3239 Fire Route 50 (Sandy Point Road) - Feature Sheet - 4 Season Lakeside Home

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3239 FIRE ROUTE 50 Arthur Parks, Broker Email: arthur@arthurparks.com | Office: 70 5.652.50 0 0 | Cell 416.484.8288

* A Prem ier Est ate Resid ence On Clear Lake In The Desirab le Clear/ Stoney Lake A rea * This Qualit y-Built Parad ise Was Built Wit hout Com p rom ise In The Heart Of The Kawart ha Lakes A nd Is Truly A Place Like No Ot her * This St unning Waterfront 3 Level Stone Hom e Offers Sweep ing Lake Views From A ll A ngles * Designed By Not ab le Toronto A rchitect - Clive Grand field * Interior Designing By Fam ous Toronto Designer, Kat herine New m an * The Prop ert y A lso Feat ures A 30 0 ' Lake Front Wit h A Private Sand y Beach A nd Shallow Water Ent ry * A Gorgeous 2 Bed room Boat house Wit h Full Kitchen A nd 3 Piece Bat hroom Plus 2 Dry Slip s Wit h Marine Railway * A Large Com p osite Dock * A n Outd oor In-Ground Pool Wit h A Large Built -In Hot Tub * A Fun Jungle Jim A rea For Kid s * A nd A Cham p ionship Tennis Court On The Back Lot * A n A m azing Locat ion * A 10 Minute Drive To Lakefield Shop p ing * A nd A 1 3/ 4 Hour Drive To Toronto*


4 Refrigerators 3 Stoves 3 Dishwashers 2 Microwaves 1 Freezer 1 Washer 1 Dryer Cold Storage Wine Frid ge Two Bat hs Have W hirlp ools Wine Cooler Cent ral Vac & Eq uip m ent A ll Elect ric Light Fixt ures A ll Wind ow Coverings Pool & A ll Pool Eq uip m ent Jungle Jim Garage Door Op eners Hot Tub & Eq uip m ent Carb on Monoxid e Detectors Satellite Dish Sm oke Detectors Prop ane Stove In Boat house


Securit y System (Monitoring Ext ra) Law n Sp rinkler System Reverse Osm osis Water Softener Tennis Court Wired Generator Water Heater (Ow ned ) Hom e & Boat house Winterized Year Round Living Trent System Marine Rail Boat Lift


Most of t he content s includ ing all t he furnit ure m ay b e p urchased by t he b uyer sep arately after t he sale



Lakesid e Pro p ert y : Lot 7, Lot 8 and Lot 9, Plan 52, Sm it h T/ W IN R638859; Sm it h-Ennism or

Heat : Hot Water Oil In Floor Rad iant Heat and Rad iators

Back Lo t : Part Of Lot 9, Plan 57 Sm it h A s In R638859 (SECONDLY) Excep t The Easem ent s Therein; Sm it h-Ennism or LOT SIZE: (Source - Geowarehouse) Lakesid e Pro p ert y : 30 0 ' x 184.2 (1.28 acres) Back Lo t : 191.0 1' x 252.60 ' (.821 acre) Irregular Size TA XES: $21,0 0 0 / year 20 19

Sup p lem ent al Heat ing : Forced A ir Oil Bo at ho use: Heat ing : Elect ric Co o ling : Cent ral A ir Cond it ioning

A rt hur Parks, Bro ker Peterb orough & The Kawart has Office // www.p t b o-kawart has-re.com 135 Queen St reet , Unit 3, P. O. Box 1293, Lakefield , Ont ario K0 L 2H0 CHESTNUT PA RK REA L ESTATE LIMITED, BROKERAGE | WWW.CHESTNUTPA RK.COM The inform at ion cont ained in t he fact sheet has b een sup p lied to Chest nut Park Real Est ate Lim ited , Brokerage by t he ow ner of t he p rop ert y. Chest nut Park has relied on t he ow ner's rep resent at ions for t he p urp oses of p rep aring t he fact sheet .

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