1 minute read



M2 MArch 2021 - 2022


The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKUK

In Taipei city, there are over 28,000 non-licensed vendors now a days. And In the Silin District, there are over 2,300 non-licensed vendors. With this excessive amount of illegal vendors, the Taipei city government proposed the “Long-Term Improvement Plan” in 2019, to put in order the society of Taipei night market, to become more manageable. However, over the past two years, the Long-Term Improvement Plan has been abortive to the unorganized illegal vendors. Taipei City Councilor argued that the illegal vendors are unlicensed business. They occupy the pedestrian walkway; stealing water and electricity from the building nearby. Councilor believes that more unorganized night market will face imminent close down. Therefore, sorting out illegal vendors was the main issue the government has been neglecting and needed to be sorted.

Mayer Ko suggested commercializing the Shilin District by promoting Transit-Oriented Development TOD development on Shilin and Jiantan Stations (2026), aiming to apply green and sustainable design and to take the MRT network as the core in urban development

To introduce a bottom-up masterplan under the guidance of the government radical urban masterplan. To re-use the negative space between the future TODs, Shilin and Jiantan Stations, to enhance connectivity with the local market, heritage, and future art and commercial developments in Shilin District. The masterplan aim to apply sustainable development and local historical features to explore how to take the Tamsui - Xinyi railway network as the development of Taipei urban planning blueprint.

3D Modeling: Rhino & Adobe Illustrator

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