Chianing Cao design

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float The First Initially 01 : Chianing Cao give me two hours a day of activity,and i ‘ll take the other twenty-two in dream. -Salvador dali

Thank for your join ! we must to Colorful our life


Chianing cao 1993



Me di ci n a l R i b Ste w 該 如 何 打 破 外 人 對 藥 膳 的 刻 板 印 象?

我 們 創 造 新 型 態 的 食 用 方 式 ,以 優 雅

的 華 人 少 女 為 主 角 ,拍 攝 一 系 列「 女 人 的 美 味,不 讓 男人 看 見」宣 傳 照。


ma y_wa y_show_show An absurd concept

product asks users to

devote in every day life

to help solving leftover food issue and put

effort into the leftover food issue.


V EG E P LAN ET 以種 植 蔬 果 為 主 題 的 A P P 遊 戲,透 過 遊 戲中的蔬果星球與實體都市農場連

結 ,玩 家 在 遊 戲 中 種 植 的 蔬 果 可 以 實


際 在 都 市 農 場 被 栽 種。



2016 Made In Bremen 夏

The food thrown away daily because of taste and preference are so much that it can build 60 Taipei 101s. Leftover food recycle is overwhelming that burning it becomes the solution. It creates air pollution. An absurd concept product is launched through social platform, aiming to solve the problem. The humours twist in the promotional videos encourages consumers to care and put effort into the leftover food issue. The great product aim to solve leftover food issue “May Way Show Show (Tasty Editor)” will be available in 3016. It claims to change the taste, smell, and texture of food to make food tasty for each user. It is like the Photoshop for taste. This creative concept drags attention for public to care about leftover food issue and ask everyone to left one less bite to save the earth.

May Way Show Show (Tasty Editor) change the texture of food

This product kicks off from Instagram. The product visual and manuals are collaged in the Instagram account. Every post serves as introduction to leftover food issue and the concept product. There are also 10 videos within the instagram account. The first patch of videos cover the leftover food issue and product demo. The second patch reveal the truth that the product is a parody and asks users to devote in everyday life to help solving leftover food issue.

leftover food are collaged in the Instagram account.

Use stop motio to asks users to devote in everyday life to help solving leftover food issue.



Medic inal Ri b Stew

" Nutritious food" has become to a representation of Chinese unique culture. The black soup is a kind of Chinese medicine, which is cooked slowly, extracting the essence from pork bones and more than 14 kinds of nutritious herbs, roots, and dried fruits. " ShiQuan Ribs stewed in medicinal herbs" is a ubiquitous food which can be seen easily on the streets. It's not only delicious but also good for human health. What's more, it can keep the human body warm in winter especially. This delicacy might even be considered as a strange food if foreigners don't appreciate it. What can we do to break this stereotype? We created an innovative version of an eating style and made a series of photographs displaying Asian girls of elegant eating behind a folding screen, which was associating with the title " Woman's

「食 補」為 華 人 獨 有 的 特 殊 文 化,在 外 國 人 眼 裡 沈 重 又 抗 拒 的「 黑 色 補 藥 」其 實 是 匯 集 大 地 精 華 的 Pi c: " Wo m a n ' s h i d d e n d e l i c a c y" vi sua l p o s t e r. 左 圖: 「 女 人 的 美 味 ,不 讓男人 看 見」 主視覺海報。

養 生 聖 品 。其 中 ,專 補 氣 血 的「 十 全 藥 燉 排 骨 」在 台灣更是街坊夜市林立的庶民美食。 該如何打破外人對藥膳的刻板印象? 我 們 創 造 新 型 態 的 食 用 方 式 ,以 優 雅 的 華 人 少 女 為 主 角 ,拍 攝 一 系 列「 女 人 的 美 味 ,不 讓 男 人 看 見」宣傳照。

「女の美味しさは、男には見せない」 在餐

屏 風 背 後 藏 著 的 ,不 只 是 盡 情 品 嚐 十

全 排 骨 的 美 味,同 時 也 是 女 人 的 美 味( 美 麗 ), 以 及 讓 女 人 更 加 美 麗 的 秘 密 。以「 遮 蔽 」的 手 法 象 徵 著 女 人 總 是 把 最 好 的 一 切「 藏 私 」起 來 ,讓 距 離 的 神 秘 成 就

的 魅 力 。屏 風 以 特 別

的 造 型 吸 引 人 們 ,讓 其 對 背 後 所 藏 匿 的 事 物 感 到 好 奇 ,而 想 一 探 究 竟 。於 是 在 窺 探 的 同 時,也進一步瞭解了十全排骨的美味秘密。 - S ea t B e tw e e n / 對坐。

- Finis hed / 完食。

The things behind a folding screen are not only the delicacy of ShiQuan Ribs stewed in medicinal herbs but also the secret that makes a woman beautiful and fascinated. The way of hiding a woman who is eating the soup symbolizes that women always hide their best thing. What's more, the folding screen makes a mysterious distance between viewers and the woman, which also make the woman looks so charming.The hidden part of the woman triggers the curiosity of viewers, making them desire to know what the woman is hiding, what’s the serect, and how could the ShiQuan Ribs stewed in medicinal herbs be so delicious.

- T he P osse ssi on O f Delicio us / 私藏的美味。



A game APP that allows user to plant vegetables. The plants grown in Veggie Planet is synced with actual metro farm - one vegetable planted in the APP means an actual one is also planted. Metro farm is a mini-farm in the city within village. It is open for citizens to become metro farmers to grow vegetables. They can order vegetables from it through the game APP. The process of planting is open for observation at metro farm within the living village. As the process goes transparent, safety is in control. Moreover, it creates job oppurtunity for metro farmers and enhance neighborhood functionality.

NT 199 / Month H a p p y Us er


To ke n

F r e s h Veget a b le Seed

P la n t in g Ma ch in e

L i n k t o Mac h i n e E xch a n ge Go o d s wit h Ot h er Ma ch in e Mo n i t o r i n g APP

Ve g e M o n s t e r s

P l an t i n g Ma ch in e

Urban Far mer

P la n t in g Ma ch in e



APP combines Veggie Planet game with e-shopping. Not only the vegetables are actually grown, users can water and sing for the plants when waiting to the vegetables to ripe. Users participate virtually but enjoy the vegetalbles in reality.






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