Annual Report 2013

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T H E C H I C A G O B OTA N I C G A R D E N A N N UA L R E P O RT 2 0 1 3

Keep Growing


Chairman of the Board Robert Finke and President & CEO Sophia Shaw.


We cultivate the power of plants to sustain and enrich life.


Robert Finke | Chairman of the Board

Every year, more people come to the Chicago Botanic Garden than the year before. People come because the Garden’s beautiful display gardens and natural areas, and its compelling programs offered in Glencoe and throughout Cook County, respond to the needs of real people. The Garden’s offerings are possible only because of the extraordinary talents of its management, staff, and volunteers. Their passion for the Garden and those they serve drives them to excel in their work. We who enjoy and benefit from the Garden are deeply in their debt. The Chicago Botanic Garden is the product of a uniquely successful public-private partnership between the Forest Preserves of Cook County, on whose land the Glencoe campus sits, and the Chicago Horticultural Society, which built and has operated the Garden since 1968, opening the Garden gates in 1972. Even as the Garden works harder each year to serve the citizens of Cook County, its stature grows within the United States and around the world. As one of the most vital and vibrant living museums anywhere, the Garden attracts people from every walk of life, many of whom become members of its extended “family.” Last year, during the fourth year of its ten-year strategic plan, “Keep Growing,” the Garden made significant strides toward realizing the plan’s objectives. This is important because only by meeting the plan’s goals can the Garden continue to cultivate the next generation of environmental stewards, plant scientists, urban farmers, and horticultural therapists, and expand its campus to include both new and improved display gardens. With funds primarily from bonds issued by the Forest Preserves, the Garden renovated its café and reopened it as the Garden View Café earlier this year, with an expansive new look, streamlined service, and a locally sourced menu. With generous support from the Forest Preserves, the Illinois Department of Transportation, and the Litowitz Family Foundation, the Garden completed plans for an addition to the North Branch Trail, construction of which began this spring. The Garden also moved forward on the two remaining principal capital objectives of the strategic plan: the Kris Jarantoski Campus, named in honor of Executive Vice President and Director Kris Jarantoski’s guiding vision, and the Learning Campus. The Jarantoski Campus, on the south end of the Garden, will provide badly needed new greenhouses and nurseries; the Learning Campus at the north end, with an innovative Education Center, will enhance the Garden’s ability to teach students of every age, ability, and background about plants and environmental science. Both campuses will feature interactive and aesthetically prominent new gardens to engage visitors and promote horticultural excellence and education, respectively.


Last June, the Garden embarked upon Plants for Life 2020, a fundraising campaign to raise the funds necessary to complete the Jarantoski and Learning Campuses and grow the Garden’s endowment to four times its operating budget. Spurred by a matching grant from the State of Illinois, the Garden’s friends in the private sector already have committed enough funds to enable work to begin this year on new nurseries, and go a long way toward achieving the total amount required to complete both campuses. But $39 million remains to be raised: $9 million for the Learning Campus and $30 million for the Jarantoski Campus. Only when sufficient funds are in hand (80 percent of the capital cost of each project) can construction begin. Gifts to the Garden, in any amount, are needed and valued. The Garden may be supported through current gifts, pledges, and planned giving, and there are many opportunities to recognize those gifts. The Garden’s development staff welcomes the opportunity to respond to requests for information. The Garden’s achievements in its relatively short history, and its promising future, have inspired the continuing support of its many friends among individuals, families, foundations, corporations, and governments. That support, along with support from new friends, is essential if the Garden is to fully meet the goals of its strategic plan. We cannot fail to do so. Many public gardens do one or two things well. Very few do everything the Chicago Botanic Garden does well: offering inspiring gardens and natural areas, engaging in plant conservation science and research, and providing a lifetime of opportunities for people to learn about and appreciate the power of plants to sustain and enrich life. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to complete the new Jarantoski and Learning Campuses, and to grow our endowment, so that our Garden will continue into the future, second to none anywhere. All three of the Garden’s boards—the Board of Directors, the Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society, and the Guild of the Chicago Botanic Garden—work very hard throughout each year to sustain the Garden’s present and future. I know that I speak for all who enjoy and benefit from the Garden when I extend unbridled thanks to the Garden’s boards and the entire Garden family—staff, volunteers, members, and donors—for all they do every day to make the Garden preeminent among public gardens everywhere.

With gratitude and warm regards,

Robert Finke Chairman of the Board


Sophia Shaw | President & CEO

Spring is a time for renewal, but also offers an opportunity for reflection. As I write this letter, we have just come through one of the most difficult winters in the history of Chicago. During these welcome days of warmth and regrowth, I have taken time to reflect on myself, on my family and friends, and on the past accomplishments and future promise of the Chicago Botanic Garden. Specifically, my thoughts have turned to the importance of nurture—the process of providing care and comfort, and encouraging growth and development. The Chicago Botanic Garden is a place where nature and nurture work together, both in ways that are measurable and in ways impossible to quantify.

By every statistical measure, 2013—the fourth year of our strategic plan, “Keep Growing”—was impressive. For the first time in the Garden’s history, we welcomed more than one million visitors. We were supported by a stellar and increasingly diverse staff of 250 full-time employees and 480 “seasonals,” members of three boards, and 2,067 volunteers who gave 107,235 hours of service to the Garden. Nearly 5,000 adults took classes at the Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School of the Chicago Botanic Garden, and we provided programs and field trips for more than 120,000 children, parents, students, and teachers. Our littlest learners haven’t yet started to walk; at the other end of the spectrum, in 2013 the Garden trained 28 master’s students and 11 doctoral students through our graduate program in plant conservation biology, offered in partnership with Northwestern University. We also mentored a select group of 70 Chicago Public Schools teens through our Science Career Continuum, four of whom went on to receive full scholarships to attend college. Last year as well, more than 200 Garden scientists, graduate students, and interns conducted plant-related research, and we received our largest National Science Foundation grant to date—$1.5 million. The Garden trained nearly 100 college graduates for conservation internships in 15 western states, in partnership with the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management. Through our Windy City Harvest program, we mentored more than 90 at-risk teens and trained over 50 hard-to-employ adults; 89 percent of the latter have found employment. Last year, Windy City Harvest participants grew and harvested 92,000 pounds of produce, earning $165,000 in produce sales. Five new urban farmers began working at “incubator farm” plots in Chicago through Windy City Harvest, thanks to a grant by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA. The Garden also launched the Midwest’s largest “farm-to-fork” rooftop farm, encompassing 20,000 square feet at McCormick Place.


Yet, every day, the Chicago Botanic Garden nurtures people in ways not easily quantified. In 2013 Garden visitors listened, nodded, and danced to the varied rhythms of our musical programs. They experienced the joy of art, through Garden exhibitions and classes, through events like the Antiques & Garden Fair and the Art Festival, and through the Garden’s compelling design and horticultural excellence. People walked the Garden paths every single day in 2013, from dawn to past dusk, appreciating the Garden’s beauty, accessibility, and safety in all seasons, and increasing well-being with every step. The powerful healing effects of plants provided skills and comfort to veterans, people along the autism spectrum, and low-vision participants in the Garden’s horticultural therapy programs. Part of nurturing and being nurtured is listening. At the Chicago Botanic Garden, we can literally listen to the sounds of nature: the rustle of plants, the whisper of breezes, the trickle, spray, or bubble of water. Also, the Garden’s horticulturists and scientists listen to and monitor what plants and healthy ecosystems “tell” us they need to grow and thrive, and offer the care needed. On a larger scale, figuratively, the Garden is listening to the planet, helping to conserve, protect, and restore native habitats and the essential benefits they provide at home and around the globe. Further, Garden members have talked to us, and we have listened, and responded. In 2010, the Garden took a public stance on the subject of climate change and other critical environmental initiatives; last year, we offered new approaches to making science come alive in the classroom, developing a new curriculum that examines the impact of climate change, and becoming the nation’s first botanic garden to hold a virtual field trip through Google’s Connected Classrooms program.

How can we ensure that the Garden will continue to nurture plants and people into the future? I believe the answer rests in enhancing the ways we care for those who visit the Chicago Botanic Garden. After all, without our visitors—many of whom become active members, volunteers, employees, and donors like you—the Garden would not exist. We must continue to set and achieve goals—both those that are measurable as well as those that, though powerfully effective, don’t translate into statistics.



Sophia Shaw | President & CEO

In 2013, partly to encompass these distinct yet complementary goals, we adopted a new mission statement: We cultivate the power of plants to sustain and enrich life. To fulfill this mission, we must invest in the Garden, through the measurable commitment of our financial support and through the priceless value of our presence in the Garden family as participants, advisors, mentors, and innovators. We must grow our endowment to four times our operating budget, and complete the remaining projects of our “Keep Growing” strategic plan: • The Kris Jarantoski Campus will feature expanded plant production facilities and an innovative garden that will allow us to continue growing and caring for the plants that inspire us, and serve our scientists in their conservation research. • The Learning Campus will be complete when the Education Center and new garden take shape, and will greatly expand our ability to offer both familiar and new ways of inspiring and training through science, environmental sustainability, and horticulture. Our goals are ambitious, yet grounded in thoughtful and thorough planning. We have faced some very challenging times, such as the recession that began in 2008, and persevered—just as we have emerged from last winter’s “polar vortex” stronger and more positive than before. We remain, as always, grateful to the Forest Preserves of Cook County, our greatest supporter and recipient of the 2013 Hutchinson Medal. Ten years from now, we will look back at this time as a period when we reflected on our progress, celebrated our success, articulated our belief in the power of nature to nurture, accepted our responsibility to nurture nature, and vowed to complete the goals that we set for ourselves in our strategic plan.

On behalf of the Chicago Botanic Garden,

Sophia Shaw President & CEO



Chicago Botanic Garden Financials Executive Summary The Chicago Botanic Garden’s operations thrived once again from both a programmatic and a financial standpoint in 2013, the fourth year of its “Keep Growing” strategic plan. The Garden set an annual attendance record for the fifth consecutive year, and for the first time in its history welcomed more than one million visitors. Virtually all of the Garden’s revenue-producing activities exceeded the 2012 results, and expenses continued to be closely monitored.

Garden Attendance Attendance

1 Million Visitors

1,000,000 950,000 900,000 850,000 800,000 750,000 700,000 650,000











Operating Results The Garden ended 2013 with an operating surplus of $681,000, following surpluses of $889,000 and $566,000 in 2012 and 2011, respectively. Operating revenue increased by more than $1.2 million, or 4 percent, to $32 million in 2013. When board-designated and restricted net assets are included, total revenue was $50.7 million, an increase of $6.8 million from the 2012 total of $43.9 million. The Garden’s institutional investments (primarily its endowment) increased by more than $10 million, or approximately 16 percent, for the year. Operating expenditures in 2013 were $31.3 million, an increase of $1.4 million, or 5 percent, from 2012, due primarily to expanded grant-funded science programs and higher costs to maintain the gardens and facilities on the Garden’s 385-acre campus. With the inclusion of depreciation, interest expense, and other designated expenditures that are not included in the operating budget, total expenses for 2013 were $40.5 million, an increase of 2 percent from the $39.8 million incurred in 2012.


Chicago Botanic Garden Financials Change in Net Assets The Garden’s statement of financial position reflects an increase in net assets of 17 percent to $154.9 million in 2013 from $132.6 million at the end of 2012. The increase was due largely to unrealized gains in the fair values of its investments, as well as strong operating and fundraising results. 2013 operating budget revenue and other support total $32 MILLION ALLOCATION FROM LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS 4%













The $92.9 million of unrestricted net assets represented the majority of total net assets, while $35.9 million were temporarily restricted, and $26.1 million were SPONSORSHIPS permanently restricted. VISITOR PROGRAMS AND OPERATIONS This compares to $85.113%million of unrestricted net assets, $22.1 million 3% of temporarily restricted net assets, and $25.4 million of permanently restricted net assets in 2012. FOREST PRESERVES NET ASSETS USED 6%


30% GARDENS AND GROUNDS ADMINISTRATION Total assets increased in 2013, an increase 28% 12%from $192.9 million in 2012 to $213 million of $20.1 million. Total liabilities decreased by $2.2 million to $58.1 million at year-end. DEVELOPMENT 9%




operating budget expenditures total $31.3 million EDUCATION AND COMMUNITY PROGRAMS 19%








Chicago Botanic Garden Financials Summary Each year, the Chicago Botanic Garden engages more people through its beauty and the strength of its public programs. In 2013, it distilled the scope of its expanding work in horticulture and plant conservation, encompassing education, science, urban agriculture jobs training, and horticultural therapy, into its updated mission statement: We cultivate the power of plants to sustain and enrich life. With the support of its board, staff, volunteers, members, visitors, donors, and the Forest Preserves of Cook County, the Garden will continue to honor the ideals upon which its foundation was established, evolve as a public institution and recognized leader in plant conservation education and research, and enhance its standing as one of the leading botanic gardens of the world. Complete audited financial statements for the Chicago Botanic Garden, including the auditor’s report, for the year ending December 31, 2013, are available at

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of December 31, 2013 (in millions of dollars) ASSETS Cash Pledges receivable Accounts receivable Investments Other assets Property and equipment

$0.6 15.2 2.0 91.0 2.5 101.7



LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses� Other liabilities Bonds payable

$3.9 4.2 50.0

Total liabilities


NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

$92.9 35.9 26.1

Total net assets






CONTRIBUTORS LIFETIME BENEFACTORS We are grateful to the following donors, whose extraordinary generosity has built and transformed the Garden. Their gifts totaling $1,000,000 or more have created beautiful landscapes and have established the Garden as an international center for horticulture, plant science research, and education. $10,000,000 and above Forest Preserves of Cook County The Regenstein Foundation United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management

$5,000,000 to $9,999,999 Cook County Highway Department Sue and Wes Dixon Helen V. Froehlich Foundation The Grainger Foundation Illinois Department of Transportation National Science Foundation Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation Pleasant T. Rowland State of Illinois Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society

$2,500,000 to $4,999,999 Anonymous (1) Astellas USA Foundation Buehler Family Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Duane E. and Barbara L. Dickey The Guild of the Chicago Botanic Garden Patricia S. and William J. Hagenah The Harris Family Foundation Caryn and King Harris Katherine Harris Toni and Ron Paul Linda and Bill Friend Stephanie and John Harris Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend Pam and Joe Szokol Hunter Family Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity The Kresge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Malott Family The Negaunee Foundation Searle Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Trienens United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Institute of Museum and Library Services Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Waud

$1,000,000 to $2,499,999 Anonymous (2) Abbott Fund Baxter International Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Neville F. Bryan Buchanan Family Foundation The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation Mr. Robert F. Finke Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Ellis Goodman Family Foundation Mr. William B. Graham Grant Healthcare Foundation Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Estate of Ethel deLang Hein Illinois Environmental Protection Agency ITW Esther Grunsfeld Klatz Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kleinman Kraft Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Lavin Lavin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCormack Robert R. McCormick Foundation Alexandra and John Nichols Mrs. Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr. Northern Trust Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Museum Dr. Scholl Foundation The Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simms The Simms Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith The Harold Byron Smith Family Steans Family Foundation Susan and Roger Stone Georgiana M. Taylor Helen and Richard Thomas United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration United States Environmental Protection Agency Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker


THE SCIENCE INITIATIVE Plant conservation research and education are at the heart of the Science Initiative. The Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Plant Conservation Science Center provides Chicago Botanic Garden scientists with more tools to address the environmental challenges we face today and trains those who assume that responsibility in the future. The following individuals, corporations, foundations, and government agencies have generously supported the Science Initiative with gifts of $1,000 or more through December 31, 2013. $5,000,000 and above Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation

$1,000,000 to $4,999,999 Abbott Fund Astellas USA Foundation Sue and Wes* Dixon Ellis Goodman Family Foundation The Grainger Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah The Harris Family Foundation Caryn and King Harris Katherine Harris Toni and Ron Paul Linda and Bill Friend Stephanie and John Harris Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend Pam and Joe Szokol Hunter Family Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Susan and Roger Stone Helen and Richard Thomas Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society

$500,000 to $999,999 Baxter International Inc. ITW Lavin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. National Science Foundation Ernest P. Waud III Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz

$250,000 to $499,999 Anonymous (1) Willard* and Sally Aaron The Buchanan Family Foundation Robert F. Finke and Carol L. Keenan Helen V. Froehlich Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Glasser and Rosenthal Family Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Tourism

McKenna Foundation Cathy and Bill Osborn Dr. Scholl Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Howard J. and Paula M.* Trienens Cate and Rick Waddell Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

$100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous (2) Henry T. and Clarissa H. Chandler Foundation A.G. Cox Charity Trust Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes Nancy Gidwitz and Jeff Grossman Dr. Leonard G. Ginger* Goldman Sachs Gives John and Jean Greene Mrs. Max A. Hart Mr.* and Mrs. Robert D. Hevey Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Pamela and Roger Hull Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity, Bureau of Energy and Recycling Richard* and Beverly Joutras Mary L. and Robert C. McCormack George and Julie Peinado Scott Family Foundation The Siragusa Foundation Mary Jane* and Albert H.* Slepyan Todd and Liz Warnock Barbara and Stanley Zax

$50,000 to $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens The George Bodeen Family Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe Ginny and Peter Foreman Foster Charitable Trust Lynn, Jim, Terri and Craig Foster e-One Tom and Annette Freyman Dorothy H. Gardner Jack* and Ginny Hotaling Mr. and Mrs. M. James Leider Michael W. Louis Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Kitty and Bill Moeller Dr. M. J. Pomeranz Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Ms. Scotty Searle Tawani Foundation UL Barbara Wu and Eric and Eliot Larson

$25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Francis Beidler Foundation Mr.* and Mrs. Robert F. Carr III Jane B. and John C. Colman Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Miranda and Robert Donnelley Elizabeth and Tim Dugan Jamee and Marshall Field Foundation A Friend of the Woman’s Board John and Bernice Gardner Ms. Sue L. Gin Goldman, Sachs & Co. Janis Audin Guelzow* Mr.* and Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan C. Hamill Mary P. Hines Mr. and Mrs. John L. Howard Jane Irwin and Bob Romo Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Isham, Jr. Fund of the El Adobe Corporation Joan M. Johnson and Family Lake Forest Garden Club Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger Malott Family Foundation Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick Family Foundation Edward* and Lucy R. Minor Family Foundation C. Jane Mueller Rosborough Partners, Inc. Dorothy B. Rothschild Memorial Fund Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans Peggy and Art Wood, Wood Family Foundation

$10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (5) Judy and Arthur Abt Amsted Industries Foundation Vernon Armour Ann and Brian Balusek Bessemer Trust Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof Mary and Carl Boyer Catherine and Michael Busch Ms. Beverly J. Bystricky Barbara* and Melfort Campbell Susan and Michael Canmann Joyce E. Chelberg Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Mark and Connie Crane Mr. and Mrs. Dewey B. Crawford Robert and Elizabeth Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Donahoe Peter and Shana Ellis Steven L. Finkelman John D. Fornengo


Garden Guild of Winnetka Kathi S. Grant Mary Johnson Hill Dewitt and Parke Holland Foundation Mrs. Nancy W. Jacobs Madeleine and Jim* McMullan Mrs. Withrow W. Meeker Mr. Ronald E. Meissen, Ph.D. Mr. Ralph Thomas O’Neil* Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Owen, Jr. Homi and Anne Patel Mrs. Edward King Poor III Harriet and Joey Resnick and Family SEAL Analytical, Inc. Sophia Shaw Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Kathleen and Brian Spear Richard and Elaine Tinberg Mr.* and Mrs. Henry P. Wheeler

$5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous (1) Steve Ball and Les Everett Alvin H. Baum Family Fund James and Roberta Boudreau Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Brigandi & Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown Holly R. Buchanan Ceres Foundation Mary Cary and Gary Coughlan Claire and Joe Gregoire Mr.* and Mrs. Burton W. Hales, Jr. Daniel B. Hales Mr. and Mrs. Mark William Haller HMX, LLC Kris S. Jarantoski Susan and Gordon Keiser Mr. and Mrs.* David O. MacKenzie Dr. Jeanne K. Mason Greg Mueller and Betty Strack The Nissly Family Mr. and Mrs. John E. Preschlack Carole and Gordon Segal Lee J. Strauss Fund at The Boston Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Dale and Kim Visokey Sally and John Weber

$1,000 to $4,999 Anonymous (6) Dora and John Aalbregtse Lynn Abrahamson Carnot and Luceile Allen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Armishaw Bank of America Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barra Philip and Janice Beck

CONTRIBUTORS Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block IV George W. Blossom III* William and Nancy Brown Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Carney Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carton Kent* and Franny* Chandler Chicago Mercantile Exchange Foundation Matching Gift Program Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coleman Corlita R. Cramer Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cregan Mrs. Elizabeth R. Edwards Mr. Robert J. Elliot Enivar Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fesmire Mrs. Margaret R. Frank* The Garden Club of America Robert Giblichman Dr. Kayri Havens-Young Dr. Alice B. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Haynes III Mr.* and Mrs. Thomas D. Heath Sharon S. Holihan Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hough HSBC Betsy and Jack Karp Carolyn and Howard Katz Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kelly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Koepfgen Martin J. and Susan B. Kozak Fund Bertha Lebus Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Miller Brooks and Howard Morgan MWV Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Ann and Harry Oppenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Oppenheimer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pasquesi PCS Inc. John and Amy Porter Juliet K. Priebe PwC Ms. Alice B. Rapoport and Mr. Michael A. Sachs Mr. and Mrs.* S. Prentiss Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Scholl Dr. G. Stephen Scholly and Ellen Scholly Mr. and Mrs.* Robert F. Seebeck Sandra Shane-DuBow Mr. and Mrs. David Shelby Margie and Jerry Strauch Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. K. Sweet, Jr. Louise Ingersoll Tausché Mr. and Mrs. William R. Tobey, Jr. Wayne D. Watson, Ph.D./ The City Colleges of Chicago Herman A. Weimer Alice Pirie Wirtz *Deceased

PLANTS FOR LIFE 2020: THE KEEP GROWING PLAN Plants for Life 2020: The Keep Growing Plan identifies capital and endowment fundraising goals as stated in the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Keep Growing Strategic Plan 2010–20. The long-term well-being of the Garden depends on an ongoing and predictable stream of financial support. As the Garden grows in attendance and relevance, more endowment funding will ensure the Garden remains both a beautiful place and a leader in plant science research and education. Major capital goals: • Shoreline Gardens and Restoration. The reconstructed North Lake shoreline features more than 120,000 native plants to help stabilize shoreline soils.

• The Learning Campus, including an Education Center, the Grunsfeld Children’s Growing Garden, the Kleinman Family Cove, and a new garden. The Learning Campus addresses the need for stronger science education for all students, including those from underserved communities.

• The Kris Jarantoski Campus, including greenhouses, nursuries, and garden. A new modern structure is essential to maintaining horticultural excellence, delivering a superior four-season visitor experience, and supporting cuttingedge plant conservation research.

• North Branch Trail and McDonald Woods Plan, Garden View Café Renovation, and Barbara Brown Nature Reserve. The following list reflects gifts made through March 15, 2014. $1,000,000 and above Anonymous (2) Astellas USA Foundation Duane E. Dickey Trust Robert F. Finke Forest Preserves of Cook County The Grainger Foundation Ernest A. Grunsfeld III* Hunter Family Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program ITW Esther Grunsfeld Klatz Annette and Bernard* Kleinman Family Mr. Robert H. Malott


Robert R. McCormick Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Museum Mr. Howard J. Trienens United States Army Corps of Engineers Ecosystem Restoration Program United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration

$500,000 to $999,999 Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown The Guild of the Chicago Botanic Garden Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Lavin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz Litowitz Family Foundation John B. and Mary Helen Slater Helen and Richard Thomas

$250,000 to $499,999 Anonymous (1) Martin and Mary L. Boyer Foundation Nancy Gidwitz and Jeff Grossman The Hekman Gordon Family Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Lorraine Ipsen-Stotler* Jane Irwin and Bob Romo Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

$100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous (1) Baxter International Inc. Ms. Beverly J. Bystricky Katie Hazelwood and Todd Kaplan Greg and Ann Jones & Family Kemper Educational and Charitable Fund Barbara and Richard Metzler Northern Trust Laura S. Pinkert Revocable Trust Maria and Bill Smithburg Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society

$50,000 to $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Brady Federal Emergency Management Agency Charles C. Haffner III Trust Mrs. Max A. Hart H. Fisk Johnson, Ph.D. Make It Better Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee Kitty and Bill Moeller Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice

$25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous (1) Ginny and Peter Foreman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Freyman Howard Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell

$10,000 to $24,999 The Butz Foundation J. Melfort Campbell Arthur D. Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Mary Johnson Hill Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lanctot Mr. and Mrs. Homi B. Patel

$5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous (1) Ann and Brian Balusek Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Foradas Garden Guild of Winnetka Jack* and Ginny Hotaling Mrs. Ruth Kapes The Warwick Foundation Peggy and Art Wood

$2,500 to $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Brayton B. Alley Mr. Franklin A. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sharp

$1,000 to $2,499 Evanston Bicycle Club Mr. and Mrs. John L. Howard Mr. and Mrs. William U. Knox


CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN – ENDOWED FUNDS 2013 Endowed funds provide a secure foundation for the future. The Garden is honored by the thoughtful generosity of those who have established or contributed to the following named endowed funds. Permanent endowments may be established with gifts of $50,000 or more. Bacon Sensory Garden Endowment Mr. William T. Bacon, Jr. Martha Bacon Hartfiel Buehler Fund for the Enabling Garden Buehler Family Foundation Buehler Fund for Horticultural Therapy Buehler Family Foundation

Harriet Kay and Harold R. Burnstein Fund for Exhibits Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Burnstein

Krasberg-Mason Endowment for the Bruce Krasberg Rose Garden † Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason

Theodore C. Butz Memorial Carillon Endowment Fund † The Butz Foundation

Bernice E. Lavin Evaluation Garden Endowment Fund † Lavin Family Foundation

Walter L. Cherry Internship in Horticulture Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cherry Virginia B. Cherry 2013 internship awarded to Johanna Hutchins

John J. Louis, Jr. Bright Encounters Fund Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation

Joan L. Cole Fund † Mr. Franklin A. Cole

Malott Family Endowment for the Japanese Garden Mr. Robert H. Malott Malott Charitable Trust Malott Family

Collins Family Endowment for the Buehler Enabling Garden † Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr.

Mead Flower Show Endowment Sally M. Hands Cynthia M. and Robert E. Sargent

Suzanne S. Dixon Prairie Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. Searle Family Trust

Negaunee Foundation Endowment for Invasive Plant Research The Negaunee Foundation

Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Director of Ornamental Plant Research Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Position held by James R. Ault, Ph.D. Mary R. Ginger Research Fellowship at the School Dr. Leonard G. Ginger Estate of Mary R. Ginger Edna Kanaley Graham Bulb Garden Endowment Fund W. B. Graham Foundation, Inc. Mr. William B. Graham William B. Graham Trust Charles Haffner Research Endowment † Charles C. Haffner III Trust Harris Family Scholars Fund † The Harris Family Foundation: Caryn and King Harris Katherine Harris Toni and Ron Paul Pam and Joe Szokol Linda and Bill Friend Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend Stephanie and John Harris The fund provided fellowship support for first-year master’s students in 2013. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Graduate Fellowship † Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hevey Mr. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Ms. Constance M. Filling The fellowship provided support for first-year master’s students in 2013. Pamela K. Hull Internship Endowment Pamela K. Hull Kenilworth Garden Club Endowment for the Buehler Enabling Garden Kenilworth Garden Club


Negaunee Foundation Endowment for the Vice President of Science † The Negaunee Foundation Position held by Gregory M. Mueller, Ph.D. Janet Meakin Poor Research Symposium Endowment Friends of Janet Meakin Poor Florence Rantz Enabling Garden Endowment Estate of Florence Rantz June Price Reedy Library Endowment for the Rare Book Collection Estate of Mary Ann Price Thomas J. & Julia P. Reedy Foundation Mary Withers Runnells Endowment for the East Courtyard Ms. Gale P. Runnells Mr. and Mrs. John S. Runnells II Estate of Louise Gale Runnells Estate of John S. Runnells II Searle Research Endowment Fund Searle Family Trust Searle Foundation John G. and Frances C. Searle Fund Albert and Mary Jane Slepyan Fund for the Cultivation and Promotion of Begonias The Acorn Foundation Dr. Albert H. Slepyan The Ralph & Leah Wanger Philanthropic Fund David Byron Smith Family Curator of Native Habitats Fund Bellebyron Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Position held by Daniel J. Larkin, Ph.D. Susan and Roger Stone Endowment for the Curator of the Dixon National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Stone Position held by Pati Vitt, Ph.D.

CONTRIBUTORS Taylor Family Waterfall Garden Endowment Fund † Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Frances Buck Taylor Trust Mr. John W. Taylor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III The Warwick Foundation The JWT Family Foundation

INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING The Chicago Botanic Garden is a complex institution with diverse financial needs. The following individuals thoughtfully supported Garden programs, operations, capital improvements, and endowment with gifts of $250 or more between January 1 and December 31, 2013.

Litowitz Family Foundation Barbara and Richard Metzler The Henry E. Pearson Trust Susan L. Regenstein Howard and Jackie Shapiro Foundation Bill and Maria Smithburg Brian B. and Kathleen K. Spear Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell

Jack and Jeannie Thompson Endowed Fund for Bonsai Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Thompson

$500,000 and above

$10,000 to $24,999

Anonymous (2) Duane E. Dickey Trust Robert F. Finke Hunter Family Helen and Richard Thomas Mr. Howard J. Trienens

Anonymous (5) Ann and Brian Balusek Laurence Booth Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butz Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Butz J. Melfort Campbell Mr. and Mrs. David R. Casper Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cherry Mr. and Mrs. John C. Connery II Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. L. Peter DeGroot IV Bob and Jill Delaney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine J. Derer Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Ellis Anthony and Ann Marie Farino Mr. and Mrs. Robert Feitler Mika and David Filkins Sonja and Conrad Fischer Ginny and Peter Foreman John D. Fornengo Ilana and Steven Fradkin Ms. Sue L. Gin Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Ellis Goodman Family Foundation Avrum Gray and Family James and Aimee Gray Mr. and Mrs. John K. Greene John Hagenah Family Fund Elizabeth Hampton Declaration of Trust Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Hawver Katie Hazelwood and Todd Kaplan The Hekman Gordon Family Mrs. Robert D. Hevey Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Melville C. Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Hoffmann Mrs. Dolores Kohl Kaplan Betsy and Jack Karp Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Lewis Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger Daniel and Jennifer Linzer Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. MacLean

Anne and Morrison Waud Circle Garden Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Waud Medard and Elizabeth Welch Conservation Science Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Medard and Elizabeth Welch Director of Plant Conservation Science Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Position held by Kayri Havens-Young, Ph.D. Nicole S. Williams and Lawrence Becker Endowment for Native Habitats Restoration Fund Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence Becker Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society Endowment Funds Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society Aquatics Programs Community Gardening The Curator of Aquatics Position held by Robert J. Kirschner Internship Endowment Fund 2013 internship awarded to Patrick Hogan Woman’s Board Endowment for Plant Evaluation Research and Publication Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Mr. Charles E. Schroeder in honor of Elizabeth R. Schroeder Mrs. Stephen Byron Smith Dorothy D. Ziska Endowment Fund Adam H. Romeiser Trust † Contribution in 2013

$250,000 to $499,999 Nancy Gidwitz and Jeff Grossman Jane Irwin and Bob Romo The Jeanette R. Pearson Trust

$100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas Brady Caryn and King Harris Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Greg and Ann Jones & Family The Negaunee Foundation Laura S. Pinkert Revocable Trust Abra Prentice Foundation, Inc. Pam and Joe Szokol Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

$50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous (1) Ms. Beverly J. Bystricky A.G. Cox Charity Trust Charles C. Haffner III Trust Mrs. Max A. Hart H. Fisk Johnson, Ph.D. Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz

$25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt Harriet Kay Burnstein* Joyce E. Chelberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Freyman Norman and Lee Gantz Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Gavin Patricia S. and William J. Hagenah Howard Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hull Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lanctot Mr. and Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz


Mr. Robert H. Malott Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Mrs. Thomas J. Mazzetta Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Micole Foundation Kristen and Charles Mills Edward* and Lucy R. Minor Family Foundation Kitty and Bill Moeller Alexandra and John Nichols Julie and George Peinado Mr. and Mrs. William D. Perez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pick Anne R. Pramaggiore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regenstein III Helen R. Rubens Ryan Ruskin and Michael Andrews Pat and Lydia Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Carole and Jack Sandner Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Saunders Marion V. Schmidt Trust Mr. Philip Scholly Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Siragusa Eileen and Hal Sirkin Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans Susan and Roger Stone Collette Taylor John and Susan Washburn Ernest P. Waud III James and Constance Wiggins Peggy and Art Wood

$2,500 to $9,999 Anonymous (11) Dora and R. John Aalbregtse Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Brayton Bunn Alley Mr. and Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Mrs. Jean Babson David and Cindy Baier Walter F. Bandi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barra Mr. William T. Bartholomay Philip and Janice Beck Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Berghoef Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Berlin Hal and Peggy Bernthal Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Bestler Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof Dr. and Mrs. Norman L. Blankenship Amy and Andy Bluhm The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation Nancy and George Bodeen Mary and Carl Boyer Ms. Barbara J. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. R. Clayton Brock

Holly R. Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Randolph N. Burt Cathy and Michael Busch Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Cachey, Sr. Susan and Michael Canmann Dr. and Mrs. Fabian Carbonell Helen Kuhn Carey Dr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll IV Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Carter Mrs. Laurence A. Carton Russell Cartwright Ceres Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Chandler Ms. Carol A. Cleave Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Jane B. and John C. Colman Froilan P. Concepcion and Cecilia Concepcion Lawrence Corry Jeff and Sue Cozzens Mark and Connie Crane Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Dewey B. Crawford Winnie and Bob Crawford Robert and Elizabeth Crowe Nancy Dehmlow Mr. and Mrs. William E. Deitrick Joan P. DePree Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny The Nathan Dieck Family Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Mrs. Joane K. Dumke Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Eckert Samuel and Beatrice Ellis Michael and Jennifer Faron Gary and Susan Fine Mr. and Mrs. Elaine and John Fiore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fiore Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Foradas Mr. and Mrs. James S. Frank Bill and Linda Gantz Dorothy H. and John R. Gardner Ms. Ginger Gassel Ms. Liliana C. Gaubin Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz, Sr. Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Mrs. Catherine Graham Kathi S. Grant Maj. and Mrs. William C. Gray Joseph S. Haas The Blanny A. Hagenah Family Fund Philip W. Hagenah Family Fund Kathryn M. Haider Peter J. and Fanee Haleas Mrs. Richard C. Halpern

Mr. Philippe A. Hans Mrs. Bryn Wagner Hanson and Ms. Ellen Wagner Beverly and Warren Hayford Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Haynes III Mr. and Mrs. L. Hall Healy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hines Mrs. Mary P. Hines Sharon Holihan Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Holzer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hough Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Bradley V. Ihlenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Isham, Jr. Howard and Susanne Jessen Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bard Johnson Beverly P. Joutras Anne Kaplan Loretta and Allan Kaplan Kaplan Foundation Fund/Carol and Ed Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanford Kasten Carolyn and Howard Katz Mr. Thomas E. Keim Judy and John Keller Mr. and Mrs. John Kenny Ms. Heidi Kiesler Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby Marvin L. Kocian Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Konen, Sr. Martin J. and Susan B. Kozak Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel II Mr. Bill H. Kurtis and Ms. Donna La Pietra Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. L. Bates Lea Liz and Eric Lefkofsky Mr. and Mrs. M. James Leider Ms. Nancy R. Lems Janet and Tom Leopold Diane and Jim Levy Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levy Steve and Anita Livaditis Mr. Richard J. Loewenthal, Jr. Ms. Cynthia J. Macfarland Mr. and Mrs. John W. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Mann Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martay Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Masterson Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Mrs. Wanda M. McDonald Sherry McFall and Ken Porrello McKenna Foundation Meegan McMillan Mrs. James McMullan Mr. Michael J. McMurray Melissa and Ward McNally Mr. Ronald E. Meissen, Ph.D. *Deceased


CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Melichar Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill Mr.* and Mrs. Michael A. Miles Britt M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Miller Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Vicki and Jim Mills Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Mintmire Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore Mr. and Mrs. Trey Moore Mr. Nicolas H. Morales Brooks and Howard Morgan William D. Motley, Jr. and Mary G. Motley, EdD. Louellen and Tim Murray Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Murray, Jr. Jossy and Ken Nebenzahl Ann and Dudley Onderdonk Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. O’Neill III Cathy and Bill Osborn Julie Overbeck Mr. and Mrs. Homi B. Patel Mr. William T. Patterson and Ms. Nancy Jaffee Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pettinelli Mrs. Gordon B. Phillips Kathy Pick Mr. and Mrs. Leslie S. Pinsof Madeleine P. Plonsker Alex and Anne Pollock Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Ponko J.B. and M.K. Pritzker Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Shelby E. L. Pruett Betsey and John Puth Ms. Elizabeth Anne Queen Mr. and Mrs. John R. Raitt Mrs. John Shedd Reed Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Reimer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Rider Mr. and Mrs.* John H. Roberts Roberts Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rolighed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenson Mr. and Mrs. Eugene I. Ross Bernard H. Rost Declaration of Trust Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Rowe Thomas D. and Judith F. Rutherford Mr. Daniel Samelson and Ms. Mary Jocelyn Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sanborn Cynthia M. Sargent Satter Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Schoewe Todd D.H. Schwebel Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Scott Mrs. Nancy S. Searle Mrs. William L. Searle Donn and Dolores Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sharp

Mr. Arch W. Shaw II Mrs. John I. Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sheperd Richard and Barbara Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Simmons Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simms Mr. and Mrs. Robert Simon Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Skoglund Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Mrs. Ida N. Sondheimer Audrey Spiegel Ms. Marilyn Stewart Patricia and Avery Stone Pam and Russ Strobel Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stuart, Jr. Andy and Mary Pat Studdert Mr. Edgar W. Swanson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Swartchild, Jr. Takiff Family Foundation Dr. Julie-An M. Talano and Mr. Matthew T. Regan Jamie and Rob Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III Ms. Peri Taylor Mrs. Theodore D. Tieken, Jr. Richard and Elaine Tinberg Ms. Linda F. Tomchuck Shirley and Raymond C. Tower Tina and Byron Trott Brian and Karen Uihlein Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Uihlein United Conveyor Foundation Jeremy and Julie Unruh Mrs. Herbert A. Vance Ms. Cari Walquist Mr. and Mrs. John B. Weber Dr. and Mrs. Hans U. Wessel Dee Dee Whipple Meredith and Patrick Wood-Prince Ms. Elizabeth B. Yntema-Ferguson and Mr. Mark Ferguson Zuckerman Family Foundation

$1,500 to $2,499 Anonymous (8) Mary and Mike Abroe Mr. Patrick C. Adlam Sandra Bass Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Harriet and Harry Bernbaum Stephanie and Frederick Bishop Family Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Bitran Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blackburn, Jr. Sonia and Ted Bloch Mr. Robert Botta Robert and Marjorie Breisblatt Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Brennan


Linda H. Breuer Mr. and Mrs. Powell Bridges Mr. and Mrs. Robert Briscoe Martha and George Brynda Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bunn III Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Byron Mr. and Mrs. George B. Caldwell Wiley and Jo Caldwell Mr. James E. Challenger Alice Childs Mrs. Warren M. Choos Mr. Franklin A. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Coley Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Connolly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Corley Tom Creigh Ann M. Cunniff and Steven J. Turner Mr. and Mrs. William Davis Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Deimel Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes Mr. Salvatore Difranco Mr. and Mrs. E. John Dilatush Mr. Stewart S. Dixon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Don Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Donahoe Ms. Lynn B. Donaldson and Mr. Cameron S. Avery Ms. Nina Donnelly and Mr. Russell W. Lane Frank G. and Gertrude Dunlap Fund Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Dunn Lois Eisen Janice L. Engle Mary and Rick Esp Sharon S. and William L. Feather Mr. and Mrs. Larry Field Lynn and Jim Foster Lester and Angie Frankenthal Barbara Fremont Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Fujimoto Drs. Donald and Mildred Funk Dr. and Mrs. John S. Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz, Jr. Robert Giblichman Chris and M. E. Girgenti Mr. and Mrs. John T. Golitz Roberta and John Goodall Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gorter Mr. and Mrs. James E. Green Mr. James Grimm and Mrs. Cheryl Beebe Mr. Alfred H. Guhl Mr. Raj Gupta Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Hackbarth, Jr. Mrs. Howard Haffenberg Paul* and June Hamer John and Nancy Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Handler, J.D. John and Mary Ann Hanna Family

Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Harza David and Karen Hawkins Dr. Alice B. Hayes Ms. Colette J. Hedien and Mr. Wayne E. Hedien Ms. Mary Ellen Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Jon Henricks Kimberlee S. Herold Mary Abbott Hess Dr. Linda L. Hime and Dr. Timothy E. Kabot Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hirsh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hoffman The Hussey Family Mr. and Mrs. Blair Hutton Mrs. George S. Isham Judy and Verne Istock Mrs. Nancy W. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Jannotta, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. P. Frederick Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten II Arlene Siavelis Kehl Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kiefer Lore B. Kirchheimer Mr. and Mrs. Hersch M. Klaff Esther G. Klatz Becky and Lester Knight Marilyn Knilans Ms. Pamela S. Knowles Penny and Glenn Kohlmeyer Karen S. Kolodzey and George Brigandi Mrs. Nancy Kubicka Alice Bator Kurland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kurz Andrea Landsberg and Richard B. Marshak Mrs. Joyce M. League James and Linda Leahy Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Lehman Spencer and Lois LeMenager Michael and Susan Loewenstein Mr. and Mrs. David B. Loucks Mr. and Mrs. Duncan A. MacLean Ms. Patricia Manos Mr. Keith C. Marshall, Jr. Dr. Jeanne K. Mason Vivi and John* McCurdy John and Liz McEnaney Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Merlin Dr. Alice Solar Mills Mr. and Mrs. James E. Morris Mr. and Mrs. William L. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Murphy The Walter Nathan Family Mark and Susan Neaman Milton Nidetz and Naomi Yale Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Nielsen III Mr. and Mrs. Derek J. Norman

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Norton Mr. and Mrs. John K. Notz, Jr. Ginny Noyes Michael and Annika Olshansky Ann and Harry Oppenheimer Barbara and Jeff Paine Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pasquesi Louis and Ali Paster Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Pepper Meline Pickus Elizabeth S. Pocock (Mrs. John W.) Mr. Dan Podsedly LeAnn Pedersen Pope and Clyde S. McGregor Mr. and Mrs. John E. Preschlack Ms. D. Elizabeth Price Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Przybylo Mark and Nancy Ratner Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Read III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Reedy Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Rekett Helaine and Howard Resnick Randy and Dr. Petra Rissman Mr. and Mrs. Branden Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. William H. Robb, Jr. Mr. William Robinson Mrs. Barbara H. Rosborough Philip and Catherine Rosborough Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ross Mrs. Donald I. Roth Mrs. Stephen W. Rothermel Susan B. and Dr. Myron E. Rubnitz Verie Sandborg Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Sanders III Ms. Anita M. Sarafa and Mr. John P. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schlossman Dr. G. Stephen Scholly and Mrs. Ellen Scholly Dr. James and Barbara Schuetz The Schwab Family Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Scott Ms. Hilary B. Scott Mr. and Mrs. Irving Seaman, Jr. Barbara* and Joe Sedelmaier Mr. Robert F. Seebeck Carole and Gordon Segal Hollis M. Shank Mr. Patrick Shaw and Ms. Mary Sue Glosser Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shaw Sophia Shaw Mr. Francis L. Sheahen Mitsuzo and Kyoko Shida Irena and Preston Simons Judy and Bill Siskel Mr. Thomas E. Skilling III Ms. Wilma J. Smelcer


Mrs. Barbara S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith Mr. and Mrs. P. David Spears Marjorie Staples Nancy and Bruce Stevens Ms. Susan Stevens J. Robert and Christine L. Stoll Louise Ingersoll TauschĂŠ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas Thilman III Mr. and Mrs. F. Andrew Thinnes III Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tichy Terry N. Trobec Mr. and Mrs. James D. Vermillion Dale and Kim Visokey Mr. and Mrs. William Wardrop Therese L. Wareham and Family Mr. and Mrs. Scott Waterbury Chloe and Angus Watson David and Pamela Waud Mr. Arnold R. Weber Drs. Johannes and Julia Weertman Mrs. Joseph M. Weil Herman A. Weimer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Weiner Ms. Barbara D. Wetzel and Mr. Robert F. Wetzel Mrs. Florence F. Wheeler David and Sandra Whitmore Clyde F. Willian Sinclair Winton Alice Pirie Wirtz Robert and Vivian Zahniser Mr. Robert Zaniolo Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Zarcone Mr. and Mrs. Arie Zweig

$1,000 to $1,499 Anonymous (6) Lynn Abrahamson and Bill Crowley Mr. and Mrs. James D. Abrams Ms. Mavis M. Adams Anne Marie and Bruce Adreani Thomas F. and Patricia Fitz Gereld Aichele Mrs. L. Winfield Alberts Mr. John W. Allyn, Jr. American Agricultural Insurance Company Vernon Armour Juliette F. Bacon Mr. E. M. Bakwin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Bartram Kimberly Beard Ms. Nancy J. Beaumont and Mr. Eric Beaumont Linda and Ted Becker Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bedwell Mr. Donald J. Bezdek Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Foundation *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. David Bonnette Donald F. Bouseman Gieriet and Ted Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brandfonbrener Kelli and Steve Brannan Mrs. Gay B. Buck Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck II Ms. Judith Buck Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Buckman Denise and Dave Bunning Robert and Lynn Burt Mr. Tyler R. Cain Ms. Millie Calhoun and Mr. Joseph Schorer Dr. and Mrs. Rafael Z. Campanini Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Ray Carso Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carton Mr. and Mrs. Greg C. Case Mr. and Mrs. James Cathcart Mrs. Silas S. Cathcart Mr. and Mrs. Nick Christopher Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ciaglo Mr. David H. Corry Gary and Mary Cary Coughlan Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Cubitt Mrs. Katharin Czink and Mr. Robert F. Martorano Mr. and Mrs. Sean Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Davies Scott DeLaney and Katherine Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Spencer DePree Mr. and Mrs. John W. Derse, Jr. Jeff and Rhea Dever Mr. Joseph Doherty and Ms. Gretchen Hoffmann Maureen Dondlinger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Mr. and Mrs. James P. Dorr Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dowd Mrs. Joan J. Dubin Valerie Egem Mrs. Josephine Elting Mary and J. William Embree III Dr. Timothy S. England and Mr. Geordan L. Capes Enivar Charitable Fund Ms. Amy Everard Mr. and Mrs. William Farley Jamee Field Mr. and Mrs. James G. Fitzgerald Mrs. Louise M. Flannery Meghan Flannery and Stacy Flannery Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ford Ms. Melissa Frey and Mr. Bill Pridmore Penny and Carl Fulkerson Mark and Cynthia Fuller Philip Garoon & Family Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gauntt Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gepson

The Geraldi Norton Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Goodwillie Mrs. Christine Gordon Emily C. Grace Margot A. Graves Mr. and Mrs. David Greenspahn Mr. and Mrs. David Grumman Ms. Mary K. Haag Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III Ms. Sally Ann Hagan Ms. Catherine L. Hales Helen and Charles R. Hall The Handelsman Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Hansen Ms. Holly Harralson Stephanie and John Harris Martha Bacon Hartfiel Ms. Kathrin Hays and Mr. Adam Cordell Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. David D. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hiebeler Ms. Leslie S. Hindman Joyce and Richard Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Hoban Miriam U. Hoover Anne Horn Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Horner, Jr. Ms. Ellen R. Horween Mr. and Mrs. John L. Howard Pat and Jim Hunt Mrs. Harley Hutchins Ms. Jo Ann E. Icenogle Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Jaffe Mr. and Mrs. Blake R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kapica Verla Kasmerchak Mrs. Robert E. Kehoe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Keywell Cheong J. Kim Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Kinney Ms. Debra Kirsch Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kirtley Jules and Gwen Knapp Family Foundation Mrs. Robert G. Knight, Jr. Ms. Missy Kotchey Mr. and Mrs. Liam Krehbiel Leigh Keyser Lalich Robert and Linda Lanphier Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lehrer Lesnik Family Foundation James P. Levine Tom and Amy Levy Family Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lillard Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Lubin John and Martha Mabie c/o 36 Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John M. MacEntee


Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maier III Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Mayer, Jr. Mary Mix McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally V Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Meers Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt Mr. Jack M. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ken Moll Ms. Shauna Montgomery C. Jane Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Marc Muinzer Dr. David and Carolyn Nahrwold George D. Newton, Jr. and Marja H. Newton Marilyn and Armand Norehad Alan J. and Carol-Ann Olson Mr. and Mrs. Craig Omtvedt Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Owen, Jr. Dolores G. Parks Charles and Diane Phillips Mrs. Edward King Poor III Mr. and Mrs. David Prange Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Probst Mr. David J. Pruett and Ms. Valeria L. Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Tanner Rice Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Roob Mr. and Mrs. David A. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Ghasem Sariri Diane and Bud Schwarzbach Stevan and Kathryn Schweighardt Nancy and Ron Semerdjian Ms. MaryBeth Siddons Ms. Deborah Slaton and Mr. Harry J. Hunderman Mr. Erich Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sommer Mr. Matthew Sommer and Ms. Elizabeth Childs Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Soudan, Jr. Ms. Margarete H. Stamm Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stanek Mr. and Mrs. James M. Stuart Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sullivan Susan R. and John W. Sullivan Foundation Mrs. William P. Sutter Mr. and Mrs. T. Sandy Thompson The Trillium Foundation Anne Tucker Mrs. Kimberly Vender-Moffat and Mr. Stephen D. Moffat Mr. and Mrs. Alex Vetter Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Wacker III Allen and Jennifer Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weil

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. F. Weston Ms. Kimberly White Linda and Jim White Ms. Halina Wilson and Mr. Alan Wilson Kenzel Wilson Nancy Hamill Winter Jane Stroud Wright Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin York Ms. Carol Zielinski and Mr. William Coyne Mr. Aldo C. Zucaro

$250 to $999 Anonymous (69) Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Adams Judith A. Akers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Albrecht Kenneth and Mary Ellen Alexander Carole S. Allen Cheri Allen Mrs. Ronald L. Allen Evy J. Alsaker Michael and Sarah Alter Mr. and Mrs. James Altounian Mr. and Mrs. Brian Alves Rick and Katie Amundsen Mr. and Mrs. John R. Anderluh Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson Laura and Matthew Anderson Stephen F. and Mary Ann Anderson Ms. Anita E. Andren and Mr. James P. Naughton Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Andresen Darcy and Paul Anest Genevieve U. Anoff Ms. Alona W. Anspach and Mr. Ken Anspach Mr. and Mrs. John J. Anton, Jr. Raheela Anwar Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Apfelbaum Ms. Victoria Appel Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Appelbaum Phyllis and Stuart Applebaum Ms. Cyd L. Archer Mr. and Mrs. Mariano Arena, Jr. Mr. Harold Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Mani Arora Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Asher Laura and Allen Ashley Chris and Tony Augustine Mr. and Mrs. Vann A. Avedisian Mr. and Mrs. Moses Awe Margaret B. and Harry Axelrod Charitable Trust Fund at The Chicago Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Baade Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baccich Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bacon, Jr. Mr. Samuel C. Badger and Ms. Nancy M. Badger

Carol A. Bagan Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Bailey Kenneth and Joy Bailey Ms. Pamela Bailey Mrs. Ann Buehler Baker Ms. Cynthia L. Baker Rich and Karleen Baker Ms. Anita Bakker Don Balcom Mrs. Jacqueline C. Ball and Mr. William Costello Steve Ball and Les Everett Mrs. Robert Ballenger Mr. Keith Bandolik Theodore and Cheryl Banks Mr. Merle H. Banta Dr. Rise L. Barkhoff Ms. Diana L. Barr Barry and Elizabeth Barretta Charles and Patsy Barrow Sandi Bartelstein Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Bartmes Mrs. Karin Bartsch Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bates, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Battaglia Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bax Hildegard K. Baxpehler Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bay Mrs. Frances Beatty Art and Elaine Beck Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Beck Randall and Linda Becker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Beeby Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad Judy and Bruce Bendoff Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bennett Patsy Benveniste John and Pamela Benz Diane R. Bergen Mr. Percy L. Berger, Sr. Mr. Craig Bergmann and Mr. Paul Klug Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Berland Mari and Josh Berliant Ms. Cinda Berry and Mr. Arthur Krumrey Mr. and Mrs. John R. Berry John and Patricia Berwanger Mr. and Mrs. Orley O. Betcher III Lieselotte N. Betterman Patricia S. Bidwill Tom and Martha Biede Mr. John Biek and Ms. Christina J. Norton Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bigelow III Mr. Nicholas A. Bilandic Mr. Richard Biljetina Reverend Dr. Kathleen Billman and Reverend James Galuhn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bindler Betty Birner Mr. and Mrs. David F. Bishop


Ms. Mary O. Bishop Mr. Cushman B. Bissell, Jr. Mr. Kevin Blackberg Neal E. Blair and Sarah M. Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. William H. Blair George C. Blanas Diane Blanks Jeffrey and Melissa Bleiweis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Block Mr. and Mrs. Jason L. Block Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block IV Ms. Sally Blount Irwin and Sena Blumensaadt Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Blumenthal Barbara J. Boba Mr. Robert P. Boho Mr. and Mrs. Zulfiqar Bokhari Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Boler Ms. Claudette Bombacigno Ms. Frances M. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Borders Mr. and Mrs. Bruce D. Borland Susan and Ted Bosler Mrs. Kay W. Bosselman Ms. Anne Botica Mrs. Joyce B. Bottum Mr. and Mrs. James F. Boudreau Susan Bouma Mrs. Lloyd W. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Boyer Ms. Anne Boynton Sandra Staub Bradbury Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brady Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Brannan Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bray Marie Brelin Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Brenner Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Briele, Jr. David and Marlene Bright Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brisben Elizabeth and Charles M. Brock Ms. Lynn Bromstedt Bill and Linda Bronner Jean M. Broom Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Brosnan Andrew and Gail Brown Mrs. Anne S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jack Regan Brown Larry and Ann Brown Mary Beth and Tom Brown Ms. Nancy H. Bruggeman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brunso Dr. and Mrs. Brian S. Bryzinski Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Bulley III Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden Ann and Dick Burnstine *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Burow Sarah L. Burton and Brenda L. Price Mrs. Susanne B. Bush Mr. John Wm. Butler, Jr. and Mr. John M. VanderLinden Mr. and Mrs. John M. Byrne III Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cadigan Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Cain Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Callahan Mr. Reynaldo M. Caluag Mr. Andrew Calvimontes Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Cameron Ms. Rosaria Cammarata-Barr Sally Campbell Sharon Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Canada Joseph and Cory Cancila Robin and D. Thomas Canode Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Carlisle Mrs. Ruth Carlson Carney Family Foundation Betty A. Carr Mrs. Robert Adams Carr Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. Cavalier Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Cavallari Mr. and Mrs. Talivaldis Cepuritis Mrs. Laurie Chambers Art and Dorothy Chantler Frank and Dorothy Chao Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chapa Angela Chaplin Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Chapman Joan Chapman Kathryn J. Chieger Mrs. Alma J. Chomsky* Mr. John Cifonelli and Ms. Sally Deniston Barry and Lorraine Clark Ms. Cynthia S. Clark and Mr. Robert J. Regan Louise and Steven Clark Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Clarke III Tim Clesen Charlotte Codo Liz and Skip Coggin Sara and Dan Cohan Mr. Larry D. Cohen Ann and Roger Cole Annette M. Cole Ms. Deborah G. Cole Mr. Robert B. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Connolly P. J. Conrad Ms. Colette Conway Mr. Andrew Conwell Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Cook Constance Bennett Coolidge Fund Harry H. Coon

Sara A. Cooper Ms. Anne T. Coughlan and Mr. Charles B. Jameson Susan and Joseph Coughlin Dr. Ludmilla Coven Daniel and Mary Beth Cox Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Coyle Sally and Tom Coyle Ms. Carol I. Crane and Mr. Martin J. Trachtenberg Ms. Cynthia Crane and Mr. Lawrence R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James E. Crawford III Stephen and Elizabeth Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Creamer III Phyllis Cretors Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Croghan Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Crosby Ms. Monique M. Crossan Bruce and Meg Crowther Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Cummings Judith B. Cunningham Mr. Mark Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Curran Louise H. Curry Mrs. Joseph T. Curti Timothy and Cheryl Dahlstrand Chester B. Dallas and Timothy A. Griffin Ms. Jenipher Dalton Mr. John Danzer Ms. Judy Das Gupta Mr. Robert Jensen Dau Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. David Joan David Allen and Eliza Davies Allison Blakley Davis and Kenneth Davis Ms. Karen A. Davis Mr. Kenneth Davis Mr. Robert C. Davis III Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Dawley Ben and Carron Degrass Mrs. James E. DeMore Catherine H. Denckla Byron and Judy Denenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. DePree Sandy Derickson Ms. Judith Desenis and Mr. E. Scott Peterson Tom and Marcia Desmond Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito, Jr. Julie Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. Ted T. Devine Mr. and Mrs. James S. Di Matteo Mr. Philip S. Diamond Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dick Ellen and John Dicken Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dietrich Mr. and Mrs. William Dietz


James C. Differding Dr. Joan W. DiLeonardi Sue and Wes* Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Djurin Drs. Richard F. and Linda Y. Dods Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Katie and Tom Donovan Mr. Gary R. Dorn Ms. Paige Dorn and Mr. John T. Gribbin Ken and Karen Dort Ms. Kelly S. Doss Mr. and Mrs. Justin S. Douglas Mrs. Laura G. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. William C. Doyle Charenton Zelov Drake Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Drucker Bob and Mary Lynn Dubler Ms. Kimberly T. Duchossois Mr. Jon J. Duerr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffey Janet Sally Dumas Mr. Barry Dunn and Mrs. Kathleen Dunn Mrs. Elizabeth Duquette Mr. and Mrs. Angus M. Duthie Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Dwyer Mrs. Anne Eagleton and Ms. Gwen Eagleton Eliza and Timothy Earle Mr. Peter J. Eatherton Mr. Greg Eaton and Mr. Michael Flagg Ms. Glenna R. Eaves and Mr. Christopher Boebel Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eberlein Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eberspacher Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eclov Mark and Kitty Egan Mr. Richard B. Egen Mr. James Eisenberg Mr. Timothy S. Eisler Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Eliot Michael B. and Kathleen H. Elliott Deane Ellis Dan J. Epstein David and Paula Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Dale Erdei Mrs. Margaret L. Erickson Ms. Julia Eshkonian William and Laurel Eslinger Mr. and Mrs. John W. Estey Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Even Mr. and Mrs. Fabio Fabbri Sue and Dave Facklam Norman S. Fagerson Chris and Beth Falk Mr. and Mrs. John M. Fantom Mrs. Joseph D. Fargo Mrs. Holden K. Farrar, Jr. Mr. Richard W. Farwell

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Fasano Mr. and Mrs. James Feeney The Honorable and Mrs. Roger G. Fein Mr. Manual Feldman Scott and Susan Feldman Warren and Judy Fellingham Mr. Charles A. Ferguson Dr. and Mrs. Balbino B. Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ferry III Drs. David Ferster and Indira M. Raman Ms. Carol L. Fessenden John and Geraldine Fiedler Ms. Mary H. Fields Ms. Elaine Filus and Mr. Tom Lenz Morris Fine Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finnegan Mr. and Mrs. Walker Finney Dr. and Mrs. Terry Fippinger Justin and Ann Fishbein Dr. and Mrs. William E. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald Moshi Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. William & Lisa FitzSimons Mr. and Mrs. John N. Fix Ms. Nancy A. Flannery & Family Mrs. Harold M. Flanzer Mr. and Mrs. Tobin J. S. Flavin Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fleitz Dr. Nancy Fletcher and Mr. Stephen Fletcher Ms. Joanna Flintz and Mr. Richard A. Flintz Anita D. Flournoy Ms. Lisa Flynn Mr. and Mrs. John Folkers Mr. and Mrs. William D. Folland Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. John Fortson The Frank B. Foster Charitable Trust Ms. Eliza P. Fournier Mr. Bruce J. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fox Charles E. Frank and Karen Frank Peters Mrs. Elaine Frank Mrs. Jeanette Fredrickson Freedman Family Ms. Janet W. Freund Ms. Beth A. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Fried Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Friedland Mr. and Mrs. Howard Friend Ms. Annelia Fritz Mr. and Mrs. Dirk and Teresa Fucik Alyce Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Maurice F. Fulton Ms. Sara Furlan Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Furst Mr. Dante P. Gabriel Calvin and Marge Gage

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Gage, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gajek J. Patrick and Anne M. Gallagher Jane Gallery and George Craven Ms. Elaine C. Galmish Denise Michelle Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Marvin B. Ganek Mr. and Mrs. John R. Garber Victor and Rebecca Garces Carol and John Gard John and Bernice Gardner Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Garrison Mr. Michael Garzel and Mr. Jeffrey Souva Barbara and Chuck Gately Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gates, Jr. Susan Mabrey Gaud Doris H. Geck Sandy and Frank Gelber Mr. Jim Geldermann Mr. and Mrs. John T. Geocaris Mr. Geoff Georgas Donald and Marie George Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Geraghty Dr. Margaret Gerber Joel and Alison Gershon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Getty Dr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Gilbert Maureen Glassberg Ms. Judith A. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Glunz III Sue Golan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Goldberg Dr. Barbara Golden Mrs. Diane Goldman and Dr. Robert Goldman Lisa Goldman Marsha and Michael Goldstein Mrs. Myla Frohman Goldstick Mr. and Mrs. Onimar C. F. Gomez Lori Ann Goodhartz Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. Goodman Ms. Susan Goodman Marcy and David Gookin Bobbie Gordon Ms. Elizabeth P. Gordon Mr. L. Stuart Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gorski Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goss Sheila and Richard Gottardi Mrs. Mabel R. Grace Mr. Ronald Graef Ms. Heidi Grafft Libby and Bill Graham Mrs. Patricia R. Graham Mr. Robert Graham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Graham Ms. Annemarie H. Gramm Mr. and Mrs. Keith Grant


Sherry and Delmon Grapes Scott and Cindy Grau Elisha and Nina D. Gray Ms. Karen Z. Gray Dr. Alan D. and Sallie Green Mr. Anthony R. Green Mary Winton Green Jack and Donna Greenberg Ms. Ellen Greenman and Mr. Ronald J. Berman Janice Greenwald Byron L. Gregory Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greve Ms. Ronni Grey Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Stewart L. Grill Janet Wolter Grip Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Grobelny, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grochowski Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Grossman Mrs. Karen F. Grotberg Mrs. Colleen M. Groves Mr. and Mrs. David D. Grumhaus Brenda and John Gude Richard Guelzow Ms. Elke Gutt-Jankowski and Mr. George M. Gutt-Jankowski Kaye and Howard Haas Ms. Kerryann Marie Haase-Minton Mr. James Haedike and Ms. Cynthia P. Colvin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hahn Mrs. Katherine Hale Barbara and Bill Haljun Julie Hall Larry and Annie Hall Mrs. Rita M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Ms. Rebecca Halpern and Dr. Stephen Goldberg Mr. Corwith Hamill* Margaret Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Hancock III Dr. Chester S. and Phyllis J. Handelman Margaret H. Hanlon Mrs. Dolores K. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hannus Barbara P. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Hanssen Mr. Michael Hara Pamela and David Harrington John and Gwen Harris Ms. Kathleen E. Harris Tom and Janet Harris Mrs. Augustin S. Hart, Jr. Ms. Trudy Havens Kristen Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Z. Hayward, Jr. *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hazan Lois R. Heald Mrs. Thomas D. Heath Ms. Karen Hedberg Mr. Robert M. Hedrick Jean and Tom Hedstrom Barbara and Richard Helfand Mrs. Stephanie Henry Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Herb Carrol and Jim Herber Karen and Paul Herkes Mr. and Mrs. James M. Herrmann Barbara and Jim Herst Ms. Kristen Hesby Marjorie and Glenn Heyman Mrs. Rene Grassman Heynssens Mrs. James O. Heyworth Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Higgins Joseph and Patricia Hinkel Penny L. Hirsch Robert and Jan Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hirschfield Thomas and Mary Hoeppner Mr. Robert A. Hoffer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Hoffman Paul and Sylvia Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hoffman, Jr. Shirlee and Joseph Hollander Dr. Linda M. Hollinger-Smith Russell and Anne Holscher Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Holstein IV Bill and Vicki Hood Ms. Elizabeth Hopp-Peters and Mr. Kurt Peters Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Horne Mr. Martin Horner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Horwitz Ms. Rose M. Houston Mrs. William W. Howell Laurie W. Howick Ms. Frederica F. Hoyt Dr. and Mrs. Annming A. Hsieh Ms. Gina Hubberts Mr. Stephen Huels and Ms. Jane Trueheart-Huels Ms. Mary Ellen Hughes and Mr. Timothy R. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hunt, Jr. Ms. Barbara C. Hunter and Mr. Cottrell R. Meadors Mr. and Mrs. P. Nicholas Hurtgen Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hutchins Ms. Carrie A. Hutchinson and Mr. Thomas Hutchinson Leslie and Michael B. Hyman Mrs. Robert C. Hyndman Mr. Philip Icke Dr. and Mrs. David Ingall Ms. Tan Fui Lian and Dr. Robert F. Inger

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Mark Iserloth Ms. M. E. Jacka Vera Jackmuth Joann and Jerry Jacks Lynn and Doug Jackson Susan and Graham Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Seth E. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jacobson Shirley R. Jahn Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. James Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Jamieson Mr. and Mrs. James A. Janas Mr. John Janecek Mr. James Janossy, Jr. and Ms. Carol Janossy Ms. Preston Cain Jansing Mr. Tim Jarosch Mr. and Mrs. Sidney F. Jarrow Rao N. Jasti and Rangamma Jasti Mr. and Mrs. Joel H. Jastromb Mr. and Mrs. Martin Jensen Trevor Jesse and David C. Jesse Mr. George L. Jewell Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Johanson Mrs. Adrienne Johns and Mr. James R. Whiteley Arlene V. Johnson Mr. Erik Johnson Gail S. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Nels J. Johnson, Jr. Richard K. Johnson Mr. Rodney B. Johnson Stephen H. Johnson Susie and William Johnson Ms. Jo Joiner R. Ann Jones Vivienne Jones and Christopher McMahon Richard D. and Meta Joutras Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Julian Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jungbluth Mrs. Kymm Junker Mrs. Arlene A. Juracek Mr. and Mrs. Irv Kagan Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Kahn Mr. Derrick Kaleta Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kallinger Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Kampwirth Mr. and Mrs. Hyung H. Kang Rita Kanne Mrs. Ruth Kapes Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Kappeler Mrs. Nancy W. Karger and Mr. Frank S. Karger Harriet and Ernest Karmin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kasperson Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Kasten III Dr. Claudia A. Katz


Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Katz Foss and Louise Kauffman Barbara Kaufman Marie and Larry Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. William Kaufman Ms. Amy E. Keaton Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Keenan Mr. and Mrs. David Keller Paul G. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly, Jr. Mary and John Kennedy Ms. Patricia Kercher Dr. and Mrs. Alan C. Keyes Ms. Ruth Keyso Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kibler The Kiefer-Duggan Family Ms. Mikyoung Kim Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Kindig Catherine J. King and Edmund T. King III Mr. and Mrs. James D. King Ms. Kelly A. Kinslow and Mrs. Roberta Kinslow Mr. Todd Kipp Mrs. Dawn Kirsch Sam and Denise Kirshenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Koichi Kiyohara Dr. and Mrs. Jay H. Kleiman Mr. Bill Klein Maryjane and Phillip Klein Christopher and Emily Knight Katherine and Roger Knuth Ms. Elizabeth Kohl and Mr. Gary Feinerman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kohler Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kolovos Ms. Mary Drury Komnenich Kyle R. Kostelny Ms. Carolyn A. Kotlarski Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kozak Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Kracik Dr. Andrea Kramer and Mr. Brian N. Kramer Ms. Mary Krauchunas Ms. Barbara Krause Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Krauss Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kritzman Steve and Linda Kroloff Mr. Henry Kugeler Ms. Charlene M. Kunkel Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Kurzydlo Marilyn and Ivan Kushen Caryl and Ron Kushner Mr. Andrey Kuzentsov Mr. and Mrs. John Kyle & Family Mr. and Mrs. John T. LaFramboise Jennifer Lahti Mr. and Mrs. David L. Landsittel Mr. John K. Lane Linda M. Lane

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lane Mr. and Mrs. William W. Lane Ms. Beth M. Lange and Mr. William Martin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Langer Ellyn Lanz Desmond and Jeanne LaPlace Ms. Mary A. Laraia Philip A. LaRiviere Mr. and Mrs. Ian Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larkin Stuart and Karin Larkins Ms. Lynne Lasser Jeff Later and Betsy Donahue Ms. Julie Latsko Mr. and Mrs. James Lauesen Dr. Anne E. Laumann and Mr. Edward O. Laumann Beverly Lauren Mrs. Elisabeth Lavery Ms. Pamela Lavigne and Mr. Matthew V. Tirrell Mr. Lance P. Lawson and Mr. James A. Wetzel Mrs. Mary S. Lawton* Sheldon Lazar Dr. Robert E. Leavitt Dr. and Mrs. Phil S. Lebovitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Leck Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall Lee Mrs. Barbara F. Leffingwell Mr. and Mrs. Sig Lefkovitz J. C. and Brenda Lenahan Mr. and Mrs. James Lennon Ms. Lynn M. Leonsis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leventhal Mr. Daniel Levin The Honorable Fay Hartog Levin Bob and Judi Levine Mr. and Mrs. Martin Levine Mr. and Mrs. Donald Levinson Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Liebenson Mrs. Paul D. Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Lieblich Shuhong Lin and Zhihui Huang Rebecca Ann Lind Mr. Richard and Dr. Margaret Lindman Anne Linsdau-Hoeppner Mr. and Mrs. David G. Linville Mrs. Frank Little Patricia M. Livingston Diane and Bill Lloyd Ms. Annette Lockwood and Mr. Kyle Sowatzke Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Loffredo Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Loukas Mrs. Joan Lowry Claude and Ruth Lucchesi Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lueders

Barbara A. Lumpkin Ms. Deborah Lund Dr. Mimi S. Lutwak and Mr. Steve Fitzgerald Mrs. Violet Luzar Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lyman Roberta Davis Lynch Mr. and Mrs. James D. Lyons Jim and Kay Mabie Leonard and Jacqueline Macaluso Mr. and Mrs. Eric Macey Mr. Donald Mack Mr. David O. MacKenzie Mardie MacKimm Fund at The Chicago Community Trust Sue and Terry MacLean Mr. Joseph Macrowski and Mr. Chester Macrowski Mr. and Mrs. Mike Macsek Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott Maentz Bob and Becky Maganuco Michael and Deborah A. Maggio Mr. and Mrs. Ted Magrum Ms. S. S. Mah Ms. Margaret R. Mahalek Dr. and Mrs. Michael Malczewski Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Mallow Ms. Rose K. Mandell Mr. Steven Mandell Mr. and Mrs. John Mangel III Ms. Lisa Manley Mr. and Mrs. H. George Mann Mrs. Mary Maraist Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mariani Sue Markgraf, Greenmark Public Relations Ms. Charlotte Marks Mr. Jeremy K. Marmer and Mrs. Sivakami Thayu Dr. and Mrs. John Marquardt Mrs. Harold D. Marshall Mr. Louis J. Marsico Ms. Heather Martin Maureen M. Martin Mrs. Rebeca R. Massey Caroline S. Masterson David and Toni Mathis Ms. Melissa Matterson S. Joseph Maurice, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mawicke Ms. Karen J. May and Mr. Robert G. May Russell and Anne Mayerfeld Susan and Paul Mayfield Mr. Raymond McBride Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCarter, Jr. Mark and Kathy McCarville Nicholas and Denise McClanahan Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. McComish Mrs. Gwendolyn J. McConnaughy


Katherine McCorkle Mr. and Mrs. James E. McCormick Nina and Andrew McCune John and Ann McDermott Mr. Rodger D. McDowall and Mr. John Burton Mr. and Mrs. Tim McDowell John and Sharon McGee Mr. and Ms. John E. McGovern III Ms. Gail McGrath and Mr. Sheldon Levin Patty and Mark McGrath George and Alice McKann Sean McKeough and Erin Raymer Mrs. Jennifer S. McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Lee McLaughlin Don and Elsa McLean Mr. and Mrs. William H. McLean Carrie McNally Mr. and Mrs. Peter McNerney Kathy McRae Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Meade, Jr. Ms. Evelyn Mejias and Mr. George Xerikos Lois G. Melvoin John and Ladd Mengel Jenna and Peter Merlin Sara and Richard Mesirow Elizabeth Messersmith Mr. Gary F. Metzner and Mr. Scott Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Meyer Elizabeth P. Meyer Ms. Karen Hasset Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Marshall W. Meyer Mr. Rolf Meyer Dr. Aaron J. Michelfelder Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mikolajczyk Mr. and Mrs. James Mikulski Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Miller Gordon H. and Karen M. Millner Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mills Catherine Ann Miner Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm L. Minnick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mionske Ms. Karen Mirante Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mitchell Mr. Lewis Moeller and Mrs. Colleen Moeller Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mohr Roger and Pauline Mohr Christine and Thomas Moldauer Jens and Larissa Mommsen Eileen P. and Peter Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Monroe III Mr. and Mrs. William Monstvil Ms. Toni-Marie Montgomery Ms. Cynthia A. Moody Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mooers *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mr. and Mrs. David Mooney William Mooney Deborah Waud Moore Diana and David Moore Jim and Diane Moore Mr. and Mrs. John Moore Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moore Kay and Scott Morgan Mr. Scott Morgan Ms. Robyn Morgenstern Ms. Vickie Moriarity Beverly and Gary Moriello Joyce and Rick Morimoto Pauline and Howard Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mosele Larry and Judy Mosner Dr. and Mrs. George Motto Ms. Sondra V. Mount Dr. Gregory M. Mueller and Ms. Betty Strack Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Mueller John E. and Maureen O. Muench Mrs. Georgann Munic Tariq and Nijood Murad Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Murley Bridget Murphy Mr. Richard J. Murphy Ms. Margaret O. Murray and Ms. Nita O. Murray Ms. Linda Muskin and Mr. John Cody Ms. Donna T. Myers and Mr. Aaron Lebovitz William and Frances Myers Mary K. Nagle Mr. Akira Nakajima Mr. and Mrs. Robert Napier Mrs. Joseph E. Nathan Mr. James Neidinger Jennifer and David Neighbours Ms. Laura Nelsen Marian E. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Nelson Mr. and Mrs. George Neri Darryl and Kimberly Newman Mr. Neal J. Ney Ms. Fayette Aurelia Nichols and Mr. Steven H. Keyser Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Nielsen Ms. Sonja R. Nielsen-Smith Ms. Mary Nigh Kathleen Nissly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nissly Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Noesen Richard and Dorothy Nopar Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Nordstrom Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Nore Mr. Kenneth Norgan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Norris

Mr. and Mrs. Edward U. Notz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novicki John and Merilee Novinson Michael and Cheryl O’Brien Sally and Jim O’Brien Susan C. O’Brien and Donald J. Arnold Donald A. and Gayle P. O’Day Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Donnell Mr. Michael Ogle Mr. William D. B. Olafsen Jeffrey and Lesley Ollada Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Olson Ted and Diane Olson Ms. Mary O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Malley Michael K. Oman Riley S. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Neil, Jr. Mary and Brian O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Orbach The Orlofsky Family Mr. Francisco M. Ortiz Richard Osgood and Wendy Wasson Mrs. Joseph J. O’Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Shea Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oslakovic Jane and Elliott Otis Mr. Sidney Overbey Ms. Donna Lee Owens and Ms. Megan Owens Mara Paine James and Sue Pajakowski Mr. John Paleczny Mr. Luke A. Palese and Mr. Enrique Useche Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Palin D Panek and Kevin Rogers Ms. Barbara A. Parfet B. D. Park Mr. Robert A. Parolin Thomas C. and Lizbeth A. Pasztor Elizabeth Patterson and Michael Hermsen Robert and Nancy Paul Marianna Paulson Ms. Charlotte Pavelka and Mr. Douglas Reitz Mrs. Albert Pawlick Ms. Carol Pedot Mrs. Vernon J. Pellouchoud Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Perkins Mr. Stephen Perlmutter Robert Perrey Mr. Raymond E. Perry Stefanie Pessis Weil and Richard Weil James H. Peters Rich and Corinne Peters Mrs. Maurice R. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Peterson Ken and Sandy* Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Peterson


Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Peterson Ms. Lillian Petrenko Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Petrie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Pettinger Lorna and Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Pfaff Mrs. Dolores Phillips Frances Picchietti Ms. Joy Pickens Ms. Mary L. Pierson Ms. Jeanette B. Piesciuk Mrs. H. P. Pinnell Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Pioli Chuck and Judy Piper Ms. Brenda Pitts Mr. and Mrs. James K. Placio Dr. William K. Platt Wilma V. Plazak Mrs. Frederic W. Plochman Melba Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. Edward Polen Don and Martha Pollak Herbert and Juliet Pomerantz Mrs. Ellen Pomes and Mr. Joe Bean Joseph R. and Linda L. Popeck Ms. Michelle L. Porter and Mr. James F. Green Mr.* and Mrs. Elvin G. Powell David and Sue Ann Powers Mrs. Nancy Powers Dr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Prager and Family Mrs. Anne O’Brien Prager Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. Pratt Marilyn and Roger Price Juliet K. Priebe Ms. Marjorie H. Pries and Mr. Paul Baker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Prince Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pross Ira and Ina Pruzan Ms. Lisa Pszybylski Paula J. Puntenney Mr. and Mrs. Dave Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Pyott Mr. and Mrs. Gary Quateman Ms. Mary Beckman Quinn and Dr. Mike Gordon Dr. Barry Rabin Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W. Rademacher Helene and Norman X. Raidl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Rakoczy Mr. and Mrs. Nabih Ramadan Mr. and Mrs. Lon Ramsey Dr. John G. Rana Mrs. Molly Randle Barbara Rasinski Nancy and Warren Rasmussen Debasis Rath and Prathiba Nagaraju Mr. and Mrs. Ken S. Rattner

Betsy M. Ravenel Charitable Foundation Roger and Amy Ray Mr. and Mrs. Marshall W. Reavis IV Shirley Redmond Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reeder Mr. Harold W. Rees and Ms. Emily Culbertson Ms. Claire Regan Annette M. Rehmke and Jeffery W. Hickey Mrs. Corrine V. Reichert Mrs. Linda Relias Mr. and Mrs. Joey Resnick Mrs. Cynthia M. Reusche Mary Reusché Marilyn and Guy Revesz Ms. Laura A. Reyes Ms. Nancy M. Rhoades Kenneth and Sandy Rich Dr. and Mrs. Barrie Richmond Sandra L. Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rippie Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ritchie Ms. Connie Rivera Mr. William R. Roberts Cindy and James Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Robinson Julie and Don Rocap Diane Rodevich Paul and Sharlene Roge Mrs. Regina C. Rogers Scott and Becky Rohloff Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohrbach Mr. and Mrs. Douglass F. Rohrman Dr. John Rolland and Dr. Froma Walsh Stephena Cook Romanoff Ms. Connie Roncone Ronzani Lawn Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Rosell Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rosen Dr. Heidi M. Rosenberg and Mr. Benjamin Rosenberg James L. Rosenberg Mr. Karl S. Rosengren and Ms. Sarah Mangelsdorf Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Rosenstein Judy and Warner Rosenthal Brenda Ross and Charles Laurito Matthew and Alexis Ross Nuna and Ennio Rossi Mrs. Daun R. Roth Ms. Patricia Roth Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Roth Judith and Robert Rothschild Piper and Jonathan Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rowe Howard and Gene Royer

Tom and Judy Roytek Ms. Ellen Rudnick and Mr. Paul Earle Mr. Dick A. Ruemmele Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruestow Mr. and Mrs. John Rugel Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Rugo Ms. Gretchen K. Rupp Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Ruskin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthman Mr. Raymond E. Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ruzicka Mrs. John Ryan Roger A. Rytlewski Ms. Louise B. Rzeszewski and Ms. Florianne Rzeszewski Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Sacks & Family Carolyn and David Saidel Abe Samuels Ms. Sue Ann Samuelson Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Sanders Steven and Elizabeth Sanders John and Marilyn Sanner The Santaromita Family Donna Chiariello Santoro and Phileene Evans Ms. Susan K. Sarb Mrs. Carrie Savino Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Scarpelli Ms. Laura E. Schachtrup Mrs. Alice Schaff Peggy Schatz Mr. and Mrs. Erik Scheier Jackie Schiller Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Schindler Ms. Carol Schmidt Barbara and Gene Schmitt Mrs. Barron W. Schoder, Jr. David and Marilyn Scholl Ginny and Jim Schooley James and Jane Schorr Rob and Kris Schriesheim Florence B. Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Schulman Susan and Bradley Schulman Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schultz Thomas and Kathleen Schultz Paul T. Schuster Family Mr. Herbert Schwab Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradford Schwalm Mrs. Samantha Schwalm Ms. Cecele S. Schwartz Donald and Susan Schwartz & Family Ms. Susan L. Schwartz Ms. Lisa D. Schwarz Dr. Deborah Scott and Dr. Joan Sophie Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Scott Gail Seidel-O’Gorman Mr. and Mrs. David Seidman


Dr. Michael and Marcy Seiler Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Seipp, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Semple, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Seney Ms. Patricia M. Shanahan Kay Shannon Mr. Robert V. Shannon and Ms. Gina B. Kennedy Ms. Caroline Shapiro Mr. Matthew I. Shapiro Ms. Sonya Sharpless and Mr. Jon Fryer Mr. John A. Shea and Ms. Elizabeth Tsunoda Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Michelle Sheedy Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sheets Sheffield Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Shelby Melissa A. Shennan Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sher Lee and Sally Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Sherman Brian Shevitz and Karen O’Sullivan Linda and Gerald Shields Ms. Eunja Shim Mr. and Mrs. Mike Shinners Mrs. Joyce Shraiberg Mr. and Mrs. Duward F. Shriver Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sider Mr. Paul R. Sievert Ms. Michelle A. Signa Nancy and Tom Silberman Joan W. Simon Mrs. Gloria Sinclair and Mr. William J. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. John R. Siragusa Dr. and Mrs. Pakorn Sirijintakarn Irene and Gennady Sirota Don and Marion Sitkiewicz Terri Sitorius Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Sjoblom John and Trish Sjoholm Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Slattery Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Slisz Dr. and Mrs. David J. Slivnick Mr. and Mrs. David B. Small Adrian and Nancy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Smith Rutledge and Katie Smith Toni Sandor Smith Mr. William Smith Christina and Robert Smolen Jack and Lynn Snarr Mrs. Ann B. Snyder Marge and Larry Sondler Ms. Laura Soria Shea and Chris Soucie Dr. and Mrs. David Spadafora Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sprogis Mr. and Mrs. Vernon T. Squires *Deceased

CONTRIBUTORS • INDIVIDUAL ANNUAL GIVING Mrs. Maria Stachurski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanley Ms. Deb J. Stanton Mr. Thomas Stark Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stein Karen and Lorry Stensrud Phillip and Leslie Stern Dorie Sternberg Mr. Hal S. Stewart Mrs. Lisbeth C. Stiffel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Stineman Ms. Mary Stock Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stogner Mrs. Harriet C. Stone Dr. and Mrs. Peter W. Stonebraker Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stracks Ms. Jennifer Strang Dr. and Mrs. Gerald O. Strauch Jennifer P. Streit Mr. and Mrs. Rick Strusiner Mrs. John C. Sturgis Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sullivan William and Rosanne Sullivan Ms. Mary Sutherland and Mr. Jeremy Silverman Mr. Wayne N. Svoboda Ms. Amy Swartchild Ms. Loretta Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Swett Mr. and Mrs. John S. Swift Mr. D. Jeffrey Swinson Ms. Barbara B. Synnestvedt Mrs. Anne Taft Ms. Deborah E. Talamo Mary Tamarri Dr. Barbara O. Taylor The ten Brink Family Ms. Jamina E. Tepley and Mr. Michael J. Stoyanovich Florence M. Theisen Mrs. Joseph M. Thomas Tria and Carson Thomas Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson Ms. Michelle K. Deluco Thomsen Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Thornton Dr. and Mrs. David C. Tiemeier Mr. John Tierney Ms. Mary E. Timmons Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley Tips Ms. Lorinda D. Tisdell Philip and Sandy Tobin Virginia Tolk Christina Topf and Philip Burns Ms. Anita A. Torok Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Tousey Ms. Virginia Towne and Ms. Juliet Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tracey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Tracey

Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Tracy Mrs. Nancy Traylor and Mr. Glen Traylor Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Trees Mr. Richard D. Triggs and Mr. William Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Tritley Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tubutis Ms. Nancy C. Tudor Adam Tumas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Turchi John and Suzanne Turner Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Turner Paul and Judith Tuszynski Ms. Hilary J. Tyor and Mr. Peter Tyor Elizabeth A. Uihlein Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Unell Mrs. Richard A. Ungaretti Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Upton Andrei Ursu Ms. Elsa Vaintzettel Peter M. Vale Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Valenti Kay and John Van Cleave Mr. and Mrs. John E. Van Horn Mrs. Gerald W. Van Treeck Miller and Byron Vance Helen M. Vaporis Mr. Glen Verber Mr. Timothy J. Vezeau and Mrs. Marykay Foy Ms. Mary Jo Victor Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Victor Mr. Lawrence M. Vodak Mrs. Carl Vogel Mrs. Sally H. Volkert-Bissell Mr. Joe Vyskocil Chander and Nora Wadhwa Mrs. Ann D. Wagner Mr. Andre Walker Kendra and Thys Wallace Mr. and Mrs. George Walsh Mary M. Walther Mr. and Mrs. David Wanger Carl and Janice Wangman Ms. Ann Warren Jo Nancy and James R. Warren Dan and Sandy Washburn Mrs. Hempstead Washburne Mr. Daniel C. Waters Mr. and Mrs. William Watt, Jr. Brian Weatherford and Steven Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. David B. Weinberg Walter Vern Weinert Mr. Robert Weinstock Mrs. Lin M. Weiss Pat and Alfred Weissenbach Mr. and Mrs. Sven E. Welander Mr. Kalman Wenig


Ms. Patricia Werner and Mr. Donald E. Baker Barbara H. West Mr. John R. Westerberg Mrs. Arthur W. Weston Mr. Randall K. Weston Ms. Marion M. White Mrs. Alice White-Zarov and Mr. Herbert L. Zarov Mrs. Jane C. Whiting Mrs. Ruth Whitney Robert and Barbara Wichmann Dr. Katherine A. Wier-Roin Mrs. Anne Wilder and Mr. Marc L. Hecht Mr. Jeff Willard Nancy M. Williams Ms. Wendi Williams and Mr. Steven Buckman Randy and Carol Wilson Mrs. Robert H. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. David P. Winchester Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wineman, Jr. Arlene and Michael Winfield Mr. Daniel Wirtz Michael A. Wislek Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Witkowski Ms. Stephanie Wohlner Julie and Martin Wolf Ann S. Wolff Sylvia Wolfson and Seymour Nordenberg Mr. Joseph Wolnski and Ms. Jane Christino Stephen and Cynthia Wolpert Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Wolz Dr. Hak Y. Wong Sara Wong, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Wood Mr. Bruce R. Woodbury David Woodruff Mr. Edward Wormser Delphina Worsley Mr. Joseph F. Wright Mrs. Catherine Wytzka Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Yee Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Zabel Ms. Jenifer Zacka Mr. and Mrs. Mike S. Zafirovski Diane and Lawrence Zalusky Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Zar Mrs. Richard J. Zdanowicz Jane and David Zeisloft Judith and Paul Zelisko Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Zimmermann James and Diane Zimmermann Mr. Travis Zimmermann Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Zoph


INSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT GIVING Corporations, foundations, government agencies, and organizations provide critical support for the Chicago Botanic Garden’s broad range of public programs, scientific research, and operational needs. The following generous gifts were made between January 1 and December 31, 2013. $1,000,000 and above Forest Preserves of Cook County • Capital Improvement Bonds • General Operating Support • Plants of Concern The Grainger Foundation • Education Center • Green Youth Farm United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management • A ssessing Impacts of Climate Change on Rare Plants • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program • Seeds of Success Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society • General Operating Support • Growing the Future

$500,000 to $999,999 Astellas USA Foundation • Education Center • Science Initiative • Sponsor, Three Friends of Winter Illinois Department of Natural Resources Illinois Endangered Species Protection Board • I nvestigating the Role of Genetic Diversity and Pollination Biology as Potential Causes for Reproductive Failure in Asclepias lanuginosa (Woolly Milkweed) Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois State Museum • Plant Production Nurseries Wildlife Preservation Fund • Plants of Concern The Regenstein Foundation • Bonsai Collection • General Operating Support • Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School of the Chicago Botanic Garden • Regenstein Fruit & Vegetable Garden

$250,000 to $499,999 Anonymous (1) • Production Greenhouses and Nursery

Helen V. Froehlich Foundation • Communications Campaign • The Orchid Show Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation • Science Initiative National Science Foundation • Acquisition of Conservation Geographic Information Systems Instrumentation • Acquisition of Seed X-Ray Machine • A ssembling the Pleurocarp Tree of Life: Resolving the Rapid Radiation Using Genomics and Transcriptomics • Exceptionally Well-Preserved Early Cretaceous Seed Plants From Mongolia • The Interplay of Genetic and Numerical Dynamics in Severely Fragmented Prairie Populations of Echinacea angustifolia • L andscapes of Linalool - Scent-Mediated Diversification of Flowers and Moths Across Western North America • Phylogeny and Revision of Artocarpus (Moraceae) • Plant Biology and Conservation Research Experience for Undergraduates — from Genes to Ecosystems • Reassembling Pollinator Communities to Promote Pollination Function at the Landscape Scale United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program • Windy City Harvest North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program • Translating Sustainable Urban Agriculture to the Backyard Garden in Metropolitan Chicago University of Vermont and State Agricultural College • Specialty Crops Research Initiative United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program • Implementing Adaptive Management for Control of Phragmites australis on National Wildlife Refuges in the Northeast Region and Model Development to Support the Integrated Waterbird Management and Monitoring Program • National Wildlife Refuge System Seeds of Success: Involving Volunteers in Native Seed Collection for Restoration Projects • Th reat Assessment and Mitigation in Dune Landscapes: Pitcher’s Thistle, Invasive Plants, and Control of Biocontrol Weevils


$100,000 to $249,999 Abbott Fund • General Operating Support • Science Initiative Baxter International Inc. • General Operating Support • Learning Campus • Science Initiative • Major Sponsor, World Environment Day BMO Harris Bank • General Operating Support • Principal Sponsor, Antiques & Garden Fair • Sponsor, Farm Dinner Series • Windy City Harvest HSBC • Education and Community Programs • General Operating Support Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity • Tourism Marketing Partnership Program • Tree Nursery • Windy City Harvest ITW • General Operating Support • Harvest Ball • Major Sponsor, World Environment Day • Science Career Continuum • Summer Dinner Dance • Wonderland Express Kemper Educational and Charitable Fund • Education and Community Programs • Plant Production Nurseries John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation • General Operating Support Mondelēz International Foundation • General Operating Support • Windy City Harvest/Kraft Garden Northern Trust • Green Youth Farm • Kleinman Family Cove Amphitheater • Summer Dinner Dance NorthShore University HealthSystem • Health Immersion Days • Major Sponsor, Garden Chef Series • Major Sponsor, Wonderland Express • Sponsor, Fall Bulb Festival • Sponsor, Tuesday Morning Music • Sponsor, Wellness Programming United States Institute of Museum and Library Services • Native Seed Farming • Science Career Continuum • Tree Collection Conservation Survey Winston & Strawn • General Operating Support

CONTRIBUTORS $50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous (1) • General Operating Support • Windy City Harvest American Airlines • General Operating Support • Harvest Ball • Sponsor, Antiques & Garden Fair Bonterra Organic Vineyards • General Operating Support • Sponsor, Antiques & Garden Fair City of Chicago, Department of Family and Support Services • Jr. Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest ComEd • Major Sponsor, Wonderland Express Make It Better • Major Sponsor, Evenings Midwest Foods • Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest National Fish and Wildlife Foundation • Development of Optimal Rare Plant Monitoring Protocols • Population Rescue of Lepidospartum burgessii • Seeds of Success National Coordination Polk Bros. Foundation • Windy City Harvest United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Eastern Region • Native Plant Conservation Seed Collecting Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie • Northeastern Illinois Invasive Plant Partnership, Cooperative Weed Management Area • Plants of Concern Pacific Southwest Region • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program

American Bird Conservancy • Grassland Bird Population and Habitat Management in the East Gulf Coastal Plain Bank of America • Sponsor, Model Railroad Garden Beam Inc. • General Operating Support The Brinson Foundation • Education and Community Programs The Buchanan Family Foundation • General Operating Support Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. • General Operating Support Discover Financial Services • Science Career Continuum • Supporting Sponsor, Wonderland Express Food Network Magazine, LLC • Major Sponsor and Official Magazine, Garden Chef Series • Sponsor, Spooky Pooch Parade Leo S. Guthman Fund • Green Youth Farm John R. Halligan Charitable Fund • General Operating Support Sally Mead Hands Foundation • Roof Garden Plant Evaluation JPMorgan Chase Foundation • Urban Initiatives in Workforce Development Kraft • General Operating Support Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Foundation • Science Career Continuum Abra Prentice Foundation, Inc. • Horticultural Therapy Prince Charitable Trusts • Green Youth Farm SavATree • Principal Sponsor, Tree Health Care Spear Family Charitable Fund • Green Youth Farm

United States Geological Survey • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program

Steans Family Foundation • Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest

$25,000 to $49,999

United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program

After School Matters • Education and Community Programs • Green Youth Farm • Horticultural Therapy Services Albers/Kuhn Family Foundation • Green Youth Farm • Horticultural Therapy Services The J.R. Albert Foundation, Inc. • Green Youth Farm Allstate Insurance Company • General Operating Support

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign • Early Detection/Rapid Response Plan for Hydrilla verticillata in Illinois Walgreens • General Operating Support • Windy City Harvest


$10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous (1) • Project BudBurst Paul M. Angell Family Foundation • Science Career Continuum Bartlett Tree Experts • Sponsor, President’s Circle • Sponsor, Tree Design Symposium • Sponsor, World Environment Day Alvin H. Baum Family Fund • Science Initiative • Urban Agriculture Big Thicket Association • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program BNY Mellon Wealth Management • Sponsor, A Rare Affair The Butz Foundation • Carillon Concert Series Center for Plant Conservation • Seeds of Success Interns City Parks Foundation • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program The Field Foundation of Illinois, Inc. • Science Education Opportunities for Chicago Public Schools Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation • General Operating Support • Green Youth Farm • Windy City Harvest Grainger • Supporting Sponsor, Wonderland Express Joe & Ross Ice Cream • General Operating Support The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation • General Operating Support • Summer Dinner Dance Walter S. Mander Foundation • Green Youth Farm Midtown Athletic Clubs • Sponsor, Autumn Brews Harold M. and Adeline S. Morrison Family Foundation • Science Career Continuum National Aeronautics and Space Administration • Climate Change Education Project Openlands • Plants of Concern Edmond & Alice Opler Foundation • Horticultural Therapy Services Plante Moran • Sponsor, Antiques & Garden Fair • Summer Dinner Dance

The PrivateBank • Sponsor, Gardens of Distinction Purdue University • PhragNet: A Cooperative Learning Network for Adaptive Management of Phragmites-Invaded Coastal Habitats Dr. Scholl Foundation • Horticulture Internship Program The Siragusa Foundation • Science Initiative - Green Challenge Smart Family Foundation • General Operating Support Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust • College First Horticulture Interns Tawani Foundation • General Operating Support The Trillium Foundation • Science First UL • Major Sponsor, World Environment Day United Way of Metropolitan Chicago • General Operating Support World Association of Flower Arrangers USA, Inc. • General Operating Support

$1,000 to $9,999 Anonymous (2) • General Operating Support Alliance for the Great Lakes • Plants of Concern American Agricultural Insurance Company • General Operating Support Laurance Armour Memorial Trust at The Chicago Community Trust • Green Youth Farm Barilla America, Inc. • General Operating Support Berends Hendricks Stuit Insurance Agency, Inc. • General Operating Support The Chicago Community Foundation • Education Programs William J. Clancy Foundation • College First Tom E. Dailey Foundation • Green Youth Farm First Bank of Highland Park Foundation • Green Youth Farm GCG Financial, Inc. • General Operating Support Honeywell International • General Operating Support

Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant College Program • E cological Genetics of Phragmites australis Invasion in Southern Lake Michigan Coastal Habitats JULIE, Inc. • Sponsor, Fall Bulb Festival Junior Garden Club of Lake Forest • General Operating Support Lagunitas Brewing Company • General Operating Support • Sponsor, Spooky Pooch Parade Bertha Lebus Charitable Trust • College First Marquette Associates, Inc. • General Operating Support Northfielders Garden Club • Green Youth Farm Old Republic General Services, Inc. • General Operating Support The Outdoor Foundation • Green Youth Farm Pasquesi Home and Gardens • General Operating Support Seven C Foundation • General Operating Support Sodexo, Inc. & Associates • General Operating Support Solberg Manufacturing, Inc. • General Operating Support State Farm • Summer Teacher Professional Development Programs Takiff Family Foundation • Green Youth Farm • Science First United Conveyor Foundation • General Operating Support Waukegan Harbor Citizens’ Advisory Group • Plants of Concern W.P. & H.B. White Foundation • Science Career Continuum Meredith and Patrick Wood-Prince • General Operating Support

MATCHING GIFTS Anonymous (1) ACE Charitable Foundation Ameriprise Financial Amsted Industries Foundation Aon Foundation Arch Insurance Group AT&T Foundation Bank of America Baxter International Inc.


BMO Harris Bank BNY Mellon CME Group Community Foundation CNA Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc. The Field Foundation of Illinois FM Global Foundation Fortune Brands Home & Security GE Foundation Grainger Hachette Book Group HSBC IBM Matching Grants Program Ingredion Incorporated ITW Johnson Controls Foundation, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Foundation Kraft Foods Foundation The Kresge Foundation Robert R. McCormick Foundation McDonald’s Corporation McGraw Foundation Mead Johnson Nutrition Microsoft Corporation Newedge USA, LLC Northern Trust PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer Foundation PNC Foundation Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. TDK Corporation of America Tiff Education Foundation TTX Company UBS Wintrust Financial Corporation Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation

IN-KIND GIFTS Anonymous (1) American Airlines Anthony’s Own Applied Imagination, Ltd. Argus Brewery Artemisia Landscape Design Baderbrau Brewing Company BBJ Boutique Linen Beam Bell’s Brewery, Inc. Berghoff Brewery Craig Bergmann Landscape Design, Inc. Mrs. Elaine Bogetz Bogs Footwear Bonterra Organic Vineyards Gary Bregman, Inc. Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. W. Atlee Burpee Company Cape Classics

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Chalet Chicago Distilling Company Chicagoland Gardening Magazine Dr. Clarence C. Close Codorniu Winery Consulate General of Japan at Chicago Ms. Natalie Cordea Discover Financial Services Emmett’s Brewing Company Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Felton FEW Spirits Finch’s Beer Company Four Horsemen Brewing Company Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Fujimoto Glunz Family Winery & Cellars Mr. Gary R. Guth and Dr. Ruth Guth Halls Rental William Heffernan Landscapes Ms. Eva Hernandez-Thomas and Mr. Paul A. Thomas Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Mr. Warren Hill Illinois Department of Transportation Mr. Steve Jetzer Jewell Events Catering Robert Kacher Selections Kay’s Candies Kehoe Designs Inc. Ms. Heidi Kiesler Mr. Dan Kosta Ms. Cynthia F. Kulik Lagunitas Brewing Company Lake Bluff Brewing Company Lee Valley Tools, Ltd. Lowe’s Home Improvement Lynfred Winery Magnificent Milestones Manfredini Landscaping and Design, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. H. George Mann Mariani Enterprises, Inc. Massimo Prestige Vineyards Medline Industries Incorporated Meehan’s Miniatures Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Melichar Mr. Richard Metschke Moet & Chandon Montana Correctional Enterprises Montes Wines Ms. Katherine Nelson North Shore Distillery, LLC Northleaf Winery Novus Ordo Vineyards & Winery Old Bridge Cellars The Organic Gardener Ltd. Oyster Bay Wines Pasquesi Home and Gardens Prairie State Bonsai Society Quincy Street Distillery Renee’s Garden

Revolution Brewery Rhine Hall Rich’s Foxwillow Pines SavATree Mrs. Karen L. Schuman Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schwartz ShutterBooth Chicago The Sorting Table space519 Sprecher Brewery Mr. John Summerfield Sunset Foods Mrs. Thomas Tecza Temperance Beer Company Ten Ninety Brewery Tighthead Brewing Company Vienna Beef Mr. Ivan Watters Wente Vineyards Whole Foods Market Winebow Winston & Strawn Wollersheim Winery Wooly Pocket Garden Company, Inc. Michael Zubrzycki

TRIBUTE GIFTS The Garden is a source of pleasure and solace. The following lists are individuals who were honored or remembered at the Garden in 2013 and those who celebrated them with a gift. Anonymous Nancy Geidel and Jacqueline Manna Ms. Estelle London Mrs. Carol Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Abrams Ellen Abrams Joan Abrams Richard Abrams and Elizabeth Warren James Adduci Bob Anderson Cynthia Bell Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bransky Michael Bruce Catalyst Associates LP Benjamin Clinger Marybeth and Gene Culbertson Goodwill Staff at South School Mrs. Bess Grossweiner Donald E. Hamilton David Handler Shelly Hirschtritt Jon Iorio Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Klatzkin & Company Jack Levin Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Levin Barbara and Jack Marrella Joanne and Elias Matsakis Ms. Elizabeth Melas The Potts Family Princeton Area Community Foundation


Mrs. Gloria L. Quigley Kathryn Abrams Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. Rane Cece Schwartz Jeffrey Seifman Barbara Snow Topel Forman L.L.C. Dana Wartell Dolores and Irv Weiman

Marta Abreu Mrs. Nancy E. Prendergast Mr. Mario Abruscato Wheeling Garden Club Mr. Arthur Abt Mr. Phil Moss Mrs. Dodie Perlberg Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sklar Mrs. Joan Adler Mrs. Lorraine May Jacqueline V. Nussbaum Mrs. Donald I. Roth Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schlossman Martha Albert The Oberlander Group Mrs. Barbara Allen Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Cain Camille Altay Rich Cohen and Chris Kasamis Leonard John and Mary Ann Angel Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mr. John Appell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt Mr. Jamal Ashrafi Ms. Theresa Benner Ann Bachmann Joan and Jordan Krimstein Blema Baer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt Julie L. Baer Jane S. Frank Phyllis Baer Barb and Bud Kohm William and Elizabeth Bailey Kate Kiser and the Bailey Family Mr. Brad Balson The Glazer, Heller, Kolodny, and Stern Families Mrs. Charles Banas Peggy and Mike Dwyer Mrs. William Murphy Mr. William Redlich Lisa Bangs and Tom Eshoo Beverly Bangs Mrs. Cheryl Banks Mr. Theodore L. Banks Mrs. Jane Barnett Dr. and Mrs. Donald Brown David Vaught Investments Bernice, Jean, and Lisa Favus Mr. and Mrs. Brian Higgins The Jacover Family Mr. Melvin J. Klein Dorothy Lee

Dr. and Mrs. Roy Weiss Ms. Alisa Wellek

Eve Brooks Jack and Lois Graller The Oberlander Group

Mrs. Vella Bass Robert G. Levine Susan Rabin The Schrank Family

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brown Edwin and Carol Brown Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Livingston

Ralph Behm Anne Cornfield

Nancy Anderson Brown Mr. and Mrs. David E. Brown, Jr.

Dori Bell Marybeth and Gene Culbertson Jennifer L. Schulte

Mrs. Doris Rita Buehler Mrs. Diana Lee Avallone Q Center Kim Starkey

Fred and Anne Belmont Jennifer Gold and Mark Troxel Mrs. Louise Benjamin Ms. Helen D. Greenebaum Greta Benson and Reverend Arnold Benson Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mrs. Lois Benson Ms. Nancy Benson Ms. Shirley J. Smith Mrs. Marjorie Benton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Furniss David and Sophia Berger Robert Berger Emily Bernstein Carol and Bob Kaspers Irene Biba The Bolding Family Mr. Arthur Bierman Ms. Natalie Saltiel

Mary Joyce Bukaty Mary Dale Houston Mr. John Bulger Cooney & Conway Mr. Raymond E. Des Enfants Susan J. Ehrbar Doris L. Gierke Ms. Janet Thullen Jane Weis Mrs. Mary Jane Butler Ms. Mary S. Lang Mr. Scott Byron Muriel Anixter Lauren and Mark Cohen Jerry and Judy Frumm Jory and Jill Katlin Jodi and Paul Loeb Alice Rapoport and Michael Sachs Dr. and Mrs. Michael Vender Roberta and Robert Washlow

Mr. Jay Caplan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grossman Mr. Robert D. Carone Ed and Carol Kaleta Neville and Kathie Carr The Carr Family Mrs. Robert Adams Carr Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society Eva Carrillo Cledith Alsing Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Beranek Cedar Hill Associates Jim and Ellen Fields Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Frank, Jr. Paul and Kathy Gerbosi Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gurvey Bern Herbolsheimer Ms. Victoria Kriser Mary Lou Downs Foundation Barbara Modugno and Friends The Ops Mrs. Pamela Polen Raina Ruskin Linda S. Scharf Mr. Edward Grant Spradling The Stewart Family The Sweet Family Mr. and Mrs. Philip W.K. Sweet Sandra Sweet Anastasia Ulrich Emily Ulrich Holly Wilson

Amo E. Bishop Ms. Mary Anne Limbos

Mrs. Talbot Cain Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Timbers

Mrs. June Bleiweis Barbara Elman Paulsen

Mrs. Marie Callahan The Oberlander Group

Maria Mercedes Castellanos Vernon Rucker

Susan Block Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Miller

Ron Callgreen Val and Dee Derer

Glen Center’s mother Marlene Iser

Mr. Ralph Bogan Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Young

Ann Cammarata Thomas S. Brigham Barry and Shari Burdick Mr. and Mrs. Curt Danes Vanessa C. Hayden Carol S. Jacobson Jean Cammarata Kengott Linda Matherson Daniel A. Plodzeen Linda Reedy Ed and Denise Skiba Ms. Alyssa B. Tadelman

Linda Center Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis

Elaine Bogetz Edna R. Cohen Ruth Bogner Jolene Wise Mrs. Angela Boho The Golde Family Mr. Lawrence Boris Lee and Sherry Bryan Mrs. Dorothy Young Hendee Mr. and Mrs. Lou Sherman Mr. Fred Bosselman Diane and Karl Berolzheimer Mr. Stuart Deutsch and Ms. Holly W. Gauthier Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund Staff Judith Ingersoll Gray and Family Sandra and Eston Gross Claire McCarthy Peterson and Craig Peterson Mr. Gordon Breed Marlene Iser Janie Bress and Michael Luber Julie Deutsch

Marie Cammarata Connie C. Janet T. Coates Mary Davisson Kaky and Mary D. Lisa K. (MOR) Judy L. Holly M. Janet M. Jill M. Gail R. Heidi S. Kate S. Susan S. Mimi S. Nadine V. Debbie W.


Marian Casey Christina Rompon

Mrs. Della A. Cepauskas Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mr. Paul S. Chang Ms. Kathleen Pseja Kuniko Nishimoto Chapman Elizabeth Hubert Malott Japanese Garden Chaveriat Foundation Harry F. Chaveriat, Jr. Chicago Botanic Garden Sally Aaron Bernadette Christ Nellie Christ Jolanta Chyla Jolanta Chyla Liz Monkus Cibulskis Walter D. Cibulskis Mr. Adolph Civitella The Jastromb Family Marjorie and Jack Clavey Justin and Ann Fishbein

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Mrs. Rose Clemente The Oberlander Group Nancy Clifton Lisa Hilgenberg and Philippe Hans Leo Cohen The Oberlander Group Rich Cohen Rich Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Winston O. Colby Mr. Norman Goldman and Joan Lowenstein Mr. and Mrs. Duane Conwell Mr. Andrew Conwell Ms. Julie Conzachi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manthei Charles Cooper Michael and Judy Goldman Mr. John L. Cooper Mr. David Hughes and Mr. Stephen Wetzel Kathleen Crowley Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Eckert Mr. Russell Cusumano Dani Sullivan Mrs. June Dallas Mr. Timothy A. Griffin Mrs. Lucille Daluga Ms. Christina Hoffman Jimmy Damon Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos Arnold D’Angelo Rich Cohen Brent Davis Kristi S. Anderson Mrs. Marguerite E. Davis Mr. Robert C. Davis III Ryan D. Deaton Tina Rose Quinones Barbara Deichmann Ms. Julie Flip Jackson and Mr. Craig Jackson Beth Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Scheyer Mr. and Mrs. Barry Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dimitriou Robin Dissen Joseph Dinelli, Sr. Margaret A. McPhee Ms. Judith A. Doerscheln Anonymous (1) Mrs. Margaret H. Doetsch Candida Alaimo Thomas and Cheryl Arundel Ms. Anne Boynton Ms. Ruth Callahan Dianne and James Ceriale Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Joanne and Robert Colen Carroll and Phyllis Coulam Tom and Elizabeth Davis Margaret A. Doetsch Robert Doetsch

Mrs. John Doherty Mrs. Susan L. Dommerich Bryan T. Durkin Patricia A. Elias Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gerow Geraldine Grace Michael Grace Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Grace Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Hohs Kathryn and Peter Horos Nancy O. Kent Margaret M. Ketter F.L. and Judy Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knouse Betty Knox Barb and John Lee Ms. Louisa Stiles Levy and Dr. Nelson Levy Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewin Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Mergener Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mermel Vicki and Don Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John D. Newhouse Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Nielsen Otego Family Dental, P.C. Mrs. Marilyn R. Rategan Jackie Reckling Ms. Gloria A. Sagen Ms. Secilia Schneider Megan Sweeney The Adeline Troesch Family Mark and Toyette Van Balen Mildred Weldon Mary Ann and John Westby

Mrs. Mary A. Domzalski Mr. Leo J. Domzalski Charlotte and Bob Don’s grandson Lissa and Larry Miller Marueen Dondlinger and Gale Hartmann Mary Lynne Hixson Mr. Henry Doyryman The Oberlander Group Mrs. Kathie M. Duffy Mr. Joseph E. Duffy Barbara Eckhouse Janet and Merrill Freed Barbara and Jim Eckhouse Family of Barbara and James Eckhouse Megan Edelson and Jeremy Cawn The Shower Ladies: Marcia Bass Diane Israel Jerri Krantz Judy Lewis Beth Osten Linda Pollcak Dyane Weiner Miss Keelan Emily Edens Anonymous (1) Ms. Michelle Anderson Beeta Azarnoosh The Baltrusailtis Family Heather, Miles and Felix Baltrusaitis Ms. Claudia Barlea Donna M. Berletich Lori and Peter Berletich Bloom Yoga Studio Michaela Bobos and Aaron Barett


Ms. Ashley Bogaards Ms. Janice An Bondinell Paul and Jean Buckley and Family Ms. Niki Campus The Cancel Family Tom and Kathie Clark Ms. Lynn Composto Ms. Andrea Consolo Florence and Jerry Corcoran Barb and Chuck Denis Richard and Barbara Dietrich Rick and Brenda Dietrich Ms. Andrea and Allen Doan Gale Dreas and Tom Brennan The Eckstein Family Jeff and Courtney Elko Ms. Joan Farrow Ms. Shannon Fitzgerald Ms. Kristen Foster Mr. Paul Friemel Lauren B. Fisher Ms. Danielle Gac Ms. Diana Gale and Mr. Scott Keohane Katie and Tim Grafrath Cassie, Paul, and Kellan Grant Geri and Roger Grant Amy and Rob Greif Jack and Chris Griffin Mike, Karen, Kaylee and JM Griffin Ms. Patricia A. Griffith Ms. Sarah Hale Mr. Tom Heineman Ms. Caroline McDonald Henning Mr. Patrick Houlihan Ms. Madeleine Howe Tamara and Robert Jost Ms. Stacie Klein and Mr. Dan Strzalka Mr. Jason Kob Ms. Helen Kolettis John and Cindy Korso The Koshelev Family Mr. Jason Kowalski The Krebs Family Ann and Chris Lamas Renee Chester Levine Ms. Marita Lynch Ms. Erin Malloy and Mr. Paul Baltrusaitis Kris McDermott and Bill Granberry Jim and Ellen McDonough Kristen and Shawn McDonough The McNamara Family John and Julie Meier Joe Mendez and Michie Roberts Jonathan and Sandy Metler Marc and Jamie Mette The Moeller Family Michael and Linda Mulkerin Ms. Sara Napientek Lorene and Paul Nelson Marlene and Mark Neuhalfen Beth and Andrew Norine The Novacks Alex and Chrissy Oppice Ms. Joanne (Zimmer) Pelletier Corrina and Andy Pollina The (Nolan) Porta Family Donna and Bill Rathunde Mr. Ken Rathunde Ron and Kathy Rathunde Tim, Kristi, and Madison Rathunde Ms. Natalie Ratzlaff Jackie Rios and Family

Ms. Jennifer Robinson Jenny and Murph Rorke Ms. Kelly Russell Ms. Faye Ryan The Sackett Family The Sander Family Eric, Kelly, and Patrick Schoonover Don and Nichole Schroeder Ms. Holly Schroeder Jon and Judy Short Ms. Kate Skozinski and Mr. Josh Patel Ms. Joan Solari Mary Fran and Gabe Solymossy Ms. Theresa Sorenson Shannon and Jimmy Stoneberg The Stoner Family Mr. Tom Stoyias Matt and Abby Stuebe Ms. Diana Sudyka and Mrs. Jay Ryan Ms. Meghan Thomas and Mr. Nick Kryczka Trek Freight Services Brian and Jesse Turteur Ivah Urbanski The Vo Family Ms. Beth Voitik Ms. Kristen Walker and Mr. Jason Utah Eve, Jeff, Camryn, and Kellen Wallin Ms. Debbie Webb and Family Ms. Megan Williams Ms. Linda Wlodarski Mr. Mike Wozniak Your Viking Gymnastics Family

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ehrlichman Anita Neumann Arleen Eichengreen Mrs. Marjorie Biederman Gail Guggenheim Mrs. Donald I. Roth Becky and Yuval Eisenberg Ruth Gleicher Mr. and Mrs. Peter Eisendrath Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Roberts, Jr. Betty Epstein Mrs. Donald I. Roth Mrs. Judith Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Roberts, Jr. Mrs. Margaret Erickson L.E. Carmichael Dayna Eubanks’ mother Sharon Oberlander Ms. Leslie Evoniuk Kimberly Abraham Eileen Anderson Kate and Ben Baker Cathleen and David Baron Beverly and Clarence Buse Doug and Kathleen Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. M. Collins Dr. David and Pat Dowdey Mrs. Mary S. Engelman Dianna Erickson Mrs. Cecilia Elizabeth Evoniuk Guy and Christine Evoniuk and Rosie Kern Roch Evoniuk Ms. Stacey Anne Evoniuk Alan, Marilyn, and Hillary Fine Shannon Garrity Ms. Diane Geissler

Jim and Sylvia Giardina and Andrea Graham Dickinson Clark and Rosemary Goodman Nancy and John Hamilton Mr. John Louis Hatcher Barbara and Dennis Hetler Ms. Kathy H. James Barbara and Anthony Kesman Jay and Brenda Levin Cecilie and Michael Lynch Arlene and Dan Malinowski The Malorzo Family Victor A. Maurello Mr. John W. McConachie, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Moore and Family Ms. Heather O’Hara Mrs. Jennifer Phillips The Polapink Family Phyllis and Robert Price Mrs. Iris J. Ricks Ms. Lisa R. Rodriguez Vanessa, Martha, and Jose Ruiz Pamela Saxelby SEDOL Foundation The Shea Family Mr. Ryan L. Shea Troy and Tara Shea Mary Alice Slattery John R. Stauber Beverly A. Tinkham Forrest and Kathleen Whittaker Elizabeth Wieneke Ann Wolff Bill and Charlene Wynn and Rachel Wynn/Latty The Zimmerman Family Zizzio Racing, Inc.

Nadine Chapman Ms. Sheila B. Cooke Joan B. David Cynthia Frank Janet Harris Maris L. Herzog Mr. and Mrs. James Jakusz Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Levine Nancy R. Luzak Kathy M. Murphy Nsquared Solutions Susan L. Regenstein John C. Scales Vel Sechriest Patricia Stein

Michael and Jean Freed Michael and Judy Goldman Mr. Jack Fried Mr. Jonathan Goldman lala Mr. Robert Friedlander Mr. Tony Chiaverini Ruth Friedman Daniel Guberman Mrs. Jeanne L. Froid Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt Mr. Isaac Garb Rich Cohen and Chris Kasamis Mrs. Dorothy H. Gardner Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Sara Elizabeth Gasey Judith Eckert

Mrs. Carla Eyre Sandra Sweet and Eva Carrillo*

Mrs. Virginia S. Gassel Ms. Ginger Gassel

Bernice Faintuch Catherine S. Ploetz John and Jane Ploetz Nancy Shapiro

Ms. Nancy Gidwitz Ms. Kathy R. Pick Mrs. Zelda Weiner Gisser Aries Fox Family

The Fairman Family John and Trish Egan

Irena Glaz’s mother Sharon and Lee Oberlander

Lil Falstein Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Livingston

Gerd Goble The Aprile, Crabtree-Ide, and Ide Families

Jean and John Fico Dr. and Mrs. James M. Fico Mrs. Virginia “Ginny” Fields Mrs. Molly Fields and Family Christina A. Fisher Grace, Lila, and Mae Fitzgerald Ellen D. Fluck Ann and Rich Piehl Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Ford Eleanor and Peter Axford Harriet J. Forton Al and Carey Ziskal Mr. and Mrs. James Foster Barbara Schrayer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Silberman Cynthia Frank Cynthia Frank Marcia Frank Lois Block Elizabeth Bombicino


Anthony and Josephine Golec Roger Golec Dan Goodman Sheila Allen Avelin Charlotte Gordon Dorothy Gutstadt Mr. Fred Gordon Mr. Kenneth Williams Murray and Judith Gravdal Gordon Aileen, Jonathan, and Chloe Wiede Mrs. Nancy A. Gordon Drs. Neal and Alison Gordon Jeanne Goss Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kelber Marianne C. Schapiro Carol Gottlieb’s son’s wedding Alison Gordon and Family Elizabeth Grabscheid Sandi Bartelstein

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Mr. Patrick Granahan The Affatati Family The Anderson Family Susan and Lorraine Butscher Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Carol M. Chiodi Ms. Jessica Collingsworth John and Dorothy Dygos Jerry S. Gentes Jeffrey Gottstein Mrs. Patrick J. Granahan Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jassen David Kolata Mr. David Koller The Krugman Family Lona Louis L. Ann McCabe Anne McKibbin Mr. George Meindl Kathleen Nibek Northbrook Civic Foundation Nufarm Americas, Inc. Jori Pascarella John Quinn Dr. Robin Roy Nancy Scott and Steven Scott Tammy and Douglas Scott Joan Shaw Anthony M. Star Mr. Justus Templeton IV Janet Vavloukis Marybeth Yuk Mr. and Mrs. Millard Grauer Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Markman Danya Greenberg and Brian Sundh Barbara and Frank Lieber Mrs. Marcia Greenberg Phyllis and Stuart Applebaum Mr. Robert Greenspahn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt Mr. Joseph Greer Sue and Kevin Beauseigneur Mrs. Patricia Grober North Shore Garden Club Mr. Wilfried Guntermann Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos Mrs. Carolyn Haas Maribelle Wolfson Mr. Charles C. Haffner, III Charles C. Haffner III Trust Mrs. Marjorie C. Hager Ms. MaryBeth S. Murphy Mrs. Brigitte Halloran Ms. Judy Cipriani Mrs. Helen Hanna Nancy Funk Anne Hanna Alice Palokoff and Family Ms. Amber E. Pershon Diane Wagner Nancy and Steve Hannick Barbara and Victor Weisskopf

Jill Heidemann Chuck and Margaret Jarvie

Chris and Keri Hotaling Ginny Hotaling

Dolores Held Mrs. Donna Nelson-Stride

Mr. Jack R. Hotaling Ginny Hotaling Keri, Chris, Jackson, and Finley Hotaling

Julia Helenowski Advanced Radiation Oncology Staff Joan Cavanagh Barry Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Arnold M. Flank Beth and Ted Gordon Lauren Hall Harriet Lavenda Yashbir and Ashima Mehta Karen and Bill, Lindsay, Will, and Luke Shaw Ben Ross and Sara Testa Julianne D. Testa Dvora Heller Audrey Pam and Family Mrs. Mary Frances Hepner Ms. Judy S. Friedman and Mr. Howard I. Friedman

Ms. Keri Hotaling Ginny Hotaling Mrs. Elizabeth Hough Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Patricia Reed Hrajnoha Mr. and Mrs. Alan Rosenthal Mr. Jerome Huber The Oberlander Group Trudy Hunt Sharon Oberlander Gordon and Ruth Hunter Sue Krause Johnson Leslye Karen Indenbaum Matthew Gordon

Kathleen Herber Friends at Bennett Gardens

Shoshana Erin Indenbaum Matthew Gordon

Mr. E. Donald Heymann Mr. and Mrs. Barry Weinstein

Virginia K. Isherwood Ginny Hotaling

Rich Hill Mr. and Mrs. John DuBois

Margit Jacobi The Oberlander Group

Allen and Nancy Hirschfield’s great-grandson Neal, Alison, Louis, and Julianna Gordon

Mrs. Muriel Ruth Jacobson David Jacobson Mark and Mary Mackmiller

Jennifer Hirshberg and Robert Weinberger Nancy Mandel Nancy Hobart Robbie and Jim Boudreau Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Sophia Shaw Mr. Arthur Hoberg Don and Martha Pollak Alice Hoffmann Elizabeth Cannon Megan Hoffmann Maxie and Swope Clarke Kimberly Hogan Gillian S. Stoettner Mr. Craig Holihan Val and Dee Derer Cindy Holiman The Golbus Family Lindy Holland Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis Karen Holway Judith Piontowski Mrs. Penny Hopkins Janelle M. Pitula

Margaret Hardy Ms. Cheri Van Deraa

Daniel M. Horyn Sharon Ogorzalek Terence and Virginia Perciante Jason and Julianne Sennese

Betty Healy The Oberlander Group

Chris Hotaling Ginny Hotaling


Kris S. Jarantoski Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Mr. Joel Jastromb The Jastromb Family Dorothy N. Johnson Carl and Nancy Carani Ms. Mary Ellen Johnson Ginny Hotaling Rosemary Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Patton The Joyce Family Joseph M. Boyle Laura R. Boyle Mr. Martin T. Coover Mrs. Rosemary Coover Mrs. Carol J. Dobeck Ms. Geraldine M. Furlong Ms. Kirsten Furlong Mr. Michael Furlong Mr. Vincent Furlong Mrs. Kelly Furlong-Rezac Jeff and Martha Johansen Emily J. Lyons Ms. Nita Moore Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Pflueger Judy Dolores and Irv Weiman Tyler Grant Juneau Bruce and Marilyn Levy Louis Kacyn Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mrs. Ruth Kahnweiler North Shore Garden Club

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kamen Susan Zelmar Lynn Kamenitsa Carrie Cotter Marie Kamps Judith Quayle Iacuzzi Mr. Jeffrey E. Kanne Mrs. Gail P. Guggenheim Rita Kanne Doris Kantor George C. Blanas Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Ms. Sally Olds Anganeta N. Oussenko Michelle Sweet and Peter Britt Ms. Mary Velez Peter Joseph Kapraum Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Valerie Karales Nancy and David Schlack Carolyn Karbin The Jastromb Family Jennifer Kasten Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten II Kate and Josh Ilissa Miller Louis and Jean Kaufman Susan Kremin and Ruth Fineman Mr. William S. Kaufman Mrs. Rebekah Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lazerow Amy Keilman Jamie Masitti Sally Kelly Ryan Kelly Marnee Kenny Edith Skom Mr. Joseph Kessel Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Miller Mrs. Marion Kifarkis Mr. Kyle Vasquez Mrs. Catherine Kirby Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Fontene Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Bonamasso Ms. Elizabeth Bromberg and Mr. Scott Kohn Joyce Brott Robert C. Carr Tina A. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Chorazyczewski M.R. Christensen Carolyn W. Coburn Steve, Pam, Rachel, and Anna D’Amico Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Iams, Jr. JM Creative Ms. Aimee Lanphere Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Lizik Mrs. Rose MacDonald Kimberli Matin Bernard and Jaye McCoy Vivian Morrison

L.B. Myers Dr. Michael J. Pendowski Anthony Russell Charles L. Sheldon and Joseph Rice Jill Shellabarger Mueller Carole I. Vitaterna Ms. Sharon Wottrich

Dana and Jordon Kissel Susan and Stuart Fried Michael Kitt Christina Rompon Mr. Theodore Klaiber Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Jane F. Klein Karen Zimmer Anne Kleinerman’s mother Jill Goldstein Debbie Kliff Ginger Anthony Rachel Bassler Ashley Bender Kathryn M. Brennan Cassie Burnside Kristan N. Catlett Sarah Chapman The Check Family Ms. Kacie Marie Check Anna Dabkowski Ashley N. Damjanovich Emily E. Dwan Lindsay Eichelman Debbie and Chuck Feldman Jamie Feldman Miss Ashley Fenoglio Mrs. Allison Fishman Sarah H. Garner Jana Gillespie Ms. Allyson Hope Goldberger Alison Goldwasser Mallory Eve Goldwasser Samantha Goldwasser Jesse Golenberg Jaime Grebitus Katie L. Gryckiewicz Mrs. Julie Halverson Jillian Harris Eric C. Hills Laura Hosfield Katie Jilek Mr. Kyle Johnson David Kraus Melanie Krinsky Mr. David Lehr Katherine Lissey Christine Marie Loncaric Grace A. Lussier Kara Maloney Shannon E. McDavid Traci Melshenker Nadya Modlin Mrs. Kathryn Mulroe M. Jessica Musilli Matthew Oppenheimer Amanda M. Pairitz Allison C. Pardus Kelly Politzer Mr. Alex Regensburg Traci Reichert Melanie H. Rider Abigail Rodenas


Heather Jordan Rosenberg Catherine T. Rowley Jamie Rowley Leslie A. Scheid Jacqueline S. Scuderi Lisa Segal Lauren Silver Mrs. Casey L. Smith Jennifer Lee Smith Lesli C. Spencer Matthew Tessar Sarah Wagner Katherine Wendler Katharine Wolf Jill Womack Renee Young Anne Bobel Zelek Ms. Stefani P. Zola

Rebecca Knouse Marilyn Applebaum Tracey Silverman Becker Sarah Betensley Philip and Judith Boyd The Brandl Family John P. Brandl Barbara L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buyck Robert Buyck and Family Michael Chiang Marilyn M. Duginger Marilynn J. Efinger Lee Ann and Dick Faust Charlotte and Tom Floyd Esther M. Freese Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Friedlander Bob and Judy Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gerlach Paul and Mary Lou Giannetto Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grummitt Brian and Francine Haas Mary and Mike Hamblet The Hanold Family Sue and Mel Helfand Michael and Susan Hering Patricia M. Hirsh Cinda Horwitz Mr. Robert Keith The Kelber Family Rebecca Brehm Kempf Ken Klamm and Al Knepler The Knouse Family Mr. David Knouse Mark and Paula Kolar The Wayne Langhorst Family Pat Leverick Roberta and Charles Malone Jennifer Marta Heath and Micaela Mitts Lisa Freeman Mohler Dr. and Mrs. T.J. Pond Stacy and David Pritsker Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Raley Rebecca Recor Mr. Don D. Reeder Mr. and Mrs. Gary Reeder Harriet and Joey Resnick and Family Mr. Ben R. Riefe Michelle C. Roberts Robert and Margaret Rowe Joan and Bob Rudolph Mr. and Mrs. John Rudolph Rae Rudolph Judy and Phillip Ruppel


Mr. and Mrs. John C. Sauder Mr. and Mrs. F. William Schulz Robin Steres Brian Sunshine Bob and Linda Swim T.O.P.S. in Dog Training Corporation David L. Tagge Calvin and Joyce Tanko Mrs. Marcy Thaw Mr. and Mrs. William C. Thompson, Jr. Melissa and Mark Turken Linda K. Wade The West Family Thomas and Carol Widmer

Jack Kole Melissa, Matt, and Parker Schuval George Konvalinka Eddie and Nancy Konvalinka Tony Krajca The Simpson Family Dr. Andrea Kramer Corinne Guarraia Marian Krasnesky Ed and Joyce Madejczyk Rose Mary Krause Susan V. Johnson Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Krehbiel II Patrick and Marcia B. Krohn Mr. Christopher Krohn and Ms. Jenny McClain Zygmunt Ksiezniak Ms. Elizabeth E. DeMovic Mr. Richard L. Kuhn Ed and Patty Doerr Mrs. Shirley Kulp Mrs. Donald I. Roth Beverly Kupchan Marissa Oberlander Hugh Keyton Lambert Virginia Ferrari Emma Laraia Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Roger Lane Barb and John Lee Joan Lapke Kristin, Henry, and Mags McGill Samuel Alexander Larkin Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mrs. Mary S. Lawton Mr. Jon Cole and Mr. Andrew Hoffman Marilyn Dunn and Bill McGuire Marjorie and Richard Ettlinger The Fisher Family Ms. Helen D. Greenebaum Mrs. Harry J. Levi Mrs. Donald I. Roth Dr. and Mrs. Myron E. Rubnitz Mrs. Donna Lebovitz Mrs. Lynn L. Ghertner Judy and Peter Lederer Courtney and Matt Lederer

Dr. Wilma Lehmann Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mrs. Marguerite Lehner Helen Balch and Molly Vandeveld Betsy Leibson Elaine and Mark Schonberger Edie and Al Simons Erich Leitl The Family of Erich Leitl Mr. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Claire Levenberg and Arthur Muchin Mr. John Grossman and Mrs. JoAnn Chaimson-Grossman Rita Frank Levine Mr. James P. Levine Patricia Lindquist Denise A. Bunning Kate Liston College of Education, DePaul University Peter George Livingston The Oberlander Group Mrs. Irene Lombard The Oberlander Group Helen and Irving Lotka Ms. Jennifer Elise Murby Mrs. Anita Lovkvist Lieberman Management Services Mr. Herbert Luke Ceil Luke Mrs. F. Annette Theriault

Mrs. Rebecca McLennan Ginny Hotaling Mr. Ian McRae Ms. Jill Goldstein Dr. Diane Powers Mr. Bryan G. Meadows Mrs. Donna S. Meadows Mrs. Eva Mendelson Walter and Charlotte Rest Mr. Oscar A. Mendez, Sr. Ana V. Reinoso Keith Merchx Marlene Iser Mr. Michael Mergener Bard and John Lee Mr. Mark Metzner Edward and Betty Levi Mr. Chester Meyer Mrs. Nancy E. Prendergast Lissa Miller’s mother Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis Margie Miller Kelly, Will, and Luke Sickmeir Mr. Russell Timothy Miller Mary M. Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Beat R. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moch Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Savovich Ms. Evelyn S. Vogel Loriann Minardi Gina and Ricky Sumera Patricia R. Mintmire Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Livingston

Mary Ann and Barry MacLean Mr. and Mrs. David B. MacLean

Alice Ann Mitchell Birds on the Run

Anne Fleming Majeske Donna M. Majeske

Mr. Richard Mitchell Susan C. Towne

Emily P. Majewski Scott and Becky Nierman

Josephina Montero Elena Mengarelli

Mr. Stephen Marcus Merilee and Michael Gallo Bob and Janet Graham Fran and Lee Preston Shelley and Ron Raffel Barbara and Ben Shapiro Marianne and Stuart Taussig

Marjorie Morris Mr. and Mrs. Art Azen

Linda Masini Lisa Biancalana-Marsh

Mrs. Lydia Muhlenbrook The Ivanauskas Family

Mr. Edwin Mason Mrs. Michael A. Warner

Mr. David R. Mummery Marcus and Lois Frey Connie and Vicki Howes Bill and Christine McCleery

Robert Matthews Mr. Richard A. Anderson* Sally Maurer’s son’s wedding Alison Gordon and Family Mr. Frank D. Mayer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pick Mrs. Dolores McAndrew Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Gardeners of the North Shore Sherry McFall and Ken Porrello Daniella Levitt


Dorothy Moszynski Dora and John Aalbregtse Ethel Mrachek Doris and Bill Gould

Mr. David R. and Mrs. Geraldine Mummery William and Shirley Voinovich Judith Musick Rita Kanne Mr. Alan Myers’ father Mr. and Mrs. M. Hefter Mrs. Georgia Nasios Carolyn and Martin Karbin Mr. Jerome Neff Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Zazove

Mrs. Gloria Neiman Robert and Jan Hirsch

Doug Pavey Anne Cornfield

Mr. Donald Pinkes Mrs. Ethel Davidson

Mrs. Lydia Netzel Mr. Anil K. Jain Ms. Maria Palazzotto Rohit Shrivastava Miriam Stern Phillipa Tabachow

Mary Pavlik Michelle Bonus Susan Choffnes Nikki Eddy Sofia Sink Grimm Nicole Hanna Maryann Loda Trish Newman Andi Pechter Bonnie Pettinger Sally Puccio Cheryl Roberts Geri Simon Carol Slavin Judy Slisz Andrea Smith Marcia Sostrin Dani Sullivan Helen Zwirn

Joseph S. Pinsel Heidi Patton

Mr. Richard W. Newlon Mrs. Joyce Sharon Steinhardt Mr. Thomas J. Nissly Mr. Michael A. Frigo Mrs. Jacqueline V. Nussbaum Anonymous (1) Mr. Peter J. Nussbaum Sir Gerard M. Nussbaum Claire Obrecht Schaumburg Township District Library Ms. Mary Beryl O’Dell Ms. Deborah Larsen Ms. Riley S. O’Neil Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mrs. Rose Fisher Oplatka Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Zazove Mrs. Vivian Oscherwitz The Oberlander Group Joan Palincsar and Family James and Margaret Palincsar Mrs. Suzanne Palincsar The American Airlines Family American Airlines Credit Union Mrs. Susan Jeanne Ekstrom Carolyn Husemann Irene Joyce Cathy La Spisca Wendy Schaven and Tony Pragogich Laurie L. Vincent George F. Bourassa and Susan E. Sandberg-Bourassa Eva Domczewski Mrs. Tracey Ernst Lisa Foreman Fred Jacobs and Jacobs Media Janet Lewis and Family The Majsterek Family PSO-ZHP, Inc. Girls Division-T Jessica Marie Rzotkiewicz Saundra M. Sandberg Margaret Staszczak Woodland Friends Mary Charlotte Pardini Mary Lourich and Family Mary Priscilla Pardini Evelyn W. Partridge E. Meredith and Jacquelyn James Lawrence and Andrea Partridge Raojibhai Patel Marissa Oberlander Mr. Thomas P.C. Patton Steve Jordan Susan Jordan Mrs. Helen Paulos Gardeners of the North Shore Helen and John Suhayda

Mr. Irwin Pearlman Lissa and Larry Miller Mrs. Sandy Peterson GNAT Ken, Brian, Stacy, and Jennifer Peterson Dragan Petrovic Sheryl and Robert Bramnik Mrs. Reine Brigham Suzanne T. Chau Darko Cvarkovic Helen Din Abraham Epton Ella Epton Roza Ginzburg The Grimwood Family Douglas and Kathryn Harder Anne and John Harding Rakhee M. Jepson Stacee Kalmanovsky Anne Kiraly-Alvarez Marina Kogan Vladimir and Aleksandra Koritarov Carolyn Frederick Langley Yevgenia Lysoivanov Mr. Stephen Marinkovic The O’Brien Family Emily Robins Deepak and Manisha Sahay Pandey, Manju, and Ashish Sahay Frank and Agnieszka Tegel Zivadinka Tomasevic Zoran and Svetlana Ulicevic Carol and Chris Wellford Chase and Stephanie Wellford Donald and Davina Youmagul Dorothy Youmagul John David Pfriem Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mr. Brian Phillips Mr. Brian R. Woodworth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pick Ms. Anne H. Young Mr. Rick Pico The Wheeling Garden Club Laura Pinkert Anonymous (1)


Judith Pitts Carol Barth Mr. James Platt Rich Cohen and Chris Kasamis Mrs. Katherine Platt Pamela Carlson Mary Plunkett Lisa Hilgenberg and Philippe Hans Mrs. Jill Sahakian Mr. Jerome Podolsky Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bakshy Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pollock Evelyn Pollock Mrs. Anita Pollock Suzanne Flavin Nancy Krause Mrs. Edward King Poor III Mr. Robert O. Delaney Stella and Mike Porada Michael A. Porada Mrs. Elinor Ham Porter Harry and Carolyn Foglesong Mr. Donald Mark Phillips Ken Porwancher Anne Cornfield Linda Poss Mary T. Fitzgerald Elvin Powell Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Jane Deuble Carolyn Weinstein Linda Powell Helen D. Greenebaum Mr. Jerome Rabin Ms. Gail Mangurten Dr. Michael Rakotz and Dr. Meredith Belber Robin and Michael Harding Lynn and Art Kosner Lyla Ornstein Ron and Linda Rashkow Daniel DuBay Mr. Darren Razmus Jennifer Wier Ms. Ardith Q. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Block Mr. Paul Carpenter Scott Daniels and Family Mr. and Mrs. Joel Davies Mr. J. Douglas Gibble Ms. Joanne D. Miller Estate of Ardith Q. Reed Mr. Jason Reid Marlene Iser Ms. Janice Reinersman Patricia W. Snickenberger Ms. Janet A. Rink Barnes & Thornburg, LLP Mr. Joel D. Duthie

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Dr. Petra Rissman Diane Jastromb

Frances Santagata The Oswalt Family

Helen Simon Anne Cornfield

Celeste E. Roberts Carol E. Reynolds

Mrs. Barbara L. Savitt Mr. and Mrs. Preston Bransky Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Janice and Bruce Goldman Ms. Margaret E. Masterson Elinor Miller

Shirley Mendel Simon Miriam R. Simon

Jean Sawyer Deborah Clayworth

Valentina Skvortsova Elena Skvortsova

Robert B. Scadron Ms. Brenda Zaidman

Mr. Richard Smith Mrs. Denise Smith

Sulima P. and Robert J. Scales Bob Scales and Mary Keefe

Mrs. Colette Smithburg Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President

Jack Robinson Marlene Iser Kheiron Le Vrai Robinson Sara M. Baum Suzanne Smelcer Robinson Mr. William Robinson Ms. Wilma Smelcer John T. Rocap, Jr. Robert R. Burrice Elizabeth Rojas Eddie Bauer LLC Lucille M. Feeney Karen M. Kaup Mary Weiss Audrey Rompon Christina Rompon Catherine Rompon Christina Rompon Dorene Rompon Christina Rompon John Rompon Christina Rompon Matthew Rompon Christina Rompon The mother of Susan and Robert Rose and Peggy Tschetter The Oberlander Group Mrs. Helga Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Rick Cinofsky

Gene and Richard Schiefelbein Chuck and Ada Beth Cutler Debby and Larry Levinson Shirley G. Schnackenberg The Baila Foundation Ann Galfano Leslie Kemp Dave Toussy Lisa Warshauer Mrs. Susan Schreiber Mrs. Sharon W. Zulkie Susan Schreiber and Jeff Mandel The Loewenthal Family Helen E. Schultz James and Kathleen Eaton Laurie A. Hamachek Ralph and Joan Lundgren Village Green of East Dundee Condo Association

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Roth Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton M. Loeb, Jr.

Edwin Schwartz Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President

August Rosselli Eileen McDermott

Dr. Eugene D. Schwartz Barbara and Frank Lieber

Dr. Jon Ruderman Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Zager

Robert James Seeberg Timothy P. Seeberg

Lily Rudnick Ellie and Alan Rudnick

Ronald and Caroline Seigel John and Helen Schaefer

Mrs. Raina Ruskin Mr. Howard Ruskin

Mrs. Marcia Shafmester Allan and Barbara Peskin

Eleanor S. Rusnak North Shore Garden Club

Howard and Jacqueline Shapiro Howard and Jackie Shapiro Foundation

Pranas Sabalas Vida R. Brazaitis GRANDIS Veterans’ Dancers

Sophia Shaw Garden Guild of Winnetka

Mr. John Sachtschale McDermott, Will & Emery, LLP Micha Sagami Mark and Marcia Morancy Carrie M. Sabourin Wesley Y. Sagami

Mrs. Cathy Shepherd Ms. Donna Marie O’Neill Mr. Mort Sherman Anonymous (1) Judith Ann Shields Katie Shields and Nils Benson

Mr. Bill Simpson Wheeling Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sklar Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt

Mrs. Maria Smithburg Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Smithburg Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cole Allen Robert Sokolee Mr. and Mrs. Barry Elman Monika Sonderegger Francine Hagar Dr. Joan Sophie Dr. Deborah Scott Mr. Bruce G. Southworth Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Mr. Bruce Spaulding Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Skip Sperling Lynn Sperling James R. Spiesman Nancy and Laurie Mandel The James R. Spiesman Family Stacy and Micha’s wedding Neal, Alison, Louis, and Julianna Gordon Mrs. Virigina Stauber Gardeners of the North Shore Sharon Oberlander Heddi Schellbach Mr. James F. Steffen Ms. Barbara D. Wetzel Lt. Col. Robert A. Steinway Barbara Smith Audrey Stewart Barb and Barry Kane Ireland J. Stewart Mr. and Mrs. Barry S. Cain Kathy G. Stone and Melvin Septon The Stone Family/The Blum Family

Janis P. Sakai Mr. and Mrs. James I. Matsumoto

Judith A. Shipp Helen Balch and Molly Vandeveld

Maxine Salzman Mrs. Anne Cornfield

Ronald and Caroline Siegel Dr. John P. Schaefer and Dr. Helen S. Schaefer

Mrs. Lynn Stone Ms. Ruth Kerzee Marilyn Richman Amy and Rick Schechter and Family The Schiele Family Mr. Bob Schiele

Clara Silvestri Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos

Mrs. Peg Stone The Oberlander Group

Samantha and Adam’s engagement Lissa and Larry Miller Mrs. Carole Sandner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan


Mrs. Suzy Stoneburner The Abrams Family Mark Agnew Sandra M. Ulbrich Almazan Patti Anselme Kelley Borscha Mr. Gregory Brown Pam Bukowski Mrs. Janann Callaghan The Charen Family Macy Clemons Melissa Ann Copersmet Dawn Couchman Cunningham Lindsay Allison Cutinello Pamela L. Devereux The DiSano Family Elizabeth and Eddie Dudek Kathy Duncan Patty, Mike, Ryan, and Lauren Egan Mrs. Lori Evans Mrs. Jennifer Falk Susan Fried Stephanie C. Goelz Jill Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. William L. Goodridge, Sr. The Graves Family Lou and Donna Greifenstein Christine Groth Mary Kay Halston Allison Harris Kristin Izenstark Mindy and David Kaplan Debbie Karbin Patti Kramp Joelle Krzyszton The Leibow Family Susan Liggett Malnati Organization The Marek Family Meadowbrook PTO Tracy Katz Muhl Charles and Judith Mulder Celine Mullen The Myers Family The Niswonger Family Amy C. Oberholtzer Julie A. Peacock Mr. Daniel J. Peterchak Korissa A. Pierce Leslie A. Rodgers The Rodimel Family The Ross/Lambert Family Scott Rosen Sherri E. Rosenberg Keith F. Schmidt John J. Schneider Mrs. Theresa Schneider Deena Seifer Dr. and Mrs. David Shanker Alan J. Smith St. Norbert School The seventh grade class of St. Norbert School Elizabeth Stoneburner Franklin Stoneburner John J. Stoneburner Gabriella B. Streicher The Thursday Bible Study Group at Luther Memorial Church Donna Van De Bogert Eric B. Weber Mrs. Michelle Weiss The Welch Family Ms. Kurja J. Wilkes

Harry Stover Mrs. Frances A. Stover Arden H. Strauss Dr. Mary Budzik Jerold and Evelyn Levin Elizabeth O’Brien Stuart Dr. and Mrs. Jay H. Kleiman Shirley Sultan Shirley Epstein Sue Suschland Ms. Corinne Podowski Mr. William Sutter Mrs. Ruth K. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dole III Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Mr. and Mrs. Edward James Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnston Frank and Margaret Klapperich Mrs. John R. Lee Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. Mr. James Maynard Karen A. Muse Mr. and Mrs. San W. Orr, Jr. Ms. Ann Marie Saternus Mr. Robert F. Seebeck Walter and Nancy Teninga Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley Tips Mr. and Mrs. John Townsend Gunilla Walstad David and Lynn Weinberg Patricia Symon and Anne Vanderbilt William Symon Mr. John Thanoukos Maria Pappas and Peter Kamberos Germaine Tritsch Ms. Cynthia Bajjalieh Judy Trivette Lisa Hanson Lamey Dona-Lee Trotter Mr. and Mrs. David E. Shoub Charlotte L. Tyksinski Shila Tuchman Mrs. Mona L. Uhlarik Ms. Stephanie L. Uhlarik Mrs. Goldye Urnstein The Oberlander Group Joan M. Vering Val and Dee Derer Ms. Evelyn A. Vogel Ms. Joyce A. Springer Mrs. Catherine M. Waddell Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Robert R.G. Ward The Family of Robert R.G. Ward Carla Warner Kirsten Warner Ivan Watters Garden Guild of Winnetka Mrs. Elizabeth Watts Cecelia B. Bacom and Timothy J. Bannon Lynn F. Behnke Berends Hendricks Stuit


George Blanas Judy Brown Calvary Episcopal Church Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Linda Fiegen Kathy Hanson David Holroyd Carole and Ralph Jassen M. A. Mangan Ginny Padzieski Joan Rabe Roenigk Family Foundation The Salsbury Siblings Gary and Stephanie Thomas Claudia Trapp Treasury Management Group, Northern Trust Company Jennifer M. Watts

Kristie Webber and Karen Zaworski Lisa Hilgenberg and Philippe Hans Mary Paul Weber The Fried Family Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Weinberger Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Weinberger Elliott Wells and Layne Roney Peggy and Steve Bobys Pepper Werner Willa G. Wenzl Roy Westergren The Oberlander Group Mrs. Susan H. Weston Dr. Courtney M. Hollowell and Dr. Carmen W. Hollowell Mrs. Jane Schulte White Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Natalie Whiting The Oberlander Group Mr. Thomas Wickersham Ginny Hotaling Ms. Marjori Florence Wilkinson The Horgan Family Margaret Witty Mary and Chuck Happ Mrs. Candace Wolf Sharon Oberlander Dr. Frohman Wool Andrea Roos Judith Wormser Debora and Alan Rottenberg Michael E. Salmon Mrs. Dvorah Yastrow Mr. and Mrs. M. Hefter The Jastromb Family Mr. Richard J. Loewenthal The Negaunee Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schlossman Mr. Edward M. Yastrow Phylis and Ken Bagan Arthur and Maureen Beaver Mr. and Mrs. M. Hefter Diane and Joel Jastromb The Negaunee Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Silberman Jill and Allan Steinberg

CONTRIBUTORS • TRIBUTE GIFTS Edward and Dvorah Yastrow Stephanie and Rich Wohlner

Miss Georgia Quinn Kirby Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young Ms. Annette Seaberg and Mr. David Anthonsen

Mr. George Kuehne Mrs. Ann Balusek

Mr. Leonard Zak Diane and Karl Berolzheimer Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Karen Zaworski Lisa Hilgenberg and Philippe Hans Virginia and Mitchell Zaworski Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Cathy Zelazo The Donald Sander Family Mr. Milton Zien Mrs. Anne Cornfield Mrs. Jane Zimmerman Chicago Botanic Garden, Office of the President Stuart and Julie Feldman Mr. Roger Hedrick Mr. and Mrs. Roger Isaacs Judy Leeds Lois G. Melvoin Denise and Mark Nora Lee and Cheryl Sachnoff Dorothy D. Ziska Anonymous (1) Raymond and Helen Zlotek Nancy A. Slack and Lawrence S. Zlotek *Deceased

WOMAN’S BOARD TRIBUTE GIFTS Dora Aalbregtse Judy Konen Mr. and Mrs. Curtis G. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby Leslie Boyle and Henry Berghoeff Carolyn and Howard Katz Mrs. Robert Adams Carr Jim and Lynn Foster Mrs. Edward King Poor III Marianne Bestler and Carole Sandner Ms. Bonnie Deutsch Carole and Jack Sandner Mrs. Frances Carol Eizenstat Mr. and Mrs. David Lim Mrs. O.R. Goltra Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bunn III Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Murley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Alexander D. Stuart Lill Happ The Sandner Family Mrs. Ruth Kahnweiler Lynn and Jim Foster

Mr. Stanton Lyons Mrs. Ann Balusek Mr. and Mrs. E. Hoy McConnell Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Meade Carolyn and Howard Katz Mrs. Jane O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reedy Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby Mr. Francisco Rodriguez The Sandner Family Mr. Corbett Ryan The Sandner Family Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sandner Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lane Mrs. Barbara L. Savitt Mrs. Mary J. Hill Melissa A. Shennan Mr. and Mrs. P. David Spears Charlotte L. Tyksinksi Shila Tuchman and Janine Brown

PLANNED GIFTS The Garden Heritage Society recognizes Garden friends who have thoughtfully provided for the Garden in their estate plans or through planned gifts. Planned gifts include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, gifts of full or partial interests in homes, gifts of retirement plan assets, and will or trust provisions. This list represents Garden Heritage Society members through December 31, 2013. Anonymous (22) Marilynn Alsdorf Charles J. Balkin III Ms. Rosanne M. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Mrs. Earl C. Bodine Ms. Andrea K. Boehmer Mrs. Carl J. Bohne, Jr. Ms. Beverly J. Bystricky Ms. Marilyn S. Cannino Mrs. Robert Adams Carr Nancy Carroll † Miss Barbara Clarke Leslie Anne Clausen Mr. Kevin J. Count and Mrs. Sharon L. Count Mrs. Robert W. Crowe Mr. Robert Jensen Dau Mr. and Mrs. John E. Deimel Valentine and Dolores Derer Amy T. Dickinson


Dorothy F. Doherty Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Joane K. Dumke Val Egem Binnie Ferrand Robert F. Finke Mrs. Robert L. Flink, Jr. Georgiann Flowers Ms. Lucinda Fuller † Maurice and Muriel Fulton Jennifer Gilchrist Mr. Larry Goldberg and Mrs. Simone Goldberg Marsha and Michael Goldstein Dr. Neal J. and Mrs. Alison H. Gordon Jean and John Greene Laurence R. Hall Thomas and Alexandra Harder Martha Bacon Hartfiel Mrs. Bennet B. Harvey, Jr. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Mrs. Edith F. Hicks Ronald and Marci Holzer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Horwitz Nancy W. Jacobs Janice Meeg Johnson Tim Johnson and Kristen Webber Beverly Joutras Stuart Kane Sarane and Joseph Katz Judy and John Keller Esther G. Klatz Marilyn Knilans Penny Kohlmeyer Jeanette R. Kopstain Hope Lepley Jane Lord Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Mrs. Mary Mix McDonald Sherry L. McFall and Kenneth J. Porrello Stephen R. and Constance G. Meisinger Mary Louise Mellon Peter H. and Bettina M. Merlin Margaret and Craig Milkint Jason Mitan C. Jane Mueller Carl F. and Nancy B. Mueller Jan and Susan Muller Dr. and Mrs. David L. Nahrwold Mrs. Robert Palmer Edgar and Phyllis Peara Glenn W. Peisker Rich and Corinne Peters Shirley M. Petry Elizabeth S. Pocock Janet Meakin Poor Mr. and Mrs.* William H. Redfield Sandi Redman

VOLUNTEERS Elizabeth B. Roghair Ms. Verie E. Sandborg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Schuett Robert and Charlene Shaw Sophia Shaw Pamela and Robert L. Shirley III John and Mary Helen Slater Robert and Gertrude Smutney Ms. Janet E. Straw Helen S. Sutter Louise Ingersoll TauschÊ Richard and Helen Thomas Mary M. Walther Ernest P. Waud III Nicole S. Williams and Lawrence J. Becker Robert and Vivian Zahniser †New members who joined in 2013 *Deceased

BEQUESTS AND TRUST INCOME RECEIVED David B. Berger Duane A. Conwell Duane E. Dickey Frank B. Foster Charles C. Haffner III Elizabeth Hampton Edward Minor Henry E. Pearson Jeanette R. Pearson Laura S. Pinkert Ardith Q. Reed Bernard H. Rost Marion V. Schmidt

2013 VOLUNTEERS In 2013, more than 2,000 volunteers gave their time and service to the Chicago Botanic Garden for a remarkable total of 107,235 hours. Dora Aalbregtse Sally Aaron Michele Abrams Arthur Abt Marcia Achenbach Gilles Adam John D. Adams Walter Adams Carol E. Adelman Carole Akemann Judith A. Akers Marilyn K. Alaimo Jennifer Albom Margaret Aldridge Carol Alfus Luis Allende Alison Anastasio Michael W. Ander Cynthia E. Anderson Elizabeth Anderson Richard Anderson Suzy Andrews Mary P. Anicich Peggy Anselmo Robin Anstaett Sally Anton Donna Argentin Silvio Argentin Matthew Armenta Harold Armstrong Patricia Armstrong Lawrence Aronson Kenneth J. Ashley Karen Auer Ann Avick Susan Babyk Gloria Bachman Phyllis Baer Richard S. Baer Jessica Bai Noelle Baker Timothy Balassie Laura Balon Lisa G. Bangs Esther A. Bannier John Barrett Elizabeth Bartlett Cathleen Bartone Andrea M. Basalay Barbara Jill Bates James A. Bauer Sylvia Baum Keith W. Bayer


Alvin R. Beatty Elaine C. Beck Janice Becker Louis Becker Lisa Beckwith John Beeftink Whitney Behr Martha Belew Happy L. Belveal Thomas Benandi Joan Berenbaum Denise Bergmann Marianne Bestler James Beyreis Nancy Bigelow Marijon Binder Eric Bird Bill Bishoff William J. Blackburn, Jr. Judy Blada Ann L. Blair James Blair George C. Blanas James Bland Patricia Bland Leonard Block Charlotte Blome Cathy Bloome Mary Blumer-Reed Barbara J. Boba Larry M. Boehlke Michael Boehm Richard Bogdan Elaine Bogetz Nancy A. Bohaboy Maurine Bohne Susan Bohne Russell Bond Tom Bonnie Mary S. Borecki Marge Botchie Martha D. Boudos Mette M. Bowen Dianne J. Bowman Nancy Boyd Irene E. Bradley Laura Bradley Gladys Brady Bud Bransky Laurel Breitkopf Jacqueline Brennan Bobbie Brenner Laura Brichetto Carol Brigham Angelika Brinkmann-Busi Dean Briscoe Ulrika Brissman William E. Bronner Patricia Browder

VOLUNTEERS Charlotte Brown Frances Brown Joan Brown Patricia R. Brown David W. Bruce Alice H. Bruemmer Lydia Brunner Richard Brunner Marilyn J. Buban Mary A. Buchan Beth Buchsbaum Kathy Buckley Jo Ann Budde Diana Burns Michelle Burns Robert P. Burrows Sara Burrows Delano J. Busczynski Francine Cabonargi Shelley Cabrera Leanne Cailles Bruce Calder Michele Carbonara James E. Carlson Sue Carlson Karen Carnahan Susan Canter Danna Carr Kevin Carroll Marion Cartwright Victor M. Cassidy Terry Castle Alina Cernasev Barbara P. Cesal Adrienne Chabowski Susan R. Chadd Chris Chang Sharon Chefitz Nancy G. Chen Nicole Chen John Cherry, Jr. Mary S. Chingwa Ann Chipman Rachel Chmielinski Brandon Christiansen Brenda Choos Corinne Clarke Michael Clayton Micaela Cleary Carol A. Cleave Meridith B. Clement Timmie Clemetsen Marsha S. Clesceri Annie Cochran Tom Cody Jackie Coffey Alan Cohen Jonathan Coleman

Joanne Colen David Collignon Hugh Collins Kevin Collins Winifred A. Collins Athena Columbus Cynthia Colvin Nancy Comerford Ron Compere Jeremy Conerly Emily Connell Stephen Connell Jean Connolly Judith Connolly Sharon E. Conroy George Cook Janice Cook Dale Cooney Sara Cooper Jennifer Cord Natalie Cordea Matthew Corpolongo Bobbi Costlow Nancy Cottrell Anne Coughlin Barbara Coughlin Joanne Courtney Evan Craig Hilda Craig Paula Craig Leon Cramer Nancy Crawford Will Crenshaw Aldo J. Crovetti Elizabeth R. Crowe Dale Crusoe Milton Cruz Lisa M. Culp Carol Currier Karen I. Cwik Amy Dale Jennifer Dalton Suzanne D. Dalton Leann Dameron Lenore Darin Sam S. Darin Claudia C. Davidson Jessie V. Davidson Barbara Davis Joan Davis Laurie B. Davis Andy Davy Albert Day Sheila H. Day Elizabeth de la Baume Judith De Mint Ann E. Deakyne Phyllis DeAngelis


Heather Decker Ray DeMartini Mary M. Demcak Gail Denham Julia Denne Nina Denne Adrienne Detanico Peggy Di Pietro Justine R. Dial Christine Dick Marilyn M. Dickey Kervin Dickson Joan W. DiLeonardi Elizabeth Dimond Norman Dimond Robin Haas Doan John J. Dobrozsi Joan Dobson Patricia Dodson John Doetsch Peter Dogiakos Rita Dolan Judy A. Doll Jane Donaldson Maureen A. Dondlinger Sarah Donnelly Debi Doolittle-Campbell Chanda Doshi Sandra Dosick Edward H. Dratt Dennis Dreher Terri Drews Mary Lynn Dubler Robert Dubler Joan R. DuDeVoire Joanne Dugenske Caryn Dupon Jay B. Dushkin Andrea Dvorsky Arlene Dwyer Daryl Dyer Kathryn W. Eber Howard A. Ebner Shirley Edelman Denise Edelson Zakary Edidin Joel Edwards Nikola Egedus Valerie Egem Diane Eisele Marlene Eisen Betsy S. Eisenhauer Margaret Eissa Janet Eldred Ward Eldred Peter Eldridge Gosia Eliades Jacquelyn Elkin

Gwendolyn Elledge Chris R. Ellicott James Ellis Zachary Engfer Terren Engle Elinor Epstein Jan Ewing Michael Fahle Francisca F. Fairman Fran Faller Carmine Fantasia William Fath Erin Faulkner Anne B. Fay Luba Fayngersh Christine Fee Norma L. Felbinger Donna Feldman Julie Feldy Thea C. Felix-Bliwas Sarah Fellerer Elizabeth I. Ferrari Mark Findlay Karen M. Finerman Daniel Fink Charmaine Finnegan Lynda Fisher Susie Fisher Dena Fleming Marleen Florizone Meghan Flow Georgiann Flowers Robert A. Fluhler Susan Fogelson Sharyn H. Fradin Donna P. Frett Shoshana Friedman Stephanie Frischie Susan Frischie Rae H. Fritz Susan Fromkin Lynn Froy Kay Furey Mary D. Futter Joelle Gabay Neal Gadlin Holly Krahling Gallegos Caroline Galliani Sharon Ganellen Arlene S. Gaps Mary M. Garbarini Donna L. Garfield Kathleen Garness Aldona Garvinskas MaryLisa Gauldin Alan Gault Katherine A. Gehrke Fred A. Geiger

Monica R. Geocaris Anna George Marilyn Giacoppi Nancy Giardina Sue Gieske Beth Giglio Susan F. Gill Robert C. Ginocchio Joanne Ginter Marcia Glenn Sue Goad Carol Godoy Gwenne P. Godwin Sue Golan Fred Gold Lionel Goldblatt James Golding Samuel J. Goldman Carol Goldstein Janice S. Goldstein Carl Goldufsky Irina Goltsman John C. Goodall, Jr. Johnny Goodlow Carol Goodman Joan E. Goodman Sherry P. Gormanous Carie Graham Claire Graham Cindy Grau Scott Grau Colleen Graudins Donna Green Sheldon Greenberg Diane Greening Robert M. Gregg Howard P. Greisler Ronni T. Grey Brian Griffin Mary Griffin Noemi Gros Tony Gross Lawrence Grube Michael Grys Thomas Guagliardo Grace Guarraia Jacquelyn J. Guest Oliver Guevarra Frederick W. Gullen Bill Gunderson Leon Gurny Nada Gustafson Gary R. Guth Mark Guth Ruth Guth Richard Gutof Crystal Guy Marty Hackl


Patricia Hagenah Laura Haldeman Leon Halloran Michael R. Halpern Toby Halpern Sue Halstead Bill Halverson Mary K. Hamblet Patricia C. Hammes Roger Hand Richard A. Hanson Donna Hapac Toni Harkness Michael Harris Susan Harrison Rosemary A. Hart Melonnie Hartl Tracy L. Hartlieb Marilyn Hartmann Lois L. Harvan Laura Haseltine Erika Hasle Tomoko Hata Susan Hatch Karen Hathaway Thomas Hathaway Patricia M. Haverty Catherine Hayen Cheryl Hayes Patricia Hayes Carolyn Hazan Edward Hazan Anne M. Hazelwood Anne W. Healy Nancy Heath Laura Heffernan Laura Hefner Lee Heiman Robert Heinzen Patti F. Helfand Francis Heller Beverly Helm Richard J. Helminiak Laura Henderson Joshua Henkin Scott Hensey Donna Herendeen Susan M. Hering Karen M. Herkes Danielle M. Hermanson Eva Hernandez-Thomas Robert D. Hevey, Jr. Lucia W. Heyworth Gwendolyn Hickey Kara Higley-Kubik Ann Hindes Charles Hinshaw Sue Hintz

VOLUNTEERS Renee Hirsch Alison A. Hoffman Rita Hoffman Marian Hofherr William J. Holloway Denyse Holt Jacques Hooymans Anne S. Horn Ellen B. Horn Gary Horn Martin Horn Robert Hostettler Roger Hotham Karen Hotze Antoinette I. Houk Patricia Hovany Carol Howard Scott D. Howard Connie B. Howes Deborah A. Hudson David Hughes, Jr. Mike Humphrey Harry J. Hunderman Athena Hung Teresa G. Hutchins Edmund M. Hutchinson Rich Hyerczyk Beryl Ibbotson Brian Ibbotson Sandy Incorvia Rita C. Inserra Cassandra Intagliata Gia Interlandi Susan J. Ipsen Rick Isaac Barbara Isaacson Luzstella Isaza Steven Isenberg Lisa Ivey Eula Iwan Yvonne Izquierdo Lois Jackim Peter Jackson Leslie Jacobs Nina Jacobsen Susan Jacobsen David Jaeschke Holly J. Jansen Leona M. Jashelski Carole Jassen Ralph Jassen Beth Jayapalan Jay Jayapalan Alicia Jedlicki Betsy Jenkins Lisa Jensen Patricia Jerney Steve Jetzer

Ted Jindrich Eric W. Johnson Joseph Johnson Ken Johnson Kenneth L. Johnson Kristin Johnson Susan R. Jona Irene M. Jones Alayna Jordan Denise Jordan Elaine M. Juhl Kimberly N. Kacyn Brian Kaczynski Robin Kafenshtok Renee R. Kahn Aaron Kaiser Deborah Kamin Neil Kanemoto Chae Hee Kang Leslie Kanofsky Doris B. Kantor* Eileen Kaplan Judy Kaplan Michael Karch Emelyn B. Karson Jenna Katz Michael D. Katz William Kaufman Michael L. Kayse Diane K. Kearney Patrick C. Kearney James Keenan Jan Keevil Barbara B. Kehoe Cheryl M. Keifer Frank Keller John Mahlon Keller Linda Keller Linda Kellough Dorothy Kelly Krystle Kempen DeeDee Kenny John Kenny Marnee M. Kenny Mary Ellen Keranen Jane Kero Joan H. Kerr Elizabeth S. Kiefer Marilyn L. Kiesgen Hannah Kiesler George Kino Barron C. Kinstler Colin Kirwan Kenji Kitamura Steven Kitzman Elizabeth M. Klauba Nancy Klaud Susan Klawitter


Judy Kleiman Carole Klein-Alexander Adele Kleine Alycia Kluenenberg Mark Kluge Arlene M. Knapp Louis Knapp Pamela S. Knowles George Knuth Judy Knuth Donna Kobayashi Robert Koch Toby Koch Glenn Kohlmeyer Penny Kohlmeyer Jerome A. Kohn Judy F. Kohn Jerry Kolar Diane Kondziolka Linda P. Korn Mary E. Korte Michael Koscieniak Allen J. Koszarek Valerie Kot Anne Kotowski Anatoly Kozmin Judy Kraemer Dorothy S. Kramer Kay Krause Marlene Kraybill Kenneth A. Krebs Jack Kreitinger Thomas Kremer Amy S. Kress Taylor Rita Krivit Arnis I. Krussow Linda Kruzic Kim Kucik Lila K. Kudzin Carolyn Kuechler Marita Kuhl Mary Kuppe Mary M. Kurrus Nancy H. Kurz Susan Kuse Karen Kusek Margaret Valdes Kuss Diane M. Kuzma James Kuzma Myrna Kuznitsky Mary Anne Kwasek Linda Laatsch Eileen LaBarre Gayle A. Laboda Deborah Lakowski Wayne Lampa Marty Landorf Katie F. Lane

Linda M. Lane Karen Larson Kirstin Larson Marilyn A. Lasher Charmain B. Later Ann M. Laudermilk Nancy Jane Lauren Alan Lavitt Carrie Lawton Kristen Lay Stephen Leapman Donna R. Lebovitz Kathleen M. Leck Lawrence Leck Sandra Lee Susan Lee David Leibowitz Jeff Leider Pete Leki Stanley Leon Hope Lepley Sara Lerch Janet Leszczynski Julie Lettner Hazel D. Leung Barbara Leutz Yvette Levenstein Louella Levey Barbara S. Levin Phyllis N. Levin Beth K. Levy Linnea Levy Geraldine Lewis Amy M. Lewitz Brian Liang Sheila Liao Sharon G. Lieberman Patricia A. Lindberg Robyn Lindblad Sandy Linke Sharon L. Lippner Suzanne Lipsey Ed Lisserman Chenghwei Liu Joan Lodge Connie C. Loeffl Linda Lopata Sharon Lorenz Joani Lowry Rosemarie Lowry Lydia M. Loyd Mary V. Lucas Patricia Lundquist Susan Lunn Pam Lurz Karen S. Lustig Jean E. Lytle Jacqueline Macaluso

Gerald Macek Alice MacQueen Jessica MacQueen Linda Magad Rebecca V. Maganuco Michael W. Magiera Barbara G. Mahany Susie Mahon Irene V. Maksym Katherine M. Malcomson Carol A. Mallquist Dorsey J. Mals Joanne Manella Kay Manion James E. Mann Stephen A. Marcus Howard Marks Linda Marquardt Martica H. Marquardt Helen K. Marshall Keith C. Marshall, Jr. James L. Martin Margaret Martin Yvonne C. Martin Joann Martinec Bob Massey Dorothy K. Matsumoto Laura Matz Mary Maus Jennifer Maxwell Erica Mayfield Susan A. Mayfield Judith Mayzel Sarina C. McBride Diane C. McCarthy Jacqueline McCauley Jeanne McCurry Rodger D. McDowall Michelle McInnis Margaret McIntosh Patricia McKay William S. McKay, Jr. Mary E. McMahon Karen Meadows Margaret Mechtenberg Shannon Meehan Kathleen Meierhoff Scott Meister Jane Mendez Carol Meravi George F. Meravi Maryann Metz Constance M. Meyer Robert B. Meyer Jack Meyers Eileen M. Michal Nancy Mickelson Linda Mihel


Barbara J. Miller Brandy Miller Heather Miller Joel Miller Michelle Miller Norma Mills Laurie Minch Lonny E. Miner Lynda M. Minnick Irwin Mishoulam Wilbur Mixter Helen Mlynarski Kathryn B. Mohr Brenda Monson William Mooney John W. Moore Maryellen Moore John E. Morgan Nancy Lynne Morton Judith Moskal Kenneth Mozingo Rhoda E. Muchmore Carol Muehleman Elaine Mueller Judith Mueller Robert E. Mueller Sue Mueller Lou MulĂŠ Eileen Mulkerrin Katherine A. Munro Joyce Murphy Mary Jo Murphy Richard J. Murphy Kathleen Murray Louellen W. Murray Felicia Nadborne Leonard S. Nadborne Sangeetha Nagasundaran Mary K. Nagle Mike Naro Earl W. Naue Patricia Naughton John Navin Barbara S. Needleman Andrew J. Neill Katherine Nelson Myrna Nelson Victor Nelson Margaret Nerger Sandra L. Nettz Damian Neuberger Judith Neuberger Bonnie Neuenschwander Marilyn Neulander Betsy Neumann Harlene Newman Vicki Newman Lauren Newmark

VOLUNTEERS John J. Nicastro Bruce Nichols Fayette A. Nichols Sara Nitschke Zehava L. Noah Dan Nojiri Carol Nolden Michele Nord Gilbert H. Nore Judith Norris Eve B. Nortman Donald Notz Judy Novicki Joe Nowak Marlene Nowak Pauline Noznick Peter W. Noznick Alyssa Nyberg Gus Nyberg Kurt Nykaza Margaret M. O’Brien Marcia O’Connor Kathleen O’Dekirk Julie O’Donnell Barbara Offenberg David Ohanian Kitty Okano Alice O’Laughlin Sally A. Olds Ronald J. Olech Marta Olejniczak Jane Oliphant Robert Oliphant Andy Olnas Robert J. Olson Sarah O’Malley Ann D. Onderdonk Susan K. O’Neill Lester Ordman Edward O’Reilly Nancy S. Owen Eileen K. Owens Nikki Owens Tony Owens Stephen Packard Susan A. Page Elizabeth Paine Rosemary Palicki Joan S. Palincsar Susan E. Panitch Marcia Pantell Susan M. Paprocki Ok Ja Park Lauretta Parks Adrian Paternostro Veronica M. Patt Carol R. Patterson Nancy B. Paul

Richard Pawell James R. Pearson Dorothy R. Peck Leslie Pedley Eileen Pedtke Beatrice Pekkarinen Judith A. Peman Jessica G. Pena Riley Pence Kathleen M. Perkowitz Corinne M. Peters Ann K. Peterson Diane Peterson Michael Petra Kathleen Petty Carol Pfeil Shirley M. Phillips Cynthia N. Phon Meline Pickus Emma Pire Judith B. Pittel Bernadette Pivnicka Nicole Plenge Erwin Plofsky Elizabeth Plonka Jaime Plotkin John Plunkett Jerome Podolsky Olga Polevaya Barbara Polikoff Lisa Pollans Warren M. Polley Marilyn Popp Maria Porta Dana Porter Anita Portugal Ronald Portugal Dennis G. Powell Ellen Powell Jake Powell* Kathlene Powers Sue Ann Powers Gordon Pratt Kenneth R. Press John T. Preston Carole Preti Mary A. Price Tim Priest Betty A. Primer Matthew Pritchett Georgann Prochaska Lynn M. Pullan Dorothy Purpura Gail Pyndus Mary C. Quinlan Cynthia Rademacher Teri Radke Mary Rafferty


Gregory T. Rajsky Julie Rand Murry W. Randell Stella Rangel Rajini Ranji Peggy Rash Ronald W. Rathberger Sue Rathbone Stephen F. Reardon Barbara Reed June Reimer Nancy Reise Mark Rekoske Virginia Renfroe Carmen E. Reyes Ray Ribich Joan L. Richards Rick Riedl, Jr. John Rischke Sandy Ritterson Kathy Robin William Robinson David Robison Eric J. Robison Todd W. Rockway Ann F. Roome Carol Ropski Merle Rose Marlene Rosecrans Virginia L. Rosen Susan Rosenbacher Mark Rosenblum Laurel Ross Patricia K. Rotchford Louise M. Rothschild Edith S. Rowell Arlene L. Rubin Aviva Rubin Barbara Rubins Thomas S. Ruby Karen Ruby-Edidin Stephen B. Ruskin Ann M. Russell Donald Rustemeyer Anne C. Ruzicka Michael E. Rzepka Laurence Sacherer Michael Sackheim Jacquelyn L. Saegebrecht Joyce Saeks Jill M. Sahakian Gary R. Saks Elizabeth Sanders Nancy Sanders John H. Sanner Marilyn Sanner Rene Schafer Charles Scheck

Katharine Scheck Heddi Schellbach Ruth C. Schiff Kathleen Schillo Herb Schinberg Dianne Schlair Ute B. Schlake Jonathan Schlesinger Carole Schmarak Mary Pat Schmitt Joanne Schmitz David Schoenfeld Ilene Schoenfeld Patricia A. Schoepfel Ed R. Schuenemann Gyong S. Schuessler Sarah A. Schultz Joanne Schulz Karen L. Schuman David Schwaegler Alan C. Schwartzenberg Barbara Schwarz Emil A. Schwarz Charlynn D. Schweingruber Rose Anne Scott Barbara L. Seegert Phyllis J. Seek Roslyn Seidenberg Louis Seif Stephen H. Sentoff Jillian Serapin Kristopher Sevilla Debra Shandling Sesha Shankar Ann F. Shanks Catherine Shannon Lauren Shapiro Elizabeth Sharp Robert W. Sharp Charlene H. Shaw Robert E. Shaw Christine Shea Natalie Shefsky Karen Sherman Judith A. Shields Ewa Shimasaki Dale Shriver Rebecca J. Siegel Sandra Siepka Suzanne Sievers Esther B. Silberman Sharon R. Sill Kay Silver Lorelle Silverman Jacqueline E. Silvers Elaine Simon Louise Simonson Janice A. Simpson

Rochelle B. Sincox Eileen R. Sirkin Barbara Sirovatka Lynn C. Sirovatka Bev Skoog Jonathan Sladek Sheryl A. Smetana Brian Smith Charles Smith Jane S. Smith Nancy Smith Sandy Smith Jean Sodemann Alexa Soren Lorraine E. Sorenson Lisa Spano Kathleen K. Spear Ross D. Spencer Karen Spielman Elizabeth Spratley Megan Sprovach Naomi Spungen Umaiyal Sridas Vivek Srinivasan Thomas Srnak Mary E. Staackmann Anne Stake Shirley P. Stang Valisa Star Whitney Stein Joyce E. Stemp Rachel N. Stempel Douglas J. Stieber Marsha P. Stiegel Ann Stockham Elizabeth Stogner Kerry M. Stonacek Karla M. Stone Barbara J. Stone-Theobald Nancy L. Stonis Alice Storey Gerald O. Strauch Roy Strauss Kathleen Straznickas Darwin Stuart Julia N. Studier Rae Stuhlmacher Nick N. Suciu Robert Sullivan William M. Sullivan Agnieszka Surowka Brian Susler Eileen H. Sutter Kathy Svetina Susan S. Swan Helen F. Swenson John F. Swenson Roberta Taormina


Ileane Tatar Cynthia Tauber Susan Tauck Ann L. Taylor Nell Taylor-Christy Lyn Tepper Jo Anne Thomas Phyllis S. Thomas Diane C. Thompson James Thompson Pamela E. Thompson Catherine Thomson John Thomson Judy Thorson Celeste J. Thurlwell Gabrielle Timm Elaine Tinberg John D. Todd Jennifer Tokich Brenda Tolbert Linda Tolchin Linda F. Tomchuck Iris Tong Nicholas Tschaika Kaylee Tucker Susan I. Turner Suzanne Turner Ruth Tuttle Paula Twilling Toshiko Uehara Roberta Ury Clarence B. Valdez Tessie Valdez Yolanda Valencia Brian Valleau Miguel Vallejo Robert Van Daal Carol A. Van Driel Robert A. Van Lonkhuyzen Erin Vander Stelt Anne S. Vanderbilt Ron Vargason Richard W. Velders Mary K. Velez Justin Venetucci Hallie Venhing Beth Vergara Emma Visee Ashley Vizek Raymond J. Wachala Samuel Wachtel Allen Wagner Doris Wagner Nancy H. Waitz Cynthia S. Wakat Alice C. Walker Charles Walker William R. Wallin

VOLUNTEERS Karen A. Walsh Lisa Walsh Mary M. Walther Sandra K. Washburn John Wasiewicz Lydia M. Wasniewski Steve Wasserman Theo S. Watanabe Richard Watson Jennifer M. Watts Barry H. Weber Michael R. Wehman Ken Weik Patricia D. Weiland Esther Weiner Ashley Weinstein Bonnie Weiss Esther Weiss Jeffrey G. Weiss Margaret Weiss Susan Wenderski Genevieve Wert Barbara Wessel Georgia West Henry J. West Lisa West Ann Whelan Sarah Whidden Mary Whitehead David B. Whiting Jacquelyn Whitler Neil Whitman Richard Whitney Sally Wieclaw Carolyn Wiggins Maija Wigoda-Mikkila Ray Wilke Virginia Wilke Dolph Williams, Jr. Al Wilson Barbara M. Wilson Carol A. Wilson Don Wilson Katherine Wilson Maria-Elena Wilson Timothy Wilson Carolyn Wing Janie Winkler Martin Winn Cosette Winter Kenneth Witcher Lois Witt Robby Wittert Jordan Woitinnek Jay R. Wolff Phyllis Woloshin Naomi Won Patricia Wood

WOMAN’S BOARD Sharon Wottrich Marylyn R. Wouda Anna F. Wu Salina Wunderle Tony C. Yang Erika Yasumaru Wendy You Janet L. Youngberg Samantha Younis Sohail Yousaf Jian Yuan Nancy Zadek Robert G. Zahniser Pearl Zaid Julie Zaideman Russell A. Zapel John Zawacki Michael Zeng Karen J. Zera Leonard Zernone Denice Ziobro Mary A. Ziomek Nataliya Ziskind Myra G. Zissman Michael Zubrzycki Arlene Zuke Karen Zuke Sharon W. Zulkie *Deceased

CORPORATE PARTNER VOLUNTEERS We are grateful to the following Corporate Partners for encouraging their employees to share their time and effort on group volunteer days at the Chicago Botanic Garden in 2013. Astellas USA Foundation Abbott Laboratories AbbVie Allstate Insurance Company BMO Harris Bank Capital One ComEd Discover Financial Services ITW Mondelēz International Foundation PwC


WOMAN’S BOARD OF THE CHICAGO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Officers as of 12/31/13 Barbara Metzler President Kate Morris First Vice-President Kim Visokey Second Vice-President Sue Cozzens Third Vice-President Carolyn Katz Treasurer Ann Merritt Secretary

2013 Active Members Dora Aalbregtse Ann Balusek Janice Beck Marianne Bestler Calvine Bowen Mary Boyer Barbara Brown Peggy Carr Bean Carroll Maggie Coleman Alicia Crawford Liz Crowe Jill Delaney Cathie Denckla Nancy Dorr Jody Elting Marilyn Farrar Valerie Foradas Lynn Foster Alice Goltra Susan Green Lorill Haynes Anne Healy Mary Hill Betsy Hough Beth Jernigan Betsy Karp Barbara Kehoe Catherine Kirby May Cat Kneibler Judy Konen Nancy Kurz Joani Lowry Patsy Magner Jennifer Martay Michelle McCarthy Gwen McConnaughy Madeleine McMullan Mary Alice Miller Weezie Monroe

THE GUILD Brooks Morgan Louellen Murray Janet Meakin Poor Juli Priebe Elizabeth Pruett Marina Puryear Carole Read Glo Rolighed Holly Rothschild Carole Sandner Beth Schroeder Melissa Shennan Susan Spears Margie Strauch Louise Tausché Susan Tupper Jeanie Van Nice Cassandra Vermillion

THE GUILD OF THE CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN Officers as of 12/31/13 Lindsey C. Axel Co-President Brayton B. Alley Co-President Annie O’Scannlain Barlow Vice-President, Membership Kimberly J. Burt Vice-President, Nominating Isabel N. Fiore Vice-President, Programming Thomas A. Reynolds IV Treasurer Pim Alley Secretary

Honorary Member

2013 Members

Betty Dean*

Laura Ferris Anderson Paget Bahr Susanna R. Block Amy P. Brock Jennifer Brown Donna G. Brunso Catherine and Michael Busch Toni Canada Susan Canmann Colleen and Brendan Carroll Nicky Creamer Barrett Davie Nicholas J. Davies Emily DeGroot Phoebe and Spencer DePree Amy Dilatush Katie Donovan Paige Dorn and John Gribbin Julia and Justin Douglas Heather W. Dunkel Abby Dunn John Fiore Molly Flavin John D. Fornengo Andrea Garber Sophie Goodwillie Emily Grace Karen Hawkins Whitley Bouma Herbert Carolyn M. Hines Tony Hoban Megan Hoffmann Lisa L. Holstein Elizabeth A. Hughes Jennifer P. Keenan Leigh Keyser Katie Kirtley Lance Lawson Kim and Edwin Lewis

Associate Members Cheri Allen Deedee Borland Faffie Bowers Chris Chandler Marilyn Heath Lucia Heyworth Hélène James Ginny Noyes Patti Ross Lois Steans

Nonresident Members Liz Bacon Liz Farwell Barbara Hansen Judy Herb Penny Horne Gina Jannotta Peggy Leider Roberta Lynch Gail Miller Jane Pearsall Heather Scott Susie Volckens



Anita Livaditis Anne S. Loucks Emily and John MacEntee Kathryn Bader Mangel Caroline Masterson Melissa T. McNally Susan B. Merlin Peyton H. Merrill Britt Miller Kim Vender Moffat Amanda and Trey Moore Eileen Murphy Jennifer Neighbours Riley S. O’Neil Shawna and Jay Owen Katherine and Richard Peterson Carolynn J. Pfaff Elizabeth A. Queen Emily Reynolds Erin Ritchie Bobbi and Matt Rowe Elizabeth D. Ryan Julie S. Saunders Laura Schachtrup Jackie Schiller Caroline Schwalm Todd Schwebel Hilary C. Semple Bevin Skoglund Megan Sleight Sally Brown Thilman Lee Thinnes Kendra Thornton Julie and Jeremy Unruh Steven M. Valenti

Sustaining Members Kimberly Beard Elizabeth and Chandler Bigelow III Kate Fisher Fitzgerald Rebecca and Victor Garces Catherine P. Hurtgen M. Preston Jansing Jennifer and Sanford Kasten Brooke and James Kuehnle, Jr. Stephanie Scott Leichtweis Stephanie Madigan Gloria S. Masterson Carrie McNally Eve R. Rogers Anne C. Tucker

COMMITTEES 2013 COMMITTEE FOR THE SUMMER DINNER DANCE Mr. and Mrs. James D. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Kris J. Alden Mr. and Mrs. Brayton B. Alley Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Aronin Mr. and Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Bluhm Mr. and Mrs. Laurence O. Booth Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Bulley III Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Canmann Mrs. Robert F. Carr III Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Chereskin Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cole Mr. and Mrs. E. David Coolidge III Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Cotten Mr. and Mrs. John V. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. James S. Crown Mr. and Mrs. Lester Crown Mr. and Mrs. Anthony B. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Ms. Kimberly S. Dobbins Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Donnelley III Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Dugan Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Farrell Ms. Lori Gray Faversham Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Ferro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Fesmire Ms. Jamee C. Field Mr. Robert F. Finke Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Foreman Mr. John D. Fornengo Dorothy H. and John R. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz, Jr. Ms. Nancy Gidwitz and Mr. Jeffrey C. Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Gidwitz Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Ellis M. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Mr. and Mrs. John B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. King W. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Hawver Mr. and Mrs. Melville C. Hill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Hood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hunter III Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jannotta Ms. Joan M. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Karp

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Keywell Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Krauss Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel II Mr. and Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Mr. Bill H. Kurtis and Ms. Donna La Pietra Ms. Julie Latsko Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leopold Mr. and Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Livaditis Mr. and Mrs. David B. Loucks Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Duncan A. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. John W. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Madigan Mr. Robert H. Malott Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCormack Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally V Ms. Carrie C. McNally and Mr. Claude R. Maechling Mr. and Mrs. Ward S. McNally Mr. and Mrs. Philip Merlin Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Homi B. Patel Mr. and Mrs. William D. Perez Mr. and Mrs. Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Pritzker Mrs. Susan L. Regenstein and Mr. Barry Frank Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Ross Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Scott Ms. Sophia Shaw Mr. and Mrs. John R. Siragusa Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byron Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Byron Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Smithburg Mr. and Mrs. William D. Smithburg Mrs. David B. Speer Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Szokol Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Thomas Ms. Anne C. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wood-Prince


2013 ANTIQUES & GARDEN FAIR COMMITTEE Mrs. Kris J. Alden Mrs. Brayton B. Alley Mrs. Steven I. Anixter Mrs. Paul L. Armstrong Mrs. Joseph Arnold Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Mrs. Brian G. Balusek Ms. Catharine Bell Mrs. Chandler Bigelow III Mrs. Joseph Brickman Mrs. R. Clayton Brock Mrs. Ann-Louise Brown Mrs. Carter Brown Mrs. Lee Brown Mrs. John H. Bryan Mrs. John H. Buehler Mrs. Allan E. Bulley III Mrs. Michael K. Burns Mrs. Randolph N. Burt Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mrs. Theodore R. Butz Mrs. Patrick J. Callahan, Jr. Mrs. Michael S. Canmann Mrs. Robert F. Carr III Mrs. Nicole Carrabine Mrs. Timothy Cavanagh Mrs. Douglas M. Chalmers Mrs. Benjamin Chereskin Mrs. John F. Cregan Mrs. Robert W. Crowe Mrs. Thomas J. Danilek Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr. Mrs. John W. Derse, Jr. Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Mrs. William C. Doyle Mrs. Patrick Eilers Mrs. Robert H. Fesmire Ms. Jamee C. Field Mrs. Spencer Fischer Mrs. Stephanie A. Fisher Mrs. John Taylor Fitzgerald Ms. Annelia Fritz Mrs. Christopher B. Galvin Ms. Stacy B. Gerth Mrs. Steven Goldman Mrs. Myla Frohman Goldstick Ms. Karen Z. Gray Mrs. William J. Hagenah Mrs. Peter J. Haleas Mrs. Thomas Hall Mrs. Fred D. Hancock III Mrs. John B. Harris Mrs. Emma Harris Ms. Leslie S. Hindman Mrs. Thomas S. Hodgkins Mrs. Robert D. Horne Mrs. Dan Horwitch

LEADERSHIP Ms. Keri H. Hotaling Mrs. Travis Hughes Mrs. Peter H. Huizenga Mrs. Mark Iserloth Mrs. Seth E. Jacobson Mrs. Scott Janess Mrs. Ross Jannotta Ms. Preston Jansing Mrs. Burton B. Kaplan Mrs. Jack L. Karp Mrs. G. F. Kasten III Mrs. W. Sanford Kasten Mr. Thomas E. Keim Mrs. John C. Kern Mrs. Edward A. Kovas Mrs. Raymond A. Kracik Mrs. John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Mrs. James A. Kuehnle, Jr. Ms. Donna La Pietra Ms. Julie Latsko Mrs. Lucinda Lenhardt Mrs. Robert M. Levy Mrs. Edwin H. Lewis Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz Mrs. Stephen J. Livaditis Mrs. David B. Loucks Mrs. Barry L. MacLean Mrs. Holly W. Madigan Mrs. John P. McEnaney Mrs. Andrew R. McGaan Mrs. William B. McIlvaine, Jr. Mrs. Jennifer S. McKinney Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Mrs. Andrew McNally V Ms. Carrie C. McNally Mrs. Ward S. McNally Mrs. Philip S. Merlin Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill Mrs. Joseph E. Miller III Mrs. Charles Mills Mrs. Howard C. Morgan Mrs. Christopher M. Murphy Mrs. Bruce Mygatt Mrs. Richard H. Nicolaides, Jr. Mrs. Richard P. Norton Ms. Riley S. O’Neil Mrs. Thomas C. O’Neil Mrs. William A. Osborn Ms. Amy L. Ostrander Mrs. Jay L. Owen, Jr. Ms. Liz Parker Mrs. Homi B. Patel Mrs. Harry A. Pfaff Mrs. Edward K. Poor III Mrs. Frank A. Priebe, Jr. Mrs. Andrew M. Rosenfield Mrs. Matthew Ross Mrs. John Ryan Mrs. Andrew B. Savarie Mrs. Eric J. Scheyer

Mrs. Matson Schwalm Mr. Todd D.H. Schwebel Mrs. Lloyd A. Semple, Jr. Ms. Sophia Shaw Mrs. William D. Smithburg Mrs. Tom Souleles Mrs. David B. Speer Mrs. Richard Spring Mrs. Gregory Srodon Mrs. Alexander D. Stuart Ms. Amy Swartchild Mrs. James H. Swartchild, Jr. Mrs. T. Sandy Thompson Mrs. Patrick Troy Mrs. Jonathan E. Twichell Mrs. Brian Uihlein Mrs. David Varca Mrs. James D. Vermillion Ms. Estelle G. Walgreen Mrs. Arthur M. Wood, Jr. Mrs. Patrick Wood-Prince

2013 AMERICAN FLOWER SHOW SERIES PARTICIPATING PLANT SOCIETIES American Rhododendron Society – Chicago Chapter Bromeliad Society of Greater Chicago Cactus & Succulent Society of Greater Chicago Central States Dahlia Society The Garden Club of America The Garden Club of Barrington The Garden Club of Evanston Garden Guild of Winnetka Kenilworth Garden Club Lake Forest Garden Club Winnetka Garden Club Garden Clubs of Illinois District IX Garden Photographic Society Gardeners of the North Shore Glenview Northshore African Violet Society Ikebana International – Chicago Chapter Ikenobo Ikebana Chicago Chapter Illinois Gourd Society Illinois Mycological Association Illinois Orchid Society Midwest Bonsai Society Midwest Daffodil Society Midwest Fruit Explorers Northeastern IL Rose Society Northern Illinois Gesneriad Society Northern Illinois Hosta Society Northshore Iris & Daylily Society Roadside Flower Sale – Chicago Botanic Garden Volunteers Sogetsu School of Illinois Wisconsin-Illinois Lily Society


CHICAGO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Board of Directors Officers as of 12/31/2013 Robert F. Finke Chair Timothy A. Dugan Vice Chair, and Co-Chair Science & Education John L. Howard Vice Chairman Thomas E. Lanctot Vice Chair, Government Affairs Catherine M. Waddell Vice Chair, Nominating & Governance Nicole S. Williams Vice Chair, Finance & Investment Susan A. Willetts Vice Chair & Immediate Past Chair, and Chair, Audit Peter M. Ellis Secretary Sophia Shawº President and Chief Executive Officer Kris S. Jarantoski Executive Vice President and Director Thomas J. Nissly Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Aida Z. Giglio Vice President, Human Resources Patsy Benveniste Vice President, Education and Community Programs James F. Boudreau Vice President, Marketing and Development Ginny Hotaling Vice President, Government Affairs Dr. Gregory Mueller Negaunee Foundation Vice President, Science Harriet Resnick Vice President, Visitor Experience and Business Development

2013 Board of Directors Thomas F. Aichele Brayton Alleyº Lindsey C. Axelº Sharon Brady Neville F. Bryan John H. Buehler Michael J. Busch Susan Keller Canmann David R. Casper Robin T. Colburn John C. Connery II Peter R. Crane John V. Crowe Jill M. Delaney Christopher A. Deveny James W. DeYoung

LEADERSHIP Anthony L. Farino Peter B. Foreman John D. Fornengo Steve Fradkin Thomas C. Freyman Dorothy H. Gardner Steven J. Gavin Nancy Gidwitz Sue L. Gin James J. Glasser Ellis M. Goodman John K. Greene Joseph A. Gregoire William J. Hagenah Caryn L. Harris Robert D. Hevey, Jr. Elizabeth Houghº Thomas B. Hunter III Jane Irwin Gregory K. Jones Todd Kaplan Catherine C. Kirbyº Eric C. Larson M. James Leider Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Laura M. Linger Daniel I. H. Linzer Alec Litowitz Josephine P. Louis Barbara A. Lumpkin Jeanne K. Mason Michelle McKenna Molly C. McKenna Michael J. McMurray Jeanine McNally Barbara J. Metzlerº William E. Moeller Riley O’Neilº Homi B. Patel George A. Peinado Janet Meakin Poor Anne Pramaggiore Toni Preckwinkleº Arnold Randallº Susan L. Regenstein Ryan S. Ruskin Robert E. Shaw Tom Skilling Maria Smithburg Harrison I. Steans Pam F. Szokol Collette Taylor Richard L. Thomas Arthur M. Wood, Jr.

LIFE DIRECTORS Marilynn B. Alsdorf J. Melfort Campbell Barbara Whitney Carr Kent Chandler, Jr.* Gary P. Coughlan Suzanne S. Dixon Thomas A. Donahoe Ralph F. Fujimoto Florence S. Hart Pamela K. Hull Posy L. Krehbiel Bill Kurtis Donna La Pietra Mary Ann S. MacLean Robert H. Malott Mary L. McCormack Mary Mix McDonald Peter H. Merlin Jane S. O’Neil William A. Osborn John E. Preschlack Anne O. Scott Dain Searle* David Byron Smith Susan Stone William P. Sutter* Howard J. Trienens Ernest P. Waud III º ex officio *Deceased


FOREST PRESERVE DISTRICT OF COOK COUNTY as of 12/31/13 Toni Preckwinkle President Arnold Randall General Superintendent Board of Commissioners Jerry Butler Earlean Collins John P. Daley John Fritchey Bridget Gainer Jesus Garcia Elizabeth Doody Gorman Gregg Goslin Stanley Moore Joan Patricia Murphy Edwin Reyes Timothy O. Schneider Peter N. Silvestri Deborah Sims Robert Steele Larry Suffredin Jeffrey Tobolski Botanic Garden Committee Gregg Goslin Chairman Timothy O. Schneider Vice Chairman Jerry Butler John P. Daley Elizabeth Doody Gorman Stanley Moore Joan Patricia Murphy Edwin Reyes Robert Steele Larry Suffredin

STAFF CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN STAFF Justin Aaron Carol Abbate Lynn Abrahamson Terese Adamiec Shiloh Aderhold Gina Affatato Yasmine Akky Amaris Alanis-Ribeiro Alexandra Alexiadis Damaris Allen Ellen Allen Carey Almond Emigdio Alvarado Rebecca Ammann Ann Anderson Walter Anderson Kris Anfuso Karen Angel Michael Annes Cara Applestein Marlene Arellano Kenneth Arkin Natalie Arnold Marcela Arreguin James Ault James Austin Laura Bakakos Cynthia Baker Dina Baker Lisa Bakker Stephen Ball Dolores Banderowicz Carlos Barajas Rebecca Barak Brian Barker Leonardo Barrera Roberto Barrera Helen Bartlett Scott Basten Kindall Bates Whitney Behr Andrew Bell Shelly Bender Dawn Bennett Marianne Benveniste Brendan Berry Margaret Bialecki Kenneth Binkley Nancy Blitz Leonard Bloomfield Briana Boaz Darren Bochat Richard Bolster James Boudreau Marquell Boyd Anne Boynton Anna Braum

Elizabeth Braun Jaclyn Braund Holt Bright Joseph Broberg Emily Brown Kevin Brown William Brown Johnny Bryant Jacob Burns Margaret Busard Roger Caldwell Tara Callear Kelly Callen Beatriz Canas David Cantwell Madeleine Cargas John Carlson Robin Carlson Veronica Carranza Floriberto Carreno Bruno Carrillo Benjamin Carroll Judith Cashen Sean Casler Carol Cassato Peckham Jonathan Catalan Angela Cesere Justin Chappelle DeShawn Chatman Gloria Ciaccio Alex Cinqui Michelle Cinqui John Ciszek Brian Clark Nancy Clifton Bridger Cohan Cheryl Coirier Tristan Cole Daniel Collis Cynthia Colvin Logan Condon Steven Cone Deidre Conocchioli Ricardo Contreras Camille Cope Christopher Coppi David Cordero Darnisha Coverson Mackenzie Cowan Mary Crawford David Creamer Jessica DaBell Brittney Daugherty Jacki Davidoff Jeremy Davit Destiny Dawson Brayan De Ita Kathryn Deery Catherine Defotis


Dinarrion Delk Elizabeth Dentzer Gregory Detlie Daniel Dion Abigail Dockter Marlene Donnelly Hilario Donoe Christine Dougherty Lara Drizd Tiffany Druba Hillary Duncan Elizabeth Dunn Allen Dupre Thomas Durr Alex Dye Erin Economos Louise Egerton-Warburton Elizabeth Eichorn Alexis Ellers Charles Engelman Lydia English Jessica Erickson Laura Erickson Edward Ernst Pedro Espino Thomas Esson Katherine Faehling Shamra Fallon Jeremie Fant Zachary Farley Kaitlyn Farrar Meaghan Farrell Joshua Felde Heidi Feldkirchner Stefanie Ferrazzano Marcela Figueroa Maria Figueroa Serafin Figueroa Javier Figueroa Jaime James Fiorito Kelsey Flathers Steven Fleck Jonathan Flickinger Brian Flood Catherine Ford Irwin Christina Forrest Larry Fort James Fortsas Melinda Foukal Eliza Fournier Deniko Fox Lorin Fox Thomas Fritz Alene Frost James Frost Janessa Futrell Kathryn Gannon Morgan Gantz Carlos Garcia

Carlos Marin Garcia Gerardo Garcia Juan Garcia Maria Garcia Marina Garcia Victor Garcia Reneldia Gardner Daniel Garibay Stefanie Gehrig Barbara Geiger Steve Geitz Alyssa Gibson Aida Giglio Benjamin Girgenti Jorie Glassner Wesley Glisson Rachel Goad Gwenne Godwin Julie Goik Carol Goldstein Simone Gore Thomas Gray Alicia Green Katherine Green Philip Green Caitlin Grey Wendy Griffiths Rachel Grill Rosemary Grinnan Jennifer Groskopf Harold Grossman Iara Guerra Mario Guerrero Bryan Guzman Daniel Guzman Joe Guzman Jose Guzman Robin Haas Samantha Hackl Sarah Hackworth William Haffner Chad Hagedorn Margaret Haidet Maria Hall William Halverson Susan Hammerman Korie Hamming Jimmy Han Laura Haney Richard Harper Michelle Harring Cordero Harris Veronica Harry-Jackson Zachary Hauser Kayri Havens-Young Richard Hawke Kathleen Hayden Anne Healy Breanne Heath

Susan Hedrick Kelley Heim Savannah Henderson Donna Herendeen Patrick Herendeen Eric Hess Deborah Hilbert Lisa Hilgenberg Devell Hill Evan Hilpman Marian Hofherr Patrick Hogan Pat Hollingsworth Clara Holmes Joan Hopkins Travon Hopkins Jacob Horn Sarah Horvath John Hosman Robert Hotaling Virginia Hotaling Korri Howze Courtney Hughes Harold Humphrey Victoria Hunt Damion Hurdle Allison Hurt Jason Huska Laura Huska Lisa Hutcheson Johanna Hutchins William Hutchison Melvin Huwe Richard Hyerczyk Salome Ibarra Bruce Iehl Carissa Ilg Nancy Isaac Joan Isabelli Sarah Jacobi Myles Jadwin Benjamin Jaffe Antwain James Luanne Janikowski Kris Jarantoski Kimberly Jaworski Melanie Jensen Nicholas Jensen Andrew Johnson Clare Johnson Erika Johnson Katherine Johnson Matthew Johnson Rebecca Johnson Richard Johnson Timothy Johnson Natalie Johnstone Aj Jones Breonna Jones


Darius Jones Vivienne Jones Kimaya Joshi Carolyn Karbin Dorothea Karim Elizabeth Kaufman Andrew Kaul Kevin Keegan Allison Keith Lauren Kelly Peter Kepner Stacey Kimmons Robert Kirschner William Knowles Carolyn Kotlarski Mary Kourieh Patric Krabacher Elizabeth Kracum Andrea Kramer Sophie Krause Barbara Kreski Sarah Krock Lyubov Krol Elizabeth Kuehn Brett Kunkel Renee Kunkel Gail Kushino Michael Kwiatek Kristen Laricchia Daniel Larkin Janice LaRosa Kelly Larsen Matthew Larson Quinn Laya Anthony Lenardi Annamaria Leon Alena Leonatti Audra Lewicki Orlando Lewis Mingyan Li Ran Lin Stephanie Lindemann Katherine Lindsay Jeff Link Janyne Little Eric Livermore Eric Lonsdorf Jeffrey Lopatka Marcus Lorusso Emily Love Keith Love Jesse Lundgren Emily Macklin Daniella Maestre Michelle Maestre Rosario Maldonado Maria Mandujano Franscisco Manrique Rebecca Manthe

Ken Marcellous Emma Martell Danny Martin Janelle Martines Aaron Martinez Rosalina Martinez Todd Marver Susanne Masi Angela Mason Lagena Matheny Erin Matson Melissa Matterson Appelt Jonathan Matthews Alida Mau Ryan May Daniel Mayer Anya Maziak Ashley McBride Elizabeth McCabe Thomas McCabe Julie McCaffrey Elise McClelland Alexis McCormick Jeanyne McGee Jenaya McGee Andrew McGhee Catherine McGlynn Kyle McGreevy Lynn McKay Julia McMahon Angela McSharry Christopher Medina John Meech Leobardo Melecio Martin Melecio Floriberto Melesio Juan Melesio Salvador Melesio Theresa Melhem Marco Mendoza Joshua Menson Francisco Mercado Francisco Mercado, Jr. Jose Mercado Elena Meredith Jack Meyers Rosemary Mikol Gay Milano Luisa Miller Jessica Mitchell Nicole Mitchell Carolyn Mohr Alexander Molina Benny Molina Monica Moncada Donald Montgomery Javier Montoya Rigoberto Montoya Andre Moore

Deborah Moore LeBaron Moore Juan Manuel Moreno Pamela Morris Carson Moscoso Katherine Moyer Gregory Mueller Christina Muhlbach Logan Mullen Katherine Muller Kenna Mulligan Melissa Munsey David Murray Leah Nagel Peter Nagle Jordan Nathan Abundio Nava Arturo Nava Sharon Nejman Berry Nelson Elmer Nemrava Patrick Nicholson Marcel Nickelson Thomas Nissly Olivia Niziolek Carly Norris Cheryl Nowicki Emma Nowicki Hannah Nowicki Efrain Nunez Cindy Nykiel Katherine O’Connel Elizabeth O’Connell Jim O’Malley Michael O’Meara Joan O’Shaughnessy Riley Obenchain Jesus Orduno Alexandro Orduno Vazquez Gloria Ormuz Fernando Orozco Hector Ortiz Sarah Paar Heather Paddock Steve Paglia Max Palmer Gina Pantone Alison Papp Laura Pasztor Guillermo Patino Daniel Paulausky Hailee Pavisich Sarah Pekovitch Hyde Perce Samuel Peregrine Joey Philipp Steve Picchietti Daniel Pignato Leah Pilon


Beth Pinargote Moshe Pinargote Timothy Pine Atlas Pittman Ernesto Pizarro Jaime Pizarro Erwin Plofsky Claire Plunkett Mary Plunkett Seymour Podber Ayse Pogue Robert Pollack Timothy Pollak Carson Poole Abraham Pozo Eileen Prendergast Arthur Presley Christopher Prochot Courtney Quigley Ausencio Quiroz Nadja Quiroz Nicole Radcliffe Adan Ramirez Eloisa Ramirez Pedro Ramirez Donna Ramlow Jake Rappoport Barbara Raue Nathan Redecker Anqwnette Redmon William Reed Alexander Reese Rosalee Reese Sean Regan Patrick Reilly Anthony Reis Nicholas Reis Michael Remke Harriet Resnick Elizabeth Rex Raul Reyna Adriana Reyneri Matthew Rhodes Kathryn Rian Noreen Richards Ryan Richardson Rebecca Riley Filiberto Rios Gabriela Rocha Alvarez Nelson Rodelius Brenda Rodriguez Ma Carmen Rodriguez Roberto Rodriguez Melesio Michael Rogan Laura Rogers Hannah Rohn Lorenzo Roman Susan Romanelli Jessica Romanowski

STAFF Kathryn Rose Philip Roseman Karen Rosen Bianca Rosenbaum Rachel Rosenberg Allison Rossman Pedro Ruiz Kelly Rusk Emily Russell James Russell William Rutherford Matthew Ryan Gloria Sagen Jean Salatich Reno Salgado Agustin Sanchez Gustavo Sanchez Manuel Sanchez Waldo Sanchez Desiree Sanders Maurice Sanders Derek Sandiford Bobby Sanford Emily Schechtman Christine Schmid Mei-Ling Schmid Allison Schneiderman Susan Schreiber Jennifer Schwarz Ballard Maureen Schwer Jill Sejzer Jill Selinger Katelyn Selinger Phyllis Sellers Jesse Semeyn Nancy Seyfried Lori Shafer Patricia Shanahan Sophia Shaw Richard Sheehan Emily Shelton Heather Sherwood Jakob Shockey Melody Short Travis Shorty Ben Shulman Leora Siegel Sandra Siepka Rome Silverman Adrienne Simmons Amelia Simmons Joshua Sissman Krissa Skogen Derrick Smith Joey Smith Shawn Smith Jesus Soberanis Raymond Solger

David Sollenberger Lourdes Sotelo Thomas R. Soulsby, Jr. Shavar Spann James Springer Amy Spungen Jacob Spurgin James Steffen Jessica Stern Ellianna Sternberg Shannon Still Stacy Stoldt Susan Stoltze Elizabeth Straley Jeannine Strenk Kimberly Stucker Kelly Studdert Josef Stumpfoll Helen Suhayda Laura Super Andrew Swets Jeff Tamraz Boyce Tankersley Blanca Tapia-Aviles Renee Tawa Karen Tekverk Mark Testa Catherine Thomas Georgia Thomas Kelly Thomas Paul Tiddens Melissa Tienes Sadie Todd Ana Toledo Florencio Torres Jose Torres Joshua Trautner Shannon Treonis James Trigueros Lisa Turner Melanie Upfold Julie Utterback Kelsey Utterback Monica Vachlon Edward Valauskas Cheri Van Deraa Allison Vandenberg Celeste Vandermey Sonya Vargas Myrna Vazquez Viridiana Velasquez Justin Venetucci Juan Villalobos Patricia Vitt Mary Vogel Dennis Vojcak Katherine Volin Carolyn Wachtel


Stuart Wagenius Carrie Waits Laray Walker Megan Wall Denise Walsh Elisabeth Ward Chirstopher Warneke Qhasia Washington Michael Wasielewski Gloria Watson Ivan Watters Barry Wawrzyn Caleb Weaver Thomas Weaver David Webb Kristen Webber Spicimir Wegrzyn Christina Weisbard Amy Wells Stacie Wentling Katherine Wenzell Emily West Kathleen West Joseph Westin Valerie Westin Marquita Wheaton Dale Whiting Alyssa Whitworth Norman Wickett Lief Wiechman Theo Wiegmann Toni Wierig Carolyn Wiggins Katherine Wilkins Christopher Williams Darrell Williams Evelyn Williams Larry Williams Tamela Williford Ashunte Willis Brandee Wills Luke Wimmer DeJeon Winslow Andrew Wirostek Paulette Woods Julie Wynia Emily Yates Andrii Zaiats Gabriela Zamora Mark Zampardo Ottilie Zeitler Gina Zinbarg Jodi Zombolo Samantha Zombolo Thomas Zombolo Rebecca Zurek





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