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The Secret History of Chicago Music Blues singer
continued from 31
LArry June Kapo Bravado, Milo 187, and 3am open. 8 PM, Subterranean, 2011 W. North, $25. 17+
Rappers have been more than game to roll with pop culture’s endless churn, and Larry June is especially skilled at releasing new material fast enough for perpetually refreshed feeds. In the past 12 months, the Bay Area MC has dropped six full-lengths on his Freeminded label: February’s Early Bird, April’s The Port of San Francisco, June’s Mr. Midnight, September’s Out the Trunk, and November’s Product of the Dope Game. Oh, and don’t forget May’s Trap Larry, a collaborative mixtape EP with trap super-producer Lex Luger. In fact it won’t surprise me if he puts out more music between the publication of this piece and his Subterranean show. June has the kind of easygoing temperament that makes his loose lines sound equally comfortable atop Luger’s claustrophobic trap and the refined modern-funk melodies of his studio albums. June’s verses are so steeped in the specifics of his life—his regular Trader Joe’s visits, his trip to Tokyo—that his songs can feel diaristic. Maybe that’s why he makes so much music—just to help himself process the world. —LEOR GALIL v