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Public Service Announcement Volunteer
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Help, they need somebody
Volunteer opportunities this month and beyond
We can get caught up in the push to get everything possible signed, sealed, delivered, and done by the end of the year and forget to take care of the most important stu : our inner sense of well-being and peace and our communities. Volunteering and helping others is a way to address some of your spiritual and social needs that you may have been neglecting in the rush this year, and there are a bunch of groups and organizations in Chicagoland that could use your help to get their important work done. If you would like to fi nd more organizations, there’s a good resource in Volunteer Match (volunteermatch. org) where you can find specific needs by event, topic, and more. And many nonprofi ts looking for volunteer power are listed in the Reader’s Nonprofi t Guide, viewable at chicagoreader.com/nonprofi t.
And if you are short on time but can give money, do it! Many of the groups listed need extra cash for their 2023 programming, and some even offer merch if you’re shopping for gifts for friends this holiday season. Show your Chicago pride by supporting your community.
My Block My Hood My City
The group needs volunteers on Sat 12/10 to help hang lights and decorate homes along S. Martin Luther King Dr., as well as volunteer snow shovelers to help seniors and residents with disabilities clear their sidewalks after winter storms. Ongoing volunteer help is welcome throughout the year serving seniors, responding to community needs, and more. Go to formyblock.org for more information.
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Lurie Children’s Hospital welcomes donations of new and unopened age-appropriate toys for the children that receive their services, which includes infants through young adults. The hospital cannot accept cloth donations (think clothing, plush toys, or blankets), but they’ve curated wish lists at Amazon to give you an idea of what the young patients and families are most in need of. You can email donations@ luriechildrens.org for more information or check out the hospital’s website at luriechildrens.org. Lurie also has an active volunteer corps that helps year-round with caring for families, entertaining patients, and planning hospital special events. One volunteer job is dedicated to distributing tech games like Nintendo Switch, providing tech support, and playing games with the patients. If you’re over 18 years old and can make a six-month commitment for weekly two-hour shifts plus pass a background check, contact Lurie for details.
Rincon Family Services
This mental health services provider and community resource is looking for volunteers to help assemble desks and chairs at their new Avondale location that serves as a community space for those experiencing emotional crises. Those 18 and over can sign up for multiple four- to eight-hour shifts through the rest of December. Other volunteer needs occur throughout the year; email rtinoco@rinconfamilyservices.org to inquire.
Creative Chicago Reuse Exchange
This resource, which provides reused materials to teachers, needs help sorting and arranging items in their warehouse space on 82nd Pl. Check out creativechirx.org/volunteer for details or email info@creativechirx.org.
Open Heart Magic
Volunteers are trained as “Certifi ed Hospital Magicians” and scheduled on Saturdays to visit children in area hospitals and entertain them bedside. Go to openheartmagic.org/ get-involved/ for more information. The magicians visit various area hospitals, including La Rabida Children’s Hospital (6501 S. Promontory) and Rush University Children’s Hospital (1653 W. Ida B. Wells). v @hollo