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The winner of the Reader's Pooch Party costume contest was dressed as the Brown Line. LENI
Public Service ANnouncement Get out of the house and go to these haunts
Things to do this Halloween
ALL HALLOW’S EVE is coming up, and it’s a fun time filled with much more than candy-corn martinis and masked children leaning on the doorbell. If you’re looking for trick-ortreating times for the kids, traditional haunted houses, or bars with drink specials that will let you show o your sexy ex-cabinet-member costume, please check out our Agenda listings online at chicagoreader.com/chicago/ Agenda. For now, read on for some events that capture the spirit of Samhain season but may have escaped your notice.
Fri 10/18
Holy Ghost Bingo, an interactive theater experience from the creator of Late Nite Catechism off ering “God, goblins, and games.” Fri-Sat 8 PM, Sun 2 PM, through 11/17 at Royal George Theatre, 1641 N. Halsted, 312988-9000, theroyalgeorgetheatre.com.
Sat 10/19
Arts in the Dark’s family-friendly Halloween parade with participants from 80 Chicago theater organizations starts on State and Lake at dusk and travels south to Van Buren. Sat 10/19, 6-8 PM, artsinthedark.org, free. Waxing Gibbous Readings: Emily Hall from Waxing Gibbous Tarot off ers both ancestral medium work and tarot readings from noon-6 PM. Space Oddities bookstore and gallery, 1007 N. California, space-oddities-chicago.webfl ow.io; readings are $20-$25.
Tue 10/22
Haunted History Tours with Mysterious Chicago Tours’ Adam Selzer explores Lincoln Park Zoo (Did you know there used to be a cemetery there?). Tue-Wed through 10/30, 7 and 9 PM, Lincoln Park Zoo, 2001 N. Clark, 312-742-2000, 16+. Note: remaining tours are sold out, but there is a waiting list at lpzoo.org/haunted-history.
Thu 10/24
The Mummies & Martinis event at the Oriental Institute Museum promises small-group tours of the galleries led by University of Chicago Egyptologist Foy Scalf, including the coffi n and mummy of the Egyptian singer-priestess Meresamun, libations, and a DJ. 6:30-9 PM, 1155 E. 58th, oi.uchicago.edu/events, 21+.

Fri 10/25
Halloween Mind Shivers, an interactive show of psychic entertainment, with mind reader Sidney Friedman. Fri-Sat, Oct 25-26, 8 PM, Sun 10/27 and Thu 10/31, 7:30 PM, Davenport’s, 1383 N. Milwaukee, davenportspianobar.com, 21+.
The Campfi re Horrors fi lm series at Northerly Island presents an outdoor screening of Interview With the Vampire (1994) at 7 PM. There will be a campfi re and free popcorn. Bring your layers and lawn chairs. 1521 S. Linn White, free, all-ages
Hyde Park Community Players perform two evenings of suspenseful horror (in live oldtime radio-style presentations with music by the Hyde Sisters). Fri 10/25-Sat 10/26, 7 PM, University Church, 5655 S. University, hydeparkcommunityplayers.org, $10-$22.
Sat 10/26
The historic (and therefore, probably haunted) Glessner House hosts its 33rd annual Edgar Allen Poe readings and performance night with actors from Lifeline Theatre. Sat 10/26, 5 and 8 PM, “not recommended for children,” 1800 S. Prairie, glessnerhouse.org/programs/poe-readings, $25.
Sun 10/27
Mr. Singer & the Sharp Cookies play a kid-friendly all-ages Halloween show at the Beat Kitchen. Sun 10/27, noon, 2100 W. Belmont, beatkitchen.com. $6, $7 at the door.
Get Spooky, an all-ages event at the Beverly Arts Center, features an “instrument petting zoo” (kids can try out the center’s library of musical instruments), cra s, and dancing. Two sessions from 2-4 PM at 2407 W. 111th, 773-445-3838, free but reservations required at beverlyartcenter.org/17/?noisa_events=5364.
Mon 10/28
Horror of the Humanities VII: Hereditary. This year’s version of the annual event coordinated by the DePaul Humanities Center features a “humanities seance” performance and a screening of the 2018 fi lm Hereditary followed by a Q&A with Ari Aster, the fi lm’s writer and director. Mon 10/28, 5 PM (fi lm begins at 5:45 PM), DePaul University Student Center, 2250 N. Sheffi eld, events.depaul.edu, free.
Wed 10/30
Derry Queen’s Big Slutty Halloween: a Halloween-themed night from the host of the monthly Big Queer Variety Show, featuring drag, comedy, and fashion with Derry Queen, Alex Grelle, Miss Toto, Lily Schulder, Connor Konz, Naomi Spungen, and more. Wed 10/30, 9 PM, Hideout, 1354 W. Wabansia, hideoutchicago.com, 21+.
What’s French for “Holy crap, run?!!” La Nuit a Dévoré le Monde (The Night Eats the World), the 2018 minimalist French zombie fi lm directed by Dominic Rocher, screens (in French, with English subtitles). Wed 10/30, 8 PM, Alliance Francaise, 810 N. Dearborn, af-chicago. org/event/VJziCuWG, $5-$10.
Babes With Blades hosts Halloween HamBingo to benefi t the theater company with a special costume contest. Wed 10/30, 7 PM, Hamburger Mary’s, 5400 N. Clark.
Thu 10/31
Chicago House hosts ¡Fiesta! Day of the Dead, a celebration of those who have died due to HIV-related illnesses, with Dia de Los Muertos-themed food and drink and music by local Latinx musicians. 6 PM at the National Museum of Mexican Art, 1852 W. 19th, facebook.com/ events/377334526483396, free.
The Nightmare Before Christmas screening, accompanied by the Chicago Philharmonic, with a costume contest and activities in the Auditorium Theatre’s (some have said haunted) lobby. Thu 10/31-Fri 11/1, 7:30 PM, Auditorium Theatre, 50 E. Ida B. Wells, auditoriumtheatre.org, $30-$95, all-ages.
Harry Potter: UMbridged—A Pop-Up Bar & Show features Harry Potter fan fi ction retold in sketch comedy form, a straightfrom-the-books “Sorting Station” for fi guring out which Harry Potter house you belong in, thematic drinks, and more. Thu 10/31, 7 PM, iO Theater, 1501 N. Kingsbury, ioimprov.com/e/harry-potter-umbridged-halloween-edition-74729954305, all-ages. v