CNPlus - Cheshire Scout Network Newsletter Issue Dec 2010

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December 2010

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Hello again! Hello there, and welcome to the Winter 2010 issue of CNPlus! The last few months for Cheshire Network have been jam-packed with camps, days out and other fun in the sun (or rain)! Of course, this summer Cheshire welcomed the world at Chamboree, our very own international jamboree. Many Network members volunteered as IST at the camp, working hard, meeting new friends and having a great time as well. Some Networkers travelled a bit further afield than Tabley, to the World Scout Moot in Kenya! This was a fantastic experience for the lucky Scouts, with some taking the opportunity to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. But if you’re feeling down because you think all the excitement is over, don’t despair! Read on to see all the exciting happenings Network have planned over the next few months.

DO YOU HAVE AN ARTICLE TO ADD TO THE NEXT CNPLUS? If you do please email it to us with some pictures,

There’s been further success for our promotional video as recently the Northern Ireland Scout development team has been using it to help start up Scout Network in their country.

Kenya Moot Recently, 9 members of Cheshire Network attended the World Scout Moot in Kenya. This was the first international event an African country has ever organised and was a very special and momentous occasion. We took part in a number of different activities including hiking, orienteering, crafts, assault courses, caving, community work at local schools, a treasure hunt round Nairobi, backwoodsmanship, a visit to Paxtu (Baden Powell's House) and Lord and Lady Powell's graves ,and a very exciting rugby match against the Australians which we won 19-17!

Does video editing interest you? If so, the next generation of Burtons, Spielbergs and Camerons - James not David - are being sought. Email

After the Moot a number of Cheshire Network members travelled to Tanzania to complete the mammoth task of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. We successfully reached the summit in just under 3 1/2 days but were much happier to get back to the bottom for an ice cold beer! More information, photos and videos of what we got up to at the Moot can be found at

2012 IS OUR 10TH BIRTHDAY We’re nearly 10..!! and we’re looking for ideas on how we can celebrate. Please send them in -

“The Halloween Camp plays a key role in our ongoing ‘moving on, moving up’ projects and we’re delighted that we have had another successful year”

HALLOWEEN CAMP ’10 A very scary costume from Mark!!!

Adam Forshaw County Scout Network Commissioner •••

Cheshire Network lined up plenty of thrills at our second annual Halloween Camp. The camp is used as a link event with the county’s Explorer Scouts and attendance was double the previous year. Forest Camp in Sandiway was the venue, and the dark woods were very much central to the action, especially during a midnight gravestone hunt, with actors chasing the teams through the trees. Other highlights included a zombie make-up session with professional make-up artists, make your own horror music video (see the winning video on our YouTube channel /cheshirescoutnetwork), and a pumpkin smash with teams racing to crush 15 pumpkins and squish the

Saturdays activities included some traditional pumpkin carving.. Here’s Nick, seemingly chuffed with his work.

remains through a golf ball-sized hole in the fasted time. The Sunday Games were on a much larger scale this year with teams battling to get as many points as they could to claim the Halloween Champions trophy. Games included a marshy assault course, apple and flour bobbing, Pumpkin bowling, and apple sling shots to name just a few.

Everyone had a fantastic time on the camp which was shown in our outstanding feedback - post camp. Next year will be even bigger with more activities, so don’t miss out. Finally, well done to Chester’s Hollyoaks Network for winning the Halloween Champions Shield.

FEEDBACK: WHAT WERE YOUR THOUGHTS? How were the activ ities? 98% Excellent/Good How was the caterin g? “We had a great weekend and were delighted that this year’s attendance was double that of the previous year. Hopefully many of those Explorers that came along will see that Network is the logical next step for them” — Hannah Lapworth Assistant County Commissioner (Explorer Scouts)

Getting ready for the ‘Big Pumpkin Smash’. “Loved it” — Charles Lambert (Griffon Network)

100% Excellent

Value to money?

100% Excellent/Good

Would you come ag ain


100% Yes

A SUMMER OF CAMPING Cheshire Network were up and down the country this summer at all sort of camps.


Checkout all the actio n on our YouTube Channe l /cheshirescoutnetwork

In June we set off to Coventry to attend ‘The Festival’ camp, a laid-back camp in the green fields of Rough Close campsite, with activities ranging from climbing to crate stacking and crafts to inflatables. Evening entertainment included a DJ set from James Buckley, better known as Jay from The Inbetweeners, and a set from a group of Beatboxers, which was amazingly entertaining. On Sunday we participated in a few of the team games, but unfortunately we just weren’t heavy enough to win the Tug-of-War. Two weeks later we were off to Cheltenham for the Explorer Scout and Scout Network ‘Sun Run’, an activity packed camp which never fails to deliver the sunny weather. Members made sure they took advantage of all that was on offer. On Saturday a number of Explorers and Scout Network members from Cheshire took part in the Moon Run, a 13-mile team race with one team finishing 2nd, 3rd and 7th places - Check out the video on our YouTube channel!! Then in September, 46 members took to the M5 on route to Bristol for the annual ‘Intense’ Network camp. Cheshire was the largest Network on the camp - around three times the size of the next largest county. Go team!!! Everyone FROM THE EDITOR had a fantastic time and plan to If you have any pictur es from your return next year... Make sure you camps, you can alway s send them in to check out the video on our YouTube newsletter@cheshire ne or channel of the famous Piano bash upload them to our fac eb ook group. where teams have to get a full size piano through a letterbox.


MARTIN JONES NEW: Network Leader (Knutty Network) Well I’m only 48, married, two children (one in Network, one in Explorers). Got thrown out of Cubs in the seventies and it was thirty years before they would let me back in again -

better late than never! Really enjoyed being an Explorer Leader, but got diverted into Network by my DC and can really see the potential. Interests include archery, cycling and fishing, when I get time off from Scouting. Looking forward to meeting you


Bigger & Better than ever!!

HARRIET AUSTIN NEW: County Scout Network Admin Harriet moved to Warrington from Essex in May last year and decided to get back involved in Scouting after a break of a couple of years and became an ASL with the 7th Warrington Scout Group. On her Nights Away training weekend she met some Network members and very quickly got involved in CAMO Network. A few months later she become the Administrator for CAMO Network and was loving her role so much that she decided to take on the Cheshire Admin role (aka Adam's Dog's Body!!!). Outside Scouting she is a HR Assistant and loves to climb and shop (alot).

CHESHIRE NETWORK JUST KEEPS GETTING BIGGER AND BETTER BY THE DAY. We’ve had a positive few months in Network recently, with progress in every District in the County. In just a matter of months we’ll be 100% operational across the County - the first time in our 8 year history.

Recent developments have seen the opening of three new Networks.Valhalla Network which operates in Alderley District, currently Chaired by Alistair John and Network Leader Ian Mitchell.Valhalla have been active from the start and already had their own adventurous group camp. Knutty Network covers Knutsford District and have seen a speedy uptake due to Martin Jones, their proactive Network Leader, and Ellesmere Port & Neston now has a large Network group with 8+ already signed up to do their DofE Gold Our 4th Network New Year and Queen’s Scout Award, well done Phil Ashton, celebration booked up Network Leader and Phillippa Atkins the new fast this year with all 45 place Network Chair.


s taken by the first week of Octob er. This year the theme will be Movies with an Oscar-style aw ards ceremony on 1st Janu ary. Check out the next CN Plus to see the results.

Our previous Network Admin, Hannah Lapworth has recently taken on the role of Assistant County Commissioner Explorers so has had to step down. Hannah did a lot of work on sorting our database so we say “Thank You!!” and we wish her good luck in her new role. Luckily we were not without an Admin for long, Harriet Austin from Warrington soon stepped into the position and has already proved to be a great asset to us. Harriet is currently working hard to collate our census which we hope will show good growth for us again!!

DID YOU KNOW Percentage of female members of Cheshire Network

41% Percentage of Network members that are also Leaders in groups


SCOUT NETWORK AT CHAMBOREE 2010 Cheshire Network was well represented at Chamboree with members taking on all sorts of roles. You could find us managing Sub Camps, Activity Zones, the Media operation and the Main Arena, as well as providing staff for those four areas as well as Chamboree X and Site Services. Of course Network members were also there as leaders of various groups. Some members used Chamboree to complete their residential part of their DofE Gold, which members can obviously now use towards their Queen’s Scout Award.

AWARDS EVENING The annual Explorer Scout & Scout Network awards evening in September was a glittering occasion. Held at The Heath, Runcorn, 70 Platinum/ Diamond Chief Scout Awards were handed out, together with 10 Explorer Belt awards and 6 Queen’s Scouts Awards. One other big highlight of the event was special guest speaker Caroline McCann from the Queen’s Scout Working Party who gave an inspirational speech about how getting her QSA has affected her life.

COUNTY SCOUT SUNDAY & BOWLING COMPETITION 14 JULY 2011 Our County Scout Network Bowling Competition returns again in 2011 and current champions Mid-Cheshire hope to retain their trophy, make sure you put the date in your diary. Before the competition we’ll be attending the County Scout Sunday in Chester … Further details of the parade will be available in February 2011

IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF BADEN POWELL END OF MARCH 2011 100 Years ago, next year Baden Powell visited Cheshire, and the whole County plan to celebrate by following the route that he took and mark the occasion with a celebration and Scouting Skill activities.


CHRISTMAS MEAL AND SANTA DASH - 18 DECEMBER 2010 CAMO invites you to their 8th annual Christmas Dinner on Saturday 18th December. However this year there is a twist ... as we will be heading out after the meal on a Santa Dash into Warrington. The meal will begin at 4pm and will be followed with some party games with the Santa Dash beginning at 7pm (Dinners are encouraged to eat in costume!!!). The Santa Dash will conclude in Showbar Night Club in Warrington. For more information and to book your place visit ChristmasMeal2010

GRIFFON NETWORK BALL 12 MARCH 2011 Griffon Network will be running the ‘Griffon Ball’ once again next year on 12th March and hope to emulate the success of the 2010 Ball where they raised more than £1,000 which was shared between the World Scout Jamboree fund and Network funds. This time round they're looking to make it even bigger and better. Make sure you order your tickets nice and early email widnesandnorthwest

NEW LEADER! IAN MITCHELL NEW: Network Leader (Valhalla Network) Hi, my name is Ian Mitchell but for as long as I can remember in Scouting I have been called Mitch. I live in Holmes Chapel with Christine and our youngest son Will. James, our eldest is at Aberystwyth University studying Physical Geography. Although born in Essex, I grew up in Oakwood in North London and joined the local cub pack in 1969. The 14th Southgate had three cub packs, two scout troops, a venture unit and a Scout band. Scouting gripped my enthusiasm and I passed through Cubs, Scouts, the Scout band and the Venture unit (Queens Scout). I also had stints helping with the cubs and ventures before taking over the scout troop as SL for 2.5 years. Unfortunately, I was made redundant in 1988 so Christine and I moved North to Holmes Chapel, close to her roots. For a couple of years scouting took a back seat as I took the plunge to study for a degree and then start a family but

I couldn’t stay away too long and was soon helping on the executive of Holmes Chapel scout group. I ended up back in uniform as Akela of the cub pack for 6 years. With a change of job 5 years ago, being a regular leader became more and more difficult so I have been helping out as and when I can. The Network now gives me the chance to put something else back into scouting but this time to an age group I haven’t really worked with before. In fact most of the Network from Holmes chapel went through the cub pack with me! I am looking forward to the challenge and to meet many new faces in the coming months. As well as scouting I enjoy keeping fit by cycling and have been a coach at Sandbach RUFC. My job takes me all over the world so the easiest way to get hold of me is by e-mail.

ABOUT ME Get the opportunity to go on a

survival camp with Bear

Name: Bear Grylls (Edward Michael Grylls) Age: 36 Born: United Kingdom Scout Role: Chief Scout He is the tenth person to hold the position and the youngest Chief Scout since the role was created for Robert Baden-Powell in 1920. Brief Intro: Bear is a man who has always loved adventure. After breaking his back in three places in a parachuting accident, he fought his way to recovery, and two years later entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest Briton to climb Mount Everest, aged only 23. He has since led ground-breaking expeditions across the world. In 2009, Bear was chosen and appointed as Chief Scout, and figurehead to 28 million Scouts worldwide. His mission is clear: to help and encourage every young person to be able to live their own adventure through Scouting. Bear considers this his proudest task.

Did you know ls l y r G r a e B t a th ? is a vegetarian Earlier this year Bear Grylls gave the unique opportunity to Scouts to go on a survival weekend on his island. The competition was only open to those that had completed their Chief Scouts Gold award. In 2011, Bear Grylls would like to invite eight Scout Network members who have achieved, or will have achieved their Queen’s Scout Award by August 2011 to spend 24 hours on his island in Wales undertaking survival skill activities. If you would like to be one of the lucky eight please visit survicalcamp for more information and an application pack.

WOULD YOU LIKE TO COMPLETE YOUR QUEEN’S SCOUT AWARD? If you would, please contact Teresa Shaw via email, Teresa will be able to guide and support you all the way through. The Queen's Scout Award is the top award in Scouting, the requirements for this award need more effort than the Duke of Edinburgh's (D of E) Gold Award! If you go the right way about it, by making sure that the you register for the Gold D of E award when you start on the Queen's Scout Award you can get both without any extra effort.


18 Complete two activities from the list of International, Environment and Values.


Complete the requirements of the DofE Gold

1 & be a member of Scout Network for 18 months

CAMO Network members and their practice hike for Queen’s Scout Award by Ed Pugh








CAMO Network •••

7 MEMBERS OF CAMO NETWORK AND THEIR PRACTICE HIKE FOR THEIR QSA IN RHINOGS (SNOWDONIA NATIONAL PARK) With all the official paperwork out of the way, team members finished work on Friday 19th November and made their way to Rendezvous’ point 1. All members of the team adjourned punctually on time – a theme for the weekend to be set..? A quick check that all members were ready to leave promptly eradicated the ‘theme’ of the weekend and two rendezvous points were added to the journey for supplies and a coffee fix. Finally on our way and an hour behind schedule, Llangollen was the next rendezvous (originally 2 now 4). A short SatNav Journey later and everyone arrived in convoy at point 2/4. Now to find a suitable ‘ala carte’ menu. So, wine bar it was then! A table of seven bode way to the curtains of the ‘VIP Area’ (back room) being opened. Playing host to friendship, laughter and pictures, the VIP area quickly encompassed aromas of Steak, Linguini and Chicken, White Wine and Spritzers’, Beers, German and Mexican. Feeling under dressed, the CAMO Expedition team left for the 3rd/5th rendezvous point on the outskirts of a solitary wood – one road in, one road out. Arriving a half hour before midnight, CAMO quickly scavenged for a suitable area to pitch their tents. Finding nothing but marsh lands, the only option was to for a ‘Blair Witch’ style campsite. So, as the mist settled around and the full moon was out, CAMO found their flat spots in the forest, pitched their tents and found that heather is the key ingredient to memory foam mattresses. An early morning rise accompanied by bacon and eggs on toast (for those who weren’t allergic to eggs) saw the team ready and packed. The mist had lifted, the air was mild yet dry and the wind was still. Heading over the marsh lands, a cup was found for the member who had not brought one along! Another theme was set for the weekend – what/how much strange things can you find whilst out

in the mountains., and this came true later in the day, when the girls, obviously in need, discovered a pair of knickers, buried indiscreetly? in the heather... This obviously caused much laughter and wonder/contemplation... This sight also saw heed of another event, where the first wet foot of the day came to the lead man. Walking briskly a leg disappeared to underground depths and a cry of shock resonated through the valley. Laughter followed before realisation that the leg was held firm by rotting nature, and team members came the rescue. Lunch was next, at the base of Rhinog Fawr. Brews were made, sandwiches, sausage rolls and cake were eaten. And then the ‘Rolo’s’ came out! 5 packets shared out over the weekend certainly went a long way! Now, toilet breaks after lunch were needed. So, the girls went off in a standard convoy, and on their return a boy declared the need for a second number. Toilet roll was handed to him, and off he went, strolling over heather covered rock, until the biggest clench of his life took place. The heather slid over the rock under his foot, centre of gravity out of position the boy started to go down! In the panic arms were flung over head, along with it, the toilet roll, which, sailed through the air and down a deep chasm in the rock. Team members around, in disbelief at what they had seen, started to laugh. Then a rescue mission was struck. The boy, unable to move without toilet paper and clenching was unable to be part of the operation, however the toilet paper was rescued and all was peaceful once more. The route to follow headed over a couple of boulders, so, an hour later and 3 stops on, the team remained on these boulders. On the plus side, the weather had cleared and it looked good for a summit attempt. Unfortunately, in the time it took to get to the summit, the weather had closed in once more and the expedition team were met with cloud on the mountain top, which is where a certain comment was made. Paint the picture – everyone sat on the

high point of the mountain, no up to be seen anywhere around, the only way is down. Everyone is aware of the name of the mountain you are sat on, and then, out of no where a voice carries the words, - ‘it looks like we’re on top of a mountain, doesn’t it?’ A tough bit of navigation later and CAMO hit the wall where they wanted to handrail to the readymade camp site on the side of a mountain. 4pm and tents were pitched. Flat ground, and fresh water! Time for a beer... So, stew and pint was had, followed by desert. And the cold started to take effect. Mostly in the wind. CAMO moved out of the wind and sat for what seemed hours talking and laughing until bed time and everyone settled in a 19:30. Another early morning, this time more brisk and the cloud was on us once again. Cold bodies started to move down the mountain side, and then were made to move up again. This wasn’t appreciated, by everyone, however another beautiful lake took everyone’s attention and the moaning ceased. A few decisions were taken on the route and it was altered. Shortening the second day had a positive effect on the team and all made it to the outskirt of the forest. Walking over broken ground and some daunting stream crossings, a female of the team instead of jumping from one bank to the other, decided her feet needed a wash! Last rescue over and done with, lunch was eaten at the cars. A quick change of clothes and an epic car journey

HOLLYOAKS NETWORK Over the past few months we have placed a big focus on making great links with our local Explorer groups by trying to visit each unit throughout Chester and taking over for one night. We took one of our home grown activities to the group.s "World records evening" which was a major success helping us to recruit several members! Chester were well represented by members and Explorer Scouts at the 2nd Annual Explorer/Network Halloween camp, managing to thrash all competition to claim the winning trophy (oh and bragging rights!). We have 7 members who hope to start their QSA and Gold DofE in 2011. KNUTTY NETWORK We’re still in the early stages of getting going really. We hope to have a good attendance at the CAMO Christmas dinner and dash later in December and we want to use this as an opportunity to get everybody together to look at the programme for next year, camps etc. We’re planning to run a DoE Gold Expedition next year and to start the ball rolling on an Explorer Belt Expedition for 2012.

VACANCIES We’re looking for more volunteers to help support Scout Network in Cheshire. If any of the following roles sound up your street please email Adam, County Scout Network Treasurer County Scout Network Leader

- Macclesfield & Congleton - Mid-Cheshire - Warrington East/West - South West Cheshire


Here’s a simple map showing you how Cheshire Network is currently setup.We’re all members of Cheshire Network, but split into 9 local Networks, each having their own Chair and Leader

WHO’S WHO? IN CHESHIRE NETWORK County Scout Network Commissioner Adam Forshaw or CSN Administrator ! Harriet Austin

CSN Awards Advisor Teresa Shaw

Valhalla Network (Alderley) Chair - Alistair John Leader - Ian Mitchell Hollyoaks Network (Chester) Chair - Nick Hirst Leader - Richard Clarke EPAN Network (Elles’P’ & Neston) Chair - Phillippa Atkins Leader - Phil Ashton Knutty Network (Knutsford) Chair - VACANT Leader - Martin Jones McNetwork (Macclesfield & Congleton) Chair - Chris Simpson Leader - VACANT MidCheshire Network (MidCheshire) Chair - VACANT Leader - VACANT Griffon Network (NW Cheshire & Widnes) Chair -Stuart Knox Leader - Rob Council CAMO Network (Warrington East/West) Chair - Ryan Harper Leader - VACANT Swest Network (SW Cheshire) Chair - VACANT Leader - VACANT



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