Islington Squares
Past & Present Islington London
islington squares
2 islington squares
Islington has some of the most picturesque and
This brochure looks at the development of seven
sought-after squares in London. Developed across
of Islington’s most recognised squares. Many
different estates by a mixture of landowners,
were constructed during the early 19th century
architects and designers they offer a variety of
and may appear architecturally similar, but they
historic stories. They were all developed at a time
all offer different histories. From the New River
when London was experiencing vast expansion,
Head near Myddelton square and water brought
with both population and building development
to London in the 17th century; Canonbury and
quickly spreading across the surrounding fields.
its medieval and Tudor associations; through to
The early to mid 19th century was a period
rumours of a Roman fort in Barnsbury.
of great development across Islington; an area known as ‘the dairy of London’ with its
Keep reading for the history of Myddleton,
rural-like community with open fields and
Lonsdale, Gibson, Barnsbury, Cloudesley,
cattle, within a few years had transformed into
Thornhill and Canonbury squares.
a suburb of London.
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Myddelton Square
Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
Myddelton Square has been called Islington’s
site of thefts from footpads (thieves on foot).
wooden pipes, which were only replaced by
finest square. It was developed during the 1820s
The area soon became associated with the New
iron pipes 200 years later, in 1812. It has been
as part of the New River Estate and is one of
River Company which was instrumental in
suggested that another engineer, William
the largest squares in Islington. The houses were
altering the provision of water to London.
Inglebert, was in fact the original developer of the
constructed in an archetypal Islington style that
The New River is a man-made aqueduct that
idea, but this has been difficult to substantiate.
came to be known as the ‘New River Style’ with
was originally proposed by Captain Edmund
stuccoed ground floor and upper floors in brick
Colthurst in 1607, but due to decisions made by
The New River Estate purchased large parts
with square headed windows in round arched
the aldermen of the City of London the project
of the land surrounding the canal, in particular
recesses. Myddelton Square has been a popular
passed to Sir Hugh Myddelton two years later.
around the river head in Clerkenwell and
address over the centuries and has been the home of politicians, artists and writers.
Islington. By the early 19th century, it was The aim was to bring fresh water supplies into
decided to develop the land with new houses,
London from Hertfordshire. The 40 mile long
including Chadwell Street, River Street and
Prior to the development of the square, this
canal took four years to complete and finally
Myddelton Square. The Estate commissioned
part of Islington was open fields and known
reached Clerkenwell in 1613. It supplied a
their own surveyor, William Chadwell Mylne
as ‘Butcher’s Mantells’, which was often the
much needed water supply to London through
to design the layout, as well as the houses, with
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5 Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
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Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
building starting in the square in 1824, when
be stopped and robbed on their return in the
it was known as Chadwell Square. Most of
evening from Sadler’s Wells; and the ground
the square had been completed in 1827, with
floor of the parlour where I sit was as nearly
a number appearing as occupied in the parish
as possible the very spot where my wife and I
rate books. Early residents of Myddelton Square
fell over a recumbent cow, on our way home
were predominately of independent means, with
one murky night in a thunder storm, and only
many recorded as ‘gentlemen’, as well as doctors
regained the solitary the timely aid of
and clergymen.
a tremendous flash of lightening.”
The actor and playwright, Thomas Dibden, who
The houses within the square are all four storeys
lived at No.5 Myddelton Square commented
with basements and most feature stucco on
when it was first built that “not five years since,
the ground floor, round headed front door
was an immense field, where people used to
with fanlight and ground floor round headed
6 islington squares
windows. The first floor windows are square
actor, Thomas John Dibden, who later became
headed, but sit within arched recess panels.
joint stage manager at Sadler’s Wells Theatre.
Most houses also feature cast-iron balconies
Dibden’s godfather was the famous actor, David
along the first floor. The north side of the square
Garrick. Poet and novelist, B.S. Johnson lived
was almost entirely destroyed during World
in a flat at No.5 Myddelton Square in 1965-9
War II and rebuilt in a similar style in 1947-8.
and writer, journalist and barrister, Stanley Lees Giffard, lived at No.39 Myddelton Square until
William Chadwell Mylne was also responsible
the year 1857.
for the designs for St Mark’s Church in the centre of the square, completed in 1827. It was
The man attributed as being the ‘second founder
consecrated in January 1828 by the Bishop
of Methodism’, Reverend Jabez Bunting, lived
of London, Dr William Howley, who later
at No.30 from 1833 until his death in 1858.
became Archbishop of Canterbury. The church
Bunting was senior secretary of the Missionary
was badly damaged in air raids during World
Society in 1833 and was also President of the
War II, but was conserved and today is Grade
Theological Institute in 1834-58. The architect
II listed. Sir Nikolaus Pevsner referred to St
of Lonsdale Square and district surveyor for
Mark’s as a ‘neat Gothic box’.
East Islington, Richard Cromwell Carpenter, lived at No.61 from 1836-42. Fenner Brockway,
Myddelton Square was a highly sought after
the first labour peer and a prolific reformer,
address, much as it is today. It has been the
lived at No.60 Myddelton Square in 1908-10,
home of painters, Edward Hughes, who
in the home of leading independent Labour
was born in the square in 1832, and Guido
Party activist, Alfred Harvey Smith. Brockway
Philipp Schmitt, who lived at No.9 in 1869.
was created a peer in 1964 and unveiled his own
As mentioned above, No.5 was the home of
plaque at the house in 1975.
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Lonsdale Square Lonsdale Square is one of the more uniquely designed squares in Islington, built in 1835 and designed in a bold Tudor style reminiscent of almshouses. In fact, it has come to be recognised as ‘almshouse style’, noted for its pointed gables and quatrefoils over the doorways. It was also one of the few squares that was designed as a unified whole. In the 17th century, the area where Lonsdale Square is located today was known as ‘Gosseyfield’ and was in the hands of the Drapers’ Company. It continued as open fields and grazing land until the early 19th century and in 1818 it was recorded as a cattle-pen for animals heading to Smithfield market. The original designs for the square were drawn up by estate surveyor, Richard Carpenter, in a more typical classical design, but after he died in 1839 his son, church architect, Richard Cromwell Carpenter, changed the plans to the Tudor design we see today. The square had been laid out for building in 1838, but building was still ongoing in 1842 and only completed by 1845.
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Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
R.C. Carpenter was a friend of notable architect,
of Islington, the houses began to be divided
Augustus Pugin and like Pugin heavily favoured
into separate apartments. The central garden
the gothic style. Carpenter went on to design
remained private until the 1960s, unlike most
a number of Gothic churches and the uniquely
other Islington squares, which were passed to
designed square has been attributed as the only
the council earlier. The railings that had been
Gothic London Square. His designs for the
removed during World War II were replaced in
square have been described as ‘eccentric’ and
the early 1970s, at which time the gardens were
feature pointed gables and broad windows with
also restored.
mullions, stuccoed Tudor arched entrance, while some feature an entrance porch and others
Writer and surgeon, William Harvey, died at
have a door flush with the entrance. The design
No.48 Lonsdale Square in 1873. He wrote under
also features the more unusual quatrefoils,
the pseudonym ‘Aleph’ and contributed to the
rather than fanlights, over the front doors. The
London City Press, as well as being the author
terraced houses are almost symmetrical, but
of London Scenes and London People (1863)
offer some slight variation between house sizes
and The Old City and its Highways and Byways
and window sizes. Drawings for the square were
(1865). Another Victorian journalist, George
exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1841.
Sims, lived at No.30 Lonsdale Square in 1878-9.
The first residents of Lonsdale Square were predominately from the middle classes, a mixture of professional, as well as a number of men of the church, with most households having at least one servant. The square continued to be the home of middle class residents throughout the 19th century, but by the 20th century, along with many other areas
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Gibson Square
Gibson Square was laid out for building in
while the upper floor windows are square headed
rundown and was surrendered to Islington
the 1830s, the first of two squares that were
with window surrounds and cast-iron balconies.
Council for upkeep. During World War II, the
built on the Milner Gibson estate (Milner
The central houses feature round headed windows
garden was dug up for air raid shelters and later
Square was started 10 years later). The design
on the first floor and are also slightly advanced.
replanted. In 1963, a proposed 50 foot high
and layout were due to estate surveyor and
ventilation shaft for the new Victoria Line was
architect, Francis Edwards, who had previously
The southern stretch of Gibson Square, now
staunchly opposed by residents. This resulted
been a student of Sir John Soane. Building of the
part of Theberton Street, was originally a separate
in the imitation classical temple with domed
square began in 1832, but it took a while for all
terrace constructed in 1831. It was renumbered
roof, designed by Raymond Erith and Quinlan
houses to be completed, with houses only finished
and renamed as part of Theberton Street in 1866,
Terry, which stands in the garden today. It
during the 1840s.
when later building was added to the east and west.
was completed in 1970 and designed to be in harmony with the surroundings. At the same
The designs for Gibson Square by Edwards are
Estate owner, Thomas Milner Gibson of
time London Transport also restored the garden
more distinct and prominent than many other
Theberton Hall in Suffolk was a friend of
and replaced the railings that had been lost
square designs across Islington, most noted for
Charles Dickens and Benjamin Disraeli. He
during the war.
the pavilion blocks at the ends of each terrace with
was also MP for Ipswich and President of the
large pilasters and pediments (the pediment has
Board of Trade, as well as a keen yachtsman,
been lost on the south east). The long east and
and in fact he died on board his yacht near Algiers.
west terraces were constructed between 1836 and 1839. They are stuccoed on the ground floor
The garden was originally only open to
with round-headed windows and door frame,
residents, but in the 1930s it had become
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11 Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
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13 Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
islington squares
Barnsbury Square Barnsbury Square is one of the more unusual
19th century lord of the manor of Barnsbury
stretch also features detached houses, including
looking squares in Islington, with much of the
was William Tufnell, who began to lease land
the grand No.13 Barnsbury Square, built by
building development taking place at different
for development to various speculative builders.
William Grimman and first known as Suetonius
times, as well as sections being built by different
The early history of the square is unclear,
Lodge, but later renamed West Lodge.
builders and landowners. The western loops of
but some building had started in the 1820s.
Mountfort Terrace and Mountfort Crescent
However, by the 1830s most of the square
The eastern terrace, known as Minerva Terrace
also don’t fit the usual layout of a garden square.
was undeveloped, at which time land was
and part of Thornhill Road is the more familiar
Barnsbury Square has most significantly been
leased by Robert Clarke, who began building
early 19th century terrace. Completed in around
associated with the former site of a Roman
development from 1834, with houses occupied
1828, it features stucco on the ground floor and
moated fort, however, this has since been
by 1836. Robert Clarke then passed the lease
round headed windows and the upper floors are
disproved and the moat connected to a much
to John Huskisson, but he in turn leased it to
brick with square headed sash windows. Part of
later medieval farm.
Thomas Bilham and Thomas Whowell.
the northern stretch was by Benjamin Green. Mountfort Crescent, in the north west of the
Barnsbury Square is located on the site of the
Barnsbury Square is significantly different
square, was laid out for building in 1841. It
former Reed Moat Field, which is now known
from other Islington squares as it was built
features pairs of grand stuccoed houses, as well
to have been an old medieval farm connected
with a combination of detached villa, semi-
as a detached home where Thomas Whowell
to Barnsbury Manor. It was also thought it
detached houses and terraced houses, but there
first lived, which later became the vicarage for
was the location where Roman General, Gaius
was no unified appearance. The development
Holy Trinity Church and then St Andrew’s.
Suetonius Paulinus retreated from London
by different leaseholders and builders explains
before moving on to confront and defeat Queen
why there is no unified appearance and also
Mountfort House is the most prominent
Boadicea. However, again, this has been found
meant building took place in different stages.
feature of Barnsbury Square, completed in
to be untrue.
The southern part of the square has semi-
1836, and initially part of a development that
detached brick ‘villa-style’ cottages by William
Whowell called ‘The Mountfort Estate’. The
The name of Barnsbury originated from Ralph
Slark, featuring a mixture of architectural
name ‘Mountfort’ is said to originate from the
de Berners, whose family owned the manor
styles, although many of these homes have been
early rumours of the Roman camp. However,
until the early 16th century. However, by the
extended and altered over time. The southern
the house was never a single home, being
14 islington squares
Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
divided into two at the time of construction. It
a number of new homes, including Mica House
also had later additions and the northern stretch
was first home to Reverend Henry Beamish,
(now apartments), were built in the grounds of
was affected by bomb damage, which left only
as well as Reverend John Jackson, headmaster
Mountfort House. The house is stuccoed and
two of the original villas.
of Islington Proprietary School. From 1859
the first floor windows are square headed with
to 1874, Mountfort House was home to the
bold shell moulding in round arches. The front
The square’s gardens were laid out as ‘ornamental
Forbes-Robertson family, who entertained a
door is raised with fanlight and the adjacent
pleasure grounds’ for the private use of residents.
number of 19th century celebrities, including
windows are also square headed within round
In 1889, the Metropolitan Public Gardens
Dante Gabriel Rosetti, William Morris and
Association (MPGA) purchased the lease and
Lawrence Alma-Tadema. Sir Johnstone Forbes-
opened the gardens to the public, but ownership
Robertson lived in the house in 1860-74. He
During the 20th century, new developments
disputes, after the lease expired in 1909, led to
is most remembered for his Shakespearean
changed the fortunes of Barnsbury Square as
decline and damage over the following decade.
roles and his success opposite the renowned,
it was infiltrated with industrial buildings. In
The gardens were finally conveyed to Islington
Mrs Patrick Campbell. By 1896, the house had
1914, Mountfort House was taken by Henry
Council in 1933, restored with funds from the
become a ‘Home for Destitute Boys’, run by
Gibbs, a silk dyer, who converted the house for
MPGA and reopened to the public in 1934. It
Mrs Margaret Watts Hughes and then later by
industrial use, but was later converted again to
was redesigned again during the 1960s and 70s,
Reverend Charles Spencer. During the 1930s
become offices. The southern part of the square
which included the replacement of the iron railings.
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Cloudesley Square
Cloudesley Square was the first square to be
features stuccoed ground floor and round
kneeling with an inscription of his donation
built over the Barnsbury area of Islington and
headed windows, while the first floor windows
to the parish. Cloudesley left an allowance of
was originally part of the Cloudesley Estate.
are square headed but set within an arched
straw to the prisoners of Newgate, King’s Bench,
The site of the square was formerly known as
recess and have wrought iron balconies.
Marshalsea and Bedlam, as well as clothes for
Stoneyfield and in the 16th century was owned by Sir Richard Cloudesley.
the poor. The central church, Holy Trinity, was completed in 1826-9 by renowned architect Sir Charles
Holy Trinity was the district church for a short
By the early 19th century, the area was leased by
Barry. Sir Charles Barry is most remembered as
time, until the 1850s, when it was replaced by
dairy farmer, Samuel Rhodes (great grandfather
the architect for the Houses of Parliament when
St Andrew’s at Thornhill Crescent. However,
of Cecil Rhodes), but it wasn’t long before
they were rebuilt in the 1840s. Barry is one of
it continued as a parish church until the 20th
areas of the Estate were being chosen for new
Britain’s most celebrated architects, responsible
century and today is used by an independent
building development. The building lease for
for many institutional buildings and churches,
Christian church.
Cloudesley Square was purchased by carpenter,
along with large country houses, including the
John Emmett in 1824 and the square laid out
remodelling of Highclere House in Hampshire,
Cloudesley Square has been the home of some
in 1825. The terraced houses within Cloudesley
Harewood House in Yorkshire, and Cliveden in
notable residents, including writer and social
Square were completed in a few short years and
reformer, George Linnaeus Banks and his wife,
occupied by 1828.
poet and novelist, Isabella, who lived at No.33 The design for Holy Trinity Church is most
in 1864. Another writer, Thomas Edwards,
The building of houses was undertaken by a
notably in a style that replicates the designs of
who was responsible for the English-Welsh
collection of local builders, and primarily in a
King’s College Chapel in Cambridge. The east
Dictionary in 1850 died at No.10 Cloudesley
uniform ‘New River Style’. This familiar style
window is by Thomas Willement and features
Square in 1858.
that is used in a number of Islington Squares
Sir Richard Cloudesley, who died in 1517,
17 Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
islington squares
Thornhill Square
Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
Thornhill Square was built during the 1840s
dairy farming until the early 19th century
George, in 1847. The completion of the square
and 50s and features the more unusual curved
when landowner, George Thornhill proposed
took some time and was undertaken by a
and elongated design. It is the largest square
the development of the estate. He planned
number of speculative builders, with the first
in Islington and houses were completed in a
for building the square in 1808-10, but after
33 houses completed on the west side by G.S.S.
bolder, mid-Victorian design, with the centre of
a disagreement with neighbouring landowner
Williams, and the Crescent by Samuel Pocock.
the square dominated by St Andrew’s Church,
and negotiations with other developments,
The square was only entirely completed by 1852.
while the southern section features the large
including the future Caledonian Road and
The residents of Thornhill Square were of the
open gardens.
Regents Canal, no building was completed.
upper middle and professional classes, including lawyers, clerks, clergy and artists.
The area where Thornhill Square is located
The unusual layout of mirrored crescents and
today was part of a large estate owned by
the elongated oval to the south was by estate
George Thornhill, who became MP for
the Thornhill family, who also owned vast
surveyor, Joseph Kay, who had previously
Huntingdonshire, also gave the land for St
sections of land in Huntingdonshire and
been surveyor to the Foundling Estate in
Andrew’s Church, designed by Francis B.
Cambridgeshire (and where some of the street
Bloomsbury. Despite the early plans, building
Newman and John Johnson and constructed
names across the Islington estate originated).
only began in Thornhill Square under the
with Kentish rag and Bath stone. It was
The land was originally open fields used for
direction of George Thornhill’s son, also
consecrated by Bishop, Dr Charles Blomfield
18 islington squares
in January 1854 and was attended by many,
with residential homes in the 20th century.
including the Lord Mayor, Thomas Sidney. The
Most notably, the north east section of land
East window was added later, in 1873.
behind Thornhill Square became known as ‘Barnsbury Wood’, covering almost an acre of
The buildings feature a heavier mid Victorian
ground behind Huntingdon Street, Hemingford
style with Romanesque detailing. The ground
Road, Crescent Street and Thornhill Crescent.
floors are stucco with square headed front
The space was originally allocated to the
doors and bracketed hood, but the first floors
vicarage (formerly No.7 Huntingdon Street
are a mixture of paired windows and tripartite
– now separate flats) and was threatened with
windows with alternating triangular and
development a number of times, but today it
segmental pediments, and balconies. The
has been retained as an ecological park.
northern crescent is a little more uniform and houses are stuccoed on the ground floor and
Thornhill Square also features the West Library
brick to the upper floors, the windows are
on the corner of Bridgeman Road. Two original
paired, but feature a mixture of plain square
houses were demolished in 1906 to make way
headed frames and some with pediments.
for the new library, designed by E. Beresford Pite, who much favoured the Arts and Crafts
The gardens were originally the largest open
style. The design is made up of three parts; an
green space in Islington and like many garden
entrance block with an arched entrance porch;
squares, they were originally private and only
a gabled main block that sits on the corner of
accessible to residents of the square, but in 1946
Thornhill Square and Bridgeman Road; and a
they were donated to the public by Captain Noel
single storey block at the rear, facing Bridgeman
Thornhill. In 1953, the gardens were redesigned
Road. The brick work includes yellow brick
as part of coronation year improvements.
with bands of purple brick, as well as detailing in Portland stone. The corner section of the
The corner sections remained gardens and
building features tall arches with the windows
woods for a short time, but the south west
separated by giant pilasters inspired by classical
section was filled in with industrial buildings
in the late 19th century, and later replaced
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Canonbury Square
Image by kind permission of Islington Local History Centre
Canonbury Square was one of the earliest
Bartholomew’s Priory in the 14th century. It
pleasure gardens attached to Canonbury
Islington Squares to be developed, in the
was later confiscated during the Dissolution
Tavern. Canonbury Tavern, formerly a farm
early 1800s. The quiet garden square didn’t
of the Monasteries and passed to Thomas
building, became a very popular ale house, and
develop exactly as planned with the building of
Cromwell, but after his execution in 1540 it
in the 18th century was enlarged to include tea
Canonbury Road, but it has long been a popular
returned to the Crown. By 1570, it was in the
gardens with dances and entertainment. Today,
address, with Grade II listed Georgian terraces
hands of John Spencer, who later became Lord
the Canonbury Tavern is still a popular local pub.
and the acclaimed central garden. Canonbury
Mayor of London. Spencer built himself a new
Square has been the home of Evelyn Waugh,
Country house and much of the early manorial
At the turn of the 19th century, the land was
George Orwell and renowned Victorian actor,
buildings that remain today were from this time.
in the hands of the Marquess of Northampton.
Samuel Phelps.
Canonbury Square was laid out for building Much of the area remained as open fields
by Henry Leroux in the early 1800s, but
In the early medieval period, the area where
for dairy cows throughout the 17th and 18th
development was slow and by 1809 no building
Canonbury Square is located today was
centuries, but in the late 1700s, the manor
had started and Leroux was recorded as
open fields and in the hands of lord of the
house was being leased out and the surrounding
bankrupt. In 1810, it was also decided to develop
manor, Ralph de Berners, who passed it to St
grounds taken up with bowling greens and
Canonbury Road, first known as ‘New North
20 islington squares
Road’, which ran straight through the centre
Canonbury Road is believed to be one of the
that had been lost during the war. The gardens
of the planned Canonbury Square. Within a
first completed, in around 1810-11, and was
have long been accepted as a highlight of the
couple of years the road was completed and
the home of Henry Leroux. The majority of
area, and in the Evening Standard in 1956 were
immediately spoiled the plans for the quiet
the terraced homes consist of four storeys plus
described as ‘London’s most beautiful square’.
garden square, in particular the north west side
a basement, with a mixture of complete brick
In 2006, the gardens were changed again to
of the square which had been partly built.
facades and some with stucco on the ground
become the Loire Valley Wines Legacy Garden,
and basement levels. The doorways are round
with roses and a small vineyard. Canonbury
Development continued slowly, not helped
arched with fanlights and ground floor windows
Square Gardens also feature in the Open
by the constraints on investment caused by
are also round arched. Some doors are plain,
Garden Squares weekend in June each year.
the Napoleonic wars. By 1818, the square was
while others feature Doric columns or fluted
still only partly built, and in 1819 the building
pilasters. First floor windows are squared and
Canonbury Square has been the home of a
shifted to leaseholder, Richard Laycock, who
set within arched recesses and feature cast-iron
number of notable residents, including Evelyn
had been using the land to the south for
balconies. The south east and south west sections
Waugh at No.17a in 1928-30 and George
farming. In 1821, Laycock agreed to undertake
were completed in the ‘New River Style’.
Orwell as No.27b in 1944-50. Actor, Samuel
development of the southern and eastern
Phelps lived at No.8 Canonbury Square
parts of the square and soon the building
Canonbury Square received direct bomb
in 1844-67. Phelps is attributed as being a
of the southern terraces had begun. They
damage during World War II, with houses in
reformer of the English stage and in 1844
were completed in the mid to late 1820s and
the north-eastern section completely destroyed.
he became the manager of Sadler’s Wells
immediately became a sought after address.
The houses were rebuilt in a sympathetic style
Theatre. No.8 features an early LCC tablet
during the 1950s, along with a number of original
commemorating Phelps in the house. George
houses that were reconstructed and renovated.
Daniel, bibliophile and book collector lived at
The different dates of construction give a slight variation in the architecture of the
No.18 Canonbury Square in 1837 until 1864;
different terraces. The clearest difference
Canonbury Square Gardens were opened to the
Reverend Arthur Johnson ran a school at
is the houses in the north east, built with
public by the 4th Marquess of Northampton in
No.36, where one of the students was politician,
complete brick facades, a mixture of round and
1884, but by 1888 they had been conveyed to
Joseph Chamberlain. The square was also the
square headed windows (some set in arched
Islington Borough Council. The layout of the
home of artist and designer, Duncan Grant along
surrounds) and various heights and widths.
gardens was redesigned in the 1950s, including
with artist and sister of Virginia Woolf, Vanessa
No.39, Northampton Lodge, on the corner of
the replacement of the surrounding iron railings
Bell, who lived at No.26a Canonbury Square.
21 islington squares
the historian melanie backe-hansen
At Chesterton Humberts we understand the
made available within property details. Historical
or a particular building and wondered how long it
importance of national heritage, with our own
information such as former residents, when the
has been there or what it may have been hundreds
history dating back to 1805.
house was built, how the area developed, and even
of years ago. The Chesterton Humberts historian
any significant events in the house are used to
can give an insight to these mysteries and an
Chesterton Humberts greatly value the history
give an insight into the history of the house and
overview of the life of a house and the people
of houses and the insight they give to the lives of
the people who have lived there.
who have called it home.
our ancestors and our nation’s social history. As well as being property experts we believe that it is
Along with providing an historical overview of
important to understand our history – to support
the house, the Chesterton Humberts historian
this we employ our own in-house historian to
works closely with our marketing team and
bring the history of property to life. Chesterton
journalists with a view to generating additional
Humberts is the only UK estate agent to offer this
publicity for the property. Whether the home
unique service.
of a famous resident, striking architecture or an association with an historic event, the historian
The Chesterton Humberts historian is responsible
can offer a unique perspective that may generate
for uncovering and bringing to life the stories
further media coverage.
behind each house, as well as giving insight into the history of local areas and streets.
People are increasingly interested in knowing more about the history of their house or the
On homes where the history is deemed
house they hope to live in. Most people have
particularly valuable, historical information is
walked along a street and noticed a blue plaque
melanie backe-hansen
Specialist in researching the history of houses. Chesterton Humberts is the only estate agent to employ a full time house historian. Read Melanie’s blog at or follow Melanie on twitter
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