The Role-Play of Augmented Reality (AR) in Mobile Gaming

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games, a form of media that started only several decades ago, have exploded exponentially in a short time with their methods of interaction. What began as large cabinets with players interacting through a screen have now reached a point where one can enter and experience the game in virtual reality? Augmented reality, the integration of real-time environments with virtual, though a recent technology has taken the world by storm with endless possibilities, limited only by mobile game development technology. By tying the real world with a virtual environment, players are introduced to a new form of immersive gameplay.

CONTINUED‌ • Augmented reality may be new, but the current applications of

it have been promising. Unlike virtual reality, which needs to render a whole new world, augmented reality adds to the real physical world. It has many more uses than just for gaming, although gaming is one of the markets leading the development of it. In the early stages of development, a designer can see in real-time how a 3D object interacts with the world, without the use of creating physical models or complicated math.

CONTINUED‌ • Though often compared to each other, either due to similar names or similar

release times, there is a very distinct difference between augmented and virtual reality. Virtual reality often uses headsets that emulate a world while augmented ads to the world through the use of transparent lenses. When it comes to Mobile Game Software Development, augmented reality offers more opportunities primarily through the use of a phone's camera as a lens. Within the last couple of years, many award-winning mobile games have come out exploring the use of augmented reality.


today is different from gaming yesterday, as what was a niche market has broken into the mainstream world with stadiums filling up with viewers watching players compete. Many of the world's most significant players in technology notice this by putting money into gaming products such as subscription or cloud gaming services. AI, virtual reality, and augmented reality are critical in today's gaming push towards the future, with mobile markets being the key battleground. Once 5G is implemented, gaming will evolve into the next level as the instantaneous speed of data will have developers focus on mobile gaming even more.

CONTINUED‌ • What was once a low-tier form of

entertainment is now equal to movies, television, and music in mainstream acceptance? It's this form of entertainment too, that's leading the push for new technologies as it benefits greatly from them such as AI, virtual and augmented reality, 5G. Many say that the future of entertainment is gaming, and that's easy to prove, especially looking at the numbers of users and earnings games generate. It wouldn't be that far off to consider that's a gaming renaissance might be around the corner.

CONTINUED‌ • The mobile gaming market is one of

the largest growing markets with very fierce competition. Stepping foot into it requires highly experienced developers not just with programming but with mobile hardware also. Chetu, a global provider of customized development solutions, has developers experienced in Mobile Game Animation Solutions and Mobile VR and AR Solutions. Their developers and programmers are highly proficient in Mobile Game Design Services such as app development and coding. With over 16000 apps built and 1800 developers, Chetu is a trusted name in software development solutions.

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