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Proposals for inclusion in 2024 proxy
Type of proposal SEC rules permit shareholders to submit proposals for inclusion in our Proxy Statement by satisfying the requirements specified in SEC Rule 14a-8
When proposal must be received by Chesapeake
Where to send
Submitting Proposals for 2024 Annual Meeting
The table below summarizes the requirements for shareholders who wish to submit proposals or director nominations for next year’s annual meeting. Shareholders are encouraged to consult SEC Rule 14a-8 or our Bylaws, as applicable, to see all applicable requirements.
Director nominees for inclusion in 2024 proxy (proxy access)
A shareholder (or a group of shareholders) owning at least 3% of Chesapeake stock for at least three years may submit director nominees (up to 25% of the Board) for inclusion in our Proxy Statement by satisfying the requirements specified in Section 1.11(f) of our Bylaws*
Other proposals/nominees to be presented at 2024 meeting**
Shareholders may present proposals or shareholder nominations directly at the annual meeting (and not for inclusion in our Proxy Statement) by satisfying the requirements specified in Section 1.11(b) of our Bylaws*
What to include
No later than December 30, 2023
No earlier than the close of business on February 9, 2024 and not later than the close of business on March 10, 2024
By mail: Benjamin E. Russ, Executive Vice President – General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Chesapeake Energy Corporation, 6100 N. Western Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73118
By email: shareholder.proposals@chk.com
The information required by SEC Rule 14a-8
The information required by our Bylaws*
* Our Bylaws are available at sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/895126/000089512621000033/ex32bylaws.htm
** In addition to satisfying the foregoing requirements under our Bylaws, to comply with the universal proxy rules, stockholders who intend to solicit proxies in support of director nominees other than the Company's nominees must provide notice that sets forth the information required by Rule 14a-19 under the Exchange Act.
The Chairman of the meeting may disregard any nomination of a candidate for director or refuse to allow the transaction of any business under a proposal if such is not made in compliance with the procedures in our Bylaws or other requirements of rules under the Exchange Act.
Additional Shareholder Engagement and Corporate/Social Responsibility
Chesapeake strives to be a charitable, engaged and responsible partner in the communities where we live and work. We pay close attention to concerns regarding our operations through a variety of active community engagement initiatives. We recognize that despite its over 160-year history in the United States, oil and natural gas development is still a very new industry in several areas of the country. We understand the importance of educating community members about our activities, maintaining open lines of communication and proactively seeking opportunities to provide further information about our safe and responsible drilling and completion processes, including the over 70-yearold process of hydraulic fracturing. Following discussions with shareholders, we recognize that addressing the community impacts of our operations has become increasingly important to a wider audience, including our shareholders. Consequently, we intend to continue to interact with our shareholders on these issues. We believe this furthers our goal of continuous improvement in all of our operations, including our community engagement strategies and public disclosures.