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CHESTER LEE COLEMAN Wideouts® Publishing

This is an autobiographical work of non fiction. All of the characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are real people and true events. The author used his imagination to create the work. The author makes no claims to the validity of who such character's true identites their is no possible way on earth to know anyone you have not seen, spoken to, or heard from in years.

Copyright Š 2019 Chester Lee Coleman All rights reserved. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. WIDEOUTS Publishing LLC Los Angeles, CA 90000

To the memory of my granny HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Acknowledgments First, All glory be too GOD. I would like to thank Naetocka for conjuring the idea for me to write this book: ten years ago we ate lunch at Grand Lux and on the way home with the cutest smile you said, “Nuts you should write a book, it would be really interesting!” I hope this piece of work meets your standards. I must thank each lady whose names are now carved in history. Without any of you this piece of literature would not be possible. Words could never paint the effect each one of you had on me. As confident as I was in my pursuit to conquer each, these stories have grounded me in the most humble way. With a healed heart I would like to pay tribute to my best friend Anthony “TM” who for twenty years epitomized the word friend. His death in a weird way has been the source of my healing and whose presence is sorely missed. Finally, I would like to honor my granny. You taught me unconditional love and I’m beyond grateful and honored to be called your Grandson.

Preface Sleeping with over 200 women and never wanting any of them to be my girlfriend. I finally asked myself the tough question. Why I am the way that I am? I’ve always been different. It has taken me 34 years, but I think I know why I have always had major success with women. Retrospectively looking back at my college days, my former friend Stephen would admire in a somewhat disrespectful way that he could never see why a girl would talk to me. Not that I ever cared for the opinion of a boy especially one who came to college a virgin. One obvious reason I would voice to him is that I have been blessed with boyish good looks and a Pisces sensitive nature something he didn’t have. But the truth of the matter is I am abundantly filled with confidence. Although my parents didn’t contribute to anything in the material realm. They infused me with an arsenal of innate tools as I would later discover and name them. Compound that with being raised by my granny, no dad around, and a mother on the crack are elements to my indirect approach and creativity to the female species. By the time this book is released I should be half way done with my research in pursuit of my PH.D in psychology. My first and only tax paying job I worked at a mental health hospital in Torrance. I have been observant my whole life. Even if I acted like I had not seen or heard anything, I really did. I learned at a very young age that everything saw wasn’t meant to be talked about. While on the job every fifteen minutes I had to find thirty to forty patients and mark their location and behavior. Each eight hour shift required two hours and forty-five minutes of keen non-interrupted focus. Someone’s life could literally depend on it. Now let’s rewind back to my toddler years. Around fifteen months of age I went deft for more than five days. My momma told me I received the Ears Nose & Throat (ENT) surgery. I conducted some research recently, learning that something may have been placed in my ear to help me hear. That same device has lead to my ability to pick up on amplified frequencies and vibrations. The auricle muscle of the ear is connected to auricle muscle in the heart. All this means that I think I feel and hear sound at a higher vibration with an increased sensitivity to sound. Many psychologists in the field of behavioral, social, and cognitive psychology agree that what a person encounters

between the ages of four and twelve, will weigh heavily on that person’s mental make up in the future. If a traumatic event were to occur this will drastically affect that person. Multiple traumas during those years and that person can border psychopath tendencies while developing an extremely high emotional intelligence. Heightened in those traumas are those related to sex. A three letter word consuming the majority of most human thoughts. I have accumulated over 15,000 clinical hours, read and listened to over 200,000 stories on some sort of sexual abuse and counseled patients during my hands on experience at Del Amo Mental Hospital. I draw this inference. Some sort of sexual abuse may have happened to my mom at an adolescent age. This usually leads to one completely acting out or completely becoming guarded (clam like)… eventually leading to drug use. Moms birthed my older brother when she was 16, me at 21, my youngest brother at 23, miscarried twins by 25 not to mention we all had different dads. I couldn’t tell you if my momma was already using drugs when our house got shot up (I was 4). But I do remember about the age of eleven knowing and understanding that my mom was similar to Halle Barry in Losing Isiah but worse. The only thing children know is love in the form of safety at such tender age when the world is moving one thousand miles per second with every blink. I still remember the last hug and kiss before the deputy’s in the courthouse led us away from my momma. At one point before the age of seven she came to stay with us. Maybe this is where I developed a hateful disrespect for moms. I had become attached to my granny because naturally kids trust who feed and clothe them. My mom would leave during the night time and come home when the sun was coming up. She would wake up and hurl verbal assaults at my two brothers and I. This was a constant in my childhood. During her come downs anyone around would get the worst of her. Our house was always filled with lots of people, laughter, and tough love. The meanest of insults became so common that if you weren’t getting cursed, yelled at or made fun of, there was probably an earthquake or something. As you can see there were no off days to show any sign of a weakness. The other side of moms when she was cool is where my loquacious qualities are centered. I know there are some people

who do not believe in horoscope, astrology, or numerology. As of recent, I’ve become drawn to each of the fields while continually learning about the subjects; I am certain there is much truth to birthday signs. My momma is an Aquarius. And if I were to compile a list of those I’ve gotten to know born under this sign: they are mean as hell, pragmatic, materialistic, fun, life of the party, judgmental, and lack compassion for others most of the time (my opinion). With drugs there’s always “friends” around. One of the most intriguing elements of drugs is they do not discriminate. Drugs transcend color, race, economics, finances, et al. My momma and uncles had friends of all races entering in and out the house at all times of the night. Although I was not fond of her lifestyle which no child could ever understand. I unconsciously observed her every move and interaction. Women are matter of fact in the way they speak. The part of the brain that controls speaking; females linguistic function is bigger than males, that’s why they speak so well. My parents got married 4 months before I was born. Through research and life experience at the hospital, I’ve learned that a women’s wellbeing during the child bearing process can help aid good or opposite to the well-being of a child. I think Chester & Renee really did Love each other because of how happy and loving that I am. My pops is a Leo. They are known to be selfish, aggressive, attention seekers, full of life with addictive personality. If one were to ever meet my mom or dad in a party setting, I can guarantee that still to this day they would be in the center of the dance floor having the time of their lives. They both love to dance and music is one thing I’m sure attracted one another to each other. My momma speaks with conviction. If there is even the slightest thought that you are trying to one up her. She will curse your ass out and make you feel smaller than a particle of dust. Both are attractive. Because of the drug use, moms had a busted grill growing up. They both have impeccable and flawless skin still to this day. I’m positive the non make-up use by her and especially my granny is why I love natural looking women. My pops is handsome. He has that attractive jawline and squarely pointed chin that women can’t help but be drawn too. My momma has the same kind of jawline and chin with the exception of her somewhat protruding cheeks. Both have full lips

explaining why I have big lips. I haven’t seen my pops in a few years but I remember at 54 he could still pass for a man in his mid to late thirty’s. Last time I saw him (2014) he had no grey in his beard and could grow his hair that curl’s with the best of them and go bald if need be. He can also talk his ass off too… maybe a little too much if you ask me. Can’t blame him though he was sandwiched between two older and younger sisters growing up. Children mimic sounds, words, and behaviors of those around them. Its proven women talk more than men. I had no man in my childhood that had any influence on me. In junior high a friends mom thought I was from the South because of the way I talked. She wasn’t too far off though; granny was born and raised in Alabama. I talk slow and drag my words at the end of sentences. I also have a somewhat whine to my speech as well. Women, when they want something speak with a lot of conviction. It’s natural in their voice inflictions. Women have the unique ability in the same sentence to show worry, concern, happiness, sadness, love, and anger without offending others. Moms would talk crazy to dudes, showing her frustration or anger and would get what she wanted every single time. She could make you feel like nothing in the matter of an instance and make you feel like superman at the same time. If one has ever seen crack manufactured and that magic moment when the cold water hits the solution and the elements harden up. That same whoa look is how I looked at dudes who responded to my mean ass momma. I once worked with a nurse who called me a womanizer. Of course I laughed at this notion. Half a decade later, I now comprehend why I think she said this. I am a man but my actions not only mimic that of a woman but I have the psychology of a woman and even talk like them. I’ve coached with men who have characterized me as a linguist. This isn’t a normal trait for men. But one that I feel becomes highly developed for males who grow up exclusively around women. I guess I learned how to talk to women by mimicking my momma and my granny’s interactions and behaviors with others. At the end of the day my momma is the true definition of a gangsta. From using and dealing drugs to serving two years jail time at Chowchilla State Prison, to almost being killed and fighting dudes. It’s obvious to see why my gangsta has never been an act. I’m a sensitive soul

though. A Pisces (feminine sign) born on March 16,1984 during Leo rising (masculine sign) with a Virgo moon (feminine sign). Granny is a Sagittarius (masculine sign). I mention this because the both of their signs play a pivotal role in to my hot and cold nature with females. Granny raised five grandchildren and remained taking care of her adult children within years of her going home to be with her mother. Granny always included anyone who was around to eat and use her home as their own. Grandparents, having raised their own children, only show love, adoration, and affection to their grandkids. They never judge the mistakes and operate in pure love. Grandkids can do no wrong in the eyes of grandparents. I believe males and females operate in their opposite sexual orientation. Men have to be toughened up by a female because by nature he is a feminine being. Female’s feminine characteristics prevail when they have children but in the meantime they are masculine creatures. Being a Pisces and having two fish swimming opposite ways was the perfect combination for my development. Neither lady in my life showed any sign of sensitivity, softness, or emotion. There wasn’t any crying or anything like that. And as I previously mentioned very mean things where said to each other (granny excluded). I witnessed the good side of a woman (granny) and the bad side of a woman (momma). As I venture into my past, I laugh at the comments of former friends joking about “all my bitches” looking alike. They were right. I have now pinpointed exactly what has been an Achilles heel of mine. It all goes back to human nature vs nurture and the significance to one’s up bringing. I have an affinity of the lighter or fair skin females (same color as my granny). It’s bad! Of course I can control my urges. That giraffe like neck with to die for curly hair with strong jaw lines drive me wild. Basically, the girls I have really be into not only fit the physical description of my granny but the way they carried themselves was granny like as well. I liked em hood too. That part is all moms. During my younger years I needed a shit talking chick because of the fun it brought me. And to see how much chicks let me get under their skin using the same tricks they have always used on men. Any emotion ever displayed was the true me. When my momma wanted something she showed

emotion and people responded. I was also very quick to cut a girl loose as early as seventh grade if I didn’t get what I wanted. Still to this day I have never had a serious girlfriend. Part by design but looking back I wasn’t open enough to allow that. Plus when you think like women your actions become theirs. I wasn’t a woman though. I created a program conducive to my intrapersonal skills. Women push men away to see how much his desire for them burns. The more a man desires a chick the more he’s willing to go through what feels like the impossible to have his conquest. Another element worth visiting that I learned; is that if a female was treated like a girlfriend, then she would be just as loyal if not more than the girl who needed a title to prove her worth. I would push away because I wasn’t getting what I wanted. Then at times after not getting my way, the weak (man side) of me would digress because it was me who wanted her. Another advantage of mine is that I am very honest. I observed honesty from a women’s perspective. Dudes don’t think. My former friends never agreed with the way I saw things because they either had they lying ass dads in they lives or a lying ass momma. Either way I can’t fault my friends, at the end of the day we’re all walking imitations of our learned behaviors. When I pushed girls away I still had to chase. Somewhat counterproductive now that I think about it. One thing I learned about women is they are full of shit. Society likes to characterize women as weak and emotional. I beg to differ. My infatuation with women has caused me to observed them with a killer like intensity. Women only act emotional or sensitive because they not only seek attention but they know men like to rescue the “weak”. Women do not trust the emotions of a man because they feel superior in this department. I have many situations to draw from, but the most prevalent one is how women handle being cheated on. Not that I am proud of this nor am I shameful, but I don’t think I’m bad for having sex with females who had boyfriends or husbands to the few married women I have been with. Plus, I have never ever dirty mack’d or hated on any dude to get some pussy. Being a neutral person who is very discreet, I was entrusted with people’s most intimate of secrets. When female friends would vent to me after they “caught” their guys cheating.

I would first kind of laugh because it was funny to me. The idea of cheating has never made any sense to me. I think people have used the bible as a basis for this. Maybe I skipped this chapter in the bible but I’ve only read mentions of marriage in the bible… so how could someone who wasn’t married cheat? Secondly, I would sit and listen while offering no advice unless they asked. And when they did, I would tell the girls where they went wrong and they appreciated this. And No, I’m not that dude who listen to his female friends complaints and then do what the guy she’s banging is not doing. For years I prided myself in my ability to mack, spit game, and talk to women. Two things I learned over the years when dudes cheated on my female friends: the girls were either mad at their dudes for cheating with a girl whom they considered ugly. Or they blamed themselves for not doing the things to keep him from cheating. They were never mad at the act itself, so I capitalized off of this with the girls I dealt with. Most of their initial reactions were not to break up as most movies like to portray. Females only act hurt because they hate being the last one to know what is going on. With prior knowledge females are able to better damage control the questions their friends will definitely bombard them with. Observe the opposite side of the female species and you would see that men are actually the crazy one’s. Most normal men although I don’t know what normal is when you combine man and woman. But most guys and their friends play a lot of hypothetical what if games with each other. What would you do if your girlfriend cheated on you? Could you wife a girl who smashed (had sex) with your best friend? Questions as such were normal amongst my associates during my college days. It seems as if every dude I have ever had this conversation with, have all said they would leave their ladies even though during these conversations they were actively cheating on their girlfriends (none of my business though). I don’t see life as all one way or another. Life is what it is. Maybe having no restrictions growing up shaped my bias when it comes to relationships. The homies would argue back in forth with me that I never had a girlfriend so I couldn’t possibly understand. Of course that made no sense because my experience with women trumped all their amateur experience in this arena. I also had the unique advantage of learning relationships from a female’s perspective. I just never agreed with them about being that mad, angry, or hurt over

something someone else wanted to do. This will never make sense to me that people get mad over a choice someone else made that does not involve them. Also, I have never wanted to control or possess any girl I have ever dealt with. Having to grow up faster than I probably should have, is one of the main contributing factors. I watched moms manipulate dudes and learned that when a woman doesn’t want a man to know something… he never will. They are incredible at not incriminating themselves because innately they know if they told a man the truth about another man being inside them… he’s likely to hurt himself, her, the other guy, or all three. Fellas trust me when I say this no woman alive trusts the emotions of a man and what he will do when he finds out his precious little girlfriend got fucked by someone like me! So unless you catch them red handed (highly unlikely) or they are on some petty well you cheated so did I type stuff… A woman will never divulge the information of her animalistic nature.

Part One

EARLY YEARS My first kiss came way of a pretty six year old when I was a mere seven years old. When hide go get it was birthed from hide n seek the game changed. Instead of hiding to not get caught, I was hiding to catch the bait as well. The young lady in question was light skin (figures) defined cheek bones, pointed chin, curly hair, and beautiful big eyes. Observing others in great detail is one of my best qualities. My older brother is five years older than me and I would find his porno’s from time to time. Watching older white men and white women on distorted grainy film wasn’t all that exciting. I would hear my uncles joke with my brother about beating his meat because of his thirty-plus minute bath’s. One thing highly developed in my social skills was my ability to withhold information. Listening to my granny when she was on phone calls (not actively) but my unconscious mind picked up on her evasive, ambiguous, open ended playfulness in her conversations. Learning how the mind works and how our behaviors are affected on meta levels that we have yet to understand fascinate me. My granny is from Alabama and if there is one thing about southern women, they have an incredible charm with the way they speak. They have a natural discerning yet charismatic tone in their speech. Maybe two weeks later after another game of hide-n-seek my uncle caught me and baby girl kissing behind a car. I thought I was going to get in trouble for doing something wrong but my uncle played it cool. He laughed at me and never told granny on me. I would go on to lose my virginity before the age of 14; nothing special to include from this experience. I was sort of scared and didn’t know what I was doing anyway. As long as I could remember I would characterize myself as a face person. I think I have a fascination with beauty. Not in the superficial sense like a Victoria’s Secret Supermodel (I personally don’t think they have natural beauty anyway) but more of an abstract beauty to women. Something in the eyes and that uniqueness with different eye shapes and facial structures enthrall me. Like the saying goes, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” Maybe, I’ve always been attracted more to these girls hearts than their outward beauty. My best friend in junior high was a pretty girl. Honey brown hazel eyes she had the look of a young Jada Pinkett. As most

girls are at that age, she was way taller than me but you know obstacles have never stopped me. I met her on the first day of junior high. I was instantly drawn to her beauty. I know I shot my shot sometime during that first week and was informed that she was already talking to what would become my best friend of twenty years Anthony. My ego back then didn’t allow me to give girls a second chance after turning me down. So TaNeisha and I became best friends. If I was into a particular chick she was always first to know. A slogan we used in junior high was “on her balls” and TaNeisha would say, “Damn my nigga… you’re on Jackie’s balls!” Laughing as I write this line she was right. Jackie was a girl I crushed majorly in junior high. She was my type to the letter T. Slim, high cheek bones, curly hair, big titty’s, and that high athletic booty that girls have from walking on their toes. Remember I said I’m a man who talks like women and think like them too. Back then I thought I did everything right to get Jackie but she just wasn’t feeling your boy. I guess we all can say she was playing hard to get and I get it. But up until that point my game was that mimicked from what I saw from women. Yep from a young age my mind was fucked up. If I didn’t get what I wanted, when I wanted it, I didn’t want it. Sounds familiar—just like women. By the time Jackie came around to liking me I was over her. Not physically she was still pretty as ever but I no longer had that tummy butterfly like for her. Situations like this would become a staple later in my life as you will read going forward. Every situation involving females on an intimate level has taught me valuable lessons. During this time, I learned it’s best to tell the girl that you like them first before anyone else can tell them.

HIGHSCHOOL These were good times. As amazing as college was, the groundwork for who I became was laid in high school. This stage in life can be challenging for many. Boys go through puberty with outraging hormones while girls bodies are shaping into hour glass figures. Another thing for certain during this time is most teenage boys will begin to masturbate. I was one of those boys who made it out of high school never having jacked off. I was horny like all teenage boys especially when Jazmine let me read Addicted by Zane. Reading such heavy erotica during leisure reading would leave my mind in the gutter all day. I would scan the room finding the girls I was attracted to and imagine them and myself acting out the scenes in the book. The first time I got a blow job came way of a real good friend. I’m highly sexual and more freaky now in my 30’s, but Roger was the high school Joe Francis (Girls Gone Wild). The week before getting my dick sucked for the first time, I got a call from Roger and the homies. He said he and five others were at Stacey’s house getting sucked off. They bragged to me how I was missing out. I pleaded for our only friend with a car to come get me. But where I stayed and where they were was at least an hour round trip. During the week Roger assured me that we would go see her the upcoming weekend. After sitting on her bed, I pulled my pants to my ankles and she got on her knees and performed oral surgery. Her technique was doctor approved at a very early age (9th grade). Although the first time I got head I nutted I wouldn’t experience the pleasure of releasing from fellatio until after my third year in college (more on this later). I had a liberal and wild group of friends. The number one male bonding experience outside of sports are girls. My friends and I had a more than healthy adoration for the female sex. We were gamers. My friends parents always were cool enough to let us have guests in their homes. My house was always open too. There was just always someone there or something going on at my house, privacy was scarce. We had our own types and for the most part always attempted to make sure the girl we were into had a friend or two or three for the homie/homies depending on the situation. Of course like

all groups of friendships sub groups form. Some pairings or trios naturally flow better than others. When we weren’t at practice or basketball tournaments you could catch us at the movies, bowling alley, mall, or class trying to knock a chick. No matter where we went, someone approached a girl he thought was cute. This much practice helped me fine tune the art of mack’n. I would double up on the art of seduction because my momma worked on women’s hair as one of her many hustles. My cousin, who is two years younger, would have her friends at the house a lot as well. I got a lot of female attention and interaction during my childhood. If my female classmates were over I would converse and carefully observe how they acted outside of school. I also learned that women can talk about just about anything. The high school I attended was predominately white and we did’t have the prettiest black girls until my senior year. Corona had become a developing city with a new school now housing 4500 students. One thing I have always told my friends was that females always tell a real nigga the truth. Took me years to learn that I was the real nigga females trusted with their information. Lessoned learned, don’t tell these nigga’s nothing, they really can’t handle it. During my junior year, I decided to enroll in Spanish for the third straight year. In my class was a pretty Mexican chick whom I had become real cool with. She helped me on word meanings and I helped her with the verb conjugations. She dated a teammate of mine and would vent to me in class. I would just listen not offering any advice so I would never sound as if I hated. It’s been too long now and I cannot recall how we got on the subject of shower sex. Even early in my career I had a thing for water and sex. My birthday always fell around Easter and spring break. For my present, Erica agreed to shower with me the week after spring break because her family would be on vacation. She agreed to my proposition under one condition, I better not tell anybody. For me that would be easy so I thought. Absolutely, was I excited that my game was tight enough to convince a girl while she had a dude to let me fuck the shit out of her in the shower. This took a few months but I love a good challenge; plus I only did my convincing during class. There is something so seductive and salacious about sex talk in a classroom full of others who are clueless to what’s being whispered.

For spring break the homies and I played basketball and played video games all week. Aaron, my friend of four years and the older brother of my homeboy Noel was hanging out with us as well. Before he and Erica met he was someone I entrusted with this information. My thinking at the time was what were the chances he meets Erica, who’s in tenth grade, he’s out of high school, and divulges everything I had just told him. Well, that Saturday her and her girls were bored so she reached out to me. The fellas and I were just about to start the night so I told her to come through with her friends. The two of them met and no big deal I’m thinking even when he called me asking for her number Sunday night. The night was a blast and it ended with me getting my dick sucked for an hour by her friend Tiffany. Aaron stayed with a girlfriend who was always attractive. There was no way he could hate on me is what I was thinking. Hell the summer before he attempted to get his girlfriend to let us run a train on her. I’ll never forget this moment though. Wednesday morning as I stood in the middle of the school underneath the brick arches, I was met by Erica’s fury laced eyes as she made her way up the stairs. “Chester! We gotta talk.” The moment she said that, I knew this hating’ ass nigga Aaron had told her. “You said that you weren’t going to tell anyone.” “You’re right I did say this and the person I told isn’t even in high school. That means he’s the one who told you. I’m calling him after school to bang on that nigga for hating on me.” “Ches…No! Please don’t! I told him I wouldn’t tell you. Plus, I’m kind of feeling him. Can you please not say anything for me.” Lessoned number three learned if you say you not gone tell something and you do the universe has a way a proving you right or wrong… one way or the other. Sexually in high school I was picky ass hell. I finished high school having sex with less than ten girls. As I mentioned earlier my school was predominately white. I did have the pleasure of being some girls first kiss or dick suck of a black guy. Previously stating how dope my friends were, most of us had no problem attempting to fuck or get head from the same chick. Having tons of experience with women and hearing many of my friends stories… I can say I have truly been blessed to have experienced things most will only experience through movies or books.

My senior year I was trusted with a freshman’s virginity. Looks wise Monica was another pretty younger Jackie except shorter and mixed with black and puerto-rican not black and white. Her boyfriend was a freshman who as she told my homeboy Joseph, “Was scared of the pussy.” She wanted to lose her v-card and when Joseph called me I told him, “It’s not a better person she should lose it to but me.” “Say no more C-Style I got you.” Looking back I was selfish. Sorry ladies no excuses. And I’m not asking any of you to forgive me. Just try to understand I’m a lot like you guys in this department. Similar to women being turned on by a man’s desire for them. I’m learning that I’m turned on by a females desire in my desire for her. The first time Monica and I had sex I made her start off on top. I promise it hurt me just as much if not more than it hurt her. I was as gentle as I could be until her body warmed up enough to guide her self up and down without my assistance. During high school, I was anal about the use of condoms. Having college aspirations and not wanting to be a high school parent, I made sure to always wear protection. Nearing graduation the homies and I were on our wild shit. My homeboy Noel deserves major credit for the way he quarterbacked one hell of a train situation. One Saturday night he called to inform me that his parents were out of town and Amanda had agreed to let him, me, and three other homeboys fuck. He wanted me to get my Granny’s van because Amanda stayed in my apartments. I was excited to see how the night would turn out. After our arrival, I darted to the kitchen and made my self a drink (pops stayed with liquor). She went upstairs, then Noel huddled the group and delivered the instruction. “Okay cuz, this bitch is fully ready and with the business. Courtney she gone fuck you first (Roger cousin she didn’t know), Roger she gone fuck you second, Style you third, my brother, then I’m a finish her off with that hammer.” We all laughed at that last part. Once everyone was finished, Amanda and I headed back home. My dick was still hard because I didn’t finish considering she only let me get like five minutes. We got in the back row of the Astro Van and she rode me like a jockey horse. The next morning Noel and I laughed about the instant classic. One of the homies couldn’t get hard and he ended up going limp in the pussy

himself. Her pussy was whack, feeling as if her insides were hollow with no walls. After graduation, I finally got to feel what it was like to wear no rubber. I don’t know what its like to use lubrication but if its anything like the feeling of a females natural wetness and heat (which I highly doubt) than I’m missing out. In all honesty, the day I have sex with a lady and can’t turn her on then I shouldn’t be having sex. Women are turned on by a man’s desire for her and in principle should get wet upon feeling his primitive nature. A former friend of mine Naetocka is known as “Bomb” for her BAP (Bomb Ass Pussy). She’s a big inspiration and reason behind this book. I have a story involving her later. The two of us never officially dated. I think keeping the relationship in that mystery “what if” stage was always best for us. We were open and honest about our sex life plus she was into girls and provided me with great insight. As I matured and our conversations about why I never had a girlfriend became more in-depth; she thought because of my experience in the category and my unique perspective that I should write a book on my crazy and multifarious sex life. I did think it would be cool to complete the task. However at twenty-five years of age I didn’t feel I had enough knowledge or insight to not only inform the reader but teach as well. I reached the century club before the age of 24 and by the age of 29 my numbers were over 200. The past five-years I have slowed down tremendously to the tune of abstaining for the past two years. Not because I felt I was becoming reckless or caught a virus. But one day I woke up and had this epiphany; “I’ve lost money chasing women but never lost women chasing money.” This was the same year I quit the job in mental health and went into business for myself. Can’t build a billion dollar company with women as my 1st, 2nd, or 3rd priority. While adventuring through these stories of my past, I ask that every reader keep an open mind. I feel my hunger for the mind and how it pertains to men/women and sex offer a unique perspective linking creativity, mental health, sexuality, seduction, and relationships. Prepare to be blown away!


2002 I will continue to say this, I’ve always felt different and college helped prove me right. I’m not one who sets high expectations on things I have never encountered. Growing up I knew I wanted to go to college but in no way was I like the teens I just finished coaching. Those boys have known since seventh or eight grade exactly where they wanted to attend college. The first twenty-one days of college were hell. Six-thirty am horn sounds, two-a-day practices, countless meetings, and eleven pm film dismissals. I had no idea that I would be on a college campus and see no girls for three weeks. Fall camp concluded the same day campus allowed early move-in to the dorms. We still had practice but double days were over. The day before school started, word traveled that the lady soccer team was having a party. Having older teammates who fucked with me was cool because I was always kept in the loop of anything exclusive going on. Inside the party drinks poured from all angles and there was a whole lot of freaking (dancing) going on. Dudes in my generation only danced with a girl if he was freaking on her booty. Attending high school where seventy-five percent of the girls were white, is definitely an attributing factor to my affection for white girls. Stephen would joke about white girls liking me because I gave off a slave vibe. This made me laugh at times because I’m a couple hairs under 6’0 and never weighed more than 183 pounds in college. Initial details are non existent as I was belligerent by this point. Molly and I danced for like thirty-minutes. We freaked so heavy that we ended up taking over a couch in the process. A few of her friends were teasing us with usual remarks of “get a room” and “girl let him breath”. That last one caused us to stop kissing as we both let out our final breaths, laughing at the immature comments. Although she may have been laughing I was listening to her friends because they did know their “girl” better than me. Maybe she had done this before. Plus, I was from Southern California and she was from the Northern California. On the way home I learned that she stayed in the athlete-infested apartments where I stayed called Spartan Village. After exiting the car I asked her what apartment she was in because I didn’t carry protection as I was just trying to get out of the house for the

night. I retrieved my box of golden tickets and pranced my happy go lucky ass to room 122. Walking to her place, my fellow wideout John said he met her roommate and was tagging along. I’m a true player so I motioned him my way and gave him my other condom. Forty minutes later I’m lying on top of Molly laughing at something she said. I had nutted but wasn’t ready to pull out. Her pussy was super warm. John was in bed with her roommate listening and watching us the whole time. I think what made us both laugh was that the both of them were laying in bed not doing nothing. Plus the roommate was rubbing his back saying how soft his skin felt. I like to test limits and I wanted to see if the homie was a go getter or not. I suggested we switch and he come get in bed with Molly. Had John not had my condom, I would’ve fucked the roommate too. I got my first piece of college pussy before I ever stepped foot in my first college class. They say how a person’s first day of school goes will entail how the rest of his college career will transpire (mythical legend). It’s safe to say that Molly is the reason for my abundant college sex life. Sike! I would consider myself a very sexual person but not a horny person or nympho-maniac. The more I research and understand the mind and how it works. I often reminisce to my childhood because that’s where everyone in the whole world needs to journey back in time to learn more about themselves. When I was 15 months I went deft for a week. Maybe this caused me to observe with a keen eye because one of my most important senses was of no use. Growing up I was an avid lover of video games. I owned all the popular systems and loved the games where I had to use my mind to figure things out. I was the best at every game. I strongly dislike losing is an understatement. I know words can have impactful meanings and I’ve eliminated the h-word from my vocabulary use. But, I HATE losing more than I like winning. Because I rely heavily on my mind and know it’s my greatest asset. I prepare like a champion in all things that I do so I expect to win in all things that I do. Maybe that’s why I feel I have never loss anything and only learned instrumental lessons. As a kid, I owned the entire Dr. Seuss collection of children books. I also had every book in the Goosebumps by R.L. Stine

collection. As you see mind stimulation has been instrumental in my life. Studies show kids who play video games increase their spatial abilities and this can and often does lead to one having lots of creativity. This also helps with one’s ability to problem solve. I now believe a part of me has been playing a problem solving game with women. Recently I reached out to Keanna, whom I once dated. She’s a smart girl and I value the way she thinks. I informed her of this book and the basis for it. She was excited and liked the different views and perspectives that I’m presenting. Before getting off the phone she made a comment saying that my charm and smile were two things she was first attracted too. But then she said that she thinks a part of my success with women comes from me treating the dating process with women like a big ass game! I laughed this notion off, telling her she was crazy because I don’t play with people’s feelings. That night as I cleared my mind rummaging through the day’s conversations, Keeana had me thinking if what she said was right. I have learned over the years that a person’s perspective of you is always correct (relativism) because they get to see the outer us that we can’t ourselves see. I was reading the Art of Seduction and before I could start the first chapter, author Robert Greene makes a statement about seducers seeing the whole world as a game in which there are no limits to how that game can be played. He also makes mention of seducers being amoral. We live a life with no restraints and view the conquest as a restricted character ready to let go of all inhibitions. All humans want to be seduced. It’s written in our DNA. Blame my granny for my confidence. She not only told me I could be anything I wanted to be. She also told me I could have anything in the world as long as I either wanted it bad enough or worked hard enough for it. Translation you can have any girl that you want. Keanna was right. Yes, I am a dreamer and often catch myself in fantasyland in my mind. But these vivid images are far from a fantasy. They look, feel, and seem all too real. I like my mind being played with. I know when I’m being seduced and as long as the person doesn’t misstep I willingly oblige of course on my terms. Man I just love women. They do something to me in a major way.

I have been turned down probably a thousand times. (My young self talking here) I never thought the reason for me being turned down was because of me. Whatever the chick’s excuse, I felt like I was the exception to what ever rule these maniacal women put in place. Whatever the excuse was, it had nothing to do with me. This could read as cocky and I assure you it was. I think ninety-five percent of the women who have allowed me to have a part of them would say I’m more confident than cocky. I guess when you hear No a lot as a kid the word in my eyes became just an obstacle. No really didn’t mean no. It meant the first attempt wasn’t solid enough to captivate so try again. I know I’m persistent but it’s a learned behavior. My momma and uncles would keep asking and asking until my granny obliged to aide their drug addictions. I do not have grandiose thoughts of me being as attractive as women’s favorite actors ‘Shemar Moore’ or ‘Brad Pitt’ but I do have many female features. I have really curly eyelashes and somewhat symmetrical thick eyebrows. I have a somewhat average to small nose and small ears. I have soft facial features. In tv and magazines masculine features are what sale because of the symmetry these faces have, causes people to find them attractive. But feminine features are what make people pretty or beautiful. Softer or feminine features are also more trustworthy to others. In college girls would ask me dumb questions like, “Do you wear mascara… Do you pluck your eye brows?” Not until I was graduating college did I even know that men on television and in movies wore make-up. Questions as such were common and still do arise from time to time. I can’t help that I favor moms, but I understand cross genetics. I believe boys inherit their mom’s feminine traits and girls inherit their dad’s masculine traits. I did not start getting hair on my legs till almost twenty years old. No hair on my chest until I turned twenty-one. Outside of having a mustache the hairs for my beard wouldn’t connect till after my thirtieth birthday. These things help build trust with women for some apparent reason. Women can be caddy with each other all day but for the most part they don’t trust men with their business. A man with feminine facial features and a feminine psychology puts that man in rare company… Looking back I didn’t understand this competitive advantage I held.

My next sexual encounter took place after a party in Spartan Village. The girl was from San Jose but was a student at rival Fresno State. I’d never forget her because she had a distinct look and she held the same name of my granny (awww). The OG wideouts on the team fucked with me heavy. They were fourth or fifth year players super grown at 22&23. When they called me they said, “Ches come by yourself we don’t fuck with them other young nigga’s like that.” Annie was a cute red head with lake blue eyes and christian grey freckles. We were eighteen and maybe one night stands was not something she was into because while I sealed the deal she said, “I’m not down to fuck but we can do other things!” Fellatio here we come. She was dressed very cute. It was something about her that intrigued me; maybe it was her aggressive but apprehensive nature that capitulated me. She showed interest in me first and I did everything else. Tight blue jeans with a white button up and black boots the look of a Texas country singer. Back at my place she changed into some football shorts and a t-shirt I had given her. On top of me, Annie aggressively kissed and stroked my dick…I was beginning to really really love college. Hand in my boxers as her hand stroked my shaft I popped her bra strap caressing and kissing each of her breasts one by one. I know she said we couldn’t fuck but I always gotta test my luck…you never know she could’ve changed her mind. She allowed me to play with her clit but wouldn’t let me stick a finger inside of her. I did this with the other hand that did not occupy her succulent A-cup nipples. The young lady did a fantastic job with her head game but I did not cum. I knew I wouldn’t but I was hoping she got turned on enough to change her mind and let me stick it in…which she did not. In a condensed two-bed room apartment lived six guys. Three to a room with bunk beds in both rooms. This was not new to me. Growing up, I always shared a room with my little brother and cousin. This dynamic was not what I had imagined. I thought I would be in a dorm room with one other person, but hey I can adjust to whatever is thrown my way. It seemed like my room was the cool side and the other side was the weird side. I was the sexually most experienced one in the house. One came to college as a virgin (Stephen), the other three came to college with girlfriends (Alex, Malcolm, Zeke). The other one was weird-ass fuck (Marcus). My roommates at the time would joke that he had

many homosexual tendencies because of some of the shit he would do. My next conquest would come via my math class. I like many people at San Jose State had to take remedial math because I did not score high enough on entry level exams. Each lecture class had a thirty-minute lab to turn homework in and have problems reworked for us that we may have had trouble with. In both the lecture and lab were some fine ass girls. The lab was tiny and barely fit the twelve of us who actually showed up. The lecture was held in one of those classes that sat more than 125 people. The girls were spread out so I set next to my roommate’s sister in law Tamika. Sitting with her and two of her friends brought me extra attention. They were cute and I was one of the few black males in the class. Another girl in class I knew because she had fucked one of my roommates. After realizing she was in my class and knowing because of the late dismissal I could miss Wednesday practices because I was redshirting. I would visit her dorm before class and kiss her while she played with my dick. It is something so pleasurable about kissing a girl whose kisses entrap you as she ushers her hand back in forth while her other hand cusps your balls. This went on throughout the semester but I wouldn’t seal the deal until the end of the semester. Weekends on college campuses are dead. Most people go home or go on trips but the campuses are really dry. Being an athlete was somewhat boring. It’s a reality check to go from being the man in high school to not even being allowed on the sideline of home games. One of the rare weekends no one was home I called Angela to see what she was doing. She said nothing and I asked her if she wanted to come kick it. She agreed and after I showered I drove to Joe West (dorms) to pick her up. Sitting on the couch I pretended to watch whatever movie I had on the screen as I plotted my next move. She had mesmerizing carnation pink lips. I told her she had some pretty lips and the moment after she said, “Thank You,” I kissed her. I was now ready to finally hit that ass.

I led her off the couch into my room where we continued our rendezvous of fore play. Inside the room she pushed me down on the bed and pulled my pants down. She handed me her gum, pulled her hair around her ear, tied it up and proceeded to perform oral sex on me. After ten-minutes passed Angela looked up while both hands remained grasped on my manhood and said, “Chester do you have a condom? I’m ready!” I may have only bought condoms one time during college and they weren’t for me but somehow I managed to always be prepared. I reached over and grabbed the condom out of my desk drawer and she snatched it from my hand and said watch this. After ripping the plastic, Angela placed the condom between her lips. Using no hands she managed to place the entire apple flavored condom around my member. By far one of the greatest magic tricks I have witnessed up close. She was a short girl and this played perfect to our situation because I had the bottom bed of the school issued bunkbed. After ten minutes of her on top-riding me, I placed my right hand on the outer edge of her butt slightly lifting it up to communicate with her that it was time to turn over and let me hit that thing from the back. Arising from the bed a smile crossed my face because she had the cutest tattoo on her right booty cheek. I smacked the cheek which held a tattoo off two red lips in the shape of a kiss. I bent her over my computer chair and slowly guided myself inside of her. She had the perfect round ass with a natural arch adding to her sex appeal. While enjoying her and loving the view, I leaned forward and kissed the nape of her neck down to the middle of her back. After doing this, I reached both hands around and grabbed her big ass titty’s. I stopped my momentum and let her take control. She furiously threw her hips back creating a new wave of inertia as our bodies effortlessly glided back in forth. A few minutes later I was ready to explode. Lifting both hands from her breasts, I placed them around her neck with a subtle grip where my fingers met. She pulled her neck back even further, body motioning me to tug with a more authority. I followed her lead and began thrusting my hips faster and faster as the words, “Right there daddy!” slipped out her mouth. And like music to my ears my insides combusted. I dropped her off at her dorm and the moment I walked back into my apartment Skyler came knocking on the door. He said he

happened to be looking out the window when he saw me walking Angela into my apartment and wanted to know what happened. I told him she was playing and that nothing went down outside of me getting to first base. I was lying but his nosey ass didn’t need to know my business. The next young lady I fell victim too was from Carson and her name was Nicole. She possessed long pretty curly hair and had Double D tits. She was slim and didn’t have a whole lot of ass. I originally expressed interest in her friend Tamika but she acted more aggressively. Another Saturday in which four of my five roommates were no where to be found. Nicole hit me up and asked if I was busy and if I wasn’t could she come kick it with me. I’m always appreciative of female company so I told her it was cool. While watching tv, Alex suddenly said he had to go to the football center to check some important email. He understood the situation and was looking out for me. A few minutes after he left I called for Nicole to come to my room. Once inside we small talked and me being a breast man asked if hers were perky since they were so huge. She smiled with assurance as to why an eighteen year old would have saggy ones. I talked her into letting me see them which took her no time to come out of her top. As I sat at my desk chair I finger motioned for her to come closer. Now in arms reach, I placed a hand on each breast and bounced them in my hand. I glanced up and took her right nipple in my mouth. I licked and kissed that one as I traced the other areola with my right finger. She placed her hand on my face and lifted my head up toward her as she pressed her lips against mine. Our hands feverishly felt one another up and somehow we both ended up naked on my bed. I applied protection and stuck the tip in. She had a smaller vagina canal as it felt like I could feel every part of her walls. I fucked her for ten minutes then she got on top. After she rode me for five minutes she wanted me to hit it from the back. She grabbed the chair exactly where Angela did so I bent her over and let her have every inch of me. She could take the dick. From there we made our way to floor and she got on all fours placing her hands on the bedroom door. She turned to me and said, “Chester she’s all yours.” Not too many pumps later, my body fell onto hers and I laid there thinking I was the shit the way I was sealing all these deals.

Two weeks later (could’ve been longer) I found myself female searching in JoeWest. Ron and his little asian chick were hanging out in her friends room when he told me to come through and chill. While hanging out, a few others randomly appeared as is typical in college dorm rooms. I had become tipsy by this point and Jade was beginning to look awesome. She was an average looking female, her body was cool though. Big voluptuous brown titty’s and a big thick ass booty. Sitting on the bed I placed my hand under her left booty cheek and began to spit game in her ear. After a few minutes I got her to agree to come with me to the female washroom on her floor. Once inside we kissed and I was actually surprised to see this side of Jade. I had known her for a few months now because she would come over and party whenever Zeke or I hosted a party. The sitting area was like the ones inside a gymnasium’s shower room. I pulled her pants down as far as I could while standing, then I sat her down pulling each pant leg off one by one. This was awkward because we didn’t have much room. I placed one knee on the ground and turned her sideways. I fucked her for about five minutes and had her straddle me. She had thick full lips and I tongue kissed her while I came! That tingly feeling from nutting and kissing is extra-orgasmic in my opinion. Another one on my hit list that I didn’t really try to hit.

2003 One of the older guys on the team and I (Skyler) hit if off really well. He was opposite me in many ways. His game or plot was to become every girls best friend so he could insert himself into the picture once their dudes messed up. I always thought this was weird because at this point I had never tried to fuck any of my female best friends. This was my pride I guess from them initially turning me down. I don’t know where I get it from and maybe one day I will discover the reason. But my mentality was this; if a girl turned me down I would put her in that part of my brain where memories get lost and forget about her. I’ve listened to many stories where females would clown dudes and make it seem like guys were sooo desperate (which some are). I never wanted to be that guy a woman could say I did some sucker shit to get the pussy. Watching moms manipulate dudes I developed a hate for the gold digger archetype. Even if the girl wasn’t a golddigger but showed signs (momma type behaviors) it rubbed my insides the wrong way. I made sure to never ask a girl I was interested in for any favor and definitely not money. Women are more independent than men and I get my independence from two strong women. Until recently I never felt I needed a girl around for anything but sex. I could achieve, obtain, and work to get any material possession in the world. But I could not fuck myself and I love women so I had to make these relationships work as best they fit. Skyler knew that stepping on the field for anything other than special teams was not going to happen. During the spring semester is where college football players games exponentially grow. We usually have a six-month off season to get quicker, faster, stronger, and better. Skyler had one more year to fulfill his football and graduation requirements. I was a walk-on attempting to earn my scholarship. This is why we equate the word devil to people. Knowing we had to be up at 5:30 am every morning for weight training. This dude would involve me in every situation he concocted up. Looking back I can’t be too mad. I ended up getting a lot of pussy because of his persistence. He only hung around women. Most dudes on the team thought he was gay and definitely had tendencies if he wasn’t. On a philosophical/psychological level it’s the smartest thing in the world to do. To hang around women find out what they like and

don’t like, then mirror the things they like until they give up the pussy is actually smart in a sleazy kind of way. It also helped that many of his female friends thought I was attractive. Every other day after 1:00 am during spring, he would either let himself in or bang on my door till someone opened it. I would be half a sleep when I would hear the words, “Style I got two for us, come on man let’s go.” I was not a cock hound. My approach was more subtle. I like the art of the wait. Anticipation is exciting. Mind you I’m eighteen and he got these grown twenty-three year old gymnastic stars wanting to hang out. These chicks mastered the art of late night drinking and partying with practice and school at the crack of dawn… not I though. Six-months in to my college career, I was still trying to figure things out especially considering I now had more classes. Playing a collegiate sport and going to class has to be the best juggling acts done by athletes worldwide. Dani, I first met after her gymnastic meet. Skyler persisted I tag along because there was a girl on the gymnastic team he was actively pursuing. The moment I walked through the gym our eyes somehow met right before she was to twirl on the balance beam. I asked him who she was and he said it was his homegirl Dani. The next morning at weights he told me that Dani called him asking who I was, saying she needed a new boo. Let the games begin. The moment we walked into their apartment a shot of Vodka was thrown our way. In the back of my mind I really didn’t want to be here, but a few shots later and a few rounds of questions (drinking game), I was saying to myself, “Man fuck that practice.” Looking back I don’t know why I played football. Maybe it was to challenge myself and prove that I could earn a scholarship. The commitment to football caused me to miss a lot of quality time with women. School was paid for. I qualified for academic scholarships and grants because of my grades in high school. I missed out on so much ass…damn. Four to seven hours a day, four to six days a week for five years is fucking brutal; and all for nothing. If a girl wanted to hang after class…not happening because of practice. Girl calls you at two am for a booty-call you decline because you have weights at six. No chance in hell for Friday night fun because you’re stuck in a

hotel room while someone else gets to satisfy your subject for the night. Sunday’s, were filled with treatment, film and workout sessions. None of this makes any sense. Our football team sucked. Coaches were terrible, players were terrible, the whole organization of things were terrible. The school never supported the team and at least twice during my undergrad stint administrators attempted to have the program shut down. I haven’t counted how many days that would total but I think football caused me two years worth of time away from my favorite pastime… ladies. Dani was a cigarette smoker and that’s one thing that is very unattractive to me. With her though I learned to accept it. She was thoughtful and respectful to my dislike for the nasty habit. She would brush her teeth and chew two pieces of gum before attempting to kiss me. I would taste trace amounts of nicotine but the hunger I felt for me through her lips caused me to quickly forgive and forget. We didn’t fuck the first night we kicked it and I wasn’t tripping because there was something intriguing about her. She had a dude like aura. Probably the closest to a Unicorn I have dealt with. Cool as hell, very chill, laid back, and pretty ass fuck. I learned a lot from Dani. The time she wanted I couldn’t give. She wanted to hangout a few times a week I wanted to see her maybe once every two weeks. Not because I wasn’t feeling or attracted to her. It was just too many women, at San Jose State, for an eighteen year old to give all his attention to one female. What goes around comes around though. During my fifth year in college I had a few of the freshman girls treat me the same way (shaking my head). The second time we hung out, Skyler got me to partake in a striptease for the ladies. Being from LA and being able to dance was the reason for this. In high school I use to stripper dance. I had smooth control of my hips and could make them do anything I wanted on the dance floor. We dimmed the lights and placed both of our dates in chairs. We proceeded to give the women lap dances with the hope of dancing elsewhere as the night concluded. Dani was playing hard to get. She showed interest and then wanted me to chase as a female should. She didn’t know it but I was already thinking I was the shit because of the success I was having with females already. She didn’t know this and I must confess she is a big part of the reason I stopped carrying condoms. The first two times I

attempted to get it popping with her I tried to be slick. While kissing her and thinking I had her preoccupied, I would find the condom and try tearing it open so we would have no interruptions. Each time she heard that condom foil the action would stop. No matter what I said she wasn’t going for it. The usual “I’m not a hoe!” “Who said I was easy?” The stupid shit that women say right before they know they’re about to give you some pussy. Of course I played it cool each time. I really wasn’t tripping. I was learning a lot from her. I would be lying if I said my ego has not played a part in me doing a lot of stupid shit to prove a point. I had long considered myself a mack. I wasn’t a player because that involved lying to women. Nobody can be played if they know what’s going on. I was not a pimp because I didn’t have the patience to wait for a girl to go fuck someone else and bring her money to me after. I took pride in being myself honest and truthful and still being able to get the girls I wanted. Dudes say they lie because they want to protect females feelings. This is bullshit if you ask me. Men lie because they aren’t confident in their ability to still get some pussy from a girl if they told them the truth. This was never hard for me because I talk like women. Direct, matter of fact and to the point with many details involved. I thought I was tight for being able to be honest and still get what I wanted sexually. Girls respected this quality too. It was the one glaring difference between myself and the dudes around me. One other thing to mention is that I did not care for any of these females feelings… their feelings were not mine. And it never made sense to act like something I’m not just for the pussy. I got better things to do with my time. Plus how can any part of the relationship be real if any of the two, if not both are lying. After Dani denied me a couple times I was determined to not try again for the next ten times we hung out. I have extreme and incredible will power. Offering the pussy does not stimulate or persuade me especially when I’m pretending to be mad. The morning she would give in came not to long after we had exchanged massages. Dani had to die for skin. Her skin was hush puppy soft. Butt naked she laid on top of me enjoying my now boy changing young man chest. I already made up my mind that I was not going to try anything. I laid there disinterested while she kissed from my neck to my chest to my lips creating her own

Bermuda triangle. It’s amazing how woman respond when they get ignored by someone they like (I wasn’t trying to ignore-I was proving a point). She made her way back down my chest to my pelvic area. She spent a few minutes teasing the hell out of me. My body ached from anticipation that I might be getting my dick sucked. Every kiss and brush from her lips caused my cells to do cartwheels. Dani was kissing around my genitals when she began stroking my member. The blanket, which had fallen to her mid back, prompted her to peek her head up from the blanket saying, “I shouldn’t even do this but today is your lucky day.” I cracked a half smile and don’t think I said anything so I wouldn’t fuck shit up. She kissed the tip and seductively made her way down my shaft. Only after a few minutes of pleasing me she crawled on top of me and placed my penis inside of her. We had sex and enjoyed each other’s energy. Nothing was forced. Her body was spotless. No hair anywhere and she smelled amazing. Everything felt right in this moment. There wasn’t the slightest hesitation or attempt at a contraceptive. An hour later she excused herself to the bathroom. Lying in her bed, I internally patted myself on the back because this sex shit was getting out of hand. The next seduction of mine took months of flirting. Qiana was one of the girls in my remedial math class. Her best friend lived in the apartment across from mine and by this point Skyler and Sophia were boyfriend/girlfriend. For months Qiana and I flirtatiously felt each other out. She would show up at my door at times and hangout with my roommates and I. She let me feel on her booty anytime I wanted and would tease me saying I couldn’t handle all that ass she had. Her body was cold which is easy to have at 18. Flat stomach, primal waist to hip ratio, and her ass made that perfect C shape if you viewed her from the side. As fate would have it, we were born on the same day and decided to hangout with each other for our ‘special day’. Shot for shot we matched each other and to both our surprise the liquor didn’t taste that bad. I only had one roommate in the house and the good thing was his room was on the other side of the apartment. The party made its way to my room with Skyler and Sophia occupying the top bunk. Before I made it on my bed, Qiana snatched my shirt and pecked my chest. Landing on the bed she seductively made a trail of pecks on my neck then my lips. Taking both hands I firmly gripped her ass really hard and let my fingers trace the silhouette of her curves. Somehow we

switched positions and our clothes disappeared from our bodies. I managed somewhere between ten to fifteen strokes when I heard, “Cuz grab a trash can Sophia finna throw-up.” Jumping up to grab a trash can I knew my birthday sex night was over. The next few months of the semester were a blur. I had a decent amount of girls in the stable that I could rely on when they or I needed sex. During my first year of college I grew close to a few teammates. James was one of them and happened to be from San Jose. While at a football all-star game with James, he introduced me to a pretty white girl named Brooke who was his grade school friend. I asked him about her and he said that she was a sweet girl and he would see if she was feeling me or not. He let me know she thought I was cute and told him to give me her number. Growing up in the era where guys had to approach women and actually call their homes to talk to them had prepared me for every female encounter I have faced in my life. I’ve been told I have the gift of gab. And believe me in my more youthful days, I loved talking because I loved learning about new things in the form of people. Texting was becoming a new thing in 2003. Although I was the first person on campus with the T-mobile Sidekick, I figured my voice to ear game was better suited for Brooke’s and I first interaction apart from the time I first met her. Brooke was fly ass hell to me. Her personality and spirit outside of her opulent smile were the main qualities tying me into her web of beauty. Our first conversation was bliss. It was pretty evident we were feeling each other. When situations are new with respect to the type of woman I’m pursuing I become tactful and very observant to how she responds to everything I do or say. These little things come back to help me further along in the relationship. We set a time and date for our first kick it. Men talk with layers upon layers of ambiguity. There are multiple meanings with every word and I would characterize my communication at times as such. My words are open for interpretation in many ways and this was no secret. I’m sure all these women can attest to my sexual innuendoes. I flirted like this until a girl would imply that I only wanted her for her sex (80% true), then I would flip it on her and act offended. I would tell girls that they weren’t that special for me to ever just want their sex. Maybe this was a form of manipulation. During this

time I truly felt it was a privilege for a girl to even have my attention (I know arrogant/narcissistic) but I was focused and picky. Brooke and I met at my cousin’s house the following weekend and had a good time. I asked her to bring a friend for my cousin Joe because I was using his place for company. We talked, we drank, we danced and enjoyed being in the presence of one another. I read a lot of books involving men and women and the anxiety some men experience in their attempts with women. I will never understand this especially sense it is a natural passage for men and women to attract each other. I’m at ease when I’m around the female sex. I operate on auto. Stephen once asked me if I ever think when I’m dealing with girls and I told him No! He thought this was the funniest thing in the world. But I don’t. My mind and body plays on the verbal and non verbal cues that girls exhibit. Any thinking could mess up my naturalness around females. Brooke and I disappeared to my cousin’s guest room. We kissed it and felt each other up but we went no further than second base. She could kiss too. She had a small but full bottom lip and knew how to use it. We could have fucked that night if I had persisted but there was no rush, not to mention I was tore up. Walking her to the car I held her hand. When Joe opened the door for Jenna, I placed her face in both my hands and planted a kiss on her lips that I hoped she would never forget (more like make her think of me the next time someone else texted her). Something about the summer time that heats me up. I become more attractive to girls they become super awesome to me it’s a weird but lovely dynamic. In football lingo personnel groupings identify the players a coach wants on the field. Thirty-two (32) personnel is equivalent to heavy package or the protective package most suitable for the QB to not get touched. Zero-five or (05) is the package containing five wide receivers with no one left to protect the QB. My teammates and I talked with mysterious football language females could never guess. The package attached with certain girls, would tell you if a guy thought she was a hoe or his sexual attraction to her. During a workout I talked to James about Brooke and how sexy she was. One of the Wideouts chimed in asking me was I going 05 or 32 personnel. I had already made up my mind that the next time

Brooke and I kicked it I wasn’t reaching for no “Goddamn condom”. They laughed at my brash and complete honesty. I remember my coach laughing while saying, “He’s predicting meat to meat before even knowing how the situation is going to play out.” By now some of us laid crying in tears on the grass because of the seriousness in my voice. They also hadn’t seen Brooke either. Blonde hair, nice body, smooth hairless catalog legs… she was a tight little chick. A few days later she came to visit me at my cousins place. I placed a condom in my shorts pocket just in case she told me to put one on, even though I had no intentions of using one. After closing the door she ran and jumped on the bed. Now on her knees and me standing in front of her, she grabbed my shirt pulling it over my head. Placing both hands around my obliques for balance Brooke licked and kissed the imaginary line separating my abdominal muscles. This drove me crazy as anything does when it feels as if I’m losing control. I quickly lifted her head and snatched her white halter top off. We looked each other in the eyes for a brief moment as I undid her bra. Her almond color nipples tasted like heaven. She somehow managed to undue my pants and began stroking my manhood. This felt so bomb. I pushed her down on the bed and climbed on top of her. I kissed between her thighs and around her belly button. If only I could go back in time, I would’ve dove in and ate her box like it was apple pie. But no I didn’t because I was young and immature not going down yet. Brooke pulled me close to her and bit my bottom lip. She stuck her tongue in my mouth and french kissed me like we were in France. A minute or so later she whispered “Put it in.” The condom was only a few feet away but so far from reality. I stuck him in and was amazed at just how good her pussy was. Our sexual synergy was majestic. Our bodies just connected. Maybe the physical, mental, and emotional connection was equally as strong… whatever the case I was not complaining. We fucked over an hour configuring our bodies in multiple positions. I combusted inside of her and we laughed at how BOMB our first session was. My first summer away from home was invigorating. I had a car, I was fucking bitches, I was getting better on the football field and life was amazing. To pass time I created a profile on blackplanet. This was fun and it was nothing else to do in boring

ass San Jose. I’m always the one to put nigga’s on shit. One night while at the stadium a couple teammates asked what it was that I was doing. I finally told them what I was doing and helped them set up profiles. A couple weeks later John, Stephen, and I would strike gold and make a journey at two in the morning to Los Angeles to fuck the girls we met off the internet. Kim was from Long Beach and was an attractive filipino chick. I was able to use my cousin’s car and Kim met me at Marcus’ house in Corona. Unabashed I opened the door in a towel having just gotten out of the shower. A few minutes later I was smiling at myself through the closet mirror because Kim was ass naked on her knees sucking my dick. The sight of her head sliding up and down sent chills up my spine. Because I’m silly ass hell, I threw up the C looking at myself in the mirror because this was truly some Loc shit. Every chance I got I glanced at myself in the mirror. The shadow casted from the tv, added to Kim’s perfect silhouette, inflated my ego. Once I got done hitting it from behind I removed the condom and Kim placed her soft luscious lips on my member and swallowed my semen. We departed ways and I’m sure today she’s married making some man very happy. The summer concluded with another young lady I met browsing blackplanet web pages. If someone were to carve their perfect women Andrea would definitely be a prototype. Born to a German dad and Black mother her physical features were amazing. She had grayish blue eyes a cute little button for a nose with a warm smile that was highly seductive. She was set to begin enrollment at SJSU that fall. One thing my teammates and I looked forward too; were the days in which the incoming freshman could move in. Being around all guys during camp for two to three weeks with no female contact is brutal. Andrea and I had kicked it for about thirty minutes before I began giving her a massage. Not too long after we started, I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door and to my surprise stood a few of my teammates. They were in shock to see me. The next day I was told that one of them saw her moving in and they were coming over to introduce themselves. Another teammate joked about me always getting to the fine girls first. Andrea was a tennis player. She had a big ol’ booty and some huge titty’s. A very very pretty girl to say the least. No words I

write could replicate her beauty. Not too long after the fellas left, the remainder of her clothes proceeded to hit the floor. Doggystyle was best utilized for this situation because of all that ass she had plus her skin was silky smooth . We fucked once or twice more and she would give me head through out the semester but anything further than our sexual relationship was nonexistent. Joe joined the fraternal organization Kappa Alpha Psi in 2001. His fraternity brothers were hosting a barbecue and he asked me to go because he had some homegirls going as well. When I arrived to my surprise he had not disappointed. It was bitches everywhere and me being a new face had a few admirers. My next conquest would be Timmeca. This young lady had a fierce look. Striking eyes and a most unique nose that aided her well defined features. When she smiled it was as if she was in a Revlon commercial… gorgeous raven black hair. The following weekend after meeting her at the barbecue she and her best friend were eager to hangout with my cousin and I. My cousin Joe like me was a lady’s man as well. He told the girl interested in him that we would cook and they could supply the drinks. Naturally we wouldn’t wait on them so we bought some liquor that we could enjoy while we prepared the meal. When the girls walked through the door we gave each other a look of approval. Them bitches walked through the door looking like they had just come from a video shoot, smelling good too. We talked, we played a board game, we ate, played drinking games we enjoyed the hell out of each other’s company. At one point I propositioned Timmeca to go upstairs with me because it was Mr. nasty time. Now I didn’t know if I was going to get any but I was tipsy, feeling good, and definitely gonna try my luck. One thing led to another and I found myself positioned on top and inside of her. The more I’m turned on by either a female’s sex appeal or how bomb her pussy feels; the more I kiss during sex. We did multiple positions thanks to the liquor and both passed out at one point during or after the sex. The next morning as she awakened I kissed her on the cheek saying goodbye because I had a football event to attend. Later I got a text from my cousin saying I had left her a hater mark (hickey) on her neck. I laughed in surprise because in all my life I had never ever given a girl a hickey. It wasn’t my style but hey I blame the young lady for the affect she had on me that night.

The class of 2003 in my opinion will go down as one of the best classes to grace the campus of San Jose State. As you see from the previous stories my first year away from home wasn’t too shabby. After football camp concluded the first girl to seduce me was a softball player from Los Angeles. Larnell had already made her best friend (Jade) his girlfriend. Chrystal was average looking but had some size D breasts. We fucked twice and both times were whatever but she is a part of a great moment in history—my life. Chrystal would later join an organization called the Alpha Angels. This group consisted of five girls I was cool with: Vanna, Vanessa, Precious, Jade, and Chrystal. Vanessa would become my next victim. She was a cute Mexican chick that caught my eye one night Stephen was getting caught up by Ana and Precious. I’m a direct person I have no problem telling people exactly what I want or don’t want. I told Vanessa that school and football were the things of importance in my life, everything else, then women. As much as I love women I don’t have a square’s love for women. The things I observed my roommates and teammates do for female attention are reason’s enough to be glad that I was different. Plus I’ve seen the manipulations put forth by moms. Before Vanessa’s and I first sexual encounter which I purposely prolonged. I had another lucky or good thing happen to me. During the bye week I attended a barbecue with some friends who were from San Jose. Demetrius brought his girlfriend who brought her four friends with her. Some of the homies immediately chose up letting it be known who they were feeling. I on the other hand just enjoyed the scenery because this was better than standing on the sideline waiting for the punt return unit to be called. Laura was new to the area. She recently moved from Canada and was loving the bay area. I started picking up subtle signs that she could’ve been attracted to me but never did I think that night would end in the shower with my dick in her mouth. We arrived at Demetrius’ house and everyone starting taking showers because the stickiness the sun had caused on our skin from the now dry sweat. The girls cooked and we all washed the food down with adult beverages. We threw on a movie and our eyes got faint quick, especially considering the sun had zapped all of our energy. I looked around and realized everyone had taken up a room leaving the two of us in the living

room. I told Laura I was getting sleepy and was going to James’ room to lye down. I told her she was more than welcome to join me or she could sleep on the couch coverless. Before I could finish the sentence, perking up she said she’d take the bed over a couch any day. Having a new found energy I decided to do a little playing and see how far I could get with the Canadian. Wanting a massage plus knowing how easier things are when you get a woman relaxed I offered to give Laura a massage. She professed that her back had been bothering her a bit because of all the standing she did at the park. One thing after the other and our clothes were off with Laura now riding me. Forty-five minutes and several positions later it was apparent to me that I wasn’t going to cum. While on top I told her I was tired and was hopping in the shower. She insisted on joining me and to my surprise grabbed a hold of my dick and proceeded to perform oral surgery for what felt like thirty minutes. I never came and she politely washed my body for me. I reciprocated and we fell asleep like babies upon returning to the room. Situations like this occur to me out of no where. There’s definitely some luck involved. I think my encounters are my visions acted out in the real world. Vanessa’s biggest concern with me had to do with her own insecurity. I think her reason was justified. She knew I had sex with Chrystal and now that the two were friends she didn’t want Chrystal coming between us, which was understandable. Chrystal wasn’t fucking with me by this point anyway. The first time Vanessa and I had sex was nothing to be proud of. I was in the pussy and while switching positions I lost my mojo. I had nothing. My man went completely limp for I do not know what reason. I did everything to assure the Vanessa it was not her it was me. I’m one of those athletes who took sports serious. During the season I didn’t fuck much during the week during my first couple years in college. I was one of those athletes who believed sex before the event could effect my performance this meant practice too. Depending on my mental state I would use the talking and texting to build momentum so the two of us could explode with anticipation once together. This helped me juggle multiple women. Girls would see the passion and seriousness to my ideals and respect that even more. During Christmas break I met a girl named Ana who I ended up calling my ‘my lil sis’. I

originally approached her at an Omega Psi Phi party at Santa Clara University. She shot me down and I didn’t take any offense to this. But I did have an ego that wouldn’t allow me the satisfaction of ever getting at her again. Later during the semester I saw her again on campus and she was like the female version of me so she became lil sis.

2004 One night during Christmas break, James and Trestin, who also had bitches happened to be at the football stadium using the computers. They both had girlfriends all of freshman year but that didn’t stop them from being teenagers (19 at the time). Somehow our conversation led us to talking about girls we currently were fucking or ones we wanted to hit. And that led to us taking out a piece of paper and writing down the name of every girl we had been intimate with in our young nineteen almost twenty years of life. Ironically our numbers were about even. James and I were at twenty-four and Trestin was at twentyseven. Impressive looking back considering we had no social media handles with easy access to girls. Plus we had to actually talk to the girl for her number then call them. Not to mention neither of us had a car (mines broke down after having it for 10 months). This is where my sex life would take a gigantic leap. The amount of girls that allowed me to have a part of them almost tripled over the next 20 months. During this time it was all a flash of course. But now as the memories flood my thoughts, I can honestly say I don’t know how I was able to do any of this. Especially with a hectic class schedule being a business major and the time commitment to football. Instead of six roommates my apartment downsized to four. Our spot always had something going on with people coming in and out. We allowed Quincy to sleep on the couch. Between him Alex, Malcolm, and Stephen John Madden football stayed on the screen’s of both living room tv’s. I partook in a game every now and then but I was growing out of video games. I felt my time could be utilized else where. I was cautious to have chicks come to the apartment because of the consistent foot traffic and I didn’t want them nosey dudes in my business. One weekend during the spring semester I went home to get away from San Jose. Jessica, who I went to high school with, recently connected with me. We had already kicked it once or twice before during my return visits home. The night I would finally get some ass, I was in town and she was hanging out with one of her best friends (I knew the girl from high school as well).

I persuaded her to bring her friend to come hang out with me. She knew I wanted to fuck. By the grace of God both of my female cousins were not coming back to the house that night. The three of us watched movies and caught up with what was going on in their lives. After Brittany went to sleep I whispered, “Lemme get a back shot,” in Jessica’s ear. She said ok and whispered for me to lead the way toward the bathroom. After closing the door I reached toward her breasts simultaneously as my lips met hers. We kissed as her hands made their way into my shorts. A minute or so more of foreplay she turned herself around placing her hands firmly on the counter top. I put the condom on and she reached her hand between her legs and guided me into her warmth. Five minutes or so later we were back in the living room fast asleep. Jessica had an amazing body. All that ass and equipped with some good pussy; surprised I even lasted for five minutes. One night I found myself dancing at a white fraternity party. Vanessa, who I had met through James was feeling me. She was already tipsy by the time our paths crossed. I immediately went into mack mode because the party was whack plus it was already one in the morning. She confirmed that I could get the pussy but I told her to give me twenty minutes to go get my car (went to the party with a teammate who was ready to leave). After retrieving my car I was led up-stairs to forbidden land. She was apart of the sorority Alpha Phi. On the way up the stairs I learned that boys weren’t allowed upstairs after a certain time. She told the other girl something and we continued to her room. Now upstairs, she snatched my shirt off and pulled my pants down. Vanessa pushed me on the bed, slid my sweats to my ankles and began sucking my meat. After that Vanessa got on top and sloppily rode me, the way mechanical bull riders look when they’ve had a little too much to drink. Ten minutes later I was saying good bye as I let myself out. I don’t think I ever saw her again on campus after that. From time to time Brooke would pop back in to my life. As I mentioned earlier our chemistry was fluent. One spring Saturday night either before or after my birthday she texted me saying she wanted to come play (code word for sex) later and to see if I had a friend for Jenna. Everybody in my home was gone so I had to rely on Ikenna to fill the void. They came through and chilled.

We had a drink or two but nothing major to get us drunk. Brooke and I were looking forward to naked wrestling. I closed the door separating the rooms from the living room then continued to my room. My apartment was equipped with a red light in the shower and I wanted to set the mood. While the water warmed we undressed in my room then I grabbed her hand leading her to the shower. For a white girl her body was well tanned. The reflection from the red light made her body appear as if her body was dipped in liquid gold. We took our time worshiping, idolizing, and washing one another’s body. Had I been eating pussy, she would’ve received the full mouth service. We kid-fully teased each other with neck kisses. The water started to become too hot and dehydrating after a while so we got out before succumbing to heat stroke. The blinds above my bed created a beautiful view. A light in the distance provided the perfect glow into the room with the brisk air complementing our steamy flesh. We made love that night. Everything we did was done with such passion, patience and care. I don’t know if she knew this but she had an affect on me. In her presence sexually, I was inept to make decisions on my own. Now as much as I love to chase and usually do the seducing. I think I was seduced by someone who was a natural. Brooke had me under her charm. Today she’s married and if her spirit is in unison with her husband then I know he’s an even happier man because of her. There were other girls I gave a little time to during the spring but they stayed playing in some type of way. Skyler had already finished with his department graduation and he had two more graduations to attend. It was already past midnight Friday and we were hungry. We ordered some food to go from Denny’s because I was dropping him off at his girlfriends house after. Elizabeth was inside about to leave as we waited for our food. She said hi and asked what we were up to. I told her grabbing this food to go, then going back to my place to chill. She insinuated that she had nothing going on and I told her she could come back and kick it if she wasn’t ready to go home. Elizabeth arrived at my place a few minutes after me. While I ate, we talked and laughed the night away. I honestly had no intentions or any plans on doing anything sexual with her. I thought she was a cute girl but I also thought she was weird as hell. We got so deep in conversation that before I knew it the clock read five am. This was tragic because Skyler’s graduation started at eight

am and I hadn’t been to sleep in twenty-four hours. I stood up to pass Elizabeth on my way to the restroom. She touched me in a way that suggested I stop playing and make a move. Facing her she kneeled on the couch and grabbed me around the neck as she kissed me. The kissing became so intense at one point, I fell over the couch rolling on top of her. Laughing at this we gathered ourselves and she led the way to my room. I started off on top then she got on top. Next, I told her to turn around so I could fuck her doggy style. Maybe two-three minutes later she said, “Lay your body flat on top of mine” as she began to lay on her stomach. I moaned “oh shit” once our bodies became one. This was the first time I had felt this type of pussy tightness and control. As my body pumped up and down, Elizabeth tightened her vaginal walls making each pump feel better and better. She enjoyed this and her pussy was now wetter than ever. The feeling of this shit was driving me crazy. As much as I tried controlling my mental state I simply could not. This feeling was new and out of this world. There was an internal dialogue going on with me about how much longer I would last. Ten energizer battery pumps later, I fell atop her breathing heavy with sweat running from my face to the nape of her neck. When I got out the shower she was laying ass naked sleep in the same position we finished in. I got dressed and covered her naked body with my blanket… making it just in time to Sky’s graduation. What a night or should I say morning. The class of 2003 would and still to this day has left quite the impression on me. I had become cool with a few of the girls during their freshman year but one would leave her mark on me. I did not think or know this then but I unconsciously turned myself emotionally off from being loved. Second to third year in school was one for major growth. No longer a teenager and soon to be of legal drinking age. Retrospectively diving back in to the past, I relic and cherish these moments because of their trajectory to how my life is turning out. That summer I was banging girls I had previous relations with. One girl who I was feeling as school ended had been on my mind all summer. I thought we ended the school year on good enough terms to keep in contact over summer. Boy was I wrong. Moving out of on-campus housing and to a legit apartment was a major step. I thought this would be a place of more privacy

because each roommate would have their own room and no reason to intrude on each other’s private affairs. Another wrong thought of mine. My roommates, especially Stephen was nosey as hell. Continuously, he would eavesdrop on my phone conversations and make jokes about something I said to a girl on my phone. He paid more attention to me and the girls I involve myself with then his goddamn play on the field (that’s why his ass was sorry eventually quitting). Once the semester started it seemed as if I was having more and more girls interested in me. Charlene, who was playing all summer was now someone of serious interest to me. In the beginning of my courting we talked daily on the phone. I was getting the impression she was not going to be one of the girls I would fuck relatively quick. Charlene is beautiful… and there was something different about her. I liked her conversation and her company. And for once in my life my intentions with her weren’t as sexually motivated like the other girls I previously dealt with. Kelly was an incoming freshman who was actually badder then she got credit for. A legit 6’0 model body and pretty face, it’s apparent why girls continued hating on her. She came from an athletic family and was cool as shit. A beauty of this type with a cooler than Jay-Z personality is extremely rare. Attention flooded her way with rapid panic. If a teammate of mine dated a friend of hers, he more than likely wound up liking Kelly. She fell victim to the attention as any freshman on campus would, when garnering the attention she received from the football team. I think Kelly took a liking to me because I accepted her for who she was and most importantly I listened to her problems created by so called ‘friends’. She knew I didn’t have a girlfriend and didn’t want one any time soon. It never stopped her from saying, “Ches I’m gonna wife you up one day. Just watch I’m going to get you.” This was cute and I never told her she wouldn’t or couldn’t. I just laughed it off telling her she had a lot to go through before she could become C-Style’s girl. I broke my hand against the Washington Huskies in the second week of October 2004. It was an early game and after taking our loss we were back in San Jose by seven pm. This night was one of those strange or lucky ones that seemed to come my way from time to time.

As intimate has our conversations had become I never made sexual passes or advances at Kelly. A few of my teammates had already banged her which she volunteered the info to me because she could trust that what we talked about stayed between us. I was hanging out with Ellis in Spartan Village, where I once dwelled. He was fucking one of Kelly’s friend and they just so happened to pop up. We talked for a minute and I made my way outside. Cleve was outside the apartment talking to some people when he called me over to see what I had popping for the night. He told me he had just banged Kelly a few days prior ending with this, “Style she ready brah.” I told him she was about to come over and he said just bring her to his place since he lived closer. “The only thing is this, Radhika is coming over tonight when she gets off work. So we can run one real quick and then I’m a check out on you.” I told him I was down and Kelly and I got in the car with him. Once at his place he went in to the room first and about five-minutes later I entered the room. Kelly immediately told me that I was wearing too many clothes and I needed to take them off. Moments later she was sucking my dick while Cleve fucked her from behind. Leaving Spartan Village Cleve told Mike to meet us at his place in thirty minutes. Cleve left the room to let Mike in and Kelly got on top of me. We switched positions once Mike got on the bed. She sucked his dick while I hit it from the back. We switched back in forth for about thirty minutes clowning and throwing up wideouts in the process. I knew I was not going to nut plus I was tired ass hell with a now throbbing broken hand. The next day during weights and film we laughed about the wild wideout night and the spontaneity of such event. I know many say education isn’t everything and society tells people they shouldn’t go to college. Of course I disagree because things that you experience in college typically aren’t experienced until one has fame or fortune. By this point Charlene and I were spending more time with each other. I didn’t notice it then but she was definitely having an effect on me. With other girls I always had an excuse to why I was too busy to hang out. With Charlene, I created time to be in her presence. Normally, I would attempt to strike fast but there was something unique about this girl that took my thoughts away from that. Time slowed in the presence of Charlene. She was breaking down my superficial heart barriers. Yes, I was fucking a

couple other chicks but I had zero interest in them. I think Charlene scared a nigga looking back. The whole tough guy, I have no feelings persona was rapidly fading. Normally I wanted chicks to feel the pain my mom caused me. Emotionally I withdrew my feelings so I wouldn’t be in a position to get hurt again. Unconsciously, she had me whatever the reason. No matter how much I fought my internal feelings, I was denied the fact that I was actually beginning to like Charlene. Never thought it was possible for C-Style to like any girl. On campus, when I was not in class, my spot to hang, was the student union. A few tables behind the counter top would sit the most naturally pretty girl I had ever laid eyes on. Stephanie was perfect in my eyes. She had angelic beauty. I would later learn that she was mixed with filipino and white. Overly soft features with skin of milk and honey. I have an affinity for beauty—I love pretty girls. While on campus one day I noticed Radhika was talking to her. I used this as the perfect opportunity to introduce myself. Her smile and soft hand melted my little heart. I had to have her. I learned she had a boyfriend and that their relationship was on shaky grounds. She had never done anything romantically with a black guy as well. These are the perfect scenarios and situations for me. Knowing she had a boyfriend I did my seducing through Radhika. As the season neared the end, I got a call from Radhika one night asking what I was up too and if I had someone for her to chill with. She said Stephanie called her saying she was free and wanted to come chill with me. Stephen was home, so I suggested Radhika chill with him. Stephanie and I talked about everything. How many kids we wanted, how old we wanted to get married, et al. Her lips had to be carved by Michelangelo because of how perfect they were. I picked up on a vibe that I should kiss her and I did not hesitate. It was magical. The scene in my room was reminiscent of the movie Angels In The Outfield but in my bed. Having remembered I was in the process of being her first sexual black everything, I did not want to disappoint. We kissed nearly ten minutes before I reached to take her bra off. She was an A cup and this was fine because everything about her was magnificent. Seconds later, I slid her smoked grey sweatpants off followed by her cotton boy shorts. Stephanie had a pretty little pussy. I began rubbing on her clit and kissing her at the same

time. As her insides filled with moisture, I slid my finger back and forth against the surface of her vulva. The next finger found its way inside of her and her body began to pulsate. Inhaling, I slid my dick inside of her enjoying the pleasure of her treasure chest gripping firmly around my shaft. She had me in a trance. I was caught in her cave of ecstasy. I went at a snails pace. I wanted to feel her with each stroke and watch her beautiful facial expressions. At times, I completely stopped stroking and kissed her as if it was my last day on earth. If this moment in time could last forever, her sex would be timeless. I nutted inside of her and upon stopping she asked me what was wrong. I told her I nutted and she smiled not mad or anything and said, “Uh oh there goes your daughter.” We laughed at this because we were just talking about, if I had a daughter how she would have my heart. She told me to roll over and proceeded to straddle me. Stephanie leaned forward and kissed me. She reached her hand between her legs and started pulling on my cock. Her lips tattooed my torso. She pecked the tip sending chills up my spine. I like my head slow and soft with tons of passion and attention. Stephanie’s head game was perfect for what I liked and this got me ready for round two. She got on top and did her thing. I’m reluctant for times like this. I was already a confident person but the more and more I had sex with nine’s or better the more I felt I could take down every girl in the world. Not every girl I had sex with was the baddest. I had sex with a few bad body shaped chunky girls, and a couple of girls that I would classify as not that attractive (5’s or worse)…the type me and the high school homies called night fighters. Melissa, I met through Demetrius. I was nineteen when we first met and she was seventeen. She had no problem with letting it be known right off the top she wanted to fuck me. I told her young ass that when she turned eighteen to hit me up and that is exactly what she did. Maybe a week out from her eighteenth birthday, I received a text message alerting me that she would be eighteen soon and for her birthday she wanted some birthday dick. This was a Tuesday and fucking during the week wasn’t my favorite choice but I had grown to the point where sex was not effecting my practice habits. There was just no way I could turn down her offer.

As I’ve stated I’m picky ass hell and there was a point when I only kissed half the girls I had sex with. She was one of them. I did this on purpose. I read somewhere that women perceive kissing as more intimate than sex. I wanted her to know our dealings were only sexual and nothing else. To test if she wanted me as bad as she had lead on, I insisted on her giving me head before I stuck it in. The usual tagline when girls don’t want to do something, “I have never sucked dick” escaped from her mouth. I let her know that as babies we learned to crawl before walking and there’s a first time for everything. Twice a month for about three months we would have our sexual relations. Her sex was improving tremendously by that point too. I liked fucking her too because she had tons of spunk and energy. I had to stay on my toes or she would out do me…there was no way Style would be out done by a girl younger than him.

2005 A week or so before Christmas break I asked my homegirl Barbara who her little friend was. This friend in question was the only non black girl in Barbara’s group. Lesley was not only cute as a button, she was both pretty and sexy. In my young experienced life there are not too many girls who have this lethal combination and when they do believe me they are deadly. Sitting in Cleve’s car, (located directly across the street from campus) Lesley just so happened to be walking by. I had to act quick as this would be my last opportunity to see her because this was the last day of finals. I quickly jumped out the car and said what’s up to the entire crew. Introducing myself to the stunning lady; I complemented her on everything. Blushing, she couldn’t resist my thickly laid charm. She succumbed to giving me her number. I jumped back in the car as if I was the man because Cleve got to see his boy pull a bad one. He was juiced for me too. He gave me my props because of the way I pulled her and how tight she was. He was like, “Damn Style she super bad on the under.” I told him I know, my first time seeing her was last week and I had to have her. During the break I reached out to her a lot. Second semester typically started the last week in January and I wanted to stay on her mind over the break. She went out of state during that time and I think us talking every other day helped to make an impression on her—before she would allow me to become one with her body. I stepped foot on Sacramento State’s campus with Larnell and Jamonte, who were now members of Phi Beta Sigma. Before heading back to San Jose we decided to visit the dorms and see if we could find some girls. We met two girls who said they were down to chill later on that night. We booked a hotel room and grabbed some liquor from the grocery store. They showed up with a couple more girls to even out the ratio. Lying under the covers I began rubbing and touching on Christina. I then grabbed her arm and guided her hand to my manhood. I whispered in her ear to meet me by the counter top. We tried playing it off but my conspicuous teammate Jamonte managed his way over to me and whispered to let him get in it. I told him I had just got in the pussy and after five minutes he could get it too. I nutted and attempted to switch by letting him slide in my place. She caught

on and said, “This ain’t that type of party.” Well Damn (Gucci Mane voice)! School was back in session by this point and no more than two weeks after her birthday Lesley would fall victim to my charms. I arrived home early from school this particular day and felt like I wanted to play. She agreed to come over for a bit because she had to be somewhere in a couple hours. This was perfect because I was planning to shoot dice with the fellas about that same time. Lesley came dressed in comfortable tights and a hooded sweater. I used my massage technique to get her out of her sweater. While she laid on her stomach, I unsnapped her bra because you can’t give a proper massage with it in the way. A few minutes later I decided to pull her tights down. She had the cutest thong and a cute little smooth booty. This sudden and abrupt action caused her head to turn asking what was I doing. I told her that she knew what I was doing and I got off my bed and kissed her. She turned over on her back and I reached my fingers in her panties and began playing with her pussy. She had no hair, no smell, her pussy had the appearance of a pretty peach. I started on top, I fucked her doggy style, and after fifteen minutes of horse play the fluids dispersed from my body. Ooh she got the bomb… Lesley got some bomb ass pussy! Being a curious person, I was an avid reader of two authors in college. Eric Jerome Dickey and Zane, two erotic black authors, were constant staples of my reading material. I also, from time to time, when visiting home would take my female cousin’s Cosmopolitan magazines. I wanted to read the grunts and complaints women had with men, so I wouldn’t make these same mistakes initially anyway. One article that heavily sparked my interest was how soon is too soon to get in bed with a person. I personally have always felt this was a feel thing. If two people are into each other and things lead to sex go with it. Why put limitations or restrictions to one of the most basic human functions of release. There was a questionnaire in which ten women gave their perspective on how soon is too soon. Some didn’t see anything wrong with first night sex. Some had monthly and quarterly restrictions. But the majority of answers said they expected to have sex with men by the third date. Because I was not taking girls on dates formally at least. I would equate any specified alone time with a women as a “date”

or “kick it”. The ironic discovery of my newly discovered news was that I was already having sex with girls by the third time of courtship. I think reading this affirmed my already frowned upon strategies. If a girl told me that that was too soon or blah blah, I now had ten women’s published experience in my arsenal to counter these girls fake resistance. In Sacramento for a Sigma beach party, I was up to my usual player self. As the barbecue waned this very attractive girl, whom I was earlier introduced to, had caught my eye. James knew her from San Jose because he went to high school with her child’s father. Jennifer was banging. For a girl who hadn’t too long ago given birth to a baby girl, her body looked damn good. She had pearly white teeth and beautiful big puppy dog eyes. During our trips to Sacramento we usually stayed at Kali’s or LaTish’s place; James’ friends from high school (they were students at Sac State). I was into a girl named Stephanie who I met during a previous trip to Sac. She was cutie as well. We would eventually have a moment of first and second base efforts but I never sealed the deal sexually. Over and over she made it clear to me that she wasn’t a hoe and just fucking somebody was not her thing. Looking back and fast forwarding to now and what I claim to think I know about women is this. If a girl likes you for more than just sex than she will not give up the pussy quick or easy, so later on when you guys do become a couple, her stories about how long she made you wait become conversation starters at cocktail parties. On the other hand if the girl only views you in a sexual manner, then she’s more inclined to have sex on the first date. Charlene and I weren’t spending as much time with each other by now. I made sure I talked to her once every three to five days to not fall out of favor with her. But here was my dilemma. I was really feeling Charlene but could never articulate in words how I felt about her. In position meetings, John attempted to make fun of me by singing Anthony Hamilton’s song titled Charlene whenever I stepped foot through the doors. He would deflect because Cleve was on his head about how the incredible amount of days he kicked consecutively with Tiana…setting the all-time wideouts cupcake streak, lasting twenty-three days in a

row. No matter how much I tried denying it, Plus She was the first girl I ever took on a date (the movies) and paid. I was well past my three time rule with her, and didn’t care that she took me out of my comfort zone that I had become accustomed too. There were nights we fell asleep next to one another and would wake to her kissing me. Everything with Charlene felt right. Nothing was ever forced. We didn’t see eye to eye on many topics but we got along well. I didn’t recognize it then but she had me caught in her spider web. Unlike the other girls I had previously talked too, I actually wanted to be around her more than five minutes. I didn’t pursue her like I really wanted too because I knew if I chased her on a serious level, that I would cheat on her. She had a way in which she dealt with me that was unlike any girl I’ve dealt with to this day. Looking back I stopped working to stay in her favor. I was going through a lot internally. My grandfather and uncle passed in 2004. My granny suffered her first stroke after almost being struck by a gunshot. My best friend Anthony got shot for the first time. Not to mention I was dealing with a broken hand and not playing as much as I would have liked. This was too much to dump on someone else. Instead of leaning on her I retreated to those deep and bushy waters that Pisces love to vanish too when dealing with pain. Charlene and her roommate Kiara came over to hang out with Stephen and I. He was talking to her roommate, so this was somewhat of a double date. Nobody had to worry about driving home drunk because we stayed across the street from each other. We played a few drinking games while having a grande time joking and teasing each other. In no way was I thinking tonight would be the night Charlene and I would have sex. After closing the door to my room I climbed on my bed and kissed her. In my time dealing with her I learned that being forceful with her would not get me anywhere, so I took a followers position and let her lead. We kissed some more as my fingers worked to get her bra to disappear. Charlene asked me to put some music. As I rummaged through my collection of cd’s, it finally dawned on me that Charlene was finally about to give me some (about damn time). She told me to play 50 Cent’s The Massacre because she wanted me to murder the pussy (I’m silly)! By the time I turned around she was under the covers waiting for me. Her Garden of Eden was pretty tight and during my struggles with putting it in,

Charlene took a slight jab asking me if this was the tightest I ever had (as if the other girls I sexed were sooo loose). I assured my baby girl that she indeed was the tightest ever. Entangling one another and switching position after position, we made our own music. We finished and she joined me in the shower. I washed her body and admired how fit she was for a girl I didn’t know worked out. We dried off and fell asleep after I planted her with a forehead kiss goodnight. During another one of my trips to Sacramento, I met two girls during the same weekend. One was Sacramento Stephanie’s friend Keanna and the other was a cute young girl named Candice. The two of them with the additions of Whitney and Charlene would be four of the five or six girls that I have liked the most in my life. Reflecting back its quite interesting that I was dealing with them all about the same time with the exception of Candice. She was seventeen when we met and I later found out she was really sixteen. Good thing we didn’t fuck until five years after I met her. One more conquest from that spring involved a girl I met through Cleve. I was leaving the football facility when he called asking where I was. He said to meet him in Spartan Village because he had a question for me. Cleve knew if I had an opinion about something I was never afraid to speak my mind (subjecting myself to ridicule in the process). Monique and her friend Rahel were seated on the couch when I walked upstairs into Monique’s apartment. Cleve wasted no time. “Style what’s the first thing you think of when you see a broad?” “The first thing I think is would I fuck her or not.” The girls let out a sigh of disagreement saying if that was the case how come dudes didn’t approach them saying that. In a short version, I told them that although most dudes really do want to approach them in this way, dudes would rather respectfully insinuate that sexual thought, because girls often act offended. We went back and forth for five minutes or so then I left. The strangest thing happened. From that quick ten-minute meet and greet. Cleve called me saying, “Bruh although Rahel didn’t agree with what you said, she liked the way you said it. She feeling you bruh— she wanna give you some.” Say no more was my response and he told me he would shoot me her contact information. I called her later that night and we agreed to kick it the next night. She came over smelling good

and looking sexy ass ever. I put on the movie Baby Boy and not too long after Tyrese’ beat it up dance scene I made my move. Reaching for her top I snatched one of her big ass titty’s out and devoured it like I was eating watermelon. Her pajama gown left me with easy access plus she came over with no underwear on. Five-minutes later I was in the bathroom removing the condom wiping myself down. The next day I told Cleve the job had been completed and he congratulated me for taking care of business rather swift. Heading in to the summer, I spent the speckle of free time I did have talking to Keanna. Her skin complexion was a mixture of butterscotch and caramel and she had a similar hair do to TLC’s T-Boz. Keanna was low key bad. Her personality and demeanor attracted me. She was cool as shit. She let me be me and didn’t complain about my promiscuous ways that she thought she knew of. I talked to her every night either on my way to set or after (I was pledging). She lived in Sacramento and this distance worked best because I knew I had no obligation to see her in which I couldn’t anyway. I was also taking two summer school classes with summer football kicking my ass as well. Earlier in the book I make mention about the actions of moms and how they somewhat affected my view of women. For example, manipulative or gold digging chicks have always rubbed me the wrong way. One sunny morning as we cleaned the Dog House, James stumbled across a post card addressed to my deans roommate. The universe works in mysterious ways I promise. Keanna recently vacationed in Florida during my first week of pledging. The post card that James found was sent to the roommate from Keanna (wow quite the coincidence). I’m a player so I never said anything to her about it. The card was cute ass hell I must admit. The front of it was a picture of Minnie Mouse saying she couldn’t wait to get back to her Mickey Mouse— some shit like that. While getting to know one another, she let it be known she was ‘talkin’ to someone. And who would’ve thought, the two guys she was courting would see each other just about every night for two months. Keanna called herself running game, by telling dude that she knew someone who be at his house everyday that tells her what he does just to catch him in a lie. The following night the dude and my dean tried accusing

someone on my line for speaking on what goes on in the Dog House. This was so far from the truth. I’m a very honest person and the biggest pet peeve of mine is liars and people who attempt to place blame on me to help their situation. I keep telling y’all I’m toe up. Anything remotely related to behaviors of moms were triggers. Actions of females that were reminiscent of moms would cause me to lose interest immediately. I wouldn’t stop fucking with them per-say but I no longer fucked with them like that. During my adolescent years, I learned to control my emotions because I never wanted a girl to blame my behaviors or actions on me not having a father around and a mother on drugs. Keanna fell out of favor with me after my dean and “the roommate” blamed one of us for speaking on what went on in the Dog house. Her little joke of trying to catch him up backfired because she lost me in the process. Jennifer and I were still in contact with each other. Girls I have “dated” have told me that I can be extremely charming at times and I can be a complete asshole other times. Jennifer was attractive as hell. During the weekends, Wallace worked, so we weren’t expected at set till after two am. Jennifer was in town for the weekend and wanted to hangout. Having almost four hours of free time I told her to come see me at Wallace’s house. When I opened the door my mouth dropped like a cartoon character. Jennifer looked better than a bacon and egg sandwich with extra strawberry jelly. The house smelled awful because we wore the same clothes nightly. Her aroma cleared all the masculine funk out the air. She knew I was pledging and didn’t seem to be bothered by it. She had on some white jeans and heels looking like a million bucks. We sat on the couch talking and watching tv. As the time inched closer to death, I laid the air mattress down. Jen joined me on the mattress and we kissed until we fell asleep. We awoke at the arrival of my line brothers informing me it was go time. I walked Jennifer to her car and told her I would call her the next day, she placed her arms around me neck standing on her tiptoes and kissed me. She eventually pulled away saying she would see me tomorrow. A miraculous thing happened the following night. Our dean called the four of us in early to clean up and take care of minor things around the house and gave us the rest of the

night off. Spinning out the back door, I called Jennifer and told her to meet me in an hour at my place. Back to back nights little momma did not disappoint. This night for me was about that action boss. If I turned on the tv I do not remember. My dick had been hard ever since she texted saying she was at the door. Not too long after making my move and unbuckling her pants while I tongue kissed the shit out of her. My fingers were met with a Hoover Dam of wetness. Between her legs rested a human gusher. She was wet enough where my fingers didn’t need to spend anytime getting her in the mood. I laid next to her as her head tilted my way as I was already tracing her lips with my tongue. My other hand was busy caressing her breasts. I climbed on top of her because I now wanted to become one with her flesh. Her eyes closed with her head tilting back. She moaned “No we can’t do this.” I whispered back “You sure your body is telling me something else.” I gave her a juicy kiss and simultaneously replaced my fingers with the tip of my dick inside her. The shift in pressure caused Jen to sweetly bite my lip. Again she moaned “We shouldn’t be doing this.” This time I whispered “It feels so good though.” Before I could get my dick fully inside of her I could already tell this was the best pussy I had ever felt (yassss better than Nae). Still to this day there is no pussy greater than pregnant pussy or pussy that has given birth! By this point, the “Chester we shh,” had become obsolete. I pushed a little deeper and her arms went around my butt while she insanely kissed me with all sorts of passion. Jennifer allowed me to make slow strokes but I could tell her will was breaking. Her body became less and less resistant. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I pumped faster. Now keep in mind, this whole back in forth playing games had gone on for about thirty minutes. I was ready to explode at any second. Attempting to speed the momentum up I pumped four more times and felt a little nut come out. I immediately slowed my pace and that wasn’t helping either. I continued ejaculating then I whispered in her ear, “You’re right. We probably shouldn’t be doing this.” I jumped off of her and hurried inside my bathroom. I blew my full wad inside of her and was acting as if I was about to nut…smh! I looked at my reflection in the mirror while

the water soaked my face towel. I could not believe how Amazing her pussy was. It should be illegal to be armed with PUSSY that was beyond the word BOMB! We laid in bed for about an hour until it was time for her to go. Her pussy will always be top five if not top two of the best I have ever had. Like I mentioned before, my roommates seemed to always be in my business. At times they would ear hustle my conversations, telling me how crazy I was for something I said. Of course I thought this was strange, but it’s not like I could tell them to not listen to me. During a conversation of mines, one of them heard me bragging about the use of a system I had deployed to bang so many chicks. “Aye Style, what’s this theory or program you use to fuck all the girls that you be fucking?” I finally decided to be nice and let them boys know the secret I deployed to sex sooo many girls. I personally referred to the secret as the ‘three strike rule’. It was simple and went like this. If a girl didn’t fuck me by the third time we hung out I would delete her from my contact. I can’t remember which one of these girls I first tried it on. But when I did start “the secret”… I began closing all kinds of deals at alarming rates. These ungrateful dudes were amazed but not thankful for this newly acquired knowledge. It was as if they had just learned a foreign language. They also witnessed first hand from the girls running track meets in and out my room. These dudes were low-key lame ass hell with women (more Stephen than Bobby and Rakine) and should thank me for the success they ended up having with girls. Word got out of my magnificent rules of engagement for the opposite sex. And a few of my teammates and my roommates would tell girls they dated, that they were putting them on the “Chester Program.” By the time year four came around I was well known on campus, especially by the ladies. With new maturity came new ways of doing things. I would take my time when picking out someone to pursue. One morning at practice, I told James that there were ten girls on campus I wanted to have sex with. He said, “Come on cuz you’re a hooker…most nigga’s say they got one or two sometimes even three they tryna hit… but you got ten cuz (he starts busting up)… girls probably talk about you how dudes talk

about them… Hey girl you know that nigga Ches? I hit that shit last week. What!? Girl! You too? I fucked that nigga two days ago.” By the time he played out the back in forth of this imaginary conversation, I lay in tears with laughter. He had a point though. I’d like to think I was more discreet than most dudes but it’s definitely possible girls could have said this about me. We played in the same playground and were connected by our sexual relations. Turning twenty-one back in march meant I could legally go to clubs and bars without the worry of my cousins ID working. Campus was not the only place I was meeting girls. I can’t lie, being on campus daily with close to 10,000 girls, the pick of the liter becomes easier. The semester started slow for me. My body was still adjusting from the summer chaos. It was late October and we ventured out for Rakine’s birthday. We made our way downtown to Tres Gringos (local bar) because we knew the bartenders. Rakine invited a girl he knew, plus a group of her friends out to party with us. By the end of the night, Raquel had become engulfed with anger because Rakine was drunk and may have said something hurtful to her. He was well past tipsy, throwing up and everything as the night pressed forward. I don’t remember how we got on the topic of her coming over, but we did and she agreed to come back to my place. She’s another girl I would consider a natural. Our bodies clicked. She was hispanic with curly hair and a cute Tinker Bell smile. She had silk soft skin and her pussy was very moist from her internal heat. We fucked for twenty-five minutes and she topped me off to climax. She even got the wet rag and wiped off my member. After kissing me, she thanked me for the good time and left because she had work in a few hours. Once again nights where I had no intention of getting some ass… pussy somehow finds its way to me. As I’ve mentioned before getting hated on was something I had become accustomed too. Outside of Anthony, Larnell, James, Jamonte and Trestin…every ‘friend’ of mine has discretely (so they thought) pillow talked with females about me in a negative way. I was cool with this girl Ashley and her best friend Lala. Around them I would suggest that we should have a menage a trois. They were 50/50 about the idea because as they

put it “I would tell everybody.” The both of them were in their second year at SJSU and knew nothing about my sex life. Ashley broke it down to me how they arrived at the revelation that I would tell someone. Ashley’s male best friend was a freshman on the team. His locker was situated right next to mine. He wore eighty-five, I played in the eight-six. James was the security vault of my business. I never mentioned names in the locker room because you never knew who could be sitting in another aisle ear hustling. Ashley told me that this square ass dude Colin told her,“Chester talks about girls all the time. He fucks a lot of bitches and you should be aware of him, he’s a player.” I told her I was going to confront him for speaking about my affairs that were never directly told to him. She begged me not to say nothing because it would ruin their friendship. And as far as me having the three some I could kiss that good bye. Halloween had become my favorite holiday. The previous year I had Nikki in my room, playing with my dick while I finger fucked her. Halloween 2005 was even better. Ashley agreed to trade massages with me later that night. She arrived looking sexy. She was dark-skinned with smooth cocoa es skin. Half way into the massage, I rubbed the side of her boob which was customary when I performed massages. Now having her pants down I admired how plump her ass was. I turned her over and began sucking on her titty’s. Her fingers moved back in forth through my hair. Her body pulsed with every lick. I took my free hand and rubbed between her legs . I got between her legs and took my clothes off. I put the condom on and slid my dick inside her. Ashley was a square, I could tell she didn’t do much fucking. The absence of sex makes sex more enjoyable for women I’ve heard. She had the best doggy style silhouette I had ever seen. Her back arched perfect and her rhythm was impeccable, while I sexed her from behind. I was surprised at how well she performed while on top of me. This confident side of Ashley was turning me on. Her body moved like she had head phones on listening to Aaliyah’s Rock the Boat, while she rode the shit out of me. I flipped her on her stomach placing a pillow underneath her stomach for leverage. A minute later I came super hard from enjoying her in my favorite position. Two separate occasions

within eleven days that I had sex with a girl who I was not in pursuit of. Here and there I would hang out with Lesley. We saw each other more than we were having sex. I liked the relationship this way. There was no pressure on either of us. Plus there’s no way I can really like a chick who I can’t be around for more than just sex. If, I could stomach hanging around a girl for more than an hour without being annoyed or bothered, that girl had a chance to be in my life longer. During spring semester, I met “Tori” at a step show in San Francisco. She was a student at the University of Nevada. The moment I saw her, I knew I had to have her. She was stunning. There was an air of innocence about her that I was attracted too on top of her good looks. Although I had fallen off while pledging, I never let more than three weeks go by without reaching out to her. I was feeling her too. I could see myself fucking with her on a serious tip. Tori’s biggest concern with me was, she never believed that I could like her more than any girl going to San Jose State who could readily satisfy my needs. Her best friend had an engagement to attend in San Jose the same weekend we played their school. The both of them arrived Friday, but I didn’t get to see much of her. The team stayed at hotels on Friday night’s before games. The girls stayed at my place Friday and came to the game the following night. I introduced her to my friends and teammates after the game to make her feel comfortable. I knew, if I was to show Tori that I really liked her and wanted her for more than just sex, I could possibly fall into the pussy that weekend. I always do the opposite of what a female expects me to do to throw them off their game. We were like two high school kids confessing our love for one another. We kissed all night. I tried moving my hands to places as to heighten her sexual senses. She moved my hands away with each attempt, and I gave up after three tries. We ate breakfast the next morning and she left when I had to leave for film. Once out of practice my phone was filled with tons of messages. Tori let me know she had a wonderful time and that her feelings for me had grown stronger during her time with me. Over the next few days

she began pressing for a relationship, now believing my words because my actions matched while she was in town. By this time, Tori was on the late show. When I don’t get what I want, when I want it, I no longer want it. That statement can come off as selfish or narcissistic, but humans we all share this. We only value what we want, desire, or pay for. If the excitement phase driven from desire diminishes it’s because that itch was not met in adequate time in my opinion. I was still attracted to Tori but the like I had for her was long gone before she ever stepped foot in San Jose. A week later Kelly stopped by to say hello. She flunked out of school her first year, and was going to a junior college to bring her grades up. She showed up to my place with a bad ass homegirl from Berkeley. TeShaida was super bad. Pretty and sexy as I’ve stated is such a dangerous combination. She wore colored contacts making her appearance exotic. She was equipped with a raspy Alicia Keys voice (I like women with deep voices). Kelly and I, use to talk about making a movie (sex tape) all the time. Life caused us to lose contact for a second, but we picked up right where we left off. I decided to park TeShaida off on my roommate Stephen because he said I never looked out for him when it came to girls. Because they popped up out of nowhere, I wasn’t prepared to make a movie. We agreed they would come back over two days later. I won’t lie if Stephen had not said anything to me about putting him on I would have tried for the threesome. A few nights later as the three of us waited for Stephen to arrive, I decided to jump start the party myself. I made each young lady a drink and one for myself. I hated drinking during the week, because I didn’t like having to work extra hard in practice to get the liquor out of my system. I put some music on and we started to dance. By the time Stephen arrived, the girls were more than ready. TeShaida grabbed my camera and instructed Kelly to give me head. She was getting more and more turned on as she told her friend what to do. Enthusiastically, she moaned inching her way closer to the bed. While she did all this, Stephen was acting super square. He held TeShaida’s hips but never attempted to touch her sexually. I thought a commercial

was playing because while Kelly rode me; this weird ass nigga, asked TeShaida if she wanted to go play Madden Football while all kinds of sex was in the air. I promise if that isn’t lame as hell then I don’t know what lame is. For years I tried teaching this dude the game. Now I better understand why he was jealous of me. He, simply could not bring the razzle-dazzle to women the way Style did. After Kelly and I finished, I took TeShaida inside the bathroom. Remember, I said Stephen was lame as hell. The camera record button was left on not to his knowledge though. Kelly told him to get in the bed with her as she was going to try to loosen him up. When I viewed the footage the next day, the camera showed him with his ear up against the bathroom door eavesdropping on the business going on inside the restroom for almost three minutes. On the other side of the door, I placed TeShaida on my counter-top and began kissing her. She turned me on way more than Kelly did that night. While kissing her, she tugged at my tugboat with both hands. I whispered very low, telling her that, she had me turned on, and asked her, “If I could stick the tip in?” She kissed me hard and said, “Only for a minute,” because she was worried Kelly and Steve might begin to wonder what we were talking about. Having her on the counter worked out wonderful. My hips aligned perfect with hers and I was able to get my sixty-seconds. After sticking the tip in I kissed her with even more hunger. She was even more wet and about the time I was about to go deeper. Stephen knocked at the door asking if we were ok. I assured him the conversation we were having was just about over. The moment after exiting the bathroom he told me he was headed to his girlfriend’s place because he didn’t think TeShaida wanted to fuck him. Kelly was on my bed knocked out by this point. After the lame guy left, TeShaida and I fucked the rest of the night away on his bed. I had my best practice of the year the next morning.

2006 Over Christmas break I hung out with a golfer named Janelle. Trestin had been fucking her and told me that she thought I was fine as hell. Before semester ended Janelle popped up on me with one of her friends. They brought my favorite In n Out. We talked what our plans were over the break and I told her I was going home but would be back first week of the new year. Sitting on the Greyhound, nearly two hours from San Jose, I texted Janelle asking her what she was doing for the night. She replied that she was down to do whatever I had in mind. She arrived at my place looking scrumptious. Janelle was mixed with White and Mexican. Her smile was right out of a crest commercial. To say Janelle is gorgeous is an understatement. She had that natural beauty. Trestin game planned me the details of how I should attack. I followed the plan to a tee, and next thing I know, I’m on top of her getting punched in the stomach while she’s telling me to fuck her harder. This was scary for a split second. I had never been punched while fucking. She fucked the shit out of me. Before I came, I asked her if she was on the pill, she said yes, and I exploded inside of her. A week later, I had surgery on my wrist. This didn’t stop me though. The semester had begun and my roommates and I were going out four to five days a week. I was injured, so staying up late was a staple because I wouldn’t be medically cleared for six weeks. Amanda caught my eye as I was leaving Toons, one of the local bars. She was light skin and thick ass hell. Big booty, small waist, and D-cup breasts. While leaving, I said a few words to her and she gave me her number telling me to call her. On campus the next day I gave her a call and invited her to come over the next night. When she showed up, the thirsty group (my roommates) all let out a sigh letting me know they saw a bad one walking down the hall. We talked and by the time she was leaving I propositioned her for a kiss. Walking to her car we agreed that she would come back over the next night. I wanted what she was offering. The next night Amanda showed up ready for action. She said, “She had a few drinks before coming over and wanted some

dick.” Her big thick ass rode me like a horse. A thoroughbred stallion she was. After her turn, I climbed on all that ass and gave her everything I could muster. I nutted and we fell asleep ass naked with no efforts to shower. The next morning, not too long after she left, I received a text message asking me if it was cool that we fucked when she wanted some dick and when I needed some pussy. This was like hearing music to my ears. This set up was how I was going to treat the situation anyway. She was cute and all that but after I found out she smoked cigarettes, I immediately lost interest. A huge turnoff so an arms length relationship was ok with me. Keanna and I were still in contact. As I stated earlier she’s a dope ass chick. We could talk about anything and she never judged me. I will always appreciate the time spent getting to know her. Having crossed the burning sands, James, Rock, and I stayed at Keanna’s place so we could attend our first step show as neophytes of Omega Psi Phi. The first night in town she didn’t give me any. I wasn’t tripping anyway. I was tired from being out past three am and from having to sit in traffic during the two hour excursion from San Jose to Sacramento. The next night we went out as a group and had a blast. The both of us sweated a bit at the club and she insisted we take showers before getting in her bed to do anything (she has OCD). Keanna attacked me once we stepped out of the shower. I was determined to fuck the shit out of her for holding out on me the previous night. When I fuck to prove a point I hardly ever nut. I mentally psych myself out to not enjoy the event because I want to inflict pain. We fucked close to an hour. She was in there sweating like Keisha from Belly. We had to stop because she damn near fell off the bed trying to run from the dick. She laid on her stomach with her ass arched in the air while I stripper danced in the pussy. This made up for me not getting any the night before. And boosted my already swollen ego. I did the ‘beat it up right dance’ like Tyrese from Baby Boy then told Keanna to now talk all that shit she was talking earlier. I was slightly disappointed though. We had a spectacular sex session but I did not get off. And no, the pussy was not the reason I didn’t come. Keanna got some Ashanti good good, but I had too much to drink that night affecting my climax.

Two weeks later— James, Larnell and I found ourselves on Fresno State’s campus. Larnell’s sorority sister Tonisha, would let us come crash at her place and she always had a bunch of girls around. KiKi had recently moved in with Tonisha and was a track girl from LA as well. Her body was perfectly toned. We arrived sometime after nine pm and my first time laying eyes on Kiki was about an hour later. Whenever we came into town and chilled with the girls; there would be tons of laughter, food being cooked, drinks knocked back, movies laughed at, et al. We really lived life as student athletes. It was now after four am in the morning when we decided to call it a night. I asked Kiki to let me sleep in the room with her because the living room was occupied by two others. I was attracted to her and prepared if anything sexual was to pop off. Girls be knowing what they do. She had a King size bed but somehow scooted her self in a position for her ass to be in my lap. Once my manhood began rising to the occasion, she turned around to face me. The light from outside was starting to pierce through the blinds. Everything progressed pretty fast and next thing I know, I’m fucking her doggy style on the carpet because her bed would’ve made too much noise. We enjoyed each other for close to thirty minutes before I nutted in her…Good thing she was on the pill. Skyler was back in San Jose for an event that weekend. He was attempting to fuck girls he didn’t get while he was in school. I think he was getting jealous of all my stories. He was back in LA fucking no girls or should I say not as many as me. My homegirl Vanna had party at her place and the other homegirl Ana was there. Vanna’s party was broken up early and there was nothing else to do. On the way to the car, I asked Ana what she was about to do, being that the night was still young. She said her co-worker was heading to her place and that the both of us should join them if we wanted to drink and still hang out. I had been to Ana’s job a few times and knew of the coworker she was talking about. Hispanic broad, average, and nothing special to brag about. They poured shots and we jammed to the music. Ana was supposed to be for Skyler (he had a thing for Scorpio’s being one himself) and Erica for me. Ana asked me to dance and I was feeling good so I joined her. While dancing Ana started to grind on me. She reached her hand backwards and begin feeling on my dick. It was evident from her pheromones

that she was ready. Skyler and Erica started dancing as well. Ana pushed my body’s momentum backwards toward her room. Once inside, she dropped to her knees and unbuckled my pants. She started sucking me something terrible. Next thing I know Skyler’s envious and jealous self, having saw us sneak off, barged in the room with the other girl. Even though it was pitch black you could see his face turn white with angst. Ana kept sucking as if she was unbothered by their intrusiveness. He asked for a condom and I grabbed the bag Ana handed me and tossed him a handful of condoms. I placed a condom on my member and she got on top. Ana was a freak. While I fucked her from behind, I choked Ana and this appeared to turn her on even more. I was thoroughly impressed with how much torque she had while her ass bounced against my thighs. We both stopped because we were tired and she suggested we go in the living room and watch the other two. I stood behind her as she leaned over the couch actively gazing at Skyler make love to Erica. Watching her watch them excited me. I stuck it back in and enjoying her back side she bent over the couch. For some reason, Skyler got up. As he passed behind me I heard him say, “Aye cuz let’s switch.” After he shut the bathroom door close, I gave Ana a few more pumps then sashayed my way to her living room floor next to Erica. Skyler is 6’2 250+ and I’m a meager 5’11 180. It was not possible for her to mistake the difference between us physically at least. I got between her legs and immediately began kissing her neck. She spread her legs wide and pulled my pelvis toward her. I repositioned my self, aligning our private areas so I could push inside her with no problems. Once inside the pussy, a million thoughts flooded my mind. Her pussy was Bomb Ass Fuck. Skyler hadn’t too long ago been fucking her… and her pussy seemed to have that snap back. It had that good tightness I liked. Her shit was super warm and not too wet but the perfect amount of moisture. I told myself to not nut fast because I wanted this moment to last forever. Still to this day she remains in my top eight of my bomb ass pussy list (and that’s with a condom). We fucked for a long time. Everything about her was very sensual and pleasant. I never kissed her, as that is a no no when you’re not the first to fuck. The next day

Skyler and I reconvened at Denny’s to discuss the unplanned wild night we had less than five hours before. The semester neared its end. There were many situations involving different kinds of girls that I did things with but didn’t make it to home plate . Lala came by one night during the semester and kissed me all night but wouldn’t let me get it. My roommate Bobby had a girl over one night and her friend accompanied her and I got my dick sucked. Stephen was dating a chick who brought a girl named Patty over one night where she was in a pleasing mood to suck my cock for an hour. Situations liked this happened all the time. Heading into summer, I met a super pretty freshman. Whitney was actually bad. Beautiful face, pretty smile, proportional body, dreamy eyes. I was introduced to her by her best friend Nicole who previously crushed me. Whitney and I hit it off instantly. We would message all day and night. During a trip to Portland, James was on my head about talking to her the entire ten hour trip. What can I say? I liked talking to Whitney. For a younger girl she was very mature. Lesley and I were back in communication too. Not on no everyday stuff but maybe twothree times a week. Lesley let me get it again that semester but I think she stayed away because she may have felt that sex was all I wanted from her. This was not the case though. I never keep girl’s around unless I feel something different for them and that reason never involves sex. Jessica, whom I met through Demetrius was mixed with black and white and possessed some dick sucking lips. We began talking maybe a month out from the end of the semester. She attended De Anza Junior College. She was somewhat shy, so I kept all contact silly and goofy because I knew keeping things childish would keep my interest in her. As was boarded a plane to LA, Jessica called to tell me she was finally ready to give me some pussy… and that when I got back in town we should definitely hangout. A week or so later I was back in town and got a call at one am. I told her to come through and she flat out asked, “Are we gonna have sex?” I replied, “And you know this Man!” Ready to attack after closing the door to my room, I grabbed her ass and planted kisses down her neck. I squeezed her ass

even harder. She undid my shorts while dropping to her knees in the process. Jessica has the best head game in the world. At this point in my life I hadn’t nutted from head in almost three years. Jessica made me nut twice in ten minutes. I couldn’t believe this shit. She’s a beast and the best for real. I got on top of her for five minutes or so and told her to get on top. Her sex game lacked in this area. She just sat there, didn’t move, didn’t know what to do. The only movement came from me creating the momentum for us. This went on for a couple minutes and then I turned her over, pounded her shit, and fell asleep. Her sex game would improve by the end of summer but there was definitely some work that was put in by both parties to get to that point. After one of our morning workouts, James texted me an hour later to inform me that Candice and Cara wanted to swim with us. I told him I was down and then texted Candice to pick me up. Cara, I had known for a few years from being on campus. Candice, I met the year before because she was one of the football trainers. While swimming James and I kept admiring how fat Cara’s monk was through her bikini. I told him he was lucky he was going to hit that. We teamed up against the girls playing swimming pool football. After we swam, I talked Candice into allowing me to shower with her to help wash the chlorine off of her body. I tried to not touch her sexually. But her golden brown skin was incredible. She was tall too, 5’10 to be exact. I kissed her numerous times making my way down to her breasts. Her vaginal area was neatly trimmed and she had one of those tiny cute ones I love so dearly. I fingered her ever so gently as my tongue and lips made its way from her neck, earlobe, and lips. She came from this and told me weren’t going to fuck but that she would jack me off. I ended up fucking six months later in which we’ll revisit her in subsequent chapters. One morning the following week, James texted me early ass hell (something that was not like him). He asked me if I wanted to make ride to Fresno for a quick turn around trip. I texted Devin to see if I was good to come see her. No way I was riding an hour and a half if I had no ass set up for me. This was the summer of 2006 going in to the last year of my college football career. Larnell dropped me off first and I gave them those handshakes guys give each other validating that they’re about to put it down. Something about her energy wasn’t right looking

back, but I’ll take all the blame. We made it inside her bedroom and I didn’t do much to get her in the mood I must admit. We took our own clothes off and I laid down. She got on top of me and my manhood was about half way inside of her when he decided to go limp. This had never ever in a million years had ever happened to me. I was that dude bragging on my ability to always rise to the occasion. Devin stayed straddled around me looking at me like, you can’t be serious right now! I can’t believe you came your ass all this way for this shit. She moved over to the side and I limped to the bathroom attempting to jack myself off to get in the mood. But to be honest, at this point I had never masturbated so that wasn’t working out to well for me. After walking out of the bathroom I saw that she was on her phone texting. I went over to her and told her to put her hand on it to help get him up. With one hand texting, with the other on my now little little man. There was no desire, no reason I couldn’t get it up. This was a failed attempt and clearly a waste of both our times. To add more insult to injury. Devin had been texting the females my boys were with. When I got in the car they already knew what had happened. They both were like, “So CStyle you beat that thang up right?” Soon as I said, “Man y’all not gone believe what happened to me.” They burst out with laughter, saying they found out soon as it happened because she had texted the girls they were with. I laughed too. It was funny I must admit, especially because of how much shit I would talk about putting it down. Even though the day didn’t go as planned, I wasn’t all to worried about one little incident because my reputation proceeded me! Nine days into football camp my roommate was found one block from campus in what authorities deemed an apparent suicide attempt. Who knows why I didn’t pursue this girl more serious. But I was very appreciative of Whitney around during this tough time. There was company at my house everyday for a month. The first week is easier to deal with, because it's natural for everyone to want to be around people they care for… especially during a friends death. Everyday there were at least seven girls I had a history with at my place. Shit some of them I was in the process of trying to put them on my hit list. Chicks had heard of my promiscuous ways but none of these girls had proof. I kept my business on the low. The hardest part about this situation, and it’s not like any of them could’ve caught me up. I

was single and loved being drama and stress free. I couldn’t give anyone too much alone time away from others. Inserts my other dilemma. Girls who I had already taken down, naturally made themselves comfortable being in familiar territory. When those particular girls stood in my hall way I could see them glance at what ever female was entering my room. Whitney was going into her second year and didn’t know anyone from my past which was a good thing. Her striking beauty was not hard to miss by any measure. Outside of Rakine she didn’t know anybody. Luckily, Nicole accompanied her and at times when she was in my room for extended periods of time she was not alone. I never did it to Whitney’s crazy self. She was insistent on me eating the pussy, which I was not going to do just to get the pussy (how stupid of me not too). And I didn’t have the bearings to say I would go down on her just to fuck. I’m weird like that at times. But I’ll take my integrity and character over saying I had to lie to get the pussy. It’s never that serious. Whitney kissed Bomb as hell and had one of the fattest monks I have ever seen. Lesley and I were back talking more and more, I liked this. This was my last year on the football field. And experiencing my friends death were reasons enough to not let my time be stretched thin. Larnell introduced me to Holly one night bowling during spring semester. She was ok looking but nothing about her made me want to pursue her. Holly saw me again over the summer at a grocery store not to far from where she lived. She got my contact and we texted each other from time to time. A week prior to me hangin out with Lesley, Holly messaged me the moment the bus towed into our stadium. It was past one am and I was feeling frivolous. I agreed to go by her place for a quick second then bounce. Things don’t always go as expected. She insinuated something along the lines of sex. I’m no punk bitch, shit even my hello to women once had all kinds of sexual innuendos. There was a catch to fucking Holly though. She had a latex allergy and the two options she posed to me were; we could use no condom and I would have to pull out before I came or we could only fuck for nine to twelve minutes because at that point her vaginal lips would swell and burn like crazy. I knew I had no energy to pull out so I went with the second choice. After two

positions we had to stop. We fucked a few more times and most of them were sort of like the first time. Lesley was asked to house sit for a coworker of hers. I had a bye week, so I agreed to be her chaperone for the weekend. She warned me a few days before that her period was starting and If I didn’t want to stay with her for the weekend she understood. I chuckled at her saying this and assured her that I was still her date for the weekend. The home was beautiful whosever it was. At one point during the night Lesley took me by surprise. She suggested we could have sex in the water if that kind of thing didn’t gross me out. James and Larnell had recently put me on game about girls not bleeding in water. I thought about it for a split-second and said I was down. She told me to come inside the bathroom after five minutes of allowing her body to warm up. Allowing the five minutes to pass I joined her in the shower. She said give her a couple more minutes. There was a second shower head so I rinsed off until she was ready. I ducked my head under the running water and moments later Lesley’s hands hugged my waistline. She turned me around and kissed me. This engorged my libido. I picked her up placing her against the wall. Her legs gripped tight around my hips for added stability. I bent at the knees slightly so I could support both of our body weights. Once in a safe position. Lesley and I fucked each other real good. I had become dehydrated by now. I lowered her body and turned her around. I attacked her back side with what energy I had left. I came in her then washed her body after. After our weekend together, Lesley disappeared for the rest of the semester. This caught me by surprise because she made me work a little out of my comfort zone to get back in her graces. And Stephen told me that she asked him to not tell Charlene that we were back talking… and then to have her just disappear like that had me like damn! I once held her all night after the club, promising I wouldn’t try anything because I was on some different shit… shaking my head, never again. Every time I give in to doing some sucker shit…it backfires every single time. One thing I forgot to mention that can attest to how discreet my business was, although some things will get out which is normal if you tell somebody your business. They will always tell someway they trust. It’s the human nature of a person. Alethea, an AKA, was the homegirl whom I had class with during

freshman year. We even attempted to get to know each other at one point during our second year at state but she thought I was shallow because I didn’t talk about my future or my dreams (she’ll understand now). Bowling had become the new hang out spot on Thursday nights. James and I were eating pizza in the back of the bowling alley when Alethea decided to approach us. She never hesitated to say what was on her mind. She complemented us and shitted on us at the same time. “I mean both of y’all fine and all… but y’all some hoes.” There was no hello Chester or hi James nothing. She was smiling when she said this of course. She had a good enough rapport with both of us to not be offended by her comment. I replied back with a tinge of wit, asking her, “If we were such hoes, how come she couldn’t name more than three people either of us had sex with, even though she had been in school with us for four years?” She was speechless for all of two-seconds. Then she gave a look, fixed her lips, and said, “Good one Ches. Just because I can’t name anyone doesn’t mean y’all aren’t some hoes.” I laughed at this true notion that I pretended was offensive. James told on himself. The third girl he named was someone she knew. I tried to stop him from naming the girl’s name but it was too late. Alethea you were right. I am or should I say was a hoe. I did have a more than healthy appetite for women. I can’t help it, it’s in my nature. But remember this, I couldn’t be a “hoe” without girls aiding me in that department. My outlook on women during this time was jaded because of my hate for my moms growing up. During my six years in San Jose I only took two girls on a date. I viewed all women as gold diggers and couldn’t justify me having to pay for their time. I’m thankful for every female encounter but I could’ve been worst quite honestly. Take football away and I think another one to two-hundred girls would have their stories told in this memoir of mines. Another thing to consider is that, I was single the whole time. I never claimed or faked to have a girlfriend. Plus, I never wanted to cheat on any girl. It’s impossible to cheat on someone that you’re not with. And I love my freedom.

Half-way during the season we got evicted from our place and I moved in with James and Larnell. These were two dudes I did most of my traveling damage with anyway. They, like me, were seeking homing missiles for women as well. I stayed low key the last six weeks of season. This was our first winning season-meaning we would play in a bowl game. That meant four more weeks of fucking seven-thirty am practices; when our season usually ended before Thanksgiving. To end the year, I finally went ahead and fucked a girl who had liked me for at least two years. Stephanie was a thicker white girl with curly hair. It’s not that she was ugly but I just wasn’t sexually attracted to her. Even pretty girls have a hard time tickling my fancy—I don’t know it’s weird. After winning the New Mexico Bowl, I was back in San Jose bored out of my mind. I decided to hit the town with my old roommate Bobby. We saw Stephanie at one of the bars we frequented often. Bobby was in my ear about me having to fuck her and all this stuff. I finally gave in and told her to come over once we left the bar. I invited her in and we took a seat on the sofa. I immediately pulled my pants down and placed her hand on my cock. She stroked it and moments later put her mouth on it. Her head felt good, (not as bomb as Bobby made it seem but cool nonetheless) and after a couple minutes I was ready to fuck. I took my shirt off while she performed fellatio. She stood up taking off her pants and I put a condom on. She got on top of me and started bucking like a donkey. Stephanie was cheating though, she used the back of the couch for extra stability. I let her do her thing for while until it was time for me to check out. I motioned for her to get up and turn around. She bent over the couch and I inserted my manhood from her backside. I tried to kettle bell her ass through the couch. I don’t remember thrusting this hard on anyone in a while. I nutted and she left. Once again, nights where pussy was the last thing on my mind and I somehow ended up in some pussy.

2007 I was in LA for New Year’s Eve and the following night Skyler picked me up on his way to chill with Precious and Casandra. After arriving to their hotel room, Skyler went to the bathroom area with Casandra. Surprised at how good my body was looking Precious said, “Wow Chester what have you been doing? Your body is banging.” She proceeded to top me off for a few minutes. Her head was feeling way too good. She laid on her back and we passionately kissed. When Skyler and I first arrived at the room she made me us take three shots of E&J Brandy so I was feeling good. Precious pussy was good ass fuck. She kissed bomb ass hell too. I didn’t attempt to switch positions and nutted inside of her. And to think Precious once told me she thought I was gay the first time we met… yeah gay for women. Training for my senior pro day and I was not messing around. I went on a strict no liquor diet. As if I really had a chance at the NFL… shaking my head. During the weekdays I didn’t have sex. The weekends however were a different story. Candice (trainer) finally gave in. She had a boyfriend and was fucking my cousin. She didn’t know that we were related so don’t blame her. She texted me this particular Friday night and surprisingly I was up. She said her and a friend went out for a drink. I voiced something along the lines of sex and she responded by telling me she was on her period. I run red lights so that didn’t stop me from suggesting we use the shower. “That’s nothing a little water can’t solve,” I said. Digesting the thought she quickly responded “Ok! I’m down for that, send me your address.” I was somewhat juiced. She had been playing for a cool minute always finding an excuse to not give my any pussy. Tonight she pleasingly granted me my wish. I started things off similar to how I did the first time we hung out. It’s not much you can do anyway in such tiny space. After a few minutes of letting her body warm up I stood on my tiptoes to penetrate her. She was 5’10. Her little pussy was tight. It was also good. Water isn’t the best when it comes to sex. I know movies and the visuals will at times make it seem like its super bomb but quite contrary it is. Her stuff was getting super warm like the easy bake ovens from the 90’s. I went slow and steady for a bit. I wanted her to enjoy this more than I wanted to nut. The moment I grabbed her breasts I knew 12 pumps later the night would be over. She was on her period so pulling out was

not an option I ever considered. After drying off, she sat on my bed, posing while I snapped flicks of her. I walked her to her car thanking her for the night assuring her that I would hit her up in a few days or so for round two. Lisa, an AKA, was my younger homegirl. A lot her little friends were cute as hell. A few I messed around with but one I actually took down. She introduced me to Alicia passing through campus one day. A couple days later Lisa texted messaged me, saying her friend thought I was cute and could she give her my number. Alicia and I texted back and forth for maybe a week. She sent me one of those chain text’s that had eight or nine choices that you could pick as many that applied to the current situation. I chose the one that indicated sex. She then replied asking, “How come I hadn’t said anything before.” I forget my response but each girl is different. Sometimes I’m aggressive, sometimes I’m not. The night we chilled, she showed up in comfortable clothing. Not too long after she laid down in my bed, I attacked. Grabbing for her titty’s, I pulled one out and made love to it. When she undressed I was impressed. Her little chocolate self had a cold ass body. Her love box wasn’t that bad either. Actually it was pretty fucking good even with the condom on (thats how you know a girl got good pussy when you can feel it through the condom). We finished with her on top controlling the situation like she was trying to win an award. This is why college is so amazing. Anything literally can go down anywhere at anytime. More than half these girls I never had intentions on touching. And yet somehow, they found their way to me. I really and truly feel blessed. I have a memory of a girl who’s name I cannot remember. I fucked her during this time as well. It was some of the most awkward and peculiar sex I had had till this point in my life. She was weird ass fuck, pretty though. What’s even more wild is when I visited Anthony in Atlanta six years later; I saw this same girl inside Lennox Mall and couldn’t say hi to her because I couldn’t remember her name… shit! Agenda on Sunday’s would be the thing to do when the fellas and I were bored. I was just about ready to leave the club when a white girl who graduated my first year of college approached me. She was always talking some type of shit. I told her that she

could come over tonight and let me see if her action, backs up all the shit talking she does. She accepted the challenge and told me to text her. I sent her my address and told her I would see her in thirty minutes, I was grabbing a burrito from La Victoria’s first. Tasya could fuck. I shouldn’t be surprised though because she was a gymnast. She sucked me, licking my balls and everything. Then she got on top and talked shit as she rode me front, back, and sideways. She was definitely feisty as shit. She kept trying to control shit. This is what happens when the girl is twenty-eight and your twenty-three (Older chicks talk so much shit). I finally bent her over doggy style-clogging her airway. I tightened my butt cheeks and gave her ten hard pumps until I came. Breathing heavily, I rolled over thinking like damn Tasya got some bomb ass sex and some bomb ass pussy… no wonder why she talked all that shit for so many years! The last month of the school was one to remember. My boy James got drafted to the NFL by the Green Bay Packers. He never had a drink of liquor, and vowed to me that he would have one with me when he got drafted. This day would turn out to be one for the ages. The morning started with me having to meet my geology classmates on a boat in the San Francisco Bay at eight am. We had to explore this great estuary and learn about its significance to the ecosystem. By the time I arrived back at our place, James was on his way out the door when his phone rang. Bottle after bottle was popped. Around midnight, we decided to go to the Vault (night club) for more celebrating. Everybody was there. We had a blast. Jamonte and I stopped at Denny’s on the way home. About the time I made my way inside, he was sitting at a table with these two girls. “C-Style come here, I found us two jack.” I said, “Hi,” and put my head down. I was faded ass fuck. Jamonte was into thicker females. One of the girls fit exactly what he liked. The other one who I called Pocahontas was my type. “See y’all in about 15-20 minutes,” Tae said as we walked out the door. We arrived at my place, and to my dismay; James’ little cousins were sleep on the living room floor. This is where I visioned we would take care of business, guess we’d have to adjust. Knock Knock, the girls had indeed taking us up on Jamonte’s offer. We started fucking each of the girls on the couch. Five minutes later, Tae kept saying, “Style let’s switch.” I’m like, “Nigga, hold up I just got in the pussy.” He persisted so much that I finally agreed to the switch. I sat on the couch and

let the big girl straddle me. This was the worst thing ever. Never in a million light years would I ever hit something this big. But here I was, belligerent and tag teaming girls with my homeboy. We ended up stopping and I sorta got mad because everyone had gotten their nut but me. The big girl said, “I don’t give head, she does and if you want your dick sucked, you better ask her.” Pocahontas emerged from the bathroom and was cool with sucking my dick with the exception that I had to wear a condom. She sucked me for maybe two minutes and I told her to turn around because I was turned on enough to get my nut. As I began fucking her, she placed her hand underneath my balls massaging them. This really excited me. I nutted and we kicked them girls out laughing as we fell asleep. The whole time this fiasco played out, I prayed to God that neither of them kids woke up at any point of the night to hear or see what had taken place a mere three feet from their heads. Nights like this couldn’t have ended any better. The following week Ana had visited my house. I believe we were finishing some of our last pieces of homework before graduation. Ana sat in a crouched position over by the couch working on her project. In all of the previous years of knowing Ana, I hadn’t looked at her in a sexual way (outside of the time we first met when she turned me down). To make sure lines were never crossed I would even make her sleep on the floor in my room when she stayed the night. Never in a million years when I woke up that morning did I think I would end the night fucking my former “lil sis.” I made a comment to her being hittable in the position that she was in. She smirked and said some smart aleck remark along the lines of me now looking at her in this way. As night time fell and we were in the final stages of homework completion. I decided to take a shower, and once inside I called her to wash my back. We were close enough and maybe a little too close where this was normal to ask. I stepped out the shower with my sights set on attacking. I was at a point of no return and Ana had me turned on in a major way. I held out from her long enough and maybe it was time I gave in. Ana was seated at the counter top. I approached her for a kiss and she kissed me back with an unexplainable energy. She took me by surprise when she pushed me back saying, “Naw it’s too easy to have now, I don’t want it.” I was cocky, so I’m sure I responded with some conceited ass remark.

Seated on the couch I began applying lotion to my legs. I stood up to go put some clothes on. As I passed the bar-stool, Ana’s left arm grabbed my right arm stopping me. With my head swinging around she got off the stool and pulled my towel from around me. She dropped to her knees and gave me the sexiest most seductive head jobs I had ever had. Ten-minutes later, rising up, she guided me to James’ room. She was like Houdini because I never saw her clothes come off and don’t remember undressing her. I got on top of her and she put him in. It was like her pussy had waited on this moment forever. I could feel the desire pouring through her sex organs. She couldn’t keep her hands off me as my hips thrust in and out of her. A few minutes passed before I turned her over. She arched her back and placed her hands on the wall. While fucking her from behind she turned over her shoulder and whispered “choke me”. My left hand took hold of her neck and she moved my hand further up her neck. Her pussy was beginning to feel bomb. I put my other hand on her neck. She moaned, “That’s it daddy, right there.” I couldn’t take those five simple words. Her words caused me to blow my gasket inside of her. By the time I warned her that this was happening it was too late. She tried to jump from the dick in time, but the excess nut fell on her butt and inner thigh. After she left, I thought to myself, why did I wait sooo long to fuck her. Her pussy was fire as fuck and it was more than clear her desire for me turned me on in the worst way. It’s crazy how things in life turn out. During the initial stages of me getting to know Charlene, my line brother Wallace (not at the time), who was into Ana would tell her that he thought I was messing around with Ana because of the time we spent with each other. Ana and Charlene were friends and part of the same click. I have more game than to do some stupid shit like that, well, at least at first. Wallace didn’t understand that his “little sis” Charlene was pretty ass fuck. So attempting to make her jealous of another girl (her friend at that) would never be the key to winning her over. Pretty people don’t compete they dominate. Secondly, if I had been fucking Ana she wouldn’t have been friends with Charlene because she would have wanted me all to herself. Third, Ana wouldn’t have been fucking with him. And last but not least, Wallace would have never saw the two of us together just like he never saw me and Charlene together yet we

talked everyday for months. Girls I’m into got my undivided attention and time. I don’t like to share my attention. Chilling with chicks in groups diverts the girls attention from me and I need complete focus. Ana and I had a true friendship. Ana and I were male and female versions of each other. If anything I respected Ana’s female perspective of who Charlene was as a friend to her. The cold part… is that I’m the one who hooked Wallace up with Ana. She found nothing exciting about him. I helped change her view which gave him a real opportunity— while he was hating on my opportunity. Lesson learned…don’t give these nigga’s passes. If they already assume the worse, make their nightmare a reality. Over the summer I traveled and was hardly in San Jose. The week after visiting James’ first game against the Eagles, I found myself in bed relaxing and thinking who could I get to come over and play for the night. Thought is a powerful thing. Within ten minutes, I received a text from Dyeisha saying she wanted to come see me. I believe I only tried to fuck her once and felt she was playing so I never tried again. She arrived looking sexy ass shit. She was thick too. Lying in my bed, I began touching on her to test her limits. Reaching for her pants while I attempted to unbuckle them. She stopped my hand and said, “If you don’t kiss me, you not getting none.” In my head, I’m thinking, “That’s it. Let the games begin.” I kissed her while my fingers undid the zipper on her jeans. After unzipping her pants I let my fingers roam her insides. My fingering turned her on. Her body was jerking so much she stopped kissing me. Once I slid her pants off I put a condom on and placed my shaft inside of her. Her pussy was really wet from the few minutes of foreplay. She persisted to let her get on top. She rode me for maybe ten minutes and it was now time for Elvis to do his thing. I bent her over doggy and went to town. It boggles my mind at times to what makes women wake up and decide ‘today is the day… I will give him some pussy.’ Especially, when I assess the times I’ve put forth major effort to get nowhere; then the moment I have no more effort left to give the girl gives in effortlessly… amazing how these things happen.

2008 My time in San Jose was beginning to conclude. My almost six years in the city had served me well. I was six months away from leaving the city responsible for my maturation as a young man. I couldn’t leave the city without a bang of course. Teana and I knew each other close to two years at this point. She and her best friend were both attracted to me as she would later tell me. Her other friend Melissa and I had come to college during the same year and knew each other pretty well. Melissa would tell her that I was a lady’s man and to watch out for me because all I wanted was one thing blah blah blah. Well, the months leading up to the eventual night of us fucking were used to disarm her. Although, I can tell at first glance if I would bang a chick or not, I do like the challenge of conquering my conquests. Teana let it be known that she heard all these crazy stories about me. But her experience with me made those rumors look like lies (I can assure you they were). In retrospect, the haters or gossip groups weren’t lying about my results they just lied about the details. They forgot to warn these girls just how charming I can be when I want something. I’ve always referred to myself as a mack because of my ability to talk to women. Add charm with my average attractiveness and everything magnifies. I hung out with Teana a few times and I got the feeling she was expecting me to make a move sexually. Normally, I would’ve been made my move but I was out to prove to her that her friends were not only wrong. But she was stupid for believing they stupid ass. James and I went out downtown, and after dropping him off at home, I made my way to Teana’s house. She was playing that fake sleep role that women do when they know they're going to get some dick. Once I got upstairs and in her bed, I turned her over and tongued her down. Her hands penciled my body and I could feel her lust with every touch. I reached my hand underneath her shirt firmly grabbing her mango sized breasts. Once her nipples became erect, I reached between her legs and got juiced that she was smooth as a baby. One finger inside of her and it felt better than I could ever imagine heaven feels like. Second finger inside, I was mesmerized at how bomb everything about her body was. Now inside of her I didn’t move my body for a full minute. She had that BAP. Kissing her, I kept thinking

to myself that I better not nut quick. While on top I spread Teana’s legs wide so I could get my whole shaft inside of her. This brought me closer to her. With all the passion I could muster, I kissed her with reckless abandonment. We switched positions and she rode me like a champ. She rode me reverse cow girl and I could see she took pride in her ass, the way she kept looking back at it as she bounced it up and down. I can’t lie this spectacle was quite stunning. It was now my time to show out. Having recently benched 315 for the first time, I was feeling myself. Her bed was a soft one so I couldn’t quite balance myself. Getting up, I told her to scoot toward the foot of the bed and turn around. Standing, I started giving her the blues. I’m a clown, so I had to do my Dougie and make funny faces at the closet mirror. She started making whimpering sounds that I couldn’t make out until the words, “Chester I’m going to come… don’t stop,” rang loud and clear. Teana was able to get that full sentence out twice more before she and I exploded. I made sure I fucked Teana good because I was mad she made me wait as long as I did. And if a story was being told about me it had better involve me putting it down in the bedroom. Hanging downtown was a norm if you were a party goer in San Jose. Some of these stories told involve women I met while hanging out downtown. One of the last girls I approached before moving from the city for good was a stunning white girl named Flaherty. I promise, I got lucky this night and not in the sense of a one night stand. I already left Agenda when I realized I had forgotten my debit card at the club running back to retrieve it. That’s when I was blinded by a smile lighting up the night sky. Flaherty possessed the most radiant and softest eyes I had ever laid eyes on. She was dressed in a black skirt matching black top and black pumps to finish her head to toe look. When she smiled her lip formed a v-shape, like the bottom of a heart sign. I had to react quick she was walking with her friends leaving the club walking the opposite direction of me. I said something funny and she smiled. To not have her stop, I quickly changed directions and asked her if I could walk her to her car. She let me know that I had the time it would take to get to her car to impress her. Things like this excite me. I love a challenge. This is where my creativity shines best. By the time we got to

her car I was programming her number in my phone telling her to get home safe. I called her the next day and two days after meeting her, I stayed the night at her place. The first night we met up she made me promise that I wouldn’t try anything because I was coming over at booty call hours. The next time we chilled it things got real hot and heavy. We started off in the shower because she was on her period. After ten minutes in the shower we continued for another twenty-minutes in her bed. I can’t lie a part of me thought she might be lying with the period talk. When determined, there’s nothing that could ever stop me from getting what I truly want. I was feeling Flaherty. She was from the bay but went to college in San Diego, returning home a year prior. She was working for some big company downtown and had a bomb personality. In the few months of getting to know her, she made an impression upon me. I had never spent so many nights at a female’s house until I started hanging out with her. Flaherty was gentle, soft, and patient with me. She never fussed or seemed annoyed with my effervescent thoughts or ways. Maybe a week after I arrived back in LA, she texted me seeing what I was up to. After responding that I moved back home, I could actually feel the hurt she felt with her next text. I failed to mention to her that the football league in Europe folded last minute causing me to make an abrupt decision to move home since my lease was up anyway. Thinking back her text was cute, “Dude what the fuck, no way. You didn’t even say anything. I know you were my summer hook-up but I really like you. Where did you move too? I hope your ok! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” I assured her that I was fine and that everything would be ok. This touched me because I’ve never really had a girl care enough to check on my well being.

Conclusion I College for me was a blast. The only expectations I had going to college was to obtain my degree in business and earn myself a football scholarship. Never, could I imagine that I would meet so many women and have the abundant sex life that I had. It’s safe to say, if a girl was pretty, attended SJSU while I was there, hung around athletes, then there’s a great chance she has a story involving me. At whatever point in my childhood that I have yet to pinpoint, my momma broke my heart which I’m just now remembering. This definitely formed an ice box around my heart and I think prevented me from allowing some of these girls to penetrate me deeper. I didn’t grow up getting hugs or affection. I didn’t come from a two-parent home with tons of support from my family. The love I got came from my granny through the way she provided shelter, food, and safety. And yet deep in me yearns physical touch. I think I’ve used sex as a way to feel loved. My Granny died never saying, “I love you,” directly to me. Her way of saying I Love You, was her signing a birthday card… Love Granny. But the way she sacrificed and provided for my brothers, my little cousins and I; there are words that could never explain that kind of unconditional love. It’s obvious, I went through traumas and experienced tons of pain growing up. I never wanted that pain to be seen by others. Not because I viewed pain as a weakness, but I never thought anyone cared. I hid the pain deep inside and transformed it to outwardly love. I never wanted girls to feel sorry for me. Plus they could never understand my childhood. Maybe the only time I feel loved is when I’m doing some loving… I don’t know. Maybe I’m supposed to feel a lot of pain to better love others… I don’t know. One thing for certain that I can assure each girl mentioned, is that they got the true, unfiltered, unedited, raw, fun, and loving Chester. The majority of the girls I dated came from two parent homes. Their mother’s and father’s (some step) loved them unconditionally. Their families supported their every endeavor. They grew up watching a working man/women relationship. Neither of their lives were ever put on the line by their mother’s foolish and immature mistakes. These are things I could’ve

explained to them, but their upbringing and lack of life experience wouldn’t have allowed them to fully comprehend between 18-23 years of age, what it’s like growing up in that environment. I couldn’t tell these girls the horrible person my mom was because they loved and were loved by their moms. Some of these girls had a syllogistic bias… that how a man treated his mother is indicative of how he would treat them. Had I explained this and told these girls some of the horrific things my momma said to me, they all would’ve felt sorry and gave me some sympathy pussy (the kind I never wanted). I wanted girls to like me for me, flaws and all. Charlene (Baby Girl) and Whitney (Boo-Cakey), are the real MVP’s. They each deserve a million dollars for dealing with me. I am behind difficult. They were the only girls during this time that I dealt with for more than six months consistently. As I learn more about the mind and uncover new secrets, I recently discovered that the things we like about a person are usually the things we see in ourselves. Each of these girls (women now), not only have some of my granny qualities that I like but I do see a lot myself in them. Charlene has her Master’s degree and if Whitney doesn’t have hers yet, I’m sure one day she will. They both are all highly intelligent and smart girls. Being able to hold a conversation with me and not sound stupid is very important. Rakine couldn’t be more right when he once told Linda (wife) that I wouldn’t get married until I found a girl as smart or smarter than me (very true). I always respected these ladies intellect. They are goofy, silly, and have a sense for humor. These girls like to laugh and could blend in any situation. They are cocky, confident, border conceit, and are arrogant in the most humble of way. I’m attracted to confidence and neither of them lacked this for damn sure. Each girls likes to have a good time and I’m sure if you attended a party with either, they would still be the center of attention. Charlene and Whitney are insanely attractive women. Their looks are what initially sparked my interest in them. But it was their hearts that captivated. These girls love people. I have witnessed each one go above and beyond to make sure others are comfortable because they love to see others happy. They are benevolent. Each of them deserve all the credit in the world for

not only dealing with me but helping me become the person I am today. I never asked or knew how much either of them liked or didn’t like me. What I felt from each one meant more than words would anyway. They allowed me to feel the love in their hearts. Love is not an emotion or feeling. Love is a state of being. Love is who a person is all the time. Love takes no breaks from bad or good days. When a person loves themselves their love pours out to world. Love is infectious and contagious Love is attractive and tantalizing. These women made me feel the type of love that I felt from my granny; Unconditional Love‌ Thank You Charlene and Whitney.

Part Two

Indecent Proposal Now that my time in San Jose had officially concluded, I was excited to step out in the real world and experience what life was like as an adult outside of college. Las Vegas was beginning to become my second home. Before James reported to camp in 2007 we took a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate his new job as an NFL wide receiver. The next year we visited Las Vegas for Memorial Day (2008) and I asked James to leave me his NFL player card because obviously he was in the NFL, so he didn’t need it and I knew I would be back to Vegas before our next trip. Surprisingly, he did me one better and gave me his Wisconsin ID because he had his California ID. It was Labor Day weekend and Skyler was going to see Tamra… more on her later. Juan invited me to come to Vegas to hang with him while Skyler cup-caked all weekend. After my arrival in Las Vegas, I met up with Stephen and his brother. We began to drink and reminisced about life. Juan and I had already agreed to meet at the club at midnight. Taking a few shots while we stood around the bar, I somehow struck up conversation with a woman and her husband. They were from Missouri but lived in Atlanta and were huge college football fans. I could feel the instant attraction his wife had for me. I honestly can’t explain what it is, but there’s the slightest of eye flicker or something that I’m able to sense, that lets me know when a female is attracted to me. Before she left the club she told me to store her number in my phone and call her. I politely asked her if she was sure this was cool, because her husband was standing right there. She assured me that he was ok with it because he knew she was attracted to me. It was after four in the morning and they said they were leaving to grab a bite to eat. Juan and I were still having a grande time, so we walked to the other side of the club. This chick immediately approached me, while simultaneously turning around posting her ass on my groin area. I let her dance away and had become turned on by her aggressive nature. After the song concluded, she told me she wanted to fuck me and which hotel she occupied. I dropped Juan off then navigated my way to the girl’s hotel. Walking down the corridor to her room my attention was

diverted to my cell phone. It was the married chick! She asked where I was, and told me that I should come to the Rio Hotel to see her. With no hesitation I asked where her husband was because it was now past seven in the morning and the only thing I would be going to see her for was sex. I told her I was grabbing a bite to eat then I would come by. I hung up the phone and knocked on my next conquest’s door. I went in with the plan to fuck this girl for no longer than ten minutes. She got on top and rode me for about seven minutes. It was mandatory for me to nut quick because I wanted the married chick more. I flipped her over and fucked her doggy-style no more than five minutes. I never got the chicks name, but I called her “Eastside” because she was from LA and stayed on the same block as my auntie in Watts. I left her room reaching out to Skyler and Juan. I wanted them to know about the dangerous mission I embarked. Low key I wanted them to persuade me not to go through with the inevitable. Neither one of them answered so I decided to go for it. After arriving, I called her so I could get her hotel room number. A million and one thoughts raced through my mind as to what in the fuck was about to happen once inside this room. Once, she opened the door I immediately asked her, “Where was her husband at?” Making my way through their hotel suite, I looked behind each door to make sure that he wasn’t hiding in hopes of doing something violent to me. In all my years of dealing with women this situation was peculiar to me. I know how jealous men are and for years watched my friends and teammates enflame with rage over other dudes fucking their girlfriends. It just made no sense to me that this man knowingly, wanted me to fuck his wife. After inspecting the room assuring that it was safe from a serial killer, I began to fire question after question. “What’s gonna happen if he comes in while we’re fucking?” Her response, “I don’t know, we’ve never done this before.” “You sure? Because this just makes no sense, that he knows I’m about to fuck you and he’s cool with it.” “He knows that I’m attracted to you.” The sound of the door accepting his keycard alerted my attention. He walked in with a half smile half smirk. As he made his way past me, he said, “What’s up?” I swear it was like dejavu. I nodded my head what up, but had an observant eye on his

hands and waistband. I had to make sure no funny shit was going on, even though I think I was at the point of no return anyway. I now directed my line of questioning at him. “So, please explain to me how it is that you are ok with me banging your wife?” In his words and words that I will probably never forget. “I get the satisfaction of knowing she’s being satisfied.” At twenty-three years of age, this made no sense to me. But at thirty-five, I totally get what he was implying and even more, I respect his decision that has birthed this magnificent story. He was a total gentlemen about it as well. He offered me a drink. After my acceptance he preceded to pour me a triple shot of Hennessy. I gulped the triple shot and explained to dude that he could not be in the room when we started but after five or ten minutes he could reappear. I must admit their suite was really nice very spacious at that. She approached me on the couch straddling me in the process. She had pretty brown skin. She gently placed both hands around my face and kissed me. This excited me. Her skin was buttermilk soft and her body fit perfect in my lap. She took her top off and I swallowed her titty’s. We kissed some more and she climbed down to take her bottoms off. She walked toward the bed, turning around to say, “Baby come play.” I ripped my clothes off and pounced on the bed. I kissed all over her body and finally stuck it in. The way her body responded to my shaft entering her was as if her pussy and my dick were made for each other. Her body slighted jerked and her lips let out a sigh of relief. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders pulling me closer to her and kissed my chest. She licked my nipples as well and then let me go. A few minutes in to our moment of bliss her husband reappeared. I will not lie I was still somewhat nervous of dude. As he walked around the bed to take a seat my eyes glued to him. After he sat down and began looking at his phone my nerves eased and my focus darted back to her. I tried to beat her pussy up, since I now had an audience judging my performance. We switched positions and she got on top. Now her husband came toward the bed holding a digital camera in his hand. He began placing the camera in porno style positions in which I thought he was merely taking pictures. I told him not to get any flicks with my face in it and he assured me he wasn’t. He also

began to coach her into position. “Suck his dick!” “Let him fuck you from the back!” Remember, she said she had never done this before… I was starting to think other wise. The command he had reminded me of a sports coach. There was no fear or trepidation in her movements. She definitely had done this before or I made her feel comfortable enough to be free which I highly doubt. After he was done coaching we made our way back to the love seat where she attempted to finish me off. Two and a half hours later, I left their room ordering McDonalds as I mentally played what the fuck had just happened. I called Skyler, who finally answered the phone, and told him I was coming to his room because I had a story for him for the ages. I believe the chick and I remained in contact for maybe six months after everything had happened. She took a liking to me she and reassured me that her husband did not take pictures of our faces. However, she said that he was videotaping us, and now black mailing her with the tape. She was a lawyer and he threatened to take the tape to her job and get her fired. Things that people do to maintain power. All in all nights like this once ignited the inflated ego I once held. I’m still confident as ever when it comes to female sex but the cockiness has waned over the years.

Danielle & Stephanie Now in LA for good I was still hanging with friends from college who were also from LA. Precious was dating Lamar and bringing her homegirls around all the time. I could not help myself but flirt with her friends that I was attracted to. I can’t help myself. I have a problem. I love everything about women. Precious had two friends Danielle and Stephanie who caught my eye. One was half black and white and the other was white and Vietnamese. I took Dani down first. I had or still have an infatuation with pregnant women or those who recently have giving birth. Every girl who has had a baby got some Bomb Ass Pussy. Danielle, had a little girl and it was something about her that tickled my fancy. My persistence finally wore her ass down. The subtle touching here and there with my constant sweet something’s in her ear, how could a girl resist. We stayed the night in Long Beach at Darshel’s house. Having her daughter with her, I knew I had to strategize my way into the pussy. I’m good with kids and my interactions with her daughter showed her my softer more gentle side. Her daughter had no problems coming to me when I held out my hands and never cried when I held her. All the girls said, that I must have put a spell on the little girl because she never goes to anyone without crying. Whatever the case, I wanted Dani and was in full thirst mode. While she put her baby to sleep I began touching and caressing her. My goal was to get her in the mood in hopes that she would let me become one with her flesh. Once her daughter was asleep, I pulled her big light-skin ass titty’s out and began sucking her nipples. Next, I kissed her deep in the mouth. Dani had some bomb ass lips. She started off on top. As she sat down, my mind drifted off in bliss. If only words could describe the feeling. It felt so good. I repeatedly told myself to not come quick. Dani was enjoying herself. She rode me at a serene pace and from her facial expressions, I could tell she was confident in herself. It was finally my turn and because her daughter had fallen asleep on the bed next to us, I told her to go to the bathroom, so I could get a back shot over the sink. I stuck it in and I promise I was in Heaven for a split second. She definitely had some good good. I believe a couple weeks later I was hanging out with Darshel, Stephanie, and their other friend Danielle plus two dudes they knew. We went bowling settling at Stephanie’s place

afterwards. The moment we walked in the room, the only sounds I could hear were belt buckles unraveling and pants zippers unzipping. Stephanie got on her knees and performed fellatio on me. The room was pitch black. But the distant street light, enabled me to see the other shenanigans going on in the room. The two other girls had both them dudes down between their legs going to town on them. Of course, I laughed at this. Darshel and Danielle weren’t the best looking of girls, but had two young men pleasing them. Upon penetrating Stephanie, I had to pause. I really do feel I get lucky at times… and the county line of bomb ass pussy coming my way was on a different stratosphere. That foreign pussy is something else. Stephanie’s pussy was so bomb that I got on top and started kissing her as I nutted in her. Once she felt me go limp she asked if I had nutted in her. Shyly I replied, “Yea.” She somewhat scolded me. “Chester why did you do that? I’m not on the pill, you should’ve pulled out!” “I know but that shit was feeling too good. What was a nigga to do?” She let out a soft sigh and smiled. She kissed me and said it was ok. We fell asleep and I can’t recall how much time had elapsed, but I was awakened to Stephanie’s body moving back and forth. She somehow managed to get my shorts down, my dick hard, and her pussy around my manhood without awakening me… impressive to say the least. I was able to enjoy her for maybe five-minutes or so. Her pussy had the right amount of tightness and warmth that was out of this world. She was wetter than Niagara Falls. Something about asian women, their vaginas stay wet. I nutted inside of her once more, and this time she acted with more angst. I laughed at the tone in her voice and then placed my lips close to her ear and whispered, “This one is on you. I was sleep and you woke me up… fucking me. Blame me all you want but this is what you wanted.” She could do nothing but grin and elbow in my side because she had just been checked. Stephanie and I had sex a couple more times. But the last time we talked, she wanted me to take her out before we had sex again. I never responded to that text because I think she lost sight that our relationship did not start with me taking her out on fancy dates. Plus I’m Style! I don’t take bitches on dates!

Amaris I was still connected to San Jose. Most of the dudes I hung with in college, still lived in the area and I would visit them from time to time. There also were a couple of females that I stayed in contact with in the area, so I could have some ass on deck when I made the five hour journey north. I met Amaris a month before I moved home. She was a latin chick. Cute and she had an enchanting smile and nice body too. I’m a breast man and she did not lack in that department. I booked a room at the Hyatt in Santa Clara. Amaris was a very cool and sweet girl. Of course we were attracted to one another but we bonded to music as well. She loved Trey Songs music as much as I did, and I promised her I would make a sex playlist for us to fuck too when I arrived in town. Just my luck, her period arrived that Thursday. She texted me with caution, warning me of her period and saying she understood if I didn’t want to see her that weekend. I know that I come off as sexual, but I’ve learned this about myself as of late. I use sex to penetrate the superficial guard most women put up as they are learning a new person. I could be wrong, but I feel once two people have become naked with one another— sharing bodily fluids; there’s nothing to withhold after sex has happened. I didn’t care that she was on her period. I run red lights… I’m not scared of the same blood I was born in. She arrived at my hotel room that Friday looking and smelling amazing. I can’t lie it was good to see her. Pictures can only do so much when you’re five hours away from someone you’re interested in. We chilled and talked. The vibe was smooth. We took turns back in forth attempting to out do one another with song selections. That moment came, when we smiled, and our eyes met with matching desires and Amaris kissed me. Sparks scurried around my lips and an instant fire was lit inside me. She had nice full lips and her kisses were mesmerizing. She grabbed my hands and kissed me once more saying she was going to the shower to get ready. Moments later, she called out my name, and I pranced my happy go lucky self to the shower. Her naked body was a work of art. We kissed some more until I was fully erect. I bent her over and she reached between her legs and guided my manhood inside her. Amaris had some good

pussy too. She threw it back like no other’s business. I was proud of the young lad. She surprised me. In that moment, I became intoxicated by her aura. We remained in contact for about a year after and the next time we had sex‌ yep you guessed it she was on her period.

Meighan The next girl wouldn’t fall victim until sometime in 2009, although we at a barbecue toward the end of 2008. Meighan and I, met through Mike, who was courting her sister Brittany. Meighan was pregnant and this sent my radar into a frenzy. The whole time we joked and laughed, in my head I was imagining just how good her (Pussy) could be. It’s sort of funny that Meighan and I ended up talking. She had a friend who was acting loose and talking very sexual. Yes, I’m sure she was tipsy but liquor does bring out the truth. She let it be known that if a dude’s dick didn’t reach a certain length she would not have sex with him. This was the funniest shit in the world to me because of her audacious nature and blunt honesty. During my younger years, I kept a dick picture or two in my phone. I would use it as bait to get a girl to send me a picture of her monk. I’m definitely not shy when it comes to being naked. Maybe it’s the Pisces in me… but I love the naked body. Meighan’s friend somehow was able to get her hands on my phone and went through my pictures. She had no complaints about what she observed, and was now being extra flirtatious. Leaving the party, the friend gave me hug and started kissing and biting on my ear. Meighan’s a Leo, so you know this not only bothered her, but the stunt almost turned her interest in me off. When I finally got her on the phone, she said, “She thought me and her friend had kissed and that I was feeling her friend.” I laughed at this notion because her friend was not that attractive and had awful teeth. There was no chance in hell, drunk or not, or with another person’s lips, would I have ever kissed that girl. I went hard at Meighan at first. I wanted that pregnant pussy bad. The thing I have always respected about Meighan is her blunt and forwardness. She wanted me just as bad as I wanted her, but having sex with a dude who wasn’t the father of her baby didn’t sit right with her. Normally, I would’ve pressed even harder to get the pussy but my respect for her subjected me to respect her wishes. We talked from time to time and I told her to make sure after she gave birth and surpassed the six week stitch period to call me. After receiving her text message that read, “We were good to go,” I booked a hotel room at the Compton Casino. Meighan

arrived somewhat nervous. She brought a bottle of Bacardi with we took a couple shots. After our nerves settled, I kissed her. I took my time with Meighan. Naturally she was self-conscious of her body after giving birth. Girls need to understand this; when a dude wants you sexually he does not give a fuck about what your body looks like. Our first time was cool. This was one of the first times I can consciously say, I fucked someone with the intention of pleasing her (very selfish in my younger days). We created a scene of romance. I took time examining what she liked and didn’t like. If I remember correctly, we had sex for close to an hour. That liquor had mellowed me out and going at a slower pace actually helped me last longer. She had already come and decided she would help me get mine. I laid back and she pleased me. Off and on for close to six years we did what grown folks do when they fuck with each other. For all the shit that she talks, I can’t lie… Meighan got some Bomb Ass Pussy! Women who know they have some bomb are extremely crazy to say the least.

Menage a Trois This next story would put the icing on my sex life. I was well into triple digits by this point and had had sex with some of the prettiest and smartest girls you could ever meet. As many trains as me and the homies ran in college, I had never had a three-sum with two girls. One of the girls I went to high school with and had known since the 8th grade, was into girls. Matter of fact, she once tried to set me up with a foursome. It was summer break going into my senior year of high school and I had a basketball game. I received a call from Naetocka and instantly could hear multiple voices in the back ground. She asked where I was at. This took me by surprise because that’s not how she normally greeted me. I informed her that I was on the freeway headed to my summer league basketball game. She laughed and said, “Well that means you’re going to miss out.” This got my full attention. She went on to say that she was with two girls and that they wanted to have some fun involving me. I asked her how her friends looked and she interrupted with this, “Nuts you know I only fuck with pretty girls.” I then asked, what time were they trying to hang out because I was on my way to my game. She said the friend lived in Riverside and they were leaving earlier than usual because they had to take care of some business. I pleaded with her to wait until after my game to leave. They didn’t wait, and the next morning she called me to tell me what went down and how I missed out… I was pissed! Naetocka called me out the blue and told me she wanted to come to LA to see me the next day. In a round about way I mentioned something along the lines of three-sum and she responded, “If you can find someone pretty how I like them… I’m down.” I had less than four hours to pull a rabbit out my ass. The other dynamic to this situation; is that I never really talked about having a menage a trois with girls from my previous encounters. Excited as a kid in a candy store I grabbed both my T-Mobile Sidekick and my Verizon Blackberry phone and filtered through the list of girls I was currently fucking. Treasure said she was down and that she would have a small window from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm the next day. Any other time in the week wouldn’t work for her because she lived with her boyfriend.

The next morning Naetocka picked me up and we drove to the store. I had never done this, so I reached out to my coach on what I could do to make sure I didn’t nut quick in the presence of two girls. After telling me what worked for him, I bought a half pint of Remy Martin and a Monster energy drink. We arrived at the hotel and made ourselves comfortable before Treasure joined us. Naetocka began playing with me. Before I knew it she had my shaft out of my pants playfully stroking it. Childishly, she kissed around the tip and seductively teased me as she only sucked my dick halfway. The attention to detail with the body is something she definitely specialized in. One part of my body jerked from anticipation while another part of me felt there could be nothing better than this. After teasing me she stood up and said, “That’s all you get until the other girl gets here.” I can’t remember if this happened before or after my twentyfifth birthday, but up until this point I had never eaten pussy. Yes, I know this may come as somewhat shocking. Especially if you refer back to my college stories and how many girls I was able to touch in such short time. Part of my proposition to Naetocka, to get her to agree, was that I wouldn’t be selfish with my tongue. Remind you Naetocka and I had known each other since junior high. I trusted no female more with my business than Naetocka. I don’t know what it was, but I think her knowing my background and how hectic my childhood was, was reason for her nurturing, kindness, and understanding with me. She was so ecstatic that I was really about to lose my tongue virginity. I was surprised as well. I thought I would only go down on the lady lucky enough to be my wife one day. I called Skyler who proudly boasted that going down on ladies was his specialty. He instructed me to spell the alphabet with my tongue and told me to grab some peach or watermelon rings because in his words, “Eating pussy is an acquired taste.” Treasure finally showed up and when she walked through the door, I sensed Naetocka’s look of approval. I bought Treasure a Smirnoff Ice from the store to help calm her nerves. They got acquainted and I sat back appreciating this beautiful scene of mess that was set to transpire. Stepping around the corner from the bathroom the girls attempted to play a joke on me. The both of them said, “They had come to some silly conclusion that they were running the show and they wanted me to sit down and to start playing with

myself.” I laughed hysterically at their audacity. However as I have stated to every girl that I have ever talked to… “Dick runs this not pussy.” I told them to kiss and to get me in the mood to play with myself. As the two of them began kissing, I finished the last part of Remy Martin chasing it with the Monster. Five minutes or so passed and the both of them were still touching and kissing each other. Naetocka was more experienced. I was turned on watching her take control the way she did. She proceeded to go down on Treasure. One word— “Bomb”. If only camera phones had the abilities they have now, this easily would’ve gone viral. Ten minutes later I decided to make my way to the bed. The girls switched positions. Treasure assumed a missionary’s position and Naetocka straddled her face. I crawled on the bed and began kissing Treasure’s inner thighs. I was still nervous, but I was at the point of no return. Slow and cautious, my tongue made its way to her noni. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be but it also wasn’t like eating apple pie. I only went down on her for five minutes. Then I turned her over and sexed her from behind as she lay supplanted in Naetocka’s lap. I believe we stayed in this position for no more than sevenminutes before I needed to take a break. Naetocka made it very clear that I was to take the condom off before sticking any parts of me inside of her. After our brief intersession, both of the ladies sprawled naked at the edge of the bed. They motioned me their way and as I inched closer to the bed, I was met with two sets of lips on my cock. Treasure took me in her mouth and Naetocka licked my balls. Truly fucking amazing is all I could think in the moment. I could not believe this was happening. That infamous Too Short line raced across my mind, “Pimp nigga’s don’t pay a dime, I’m fucking two bitches at the same time.” I will not lie, sometimes I ask myself how is it that I’ve been this lucky to have some of the craziest sex stories. On her back Naetocka told me to stick the tip in. It had been seven years since we last did anything sexual. She probably has some of the best pussy in the world. That shit is crazy that God has created something so delightful and wonderful. With each stroke I mentally checked out. I wanted to feel every ounce of her wetness and enjoy this moment to the fullest. We switched positions so I could sit with my back against the head board.

Treasure straddled me swaying her hips back and forth. Naetocka wrapped her legs around my shoulders and straddled my face. Her pussy had a nice taste. I licked and licked and kissed and kissed, remembering to spell the alphabets. Nae’s little ass really enjoyed this. I think she felt elevated to a position of power. She grabbed my ears with both hands enjoying the hell out of this rodeo. Treasure stopped riding me and grabbed her self something to drink. Once Naetocka was done grinding on my face, she made her way to the edge of the bed. She asked me if I ever had my toes sucked and if I had pretty feet. Good thing I recently had my first pedicure. Having your toes sucked and licked is intensely orgasmic. Naetocka took her time analyzing each toe and Treasure began to suck my dick again. I was in total euphoric bliss. These two young ladies treated me like a king that day. Two and a half hours later, Naetocka bashfully scanned me up and down with the most giddy of looks droving back to my place. “Nuts, are you sure this was your first time eating the punani… because you sure did your thing for a nigga talking about it’s his first time?” In my head I was thinking about Skyler’s game plan and how his advice worked. To me this had cemented my legacy as The Best To Do It. My friends at the time weren’t getting the job done like Style. The more interesting thing is after this experience, I think my hunger for women somewhat started to dissipate. Looking back, I was too advanced too early and too soon. Having slept with this many girls before the age of twenty-five will burn any man out.

Tamra The next girl would end up seducing me. I mentioned the name Tamra earlier. She’s the same girl Skyler went to visit in Las Vegas. She was someone he met through me. I met Tamra in 2008 leaving the nightclub. We hit it off immediately. She was a Taurus and they get along well with Pisces. Tamra could have been a model. The first time I introduced her to James, all he could say was, “Ches, she is gorgeous bruh.” She stood right at 5’10 and was proportioned immaculate. Tamra had a long gizzard neck and brown sugar eyes. Tamra was somewhat funny looking, but beautiful to say the least. She didn’t need to wear make up and her personality was cooler than a summer breeze. Her problem, at least in my eyes, was that she was the coldest liar I have ever dealt with. For the most part I think majority of the girls I have had relations with have been pretty honest with me. And that’s only because emotionally I can handle the truth and I give honesty. And the ones who have lied about something petty, end up admitting they lied right away to prove a point. After one of her last lies, Tamra fell out of favor with me. Skyler ended up being her “best-friend” and months later they were in a full blown relationship. This didn’t bother me one bit. I was never emotionally involved in our situation. Tamra moved from Las Vegas to LA and maybe a month later her and Skyler were broken up. She began reaching out to me making short conversation over text. Now that she was showing signs of sexually acting out behavior. I pounced on her readiness. I began asking for pictures, pressing my line trying to get an issue of what she was offering. I was in school taking some realestate classes and needed the internet for an assignment. Tamra had already told me, that next time I saw her I could take all the pictures of her private areas that I wanted. This turned me all the way on. Submission is super seductive. I need thrill and excitement when chasing. I sent her a text asking, “If I could come do some homework then do her body for extra credit.” “Boy you stupid! Come on. I’m ready for you.” I love entendre’s. Wit is sexy ass hell. So many different meanings in this ambiguous text…shit like this turns me on. After finishing my assignment, I crawled into Tamra’s personal space. She was magnetic. I don’t even remember the

ensuing moments, Every thing became a blur, and we began kissing. Tamra had some bomb ass lips. Her kisses engorged my libido. Ten minutes later, she laid butt naked on top of me. I don’t think I’ve ever breathe so hard during sex. The tension was intense. I felt like an animal, overtly primal. I stepped in her shower and she sat on the toilet asking me if I was gonna tell Skyler. I told her yes, I was not like him, I had nothing to hide. She thought it would be best if she told him. I said ok as I didn’t anticipate what would conclude when she did tell him. Before I reciprocated the interest Tamra was exhibiting. I asked Skyler what the deal was with them. “Ahh cuz, fuck her! I don’t fuck with her like that no more. I mean we’re cool. If she need something I got her but other than that cuz, fuck Tamra.” Well, say no more captain. After she told him what went down. She called to tell me that he was hurt. “Chester this nigga boo hoo’d on the phone. He cried his heart out saying he always felt this day would come.” Nigga man up. If you can’t play the game get your ass off the field. He didn’t talk to me for six months at work hahaha. Sucka

Alysha My boy Chevis, was in town for his usual spring vacation. He had a soft spot for California. He’s from Alabama, so it’s easy to see why LA would fascinate him. We were still young and we both loved to party. One night after leaving the club we decided to stop at the Denny’s in Hollywood. It was Donovan’s birthday and the boys had taken a shuttle bus to the club with close to thirty people aboard. A college teammate, Jamal, had come out with us that night. The thing I always loved and appreciated about Jamal is that he always chooses the least good looking chick in a crew. (To My Future Legacy this is key to maintaining healthy friendships. Hang out with those who have opposite or different likes and hobbies than you. This will keep you and them from ever having to compete against each other). As we waited to be seated, I looked around but couldn’t find Jamal. Five minutes later, he approached me with the biggest smile. “Style I got two for us and I think they with it.” Walking outside, I was taken aback by how pretty this girl was. Jamal outdid himself. Outside stood an average looking asian girl and her bomb ass friend. Even girls understand the rule of opposites. I had to react fast and clever if I wanted this girl to come home with me within the next ten minutes. After introducing myself, I complemented the young lady and asked where they were coming from. I was not really interested in what she was doing before meeting me. But I knew she would divulge a clue for me to piggy back to my next question. I then asked them how could pretty girls like themselves be walking around single? Then I asked Alysha in which direction she lived. I had to calculate quick because I stayed fifty minutes from Hollywood and where she dwelled would determine if I was getting some booty tonight. My momma should’ve named me Lucky I swear. Alysha lived in Glendale and I just so happened to have Skyler’s key to his place downtown, which was fifteen minutes from where he stayed. Another component that worked out perfect was her friend had driven her car. I told the friend that I would take Alysha home in the morning and that she was in good hands like Allstate. It is crucial during one night stands to separate the girl

from the friend or group. Good thing the asian girl was feeling Jamal making things so much easier for me. We arrived at Skyler’s place and took no time to get acquainted with one another. I almost didn’t get any. Right before I was about to stick it in, she asked me if I had a condom in which I did not. I stopped carrying condoms after high school (never knew why I did this anyway. I was fucking in high school, but not with the spontaneity and consistency I’ve enjoyed in my adult life). To think I did all this work and a little contraceptive would rain on my parade; my mind was going crazy. I searched the whole apartment and right before I was about to give up, I checked my toiletry bag and had a nice golden ticket (Trojan Magnum) waiting for me. That girl and I turned Skyler’s place into a royal rumble. I fucked her on every inch of his bed. She had some fire. It was better than good but right under bomb. The next morning I took her home and came back to a complaining Skyler, as if I never let him use my whole apartment to bang chicks… how dare he complain. The funny thing about Jamal is while we were in college, I had a girl who attended school in San Francisco come visit me. As we walked from her car to my apartment, I introduced Courtney to Jamal who was in the parking lot with friends. He reached out his hand to hers and then grabs her face and kisses her. Yes, this dude kissed my date whom he just met. That shit was funny as hell to me. He was extremely belligerent and white girl wasted. The next day at film I told him of his shenanigans, though he had no recollection of it. He apologized though and all was forgiven. On this night it was better to be with him than against him.

Rush Street/Halloween Rush St. is a bar/lounge located in Culver City and was the fellas last resort if nothing of interest got our attention. Halloween had become my favorite holiday (the only one I do celebrate) of the year. Jamal recently broken up with his girlfriend and was looking to get fucked up. The thing about Jamal when he’s feeling down and wants to drink, is he always foots the tab. I met him at his place and we pregamed until we were ready enough to have a good night. We were inside Rush St. for maybe an hour and were headed back to the bar when Jamal spotted these two chicks. They were filipino and from what I could tell through their face paints and masks they were cute. The four of us hit it off immediately. We swallowed a couple shots and started dancing. Something about this little chick was turning me on. The way she moved the way she carried herself was as if she was the coolest person in the room (and she was). Her confidence was evident and she bordered the line cocky. Attributes in women that I love sooo much. We decided to go downstairs to have one more drink. By this time the girl and I were damn near in love. Kissing in the club is a big NO NO unless you love her and in that moment I was justified because I did. When the lights turned on we continued lip locking like no one’s business. I was determined to go home with her but didn’t know how or if it would happen. Her cousin was protective of her. I had to think of the perfect game plan or my last half-hour of cup-caking would be a waste. Jamal’s girl was adamant about not letting her little cousin go home with someone she had just met although the woman was older than me. Jamal and I agreed with her statement of the world being contaminated with tons of weirdos, but reassured her that we were not included with the tons of weirdos in the world. Her cousin wasn’t having it so we exchanged numbers and I kissed her goodnight. Twenty minutes later I got a call asking where I was. My original plan was to stay at Jamal’s place but I decided to go home after all. I let her know that I was getting off the freeway at Manchester Avenue, and in her background I could hear her cousin yell, “You have five minutes to meet us or you gets no ass

playa!” I didn’t care if I got a ticket. I punched 90 mph from La Cienega to Lincoln arriving in the knick of time. Back at my place, I took some time to get a real good look at her. She was dressed as female Zorro and had finally removed the veil around her eyes. Her beauty was striking. Soft and gentle but tired eyes. She looked as if she hadn’t had fun in a long time. We undressed and got in my bed. We kissed and I toned my normal sexual aggressions down, because I didn’t want her going back telling her cousin that I harmed her in anyway. She reached and placed my dick inside of her. I don’t know what it is but, I like the way females hold my stuff. Females grab the dick as if they wish they had one or something. If only I could remember this girls name I would bold and capitalize it. Again my theory on women having some BAP if they are pregnant or have kids was confirmed again. The moment the tip penetrated her vulva, my mind experienced an explosion. Man… fireworks went off. Similar to the youtube videos that with great detail show a persons mind on Cocaine. That’s what my mine did. I was flooded with pleasure. Her shit was super bomb. I see why many dudes become possessive when they girl got some fire (I’m lying I’ll never understand that). But I guess, if you’re a dude not use to fucking multiples of multiples of women, then at thirty-five I can finally say that I now understand all you poor jealous possessive souls in the world. Next, she got on top and my body ached. She was in command. I was powerless. After maybe five minutes (lazy ass girls) she got off the top of me and started jacking me off. She then placed her hand on top of mine and began playing with herself with my fingers. This drove me insane. The absolute best feeling I have ever had. She took pride in pleasing me like this. This was the ultimate turn-on because we were both being pleasured. Filled with pressure like a volcano, my molting lava spewed everywhere. Before we started round two I told her that her little trick was the best thing I had ever experienced. Her response, “You act like I’m a virgin. Yes, it has been a while but I was married twelve years and I know how to fuck!” Well, excuse the hell out of me. After round two we passed out. The next morning before taking her home I had to get that pussy

again. I nutted super fast! I didn’t care though because this was some of the best pussy I ever had.

Allie & Jazmine Jazmine and I have known each other for a long time. We went to high school together and forged a relationship that I once labeled her as my female best friend. In high school, Jazmine’s body was off the chain in my opinion. She was slim and had the prettiest and most perfect breasts one could lay eyes on. After we graduated high school we kind of sort of attempted to have sex. After months and months of back and forth, she finally caved… so I thought. The issue was not that Jazmine didn’t want to give me any. She felt that if we crossed those lines she didn’t think we would maintain our friendship. I told Jazmine that I wouldn’t change and that she would be the one to affect the relationship. For me it was simple because I had no feelings for Jazmine. I cared for her as a friend of course, but I knew how to separate sex from feelings. I arrived at her grandma’s house, and we caught up on what we had been doing since graduation. The more and more time passed the more horny I became. We kissed a little and at the end of the day she couldn’t go through with it. After I left, she called to tell me that all night and morning she had prayed to God over and over to not have sex with me because she didn’t want to ruing our friendship. I almost crashed laughing when she called to tell me this, but I respected it. I told her things happen the way they are supposed to. But I did end the conversation saying, “Wow on God though, that’s a first.” Fast forward eight years later. Jazmine and her good friend Allie at the time, visited me at my cousins house that I was house sitting. They both had boyfriends, and I hadn’t seen Jazmine in a while. It was a new year so they brought a bottle of liquor with them and we toasted to a new year. A couple hours went by and Jazmine left to see her dude who didn’t stay too far from where we were at. Allie was now somewhat tipsy and became heavily flirtatious with me. She ended up kissing me. I later found out that this was their intention when they arrived. We sat on the sofa and I whipped my dick out placing her hand on it. She stroked on it for close to two minutes before saying let’s go to the bedroom. She kept saying, “I wish Jazzy was here to watch.” I responded with a half hearted me too because my mind was preparing to fuck her.

Allie was not bad looking at all. She was slightly above average and naked had a cold body. She had the same complexion as me and her areoles had the color of milk chocolate. Allie and I fucked for close to four hours. Reflecting, it’s as if this girl knew voodoo or something. She mimicked author Robert Green’s, Demonic Rake, a descriptive character in the Art of Seduction. As much as I like to think I’m in control or that I have the power this was not the case. Allie was in complete control from start to finish. Fuck! Damn! As I write, I just realized that I was totally seduced and in all these years I never realized it. She’s good. Maybe Cleopatra good! I wear boxer briefs, and normally I’m quick to get naked but I was doing shit different tonight. Allie’s body looked incredible emerging from the bathroom baring all white cotton boy shorts. The contrast of her dark skin and bleach white panties sent chills up may spine. The more I write the more I get mad that I actually was seduced and never saw it coming. She climbed in bed laying next to me. Her top leg lay sprawled across the top of my leg and she placed her hand across my chest. Tracing her fingers around my torso, she kissed my neck and asked, “Why did I still have my underwear on.” I purposely did that but when she asked me this, I replied, “That I did not know why”. She asked me to remove them and without hesitation I did. Techniques that I normally use to seduce women she used them on me and they worked to perfection. I’m really disturbed writing this. All these years have passed for me to see that this was the best seduction ever. She meticulously kissed my hip bone making her way to my groin area. Allie then shifted her body between my legs and pecked a trail of bird kisses from my belly button to my chest. She did this a few times then found her way to my manhood. By now my body was shaking with anticipation. I could not wait to feel her soft warm lips on my cock. But that would not happen quite yet. Allie was toying with me. She kissed and licked around my shaft purposely showing my dick no attention. The girl was flexible too. She sat on top of me and then asked me if I liked being bitten. I told her hell naw at first before agreeing to let her bite on me. Her teeth gripped my skin and I held the pain in as long as possible then let out a scream. She laughed stopping to say she was barely biting me. I can’t lie the

burning sensation with the cool air from the fan brought me much delight. I let her continue biting the shit out of me as I struggled to adapt to the piercing pain. Her little ass finally slid my dick in her pussy. Liquid gold is all I could say. There’s no way I could ever assume that Allie could possibly be walking around with C-4 between her legs. Her pussy was Bomb Ass Fuck! She stopped biting me and let her vaginal muscles go to work. Allie made music with her sex. She had my body in a hypnosis like state. Looking back I should have married Allie; a girl with this kind of control over me… you never let them get away. She leaned forward and parted my lips with her tongue. Her tongue panned the surface of my top lip. She pecked me, bit my bottom lip, and asked would I give her a massage. Placing her on her stomach I began massaging her lower back. But I wanted to repay her for all her biting shenanigans. I nibbled and bit on the fatty parts of her back which appeared to excite her even more. I spread her legs and penetrated her from behind. I dropped all my body weight on her so I could fit every inch of me inside of her. Grabbing her head I began tongue kissing her while pouncing up and down on her backside. I nutted not too long after this. By the time the sun was rising, Allie was responsible for me coming four times. This was a record for me. She drug me through torture, pain, passion, and pleasure. Everything this young lady did was auto suggestive, no force to anything. It was like she was making me but giving me the choice at the same time. Power is Irresistible. Once Allie left for work, I went back to sleep and was awakened by Jazmine’s phone call saying she was at the door. I let her in and we made our way back to the bed. In all my years, I never thought we would end up fucking under the circumstances we did. As we lay in bed talking, Jazmine reached her arm around me and started touching my dick. The funny thing is I was low key tryna avoid her. Allie had taken every bit of life out of me, I had nothing left. I was able to get semi-hard but no more than three minutes later I went soft in Jazmine. She played it cool but a part of me always felt internally she was probably clowning me. If she ever reads this book then she now knows that my time before she arrived was quite eventful. Similar to the scene in Brown Sugar between best friends Sanaa Lathan and Taye Diggs is how I felt after we finished.

There isn’t much to that story to tell. However if you include Jazmine with the previous story you can see, fucking best friends for the first time an hour apart isn’t half bad. Years went by before Jazmine let me get it again. I more than redeemed myself the next few times. This one particular time she got to talking shit, saying, “Nuts the dick ain’t even all that good… I shouldn’t even come by!” An hour later her shit talking ass stood up saying she needed a towel and some water. Verily confused I asked why? She responded, “Nigga! I’m getting dehydrated. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m like dripping sooo much…I’ve never been this wet-like what the hell. Nuts she won’t stop dripping.” That’s what this dick will do when you challenge him Jazmine. I can say this though, Jazmine’s sex game is definitely in my alltime top five. During that same night she was able to have one of my legs shaking while my other leg’s toes curled while nutting. If she wasn’t my best friend at the time I would’ve never told her this. If any of these women read this book this will be the first time they have heard me complement their lady parts. I’m a good person but far from nice.

Passion I attended high school with Passion. Without make-up she’s one of the most attractive females I have laid eyes on. In high school she would tease me, and later confessed that she didn’t give me any because too may girls were on me (I never knew this). Her lips, beautiful beige with a splash of caramel. Curly hair to die for, tickling the hell out of my fancy. The type of girl who’s loyal, supportive, and a sex-drive touching Pluto. My eyes just so happened to be scanning the dance floor when I saw her walking in the middle of the club. It was as if time had stopped. I damn near fell off the top of the stage trying to get her attention. It was New Year’s Eve, and my sights were set on getting a kiss once the ball dropped. From the age of fourteen with no ass or breasts to twenty-two and fully developed…I was in full thirst mode.As the countdown sang: Five, Four, Three, Two, One… “Happy New Year’s.” She turned to me and our lips connected with an earnest energy creating sparks across the foggy room. Passion was even more bomb than I remembered. I hadn’t seen the girl in seven or eight years and she did not disappoint. The rest of the night we caught up and I made no attempt to hide my desire for her. In my head, I was plotting just how I could take her down. I had to have her. There was no way after all this time away that she would disappear before I had a taste. The next day we texted throughout the day as I gauged if I had a chance to strike gold. I finally got that text saying she was down to hang out. I picked her up and we made our way back to my room at the Venetian. We small talked for a little bit and I asked her to join me in my bathroom. We both had a friend with us who we told to get acquainted, but the two of them were acting shy. The Venetian bathrooms are one of a kind. Her skin appeared golden from the light reflection. Her body was magnificent… such a sight to see We kissed and Passion attempted to proposition me for some head. If only my views and thoughts on the act were as free and vast as now, I would’ve placed her body at the edge of the countertop and went to town. To downplay her request, I started kissing on her neck. I got getting the feeling she was adamant on me pleasing her lady parts. So, I grabbed her face, tongue kissing

her to get her to feel how bad I wanted her. This worked. I was in complete bliss. My high school crush in the flesh. We started on the ground. I put the tip inside of her and could not believe the feeling. Her cookie was all that and more. I enjoyed every stroke. She’s a scorpio so you know they like to show out especially when the decor is draped with wall to wall mirrors.We were sexing doggy-style, when she started to take control of each stroke by gripping my shaft with her vaginal muscles. I stopped stroking and allowed her to take chief command. Passion moved her body back and forth while at the same time she was able to bounce each ass cheek up and down and one by one (the type of move that’s synonymous with strippers). Here she was performing the same movements with the dick in her. Still to this day no one has thrown it back with such precision, pose, or pride like Passion. After ten minutes on the floor, we made our way to the counter top. I spread her legs attempting to make love to her. In between strokes, I would kiss her for extra pleasure. She wrapped her legs around my waist firmly gripping my buttocks. With each stroke she pulled me deeper and deeper into her cocoon of ecstasy. Words really can’t describe just how fire what Passion has between her legs is. I couldn’t tell you if the girl is crazy or not because our relationship never made it that far. But if history and universal natural laws govern human behavior, it is safe to say, “God gives the best Pussy too crazy Women” or “All Crazy women Got The Best Pussy!” After we finished, I asked Passion to join me in the shower. I took my time washing her body because I wanted to admire God’s work. To say she is bad as fuck would be a disservice to the young lady. Passion is amazing and I’m grateful beyond words at the time she allowed me to spend with her.

Valerie The summer I moved home from San Jose, club Sugar in Hollywood was the place to be. Skyler and Antonio knew the club hosts and although we had to wait half an hour at times we would get in for free. While at the bar ordering a drink I met a girl named Valerie. I had zero attraction to her. Our conversation started over tattoos. She was a tattoo artist and I am a bit of a tattoo aficionado. Months later I was at a bar in Las Vegas, when the both of us abruptly ran into each other. This encounter was a little more sexual in the sense that somehow Valerie’s hands ended up inside my pants. Yes, I did get excited of course because a girl touching my junk is gonna wake him up. But I had zero physical or sexual attraction to the girl whatsoever. From time to time she would send me pussy pics in which she had a pretty one at that. I was more worried about having her tattoo me then what her vagina looked like. I wanted the word Faith tattooed across my stomach. Valerie informed me of her limited two-year experience as artist. I was fine with letting her do letters on me. Plus, I think its cool to have tattoos done by many different artists because everyone has their own creativity. I arrived at her place and she made me a bite to eat. I fell asleep waiting for her to shower and was awakened to her hands inside my shorts. Valerie takes the crown in this department. In college, Jessica was a bad mutha-fucker with her head technique, but I was physically more attracted to her and this changed the way I went about dealing with her. Valerie was purely head for me, nothing less and only more. She sucked it too good. She treated my dick as if it was the tattoo gun and she was tattooing her mouth with each head bob. She sucked me twice that night making me cum twice as well. That’s why her and Jessica will always be the best! They are the only ones to reach this feat in less than fifteen minutes. The next morning she tattooed my sternum which hurt like a bitch. The pain was almost too much to bare. For the next three years, Valerie would become my head connoisseur. She liked to suck dick and I like the way she sucked my dick. She was the best at it. She took pride in enabling me to climax. I’m mad that it took me over three years to finally have sex with the girl.

I could sense that she was getting fed up with our never confirmed arrangement. When I texted her, whatever it was that I texted her for head, her usual receptive response was far from receptive. She vented built up thoughts of remorse and felt as if she got the raw bargain of the deal. I’m the type of person who thinks people are never wrong with the way they feel about a situation and should always speak their minds. What I don’t like are unwarranted outcries that have zero base. Valerie was the one who was the aggressor. Valerie reached in my pants first. Val summoned me to a fantasy full of oral stimulation with hopes and dreams that every time would be better. And the biggest elephant in the room is that, Valerie desired Chester more than Chester desired Valerie. We all have put up with something we other wise wouldn’t have when we give someone else the power. A wise man once told me this, “Ches the person who cares the least has the most power.” I did not care one bit if me and the girl ever did anything but I am grateful being on this side of that equation…able to tell this story. For our final encounter, we agreed that she would perform one of her fire ass blow jobs… then I would beat the pussy up for her. She was acting different and once I arrived. She broke the news about a guy she was dating who was doing everything she wanted. And that he was ready to put a ring on it. I laid in my regular spot and observed her tie her mane in a ponytail. She brought her best A game. After nutting I pep-talked myself to get my mind right. The moment I stuck it in I pinched myself with angst for waiting all this time. I blamed myself for waiting all this time. I knew the monk was fat and pretty as hell and could’ve assumed that meant it was bomb(not always the case). Skyler and I laugh at the notion that average and uglier girls have the best pussy. And although I have a ew exceptions to that rule. It holds constant, that the girls rated a five to seven not only fuck better, but have bomber pussy too. I fucked Val for fifteen minutes in a few positions. That lost of nut from her head had wore me out. Showering after we were done, I watched Valerie play with her pussy as she ran water from the bathtub faucet. We said our goodbyes and never spoke again.

Memorial Weekend The next trio of conquests came by way of one of our infamous Las Vegas trips. I did what all fellas would consider a big no no. I invited sand to the beach. Candice was a pretty light skin chick whom I met through an associate of ours. I arrived in Vegas on Thursday knowing Candice and her friends wouldn’t arrive in town till late Friday. The thing I love about Vegas is at any moment dynamics can change that you could never forecast. The fellas and I made our way inside the club not expecting much. Thursdays in Vegas, the weekend of Memorial Day, were usually dry. Those wanting to avoid long lines at the airports and traffic on interstate 15, usually arrived a day early. Dani was Britany’s friend and was new to her crew. There was something about Dani. She had these radiant blue eyes to kill for. Her hair was cherry blonde with burgundy highlights. She stood 5’9, a stallion with a cold body. I wanted Dani! She was a white girl with rhythm too. Leaving the club we piled in a limo heading back to our hotel. Everyone was hungry and this is where things became convoluted. Somehow, I separated from the entire group except for the homie of a homie and some thick light skin chick. I said the right words and she accompanied me to my hotel room. Still to this day, I have no recollection of how I met her. She rode me and I fucked her doggy style. After she climaxed, she led me to bathroom so I could watch her perform fellatio through the big ass mirror in Caesar’s Palace Presidential Suites. The next night a new club at Mandalay was opening up. The promotor hosted a party for James, congratulating him on his Super Bowl win. Once inside, I alerted Mike of a girl I thought I recognized from a financial accounting class I had taken at Glendale Community College. The girl in question was a cutie who had an ass bigger than Kim Kardashian. Ironically, Matilda was Armenian. At one point I walked downstairs to make sure Candice and her friends got inside the party. After returning upstairs I floated in the direction of Matilda. Saying excuse me, I asked her if she was the girl from my financial accounting class. She smiled saying, “Yes, Chester that’s me.” She asked her friend to give her

a few minutes while the two of us became acquainted. We small talked for a few minutes and with every passing second I undressed her with my eyes. After walking her to the bathroom, I saw my friends arising from the table motioning to me that we were leaving. I let her know that I was leaving to another club and that it was good seeing her. I shook her hand and as I turned my head to leave, she tugged on my wrist saying, “Chester take my number down. Call me when you’re done with the club and your friends.” “Ok! I’m a call you,” I said. With a serious tone and face she said, “Chester I’m serious… don’t forget.” I rejoined the group and told Mike that I was the man and was probably getting that tonight. We made it inside the next club. The club was popping. We got a table next to the Dj’s booth who just so happened to be legendary Kid Capri, a real cool dude. Candice looked stunning. Dani looked amazing. Anybody who has ever known me knows, I like to bring em all out. I’m quick to test my limits as to what I can get away with. This is also easier to pull off when a girl of interest has a group of friends she hangs with (her attention is occupied when your attention is with the other girl). Man we had a ball. I was using a bit of coquetry in Candice’s ear but she wasn’t having it. I think her light skinned ass even tried getting me to believe she was on her period as if I gave a fuck. I knew in the back of my head that Matilda was going to give me some pussy later that morning anyway. While dancing with Dani I asked a few questions getting to know her a bit. We texted throughout the day and I waited for the perfect moment to have some alone time with her. She assured me she wanted to hang out and that she would make the time at some point before I left the city. She had to be at the pool where she worked at seven and it was currently three in the morning. This worked even better for me knowing I had Matilda as a back up plan. The ultimate game changer to my activities that weekend was that I had two hotel rooms. Somehow, James received a few complementary suites at Caesar’s Palace where most of our time was spent gambling. The promoters from the club inside Mandalay Bay, volunteered us a couple suites there as well. I texted Matilda informing her that we were waiting for our limo and that I was headed back to my room. The homies

and homegirls were all headed back to Caesars, but I was getting dropped off at Mandalay Bay. She texted me once she was downstairs. I retrieved her from the lobby and gratefully admired every angle of her body through the elevator mirrors. We wasted no time once inside my room. I had never seen sooo much ass on a person. This was insane. The girl was twenty-one and everything on her was perky and tight. I picked her up with my hands grip tight on her ass. She wrapped her arms around my neck while she kissed me in the mouth. She smelled so delicious I could taste her. I placed her down on the bed and she got on her knees. Dropping my shorts down, Matilda went to town on manhood. This was one of my better performances. Similar to R. Kelly’s song, Jungle, where he metaphorically compares a sexual experience between two gorillas in a forest. If there were a camera present, the hotel room would’ve resembled a tropical rain-forest with us as gorilla’s. We ended the morning with me on top of her as she lay face down on her stomach. I grabbed her hands to use as extra leverage with each thrust. I was at the point where I would climax in the next five-seconds. I tongue kissed her for that extra pleasure when I came. Although I didn’t get the girl I wanted that night, I was two for two and no matter how the weekend played out mines had been a success. Sunday’s in Las Vegas brought a synergy like no other to the city. Rehab at the Hard Rock Cafe was the place to be. Mother nature put a damper on the fun we were looking to have. I believe we had close to twenty-five people with us as we piled back into the limo attempting not to get wet. Back inside Caesar’s Palace, my mind was going off like July fireworks. Half of the group wanted to eat, half wanted to gamble, but I wanted to fuck. I acted as if I was gonna go upstairs to nap when I had plans to take Dani back to my other hotel. Finally, we were alone. We played naked tug of war for close to half an hour. She finished me off enjoying the savory center of my tootsie pop. We enjoyed a nice shower together then headed back to Caesars Palace. On the way home, Skyler and I traded story for story laughing at how crazy the weekend played out. I

may have struck out with Candice but I think I was the winner going a perfect 3-0. Not a bad weekend Style.

Sarah Sarah should go down as the most difficult seductions I probably have faced. I met Sarah during her enrollment at SJSU to obtain her Master’s degree. I first saw her at one of my football games wearing a jersey of a teammate. She was super bad to me. Light-skin and curly hair is all you need to know to visualize her beauty. We got to know each other a little better once her and my former roommate Bobby became best friends. It’s in my nature to say something if I’m in the presence of a pretty girl. I just can’t help myself. I always knew that I could have Sarah. I was different from my roommates whom she spent all her time around. She looked at me different, the way she smiled at me was different, she even had inside jokes with my roommates about me (clear indication of her interest). And of course my roommates were the source of Sarah not taking me serious. At one point Stephen was trying to fuck her as well. Then if you add my hot and cold attention to the mix, it would appear as if we sat at the house and plotted who would fuck Sarah first. This was far from the case. We had somewhat different tastes in women and my cockiness at the time could never see a girl wanting someone more than she wanted me anyway. Sarah practically lived at our place during weekends. She’s a fun and exciting girl. Extrovert to its core. One of her favorite pastimes is playing spades in which she is a beast at. The fellas and I talked freely (maybe too freely) around Sarah. She knew most of our small secrets and was privy to knowledge about who we were fucking at the time. Her tagline of endearment for us was “Great White Sharks.” At times she thought the amount of pussy we got was insane and that we were congruent to white sharks because of their magnificent hunting abilities. After leaving San Jose, I would see Sarah when I arrived in town to visit Bobby. She’s always the life of the party. She made us drink and play games or go to the club when we just wanted to chill. Her energy was infectious. She’s an honest person and that’s something I admire about her. The first time we did anything sexual was one night after leaving the bar in 2006. We kissed, I sucked on her then a-cup breasts but nothing progressed further. Years later the same story

played out after we took a bath in a Las Vegas hotel room. In my head, I was cool on Sarah. Meeting her in Vegas and not getting the cookie was the last straw. Of course, I would be cool and cordial when I saw her but I was no longer going to flirt or make any sexual advances toward her. Sometime during 2013, I was in San Jose visiting Bobby. Normally, I would notify Sarah to let her know I was coming into town but she had lost that privilege. Bobby and I sat at his table catching up on our hectic lives when Sarah called him. She heard my distinctive voice in the background, immediately telling Bobby she was coming over. When she arrived, I said hello and I think I even told her she looked nice. Everything she knew me to do I did opposite. Usually, I would argue with her and allow her to get under my skin. I would even laugh at her corny ass jokes. But tonight I was not having it. I wasn’t being mean but I was off of Sarah. I will not lie though. In all the times I’ve ever tried or thought I wanted Sarah. There was no time I wanted her more than now. We met when I was basically a child at twenty. Now at twentynine much more mature, less egotistical, and a view of women that was differing from my college days; I was dying inside to have her. Sarah was looking bomb ass fuck. Her smell was tantalizing. We drank wine and played spades as usual and although I didn’t flirt with words, it felt as if our bodies or minds or something was in communication. Before she left, she offered to let me stay at her place so I didn’t have to sleep on Bobby’s couch. I took the offer. Because Sarah had gotten my hopes up so many times before, I went to her place with zero intentions of having sex. Like the former President George Bush says,“Fool me once shame on you,…” Fool me twice… once you fool me you can’t fool me again.” And I was not going to be the fool tonight. Inside her apartment she poured us both a glass of wine making herself comfortable. We talked and after our first glass she bluntly said, “Ok look, we’re going to have sex tonight but first let me shower then I’m all yours.” I’m a sucker for words. I couldn’t believe after all these years that the first time I didn’t show any interest would net me some ass. Walking to the shower I asked if I could join her. She said yes, but to wait ten minutes

because she had to attend to her lady parts. I poured another glass of wine to past the time. Standing in the shower my thoughts focused on how banging Sarah’s body had become. When I met her she was super skinny with no ass or tits. Now she had double d breasts, and her ass was super thick. Solid and soft at the same time. The most surprising thing is how flat her stomach was for a chick her size who didn’t work out. Standing in that shower she looked amazing. Almost 5’9 and thick, looking like Mortal’s Kombat Katana. I kissed on different parts of her body. Appreciative of the fact that she shaved, I got on one knee lifted her leg up and licked on her clit. I kissed it a few times then kissed her in the mouth. We climbed out the shower and poured ourselves one more glass of wine. We were in no rush. On her bed we attacked each other. We kissed like we were going to suck each other’s face off. I laid a line of kisses down her midline to the her garden of eden. I kissed around both sides of her inner thighs then began pleasing her pleasure pot. I was proud of myself for manning the fuck up and eating the pussy. Her insides filled with wetness and I took that as my cue to stick it in. I’m glad she made me wait all these years. The sensation felt, before I could get my full length inside of her, almost paralyzed me on the spot. With her legs on my shoulders I kissed on her leg making my way to her toes. I next kissed, licked, and sucked Sarah’s toes (learned this from Wallace). This was orgasmic for some reason. Internally I did not want to disappoint. Her pussy was phenomenal. She got on top next, which I enjoyed because this is when I get a chance to rest. I think it’s fascinating how we evolve sexually as we get older. After reclaiming her throne with a spectacular performance on top, we scurried over to her dining table. I bent her over one of the chairs enjoying every moment of her backside. That added thickness of hers was a plus. We stopped for few moments to drink what was left in our wine glasses then I proceeded to fuck Sarah while standing up. It’s a good thing I continued working out after college or she would have dropped on her head. Bouncing up and down, I told her to tightly wrap her legs around my waist for added support. No more than five minutes later, we

parked our bodies on the sofa as she made love to my member. I reached my hand between her legs and let my fingers make music to the frequency of her mouth strokes. Unselfishly pleasing one another we were able to cum at the same damn time.

Xochi In 2012, Floyd MayWeather was set to fight Miguel Cotto. I worked sixteen hour shifts both Saturday and Sunday and the clock read one pm that Friday afternoon. I was sitting on my bed passing time when I received a text. “Hey bruh you want to meet me in Vegas for the MayWeather fight I got an extra ticket?” James knew my love for Las Vegas and knew I wanted to see MayWeather fight up close in person. By three pm I was in line boarding my SouthWest flight to Las Vegas. This weekend would only be James, Nick and I. Having just the three of us, was way better than the usual fifteen dudes usually with us. Later that night we booked a table at the club inside The Mirage (can’t remember the name). Inside the club, we ran into an old friend from college. Tasya mentioned in the first part of this book, was hanging with a group of friends. The boys and I ate at Ruth’s Cris Steak House with Nick and I matching rounds of Don Julio shots. I was more than tipsy by the time we made it inside the nightclub. Xochi was looking scrumptious. She bare a white dress and I was so belligerent, that I thought she was white and filipino (actually hispanic I think). No more than an hour after meeting her I was bombarded with hyena like laughter. Having found a dark area in the club, I was caught by Nick playing tonsil hockey with Xochi. James chimed in, “Dang Ches! Already bruh, we just got in this thang… Nick that nigga tried to hide in the cut so we didn’t see him.” They gave a handshake while laughing at me. I laughed too, telling them boys that I was faded and feeling her. Turning my attention back on her, I got in her ear about going back to my hotel room. Tasya was also plugging me, telling Xochi that she should go home with me. I don’t know if Xochi knew this but Tasya was speaking from experience in telling her to go home with me. During the commotion I learned that Xochi was recently divorced from a seventeen year marriage if my memory serves correctly. Also, sexually she had never been with a black guy. Naturally, there is no other person I would recommend for the job than myself. After the attention subdued we separated from the group to my hotel room. Having a best friend in the NFL has its perks. James was complemented a two-bedroom suite at the

Palazzo. This room was just as boss as the suite we had the year before at Encore. What made this one stand out was its Cathedral high ceilings. We kissed from the front door to the bedroom like actors portray in love scenes. She could kiss her ass off. Making our way to the bed I was ready to strike gold. Right before I stuck it in she stopped me saying, “Do you have protection?” Now those who once knew me know that Style doesn’t carry condoms. I went to the living room and checked James and Nick’s bags for condoms. I double checked all our bags knowing I didn’t have any and praying one would magically appear in theirs. The both of these dudes are married and flew to Vegas for the fight. There would be no reason for them to have condoms. My dumb ass or should I say drunk ass didn’t think of this then. Searching the contraceptive empty bags gave me enough time to think of an alternative plan. Thinking back to the conversations we had inside the club, I remembered her being married and sex deprived for years. This also meant in a naive sort of way that she was clean (not always the case). Tasya vouched for her too. I decided in those precious thirty-seconds that I would approach her similar to my approach with Passion with the exception that I would eat the monk then stick my manhood inside of her after. I began kissing her with the attempt to divert her attention. As her kisses became more intense, I lowered myself to her breasts then to her pretty God carved canal, licking and kissing away. Her pussy tasted magnificent… just like water. Once the tension in her body subdued, I penetrated her. She had some cream. The next morning after she awakened, I propositioned her for some head. She was somewhat reluctant at first exclaiming, “First you get me to have unprotected sex with you, something I have never done. Then I’m about to suck your dick and we just met… You are very lucky Mr. Chester.”

Venezuela The fellas and I were back in Las Vegas for Travis’ bachelor party. We headed to our usual hangout pool inside The Mirage. These were damn good times. As we left, I was stopped by a slim hispanic chick. I was tipsy as hell and with foggy lenses she looked decent enough to me. I got her number and told her I wanted her to come to the club with us later that night. An hour after arriving at the club, she texted me saying she was at the front and I alerted our VIP host to retrieve her. As she walked up James exclaimed, “Ches! Bra, who is that?” I responded, “The girl from earlier who pulled me as we left the pool.” He laughed saying there was no way she could be the same girl, and that he and the homies clowned me because they thought she was ugly. I laughed because James knew I don’t like ugly girls and if anybody was picky out of the group it definitely was me. The group of girls made themselves comfortable and I asked the waitress to serve the ladies whatever mixture of cocktails they preferred. No more than an hour later, I let her know that I wanted her and it was time for me and to escort her back to my hotel room. She asked if I had my own room and I assured her I did. James once met the general manager of Wynn Hotels during a fundraising event. The general manager got word of our Vegas trips and extended his courtesy to James and friends whenever we visited the city. The offer was so gracious that we enjoyed the whole seventeenth floor, which consisted of two two-bedroom suites and three single-bedroom suites. The hotel, was also so kind that they paid for our room service and our meals at restaurants. The only thing James had to pay for was the mini bar which cost him a mere $300 for the weekend. A big thank you to Mr. Wynn, his hotel, and wonderful staff. She walked in the room and was instantly blown away at its size. “I’ve never seen no shit like this she exclaimed.” Upon entry into the suite there was a massage room to the right. Across from it was a half bathroom. Standing in the middle of the room, you became engulfed by two sofa couches and a huge love seat. Walking to the left side of the room, sat a small table with bench style seating around it. Walking to the right was the mini bar and

fridge area. Tons of living space between each room. The room to my left was furnished with two queen size beds and an ensuite style bathroom area. To the right was my room. Equipped with a California King, his and her sinks, a tv inside the mirror, jacuzzi style tub with a massage kit, and a shower filled with wall to wall jet streams and a chair for ease of washing one’s self. I took her hand leading her in my room. I flicked the light switch to the up position and looked at the twinkle in her eyes. She walked to the window mesmerized by the view. I smiled because twenty-four hours prior my eyes glistened the same way. I opened the double door entry to the bathroom directing her attention to look my way. She skipped over to the bathroom having taken her heels off already. “Oh my God look at that tub… I can soak in that thing all day!” She was cute. Actually, she was low key bad. She was Venezuelan with long curly hair draping down past the middle of her back. Her breasts were Acup and that was ok if fit her body well. She had one of those little booty’s that sat up just right. Standing by the bed I flipped her hair to the side and began kissing her neck. I undid the zipper to her dress watching her wonderful legs step from out one by one. She wore no bra and I let my hands cup each breast as I now kissed the other side of her neck. With each kiss she pushed her back side into my groin letting me feel how bad she wanted me. Her hand was now on top of my underwear stroking and caressing the thing she coveted the most… my dick. I turned her around and we kissed like horny teenagers. Her sex appeal was through the roof. Her Latina spice was muy caliente! She pulled me in ever so tight as we kissed and this turned me on. Her legs sprang up wrapping themselves around my torso. We kissed more. I finally laid her on the bed kissing down her stomach. I pulled her panties off and took my briefs off in the process. I stuck it in pumping very slow so she could moisten some more to ease the friction. Her pussy was tight. I damn near thought I was touching her cervix at one point. Venezuela let out the sweetest moans and it seemed as if she was lost in pure pleasure. I wanted every ounce of her. Her scent was delicious. We switched positions a few times attempting to one up each other so the other could come. I never ask girls if they got theirs

or not. Because I’m highly observant and detailed I can somewhat tell when a girl has gotten hers (usually she’s on top). At one point while she was top, her body tightened up as she shook uncontrollably. After seven to ten-seconds her whole body plopped forward and she lay breathing heavy against my chest. This was my cue that I could get mines. I let her gain her composure and told her to bend over while she stood against the bed. I penetrated her sweet spot and went slow at first to build up the anticipation. After while, I reached the point of no return and gave her ten good pumps exploding in her deep wet sea. After finishing, I somewhat rushed to get her out of the room. Not because I didn’t want her to stay the night, but I was being greedy. Earlier in the day, I had met a girl who I wanted to end the night with. I told Venezuela I would be right back and by the time I met back up with the fellas, the other girl had left the club. The Venezuelan chick was still at my room texting me. I didn’t answer because I was on a prowl. By the time I finally did read the text messages and called her back, she answered with a half sounding sleep voice. “You left so quick. My girl that I was with wanted to have a three-sum with you after I told her about our sex. You weren’t answering. So we waited about fifteen minutes and still nothing. Now we’re back at our room and everyone’s sleep… you missed out.” Ain’t that a bitch!

Egyptian One night I was sitting at work finishing up paper work when I received a text. The name Tamra flashed across the LCD screen. My initial thought was what in the hell did she want. We hadn’t talked much since our episode. I called her after work and she told me she had a friend who recently moved to LA and was looking to have some fun. Here Tamra was auctioning off my goods… how dare her. I expressed my fictional concern to her and we laughed at this because I was acting as if I was offended. Tamra knew there was a certain level to the chicks who attracted my attention. She knew unattractive girls were out of the question. Tamra cut me off just as I was asking her how the girl looked. “She’s Egyptian, has long curly hair, a cute shape, she’s really pretty Chester trust me.” Tamra texted me her number and a week later the girl and I were scheduled to go on our first date. I took her to Yard House and we enjoyed one drink before our movie started. After the movie we walked to the store and bought a bottle of wine. The night was young and I wasn’t ready to go home. Once inside her place, we became acquainted on her couch. She was beautiful. Tamra was not lying. This girl’s smile was out of this world. I love watching women in their natural habitat. She changed in to something comfortable and pinned her hair up. I sat on the couch, listening to her talk admiring the passion in her voice that she had for her story. At one point our conversation got a little emotional. She told me some story involving her family and I must admit it was touching. At the same time, I was thinking that she might be too emotional to fuck me. We kissed very slow and unassuming as I was being cautious because her previous tears had thrown me off. While kissing her, she let me know that we weren’t going to have sex and this didn’t bother me one bit because I was already thinking the same thing.

On her bed she apologized once more for becoming emotional. I reassured her that I was not tripping because working in mental health for four years things like this didn’t bother me. After dimming the light, Egyptian climbed in bed snuggling up under me. Turning over she kissed me good night. I

returned the kiss but instead of her lips I kissed her forehead muttering “Good Night.” Before five minutes could pass, Egyptian turned over saying she couldn’t take it and that she wanted to have sex. I asked her if she was sure because her emotional outburst had a nigga scared. “Yes, Chester! I’m sure.” She crawled on top of me and we began kissing. Removing her top off she leaned back and retied her hair. She pulled my underwear down and started sucking my meat. Egyptian had the cutest figure. Her hair was beautiful. After getting my man rock hard she pulled her panties to the side and slid me inside of her. She was sooo wet. She felt extra good. I could feel every part of her. She moved her body like a dancer. She had control like a surfer. In the span of forty or so minutes the girl went from crying and looking crazy, to a pretty princess pleasing her prince. After she finished we fell asleep. Awakened to her telling me to slide my dick in from the side. I think wake up sex contends with some of the best sex there is. I lifted her body so rise and attack her backside. I enjoyed her for a few minutes then switched to missionary. We tongue kissed until I came. We fell back asleep and after making it back home, I sat in contemplation thinking I have truly lived a blessed life.

Victoria Tori, I met while working in mental health. She was a social worker and I was a psychiatric assistant. We original met in 2009 when I first accepted the job. Tori’s sex appeal was insane. Petite and slim from her maniacal five am hour long treadmill runs. She has an infectious personality and a goofy laugh. Fast forward three years later and we’re working weekends together on the same unit. Because of my early and quite often success with women, I developed a grandiose confidence to be able to point out if a girl had some good pussy by her walk or if she had a fat monk as well. That afternoon while retrieving an item from the nursing station, I somehow was invited into a conversation regarding my theory. Michelle told Tori I could tell by the way a girl walked if she had a fat vagina or not. She also told Tori that I said, “She had a fat one because of way she walked…” which appeared bowlegged with a tint of pigeoned toe. Michelle also told her, that I thought Tori had some BAP which I would later discover to be one hundred percent factual. “Dude you’re wrong about what you told Michelle. Your little theory isn’t true.” How dare her put me on the spot accusing me of fibbing, so preposterous. Slightly offended (not really), I told her that I had been with enough girls to know my theory to be true. Immediately, I asked her to stand and put her feet together. I had to check and to see if I had overlooked one small detail. I ran my fingers along the inner part of her legs. As I approached her knees I could already sense they touched no problem. I was confused. Her walk was more pigeon-toed than bowlegged and I guess in my mind I wanted her to be bowlegged. Now, Michelle is laughing at me because it appears I had just made a fool of myself. When it comes to white girls or any girl that’s not black my confidence tends to be on chill mode. My game is subtle, indirect, and armed with infinite sexual innuendoes. White girls don’t usually do too well with game because it goes right over their heads. Not to mention the language barrier. Yes, I’m intellectual and educated not that those things mean I’m smart. But I talk with a host of slang and short phrases. Although it appeared I was the laughing stock in the room I was more turned on by Tori’s frank and openness. I like to read

between the lines and find what’s not being said. And after those two to three minutes with them, I came to the conclusion that Tori wanted me. For her to call me over in front of everybody and tell me that I was wrong sent me this non-verbal message… “No Chester I do not have a fat one but I like that you think I do and I want you to come and see if I do for yourself.” Over the next few hours I contemplated how I would shoot my shot. As Tori walked down the corridor leaving work, I decided this would be my opportunity to say something. Before sticking her key in the door to let herself out, I shot my shot and with no hesitation she said, “Get my number from Michelle.” As the door closed behind her I got a good look at her backside and let my mind drift into fantasy land the rest of my shift. A week or so later we agreed to hang at her place and watch a movie. She enjoyed cooking and wanted to cook for our nonformal first date. This was a first for me I will not lie. She was sweet. Tori poured me a drink as we waited for the bread to finish. Being in a more intimate setting, it was refreshing to get to know Tori outside of the work setting. Most of our conversations at work usually dealt with patient care and things of the sort. But I was now in the position to learn about Tori the person. I love this part. Although my attention span is short with how long I date women. No matter how short the relations, I try my best to learn as much about the girl I’m pursuing as possible. Tori relocated from Minnesota where she was born and was attracted to darker toned guys. She never had sex with a white dude which blew my mind considering we were 26 or 27. She was white and from the Mid-West. She never had sex with a black guy which was going to change rather soon. The meal was fantastic. Tori could do her thing in the kitchen. We made our way to her bed to watch the movie. She cuddled up next to me and we joked and laughed at whatever it was that we were watching. The hard part for me at times is restraining myself from attacking once I’m alone with a girl. I just feel like we both know what I came for and to delay the inevitable is a disservice. At the same time the other part of my brain is telling me to play it cool and do the opposite of what she expects me to do. I’m not one for power but I’ve had a lot of homegirls over the years who have expressed their disgust with guys attempting

to have sex with them on the first night. The juxtaposition or paradigm with this is strange in itself. If a girl is on vacation with her girls especially out the country, then all bets are off and it’s more than ok for a guy to be aggressive not just overt. If the girl has known the guy for years, then he can attack because in her head you can’t be a one night stand if she knew you prior to the encounter. And if the girl doesn’t like you romantically and knows she doesn’t care to see you again; then she’s as open as every 7/11 is in America. I decided to test my limits and see how far I could get with Tori. More importantly, I wanted to read her body as I teased her. I started with a kindergarten slide of my hand to her butt. I didn’t feel any uncomfortable energy, so I let that hand wander to her stomach area. I sometimes like reaching my hand inside girls pants to feel the heat emitting from inside them. Instead of doing this, I repositioned my body so my head was now at her waist. Very slow and seductive I planted kiss after kiss after kiss around her navel and pelvic area. Her body relaxed. I reached one hand underneath her cut off shirt and massaged her nipples. This instantly caused a reaction out of her body turning me on even more. My mouth followed the same trail until my tongue found her nipples. From breast to breast I switched. Our mouths finally met and it was like heaven. I liked the way she kissed. Like most of the white girls I have been with, she bit and focused on my bottom lip while we kissed. I reached my hand in her pants, sliding both her pants and panties off. I rubbed my finger from the top of her clit to the bottom of her vagina before I placed my finger inside of her. Her noni was beautiful. I should have performed oral surgery. The monk was as pretty as could be. I promise there is nothing better to look at than a pretty, shaven, clean, vagina. Once my finger was inside of her I thought to myself, just how bomb and tight her stuff was about to be. We continued to kiss, as my fingers did its magic to her bottom half. In my head I was not tripping if I didn’t get any tonight. My intention was to get a feel for Tori and devise a strategy to attack. We worked together so there was no need to rush. After a while, she walked to the bathroom and returned to the bed with a condom. I was disappointed with this because I Don’t like wearing condoms and I love going bare. I was hoping

she would allow me to stick it in rare. I also knew once I put that condom on there was a ninety-percent chance that I would not come. Even through the condom I could tell she instantly belonged in my top 15 of BAP’s. For more than twenty-minutes I got to see a different side of Tori. And If my memory serves me correctly, we had our relations off and on for four-months. I once told Skyler that I could marry Tori. He couldn’t believe it because I was notoriously known as a face person. But I let him know, that the older we were getting the less looks mattered. Her sex appeal was a twenty in my eyes. And sexy girls turn me on way more than pretty girls. Don’t know why this is considering I’m physically more attracted to the Siren’s of the world.

Whitney A week after fully resting from my girls gone wild weekend in Vegas, I joined Stephen and Lamar at the TGIF (food restaurant) in Woodland Hills. Wednesday nights were very popular; not only for the amazing $5 Long Island Ice Tea’s from their happy hour menu. But they had the best karaoke around town. As we watched the random drunk acts live out their childhood singing dreams, I was taken back by this white girl on stage singing. Matching the words from the song, she began pointing at me directing the audience’s attention my way. I smiled and faked a lip sing to not leave the girl hanging. This was probably the most gangsta a girl has been with me. After a fine solo act, Whitney walked over to me and introduced herself. She let me know that it was something about my eyes that attracted her while she was on stage (white girl had game). Before she pointed at me I hadn’t even seen the girl. I bought her a drink and stored her number in my phone. Leaving the restaurant I wasn’t quite ready to drive back to LA. I asked Whitney what she was about to do and she said, “Finish the party at her place and that I should come by and hang”. Once we arrived at her place she attacked me. We started kissing in her room and ended up in the bathroom. After turning the shower water on Whitney began sucking my cock as I stood holding the counter top. Her head was bomb. Every fifteen-seconds I would tilt her head back and kiss her because of how turned on I was. I stepped in the shower stepping under the shower head. I positioned the water so it landed in the middle of her back. Whitney bent over and I stuck the tip in. That shit was bananas. I enjoyed her. She enjoyed me. We hooked up every Wednesday that summer and legend has it that I was known in her phone as “Wednesday Night Special.” Girls are so childish.

Bianca I swear for the life of me I cannot remember any names anymore. Good thing I decided to write all of this before my mind goes too astray. During that wild-wild summer of 2011 I was propositioned to stay a night in the valley. I’m glad I accepted. My boy Lamar had already been sexing this chick when he introduced me to her good friend Bianca. Bianca was pretty ass hell (natural too). She was hispanic and had the clearest skin ever. Her smile was perfect and the beauty behind her glasses was intoxicating. While at Friday’s, we got acquainted with one another while knocking back rounds of shots. She was a sweet girl. Light-hearted with a good spirit… I was attracted to her. Throughout the night I lightly flirted with her but not as much as my normal self would’ve. The reason being is Stephen had a thing for her already. He loved all things hispanic and I’m sure he felt he had the upper and in getting her attention that night. As the night dwindled down he said some of the funniest shit to my ears, “Style, I’m a let you have her since you drove out here from LA.” I let out a burst of laughter and motioned Lamar near to hear the bullshit coming out that dudes mouth. The crazy thing is Stephen is short, fat, and black. He’s the furthest thing from attractive and there’s not one girl alive who’s choosing him over me any day of the week. He had bitches though so I won’t all the way do him. Bianca wasn’t going for his usual friendly game. The girl Lamar was banging told him that Bianca was feeling me and wanted to hang out with me later. Leaving Friday’s we stopped at the grocery store in the nick of time catching it before the two am liquor cut off. I think Drake’s Marvin Room was popular during this time and that’s the last thing I remember before we got to Lamar’s place. I have always considered myself a connoisseur in the liquor department. In college, I would make the best mixed drinks for the ladies. Lamar and I took some homie shots to an “all shoulders-no hangers” type of night. We played some music then I danced a half stripper dance move to liven the party up. I could dance and was always good at controlling my hips. I’ve learned that this could be rather enticing for woman. Lamar was still in the kitchen but would peak his head out to laugh at me because I

was now dancing with my shirt off. “Style does it for the ladies!” We laughed and once he disappeared from my line of vision I kneeled between Bianca’s legs. She looked up making eye contact with me letting me know it was ok to kiss her and I couldn’t be more happy. Aesthetically, Bianca’s features were bomb. Her glasses aided to her sex appeal. I made my way down her body kissing every where I could. Bianca turned me on to the point that I wanted to eat her pussy. After getting her pants down I kissed from thigh to thigh. I kissed the monk on top of her panties, then she pulled my face up. We kissed as she reached in my pants and pulled out the submarine. She moved her panties to the side and put the boat in motion. With every stroke she bit my lip. My bottom lip became the target of her stimulation. Lamar and his date passed by me heading upstairs when he tapped me to tell me to grab the blanket and get on the floor. In my mind, I laughed at this because another time I used his place for some pussy he did the same thing. Her pussy was off the chain. I was extremely attracted to Bianca. Once on top of the blanket I stayed on top of her. As much as she was hurting me with the biting of my lip I liked it. We could not stop kissing one another. At one point she became abundantly wet after wrapping her legs around me. Inviting me to experience her potion even deeper I was able to enjoy her and enjoy her I did. I flipped her over and placed my dick inside of her doggy style. Because I enjoyed the way she kissed I told her to lay flat. Interlocking my fingers with hers, I lifted her hands out in front of her. Placing my face next to hers, I nibbled on her ear lob. I maintained a steady rhythm with each stroke. My aim was to get her turned on as much as I could. I played tag with her neck and ear before my tongue found hers. She insisted she get on top of me Her body movements felt amazing. Her body was spotless. I appreciated her body even more because of this. Something inside of me ignites when I’m with a girl who takes care of herself inside and out like this young lady. Her body fit mines perfect and I think if we didn’t meet under these circumstances me and her could’ve hit it off well. After we finished, I got one more kiss goodbye before we departed ways. The next morning I awoke to my bottom lip pale and white from all the biting she did. Legend has it that she ended up pregnant with my kid but

this was all myth… I didn’t even nut. A few months later, she was observed in Friday’s with the same flat stomach she had the night we had sex.

Mai Mai and I met while taking a real-estate class. I remember the first day of class when she walked in, she wore these tight dark blue jeans and some black boots that zipped up 3/4 the way. She had a creamy white turtle neck covered with a cocaine white colored puffy vest. I tapped Mike and told him I bet she walks to the back and sit next to us. Fifteen-seconds later his smile lit up to my intuition. He didn’t see Mai and I lock eyes as she walked in the classroom. A few weeks into the semester and knowing Mai a little better, I decided today would be the day I would finally shoot my shot. During our usual fifteen minute break I told Mike to watch a player at work. We were a few feet behind Mai which timed up perfect. I jogged as to catch up to her and put my arm around her saying, “Baby girl, can I keep you warm.” She looked up and smiled. I already had a big grin around my mouth incase she wasn’t receptive to the half hug. That sparkle that I swear I see in the shadows of girls retina’s I saw in that instance, I knew she was mine. We exchanged numbers and I did not hesitate to call her the next night. She was a football fan and had good conversation. The weekend was approaching and I told her that she should come over and watch the Eagles vs Cowboys game. She accepted my request and showed up Sunday comfortable as ever. Grey sweats and a loose white shirt. I shifted my attention on Mai during halftime. Her skin was blanket soft. I kissed her while letting my hands wander between her legs. The more I rubbed her the more she moaned. I pulled her breasts out treating each one like a glaze donut. I turned my attention to the place I wanted most as she slid out of her sweats. Placing my fingers around her panty line I slid her thong off and got on top of Mai. I slid it in! God knew what he was doing when he created woman. If heaven feels better than pussy then I should’ve died decades ago. I went bare because simply there’s no other way to go. Her pussy was amazing. Turning over I smiled because her body created the perfect doggy position. I slipped inside of her and pounded her backside. I reached my hands between her legs and in a circular motion applied pressure on her clit. The more and more I rubbed the more I was turned on. I began kissing on her back as

my pace dramatically slowed. She picked up her pace causing me to back up. Mai’s pace increased as she threw it back like she was trying to win 1st place. I put my hands on her hips enjoying this. We switched positions. I was having fun. Mai now on top, leaned forward with her hands resting on my chest. Her tempo was everlasting . The way her pussy gripped my dick drove drenched me with a look of astonishment. The more she did this the more I lost it. Her shit felt too bomb! I nutted and just laid there because I knew before long she would feel me go limp. “Did you nut in me?” “Yes!” “Why didn’t you saying anything? I’m not on the pill. What if I get pregnant?” All these questions were fucking up my euphoric high. Here I am trying to enjoy the moment and she got all this stupid shit to say. It’s as if she forgot, we never started with a condom and these are the risky behaviors associated with grown folks business. After a long thought I whispered, “I’ll pay for the morning after pill.” She shut her dumb ass up and I kissed her as if to let my lips say things will be ok. I had a mission and I completed the goal. No matter the situation or how daunting the task may seem, I somehow always find a way to get the job done.

Sandra’s Cousin Stephen dated Sandra off and on for years. I knew Sandra from a group of girls that the homies and I use to hang out with in San Jose. She was in LA for work and her cousin happened to be in town with her. I can’t remember exactly what Stephen and I had been doing earlier that night. But after receiving a text from Sandra, he asked me did I want to fuck her cousin. I asked him what she looked like because he knew the days of taking one for the team were over. He informed me that Sandra’s cousin was mixed with black and puerto-rican and that she was more than ok looking. He said not only was her body nice but that she was a cool and down to earth girl as well. We made our way to where the girls were at. Stephen had not lied. Her body was cool. A pretty smile too (which I’m a sucker for). Sandra alerted me that I would have to do some convincing, if I was to get some ass from her cousin. “Chester she’s a freak but she’s not easy.” Oooh I love a challenge. I think if I was never doubted, I would have a less than average sex life. But because overcoming challenges are what keep me up at night, I was now ready to seduce. Who’s ever house that it was we visited, they had a stripper pole in the middle of the living room floor. About a year prior, I installed Ana’s stripper pole and had a pre-practice routine I would perform whenever her or Shana pumped me up. I got on the pole playing around for a few minutes. This got the girls to laugh and applaud. I was attempting to get her cousin to soften up that tough exterior she displayed. No more than fifteen minutes later, I told Stephen that I didn’t think she was feeling me. It was getting late and we were about to leave. He asked me to wait up as he coerced Sandra into talking some sense into her cousin. Moments later she appeared at the door ready to go. I put her in my arms and carried her to the car. I can be chivalrous when need be. Stephen was giving me this look like I was full of shit because in all the years of fucking women together he never seen me act this nice. We arrived at Sandra’s place and the cousin and I joined each other on the couch. Her lips were wonderful. Her breasts were nice ass hell too. Something about her turned me all the way on. And maybe because of how relaxed I was but my dick felt like it

grew half an inch longer while inside her pussy… which was bomb, I must confess. Her pussy was warm and extremely moist. While I was on top I think I kissed her the whole time. Even after I turned her over doggy-style, I think I tongue kissed her to climax. The next morning Stephen called me saying the cousin was clowning me for how much I kissed her as if it was a bad thing. I laughed because it was true. Her mouth tasted just as bomb as her pussy felt. I couldn’t help myself. Another lucky night for me, having sex with an attractive lady an hour after meeting her… All Glory Be to The Most High!

Trinidad I once was a regular at the gentlemen’s club Sam’s Hofbrau. It was the best hangout spot to be. I built good relationships with the clubs manager’s and security. I never had to pay cover charge and could sit at the paid booths for free. My friend Jamie a few weeks prior had taken this girl down. She was sexy. She was Trinidadian (the white trindi) and muslim. One night while Skyler, Jamie and I met to have a drink and eat hot wings. Trinidad decided to shoot her shot my way. She was somewhat mad because one of her co-workers was currently showering Jamie wits tons of attention. She sat next to me attempting to make Jamie jealous. He didn’t care one bit andI benefitted from her rage. Two nights later, I arrived at her place with some Carl’s Jr’s. Her place was clean the only problem was her dog. I have the worst allergies in the world. Animal hair irritates the fuck out of my allergies every time. She was sort of weird too. At the club she displayed more personality. I do understand her job was for business and in that environment she’s selling herself. We kissed and this got me in the mood. She was a pleaser. Immediately she turned over on top of me and said, “Let me take care of you.” Sometimes I ask myself what have I done to deserve the kindness that women have showered me with. The only logical answer I can come up with, is when you’re good to people, good things happen to you. Her head game was out of this world. I couldn’t control myself. I don’t know how many times I interrupted the job she was doing to tongue kiss her. But, I wanted to taste her passion. I wanted to taste her desire. I wanted to be the object of her pleasure. Arising from the bed about twenty-minutes later Trinidad made her way to her bedside table retrieving a box of condoms. I was in a blank state. My body couldn’t move. She climbed on the bed like a sly fox and placed the condom in my hand. There was no way I couldn’t return the favor. Her attention to detail was surgical. I mustered up enough energy to lift my head. “Lye on your back,” I instructed her as I readied myself for an oral examination. A pretty little pussy-she had… shaved… no smell… just how I like my kitties. I pleased her for a good ten

minutes. I have always admitted that eating the monk was not my thing. As I was reaching new levels of maturity, I am more receptive and open to pleasing women with oral stimulation. A female’s body responds differently to oral stimulation than it does from sexual penetration. Man if only I wasn’t so selfish in my younger days, I should’ve been eating the pussy. But maybe not, I have big lips and would’ve had them girls addicted. We fucked for nearly an hour. I took my time learning what she did and did not like. I fucked her really good and we fell asleep after I came. The next morning, on my way home, I called Skyler to tell him that I couldn’t believe I ate the pussy that willingly.

More Than A Doctor I forget the exact year this next story took place, but I believe it took place between 2013 and 2014. I was coaching at a football tournament in Redondo Beach when I received a text from my Doctor. The relationship I had with my doctor exceeded typical doctor/patient relationships. Doc texted me asking me if we could visit my favorite strip club when I was done with the tournament. Whenever I visited Doc, so he could inject my knee with cortisol and lidocaine (diagnosed with arthritis in my knee at 27). I would pass time telling him stories of how intoxicating the women were who worked at Sam’s Hofbrau. He had the day off which was unusual for him and wanted to get in some mischief. Later that evening, he picked me up in his recently purchased Porsche Cayenne and we arrived at the strip club in style. I knew most of the girls who worked in Sam’s Hofbrau. Doc had an affinity for black girls. He loved the natural ass and thickness that black strippers have. We had a blast. Doc was getting tons of attention. Of course I introduced him to the girls as my doctor and I think that whole doctor appeal caused him to be extra attractive to these women (they were only attracted to his money). I could tell Doc was enjoying himself. It was good to see him behave no different then my friends and I around half naked women. We left the strip club close to midnight. Once in the car, Doc asked if I knew of any other strip clubs that would still be open. I told him Sam’s Hofbrau was the only place that I went too; but I knew the downtown area well enough to navigate until we found something to continue our entertainment. We found a place and decide to go inside. The place we found was a real strip club. Unlike Sam’s, the girls in a real strip club get butt-ass naked. Although I appreciate the naked body, I’m not turned on by naked strippers (I’m weird like that). The place was empty. Strip clubs dismiss at two am in California and the overflow of patrons migrate to the after hour strip clubs that close at six am. There were only two girls working. One was black and the other was hispanic. Doc instantly fell for the black girl. She was really attractive and you know she had a big ass. Private dances start at $150 and last fifteen minutes. Doc told the black girl he wanted her to dance for the two of us and she willingly accepted. After making our way inside the private

dance area I walked around to observe my surroundings. There was no way I was about to sit down and watch Doc get a dance for fifteen whole minutes. Once his dance concluded, the hispanic stripper walked over to me asking if I enjoyed myself and how come I hadn’t bought a dance. I let her know that I never buy dances because I was about fucking and sucking. It makes zero sense for me to pay a girl $10-20 to dance half of a song, when strip club dj’s change songs every two minutes. She let me know that she was about the same thing and this sparked my interest. I told her I couldn’t afford the dance but if she really wanted me like she was putting on, she had to negotiate with Doc to buy me a dance. “Hey, we should see who could make either of us moan the loudest.” I laughed at her abruptness. After Doc gave her the money, she sat me down in one of the VIP spaces. The area surrounding the private section was very dark. Because the girls give naked dances, it’s harder for security to monitor if the dancers are doing exactly what we were about to do. I stood up to unbuckle my pants and the girl pushed me down, letting me know that I had to be more discreet. I let her know that I had never paid for pussy and was unfamiliar with strip-sex etiquette. Sitting back down, I watched her dance while I pulled my member out. She handed me a condom then turned toward me. She got on top of me and slid him in. Her pussy was Bomb! Her shit was amazing. I don’t know if her being thick added to the pressure I felt but nonetheless I appreciated it. She no longer moved liked a stripper now that my dick was inside of her. I was having the time of my life. I heard the Dj say, “Five minutes were left in the VIP section.” I motioned for her to turn around reverse cow girl. She turned around then leaned her upper torso toward the floor. She spread her legs and let her ass bounce like a basketball. This felt amazing. I smacked her ass but not like I wanted because I didn’t want the security to realize what we were doing. I gripped her cheeks even tighter as I nutted. After I finished she leaned her body against my chest and placed my hands on her breasts. She asked me how her pussy felt. And being in the moment I told her, “It was the best I had ever had.” She thanked me for a good time, saying she would sleep real good that night because she got a good nut.

The car was completely silent on the way home. Doc and I were exhausted. We started drinking and partying at seven that night. It was well past three am when he pulled in my driveway dropping me off. We shook hands and gave a nod of endearment knowing what we had just done had been one for the ages.

Jamie A big part of me didn’t want to tell this last story. And I know throughout this book I have broken my own don't kiss and tell philosophy. My whole life I have protected other’s feelings. I don’t know why I’m like this especially when nobody has ever even considered my feelings. I am very tolerable and open minded to the behaviors of others. I know sex can ruin friendships. This story belongs in the category of luck as well. Late November of 2017, I was at Vons grocery shopping. Thumbing through Snapchat stories, my attention was caught when I saw Meighan’s story had a sticker indicating that she was at her sister’s place in Tustin. After Meighan texted me the address, I scurried to the wine section and purchased a bottle of Lumbrusco to bring as a party gift (Never show up empty handed when you’re invited to someone’s house). I arrived at Brittany’s place to a house full of laughter, drinking, and games. I had not had a drink all year and no more than five minutes after my arrival Brittany made me take a shot. Meighan was looking very cute I must admit. Meighan’s a good girl, crazy as all outdoors, but all in all she’s a great person. Meighan is one of the most honest person that I have come across. We dated off and on for close to six years. Basically, when someone showed signs of something more serious she would disappear. Then she would be back after he proved to be full of shit as she put its. The interesting dynamic about our relationship is that we probably have never agreed on anything besides food in life… but we get along perfectly fine. It’s weird. Most girls tire of my maniacal ideals, but it’s like Meighan finds humor in my beliefs. The other perfect dynamic to this night is the fact that Meighan was in a relationship. Meighan is protective over me although we have never been in a committed relationship. She could be talking to someone and still act like she owns me— yasssss she’s crazy. Her new guy is quite the keeper and I can tell in Meighan’s face that she is happy. This would prove to be key in my not so obvious attraction to her friend. A happy Meighan equals a free Chester. We teamed up and whooped everybody’s tail in Scattergories. During this time my eyes wouldn’t stop glancing over at her

friendJamie. Jamie was so mutha-fucking bad that it made absolutely zero sense. I would later learn that Jamie was half Armenian and Russian. In the face she was just as pretty if not prettier than Kim Kardashian. She had an ass to go with the Armenian stereotype as well. I thought Meighan’s brother was Jamie’s boyfriend but was relieved when she stayed behind after he got missing. After he left, I found myself staring at Jamie as I finished the glass of wine occupying my hands. I surveyed the room and was somewhat elated that Meighan was now passed out in the middle of the living room floor. My mind was going crazy because I wanted to attack but didn’t know how I was going to pull this off. And considering Brittany was still up laughing and joking with Jamie about some girl stuff. Brittany knew of Meighan’s and I pass and she knew that I was a playboy. There was enough Lumbrusco left for two glasses to be poured. I asked Jamie to join me in the kitchen to finish the tail end of the bottle. We toasted to something silly I said. Whatever I said was bait to measure if she was feeling me or not. Brittany said something goofy causing us all to laugh and the two of them engaged in conversation as Jamie took refuge on the sofa. At this point, I was still undecided at how I was going to pull a rabbit out my ass. On my way to the bathroom, I observed Jamie having her shoes off and figured I would use her feet as an anchor to touch her. Sitting down I lifted her foot saying, “Let me see if you have pretty feet.” Jamie giggled and said, “Oh my gosh my feet are so ugly, I have fat toes!” Admiring her feet, I kissed and sucked on her big toe… then down to her pinky toe and kissed the top of her foot to complete the act. Brittany yelled, “Goodnight” as she closed the door to her room. My cue to apply more pressure. I placed a trail of kisses from the top of Jamie’s foot to the her knee. I Looked Jamie in her eye the entire time gauging whether or not if she wanted me to keep going. Seeing she had a tempting look, I ran my fingers through the inner part of her thighs to feel her heat. Climbing off the couch, I got on my knees which put me eye level with Jamie. Hand still in her groin area, I leaned forward and kissed Jamie. We pecked slow. Her lips were warm. She tasted like candy. My hand ventured under her shirt.

She kissed me with more intensity. Jamie looked even more beautiful. I asked her to join me in the guest room because Meighan was passed out a mere five feet from us. Now that we were inside Maddie’s room (Brittany’s daughter) I attacked her. I gripped her ass as tight as I could while I slipped my tongue down her throat. Her arms wrapped around my neck and I could feel her ass tighten up from her standing on her tippy toes. I unbuckled her pants while we kissed. I will never understand this but, as I reached to take her panties off she told me she had to go to the bathroom first (ladies what do y’all do in there). While she was away, I took the liberty to get butt naked. After Jamie returned to the room I reached straight for her monk. As expected she was already moist and ready. We kissed falling on top of the bed. Tupac was right when he said he felt heaven and hell is here on earth. As I entered Jamie… I died. I was in Heaven. Jamie had some bomb ass pussy. I enjoyed her while I was on top and after ten or so minutes she asked me to hit it from the back. I bent her over and immediately had to calculate my plan of attack. Jamie had sooo much ass! It was ridiculous. I spread her cheeks so I could penetrate her with no problems. If I had a little ding dong, I would not have been able to fuck Jamie from behind (not bragging, just trying to paint the picture of how much ass she had). I had to bring everything I had. It’s hard to have sex on the floor when a chick’s ass is sitting in the middle of your chest. No excuses though. I thrust as hard as I could for as long as I could until we finished. On my way to the shower, I peeked my head around the corner to check and see if Meighan had awaken. She was still on the floor sleeping like a baby. After turning the water on, I asked Jamie to join me in the shower. I decided this was the perfect time to tell Jamie that I had a past with Meighan. I wasn’t scared about what Meighan would say or do to me. I was scared that Meighan would blame Jamie for our indiscretions (although Jamie had no clue of our past) and end their friendship. Meighan would’ve never found out if this book wasn’t meant for my future Legacy!

Honorable Mention Alley Alyssa Beatriz Britani Candice Courtney Efty Felicia Jamie Jennifer Martica Melissa Melody Monica Nicole Nikki Ninette Patricia Stephanie Yadira

Conclusion II Readers: When the idea floated across my brain to write a book that involved my sex life, I had the intention on informing readers of my unique psychological make up and how my childhood has led me much success with women. Over the past two months, daily I’ve concentrated my mind to remember names, scenes, stories, et al. I gave myself a deadline and at times thought about changing that deadline because I would forget a story that happened twenty to thirty pages before and knew there was no way I could go back. That’s when it hit me; even when things are about me I have a way of putting others first. It took me a mere five days to write the (37,000) words that appear in Part I. I hit an impasse with my creativity and the second part of this book (25,000) words took six weeks to write. I decided that I would change my target audience to my future kids, grandkids, great grandkids… My legacy! This is why Part II doesn’t flow. They are my memoirs and the scene envisioned was me sitting in my study with my children (of course of age) wanting to know what their father’s sex/love life was like. I know with kids they never believe the stories of their parents unless someone else tell’s them or it’s in a book. I have no more friends… meaning I have no one to tell my story’s when I’m older and grey and my kids are on my head about not ever being a player. I don’t talk to 90% of the men mentioned throughout this twenty year journey with the exception of my fraternity brothers Rakine and Wallace who check on me from time to time which I extremely appreciate. But outside of them the others will never know my kids. Fellas: I appreciate each and every one of you for aiding to my healthy, eclectic, and rambunctious sex life… Especially James, without him none of the Vegas stories would’ve been possible. Words cannot explain how thankful, grateful and appreciative of him that I am. James, Thank You for all that you have done for me. Thank you for being the definition of a good friend. You have a pure heart with true intentions and represent the good in the world. The times we shared were priceless. For those whose names are mentioned in stories that y’all may be thinking, “What the hell is wrong this nigga Chester! Why did he put my name in his story?” For one y’all already know I don’t give a fuck about how any of you feel. Each of you know how

honest I am. Secondly, this is my book and the stories become incomplete without names. Next, I don’t speak to any of you. I care more about my legacy and future lineage than I do about our non-existing relationships. Lastly, that same feeling y’all may be having is the feeling I felt every time you guys acted in hate, rage, jealousy, or envy toward me. But that was the past and I clearly forgave you guys then or we would’ve never been friends. If I have ever broken bread, fought for, fed, borrowed from, loaned to, cohabited with; then you guys will always have a special place in my heart… just from a far. Ladies: I promise this has been the hardest thing I have ever done (harder than being homeless and pledging). Divulging intimate details about each of our sexual encounters and telling the world your names stifles me even as I write this. I want to again thank each of you for our shared experience. This book would not be possible if any of you had never given me a chance (I’m beyond grateful for this). Trust me, I needed each experience to become the person/man I am today and the father/ husband that I will one day be. Albeit a one night stand or a situation like Sarah’s where she played for eight years, I learned something from each of you. I’ve touched just about every race and the one thing constant with women is their need for attention and time. For those who deserved more of my time I apologize for that. Please understand this, internally I have always felt that I had to become the man I needed to become before I could be the man any of you could be proud to be in a relationship with. Meighan and Felicia probably deserve that same million dollars as the other girls plus a bonus check. These are incredible women who deserve nothing but the best. Yes, they are crazy (but every girl with BAP is) and its because they love hard. They don’t have time for games and never shy from letting you know how they feel. There are no better detectives in the world than either of them when it comes to collecting information. They give complete honesty and expect it in return. They have huge hearts and go above and beyond for their loved ones. Felicia and Meighan are wonderful mothers. Felicia’s story didn’t make the cut because I ran out of creativity. Sorry love. My legacy: Writing this memoir has been a delight. Reliving moments that once meant the world to me has been quite

refreshing. I want you guy’s to know everything about me. I have nothing to hide and feel you guys should know the women who have deeply impressed upon me. Another reason for the transparency is the release of old energies. It took 35-years, but I have finally healed from the childhood pains and traumas I once bottled. One day after having a conversation with my brain and heart I decided to call your grandmother. Instead of blaming her for the pain she caused me… I told her I was proud at how far she has come after battling a 14-year crack addiction. That same night I had a conversation with God. I told him that I forgive all those who have stolen and wronged me in my life. I also asked him to forgive me for anything I may have done or said to hurt anyone that I’ve come into contact with. I believe that if a person not only changes his/her thoughts and attitude. But also their actions then that person can attract the things he/she wants in their life. I not only wanted no more pain in my life but I wanted to feel the feeling of happiness and love again. I’ve reached a point in my life where I know I can bring kids in this world to teach them the tools to being a good person. Releasing these old energies allows me to leave the past in the past while creating a new, brighter, and better future for myself and those I attract around me. I read Your Legacy by Dr. James Dobson and its words have kept me in deep ponder. The author is related through a series of marriages to the nation’s first president George Washington. In the book he talks about one of his grandfather’s who prayed for his lineage to accept Christ as their lord and savior at a young age because he felt that children who accepted Christ early in their life, no matter how far astray they may be led, will always come back to their lord. He also prayed that the men in his family become pastors. That prayer was so powerful that his daughters wound up marrying pastors as well.

My Prayer Dear Most High, I Chester Lee Coleman ask that you send me a life companion who embodies the characteristics and traits that my granny possessed. I ask that this women be my mirror, my reflection, my rib. I ask that this women be in love with herself before she could ever be in love with me. I ask that this women be kind and understanding. I ask that this women be benevolent, the type whose purpose in life is to help and heal others. I ask that this women be patient and non-judgmental. I ask that this women embody strength, courage, loyalty, intellect, a sense for adventure and humor, and a warm-hearted spirit. I ask that she wants a lot of kids to create the family I always wanted. I pray that my kids enter this world healthy. It was my choice to be baptized at the tender age of seven. My granny did not force me and let the choice be totally mine. I pray that my kids accept Christ in their life at an early age as I did. I pray that my kids help make the world a better place. I pray that my kids have a Love for humanity. I pray that my kids never do harm to any living person or thing. I pray that my kids achieve and obtain everything their hearts desire. I pray that my kids are prosperous and achieve success in all things they seek. I pray that I respect my kids as individuals and understand that just because I’m their father doesn’t mean I hold dominion over them. I pray that my kids get along (sibling rivalry is serious). I pray that my kids bury me and not the other way around. And until we meet I will continue to pray. I Love You Dad

Selected Bibliography Elffers, Joost., Greene, Robert., (2001). The Art of Seduction. Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York Newberg, Andrew., M.D., and Waldman, Mark Robert., (2012). Words Can Change Your Brain: 12 Conversation Strategies to Build Trust, Resolve Conflict, and Increase Intimacy. Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York New Scientist., (2017). How your brain works: Inside the most complicated object in the universe. Nicholas Brealey Publishing., An Hachette UK company Linden, David J., (2011). The Compass of Pleasure: How our brains make fatty foods, orgasm, exercise, marijuana, generosity, vodka, learning, and gambling feel so good. Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York Recommended Reading Peale, Norman Vincent., (1980). The Power of Positive Thinking. Touchstone., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Deida, David., (2017).The Way Of The Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire. Sounds True., Boulder, CO, 80306 Jung, C.G., (1990). The Undiscovered Self with Symbols and The Interpretation of Dreams. Princeton University Press., 41 William Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Ruiz, Don Miguel., (1997). The Four Agreements. Amber-Allan Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 6657 San Rafael, California 94903 Giuliano, David., (2015). Choose Connection: The Path Toward Authentic Personal, Professional, And Spiritual Transformation. Without Boundaries Coaching., 4721 Laurel Canyon Boulevard, Suite 200., Studio City, California 91607

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Chester Lee Coleman is lover of God. Not one for titles‌ Chester considers himself an artist-creator. Chester is a seeker of knowledge and loves educating himself. He enjoys reading much and reads no less than two books weekly. Chester feels the more he stimulates his mind the more ideas he can create. He loves connecting conflicting ideas as this is the way his mind learns. Having a new found fascination with the arts. Chester will continue to better his writing as he has a collection of stories to share. Chester has found love and peace in his heart. On a daily Chester meditates and inner stands that without his mental wellbeing he is of no service to the himself nor others. The author currently resides in Torrance, California spending his leisure time driving for ride share company Lyft. Chester has already written his second book with intentions to release the autobiography alongside the relaunch of his clothing brand The Wideouts Clothing. The book details where things began to decline for Chester and how the managed to overcome homelessness on his path toward a prosperous and abundant life.

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