1 minute read

Get mechanical

Changing the mechanics of a movement can give progressive overload without needing to add more weight.

For example, changing a reverse lunge to a forward lunge means you have to start to deal with deceleration, force absorption and then a change of direction, whereas force production is the only thing to worry about with the same weight in a reverse lunge.

Expose yourself

You won’t get stronger without some exposure to heavier loads, but going from nothing to bench pressing 150kg isn’t easy, and your body probably won’t let you do that anyway. Breaking the lifting down in parts, and exposing heavy loads at different points, allows for your body to feel more secure at those different points.

For example, by putting 120% of your one-rep max on a bar, then simply unracking and holding it for ten seconds (without lowering) gets your body and nervous system used to the heavier load. (Always use a spotter when attempting to lift heavier weights.)

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