversary Foundation Fundraising Gala VIP Reception Sat. 6:30 pm and General Admission 7:30 pm Midlothian Conference Center, 1 Community Dr, Midlothian, TX

Lincoln Butler Sr.’s “Book Signing” for “My Journey” at the African American Museum in Solarium- Sat., 1pm. 3536 Grand Ave · In Fair Park, Dallas, TX. (214) 565-9026
FWMBCC INAUGURAL BLACK HISTORY CELEBRATION Join us for an evening full of culture, celebration, and community Sat., 6 pm The Ashton Depot 1501 Jones Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 monique.winfree@chase.com
Black Student Association Black GALA
To celebrate the accomplishments of the Black UTA community Sun, 5 pm E.H. Hereford University Center, 300 W 1st St Arlington, TX 27
Black History Month Event at Dallas City Hall,Main Lobby celebrating featuring Ms. Opal Lee, the “Grandmother of Juneteenth.” Mon, 6 pm 1500 Marilla St Dallas, TX

Black History Month Community Celebration
The Frisco Arts Foundation and Oasis Accents will feature a food truck, face painting, art exhibits, live music, etc. All ages are welcome to celebrate- Sat. 5 pm. Nack Theater, 6711 Oak Street, Frisco. Free.
Join the Texas Coalition of Black Democrats to network, discuss upcoming election, Tues,. 6:30 pm 5830 Granite Parkway #100 Building 5, Plano, TX

19th Annual Wknd Festival of Black Dance - Rhythm Sat, 8 pm
The Black Academy of Arts and Letters, 650 S Griffin St Dallas, TX
SMU BLSA is hosting a lunch for Black History Month that will consist of a panel of different healt hcare professionals Thurs.12:30 pm Karcher Auditorium 3315 Daniel Ave. Dallas TX 75205
Alz Assoc: Black Caregiver Seminar (Fort Worth) Tarrant County College - South Campus, Sat, 9 am 5301 Campus Dr Fort Worth, TX
Black History Month Expo
Sat, 12 pm Mesquite Convention Center, 1700 Rodeo Dr Mesquite, TX
Join JPMorgan Chase & Co. and St. Philip’s School and Community Center for the 23rd Annual Destiny Award Luncheon featuring Emmy and Golden Globe Award winning actor, Sterling K. Brown on Fri., 10:30 am at the Hilton Anatole 2201 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75207

He Is A Serial Rapist
The Strong One
By La Juana Barton

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