1 minute read
It was only possible to run the Paris 2023 trip because of the incredible offer from Eurocamp to not only fund the trip but to help with the organisation of transport, accommodation, catering, and arranging tickets to Disneyland Paris. Eurocamp also provided five volunteers who travelled with the group to help with arrangements on site at La Croix du Vieux Pont as well as spending time with the groups on the day trip to Disneyland Paris. It was lovely to see the young carers sharing their experiences with the volunteers so that they could appreciate the positive impact of the trip for everyone.
We kindly received donations of sleeping bags for the trip from Regatta, these were put to good use for our pre-trip sleepovers.
Our thanks also to Mornflake for providing all the cereal for our Paris 2023 trip. We crunched our way through lots of boxes of yummy chocolate squares and granola before enjoying some of the delicious pastries from the bakery on site.
A special thank you to all our donors and supporters who made a personal contribution to the trip.
This review reflects the hours of planning and tremendous achievements when a plan comes together and exceeds all our dreams and expectations. A big thank you to our staff team and amazing volunteers who truly made the magic happen on this incredibly special trip.