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The Legacy of Leadership Chair, U of L Board of Governors Chair and U of L President share their genuine thanks, while reflecting on the success of the Legacy of Leadership Campaign and what it means for the University of Lethbridge.

It has been an honour to return to the University that gave me a foundation for life and to serve as Chair for the Legacy of Leadership Campaign. I have been astounded by the generosity and commitment that 3

Campaign Highlights

The University has far exceeded the initial goals of the Legacy of Leadership Campaign. Look back to some of the campaign highlights and find out how your support has created transformational effects.


Donors Who Made It Possible

Hear the stories from some of the donors who made the Legacy of Leadership Campaign a success.

15 Our Students Say Thanks

Three students express their gratitude for the scholarships they received.

17 Because of You

has been displayed by thousands of donors who truly made my task easy. As a member of the U of L alumni community, I am extremely proud of my institution and what has been accomplished through this campaign. In particular, I have been encouraged by my fellow alumni. For many, this campaign has been a way for them to reconnect and give back to their University. I am thankful to have a continued role in a vital and engaging learning environment that invests in students, groundbreaking research, the community and beyond. In my position, I have been privileged to speak with many of the people who, like you, have contributed to the success of the U of L and the Legacy of Leadership Campaign. But for those of you I have yet to meet, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks. Your gifts are making a difference to our University.

A recognition of the nearly 5,000 people who have generously supported the University of Lethbridge during the campaign. Dan Laplante (BMgt ’88) Chair, Legacy of Leadership University of Lethbridge


I share with the entire Board of Governors the pride that comes with

As 2007 came to a close, the University of Lethbridge concluded our

completing a successful campaign.

40th anniversary celebrations, and also marked the end of the Legacy of Leadership Campaign.

During the Legacy of Leadership Campaign, more than $35 million was raised, an unprecedented amount in the University’s history. The board

The extraordinary success of that campaign truly stands as a

recognizes that behind those dollars there is a committed group of

testament of the commitment that this community, U of L volunteers

donors who believe that contributing to the University of Lethbridge is a

and donors have towards growing and prospering together. I want

worthwhile investment. I cannot tell you how encouraging it is for us to

to extend my sincere appreciation to the countless individuals and

know that we have such support.

organizations who demonstrated generosity. The success of this campaign is because of you. On behalf of the University, our students

We also know that with such success comes great responsibility. On

and future generations – thank you.

behalf of the board, let me make the commitment to you, our donors, that the U of L will continue to be a responsible steward of your

As we reflect with gratitude on the enormous achievements that

investment. Your contributions are ensuring that opportunities for

resulted from this campaign, we are also looking towards the future

success in education and research will be available for years to come.

with great excitement. The University of Lethbridge has accomplished much in our 40-year history, and I can say with confidence that we

As we enter a new year, thank you for your vision and continued

are just beginning to see the great effects of this legacy you helped


to create.

Robert Turner, Q.C. Chair, Board of Governors University of Lethbridge

William H. Cade, PhD President and Vice-Chancellor Professor of Biological Sciences University of Lethbridge

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A Campaign Celebration In 2001, the University of Lethbridge began the Legacy of Leadership Campaign – the most ambitious campaign in the University’s 40-year history. Six years later, we are celebrating the astounding success of the campaign and recognizing the nearly 5,000 individuals and organizations who stepped forward to provide an extraordinary outpouring of support. This generosity has enabled us to far exceed initial campaign goals and achieve the priorities to increase student support and provide resources for state-of-the-art facilities, including a centre for health and wellness and a building to house the Faculty of Management and School of Health Sciences.

SE P T E M B ER 2 0 0 1 The Legacy of Leadership Campaign begins.


D E C E M B ER 2 0 0 3

F E B R UA RY 2 0 0 5

Lethbridge City Council approves the longrange Capital Improvement Program, which includes a $5.3 million contribution to a new regional health and wellness centre at the U of L.

Co-Chairs Diane Boyle, Dr. Dennis Connolly and Kathy Lee help to officially launch the first Supporting Our Students campaign.

M AY 2 0 0 5 U of L, city and government representatives celebrate the official start of construction for a regional health and wellness centre.


The Story As part of the campaign, the U of L established Supporting Our Students, an internal annual program to raise money for bursaries

C e l e brat ing t h e C am paign

and scholarships. As a result, the University family – faculty, staff,

By the Numbers

retirees, Board of Governors and Senate members – contributed to meet specific student needs. Alumni also demonstrated an

Campaign Goal


Dollars Raised


Total Participants


First-time U of L Donors

3,186 136

New Scholarships Established Total Gifts


Areas Supported


Areas Supported for the First Time


unprecedented commitment, and many reconnected by giving back to the institution that gave them their start. Members of the University community have shown that when it comes to supporting students, they are the first to step forward.

1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness At the turn of the century, the University’s growing enrolment figures indicated an urgent need for expanded athletic and recreational facilities. The Physical Education Building, originally constructed in 1972, was intended to accommodate 3,500 students. With a student population that had more than doubled, a campaign priority was set to move forward and meet the needs

Student Support

of a growing campus.

The University of Lethbridge has always placed students at the heart of everything we do. Increasing support for the more than

Thanks to a $2.5 million donation from the student body, an

8,100 students attending the U of L was an important aspect of

anonymous donation of $184,000 facilitated through the

the Legacy of Leadership Campaign. U of L supporters helped to

Lethbridge Community Foundation, a $5.3 million contribution

establish 136 new scholarships and awards, providing students

from the City of Lethbridge and a naming sponsorship agreement

with opportunities that otherwise may have been out of their

of $2.25 million from 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union Ltd.,

reach simply because of limited financial means.

the dream for a new centre is now a reality.

O C T O B ER 2 0 0 5 U of L students agree to contribute $2.5 million towards a regional health and wellness centre.

NO V E M B ER 2 0 0 5 The Legacy of Leadership Campaign is publicly launched.

Dr. Allan Markin makes a $3 million gift towards a building to house the Faculty of Management and School of Health Sciences.

D E C E M B ER 2 0 0 6 The Prentice family announces an $8.25 million gift to establish the Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy.

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U OF L ENDOWMENT FUND GROWTH 1997-2007 On Feb. 8, 2007, more than 2,000 people celebrated the grand opening of the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness at the launch of the U of L’s 40th anniversary celebrations. Today, the University boasts a vibrant state-of-the-art facility that enhances fitness and recreation services in the community; benefits

$25,000,000.00 $20,000,000.00 $15,000,000.00

students and athletes; and advances kinesiology-related research. Equipped with an indoor track, a triple gymnasium with seating for


2,000 spectators, expanded locker rooms and a climbing wall, the centre is helping to meet the health and wellness needs of both the












A Culture of Giving


community and the University.

There is a growing sense that the Legacy of Leadership Campaign has created a new era of success and achievement at the University of Lethbridge. By creating a fundraising structure with a variety of innovative and efficient giving options, the U of L has become more flexible in meeting the individual needs of donors.

Our growth is also evident in the significant increase that the U of L has witnessed in endowment funds. As part of our commitment to meet donor needs, a formalized planned giving program

This is evident in the diverse group of people who support the U of L – from organizations to foundations to students. Our growth can be

and advisory committee were established. This is helping to ensure that the necessary support is in place not only for the needs we have today, but also for those that will arise in the future.

measured in a variety of ways, including the more than 3,100 donors who contributed to the U of L for the first time during the campaign.

The Legacy of Leadership Campaign enabled the University to connect with donors by matching their unique passions,

O C T O B ER 2 0 0 7

F E B R UA RY 2 0 0 7 Representatives from the University and 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union Ltd. announce a naming sponsorship agreement that includes a commitment of $2.25 million from 1st Choice Savings.


More than 2,000 people join together to celebrate the grand opening of the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness.

The U of L’s planned giving program is officially launched at a private viewing of The Ultimate Gift, a movie about philanthropy.

The Government of Alberta invests more than $78 million towards developing the U of L campus, including Markin Hall, University Hall and the Alberta Water and Environmental Science Building.


values and goals with giving opportunities. The support that has

Through the Legacy of Leadership Campaign, the U of L has fulfilled

resulted is diverse and has touched virtually every area at the U of L

commitments to build partnerships, create brighter futures and

from research needs to Aboriginal programs to the fine arts.

develop a strong community of support. The University marked the conclusion of the campaign on Dec. 31, 2007, and on Feb. 7, 2008,

The greatest example of this was seen with the transformational

thanked the people who made it possible. With more than $35

gift from the late Dr. John Prentice (LLD ’06) and his wife

million raised, the initial goal to raise $20 million was far exceeded.

Connie. The University was honoured to receive $8.25 million from the Prentice family to address concerns regarding global population changes, demographics and economic factors.

Markin Hall With one of the fastest-growing post-secondary populations in the country, building a facility to house the Faculty of Management and School of Health Sciences was necessary to accommodate and maintain growth. The University also recognized the importance of contributing to the needs of a shifting economy and a changing province by increasing the

The success we have seen would not be possible without you – our donors – a dedicated group of people who believe in the University of Lethbridge, our students and our potential.

number of management and health-care professionals. In 2005, Chairman of Canadian Natural Resources Limited Dr. Allan Markin (LLD ’06) made a visionary gift towards this capital project. Early private funding and support from national corporations, U of L friends and alumni, helped to recently secure $50 million from the Government of Alberta to build Markin Hall. The four-level facility will allow the University to provide access

We take great pride in a legacy that is just beginning and will have impacts that extend to future generations.

to more than 400 health sciences students and more than 1,600 management students by 2010. The collaborative environment will enable the development of energetic, effective and strategic leaders prepared to meet today’s health and management challenges.

Donors Who Made It Possible At the heart of the Legacy of Leadership Campaign is a committed group of donors who know that their generosity makes a difference. The following pages give a glimpse into some of the many D E C E M B ER 2 0 0 7

stories from those who contributed to create a successful campaign.

The Legacy of Leadership Campaign concludes with more than $35 million raised. When combined with the $78 million contribution from the Government of Alberta, the Legacy of Leadership Campaign results in a $113 million investment in the U of L.

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The late Dr. John Prentice and his wife, Connie, gave an extraordinary gift to research long-term issues. (Photo courtesy of Willow Creek Imaging)




What happens when you believe that education has made a difference in your life?

For the Prentice family, establishing the Prentice Institute was a way to invest in education – something they believed made a significant difference in their own lives. Their generosity is helping to

For the late Dr. John Prentice (LLD

ensure that opportunities for success in

’06) – a Calmar, AB, based agri-business

education and research will be available

entrepreneur, award-winning agrologist,

for years to come.

industry leader and U of L honorary degree recipient – and his wife, Connie, the answer is easy: You give back.

“I have chosen to endow the Prentice Institute for Global

On Dec. 7, 2006, the Prentice family joined University officials to announce John and Connie’s initial gift of $8.25

Population and Economy at the University of Lethbridge

million to the University of Lethbridge –

because I believe that long-term

the largest individual gift in the U of L’s

demographic and economic

40-year history.

cycles are under researched,

The Prentice’s extraordinary gift has

and that improved knowledge

enabled the University to launch the

in these areas would inform

Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy.

the public and cause both individuals and governments

The Prentice Institute will attract outstanding faculty who will address

to make better decisions, thus

some of the most difficult challenges

changing the course of history

of the next generation. They will focus

for the better. I hope that the

on big-picture issues relating to global population change, demographics and

Institute will encourage people

economic factors. The multidisciplinary

to take a more global approach

institute will provide individuals,

when setting policy and making

organizations and governments with necessary resources to make informed decisions regarding complex and difficult sets of issues such as aging,

Partners with Vision The U of L exists today because of those visionary people who don’t see things as they are, but as they can be. Our partners enable innovative research and education to happen right in the heart of southern Alberta. • By matching donations made from chartered accountants, the Chartered Accountants’ Education Foundation (CAEF) has played a pivotal role in raising support for Markin Hall. While CAEF does not typically support building projects, they made an exception because of the profound impact they believe Markin Hall will have on businesses across the province and beyond. • EnCana contributed to an imaging centre that houses two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) units that are among the most powerful in the province. The support is helping U of L researchers engage in leadingedge brain research with global impacts. • One only needs to look to the leaders in the financial services industry to see that giving to the U of L is a good investment. National institutions like BMO Financial Group, TD Bank Financial Group, RBC Foundation, CIBC, Scotiabank and Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life all supported a variety of projects during the campaign. • Through their Frontline Health Program, AstraZeneca, a leading pharmaceutical company, provided sustainable funding for a unique cohort program in the School of Health Sciences Aboriginal Nursing Program. By including clinical rotations in Aboriginal communities, the cohort program will provide future nurses with increased practical experience.

personal decisions.” Dr. John Prentice

retirement, pensions and innovation.

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we are a family Throughout the campaign, U of L faculty, staff, retirees, alumni, students, Board of Governors and Senate have continually demonstrated their commitment. Together, they are leaving a legacy for the future. • To celebrate the University’s 40th anniversary, Senate members established a scholarship to encourage students in the pursuit of their educations. With 45 past and present members of Senate already contributing to the endowment fund, the Senate is making a powerful demonstration that they stand behind the University and its students.


to care After 20 years of continuous employment at the U of L, Aldegonda Wyrostok retired from her caretaking position in

• For the past three years, teams of faculty and staff members have joined together annually to volunteer their time for the Supporting Our Students campaign. Their dedication has led to an increase in support for scholarships and bursaries from faculty, staff and retirees. • Management alumni Kevin Nugent (BMgt ’88), Dan Laplante (BMgt ’88) and Dean Setoguchi (BMgt ’89) celebrated their Faculty’s 25th anniversary by beginning an initiative to recruit at least 25 alumni to each contribute a minimum of $25,000 for the construction of Markin Hall. Their excitement is contagious and, to date, they are more than halfway to reaching their goal. • Our students understand the value in giving back to their University, and as contributors to the Students’ Union Building and the University Library they have a long-standing history of support. In 2005, U of L students collectively agreed through a referendum to contribute $2.5 million to the 1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport and Wellness. • The Trevor J.O. Dick Memorial Economic Scholarship is one of the many scholarships that U of L faculty and staff have supported. The scholarship was set up to celebrate the life of a former U of L economics professor who had a profound influence by encouraging students to pursue graduate studies.

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“Education broadens your perspective and opens doors,”

1992. However, to this day she remains

says Wyrostok. “It’s important

involved through her commitment

to do something good for our

to provide students with educational opportunities she was never given.

students and help them along whether you know them or not.”

When Wyrostok first received a letter from the University asking her to support

Wyrostok explains that supporting

student scholarships, she didn’t hesitate

student scholarships is also a way for

to contribute. She left her first donation

her to personally support the institution

with a note that read: “Use this where

that has given her so much. “I receive a

you think it will do a little bit of good.”

good pension from the University, so I can afford to contribute. I’ve always figured it

Wyrostok continued to leave her gift

was important to give something back,”

annually, and today she has supported

she says.

students for more than 15 years. When it comes to Supporting Our As a young girl, Wyrostok didn’t have the

Students, Wyrostok offers straightforward

opportunity to pursue an education past

advice: “If you can afford it, support it.

Grade 8. Supporting Our Students has

Your little bit of help can be the lifesaver

been a way for her to provide students

a struggling student needs.”

in need with a “hand up” as they work towards completing their educations.


Aldegonda Wyrostok, a retired U of L employee, has contributed to student scholarships for more than 15 years.



1st Choice Savings and Credit Union Ltd. management and staff at the grand opening celebrations.


GIVING BACK Built on community partnerships, the

“We found a wonderful community

1st Choice Savings Centre for Sport

organization that shares our values

and Wellness stands as a testament to

and is focused on the southern Alberta

what can be achieved when a university,

community – the very community that the

its students and the community work

Centre is intended to serve,” says

together towards a common goal.

U of L Vice-President (Advancement) Chris Horbachewski.

With a student enrolment that had more than tripled in the last three decades,

1st Choice Savings was equally as proud

the need to expand the former Physical

of the agreement. “To have the University

Education Building was becoming

recognize us as a potential partner for

increasingly obvious. U of L administration

something so important to our community

recognized that community support would

made us stand a little taller,” says Gerry

be required to build a new centre.

Jensen, president and CEO of 1st Choice Savings.

Both the student body and City of Lethbridge shared the U of L’s vision

Locally owned, 1st Choice Savings places

and made significant contributions.

a high value on education and has strong

In addition, for the first time in U of L

commitments to social responsibility,

history, a naming sponsor was sought.

community economic development and

On Feb. 8, 2007, 1st Choice Savings

giving locally.

and Credit Union Ltd. announced a commitment of $2.25 million.

“We feel that it’s just as important to support our community as it is to support

It was very important to the University

our staff and members,” says Jensen.

to work with an individual or group who

“Being part of such a large project makes

shared the mission and vision of the

a statement: We’re strong, we’re viable

University and was rooted in the southern

and we’re a community partner.”

Alberta community.

A CAMPUS COMMUNITY Just as the old proverb goes, “It takes a village to raise a child,” it also takes a community to support a university. From foundations to fundraising events, our community continually demonstrates a commitment to their University. • In 2005, a Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience faculty member received a surprise donation of $5,000 for research from the Alberta Ride for Sight group – a volunteer organization of motorcycle enthusiasts who raise funds for the Foundation Fighting Blindness. • Thanks to a grant from the Lethbridge Community Foundation in 2007, the U of L Global Drums! ensemble purchased 11 authentic taiko drums to add a Japanese component to their music. The taiko drums will give students and members of the community an opportunity to understand another culture in a personal way. • Joy Maclaren has followed the tradition of her father, Eric Harvie, a well-known Calgary philanthropist. Like him, she is a quiet activist who has supported Aboriginal initiatives throughout her life. During a ceremony at Carleton University, Blackfoot, Mohawk and Ojibway elders gave Maclaren the name New Sun. By establishing the New Sun Awards through the Calgary Foundation, Maclaren hopes that U of L Aboriginal recipients will be encouraged in their studies and go on to be valuable resources in their communities. • Our community shows support by attending various U of L events throughout the year. Abbondànza and the Festival of Art and Song both benefit the Faculty of Fine Arts and combined have raised approximately $380,000 during the campaign. During the same time period, the Faculty of Management’s Annual Fundraising Scholarship Dinner raised close to $200,000 through community support.

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leaving legacies U of L donors contribute for many personal reasons. Whether to remember a loved one or honour personal values, each gift makes differences that have lasting impacts. • To honour the memory of his late wife, Dr. Howard Forsyth donated $100,000 to establish the Zella Dague Forsyth Memorial Scholarship. Forsyth designated the scholarship to assist Aboriginal students because of his personal belief in the promise and value that education holds for all Aboriginal students.

NURSES The Alberta-born, Big Rock Brewery

support students in their final year of the

founder and former lawyer and barley

Bachelor of Nursing program or entering

farmer, Dr. Edward McNally (LLD ‘05),

a Masters Program in nursing is a way

has a long list of achievements attached

for McNally to respect his mother’s

• The Helen Christou Gallery, named in honour of the late Helen Christou, was opened on Feb. 14, 2002. Chancellor Emeritus and former Board of Governor member Dr. Van Christou and his wife, Helen, secured the first art donation to the U of L in 1967 and continued to actively support the growth of the art collection that today contains more than 13,000 pieces.

to his name, but he is also humble, down

commitment during the war and ensure

to earth, loyal to his friends and family

that her memory lives on for future

and an active supporter of education.


When McNally’s mother, Margaret Elliot

However, as McNally points out, the

McNally (Thomson), passed away

scholarships awarded are not only a

in 1987, he wanted to do something

tribute, they also encourage deserving

special to honour her memory. During an

students who will go on to make a

• In 2006, Dr. Bryson Brown, a U of L professor and past Supporting Our Students volunteer, established the Kalen Brown Memorial award in memory of his son who passed away at age 16 from cancer. The scholarship is awarded to a biology, chemistry or biochemistry student in hopes that as scientific knowledge grows, a cure for cancer will be discovered.

opportune visit to the U of L, McNally met

difference – just like Margaret Elliot

a nursing professor and was introduced

McNally. “I wanted to support promising

to the idea of supporting nursing students

young students pursuing advanced

who have the talent and drive to further

nursing studies. Bright and caring

their educations.

students are the people who should

• Today, many U of L scholarship recipients are benefiting from the commitment and work ethics of the generations before them. The Alan and Grace Hamilton Memorial Scholarship pays tribute to a pioneering farm couple who built a successful farm just outside of Lethbridge from 1926 to 1945. To recognize the Hamiltons’ perseverance and success, family members contributed to help students during their own life journeys.

University, but her guardian thought she

Already, the scholarship has provided

was too young to attend. Instead, she

support for 10 nurses during their

volunteered to go to France as a nurse’s

educational journeys. “I’m amazed at how

aide during the First World War. Of course

bright some of the students are and how

it was a terrible time; it was shocking for

diverse their thinking is. With so many

her to see thousands of casualties every

new directions in medicine and health

day. During the war she met my father,

care, they have such a wide, diverse future

Dr. Alfred McNally, a Canadian

ahead of them,” says McNally.

• Siblings Donna Court, Marion Eastman, Patrick Merrick, Richard Merrick and Kathleen Schrage established the Gordon and Elizabeth Merrick Award in memory of their mother who passed away from cancer in 2005. Having experienced the significance of patient care, the family established the scholarship for students who demonstrate an interest in improving the lives for those people with cancer.

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receive financial support – it’s very “My mother, who was born in Scotland,

meaningful to them,” explains McNally.

had been accepted to Cambridge

seconded to the British Expeditionary Force (BEF). They married and relocated

McNally’s generosity is inspiring a lasting

to Lethbridge. She did an awful lot during

legacy – one that remembers a woman

the war, and it impacted her life,” says

who served selflessly for freedom, and one


that contributes to the next generation of nurses who will carry a shared tradition of

Establishing the Margaret Elliot McNally (Thomson) Memorial Scholarship to

care well into the future.


Big Rock Brewery founder Dr. Edward McNally discovered a unique way to honour and remember his mother.


Donors like you enable the U of L to support students and attract the brightest minds to study here in our student-centred environment. During the campaign, 8,611 students received more than $9.3 million in scholarships and bursaries, and for that, they say thanks.

At one point, I thought that post-secondary education was beyond my reach. No one in my family had ever attended university, and I was not prepared financially. For my first few years in university, I worked as a music teacher and attended school part time. I wanted to be a full-time student for the last half of my degree, but was not sure if it was financially possible. When I found out that I was receiving scholarships to cover a substantial portion of my tuition, I was overjoyed. Scholarships enabled me to focus on school for my final year without the distraction of holding a job at the same time. I completed my bachelor of science in psychology (honours thesis) with great distinction last spring and received the Faculty of Arts & Science Gold Medal for Science. I would not have reached my goals without the financial support that I received. Today, my university degree is helping to make some of my dreams a reality. Education has expanded my view of the world and helped me become a more balanced person. Thank you for supporting students such as myself. Your investment into our lives will produce great returns!

Dawn Merrett (BSc ’07)

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“Without your support there would be a lot of people who wouldn’t receive the same educational opportunities.” Logan Lavorato

Receiving scholarships has provided me with support while playing for the U of L Pronghorns Men’s Hockey team and working towards obtaining my bachelor of management/education. Having the opportunity to play for a university hockey team has been a great experience. Through the training and competition, I’ve met new friends and developed skills that I will undoubtedly use in the future, including: teamwork, accountability to others, leadership and dealing with personal conflicts. As both an athlete and student, being selected for a scholarship is a great feeling. Finding a balance between hockey practices and my education can be a challenge. There are times when endless hours of studying are put in to earn good grades. Studying can be stressful, but having some financial security definitely helps. With the rising costs of pursuing a post-secondary education, any amount to pay rent, buy groceries or help with tuition is appreciated. Without your support, there would be a lot of people who wouldn’t receive the same educational opportunities. Scholarships mean a lot to the students who receive them. Thank you for your contributions.

As an education student in my last semester, I want to thank you for contributing to the development of students. After taking time to explore my options, I went into education because I enjoy the challenge of teaching others. The Faculty of Education at the U of L proved to be even more than I had expected. I have been supported and encouraged to fully experience my courses and practicums while developing as a teacher. Following graduation, I plan to pursue a teaching career in an elementary school. I hope to be a leader for my students and create a classroom environment where they love to be. When I found out that I had been selected to receive a scholarship I was extremely grateful for the financial assistance. It gave me a sense of pride in my hard work and academic achievement. Receiving a scholarship has made completing my last semester a lot easier. I have fewer financial issues to worry about and instead can concentrate on making the most of my experiences as a student. Thank you for contributing to my education. It means so much to be recognized for my efforts to achieve excellence, both as a student and as a future teacher.

Jordana Hawkins Current U of L student

Logan Lavorato Current U of L student

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Thank you

for helping to establish a new legacy of leadership at the University of Lethbridge. Your generosity, combined with that of thousands of others, has enabled the U of L to increase educational opportunities for students, build state-of-the-art facilities and provide the necessary resources for discovery and research. The U of L is proud to recognize the many dedicated individuals, corporations and organizations who generously supported the U of L from Sept. 1, 2001, to Dec. 31, 2007. While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, we recognize that errors may have occurred in this listing. If your name is missing or listed incorrectly, please accept our sincere apology and contact University Advancement.

Anonymous donors - 30 1025402 Alberta Ltd. o/a McPherson Financial Group 1095247 Alberta Ltd. o/a Carmichael’s Restaurant and Pub 1155509 Alberta Ltd. 1159187 Alberta Ltd. o/a The Slice Bar and Grill 1174342 Alberta Ltd. o/a Club Wild 1327090 Alberta Ltd. 17th Lethbridge Cubs and Scouts 1st Choice Savings and Credit Union Ltd. 2 for 1 Pizza 271325 Alberta Ltd. 310526 Alberta Ltd. o/a Java Shop 317411 Alberta Ltd. o/a Douros Pizza and Steakhouse 327102 Alberta Ltd. o/a Village Liquor 347206 Alta Ltd. o/a Management Resource Services 366642 Alberta Corporation 374640 Alberta Ltd. o/a Lievers Fertilizer 381833 Alberta Ltd. 387742 Ontario Limited 392019 Alberta Ltd. 423986 Alberta Ltd. 483319 Alberta Ltd. o/a L and M Petroleum 487478 Alberta Ltd. o/a We Care Home Health Services 491021 Alberta Ltd. o/a Bishoff Auto and Ag Centre 4th Avenue Investments 503645 BC Ltd. o/a Scotty’s Restaurant 507078 Alberta Ltd. o/a Merle Norman Cosmetics 507682 Alberta Ltd. o/a The Cypress Group 508526 BC Ltd. o/a Rocky’s 511719 Alberta Ltd. 541598 Alberta Ltd. O/A Iz’ Oasis Pub and Mercantile 548693 Alberta Ltd. 563123 Alberta Ltd. 600734 Alberta Ltd. o/a Curly’s Cold Beer and Liquor Store 605406 Alberta Ltd. o/a LA School of Hair Design 620025 Alberta Ltd. o/a The Duke of Wellington 633971 Alberta Ltd. o/a Only Women’s Fitness 711628 Alberta Ltd. o/a The Oil Changer 719344 Alberta Ltd. 723797 Alberta Ltd. o/a Arby’s 726274 Alberta Ltd. o/a Original Joe’s 740721 Alberta Ltd. 746757 Alberta Ltd. 769394 Alberta Ltd. o/a Sobeys Country Hills 772980 Alberta Ltd. o/a Abasand Esso 789675 Alberta Ltd. 801063 Alberta Ltd. 804095 Alberta Ltd. 808097 Alberta Ltd. o/a Backstreet Pub and Pizza 811619 Alberta Ltd o/a Thibodeau Farms 833453 Alberta Ltd. o/a Dent Clinic 838751 Alberta Ltd. 847948 Alberta Ltd. o/a Gentle Giant Delivery 851491 Alberta Ltd. o/a Esquires 851622 Alberta Ltd.

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852560 Alberta Ltd. 855473 Alberta Ltd. o/a Leeb Sherwin Financial Services 857243 Alberta Ltd. o/a Dino’s Water Garden and Landscape 867966 Alberta Ltd. o/a Curly’s Pub & Grill 869169 Alberta Ltd. 883792 Alberta Ltd. o/a The Extreme Pita 889412 Alberta Ltd. o/a Booster Juice 892256 Alberta Ltd. o/a Lethbridge Battery 8th Street Cold Beer and Liquor Store 923594 Alberta Ltd. 935522 Alberta Ltd. o/a The Pita Pit 941651 Alberta Ltd. 946705 Alberta Ltd. o/a Pop’s Pub and Grill 964701 Alberta Ltd. A and A Inventory Services A and B Portable Welding Ltd. A and B Sound A H D Crooks Limited Clive Abbott Lorne Abells John and Marie-Paule Aberle Abyssinian Restaurant Acadia Hutterian Brethren Ltd. Ana Maria Aceytuno Surya Acharya Palmer Acheson Thomas and Debra Ackerman Jon and Wendy Ackroyd Acti-Zyme Products Ltd. Donna Acton Adair Advertising of Canada Angus Adams Coin Adams Nancy Adams Linda Addison Administrative Professional Officers Association Dave Adolph Advance Glass and Aluminum Ltd. Advanced Property Systems Ltd. Advanced Rotating Machinery Services Advantage Roofing Ltd. Jack Ady AGF Funds Inc. Genevieve Ahart Patricia Ainslie Airtech Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. Gordon and Brenda Aisman Art Aitken Nola Aitken Shamsul Alam and Mariam Begum Alan Poytress Professional Corporation Alberta Association Canadian Institute of Planners Alberta Blue Cross Alberta Buddhist Conference Alberta Institute of Agrologists Alberta Land Surveyors’ Association Alberta Motor Association Alberta Real Estate Foundation Alberta Real Estate Insurance Ltd. Alberta Retired Teachers Association Alberta Society of Professional Biologists Alberta Union of Provincial Employees

Arlene Albiez ALCOA Foundation Jim Alcock Michelle and Kerry Alcock Pat Aldridge Lyle and Carisa Aleman Darrell Alexander Douglas Alger All Source Mortgages Ltd. All West Dental Clinic Bruce and Jane Allan Donald Allan Rob Allan Allan S. Kay Professional Corporation Allegro Holdings John and Jessie Allemekinders Christie Allen Dawn Allen Del Allen Don Allen Marian Allen Rick Allen Alliance Tubulars and Supply Ltd. Deb Alliban Jamie Alliban Karla Alliban Barbara Allisen Lillian Allison Myrtle Allison Sharon Allred Darrel and Kathy Allsop Tony and Sabina Alm Alpine Drywall (Lethbridge) Ltd. Alpine Insurance and Financial Inc. Alpine Taxidermy Burns and Doreen Alston Altan Duty Free Shops Ltd. Roberto Alvarez Alvin Reinhard Fritz Architect Inc. AM/PM Service AMEC Earth and Environmental Limited Andrea Amelinckx Charlotte Ames AMI Insurance Services Fran Amundsen Bruce Anderson Donna Anderson Elaine Anderson Joseph Anderson Linda Anderson Pat Anderson Robert and Shirley Anderson Tyler Anderson William Anderson Anderson’s Medical Dental Pharmacy Ltd. Brian and Sandra Andrais Dana Andreassen Craig and Cheryl Andres Melvin and Sylvia Andres Andres Petroleum Sales Ltd. Andrew Hilton Wine Merchants Ltd. Andrew Tse Chartered Accountant R. Androkovich Alan Andron Estate of Teresa Andrus Andsons Woodworking Frank and Marilyn Anfield Marilyn Angus Marina Angus Ron Angyal Rebecca Anweiler Don and Kim Aos APEGGA Apex Audio Visual Services Eileen Appleton Rick and Carol Appleton Rob Appleton Rod Appleton Aquasafe - Westside Archaeological Society of Alberta Jim and Christie Archer Alyson Archibald Arctic Inland Resources Ltd. Barb Ariss Margaret Ariss Armax Electric Ltd. Ernest Armstrong Leila Armstrong Lorne and Colleen Armstrong Nick Armstrong Cindy Armstrong-Esther Islay Arnold Lynn Arnold

Clarence Arnoldussen Arrowwood Co-op Association Ltd. Art Batty Enterprises Inc. Art Larson Law Office Arthur J E Child Foundation Lyndle Arvidson Arx Engineering Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada Launa Aspeslet and Michael Ricketts AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Astro Jump of Calgary Astro Property Management ATB Financial ATCO Group Gordon and Vickie Atkins Richard Atkins Courtney Atkinson and Jennifer Copeland David and Terry Atkinson Michael Atkinson Simon Atkinson Thomas and Inger Atkinson ATR Automatic Transmission Rebuilders Attitudes Hair and Body Spa Inc. Bruce Aubert Richard and Denise Aucoin Bryan Austin Automated Electric Systems Ltd. AV Brake Ltd. Average Joe’s Sports Bar Stanley and Daphne Avis Avonlea Homes Ltd. Clay Awe B and B Motor Sports B Harty’s Oilfield Construction Ltd. B O B Headquarters Derek Babe Warren and Paige Babe Estate of John Babick Lorraine Babick Chris Babuk Joyce Bach Ron and Natalie Bachmeier Back In Balance Massage Therapy Philip Backman Backstreet Pub and Pizza Backstreet Pub South Daryl Bacon Edward Bader Badger Daylighting Inc. Bouba Badio Baildon Hutterian Brethren Inc. Carson Bailey Alycia Baillie Laura Baillie John Bain and Elizabeth Schultz Ray and Barbara Bainborough Joyce Bainbridge Baird and Bergum Architects Ltd. Robert and Susan Baird Stella Bairnes G. Allan Baker Glen Baker Laurie-Ann Baker and Adele Fedorak Layne and Donna Baker Raeola and Daniel Baker Robbie Baker Sandra Balcovske Allen Ball Linda Ballerman Balog Auction Services Inc. Thomas Band Bankers Commercial Real Estate Ltd. Dan Banman Dan and Margaret Banmann Kevin Bannister Bar RZ Polled Herefords Shelley Baran Lawrence and Wilma Barany Sarah Barber Jose Barbieri Randy Bardock Rene Barendregt Carolyn Baril Gerry and Susan Baril Bev Bark Calvin and Celeste Barnes Jim and Wendy Barnes Ruth Barnes Cody Barnett Carol Barr Lynda Barroby Elizabeth Barry John and Yvonne Barthel

Terry Bartineau Bartlett and Associates Management Ltd. Bob Bartlett Jamie Barton Troy and Karen Basarab Lynn Basford Lucy Bashford Michael and Debra Basil Fred and Pat Baskerville Phyllis Baskin Bill Basso Audrey Baster Victoria Baster Saikat Basu Batco Manufacturing Inc. Ken and Lorna Bateman James Battershill Jayme Battershill Paul Battershill Peter Battershill Robert Batting Arthur Batty Bev Baum Anne Baxter Bayer CropScience James Bazant BCT Structures BDO Dunwoody LLP Louis Beagan Lori Beaman Bearspaw Petroleum Ltd. Wayne Beasley Claire Beaton Aimee Beatty Richard Beatty Roland Beauchesne Lorraine Beaudin Bechtold Investments Ltd. John and Valerie Bechtold Ernest and Berta Beck Klaus and Colette Beck William and Dorothy Beckel Leanne Bectold Brent Beekman Dallas Beeston Harry and Denise Bekkering James Bekkering John Bekkering Bel-Aire Welding Belfor (Canada) Inc. Bruce Bell Tim and Brenda Bell Chris Bellavance BelVista Enterprises Ltd. Bench Hutterian Brethren Mike and Pamela Bender Michael and Diane Bennett Rebecca Bennett Trevor Bennett and Fern Brooks Wendy Bennett Jean Benson Kathy Benson Benstead Geological Services Ltd. Bentley Banks Financial Corporation Berdina Farms Ltd. Thomas and Bev Berekoff Derek Bereze Bjorne and Deborah Berg David and Salma Bergen Henry and Mary Ann Bergen Dorin and Helen Berlando Duane Berlando Bernard Callebaut Chocolates Kerry and Jennifer Bernes Jamie Bertoli Alex Bertolini Ross and Fran Bertrand Alan Berze Neil Besplug Robert Best Terry Best Best Western Heidelberg Inn Bonny Beswick Calvin Bevans John and Mary Bevers Margaret and Reno Bexte Kristen Beyak BFI Canada Inc. Reginald Bibby Ben and Marilyn Bicher Brian Bickerstaff Ryan Bickerstaff Big Bend Hutterian Brethren


Bigelow Fowler Clinic David and Diane Bilderback Allynne Bileski Bruno and Cheryl Binassi Kirsti Binns Richard and Karen Binns Brenda Birch Lawrence Birdsall Angela Bireck Mary and Charles Birt Mike Bischke Debbie Bishop Lester and Karen Bishop Noreen Bishop Bitterlake Ranching Jodie Black Black Velvet Distilling Company Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Nation Blackrock Clothing Co. Blair Investments Ltd. John and Leslie Blair Sean Blair Fabien Blanchard Trish Blanchard Guy and Ginger Blanchette Blanchette Van Dyk Valgardson Orr Henry and Lori Bland Blarney Stone Pub B-Line Utilities Shawn Blitz Blocksom Properties and Development Blue Grass Ltd. Blue Heron Consulting Bluebird Motel Bluegrass Hutterian Brethren David and Merle Blumell Blythe Brown Professional Corporation BMO Bank of Montreal BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc. Gary Bobroff Martin Bock Clarence and Deanna Bodden Bill Bodnar Edwin Bodnar BodyCote Testing Group Norbert Boehm Val Boehme Hank and Faye Boer Rene and Brenda Boere Hans and Linda Boersma Kenneth Boessenkool Dorothy Bogusky Clark Bohmer Mary Ann Bohmer John and Jeraldine Bolton Bombay Peggy’s Inn and Pub Arie and Margaret Bomhof Bone Creek Hutterian Brethren Ray and Tina Bonetti Elona Bonnett Bonnett Farms James Booth Patty Booth Donald and Jane Boras Allen and Colleen Borggard Brian Borglum Joey Borkovic Mike Bornyk Graham Borradaile Arthur and Shirley Borzel Keith Boschee and Val Hill Bosnak Welding Ltd. Daniel Bosters Boston Pizza Boston Pizza Robert Boudreau Angeline Boulet Toby and Bernadine Boulet Brenda Boulton Norma Boulton Gerald Bouma Mike Bourassa Kevin Bourgeois Gordon Bourgoin Myles and Betty Bourke Curtis Bourne Lois Bourne David and Rae Bourns Donny Bourret Bouvry Exports

Bow Island Drug Co. Ltd. Bowen Workforce Solutions Scott Bower Garald and Marian Bowie Shane Bowkett Diane Boyle N. Stuart Boyle Kelly Bozarth Jack Braat Joseph and Angie Braat Monica Braat Diane and Craig Brack Jason Brackman and Ali Zentner Brad K Hembroff Professional Corporation Rick Braden Cheryl Bradley Braman Furniture International Ltd. Lesley Brandford Margaret Brandon Louis Brandsma Trent Brandvold Brandy’s Salon Heather Brantner Joe Braun Sharon and Douglas Bray Jim and Leigh Bremner Dominic Brennan Kathy Brewer Wayne Brewer Margaret Brewin Brian and Jean Lachance Sales Ltd. Bridge City Chrysler Dodge Jeep Inc. Bridge County Raceway Jack and Maureen Bridge Bridge Pressure Washers Bridge Vacuum Kevin and May Bridges Michael and Annette Bright Glenn and Robin Bright Britestone Hutterian Brethren Lenora Broadbent Joann Broadhead Tyler Broderson Cathy Brooks Colin Brooks Dick Brooks Karen Brooks Peter Brosinsky Rhonda Brosz Barry and Marion Broughton Frans Brouwers Allan Brovold Brian Brown Bryson and Linde Brown Dale Brown and Alzona Owen-Brown Dora Brown Gail Brown Harumi Brown Kirk and J’Nan Brown Lance and Janice Brown Lauren Brown Marc Brown Murray Brown Murray Brown Robert Brown Sharon Brown Irwin Browns Bruce Lamb Professional Corporation Bruce William Young Professional Corporation Michael and Trudy Bruchet Shirley Bruised Head Roch and Terry Bruneau Robert and Sandy Brunelle Jonathan and Marilyn Brunning Michael and Laverne Bryant Shawn Bubel Buchanan Aldcorn Professional Corporation Buchanan Barry LLP Norman Buchignani and Doreen Indra Dawn Budd Buffalo Runner’s Society Justin Bugg Joseph and Jean Buhaly Hans and Karin Buhrmann Ann Bullman Debbie Bullman Desmond Bullman Margaret Bullman Dave Bulloch Deb Bullock

Sheryl Bunbury Janice Burbank Burbridge Farm Ltd. David Burchill Charleen Burdett Paige Burdett Emily Burke Jennifer Burke Burnco Rock Products Peter Burnett Richard and Louella Burnham Dennis and Christine Burton Brian Bute Butler Financial T W C Financial Corp Richard Butt Zeshan Butt Brent and Niki Button Buy-Low Foods Ltd. BW Tang Petroleum Service Ltd. Bob and Brigitte Byers Dr. S. Byers Christine Bzdel C and T Construction Management Ltd. C Stewart Professional Corporation Cabri Inn Bill and Elsa Cade Ross and Pam Caffyn Maren Cahoon Maurren Cahoon Edmund and Gertrude Cairns Michael Calder Calgary Exhibition and Stampede Calgary Flames Hockey Club Calgary Foundation Calgary Herald Calgary Medical Imaging Inc. Calgary Northeast Community Fund Society Call Centre Advantages Ltd. Shaun and Lisa Calladine Les and Pam Calman Calman Ltd. Steven and Bev Calnan Vera Calnan Steven Calvert Carillon Cameron Cameron Farms Colony Ltd. J. Barry Cameron Cameron W Dow Professional Corporation Allan Campbell Betty Campbell Bruce Campbell Cathy Campbell Campbell Chapman Chartered Accountants Campbell Clinic Craig Campbell David and Vivian Campbell Gordon Campbell Janet Campbell Judy Campbell Karen Campbell Michael Campbell Michael Campbell Michael Campbell and Lynn EvansCampbell Sylvia Campbell Camrose And District Family Thrift Shop Canada Council for the Arts Canada Safeway Limited Canadian Bar Association Canadian Petroleum Tax Society Canadian Tire Associate Store Canadian Tire Lethbridge South Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 408 Canbra Foods Ltd. Quinn Cannady CanWest Global Foundation CanWest MediaWorks Inc. CAPCO Capital Solutions Dino and Kaareen Caputo Carbert Adjusters Carbert Construction Cardel Construction Ltd. Carefree Kitchens and Lighting Cargill AgHorizons Cargill Animal Nutrition Cargill Limited Glen Carley

Allison Carlson Carlson and Associates Consulting Ltd. Dave Carlson Ken Carlson Eric Carmichael Carmichael Hutterian Colony Carla Carnaghan Calvin and Janell Carpenter David Carpenter and Cheryl Arelis Debb Carpenter Ryan Carpenter Bernie Carrier Flo Carrier Jim Carriere Jason Carruthers Jane Carss Andrea Caruso Casa-Roma Restaurant Cash Store Cashman Insurance Casino ABS Brian Cassidy Cassidy’s Classics Ltd. Awny Cassis Jim Castelli Charlotte Caton Virginia Cattoni Stephanie Catudal Catwalk Salon Spa Tyler Caunters Tina Cavanagh Barbara Cavers Colum Cavilla Zelktoff Celgar Central Agencies Inc. Central Alberta Vac-Truck Services Ltd. Centre Village Liquor Store Century 21 Bridge Valley Realty Ltd. CEP Automotive Ltd. Certified Management Accountants of Alberta CFUW-Lethbridge Chapter Claudette Chadsey Gwen Chadsey Anjan Chakravartty David Chalmers Yvonne and Jack Chalmers Bob Chambers Ron Chambers Champion Drilling Inc. Andy Chan Wilton Chan Brian Chandler Donald and Nadine Chandler Chris and Sandra Chanin Connie Chaplin Bill and Debra Chapman John Charles Charlton and Hill Ltd. Chartered Accountants’ Education Foundation Richard and Alice Chase Chatelaine Club David and Alison Chatterton Cheesecake Cafe Nelson Cheng Cherry Ice Tanning Studio Wally and Alison Chinn Dennis and Sylvia Chinner Chinook Regional Health Authority Chinook Regional Health Authority Chip Hospitality Chippy Paint and Dent Centre Katherine Chiste Patricia Chizek Norman Choi Lorelle Cholka Brian Chollak Joe Chomistek Bernice Chorneyko Winston Chow Samia Chreim Lawrence Chrismas Bruce Christensen Don Christensen Duane and Kathy Christensen Marvin and Margaret Christians Caroline Christiansen Roy Christiansen Pearle Christianson Kelly and Susan Christie Ryan Christie Van Christou

Dennis and Julianna Chu Kevin Chubb Dave Chuchmuch Irene Chuchmuch Marty Chuchmuch Myron Chuchmuch Stan Chuchmuch Patricia Chuchryk Peter and Pat Churchill CI Mutual Funds Inc. CIBC-Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce CIBC Wood Gundy Circle Wood Products City of Lethbridge Jack Clack Christine Clampitt Howard and Marianne Clark Ian Clark James Clark Pamela and Joseph Clark Rick Clark Terry Clark Yvonne Clark Derek Clarke Classic Awards Tyler Clawson Linda and Dale Clay Robert Clay and Barbara Marshalsay Corey Clayton and Willa Van Esveld Clear Lake Hutterian Brethren Clear Spring Hutterian Brethren Corp Clearview Hutterian Brethren David Clearwater Karen Clearwater Donna Cleaver Malcolm Clewes Clinton G. Yarshenko Professional Corporation Clive Lions Club Alexander and Judy Close Jim and Bev Close Cloverdale Paint Inc. CM Ryer Professional Corporation Coakwell Crawford Cairns, LLP Tim and Lindi Coakwell Coaldale Food Market Coaldale Funeral Home Ltd. Coaldale Recreational Hockey Coaldale Veterinary Clinic Tracey Coates Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd. Tom and Grace Cockburn CoCo Five Restaurant Group CoCo Pazzo Italian Cafe Ashley Coe Frances Coe Coffee Company of Alberta Ltd. Cognera Corporation Gary Cole Ronald Coleman Rose Coleman College Ford Lincoln Inc. Mike Collens Richard and Karen Collens Michael and Katherine Collett Ross and Heather Collett Del and Lynette Collier Jody Collier Krista Collier Melville and Flo Collier Karen Collin Dawn Collins Colors Hair Salon Douglas Colwell and Sheila Torgunrud Community Credit Union Ltd. Community Futures Lethbridge Region Community Savings Computer Concepts R.F. Comstock Diane Conley Brian Conn Jan Conn Connect Communications Phone Centre Ltd. Dennis and Catherine Connolly Conoco Phillips Canada Greg Constant Continental Cattle Carriers Ltd Continental Oilfield Supply Canada Robert Cook Adrian and Valmarie Cooke

Dawn Cooley Derek Cooney Co-op Gas Bar John and Joyce Cooper Julie Cooper Laurie Cooper Co-operators Insurance Jason Corbett William and Dora Corbett Ronald and Laurel Corbiere John Cordeau Cornerstone Funeral Home Ltd. Corona Electric Ltd. Corporate Business Equipment Ltd. Corporate Express Canada, Inc. Archie Corry Giuliano and Dawna Coslovi Bernard Costello Glenn Coulter Country Bouquet Ltd. Braeden Court Donna Court and Family Terry Cove-Drefs Todd and Karen Coverdale Fred and Gail Coward Steven Cowdell Tosha Cowdell Vicki Cowie Brad Cox Darlene Cox Darrell Cox Cox Financial Group Ltd. Harry and Mildred Cox Jeff Crabb Terri and Mervin Cradduck Steve Craig Charles Crane Jennifer Crane Leroy Cranston Wayne and Sandra Craven Clark Crawford Donald Crawford Creations by Karen Inc. Richard Crerar June Crighton Crimtech Services Ltd. Critical Mass Inc. Larry and Barbara Croft Larry Crofts Cromwell Farms Ltd. Bob Cronin Jennifer Cronin David Cronkhite David Crook Robert and Joan Croskery Cross Country Insurance Ltd. Richard and Louise Cross Crossroads Market Ltd. Julie and Terry Crowe Sarah Crowe Crown Prosecutors Staff Fund Dave and Carol Cruickshank Cruise Holidays (1995) Crystal Spring Hutterian Brethren Jean Culler Erin Culligan Jim and Jean Culligan Brendan Cummins and Jeanie Baczuk Christine Cummins Barb Cunningham Gary Cunningham James and Barbara Cunningham Ryan Currah Myron and Pat Currie Ken Curtis Loren Curtis Viola Curtis Custom Welding and Fabricating Ltd. Custom Windows and Doors Inc. Christina Cuthbertson Rich and Julie Cuthbertson Cypress Hutterian Colony Cypress Park Resort Inn D and G Oil Services Ltd. D and N Welding Ltd. D Logan Tait Professional Corporation D. F. Smith and Sons Ltd. DA Building Systems Ltd. DA Electric Ltd. Dagmar Dahle Carrie Dalton Marvin Dalton Clifford and Gayle D’Amour

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Dan R. Anderson Professional Corporation James D’Andrea Daniel S Heaton Design Ltd. Dayna Daniels Paul Daniels Kelly Danielson Robin Dann and Dixie Koenig James Dannenberg Danny Ponomar Photography Troy and Helena Danyk Willie Darago Tanys Darbyson Daryl’s Oilfield Service Inc. Ali Dastmalchian Alice Daub Deanna Daub James and Roxanne Dautremont Dave Flak Home Renovations Mary Davey Stan Davey David G Malmberg Professional Corporation David P. Stroud Professional Corporation David Warwick Professional Corporation Douglas Davidge Genna Davidge Jim and Enid Davidge Davidson and Williams LLP Marion Davidson Richard and Denise Davidson Bart and Cynthia Davies Dillon Davies John and Karen Davies Kathy Davies Barbara Davis Davis Pontiac Buick GMC Ltd. Scott and Wendy Davis Leslie Dawn Earland Dawson Ingrid and Donald Dawson Ryan Dawydiuk Mike Day Chief James and Gaynel Day Jason Day Michael Day Dayle Sauers Consulting Days Inn - Lethbridge Nicolas de Grandmaison Dave De Groot de Jourdan’s Caetano de Menezes Theuna De Waal Jackie and Larry Deacon-Rogers Ryan and Jessica Deacon-Rogers Darcy Dean Darcy Dean Marlene Dean Frank Dearlove Jessica Dearlove Nada Dearlove Mark DeBlois Holly Debnam Jack and Cindy deBoer Laurie DeBoer Michelle deBoer Pat DeBoer Shirley and Gerald DeBow Scott Decasamaker Doug Decasmaker Kim Deck Deerfield Hutterian Brethren Deezel Nelson Defrias Danny Degenstein Sandra and John DeGroot Heidi DeHeer Jack and Laura Deheer Barry and Pat Delano Oriano Delbello Bryan Deley and Anne-Marie Van Maanen Deltec Power and Control Systems Ltd. Marney Delver Adam Demchuk Drew Demchuk Tyler Demers Sherif Demian Steve Denecky Denick Enterprises Ltd. Ida Dennis Denny’s Restaurant Meg Depew Kelly Derksen

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Joanne Des Roche Robert Desbarats William desBarres Marnie and Richard Deschenes Design Lighting and Fan Studio Andre Deslauriers Monique Deslauriers Details Boutique Detect Refrigeration Ltd. Jim and Jacqueline Deurloo Devince Drywall Devon Canada Corporation Frank DeWalle Brenda and George Dewar deWit Management and Consulting Ltd. Cindy Dewling Diamond Butte Cattle Co. Ltd. Peter Dibble Cheryl Dick Trevor and Nancy Dick Mark and Leslie Dickinson Nora Didrichsen Robert and Pam Didur Ralph Dilworth Michael and Michelle Dimnik Alex Dioyk Di’s Designs and More Gord Dixon and Patricia Elemans Irene Dixon Michael and Allison Dixon DL Pollock Professional Corporation DLO Move Support Services Ltd. The Dobbie Family Brian Dobing Bob Doble Robert and Jay Dobson Nyna Dodd Rajko and Amy Dodic Dodic Toone Maclean Arthur Doerksen Brian and Jenny Doerksen John Doherty Douglas and Teresa Dolman Dennis Domoney Una-Mai Donaghy Donald R. Wright, Prof. Corp. Bruce and Wendi Donaldson Chelsea Donaldson Keane Donaldson Doodles Scrapbooks and Stamps Don and Lynne Doram Kenneth Dorchak Estate of Arthur and Annie Dorigatti John Dormaar Shari Dorscheid Dos Hombres Inc. o/a Sound Garden 21 Club Doug Dunlop Leasing Ltd. Douglas D. Millar Professional Corporation Douglas N Alger Law Office Doug’s Sports Ltd. Audrey Dovell Cameron Dow Kristen Dow Matt Dow Karen Dow-Cazal Gavin Dowell Phil Dowell Gerard Dower Renee Dowling Angela Downey Downtown LA Downtown Merle Norman Dr. Anthony Ciammaichella Inc. Dr. Bernard Bonertz Professional Corporation Dr. C. Allen Baker Inc. Dr. Eric Wilde, Prof. Corp. Dr. Gary Fong Professional Corporation Dr. Hans-Henning Mundel Dr. Harry Penner Professional Corporation Dr. J Hedrich Chiropractic Dr. Jim Asuchak Professional Corporation Dr. John Hasell Professional Corporation Dr. K.S. Hein Professional Corporation Dr. Rodney A. Huszar Professional Corporation Dr. Toni R. Winder Professional Corporation Christian Dringenberg and Shari Glustein Judith Droessler Jennifer Drozdowski Drs. Davey, Adolph & Browne

Bhagwan and Swarn Dua Vivian and Ronald Dubetz Doug Dubnyk Ducan Industries (1993) Ltd. Barbara Dudley Hazel Dudley Randy and Candace Dueck Gary Duell Karen Duerden David Duffin Travis Dugal Luke and Janice Duke Michelle Duke Larry and Gloria Dumontier Graham Dunbar Brent and Valerie Duncan Duncan M Kemp Inc. Clint Dunford Elton Dunk Dave and JoAnn Dunkin Dunlop Fine Art Dunlop Ford Sales Ltd. Dunlop Sterling Truck Centre Ltd. Earl Dunn Ethel Dunn Julie Duschenes Leslie Duska Mike Dutove Heather Dutton John Dutton Rod Dvo Arno Dyck Linda-Ruth Dyck Martin Dyck Dyck’s Greenhouse Anne Dymond DynAgra Dynamic Physiotherapy Institute Inc. Dynamic Rehab Dynasty Oilfield Services Ltd. Keith and Ellie Dys E Carruthers Trucking Ltd. E. Allison Earl Professional Corp. Eagle Commodities Ltd. Eagle Nest Resorts Arman Earl Aubrey Earl Earl Grey Golf Course Earl’s Restaurant Earth Tech (Canada) Inc. East Side Mario’s Restaurant East-Man Feeds Darrell and Marion Eastman Echo Sand Ranching Ltd. ECNG Energy L.P. Economic Development Lethbridge Education Undergraduate Society Ike Edwards EECOL Electric Ltd. EFC Solutions Shelley Eisenreich Shelley Eisentrait Karen Eitzen Harry Eldon Eldorado Petroleum Service Ltd. Eldorado RV Sales Ltd. Elements Physical Therapy and Acupuncture Ltd. Edward Elford Luke Elford Herman and Carla Elfring Tim Elhatton Leanne Elias Elk Valley Coal Corporation Harold Elke Dennis and Dianne Ell Jerome and Lori Ell Trevor and Jen Ellerman Audrey Elliott Jesse Elliott Ellis Autodrome Ltd. Ellison Enterprises Ltd. Ellison Milling Company Riley and Jennifer Ellis-Toddington Elmspring Hutterian Brethren Brad and Shannon Elves Auke and Ruth Elzinga Linda Embury Emco Waterworks Dale Emelson Barry and Trish Emerson Robert and Joan Emerson Beverly Emigh

EnCana Cares Foundation EnCana Corporation Enercon Water Treatment Ltd. John Eng Robin Engel Elizabeth England Geoffrey and Sandra England Englewood Packing Company Ltd. David English Engravers James Enman ENMAX Energy Corporation Ensign Drilling Inc. Enterprise Rent-a-Car Enviro-Test Laboratories Richard Epp Eric Donovan Trucking Ltd. Ericksen’s Fine Foods Darryl Erickson Ginger Erickson Lavonne Erickson Lee Erickson Lois Erickson Tara Erickson Terry Erickson Jillian Erlandson Robert Erlandson Barb Erler Ernst and Young LLP Karen and Ken Esau Peter and Mary Esposito Daina Ethier Matthew Eubank Megan Rea Eubank Michael Eubank Euro Physical Therapy Ltd. European Delicatessen Ltd. Joyce Evans Nadia and William Evans George Evelyn and Lottie Austin Leonard and Polly Evenden Sharon Evens Evergreen Driving Range Inc. James Excell Execuserv Plus Inc. Executive Women International, Lethbridge Chapter Express Coffee and Tea F. Miller Excavating Ltd. Fabricland Alan Fabro Joyce Fairbairn Fairlane Hutterian Brethren Claire Fairs Wes Fairs Fairville Hutterian Brethren Faith Rebekah Lodge #93 Deborah Falk Neil and Suzanne Falkeid Iona Fander Alice Farberg Alesha Farfus-Shukaliak Farmway Machinery (High River) Ltd. Roxie Farquharson Ryan Farries Dan Fassen Martha Fast Father Albert Lacombe Council 8969 FC Wiggins Contractor Elaine Featherstone Diane Fehr Ted Feller Dale Fellger Terry and Sheila Fenton Darin Fenz Barrie and Beverley Ferguson Brian Ferguson Dan and Nancy Ferguson Estates of Keith and Hope M. Ferguson Pieternella Ferguson Fernie Alpine Resort Fernie Sports Fernie Vogue Theatre Bertha Ferraiuolo Arthur Ferrari and Sharon StevensonFerrari Carla Ferrari Ferrari Westwood Architects Carolyn Fetaz Jim Fetter Ed Fetting and Debbie Codan Ailsa Fiander-Morris Warner Fichtner

David Field Evelyn Field Rick and Rita Filanti Karen Filbert Jennie Filipchuk Michelle Filipenko David Findlay Fineprints Screenprinting and Design Miles and Kaaren Finlay Cheyno and Shannon Finnie Michael and Connie Fiorino Fire & Ice Taps & Grill Inc. Dave Firkus FirstEnergy Capital Corp. Karen Firth Rae Firth Kris Fischer Fish Creek Excavating Ltd. Fish Creek Resources Ltd. Alison Fisher Fisher Diesel Injection Services Ltd. John Fisher John Fisher Kaye Fisher Mel and Pauline Fisher Ted Fisher Brian Fitzgibbon Dennis Fitzpatrick Marie Fitzsimmons Michael and Teresa Fitzsimmons Murray Fitzsimmons Don Flaig David and Denise Flak Laura Flak Vanessa Flak Jill Flaman Flaming Express Greg Flanagan Jacqueline Flanagan Larry and June Flanagan Gay Fleming Jack and Shirley Fleming Danielle Fletcher Gail Fletcher Ray and J. Lynn Fletcher Roy Fletcher Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. Mary Flexhaug Gerald and Corinne Flohr Floorright Interiors Floral Designs by Dawn Marie Flowers on 9th Fogg N’ Suds Lethbridge Ltd. Arnold and Dorothy Follinglo Gary Fong Rodney Fong Foot Institute Management Inc. Kate Forbes Doug Ford Trevor Forden Mike Foreith Joanne Foreman Foremost Agencies Clair and H. Elaine Forestell Josephine Fornelli Patrick Forrest Elinor Forster Doug and Janet Forsyth F. Scott Forsyth Howard Forsyth Mike Forsyth Fort Macleod Agencies (1989) Ltd. John Fossey Foster and Sons Jewellery Ltd. Pat Foster Reanna Foster Terry and Lynda Foster Foundation of Yiddish Culture Fountain Tire Fountain Tire Fountain Tire Spruce Grove Four Seasons Home Comfort Michael and Roxanne Fournier Leah Fowler Merrilyn Fowler Nancy Fowler William Fowlow Allan and Wendy Fox Wendy Fox Wayne and Gayle Foxall Kyle Frache Frances J. Tatebe Professional Corporation Frank Pollard and Son Ltd.

Ryan and Tara-Sheen Franken Franklin Templeton Investments Corp David Franz Fraser Milner Casgrain, LLP Freddie’s Paint (Western) Lethbridge Ltd. E.C. Fredericks Brent Frederickson Jacqueline Frederickson Denton Fredrickson Freedom Homes Tracy French Lyndon Frey Daryl Fridd Bernard and Grace Fried Anthony Friend Grant and Colleen Frier Al Friesen Carola and Allan Friesen Fran Friesen Lorel Friesen Andrea Froese Front Row Pub Frontier Irrigation Ltd. Hazel Fry Full Figure Fashions 2001 Inc. Matt Fuller Charles Funk Collette and Terry Funk Sandy Furlonger G and E Insurance Services Ltd. G. Thompson Livestock Co. Inc. Michael and Jeanna Gabriel Marty Gadd Jessica Gaffney Robert Gaglish Sarah Gagnon Lori Gair Margaret Gal Iwona Galaszkiewicz Hans Galesloot Daniel Gallagher Carin Gallie Dean and Bev Gallimore Peter Gammell Ethel Gammon Robert and Barbara Gammon Cristela Garcia Ruth Garcia Garden Grove Turbo Susanne Garner Ron and Bev Garnett Garry W. Kaskiw Professional Corporation Brenda Garthus Bradford Gartly Gary Stauffer Professional Corporation Gas King Oil Co. Ltd. Dave and Fran Gaskell Monica Gast Ralph and Rosemary Gast Brent and Pilar Gateman Joe and Leslie Gatner Rosemarie Gattiker Don Gatto Greg Gatto Gerald Gavelin Colin and Jill Gayford Allen Geary Joanne Gebbink Frank Geinger Robert and Denene Geissler Henry and Pamela Gemery Gemmel and Jong and Moriyama and Co. Robert and Karen Gemmel Bradford and Constance Gemmell GEN Manufacturing Ltd. Gene R. Boehme Professional Corporation General Collision Centre Ltd. Tom and Trisha Genesis Gentlemen III Men’s Wear Ltd. George Miller Sand and Gravel Ltd. Robert George George’s Masonry Georgia Straight Collision Ltd. Alexander Gepneris Zoltan Gergely Paul and Mary Ann Gerhart Joann Gerheim Michael Gerken Getkate Construction Ltd. Donald Getty GI Jen’s Army Surplus Robbin Gibb


Norma Gibbon Greg Gibson Michael and Carol Gibson Glen Giduk Ben Giesbrecht David Giesbrecht Jody Gilbert Grant Giles Jennifer Giles Don Gill Gregg and Sandra Gill John and Tanya Gill William and Isabel Gill Greg and Candace Gillette Peter Gilligan Sandy Gillis Drew Ginther Doug and Maureen Girvan GITA Alberta Chapter Valerie Gladu Marylee Glassford Gleichen Standard Transport 1990 Glencoe Resources Ltd. Bill and Jacalynne Glover Steven Glover Garry Glubish GMDT Holdings Steve Goebelhardt Orland and Elaine Goehring Jessica Goertzen Mark Goettel John Gogo Gold and Gold Productions Gold Leaf Events and Promotions Joanne and Tom Golden Lester and Carrie Goldsmith Martin and Niki Gomez Leslie Good Lisa Good Ted Goodfellow Goodman and Company Gregory Goodman Evelyn Goodstriker Michelle Goodwin Kimberley Gordey Daniel Gordon Gordon E Jong Professional Corporation Jennifer Gordon Scott Gordon Gordon Tait Professional Corporation Tim and Stephanie Gordon Jock and Shelagh Gourlay Elizabeth Gourlie Henry and Anna Gouwenberg Trudy Govier Dave Gowlland Joey Grace Graduate Students’ Association William Graff Bart and Rumi Graham Donna Graham James and Juliet Graham John and Peggy Graham Rick Graham Stephen and Nancy Graham Taylor Graham Grand Prix Indoor Racing Inc. Allan Grant Ashley Grant Christyn Grant Darrell and Marina Grant Derwyn Grant Grant Thornton LLP Carl and Friederike Granzow Elaine Grapentin Ellis Gratton John and Jo-Anne Gray Linda Gray Richard and Marianne Gray Whitney Grbavac Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Green Acres Foundation Green Haven Garden Centre Peter and Olive Green Green Tips Tree Services Inc. Fred Greene and Lisa Doolittle Marshal Greene Betsy Greenlees Jeanette and Keith Greeno Green’s Shoes Greentree Elementary School Greenwood Hutterian Brethren

Greer Homes Ltd. Michael and Dianna Greer Philip and Ellen Greer Greer Property Management Wes and Catherine Greer Timothy and Betty Gregorash Estate of Stanley John Gregory Jason Gregson Lynn Gregson Robert Gregson Bob Gretchen Greystoke Homes and Support Services Inc. Teresa Grice Lance Grigg Guntars and Betty Grintals Robert and Shelley Grisonich Grizzled Enterprises Ltd. Joey Groat Jeff Grodzicky Don Groenenboom Rob Groenenboom Carlene Groenenboon Don Groft and Jean Harrowing Harry Gross Joan Gross April Grosse Cindy Groten Harry Groten Bartley Grover Mark Groves Growing Alberta Justin Gruninger Martin and Sonya Grypma Ryan Guenter Andre and Anke Guerin Guillevin International Co. David Gulevigh Cody Gundlock and Tanya JacobsonGundlock Anil Gupta Monica Guttman Marion Guzik Duane Guzzi Jeff Gyorffy H and R Transport Limited H-5 Holdings Ltd. o/a Taco Time Monfred Haag Carol Haayema Heather Hacior Michelle Hackior Hagen Electric Ltd. Pat and Irene Hager M. Lorraine Hagg Sheila and Peter Hague Justin Haibert Charlotte Haig Haig Clinic Joan Haig Carrie Haines Sharon Haines Andrew and Linda Hakin Don Hale Rob Hale Nancy Hall Pauline Hall Robert Hall Ron Hall Bill and Lisa Halma Nelson Halpern Donald and Marion Hamilton Hugh Hamilton William Hamman Ann Hamza Max Hancock Cheryl and Randy Handford Hanelt Holdings Ltd. o/a Sobeys Uplands Haney Farms Leonard Haney Peter and Robin Haney Einard and Kay Haniuk Vincent and Teresa Hanlon Terry Hanna Hans H. Kristensen Travel Ltd. Boyd Hansen Gary and Michelle Hansen Mike and Anne Hansen David and Cindee Hansma Hanson Associates Lorraine Happ Hardcor Well Servicing Inc. Rick and Lynette Harder

Paul and Ina Harding David Hardy Gregory Hardy Mike Hardy Lee and Karen Hargrave Deb Harker William Harker and Dereka Thibault Bob and Rhona Harkness Charles and Wendy Harley Tanya Harnett Harold F. G. Elke Professional Corporation Harold Kaltenbruner Holdings Ltd. Harold’s Auto Service Ltd. Estate of Alice Harper Harpers Metals David and Joanne Harris Judy and Gordon Harris Katie Harris Peter and Irene Harris Stephen Harris Dana Harrison Elaine Harrison Sally and Orton Harrison Trevor Harrison Harry E Gross Professional Corporation Harry’s Tire Sales Ltd. Fred Harshenin Andrew and Ramona Hart Ken Hart Hartek Holdings Ltd. o/a Sobeys Scenic Square Vaughan and Darla Hartigan Douglas and Helen Hartley Lynda Hartley Michael Hartman Brendan Harty Wendy Harty Harvey V Labuhn Professional Corporation May Harvie Hasegawa Engineering Ltd. John and Pam Hasell Paul and Rosa Hasselback Caterina Hatfield Randy Hatfield Steve Hatfield Wilbert Haufe Marjorie Haugen Elaine Haughian Haul-All Equipment Ltd. Carol Hauser Haven Agencies Ltd. Haven Hutterian Brethren Scott Hawkings Maureen Hawkins Hawkwood Developments Ltd. John and Marilyn Hawryluk Richard Hay Paul Hayes Rhonda Hayes Hazco Environmental Paul Hazendonk Hazlet Lions Club Hazlet Royal Canadian Legion HD Travel Judy Head Headwater Equipment Sales Ltd. John Heaps Heartland Country Store Heartwood Construction Ltd. Heaven and Earth Science and Nature Ltd. Heavy Oil Consulting Services Ltd. Rick and Dee Hebert Frank and Geri Hecker Georgina Hecker Terry Heffernan Kattherine and James Hegedes Marc Heggie Howard and Suzanne Heil Danny Heilman Kent Hein Jane Heine Roelof Heinen Monty Helgeson Casey Hellawell Randy Helm Jesse Helmeczi Linda Helmeczi Helmut’s Painting Eunice Hembroff Tracy Hembroff Vaughan and Marilyn Hembroff

Hemel House Day Homes Lynn Hemming Hemsing Drilling Ltd. Bob Henderson Dave Henderson Doug Henderson Henderson Farms Ltd. Henderson Lake Golf Course Linda Henderson Pat Henderson Richard and Terri Henderson Sharon Hendrickson Blaine Hendsbee Doug Henke Henriette Plas Photography Shirley Henslowe Daryl and Wendy Herbers Mark and Lana Herbert Eysill Hernandez Roberto Hernandez Len Herring Katherine Herron Doug Heslip and Norah Larssen M.P. Hess Gudrun Hesse Hewitt Associates Corporation Andrew Hewson Bonnie Hewson Patricia Heydon John and Fern Hicken Lloyd and Carol Hickman Danielle Hicks Chester Hiebert and Gail Mallory Karl and Frances Hiebert Ron and Sharon Hierath Higa’s Jewellery (1993) Ltd. Nicole Higgins-Hosick Al and Gay Higginson High Level Roofing Ltd Highlands Pet Hospital David and Barbara Hignell Kevin Higo Kathryn Higuchi Hi-Lite Displays Estate of Clarence L. Hill R. Cleve and Edith Hill James Hill Pat Hill Sherman and Leah Hill Kathy Hillen Eric and Barbara Hillman Josephine Hillman Maura Hinkleman Hirano and Heaton Architects Ltd. Dan Hird Bob Hironaka Norris Hironaka Timothy and Lois Hironaka Gilah Hirsch HITECH Athletic Bracing and Orthotic Services Ltd. Hi-Way Service Inc. HMS Holdings Inc. Weldon Hobbs Hobgoblin Holdings Limited Pat Hodd Hodge Podge Giftwares Ltd. Kyle Hodgeson David Hoeght Cindy Hoerger Rob and Ivy Hoffman David Hoffos and Mary-Anne McTrowe Brian and Thelma Hogan Neta Hogg Holiday Bowl Reid Hollander Wayne and Aline Holmen Beverly Holmes Brad Holmes Jean and Owen Holmes Richard Holmes Jerry and Sharon Holtman Janene Holtman-Moch Wolfgang Holzmann and Joan Blair Del Homulus Honkers Pub and Eatery Honolulu Area Laboratory Employees Association Esther Hood Robin Hood Sharon Hood Pat Hood-White John Hoopfer

Virginia Hoopfer Monty Hoot and Rae Enman Doug Hopkins Kathy Hopkins Keith and Lynn Hopkins Leona and Gordon Hopkins Ray Hopkins Thomas Hopkins Kevin and Elizabeth Hoppins Chris Horbachewski and Lana Wicentovich Austin Hornberger Andrew Horne Mona Horne Linda Horner Donald Hornford Estate of Margaret Ann Hornsby Patricia Horrocks Horsman Group, Inc. James and Betty Horsman Allen Hosack Hosack Denture Clinic Ltd. Pauline Hoskin Lila Ho-Takeda Renae Hougen Art Hough Dianna Houle Sharon Houweling Dale and Peggy Howard Mike Howard Dalton Howe Jane Howe Liz Howe Paul and Judy Howe Sarah Howe Sherie Howe Diane Howell Family of Richard Martin Howell Laurence Hoye John Hoyt Kevin Hronek Tanya Hrynczuk Marlene and Bruce Hubbard Jim Huber Todd Hubka Hudson and Company LLP Doug Hudson Karen Hudson Mark Hudson Brenda Hughes David and Shirley Hughes Heather and James Hughes Steve and Tania Huk Hans Hulstein Jennifer Hulstein Human Resources Institute of Alberta Ruth Hummel Humpty’s Family Restaurant (Lethbridge) Bill Hunt and Eryn Paterson Chad Hunt Hunt Insurance Agencies Ltd. Ruth Hunt Barb Hunter Gordon Hunter Kevin and Nancy Hunter Marsha Hunter Marvin Hunter Melody Hunter Lynne Hunter-Johnston Ms. Huppe` Hurlburt Rock Products T. Andrew Hurly Alan Husdal Heather Huseby Husky Tank Rentals and Sales Ltd. Rodney and Danguole Huszar James Huszczyk and Janette McDonald April Hutchinson Lynden and Phyllis Hutchinson Mike Hutchinson Hutterian Brethren Church Blue Sky Colony Hutterian Brethren Church of Athabasca Hutterian Brethren Church of Blue Ridge Hutterian Brethren Church of East Raymond Hutterian Brethren Church of Elkwater Hutterian Brethren Church of Keho Lake Hutterian Brethren Church of Lakeside Hutterian Brethren Church of Leedale Hutterian Brethren Church of Lomond Hutterian Brethren Church of New York Hutterian Brethren Church of Riverside Hutterian Brethren Church of Spring Creek

Hutterian Brethren Church of SpringPoint Hutterian Brethren Church of Standoff Colony Hutterian Brethren Church of The Little Bow Hutterian Brethren of Abbey Hutterian Brethren of Brandt Hutterian Brethren of Castor Hutterian Brethren of Huron Ltd. Hutterian Brethren of Kyle Hutterian Brethren of Milford Hutterian Brethren of Miltow Colony Hutterian Brethren of Newell Hutterian Brethren of Rosetown Hutterian Brethren of Sovereign Hutterian Brethren of Warburg Hutterian Brethren of Wolf Creek Hutterville Hutterian Brethren Wanda Hutton Mike Huxley John and Jacalyn Hvizdos Angela H’Wood E. Grace Hyam Alan Hyssop HyTech Production Ltd. Iain A Mercer Professional Corporation Ian B. Hurdle and E. W. Dodd Professional Corporation Ian D. Miller, Prof. Corp. Ryan Iannone Deborah Ibach Infamous Board Shop ING Insurance Company of Canada Innova Exploration Ltd. Integra Air Inc. Integrity Dental Integrity Hyundai Intercontinental Truck Body Ltd. International Health Partners Inter-West Electric Ltd Trav Inverarity David and Margaret Irving Doug and Sabine Irwin Felix Irwin John and Noella Irwin Marvin and Kathi Irwin Rita Irwin Frank and Mary-Ann Isaac Robyn Isaac Brenda Isaak Rob Iszak Ryan and Brandy Ito I-Tracc Consulting Leslie and Maureen Ivan David and Jane Iwaasa Sandra Iwamoto J and R Groenenboom Ltd. J Gregory Strong Professional Corporation J. Blake Sinclair Professional Corporation J. Rybachuk and Sons Trucking Ltd. JA Sherman Professional Corporation Hildegarde and Siegfried Jabs Jack and Jill’s Skin and Nail Clinic Sydney Jackman Barry and Joan Jackson Elsie Jackson Shannon Jackson Tammy Jackson Trish Jackson Wanda and Don Jackson Friez Jacob Leona Jacobs Marilyn Jacobs Ron and Mariette Jacobson Sandy and John Jacobson W. Robert Jacobson Jacques Nelis Construction Ltd. Jacquie’s Salon & Spa Jaded Body Arts Derrick Jaffery Charles and Patricia James Doug James Doug and Donna James John James Charlene Janes Janet Wright and Associates Inc. Frank and Marion Jankunis Victor and Lise Januszewski David Janzen Lois Jardine JE Evanson Professional Corporation Carolyn Jefferson

21 20

Jeffrey M. Warren Professional Corporation Roger Jensen Christine Jensen-Ross Justin Jervis and Allison Mohler Clarence and Margaret Jespersen Marsha Jespersen Cindy Jessome Jim Archer, Maxwell Realty Jim Pattison Broadcast Group Jim Pattison Group JL Findlay and Son Enterprises Ltd. JNP Investments Ltd. JNP Investments Ltd. Joey’s Only Seafood Restaurants John Bekkering Holdings Ltd. John Gray Professional Corporation John Novak Professional Corporation John Stroeve Farms Ltd. John Talerico Financial Services Ltd. Andra Johnson and Gary Bradbury Bonnie and Kenneth Johnson Brent and Lucy Johnson Brett Johnson Brian and Patricia Johnson Carol Johnson Dan Johnson David and Jeanne Johnson Dean and Lori Johnson Doran Johnson Garth and Dori Johnson John Johnson Kelly Johnson Lori Johnson Lorraine Johnson Lyle Johnson Martha Johnson Rick Johnson Robert and Sharon Johnson Wayne Johnson Byron Johnston Lloyd and Jessie Johnston Tom Johnston William Johnston Paula Jokuty Smith Albert and MaryAnn Joly Henri Joly Bob Jones Carol and Melvin Jones Cathy Jones Chris Jones Darren Jones Darren Jones Doris Jones Jeff and Marianne Jones Jong and Company Gordon and Elizabeth Jong Terrah Jong Jonsson Farms Yvonne Jordan John and Else Jordhoy Yvonne Jordon Tim Jorgensen Randy and Beverly Joseph Sharon Joseph Kerry Joyes Natascha Jung Dragoslav and Rose Jurisich Edward Jurkowski Justice, Solicitor General and Infrastructure K and W Trucking Ltd. K B Heating and Air Conditioning Ltd. K. Gregory Senda Professional Corporation Gerald and Peggy Kadey Peter Kahn Kainai Board of Education Kainaiwa Band Administration Kal Tire Taryn Kallio Brian Kaltenbruner Terrance Kaminski John and Alice Kanashiro Tosh Kanashiro Velma Kanashiro Sandra Kanegawa Brian and Cammie Kannekens Paula Kapala Lil Kaplar Barbara Karbashewski David and Elizabeth Karbashewski Louise Karl Marcus Karparti

21 22

Marcus Karpati Anna Karr George Karras and Claire Dahlquist Kasko Cattle Co. Ltd. Greg Kasko Billy Katelnikoff Katie Dawn Vermast Photography Doug and Josianne Kaun Barbara Kaupp Mary Kavanagh and Edison del Canto Kawneer Company Canada Limited Karen Kay Tom Keca Stella Kedoin Faye Keenleyside Trevor Keeper and Sharon Hamilton Nicole Kehler Kevin and Patricia Keith Steven and Tami Keiver Peter and Helen Kelley Travis and Tarina Kelln Barry Kelly Brenda Kelly Dale Kelly Kevin and Margaret Kelly Michael Kelly Roxanne Kelly Robert Kemp Robert and Janice Kemp Ken H Lewis Professional Corporation Ken McDonald Chev Olds Ltd. Joan Kendall Sherry Kenna F. Ralph and Theora Kennard Gary and Linda Kennedy Lynn Kennedy Maureen Kennedy Kenneth M. Lutes Professional Corporation Tim and Janet Kennish Albert and Vera Kenwood Brian Kenwood Cecily Kenwood Paul Kenwood Kerber Floors Ltd. Terry and Barbara Kerkhoff Patti Kernaghan Jim and Laura Kerr Jocelyn Kerr Kay Kerr Kelly Kerr Michael Kerr Richard Kerr Tim Kerrigan Lorne Kester Mark and Carolyn Kester Ketchum Canada Inc. Robert Kettle Keystone Builders Ltd. KF Yamashita Professional Corporation KH Moriyama Professional Corporation Mushtaq and Catherine Khan Hadi Kharaghani Kicking Horse Ford Randy Kidd Ross Kidd and Ellen Potvin Esther Kienholz Gary Kiernan Shinichi Kikuchi Russell Kimber Marilyn Kimmitt Lois Kina John Kincaid Aaron Kinder Jim Kinder Kevin and Patricia Kindley Kinette Club of Claresholm King Electric (Lethbridge) Ltd. Holly King James King Lois King King of Trade Ray and Roberta King Robert and Jenny King-Brown Liz King-Farlow Wesley King-Hunter Kings Lake Hutterian Brethren Paul Kingsmith Brenda Kingston Craig Kingston

Tsuyako Kinjo Sean Kirby and Dawn Janecke Bernice Kirchner Kirk Computer Systems Kirks Tire Ltd. Kyle and Denise Kitagawa Kitchen Centre Ltd. Bryan Kitching Dan Kitching Kiwanis Club of Lethbridge Bette Klassen Sandra Klassen Kurt and Shirley Klein Robert Kletzel Slava Klobucar Klondike Visitors Association Dave Kluczny Andreas and Janet Kluftinger Gail Knapek Barry Knapp Gary Knight Keith and Jean Knight Tim and Donna Knight Nanci and Michael Knott Gerry Knutson Erin Ko Linda Kobi Myra and Arthur Kochanski Tim Kocsis Michael and Alison Koebel Jeff Koep Kathy Koep Eric and Marion Kokko Bryan Kolb Wayne Kollinger and Linda Hurd Jason Kolysher George Kondrat Lisa Konopski Kurt Konschuk Marguerite Koole Bill Kooznetsoff Louise Kooznetsoff Kopi Ko Ronald and Sharon Kormos Terrence Koshman Mary Koskowich Robert and Vivien Kossuth Marjo Kosten Koster’s Bakery John and Doris Kostiuk Ute Kothe Jill Kotkas Sam and Hideko Kounosu Ken Kouri Andrew and Carol Kovacs Richard and Lenore Kowalchuk Ernest Kowalec KPMG Foundation KPMG LLP Jeremy Kraemer Edward and Marlene Krajewski John Krajewski Gayle Krampl Laurier Kramps Kricket’s Amber Kristjanson Mary and Francis Krizan Lorne and Gerdy Krogman Josephine Krokosh Lexi Krossa Trevor Kruger Daniel and Ilsa Krukoff Shane Krukoff Krushel Farrington William and Gail Krysak K-Thos Inc. Angie Kubek Corey Kudrowich Krista Kuehn Cheri Kujat Rudolf Kulcsar Judith Kulig Kim Kultgen Julie Kundrik Byron and Heather Kunsman Michael Kuntz Blaine Kunz and Cindy Enslen Justin Kurek Stan Kurek Kurina Farms Kurt Konschuk Farms Peter Kusalik Kustom Auto Body

Wayne Kwan Heather Kytanzi L and J Murray Ranches Ltd. L Mark Evans Professional Corporation L Robert Enterprises Ltd. LA Chefs! LA Gallery Carol Labelle and Norm Meek LaBelle Notte Brian Lachance Carla Lachman Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion 43 Susan Lait Barry Lake John Lake Lake Point Golf and Country Club Lakeland Consulting Services Lakeview Bakery and Deli Lakeview Dental Clinic Cathy Lakin Martin Lalumiere Ron Lambert Vincent and Marcia Lammi Lammle’s Western Wear Ltd. Lancer Oilfield Hauling Ltd. Land J Electric Landry’s Wholesale Furniture Depot Limited Jonathan and Rachel Lane James Lang Allyn and Linda Langager Marcell Langenberg Rick Langer Carla Langevin James and Katherine Langston Arij and Anya Langstraat Troy Langworthy Charles Lanier Ike and Diana Lanier Marie Lanier Marie Lannoo David Lapins Dan and Karen Laplante Lionel Larcombe Marcella Lariviere Jessica Larocque Lilli Larsen Ronald and Lyn Larsen Connie Larson Dustin Larson Ruby Larson Harold and Eleanor Larssen Edward and Julie Lastuka Lilliane Lastuka Deri Latimer Greg and Marjorie Latimer Jennifer Latreille William and Nancy Latta Marie Lauder Maxine Lauder Jason Laurendeau Allie Laurent Gary Laurent Trent Laurie Alycia Lauzon Cindy LaValley Mona LaValley Leslie Lavers James Lavoie Peter and Laurie Lavorato Dwaine and Rita Law Lawn Master Services Ltd. Cindy Lawrence Kira Lawrence Rhonda Lawrence Robb Lawrence David and Chriss Lawson Heidi Lawson Tim Lawson Chelsea Layden-Power James and Rachel Layng Lazy J Motel Danny Le Roy David and Anita Leahy Ed and Patricia Leavitt Julien Lebas Ledene and Associates Land Consulting Baxter Lee Donny Lee Kathy Lee Lana Leeb

Patricia Leeb Leede Financial Markets Inc. Trevor Leenstra Marc Leger Laura Legge Francis Leggett David and Jen LeGrandeur Jerry and Dianne LeGrandeur Hugh Lehr Shirley Lehto-Petty and Kevin Petty Larry Leismeister Mary Leister Donald and Sharon Leitch Ron Lemasurier Harold and Elaine Lemieux Rene Lemieux and Sherry Lawson Michael and Lorelie Lenaour Kenneth Lenz Kathleen Leonard Craig Leonard-Diesel Phyllis Leong Stephen Leonhardt Maurice Leppen Elizabeth Lepper Dean Lequyer Judith Lermer Crawley George and Ineke Lermer Chris Leroux Lethbridge Amateur Wrestling Association Lethbridge and District Exhibition Lethbridge Animal Clinic Ltd. Lethbridge Association for Progressive Dentistry Lethbridge Bar Association Lethbridge Basement Ltd. Lethbridge Caterers Ltd. Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce Lethbridge Chartered Accountants Association Lethbridge College Lethbridge Collegiate Institute Lethbridge Community Foundation Lethbridge Community Lottery Board #75 Lethbridge Cosmos Soccer Club Lethbridge Curling Club Lethbridge Family Services Lethbridge Fitness Club Lethbridge Headwinds Cycling Club Lethbridge Herald Lethbridge Hockey Hounds Lethbridge Home Builders Association Lethbridge Honda Centre Ltd. Lethbridge Hotel Inc. Lethbridge Hurricanes Hockey Club Lethbridge Iron Works Company Limited Lethbridge Jaycees Lethbridge Legion Savings and Credit Union Ltd. Lethbridge Living Lethbridge Lodge Hotel Lethbridge Meats and Seafoods Ltd. Lethbridge Minor Hockey Lethbridge Muffler (1988) Ltd. Lethbridge Oldtimers Sports Association Lethbridge Orthotic-Prosthetic Services Ltd. Lethbridge Physiotherapy Ltd. Lethbridge Public School Local 41 ATA Lethbridge Real Estate Board Co-op Ltd. Lethbridge Real Estate.Net Ltd. Lethbridge School District No. 51 Lethbridge Soccer Association Lethbridge Toyota Lethbridge Truck Terminals (1989) Ltd. Lethbridge Vehicle Licencing and Registry Ltd. Lethbridge Young Men’s Christian Association Lethbridge Youth Foundation Lethbridge Y’s Men Club Stanley Leung Arthur Leventhal Jeanine Lewis Ken and Kathy Lewis Pam Lewis Paul and Margaret Lewis Christine Li Liberty Boilers and Mechanical Services Inc.

Gil and Mary Libin Johanne Liboiron Krall Gerry and Doris Lidstone Life in Balance Chiropractic Ted Likuski Jack Lilja Dave Limpert Julia Lindeman Murray Lindsay Christy Lindskog Thomas Lindskog David Lingwood Lucie Linhart Sharon Linitski Douglas Lint Chris Lipinski Wendy Lipinski Marv Lipka Wayne Lippa Liquor Cabinet Ltd. Ruth Liska Doreen Lisoway Leroy Little Bear Dan Groves and Donna Little Neil Little Rex and Marjorie Little Thomas and Kim Little Little White House Art and Framing Terry Livermore Living Place LJ Mullen Trucking Ltd. Harmony Lloyd John and Maybelle Lockhart Lockhold Consultants Ltd. Darryl Lockyer Craig and Sharon Loewen Logic Insulation Logic Lumber (Leth.) Ltd. Matt Logodin Paul and Patricia Loman Amy Lomas George Lomas Kevin Lomond Lon Ferguson Memorial Society London Life Insurance Company Gregory Long and Connie Lassiter Terry Longair Longbow Capital Inc. Wendy Lonson-Hoffman Florence Look Sandra Lord Becky Lore Julie and Leonard Lorenz Lori G Andreachuk Professional Corporation Lorne Kemmet Photography Ltd. Frank Losoncy Lost Creek Custom Welding Lynda Lougheed Donna Lounsbury Susan Lovell Brenda Low Carol Low Joyce Low Sheila Lowe Keith and Joan Lowings Malcolm Lowings and Majda Pahulje Mike Lowings Blair Lowry John Lowry Loretta Lowther Patrick Loyer Gene Lublinkhof Emily Luce Lucerne Foods Luigi’s Pizza and Steak House (1980) Ltd. Mirijam Lukemaar Robin Lumley D.C. and Patty Lund Darwin Lund Ward Lund David and Dianne Lune Darren and Cyndy Lutz Warren Lyckman PJ Lynch Geoffrey and Bernice Lynn Richard Lyster Rodney Lyster M and H Ranch and Feedlot Inc. M Parchewsky Professional Corporation Douglas MacArthur


Denise and Leo MacDonald Don and Leslie MacDonald Heidi MacDonald Peter and Karen MacDonald Gaylord MacDonnell William MacDonnell Anna MacEachern Shirley Macey and Wayne Aikins Dan and Kathy MacFarlane Brian and Virginia MacGillivray Joe and Lillian Machacek Larry Machacek Patrick and Angela Machacek Andrew Machalski JJ Machalski Michael Machalski Hennie Machielse-Ens Lori MacIndoe Flora and Bruce MacKay John Mackay MacKenzie Financial Services Inc. Glen MacKinnon Glen MacKinnon Susan MacKinnon-Borth MacLab Enterprises Ian MacLachlan and Diane Clark MacLachlan McNab Hembroff Douglas MacLean Mac and Barbara MacLean Peter MacLean Vanessa Maclean Heather MaClease Alan and Arlene MacLeod Douglas MacLeod Macleod Gazette Ltd. Shelby MacLeod Macleod’s Restaurant and Lounge Maclin Ford Alex and Helen MacMillan Robert and Wendy MacPhail Erin MacPherson Mac’s Convenience Store Mac’s Convenience Stores Inc. Mac’s Convenience Stores Ltd. Madabar Contractors Ltd. Maurice Madsen Jorgen and Inger Maegaard Hugh Magill Julie Magill Glen Magneson Kris and Wendy Magnusson Magrath Pharmacy 2000 Ltd. Barry and Karen Mahar Rita Mahar Michael Maier David and Shelley Main Don Main Ted and Lola Major Sandra Makkinga Jaye and Kelly Malach Bradley Malacko Claudia Malacrida W.F. Malchow K. and I. Malik Karolina Malik Clare Malmberg Lois Maloney Mammoet Canada Western Ltd. Amir Manji George and Nellie Mann Becky and Peter Manning Robert Manning Dave Manser John Mantello John Mantello Helen Manyfingers Maple Leaf Foods Inc. Michael Maranda Pierre Maranger and Karen Potter Dennis Marchiuri Andrea Marcinek Ethel Marcinek Shawn Marcinek Guy Marcy Ernest and May Mardon Marina R.C.T. Skulsky Professional Corporation Poul and Michelle Mark Allan Markin Maury Marks Mark’s Work Wearhouse Ltd. Marvin Maronda Marquis Flower Shop Ltd.

Sam and Ann Marra Kevin Marsh Donald Marshall Marshall Fabrics Ltd. Corne and Barbara Martens Mitch Martens Stan and Cathy Martens Annie Martin Martin Bros. Funeral Chapel and Crematorium Ltd. Bruce Martin Dale and Kay Martin Greg Martin Jerry and Linda Martin Maurice Martin Mitch Martin Morgan Martin Tyler and Laurie Martin Willie Martin John Martini and Maureen Yamashita John Martland Dean Maruyama Trudi Mason Robert Masran Gary Massier Richard Masson Sheryl Masters Matthew Mastromatteo Jennifer Mather Laurence Matishak Don and Alice Matisz Ken Matisz Norma Matisz Ben and Marie Matkin Michael and Heather Matson William and Linda Matsumoto Atsumi Matsushita Eileen Matteotti Val and Flora Matteotti Don Mattern Ron and Carolyn Matthews Grace Matthies Al Maudie Betty Maurice Joe and Selena Mauro Audrey Maurushat Mark Mauthner Doris Maxwell Randy Maxwell Brenda May Mayfield Colony of Etzikom Emerald Mayne David and Helen Maze Doug and Rita McArthur Jennifer McArthur Maren McBride McCain Foods (Canada) Kayleen McCallum McCallum Kubik Billy McCarroll Ingrid McCarroll Kelsey McCarthy Deborah McCarty L. Anne McClelland Gerald McConaghy Jim and Lise McCormack McCoy High School Lorene McCready Robert McCue Calvin and Marla McCulloch Kent and Robin McCulloch McCune Dairy Services Nancy McCune Keith and Joyce McCurdy Kirsten McCurdy Loretta McDermott McDonald Auto Group Colin McDonald Della McDonald Gail McDonald Heather McDonald Ian McDonald Lynsie McDonald McDonald Nissan Richard McDonald McDonald’s Restaurant John and Lisa McDougall Larry McDougall James McDowell and Sheila Rogers Tim McEgan Connie McEgen Blaine McFadden Dean and Cindy McFadden

McFadden Honda Phil and Jana McFarland Robyn McGale Scott McGee Graham and Michelle McGeoch Kevin McGeough McGuires Men’s Wear Allan and Sheryl McGunigal Evelyn McGunigal Frances McHardy Raymond and Sheila McHugh Michelle McIlroy Gary McInenly Gen McInenly Donald and Gerry McInnes Ken McInnes Susan McIntosh John McIntyre McIntyre Ranching Co. Ltd. Don McIver Ryan McIver Joanne McIvor McKay Bros. Farm Implements, Ltd. Nannette McKay Peggy McKay Robert McKay Sandra McKay Dana McKechnie Alan and Helen McKee Margaret McKeen Ian McKenna Bruce McKenzie Jason McKenzie Kathryn McKenzie Rita McKeough Doug McKibbon Bruce McKillop McKillop Insurance and Registry Services Ltd. Patti McKnight Shirley McKnight Dawn McLean Keith McLean Keith McLean Dave McLellan Jim and Valerie McLellan Jean McLeod Sheila McManus David McMillan Gwen McMillan Linda McMillan Neil McMillan Pat McMillan Candace McMillen Vicki McMullen Jane McMullin McMurray NFLD Golf Tournament Roy and Delores McMurren Guy and Tracy McNab Thomas and Lou McNab Ivan McNabb Edward and Linda McNally McNally Financial and Insurance Services James McNally Peter McNally Lawrence and Jackie McNamara Murray McNeil Walter McNiven Skye McPhail Nancy Anne McPhee Brian McPherson Donald and Marilyn McRae Mike McRae David and Gaye McVean George McWilliams Gerald Mears Brandy Meckelborg Medicine Hat Directory Medicine Hat News Harold Medjuck Vern Meek Denise Meister Melcor Developments Ltd. Meliorist Muriel Mellow Michelle Melton Kaye Mendoza Luisa Mendoza Ty Menna Rich Ment Mercer Wilde & Moltz Chartered Accountants Dale Merchant

J. Mercier Sydney Mereski Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio Patrick and Darla Merrick Merrill Lynch Rod and Barbara Merrill Merriman Insurance Services Ltd. Mervin Orr Professional Corporation Jamie Messenger Diane Meszaros Steve Meszaros Metal Line Ltd. John Metcalfe Marcia Metcalfe-Sizemore Ron Metz Glen and Cathy Metzler Katharine Metzler George and Patricia Meyer Travis Meyer Meyers Norris Penny Peggy Mezei Sharon Mezei Mialta Hutterian Brethren Michael Parchewsky Professional Corporation Gina Michel Michelin North America (Canada) Inc. Gail Michener Midland Hutterian Brethren Edward Mikhail Terry Milburn Milestone Mazda Milk River Veterinary Clinic Ltd. Kevin Millar Millennium Technical Group Ltd. Brian Miller Calvin Miller Christine Miller Colin and Laura Miller Douglas Miller Miller Glass Heather Miller Ian and Jacinta Miller Ian Miller Wayne and Vivian Miller Shauna Milligan Bruce and Mary Milliken Sandra Millis Jacklin Mills Jim and Paddi Mills Josephine Mills Yvonne Mills Milne Pritchard Law Office Craig Milner Robert and Jane Milner J. Michael and Jeri Miltenberger Douglas Miltimore Diane Minamide Minit-Tune Zahir and Priya Mir Neil and Heather Mirau Gorden Mirkovich Douglas Mitchell Loren and Susan Mitchell Marjorie Mitchell Estate of Maurice Mitchell Shaundra Mitchener Mark and Tamara Miyanaga MNM Services Ltd. Mocha Cabana Modus Structures Inc. Bob Moffat David and Maria Mohr Edythe Moir Smith Mojo’s Pub and Grill Ltd. Laverne Mok Mol-Cap Investments Ltd. John Molden Mary Moldovan James Moller and Andrea Hlady Anthony Monaghan Daniel and Jodie Monaghan Joan Monaghan Monarch Corporation Ryan Moncrieff Mongolie Grill Craig Monk Monson Window Cleaning Dale Montalbetti Montana’s Cookhouse Elizabeth Montero Bill and Michelle Montgomery Montina Insurance and Financial Services Inc.

Joe and Varlyne Montpetit Montreal Workers Circle Kim Moody Annie Moore Christopher Moore Darryl Moore Greg Moore Marie Moore Shawn and Jaime Morasch Eilonwy Morgan Fred and Audrey Morgan Rob Morgan Goldie Morgentaler Brad Mori Glen Mori Ken Mori Rod and Ursula Morrice Dave Morris Gregory and Nancy Morris Ray and Anne Morris Steve Morris Glenda Morrison Jeff Morrison Richard and Hallie Morrison Ella Mortemore Dave Mortin Doug Mortin Sean Moskal Brent and Maria Mosley Motion Industries Inc. Alicia Motuz Dennis Motuz Meagan Motuz Jason Moulton and Janay Nugent Mountview Dodge Chrysler Jeep Ltd. Cleo and June Mowers Moxie’s Restaurant Mr Satellite Inc. Mr. Submarine Limited Richard Mrazek MS Maclean Livestock Co. Ltd. Stuart Mueller Mikenzie Muir Marty Muldoon Brian Muller and Deborah Scott Curtis Mullin Doug and Pam Mundell Mark Mundell Steve Mundell Soura Munroe-Rosen Deb Murakami Angela Murdoch Rachelle Murdock Cathy Murphy Jim Murphy Alma Murray Brian and Bonnie Murray Brock Murray Chad Murray Murray Chevrolet Cadillac Chris and Chantal Murray Ken and Jean Murray Lorna Murray Maurice Murray Murray Silver Counselling Ltd. Music Court Cynthia and Robert Mutch Jason and Shannon Mutschler Garet and Michelle Myden Doug Myers Sherry Myers William Myers Douglas Myhre Teri Myhre Mike and Christina Myndio Ryan Myndio Kristine Nagata Shirley Nagurny Darcy Nagy Brady Nahama Henry and Deborah Najda Vickie Nakagama Maureen Nakama Kazuo Nakamura Sonny and Kimiko Nakashima Nancy E. Vincent Professional Corporation Lorraine Nangreaves NAPA Auto Parts National Bank Financial National Holdings National Salvage Co. Ltd. National Transmission

Randell and Pamela Nattress Natural Beauty Esthetics Jim Nayha Neden Family Edward Nedza Marilyn Nefsky Sandy Neilson Christine Nelson Don Nelson Eric Nelson Jerry Nelson Toni Nelson Nelson Youth Soccer Rep Ed Nestorowicz Netook Construction Ltd. Neu Muehl Hutterian Brethren of Delia Neudorf Hutterian Brethren Cheryl Neufeld Heather Neufeld Norma Neufeld Perry Neufeld Peter Neufeld Willie Neufeld Dennis Neufeldt Kevin and Noreen Neufeldt Neu-Lite Electric Inc. Nevada Bob’s Golf Never Idle Farms Ltd. New Dynasty Restaurant New Elm Hutterian Brethren New Image Furniture and Auto Upholstery New Rockport Hutterian Brethren Ian Newbould Ann Newdigate Clara Newlove Cathy Newman John Newman New-Way Irrigation Nexen Canada Inc. Dickson Ng Don Nguyen Sonia and Philip Nicas John Nichol Basil Nichols Chris Nichols Duane Nichols Mildred Nichols Roy and Sherrie Nickel Judith Nickol Chris and Lorraine Nicol Cregg Nicol Nicol Dairy Farms Ltd. Ken and Linda Nicol NIECO Controls Ltd. Doug Niemans Jim and Diane Nikkel Gary Nilsson H.O. Nilsson Andrea Nippard Nish Execuserv Inc. Audry and Harold Nishikawa Evelyn and Mas Nishima Pauline Niwa Brenda Nixon Mark Nixon No More Turkey Clothing Company Bryan and Carol Noble Noble Concrete (1987) Ltd. Gregory Noble and Lou Ann Demers-Noble Lori Noble John Noestheden Noji Management Ltd. Norbridge Pharmacy (1981) Ltd. Floyd and Dorothy Norby Stella Nordick Norlien Foundation Cindy Norrgard John Norrie North American Construction Group Inc. North and Company North Country Liquor Store Ltd. R. Philip and Freda North Travis and Beata North Shauna and Will Northgrave Northside Veterinary Clinic John Novak Kevin and Katharine Nugent NWT Soccer Association Bill Nykiel Cindee Nyrose

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Oaklane Hutterian Brethren Jason Ober and Christine Joseph Rose Ober Finbarr O’Brien Mike O’Brien Wayde and Kathleen O’Brien Dennis and Barbara O’Connell Erin O’Connor Lorrie O’Connor Catherine O’Connor-Reisman Dan O’Donnell Margot O’Donnell Lauren O’Dwyer John O’Gorman Madelyn and Claude O’Haver Dale Ohno Rose and Gil Oishi Sylvia Oishi OK Hutterian Brethren OK Tire Store (Lethbridge) Bruce Oka Okotoks Garden Market IGA Okotoks Stingrays Winter Swim Club Steph Olan Old Elm Hutterian Brethren Olds College Bruce Olecko and Sally Haney Kathie Oler Kathleen Oliver Kathy Oliver Fran Olivier Elizabeth Olsen Isabelle Olsen Randall and Elaina Olsen Rod Olshaski Clifford Olson Ken and Arlene Olynyk John and Anne Ondrus Tony Ondrus Onion Bar and Grill Ltd. Martin and Mary Oordt Rod and Tracy Oosterbroek Optical Studio Ltd. Scott Orban Edward Orchard Mark O’Riley Gary Orr Wendy Orsten Catherine Osadetz Kirk Osadetz Donna Oseen Larry and Pat Oseen Steve Oseen Seamus and Judy O’Shea O-Sho Japanese Restaurant Byron and Betty Osing Ruth Oslanksky Osram Sylvania Ltd. Heather Ostapak Jacque Ostby Debbie Oster O’Sullivan Agency Sherry Oswald A. K. Otsuka Runa Oughtred Overhead Door Company Overlander Sports Ltd. Joanne Overn Barbara Oveson-Glasgo David Owen Lawrence Owen Jon Oxley Susan Pack Danica Pahulje Pahulje Enterprises Ltd. Ludvik and Danica Pahulje Painted Cottage Dean Paisley Diane Palma Carolyn and Craig Palmer Erin Palmer Pamac Investments Ltd. Tony Pams Guohua Pan and Lingmei Cheng Ketan Panchmatia Steve and Jennifer Pannett Jodi Paoletti Roberto Paoletti Richard and Theresa Papworth Andre and Lisa Paradis Paradise Canyon Golf Resort Company Parafex Corporation Paramount Printers Ltd.

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Craig Parascak Parascak Family Chiropractic Helen Park Ashley Parker Douglas Parker Ed Parker Helen Parker Brian Parkinson Gladys Parkinson Park-Neilson Drycleaners Robert and Lillian Parkyn Warren Pashkowich Frances Paskal Remie Paskuski Melissa and Ronald Pasolli Gina Pasquotti Mario and Pam Pasquotti Glen and Carol Passey Bridget Pastoor Greg Patenaude Brent and Lynda Paterson Colin Paterson Gordon and Beverley Paterson John and Jan-Louise Paterson Judith Paterson Steve Patitsas Jim and Debra Paton Chad Patterson Geordie Patterson Greg Patterson Leanne Patterson Tim Patterson Ursula Patterson Craig Patton Ashley Patzer Diane Patzer Paul T. Hall Professional Corporation Ron and Helen Paulence Kelly Paulgaard Paula Paulgaard Randy Paulson Susan Paul-Trechka Elizabeth Pavan Angela and Jeff Payne Darcy Payne Debbie Payne Peace Hills Trust Arthur Peacock Kent Peacock and Sharon Simmers Lorna Peacock Shawn Peacock Peak Physical Therapy Christine Pearson Trudy Pearson Lynn Pearson-Rempel Robin Peck Derek and Pauline Peddle Gail Pedersen Sven Pedersen Wayne Pedersen Peigan Board of Education Peigan Child and Family Services Peigan Nation Sergio Pellis Pen - Bro Holdings Limited Lee Pender Penn West Energy Trust Ceri Penner Danielle Penner Harold Penner and Irene Klassen-Penner Joanne Penner Herron John Penner Kenneth and Sheila Penner Rick Penner Vaughn Penner Penny Coffee House Jim and Hazel Penny Pentagon Freight Services Canada Ltd. Craig and Jo-Ann Pentelichuk Kathy Pepneck Pepsi Bottling Group Anil and Sheri Pereira Brice Peressini Violet Perkins Richard Perlow and Lori Kopp Pernitsky Farm Tarilie Pernitsky Perrett Veterinary Corp. Christopher Perry Gerald and Birthe Perry Jill and Harold Perry Bessie Persson Ronald Perverseff

M. J. Peszat Frank and Eileen Peta Leslie and Alice Peta Peter Overwater Oilfield Construction Ltd. Rick and Lorie Peter Alexis Peters Peters Dairy Bar Ltd. Dan Peters Pearl Peters William Peters Jorn and Sherry Petersen Knud Petersen Eric Peterson Mary Peterson Vernon Peterson Doug and Sheila Petherbridge Duane Petluk and Lori Harasem Leslie Petrak Leonard Petrie Teresa Petriw Michael and Lucia Pfeuti Pharaoh Engineering Ltd. Pharmasave Paul and Patti Pharo Jean Phelps Kelly Philipp Phillip Holman MD Incorporated June Phillips Physical Therapy Consulting Ltd. Anna Pickering Penny Pickles Carol Piea C. Sandra Pierson Cameron Pierson Sheila Pierson Tony Pierson Mike and Kathy Pierzchala Lorne Piett Gaelynd and Norma Pilling Ryan Pinder Shawn Pinder Pinetree Supply Ltd. Shane and Valerie Pinnock Pioneer Grain Company Limited Pioneer Hi-Bred Limited Mildred Piper Pirie Foundation Grant and Jan Pisko Isabelle Pisko Ron and Michelle Pisoni Chuck Pitre Darcel Pittman Quentin Pittman Urban and Marlene Pittman Ken and Kathy Pivert Pizza Hut Pizza Hut Canada Plains Marketing Canada LP Plainview Hutterian Brethren Margaret Plant William Plant David and Sharon Plaxton Robert Plaxton Sherry Pletell Don and Maureen Pletsch Willie Plomp Roy Pocza James and Judy Polden Pole Performance Horses Cheryl Pollmuller Jane Pollock R. Wally and Raelyn Pollock Melody Polych Diane Pommen Ponderosa Hutterian Brethren Bill and Grace Ponech Marlene Ponjavic Zora Ponjavic Brad Ponto Games Galore and the Billiards Store Tim and Patricia Pope Poplar Creek Contracting Dave Porter Dianne and Shane Porter Porter Engineering Sharon Postoloski Potomac (1980) Ltd. Ron and Marilyn Potter Wendy Potter Tim and Jane Power Robert and Carol Poynton Prairie Auto Sales Prairiehome Hutterian Brethren

Tammy Praskach Noleen Pratap Pratt and Whitney Canada Corp. J. Christopher Pratt Trudy Pratt Precision Investment Group Inc. Precision Prosthetics and Orthotics Services Ltd. Precon Precast Products Gunter Pregernig Premier Inn and Suites John and Connie Prentice Pat and Vivian Prentice Prescription Centre West Ltd. Brian and Helen Prevost Chelsea Price Susan Price PricewaterhouseCoopers Geoff Pries Joann Priestley Rose Primachuk Bruce and Natalie Primeau Primrose Livestock Ltd. Pro Clean Complete Janitorial Service Ltd. Pro Shop SFS Progress Clothing Ltd. Progressive Fighting Academy Progressive Technology Lydia Prokop Manfred Prokop Nicole Prokop Pronghorn Controls Provac Provincial Treasurer Jozef and Theresa Prozniak Doug and Toni-Rae Prusky Glen Prusky Randell Pryor Roman Przybylski Dale Ptycia Jim Publow Estate of Gwendolyn Williams Pullen Allan Purves Jamie Pushor Keith Pushor Quadra Logging Ltd. Quality Maintenance Kris Qually Randal and Beth Quan Don Quesnelle Quest Support Services Inc. Quizno’s Subs Dick Quon R and J Pepneck Farms R Da Silva Consulting Inc. R K Strong Professional Corporation R S Harper Holdings R. Troy Nelson Professional Corporation Tyler Radcliffe Marion Radke Rae Dunphy Aromatics Ltd. Rafa Enterprises Ltd. Rafter 6 Distributors Sully Ragusa Janice Rahn Libby Raines Ivan Rajcic Peter Rajcic Zoran Rajcic RAK Genetics Consulting Ltd. William Ramp Randa Transport Ltd. Ian and Diane Randell Randy Adams Installations Rangeland Agencies 78 Ltd. William Ranslam Karen Raphael Russell and Anne Raslask Jose Rauda Raven Centre Holdings Ltd. Jose Ravola Ray Hansen and Associates Ltd. Steve Raz Razorback Oilfield Consulting and Supervision RBC Dominion Securities RBC Financial Group through RBC Foundation RBG Construction Ltd. Re/Max Real Estate Sandra Read

Real Estate Council of Alberta Red Crow Community College Red Willow Colony Doris Redel Greg Redies Derek and Ashelyn Redman Laurie Reeder Hovey and Elizabeth Reese Donald and Helen Reeves Reg O’Sullivan Construction Ltd. Regent Restaurant Inc. Rehabilitation Society of Southwestern Alberta Rehoboth Christian Ministries Bruce Reid Cecil Reid Diane Reid Norma Reid Raymond Reid Roger Reid Stu Reid Vera Reid Scott Reiling Betty Reimer Harv and Gwen Reimer Mike Reimer Reive Plumbing Ltd. Karl and Lyndsey Rejman Reliance Appraisal Consultants Ltd. Rebecca Remington Remwan Carriers Ltd. Robert and Brenda Rennie Rent A Stork Garth Renyk Keith Reron Janice Resari Jeremy Revesz Richard and Doreen Revesz Stan Reynolds Judi Rice Tyler Rice William Rice Rich Gray Chiropractic Richard E Hill Professional Corporation Richard G. Harder Professional Corporation Richard J. Hebert Professional Corporation Richard Low Law Office Richardson Bros. (Olds) Ltd. Doug Richardson Glen and Jeanette Richardson Greg Richardson Ron Richardson Ted and Iris Richardson Valerie Richardson Scott Richmond Rick Gross Golf Shop Ltd. Riddell Kurczaba Architecture Engineering Interior Design Lt Ridgeland Hutterian Brethren Una Ridley Dana Rieder Jeremy Riehl Marjorie Rigaux Alexandra Riley Cathy Riley Jennifer Rios Lorenzo Rioux Chris Ripley Darrell and Brenda Ripley Donald and Marsha Ripley Jaclyn Risling Richard Rittenhouse Joan Ritzen River Road Hutterian Brethren Richard Rivet Deb Robb Kevin Robb Robert Bruce Erlandson Prof. Corp. Robert David Kinniburgh Professional Corporation Robert E. Rice Professional Corporation Robert J. Turner Professional Corporation Robert W. Rice Professional Corporation Judy and Tom Roberts Ron Roberts Erika Robertson Pamela Robertson

David and Laura Robin Keith and Jean Robin Robin’s Donuts Robinson Agencies (1980) Ltd. Art Robinson Brian Robinson Carol Robinson Dana Robinson Derek Robinson James Robinson Keith Robinson Ken Robinson Robert Robinson Sarah Robinson Thomas Robinson Wayne Robinson Leslie Robison-Greene Robson Valley Hardware Corp. Rock Lake Hutterian Brethren Phillip Rockerbie Rockport Hutterian Brethren Colony Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Canada Rocky Mountain Turf Club Inc. Lyle and Lesley Rode Ellamae Rodgers Victor Rodych Beth Rodzinyak Wilf Roesler Roest Acoustics Ltd. Heather Roest John Roest Shane and Allison Roest Rogers Broadcasting Limited Don Rogers Don Rogers Kathleen Rogers Rogers Sugar Ltd. Robert and Minda Rogerson Gregory Rohovie Tim and Judi Rohovie Carol and David Rolfe Roloff Beny Foundation Garry Romses Raymond and Carol Romses Marjorie Romuld Romulus and Remus Italian Canadian Club Ron R Low Professional Corporation Ronald G Stoley Professional Corporation Elizabeth Rood Stewart Rood Keith Roscoe Rose Valley Hutterian Brethren Inc. Rosedale Hutterian Brethren Roseglen Hutterian Brethren Roy and Janet Rosentreter Catherine Ross David Ross Gordon and Hazel Ross Margaret Ross Robert and Heather Ross Rotary Club of Lethbridge Blair and Janice Roth Gloria Roth Scott and Coreen Roth Joe Rougeau Marc and Catharine Roussel Howard Rowland Christie Roy Royal Canadian Legion Alberta-NWT Command Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary Royal Host Hotels and Resorts Royal LePage South Country Real Estate Services Ltd. Randy and Jane Royer Terrance and Maureen Royer RSREAD Consulting Inc. RTL Agri Services Ltd. Mary Rude Blair and Laurie Ruff Jason and Tammy Ruff Walter Ruff Joe Ruggiero Jason Rumer Estella Rung Runners Soul Inc. Robert and Mary Runte Katharine Russell Larry Russill Paul and Gaile Rusznak Ruth E. White Professional Corporation


John Rutland John Ryan Evelyn Rybachuk Dan and Anita Ryder Michael Ryer Allan Rypien Kelly Rypien S and A Holdings Ltd. S.T.A.R. Clinic Lori Saar Arlene and Guy Sabey Shannon Sabey Jason Sackman Sagebrush Studios Rory and Dinah Sailer Joyce Sakon Anthony Salekin Gary and Pierina Saler Nick and Lynn Saler Len Sali Cheryl Salken Maurey and Tara Salmon Salon Quattro Inc. Esa and Antoinette Salonen Helen Salt Cory Salter Samuel A. Oluwadairo Prof. Corp. Courtney Samuels Karl Samuels Joan Samuelson Marie Sanderson Richard Sandham Sharon Sandham Mark Sandilands Sandon Marketing o/a Claresholm IGA Janixia Sandoval Debi Sandul Larry and Joey Sanregret Jeff and Julie Sarich Scott Sarson Shauna Sasaki Kevin Sassa Joyce Sasse Brent Sato Saturn of Lethbridge Doug Saunders Danielle Sauve Susan Savill Jim Savoy Sawchuk Construction Kim Sazalski Rene Scaborn Russell and Paulette Scarlett York and Kari Scarlett Ian and Jennifer Scates Pauline Schaan Simon Schaerz Gregory and Sally Schaffer Robin Schafthuizen Joe and Connie Scharmer Jack and Alanna Schellhorn Rodney Schenk and Anna Noga Schenley Distilleries, Inc. Deanne Schildroth Schizophrenia Society of Alberta Steve and Brenda Schlaht Barry Schloss Schlumberger Canada Faye Schmidt Gordon Schmidt Kent Schmidt Jean Schmitt Brian and Donna Schneider Rhonda Schneider Shelley Schoenne April Schonbrun Nancy Schoonhoven James Schovanek Debbie Schrage Werner and Kathleen Schrage Bonnie and Dale Schulha Pam Schulte Arvid Schultz Dave Schultz Henry and Karen Schulz Leo and Donna Schulz Jeff and Sheelagh Schulze Gordon and Irene Schussler Randy and Maureen Schwartz Schwartz Reliance Insurance and Registry Services David Schwass and Darla Bruns Merrill Schweitzer

Scores Thirst & Grill Scotiabank Shirley and Douglas Scotney Carol Scott Jason Scott Scott Land and Lease Ltd. Scott Orban’s Just Sports Limited Scott Pump Services Ltd. William and Lorraine Scott Scougall Motors Ltd. Scougall’s RV Centre Ltd. Darcy Scout Barry Seaman Doreen and Ken Seaman John and Angie Seaman Dave and Linda Sebastian Sedona Enterprises Dale Seeman and Marie Vander Linden Glen and Hilda Seeman Kevin Sehn Cary Seibel Denise Seipp Paolina Seitz Dean Seiz John and Elsa Sekulic Select Recruiting Solutions Mark Selent Dave Selinger Cathy Semenoff Danny Semenoff Victor Semerjian Yosh and Florence Senda Allan Sept Wendy Sera June Seskus Wendi Seskus-James Andy Seto Dean and Natalie Setoguchi Setoguchi Farms Ltd. Toni Setoguchi Setos Electric Cory Seward Oliver and Joanna Seward David and Dorothy Sewell William Seymour SF Marketing Inc. Joey and Patricia Shackleford Robert and Mildred Shackleford Tom Shackleford Gary Shaddock Shallow Well Enterprises Ltd. Shamrock Hutterian Brethren Norman Shannon Therese Shannon Chris Shantz Daniel Shapiro John Sharkey Sharon’s Doggie Do’s Noel and Norma Sharp Steven and Heather Shavers Shawne Excavating and Trucking Ltd. Helen Jane Shawyer Shear Persuasion Inc. Amanda Sheen Colin Sheen Ronald and Janet Sheen Adam Sheever Patti Shenfield Devin Shepard Bobbi Shepetys Shannon Sheridan John Sheriff Lee Sherwood Dave Shewchuk Glennis Shiffman Betty Shigehiro Hiroshi and Beverly Shimazaki Lisa Shimozawa Margaret Shippobotham Darren Shmyr Rod Shockey Shooting Star Ranch Shoppers Drug Mart Shoppers Home Health Care Al Short David Short Kim Shorthouse Muriel Shortreed Shotz Billiard Club and Lounge Showcase Comics Shur-Kote Painting and Sandblasting Alan Siaroff William and Margaret Sibley

Linda Siemens Signature Homes Ltd. Silk Plant Warehouse Silver Automotive (Leth.) Ltd. Silver II Custom Harvesting Silver Sage Hutterian Brethren Bonnie Sim Chris Simard Steve Simmill Deborah Simpson Jim Simpson Kelly Simpson Leonard Simpson Terri Simpson Simpson-Markinch Charitable Foundation Dawn Sinclair Marilyn Sinclair Melissa Singer Leo and Phyllis Singer Nina Singlinger Connie Sissons Gordon Sissons Paula Sittler Sonia Sitz SK Driver Training Ltd. Illa Skeith Illa Skeith David Skelton Estate of Mary T. Skelton Ches and Betty Skinner Terri Skjaveland Anne Skretting Doreen Skretting Skylark Developments Inc. Elaine Slatter Michael and Beatrice Slavich Rob Slavich Sandy Slavin Angela Slezina Ralph Sloane Mona Smart Jim Smeltzer Gordon Smiley Smiley Hutterian Brethren Inc. Craig and Kari Smit A William Smith Smith Agro Services Amanda Smith Bev Smith Cecily Smith Clarence and Catherine Smith Clifford and Rebecca Smith Clinton Smith Darren and Sandra Smith David Smith David and Michaeleen Smith David and Patricia Smith Doug Smith Elizabeth Smith Garry and Linda Smith Jane Smith Jay Smith and Kari Speaker-Smith Jeff and Jane Smith Joan and Harold Smith Kenneth Smith Laurie Smith Lyndsay Smith Lynn Smith Margaret Smith Margaret Smith Marilyn Smith Marjorie Smith Nathan Smith Paul Smith Rick and Paulette Smith Sam and Carol Smith Sarah Smith Scott Smith Teresa and Gregory Smith Timothy Smith Vicki and Doug Smith Smithdorf Family Smith’s Audio Video Denise Snortland Jody Snortland Jay and Jessie Snow Barbara Snowdon Barbara Snowdon Sobeys Stettler Society of Management Accountants of Manitoba Sillce Sodamen

Rod Soholt Bill Sokol Ellen Solberg Rick and Alenka Solberg Solid Construction (2001) Inc. Sombrero Foods Inc. Heidi Somerville Don and Susan Sommerfeldt Theron and Delores Sommerfeldt Louis and Dorothy Soop Sorrento Hardware Jose Sotela Sounds Unlimited Inc. Sous Chef South Point Farms Ltd. South Western Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association SouthAlta Corral Cleaning Southern Alberta Community Living Assocation Southern Insurance Management Southern Stationers Limited Southland Concrete Southland International Trucks Ltd. Southland Trailer Corp Southwest Co-operative Ltd. Southwest Credit Union Limited Southwind Sport Medicine Bob and Sheila Span Randal Sparks Sparky’s Oilfield Operating Spartan Controls Ltd. Raymond and Ingrid Speaker Spectrum Resource Group Inc William and Shannon Spenceley Geoffrey and Elizabeth Spencer Sue and Reed Spencer Carrie Spielman John and Ellen Spielman Brandi Spiers-Rogers Spin Nightclub David and Jo Spinks Mike Spiteri Spitz 89 Chargers Spitz International Inc. Randall and Renee Spohn Pearl Spooner Sportmen’s Choice Ltd. Sport-Rad Crowfoot Inc. o/a Sports Traders Sport-Rad Crowfoot Inc. o/a Sports Traders Norma and George Spoulos Dean Spriddle Wes Spring SRI Homes Inc. JoAnn St John Rhonda St. Amand St. Augustine’s Anglican Church St. Augustine’s Parish Marleen St. Onge Gunnhild Stafford Stafford Pharmacy and Home Health Care Earl and Mira Stamm Angela Stan Standard Hog Farms Standard Hutterian Brethren Kevin Standing Rochelle Stanford Shawn Stang Dan Stankevich Sara Stanley Mavis and Barry Stannard Grant Stapon Starbrite Hutterian Brethren Victor and Amy Stasiuk Gary and Kathy Stauffer Graham and Mary Steacy Barrie Steed Terry and Carol Steen Dan Stefano Sidney Stefanyk Shirley Steinberg Joy Steinke Donna and Jake Stelpstra Stephen F. Kwan Professional Corporation Ina Stephens Maxine Stephens Sterling Mutuals Inc. Stettler Dodge Ltd. Steve Blonsky Distributing Rhys Stevens Charles and Sandie Stevenson

George Stewart Gord Stewart Kim Stewart Nan Stewart Robert Stewart Wayne Stewart David and Marie Stilgoe Tina Stilson Danielle Stimson Michael Stingl Jan Stoesz Stokes Dispensary Limited Carolyn Stolte Randa Stone Allison Stott Arthur Stott Deb Stott Ethel Stott Joe Stott Mary Jean Stott Reg Stott Kyla Stott-Jess David Stouck Karleen Straat Straith and Associates Larry Straith Strategies NOW Streatside Eatery Wayne and Erika Street Street Wheelers Car Club Joanne Strekaf Stringam Denecky Doug Stroh Phillip and Nancy Strohm Ed and Linda Stromsmoe Mylo Stromsmoe J. Gregory Strong Aubrey Stryker Trevor Stryker Stuart Olson Stubbs Pharmacy (1972) Ltd. Karenne and James Stuckart Maria Styacko William and Olga Sudeyko Yvonne Sugimoto Leila Sujir Brian and Colleen Sullivan Dawn Sullivan Donald and Elsie Sullivan Uwe Sulmanis Hao Sun Sun Life Financial Sun Seekers Suncor Energy Inc. Suncrest Hutterian Brethren Ulla Sundholm Elke and Marvin Sundstrom Sunny South Day Care Centre Sunny’s Auto Body Ltd. Sunny’s Towing Sunrise Hutterian Brethren Super Sam Co. Ltd. Superior Propane Inc. Janice Sutherland Marinus and Sarie Swanepoel Jim and Michelle Swanton Nicole Swen Eileen Swenson Mark and Lea Switzer Symons Pipeline Consulting Ltd. Syncrude Canada Ltd. James and Tanya Szarko Gordon and Carol Szpak T and I Investments Ltd. Clarence and Lynette Taal Jim Tagg Esther Tailfeathers Jim Tailfeathers Johnel Tailfeathers Bruce and Donna Tait D. Logan Tait Gordon and Jody Tait Elisabeth Tajcnar Alice Takacs Faith Takeda Carrie Takeyasu Trent Takeyasu Les Talbot John and Jean Talerico Dan Tall Talon Pumpjack Services Michael Tamura Pat Tanaka

Donald Taniguchi Tim and Jill Taniguchi Don and Christine Tannas Robert and Angela Tarleck Melissa Tarnes Wayne and Barbara Tate Frances Tatebe and Ralph Arnold Brian and Lorraine Taylor Gordon Taylor Jean Taylor Ronald Taylor TD Bank Financial Group Te Deum Co. Ron Teather and Elspeth Nickle Teca Wheels Maxine Tedesco Ted’s Family Restaurant and BrewBaker’s Pub Tim and Sonya Teel Betty Teichroeb Philippe Teillet TELUS Communications Inc. Joyce Temple Andy Tempstra Howard and Sharon Tennant Tennant Management Ltd. Irene Terashima Andy Terpstra Terra Physiotherapy Ltd. Terry Bartman Construction Inc. Inger Tetzlaff Loretta Tetzlaff Blaine Thacker David Thauberger J. Evariste and Lorraine Theriault Jim Thibault Barry and Gail Thielen Derek Thielen Thistledown Quilts Robert and Margaret Thole Terry Thom Ariel Thomas Thomas B MacLachlan Professional Corporation Thomas Copps Audiology Clinic Ltd. George Thomas Gordon Thomas Karen and Garry Thomas Melanee Thomas Noel and Karen Thomas Rich and Shelly Thomas Robyn Thomas Aaron and Shannon Thompson John and Levaun Thompson Mary Thompson Melanie Thompson Robert Thompson Tom Thompson Bruce Thomson Duane and Carma Thomson Monte and Rissa Thomson Ron Thomson Brent and Nancy Thorburn Jon Thorlacius Ralph Thrall III and Rae Ann Thrall Ralph Thrall, Jr. and Cathy Thrall George Thumb Ian Thumlert Bruce and Wendy Thurston William Tice and Shelley Scott Mike Tidmarsh W. Gordon Tidmarsh Tiffin Oilfield Consulting and Supervision Ltd. Jode Tilley Terry and Linda Tillsley Tim Rollingson Professional Corporation Timber Tech Truss Systems Ltd. Timber Wolfe Enterprises Ltd. Timcon Construction Ltd. Sharon and Timothy Timmons Kim Tinordi Brian Titley and Jane O’Dea TJ Livestock Betty-Ann Tkachenko Mary Tkachyk TMR Marketing Inc. Toastmasters David Todd Riley Todington Dan Toews and Stephanie Kubik Murray and Shirl Tofsrud

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Tollestrup Construction Inc. Shizuo Tomita Tompkins Hutterian Brethren Corp. Tompkins Jewellers Ltd. Ton of Sun Don Toney Tongue n Groove Pub Tony Roma’s Lethbridge Dylan Tooby Karen Toohey Kent Toone Top Line Construction Ltd. Top’s Pizza Khalil Torabzadeh Torry Lewis Abells LLP Toshach Countrywide Furniture and Appliances Anne Toth Wayne Toth Mark and Krista Tourigny Sandra and Gilbert Tourigny Brett and Sian Townsend Ivan Townshend Olive Train Dat Tran and Giang Mac TransAlta Corporation Trap/Door An Artist Run Centre Lloyd Trapp Travelman Travelplus Travel Company Ltd. Greg Travis Treat’s Eatery Ltd. Evelyn Tregidgo Julie Tremblay Nathan Tremblay Trend Setters Hair Design Ltd. Trev Corp and Fitter Services Tri R Construction Ltd. Trinh Ventures Trinity Hearing Trios Bar and Grill Triple M Housing Ltd. Tri-T Farms Ltd. Tritech Engineering Ltd. Gerta Trojan Mike Trojan Victor Tron Troodon Energy Ltd. Trophies and Tributes Troy Basarab Professional Corporation True Energy Inc. Gerald and Margaret Truscott Catherine Tsang Jaime Tschritter Willie and Gail Tschritter Peter and Helen Tse Chak Lun Tsui Glen Tuchiwsky Ivy Tunstall Bruce Turnbull and Janet Bourchier Sharon and Ken Turnbull Byron and Sharon Turner Robert and Dawn Turner Frank Tuttle James Twa Twilight Hutterian Brethren Twin Pines Contracting Ltd. Two A Equities Ltd. Two Guys and A Pizza Place Ltd. Janet Tyler Ray and Jenny Tymko Trina Tymko Brian and Jill Tyson Paul Tyson U.F.A. Fort Macleod John Uchikura Kim Ulrich Teresa Ulrickson ULS Maintenance and Landscaping Inc. Ultimate Freedom Plus Inc. UMA Engineering Nicole Unger Elaine Unger-Pengilly Unifeed Limited Uniglobe Custom Travel (Lethbridge) Ltd. United Farmers of Alberta CoOperative Limited United Food and Commercial Workers Union 401 United Way of the Alberta Capital Region University of British Columbia University of Lethbridge Alumni Association

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University of Lethbridge Faculty Association University of Lethbridge Students Dale Unrau Mary-Jo Upson and Victor Lough Janet Urano Yutaka Urano Jim Urasaki Colette Urban Urban Enterprises Urban Flair Ken and Lynn Urban Urban Taps and Grill John Usher Arthur Ushizawa Beverly and Marvin Vaage Leslie Vaala and Karran Thorpe Kevin Vaanstra Vader Farms Ltd. Merton Vaile Vallance and Company Valley Mist Farms Ltd. Joyce Van Deurzen Daniel Van Eck Gilbert Van Eck Della Van Gaalen Garth and Sharon Van Gaalen Robert and Leanne Van Horne Van Houtte Coffee Services Inc. Lindsy Van Koughnett Tom and Hermien Van Moorsel Erica Van Raalte Cor Van Raay Ann Van Rijn Emma van Rijt Ken and Carol Van Rootselaar Wendie Van Ryn Elayne and Wistara van Snellenberg Agnes and Rob Van Spronsen Steven Van Tetering Robert Van Tol Natalie Van Tryp Dynae Vanden Dungen M. Vanden Elzen Dennis Vandenberg Johanna Vander Beek Chad Vander Molen Anthony and Heather Vander Schaaf Lauren Vander Woude Sharon Vander Woude Adrian and Gerda VanderFluit Guy and Margaret Vanderhaeghe Christina Vanderuler Peter Vanderweapon Jeff Vanderzee Ty Vandrobais Vanee Motors Lynda Vankoughnett David Vanrobaeys Lance Vansluys Robert and Laura VanTol Varsity Christian Fellowship Varsity Esso Varsteel Ltd. Varzari Communications Gerald and Rita Varzari Glenn and Janice Varzari Brenna Di Veale Amanda Velcic Nathan Veldhoen Michael Vercillo Verdant Valley Vern’s Pizza Versus Management Inc. Guy Vervoort Heather Vida Paul and Liz Viens Village Dental Care Moana Vineyard Vinny’s Pizza Racket / Choices Virco Holdings Ltd. Anthony and Helen Virginillo Michael Virginillo Diane Virostek Carole and George Virtue Clarence and Liana Visser Lily Visser Steve Visser Harry Vissers George Vlavianos Christine Vogan Terry Vogt Volker Stevin Contracting Ltd.

Sonya von Heyking Anine Vonkeman Rick and Darlene Vornbrock Brian Vosburgh Donna Vowel Brandee Vriends W. Chris Law Insurance Agency Ltd. Nicholas Wade and Carol Beatty Eleanor Wagner Melinda Wagner Regina Wagner Pat Wahlstrom Wal Mart Northland Store #3011 Barbara Walker Devon Walker Geoff Walker Harvey Walker Hilda Walker Judith Walker Keith and Valerie Walker Laurence Walker Nancy and Paul Walker Herb and Kristine Wall Patricia Wall Adam Wallace Wal-Mart Craig and Heather Walsh Wendy Walsh Mary Lynn Walter Memorese Walter Mark Walton Allan Wang Elaine Wannechko Brian Wanner Ward Bros Construction Ltd. Kieran Ward Mitchell Ward Lorri Wardley Ward’s Jewellery Limited Wards Rentals Iona Wark John and Gail Wark Jeff Warren John and Barbara Warren Stanley Warzuta Edwin and Katherine Wasiak Sherry Wasilow-Mueller Sheila Wasylyshyn Water Pure and Simple Tim and Bev Waters Watkinson Hanhart LLP Dan Watson Darlene Watson Donald and Debra Watson Estate of George Watson Greg and Kerry Watson Joan Watson Kevin Watson and Julie Swanson Nancy and Robert Watson Andrew Watts Angela Watts Matt Waugh Ernest and Judy Wauters WCR Davidson Professional Corporation Gregory and Joanne Weadick Kerri Weaver Larry and Nina Weaver Kerri Webb Wendel Weber Bruce Webster Michelle Webster Sharon Webster Wedding Lady Brian and Catherine Weersink Wendy Weerstra Kirk Weich Brenda Weir Brenda Weitz Bruce Weldrick John and Edna Wellman Alex and Elizabeth Wells Wells Furniture Jean Wells Kathleen Wells Stewart Wells John Wensveen Mary Wensveen Robert Wensveen Janet Werner Carol Werry Wesbridge Construction Limited Deborah Wescott

Randall Weselake Bud and Sue West West Family Dental Hazel West Laura West Marion West West Wind Airspray Ltd. Michelle Weste Debbie Westergreen Western CA Services Association Western License and Registry Services Westgate Veterinary Clinic Ltd. Westside Dairy Queen Westwinds Management Solutions Inc. David Westwood Gerard and Terry Westwood Tim Westwood Stacey Wetmore Mace Wetter Phil and Linda Wever John and Brenda Wevers Wheat Law Office Wheatland Hutterian Brethren of Cabri Anne Wheatley Jack and Pat Whimster Patricia and John Whimster Amy Whipple Michael Whipple Colin Whire Ian and Susan Whishaw Whisper Creek Log Homes Colleen Whitaker Bob White White Fox Environmental Services Inc. Gary White Kelly White J. White-Evans Craig and Terry Whitehead Terry Whitehead Pamela Whitnack William and Jolayne Whitt Wholesale Fire and Rescue Ltd. Dennis Whyte Brian Wichers Derek Wichers Barbara Wickstrom Cameron Widrig Hans-Joachim Wieden Rob and Marlene Wiest Vera Wiest Darol Wigham Wigham Resources Ltd. Debbie and Rodney Wilbur Wilbur-Ellis Company of Canada Ltd. Leslie Wilcox Katherine Wild Wild Rose Hutterian Brethren Wilde Brothers Farms Ltd. Cory Wilde Glenda Wilde Verla Wilde Wildeman Holdings Ltd. Jerome and Bonnie Wildeman Rhonda Wildeman Marie Wilfong L. Doreen Wilkie John Will Mary Will Willcor Management Inc. Teala Willet William Malcolm Professional Corporation Bernard and Judy Williams Carol Williams Diana Williams Dirk Williams and Kristine Foot Don Williams Gordon Williams Kelly Williams Laura Williams Lorne and Wendy Williams Preston Williams Robert Williams and Lyn Paterson Robert Williams Scott Williams Sean Williams and Laurie Lorge Stephen and Patt Williams William Williams Barbara Williams-Freeman Tina Williamson Willie’s Livestock Equipment Kathleen Willms

Ian and Debbie Willumsen Brian and Beverly Wilson Craig and Judy Wilson Earl and Meran Wilson Fred and Kelli Wilson Melba Wilson Tracy Wilson Wilwak Ventures Ltd. o/a Roadhouse Thirst and Grill Chris Windle Wine Cavern Ltd. Winners Liquor Store Winstar Resources Ltd. Wayne and Wilma Winter Bernie Wirzba Jim Wishloff Shelly Wismath Stephen Wismath Eva Wisniewski Gary Wittebolle Eric and Kathleen Wittig Alane Witt-Lajeunesse Dieter Witzke Gerald Wobick Sue and Mark Wobick Libertad Wohlwend Mark Wojszel Gary and Rita Wolfe Angela Wolsey Carrel Wolsey Matt and Rhonda Wolske Barbara Wolstoncroft Women’s Soccer Association of Lethbridge Benny and Wendy Wong Darren Wong Ed Wong Franco Wong James and Marilyn Wong Morley Wong and Evelyn Cormack-Wong Art Wood Christina Wood Craig Wood and Catherine Woolfrey Jason Wood Shelley Wood Robert and Lillian Woodford Keith and Louise Woodrow Woods Dispensary John and Carol Woods Larry Woods Peter and Shelly Woolf William Woolf Cam Woykin Keith Woznesensky Annabelle Wright Barbara Wright Lionel Wright Marg Wright Marion Wright Trish Wright Joanne Wutzke Leszek Wyczolkowski Shirley Wyngaard Aldegonda Wyrostok Doris and Irwin Wyrostok XO Esthetics Spa and Salon Inc. Maurice Yacowar John Yaeck Daniel and Cindy Yagos Mike and Barb Yakubowski Craig Yamamoto Ruby Yamamoto Geary Yamashita Kathryn Yamashita Sharon Yanicki Allan Yeoman Greg Yeoman Annie Yip Blair Yorke-Slater Doug Yoshida Ronald and Kathryn Yoshida Bob and Alice Young Don Young and Hazel Mitchell Elizabeth Young Young Parkyn McNab LLP Ryan Young Tamara Young John Younie Bill Yuill Irvin Zacharias Ken Zacharias Dennis Zachernuk Zach’s Oilfield Services

Sajjad Zahir Robert and Ann Zalik Tracy Zappone Max Zaugg Kevin and Maria Zeeb Earle Zeigler Roger and Pat Zelinsky Ralph Zentner Zephyr Impressions Ying Zheng George and Treva Zieber Jack Ziegler Susanne Zilkie Michael Zimmer Lise Zimmerman Robert Zoeteman John and Kathleen Zolinsky Christen Zuidhof Kelly and Jane Zwicker David Zwyer Pat Zywian


The Legacy of Leadership campaign has no bounds. You have made a significant difference in creating a legacy that will live on at the heart of the University of Lethbridge. As we continue to build the most vital and engaging learning environment in Canada, your legacy of generosity will be witnessed again and again. Thanks to you, students and professors alike will continue to be given new opportunities to engage in creativity, inquiry and discovery resulting in impacts far greater than we can begin to imagine. And so, the journey continues...

University Advancement 4401 University Drive Lethbridge, Alberta T1K 3M4 Ph: (403) 329-2582 Fax: (403) 329-5130

Produced by: University Advancement at the University of Lethbridge EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Tanya Jacobson-Gundlock EDITOR: Alesha Farfus-Shukaliak ASSOCIATE EDITOR AND WRITER: Jana McFarland DESIGNER: Stephenie Chester

PHOTOGRAPHY: Jones Foto Glenda Moulton Bernie Wirzba

Kathy MacFarlane Senior Development Officer

PRINTING: University of Lethbridge Printing Services

Donna Court Gift Processing

Development TEAM: Chris Horbachewski Vice-President (Advancement) Ruth Hummel Director, Development Barry Knapp Major Gifts Officer

Kristine Carlsen Wall Research Officer

Taryn Sailer Administrative Support Erika Street Research Support Jana McFarland Advancement Communications Officer

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