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Listings A celebration of queer paintings, a show about your terrible early art, a high-glam vogue-style ball in the park, and more arts and culture happenings
The Queering the Parks Teen Committee hosts the MasQUEERade Ball
Curated Presents: Pork Show
This month the variety show that puts each edition into the hands of a diff erent performer will be taken over by stand-up Eunji Kim. There will be comedians, storytellers, musicians, discussions of food, and an actual feast with a roasted pig. Sat 11/16, 7 PM, Cards Against Humanity, 1551 W. Homer, faebook.com/curatedpresents, $20, $15 in advance.
Freshman: A Show About Your Terrible Early Art
Performers share their early writing, songs, paintings, short stories, videos, and more art originally created in earnest at this cringeworthy night of nostalgia and comedy. Thu 11/14, 7 PM, Transistor, 5224 N. Clark, facebook. com/freshmanchicago. F Just Us Gals
Clare Austen-Smith and Naomi Spungen host some of the city’s best comedians every month. This time around features Sunny Grissom, Megan Brennan, Jessica Hong, and Maddie Weiner. Thu 11/14, 7:30 PM, Sleeping Village, 3734 W. Belmont, facebook.com/GalsUsJust. F Las Locas Comedy Presents: ¡The Escorpio Season Show!
Janice V. Rodriguez hosts a night of Latinx stand-ups— and a few lovingly-called “honorary locas.” This month includes Delmy Cabrera, Suzanne Ballout, Yaz Bat, Elise Fernandez, and Laura Hugg. Sat 11/16, 8 PM, District Bar and Grill, 1540 N. Milwaukee, laslocascomedy.com, $15, $5-$10 in advance.
Asian Improv Arts Midwest & Links Hall: Bridge Dance Festival
include Alexander Hayashi w/Takashi Shallow, Ayako Kato, Ayaka Nakama, and Mitsu Salmon w/ Ryotaro. Thu 11/14-Sat 11/16: 7 PM, Links Hall at Constellation, 3111 N. Western, linkshall.org, $15.
The Chicago Neighborhood Guidebook book release party
A release party for the book with readings by contributors Miranda Goosby, Alex V. Hernandez, Gloria Valle, and Zipporah Auta, as well as discussion with editor Martha Bayne. Thu 11/14, 7-9 PM, Back of the Yards Coffeehouse, 2059 W. 47th, backo heyardscoff ee.com. F Lewis Raven Wallace
The journalist discusses the history of “objectivity” in journalism, its power to silence marginalized writers, and his new book, The View From Somewhere: Undoing the Myth of Journalistic Objectivity, with Reader publisher Tracy Baim. Thu 11/14, 7 PM, Women & Children First, 5233 N. Clark, womenandchildrenfi rst.com, registration required . F
Chicago Reader Best of Chicago Party
Winners and nominees from the Food & Drink ballot dish out their prize-winning tastes, among them Chicago Diner, Bang Bang Pie & Biscuits, Mia Francesca, Dinner at the Grotto, Publican Quality Bread, the Best Shallot food truck, and Dark Matter Coff ee. Best Drag Performer winner Lucy Stoole and Best Stand-Up Comic winner Shannon Noll cohost a Best of Chicago Variety Show, and Best DJ winner Rae Chardonnay spins throughout the evening. Tue 11/19, 7-10 PM, Thalia Hall, 1807 S. Allport, chicagoreader.com/party, $15, $45 VIP.
MasQUEERade Ball