PROGRAM EXCHANGE October 1-4, 2013
Cornell University The Pennsylvania State University University of Houston University of Nevada, Las Vegas Oklahoma State University
Executive Summary
HRAD Board of Advisors and Program Exchange Participants
Dean John Bowen, University of Houston and
Drive the image and branding of the school utilizing the academic stature of the faculty combined with the success of the students as leaders in the industry; Increase the number of tenure-track faculty to facilitate program growth and increase student enrollment; Explore enrollment growth opportunities using marketing strategies to identify future student enrollment segments, specifically including domestic students and gender ratios; Identify areas of opportunity to maximize the master’s program enrollment; Create additional opportunities within Human Sciences to partner with Nutritional Sciences, Design, Housing, and Merchandising, and Human Development and Family Science; Explore academic partnerships with the Spears School of Business and the OSU Center for Health Sciences in Hospitality Entrepreneurship and Health Hospitality and Senior Living; Search for a strong mid-career academic leader, to serve as Director, with the ability to grow/expand industry relationships and capitalize on the new building to generate unprecedented growth and visibility.
The Exchange Panel Participants: The Exchange Program initiated by the College of Human Sciences provided the opportunity for collaboration and an exchange of ideas between five world leaders in hospitality education. The Exchange also served as a benchmarking exercise directing the School on a path to the future.
Program Exchange
The School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration celebrates a 75-year history of strong alumni and industry support at a major university; HRAD’s comprehensive hospitality industry certification-based curriculum prepares students to work in the hospitality industry; HRAD is recognized for the strength of its Ph.D. program and its graduates; The undergraduate program excels at experiential learning through student-led signature events and required work/internship experiences; HRAD is well-known for its food and beverage service management program; The School is progressive in the development of international exchange programs; HRAD does an exceptional job tying sponsored student groups with professional organizations; The School excels at social media and connecting with students and alumni; The structure of tenure-track and clinical faculty is at par with other peer institutions with similar missions for instruction, research, and community engagement; The School is well positioned within a College of Human Sciences; HRAD has a special niche with respect to its relationship with the Nutritional Sciences and Design, Housing and Merchandising Departments in the College of Human Sciences; New building addition will address needs and drive future program growth.
Dr. John O’Neill Director School of Hospitality Management The Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Sue Williams Interim Director The School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration Oklahoma State University
Dr. John Bowen Dean and Barron Hilton Distinguished Chair Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management
Dr. Michael Johnson Dean and E.M. Statler Professor School of Hotel Administration Cornell University
Dr. Patrick Moreo Associate Dean William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas
“The seventy-five year history of the program, location on a major university, alumni support and the new building help create an exceptional opportunity for the School.” Dean John Bowen Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management University of Houston
“The design of a revised curriculum based on the CHA [Certified Hotel Administrator] of the AH&LA [American Hotel and Lodging Association] and the FMP [Food Service Management Professional] of the NRA [National Restaurant Association] is brilliant. This is something that many of us should be doing. Incorporating those concepts into the curriculum predisposes the School to a smart and reliable approach to assessment. Congratulations on this. A streamlined, focused and flexible curriculum is at the heart of a professional academic program.” Associate Dean Pat Moreo William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas
“The proposed building project will certainly advance the image of Hotel and Restaurant Administration [HRAD] on and off of campus and provide a source of revenues for the school and college. The building design does a good job enhancing the delivery of current educational offerings and experiences. I would challenge you all to think about how the building might accommodate program expansion, as with respect to HRAD specific centers and institutes.” Dean Michael D. Johnson Cornell University School of Hotel Administration
“I think there is a very good, simple, powerful story here [at the School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration].” Dr. John O’Neill Director, School of Hospitality Management The Pennsylvania State University
210 Human Sciences West Stillwater, OK 74078 405.744.6713
Confirmed by the Program Exchange, the School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration Board of Advisors, key donors, and a conversation with the Spears School of Business (SSB), the following series of strategic initiatives have been identified for implementation. Elevate the administrative structure of the School. The School Director will also hold the title of Assistant Dean for Executive Programs elevating the stature and scope of the position. The Director will cultivate partnerships with executives in hospitality and tourism both domestically and globally. To support this role, the school will have an Associate Director who will provide leadership and direction for the academic mission of the School. Two additional positions will be created: Assistant Director for Research and Graduate Education focusing on the master’s and doctoral programs and enhancing the program of research and an Assistant Director for Experiential Learning who will further service learning, foster partnerships with industry and diversify signature events and internships.
Create the Global Hospitality Leadership Institute providing executive education and training in hospitality. Communication with the Spears School of Business has begun to create a formal partnership to reach this goal. The Institute will have a multi-disciplinary faculty that includes professors from the School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration, the Spears School of Business and other appropriate units on campus (e.g., Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center and OSU Center for Health Sciences). The Institute will pursue significant financial support from donors or sponsors to provide a perpetual endowment and a naming opportunity. Increase the number of tenure-track faculty and elevate enrollment and marketing strategies. Through partnerships with business and other academic units the School will target enrollment to 500 domestic students and 150 international students for a total of 650 students. Marketing efforts will identify new opportunities in hospitality and global entrepreneurship to facilitate program growth and create a balanced student enrollment. Launch an Academic Task Force on Global Hospitality. The Assistant Dean and Director of the School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration and the Dean of the Spears School of Business will appoint a faculty-led task force to: Create joint degree programs between the School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration and the Spears School of Business providing opportunities for students in both schools to specialize in hospitality entrepreneurship. Develop minors, professional master’s degrees and certificate programs. Appoint adjunct or joint faculty to teach interdisciplinary courses in hospitality entrepreneurship. Expand the use of recognized national and international industry leaders as visiting faculty. Host Global Summit of Hospitality Entrepreneurship creating a forum for hospitality business executives to come together and share their entrepreneurial experience with students, faculty and school partners. Enhance the HRAD Board of Advisors. Aggressively seek top national and international hospitality leaders to complement the current board. Seek program leaders from Oklahoma State and other universities to augment the Board of Advisors serving as ex-officio members and as consultants for the Assistant Dean and School Director. New building to serve as a dedicated, premiere space for hospitality programs including signature learning laboratories, the Global Hospitality Leadership Institute, and a Center for Beverage Education. This expansion will facilitate collaboration across the university and be a center of hospitality education for the College, the University and the world.
Select and hire a search firm. Engage a search firm to identify candidates for the position of Assistant Dean and School Director. Potential candidates should possess a significant record of academic achievement, industry leadership experience and international recognition.
HRAD STRATEGIC PLAN Purpose: Inspire leadership in hospitality and tourism Vision: To be known as a global leader in hospitality education Mission: The School of Hotel and Restaurant Administration at Oklahoma State University strives to be a world leader in hospitality education through purposeful research, superior teaching, and innovative experiential learning to enhance the lives of those we serve
H i g h q u a l i t y a c a d e mi c f o u n d a t i o n c e n t e r e d o n a f o c u s e d a n d r e l e va n t c u r r i c u l u m wi t h t h e i n t e g r a t i o n o f r e s e a r c h a n d e n g a g e me n t
D i ve r s e e xp e r i e n t i a l l e a r n i n g l a b s t h a t a r e o p e r a t e d professionally and ethically using sound business principles
S t u d e n t o r g a n i z a t i o n s wh i c h a c t i ve l y p a r t n e r wi t h n a t i o n a l a n d i n te r n a t i o n a l h o s p i t a l i t y p r o f e s s i o n a l associations
S i g n a t u r e e ve n t s t h a t p r o vi d e e xp e r i e n t i a l l e a r n i n g f o r s t u d e n t s a n d b r i n g t o g e t h e r i n d i vi d u a l s a n d c o m mu n i t i e s wh i l e s u p p o r t i n g t h e l a n d g r a n t u n i ve r s i t y m i s s i o n