ChiapasHoy Hoy D2 Chiapas 30
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
HORÓSCOPOS Tu predicción astral más eficaz Capricornio Carta: tres de copas Consejo: confía en tu novio, él habla con la verdad. Acuario Carta: tres de espadas Consejo: ya no puedes mantener por más tiempo las relaciones que no valen la pena. Piscis Carta: princesa de bastos Consejo: algunos sueños pueden ser importantes, escríbelos, no los olvides. Aries Carta: nueve de bastos Consejo: hay secretos que no se deben contar, no abras la boca aunque estés muriendo por hablar.
Chiapas Hoy
Doc. Rodolfo Calvo Fonseca PRESIDENTE Y DIRECTOR GENERAL Victor Hugo Calvo Fonseca DIRECTOR Julio César González Fonseca SUB-DIRECTOR Victoria Felisa Penagos Pérez EDITOR RESPONSABLE DE CIRCULOS Y SUPLEMENTOS Daniel Omar Domínguez Salazár REPORTEROS Edna Marión Andrade Hernández DISEÑO GRÁFICO ISC. Ray Darinel Limón Ruiz EDICIÓN INTERNET
círculos Sociales - Cultura - Deportes
Tauro Carta: siete de espadas Consejo: dile adiós a tus sufrimientos, hay nuevas oportunidades para ser feliz. Géminis Carta: dos de bastos Consejo: ábrele la puerta a nuevas oportunidades, no las desaproveches. Cáncer Carta: cuatro de espadas Consejo: espera llamadas telefónicas, te vas a llevar una sorpresa agradable. Leo Carta: la fuerza Consejo: no te dejes vencer por las situaciones que no te favorecen, recuerda que los retos te hacen crecer. Virgo Carta: cuatro de espadas Consejo: la comunicación es esencial, vas a recibir muchos mensajes.
Libra Carta: el ermitaño Consejo: date un momento para pensar y estar contigo, a veces el estar mucho con otros te absorbe y ya no piensas en ti. Escorpión Carta: el emperador Consejo: mantente firme en tus opiniones, el cambiar todo el tiempo te hace ver como alguien poco confiable. Sagitario Carta: as de copas Consejo: el premio a todas tus buenas acciones es el amor tan grande y fuerte que estás viviendo con tu pareja.
CMYK Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
Chiapas Hoy 31
Mi Boda
Julio Merino y Fabiola Cordova
ChiapasHoy Hoy D3 Chiapas 32
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
Julio Merino y Fabiola Cรณrdova Un bello enlace
Victoria Penagos/Chiapas Hoy El sรกbado pasado Julio y Fabiola unieron sus vidas en una bella ceremonia que compartieron con familiares y amigos. El festejo estuvo de lo mรกs divertido y los presentes le desearon lo mejor a la nueva pareja. Desde esta redacciรณn, nuestras mรกs grandes felicitaciones.
Chiapas Chiapas Hoy Hoy D4 33
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
Alenajdra Rojas y Mauricio Mohedano
Grissel Pintado
Alvaro Maza y Paulina Palafox
Alenajdra Rojas y Mauricio Mohedano
Lucia Penagos y compa単ia
Julio Merino y Fabiola Cordova
Chente Federico y Carolina Barroso
Chente Federico y Carolina Barroso
Se divirtieron mucho
Pusieron el ambiente
ChiapasHoy Hoy 34 D5 Chiapas 34
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
Adríana y Marichelo
Diego, Cynthia y Hugo
Victoria Penagos/Chiapas Hoy Entre amigos existe complicidad puesto que, estos guardan secretos que no confiaríamos a nadie más que no fuese de nuestra entera confianza, en algunas ocasiones suele suceder que está es traicionada y es cuando sale todo a flote; pero hay quieren aún perdiendo la amistad o distanciarse guarda estos secretos como grandes tesoros. Jessica Esquinca Cosio
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
Lalo y Paolina
Rafa y una amiga
Un sĂşper grupo de amigas
Chiapas Hoy Hoy D6 Chiapas 35
Paulina Aguilera y Alida Esquinca
Sofia Hernanz y Beba Pedrero
Yara y Gissel
ChiapasHoy Hoy D7Chiapas 36
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
THE BONE By: Victor Hugo
Translation: Victoria Penagos The war against the past is dominating the present in the local policy. Rumors it has of which are more than 20 ex- civil employees the rooted ones and that the own Griselda Bonifaz is with Reybel Santos and the King of the Acquisitions of the Pabliato between the rooted ones, that for that reason in the next days will be gusts of wind… With which the bad smell, although does not roar strong! Ø While the Mexican governments relax the measures and try to impel “normality” (because or they do not hold the political pressure to measures and political manipulations of influenza), the WHO says that the virus will sprout again, “can be mutar and or of entrance in South America he has appeared strong much more; it shows resistance the medicine”. Ø Manlio senator Fabio Beltrones clarified that like party, the PRI is not arranged to approve more imposing, and that is only happened to him that sees the storm and still it is put to sail. The taxes to medicines and foods are“nonsense”, it said, and with the PRI those of the BREAD do not go to count. Ø It showed that if the BREAD wants more imposing, than it goes out and president Calderón announces along with and as far as the saying by the ex- emanated presidents of the PRI, affirmed that is of its own responsibility and would have to keep si-
Sangeado of the delegation 1-center of the Secretariat of the Field doing to him second certain Jose Constantino coludidos with FOFAG, receive 20% to send to payment the projects authorized of the farmers. Ø They assure that a certain Samuel has received payments of 30 and 50 thousand pesos, until new car has. In the total corruption they release resources without nobody stops to these gang members sinvergüenzas.
Huesograma By San Chón In coffee wheel we got to consider that the French president and his little lady came with expenses paid by the family of the kidnapped countrywoman to lence if they want to propose, mán by the great door was try to take it to it. and to hope to that they pass escaped from the penitenthe elections because in that route everything is used for the confusion. Ø As far as the case Miguel of Madrid and all the dirt that to him the sonorense throws to chupacabras (Saline) he said that the logical thing is to speak on which declarations nondenied can be, “but not on denied declarations”. Ø Beltrones defended the right of the ex- presidents to express itself, but it affirmed that it must be the prudence which must animate them… The certain thing is that in sexenio of Fox Chapo Guz-
tiary of Great Bridge and in the present government they removed to his son the free Chapito from all the positions related to the transfer from drug, federal money laundering and other crimes that were imputed to him. Ø The certain thing is that they hate much to Carlos Salinas and the social programs changing to him to them of name piratearon and that the contracts of PEMEX for legal nor decent the Mouriño family are not nothing. Ø The version ran that is a certain Manuel Azmitia
But for today not it could What will say the presidents? It can become but I doubt And better to remain dumb That to say to them delinquent.
ChiapasHoy Hoy D8 Chiapas 37
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
Interesting people. NEW THINGS
The Lion and the Legacy Victoria Penagos/Chiapas Hoy Senator Edward Kennedy’s diagnosis of brain cancer, in May 2008, touched off an extraordinary medical battle—and a veiled rivalry over who might succeed him as symbolic head of America’s fabled dynasty. Would it be R.F.K.’s oldest son, Joe? J.F.K.’s daughter, Caroline? Or the senator’s second wife, Victoria? An excerpt from the new book Ted Kennedy: The Dream That Never Died reveals the family’s shifting dynamics, the confrontation that led Caroline to drop her political bid, and the triumphant, grueling winter of the last Kennedy brother. It started as a fairly typical day for Ted Kennedy. Early in the morning on Saturday, May 17, 2008, his Portuguese water dogs, Sunny and Splash, bounced into his bedroom and woke him up. Groggy but obliging, Kennedy swung his legs over the side of the bed and, struggling against age and gravity, lifted himself to an erect position—or as nearly erect as his old bones would allow. He threw on some warm clothing, and then headed out the door into the chill, salty air for a stroll on the beach with the dogs. In front of the Kennedy compound, he lobbed a tennis ball into the water, and Sunny dived in after it. Suddenly he felt his jaw tighten, then noticed his left arm become numb. Dear God, don’t let me go like Dad, he later recalled thinking. He had a horror of having to spend his last years in the same condition as his paralyzed father, Joseph P. Kennedy, fully conscious but imprisoned in a useless body. According to one family friend, he fell to the sand and realized
he could not move. The dogs reacted with frenzied yelps and barks, and several workmen, hearing the commotion, came running to the senator’s aid. They carried him back to the house and summoned Victoria Reggie Kennedy. When Vicki saw her husband’s condition, she let out a scream. Then she phoned 911. Vicki Kennedy knew in a split second that whatever was happening was grave,” reported Lois Romano of The Washington Post. “As the wife of one of the most iconic and admired politicians in modern history, she also knew it would play out in public. Knowing the media would be tipped off in minutes because of [her] 911 call, Vicki Kennedy worked her cell phone at her husband’s side. Before the ambulance pulled up, she had arranged for the Senator to be transported from the Cape to Massachusetts General Hospital, called his Senate staff to put in place a crisis management team, summoned family members and notified his closest friends.” In the emergency room at Cape Cod Hospital, the doctors
examined Kennedy for almost two hours and concluded that he had suffered two seizures, little electrical storms in the brain, rather than a stroke, which kills brain tissue and can lead to permanent paralysis. He was put back into the ambulance for the three-minute trip to Barnstable Municipal Airport. There a twinengine medevac helicopter was standing by, ready to airlift him to Boston. In less than half an hour, the chopper touched down on the roof of Massachusetts General, where Dr. Larry Ronan, the senator’s longtime primarycare physician, was an internist. By late afternoon Kennedy’s condition had stabilized, and immediate family members began to arrive at the hospital. The senator’s daughter, Kara, who had been battling lung cancer since 2003, flew up from Maryland. His son Teddy junior, who had lost a leg to cancer as a child, came from Connecticut. His younger son, Patrick, who suffered from a plethora of health problems, ranging from asthma to a noncancerous tumor that had been
removed from his spine, flew in from Washington, D.C., where he served as a congressman from Rhode Island. Soon a dozen or so members of the extended Kennedy family circle—the senator’s friends, aides, political associates, and hangers-on—were all crammed into the hospital room, and the atmosphere in his V.I.P. suite began to resemble that of an Irish wake or, perhaps more accurately, one of those medieval paintings that depict the death of a great prince. Should it come now, the senator’s death would not be sudden and violent, like those of his three brothers—Joe junior in a plane accident during World War II, Jack and Bobby at the hands of assassins. Rather, it would be like those “good deaths” during the Middle Ages, which were performed, in the words of the French historian Georges Duby, “as on a stage before many spectators, many auditors attentive to every gesture, to every word, eager for the dying man to show what he is worth.” TO BE CONTINUED…
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
Chiapas Chiapas Hoy D9 39
Darán adelanto de ‘Luna Nueva’ Las primeras imágenes de la secuela de ‘Crepúsculo’ se mostrarán en la ceremonia de los MTV Movies Awards
CORTESIA.- La primeras imágenes Luna Nueva, secuela de Crepúsculo, se exhibirán durante la ceremonia de la entrega de los MTV Movie Awards. Los protagonistas de esta saga, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart y Taylor Lautner, serán los encargados de presentar los avances del filme basado en la novela de Stephenie Meyer. Los MTV Movie Awards tendrán lugar en el teatro Gibson, de Universal City (Los Angeles) el 31 de mayo. El evento será presentado por el comediante Andy Samberg. La celebración contará con la presencia de varios artistas, entre los que destacan como Sandra Bullock, Dwayne Johnson, Sienna Miller, Channing Tatum, Bradley Cooper, Cameron Diaz, Ryan Reynolds, Will Ferrell, Vanessa Hudgens, Jonahes Hill y Lilserie Wayne. ‘El proyecto del Alzheimer’ una con todo un equipo de apoyo para su conocimiento
Para practicar sus rutinas de baile, la cantante exige un tubo al estilo table dance en la habitación donde se hospedará durante sus presentaciones en Londres
D10 ChiapasHoy Hoy 40Chiapas
Anuncia Disney proyectos salvajes
Disneynature comienza la producción de dos nuevos largometrajes ‘Chimpanzee’ y ‘African Cats: Kingdom of Courage’
Jueves 21 de Mayo de 2009
ORTESIA.- Jean-Francois Camilleri, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director General de Disneynature anunció que compañía ya inició la producción de dos nuevos largometrajes sobre la naturaleza Chimpanzee y African Cats: Kingdom of Courage. Estas proyectos extienden la relación de la iniciativa con los aclamados cineastas Alastair Fothergill y Mark Linfield, quienes dirigieron la película que batió los récords del cine documental, La Tierra. African Cats: Kingdom of Courage retrata la vida de
dos muy diferentes familias de felinos de África y nos muestra cómo estos magníficos animales se valen de la fuerza y la astucia para sobrevivir, mientras enseñan a sus crías los secretos de la vida en la selva. Mientras que Chimpanzee propone una mirada íntima a la vida de un grupo de chimpancés que habita en las selvas de Costa de Marfil y Uganda. Bajo esta iniciativa, Disney reúne a los documentalistas más consagrados del mundo para compartir con el público variados temas e historias sobre la naturaleza y el medio ambiente. La Tierra, el primer largometraje de Disneynature estrenado en los Estados Unidos en el Día de la Tierra de 2009, batió el récord de taquilla en su semana de estreno para una película documental sobre la vida salvaje.