Cheshire Scouts - Scout Network - CNPlus

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+plus Issue 2 - March 2010



census figure is in!!

win a weekend for two!! awards, awards, awards

we’ve grown

Operation hit Hello fellow Networkers!


2010 events

Welcome to the second edition of CNPlus! So, we made it through the darkest, coldest part of the year and the endless outdoor fun of summer doesn’t seem

Poster for your hut

too far away any more. Cheshire Network were not put off by rain, snow and ice this winter and managed


to have two great weekends away together - Hal-


loween Camp and New Year - more on that later... Of course, this summer we’re looking forward to Chamboree - Cheshire’s own international Jamboree. See


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our section on what Chamboree’s all about and how you can get involved with the fun. This issue, we’ve got the lowdown on exciting goings on for you to get involved in over the next few months, ideas to gain awards and get more from your Network experience, and of course the gossip on what Networks across the county have been up to recently! If your Network has done anything exciting, interesting or just downright silly recently, please get in touch ( so it can appear here next time. Happy reading!


CNPlus Editor



Halloween Camp

I hear you shout, not that time again!!! But seriously

On a wet, cold weekend in November, Cheshire Net-

it is vitally important that for the membership census

work decided to get together an celebrate Halloween!

2010 that we ensure that the correct Network mem-

Twenty-eight members headed off to Forest Camp for

bership is captured.

a weekend of spiders, scouting and scary fun...

During January our Scout Network Administrator has

On Friday evening we arrived at the hut for a classic

been enlisting the help of all our wonderful Chairs to

Network supper of nachos and chilli. The organisers

try to update the records and relieve some of the load.

had done an amazing job of decorating; there were spi-

Figures have been collected and submitted and great

ders and pumpkins everywhere - spooky! We all took

news... We’ve grown!! So things are looking good for

part in a pub quiz that was ridiculously difficult but still


loads of fun. Then members had a good catch up with old friends and chilled out before bed.

If you did not get the message about membership or did not get chance to reply you must contact your

Everybody woke up to a lovingly prepared fry-up on

Local Chair and the County Scout Network Admin

Saturday morning, courtesy of the wonderful catering ASAP, as you will not

team. I think they enjoyed cooking as much as every-

be able to participate in any events until your details

one else enjoyed eating - judging by the amount of

and capitation is paid...

singing and dancing that was going on in the kitchen! After breakfast, the Networkers got arty and carved pumpkins into lanterns (not just traditional scary faces, but witches, cats and Network logos as well!). We were joined by some Cheshire Explorers for a valiant attempt at a rainy barbecue - the sausages tasted just as good damp! Everybody braved the wet weather to take part in a mammoth “pumpkin conkers” tournament - a game invented by Adam - pitting our chosen pumpkins against each other and smashing as many as possible! Next was an apple and onion bobbing relay game which seemed to involve getting covered in wet flour - lovely. On Saturday night, members enjoyed a good old disco in their fantastic halloween costumes - witches, faries, cats and various terrifying monsters! There was even a skeleton trophy for best costume. Everyone had a great weekend, but perhaps weren’t particularly well rested for the week ahead! We’ll keep you posted on more upcoming camps in CNPlus.

win a weekend for two As a supporter of Scouting, Cheshire Campsites would like to invite you to enter a special competition to win a weekend away for two. To enter please e mail the full name and contact telephone numbers of you and your chosen partner to

If you win all you have to do to take advantage of your prize is indicate the weekend of your choice at the unique Tatton Park Scout Campsite and you will be booked into the environmentally friendly accommodation, Friday evening to Sunday afternoon complete with: Private bedroom, Colour TV with Freeview, Cooker, Fridge Freezer, Views across the open parkland of a National Trust stately home Activities included in your prize are too numerous to detail but include: Terms & Conditions

Meeting and greeting visitors from around the world Enjoying the challenging but exciting experience of running your own shop A little light exercise (occasionally using a mop and bucket) to keep healthy.

*This it not actually a competition, it is your opportunity to volunteer to help warden at the County campsites

The Great Tower National Network Gathering

? 2007




Join Cheshire Network for this years Network Gathering, 2nd - 5th April 2010 costs only ÂŁ17.50. Book online at and notify your Local Network Chair.

CAMO (Warrington) CAMO had a successful Christmas Meal with 19 members, the DC of Warrington West, CSNC and CSNA attending! Unfortunately the Christmas walk was cancelled due to bad weather. They’re doing great with their awards - some members have almost completed their Queen’s Scout Award whilst others are starting to plan an Explorer Belt expedition for next year.

STAG (Alderley & Knutsford) STAG ran a brilliant Santa Dash Hike for local explorers at Christmas and they’re now planning their second Wobberley 8 event for May - a bike ride around Mobberley village. Should be a lot of fun!

McNetwork (Macc & Cong) Several members of McNetwork are busy fundraising for their trip to the 13th World Scout Moot in Kenya this summer - how exciting! The Network are also planning link events with local Explorers to increase their awareness of Network and encourage them to join.

Griffon (Widnes & NW) Griffon Network have been busy boosting their numbers over the Christmas period. They also had a great time bowling with Warrington Network!

Hollyoaks (Chester) Hollyoaks Network were recently in good attendance at the Chester & District Centenary year launch at Chester’s Guildhall Museum. Also in attendance with them was the former dignitaries of the Chester district, the Lord Mayor Cllr Ebo and County Commissioner. Hollyoaks Network will continue to support Chester District for all of their Centenary celebration events including a special district camp.

MidCheshire (MidCheshire) Mid-Cheshire Network is still in the primary stages of getting started: it was only created at the end of November. The Network has recently had its first event - Cheshire Oaks for pizza and bowling! The event had a good attendance and was a great success, everyone really enjoyed themselves. They are planning survival camp for which details will be appearing for very shortly - watch this space!

Griffon are now organising the Griffon Spring Ball on 13th March to fundraise for Cheshire Network and the Jamboree 2011 fund. Tickets are now on sale - but there’s a limited number, so hurry!

HOW CAN WE MAKE CHESHIRE NET....WORK?! Introducing operation hit squad How can we make Scout Network in Cheshire a real

All these questions and more need to be answered to

success.. ? Introducing operation “hit squad”!!

make Cheshire Network one of the best in the country. Our new CSNC has set the challenge to the recently

When Scout Network first launched, Cheshire was

appointed County Scout Network Chairperson (Paul

seen as one of the most sucessful in the UK and always

Ellinson) to build up a team, search for the answers and

ranked in the top three for membership, but now 7

implement a solution. The project will last roughly 12

years later we’re struggling to stay in the top 10... Why?

months and by the end of it we hope to have an active Scout Network in every district in Cheshire.

What have other counties done to succeed whilst Cheshire seems to have stood still?

So, lets work together and help where we can.. if you’re interested in being part of the operation team please

Why is the drop off rate so high between

email Paul,

Explorer Scouts and Scout Network? You can help us now!! Why do we have 50% of our membership in

Fill in a confidential questionnaire online now

just three districts?

Help us.. Please answer a quick 10 question survey online and tell us your thoughts. The survey is confidential, so please be honest (but fair). The survey will be used to help Operation ‘Hit Squad’

Awards, Awards, Awards!

A few dates for the diary..!!

Are you working on any of the Scouting awards? Then

(Full list on

we want to know about it! I know there are lots of people who move up from Explorers to Network and have something to finish off - if we know about it then we can support you. Or perhaps your Network are thinking about working towards a Partnership Award? Focusing on the Queen’s Scout Award? Whatever you are up to let us know. Don’t leave it too late to get started - a balanced programme will count towards so many things. If you need help or advice or just want to know more about what you and your Network can do then get in touch - there are so many opportunities out there. If you are looking for something different to do for your service or would like to work towards the environ-

13 March 2010 Griffon Network Ball

2 - 5 April 2010 National Network Gathering Great Tower Campsite

17 April 2010 @ 19:00 Annual County Dinner Daresbury Park Hotel, Daresbury, Warrington

25 April 2010 St Georges Day Parade

mental Partnership Award our campsites are looking

01 June 2010 @ 19:30 County Network Chairs Meeting

for teams of wardens.

Cheshire Network HQ, Winsford

Have fun, make a difference and gain an award. Let’s make 2010 the year we put Network on the map - let’s show everyone what we can achieve together! And finally, please put this date in your diaries Wednesday 15th September 2010 will be the

08 June 2010 @ 19:15 County Network Exec Meeting The Heath, Runcorn

4 - 6 June 2010 The Festival, Scout Network Camp Coventry

13 June 2010 County Scout Sunday Chester

31 July - 7 August 2010 Chamboree Cheshire Showground, Knutsford

annual Explorer Scout and Scout Network awards evening and we want to shout about what our Network Members have achieved! We hope to see as many of you at the awards evening as possible, which will include a presentation by the Italian Explorer Belt participants from McNetwork. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Teresa (Network Awards Leader)

10 July -11 September 2010 Intense Scout Network Camp Bristol

15 September 2010 Annual Network Awards Evening The Heath SOG, Runcorn

29 - 31 October 2010 Explorer & Network Halloween Camp Forest Camp Activity Centre add an event.....

Chamboree 2010 It’s hard to believe that it has been nearly 4 years since Cheshire hosted the last International Chamboree and this year it’s promising to be even bigger. So what is there for Scout Network? Primarily Scout Network members are needed to help build the site, run the activities or site service team and help with the take down, but most importantly have fun while doing it....! A large number of Scout Network members are already involved with organising various elements of the camp like PR, Entertainments, Activities and Recruitment. Chamboree is expecting over 3,000 Scouts and Guides from around the world and are hosting more activities than you can shake a stick at, and yes, you can have a go!!

Bigger than ever!!


Take it from me, don’t miss this opportunity! You’ll have such a good laugh and make new friends on the way. The booking system is now open and the Staff fee is £70 which includes site fee, scarf, evening entertainment and catering in the camps very own restaurant with a choice of main meal in the evening and complimentary tea and coffee all day. If you decide to help and travel daily to site and not use the catering service the fee will be £15 for the week.


Get in touch

Network New Year

Get in touch, here are the email addresses

This year, Cheshire Network had their annual New

you need to speak to Cheshire Network;

Year celebration at Hebden Hey Scout Hostel in York-

County Scout Network Commissioner County Scout Network Administrator All membership enquires County Scout Network Leader (Awards) All award enquires and support

shire. It was lucky all members arriving in the dark on New Year’s Eve made it, the narrow track leading up to the centre had a scary sheer drop on one side and no wall! Everyone dressed up in their ‘American Legend’ fancy dress - maybe the most imaginative were pizza and hot dog costumes! Everybody went outside just before midnight to countdown to 2010 together and

Cheshire Network Plus Editor

enjoy some fireworks.

Scout Network Activities Coordinator For activity enquires and booking onto national camp

On New Year’s Day, everybody ate breakfast together our first meal of the decade! Some Networkers spent the day watching DVDs on a makeshift cinema screen


put up in the lounge. Others went walking in the lovely

Alderly & Knutsford District STAG Network

snowy countryside around the centre. The catering

Chester District Hollyoaks Network

team spent their day preparing food and having fun in the kitchen. We all dressed up in posh dresses and smart suits for the masquerade night. Everyone tucked in to a three course meal (thank you cooks!) it was

Ellesmerepost & Neston

very tasty! The Network spent the evening chatting,

Macclesfield & Congleton McNetwork

kept us all amused till the early hours of the morning.

Mid-Cheshire Mid-Cheshire Network

The next morning, members awoke to find that no-

Southwest District Warrinton East & West CAMO Network Widnes & Northwest District Griffon Network

dancing, playing cards and some very silly games that

one could get their cars out of the centre because of snow and ice! However, Cheshire Network were prepared (well, two people brought shovels..) and sent out our finest manly specimens to go and shovel the problem areas! Everyone else cleaned up, then played in the snow with sledges and had snowball fights. The boys returned two hours later absolutely exhausted and starving, yet claiming “it was the best part of the trip”! With much pushing and shoving, we managed to get all the cars out and everyone returned home. What a great start to 2010 for the Network!

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