2 minute read
Street View A Lula Cafe hostess chooses bright hues to cope with the pandemic blues.
CITY LIFE Important Reader News
Due to business closings and for safety purposes, the Chicago Reader is going biweekly with a print run to 600+ locations, including our box route. On the o weeks (April 9, 23, May 7) the Reader is just being distributed as a free PDF, with a small press run to ful ll subscriber and library mailings.
We are also making a limited number of copies available for special short-term subscriptions, 12 weeks for $50, and every week’s issue will be mailed to your home.
Just a few hundred copies will be sold of these very limited souvenir editions of the Reader: secure.actblue.com/donate/chicago-reader-print-12
street view True colors
A Lula Cafe hostess chooses bright hues to cope with the pandemic blues.
“I always, always, always wear a mask! I have three of the same pattern,” says Zoe Hendrix Johnson.
She paired her leopard-print face mask with a chartreuse duster coat, sneakers, a flowy skirt, and a cropped polka-dot shirt: “I think that was truly the first day [during the pandemic] that I set my intention on building an outfit,” she explained via e-mail. “And strangely enough, as I was leaving my house, I checked my mail and my masks had been delivered! So I quickly put one on and then suddenly realized that it was incredibly cohesive with my outfit. It was cosmic! I really do love natural hues like brown and green, and those usually end up coordinating quite well with my mask.”
Made by Los Angeles Apparel, her “functional yet interesting” leopard-print mask helped create a striking mix. Inspired by her mom, who has “a funky sense of style,” the 22-year-old has become more adventurous over the years: “I used to have this fear of standing out and constantly thinking about the visual perception of myself through the eyes of strangers. But now I embrace it.” She describes her aesthetic as “color-centric” and sees fashion as “the narrative of where you have been, where you want to go, of who you want to be.”
Currently taking a compulsory break from her job as a hostess at Lula Cafe, Johnson encourages people to just “go for it” during this pandemic. “Wear whatever you feel suits you and go for vibrant colors. Oftentimes life feels a bit dull (especially now), but work against it by wearing colors that truly communicate to the outside world how you feel on the inside. A touch of vibrancy won’t hurt anyone.” v
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by Wednesday each week.