Annual Report 2012

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T H E C H I C A G O B OTA N I C G A R D E N A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 2

Keep Growing


President and CEO Sophia Siskel, and Chairman of the Board Robert Finke.


The mission of the Chicago Botanic Garden is to promote the enjoyment, understanding, and conservation of plants and the natural world.


Robert Finke | Chairman of the Board

It is my great privilege to work with the dedicated boards, staff, volunteers, members, and friends of the Chicago Botanic Garden whose enduring efforts and support, as well as that of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, have made the Garden what it is today: one of the very few botanic gardens in the world recognized not only for captivating display gardens, but also for far-reaching scientific research, broad educational opportunities, and innovative urban agriculture jobs-training programs that benefit people in all areas of Cook County. Last year, the Garden completed the third year of its ten-year strategic plan, “Keep Growing.” In those three years, the Garden has made great strides to meet the plan’s goals. More than $34 million has been raised to support the capital projects and endowment needs set forth in the plan, which is available on the Garden’s website. Indeed, 2012 was the most successful year in the Garden’s history—with $26 million raised to support the Garden’s operations and programs. The Annual Fund, which is critical to the daily operating needs of the Garden, reached an all-time high of $3.1 million thanks to contributions from the Board of Directors, the Woman’s Board, the Guild, and many generous members and friends of the Garden. The Annual Fund and continuing support from the Forest Preserve District are the lifeblood that enables the Garden to open every day. In addition, corporate and individual sponsorships of $630,000, Garden gala net proceeds of $640,000, and $7.7 million in gifts and government grants for specific programs also helped the Garden to serve its varied constituencies in 2012. But the Garden cannot rest on past success. First among the Garden’s needs are new greenhouses and nurseries. The existing facilities grow much of what is on display in the Garden and play a critical role in plant science research; older than the Garden, they lack the modern technology needed to meet increasing demands and ensure a vibrant Garden in the future. The Garden must raise $37 million to install new greenhouses and nurseries, and to complete an adjacent extraordinary new display garden designed by Peter Wirtz, who is known the world over for his uniquely beautiful and functional landscape architecture. This Wirtz garden, along with the new greenhouses and nurseries, will transform the southern part of the Garden into a destination point for visitors and scientists alike. To address the growing need for environmental education, the Garden is developing a comprehensive Learning Campus. Its next phase is a new Education Center emphasizing children’s learning experiences and including another new display garden, this one designed by Mikyoung Kim, also recognized throughout the world for her creative and innovative landscape design. The Learning Campus, located at the north end of the Garden and also comprising the Kleinman Family Cove and the Grunsfeld Children’s Growing Garden, will become a focal point for visitors of all ages. To complete the Learning Campus, $18 million is needed. Together, these projects will complete the Garden’s master site plan and provide visitors with exceptional opportunities to enjoy new display gardens, discover how the Garden grows what


you see, and learn about plants, the natural world, and how the Garden works to enhance and conserve them. Together, the Greenhouses and Nursery and Learning Campus projects will affirm the Garden’s role as a world leader in horticulture, visitor engagement, environmental education, and conservation research. More immediately, the Garden Café will undergo renovation and expansion beginning in November 2013 to enhance visitor convenience and service, with completion by spring 2014. A bike path that will connect the Garden entrance to the Braeside Metra station and the Green Bay Trail also will be completed in 2014. Finally, several long-overdue infrastructure projects will be completed in 2013. A word about the Garden’s endowment: a healthy endowment is necessary to ensure that future generations will be able to treasure the Garden as we do. The Garden’s endowment currently stands at approximately $70 million; that may seem quite healthy, and the Garden is grateful to all who have contributed to the endowment, but the need to grow the endowment is ever present. The Garden’s goal is to bring the endowment to $120 million by 2020, including return on investments. To help the Garden meet that goal and to encourage others to follow its lead, the Negaunee Foundation has very generously committed $3 million to endow the position of Vice President of Science. We are grateful to the Negaunee Foundation for this leadership gift, which recognizes the importance of science and research to the Garden and the role that gifts to the endowment play in sustaining institutions like ours. Congratulations to Greg Mueller, Ph.D., on his new title. The Chicago Botanic Garden owes its very life to its many friends—government entities, corporations, foundations, and individuals—and on behalf of the Garden and the Chicago Horticultural Society, I thank each of them. The Garden’s future is bright, but there are many challenges we must meet to secure that future. I am confident that the Garden will enjoy the support of existing and new friends and benefactors. Together we are able to serve the nearly one million people who visit the Garden each year or avail themselves of the Garden’s many programs, and to fund the scientific research and education essential to our earth’s future.

With gratitude and warm regards,

Robert Finke Chairman of the Board


Sophia Siskel | President & CEO

The famous proverb “A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in” captures perfectly the essence of the work we do at the Chicago Botanic Garden. My experience of nearly six years in this job has also caused me to consider how gardening—in our back yards, along our windowsills, or on the grand scale of the public Garden—can provide a guide for how we might approach other parts of our lives. For what does gardening require? Above all, patience, like the proverb suggests. And in addition to patience, a thriving garden requires a commitment to beautiful design, science, learning from each other, hard work, respect, and faith. It is these six components bundled together that form my gardening ethic, one I see manifested daily at the Chicago Botanic Garden and one that, if applied broadly, could bring about positive cultural change. Here, the results are a strong financial bottom line and a healthy, vibrant living museum.

What do I mean? First, let’s focus on the benefits of creating beauty. The word beauty has taken on negative—superficial—qualities in past decades. But if we reflect on the skill, effort, and time it takes to design and craft something of enduring beauty, we can again realize its importance. A key tenet in the Chicago Botanic Garden’s belief system is that beautiful gardens are fundamentally important to the mental and physical well being of all people. At the Garden, amid spectacularly beautiful surroundings, the healing power of nature is evident every day, calming the spirit and nurturing the body and mind for nearly one million visitors each year. And by providing beautiful surroundings to people who need them now more than ever, the Garden can thrive economically, and provide jobs. In 2012, attendance was the highest in the Garden’s history for the fourth year in a row. This success allows us to employ 240 full-time people, plus more than 300 seasonal workers, and provide meaningful opportunities for 1,300 critically important volunteers. When we integrate the beauty of nature and gardens into our lives, it is scientifically proven that we are healthier—mentally and physically. More of our Garden programs now center on health and wellness, and concentrate on the healing power of horticultural therapy. In 2012, the Garden graduated seven students from the Horticultural Therapy certificate program and enrolled 12 more for 2013; we hosted military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, expanded our relationships with local and state veteran organizations, and advised on creating healing gardens at medical facilities.


Second, let’s look at the importance of science. In our earliest elementary school science classes, we begin to learn about plant science. We learn about the Earth’s most basic functions—photosynthesis and the carbon and water cycles. Somehow, though, by the time we are adults, many of us have forgotten that humans are dependent on plants and healthy ecosystems for food, clean air and water, medicine, clothing, and shelter. We forget that the future of life on Earth depends on how we understand, value, and protect plants and the habitats on which they depend. Here at the Garden, science informs much of what we do. The Garden’s conservation science efforts span the globe while remaining centered around the United States and the Midwest in particular. In 2012, Garden scientists worked within and outside the nine laboratories of the Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Plant Conservation Science Center. They mentored students within the Garden’s Science Career Continuum for underserved children throughout the Chicago area. They taught classes at Northwestern University as part of our joint graduate program in plant biology and conservation. Since 2001, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management, the Garden has placed 700 conservation science interns at sites throughout 13 western states. Additionally, our Plants of Concern program engages citizen scientists as part of a diverse constituency that monitors 237 rare plant species at 308 sites. The Garden’s science programs have a positive impact not only on plants, but also on the Garden’s bottom line. Increased scientific productivity resulted in more than $4 million in grants received in 2012, and had an impact in building stronger economies, environments, and human capacity.

Third, let’s consider the ways gardening reinforces how we must always be learning from each other. A garden, and then, after the harvest, a kitchen, provide the perfect places to learn from each other and work together. People from different generations, cultures, religions, and abilities have different ways of actively and productively participating in the gardening process, from seed to soup. There are many examples, but one in particular resonates with me: last September, on the West Side of Chicago, a former jail inmate and I shared a crunchy beet—one he had grown through our Windy City Harvest urban farming and jobs-training program. Our brief but personal encounter reinforced my conviction that gardening forges basic human connections. At the Chicago Botanic Garden, we understand that fascination with a single brightly colored blossom—or beet—has the potential to bloom into a career in plant science, a lifelong commitment to conservation, or a devotion to gardening and growing our own food. We know that people live better, healthier, and more satisfying lives when they can create, care for, and enjoy gardens. So, here at the Garden, we offer more than 500 formal and informal education programs. From family drop-in activities to Camp CBG, and from the Science Career Continuum to graduate education, for students in any phase of life, the Garden offers programs that heal, entertain, and train. And again, investing in the long term—which is what education is—can be good business. In 2012, Garden revenue exceeded projections by 13 percent for adult education classes, and Camp CBG increased revenue over 2011.


Sophia Siskel | President & CEO

Fourth, let’s acknowledge that a thriving garden—anything productive in fact—takes hard work. The Chicago Botanic Garden uses our knowledge and plants, and the intense impact they have on people’s lives, as a catalyst for change. Windy City Harvest, headquartered at one of the City Colleges of Chicago, is part of a pipeline of opportunity within the criminal justice system offered to a selection of offenders and ex-offenders who work toward transitional jobs and eventual college certification in urban agriculture. Through Windy City Harvest, the Garden operates one of the top three urban agriculture production programs in Chicago, and the only one that awards an accredited certificate. So far, 89 percent of students in the urban agriculture certificate program have found employment. Additionally, our Green Youth Farm program offers mentoring for at-risk teens. In 2012, on a total of five acres throughout the Chicago area, the Garden’s community gardening program generated nearly 80,000 pounds of produce. Again, this work makes good economic sense: produce sales were up 30 percent from 2011. Portions of the harvest help to feed underserved communities within and outside of Chicago. Last year, 1,500 bags of fresh produce were distributed to Women, Infant, and Children distribution centers. Since 2003, participants have grown and harvested more than 200,000 pounds of produce, serving more than 1,000 Green Youth Farm and Windy City Harvest students and adults, and generating more than $300,000 in sales.

My fifth point about what gardening can teach us is about respecting the finite resources of our earth. As the planet’s population continues to grow to 10 billion people by 2050, we will need to determine the best way to interact with nature, to protect the principal it provides and live off the interest. We need to understand our inputs and do all we can to make a difference, even if we think it’s not a high-impact gesture. At the Chicago Botanic Garden in 2012, we reduced pesticide use, celebrated our fifth year of not selling bottled water, and composted 39 tons of waste. Thanks to the many sunny (hot!) days we had last year, 2012 was also a great year for generating solar credits. Our Plant Science Center and the Children’s Growing Garden together provided the Garden with 58 Solar Renewable Energy Credits, which we sold for nearly $15,000.

Finally, my sixth point about gardening and life is about faith. Even with the best intentions, design, science, education, hard work, and respect, we still have to have faith that the seed we plant will grow. Here at the Garden, we see a nature-based faith practiced every day in those who visit, one that complements whatever religious backgrounds our visitors may have. Our founders intended for the Garden to be a place where all people could come and learn about and enjoy nature, and so over the years we have become a place of human as well as plant diversity.


What does all of this mean? I see the gardening ethic I have just described applied every day at the Chicago Botanic Garden, with exceptional results. In my view, these same principals collectively applied can and should be part of a global solution to the challenges of our time. And we can just as readily apply these principles to our daily lives. If we as individuals show a commitment to the long-term health and well-being of those we serve, and who serve us, and we model principles of patience, science, and hard work, we will go a long way toward ensuring our ability to provide that metaphorical shade to our grandchildren. All of us can work together to practice a gardening ethic if we are going to proceed gracefully, with beauty and respect, into the twenty-second century. On behalf of the Chicago Botanic Garden,

Sophia Siskel President & CEO


Chicago Botanic Garden Financials Executive Summary In 2012, the third year of its “Keep Growing” strategic plan, the Chicago Botanic Garden’s operations thrived both from a programmatic and a financial standpoint, and the Garden remained as beautiful as ever despite the challenges of an early spring and a harsh summer drought. With almost one million visits, attendance was the highest in the Garden’s history for the fourth consecutive year. Most of the Garden’s revenue-producing activities exceeded the 2011 results, and expenses continued to be closely monitored.

Operating Results The Garden ended 2012 with an operating surplus of $889,000, following surpluses of $566,000 and $677,000 in 2011 and 2010, respectively. Operating revenue increased by more than $1.8 million, or 6 percent, to $30.8 million in 2012. When board-designated and restricted net assets are included, total revenue was $43.9 million, an increase of $5.6 million from the 2011 total of $38.3 million. The Garden’s institutional investments (primarily its endowment) increased by more than $7 million, or approximately 14 percent, for the year. Operating expenditures in 2012 were $29.9 million, an increase of $1.5 million, or 5 percent, from 2011, due primarily to expanded science and education programs resulting from increases in grant funding. With the inclusion of depreciation, interest expense, and other designated expenditures that are not included in the operating budget, total expenses for 2012 were $39.8 million, an increase of 3 percent from the $38.8 million incurred in 2011.


Chicago Botanic Garden Financials


Change in Net Assets The Garden’s statement of financial position reflects an increase in net assets of 7 percent to $132.6 million in 2012 from $123.7 million at the end of 2011. The increase was due largely to unrealized gains in the fair values of its investments, as well as strong operating and fundraising results. 2012 operating budget revenue and other support total $29 million ALLOCATION FROM LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS 5%











The $85.1 million of unrestricted net assets represented the majority of totalSPONSORSHIPS net assets, AND OPERATIONS 2% 12% while $22.1 million were temporarily restricted, and $25.4 million were permanently restricted. This compares to DISTRICT $77.7 million of unrestricted net assets, $24.1 million of temporarily restricted FOREST PRESERVE NET ASSETS USED OF COOK COUNTY 6% net assets, and $21.931% million of permanently restricted net assets in 2011. Total assets increased from $186.7 million in 2011 to $192.9 million in 2012, an increase of $6.2 million. Total liabilities decreased by $2.7 million to $60.3 million at year-end. ADMINISTRATION 13%



2012 operating budget expenditures total $28.4 million












R 2 e o i t i a

C t

Chicago Botanic Garden Financials Summary Record attendance, along with strong operating results and the continued expansion of its programs in 2012, demonstrated yet again the effectiveness of the Chicago Botanic Garden’s mission to promote the enjoyment, understanding, and conservation of plants and the natural world. Supported by the four pillars of its strategic plan—horticulture, education, science, and visitor programs—and also with the support of its board, staff, volunteers, members, visitors, donors, and the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, the Garden will continue to honor the ideals upon which its foundation was established, evolve as a public institution and recognized leader in plant conservation education and research, and enhance its standing as one of the leading botanic gardens of the world. Complete audited financial statements for the Chicago Botanic Garden, including the auditor’s report, for the year ended December 31, 2012, are available here.

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of December 31, 2012 (in millions of dollars) ASSETS Cash $0.5 Pledges receivable 10.2 Accounts receivable 1.8 Investments 71.0 Other assets 2.3 Property and equipment 107.1



LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses $3.2 Note payable Other liabilities 7.1 Bonds payable 50.0 Total liabilities NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

Total net assets

$60.3 $85.1 22.1 25.4






CONTRIBUTORS LIFETIME BENEFACTORS We are grateful to the following donors, whose extraordinary generosity has built and transformed the Garden. Their gifts totalling $1,000,000 or more have created beautiful landscapes and have established the Garden as an international center for plant science research and education. $10,000,000 and above Forest Preserve District of Cook County The Regenstein Foundation United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management

$5,000,000 to $9,999,999 Cook County Highway Department Sue and Wes Dixon Helen V. Froehlich Foundation Illinois Department of Transportation Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation Pleasant T. Rowland State of Illinois Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society

$2,500,000 to $4,999,999 Buehler Family Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Duane E. and Barbara L. Dickey The Grainger Foundation The Guild of the Chicago Botanic Garden Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity The Kresge Foundation The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Malott Family National Science Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Searle Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Trienens United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Institute of Museum and Library Services Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Waud

$1,000,000 to $2,499,999


Anonymous (2) Abbott Fund Astellas USA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Neville F. Bryan Buchanan Family Foundation The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Ellis Goodman Family Foundation Mr. William B. Graham Grant Healthcare Foundation Ernest A. Grunsfeld III The Harris Family Foundation Caryn and King Harris Katherine Harris Toni and Ron Paul Linda and Bill Friend Stephanie and John Harris Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend Pam and Joe Szokol Estate of Ethel deLang Hein Hunter Family Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ITW Esther Grunsfeld Klatz Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kleinman Kraft Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Lavin Lavin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCormack Robert R. McCormick Foundation Alexandra and John Nichols Mrs. Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr. Northern Trust Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Museum Dr. Scholl Foundation The Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simms The Simms Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith The Harold Byron Smith Family Susan and Roger Stone Georgiana M. Taylor Helen and Richard Thomas United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

Plant conservation research and education are at the heart of the Science Initiative. The Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Plant Conservation Science Center provides Chicago Botanic Garden scientists with more tools to address the environmental challenges we face today and trains those who assume that responsibility in the future. The following individuals, corporations, foundations, and government agencies have generously supported the Science Initiative with gifts of $1,000 or more through December 31, 2012.


$5,000,000 and above Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation

$1,000,000 to $4,999,999 Abbott Fund Astellas USA Foundation Sue and Wes Dixon Ellis Goodman Family Foundation The Grainger Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah The Harris Family Foundation Caryn and King Harris Katherine Harris Toni and Ron Paul Linda and Bill Friend Stephanie and John Harris Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend Pam and Joe Szokol Hunter Family Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Susan and Roger Stone Helen and Richard Thomas Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society

$500,000 to $999,999 Baxter International Inc. Illinois Tool Works Foundation Lavin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. National Science Foundation Ernest P. Waud III Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz

$250,000 to $499,999 Anonymous (1) Willard* and Sally Aaron The Buchanan Family Foundation Robert F. Finke and Carol L. Keenan Helen V. Froehlich Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Glasser and Rosenthal Family Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Tourism McKenna Foundation

Cathy and Bill Osborn Dr. Scholl Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Howard J. and Paula M.* Trienens Cate and Rick Waddell Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

$100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous (2) Henry T. and Clarissa H. Chandler Foundation A.G. Cox Charity Trust Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes Nancy Gidwitz and Jeff Grossman Dr. Leonard G. Ginger* Goldman Sachs Gives John and Jean Greene Mrs. Max A. Hart Mr.* and Mrs. Robert D. Hevey Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Pamela and Roger Hull Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Energy and Recycling Richard* and Beverly Joutras Mary L. and Robert C. McCormack George and Julie Peinado Scott Family Foundation The Siragusa Foundation Mary Jane* and Albert H.* Slepyan Todd and Liz Warnock Barbara and Stanley Zax

$50,000 to $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens The George Bodeen Family Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe Ginny and Peter Foreman Foster Charitable Trust Lynn, Jim, Terri and Craig Foster e-One Tom and Annette Freyman Dorothy H. Gardner Jack* and Ginny Hotaling Mr. and Mrs. M. James Leider Michael W. Louis Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Kitty and Bill Moeller Dr. M. J. Pomeranz Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Ms. Scotty Searle Tawani Foundation Underwriters Laboratories Inc. Barbara Wu and Eric and Eliot Larson

$25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Francis Beidler Foundation

Mr.* and Mrs. Robert F. Carr III Jane B. and John C. Colman Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Miranda and Robert Donnelley Elizabeth and Tim Dugan Jamee and Marshall Field Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John H. Gardner Ms. Sue L. Gin Goldman, Sachs & Co. Janis Audin Guelzow* Mr.* and Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Hamill Mary P. Hines Mr. and Mrs. John L. Howard Barbara Jane Irwin and Robert Romo Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Isham, Jr. Fund of the El Adobe Corporation Joan M. Johnson and Family Lake Forest Garden Club Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger Malott Family Foundation Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick Family Foundation Edward and Lucy R. Minor Family Foundation C. Jane Mueller Rosborough Partners, Inc. Dorothy B. Rothschild Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans A Friend of the Woman’s Board Peggy and Art Wood, Wood Family Foundation

$10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (5) Judy and Arthur Abt Amsted Industries Foundation Vernon Armour Ann and Brian Balusek Bessemer Trust Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof Mary and Carl Boyer Catherine and Michael Busch Mrs. Beverly J. Bystricky Barbara* and Melfort Campbell Susan and Michael Canmann Joyce E. Chelberg Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crane Mr. and Mrs. Dewey B. Crawford Robert and Elizabeth Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Donahoe Peter and Shana Ellis Steven L. Finkelman John D. Fornengo Garden Guild of Winnetka Kathi S. Grant Mary Johnson Hill Dewitt and Parke Holland Foundation


Mrs. Nancy W. Jacobs Madeleine and Jim* McMullan Mrs. Withrow W. Meeker Mr. Ronald E. Meissen, Ph.D. Mr. Ralph Thomas O’Neil* Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Owen, Jr. Homi and Anne Patel Mrs. Edward King Poor III Harriet and Joey Resnick and Family SEAL Analytical, Inc. Sophia and Jon Siskel Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Kathleen and Brian Spear Richard and Elaine Tinberg Mr.* and Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler

$5,000 to $9,999 Steve Ball and Les Everett Alvin H. Baum Family Fund James and Roberta Boudreau Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Brigandi & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown Ceres Foundation Mary Cary and Gary Coughlan Jill and Bob Delaney, Jr. Claire and Joe Gregoire Mr. and Mrs. Burton W. Hales, Jr. Daniel B. Hales Mr. and Mrs. Mark William Haller HMX, LLC Kris S. Jarantoski Susan and Gordon Keiser Mr. and Mrs.* David O. MacKenzie Dr. Jeanne K. Mason Greg Mueller and Betty Strack The Nissly Family Mr. and Mrs. John E. Preschlack Ms. Holly B. Rothschild Carole and Gordon Segal Lee J. Strauss Fund at The Boston Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Dale and Kim Visokey Sally and John Weber

$1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous (6) Dora and John Aalbregtse Lynn Abrahamson Carnot and Luceile Allen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Armishaw Bank of America Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barra Philip and Janice Beck Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block IV George W. Blossom III* William and Nancy Brown Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler

CONTRIBUTORS CME Group Community Foundation Carney Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carton Kent and Franny* Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coleman Corlita R. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cregan Mrs. Elizabeth R. Edwards Mr. Robert J. Elliot Enivar Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fesmire Mrs. Margaret R. Frank* The Garden Club of America Bob Giblichman Dr. Kayri Havens-Young Dr. Alice B. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Haynes III Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas D. Heath Sharon S. Holihan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hough HSBC Betsy and Jack Karp Carolyn and Howard Katz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koepfgen Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Kozak Bertha Lebus Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Miller Brooks and Howard Morgan MWV Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Ann and Harry Oppenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Oppenheimer PCS Inc. John and Amy Porter Juliet K. Priebe PwC Ms. Alice B. Rapoport and Mr. Michael A. Sachs Mr. and Mrs.* S. Prentiss Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Scholl Dr. G. Stephen Scholly and Ellen Scholly Mr. and Mrs.* Robert F. Seebeck Sandra Shane-DuBow Mr. and Mrs. David Shelby Margie and Jerry Strauch Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. K. Sweet, Jr. Louise Ingersoll Tausché Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tobey, Jr. Wayne D. Watson, Ph.D./ The City Colleges of Chicago Herman A. Weimer Alice Pirie Wirtz *Deceased

The Keep Growing Capital and Endowment Plan The Keep Growing Capital and Endowment Plan identifies capital and endowment fundraising goals as stated in the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Keep Growing Strategic Plan 2010-20. The long term well-being of the Garden depends on an ongoing and predictable stream of financial support. As the Garden grows in attendance and relevance, more endowment funding will ensure the Garden remains both a beautiful place and a leader in plant science research and education. Major capital goals: • Shoreline Gardens and Restoration. The reconstructed North Lake shoreline features more than 120,000 native plants to help stabilize shoreline soils. • The Learning Campus, including an Education Center, the Grunsfeld Children’s Growing Garden, the Kleinman Family Cove, and a new garden. The Learning Campus addresses the need for stronger science education for all students, including those from underserved communities. • Plant Production Greenhouse and Nursery. A new modern structure is essential to maintaining horticultural excellence, delivering a superior four-season visitor experience, and supporting cutting-edge plant conservation research. • Bike Path and Woods Plan, Café Renovation, and Brown Nature Reserve.

$1,000,000 and above Duane E. Dickey Trust The Grainger Foundation Ernest A. Grunsfeld III* Illinois Department of Transportation Esther Grunsfeld Klatz Annette and Bernard* Kleinman Family Robert R. McCormick Foundation The Negaunee Foundation United States Army Corps of Engineers Ecosystem Restoration Program United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration

$500,000 to $999,999 Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown The Guild of the Chicago Botanic Garden Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Litowitz Family Foundation Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Museum John and Mary Helen Slater


$250,000 to $499,999 Martin and Mary L. Boyer Foundation The Hekman Gordon Family Mrs. Lorraine Ipsen-Stotler* Lavin Family Foundation Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger Mr. Howard J. Trienens

$100,000 to $249,999 Baxter International Inc. Forest Preserve District of Cook County Hunter Family Barbara and Richard Metzler Northern Trust Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society

$50,000 to $99,999 Federal Emergency Management Agency Robert F. Finke Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Make It Better Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Foundation Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz

$25,000 to $49,999 Bob and Jill Delaney, Jr. Ginny and Peter Foreman Helen and Richard Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

$10,000 to $24,999 Mrs. Beverly J. Bystricky Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Nancy Gidwitz and Jeff Grossman Howard Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason

$5,000 to $9,999 Ann and Brian Balusek Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Garden Guild of Winnetka Jack* and Ginny Hotaling Mrs. Ruth Kapes Kitty and Bill Moeller The Warwick Foundation

$2,500 to $4,999 The Butz Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lawrence

$1,000 to $2,499 Mr. Franklin A. Cole Evanston Bicycle Club Mr. and Mrs. John L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William U. Knox *Deceased

CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN – ENDOWED FUNDS 2012 Endowed funds provide a secure foundation for the future. The Garden is honored by the thoughtful generosity of those who have established or contributed to the following named endowed funds. Permanent endowments may be established with gifts of $50,000 or more. Bacon Sensory Garden Endowment Mr. William T. Bacon, Jr. Mrs. Harry F. Stimpson, Jr. Buehler Fund for the Enabling Garden Buehler Family Foundation Buehler Fund for Horticultural Therapy Buehler Family Foundation Harriet Kay and Harold R. Burnstein Fund for Exhibits Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Burnstein Theodore C. Butz Memorial Carillon Endowment Fund † The Butz Foundation Walter L. Cherry Internship in Horticulture Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cherry Virginia B. Cherry 2012 internship awarded to Christina Forrest Joan L. Cole Fund † Mr. Franklin A. Cole Collins Family Endowment for the Buehler Enabling Garden † Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Suzanne S. Dixon Prairie Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. Searle Family Trust Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Director of Ornamental Plant Research Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Position held by James R. Ault, Ph.D. Mary R. Ginger Research Fellowship at the School Dr. Leonard G. Ginger Estate of Mary R. Ginger Edna Kanaley Graham Bulb Garden Endowment Fund W. B. Graham Foundation, Inc. Mr. William B. Graham William B. Graham Trust Harris Family Scholars Fund The Harris Family Foundation: Caryn and King Harris Katherine Harris Toni and Ron Paul Pam and Joe Szokol Linda and Bill Friend Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend Stephanie and John Harris The Fund provided fellowship support for first year master’s students in 2012.

Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Graduate Fellowship † Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hevey Mr. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Ms. Constance M. Filling 2012 fellowship awarded to Alicia Foxx Pamela K. Hull Internship Endowment Pamela K. Hull Kenilworth Garden Club Endowment for the Buehler Enabling Garden † Kenilworth Garden Club Krasberg-Mason Endowment for the Bruce Krasberg Rose Garden † Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Bernice E. Lavin Evaluation Garden Endowment Fund † Lavin Family Foundation John J. Louis, Jr. Bright Encounters Fund Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation Malott Family Endowment for the Japanese Garden Mr. Robert H. Malott Malott Charitable Trust Malott Family

David Byron Smith Family Curator of Native Habitats Fund Bellebyron Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Position held by Daniel J. Larkin, Ph.D. Susan and Roger Stone Endowment for the Curator of the Dixon National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Stone Position held by Pati Vitt, Ph.D. Taylor Family Waterfall Garden Endowment Fund † Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Frances Buck Taylor Trust Mr. John W. Taylor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III The Warwick Foundation The JWT Family Foundation Jack and Jeannie Thompson Endowed Fund for Bonsai Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Thompson Anne and Morrison Waud Circle Garden Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Waud

Mead Flower Show Endowment Sally M. Hands Cynthia M. and Robert E. Sargent

Medard and Elizabeth Welch Conservation Science Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro

Negaunee Foundation Endowment for Invasive Plant Research The Negaunee Foundation

Medard and Elizabeth Welch Director of Plant Conservation Science Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Position held by Kayri Havens-Young, Ph.D.

Negaunee Foundation Endowment for the Vice President of Science The Negaunee Foundation Position held by Gregory M. Mueller, Ph.D. Janet Meakin Poor Research Symposium Endowment Friends of Janet Meakin Poor Florence Rantz Enabling Garden Endowment Estate of Florence Rantz June Price Reedy Library Endowment for the Rare Book Collection Estate of Mary Ann Price Thomas J. & Julia P. Reedy Foundation Mary Withers Runnells Endowment for the East Courtyard Ms. Gale P. Runnells Mr. and Mrs. John S. Runnells II Estate of Louise Gale Runnells Estate of John S. Runnells II Searle Research Endowment Fund Searle Family Trust Searle Foundation John G. and Frances C. Searle Fund Albert and Mary Jane Slepyan Fund for the Cultivation and Promotion of Begonias The Acorn Foundation Dr. Albert H. Slepyan The Ralph & Leah Wanger Philanthropic Fund


Nicole S. Williams and Lawrence Becker Endowment for Native Habitats Restoration Fund † Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence Becker Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society Endowment Funds Aquatics Programs Community Gardening The Curator of Aquatics Position held by Robert J. Kirschner Internship Endowment Fund 2012 internship awarded to Michelle Harring Woman’s Board Endowment for Plant Evaluation Research and Publication Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Mr. Charles E. Schroeder in honor of Elizabeth R. Schroeder Mrs. Stephen Byron Smith Dorothy D. Ziska Endowment Fund Adam H. Romeiser Trust † Contribution in 2012


$10,000 to $24,999

The Chicago Botanic Garden is a complex institution with diverse financial needs. The following individuals thoughtfully supported Garden programs, operations, capital improvements, and endowment with gifts of $250 or more between January 1 and December 31, 2012.

Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt Mr. and Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Ann and Brian Balusek Stephanie and Frederick Bishop Family George W. Blossom III Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Brady Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Byron Mr. and Mrs. David R. Casper Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cherry Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Valentine J. Derer Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Sue and Wes Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Ellis Barbara S. Fargo Trust Anthony and Ann Marie Farino Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feitler Mika and David Filkins Robert F. Finke Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Fischer Ginny and Peter Foreman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Freyman Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Gavin Nancy Gidwitz and Jeff Grossman Ms. Sue L. Gin Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. Goodman Ellis Goodman Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John K. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gregoire John Hagenah Family Fund Caryn and King Harris Mrs. Max A. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Haynes III Katie Hazelwood and Todd Kaplan Mrs. Robert D. Hevey Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hull Jane Irwin and Bob Romo Mrs. Dolores Kohl Kaplan Betsy and Jack Karp Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lanctot Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Malott Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Mrs. Cindy Mazzetta McKenna Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Barbara and Richard Metzler Micole Foundation

$500,000 and above Anonymous (1) Duane E. Dickey Trust Mr. and Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz The Negaunee Foundation

$250,000 to $499,999 Martin and Mary L. Boyer Foundation The Hekman Gordon Family Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Mr. Leonard H. Lavin Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger

$100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous (1) Hunter Family The Henry E. Pearson Trust Mr. Howard J. Trienens

$50,000 to $99,999 A.G. Cox Charity Trust Elizabeth Hampton Declaration of Trust Hasbrouck Family Charitable Trust Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

$25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous (2) Harriet Kay Burnstein Joyce E. Chelberg Bob and Jill Delaney, Jr. John D. Fornengo Norman and Lee Gantz Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah Howard Family Foundation Greg and Ann Jones and Family Foundation Annette R. Kleinman Mr. Marcus A. Lemonis and Ms. Beth Levine Abra Prentice Foundation, Inc. Susan L. Regenstein Mrs. David B. Speer Helen and Richard Thomas Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz


Edward* and Lucy R. Minor Family Foundation Kitty and Bill Moeller Bruce L. Newman Estate Alexandra and John Nichols Julie and George Peinado Mr. and Mrs. William D. Perez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pick Anne Pramaggiore Estate of Halina J. Presley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regenstein III Helen R. Rubens Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sanborn Marion V. Schmidt Trust Eileen and Hal Sirkin Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Bill and Maria Smithburg Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Smutney Brian B. and Kathleen K. Spear Susan and Roger Stone Pam and Joe Szokol Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell Ernest P. Waud III Mr. and Mrs. David J. West B Wu and Eric Larson

$2,500 to $9,999 Anonymous (13) Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Brayton Bunn Alley Mr. and Mrs. James Altounian Ms. Kirsten A. Anderson Andrew and Amanda Armishaw Mrs. Jean Babson David and Cindy Baier Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barra Mr. William T. Bartholomay Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bay Philip and Janice Beck Mrs. Janice Becker and Mr. David A. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Henry Berghoef and Leslie Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Berlin Peggy and Hal Bernthal Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Bestler Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof Dr. and Mrs. Norman L. Blankenship Nancy and George Bodeen Laurence Booth Mary and Carl Boyer Mr. and Mrs. R. Clayton Brock Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Mr. and Mrs. Randolph N. Burt Cathy and Michael Busch Mr. and Mrs. Rhett W. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butz Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Butz

Mrs. Beverly J. Bystricky Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Calk J. Melfort Campbell Susan and Michael Canmann Carney Family Foundation Mrs. Robert Adams Carr Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Carroll Dr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Gene Cartwright Russell Cartwright Ceres Foundation Ms. Carol A. Cleave Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Jane B. and John C. Colman Mark and Connie Crane Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Dewey B. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. James E. Crawford III Robert and Elizabeth Crowe Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Peter DeGroot IV Scott DeLaney and Katherine Kemper Joan P. DePree Mrs. Carol A. DeSchutter Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Donahoe Katie and Tom Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dowd Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Dr. Robert Dugan Mrs. Joane K. Dumke Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Eckert Samuel and Beatrice Ellis Ms. Amy C. Falls and Mr. Hartley R. Rogers Gary and Susan Fine Mr. and Mrs. Elaine and John Fiore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fiore Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Foradas Ilana and Steven Fradkin Mr. Jason Fried Dorothy H. and John R. Gardner Ms. Ginger Gassel Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Kathi S. Grant Maj. and Mrs. William C. Gray Mrs. William N. Guthrie The Blanny A. Hagenah Family Fund Philip W. Hagenah Family Fund Kathryn M. Haider Mrs. Richard C. Halpern Mrs. Bryn W. Hanson and Ms. Ellen Wagner Stephanie and John Harris Ms. Martha B. Hartfiel David and Karen Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Hawver Beverly and Warren Hayford

Mr. and Mrs. L. Hall Healy, Jr. Ms. Kristen Hertel and Mr. Muneer A. Satter Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Melville C. Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hines Mrs. Mary P. Hines Sharon S. Holihan Bill and Vicki Hood Miriam U. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Bradley V. Ihlenfeld Howard and Susanne Jessen Beverly P. Joutras Anne Kaplan Loretta and Allan Kaplan Kaplan Foundation Fund/Carol and Ed Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanford Kasten Carolyn and Howard Katz Will K. Kellogg III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby Marvin L. Kocian Martin J. and Susan B. Kozak Fund Mrs. Mary E. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. L. Bates Lea Liz and Eric Lefkofsky Mr. and Mrs. M. James Leider Janet and Tom Leopold Michael A. Leppen Diane and Jim Levy Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Lewis Dr. and Mrs. Daniel I. H. Linzer Mr. Richard J. Loewenthal, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Loucks Ms. Cynthia J. Macfarland Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacLean Mr. and Mrs. John W. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mariani Dr. Jeanne K. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Masterson Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Mrs. Wanda M. McDonald Sherry McFall and Ken Porrello Meegan McMillan Madeleine and Jim* McMullan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Miles Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Mintmire Mr. Nicolas H. Morales Brooks and Howard Morgan William D. Motley, Jr. and Mary G. Motley, EdD. Louellen and Tim Murray Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Murray, Jr. Jossy and Ken Nebenzahl


Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Nesler Ginny Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Craig Omtvedt Ann and Dudley Onderdonk Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. San Orr III Cathy and Bill Osborn Julie Overbeck Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Owen, Jr. Homi and Anne Patel Roxy and Richard Pepper Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Phillips Kathy Pick Madeleine P. Plonsker Alex and Anne Pollock COL(IL) J.N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Pruett Betsey and John Puth Mr. and Mrs. John R. Raitt Mr. Matthew T. Regan and Dr. Julie-An M. Talano Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Reyes Rice Family Foundation/Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rice, III Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Rider Mr. and Mrs.* John H. Roberts Roberts Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rolighed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenson Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rother Ms. Holly B. Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Mr. Daniel Samelson and Ms. Mary Jocelyn Perry Carole and John Sandner Cynthia M. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Schoewe Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Todd D.H. Schwebel Ms. Hilary B. Scott Mrs. Nancy S. Searle Mrs. William L. Searle Donn and Dolores Shapiro Mr. Arch W. Shaw II Mrs. John I. Shaw The Sheperd Family Richard and Barbara Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simms Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Siragusa Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Skoglund Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Mrs. Ida N. Sondheimer Ted* and Audrey Spiegel Ms. Marilyn Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stuart, Jr. *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Andy and Mary Pat Studdert Mr. and Mrs. James H. Swartchild, Jr. Jamie and Rob Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III Ms. Peri Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas Thilman III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thilman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Thornton Richard and Elaine Tinberg Ms. Linda F. Tomchuck Shirley and Raymond C. Tower United Conveyor Foundation Jeremy and Julie Unruh Mrs. Herbert A. Vance Ms. Cari Walquist John and Susan Washburn Mr. and Mrs. John B. Weber Dee Dee Whipple Mrs. Eugene E. White James and Constance Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Wilhelm Peggy and Art Wood Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wood-Prince Ms. Elizabeth B. Yntema-Ferguson and Mr. Mark Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Zook

$1,500 to $2,499 Anonymous (5) Dora and R. John Aalbregtse Mary and Mike Abroe Mr. and Mrs.* Bruce Bachmann Mr. John W. Baird Mr. Walter F. Bandi, Jr. Sandra Bass Mr. and Mrs. John D. Beam Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent Harriet and Harry Bernbaum Dr. and Mrs. Jacob D. Bitran Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blackburn, Jr. Sonia and Ted Bloch Mr. Lawrence P. Boris Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Borland Robert and Marjorie Breisblatt Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Powell Bridges Martha and George Brynda Ms. Susan R. Bulley Wiley and Jo Caldwell Mrs. Robert F. Carr III Mrs. Laurence A. Carton Alice Childs Mrs. Warren M. Choos Mr. Franklin A. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Coley Mr. Froilan Concepcion and Ms. Cecilia Concepcion Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Connolly, Jr.

Mr. Kevin J. Count and Mrs. Sharon L. Count Jeff and Sue Cozzens Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crawford, Jr. Tom Creigh Mr. Robert Jensen Dau Mr. and Mrs. William Davis Mr. and Mrs. John E. Deimel Mr. and Mrs. William E. Deitrick Mr. and Mrs. Spencer DePree Jeff and Rhea Dever Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes Mr. and Mrs. E. John Dilatush Mr. Stewart S. Dixon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Don Frank G. and Gertrude Dunlap Fund Lois Eisen Mr. James Eisenberg Mrs. Janice L. Engle Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fesmire Jamee Field Mr. and Mrs. Larry Field The Earl and Bettie Fields Automotive Group Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tobin J. S. Flavin Ms. Kristin Forbes and Mr. Steve Calhoun Lynn and Jim Foster Mr. and Mrs. James S. Frank Lester and Angie Frankenthal Barbara Fremont Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Fujimoto Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton Wilbur and Linda Gantz Philip Garoon & Family Dr. and Mrs. John S. Garvin Getz Family/Globe Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John T. Golitz Mr. and Mrs. John C. Goodall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gorter Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Grace Mrs. Catherine Graham Avrum Gray and Family E. Lynn Grayson and Joseph F. Madonia Mr. Alfred H. Guhl Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Hackbarth, Jr. Mrs. Howard Haffenberg Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Harza Dr. Alice B. Hayes Kristen Hayes Mary Abbott Hess and William Reynolds Dr. Linda L. Hime and Dr. Timothy E. Kabot Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Horwitz Ginny Hotaling Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hough The Hussey Family Mrs. George S. Isham Judy and Verne Istock


Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Jannotta, Sr. Ms. Preston Cain Jansing Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bard Johnson Linda and Peter Karmin Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten II Mr. Thomas E. Keim Judy and John Keller Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kiefer Ms. Heidi Kiesler Esther G. Klatz Gwen and Jules Knapp Becky and Lester Knight Ms. Marilyn J. Knilans Ms. Elizabeth Kohl and Mr. Gary Feinerman Penny and Glenn Kohlmeyer Karen S. Kolodzey & George Brigandi Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel II Alice Bator Kurland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kurz Andrea Landsberg and Richard B. Marshak James and Linda Leahy Laura and Patrick Lederer Spencer and Lois LeMenager The Honorable Fay Hartog Levin and Mr. Daniel Levin Steve and Anita Livaditis Michael and Susan Loewenstein Barbara F. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martay David and Toni Mathis Vivi and John McCurdy John and Liz McEnaney Mrs. Neil McKay Ms. Katherine McMaster Carrie McNally Melissa and Ward McNally Ms. Abha Mehta and Mr. Kevin Sherman Mr. Ronald E. Meissen, Ph.D. Alice Merrick Mr. and Mrs. Don Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Moore Mrs. Remo Morelli Mr. and Mrs. James E. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Murphy Ms. Martha M. Murray and Mr. David N. Smalley Mr. and Mrs. Phil C. Neal Mark and Susan Neaman Milton Nidetz and Naomi Yale Mr. and Mrs. John K. Notz, Jr. Ann and Harry Oppenheimer Barbara and Jeff Paine Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pettinelli Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Pfaff Meline Pickus Mr. Dan Podsedly The Polen Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. John E. Preschlack Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Przybylo Mr. and Mrs. William H. Redfield Mrs. John Shedd Reed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Reimer Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Rekett Helaine and Howard Resnick Mrs. Louise D. Robb Mr. William Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Roob Philip and Catherine Rosborough Mr. and Mrs. David J. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Eugene I. Ross Mrs. Donald I. Roth Mrs. Stephen W. Rothermel Susan B. and Dr. Myron E. Rubnitz Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Ryan Verie Sandborg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Sanders III Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott Santi Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schlossman Dr. G. Stephen Scholly and Mrs. Ellen Scholly Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Irving Seaman, Jr. Barbara* and Joe Sedelmaier Carole and Gordon Segal Mr. and Mrs. Chris Segal Hollis M. Shank Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Sheahen Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuzo Shida Arlene A. Siavelis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simon Irena and Preston Simons Frank and Joanne Sims Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sinclair Judy and Bill Siskel Sophia and Jon Siskel Victoria M. Skala Ms. Wilma J. Smelcer Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith Margie Staples Nancy and Bruce Stevens Ms. Susan Stevens J. Robert and Christine L. Stoll Mrs. Erich Tengelsen Dr. and Mrs. Terry N. Trobec Therese L. Wareham & Family Chloe and Angus Watson David and Pamela Waud Mr. Arnold R. Weber J. and J. R. Weertman Mrs. Joseph M. Weil Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Weiner Dr. and Mrs. Hans U. Wessel Mrs. Florence F. Wheeler Linda and Jim White David and Sandra Whitmore

Clyde F. Willian Sinclair Winton Alice Pirie Wirtz Jane Stroud Wright Robert and Vivian Zahniser Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Zarcone

$1,000 to $1,499 Anonymous (4) Lynn Abrahamson and Bill Crowley Mr. and Mrs. James D. Abrams Ms. Mavis M. Adams Mr. Patrick C. Adlam Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Adreani Thomas F. and Patricia Fitz Gereld Aichele American Agricultural Insurance Company Anonymous Fund Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Armstrong Mr. Cameron S. Avery and Ms. Lynn B. Donaldson Mrs. Robert H. Bacon Julie L. Baer* Mr. E. M. Bakwin Charles and Patsy Barrow Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Bartram Mr. and Mrs. Jason F. Beans Ms. Nancy J. Beaumont and Ms. Judith J. Buck Linda and Ted Becker Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Berland Ms. Margie Betten Mr. Donald J. Bezdek Ms. Mary O. Bishop Mr. Cushman B. Bissell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block IV Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Bonnette Mr. Robert Botta Gieriet and Ted Bowen Mrs. Gay B. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Buckman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Buettner Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bunn III Robert and Lynn Burt Mr. and Mrs. Tyler R. Cain Mr. and Mrs. George B. Caldwell Dr. and Mrs. Rafael Z. Campanini Bruce and Kathryn Carbonari Helen Kuhn Carey Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carton Mr. and Mrs. Greg C. Case Mr. and Mrs. James Cathcart Mrs. Silas S. Cathcart Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Chereskin Mr. Tyler Child Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ciaglo Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coleman Gary and Mary Cary Coughlan Daniel and Mary Beth Cox


Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Cubitt Holly and Greg Danziger Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Davies Mr. James A. DeNaut Mr. and Mrs. John W. Derse, Jr. Mr. Joseph Doherty and Ms. Gretchen Hoffmann Ms. Paige Dorn and Mr. John T. Gribbin Mr. and Mrs. Justin S. Douglas Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust Ms. Kimberly T. Duchossois Valerie Egem Mary and J. William Embree III Enivar Charitable Fund Mrs. Patricia W. Felker Mr. and Mrs. James G. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Fitzgerald Mrs. James G. Flannery Nancy and Stephen Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ford Penny and Carl Fulkerson Mark and Cynthia Fuller The Geraldi Norton Foundation Bob Giblichman Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Goltra Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Goodwillie Scott and Cindy Grau Margot Graves Mrs. Paul W. Guenzel* Fernando and Mia Guidarini Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III Ms. Sally Ann Hagan Peter J. and Fanee Haleas Mrs. William M. Hales* Paul* and June Hamer John and Nancy Hammond The Handelsman Family Foundation Ms. Holly Harralson Mr. and Mrs. Buckner Hinkle, Jr. Joyce and Richard Hirsch Mr. Robert Hoellen Mr. Douglas Hoerr and Ms. Tracy L. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Horne Ms. Ellen R. Horween Mr. and Mrs. John L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Hurvis Mr. and Mrs. Blair Hutton Ms. Jo Ann E. Icenogle Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Isham, Jr. Mrs. Jennifer Janowiak Mr. and Mrs. Blake R. Johnson Mr. Robert Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Jones, IV Mr. Jon Jones Mrs. Robert E. Kehoe, Jr. Mrs. Jane Keller *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Keywell Mr. and Mrs. Michael King Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kirtley Mrs. Robert G. Knight, Jr. Ms. Missy Kotchey Mr. Bill H. Kurtis and Ms. Donna La Pietra Leigh Keyser Lalich Robert and Linda Lanphier Mrs. Joyce M. League Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lehrer Lesnik Family Foundation James P. Levine Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lillard Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Lubin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Lunn John and Martha Mabie c/o 36 Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John M. MacEntee Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maier III Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCormack Mary Mix McDonald Mr. and Mrs. John B. Merritt Mr. Jack M. Miller Dr. Alice Solar Mills Mr. Stephen Moffat and Ms. Kimberly Vender-Moffat Amanda Moore John H. Moss C. Jane Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Marc Munzer Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Murley Dr. David and Carolyn Nahrwold Mrs. Joseph E. Nathan Armand and Marilyn Norehad Derek J. and Ursel Norman Michael and Annika Olshansky Alan J. and Carol-Ann Olson Dolores G. Parks Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearsall Mrs. Edward King Poor III Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Probst Mr. David J. Pruett and Ms. Valeria L. Pruett Dr. Anne Grall Reichel and Mr. Jack Reichel John and Anne Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohrbach Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Rosenfield Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ross Mrs. John Ryan Ms. Anita M. Sarafa and Mr. John P. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Saunders Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Scholl Dr. James E. Schuetz and Mrs. Barbara A. Schuetz Susan and Bradley Schulman The Schwab Family

Diane and Bud Schwarzbach Stevan and Kathryn Schweighardt Gail Seidel-O’Gorman Ritesh and Shilpi Shah Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sharp Mr. Erich Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sommer Mr. Matthew Sommer and Ms. Elizabeth Childs Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sommer Mr. and Mrs. P. David Spears Ms. Margarete H. Stamm Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stanek Mr. Jeff Stephen Pam and Russ Strobel Susan R. and John W. Sullivan Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sutter Dr. and Mrs. Stefan M. Szczerba Louise Ingersoll Tausché Mr. and Mrs. F. Andrew Thinnes III Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tichy Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken, Jr. The Trillium Foundation Tina and Byron Trott Brian and Karen Uihlein Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Valenti Mr. and Mrs. James D. Vermillion Dale and Kim Visokey Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Wacker, III Herman A. Weimer Mr. and Mrs. Elliot S. Weissbluth Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Wells Jill and Brian Weston Ms. Barbara D. Wetzel and Mr. Robert F. Wetzel Mr. and Mrs. Miles D. White Nancy Hamill Winter Mr. and Mrs. William Wolf Sara Wong, M.D. Mr. Robert Zaniolo

$250 to $999 Anonymous (75) Genevieve B. Adsit Judith A. Akers Mrs. L. Winfield Alberts Al and Betty Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. Kris J. Alden Carole S. Allen Cheri Allen Mrs. Ronald L. Allen Mrs. John W. Allyn* Mr. and Mrs. Zaid F. Alsikafi Michael and Sarah Alter Mr. Dwight J. Amstutz Rick and Katie Amundsen Mr. and Mrs. James H. Anderson Laura and Matthew Anderson


Dr. and Mrs. Proctor R. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William N. Anderson Ms. Anita E. Andren and Mr. James P. Naughton Ms. Alona W. Anspach and Mr. Ken Anspach Mr. and Mrs. John J. Anton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Apfelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Appelbaum Phyllis and Stuart Applebaum Ms. Cyd L. Archer Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Arena, Jr. Ms. Carla Arnell and Mr. Paul Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Mani Arora Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Asher Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Ashurst Chris and Tony Augustine Margaret B. and Harry Axelrod Charitable Trust Fund at The Chicago Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Baade Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baccich Janet and Bill Backs Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bacon, Jr. Carol A. Bagan Paget R. Bahr Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Baird Mrs. Ann Buehler Baker Ms. Cynthia L. Baker Rich and Karleen Baker Don Balcom and Sarah Pearson Steve Ball and Les Everett Mrs. Robert Ballenger Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Banks Mr. Merle H. Banta Mrs. Henry N. Barkhausen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Barlow Ms. Linda Barr Barry and Elizabeth Barretta Sandi Bartelstein Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Bartmes Karin and Detlef Bartsch Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bates, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bax Mrs. Hildegard K. Baxpehler Kimberly Beard Art and Elaine Beck Mr. and Mrs. Randall B. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Bedford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Beeby Stephen Beitler Mr. and Mrs. Steve Beitler Deborah Bekken and Richard Kron Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad Catharine Bell Judy and Bruce Bendoff Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benford Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bennett Patsy Benveniste

John and Pamela Benz Mr. and Mrs. John C. Berghoff Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A. Bergstrom Joel and Laura Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. John R. Berry John and Patricia Berwanger Mr. and Mrs. Orley O. Betcher III Lieselotte N. Betterman Patricia S. Bidwill Tom and Martha Biede Mr. John Biek and Ms. Christina J. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bigelow III Ms. Kathleen Billman and Mr. James Galuhn Beryl B. Bills Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bindler Andrew and Betty Birner Mr. and Mrs. David F. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. William H. Blair George C. Blanas Diane Blanks Mr. and Mrs. Merrill E. Blau Jeffrey and Melissa Bleiweis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Block Mr. and Mrs. Jason L. Block Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III Mr. Stephen A. Block Irwin and Sena Blumensaadt Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Blumenthal Adam Boeche Andrea K. Boehmer Mr. Robert P. Boho Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Boike Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Boler Mrs. Marilyn D. Boles Ms. Frances M. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Gerry L. Bonkoske Mary and Tom Borecki Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Bosler Susan and Ted Bosler Donald F. Bouseman Mrs. Lloyd W. Bowers Carl and Nancy Boyar Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Boyer Ms. Anne Boynton Sandra Staub Bradbury Mr. Scott Brady Mr. Richard J. Brandt Kelli and Steve Brannan Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Brannan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bray Gary Bregman, Inc. Marie Brelin Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Brenner Linda H. Breuer Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Briele, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brisben Elizabeth and Charles Brock

Bill and Linda Bronner Leslie Brookfield, M.D. and Arvey Stone M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Brosnan Miss Sharon K. Broutzas Andrew and Gail Brown Mrs. Anne S. Brown Mrs. Ann-Louise Brown Mr. and Mrs. Carter Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jack Regan Brown Larry and Ann Brown Mary Beth and Tom Brown Ms. Ruth E. Bruch Ms. Nancy H. Bruggeman Dr. Elizabeth L. Brumfield Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brunso Brian and Ingrid Bryzinski Mrs. Cassandra D. Buccellato Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Bulley III Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Burke Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Burnstine Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Burow Mrs. Susanne B. Bush Mr. John Wm. Butler, Jr. and Mr. John M. VanderLinden Mr. and Mrs. John M. Byrne III Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Byron Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cadigan Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Cain Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Callahan Ms. Rosaria Cammarata-Barr Sally Campbell Sharon and Dave Campbell Joseph and Cory Cancila Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cantor Martin and Anne Carlson Ronald and Rosemarie Carpenter Betty A. Carr Mrs. Nicole Carrabine Ms. Mary Cass The Charles A. Cassell Family Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. Cavalier Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Chandler Liz and David Chandler Art and Dorothy Chantler Frank and Dorothy Chao Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chapa Angela Chaplin Gorman Rick and Dee Dee Chesley Kathryn J. Chieger Ms. Julie A. Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Nick Christopher Barry and Lorraine Clark Louise and Steven Clark Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Clarke III Tim Clesen Mr. and Mrs. George N. Cochran Charlotte Codo


Sara and Dan Cohan Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Cohen William and Lee Colbourne Ann and Roger Cole Ms. Deborah G. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cole Mr. Robert B. Cole Mr. and Mrs. John G. Conley Mrs. Francesca Connell Mr. and Mrs. David S. Connelly Mr. and Mrs. William L. Connelly III P. J. Conrad Sara A. Cooper Lawrence Corry Ms. Anne T. Coughlan and Mr. Charles B. Jameson Susan and Joseph Coughlin Drs. Robert F. Covert and Mary L. Roy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Coyle Susan Craft Stephen and Elizabeth Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Creamer III Phyllis Cretors Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Crosby Ms. Monique M. Crossan Karen and John Crotty Keith Crow and Liz Parker Bruce and Meg Crowther Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Cummings Judith B. Cunningham Sally and Bob Cunningham Louise H. Curry Mrs. Joseph T. Curti Ms. Lynn G. Cutler and Ms. Jennifer Vidis Mrs. Katharine Czink Timothy and Cheryl Dahlstrand Mr. Chester B. Dallas and Mr. Timothy A. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Danis Mrs. Paula B. Danoff Mr. John Danzer Ms. Judy Das Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. David Joan B. David Mr. and Mrs. Barrett C. Davie Allen and Eliza Davies Allison Blakley Davis and Kenneth Davis Ms. Bailey Davis Ms. Karen A. Davis Mr. Kenneth Davis Ms. Frances DeBlasio and Mr. John DeBlasio Ms. Diana DeBoy Nancy Dehmlow Ms. Michael Del Piero Mr. and Mrs. James E. DeMore Catherine H. Denckla Byron and Judy Denenberg *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mrs. Betty Dennis Mr. and Mrs. D. Alan Denton Sandy Derickson Tom and Marcia Desmond Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito, Jr. Julie Deutsch Mrs. Katherine Devers Mr. and Mrs. David Devonshire Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dick Ellen and John Dicken Mr. and Mrs. William Dietz James C. Differding Dr. Joan W. DiLeonardi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dillon Mr. Daniel M. Diprizio Drs. Richard F. and Linda Y. Dods Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dole III Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Domont Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dorr Ms. Diana Douglas Mr. and Mrs. William C. Doyle Charenton Zelov Drake Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Drucker Mr. and Mrs. Rich Dubberke Bob and Mary Lynn Dubler Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. DuBois Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius B. DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffey Janet Sally Dumas Mr. Richard E. Duncan Heather W. Dunkel Ms. Abigail Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Angus M. Duthie Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Dwyer Anne Eagleton and Gwen Eagleton Mrs. Catherine Eardley Murphy Mr. Greg Eaton and Mr. Michael Flagg Ms. Glenna R. Eaves and Mr. Christopher Boebel Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eclov Mark and Kitty Egan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Eilers Dr. Marlene Eisen Mr. Timothy S. Eisler Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Eliot Dr. and Mrs. James Elipas Michael B. and Kathleen H. Elliott Deane Ellis Mrs. Phyllis W. Ellis Mrs. Jody Elting Sharon Ephraim and David Kite David and Paula Epstein Mrs. Margaret L. Erickson Ms. Marilyn Ernsteen Ms. Julia Eshkonian William and Laurel Eslinger

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Evanich Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Even Mr. and Mrs. Fabio Fabbri Sue and Dave Facklam Norman S. Fagerson Mr. Daniel L. Falt Mrs. Joseph D. Fargo Jennifer L. Faron Mrs. Holden K. Farrar, Jr. Mary Fasel Pam and Ken Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. James Feeney The Honorable and Mrs. Roger G. Fein Mr. Manual Feldman Scott and Susan Feldman Warren and Judy Fellingham Dr. and Mrs. Balbino B. Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ferry III Drs. David Ferster and Indira M. Raman John and Geraldine Fiedler Ms. Mary H. Fields Ms. Elaine Filus and Mr. Tom Lenz Morris Fine Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finnegan Mr. and Mrs. Walker Finney Dr. and Mrs. Terry Fippinger Justin and Ann Fishbein Dr. and Mrs. William E. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. William & Lisa FitzSimons Ms. Jennifer Flandina Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flannery Ms. Nancy A. Flannery & Family Mrs. Harold M. Flanzer Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Flink Anita D. Flournoy Ms. Gloria Flucke Ms. Lisa Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John Folkers Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ford The Frank B. Foster Charitable Trust Ms. Eliza P. Fournier Mr. Bruce J. Fox Charles E. Frank and Karen Frank Peters Mrs. Elaine Frank Mr. and Mrs. William S. Fredrickson Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Freehling Ms. Janet W. Freund Ms. Beth A. Frey Ms. Melissa Frey and Mr. Bill Pridmore Mr. and Mrs. Howard Friend Ms. Annelia Fritz Mr. Daniel Frohman and Ms. Carole Shifman Mr. and Mrs. Dirk and Teresa Fucik Alyce Fuller Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Furst


Mr. and Mrs. Max C. Gabbard Calvin and Margaret Gage Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gaines Ms. Meryl Gale and Mr. Dennis E. Ciborowski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gallagher Jane Gallery and George Craven Ms. Elaine C. Galmish Denise Michelle Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Marvin B. Ganek Mr. and Mrs. John R. Garber Victor and Rebecca Garces Mr. Albert Garcia Carol and John Gard John and Bernice Gardner Dr. Kristine Garrigan Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Garrison Mr. Michael Garzel and Mr. Jeffrey Souva Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Gaud, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gay Doris H. Geck Sandy and Frank Gelber Mrs. John T. Geldermann Donald and Marie George Ms. Virginia George Mr. and Mrs. Otto K. Georgi, Jr. Dr. Margaret Gerber Ms. Alison Gershon and Mr. Joel Gershon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Getty Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Giampietro Dr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Gilbert Jennifer Gilchrist Ms. Sharon W. Gilson Chris and M. E. Girgenti Mr. and Mrs. Chris Glass Mrs. Donald A. Glassberg Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Gleason Ms. Judith A. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Glunz III Sue Golan Darcy and Don Golas Mr. and Mrs. Michael Golden Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Goldman Craig and Elissa Goldsmith Mrs. Myla Frohman Goldstick Ms. Gina Gondeck Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gookin Ms. Elizabeth P. Gordon Mr. L. Stuart Gordon Ms. Mary Quinn Gordon and Dr. Mike Gordon Mrs. Barbara S. Gorham Mr. Thomas Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goss Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Goss Mrs. Mabel R. Grace Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Graham

Ms. Annemarie H. Gramm Mr. and Mrs. Keith Grant Mr. and Mrs. Delmon B. Grapes Ms. Karen Z. Gray Dr. Alan and Sallie Green Mr. and Mrs. James E. Green Mary Winton Green Jack and Donna Greenberg Amy and Bob Greenebaum Ms. Ellen Greenman and Mr. Ronald J. Berman Ms. Penny Greenspahn Janice Greenwald Byron L. Gregory Robert and Mary Gremley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greve Ms. Ronni Grey Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Griffith Mr. James Grimm and Mrs. Cheryl Beebe Janet Wolter Grip Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Grobelny, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Grossman Mrs. Karen F. Grotberg Mr. and Mrs. David D. Grumhaus Mr. and Mrs. David Grumman Dr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Grunes Brenda and John Gude Richard Guelzow Ms. Marilyn Gustafson Sam and Peggy Gutterman Ms. Mary K. Haag Kaye and Howard Haas Shannon Hackett Mr. James Haedike and Ms. Cynthia P. Colvin Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Hague Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hahn John M. and Sally E. Hakes Mrs. Katherine Hale Barbara and Bill Haljun Charles and Helen Hall Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Hall Julie Hall Larry and Annie Hall Mrs. Rita M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Mr. Corwith Hamill Mrs. Robert W. Hamilton Phyllis Handelman and Dr. Chester S. Handelman Margaret H. Hanlon Mrs. Dolores K. Hanna Barbara P. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. James Hansen John and Nancy Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Hanssen Mr. and Mrs. James V. Harkness Alice E. Harper Pamela and David Harrington

John and Gwen Harris Mrs. Augustin S. Hart, Jr. Mr. Kirk T. Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hasley Margaret M. Hastings, Ph. D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hauser Ms. Trudy Havens Lois R. Heald Mrs. Caroline Heart Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas D. Heath Ms. Karen Hedberg Mr. Robert M. Hedrick Jean and Tom Hedstrom Dr. Trond U. Hegle Dr. Heather Heiberger and Mr. C. J. Oates Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Heidrick Ross C. Hemphill Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Herb Carrol and Jim Herber Mr. and Mrs. David D. Herbert Karen and Paul Herkes Kimberlee S. Herold Mr. and Mrs. James M. Herrmann Barbara and Jim Herst Ms. Leslie J. Herzog and Mr. Steven Blum Marjorie and Glenn Heyman Mrs. James O. Heyworth Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Ms. Leslie S. Hindman Joseph and Patricia Hinkel Robert and Jan Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hirschfield Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Hoban Mr. and Mrs. Reed J. Hoekstra Tom and Mary Hoeppner Mr. Robert A. Hoffer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Hoffman Ms. Sandra N. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hoffman, Jr. Shirlee and Joseph Hollander Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Holstein IV Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Holzer Anne Horn Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Horner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Horwitch Mary Jane and Lawrence Horwitz Mr. William H. Hosken Chris and Keri Hotaling Ms. Rose M. Houston Mr. Lawrence Howe Mrs. William W. Howell Laurie W. Howick Dr. and Mrs. Annming A. Hsieh Mr. Hugh J. Hubbard Mr. Stephen Huels and


Ms. Jane Trueheart-Huels Ms. Mary Ellen Hughes and Mr. Timothy R. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Huizenga Mr. James Huniford Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hunt, Jr. Pat and Jim Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hunt Ms. Barbara C. Hunter and Mr. Cottrell R. Meadors Ms. Patricia J. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Hurst Mr. and Mrs. P. Nicholas Hurtgen Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hutchins Leslie and Michael B. Hyman Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Mr. Philip Icke Dr. and Mrs. David Ingall Ms. Gail E. Inman Dr. Merrill Irving, Jr. and Mr. Jose Abreu Mr. and Mrs. Mark Iserloth Ms. M. E. Jacka Vera Jackmuth Lynn and Doug Jackson Susan and Graham Jackson Mrs. Nancy W. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Seth E. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jacobson Mr. D. C. Jager Shirley R. Jahn Neeraj Jain and Rupal Patel Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. James Ron and Sue James Mr. and Mrs. James A. Janas Mr. James Janossy, Jr. and Ms. Carol Janossy Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Jarrow Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Jastromb Mr. George L. Jewell Mr. Matthew W. Jewell and Mr. R. C. Blakeman Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Johanson Arlene V. Johnson Ms. Catherine M. Johnson Gail S. Johnson Mrs. Imogene P. Johnson Richard K. Johnson Mr. Rodney B. Johnson Mr. Stephen Johnson R. Ann Jones Vivienne Jones and Christopher McMahon Meta and Richard D. Joutras Mrs. Loretta N. Julian Judith Jump Mrs. Arlene A. Juracek Mr. and Mrs. Irv Kagan Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Kahn *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kallinger Ms. Sona Kalousdian and Mr. Ira Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Kampwirth Rita Kanne Mr. and Mrs. William F. Kanzer Mrs. Ruth Kapes Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kapica Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kaplan Ms. Joanna Karatzas and Mr. Philip Enquist Mrs. Nancy W. Karger and Mr. Frank S. Karger Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Karmin Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Kasten III Ms. Theresa Kattner and Ms. Marianne Kattner Dr. Claudia A. Katz Barbara and Ken Kaufman Marie and Larry Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. William Kaufman Ms. Amy E. Keaton Mr. and Mrs. Brett Kedzior Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Keenan Ms. Joanne C. Keeshin Mr. and Mrs. David Keller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Keller Paul G. Keller Ms. Brooke M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly, Jr. Mrs. Mary F. Kennedy Mr. William Kernan Dr. and Mrs. William D. Kerr, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Alan C. Keyes Ms. Ruth Keyso Cheong J. Kim Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Kindig Mr. and Mrs. James D. King Ms. Sheila King Ms. Teresa A. King Mrs. Harry W. Kirchheimer Sam and Denise Kirshenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kissel Ms. Jackie A. Kleban Dr. and Mrs. Jay H. Kleiman Ms. Mary Fran Klein and Mr. Michael Klein Mr. Robert F. Klingel, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. E. Larry Knight James and Lisa Knight Katherine and Roger Knuth Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kolovos Ms. Mary Drury Komnenich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Konen, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Michael Korey Ms. Carolyn A. Kotlarski Ms. Megan K. Kowalski Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kozak Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Kracik

Dr. Andrea Kramer and Mr. Brian N. Kramer Ms. Mary Krauchunas Ms. Barbara Krause Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Krauss Michael Kraut/Lynne Madorsky Philanthropic Fund Susan and David Kreisman Kousik and Anita Krishnan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kritzman Ms. Erin L. Kubicka Mrs. Nancy Kubicka Brooke and James Kuehnle Mr. Henry Kugeler Ms. Charlene M. Kunkel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Kurzydlo Marilyn and Ivan Kushen Caryl and Ron Kushner Alan J. and Caron A. Lacy Mr. and Mrs. John T. LaFramboise Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Lambert Lancaster Family Foundation Mr. John K. Lane Linda M. Lane Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Langer Mr. and Mrs. Desmond LaPlace Ms. Mary A. Laraia Philip A. LaRiviere Stuart and Karin Larkins Caley LaRue and Freeman Bradwell Jeff Later and Betsy Donahue Ms. Julie Latsko Mr. and Mrs. James Lauesen Dr. Anne E. Laumann and Mr. Edward O. Laumann Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Lauprete Mrs. Sheldon Lazar Dr. Robert E. Leavitt Dr. and Mrs. Phil S. Lebovitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Leck Mr. Bruce A. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall Lee Mr. and Mrs. Sig Lefkovitz Mr. Sheldon Leibowitz Nanci Garoon Leigner J. C. and Brenda Lenahan Mr. and Mrs. James Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leventhal Bob and Judi Levine Mr. and Mrs. Martin Levine Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Levy Mr. Arnie Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Liebenson Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Lieblich Mrs. Olive Oh Lim Shuhong Lin and Zhihui Huang


Rebecca Ann Lind Richard and Margaret Lindman Mr. Grant B. Linsky and Ms. Nancy J. Lindsay Mrs. Frank Little Patricia M. Livingston Diane and Bill Lloyd Ms. Jaclynn S. Lococo Mrs. Kathleen Lojkovic Claude and Ruth Lucchesi Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lueders Dr. Mimi S. Lutwak Mrs. Violet Luzar Roberta Davis Lynch Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lyons Jim and Kay Mabie Leonard and Jacqueline Macaluso Mr. and Mrs. Douglas MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Eric Macey Mr. Donald Mack Mr. David O. MacKenzie Mardie MacKimm Fund at The Chicago Community Trust Sue and Terry MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Mike Macsek Mr. and Mrs. Ernest MacVicar Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Maentz Bob and Becky Maganuco Michael and Deborah A. Maggio Mr. and Mrs. T. Gerald Magner Ms. Margaret R. Mahalek Alan and Kim Maites Bernard and Sarah Makowsky Dr. and Mrs. Michael Malczewski Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Mallow Ms. Rose K. Mandell Mr. and Mrs. John Mangel III Mr. William E. Mangold Mr. and Mrs. H. George Mann Mr. Jeremy K. Marmer and Mrs. Sivakami Thayu Dr. and Mrs. John Marquardt Mr. Keith C. Marshall, Jr. Mr. Louis J. Marsico Mrs. Anne S. Martin Maureen M. Martin Mr. and Mrs. George E. Marton Ms. Melissa Matterson S. Joseph Maurice, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mawicke Mr. and Mrs. Russell K. Mayerfeld Susan and Paul Mayfield Eleanor McAllister Mr. Raymond McBride Ms. Judith McCann and Mr. James Stone Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCarter, Jr. Dr. Patrick McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. McCarville Nicholas and Denise McClanahan

Mrs. Corinne McClintic Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoy McConnell, II Katherine McCorkle John and Ann McDermott Mr. Rodger D. McDowall and Mr. John Burton Mr. and Mrs. Tim McDowell Mrs. John E. McGovern, Jr. Ms. Gail McGrath and Mr. Sheldon Levin George and Alice McKann Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. McLamore Donald and Elsa McLean Mr. and Mrs. William H. McLean Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. McLennan Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNerney Mrs. Trina L. McRae Harry and Polly Meade Siddharth and Swati Mehta Ms. Debbie K. Mellinger and Mr. Edward M. Mellinger Hugo* and Lois Melvoin John and Ladd Mengel Jenna and Peter Merlin Sara and Richard Mesirow Elizabeth Messersmith J. K. Metzdorf * Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Meyer Elizabeth P. Meyer Eric C. Meyer Charitable Fund of the Merrill Lynch Community Charitable Fund of The Chicago Community Foundation Ms. Karen Hasset Meyer Dr. Ernest E. Mhoon, Jr. Dr. Aaron J. Michelfelder and Dr. Erica Hartl Ms. Sharon M. Michnuk and Mr. Steven Millar Dr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Mikol Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mikolajczyk Mr. and Mrs. James Mikulski Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Milkint Britt M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Miller Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Miller Mrs. Iris A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Miller Mrs. Sandra M. Miller Gordon H. & Karen M. Millner Family Foundation Ms. Linda Mills Mr. James Milne Catherine Ann Miner Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Minnick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Missimer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. V. Lance Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mitchell Mr.* and Mrs. Douglas C. Mohler Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mohr

Roger and Pauline Mohr Christine and Thomas Moldauer Jens and Larissa Mommsen Mr. and Mrs. John E. Monaco Eileen P. and Peter Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Monroe III Ms. Cynthia A. Moody Ms. Joni Moody and Ms. Kjersten Moody Richard and Beverly Moody Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Mooney Melinda and David Mooney William Mooney Deborah Waud Moore Diana and David Moore Jim and Diane Moore Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moore Mr. Victor Moore Kay and Scott Morgan Ms. Jennifer Morgenstern and Mr. Burgess Wilson Ms. Robyn Morgenstern Pauline and Howard Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moses Larry and Judy Mosner Dr. and Mrs. George Motto Ms. Sondra V. Mount Dr. Gregory M. Mueller and Ms. Betty Strack John E. and Maureen O. Muench Bridget Murphy Mr. and Mrs. James D. Murphy III Mr. Richard J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murphy The John Musgjerd Family Ms. Linda Muskin and Mr. John Cody Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Mussallem Ms. Donna T. Myers and Mr. Aaron Lebovitz William and Frances Myers Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Nadherny Dr. Anne Nagle and Mr. Michael Knippen Mary K. Nagle Mr. Akira Nakajima Mr. and Mrs. Robert Napier Jennifer and David Neighbours Ms. Laura J. Nelsen Marian E. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Darryl Newman Mr. Neal J. Ney Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Nicolaides, Jr. Dr. Arthur C. Nielsen III Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Nielsen Ms. Sonja R. Nielsen-Smith G. Dwight* and Kathleen Nissly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nissly Mrs. Barbara M. Noeth Richard and Dorothy Nopar Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Nordstrom


Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Nore Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Notz Mr. and Mrs. John M. Novinson Mrs. Catherine H. Nowacki Ms. Susan S. Obler Michael and Cheryl O’Brien Sally and Jim O’Brien Donald A. and Gayle P. O’Day Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Okun Dr. Patricia O’Leary and Dr. Shaun O’Leary Hershel Oliff Jeffrey and Lesley Ollada Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Olson Michael K. Oman Riley S. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Neil, Jr. Mary O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Orbach The Orlofsky Family Mr. and Mrs. Sean O’Scannlain Mr. Richard E. Osgood and Ms. Wendy Wasson Mrs. Joseph J. O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Shea Ofelia and Eusebio Osias Mr. and Mrs. Dennis V. Osimitz Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ostrow Jane and Elliott Otis Mr. Jay L. Owen Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Pace Mara Paine Mr. Luke A. Palese and Mr. Enrique Useche Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Palmer Lisa Palmleaf D. Murdell Panek Ms. Barbara A. Parfet Mr. and Mrs. James Parker John P. Parkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Parkinson, Jr. Mr. Robert A. Parolin Stanley Parzen and Lynne Raimondo Ms. Christine G. Paschen Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pasquesi Elizabeth Patterson and Michael Hermsen Robert and Nancy Paul Ms. Tonise Paul Mrs. Marianna Paulson Ms. Charlotte Pavelka and Mr. Douglas Reitz Mr. James Paxton Ms. Susan Pearlson and Mr. Donald Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pease Ms. Ann Pecard Ms. Carol Pedot Mrs. Joanne E. Pelletiere Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus, Jr. *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mr. Robert T. Perrey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Perry Mrs. Stefanie Pessis Weil and Mr. Richard Weil James H. Peters Rich and Corinne Peters Mrs. Maurice R. Petersen Michael and Laurie Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Petit Ms. Lillian Petrenko Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Petrie Ellard and Lorna Pfaelzer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pfaff Charles and Diane Phillips Mrs. Dolores Phillips Ms. Joy Pickens Mr. and Mrs. Seth Low Pierrepont Ms. Jeanette B. Piesciuk Mr. Sam D. Pindrik Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pinsky Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Pinsof Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Pioli Chuck and Judy Piper Mr. Rob Pitt and Mrs. Lora La’Dew Dr. and Mrs. William K. Platt Wilma V. Plazak Mrs. Frederic W. Plochman Melba Plunkett Elizabeth S. Pocock (Mrs. John W.) Don and Martha Pollak Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Pomerantz Mrs. Ellen Pomes and Mr. Joe Bean Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Ponko Christine and Michael Pope Ms. Michelle L. Porter and Mr. James F. Green Mr. Richard W. Porter and Ms. Lydia Marti Mr. and Mrs. Richard Portis Mr. and Mrs. Greg Portland Ms. Jane Potrykus David and Sue Ann Powers Mrs. Nancy Powers Dr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Prager and Family Mrs. Anne O’Brien Prager Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. Pratt Ms. D. Elizabeth Price Juliet K. Priebe Ms. Marjorie H. Pries and Mr. Paul Baker Mr. Stephen M. Proctor Ira and Ina Pruzan Paula J. Puntenney Mr. and Mrs. Dave Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Greg Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Paul Purcell Mrs. Marina Puryear

Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Pyott Mr. and Mrs. Gary Quateman Ms. Elizabeth Anne Queen Dr. Barry Rabin Ms. Debra S. Rade Hollis and Carolyn Rademacher Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Rakoczy Mr. and Mrs. Nabih Ramadan Mr. and Mrs. Chris Randle Victoria and George Ranney Mrs. Carol M. Rapaport Ms. Alice B. Rapoport and Mr. Michael A. Sachs Barbara Rasinski Nancy and Warren Rasmussen Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Ratner Mr. and Mrs. Ken S. Rattner Betsy M. Ravenel Charitable Foundation Roger and Amy Ray Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Read, III Mr. and Mrs. Marshall W. Reavis, IV Mrs. Barbara Reed Mr. Paul Rehder Annette M. Rehmke and Jeffery W. Hickey Mrs. Corrine V. Reichert Mills and Betty Rendell Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Repke Mr. and Mrs. Joey Resnick Alicia and David Resnicoff Mrs. Cynthia M. Reusche Mary W. Reusché Marilyn and Guy Revesz Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Rigsby Bernard and Gloria Rinella Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rippie Randy and Dr. Petra Rissman Mr. and Mrs. Branden Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ritchie Ms. Tracy Ritter and Ms. Charlet M. Stearney Ms. Tonja M. Rizai and Mr. Max A. Hall Dr. and Mrs. William J. Robb III Roberta Sue Robert Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Royal E. Rockow Diane Rodevich Nancy Rodin Mrs. Kathy Roeser Paul and Sharlene Roge Elizabeth and James Roghair Nancy Rohn Mr. and Mrs. Douglass F. Rohrman Mr. Peter Roknich Missy Romanoff Ronzani Lawn Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rosen Sandra and James Rosenberg Mr. Karl S. Rosengren and Ms. Sarah Mangelsdorf


Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Rosenstein Judy and Warner Rosenthal Brenda Ross and Charles Laurito Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ross Nuna and Ennio Rossi Mrs. Daun R. Roth Howard and Gene Royer Tom and Judy Roytek Ms. Ellen Rudnick and Mr. Paul Earle Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rudnicki Paul Ruestow and Rose Catchatourian Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Rugo Ms. Gretchen K. Rupp Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Ruskin Ms. Charlotte Rusnak and Mr. Anthony F. Rusnak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ruzicka Ms. Eileen Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ryan Roger A. Rytlewski Martha Sabransky Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Sacks & Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sacks Carolyn and David Saidel Mr. Rudolph Saliwanchik Dr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Salter Ms. Sue Ann Samuelson Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Sanders Steven and Elizabeth Sanders John and Marilyn Sanner The Santaromita Family Ms. Donna Chiariello Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Saran Ms. Susan K. Sarb Mr. S. Prentiss Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Scarpelli Mr. and Mrs. Erik Scheier Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Scheyer Jackie Schiller Mr. Roger M. Schiller* Ms. Julie Schmidt and Ms. Sarah Schmidt Ms. P. Christine Schmidt Barbara and Gene Schmitt David and Marilyn Scholl Ginny and Jim Schooley James and Jane Schorr Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Schreiber Warren R. Schreier Rob and Kris Schriesheim Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Schroeder Florence B. Schubert Ms. Kristine Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Schulman Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schultz Thomas and Kathleen Schultz Jeffery and Susan Schulze

Mrs. Barbra A. Schumann Mr. Herbert Schwab Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradford Schwalm Mrs. Samantha Schwalm Ms. Sally Schwartz Ms. Susan L. Schwartz Ms. Lisa D. Schwarz Dr. Deborah Scott and Dr. Joan Sophie Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Scott Mr. Robert F. Seebeck Sharon Seeder Pam Seefurth* Mr. and Mrs. David Seidman Dr. Michael and Marcy Seiler Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp, Jr. Miss Denise Seiz Nancy and Ron Semerdjian Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Semple, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shackelford Kay Shannon Mr. Robert V. Shannon and Ms. Gina B. Kennedy Ms. Caroline Shapiro Ms. Sonya Sharpless and Mr. Jon Fryer Linda A. Shaughnessy and Richard S. Berger Mr. Patrick Shaw and Ms. Mary Sue Glosser Mr. John A. Shea and Ms. Elizabeth Tsunoda Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Michelle Sheedy Pete and Mary Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield III Melissa A. Shennan Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sher Lee and Sally Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Sherman Brian Shevitz and Karen O’Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shields Linda and Gerald Shields Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Shiley Ms. Eunja Shim Mrs. Joyce Shraiberg Mr. and Mrs. Duward F. Shriver Mary Lynn Shushunov Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sider Ms. Linda S. Siegel Mr. and Mrs.* Paul R. Sievert Nancy and Tom Silberman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Silvernail Ms. Diana Simon Mrs. William Simon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Siragusa Dr. and Mrs. Pakorn Sirijintakarn Don and Marion Sitkiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Sjoblom John and Trish Sjoholm Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Slanicky

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Slattery Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Slisz Adrian and Nancy Smith Mrs. Barbara S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith Mr. James Smith Toni Sandor Smith Christina and Robert Smolen Jack and Lynn Snarr Mrs. Ann B. Snyder Robert H. Solomon Mrs. Shirley Solomon Marge and Larry Sondler Mr. and Mrs. Henning H. Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Soudan, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David Spadafora Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Spielman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sprogis Mr. and Mrs. Vernon T. Squires Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Srodon Mr. William G. Stanford Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stein Mrs. Susan Stein Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stellato Karen and Lorry Stensrud Ms. Deborah Stephen Phillip and Leslie Stern Mr. John H. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Stineman Ms. Mary Stock Mr. and Mrs. Avery Stone Dr. and Mrs. Peter W. Stonebraker Ms. Mary Strabel Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stracks Ms. Mary Strahota Mrs. Marcia D. Stratinsky Dr. and Mrs. Gerald O. Strauch Mrs. Joan Streibel Ms. Ann Marie Streibich Jennifer P. Streit Mr. and Mrs. Rick Strusiner Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stuart Mrs. John C. Sturgis William and Rosanne Sullivan Mr. Wayne N. Svoboda Priscilla Swanson Ms. Amy Swartchild Ms. Loretta Sweeney Mrs. Sandra H. Sweet and Ms. Eva Carrillo Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Swett Mr. and Mrs. John S. Swift Mr. D. Jeffrey Swinson Ms. Barbara B. Synnestvedt Mary Tamarri


Ms. Kathy Taslitz Dr. Barbara O. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Taylor The ten Brink Family Jamina E. Tepley and Michael J. Stoyanovich Mr. and Mrs. Peter Testa & Family Florence M. Theisen Mr. Marcus W. Thimm Mrs. Joseph M. Thomas Mrs. Patricia Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James Thome Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson Ms. Nancy A. Tichenor David and Shawn Tiemeier Ms. Mary E. Timmons Mr. and Mrs. David Tingue Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley Tips Ms. Lorinda D. Tisdell Philip and Sandy Tobin Virginia Tolk Christina Topf and Philip Burns Ms. Anita A. Torok Mr. and Mrs. William E. Totsch Ms. Susan J. Touhy and Mr. Bob Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Tousey Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tracey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Tracey Mr. and Mrs. James M. Trapp Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Trees Mr. Richard D. Triggs and Mr. William Jennings Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tubutis Anne Tucker Ms. Nancy C. Tudor Adam Tumas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Turchi Mr. Fred L. Turner John and Suzanne Turner Mr. Steven J. Turner and Ms. Ann M. Cunniff Paul and Judith Tuszynski Ms. Hilary J. Tyor and Mr. Peter Tyor Elizabeth A. Uihlein Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Unell Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Upton Andrei Ursu Ms. Elsa Vaintzettel Peter M. Vale Joseph Valenti Jr. Family Foundation John and Kay Van Cleave Mrs. Gerald W. Van Treeck L. Byron Vance and Miller Shivers Vance Mr. Andre J. Vanee Helen M. Vaporis Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery S. Vender Mr. Glen Verber *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Ms. Mary Jo Victor Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Victor Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vogl Dr. Michael Vold Mrs. Sally H. Volkert-Bissell Dr. Malcolm V. Vye and Dr. Cecile Vye Mr. Joe Vyskocil Mr. Chander P. Wadhwa and Mrs. Nora Wadhwa Kendra and Thys Wallace George and Katrin Walsh Mary M. Walther Carl and Janice Wangman Mary and Dick Wantuch Jo Nancy and James R. Warren Mrs. Hempstead Washburne Dr. David Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Scott Waterbury Mr. Daniel C. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Watkins Ms. Sandy Waxman Allen and Jennifer Weaver Mr. and Mrs.* Morris S. Weeden Ms. Jessica Weil Mr. Walter V. Weinert Mr. Robert Weinstock Mrs. Lin M. Weiss Pat and Alfred Weissenbach Mr. and Mrs. Sven E. Welander Mr. Kalman Wenig Mr. and Mrs. Mark Werwath Barbara H. West Mr. John R. Westerberg Mrs. Arthur W. Weston Jack White - Creations Landscaping Ltd Ms. Marion M. White Mrs. Jane C. Whiting Robert and Barbara Wichmann Dr. Katherine A. Wier-Roin Anne and Lloyd Williams Nancy M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Wilneff Randy and Carol Wilson Mrs. Robert H. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. David J. Winchester Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wineman, Jr. Dr. Christine Winter Massie and Mr. James Massie Mr. William Rockwell Wirtz Michael A. Wislek Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Witkowski Ms. Stephanie Wohlner Ann Wolff Sylvia Wolfson and Seymour Nordenberg Stephen and Cynthia Wolpert Dr. Hak Y. Wong Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Wood David Woodruff Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Worth Mrs. Diane L. Wright

Mr. Joseph F. Wright Ms. Rebecca Wright Mr. and Mrs. L. James Wylie Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Yastrow Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Yee Linda and Owen Youngman Diane and Lawrence Zalusky Mr. Mark Zampardo Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Zar Mr. Herbert L. Zarov and Mrs. Alice White-Zarov Mrs. Richard J. Zdanowicz John and Nadine Zei Jane and David Zeisloft Steven J. Zick Ms. Carol Zielinski and Mr. William Coyne Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Zimmermann James and Diane Zimmermann Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Zipoli Jonathan and Lisa Zirin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Zoph Mr. Aldo C. Zucaro *Deceased

INSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT GIVING Corporations, foundations, government agencies, and organizations provide critical support for the Chicago Botanic Garden’s broad range of public programs, scientific research, and operational needs. The following generous gifts were made between January 1 and December 31, 2012. $1,000,000 and above Forest Preserve District of Cook County • General Operating Support • Plants of Concern The Grainger Foundation • Butterflies & Blooms • Green Youth Farm Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation • Plant Collection Trip to the Republic of Georgia • Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Plant Conservation Science Center United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management • Assessing Impacts of Climate Change on Rare Plants • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program • Seeds of Success National Coordination Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society • General Operating Support • Growing the Future


$500,000 to $999,999 Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity • Shoreline Restoration • Tourism Marketing Partnership Program • Windy City Harvest Illinois Department of Natural Resources • Early Detection/Rapid Response Plan for Hydrilla verticillata in Illinois • Volunteer-based Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Outreach in Illinois Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois State Museum • Grunsfeld Children’s Growing Garden Wildlife Preservation Fund • Plants of Concern The Regenstein Foundation • Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School of the Chicago Botanic Garden Garden

$250,000 to $499,999 Helen V. Froehlich Foundation • Education and Community Programs • Science Research The Hekman Gordon Family • Grunsfeld Children’s Growing Garden, Pavilion Garden Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation • Science Initiative United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program • Training Beginning Farmers for Chicago’s Urban Agriculture Community North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program • Translating Sustainable Urban Agriculture to the Backyard Garden in Metropolitan Chicago United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program • Development of Optimal Rare Plant Monitoring Protocols • Early Detection/Rapid Response Plan for Hydrilla verticillata in Illinois • Grassland Bird Population and Habitat Management in the East Gulf Coastal Plain • Implementing Adaptive Management for Control of Phragmites australis on National Wildlife Refuges in the Northeast Region and Model Development to Support the Integrated Waterbird Management and Monitoring Program • National Wildlife Refuge System Seeds of Success: Involving Volunteers in Native Seed Collection for Restoration Projects • Seeds of Success National Coordination • Volunteer-based Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention Outreach in Illinois

$100,000 to $249,999 Abbott Fund • General Operating Support • Science Initiative Astellas USA Foundation • Science Initiative • Sponsor, Three Friends of Winter Baxter International Inc. • Corporate STEM Internship Program • General Operating Support • Learning Campus • Major Sponsor, World Environment Day • Science Initiative City of Chicago, Department of Family and Support Services • Jr. Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest HSBC • Education and Community Programs • General Operating Support

• Sponsor, Tuesday Morning Music • Windy City Harvest

The J.R. Albert Foundation, Inc. • Green Youth Farm

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service • Development of Optimal Rare Plant Monitoring Protocols • Seeds of Success National Coordination Eastern Region • Native Plant Conservation Seed Collecting Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie • Northeastern Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership, Cooperative Weed Management Area • Plants of Concern Pacific Southwest Region • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program

Allstate Insurance Company • General Operating Support • Harvest Ball

United States Institute of Museum and Library Services • Native Seed Farming • Science Career Continuum • Smartphone/Website Interpretive Technology • Tree Collection Conservation Survey

Illinois Tool Works Foundation • General Operating Support • Science Career Continuum • Science Initiative

$50,000 to $99,999

JPMorgan Chase & Co. • Education and Community Programs • Summer Dinner Dance

American Airlines • General Operating Support • Harvest Ball

John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation • General Operating Support

BMO Harris Bank • Principal Sponsor, Antiques & Garden Fair • Sponsor, Farm Dinners

Mondelēz International Foundation • Corporate Campus Gardens

The Buchanan Family Foundation • Science Initiative

National Science Foundation • Acquisition of Conservation Geographic Information Systems Instrumentation • Acquisition of a Seed X-Ray Machine • Future Directions in Biodiversity and Systematics Research • The Interplay of Genetic and Numerical Dynamics in Severely Fragmented Prairie Populations of Echinacea angustifolia • Phylogeny and Revision of Artocarpus (Moraceae) • Plant Biology and Conservation Research Experience for Undergraduates––from Genes to Ecosystems • Reassembling Pollinator Communities to Promote Pollination Function at the Landscape Scale

Center for Plant Conservation • Examining the Genetic Diversity and Relationships of Populations of Lepidospartum burgessii • Seeds of Success Interns

Northern Trust • Green Youth Farm • Learning Campus Amphitheater

Anonymous (2) • Project BudBurst • Windy City Harvest

NorthShore University HealthSystem • Green Youth Farm • Immersion Days • Major Sponsor, Wonderland Express • Sponsor, Fall Bulb Festival • Sponsor, Garden Chef Series

After School Matters • Green Youth Farm

National Endowment for the Humanities • Conserving and Creating Access to Rare Botanical Volumes National Fish and Wildlife Foundation • Development of Optimal Rare Plant Monitoring Protocols • Seeds of Success National Coordination State Farm Youth Advisory Board • Green Youth Farm

$25,000 to $49,999

Albers/Kuhn Family Foundation • Green Youth Farm • Horticultural Therapy Services


American Bird Conservancy • Grassland Bird Population and Habitat Management in the East Gulf Coastal Plain The Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc. • Green Youth Farm The Brinson Foundation • Education and Community Programs Cardinal Health • Corporate STEM Internship Program • General Operating Support ComEd • Green Youth Farm • Major Sponsor, Wonderland Express • Summer Dinner Dance • Windy City Harvest Cook County Department of Environmental Control • Chicago Botanic Garden Lighting Upgrade • Cook County Vocational Rehabilitation Impact Center Composting Project Discover Financial Services • Science Career Continuum • Supporting Sponsor, Wonderland Express Food Network Magazine, LLC • Major Sponsor and Official Magazine, Garden Chef Series • Sponsor, Spooky Pooch Parade Lloyd A. Fry Foundation • Science Career Continuum Elizabeth Morse Genius Charitable Trust • Cook County Vocation Rehabilitation Impact Center Garden Program • Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest Leo S. Guthman Fund • College First • Green Youth Farm John R. Halligan Charitable Fund • General Operating Support Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program • Clean Boats, Clean Waters • PhragNet: A Cooperative Learning Network for Adaptive Management of Phragmites-invaded Coastal Habitats Kemper Educational and Charitable Fund • Education and Community Programs Midwest Foods • Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest

CONTRIBUTORS National Aeronautics and Space Administration • Climate Change Education Project Polk Bros. Foundation • Windy City Harvest Abra Prentice Foundation, Inc. • Horticultural Therapy Services Dr. Scholl Foundation • Horticulture Internship Program Sheridan Foundation • College First • Green Youth Farm Steans Family Foundation • Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest United States Department of Energy • Chicago Botanic Garden Lighting Upgrade • Cook County Vocational Rehabilitation Impact Center Composting Project United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program United States Department of Labor • Windy City Harvest United States Environmental Protection Agency • Enhancing Capacity of Wetland Programs to Assess and Management Habitat for Secretive Marshbird Support • Plants of Concern • Science Career Continuum Walgreens • General Operating Support

$10,000 to $24,999 Alliance for the Great Lakes • Plants of Concern Autumn Tree, A SavATree Company • Principal Sponsor, Tree Health Care Bartlett Tree Experts • Sponsor, President’s Circle • Sponsor, Tree Design Symposium • Sponsor, World Environment Day Alvin H. Baum Family Fund • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program • Urban Agriculture

The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation • Outreach on Invasive Plants in Horticulture, Northeast Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership

Smart Family Foundation • General Operating Support

Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP • Supporting Sponsor, Wonderland Express

The Starbucks Foundation • Green Youth Farm

Equinox Fitness • Sponsor, Farmer’s Market

Sterling Partners • Education and Community Programs

Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation • General Operating Support • Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest

Tawani Foundation • General Operating Support • Science Initiative

W. W. Grainger, Inc. • Supporting Sponsor, Wonderland Express Sally Mead Hands Foundation • Plants of Concern Illinois Department of Veterans’ Affairs • Horticultural Therapy Services ITW • Major Sponsor, World Environment Day

UL • Corporate STEM Internship Program • Major Sponsor, World Environment Day United States Department of Housing and Urban Development • Jr. Green Youth Farm

Joe & Ross Ice Cream • General Operating Support The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation • General Operating Support

Waukegan Harbor Citizens’ Advisory Group • Plants of Concern

Walter S. Mander Foundation • Green Youth Farm

$1,000 to $9,999

McKenna Foundation • General Operating Support

Anonymous (2) • General Operating Support

Mexico Tourism Board • Sponsor, Taste of Mexico

American Agricultural Insurance Company • General Operating Support

Harold M. and Adeline S. Morrison Family Foundation • Science Career Continuum

American Society of Botanical Artists • General Operating Support

Openlands • Plants of Concern Edmond & Alice Opler Foundation • Horticultural Therapy Services Plante Moran • Sponsor, Antiques & Garden Fair • Summer Dinner Dance Prince Charitable Trusts • Green Youth Farm The PrivateBank • Sponsor, Gardens of Distinction

Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Chicago • General Operating Support Comcast • Sponsor, Fall Bulb Festival

The Siragusa Foundation • Science Initiative - Green Challenge

Capital One Financial Corporation • College First

The Trillium Foundation • Science First

University of Florida • Directing Succession Through Adaptive Management: Reed Canary Grass in Wet Meadows and Riparian Forests

Purdue University • Outreach on Invasive Plants in Horticulture, Northeast Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership • PhragNet: A Cooperative Learning Network for Adaptive Management of Phragmites-invaded Coastal Habitats

Grace Bersted Foundation • Green Youth Farm

Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust • College First Horticulture Interns


Automatic Data Processing, Inc. • General Operating Support Benefit Magic, LLC • Green Youth Farm Berends Hendricks Stuit Insurance Agency, Inc. • General Operating Support The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation • Horticultural Therapy Services The Butz Foundation • Carillon Concert Series Chanticleer Foundation • Curatorial Professional Development Charter One Foundation • Green Youth Farm William J. Clancy Foundation • College First Franklin Square Foundation • General Operating Support Garden Guild of Winnetka • Grunsfeld Children’s Growing Garden

GCG Financial, Inc. • General Operating Support Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board • Investigating the Role of Genetic Diversity and Pollination Biology as Potential Causes for Reproductive Failure in Asclepias lanuginosa (woolly milkweed) JULIE, Inc. • Sponsor, A Bloomin’ Festival Junior Garden Club of Lake Forest • General Operating Support Bertha Lebus Charitable Trust • College First Lincolnshire Garden Club • National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank Make It Better • General Operating Support Marquette Associates, Inc. • General Operating Support Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day • Green Youth Farm Northshore Iris & Daylily Society, Inc. • Horticulture Old Republic International Corporation • General Operating Support PwC • General Operating Support • Sponsor, World Environment Day Reed Smith LLP • General Operating Support Seven C Foundation • General Operating Support Sodexo, Inc. & Associates • General Operating Support Starbucks Community Service Program • General Operating Support United Conveyor Foundation • General Operating Support W.P. & H.B. White Foundation • Science Career Continuum



Anonymous (1) Akzo Nobel Inc. Ameriprise Financial Aon Foundation ArcelorMittal Arch Insurance Group AT&T Foundation AXA Foundation Bank of America Foundation Baxter International Inc. BMO Harris Bank Caterpillar Foundation CME Group Community Foundation CNA Foundation Eaton Charitable Fund The Field Foundation of Illinois FM Global Foundation FMC Technologies, Inc. Ford Foundation Fortune Brands Home & Security GlaxoSmithKline Foundation W. W. Grainger, Inc. Houghton Mifflin Company HSBC IBM Matching Grants Program Integrys/Peoples Gas/North Shore Gas ITW Johnson Controls Foundation, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Foundation Kraft Foods Foundation The Kresge Foundation Markel Corporation Robert R. McCormick Foundation McGraw Foundation Mead Johnson Nutrition Monsanto Fund Motorola Solutions Foundation Newedge USA, LLC Northern Trust PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer Foundation Retirement Research Foundation Schneider Electric North America Foundation Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. TDK Corporation of America Tiff Education Foundation Trans Union TTX Company United Technologies Matching Gifts Program USG Foundation, Inc. Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation

Anonymous (1) American Airlines Artemisia Landscape Design Atlas Brewing Company August Hill Winery David Austin Roses Limited Autumn Tree, A SavATree Company Bailey Nurseries, Inc. Ball Horticultural Company BBJ Boutique Linen Bell’s Brewery, Inc. Craig Bergmann Landscape Design, Inc. Blooms of Bressingham Mr. Tom Bonnie Botanicals, Inc. Bridgewerks, DIV. Mountain Products The Care of Trees - Wheeling - The Davey Tree Expert Company Carriage Hill Kennels, Inc. City Winery Chicago Cooking with Kids, Inc. Crown Imports LLC Discover Financial Services Mr. John Doughty DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse Dupli-Graphic Corporation Emmett’s Brewing Company FEW Spirits Founders Brewing Company Estate of Jack Fried Glenview Park District Glunz Family Winery & Cellars Goose Island Beer Company Great Garden Plants, Inc. Great Lakes Brewing Company Green Earth Institute Half Acre Beer Company Halls Rental Mr. Donald Hammond Healthy GOO, LLC William Heffernan Landscapes Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holubow Home Depot Illinois Nutrition Education and Training Program ITW Intrinsic Perennial Gardens, Inc. Marion Ishii Koval Distillery Lagunitas Brewing Company Lake Bluff Brewing Company The Landry Mutt Lynfred Winery Manfredini Landscaping and Design, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meyers Lisa M. Michet Trust


CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Midwest Center for Botanical Documentation Midwest Groundcovers, LLC Montana Correctional Enterprises North Creek Nurseries, Inc. North Shore Distillery, LLC Pagoda Red Paramount Merchants Performance Media The Popcorn Factory Ravinia Festival Association Renee’s Garden The Right Spot Pet Massage Dr.* and Mrs. Jae O. Ro & Family Rosborough Partners, Inc. Schmechtig Landscape Company Skokie Valley Beverage Company Spring Meadow Nursery Inc. Sterling Morton Library Mr. John Summerfield Sunset Foods Sutton Studios Tailwinds Distilling Mrs. Thomas Tecza Terra Nova Nurseries Tiffany & Co. Two Brothers Brewing Company United States Army Corps of Engineers Urban Worm Girl, L3C Walgreens Walters Gardens, Inc. Whole Foods Market Michael Zubrzycki *Deceased

TRIBUTE GIFTS The Garden is a source of pleasure and solace. The following lists are individuals who were honored or remembered at the Garden in 2012 and those who celebrated them with a gift. Mr. Donald W. Abel Ms. Mary Dunn Lynn Abrahamson and Wilbert Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Cain Mrs. Robert D. Gaertner Sophia and Jon Siskel Dr. Bernard Abrams Dolores and Irv Weiman Mr. Robert Abt Sandi Bartelstein Mr. Joseph Alberti Lee and Sharon Oberlander Ms. Gayle N. Alexander Mr. Robert S. Cutler Mrs. John W. Allyn John W. Allyn, Jr. The Allyn Foundation, Inc. Aida Amsel and Michael Giglio Sophia and Jon Siskel Mrs. Dena Anastos Advocate Health Care Mrs. Loretta Alleman Mrs. S. Amarantos ARC Advanced Radiology Consultants, S.C. Mrs. Efthymia Bekas Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Bell George and Carol Blanas Mrs. Debbie Brown Ms. Cynthia Brown and Mr. Peter Colvos Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Brown Mrs. Helen Brown Ms. Mary Jane Calin Lee Clementi Ms. Claudia C. Davidson Mrs. Robert Dismang Mrs. Cynthia Ebert Ms. Genevieve Esterman Ms. Donna P. Frett Garden Club of Morton Grove Golf Western Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco Church Music Federation Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hayden Mrs. Gail Kachoyeanos Ms. Dolores M. Kalchin Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Karakourtis Mrs. Helen S. Koulogeorge Mr. William Lasche Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Markos Ms. Rosetta Metz


Dr. and Mrs. S. J. Mulopulos Plant Information Volunteers Ms. Georgia Spelios Purtell Ms. Jean Regas Ms. Nancy Reise Mrs. Georgia S. Revis Mr. and Mrs. Vito Scalia Ms. Heddi Schellbach Mrs. Cynthia Schroeder Ms. Diann Sheridan Mrs. Constance P. Sisson Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spears Ms. Betty Tatooles Harriet Tatooles Mrs. Joseph Thomas Nicholas Tzakis and Family Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Toulon Mrs. Mildred P. Anderson Ms. Linda Burns Mrs. Judith E. Mettler Ms. Sydney M. Arenberg John Arenberg Paul Arenberg Steven M. Arenberg Mrs. Helaine Billings The Jackson Family Mrs. Katherine L. Olson Ms. Natalie Weinstein Mrs. Beverly Asher Ms. Estelle London Ms. Peggy Au Schatz The Ruscitti Family Nishan Babikian The Gordon Family Mr. Robert Bachrach Mrs. Lorraine May Mr. William T. Bacon Mrs. Arthur R. Kneibler Julie L. Baer Lynn Abrahamson and Wilbert Crowley Mr. Donald Baer Mr. and Mrs. Martin Becker Ms. Judy Blunck Sally Campbell Ms. Jean Coleman Patricia J. Coleman Barbara Cooper Dr. Cheryl Cooper and Mr. Carey Cooper Ms. Mary K. Cumming Joan B. David Julie Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Emanuel Ginny and Peter Foreman Mrs. John Friedlich Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton Ms. Mari Gimbel and Mr. J. William Gimbel

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Golden Robert and Gail Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grais Ms. Diane Graybeck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenberg Mrs. Robert J. Greenebaum Ms. Barbara Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Heymann Mr. and Mrs. Walter V. Holt Ms. A. Nancy Horner Jacqueline Cambata Designs Cindy Janis Mrs. Burton B. Kaplan Mrs. Christine F. Karger Betsy and Jack Karp Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Karp Ms. Dorothy Kessler Betty Kurtz Dr. and Mrs. Leon Lane Janet and Tom Leopold Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Livingston Ms. Patricia M. Livingston Jocelyn and Peter Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Jr. The Mekelburg Family Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Mesquita Ms. Aimee W. Minkin Edward* and Lucy R. Minor Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Mintmire Mrs. Joann F. Moses Paine/Wetzel Associates Annette Rall Susan B. and Dr. Myron E. Rubnitz Marion E. Simon Judy and Bill Siskel Sophia and Jon Siskel Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein Mrs. Jeni Spiney Dorie Sternberg Ms. Corinne M. Stransky Pam and Russ Strobel Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Uhlmann Ann and Frederick Ullman Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Weil, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Weinstein Winnetka Chamber of Commerce Ann Wolff Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Wolff A.H. Wurzburg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Yastrow Mrs. Ruth Baker Kris and Jodi Gehrke Sara Reynolds Ellen Ball Steve Ball and Les Everett Dana Blakeman, Bill Dulin, and Ronnie Middleton

Robbie and Jim Boudreau Ms. Gloria A. Sagen Sophia and Jon Siskel

Mrs. Elsa E. Bandi Mrs. S. Amarantos

Mr. Steven W. Smith and Ms. Jennifer MacLean-Smith Barbara Squires Mrs. Marilyn Swoiskin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Telpner Mr. and Mrs. William Tookey Township High School District 214 John Hersey High School

Marian Barell Robert L. Barnett

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Belmont Mr. Mark Troxel and Ms. Jennifer Gold

Buddy Barron The Gordon Family

Mr. Leland Beneke Ginny Hotaling

Mr. Gerard Bastrentaz Ms. Marilyn R. Murray

Lt. Cdr. and Mrs. Horace Edward Bent Ms. Margaret B. Ryan

Marilyn Baugher Ms. Patricia McIlraith Mr. Paul D. Urnes

Pat and John Bent Ms. Margaret B. Ryan

Mr. Robert Ballenger Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Pinsof

Mr. Ronald Bayers Ms. Estelle London Mr. David R. Beam Anonymous (1) Ms. Judith Adams Ms. Amelia T. Barbarise Ruth and Marland Berdick Janet and Nat Bilsky and Family Mr. Jeff Bilsky Mr. and Mrs. Albin Blom, Jr. Botanic Garden Saturday Mourning Stroll Group Ms. Linda B. Bowman Mrs. Melanie Cohen Mrs. Anne Coughlin Ms. Joan C. Cyze Ms. Marcia I. Edison and Mr. Tom C. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. James F. Goodwin Linda Goodwin Ms. Donna Gulley Mr. Lyle Hampton The Hargraves Family Ann Hartsock Mrs. Patti F. Helfand KZF Development, Inc. Susan Lampe Ms. Fleury-Ann Linn Ms. Edie Lubow Sue and Terry MacLean Mrs. Nancy Malicki Meadow Ridge Book Club Mrs. Sharon Morris Leroy T. Mulcrone Nancy and Bill Nesbit Mrs. Mary Parrella Ms. Patti Penner Ms. Sandra M. Rosenbloom Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Schrader Carol Slingo


Ingrid E. Bergstrom The Oberlander Group Mrs. Kathleen C. Berk Sharon and Lee Oberlander Mrs. Harriet K. Bernstein Edye Gershman Ms. Sarah J. Berson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Elkins The Biede Family Tom and Martha Biede Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bley The Bley Children Gloria Bliss Mr. John Grossman and Mrs. JoAnn Chaimson-Grossman Mrs. Judy Block Michael and Judith Goldman Mr. Martin L. Block Mr. John Grossman and Mrs. JoAnn Chaimson-Grossman Mrs. Judith K. Kubert Dr. Y.C. Boba and Ms. Lauren E. Boba Barbara J. Boba The Bockmann Family Ms. Kai Bockmann Ms. Deborah Burrows Mrs. Angela S. Boho Mrs. Rosalind Barnow Dr. Katherine Boho Patricia and John Boho Harvey and Esther Jane Buller John and Miriam Claassen Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Corbin Ms. Marilyn Edwards Crocker Donald M. DeDonato Adele and Ben Ferrell William J. Gallagher GLM, Inc. Ed and Marge Harms Ms. Ann Hoffman

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Mr. Brett House Ms. Lynnette J. House Mr. Joseph D. Pascucci, Jr. Bob and Cynthia Postma Tom Sabin and Debbie Boho Sabin Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Schmidt Mavis (Harold) Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Don Schramm Mr. Payson S. Wild, Jr. Mrs. Debra Boorstein Mrs. Barbara A. Kahn Mrs. Jeanne H. Bradner Ginny Hotaling Elizabeth Bray Judith Anne Gross Chiarelli The Staff of the National Security Information Systems Section of Argonne National Laboratory Dr. Howard L. Bresler Mr. Barry A. Goldberg and Ms. Michele R. Bresler Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Marshall Tatar Mr. and Mrs. William Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nussbaum Patricia Welch Bro Mrs. Ronald L. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Elizabeth Barrett Ganitopoulos Mr. and Mrs. Burton W. Hales, Jr. Mr. Leon Hineman Ms. Patricia A. Hochstein Mrs. Eleanor M. Howard Mrs. Elizabeth Bro Howard Mrs. Constance Tippens Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kline Mrs. Holly Ann Koch Mr. Thomas M. Lillard, Jr. Ms. Emily P. Mazurek Ms. Marilyn D. Mints Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Nadler Mrs. Rebecca Nierman Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Osborn II Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Petrie Joan and Henry Riffe Ms. Elizabeth O. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Snyder Mrs. Sharon Allyn Taylor Mrs. Diane M. Twine Mrs. James D. Vail Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mrs. Virginia P. Ware Jane* and Bill White Mrs. Janet P. Brown Randall Brown Thomas Brown Nancy Anderson Brown Mr. and Mrs. David E. Brown, Jr.

Ms. Roberta Brown’s father Mr. John Grossman and Mrs. Joanne Chaimson-Grossman

Mrs. Diane Clark Lynn Abrahamson Sophia and Jon Siskel

Mr. William W. Brown Ginny Hotaling

H. Scott Clark Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ark Mr. and Mrs. Gary Berg Pat and Patty Burke Beatty & Wozniak, P.C. Ms. Holly J. Casperson Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Curran Patricia O.B. Delaney Ms. Faith Glazer Mr. and Mrs. David S. Grabacki Mr. and Mrs. Marvin I. Herman Ms. Jill Hogan and Mr. Larry Haberkorn Mrs. Donald P. Kelly Donald P. and Byrd M. Kelly Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Kelly Kirk for Senate Lake Bluff School District #65 Mr. Thomas Larimer Mrs. Lorraine May Mr. and Mrs. Glenn S. Minarcik Lisa and Dennis Nash Jeffrey and Cynthia O’Koon Deborah and Tom Pavlick Ms. Linda Rosenthal Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Runnfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Smith Ms. Patricia K. Walker Ms. Pamela A. Weidenhamer Ms. Anne E. Wirtz

Ms. Julie Bunn Mr. Fernando Diaz Mrs. Mary Jane Butler Mr. and Mrs. David K. Barth Ms. Virginia Blankenbaker and Mr. John Williams Mrs. William C. Butler Mrs. Laura A. Clapp Jane H. Clarke Mr. Samuel N. Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cucciniello Mr. Thomas Cucciniello Ms. Sally De Forest Ms. Elsie De Laune Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Deutsch Dr. and Mrs. John E. Garnett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerber and Family Ms. Andrea S. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mahr Ms. Diane McKeever and Mr. Eric Jensen Ann Ford McMillen Mr. Willard C. McNitt III Mr. and Mrs. Lon Ramsey Mr. Robert F. Seebeck Mrs. Anne Taft James and Eileen Thomas Thomas, McNerney & Partners Mr. and Mrs. Wilson VanArsdale Mary M. Walther Mrs. Ralph F. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Byron The Edward* and Lucy R. Minor Family Foundation Ms. Alice B. Rapoport and Mr. Michael Sachs Mr. Keith Cahill Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Schneider Mr. Morton D. Cahn Mr. and Mrs. John E. Deimel Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Callistein Ms. Lorraine McDonald and Mr. Michael Davis Mrs. Dorothy Camp Ms. Vivian Frazier Mrs. Robert Adams Carr Mrs. Joan Lowry Mr. Charles W. Centner The Oberlander Group Mrs. Dorothy Chaplik Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Skolnik Roberta Chess Sandi Bartelstein


Helen B. Clark Amy B. Anderson and Family Gregory C. Clark Martha Dowd and Beth Breen Marjorie and Jack Clavey Justin and Ann Fishbein Keith and Barbara Clayton Laura and Stephen Ash Meridith B. Clement and Bennett Epstein Tom and Marcia Fraerman Mrs. Linnea Coffee Marlene Iser Kate Coffield and Max Martinez Suzanne E. Coffield Shirley N. McBeath Sister Irene Quintana and Nellie Schwanke Mr. Murray Cohen Mr. John Grossman and Mrs. JoAnn Chaimson-Grossman Mrs. Pearle Cohen Mr. Michael W. Levine

Mr. Richard Cohn Dorothy Gutstadt Mr. and Mrs. M. Hefter Mrs. Donald I. Roth

Mr. Vincent DeGeorge Amy Bell

Mrs. Emily C. Dyer Mrs. Paul E. Hamer

Mrs. Jill Delaney Mr. Robert O. Delaney, Sr.

Earth Day Clients Amy A. Trager

Mrs. Jacqueline Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Yastrow

Mr. Justin DeLean Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nussbaum

East Cloud Brian Grundei

Mrs. Louise Neff Collins Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cregan Ms. Deborah C. Papps

Mrs. Eileen DeMarzio Rich Cohen

Mr. Robert G. Edison Mrs. Joyce Edison

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Denenberg Ms. Patricia Hefter

Ms. Jeanette Einhorn Ms. Karen Coan

James D. Denham Ron and Gail Denham

Ms. Rosemarie Eisner Ms. Joan B. Corcoran Mr. Jack LeVeille Ms. Jeanette Mellske Mr. Ivar J. Ranvik

Rusty and Barri Colman Donna and Phil Lebovitz Nina and Michael Lipkin Duane and Betty Conwell Andrew Conwell Roland and Marilyn Conzachi Thomas A. Manthei Mr. John L. Cooper, Jr. Dorothy Andrews and The Book Club Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cardulla Mrs. Myung Ja Chi Mrs. John L. Cooper, Jr. Phillip and Elizabeth Dlouhy Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gregorian Arnak and Violet Kasparian Stephen and Janet Kasparian Bruce and Judy Lenz Dorothy Matsumoto Ms. Helen Marie Moshak John and Helen Moshak Allen, Rita, Fran and Marc Pomerance Mr. and Mrs. Randy Preston Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Scrimali The Seed Bank Staff Ms. Janice Ann Simpson Mr. Chris Tancuong Trandai Mrs. Yung Ja Yi Ms. Stephanie F. Couzin Ms. Susan T. Schufeldt Ms. Kay H. Coyne Ms. Cathy King Mr. Thomas Crone Mrs. Sherry Crone Kathleen Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Eckert Bruce Crowther Mrs. Barbara Reed Cheryl Cullinan Jean R. Cleland Mrs. Marian Current Mr. Scott E. Waller Mrs. Fern Lois Danley Ms. Ann F. Hanson Mrs. Marguerite E. Davis Mr. Robert C. Davis III

Ms. Priscilla Rand DePree J.P. DePree Family Fund Joan P. DePree Ms. Priscilla Rand DePree Mrs. Noreen Derer Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Derer Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Deveny Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Segal Mr. Howard Diamond Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis George and Christopher DiCostanzo Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Stein Sue Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Ms. Judith A. Doerscheln Anonymous Mrs. Clara Domzalski Mr. Michael Grochocinski Mrs. Grace A. Donnellan Ms. Catherine M. Lutz Mrs. Beth Schuller Dr. M. Michael Dorr Ms. Mary Beth Turek Mrs. Joy M. Dowling Virginia and David Glantz Robert and Colleen Downes’ mother, Roberta Antoinette Lori Klark Jerry Dribin Marilyn Shoolin Jerry and Evelyn Dribin Dribin Grandchildren Emily Shoolin Joel and Heidi Warady Mr. Lawrence Dubin Ellen and Harvey Jacobson Mr. George DuBois Ms. Ronna Jacobson and Mr. Les Jacobson Mr. Timothy A. Dugan Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ted H. Zook


Ms. Renee M. Engerman Marlene Iser Mr. David Epstein Dr. Norman N. Breyer Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisendrath Mrs. Gail P. Guggenheim Ina and Ed Epstein Eileen and Elliott Dwyer Mrs. Margaret Erickson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Erickson Mrs. Charlotte Erland Marlene Iser Ms. Leslie Anne Evoniuk Lorin Blake Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Bowen Ms. Judith E. Chudy Mr. and Mrs. Armin Cline The Culotta Family Mr. Joseph F. Damico Ms. Gina Doctor Ms. Brianne Draffin Ms. Laura R. Eason The Ferrer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John E. Garcia Mrs. Joey B. Gault Mrs. Dana B. Lawrence Gillis Mr. Scott Glazer Ms. Sheri Glazer The Goldsberry Family Beth Grossman Mr. Kenneth Grubich Ms. Corey Guenin Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Hartmeier Ms. Dori Harris Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hudson Mr. Todd W. Huinker The Knepper Family Mr. Frank LaFasto Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Lynch Ms. Amy Olson Ms. Meghan A. Olson

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. Greg Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. Joel Probisky Roundtable Healthcare Partners Mr. and Mrs. R. Patrick Scanlon Mr. Neil K. Shapiro Linda and Roger Sisterman Taylor H. Smith Nick and Sanny Snell Mr. and Mrs. James P. Stauner Dennis Strappa Sara Tabacchi Jonathan and Brook Trtek Mr. James W. Walsh The Zizzo Family Mrs. Judy Ex North Shore Garden Club Mr. Vittorio Fabbri Debby and Ron Hahamy Ms. Carolyn A. Koppel Joseph and Josephine Favia Anonymous (1) Helen B. Axelrod, Ph.D Mr. Randall L. Balla Mrs. Carole Bass Mrs. Kelly R. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brower Friends and Family of Joseph and Josephina Favia Gail Kaitis Ms. Corinne C. Lee Rhita S. Lippitz Ms. Betty MacKune-Karrer Rob Merrilees and Joan Criswell-Merrilees Mr. Keith North Mrs. Joan Ross Ms. Helen Rysemus Ms. Edith T. Takaki Lawrence Ferolie Rich Cohen Jean and John Fico Dr. and Mrs. James M. Fico Mr. David J. Fink Jim Beam Brands Co. Beam Canada, Inc. The Beam Executive Leadership Team and all members of the Beam Family Beam Inc. Blackman Kallick Mr. Jean-Louis Boury and Mrs. Bella Lenderman Canadian Y.P.O. Forum Ms. Danielle Claerhout Mr. Peter W. England Karin Fink’s Toronto Ladies Forum The Roberto Garza Family Mr. Kevin George Mr. Anubhav Goel Mr. Jeff Jentgen

Mr. Michael Kessel Lion Logistics, Inc. Mindy and Noah Mackenzie The Millen Family Mr. and Mrs. William Newlands Plante Moran The PrivateBank and Trust Company Ms. Gabrielle Russell Mr. Lawrence A. Sherman Mr. K. Eugene Shutler D.R. Sperry and Company Dr. Eliot M. Tokowitz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Trotter Mr. and Mrs. Jed Weissbluth Mr. Tom C. Whitmore and Mr. Robert Wojcik Mr. and Mrs. Eddie L. Zeitler Robert F. Finke Mr. and Mrs. David Bloom Mrs. Katie Ford Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Ford Mrs. Lynn Foster Mr. and Mrs. James Loewenberg Mrs. Betty S. Frank Complete Orthopaedic Care Joan B. David The Oberlander Group

Mr. Sheldon Friedman Mr. Boris Bednyak Ms. Rosaleah Goland Mr. Garry Sklovsky Striegel Knobloch & Company L.L.C. Martha Wilen Friestedt Martha Wilen Friestedt The Friestedt Family Martha Wilen Friestedt Mr. Ralph F. Fujimoto Ms. Angela K. Ng Pepper and Kay Furey Kay Furey and Family Mr. George V. Gallagher Mr. Daniel R. Maloney Mrs. Holly Gallegos Mr. Alex Gallegos Mr. and Mrs. Marvin B. Ganek Mr. and Mrs. David Schuval Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Gavin Cathy and Michael Busch Susan and Michael Canmann Katie and Rich Freiburger Elizabeth and Jeff Powell Mrs. Mitzie Georgis Ms. Olga Kenniburg Csar

Mrs. Elaine Frank Mrs. Lorraine May

Mrs. Dorothy Bishop Gidwitz Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis

Adrienne Frankel Mrs. Gail P. Guggenheim Barbara and Frank Lieber North Shore Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Pierce

Nancy Gidwitz Kathy Pick

Mr. Jack Franz Rich Cohen and Chris Kasamis Sharon and Lee Oberlander Susie Fredman and Terri Hawley Suzie and David Shoub Mrs. Geraldine G. Freedman Ms. Harriet Kohn Mr. Robert Fremont Mr. and Mrs. Leon Joffe Mr. Jack Fried Mrs. Joseph W. Bernstein and the Amber Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roland Dubosq Embassy of Japan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gorecki Mr. Timothy Paul Kessler Mr. Peter A. Leon Mr. Shuichi Matsuta Dr. Stephanie Tan Mr. Wesley B. Taylor Mr. Campbell Tyler


Gerd Goble American Alarm Corporation Sharon Bachewicz Ms. Vivian Casey Mr. Peter Chanas Marge Domroes and Family Mr. and Mrs. John G. Gianakopoulos Roger Goble Ms. Paula Neri Hennessey Mr. and Mrs. James W. Layman Mathmatica Policy Research, Inc. Erin, Kevin, Maggie and Emmett Micklo Ms. Bobbi Minoque Ms. Jessica Molnar Ron and Carol Molnar Dan, Nora, Liam and Tara O’Mahoney Mrs. Holly Richardson Ms. Denise A. Rubinstein Ms. Joy Sebastian Ms. Susan Jean Sparks Summit Educational Resources Mark and Trish Trackman Ms. Nancy Youse Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldman Rita Kanne Mrs. Hedda S. Schless

Mrs. Shirley Goldstein Helen Balch and Molly Vandeveld Mrs. Adorea S. Goodman Laurie, Ira, Michael, and Alan Davis Mrs. Betty Gordon Dr. Neal and Alison Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Siegel Mrs. Nancy A. Gordon Drs. Neal and Alison Gordon Jamie and Lori Graham Ms. Regina M. Gaffke Mr. Matthew I. Gray Sophia and Jon Siskel Miss Lillian Green Sophia and Jon Siskel Rochelle and Stewart Grill Rochelle and Stewart Grill Mr. Edward Grossman Ms. Bari Cohen Brian Grundei East Cloud Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Ms. Susan Adler Mr. Alfred H. Guhl Mr. Alfred H. Guhl Mr. William N. Guthrie Mrs. William N. Guthrie Kim Hackett and Jim Konold Nancy Mandel Mr. Charles C. Haffner III Robbie and Jim Boudreau Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah The Honorable and Mrs. Roger G. Fein Mr. Roger Hake Susan and Peter Reisner Ms. Tami Hammersley Mrs. Stacy Seiden Dr. George V. Hamrick Mrs. Terri Zazove Mr. John Patrick Hanley Ginny Hotaling Ann and John Hardick Judith DeRicco Jane R. Krebs Wendy Minnix Elizabeth R. Segar Mrs. Max A. Hart Deedee and. Ralph Kaufmann Mrs. Joann F. Moses Mr. William C. Hartray Pamela Maloney Sonali K. Oberg Daniel Waltz

Ruth and James Hasegawa Affiliated Healthcare Consultants Mr. and Mrs. James M. Beck Mr. Glenn Beresinski The Bistany Family Mrs. Heidi Chan Elaine Clearfield and Family Mr. Richard Crane Ms. Victoria Donnowitz The Jeff Ericksen Family Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Tim Gigot Mr. Roy Hamamoto Mr. Bruce R. Hamlyn Douglas R. Hasegawa Hasegawa Family and Friends Ms. Marsha Hawley and Mr. Peter Paul Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hencier F. Hori and Tim Clemens Jacqueline Horii Mr. Allan J. Horwitz Ms. Christine Hosteland Mrs. Karen Kadohama-Ono Kathy and Larry Kilroy Ms. Sara Later and Mr. Steve Luebkeman Jane Y. Lee Ms. Nina Lisowski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lyman Mr. Ken Maeda Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Matsumoto Ms. Karen M. Mattick Mr. Robert C. Morgan Jeanene Morimoto Toshie Noguchi Ms. Gloria Parres H. Parres Mr. Daniel T. Paul Ms. Mary Lynn Smedinghoff Mr. Corey S. Wilner Fuki Yamamoto Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Yoshida Gary and Kim Yoshida Mr. Kenneth Yoshida Ms. Cheryl Yoshihara and Mr. Troy Collins Mr. and Mrs. George S. Yoshihara Mr. Harry M. Yoshihara Mr. Robert A. Hatoff Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos Mrs. Ronna Heftman Mrs. Terri Zazove Mrs. Karen Helmuth Ms. Maudine Bowman Mr. Charles G. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. John G. Delin Linda and Jim Estes Ted, Donna and Kevin Kaitchuck Ms. Maria B. Kijac Mrs. Nancy E. Prendergast


Mrs. Gerald W. Van Treeck Ms. JoAnn Vlaisavich Mr. Roger Herring Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis Frances M. Hiller Mrs. Elsa T. Levi Mr. David K. Hinde Marilyn Revesz Mr. and Mrs. James Hineline Mr. and Mrs. John Creagh Geoffrey and Rosalyn Deigan Julia Harris Mr. Chris Hineline and Ms. Nicole Dicop-Hineline Industrial Motion Control Mrs. Lorraine A. Opitz Mr. and Mrs. Craig Schander The Teeman Family Mr. Lowell Hines Ms. Helene Rowe Mr. William D. Hirsh Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Hirsh Shari Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoffman Mr. Mel Holden Mrs. Nancy Mandel Mr. George D. Hollenhorst Mr. Howard Erlanger Janet, Mary, Anne, Elizabeth Hollenhorst Ms. Sheila A. Smith George and Ann Hollenhorst Mrs. Jacquelyn Berger Mrs. Carol Holley Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schultz Mr. Harold W. Hopkins Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos Mrs. Anne Horvath Mrs. Barbara Levinson Ginny Hotaling Sophia and Jon Siskel Mr. Jack R. Hotaling The Hotalings - Christopher, Keri, Jackson and Finley Ginny Hotaling Mr. Beau K. O’Hara Mrs. Dorothy Howard Jim and Linda Estes Ms. Betty Leffel Mr. and Mrs. John L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steinfirst Norene Hughes Ginny Hotaling Mr. Stephen Huels Ms. Amanda Huels


Ms. Valentina Iacobelli Ms. Roberta H. Ellman Marianne Tigges Ichinomiya Anonymous Mrs. Lucille Iglitzen Sophia and Jon Siskel Mrs. Judith Isenberg Betsy and Jack Karp Mr. Albert Izzo The Oberlander Group Muriel Ruth Jacobson June Kolber Nita Moore The Oberlander Group Prospect High School, Township High School District 214 The Raffe Family Mrs. Ruth Joffrey Estelle London and Family Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bakker Betty Teach Jones Richard E. Jones Mary Jean Jones Helen Balch and Molly Vandeveld Mrs. Roberta M. Jones The Oberlander Group Rosemary Joseph Burton Partners LLC Georgeann Corey and Michael Corey Ms. Jean Eierdam Ms. Joan L. Fadell Mr. and Mrs. Paolo Fellin Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Foradas Mr. David Hendricks Ms. Corrine Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Joseph Krzysztof Kanski and Agnieszka Ochocka Thomas Otman Kuhns Mr. Bill H. Kurtis and Ms. Donna La Pietra Mr. Russell E. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Patric W. Rastall Ellen and Kevin Van Wart Mr. William J. Whitley Tyler Grant Juneau Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Gassaway Richard and Karen Juneau Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Stetler

Mr. Jordan Kahn North Shore Garden Club Barbara Volin Mr. Lawrence Kahn Ms. Susan R. Kahn Mrs. Loretta Kahn Ms. Susan Wynne Mr. Aaron Kaiser Ms. Pamela Adelman Ted and Donna Kaitchuck Jim and Linda Estes Mrs. Claire Kalpakjian Ms. Janet M. Simpson Mrs. Margaret J. Kalpakjian Ms. Marjorie A. Breyer Dr. Norman Breyer Mr. and Mrs. Donn Demuro Mr. and Mrs. Kirkor Gosgaryan Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gregorian Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir M. Kharaz Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Lockhart Mrs. Dorothy Mages L.M. Overend Vartan and Hayganush Paylan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simpson Micheline Tao Mr. Jeffrey Kanne Rita Kanne Betsy Karp Edward and Barbara Burnes Merri Davis Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Deveny Sue Gray Christopher and Emily Knight Mrs. Pam R. Lipton Patricia M. Livingston Marlee Millman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Joyce and Richard Prince Mr. and Mrs. Eugene I. Ross Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Ruskin Carole and Gordon Segal Susan Spears Betsy and Jack Karp Mr. and Mrs. John C. Berghoff Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Livingston Mrs. Jennifer Kasten Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten II Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wood-Prince

Senator Mark Kirk Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis Mr. Robert Kirschner Ginny Hotaling Mr. Josh Kizawa Gary and Linda Rudenberg Mrs. Elynor Klein The Oberlander Group Annette R. Kleinman Anita Schlossberg Mrs. Thea Lunn Klugman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Lunn Mr. Alexander Knopfler Helen Balch and Molly Vandeveld Mr. George Konvalinka Mr. and Mrs. Ed Konvalinka Mr. Adam Kopplin Mr. and Mrs. Valentine J. Derer Joan Korach Estelle London Lori and Jimmy Kosiba’s mothers Anonymous (1) Mrs. Isabel Kotler Ms. Catherine Fay Glen-Puschett Mr. Arthur E. Kroft Ms. Nancy Meyer Mrs. Lillian R. Schiff Mrs. Dorothy L. Kovacevich Rich Cohen Anna Ksiezniak Elizabeth Emily DeMovic Mrs. Frances Kuchuris Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos Mr. George Lambourn Mrs. Beth Keats Grandchildren of George Lambourn Bert Lakso’s sister Mr. and Mrs. M. Hefter Mrs. Dorothy Lamson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Briskman Mr. Ronald F. Graceman Carol and Rudy Greven Janet and Paul Leeds Ms. Laurie E. Razen Ms. Lynn Turner Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Laufer The Pertile Family

Ms. Marsha Kabbe Ellen and Leslie Biedke

Mr. Morton Katznelson Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis

Mr. and Mrs. Ted LaVaque Mrs. Barbara McNeill

Mr. David Joel Kahn Robbie and Jim Boudreau Ms. Marya Flynn

Mr. James E. Kemper Scott Delaney and Katherine Kemper

Mr. William Lavicka Jessica Buben Scott and Heidi Casler Gareth Gollard

Mrs. William J. Kirby Sophia Siskel


Danny and Valerie Leal Lisa and Roberto Pesce Karen and Mark Sparacino Teri Wisdom

Mr. Herbert Luke Ms. Carolyn S. Schwarz

Mr. Leonard H. Lavin Carol Lavin Bernick Leonard Lavin The Lavin Family Foundation

Mrs. Alicia K. Lydon Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt Mrs. Katherine Kircher Companik Mr. J. F. Kircher, Jr. Ms. Barbara Monsor Ms. Jane S. Partridge Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott

Mr. Sheldon Lavin Mr. John Grossman and Mrs. JoAnn Chaimson-Grossman Natalie LeBow Joan Groder Jacqueline Klein Janet Lawrence Anne Legget-McDonald Richard and Janice Mertz Mr. and Mrs. M. James Leider Bob and Bonnie Buchanan Rita Frank Levine The Levine Family Mrs. Marilyn S. Levy Mr. Donald R. Pollak Michael, Beadie and Valerie Lewis Joan and Jordan Krimstein Anne Livingston Michael and Judith Goldman Dr. Phyllis Loeff Ms. Arlene K. Levin Mrs. Robert I. Logan Joan B. David Julie Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisendrath Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Emanuel Mr. and Mrs. William H. Gofen Mrs. Nancy R. Greenebaum Mrs. Nancy Y. Harding Mrs. Max A. Hart Lake Shore Country Club David and Mimi Liebman Barbara Loeb Mrs. Robert B. Mayer Mrs. Joann F. Moses Mr. Andrew Spiegel Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence S. Spitz Ms. Corinne M. Stransky Ann and Frederick Ullman Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wolbach, III A.H. Wurzburg Ms. Mary Wurzburg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wurzburg Mr. Richard Louderman, Jr. Ms. Trudy Bers Ms. Ellen S. Reed Mrs. Josephine P. Louis Mr. Robert O. Delaney

Mrs. Susan Lunn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Lunn

Mary Ann and Barry MacLean Mr. and Mrs. David B. MacLean Ms. Mary F. Maiers Mr. Alfred H. Guhl Mrs. Sandra Makofski Anonymous Nina Adams Warren Albert Allstate Appraisal Allstate Insurance EBC Team Martha Ayscue Dwayne Bell Joan M. Bement Liz Brune Ms. Cynthia Cornelius Rich Crist Ms. Kristine DiGirolamo Mrs. Phyllis Doescher Ms. Irene Dorfman Ms. Eileen Duhig The Foy Family Friends of Sandra Makofski Mary Gardener Ms. Jean Gross Craig Hall Sandy Jordan Chris Kiah The Lewis Family Pat and Tom Lison Mr. and Mrs. Jay D. Norman and Family Mr. Kenneth I. Omura Adriana Novielli Adreinne Pearlman Bea Quinones-Manchester Don Seale Mr. Steve Schomer Mrs. Vickie Schomer Joan Skibinski Ms. Mary Beth Small Randy Sparks Mr. Thomas A. Mann Marie and Larry Kaufman Mr. Mark Mantynband Ed and Kathleen Kowalski Mr. Lawrence S. Marchetti Sophia and Jon Siskel


Mr. and Mrs. Jose Martinez’s mother Ruby Alan and Linda Jacobson and Family Mr. James Matheson Mr. and Mrs. Valentine J. Derer Melissa Matterson Women in Development – North Mr. Robert S. Matthews Judy Cashen Linda and Myron Goldstein Theresa Hayes The Horsburgh Family Ginny Hotaling Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jassen Mrs. Renee R. Kahn Beki and Bill* Kaufman Lois and Art Krause Connie and Mike Leoffl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mann Judy and Mel Mishkin Barbara O’Shaughnessy Ms. Gloria A. Sagen Harriet and Bill Schoenwald Lesley and Ed Shapiro Sophia and Jon Siskel Pattie and Arnold Somers Helen and John Suhayda Ms. Janet B. Taylor Carolyn M. Wachtel Sam and Olga Mauro Mr. Daniel T. Roe Mrs. Mary Mix McDonald Stephen M. Mix Mr. Lawrence McGuire The Boger Family Mr. Allan A. Broholm Enterprise Marketing Group-ServiceMaster Mr. James Kabakow Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kenner Mr. Bradley J. Kho Dr. and Mrs. Eusebio Kho Mr. Ronald S. McClure Mr. Allen F. McGuire Ms. Kristine McLean Media Horizons, Inc. Mr. Robert Scholle Mrs. Kathleen Higgins Steckler and Family Sidney McMahon Sophia and Jon Siskel Mr. James McMullan Lynn and Jim Foster Mr. Ian L. McRae Mrs. Louise Feldman Dr. Diane Powers

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Kathryn Moats Elizabeth H. Andrews

Lisa Cinelli and Richard Teresi Scott and Cheryl Oblander

Mr. Douglas Mohler Mr. Nathaniel Mohler

Mr. Kazuichi Okigawa The Oberlander Group

Mrs. Phyllis Mohler Mr. Nathaniel Mohler

Mr. Philip B. Padawer Marlene Iser

Mr. Gary Monson and Mr. Jim Needles Ms. Ellen J. Schuetzner

Sophia Pappas Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos

Jean Mellert Mary Jane Flament-Garcia

Sarah Moore Pamela Moore

Mrs. Patricia Pardoe Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Pardoe

Gail Sue Mertz Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos

Mrs. Florence Moser Ms. Barbara A. Moser

Sara Mesirow Michael April Mrs. Pam Kennedy Baran Mr. and Mrs. Larry Field Mrs. Lesley Franco Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Hirsh Mrs. Judy Horwitz Dolores Kohl Kaplan Betsy and Jack Karp Mrs. Pam R. Lipton

Mrs. Pauline Moss Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Sullivan

Mr. Thomas C. Parrish Earl and Elizabeth Beck Ed and Lilly Biberdorf Lee and Mila Biberdorf Leonard and Sally Bubash Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Chen Jean R. Cleland Leigh P. Cowart David and Julie Ekland and Family Mrs. Holly Parrish Eliot Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Goodall, Jr. Ms. Karen D. Hafer William and Jacqueline Ieuter Mr. and Mrs. Larry Martin Mr. Edwin P. Parrish Jordan H. Peters Mr. Robert Pfutzenreuter University of South Carolina Theatre and Dance Department Elizabeth P. Williams

Viola McSparin Karen Maurer Mr. Bryan G. Meadows Mrs. Donna S. Meadows Lisa Meinhofer Ellis and Rob Ellis Justianna Birzin Kubersky and Michael Kubersky

Ronald and Pauline Messier The Messier Family Mr. Lawrence M. Metzger Len and Linda Garner Mrs. Thelma Meyers The Oberlander Group Mr. Robert J. Michalek Jr. Cyndi and Bob Collingwood Mrs. Margery Michell Ms. Jan E. Michell Mrs. Mary Michell Midwest Palliative and Hospice Care Center National Hospice and Palliative Care Judith R. Millenson Katharine Nathan and Tom Adams Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Miller Amy and Charles Spungen Marilyn and Alan Mills Mr. Jeffrey Michael Aronson Mrs. Doris Milz Phyllis Goldwater Mrs. Judith Miner Sharon and Lee Oberlander Mr. Edward Minor Lynn and Jim Foster Turner & Cunniff Ms. Ellen E. Mirr Ellen E. Mirr Estate Reed & Associates, Ltd. (RAL) Mr. Thomas A. Reed Amy Mitsuuchi Audrey and Bill Guidarelli

Mr. George Munagian Ms. Jan Munagian Mr. Walter Navik and Mrs. Doris L. Navik Children of Walter and Doris Navik Mr. Roger L. Navik Ms. Laura Miriam Neiman and Mr. Matthew Isaac Gray Sophia and Jon Siskel Ms. Sharon R. Neville Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Busby Ms. Rita Keiser Ms. Joyce A. Lawless Mr. Michael T. Lawless Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mast Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Keith Neville B.J. Nunemaker Ms. Judith A. O’Neill Mr. John G. Parisi Mrs. Janice A. Perkins The Stange Family Mrs. Magdalene Nikodem Rich Cohen Mr. G. Dwight Nissly Robbie and Jim Boudreau Judy Cashen Sophia and Jon Siskel Helen and John Suhayda Peter, Cheryl and Jackie Waldstein Noreen Ms. Janet M. Simpson Mrs. Jacqueline V. Nussbaum Ms. Jeannette Nussbaum Mr. Peter J. Nussbaum Sir Gerard M. Nussbaum Mrs. Sally Oberlander Annette Seaberg and David Anthonsen Mr. Joe M. Oblander Dan, Alison, Mary Jane, Maria, Ray, and Michael Cinelli Mr. Joshua C. Cinelli


Jeanette R. Pearson and Henry Pearson Ms. Martha E. Sterner Mrs. Joyce Peavey Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carlson Ben and Cecile Pekin Mrs. Cindy Mazzetta Mr. Hillard Pelt Mrs. Patricia Kozer Mrs. Elfriede Pergams Mary Kambara Michael and Susan Kuhn Melissa Madigan Ralph A. Pergams Thomas and Lia Shipplick Mr. Thomas Peryam Terry Peryam Dr. Joy A. Swoboda Mrs. Carolyn S. Peters Elizabeth and Charles Brock Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Charvat Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellen Mr. Bennett Feigenbaum Jones Waldo Ms. Paige B. L’Hommedieu and Ms. Elizabeth W. L’Hommedieu The Molay Family

Richard and Nora Nordstrom Mr. James H. Peters Mr. James W. Peters Mrs. Virginia K. Raths Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rock Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schloss Grace, Pamela and Prudence Schofield Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Twyman Dr. William and Sara Wilder Magdalene Peters Susan and Robert Cutler Ms. Diane Peterson One Hope United Elizabeth J. Peterson Operating Room – Glenbrook Hospital

Northbrook Garden Club Nathan Robert Lauretta and Gary Berg Susan Roberts Nancy and Curtis Linder

Mrs. Donald I. Roth Ms. Patsy Eichengreen

Mr. Tom Roberts Ms. L. D. Gold

Mrs. Clara C. Rothbauer Deborah Horwitz and Paul Nierman

Mr. Wallace H. Roberts, Jr. Nancy and Curtis Linder

Ms. Holly B. Rothschild and Mr. Kenneth H. Buchanan Sophia and Jon Siskel

Wayne Roberts and Nike Whittemore Wayne Roberts and Nike Whittemore Mr. Marvin J. Robinson Ms. Maria Zajdel

Josette Peterson Nancy Prendergast

Suzanne Smelcer Robinson Mr. William Robinson Ms. Wilma Smelcer

Mr. Thomas F. Pick Mrs. Mary P. Hines

Allen Roin Katherine Weir-Roin

Mrs. Rhoda A. Pierce Mrs. Gail P. Guggenheim Mrs. Sue Pick Mrs. Ellen G. Wolff

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rolighed Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Beck

Mr. Cyril F. Plazak Ms. Victoria R. Males

Roodman Family mothers Anne Cornfield

Mrs. Elaine Plotkin Sharon Oberlander

Kenneth Rosenblum Diane and Jeffrey Karzen

Ms. Mary A. Plunkett Mrs. Jill Sahakian

Ms. Ethel B. Rosenthal Ms. Nancy Alfano Mrs. Shirley Brill Chicago Cornea Consultants, Ltd. DuPage County Medical Society Dr. Suzanne L. Epstein Ms. Mitzi C. Freedman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goldberg Ms. Maralee Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Holden Illinois Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Kane County Medical Society Cheryl L. Koos Lake County Medical Society Mr. Warren Lavey Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lerner Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Loyd Mrs. Carleen L. McDivit Mr. Kirk G. McMurray Mrs. Barbara Polisky Newman Milton Nidetz and Naomi Yale PCA of Illinois Mrs. Mary C. Peterson Hal and Cindy Schwartz Ms. Deborah C. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Steve Strauss Jean Sulkes The Teter Family

JoAnn and Edward Polley Harriet Siegel Mrs. Edward King Poor III Mr. Robert O. Delaney Rev. Dr. Meredith Woods Potter Lindsay Rauschenberg Merle and Kevin Pranifoff’s grandson, Oscar Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis Mr. Shelby E. L. Pruett Butler Family Foundation Mrs. Elizabeth Pruett Ms. Suzanne M. Quigley Laura Vertz Mrs. Gertrude Raffel Mr. Louis B. Raffel Katherine Raupp Cynthia A. Brosio Mr. Otto Reinisch The Oberlander Group Mr. Steve Rice Ms. Adina B. Rubin Marilyn Richman and Alex Hilcovich Lorraine Chapman Jody and Carole Mark Gingiss Dr. Jae O. Ro

Dr. and Mrs. Dean Rosset Elliott Lessen

Mr. Fredrick B. Rolison Ginny Hotaling

Ms. Barbara Ross Mr. and Mrs. David 41L. Ardell

Mrs. Marla Rothschild Zarach Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Derer Mr. Edward Rozga Cheryl and David Rogan Lois Ruderman Mayta Milner Felicia Nadborne Arlene Paul Mr. Henry J. Ryan Mr. Dennis J. Scott Team Cintucky Mrs. Sandy Sabin Pete and Sandy Silverman Ms. Gloria A. Sagen Ms. Gloria A. Sagen Mrs. Jane Sansregret Mrs. Mary Jane Beechen Mrs. Mary Ann Santay Helen and John Suhayda Andrew and Rose Sargis and David Sargis Barbara J. Boba Mr. Charles John Sauer Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos Mr. Buddy Savage Marlene Iser Mr. Roger Schiller Ms. Carol Alfus Ms. Mallory Baldridge Tracey Beagarie Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bolstad Alan and Bonnie Cornue Friends at MWH Hamil’s Auto Haus Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kazlusky Mr. Robert S. Magna Mr. and Mrs. Joe McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Randy J. Meyer Mr. Darren Milanowsicz Mr. Richard N. Morris Anthony Pestonatto Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Polnow Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Schiller Mark Schiller and Family Mrs. Alyce J. Shay Spring Bluff Industries Mr. Kurt Wanieck and Ms. Sue Koch


Paul Schlembier and Tine Verstraeste Anne and Clayton Weaver Raffi Schmidt Eileen and Elliott Dwyer Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Arnold R. Weber Mr. William George Schultz The Oberlander Group Iva Belle Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Cain Ms. Lyn Scotillo Ms. Karla Genitoni Barbara J. Sedelmaier Joe Sedelmaier Mrs. Manon R. Seebeck Mrs. Nancy W. Mack Mr. Robert F. Seebeck

Adriane Kaplan Elly and Mike Lieberman Joan Michael Gretchen and Connie Pagano Ward and Brad Peterson The Reinhardt Family Mr. and Mrs. George Rizzi Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schlossman Mr. and Mrs. Eugene P. Sinclair Dr. Amy B. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thomas Ms. Carole Topchik Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. Traub Mr. and Mrs. Ron Walker Dr. and Mrs. Bernard V. Wetchler Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wharton Ms. Marjorie Zessar Donna Siegel Laurel H. Siegel Corrinne K. Silver Corrinne K. Silver

Robert James Seeberg Timothy P. Seeberg

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Silverman Joan Winter

Mrs. June C. Selogie Ms. Sara J. MacLean Mr. Carl P. Pallasch The Family of June C. Selogie Ms. Ellen Stone-Belic

Mrs. Elana Silverstein Ms. Carol A. Mallquist

Sister Mary Alice Setnicar, O.S.B. The Faculty and Staff of St. Scholastica Academy Ms. Margaret L. Pajakowski Jay L. Shanahan Patricia M. Shanahan Patricia M. Shanahan Mary Demetrio Naomi Frankel Jay Shanahan Charlotte Shapiro Mrs. Rosalita L. Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. D. Michael Sullivan Mrs. Marjorie Sherman Mr. John Grossman and Mrs. JoAnn Chaimson-Grossman Mrs. Ina Rubin Shulman Tom, Mary and Clare Brennan Mr. William G. Broderick Ms. Sheila Charton Mr. Shevlin J. Ciral Sabrina Deitch Mr. and Mrs. A. Gartner Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goldick Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gordon Ms. Patricia J. Gottschalk Gould & Ratner Sue Imrem

Mr. Meyer Singer The Oberlander Family Sophia Siskel Ms. Gloria A. Sagen Mr. Paul Skiba Mrs. Margaret Mia Mullenix Caryn Skurnick Mr. and Mrs. James R. Anixter Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Feig Mr. and Mrs. Larry Field Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleisher Laurence and Susan Guthmann David and Joy Grossmann Ms. Barbara Hanig Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Lev Mrs. Susan L. Ludwig Mrs. Sandra S. Lund Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Provus Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenson Mr. and Alan W. Ross Dr. Howard O. Schechter Mr. Lance M. Schiller Carol and David Schulman Irma Schwartz Mrs. Carol Warshauer Ms. Beverly Young Ms. Lili Ann Zisook Mr. Gary L. Slack Mr. Josh Inglis Dr. Albert Slepyan


Mrs. Margie D. Canmann Dr. and Mrs. Gerald S. Dean DeMarco, Kinnaman, Lewis and Company Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisendrath Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ellen Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ettlinger Jacqueline Hirsh Mr. Alan D. Jacobson Mrs. Susan F. Kahn The Morris A. Kaplan and Dolores Kohl Kaplan Fund of the Mayer and Morris Kaplan Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Kaye Mrs. Paul Lazar Marianne and Danny Liggett Lottie Nath Fund Georgina and Alan Rothenberg Ms. Lisa Shapiro Ms. Marisa Shuter Sophia and Jon Siskel Ms. Elaine Wynn Jeri and Roger Smith Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kaseff Mrs. Sandra Baissac Smith Coriolis Mr. Patrick Furlong Mrs. Betty C. Solomon and Mr. Marshall Solomon Ms. Candice G. Evans Sasha Evans Ms. Rosaleah Goland Ms. Helene Gradolph Barbara E. Solomon Ian Solomon Tommy Soper Bradley Hannan Mrs. Maureen M. Spillane Anonymous (1) Ms. Catherine M. Aldrich Mary and Jim Asnis Mrs. William J. Attea Ms. Carolyn L. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Bielinski Ms. Christine L. Bork Kim C. Brokaw Mrs. Susan Burden Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Burt Mr. Michael Cahill Dr. Russell J. Cecala Ms. Patricia E. Chylinski Ann and Mike Costello Mr. and Mrs. James J. Costello Citizens to Elect Tom Cross Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Debs Ms. Carole Degenhardt Ann B. Demand Lenny and Deed Devick

Mr. John Dewan Ms. Catherine A. Diener Mrs. Jeannine K. Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fraterrigo Ms. Barbara L. Funk Mary Ellen and Harry Grenawitzke Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Griffin Dr. Peter Haupers, Jr. Jim and Fran Hayes Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Infante Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Ingemunson Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ingraham Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jarvis Jones Lang LaSalle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kafka Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Tom Klatt Ms. Katherine M. Knowles Ms. Sharon Kosko Mr. and Mrs. John Kyle Noreen and Chet Lizak Mr. Mark Lundgren Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Matthews Mr. James Nelson Ms. Debra J. O’Hara OLPH Women’s Club Guild Ms. Anna O’Malley Mr. Douglas O’Malley Mr. Michael O’Malley P&G Real Estate Staff of Periocare Mr. and Mrs. George Petraitis Billie and Laverne Poppen Piotr Przesmycki Ms. Tammy E. Reinch River North Storage Jean Roti Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ryan Mary and George Saffa Mr. and Mrs. Michael Saken Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Saverino Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schabes Mr. Kenneth Schenatzki The Speros Family Ms. Mary Spidale Mr. Daniel J. Spillane Mr. and Mrs. William A. Stevens Ms. Marilyn Straub Catherine and John Taylor Ms. Joyce L. Tomazin Mr. Greg Tosto Kevin and Colleen Travers Mr. and Mrs. Lou Troy TWA Friends Ms. Dana M. Ugolini Ms. Evelyn Weiler Eugene and Sandra Wojcik Lynda and John T. Woodson

Mr. Steven L. Larson SMB

Mrs. Linda E. Spring

Ms. Rosemarie Tedesco-Parks

Watson Potter St. Phillip Sophia and Jon Siskel

Margaret L. Watkins Ms. Sondra Jean Tellez Ms. Barbara Johnson

William Staples Robert F. Finke

Mr. Bernard Tennes Ms. Nancy Prendergast

Mrs. Anne Stawicki The Computerware Team Mr. Chip Evans

Elaine Ash Tepley Ms. Jamina E. Tepley and Mr. Michael J. Stoyanovich

Mr. James F. Steffen Ms. Barbara D. Wetzel

Nona D. Tepper Mr. and Mrs. Michael Auster

Mrs. Evelyn Steffens Ms. Trudy Bers Ms. Linda A. Korbel

Mrs. Helen Thorpe Amy and Charles Spungen

Ms. Rachel N. Stempel Ms. Lynn Barr Ms. Linda W. Stern Hervey and Leslie Juris Myron and Janice Roomkin

Mrs. Ruth Thuy The Oberlander Group Mrs. Jan Timm Mrs. Marilyn Louise Manda Mr. Jose Trujillo Mr. Rich Cohen

Patricia Stewart Katherine Pichon

Mr. Thomas C. Tuszynski Ms. Sheila R. Rumoro

Ms. Martha M. Storbeck Ms. Lynn Egidi Family and Friends of Martha M. Storbeck

Mrs. Mona L. Uhlarik Ms. Stephanie L. Uhlarik

Mr. Joseph Straus Justin and Ann Fishbein Lynn and Jim Foster Mrs. Gail P. Guggenheim Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Yastrow Elizabeth O’Brien Stuart Dr. and Mrs. Jay H. Kleiman Mrs. Akiko Sugano The Chicago Koto Group Mrs. Priscilla Sullivan Ms. Kelly Ann Christopher-Hellerman Mrs. Anne L. Sultan Ms. Carol B. Carpenter Lois K. Summers John Sprague Bowker Mrs. E. C. Colegrove Ms. Abigail Igarta Valparaiso Redevelopment Commission Members Stephanie K. Winter The Suss Family’s mother Anne Cornfield Mr. John H. Swanton Robert Cantu Renee Goddijn Bud Walton Patricia Symon and Anne Vanderbilt William J. Symon Sarah A. Tabben Sharon and Lee Oberlander


Lauren Umek Ms. Kate A. Soczka University of Illinois AEPhi Pledge Class of 1964 University of Illinois AEPhi Pledge Class of 1964 Mrs. Virginia C. Vale Mrs. Ruth H. Block Mr. and Mrs. John E. Deimel Ms. Lucy T. Vandenburgh Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Barry Ms. Carol A. Cleave Ms. Lois M. Ekstrand Evanston Woman’s Athletic Club Ms. Ruth B. Gleason Ms. Janet Granath Ms. Lisa Hermann and St. Louis friends Jane Koten Mrs. Katherine C. Malm Mrs. Rosalind B. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Streett Mrs. Jean Tufty Nancy Stevens and Bruce Stevens Lael Vandenburgh Mrs. Amy Weinstock Anne Vanderbilt and Patricia Symon William John Symon Ms. Dolores Veres Mr. Philip Weisskopf Mr. Bruce Vernon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bersnahan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kohut

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Ms. Evelyn A. Vogel Ms. Joyce A. Springer Ms. Arlene Handler Wagner Sally Aaron Ms. Lisa B. Albert Ms. Shari Albert Sherri Appleton Mr. and Mrs. Joel M. Blau Marti Rosenthal Eisenberg Melissa Freedman Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Handler Ms. Sara Lerch and Mr. David Leibowitz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mitchell Lucy Piwowarczyk and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Rainey Jack Whitmore Dr. Arnold L. Wagner and Mrs. Moira R. Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herguth The Miyasaki Family Phyllis Wallent Diana Monroe Keith Wallner Sandi Bartelstein Ms. Elizabeth Walther Mr. and Mrs. Ethan S. Youderian Karina Wang Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nussbaum Margaret Watts Lois A. Sell Ernest P. Waud III Anonymous Margaret Campbell Webster Sophia and Jon Siskel Mrs. Helen R. Weigle Ms. Alice Kraus Ms. Babs W. Maltenfort Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Weiner Edward Grossman and Rochelle Stanfield Miss Abigail R. Wells Sophia and Jon Siskel Donna Rae Wells sister, Karen Rich Cohen Mr. William J. Welter Ms. Gloria A. Sagen

Sally Aaron Lyra Marin Wilbur Jenna Mack

The Wilen Family Martha Wilen Friestedt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winter Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schlossman Mr. Jay Wolff Lori Wolff and Family Mrs. Marla Rae Wolfinger Mr. and Mrs. Rick Cinofsky Mrs. Antonia Potter Wright Ms. Sarah S. Church Jane and Litt Clark Mrs. Dorothy A. Compere Ms. Marilyn M. Duckworth Charles and Judith Gustaveson Ms. Nancy Johnson Ms. Judith J. Millar Ms. Susan G. Morgan Mrs. Diana Mrotek Mrs. Barbara T. Swift Gina Wright Deborah Horwitz and Paul Nierman Mrs. Janet L. Youngberg Ms. Martha Hoza Mrs. Virginia Zaworski Ms. Karen Zaworski Atlee Zeller Ginny Hotaling Mr. and Mrs. Burton H. Zirin Karen and Gary Kostow Dorothy D. Ziska Anonymous (1) Mrs. Gabrielle G. Zitnick Harry and Helga Schrimmer Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Zarov and Family Mr. Radovan Zlatanovski Jackie and Michael Harju *Deceased

Mrs. Loretta Wheatley Dave and Marilyn Kloepfer Kathryn Wheatley Koentopp Angeline Kuhn G. R. Kuhn Construction Margaret Kuhn Elyn and Jim Vanek Mary Wheatley Wayne Wheatley Miss Willow Whisler


CONTRIBUTORS PLANNED GIFTS The Garden Heritage Society recognizes Garden friends who have thoughtfully provided for the Garden in their estate plans or through planned gifts. Planned gifts include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, gifts of full or partial interests in homes, gifts of retirement plan assets, and will or trust provisions. Anonymous (20) Marilynn Alsdorf Charles J. Balkin III Ms. Rosanne M. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Mrs. Earl C. Bodine Ms. Andrea K. Boehmer Mrs. Carl J. Bohne, Jr. Mrs. Beverly J. Bystricky Ms. Marilyn S. Cannino Mrs. Robert Adams Carr Miss Barbara Clarke Leslie Anne Clausen Mr. Kevin J. Count and Mrs. Sharon L. Count Mrs. Robert W. Crowe Mr. Robert Jensen Dau Mr. and Mrs. John E. Deimel Valentine and Dolores Derer Barbara L. Dickey* Amy T. Dickinson Dorothy F. Doherty Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Joane K. Dumke Val Egem Binnie Ferrand Mrs. Robert L. Flink, Jr. Georgiann Flowers Maurice and Muriel Fulton Jennifer Gilchrist Mr. Larry Goldberg and Mrs. Simone Goldberg Marsha and Michael Goldstein Dr. Neal J. and Mrs. Alison H. Gordon Jean and John Greene Mrs. William M. Hales* Laurence R. Hall Thomas and Alexandra Harder Mr.* and Mrs. Bennet B. Harvey, Jr. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Mrs. Edith F. Hicks Ronald and Marci Holzer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Horwitz Nancy W. Jacobs Janice Meeg Johnson Tim Johnson and Kristen Webber Beverly Joutras

Stuart Kane Sarane and Joseph Katz Mr. Herbert A. Keats* Judy and John Keller Esther G. Klatz Marilyn Knilans Penny Kohlmeyer Jeanette R. Kopstain Hope Lepley Jane Lord Peter A. Maren* Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Mrs. Mary Mix McDonald Sherry L. McFall and Kenneth J. Porrello Stephen R. and Constance G. Meisinger Mary Louise Mellon Peter H. and Bettina M. Merlin Margaret and Craig Milkint Jason Mitan C. Jane Mueller Carl F. and Nancy B. Mueller Jan and Susan Muller Dr. and Mrs. David L. Nahrwold Mrs. Robert Palmer Edgar and Phyllis Peara Glenn W. Peisker Rich and Corinne Peters Shirley M. Petry Elizabeth S. Pocock Janet Meakin Poor Mr. and Mrs. William H. Redfield Sandi Redman Elizabeth B. Roghair Ms. Verie E. Sandborg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Schuett Robert and Charlene Shaw Pamela and Robert L. Shirley III Sophia and Jon Siskel John and Mary Helen Slater Dr. Albert H. Slepyan* Robert and Gertrude Smutney Martha Bacon Stimpson Ms. Janet E. Straw William P. Sutter Louise Ingersoll TauschĂŠ Richard and Helen Thomas Mary M. Walther Ernest P. Waud III Nicole S. Williams and Lawrence J. Becker Robert and Vivian Zahniser *Deceased


BEQUESTS AND TRUST INCOME RECEIVED George W. Blossom III Duane E. Dickey Barbara S. Fargo Frank B. Foster Jack Fried Elizabeth Hampton Gertrude Hasbrouck Bruce L. Newman Jeanette R. Pearson Halina J. Presley Marion V. Schmidt Mary Ellen O’Neill Taylor

VOLUNTEERS 2012 VOLUNTEERS In 2012, 2,092 volunteers gave their time and service to the Chicago Botanic Garden for a remarkable total of 111,749 hours. Dora Aalbregtse Sally Aaron Michele Abrams Arthur Abt Marcia Achenbach Gilles Adam John D. Adams Carol E. Adelman Alyce Adesko Carole Akemann Judith A. Akers Marilyn K. Alaimo Nihad Albahrani Patricia Albrecht Carol Alfus Karen Altschul Teresa Alvarez Alison Anastasio Dena Anastos* Mike Ander Richard Anderson Suzy Andrews Mary Anicich Robin Anstaett Sally Anton Vicki Anton Donna Argentin Silvio Argentin Harold Armstrong Patricia Armstrong Lawrence Aronson Bethany Arthion Kenneth J. Ashley Harry J. Ashner Karen Auer Ann Avick Susan Babyk Phyllis Baer Richard S. Baer Jean Bailey Noelle Baker John Balaban Tim Balassie Laura Balon John Banaszak Lisa Bangs Esther A. Bannier Penny Bardzinski John Barrett Derek Barton Cathleen Bartone Anne Basten Sylvia Baum

Randy Baumgarten Alvin R. Beatty Melissa Beaugrand Elaine C. Beck Janet Beck Janice Becker Louis Becker Lisa Beckwith John Beeftink Deb Behnke Ken Behnke Martha Belew Laura Belko Lucy K. Bell Happy L. Belveal Ronnie Ben-Ami Thomas Benandi Susan L. Benn Joan Berenbaum Denise Bergmann Penny Berlet Matthew Berrafato Bruce Berson Marianne Bestler Nancy Bigelow Marijon Binder Cici Birnberg Bill Bishoff Laura Black Andrew Blackburn William J. Blackburn, Jr. Judy Blada Ann L. Blair James Blair George C. Blanas Jim Bland Patricia Bland Leonard Block Maureen Block Cathy Bloome Alex Bloss Mary Blumer-Reed Barbara J. Boba Elaine Bogetz Nancy A. Bohaboy Maurine Bohne Susan Bohne Tom Bonnie Mary S. Borecki Leslie Borns Martha D. Boudos Mette M. Bowen Dianne J. Bowman Nancy Boyd Irene E. Bradley Laura Bradley Bud Bransky Jacqueline Brennan Bobbie Brenner


Howard L. Bresler Laura Brichetto Carol Bridgman Carol Brigham Angelika Brinkmann-Busi Ulrika Brissman William E. Bronner Patricia Browder Joan Brown Mary Brown Patricia R. Brown David W. Bruce Alice H. Bruemmer Lydia Brunner Richard Brunner Marilyn J. Buban Beth Buchsbaum Kathy Buckley Jo Ann Budde Donald Burgeson Jan Burke Diana Burns Michelle Burns Delano J. Busczynski Sean Calamari Noel Calhoun Carolyn Campbell Jessica Canas Susan M. Canter Suzan G. Capillo Tony Carbo Hannah Carlson James Carlson James Carper Kevin Carroll Marion Cartwright Victor Cassidy Patty Cavallino Wanona Wellspring Ceisel Jarrett Cellini Barbara P. Cesal Olivia Cessine Adrienne Chabowski Susan R. Chadd Chris Chang Hsuanyun Chang Nancy G. Chen Nicole Chen Grace Chen-McClone Mary S. Chingwa Ann Chipman Carmen Cholewa Brenda Choos Rick Cinofsky Louis Clarizio Corinne Clarke Carol A. Cleave Meridith B. Clement Timmie Clemetsen

Marsha Clesceri Annie Cochran Tom Cody Jackie Coffey Carol Cohen Linda K. Cohen Janet Cohn Joanne Colen Rob Collimore Hugh Collins Kevin Collins Winnie A. Collins Athena Columbus Michelle Comella Nancy Comerford Ron Compere Jean Connolly Judith Connolly Sheay Cono Sharon E. Conroy George Cook Janice Cook Jean K. Cooper John L. Cooper, Jr.* Sara Cooper Laura Coplan Jennifer Cord Natalie Cordea Bobbi Costlow Nancy Cottrell Anne Coughlin Barbara Coughlin Joanne Courtney Susan Covington Hilda Craig Leon Cramer JoAnn A. Crampton Nancy Crawford Marilyn E. Crocker Aldo J. Crovetti Elizabeth R. Crowe Margaret Y. Crowther Dale Crusoe Lisa Culp Carol Currier Ashley Cuthbert Maureen Cuthbert Karen I. Cwik Domenico D’Alessandro Roya Dad Khah Amy Dale Jennifer Dalton Suzanne D. Dalton Lenore Darin Sam S. Darin Claudia C. Davidson Barbara Davis Andy Davy Elizabeth de la Baume

Judith De Mint Ann E. Deakyne Phyllis DeAngelis Heather Decker Carl Deitrick Ray DeMartini Mary M. Demcak Gail Denham Julia Denne Nina Denne Adrienne Detanico Laurie Dettmers Doug DeWitt Peggy Di Pietro Justine R. Dial Patrick J. Dibble Marilyn M. Dickey Nicole Dicks Donald E. Dieball Joan W. DiLeonardi Kandye Dille Liz Dimond Norman Dimond Robin Haas Doan John J. Dobrozsi Joan Dobson Patricia Dodson John Doetsch Peter Dogiakos Matthew Domeier Jane Donaldson Alvin Donato Maureen A. Dondlinger Debi Doolittle-Campbell Chanda Doshi Sandra Dosick James Doss Edward H. Dratt Dennis Dreher Sara Dreyfuss Adrian Drower Liz Drummond Mary Lynn Dubler Robert Dubler Joan R. DuDeVoire Kathleen Dudgeon Barbara S. Dudley Joanne Dugenske Miranda Dunne Caryn Dupon Jennifer Durkin Calli Dusell Lisa A. Dworkin Daryl Dyer Kathryn W. Eber Shirley Edelman Denise Edelson Joel Edwards Nikola Egedus


Valerie Egem Diane Eisele Marlene Eisen Betsy S. Eisenhauer Margaret Eissa Janet Eldred Ward Eldred Peter Eldridge Gosia Eliades Jacquelyn Elkin Chris R. Ellicott Elinor Epstein Phillip Estaver Jan Ewing Mike Fahle Francisca F. Fairman Fran Faller Carmine Fantasia Erin Faulkner Sandy Faurot Susan Faurot Anne B. Fay Luba Fayngersh Christine Fee Norma L. Felbinger Donna Feldman Julie Feldy Teddye Felix-Bliwas Sarah Fellerer Louise Fields Deborah Figura Mark Findlay Daniel Fink Charmaine Finnegan Leslie A. Fischer Donna M. Fitzgerald Stefanie Fitzsimons Nell Flemer Dena Fleming Marleen Florizone Meghan Flow Georgiann Flowers Robert A. Fluhler Susan Fogelson William Foley Sharyn H. Fradin Stephanie Franke Jean Fraser Barbara Fredrickson Nancy Freehafer Donna P. Frett Shoshana Friedman Rae H. Fritz Lynn Froy Kay Furey Mary D. Futter Morgan Gabriel Neal Gadlin Holly Krahling Gallegos

VOLUNTEERS Marvin B. Ganek Sharon Ganellen Arlene S. Gaps Mary M. Garbarini Elliot Gardner Donna L. Garfield Kathleen Garness Kristine Garrigan Aldona Garvinskas Mary Gaston Alan Gault Katherine A. Gehrke Fred A. Geiger Larry Geller Lisa Gendell Monica R. Geocaris Stella Georges Michael Gerbert Julia Getz Marilyn Giacoppi Nancy Giardina Beth Giglio Susan F. Gill Bob Ginocchio Joanne Ginter Christopher Glanton Jacquelyne Gleason Marcia Glenn Mary Sue Glosser Sue Goad Carol Godoy Gwenne P. Godwin Sue Golan Fred Gold Lionel Goldblatt James Golding Samuel J. Goldman Stuart Goldman Carol Goldstein John C. Goodall, Jr. Carol Goodman Joan Goodman Sherry P. Gormanous Claire Graham Kathleen Graham Patrick Grant Cindy Grau Colleen Graudins Sheldon Greenberg Robert M. Gregg Howard P. Greisler Ronni T. Grey Brian Griffin Andrew Grinfeld Lawrence Grube Thomas Guagliardo Iara Guerra Jacquelyn J. Guest Oliver Guevarra

Frederick W. Gullen Leon Gurny Gary R. Guth Mark Guth Ruth Guth Crystal Guy Noushin Habibi Patricia Hagenah Ian Halliday Michael R. Halpern Bill Halverson Mary K. Hamblet Roger Hand Susan Hand Richard A. Hanson Elizabeth Harding Michael Harris Susan Harrison Rosemary A. Hart Melonnie Hartl Marilyn Hartmann Lois L. Harvan Lori Haseltine Erika Hasle Tomoko Hata Karen Hathaway Thomas Hathaway Patricia M. Haverty Cheryl Hayes Carolyn Hazan Edward Hazan Anne M. Hazelwood Anne W. Healy Nancy Heath Mary L. Hedblom Cindy Hedges Lee Heiman Robert Heinzen Patti F. Helfand Francis Heller Beverly Helm Richard J. Helminiak Karen Helmuth* Laura Henderson Karen Henson Donna Herendeen Karen M. Herkes Eva Hernandez-Thomas Robert D. Hevey, Jr. Lucia W. Heyworth Mitzi Hidaka Kara Higley-Kubik Ann Hindes Charles Hinshaw Sue Hintz Renee Hirsch Cathy Hlohowskyj David Hodge Alison A. Hoffman


Marian Hofherr Matt Hokanson Denyse Holt Jacques Hooymans Melissa Hormann Anne S. Horn Ellen B. Horn Gary Horn Martin Horn Roger Hotham Karen Hotze Ninette I. Houk Patricia Hovany Carol Howard Scott Howard Rose Howell Connie B. Howes Deborah A. Hudson David Hughes, Jr. Mike Humphrey Harry Hunderman Robin Hunt Donna L. Hurst Eric Hutchings-Goete Teresa G. Hutchins Edmund M. Hutchinson Rich Hyerczyk Beryl Ibbotson Brian Ibbotson Sandy Incorvia Mariam Ingersoll Rita C. Inserra Cassandra Intagliata Gia Interlandi Susan J. Ipsen Barbara Isaacson Steven Isenberg Lisa Ivey Eula Iwan Lois Jackim Peter Jackson Bob Jacobs Leslie Jacobs Nina Jacobsen Susan Jacobsen Thomas A. Janik Holly J. Jansen Steve Jansen Carole Jassen Ralph Jassen Faranak Javaherizadeh Beth Jayapalan Jay Jayapalan Marcia A. Jendreas Steve Jensen Patricia Jerney Steve Jetzer Ted Jindrich Tom Jodelka

Kayla Johnsen Kenneth L. Johnson Robert Johnson Susan R. Jona Danae Jones Irene M. Jones Denise Jordan Sue Joyce Elaine M. Juhl Kimberly N. Kacyn Brian M. Kaczynski Robin Kafenshtok Adam Kahn Renee R. Kahn Lynn Sue Kahng Aaron Kaiser Al Kamikow Lawrence P. Kampwirth Neil Kanemoto Chae Hee Kang Leslie Kanofsky Doris B. Kantor Bob Kaplan Eileen Kaplan Michael Karch Susan Karp Emelyn B. Karson Michael D. Katz William Kaufman Carol J. Kay Patrick C. Kearney Jim Keenan Jan Keevil Barbara Kehoe June Keibler Steve Keibler Hans K. Keipert Frank Keller John Mahlon Keller Dorothy Kelly DeeDee Kenny John Kenny Marnee M. Kenny Mary Ellen Keranen Jane Kero Joan H. Kerr Bruce Kessler Elizabeth S. Kiefer Shelley Kiefer Marilyn L. Kiesgen Eun Sun Kim Sarah Kimber George Kino Barron C. Kinstler Kenji Kitamura Steven Kitzman Margaret E. Klaus Judy Kleiman Carole Klein-Alexander

Adele Kleine Linda Kleyman Mark Kluge Arlene M. Knapp George Knuth Judy Knuth Donna Kobayashi Joyce G. Koch Robert Koch Toby Koch Glenn Kohlmeyer Penny Kohlmeyer Judy F. Kohn Karen S. Kolodzey Diane Kondziolka Linda P. Korn Marina Korniets Mary E. Korte Michael Koscieniak Emily Koss Allen J. Koszarek Valerie Kot Marianne Kozlowski Judy Kraemer Dorothy S. Kramer Kay Krause Marlene Kraybill Kenneth A. Krebs Jack Kreitinger Ruth Krevitt Rita Krivit Sandy Krugman Arnis I. Krussow Linda Kruzic Lila K. Kudzin Carolyn Kuechler Mary Jo Kuenster Marita Kuhl Mary M. Kurrus Nancy H. Kurz Susan Kuse Margaret Valdes Kuss Mary Anne Kwasek Eileen LaBarre Gayle A. Laboda Sam Lakoske Deborah Lakowski Wayne Lampa Marina Lancheros Marty Landorf Katie F. Lane Linda M. Lane Cathy Larson John Larson Marilyn A. Lasher Charmain B. Later Joe Lattyak Irene Lau Ann M. Laudermilk


Nancy Jane Lauren Carrie Lawton Stephen Leapman Bill Lebensorger Donna R. Lebovitz Len LeClaire Sandra Lee Susan Lee David Leibowitz Jeff Leider Hope Lepley Sara Lerch Julie Lettner Hazel D. Leung Louella Levey Phyllis N. Levin Beth Levine Hazel Levine Beth K. Levy Felice Lewandowski Judith Lewin Geraldine Lewis Amy M. Lewitz Sharon G. Lieberman Patricia A. Lindberg Robyn Lindblad Sharon L. Lippner Suzanne Lipsey Ed Lisserman Chenghwei Liu Thomas Liu Connie C. Loeffl Linda Lopata Sharon Lorenz Joani Lowry Mary V. Lucas Patricia Lundquist Susan Lunn Karen Lustig Jean E. Lytle Jacqueline Macaluso Gerald Macek Pamela K. Maddox Linda Magad Rebecca V. Maganuco Michael Magiera Patricia Magner Barbara G. Mahany Susie Mahon Marlene Majka Irene V. Maksym Katherine M. Malcomson Carol A. Mallquist Joanne Manella Kay Manion James E. Mann Mercedes Mantilla Stephen A. Marcus Sue Marines

VOLUNTEERS Hank Marks Howard Marks Linda Marquardt Helen K. Marshall Keith C. Marshall, Jr. James L. Martin Margaret Martin Yvonne Martin Emil Martinec Joann Martinec Phyllis Martinez Charles Mason Bob Massey Dorothy K. Matsumoto Robert S. Matthews* Laura Matz Mary Maus Erica Mayfield Susan A. Mayfield Blaire Mayhue Judith Mayzel Diane C. McCarthy Jacqueline McCauley Kay McClelland Jeanne McCurry Rodger D. McDowall Sherry L. McFall Catherine McGlynn Margaret McIntosh Patricia McKay William S. McKay, Jr. Thomas McMahon Ashley McMaster Karen Meadows Ilyse Mechanic Kathleen Meierhoff Scott Meister Megan Mekinda Joel Melnick Charlene Melull Jane Mendez Carol Meravi George F. Meravi Jenna Merlin Kristin Merrill Constance M. Meyer Martha M. Meyer Robert B. Meyer Jack Meyers Eileen M. Michal Jeffrey Micheels Margo Milde Barbara J. Miller Brandy Miller Claudia Miller Joel Miller Michelle Miller Norma Mills Laurie Minch

Lonny E. Miner Lynda M. Minnick Lydia Miramontes-Loyd Irwin Mishoulam Jan Mixter Wilbur Mixter Helen Mlynarski Don Mohar Peg Mohar Jessica Mohlman Kathryn Mohr Eileen P. Monahan Peter Monahan Jim Monchak William Mooney John W. Moore Maryellen Moore Susan Moran John E. Morgan Laurie Morse Nancy Lynne Morton Brenda Moskovic Francine Motenko Lily Moy-Chin Rhoda E. Muchmore Elaine Mueller Judith Mueller Robert E. Mueller Sue Mueller Christina Muhlbach Lou Mule Eileen Mulkerrin Katherine A. Munro Joyce Murphy Mary Jo Murphy Patricia J. Murphy Richard J. Murphy Louellen W. Murray Victoria Nabulsi Felicia Nadborne Leonard S. Nadborne Mary K. Nagle Indira Narayanan Dawn Narjes Mike Naro Heidi Natura Earl W. Naue Patricia Naughton John Navin Barbara S. Needleman Don Nelson Espie Nelson Katherine Nelson Myrna Nelson Victor Nelson Sandra L. Nettz Damian Neuberger Judith Neuberger Bonnie Neuenschwander


Marilyn Neulander Harlene Newman Judith Newman Vicki Newman John J. Nicastro Bruce Nichols Damon Nichols John Nickel Zehava Noah Sally Nochowitz Michele Nord Gilbert H. Nore Judith Norris Eve B. Nortman Donald Notz Pauline Noznick Tony Ntri Kurt Nykaza Elizabeth O’Connell Elizabeth S. O’Connor Marcia O’Connor Robin P. O’Connor Kathleen O’Dekirk Barbara Offenberg David Ohanian Kitty Okano Alice O’Laughlin Sally A. Olds Ann O’Leary Ronald J. Olech Jane Oliphant Robert Oliphant Kathryn O’Loughlin Robert J. Olson Ann D. Onderdonk Susan K. O’Neill Lester Ordman Katie Orndahl Edward O’Reilly Linda M. O’Reilly Joan O’Shaughnessy Will Overbeck Nancy S. Owen Eileen K. Owens Nikki Owens Stephen Packard Klarizsa Padilla Susan Page Jill Pakter Rosemary Palicki Joan S. Palincsar Kelly Papanek Susan M. Paprocki Ok Ja Park Lauretta Parks Lewis Parks Robert A. Parolin Adrian Paternostro Veronica M. Patt

Jillian Patti Nancy B. Paul Richard Pawell Samantha Payne James R. Pearson Dorothy R. Peck Leslie Pedley Beatrice Pekkarinen Judith A. Peman Kathleen M. Perkowitz Corinne M. Peters Ann K. Peterson Diane Peterson Hannah Peterson Kathleen Petty Shirley M. Phillips Shawn Piccolo Meline Pickus Alice S. Piller Judith B. Pittel Bernadette Pivnicka Anais Placido Erwin Plofsky Elizabeth Plonka Jerome Podolsky Maria Porta Anita Portugal Ronald Portugal Olivia Potash Dennis G. Powell Ellen Powell Jake Powell Katherine Powers Sue Ann Powers Gordon Pratt Sterling Pratt Kenneth R. Press Mary A. Price Tim Priest Betty A. Primer Georgann Prochaska George Proper Joyce Proper Lynn M. Pullan Dorothy Purpura Katharine Purvis Gail Pyndus Mary C. Quinlan Mary Rafferty Greg Rajsky Julie Rand Murry W. Randell Stella Rangel Rajini Ranji Lucas Rapisarda Christine J. Rascati Peggy Rash Ronald W. Rathberger Sue Rathbone

Barbara Reed Lailah Reich Bethany Reid June Reimer Nancy Reise Cindy Rendl Virginia Renfroe Carmen E. Reyes Joan L. Richards Rick Riedl, Jr. John Rischke Barbara H. Robertson Kathy Robin William Robinson David Robison Eric J. Robison Ivette Robles-Mandujano Natalie Roche Sheryll A. Rockway Todd W. Rockway Jeremy Roesel Alessandra Rolffs Russel Rolffs Zena Ronner Ann F. Roome Elizabeth Root Carol Ropski Merle Rose Marlene Rosecrans Virginia L. Rosen Mark Rosenblum Julia Rosengren Karl S. Rosengren Laurel Ross Jairus Rossi Patricia K. Rotchford Kathy Roth Holly B. Rothschild Louise M. Rothschild Edith S. Rowell Arlene L. Rubin Eleanor Rubin Thomas S. Ruby Stephen B. Ruskin Ann M. Russell Donald Rustemeyer Anne C. Ruzicka Michael Rzepka Cassandra Saari Laurence Sacherer Michael Sackheim Jacquelyn L. Saegebrecht Jill M. Sahakian Gary R. Saks Trudy Sanchez Elizabeth Sanders Carole Sandner Marilyn Sanner Daniel Sapozhnikov


Barbara L. Savitt* Rene Schafer Charles Scheck Katharine Scheck Heddi Schellbach Janet C. Scherubel Ruth C. Schiff Kristine J. Schiffman Sandra Schilingo Kathleen Schillo Herb Schinberg Dianne Schlair Ute B. Schlake Jonathan Schlesinger Carole Schmarak Mary Pat Schmitt Joanne Schmitz Patricia A. Schoepfel Glenn Schroeder Marc Schubert Ed R. Schuenemann Jeffrey G. Schuett Virginia Schuett Dorathy Schuldt Dick Schultz Jan Schultz Kelly Schultz Joanne Schulz Karen L. Schuman David Schwaegler Ed Schwartz Alan C. Schwartzenberg Emil A. Schwarz Charlynn D. Schweingruber Heather S. Scott Rose Anne Scott Rose Sears Jennifer A. Seat Barbara Seegert Phyllis J. Seek Stacy Seiden Louis Seif Steve Sentoff Debra Shandling Ann F. Shanks Catherine Shannon Lauren Shapiro Elizabeth Sharp Robert W. Sharp Bob Shaw Charlene Shaw Patrick Shaw Robert E. Shaw Christine Shea Rich Shefferson Natalie Shefsky Jean Sher Jennifer T. Sheridan Karen Sherman

VOLUNTEERS Ewa Shimasaki Dale Shriver Rebecca J. Siegel Esther B. Silberman Sharon R. Sill Lorelle Silverman Jacqueline E. Silvers Max Silvers Elaine Simon Janice A. Simpson Rochelle B. Sincox Tessa Singer Eileen R. Sirkin Barbara Sirovatka Lynn C. Sirovatka Rachel Sizemore Jonathan Sladek Robbie Sliwinski Paul E. Slowik Sheryl Smetana Brian Smith Jane S. Smith Janet Smith Nancy Smith Nora Smith-Cohen Emily Smoucha Jean Sodemann Eleanor Soldano Kathleen Soler Dale Solow Susan Sommers Lorraine E. Sorenson Kathleen K. Spear Ross D. Spencer Karen Spielman Dorre St. Clair Mary E. Staackmann Shirley P. Stang Sherry Stansbury Karen Stasky Joyce E. Stemp Rachel N. Stempel Ann W. Stevens Douglas J. Stieber Ann Stockham Elizabeth Stogner Kerry M. Stonacek Karla M. Stone Barbara J. Stone-Theobald Nancy L. Stonis Gerald O. Strauch Roy Strauss Darwin Stuart Julia N. Studier Rae Stuhlmacher Daniel Suarez Bill Sullivan

Madeleine S. Sullivan Robert Sullivan Eileen Sutter John Swaine Helen F. Swenson John F. Swenson Kimberly Szollosi Donald G. Tabler* Roberta Taormina Ileane Tatar Susan Tauck Amy S. Kress Taylor Ann L. Taylor Nell Taylor-Christy Jo Anne Thomas Phyllis S. Thomas Diane C. Thompson Jim Thompson Pamela Thompson Catherine Thomson Jeanette Thornton-Schwab Judy Thorson Celeste J. Thurlwell Elaine Tinberg John D. Todd Linda Tolchin Linda F. Tomchuck Donna R. Torf Tori Trauscht Nick Tschaika Kaylee Tucker Barbara Turner Suzanne Turner Michael Tuttle, Jr. Ruth Tuttle Paula Twilling Toshiko Uehara Julita M. Urban Roberta Ury Michelle Uting Clarence B. Valdez Tessie Valdez Marilyn Valko Brian Valleau Miguel Vallejo Megan Van Artsdalen Carol Van Driel Bob Van Lonkhuyzen Anne S. Vanderbilt Jim Vanderpoel Erin VanderStelt Donald N. VanEgeren Richard Velders Mary K. Velez Sandra Velick Justin Venetucci Beth Vergara


Rachel Veronesi Kathy Vranek Raymond J. Wachala Allen Wagner Doris Wagner Judith M. Wagner Nancy H. Waitz Cynthia S. Wakat Charles Walker William R. Wallin Karen A. Walsh Lisa Walsh Mary M. Walther Kylin Wang Clare Warder Sandra K. Washburn John Wasiewicz Lydia M. Wasniewski Theo S. Watanabe Elizabeth C. Watts* Barry H. Weber Michael R. Wehman Patricia D. Weiland Esther Weiner Will Weinfield Bonnie Weiss Esther Weiss Margaret Weiss Susan Wenderski Genevieve Wert Barbara Wessel Lisa West Ann Whelan Jane S. White* Mary Whitehead David B. Whiting Neil Whitman Rich Whitney Sally Wieclaw John Wigby Carolyn Wiggins Jim Wigman Ray Wilke Virginia Wilke Dolph Williams, Jr. Ken Williams Susan A. Williams Al Wilson Barbara Wilson Carol A. Wilson Don Wilson Tim Wilson Carolyn Wing Janie Winkler Martin Winn Cosette Winter Kenneth Witcher

WOMAN’S BOARD Lois Witt Jane Wittig Pawel Wojtach Joy Wolf Peggy J. Wolfe Jay R. Wolff Phyllis Woloshin Naomi Won Sharon Wottrich Marylyn R. Wouda Anna F. Wu Tony C. Yang Wendy You Janet L. Youngberg Sohail Yousaf Tom Yurek Jan Zabin Nancy Zadek Robert G. Zahniser Pearl Zaid Julie Zaideman Russell A. Zapel Karen J. Zera Denice Ziobro Mary A. Ziomek Myra G. Zissman Al Zoot Michael Zubrzycki Arlene Zuke Sharon W. Zulkie *Deceased

CORPORATE PARTNER VOLUNTEERS We are grateful to the following Corporate Partners for encouraging their employees to share their time and effort on group volunteer days at the Chicago Botanic Garden in 2012. Abbott Laboratories Baxter International Inc. BMO Harris Bank Capital One Discover Financial Services HSBC ITW PwC Starbucks Walgreens

WOMAN’S BOARD OF THE CHICAGO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Officers as of 12/31/12 Catherine Kirby President Kate Morris First Vice-President Lorill Haynes Second Vice-President Sue Cozzens Third Vice-President Carolyn Katz Treasurer Maggie Coleman Secretary

2012 Active Members Dora Aalbregtse Ann Balusek Janice Beck Marianne Bestler Deedee Borland Calvine Bowen Mary Boyer Barbara Brown Peggy Carr Bean Carroll Alicia Crawford Liz Crowe Jill Delaney Cathie Denckla Nancy Dorr Jody Elting Marilyn Farrar Valerie Foradas Lynn Foster Alice Goltra Susan Green Anne Healy Mary Hill Betsy Hough Hélène James Beth Jernigan Betsy Karp Barbara Kehoe May Cat Kneibler Nancy Kurz Joani Lowry Patsy Magner Jennifer Martay Michelle McCarthy Gwen McConnaughy Madeleine McMullan Ann Merritt Barbara Metzler


Gail Miller Weezie Monroe Brooks Morgan Louellen Murray Jane Pearsall Janet Meakin Poor Juli Priebe Elizabeth Pruett Marina Puryear Carole Read Glo Rolighed Holly Rothschild Carole Sandner Beth Schroeder Heather Scott Missy Shennan Susan Spears Margie Strauch Louise Tausché Susan Tupper Jeanie Van Nice Cassandra Vermillion Kim Visokey

Honorary Member Betty Dean

Associate Members Cheri Allen Faffie Bowers Chris Chandler Marilyn Heath Lucia Heyworth Ginny Noyes Patti Ross Lois Steans

Nonresident Members Liz Bacon Liz Farwell Barbara Hansen Judy Herb Penny Horne Gina Jannotta Peggy Leider Roberta Lynch Julie McNulty Susie Volckens

THE GUILD THE GUILD OF THE CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN Officers as of 12/31/12 Lindsey C. Axel Co-President Riley S. O’Neil Co-President Annie O’Scannlain Barlow Vice-President, Membership Kimberly J. Burt Vice-President, Nominating Karen B. Hawkins Vice-President, Programming Thomas A. Reynolds IV Treasurer Pim Alley Secretary

2012 Members Brayton Alley Laura F. Anderson Kimberly Beard Susanna R. Block Joseph M. Brickman Katherine P. Brickman Amy P. Brock Jennifer K. Brown Donna G. Brunso Susan R. Bulley Catherine Busch Michael J. Busch Susan Canmann Brendan Carroll Colleen Carroll Nicole V. Creamer Barrett C. Davie Nicholas J. Davies Emily DeGroot Phoebe DePree Spencer DePree Amy M. Dilatush Katherine Q. Donovan Paige Dorn Julia P. Douglas Justin S. Douglas Heather W. Dunkel Isabel Fiore John Fiore Kate F. Fitzgerald Molly Flavin John D. Fornengo Andrea L. Garber Emily C. Grace John Gribbin Whitley Bouma Herbert Carolyn M. Hines

Anthony T. Hoban Megan N. Hoffman Lisa L. Holstein Elizabeth A. Hughes Catherine P. Hurtgen Preston Cain Jansing Jennifer Kasten Sanford Kasten Jennifer P. Keenan Katie Kirtley Leigh Keyser Lalich Edwin H. Lewis Kim W. Lewis Anita Livaditis Anne S. Loucks Emily H. MacEntee John M. MacEntee Stephanie A. Madigan Kathryn B. Mangel Caroline S. Masterson Gloria S. Masterson Melissa T. McNally Peyton H. Merrill Amanda Moore Eileen A. Murphy Jennifer Neighbours Roni M. Neumann Jay L. Owen, Jr. Shawna H. Owen Heidi B. Paul Katherine Peterson Richard T. Peterson Carolynn J. Pfaff Elizabeth A. Queen Emily D. Reynolds Erin Ritchie Eve R. Rogers Elizabeth D. Ryan Julie S. Saunders Laura Schachtrup Jackie Schiller Caroline Schwalm Todd D. H. Schwebel Hilary Semple Bevin Skoglund Jennifer Stone Jennifer M. Tengelsen Sally Brown Thilman Lee Thinnes Frances H. Thornton Kendra K. Thornton Jeremy S. Unruh Julie Unruh Steven M. Valenti Courtney A. VanDeVelde


Sustaining Members Chandler Bigelow III Elizabeth Bigelow Rebecca M. Garces Victor N. Garces Brooke D. Kuehnle James A. Kuehnle, Jr. Stephanie Scott Leichtweis Carrie McNally Anne C. Tucker

COMMITTEES 2012 COMMITTEE FOR THE SUMMER DINNER DANCE Mr. and Mrs. James D. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Kris J. Alden Mr. and Mrs. Brayton B. Alley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Aronin Mr. and Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Bluhm Mr. and Mrs. Laurence O. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Bulley III Ms. Susan R. Bulley Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Canmann Mrs. Robert F. Carr III Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Chereskin Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cole Mr. and Mrs. E. David Coolidge III Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Cotten Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. James S. Crown Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Ms. Kimberly S. Dobbins and Mr. James E. Ahern* Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Donnelley III Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Farrell Ms. Lori Gray Faversham Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ferro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fesmire Ms. Jamee C. Field Mr. Robert F. Finke Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Foreman Mr. John D. Fornengo Dorothy H. and John R. Gardner Mr and Mrs. Steven J. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz, Jr. Ms. Nancy Gidwitz and Mr. Jeffrey C. Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gidwitz Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Mr. and Mrs. John B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. King W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Hawver Mr. and Mrs. Melville C. Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter III Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jannotta

Ms. Joan M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Karp Mr. and Mrs. John P. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Keywell Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Krauss Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel II Mr. and Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Mr. Bill H. Kurtis and Ms. Donna La Pietra Ms. Julie Latsko Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leopold Mr. and Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Livaditis Mr. and Mrs. David B. Loucks Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Duncan A. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. John W. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Malott Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. William McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally V Ms. Carrie C. McNally and Mr. Claude R. Maechling Mr. and Mrs. Ward S. McNally Mr.* and Mrs. Edward Minor Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Homi B. Patel Mr. and Mrs. William D. Perez Mr. and Mrs. Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Pritzker Mrs. Susan L. Regenstein Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ross Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Scott Mr. and Mrs. John R. Siragusa Sophia and Jon Siskel Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byron Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Byron Smith Mr.* and Mrs. David B. Speer Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Szokol Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Thomas Ms. Anne C. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Errett Van Nice Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wood-Prince *Deceased


2012 ANTIQUES & GARDEN FAIR COMMITTEE Mrs. Kris J. Alden Mrs. Brayton B. Alley Mrs. Steven I. Anixter Mrs. Paul L. Armstrong Mrs. Joseph Arnold Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Mrs. Brian G. Balusek Ms. Catharine Bell Mrs. Chandler Bigelow III Mrs. Joseph Brickman Mrs. Richard C. Brock Mrs. Ann-Louise Brown Mrs. Carter Brown Mrs. Lee Brown Mrs. John H. Bryan Mrs. John H. Buehler Mrs. Allan E. Bulley III Mrs. Michael K. Burns Mrs. Randolph N. Burt Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mrs. Theodore R. Butz Mrs. Patrick J. Callahan, Jr. Mrs. Michael S. Canmann Mrs. Robert F. Carr III Mrs. Tom Carrabine Mrs. Timothy Cavanagh Mrs. Douglas M. Chalmers Mrs. Benjamin Chereskin Mrs. John F. Cregan Mrs. Robert W. Crowe Mrs. Thomas J. Danilek Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr. Mrs. John W. Derse, Jr. Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Mrs. William C. Doyle Mrs. Patrick Eilers Mrs. Robert H. Fesmire Ms. Jamee C. Field Mrs. Spencer Fischer Mrs. Matthew Fisher Mrs. John Taylor Fitzgerald Ms. Annelia Fritz Mrs. Christopher B. Galvin Ms. Stacy B. Gerth Mrs. Steven Goldman Mrs. Myla Frohman Goldstick Ms. Karen Z. Gray Mrs. William J. Hagenah Mrs. Peter J. Haleas Mrs. Thomas Hall Mrs. John B. Harris Mrs. Mark Harris Ms. Leslie S. Hindman Mrs. Robert D. Horne Mrs. Pamela Horwitch Mrs. Christopher Hotaling Mrs. Travis Hughes

COMMITTEES Mrs. Peter H. Huizenga Mrs. Mark Iserloth Mrs. Seth E. Jacobson Mrs. Scott Janess Mrs. Ross Jannotta Ms. Preston Jansing Mrs. Burton B. Kaplan Mrs. Jack L. Karp Mrs. G. F. Kasten III Mrs. W. Sanford Kasten Mr. Thomas E. Keim Mrs. John C. Kern Mrs. Edward A. Kovas Mrs. Raymond A. Kracik Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Mrs. James A. Kuehnle, Jr. Ms. Donna La Pietra Ms. Julie Latsko Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Mrs. Robert M. Levy Mrs. Edwin H. Lewis Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz Mrs. Stephen J. Livaditis Mrs. David B. Loucks Mrs. Barry L. MacLean Mrs. John W. Madigan Mrs. John P. McEnaney Mrs. Andrew R. McGaan Mrs. William B. McIlvaine, Jr. Mrs. Cameron McKinney Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Mrs. Andrew McNally V Ms. Carrie C. McNally Mrs. Ward S. McNally Mrs. Philip S. Merlin Mrs. Joseph E. Miller III Mrs. Charles Mills Mrs. Howard C. Morgan Mrs. Christopher M. Murphy Mrs. Bruce Mygatt Mrs. Richard H. Nicolaides, Jr. Ms. Riley S. O’Neil Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Mrs. William A. Osborn Ms. Amy L. Ostrander Mrs. Jay L. Owen, Jr. Ms. Liz Parker Mrs. Homi B. Patel Mrs. Harry A. Pfaff Mrs. Edward K. Poor III Mrs. Frank A. Priebe, Jr. Mrs. Andrew M. Rosenfield Mrs. Matthew Ross Mrs. John Ryan Mrs. Andrew B. Savarie Mrs. Eric J. Scheyer Mr. Todd D.H. Schwebel Mrs. Lloyd A. Semple, Jr. Ms. Sophia Siskel

LEADERSHIP Mrs. William D. Smithburg Mrs. Tom Souleles Mrs. Bruce G. Southworth Mrs. David B. Speer Mrs. Richard Spring Mrs. Gregory Srodon Mrs. Alexander D. Stuart Ms. Amy Swartchild Mrs. James H. Swartchild, Jr. Mrs. Patrick Troy Mrs. Jonathan E. Twichell Mrs. Brian Uihlein Mrs. David Varca Mrs. James D. Vermillion Ms. Estelle G. Walgreen Mrs. Arthur M. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Patrick Wood-Prince

2012 AMERICAN FLOWER SHOW SERIES PARTICIPATING PLANT SOCIETIES American Rhododendron Society Bromeliad Society of Greater Chicago Cactus & Succulent Society of Greater Chicago Central States Dahlia Society The Garden Club of America The Garden Club of Barrington The Garden Club of Evanston Garden Guild of Winnetka Kenilworth Garden Club Lake Forest Garden Club Winnetka Garden Club Garden Photographic Society Gardeners of the North Shore Glenview/Northshore African Violet Society Ikebana International Ikenobo Ikebana Chicago Chapter Illinois African Violet Society Illinois Gourd Society Illinois Mycological Association Illinois Orchid Society Lakeshore African Violet Society Midwest Bonsai Society Midwest Daffodil Society Midwest Fruit Explorers Northeastern Illinois Rose Society Northern Illinois Gesneriad Society Northern Illinois Hosta Society Northshore Iris & Daylily Society Roadside Flower Sale – Chicago Botanic Garden Volunteers Sogetsu School of Illinois Ikebana Sogetsu Exhibition Wisconsin Illinois Lily Society


CHICAGO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Board of Directors Officers as of 12/31/2012 Robert F. Finke Chair John L. Howard Vice Chair and Secretary Thomas E. Lanctot Vice Chairman Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Vice Chairman William E. Moeller Vice Chairman Catherine M. Waddell Vice Chairman Susan A. Willetts Vice Chairman Sophia Siskelº President and Chief Executive Officer Kris S. Jarantoski Executive Vice President and Director Thomas J. Nissly Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Patsy Benveniste Vice President, Education and Community Programs James F. Boudreau Vice President, Marketing and Development William W. Brown Vice President, Facilities and Planning Aida Z. Giglio Vice President, Human Resources Ginny Hotaling Vice President, Government Affairs Gregory M. Mueller Vice President, Science and Academic Programs Harriet Resnick Vice President, Visitor Experience and Business Development

2012 Board of Directors Thomas F. Aichele Andrew Armishaw Lindsey C. Axelº Sharon Brady Neville F. Bryan John H. Buehler Michael J. Busch Susan Keller Canmann David R. Casper Robin T. Colburn Timothy C. Coleman Peter R. Crane John F. Cregan John V. Crowe Jill M. Delaney Christopher A. Deveny James W. DeYoung Timothy A. Dugan Peter M. Ellis Anthony L. Farino Peter B. Foreman John D. Fornengo Steve Fradkin Thomas C. Freyman Dorothy H. Gardner Steven J. Gavin Nancy Gidwitz Sue L. Gin James J. Glasser Ellis M. Goodman John K. Greene Joseph A. Gregoire William J. Hagenah Caryn L. Harris Elizabeth Houghº Thomas B. Hunter III Jane Irwin Joan M. Johnson Gregory K. Jones Todd Kaplan Catherine C. Kirbyº Donna La Pietra Eric C. Larson M. James Leider Laura M. Linger Daniel I. H. Linzer Alec Litowitz Josephine P. Louis Barbara A. Lumpkin Mary Ann S. MacLean Jeanne K. Mason Gloria Mastersonº Michelle McKenna Michael J. McMurray Jeanine McNally

Edward Minor* Riley O’Neilº Homi B. Patel George A. Peinado Janet Meakin Poor Anne Pramaggiore Toni Preckwinkleº Arnold Randallº Susan L. Regenstein Maria Smithburg Harrison I. Steans Pam F. Szokol Collette Taylor Richard L. Thomas Nicole S. Williams Arthur M. Wood, Jr. Life Directors Marilynn B. Alsdorf J. Melfort Campbell Barbara Whitney Carr Kent Chandler, Jr. Gary P. Coughlan Suzanne S. Dixon Thomas A. Donahoe Ralph F. Fujimoto Florence S. Hart Pamela K. Hull Posy L. Krehbiel Bill Kurtis Robert H. Malott Mary L. McCormack Mary Mix McDonald Peter H. Merlin Jane S. O’Neil William A. Osborn John E. Preschlack Anne O. Scott Dain Searle David Byron Smith Susan Stone William P. Sutter Howard J. Trienens Ernest P. Waud III º ex officio *Deceased


FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF COOK COUNTY as of 12/31/12 Toni Preckwinkle President Arnold Randall General Superintendent Board of Commissioners William M. Beavers Jerry Butler Earlean Collins John P. Daley John Fritchey Bridget Gainer Jesus Garcia Elizabeth Doody Gorman Gregg Goslin Joan Patricia Murphy Edwin Reyes Timothy O. Schneider Peter N. Silvestri Deborah Sims Robert Steele Larry Suffredin Jeffrey Tobolski Botanic Garden Committee Gregg Goslin Chairman Timothy O. Schneider Vice Chairman Jerry Butler John P. Daley Elizabeth Doody Gorman Joan Patricia Murphy Edwin Reyes Robert Steele Larry Suffredin

STAFF CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN STAFF Justin Aaron Carol Abbate Lynn Abrahamson Terese Adamiec Shiloh Aderhold Karen Aerni Gina Affatato Luis Alcala Alexandra Alexiadis Petroula Alexiadis Ellen Allen Blanca Alvarado Emigdio Alvarado Rebecca Ammann Lauren Anderson Karen Angel Gail Angell Michael Annes Riese Arcos Kenneth Arkin Natalie Arnold Rafael Arredondo Marcela Arreguin Salvador Arreguin Ruth Ashbach Lawrence Ashton James Ault James Austin Saul Baca Laura Bakakos Cynthia Baker Dina Baker Lisa Bakker Stephen Ball Dolores Banderowicz Rebecca Barak Brian Barker Scott Basten Scott Batiuk Megan Baumann Corbin Beatrie Winston Beck Whitney Behr Andrew Bell Shelly Bender Dawn Bennett Marianne Benveniste Brendan Berry Asha Bertsch Margaret Bialecki John Bila Kenneth Binkley Marc Bliss Gretchen Block Julien Bloom Leonard Bloomfield

Troy Boatman Darren Bochat Richard Bolster Maria Bondie James Boudreau Bethany Bouldin Anne Boynton Elizabeth Braun Jaclyn Braund Samantha Bray Janelle Brinley Joseph Broberg Emily Brown Joanna Brown Kevin Brown William Brown Johnny Bryant Stephanie Burkhardt Jacob Burns Margaret Busard Laura Busby Amanda Butera Krista Butler Roger Caldwell David Cantwell John Carlson Robin Carlson Omar Carranza Benjamin Carroll Judith Cashen Carol Cassato Peckham Jonathan Catalan Ryan Chapman Cleophus Charleston Meredith Churchman Gloria Ciaccio Morton Cinofsky John Ciszek Paula Clair Allison Clark Brian Clark Nancy Clifton Cheryl Coirier Cynthia Colvin Logan Condon Deidre Conocchioli Leevon Conway David Cooper Camille Cope David Cordero Kyle Costilow Darnisha Coverson Mackenzie Cowan Richard Crain Samantha Creightney Jesus Cuezzi Michael Cullinan Nathan Daniel


Brittney Daugherty Jacki Davidoff Ciera Davis Jeremy Davit Ashley Delaney Marisol Delgado Marie Dematatis Jordan Denney Elizabeth Dentzer Adrienne Detanico Gregory Detlie Brian Devitt Daniel Dion Ryan Disney Hilario Donoe Gregory Dortch Nicholas Dove Samantha Draper Lara Drizd Joshua Drizin Hillary Duncan Aaron Dunigan Elizabeth Dunn Benjamin Durham Thomas Durr Therese DuVon Amy Dwyer Anthony Dye Louise Egerton-Warburton Elizabeth Eichorn Charles Engelman Jeanne Erickson Jessica Erickson Kevin Erickson Laura Erickson Edward Ernst Pedro Espino Thomas Esson Elizabeth Euller Katherine Faehling Shamra Fallon Jeremie Fant Robert Farmer Meaghan Farrell Joshua Felde Heidi Feldkirchner Kurt Fieser Marcela Figueroa Maria Figueroa Serafin Figueroa Javier Figueroa Jaime James Fiorito Brian Flood Ruby Fong Christina Forrest James Fortsas Eliza Fournier Deniko Fox

Lorin Fox David Fraker Mandy Freer Adam Freierman Alyson Frisch Thomas Fritz Alene Frost James Frost Alison Gabrenya Christine Gabriel Edward Garard Carlos Garcia Carlos Marin Garcia Gerardo Garcia Juan Garcia Maria Garcia Marina Garcia Suzanne Garcia Victor Garcia Reneldia Gardner Galen Gates Marvin Gayden Melvin Gayden Steve Geitz Alexandria Ghaemaghamy Alyssa Gibson Jeffrey Gicklhorn Aida Giglio Jennifer Gilchrist Jorie Glassner Wesley Glisson Rachel Goad Giuliana Gobbato Delgado Jessica Goehler Dan Goldbacher Jose Gonzaga Guadalupe Gonzalez Simone Gore Gregg Gosizk William Gould Alicia Green Blayne Greiner Wendy Griffiths Emily Griffoul Rosemary Grinnan Jennifer Groskopf Harold Grossman Henry Grover Iara Guerra Mario Guerrero Bryan Guzman Jose Guzman Sarah Hackworth William Haffner Chad Hagedorn Margaret Haidet Laura Haney Richard Harper

Michelle Harring Veronica Harry-Jackson Kevin Hatley Kayri Havens-Young Richard Hawke Kathleen Hayden Robert Hayes Anne Healy Breanne Heath Susan Hedrick Kelley Heim Charles Henderson Christopher Henning Ileana Henry Donna Herendeen Patrick Herendeen Jazmine Hernandez Lisa Hilgenberg Evan Hilpman Suzanne Hintz Gregory Hitzroth Nancy Hobart Marian Hofherr Patrick Hogan Pat Hollingsworth Joan Hopkins Sarah Horvath John Hosman Robert Hotaling Virginia Hotaling Kourtney Howard Korri Howze Courtney Hughes Pamela Hugi Victoria Hunt Heather Hunter Jason Huska Laura Huska William Hutchison Melvin Huwe Christiana Hyde Salome Ibarra Bruce Iehl Nancy Isaac Joan Isabelli David Izzo James Jabcon Jillian Jablonski Erana Jackson Sarah Jacobi Elana Jacobs Richard Jacobs Benjamin Jaffe Vincent James Luanne Janikowski Kris Jarantoski Danette Jarzab Dartangana Jefferson


Miriam Jenkins Nicholas Jensen Marco Jimenez Lopez Scotty Jobe-Scott Andrew Johnson Clare Johnson Erika Johnson Katherine Johnson Timothy Johnson Natalie Johnstone Darius Jones Vivienne Jones Kimaya Joshi Heidi Joynt Bonnie Kalb Barry Kaminsky Andrea Kapustka Carolyn Karbin Dorothea Karim Kevin Keegan Benjamin Keele Allison Keith Lauren Kelly Ralph Kendall Lauren Kerr Katie Klein Katherine Knight William Knowles George Knuth Lara Kobelt Shelley Kohl Stephanie Koontz Carolyn Kotlarski Mary Kourieh Alicia Kovarsky Patric Krabacher Andrea Kramer Barbara Kreski Sarah Krock Alan Kroeger Lyubov Krol Lisa Kronwall Brett Kunkel Renee Kunkel Gail Kushino Michael Kwiatek Ryan Lane Jose Lara Jose Lara Rodriguez Daniel Larkin Janice LaRosa Kelly Larsen Matthew Larson Katherine Laushman Garrett Leidy Anthony Lenardi Jaycee Leonard Monique Leslie

STAFF Elton Lewis Miriam Lima Emily Limburger Ran Lin Stephanie Lindemann Jeff Link Janyne Little Leah Littleton Miguel Loeza Eric Lonsdorf Jeffrey Lopatka Yvonne Lopez Emily Love Juan Macias Daniella Maestre Michelle Maestre Andrew Maguire Jason Man Maria Mandujano Franscisco Manrique Lawrence Marchetti* Sandra Mardonovich Yolanda Marino Amy Markstein Emma Martell Janelle Martines Miguel Martines Aaron Martinez Irma Martinez Isidro Martinez Luis Martinez Rosalina Martinez Caroline Martorano Susanne Masi Angela Mason Melanie Mason Lagena Matheny Derrick Mathews Melissa Matterson Appelt Ryan May Anya Maziak Erin McBride Elizabeth Mccabe Meghan McCabe Thomas McCabe Julie McCaffrey Jacqueline McConnaughy Christopher McCoy Eve McElvenny Jeanyne McGee Catherine McGlynn Lynn McKay Robert McKinney Julia McMahon Chrissy McNulty Kristen McPhee Angela McSharry Christopher Medina

Miguel Medina John Meech Leobardo Melecio Floriberto Melesio Jose Melesio Juan Melesio Juvenal Melesio Salvador Melesio Theresa Melhem Marco Mendoza Rosa Mendoza Francisco Mercado Francisco Mercado, Jr. Elena Meredith Rosemary Mikol Gay Milano Karley Miller Luisa Miller Anna Moeller Antwain Molina Benny Molina Kelder Monar Monica Moncada Javier Montoya Rigoberto Montoya Deborah Moore Juan Manuel Moreno Salvador Moreno Stephon Morrow Cody Mosley Katherine Moyer Gregory Mueller Katherine Muller Marisa Munoz David Murray Jennifer Murray Peter Nagle Abundio Nava Arturo Nava Jesus Nava Gabriela Naveda Sharon Nejman Elmer Nemrava Van Nguyen Patrick Nicholson Thomas Nissly Joseph Novak Cheryl Nowicki Emma Nowicki Hannah Nowicki Efrain Nunez Cindy Nykiel Stacey Nykiel Riley Obenchain Elizabeth O’Connell Sean O’Farrell Jim O’Malley Michael O’Meara


Gloria Ormuz Fernando Orozco Robert Osborne Joan O’Shaughnessy Sarah Paar Max Palmer Gina Pantone Kelly Papanek Laura Pasztor Guillermo Patino Leonardo Patino Liliana Patino Daniel Paulausky Hailee Pavisich Hyde Perce David Perez Raquel Perez Adam Perri Joey Philipp Steve Picchietti Beth Pinargote Moshe Pinargote Brigido Pizarro Ernesto Pizarro Ezequiel Pizarro Jaime Pizarro Erwin Plofsky Claire Plunkett Mary Plunkett Seymour Podber Ayse Pogue Robert Pollack Timothy Pollak Carson Poole Eileen Prendergast Christopher Prochot Edgar Pulsifer Courtney Quigley Ausencio Quiroz Moises Quiroz Nicole Radcliffe Adan Ramirez Eloisa Ramirez Juan Ramirez Pedro Ramirez Donna Ramlow Safia Rashid Barbara Raue Grace Ray Cole Reagan Elizabeth Reed Alexander Reese Nathaniel Reese Sean Regan Patrick Reilly Harriet Resnick Catherine Reuter Elizabeth Rex

Raul Reyna Noreen Richards Ryan Richardson Rebecca Riley Felicia Robinson Gabriela Rocha Alvarez Stephanie Rockwood Nelson Rodelius Alicia Rodriguez Brenda Rodriguez Carmen Rodriguez David Rodriguez Jose Rodriguez Ma Carmen Rodriguez Margarita Rodriguez Steve Rodriguez Roberto Rodriguez Melesio David Roman Lorenzo Roman Susan Romanelli Kathryn Rose Karen Rosen Bianca Rosenbaum Allison Rossman Eugene Rothert, Jr. Elizabeth Rowen Samantha Rowland Pedro Ruiz Kelly Rusk Emily Russell William H. Rustemeyer, Jr. William Rutherford Matthew Ryan Jose Guadalupe Saavedra Gloria Sagen Jean Salatich Anthony Salerno Alfredo Salgado Manuel Sanchez Michelle Sanchez Desiree Sanders Derek Sandiford Bobby Sanford Tyler Schappe Jennifer Schmalz Christine Schmid Carol Schmidt Susan Schreiber Melissa Schuler Caitlin Schulze Jennifer Schwarz Ballard Aaron Sedgwick Stacy Seiden Jill Sejzer Jill Selinger Katelyn Selinger Phyllis Sellers Kathryn Selm

Jesse Semeyn Aaron Serrano Nancy Seyfried Patricia Shanahan Richard Sheehan Emily Shelton Heather Sherwood Melody Short Ben Shulman Leora Siegel Andrew Sieja Rome Silverman Amelia Simmons Joella Simons Adkins Sophia Siskel Krissa Skogen Michael Slager Ellen Slattery Elizabeth Smith Shawn Smith Rachel Snyder Jesus Soberanis Kathleen Soler Raymond Solger David Sollenberger Kirstie Songco Lourdes Sotelo Thomas R. Soulsby, Jr. Anthony Sparer Amy Spungen Brooke Stallings Alvin Stanton James Steffen Justin Stephens Craig Stern* Rebecca Stern Ellianna Sternberg Lauren Stevens Nathaniel Stewart Shannon Still Kimberly Stocks Stacy Stoldt Susan Stoltze Jeannine Strenk Cordero Stubbs Kelly Studdert Josef Stumpfoll Daniel Suarez Helen Suhayda Charlotte Sullivan Andrew Swets Stephen Sykes Jeff Tamraz Boyce Tankersley Portia Teague Mark Testa Aaron Thom Catherine Thomas


Georgia Thomas Meredith Thomas David Thompson Elizabeth Thorley Paul Tiddens Melissa Tienes Laura Tietz Mary Tinning Sadie Todd Marcus Tolbert Ana Toledo Adam Toomey Florencio Torres Jose Torres Shannon Treonis James Trigueros I-Yun Tu Lisa Turner Lea Tuttle Nicolas Umstattd Julie Utterback Kelsey Utterback Monica Vachlon Edward Valauskas Cheri Van Deraa Allison Vandenberg Celeste Vandermey Lisa Vantieghem Rachel Veal Juan Villalobos Patricia Vitt Mary Vogel Dennis Vojcak Katherine Volin Carolyn Wachtel Stuart Wagenius Nicholas Walker Megan Wall Denise Walsh Sarah Ward Y. Warder Jonathan Warner Rachel Warnick Debra Warren Michael Wasielewski Gloria Watson Ivan Watters Christopher Watts Barry Wawrzyn Thomas Weaver Kristen Webber Spicimir Wegrzyn Sophia Weinmann Christina Weisbard Elizabeth Weislogel Amy Wells Stacie Wentling Kathleen West

STAFF Joseph Westin Valerie Westin Marquita Wheaton Joseph White Dale Whiting Norman Wickett Lief Wiechman Toni Wierig Carolyn Wiggins Christopher Williams Emma Williams Evelyn Williams Tamela Williford Brandee Wills Andrew Wilson Samantha Winder Aaron Winn Alexis Winter Andrew Wirostek Katherine Wright Julie Wynia Emily Yates Ottilie Zeitler Gina Zinbarg Jodi Zombolo Thomas Zombolo Rebecca Zurek *Deceased




glencoe, illinois 60022

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One of the treasures of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County

1000 lake cook road

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