Annual Report 2016

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Annual Report

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Annual Report

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The Great Basin and the Lakeside Gardens



Circle Garden

A message from the Chairman of the Board Our extraordinary Garden has enjoyed a wonderful year in every respect. • Our gardens continue to be recognized as among the best in the world. • T he graduate program in plant biology and conservation is unique to a public garden by virtue of our association with Northwestern University. • The Regenstein Learning Campus, opened in 2016, provides a new home for learning for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds. • Construction proceeds on the Kris Jarantoski Campus, which, when completed, will provide new nurseries, greenhouses, and a wonderful new display garden on the south side of the Garden. These new facilities will enable the Garden to greatly expand its horticultural displays and grow plants in environments the Garden has been unable to provide until now. And the new display garden will provide a wonderful location for visitors to enjoy the serenity of the Garden. • Windy City Harvest continues to grow throughout Chicago and soon will open the Farm on Ogden, an exciting cooperative venture with the Lawndale Christian Health Center. The community food hub will provide new and varied training and education programs in urban agriculture and related subjects that will open economic opportunities to those most in need. The Farm on Ogden will be the focal point for Windy City Harvest and become the Garden’s urban home. • We have successfully secured $100 million of our “Keep Growing” campaign goal of $125 million and are working diligently to reach and exceed our goal. The Garden continues to be fiscally sound and able to both address the need to grow and provide new experiences while attending to aging infrastructure needs. This is a direct result of your generous financial support and that of our partner, the Forest Preserves of Cook County, which remains the Garden’s principal source of annual revenue. Every dollar the Garden receives from individuals, corporations, foundations, and state, county, and federal agencies is spent in ways that will produce the most benefit for the most people at the least expense. The Garden is a good investment. This year saw Jean M. Franczyk successfully complete her first year as our president and CEO and the retirement of Kris Jarantoski, whose 40 years of extraordinary service produced 27 beautiful and richly diverse display gardens and four natural areas. The legacy of beauty and joy Kris leaves to all who visit the Garden is unmatched. The Garden was fortunate to secure Fred Spicer to assume the role of executive vice president and director. Fred comes to the Garden after years of distinguished service as CEO and director of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens in Alabama. During this time of transition, the Garden, thanks to the professionalism and dedication of its staff, has not missed a beat and, indeed, has stepped up its game. Our Garden is special not only because of our staff but also because of our volunteers, members, President’s Circle members, and boards—the Board of Directors, the Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society, and the Guild of the Chicago Botanic Garden. They all contribute time, talent, and resources every day to make our Garden better in every way. On behalf of the entire Garden family and all those who visit or avail themselves of the many educational and other opportunities the Garden provides, I want to state how thankful we all are to everyone who helps to make our Garden like no other garden anywhere: a uniquely welcoming, open, and peaceful environment that helps us meet the challenges we all face every day.

With gratitude and warm wishes,

Robert F. Finke Chairman of the Board



English Oak Meadow

A message from the President and CEO More than seven years ago, we began the process of transforming a gravel parking lot and a few trailers into a center for learning and exploration, one that would ignite curiosity and excitement about the natural world. Today, that place—the Regenstein Learning Campus—is thriving with people of all ages and abilities. They find inspiration in the quiet study of botanical arts, joy in rolling down the hills, and balance in yoga vinyasas. The Learning Campus is just one example of what you helped us achieve in 2016 at the Chicago Botanic Garden. The “Keep Growing” campaign has raised $100 million of its $125 million goal, and we are nearing the end of fundraising for the Kris Jarantoski Campus. We thank you for believing with us that beautiful gardens and natural environments are fundamentally important to the mental and physical well-being of all people. Throughout our 385 acres, every day of the year, people come to find respite from their busy lives. That desire helped bring more visitors than ever to the Chicago Botanic Garden. In 2016, the Garden set a new attendance record, exceeding one million visitors for the fourth consecutive year. Attendance has increased 41 percent since 2006. Each visitor is important to us, as is our desire to provide a warm welcome to everyone who visits. What all of our visitors have in common is an appreciation of nature, and the Garden offers many opportunities to learn more about the critical roles plants play in our lives. With a mandate to preserve and protect the natural world for generations to come, Garden scientists and horticulturists traveled internationally and throughout the United States to add to our growing understanding of the plant kingdom and work on ways to mitigate the effects of climate change and urbanization. While we work together toward a sustainable future, we are also focused on training and inspiring the conservation scientists and environmental stewards of tomorrow, from the 3- and 4-year-olds at our new Nature Preschool to the master’s and Ph.D. students in the joint program with Northwestern University. A great example is William Tenorio, a Science Career Continuum participant from 1997-99. When William was 3, he and his parents moved from Colombia to Chicago “with dreams of a better life,” he says. His experience with the Garden’s College First program helped him forge his career path. He’s now a senior hardware engineer in electric vehicle technology in Silicon Valley and is “working on green technology for a brighter future for all of us,” William says. Every dollar of your support has been crucial in creating such opportunities for William and others who have been inspired by nature at the Chicago Botanic Garden. We are deeply grateful for our staff, board members, volunteers, and partners at the Forest Preserves of Cook County who help us advance our mission every day: We cultivate the power of plants to sustain and enrich lives.

With gratitude and best wishes,

Jean M. Franczyk President and CEO


We cultivate the power of plants

Our mission is based on three core beliefs. We believe: People live better, healthier lives when they can create, care for, and enjoy gardens. We believe: Beautiful gardens and natural environments are fundamentally important to the mental and physical well-being of all people. We believe: The future of life on earth depends on how well we understand, value, and protect plants, other wildlife, and the natural habitats that sustain our world.


Horticulture and Plant Collections

to sustain and enrich life.



Visitor Experience

We hope you enjoy reading about the Garden’s 2016 accomplishments. Thank you for your continued support.


Horticulture and Plant Collections

Beautiful gardens have been a draw for visitors to the Chicago Botanic Garden since its first days, when a home demonstration garden was its sole display. Now with horticulture displays across 27 gardens and four natural areas, the Garden offers even more inspiration. Our horticultural excellence depends on our ability to grow and care for our plants. That is why the Kris Jarantoski Campus is so important to the Garden’s future. The $40 million Jarantoski Campus will triple the Garden’s growing space—to 55,286 square feet of indoor space from 18,600. In 2016, construction began on the headhouse and new production greenhouses, including an orchidarium and propagation houses. When completed in 2018, the greenhouses will increase the growing environments to 26 from 11. The Garden also completed projects to improve the hardscape and plant collections. These include adding more than 80,000 permanent spring flowering bulbs, redoing the entrance plaza plantings at the Visitor Center, and making accessibility improvements to the Graham Bulb Garden. In 2016, the Garden surpassed 11,000 taxa, or individual types of plants, in our living collection, placing us in the Top 10 of all living collections in the United States. As part of the Ten-Year Plant Expedition Plan, teams from the Garden traveled to the Republic of Georgia, the sandhills of Nebraska, the Black Hills of South Dakota, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina to bring back seed collections of desired plants, including those of conservation concern, and DNA samples. A titan arum from the Garden’s collection bloomed in April, and another found a new home at the Garfield Park Conservatory in Chicago. Seedlings from two other corpse flowers were distributed to more than 30 botanical institutions, in support of our efforts to explore the genetic diversity of the plants.


2.6 million



Living plants in the permanent collection

Spring-flowering bulbs in bloom

Plant taxa, or individual types of plants, making the Garden one of the Top 10 living collections in the United States

The Graham Bulb Garden displays some of the 200,000 bulbs that bloom each spring at the Garden.



More than 152,000 adults and children gain a better understanding and appreciation of the natural world each year in the programs, classes, and events through the Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School of the Chicago Botanic Garden. That experience expanded in 2016 with the opening of the new Regenstein Learning Campus, which signals the Garden’s role as a learning institution that serves students of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. The $28 million project includes the Learning Center, the 1.5-acre Nature Play Garden, the Kleinman Family Cove, and the Grunsfeld Children’s Growing Garden. The first classes of students at the Nature Preschool—one of only two at botanic gardens in the United States—began, and the 3- and 4-year-olds explored not only the rolling hills of the Nature Play Garden but all 385 acres of the Garden. The Garden’s Horticultural Therapy program is a highly respected source in the field, and in 2016, members of the staff helped develop Flourish: Inside and Out, a Washington, D.C. exhibition at the United States Botanic Garden that showcased the human-health benefits of interacting with nature. Windy City Harvest, the Garden’s continuum of sustainable urban agriculture training, produced more than 100,000 pounds of local fruits and vegetables in 2016 and continued to expand its youth and adult urban agriculture and jobs training programs in Chicago and Lake County. In support of healthy communities, Windy City Harvest and the Lawndale Christian Health Center launched Veggie Rx, a pilot program that prescribes free boxes of organic vegetables to eligible patients in the North Lawndale neighborhood of Chicago. That partnership will grow in 2017, as fundraising has been completed for Farm on Ogden, a 20,000-square-foot community food hub that will offer jobs training and access to healthy, locally grown food.




26, 700

People served in 2016 by the Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School of the Chicago Botanic Garden

Pounds of produce harvested by Windy City Harvest in 2016

Square feet in new Learning Center on the Regenstein Learning Campus

The Regenstein Learning Campus has become a destination for learners of all ages.



In 2016, the Chicago Botanic Garden advanced the understanding and protection of the world’s diverse plant life. Scientists traced steps in evolution for insights into plant adaptations to past climate events, charted vast and threatened biodiversity, monitored and evaluated efforts to restore native habitats, and created tools to optimize management of natural lands. An important part of the Garden’s mission is to develop the next generation of conservation scientists. Summer undergraduate interns helped conduct plant-related research on topics such as how road salts affect fungi in soil. More than 140 college graduates worked to collect and preserve native seeds and landscapes in western states as part of the Conservation and Land Management program, in partnership with the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management and other federal agencies. Garden scientists and interns also traveled to the East Coast to collect native seeds from areas affected by Hurricane Sandy. The Garden helps lead the national Seeds of Success initiative, a coordinated program to preserve the genetic heritage of plant life. As part of that effort, the Garden safeguards native seeds in its Dixon National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank and National Tallgrass Prairie Laboratory. In 2016, Garden scientists added 207 plants representing 170 diverse species to our collection. The Garden’s science team continued to build capacity in plant and fungal conservation by teaching courses in Costa Rica and Fiji, organizing symposia and workshops at international conferences, developing collaborations with several institutions in Cuba, hosting visiting international scientists and students, and carrying out collaborative research in a number of foreign countries. Grants supported important conservation research such as the search for clues to modern plant life in the roots of fossilized plants from the early Cretaceous Period in Mongolia. In addition, in 2016 Garden scientists published more than 60 peer-reviewed articles on topics as far ranging as phenological diversity in seed mixes for pollinator restoration to whole-genome sequencing of breadnut to a new yellow chanterelle in the Midwest. The Garden is a world leader in plant science conservation, and thanks to you, we can provide research, training, and hope for the plants that support all life on earth.





Accessions (single, collected variety, or cultivar) safeguarded at the Dixon National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank and National Tallgrass Prairie Laboratory

Moth species identified in 2016 inventory of the McDonald Woods

Of Science Career Continuum participants planned to pursue college majors in STEM

Senior scientist Pat Herendeen, Ph.D., has traveled to Mongolia to study plant fossils from the early Cretaceous Period.


Visitor Experience

For the fourth straight year, the Chicago Botanic Garden welcomed more than one million visitors—people of all races, ages, and abilities, from all over the world, representing diverse cultures and economic backgrounds. The Garden ranked seventh in attendance among Chicago museum institutions, with Lincoln Park Zoo placing first at 3.55 million visitors. Membership also was up, reaching nearly 51,000, the highest ever for the Garden. Our 73 percent member renewal rate is one of the best among cultural institutions in the Chicago area. Attendance has grown 41 percent since 2006, thanks to a growing need for people to engage with nature to find respite from their busy lives. They also came for perennial summer favorites—Evenings continues to be a strong draw for members—and new events such as Night of 1,000 Jack-o’-Lanterns. On four nights in late October, nearly 21,000 people walked through the moonlit Garden to see 1,000 LED-lit pumpkins, expertly carved by artists who used scalpels, knives, and power tools. On Sunday, October 23, the combination of exceptional fall weather during the day and the jack-o’-lanterns event in the evening brought 12,500 people—an all-time, one-day Garden attendance record. While at the event, one fan posted the following on Facebook, along with a photo of a glowing pumpkin: “This place never ceases to amaze me. Probably why I’ve been a member since 1977.” In winter, visitors continued to enjoy the annual holiday favorite, Wonderland Express, and the Orchid Show, which drew more than 29,000 visitors. We hope you are inspired by these results as we advance the important role plants play in our lives. We thank you for your continued generous support to sustain and strengthen our impact.


1 million+



Visitors in 2016

Member households, the highest number in Garden history

Visitors to the Orchid Show

A first-time event, Night of 1,000 Jack-o’-Lanterns attracted visitors of all ages.


Chicago Botanic Garden Financials 2016 Executive Summary Thanks to your support, the Chicago Botanic Garden raised more than $21 million in 2016 for the Annual Fund and the “Keep Growing” campaign. Annual Fund contributions hit an all-time high, supported by all three boards and President’s Circle members. We are grateful for our corporate sponsors, foundation support, and other friends who are as steadfast as we are in our commitment to protect and enhance the four-season beauty of the Garden and to understand the growing demands and challenges of a changing planet. The Garden is also proud to partner with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, which provides our primary source of funding—$9.4 million—and helps us serve all the people of Cook County. In addition, virtually all of the Garden’s revenue-producing activities exceeded the 2015 results, fueling the growth of programs and amenities.

Operating Results The Garden ended 2016 with an excess of operating revenues over expenses of $366,000, following an excess of $542,000 in 2015. Operating revenue increased by $1.9 million, or 5.1 percent, to $37.7 million in 2016. Operating expenses in 2016 were $37.4 million, an increase of $2 million, or 5.7 percent, from 2015, due primarily to expanded grant-funded science and education programs and higher costs to maintain the gardens and facilities on the Garden’s 385-acre campus and in the community.

Change in Net Assets The Garden’s statement of financial position reflects an increase in net assets of more than $4.2 million to $184.6 million in 2016 from $180.3 million at the end of 2015. The increase was due largely to strong operating and fundraising results, including government grants awarded in 2016. The $112.8 million of unrestricted net assets represented the majority of total net assets, while $42.4 million were temporarily restricted, and $29.4 million were permanently restricted. This compares to $95.8 million of unrestricted net assets, $55.4 million of temporarily restricted net assets, and $29 million of permanently restricted net assets in 2015. Total assets increased from $240.6 million in 2015 to $243 million in 2016, an increase of $2.4 million. Total liabilities decreased by $1.9 million to $58.4 million at year-end.

Conclusion Together, the work we do each day continues to serve a broad and diverse community and helps to ensure that plants will be here to sustain the planet’s future. With support of its boards, staff, volunteers, members, visitors, donors, and the Forest Preserves of Cook County, the Garden will continue to honor the promise of its mission: We cultivate the power of plants to sustain and enrich life.

Complete, audited financial statements for the Chicago Botanic Garden, including the auditor’s report, for the year ending December 31, 2016, are available at


Statement of financial position As of December 31, 2016 (in millions of dollars)

ASSETS Cash Pledges receivable Accounts receivable Investments Other assets Property and equipment

$0.7 17.7 1.7 103.5 1.2 118.2

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Other liabilities Bonds payable

Total liabilities

NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

Total net assets TOTAL

Operating budget revenue and other support $37.7 million


Operating budget expenditures $37.4 million



$4.3 4.6 49.5

$58.4 $112.8 42.4 29.4

$184.6 $243.0








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$1,000,000 to $2,499,999


We are grateful to the following donors, whose extraordinary generosity has built and transformed the Garden. Their gifts totaling $1,000,000 or more have created beautiful landscapes and have established the Garden as an international center for horticulture, plant science research, and education.

Anonymous Abbott Fund Baxter International Inc. BMO Harris Bank Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Neville F. Bryan The Buchanan Family Foundation Arthur D. Collins, Jr. and The Collins Family Foundation The Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation Mr. Robert F. Finke Ginny and Peter Foreman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Glasser and Rosenthal Family Ellis Goodman Family Foundation Mr. William B. Graham Grant Healthcare Foundation Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Estate of Ethel deLang Hein Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Illinois Department of Natural Resources Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Esther Grunsfeld Klatz Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kleinman The Kraft Heinz Company Posy Krehbiel Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Lavin Lavin Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCormack Robert R. McCormick Foundation Alexandra and John Nichols Mrs. Arthur C. Nielsen, Sr. Northern Trust NorthShore University HealthSystem Polk Bros. Foundation Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Museum Marion V. Schmidt Trust Dr. Scholl Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simms The Simms Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith The Harold Byron Smith Family Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans Steans Family Foundation Susan and Roger Stone Georgiana M. Taylor United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Eastern Region Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie Pacific Southwest Region Range Management Rocky Mountain Research Station United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration United States Environmental Protection Agency Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell Ernest P. Waud III Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

The Keep Growing Campaign identifies capital and endowment fundraising goals as stated in the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Keep Growing Strategic Plan 2010-2020.

$10,000,000 and above Anonymous Forest Preserves of Cook County Helen V. Froehlich Foundation The Grainger Foundation The Regenstein Foundation United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society

$5,000,000 to $9,999,999 Cook County Department of Transportation and Highways Sue and Wes Dixon Illinois Department of Transportation Malott Family National Science Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation Pleasant T. Rowland State of Illinois Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Trienens

$2,500,000 to $4,999,999 Astellas USA Foundation Buehler Family Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Duane E. and Barbara L. Dickey The Guild of the Chicago Botanic Garden Patricia and William Hagenah The Harris Family Foundation Caryn and King Harris Katherine Harris Toni and Ron Paul Linda and Bill Friend Stephanie and John Harris Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend Pam and Joe Szokol Hunter Family Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Institute of Museum and Library Services ITW The Kresge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Searle Family Trust The Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust Shaw Family Helen and Richard Thomas United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Waud


Major capital goals: • Regenstein Learning Campus • Kris Jarantoski Campus • Shoreline Gardens and Restoration • North Branch Trail and Garden View Café Renovation, Barbara Brown Nature Reserve and McDonald Woods Plan

The Garden is grateful for the generous support of the following contributors who made gifts through March 15, 2017: $10,000,000 and above Anonymous The Regenstein Foundation

$5,000,000 to $9,999,999 Forest Preserves of Cook County The Grainger Foundation

$1,000,000 to $4,999,999 Astellas USA Foundation Arthur D. Collins, Jr. and The Collins Family Foundation Duane E. Dickey Trust Robert F. Finke and Carol L. Keenan Ginny and Peter Foreman William B. Graham Trust Ernest A. Grunsfeld III* Hunter Family Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program ITW Esther Grunsfeld Klatz Annette and Bernard* Kleinman Family Mr. Robert H. Malott Robert R. McCormick Foundation The Negaunee Foundation Public Museum Capital Grants Program, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Illinois State Museum Marion V. Schmidt Trust The Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust Shaw Family Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans Helen and Richard Thomas Mr. Howard J. Trienens United States Army Corps of Engineers Ecosystem Restoration Program United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society

$500,000 to $999,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown The Buchanan Family Foundation Buehler Family Foundation Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation A.G. Cox Charity Trust

Suzanne S. Dixon Glasser and Rosenthal Family Ellis Goodman Family Foundation The Guild of the Chicago Botanic Garden Patricia and William Hagenah The Harris Family Foundation Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Lavin Family Foundation Litowitz Family Foundation Harry A. Root, Jr. Trust Dr. Scholl Foundation John B. and Mary Helen* Slater Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell

$250,000 to $499,999 Anonymous Abbott Fund Ann and Brian Balusek Martin and Mary L. Boyer Foundation Elizabeth and Tim Dugan Joseph L. and Emily K. Gidwitz Memorial Foundation Nancy Gidwitz and Jeff Grossman Margot A. Graves CRUT John and Jean Greene Katie Hazelwood and Todd Kaplan The Hekman Gordon Family Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation Lorraine Ipsen-Stotler* Jane Irwin The Morris and Dolores Kohl Kaplan Fund - Dolores Kohl Education Foundation Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger The Jeanette R. Pearson Trust Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz

$100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous (2) Baxter International Inc. Estate of Harriet K. Burnstein Ms. Beverly J. Bystricky Mr. Robert B. Cole Peggy and Jack Crowe Estate of Francis C. Farwell Philippe Hans Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hull Greg and Ann Jones & Family Kemper Educational and Charitable Fund Barbara and Richard Metzler Kitty and Bill Moeller Marian E. Nelson Trust Northern Trust Cathy and Bill Osborn The Henry E. Pearson Trust Laura S. Pinkert Revocable Trust David Rose Trust Maria and Bill Smithburg Susan and Roger Stone Nancy Wald Estate Ernest P. Waud III Mary Jane Yergy Trust *Deceased


$50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous Beatrice K. Bateman Declaration of Trust Estate of Lenore M. Berner Mrs. Earl C. Bodine Sharon Brady and R. Thomas Brady Neville and John Bryan Mr. and Mrs. David R. Casper Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Ellis Maurice Fulton Trust Charles C. Haffner III Trust Elizabeth Hampton Trust Mrs. Max A. Hart Hasbrouck Family Charitable Trust H. Fisk Johnson, Ph.D. Peggy* and Jim Leider Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Make It Better Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Colonel Stanley R. McNeil Foundation, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee Mr. and Mrs. George A. Peinado, Jr. John Rugel and Melissa Romeo-Rugel Dr. G. Stephen Scholly and Mrs. Ellen Scholly Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Mr.* and Mrs. Robert R. Smutney Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice

$25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous Sally Aaron Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Francis Clow Bowers Trust Gay Buhl Buck Trust Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. The Butz Foundation Susan and Michael Canmann Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Vivian E. Conner Trust Ilana and Steven Fradkin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Freyman Helen V. Froehlich Foundation Howard Family Foundation Julia and John Howard Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kurz Peter A. Maren Trust Edward and Lucy R. Minor Family Foundation Estate of Suzanne J. Pochter Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Probst Reed Smith Ryan Ruskin and Michael Andrews Mr. Philip Scholly Sophia Shaw and Family Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III Mary S. and John W. Zick CRUT

$10,000 to $24,999 Anonymous Dora and John Aalbregtse George W. Blossom III Trust James and Roberta Boudreau Mary and Carl Boyer Catherine and Michael Busch Melfort Campbell City Museum Ms. Carol A. Cleave Mr. Franklin A. Cole Lillian S. Coleman Trust

Robert Cowell Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Valentine J. Derer Barbara S. Fargo Trust Gary and Susan Fine Michael and Valerie Foradas Garden Guild of Winnetka Dorothy H. and John R. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Gavin Mary Johnson Hill Anne and Martin Horn Jack* and Ginny Hotaling Mr. Kris S. Jarantoski Jim, Angela, and Jimmy Korompilas Mrs. Hope Lepley Celine and Mark Lillie Daniel and Jennifer Linzer Ms. Michelle McCarthy Bruce L. Newman Estate The Nissly Family Homi and Anne Patel Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Estate of Halina J. Presley Roadside Flower Sale Volunteers Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Collette Taylor The Warwick Foundation Peggy and Art Wood The Eleanore B. Zverov Revocable Trust

$5,000 to $9,999 Anonymous Amsted Industries Foundation Nadine Diane Armato Living Trust Mr. and Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Brown Kenneth Cahn Trust Clarissa H. Chandler Rachel and Ron Cooper Corning Incorporated Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Ms. Elizabeth P. Gordon Mary C. Hales Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Isham, Jr. Carolyn and Howard Katz Judy and John Keller Judith and Joseph Konen Anne S. and David B. Loucks Greg Mueller and Betty Strack Doris A. Murdoch Estate Ms. Jane S. Park and Mr. Matthew Emerton The Helen D. Paulos Trust Ruth A. Peplin Trust Mrs. Edward King Poor III Harriet and Joey Resnick Helaine and Howard Resnick Donald J. Riskind Trust John C. Robak Bernard H. Rost Trust Holly B. Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schlossman Lorraine S. Vitous Declaration of Trust

$2,500 to $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Brayton Bunn Alley Francis Beidler Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Robert Bolt Day Trust Junior Garden Club of Lake Forest Dr. and Mrs. Jay H. Kleiman Modestus Bauer Foundation Estate of John O’Grady

Estates of Edward F. Scanlon and Virginia K. Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sharp Estate of Mary Ellen Taylor Jane Stroud Wright

$1,000 to $2,499 Anonymous Allstate Insurance Company The Honorable Michael J. Colwell Evanston Bicycle Club Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fiore Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Fujimoto Dr. Leonard G. Ginger* Martha Bacon Hartfiel Sharon S. Holihan Ronald and Marci Holzer Estate of Judith L. Kiefer Arlene M. Kline Trust Mr. and Mrs. William U. Knox Jeffrey W. Korman Trust Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.* Thomas C. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. John E. Preschlack Carole and Ted Read Melissa A. Shennan Estate of Adeline E. Sigwalt Mr. and Mrs. David B. Weinberg Mrs. Florence F. Wheeler The Winnetka Garden Club *Deceased

CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN – ENDOWED FUNDS 2016 Endowed funds provide a secure foundation for the future. The Garden is honored by the thoughtful generosity of those who have established or contributed to the following named endowed funds. Permanent endowments may be established with gifts of $50,000 or more. Bacon Sensory Garden Endowment Mr. William T. Bacon, Jr. Martha Bacon Hartfiel Beverly and Ralph Behrens Science Endowment † Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Buehler Fund for the Enabling Garden Buehler Family Foundation Buehler Fund for Horticultural Therapy Buehler Family Foundation Harriet Kay and Harold R. Burnstein Fund for Exhibits Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Burnstein Theodore C. Butz Memorial Carillon Endowment Fund † The Butz Foundation Walter L. Cherry Internship in Horticulture Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cherry Virginia B. Cherry 2016 internship awarded to Trevor Trevino Joan L. Cole Fund † Mr. Franklin A. Cole

Collins Family Endowment for the Buehler Enabling Garden Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Suzanne S. Dixon Prairie Endowment Fund Mr. and Mrs. Wesley M. Dixon, Jr. Searle Family Trust Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Director of Ornamental Plant Research Mrs. Gaylord Donnelley Position held by James R. Ault, Ph.D. Mary R. Ginger Research Fellowship at the School Dr. Leonard G. Ginger Estate of Mary R. Ginger Edna Kanaley Graham Bulb Garden Endowment Fund W. B. Graham Foundation, Inc. Mr. William B. Graham William B. Graham Trust Charles Haffner Research Endowment Charles C. Haffner III Trust Harris Family Scholars Fund † The Harris Family Foundation: Caryn and King Harris Katherine Harris Toni and Ron Paul Pam and Joe Szokol Linda and Bill Friend Leslie Riedel and Scott Friend Stephanie and John Harris The fund provided fellowship support for first-year master’s students in 2016. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Graduate Fellowship † Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Hevey Mr. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Ms. Constance M. Filling The fellowship provided support for first-year master’s students in 2016. Pamela K. Hull Internship Endowment Pamela K. Hull Kris Jarantoski Internship in Professional Horticulture † 2016 internship awarded to Alice Butler Kenilworth Garden Club Endowment for the Buehler Enabling Garden Kenilworth Garden Club Krasberg-Mason Endowment for the Bruce Krasberg Rose Garden † Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Bernice E. Lavin Evaluation Garden Endowment Fund Lavin Family Foundation Lenhardt Library Endowment † Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. John J. Louis, Jr. Bright Encounters Fund Josephine P. & John J. Louis Foundation † Contribution in 2016



Malott Family Endowment for the Japanese Garden Mr. Robert H. Malott Malott Charitable Trust Malott Family Mead Flower Show Endowment Sally M. Hands Cynthia M. and Robert E. Sargent Negaunee Foundation Endowment for Invasive Plant Research The Negaunee Foundation Negaunee Foundation Endowment for the Vice President of Science † The Negaunee Foundation Position held by Gregory M. Mueller, Ph.D. Janet Meakin Poor Research Symposium Endowment Friends of Janet Meakin Poor Florence Rantz Enabling Garden Endowment Estate of Florence Rantz June Price Reedy Library Endowment for the Rare Book Collection Estate of Mary Ann Price Thomas J. & Julia P. Reedy Foundation Regenstein Endowment for Education and Community Programs The Regenstein Foundation Mary Withers Runnells Endowment for the East Courtyard Ms. Gale P. Runnells Mr. and Mrs. John S. Runnells II Estate of Louise Gale Runnells Estate of John S. Runnells II

Jack and Jeannie Thompson Endowed Fund for Bonsai Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Thompson Anne and Morrison Waud Circle Garden Endowment Fund Ernest P. Waud III Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Waud Medard and Elizabeth Welch Conservation Science Fund Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Medard and Elizabeth Welch Director of Plant Conservation Science Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bro Position held by Kayri Havens-Young, Ph.D. Nicole S. Williams and Lawrence Becker Endowment for Native Habitats Restoration Fund † Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence Becker Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society Endowment Funds Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society Aquatics Programs Community Gardening

Searle Endowment for Education and Community Programs The Searle Funds at The Chicago Community Trust

Curator of Aquatics Position held by Robert J. Kirschner

Searle Research Endowment Fund Searle Family Trust Searle Foundation John G. and Frances C. Searle Fund

Plant Evaluation Research and Publication Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Mr. Charles E. Schroeder in honor of Elizabeth R. Schroeder Mrs. Stephen Byron Smith

Albert and Mary Jane Slepyan Fund for the Cultivation and Promotion of Begonias The Acorn Foundation Dr. Albert H. Slepyan The Ralph & Leah Wanger Philanthropic Fund David Byron Smith Family Curator of Native Habitats Fund Bellebyron Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Position held by James F. Steffen Susan and Roger Stone Endowment for the Curator of the Dixon National Tallgrass Prairie Seed Bank Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Stone Position held by Pati Vitt, Ph.D.


Taylor Family Waterfall Garden Endowment Fund † Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Frances Buck Taylor Trust Mr. John W. Taylor Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III The Warwick Foundation The JWT Family Foundation

Internship Endowment Fund † 2016 internship awarded to Brennan Zweig

Dorothy D. Ziska Endowment Fund Adam H. Romeiser Trust † Contribution in 2016

INDIVIDUAL GIVING The following individuals thoughtfully supported the Chicago Botanic Garden’s programs, operations, endowments, and capital improvements with gifts of $250 or more between January 1 and December 31, 2016. $500,000 and above Anonymous The Negaunee Foundation Mr. Howard J. Trienens

$150,000 to $499,999

$10,000 to $24,999

Anonymous Ann and Brian Balusek Elizabeth and Tim Dugan Robert F. Finke Ginny and Peter Foreman Ellis Goodman Family Foundation Patricia and William Hagenah Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Mr. and Mrs. David Byron Smith Mr. and Mrs. Harrison I. Steans Helen and Richard Thomas

Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Brayton Bunn Alley Laura and Matthew Anderson Vernon Armour Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Bent Patricia and Laurence Booth Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Bowen Mr. and Mrs. R. Clayton Brock Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Ms. Beverly J. Bystricky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Campolo Susan and Michael Canmann Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cherry Peggy and Jack Crowe The Crown Family Bob and Jill Delaney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine J. Derer Mr. and Mrs. James W. DeYoung Mika and David Filkins Sonja and Conrad Fischer Michael and Valerie Foradas Ilana and Steven Fradkin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Freyman Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Goodwillie Mr. and Mrs. John K. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Greener Mr. Joseph P. Gromacki John Hagenah Family Fund George and Amanda Hanley Mrs. Max A. Hart Howard Family Foundation Hunter Family Jane Irwin Mr. Kris S. Jarantoski Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanford Kasten Carolyn and Howard Katz Judy and John Keller Jim, Angela, and Jimmy Korompilas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Lanctot Mr. David R. Lee Mr. M. James Leider Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Daniel and Jennifer Linzer Mr. and Mrs. David B. Loucks Mrs. John J. Louis, Jr. Valerie Maniscalco Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Mrs. Cindy L. Mazzetta Mrs. Michelle McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally IV Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill Micole Foundation Modestus Bauer Foundation Kitty and Bill Moeller Marian E. Nelson Trust Alexandra and John Nichols Ann and Dudley Onderdonk Julie and George Peinado Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Pick Madeleine P. Plonsker Mr. and Mrs. Shelby E. L. Pruett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regenstein III John C. Robak Helen R. Rubens Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sacks Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Siragusa Eileen and Hal Sirkin Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D. Smith Brian B. and Kathleen K. Spear

$100,000 to $149,999 Mr. Robert B. Cole A.G. Cox Charity Trust Suzanne S. Dixon Glasser and Rosenthal Family Caryn and King Harris Mrs. Dolores Kohl Kaplan Susan and Roger Stone Pam and Joe Szokol Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell

$50,000 to $99,999 Beatrice K. Bateman Declaration of Trust Mrs. Earl C. Bodine Martin and Mary L. Boyer Foundation Arthur D. Collins, Jr. and The Collins Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. C. Bryan Daniels Maurice Fulton Trust Joseph L. and Emily K. Gidwitz Memorial Foundation Nancy Gidwitz and Jeff Grossman The Hekman Gordon Family Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hull Annie and Gregory K. Jones & Family Mr. Stephen V. King Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger Mr. Philip Scholly Richard and Elaine Tinberg Ms. Nicole S. Williams and Dr. Lawrence J. Becker

$25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abt Sharon Brady and R. Thomas Brady Mr. and Mrs. David R. Casper Joyce E. Chelberg Froilan P. Concepcion and Cecilia Concepcion Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Ellis Norman and Lee Gantz Katherine Hazelwood and Todd Kaplan Judith and Joseph Konen Posy Krehbiel Robert M. and Diane vS. Levy Mr. Robert H. Malott Barbara and Richard Metzler Ms. Jane S. Park and Mr. Matthew Emerton Laura S. Pinkert Revocable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Probst Susan L. Regenstein Bill and Maria Smithburg The Honorable Heather A. Steans Ms. Jennifer W. Steans Ms. Robin M. Steans James and Constance Wiggins Ms. Susan A. Willetts and Mr. Alan K. Pritz

Collette Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Ernest P. Waud III

$2,500 to $9,999 Anonymous (14) Dora and John Aalbregtse Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Abrams Bruce and Anne Marie Adreani Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Alfe The Allyn Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John J. Anton, Jr. Nadine Diane Armato Living Trust Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barra Mr. and Mrs. William D. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bay Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Beck Ms. Carolyn Becker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Mr. and Mrs. Francis Beidler III Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Berghoef Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Berlin Peggy and Hal Bernthal Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Bestler Mr. and Mrs. Donald Betten Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Bischof Amy and Andy Bluhm James and Roberta Boudreau Mary and Carl Boyer Mary and Chip Brennan Linda H. Breuer Mr. and Mrs. Ian C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Brown Martha and George Brynda David and Denise Bunning Cathy and Michael Busch The Butz Foundation Melfort Campbell Helen Kuhn Carey Mr. and Mrs. Brendan Carroll Ceres Foundation Liz and David Chandler Alice Childs Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ciaglo Keith and Barbara Clayton Ms. Carol A. Cleave Jane B. and John C. Colman Rachel and Ron Cooper Lawrence Corry Jeff and Sue Cozzens Mark and Connie Crane Mr. and Mrs. William A. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Dewey B. Crawford Winnie and Bob Crawford Phyllis Cretors Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crowe Mr. Daniel S. Curran Dr. Jill Danaher and Mr. John Danaher Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Daverman Judy and Bill Davis Joan P. DePree Mr. and Mrs. Roger K. Deromedi Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Dolan, Jr. Frank G. and Gertrude Dunlap Fund Art and Elizabeth Duquette Samuel and Beatrice Ellis Anthony and Ann Marie Farino Michael and Jennifer Faron Sharon S. and William L. Feather Gary and Susan Fine Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fiore

Mrs. Gaillee Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fosnaugh Ms. Jean M. Franczyk Mr. and Mrs. James S. Frank Barbara Fremont Wilbur and Linda Gantz Dorothy H. and John R. Gardner Sandy and Frank Gelber Robert J. Giblichman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Glasser Ms. Ligia Mendez and Mr. Patrick Goodwillie Ms. Elizabeth P. Gordon Graham Family Fund Maj. and Mrs. William C. Gray Mrs. Charles C. Haffner III* The Blanny A. Hagenah Family Fund Philip W. Hagenah Family Fund Mary C. Hales Trust Mrs. Richard C. Halpern John and Nancy Hammond John and Mary Ann Hanna Family Ms. Holly Harralson Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Harrison Dr. Alice B. Hayes Beverly and Warren Hayford Lorill Ann Haynes Mr. and Mrs. L. Hall Healy, Jr. Mary Ellen Hennessy Kimberlee S. Herold Larry and Judy Hicks Mary Johnson Hill Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hines Mrs. Mary P. Hines The Doris and Jerome Hirschmann Family Foundation Sharon S. Holihan Martin and Anne Horn Ginny Hotaling Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Hough J. Thomas Hurvis Mr. and Mrs. Bradley V. Ihlenfeld Howard Jessen Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Bard Johnson Beverly P. Joutras Jamee Field Kane Loretta and Allan Kaplan Kaplan Foundation Fund/ Carol and Ed Kaplan Betsy and Jack* Karp Mr. Thomas E. Keim Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kenny Ms. Heidi Kiesler Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Killackey Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kirtley Becky and Lester Knight Marvin L. Kocian Martin J. and Susan B. Kozak Fund Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Krehbiel II Mrs. Nancy Kubicka Ron and Nancy Kurz Mrs. Elisabeth A. Lavery Mr. and Mrs. L. Bates Lea James and Linda Leahy Liz and Eric Lefkofsky Lefkofsky Family Foundation Janet and Tom Leopold Diane and Jim Levy Celine and Mark Lillie Mr. and Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz

Mr. Richard J. Loewenthal, Jr. Ms. Barbara D. Long Mr. and Mrs. John M. MacEntee Ms. Cynthia J. Macfarland Mr. and Mrs. John W. Madigan Ms. Melanie Madigan and Mr. Erik Nordby Mr. and Mrs. Miles L. Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Martin David and Toni Mathis Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McCormack Mrs. Wanda M. McDonald Sherry McFall and Ken Porrello McKenna Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William H. McLean Meegan McMillan Mrs. James M. McMullan Mr. Ronald E. Meissen, Ph.D. Mr. Paul R. Melichar Mrs. Michael A. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Miller Jack and Goldie Wolfe Miller Samuel A. Miller and Felice Levi-Miller Kristen and Charles Mills Edward and Lucy R. Minor Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Mintmire Ms. Cynthia A. Moody Mr. Nicolas H. Morales Mr. and Mrs. Brad Morehead Dr. Thomas A. Moryl and Ms. Christy Zook Becky and Mike Murray LouEllen and Tim Murray Jossy and Ken Nebenzahl The Nissly Family Cathy and Bill Osborn Julie Overbeck Homi and Anne Patel Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Mr. William T. Patterson and Ms. Nancy Jaffee Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Pepper Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Peterson Mrs. Gordon B. Phillips Mr. Dan Podsedly Alex and Anne Pollock Mrs. Edward King Poor III LeAnn Pedersen Pope and Clyde S. McGregor COL(IL) J.N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Ret.) Betsey and John Puth Mr. John R. Raitt Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Reimer Harriet and Joey Resnick Helaine and Howard Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Rider Mr. Randy Rissman and Dr. Petra Rissman Cindy and James Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rosenson Patti and Eugene Ross Holly B. Rothschild John Rugel and Melissa Romeo-Rugel Ryan Ruskin and Michael Andrews Judith and Thomas Rutherford Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Mr. Daniel Samelson and Ms. Mary Jocelyn Perry Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sanborn Carole and Jack Sandner

Ms. Anita M. Sarafa and Mr. John P. Duncan Cynthia M. Sargent Mr. and Mrs. John I. Schlossman Nicholas and Robbin Schoewe Charitable Foundation Elizabeth and Charles Schroeder Todd D.H. Schwebel Mr. and Mrs. Stuart L. Scott Mrs. Nancy S. Searle Mrs. William L. Searle Mr. Robert F. Seebeck Dolores and Donn Shapiro Mr. Arch W. Shaw II Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sheperd Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuzo Shida Bessie Shields Foundation Richard and Barbara Silverman Mr. and Mrs. John D. Simms Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Simpson Mrs. Ida N. Sondheimer Marjorie K. Staples Ms. Marilyn Stewart Ms. Wendy Strauss Robin and Sandy Stuart Andy and Mary Pat Studdert Peggy and James Swartchild Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor III Mrs. Richard Tobin Ms. Linda F. Tomchuck Andrew Tosh Shirley and Raymond C. Tower Terry N. Trobec Brian and Karen Uihlein United Conveyor Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan Vaile Dale and Kim Visokey Ellen Wagner and Bryn Wagner Hanson Ms. Cari Walquist Therese L. Wareham and Family Mr. and Mrs. Scott Waterbury David and Pamela Waud Mr. Arnold R. Weber Mr. and Mrs. John B. Weber Barbara Wessel Mr. Henry J. West and Ms. Georgia West Dee Dee Whipple Peggy and Art Wood Ms. Karen J. Zera

$1,500 to $2,499 Anonymous (4) Mary J. Abroe Ms. Mavis M. Adams Mr. Patrick C. Adlam Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A’Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Peter Allport Mr. and Mrs. James Altounian Dr. Paul J. Ashkenaz Helen Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Merrick J. Axel David and Cindy Baier Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Barlow Mr. and Mrs. John J. Basalay Sandra Bass Linda and Ted Becker Harriet Bernbaum Mr. Donald J. Bezdek Tom and Martha Biede Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Bitran *Deceased



Nancy Bodeen Stephen and Kelli Brannan Mr. and Mrs. Jack Regan Brown Mr. and Mrs. Randolph N. Burt Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Byron Mr. and Mrs. Scot M. Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll IV Marion and Gene Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Jim Challenger Clarissa H. Chandler Mrs. Warren M. Choos Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clarke IV Ms. Julie Cohen The Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Tim) D. Coleman, Jr. Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Scott Corley Gary and Mary Cary Coughlan Tom Creigh Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Cubitt Nancy Dehmlow Mr. John E. Deimel Scott DeLaney and Katherine Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Denham Mr. and Mrs. Spencer DePree Mr. and Mrs. Byram E. Dickes Lynn B. Donaldson and Cameron S. Avery Ms. Nina Donnelly and Mr. Russell W. Lane Nancy and Jim Dorr Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey David and Deborah Dranove Mr. James Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ben Erwin Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ferry III Larry and Barbara Field Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. John N. Fix Gerry Ford John D. Fornengo Lynn and Jim Foster Ms. Melissa J. Frey and Mr. William F. Pridmore Mr. Wayne J. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Fujimoto Penny and Carl Fulkerson Dr. and Mrs. John S. Garvin Azieb Gebrehiiwet and Mihreteab Gebrehiiwet Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Chris and M. E. Girgenti Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gjerlow, Jr. Louis J. Glunz III Mr. and Mrs. Michael Golden Mr. and Mrs. John T. Golitz Roberta and John Goodall Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gorter Kathi S. Grant Mr. Alfred H. Guhl Mr. and Mrs. Stanton T. Hadley Jacqueline R. Haffenberg The Handelsman Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Harza Ms. Colette J. Hedien and Mr. Wayne E. Hedien Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Henderson Mary Abbott Hess Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey D. Hoffmann Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Holzer Julia and John Howard


Mr. and Mrs. Jed Hoyer Mrs. Nancy W. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Jaffe Richard K. Johnson Mrs. Kenneth A. Julian Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten II Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Keenan Arlene Siavelis Kehl Elizabeth and Stephen Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Keywell Mr. Cheong J. Kim Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. King Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby Klaff Family Foundation Esther G. Klatz Dr. and Mrs. Jay H. Kleiman Ms. Marilyn J. Knilans Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kohlmeyer Karen S. Kolodzey and George Brigandi Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuhns Donna La Pietra and Bill Kurtis Mrs. Mary E. Lane Donald E. Larsen Mrs. Joyce M. League Spencer and Lois LeMenager Michael and Susan Loewenstein Mr. Todd MacMillan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Mann Caroline S. Masterson Britt M. Miller Jack M. Miller Greg Mueller and Betty Strack Ms. Martha M. Murray and Mr. David N. Smalley Barbara and Karl F. Nagel Dr. David and Carolyn Nahrwold Mark and Susan Neaman Jennifer and David Neighbours Mr. Milton Nidetz and Ms. Naomi Yale Mr. and Mrs. John K. Notz, Jr. Ginny Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. O’Neill III Ann and Harry Oppenheimer Barbara and Jeff Paine Mrs. Megan Panje-Wilson and Mr. Thaddeus Wilson Louis and Ali Paster Meline Pickus Ms. D. Elizabeth Price Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Przybylo Mrs. Marina Puryear Ms. Eloise Fuller Putnam and Mr. Bluford H. Putnam Jacqueline L. Quern Mark and Nancy Ratner Mr. and Mrs. Tanner Rice Mr. and Mrs. Branden Ritchie Mr. William Robinson Barbara H. Rosborough Philip and Cathy Rosborough Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Ross Mrs. Donald I. Roth Mrs. Stephen W. Rothermel Judith and Robert S. Rothschild Susan B. Rubnitz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Sanders III Dr. G. Stephen Scholly and Mrs. Ellen Scholly Dr. James Schuetz and Mrs. Barbara A. Schuetz Mr. and Mrs. Dan Schulte

Sara and Axel Schupf The Schwab Family Barbara* and Joe Sedelmaier Carole and Gordon Segal Gail L. Seidel-O’Gorman Hollis M. Shank Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shaw Sophia Shaw Mr. Francis L. Sheahen Lois Simon Charitable Foundation Ltd. Victoria M. Skala Thomas E. Skilling III Ms. Deborah Slaton and Mr. Harry J. Hunderman Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Slone Ms. Wilma J. Smelcer Sue Stevens J. Robert and Christine L. Stoll Jennifer Stone Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Aaron R. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas Thilman III Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tichy William and Jennifer Tippet Tina and Byron Trott Mr. and Mrs. J. Scot Tyson Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Valenti Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Van Arkel Herman A. Weimer Jill and Brian Weston Ms. Barbara D. Wetzel and Mr. Robert F. Wetzel Mrs. Florence F. Wheeler David and Sandra Whitmore Sinclair Winton Mrs. William W. Wirtz Jane Stroud Wright Mrs. Liliya Yanovsky and Dr. Dmitry Sukenik Ms. Elizabeth B. Yntema and Mr. Mark E. Ferguson Robert and Vivian Zahniser Mr. Robert Zaniolo Mr. Aldo C. Zucaro

$1,000 to $1,499 Anonymous (9) Juliette F. Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Bader Mr. and Mrs. Steven Baker Mr. E. M. Bakwin Walter F. Bandi, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Barancik Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bartholomay Mr. and Mrs. John J. Basalay Kimberly Beard Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Beitler, III Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Bigelow III Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bobins, The Robert Thomas Bobins Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Boudos Donald F. Bouseman Mr. and Mrs. Stu Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Brodsky Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Bulley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bunn III Mr. Andrew G. Bunting Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Liam Caffrey Ms. Preston Cain

Mr. Tyler R. Cain Millie Calhoun and Joe Schorer Dr. and Mrs. Rafael Z. Campanini Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Canada Barbara W. Carr Mr. and Mrs. James Cathcart Mrs. Silas S. Cathcart Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Chalmers Ms. Jane Christino and Mr. Joseph Wolnski Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ciaccio Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ciaglia Mrs. Monique Clarine and Mr. David Clarine Mr. Franklin A. Cole Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Coley Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Collins Mrs. Kathrin Cordell and Mr. Adam Cordell Mr. David H. Corry Ms. Sharene Craft Mr. and Mrs. Sean Daugherty Mrs. Howard M. Dean, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Deitrick Mr. and Mrs. Ted DeNapoli Mr. and Mrs. Kevork M. Derderian Mr. and Mrs. William Dietz Mr. Joseph Doherty and Ms. Gretchen Hoffmann Maureen Dondlinger Katie and Tom Donovan Ms. Paige Dorn and Mr. John T. Gribbin Mr. and Mrs. William D. Drehkoff, Jr. The Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust Lois Eisen Mrs. Josephine Elting Dan J. Epstein and Judy Guitelman Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Erickson Mrs. Margaret L. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Nate Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Even Mr. and Mrs. Robert Everest Ms. Heather Farley Mr. Michael Farrell Mr. and Mrs. James G. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. John Flandina Louise M. Flannery Mark and Cynthia Fuller Sonal Gandhi and Ravin Gandhi Philip Garoon and Family Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gepson Douglas and Michelle Gessner Mr. and Mrs. Bert A. Getz, Jr. Sharon and Bob Gilson Mr. and Mrs. Shea Goggin Cynthia and Norman Goldring Mr. and Mrs. Nathan J. Good Mr. and Mrs. James E. Green Mr. and Mrs. David Grumman Ms. Sally Ann Hagan Ms. Catherine L. Hales Paul* and June Hamer Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hamman Mrs. Sondra K. Hannafan Mr. and Mrs. J. Duncan Healy Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Herb Mr. and Mrs. David D. Herbert Eva Hershman Mr. Robert Himes

Ms. Leslie S. Hindman Joyce and Richard Hirsch Mrs. Jerrilyn M. Hoffmann Ken Holehouse Mr. and Mrs. Whit Holladay Ms. Ellen R. Horween Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hunt, Jr. Mrs. Harley Hutchins Mrs. Katie Hutton Jo Ann Icenogle Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jacobson Mr. Edgar D. Jannotta, Sr. Jo Joiner Mrs. Robert E. Kehoe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Keller Ms. Jennifer W. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Dale A. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Kelly Ms. Jennifer Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kilroy Mr. Robert F. Klingel, Jr. Mrs. Robert G. Knight, Jr. Jeffrey W. Korman Trust Ms. Missy Kotchey Ms. Sara L. Kreiss Mr. Henry Kugeler and Mr. Edward F. Flood Alice Bator Kurland Linda M. Lane Robert and Linda Lanphier Anne and Edward Laumann Pamela Lavigne and Matthew Tirrell Mr. Lance P. Lawson and Mr. James A. Wetzel Mrs. Barbara F. Leffingwell Mr.* and Mrs. Elliot Lehman Lesnik Family Foundation The Honorable Fay Hartog Levin James P. Levine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lillard Ms. Caroline Linder and Mr. Jason Fried Mr. and Mrs. Alejandro Longoria Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lowe Amy and Donald Lubin John and Martha Mabie c/o 36 Foundation Mr. and Mrs.* Barry L. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Madigan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mazur Mrs. Karalynn McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McLellan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally V Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gray McNally Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. McNally John and Ladd Mengel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Menyhart Mr. and Mrs. John Merritt Gordon H. and Karen M. Millner Family Foundation Mirnahill Foundation Ms. Cindy Moelis Christine and Thomas Moldauer Ms. Brittany Moore Diana and David Moore Brooks and Howard Morgan Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Morris Ms. C. Jane Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Marc Muinzer

Dr. and Mrs. John D. Neiligan Dr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Nielsen III Mr. James E. Olsen Michael and Annika Olshansky Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Olson Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Owen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Ozimek Mr. and Mrs. Mark Passis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Pennise Mr. Raymond E. Perry Mr. Jeffrey C. Peterson and Ms. Sheila Mulvaney Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pettinelli Mr. and Mrs. Bill Phillips Polen Family Foundation Christine and Michael Pope Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Potter Ms. Penny Pritzker and Dr. Bryan Traubert Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pritzker David and Valeria Pruett Ms. Diane Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rattner Carole and Ted Read Annette M. Rehmke and Jeffery W. Hickey Mr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Rekett Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Rhoades Ms. Connie Rivera Roberts Family Foundation Mr. Edward M. Roob Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ross Sonia Sahai and Adesh Ramchandran Mr. and Mrs. Ghasem Sariri Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sauer Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Saunders Diane and Bud Schwarzbach Stevan and Kathryn Schweighardt Ritesh and Shilpi Shah Melissa A. Shennan Lee and Sally Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. David M. Shpiz Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Sleight Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sommer Mr. and Mrs. David Spears Ms. Anne-Marie St. Germaine Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stanek Nancy and Bruce Stevens Louise Ingersoll TauschĂŠ The ten Brink Family Mr. and Mrs. F. Andrew Thinnes III Ms. Andrea D. Thome Anne Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Chris Veber Mr. and Mrs. Renaat Ver Eecke Mr. Lawrence M. Vodak Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Wacker III Jack Webster Mrs. Joseph M. Weil Barbara H. West Mr. and Mrs. David J. West Mr. and Mrs. James S. White Nancy Hamill Winter Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Wise, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Wolf Wendy and Keith Yamada Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Zar

$250 to $999 Anonymous (96) Ms. Jane R. Abel Lynn Abrahamson and Bill Crowley Ms. Nadia Abrahamson Brian and Patty Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abt Ms. Sasha Adler Mr. and Mrs. Mark Affolter Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ahern Judith A. Akers Al Albrecht Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Albrecht Ms. Delphina Aldama and Ms. Marie Kahle Kenneth and Mary Ellen Alexander Alexis Design Mrs. Patricia Allain Cheri Allen Mrs. Ronald L. Allen Evy Alsaker Rick and Katie Amundsen Mr. and Mrs. John R. Anderluh Ms. Kirsten A. Anderson Mary Ann and Stephen F. Anderson Dr. Proctor R. Anderson Mr. Ronald L. Anderson Ms. Anita E. Andren and Mr. James P. Naughton Sharron Andresen and Anatole Crane Mr. and Mrs. Ben Andrews Ms. Genevieve U. Anoff Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Anson Ms. Alona W. Anspach and Mr. Ken Anspach Raheela Anwar Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Apfelbaum Judith L. and Robert D. Appelbaum Phyllis and Stuart Applebaum Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arensman Toni E. Armando Mr. and Mrs. Vernon K. Armour Mr. Harold Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arnison Amy C. Arnott and Roger D. Ray Mani and Anne Arora Carl E. Arthur and Grace A. Arthur Pat Arvanitis and Dina Adams Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Asher Mr. and Mrs. Richard Attanaseo Mr. and Mrs. Moses Awe Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Baade Ms. Cynthia Babecki and Ms. Michele L. Babecki Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baccich Janet and Bill Backs Mr. Samuel C. Badger and Ms. Nancy M. Badger Carol A. Bagan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bahr Ms. Joy L. Bailey Mrs. LaCena Bailey Ms. Rita C. Bailey Mrs. Ann Buehler Baker Ms. Brenda Baker Ms. Cynthia L. Baker Ms. Anita Bakker Ms. Judith Baldwin Mrs. Jacqueline C. Ball and Mr. William Costello Steve Ball and Les Everett

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Balonick Cheryl and Ted Banks Mr. Matt Barba Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Barba Dr. Rise L. Barkhoff Barry and Elizabeth Barretta Patricia and Charles Barrow Ms. Sandra Bartelstein Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. Bartmes Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Bartram Mrs. Karin Bartsch Robert and Ann Bates Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bauer Ms. Laurie Bauer Tom and Laura Bauer Mr. and Mrs. William L. Bax Hildegard K. Baxpehler Ms. Nancy J. Beaumont and Mr. Eric Beaumont Art and Elaine Beck Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beck Sally Beck Randall and Linda Becker Ms. Lynn Bednar Ms. Candice Beinlich Stephen Beitler Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Belcher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Belgrad Ms. Kathleen Bell Mrs. Vilma Bell Mrs. Cynthia E. Bender Judy and Bruce Bendoff Ms. Gwendolyn J. Bennett and Mr. Tom Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bennett Mrs. Charles W. Benton Pamela and John Benz Robert and Marla Kim Benziger Diane R. Bergen Laura Thomas Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Kelley A. Bergstrom Mr. and Mrs. David C. Beringer Ms. Susan A. Berkowitz and Mr. Marc Beem Michael and Amy Berland Mari and Josh Berliant Roy Berlin Joan and Julian Berman Ms. Lois M. Berman Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Bermingham Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Phyllis L. Berning Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Bernstein Ms. Cinda Berry and Mr. Arthur Krumrey Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Berto John and Patricia Berwanger Mr. and Mrs. Orley O. Betcher III Dr. Kevin P. Bethke Lieselotte N. Betterman Ms. Mary Ann Betz Mr. John Biek and Ms. Christina J. Norton Mr. Nicholas A. Bilandic Mary and Richard Biljetina Reverend Dr. Kathleen Billman and Reverend James Galuhn Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bindler Betty Birner *Deceased



Theodore J. Birren Mr. and Mrs. Sean B. Bisceglia Mr. and Mrs. David F. Bishop Ms. Mary O. Bishop Ms. Jennifer S. Black Kevin Blackberg Mr. and Mrs. William J. Blackburn, Jr. Neal E. Blair and Sarah M. Pritchard Mr. and Mrs. William H. Blair Jacqueline A. Blake Sandra Blake George C. Blanas Diane Blanks Mr. and Mrs. Merrill E. Blau Mr. and Mrs. Geff Blaydes Jeffrey and Melissa Bleiweis Mr. and Mrs. Andrew K. Block Mr. and Mrs. Jason L. Block Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block IV Ms. Doris Bloom Kemery Bloom Mr. John P. Blosser Ms. Sally Blount Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Foundation Irwin and Sena Blumensaadt Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Blumenthal Andrzej M. Bobel and Harzenna Bobel Barbara A. Bobrich Ms. Denice C. Bocek and Mr. David B. Lobocki Mr. Robert P. Boho Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Boike Jennifer Boiles and Carol Gilbert Gerry and Mary Bonkoske Mr. Ronald L. Boorstein Steve Borkenhagen Suzanne and Theodore Bosler Mrs. Kay W. Bosselman Mrs. Sue Boudreau Mr. David A. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Steve J. Bowsher Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Boyer Ms. Anne Boynton Sandra S. Bradbury Ms. Barbara J. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brandfonbrener Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Brannan Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bray Robert and Marjorie Breisblatt Marie Brelin Howard L. Brenner Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Brenner Mr. Martin Bresler Mrs. Henry A. Briele Dr. and Mrs. David F. Bright Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Briskman Elizabeth and Charles M. Brock Bill and Linda Bronner Gila J. Bronner Laura Bronson and Kurt Jorgensen Leslie Brookfield and Arvey Stone Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Brosnan Ms. Patricia Broughton Andrew and Gail Brown Mrs. Anne S. Brown Ms. Denise Brown Larry and Ann Brown Mary Beth and Tom Brown Mr. and Mrs. William M. Brown Ms. Nancy H. Bruggeman


Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brunso Dr. and Mrs. Brian S. Bryzinski Mrs. Cassandra D. Buccellato Mr. and Mrs. John A. Buck II Mr. and Mrs. Tom Buck Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Buckman Mr. Albert C. Buehler III Renata J. Buehler Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Bulley III Dr. and Mrs. James J. Burden Ms. Susan Burkhardt Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns Ann and Dick* Burnstine Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Burow Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Burridge, Jr. Susanne B. Bush-Wilcox Mr. John Wm. Butler, Jr. and Mr. John M. VanderLinden Tariq Butt and Rizwana Mughal Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Caggiano Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Cain Sally R. Campbell Sharon and Dave Campbell Joseph and Cory Cancila Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cankar Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Cantor Ms. Susan Caraher Dr. and Mrs. Fabian Carbonell Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cardella Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Carlisle Ruth Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Carpenter Ronald and Rosemarie Carpenter Betty A. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Jess M. Casner Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Caufield Mr. and Mrs. Francis N. Cavalier Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Center Ebony Chafey Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Chandler Ms. Julie T. Chandler Frank and Dorothy Chao Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chapa Angela Chaplin Gorman Mrs. Norman Chapman Houda Chedid Rick and Dee Dee Chesley Ms. Erica Chesney Mr. and Mrs. Tadd Chessen Kathryn J. Chieger Tim Child and Jim Ward Mrs. Cathleen Choi and Ms. Cynthia Choi J. Robert and Joyce Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Christiansen Mrs. Deirdre Christman Mr. Walter D. Cibulskis John Cifonelli and Sally Deniston Ms. Margaret E. Cipar Barry and Lorraine Clark Ms. Cynthia S. Clark and Mr. Robert J. Regan Louise and Steve Clark John and Jean Clarke Mr. Donald E. Claus and Mr. George Rohrer Jerry and Nancy Clauser Dr. S. Hollis Clayson Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Clesceri Tim Clesen Mr. and Mrs. Jon Cobin

Charlotte Codo Mr. and Mrs. Jules Cogan Sara and Dan Cohan Hyla Cohen and Stacey Kaufman Mr. Larry D. Cohen Ann and Roger Cole Mrs. Annette M. Cole Jesse and Marguerite Cole Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cole Mr. and Mrs. William Cole Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Collins, Jr. Ms. Irina Colon The Honorable Michael J. Colwell Mr. and Mrs. Kevan K. Comstock Mr. James M. Connelly P. J. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Cook Mr. Rick Cooper Sara A. Cooper John and Kathryn Corboy Mr. and Mrs. Gary Cosby Ms. Anne T. Coughlan and Mr. Charles B. Jameson Susan and Joseph Coughlin Charles R. Courtney Daniel and Mary Beth Cox Sally and Tom Coyle Susan Craft Ms. Jennifer Craig Cordova Ms. Cynthia Crane and Mr. Lawrence R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James E. Crawford III Stephen and Elizabeth Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Creamer III Mr. and Mrs. Percy V. Crocker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Croghan Mary Crook Patricia E. Crowe Bruce and Meg Crowther Ms. Marsha Cruzan Dr. Douglas M. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cunniff Judith B. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Cunningham Mrs. Katharin Czink and Mr. Robert F. Martorano Mr. and Mrs. John A. Dahl Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dahlinghaus Timothy and Cheryl Dahlstrand Chester B. Dallas and Timothy A. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Darin Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Darling Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Darragh Judy and Tapas K. Das Gupta Kent and Liz Dauten Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. David Joan David Mrs. Laurie H. Davidson Allen and Eliza Davies Allison Blakley Davis and Kenneth Davis Barbara and Bob Davis Mrs. DeForest P. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Karen Davis Mr. Kenneth Davis Dr. and Mrs. Lester H. Davis Ms. Ann E. Deakyne Ms. Diana DeBoy Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Degrass

Mr. and Mrs. L. Peter DeGroot IV Walter and Nina Deitch Mark and Jessica Deming Mrs. James E. DeMore Mr. and Mrs. Kieran Dempsey Judy E. Denenberg Mr. and Mrs. E. Austin DePree Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. DePree Ms. Judith Desenis and Mr. E. Scott Peterson Tom and Marcia Desmond Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. DeStefano Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devendorf Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Mr. and Mrs. Ted Devine Ms. Judith A. Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Ryan DeVore David and Annette Dezelan Mr. and Mrs. James S. Di Matteo Ms. Justine R. Dial Mr. Philip S. Diamond Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dick Amy T. Dickinson The Nathan Dieck Family James C. Differding Dr. Joan W. DiLeonardi Jennifer and Thomas Dine Mr. Robert Dineen and Mrs. Marilyn Dineen Ms. Maria Disomma Mr. and Mrs. William Dodge Dr. Richard F. Dods Ms. Christine Dohan Ms. Bridgette Doheny Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Doherty Mrs. Florence K. Dolan Domont Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Donnelley II Gary R. Dorn Ms. Barbara Doss and Mr. Paul M. Lovrencic Mr. and Mrs. James Doyle Mr. and Mrs. William C. Doyle Charenton Zelov Drake Ray and Mary Beth Drake Ms. Mary Dresdow Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Drucker Mrs. Joan J. Dubin Ms. Michelle Dufault Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duffey Dr. Mina K. Dulcan Sally Dumas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Angus M. Duthie Dr. and Mrs. Aaron M. Dworin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Dwyer Debbie and Kenneth Dynes Mrs. Anne Eagleton and Ms. Gwen Eagleton Mr. Peter J. Eatherton Ms. Glenna R. Eaves and Mr. Christopher Boebel Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eberlein Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eberspacher Mr. and Mrs. Larry Eclov Valerie Egem Mr. Richard B. Egen Barbara and Ira Eichner Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. Eliot Michael and Kathleen Elliott

Deane Ellis and Barbara Ellis James and Sandra Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Brian Embree Mary Embree Dr. Tamara Emerson-Mendela Jon and Linda Ender David and Paula Epstein William and Laurel Eslinger Mr. and Mrs. John W. Estey Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ethridge Mr. Fabio Fabbri Mr. and Mrs. David Facklam Mr. and Mrs. Albert Falasz Romayne Fargo Ms. Julianne Farley Grant and Debra Farrell Mrs. John V. Farwell IV The Honorable and Mrs. Roger G. Fein Mr. and Mrs. Laurence P. Feldman Scott and Susan Feldman Mrs. Patricia W. Felker Warren and Judy Fellingham Ms. Daisy Ferguson and Mr. Alan Ferguson Ms. Marlene Fernandes Flora and Balbino Fernandez Drs. David Ferster and Indira M. Raman Ms. Carol L. Fessenden Dan and Regina Fiddyment Mary H. Fields Ms. Elaine Filus and Mr. Tom Lenz Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finnegan Mr. Arthur J. Fiocco, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Terry Fippinger Dr. and Mrs. James M. Fisch Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Steven Z. Fishbein Mr. Benjamin Fisher Dr. and Mrs. William E. Fishman Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. William FitzSimons Mr. Michael Flagg Mr. and Mrs. Staunton O. Flanders Ms. Nancy A. Flannery and Family Mr. and Mrs. Tobin J. S. Flavin Roslyn K. Flegel Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Fleitz Nona C. Flores Anita D. Flournoy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fogerty Patricia C. Foley Mr. and Mrs. John Folkers Mr. and Mrs. William D. Folland Mr. and Mrs. John J. Foran Dr. Kimberly R. Ford and Ms. Kjestine Ford The Frank B. Foster Charitable Trust Ms. Mary Foster Ms. Eliza P. Fournier Mr. Bruce J. Fox Ms. Sarah Fox Charles E. Frank and Karen Frank Peters Mrs. Elaine Frank Jeanette Fredrickson Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Freehling Mr. and Mrs. Alan Freeman Ms. Lisa P. Fremont and Mr. Mark Boyle Margot and Ernest Freudman Ms. Janet W. Freund

Ms. Kathy Freund Ms. Beth A. Frey Mr. and Mrs. Wells L. Frice Ms. Judy S. Friedman and Mr. Howard I. Friedman Kevin and Jeannie Froeter Mr. and Mrs. Dirk and Teresa Fucik Alyce Fuller Judith and Ward Fuller Mrs. Laura R. Fulton Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Furst Denise and Jeffrey Gadient Calvin and Margaret Gage Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gaines Mr. Mark Galea Ms. Deborah Gallagher and Ms. Megan Gosselin J. Patrick and Anne M. Gallagher Jane Gallery and George Craven Mr. Robert W. Galmish and Ms. Elaine C. Galmish Denise Michelle Gamble Mrs. Marvin B. Ganek Mr. and Mrs. John R. Garber Shlomo Garber Victor and Rebecca Garces Ms. Elizabeth Gardham and Mr. Jon R. Acker Ted and Arlyne Garrison Mr. Michael Garzel and Mr. Jeffrey Souva Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Gass Barbara and Chuck Gately Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Gaud, Jr. Ms. Mary Gaviria Doris H. Geck Marie and Don George Virginia and Alan George Dr. Margaret Gerber Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gerchen Jerome Gerchikov and Mrs. Marjorie Galster Joel and Alison Gershon Alan and Pauline Gerstein Mr. and Mrs. Julio L. Gesklin Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Getty Ms. Mona Ghobrial Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Gibson Dr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Gilbert Joan and John Gilchrist Susan H. Gilkey, M.D. Karla S. Gillette Ms. Laura R. Gillette Patricia T. Gladden and James W. Gladden, Jr. Maureen Glassberg John and Maureen Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gloor Joe and Madeleine Glossberg Augustyna and Ted Godek John J. Golab Sue Golan Ms. Deidra D. Gold Mr. Herman Gold Ms. Margaret Goldberg Mrs. Diane Goldman and Dr. Robert Goldman Dr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Goldman Wendy and Bob Goldman Craig and Elissa Goldsmith Marsha and Michael Goldstein

Mrs. Myla Frohman Goldstick Ms. Doris E. Gonczy and Ms. Monique Showalter L. Stuart Gordon Ms. Mary Beckman Quinn and Dr. Mike Gordon Drs. Neal and Alison Gordon Mrs. Barbara S. Gorham Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gorski Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goss Sheila and Richard Gottardi Mary Ann Grabowski and Roger J. Grabowski Emily C. Grace Alison Graf and Richard Schreiner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Graff Mrs. Patricia R. Graham Mr. Robert R. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Graham Mr. and Mrs. William Graham Mr. and Mrs. William W. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Keith Grant Sherry and Delmon Grapes Elisha and Nina D. Gray Mr. Anthony R. Green Mary Winton Green Ms. Megan Green Donna and Jack Greenberg Amy and Bob Greenebaum Mr. and Mrs. William Greengoss Mr. and Mrs. David Greenspahn Janice Greenwald Byron and Sue Gregory Jeffrey and Dominique Greve Mr. and Mrs. John F. Grillo Janet Wolter Grip Mr. and Mrs. Stanislaw Grochowski Ms. Teresa A. Grosch and Mr. Thomas A. Roberts Charlie and Jill Gross Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Grossman Mrs. Karen F. Grotberg Mr. and Mrs. David D. Grumhaus Brenda and John Gude Richard and Gayle Guelzow Jackie and Jerry Guest Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Guidarini Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gundlach Jean Gustafson Ms. Donna Gustafsson Peggy and Sam Gutterman Ms. Elke Gutt-Jankowski and Mr. George M. Gutt-Jankowski Carolyn W. Haas Andrew and Jennifer Hadland Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Haggie Gretchen and Scott Hall Julie Hall* Mrs. Rita M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Edward Halloran Dr. and Mrs. Ira M. Hanan Dr. Chester S. and Phyllis J. Handelman Mr. and Mrs. Marc T. Hanger Barbara P. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. James Hansen John and Nancy Hansen William and Carol Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Warren D. Hanssen Leslie Hardison and Dorothy Hardison Pamela and David Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Alan G. Harris

John and Gwen Harris Ms. Kathleen E. Harris Tom and Janet Harris Mrs. Augustin S. Hart, Jr. Martha Bacon Hartfiel Margaret M. Hastings, Ph. D. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Hauser Cynthia Havlik David and Karen Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawwa Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Z. Hayward, Jr. Bruce Haywood Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Heal Lois R. Heald* Mrs. Caroline Heart Mrs. Thomas D. Heath Ms. Karen Hedberg Mr. Robert M. Hedrick Jean and Tom Hedstrom Ms. Margreatha M. Hein Barbara and Richard Helfand Mr. and Mrs. Bill Helmstetter Ms. Susan C. Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. James Henry Karen and Paul Herkes Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Hershiser Barbara and Jim Herst Ms. Leslie J. Herzog Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Heyman Mrs. James O. Heyworth Mrs. John T. Hickey Ms. Margaret K. Higgins Dr. and Mrs. James A. Hill Ms. Mair S. Hill Mr. Michael Himes Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Hines Ms. Dee E. Hinger Joseph and Patricia Hinkel Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hirschfield Rick and Cathy Hirschmann Ms. Peggy Hoberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hodson Thomas and Mary Hoeppner Mr. Robert A. Hoffer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Burton L. Hoffman Ms. Jane A. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hoffman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holland Dr. Linda Hollinger-Smith Peter and Lynn Holstein Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holubow Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Holzer Ms. Sheri Hone Joel* and Carol Honigberg Bill and Vicki Hood Ms. Elizabeth Hopp-Peters and Mr. Kurt Peters Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Horner, Jr. Mr. Martin Horner Mrs. Nancy A. Horner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Horwitz William Hosken Chris and Keri Hotaling Ms. Justine Hourihane Ms. Rose M. Houston Mrs. William W. Howell Laurie W. Howick Ms. Frederica F. Hoyt Dr. and Mrs. Annming A. Hsieh *Deceased



David and Karen Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hughes Mary Ellen and Tim Hughes Mr. and Mrs. John Huguenard Ms. Patricia J. Hurley Ms. Victoria Hurley Mrs. George J. Hurney The Hussey Family Ms. Bridget Hutchen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchins Ms. Carrie A. Hutchinson and Mr. Thomas Hutchinson Mr. and Mrs. William Hyatt Leslie and Michael B. Hyman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Hyndman Ellen Hyndman Mr. and Mrs. Troy C. Ihlanfeldt Mr. and Mrs. Mark Imhoff Dr. and Mrs. David Ingall Ms. Gail E. Inman M. E. Jacka Joann and Jerry Jacks Lynn and Doug Jackson Susan and Graham Jackson Ms. Diane Jacobson and Mr. Bruce Nesbit Mr. and Mrs. Seth E. Jacobson Ms. Julie Jahn Shirley R. Jahn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jahrke Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Jakubowski Mrs. Christine Jakymiw and Mr. Matt Jakymiw Ms. Jacqueline James and Mr. Lloyd Schoen Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. James Ron and Sue James Mr. and Mrs. James A. Janas Mr. John Janecek Ms. Carol Janossy and Mr. James Janossy, Jr. Mr. Tim Jarosch Jeannette Jeanblanc Kathleen and Hal Jenkins Trevor Jesse and David C. Jesse Mr. William V. Jewell Dr. and Mrs. Mir Joffrey Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Johanson Arlene V. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Blake R. Johnson Ms. Catherine M. Johnson Mr. Erik Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Johnson Ms. Lucienne Johnson and Mr. Vincent Lizzo Mr. and Mrs. Nels J. Johnson, Jr. Ms. Gail R. Jones and Ms. Joan Redden Ms. Karin M. Jones R. Ann Jones Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Jones Mr. Richard T. Jones Mr. Robert O. Jones Vivienne Jones and Christopher McMahon Richard D. and Meta Joutras The Junker Family Mrs. Arlene A. Juracek Mr. and Mrs. Irv Kagan Judy and Sanford Kahn Kelly Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Kaiser Mr. Derrick Kaleta


Edward J. Kaleta and Carol A. Kaleta R. J. Kallinger Sona Kalousdian and Ira D. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Kampwirth Rita Kanne Mr. and Mrs. Mahesh Kansara Dr. Andrew S. Kanter and Ms. Alina Oganesova Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kaplan Harriet and Ernest Karmin Mr. and Mrs. Steve Karnatz Mr. and Mrs. Michael Karnezis Verla Kasmerchak Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Kasten III Dr. Claudia A. Katz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Katz Barbara Kaufman Marie and Larry Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. William Kaufman Jehan and Mary Clair Kavoosi Ms. Patricia Kay Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Keefe Mrs. Stephanie M. Keehn Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Kehoe Amy Keller and Tony Dillon Mary E. Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kelliher Ms. Joan Kellogg and Mrs. Christine K. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Peter O. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kelly, Jr. Randy and Victoria Kemmeling Gina Kennedy and Robert Shannon Ms. Karen Kennedy Mary and John Kennedy Ms. Susan Kennedy and Mr. Jerry Goldman Ms. Patricia Kercher Debbie and Steve Kerr Dr. and Mrs. William D. Kerr, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Alan C. Keyes Ms. Ruth Keyso Mrs. Deborah Keyt Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kibler Mr. and Mrs. Norman K. Kidder Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kiefer Mr. Mitchell B. Kiesler Myung Hee Kim Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Kindig Catherine J. King and Edmund T. King III Mr. and Mrs. James D. King Mr. Bryan Kinghorn Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kinnucan Ms. Kelly A. Kinslow and Mrs. Roberta Kinslow Tom and Gail Kirkham Samuel and Denise Kirshenbaum Ms. Nancy E. Kittle KKM Design Mr. R. Henry Kleeman Mr. Bill Klein and Mrs. Betty Marshall-Klein Lynley and Thomas Kleiner Mrs. Susan Klingenstein Mr. Thomas A. Kmetko and Mr. Rafael Leon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Knakmuhs Gwen and Jules Knapp Christopher and Emily Knight Randy and Deborah Katz Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kohler

Irena Kolasa Mrs. George A. Kolovos Mary Sue Drury Komnenich Dr. and Mrs. Michael Korey John T. Korzak and Janet Gainer Ms. Carolyn A. Kotlarski Ms. Mary Ann Koval and Mr. Fred Flude Ms. Paige Kowalski and Ms. Susan Kowalski Mr. Ken Kozak Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Kracik Dr. Andrea Kramer and Mr. Brian N. Kramer Susan and Manny Kramer Ms. Mary Krauchunas Mr. and Mrs. W. Paul Krauss Mrs. Marybeth Kravets Kousik and Anita Krishnan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kritzman Jonathan Kula Mr. Robert Kula and Ms. Linda Garland Ms. Dusanka Kuljanin and Mr. Spasoje Kuljanin Ms. Charlene M. Kunkel Marilyn and Ivan Kushen Caryl and Ron Kushner Kofi Kwarteng Mr. and Mrs. John Kyle and Family Claire and John Labbe Mr. and Mrs. John T. LaFramboise Ms. Jessica LaGrange Leigh Keyser Lalich Dr. and Mrs. Howard J. Lambert Mrs. Jill Landry Mr. and Mrs. David L. Landsittel Barbara and Steve Lane Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lane Mr. William W. Lane Ms. Beth M. Lange Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Langer Mrs. Nancy Lanning and Ms. Joan Sandhop S. D. Lansing Family Mr. and Mrs. Desmond LaPlace Ms. Joanne Larsen Richard B. and Gail M. Lass Jeff Later and Betsy Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lattanzio Mrs. Maggie Lauer Mr. and Mrs. James Lauesen Ms. Beverly S. Lavitt and Dr. Alan Lavitt Dr. and Mrs. Phil Lebovitz Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Leck Ms. Colleen Lee Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall Lee Mrs. Beth S. Leeds Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Leemputte Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leemputte Mr. and Mrs. Sig Lefkovitz J. C. and Brenda Lenahan Jim and Martie Lennon Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Lerner Sandye Lerner Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leventhal Charles S. Levi and Sandra J. Levy Bob and Judi Levine Mr. and Mrs. Michael Levinsohn Barbara Levinson Ms. Molly G. Levitt Mr. and Mrs. Terry B. Levy

Arnie Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Liebenson Mrs. Paul D. Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Lieblich Ms. Hannah Lim Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Limpus Dr. Richard Lin, Jr. and Mary Leary Ms. Shuhong Lin and Mr. Zhihui Huang Rebecca Ann Lind Barbara Lindblad Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Lippitz Dr. Stewart D. Lipton and Ms. Fay Dennen Ms. Anne E. Little Mrs. Francis E. Little Mr. Patrick Little and Ms. Emily Hanan Patricia M. Livingston Diane and Bill Lloyd Mr. David E. Long and Mrs. Terra R. McClory Teri and Fred Lowinger Mrs. Joan Lowry Sarah and Mark Lucas Dr. and Mrs. Claude A. Lucchesi Ms. Virginia M. Lujan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lux Roberta D. Lynch Mary Lou and Jim Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Myron Lyskanycz Jim and Kay Mabie Douglas and Jessie MacDonald Mr. Mark MacDonald Ms. Denise Macey Mr. and Mrs. John N. Macintosh Mr. Donald Mack Mrs. Joanne P. Mack Mrs. Suzanne C. Mack Mr. and Mrs. Jon C. MacKay Mardie MacKimm Fund at The Chicago Community Trust Mr. and Mrs. John MacLeod Willmot Macleod Bob and Becky Maganuco Michael and Deborah Maggio Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Magid Ms. S.S. Mah Ms. Gail S. Mahaffey and Mr. Bruce Mumford Mr. and Mrs. Kurt R. Mancillas Rose K. Mandell* Mr. and Mrs. John Mangel III Mr. William E. Mangold Mr. and Mrs. H. George Mann Mr. Corey Marchetti Mrs. Marjorie E. Marcquenski Mr. and Mrs. Steven Marcus Mr.* and Mrs.* James G. Marks Mr. Jeremy K. Marmer and Mrs. Sivakami Thayu Ms. Marie Marotta Dr. and Mrs. John Marquardt Mr. Keith C. Marshall, Jr. Marlene and Lou Marsico Mr. and Mrs. David W. Martay Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Martin Mr. and Mrs. John P. Martin Maureen M. Martin Mr. William Martin Mr. and Mrs. Hector Martinez Ms. Alexandra K. Mason Janice Mason

Rebeca Massey Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Masterson Mr. and Mrs. John Mathy Ms. Melissa Matterson Ms. Judith G. Matz and Mr. David Barhydt Mr. Charles Mauter Dr. Feliks Mavashev Ms. Susan E. Mayer Russell and Anne Mayerfeld Susan and Paul Mayfield Leonard and Susan Mazanek Anya S. Maziak Eleanor McAllister Mr. Raymond McBride Judy and John McCarter Mary McCarthy Mr. Patrick McCarthy Mark and Kathy McCarville Mrs. Pam McClamroch Nicholas and Denise McClanahan Nina and Andrew McCune Ann McDermott Mr. Richard D. McDonough Dr. and Mrs. Timothy McDonough Mr. Rodger D. McDowall and Mr. John Burton Mr. Donald McEachern Michael and Nancy McEntee Adam and Katherine McGaughy John and Sharon McGee Darcy Livingston McGrath Ms. Gail McGrath and Mr. Sheldon Levin Patty and Mark McGrath Sharman and Summers McGurn Dr. and Mrs. James D. McHolland George and Alice McKann Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. McLennan Ms. Jacqueline McMillan Ms. Susan McMurray Carrie McNally Kathryn McNeil and Vince Stefanelli Kathy Kaatz McRae Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Meardon Mrs. Maggie R. Meiners Ms. Jill Meltzer Lois Melvoin Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Merlin Sara and Richard Mesirow George and Gerry Messenger Elizabeth Messersmith Mr. and Mrs. Walter Metcalf III Mr. and Mrs. Laurens Mets Mr. and Mrs. William G. Meuer Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Meyer Elizabeth P. Meyer Ms. Karen Hassett Meyer Mr. Rolf Meyer Mr. John Michael Dr. Aaron J. Michelfelder Ms. Sharon M. Michnuk and Mr. Steven Millar Michael and Rebecca Mikolajczyk Mr. and Mrs. James Mikulski Mr. and Mrs. Craig R. Milkint Cheryl L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Miller Sandra M. Miller and John A. Miller William and Anita Miller Dr. David Milligan Mr. and Mrs. Barry Millman

Ms. Linda Mills Catherine Ann Miner Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mionske Mrs. Bernice Miska Rosemarie and Tom Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mitchell Roger and Pauline Mohr Jens and Larissa Mommsen Mr. and Mrs. John E. Monaco Eileen P. and Peter Monahan Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Monroe III Richard and Beverly Moody Mr. and Mrs. David Mooney William Mooney Deborah Waud Moore Jim and Diane Moore Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moore Judy and Ron Moore Mr. J. Clifford Moos Victor and Faye Morgenstern Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Moriello Joyce and Rick Morimoto Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Morris Carol C. Morrison Pauline and Howard Morrison Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Mueller John E. and Maureen O. Muench Arthur and Leslie Muir Mr. Lee Mulcrone and Ms. Wendy Mulcrone Ellen P. Multack Ms. Dianne Munevar and Mr. Jason Niederkorn Tariq and Nijood Murad Bridget Murphy Mr. Richard J. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy Ms. Barbara B. Murray Mr. and Mrs. James Murray William and Frances Myers Dr. Anne Nagle and Mr. Michael Knippen K. C. Nagle Mary Nagle Akira Nakajima Matthew and Akemi Nakanishi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Napier Mrs. Joseph E. Nathan The Walter Nathan Family Mr.* and Mrs. Phil C. Neal Mr. James Neidinger Mr. and Mrs. Nicolas H. Nelson Mrs. Suzanne Nelson Lisa and Victor Nemeroff Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Nero Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Newcomb George D. Newton, Jr. and Marja H. Newton Mr. Neal J. Ney Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Nielsen Kathleen Nissly Mrs. Barbara M. Noeth Richard Nordstrom Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Nore Marilyn and Armand Norehad Mr. and Mrs. Brian Novelline Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novicki James J. Novotny Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Novy Mrs. Dorothy Jeanne Oakley Mrs. Sharon Oberlander Michael and Cheryl O’Brien

Sally and Jim O’Brien The Honorable Sheila O’Brien and The Honorable Wayne Andersen Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Brien PJ O’Conor Donald A. and Gayle P. O’Day Dr. Patricia O’Leary and Dr. Shaun O’Leary Jeffrey and Lesley Ollada Mr. Theodore A. Olson, Jr. Ms. Mary O’Malley Mr. and Mrs. Michael O’Malley Ms. Georgianne P. Oman Michael K. Oman Mr. and Mrs.* Thomas C. O’Neil Tom and Molly O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. David G. O’Neill Kathleen F. O’Neill Mrs. Karen R. Onufer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Orbach The Orlofsky Family Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Shea Dennis and Mary Osimitz Charles and Elaine Oslakovic Jane and Elliott Otis Mr. Sidney Overbey Ms. Rebecca Owen Mr. and Mrs. Steve M. Pace Dr. Lauren M. Pachman and Mr. Mark A. Satterthwaite Mr. and Mrs. John Paleczny Mr. Luke A. Palese and Mr. Enrique Useche Anthony and Catherine Palin D Murdell Panek and Kevin Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Pankros Ms. Barbara A. Parfet B. D. Park Ms. Eleanor Parker John P. Parkins Mr. Robert A. Parolin Stanley Parzen and Lynne Raimondo Ms. Christine G. Paschen Ms. Shelley Paschke Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pasquesi Mr. and Mrs. Tony C. Passanante Elizabeth Patterson and Michael Hermsen Mrs. Lois Patterson Mrs. Patricia Paul Robert and Nancy Paul Mr. Nate Pave Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pavelec Charlotte Pavelka and Douglas Reitz Mrs. Albert Pawlick Mr. and Mrs. Brent Payne Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearsall Mr. Michael Pearson Joanne E. Pelletiere Mrs. Vernon J. Pellouchoud Mr. James J. Pelts Margaret Pendry Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Perkaus, Jr. Dr. Marilyn Perlman and Mr. Harry Epstein Robert Perrey Ms. Claire Perry Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Pessis Stefanie Pessis Weil and Richard Weil James H. Peters Mr. and Mrs. Marc Peters Rich and Corinne Peters

Ken Peterson and Marla Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Peterson Rita Petretti Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas Petrie Ms. Sandra Petron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Pettinger Lorna and Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phelan Ms. Evelyn Phelps Charles and Diane Phillips Mrs. Dolores Phillips Ms. Joy Pickens Tiffani Pierson and Steve Shultz Ms. Susan Pietrucha Mrs. H. P. Pinnell Karin and Conrad Pioli Ms. Katie Pionke Judy and Chuck Piper Ms. Diane Pitt and Mr. Mitchell Karlin Robert Pitt and Lora LaDew Ms. Gail Pitts Mr. and Mrs. James K. Placio Dr. William K. Platt Wilma V. Plazak Mrs. Frederic W. Plochman Mr. John Podjasek Don and Martha Pollak Mrs. Ellen Pomes Mr. Christopher Pommer and Mrs. Lisa Pommer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Popeck Ms. Linda Post Ms. Jane Potrykus Carolyn Pottinger Mr. and Mrs. Gregory G. Poupitch David and Sue Ann* Powers Mrs. Nancy Powers Ms. Linda Prasil and Mr. John T. Rank Marilyn and Roger Price Mr. and Mrs. Neal H. Price Juliet K. Priebe Sandra and Paul Prince Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Prochaska Ira and Ina Pruzan Paula J. Puntenney Dr. Sandi Pupa Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Putzel Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Pyott Mr. Carl Quatraro Ms. Julie Quick and Ms. Sharon Paddock Jo-El Quinlan Dr. Barry Rabin Mr. and Mrs. Hollis W. Rademacher Helene and Norman Raidl Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Rakoczy Nabih and Cindy Ramadan Dr. John G. Rana Barbara Rasinski Nancy and Warren Rasmussen Debasis Rath and Prathiba Nagaraju Eric and Susan Rauscher Ms. Amy Reavis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Redmond Shirley Redmond Mr. John W. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Reeder Mr. Harold W. Rees and Ms. Emily Culbertson




Dr. Anne Grall Reichel and Mr. Jack Reichel Mrs. Corrine V. Reichert Ms. Renate Reichs John and Anne Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Repke Alicia and Myron Resnick Mr. and Mrs. Ken Resnick Alicia and David Resnicoff Marilyn and Guy Revesz Ms. Adriana Reyneri Ms. Sue Reyneri Mr. and Mrs. A. McKinley Reynolds III Ms. Nancy M. Rhoades Mr. and Mrs. Garrick Rice Ms. Alicia M. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. David W. Riddell Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Rigsby Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rippie Ms. Tracy Ritter and Ms. Charlet M. Stearney Roberta Sue Robert Ms. Beverly Robinson and Ms. Tiffany Robinson Rampey Mr. and Mrs. Gary Robinson Nancy Kimball Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Peter Robinson Julie and Don Rocap Ms. Elizabeth A. Rochford Mr. and Mrs. Philip Roden Mr. Edwin Rodham and Ms. Cathy Castouros Curt and Linda Rodin Nancy Rodin Paul and Sharlene Roge Elizabeth and James Roghair Scott and Becky Rohloff Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohrbach Mr. and Mrs. Douglass F. Rohrman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rolighed Stephena Cook Romanoff Ronzani Lawn Service, Inc. Patricia A. Root James L. Rosenberg, MD Robyn and Saul Rosenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Rosenfield Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Rosenstein Judy and Warner Rosenthal Ian G. Ross and Sheau-Ming Ross Nuna and Ennio Rossi Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rosskam Mr. and Mrs. Sunondo Roy Howard and Gene Royer Tom and Judy Roytek Mr. Michael J. Rubin Mrs. Roberta H. Rubin Ms. Ellen Rudnick and Mr. Paul Earle Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ruegsegger Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ruestow Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Rugo Mr. Edwin D. Runtti and Mr. Robert Valle Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Ruskin Ms. Charlotte Rusnak and Mr. Anthony F. Rusnak Mr. John C. Russell and Ms. Cecily Crowther Paul and Kerry Russell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthman Dianne Ryan


Mrs. John Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Ryan Mr. George Rykowski and Ms. Silvia Schmid Mr. Ronald Rysztogi Mr. Joseph A. Sacco Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sacco Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Sachs Mr. and Mrs. Marc E. Sacks and Family Ms. Mary Joan Saffa and Ms. Karen Joan Saffa Ms. Gloria A. Sagen Dr. David and Carolyn Saidel Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Sanders Steven and Elizabeth Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Sunil M. Sanghvi John and Marilyn Sanner The Santaromita Family Ms. Donna Chiariello Santoro and Ms. Phileene Evans Ms. Susan K. Sarb Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Sarowitz Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Savarie Mr. Edward Savers Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Scadron Mr. Robert P. Scales and Ms. Mary E. Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Scarpelli Peggy Au Schatz Tom and Sandy Scheckelhoff Mr. and Mrs. David Schiffman Mr. and Mrs. Jon L. Schindler Nancy L. Schmid Barbara and Gene Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Rick Schmude Mr. Leo Schoenhofen Jim and Jane Schorr Kristine A. Schriesheim Carol and Dean Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schuler Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Schulman Susan and Bradley Schulman Jennifer and David Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Schultz Mrs. Fred E. Schulz Jeffery and Susan Schulze Mr. Robert Schuman and Ms. Anne L. Schuman Paul T. Schuster Family Mr. Herbert Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Matson F. Schwalm Donald L. and Susan J. Schwartz Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Schwartz Ms. Susan L. Schwartz Mrs. Jean R. Schwarz Lisa and Steven Schwarz Mrs. Cynthia D. Schwimmer and Mr. Jonathan Schwimmer Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Scott Dr. Deborah Scott and Dr. Joan Sophie Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Scott Ms. Lorraine Scott Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sear Mr. and Mrs. David Seidman Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Semple, Jr. Brock and Ruth Ann Seney Dr. Phyllis W. Shafron and Ms. Andrea Lathan

Mrs. Marianne Shahid Ms. Patricia M. Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Shanker Mr. John Shanks Larry and Georgene Shanley Kay Shannon Ms. Sonya Sharpless and Mr. Jon Fryer Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Chris and Michelle Sheedy Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sheets Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sher Mr. and Mrs. David A. Sherman Brian Shevitz and Karen O’Sullivan Linda and Gerald Shields Ms. Eunja Shim Mike and Lee Shinners Mrs. Janis Sholem Ms. Hannah Shoup Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shraiberg Mr. and Mrs. Duward F. Shriver Mrs. Robert M. Sider Mrs. Thomas Silberman Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Simmons Mr. Ernest Sims Martin G. Sirvatka Don and Marion Sitkiewicz Peter and Joanna Sjoblom Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Sjoerdsma John and Trish Sjoholm Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Skoglund Frances N. Slisz Mr. David and Mrs. Robin Small Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Smirl Adrian and Nancy Smith Donald R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith Gerald and Phyllis Smith Ms. Helen L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Mary Beth and Stanton Smith Dr. and Mrs. Scott P. Smith Toni Sandor Smith Christina and Robert Smolen Mrs. Edna M. Smyth Ms. Elizabeth E. Smyth Jack and Lynn Snarr Mrs. Ann B. Snyder Marge and Larry Sondler Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Sonenthal Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Sonneborn III Mrs. Mary Southworth Mr. Jason Sowers Dr. and Mrs. David Spadafora Mrs. Robert Spencer James Sperling and Rhyan Sperling Dr. Luretta D. Spiess Linda and Tom Spring Andrew Sprogis and Jennifer Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Vernon T. Squires Ms. Lois M. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stanley Tom and Jolyn Stanley Mrs. Sylvia V. Stec Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Stein Mr. and Mrs. Joel Stein Mr. Michael I. Stein Terri and Lindsay Stein Mr. and Mrs. James A. Steinback Ms. Barbara S. Steiner Mrs. Momoko O. Steiner Ms. Deborah Stephen

Mr. and Mrs. James B. Stephens Dorie Sternberg Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stevenson Liz Stiffel Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Stineman Mr. and Mrs. David L. Stoehr Mr. James Stoll Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stone Mark and Kim Stone Dr. and Mrs. Peter W. Stonebraker Mrs. Ruth K. Strack-Hunze and Mr. Charles L. Hunze Mrs. Marcia D. Stratinsky Dr. and Mrs. Gerald O. Strauch Mrs. Joan S. Streibel Jennifer P. Streit Pam and Russ Strobel Jane and Stephen Stroupe Mrs. Lillan Stuart Mrs. Elizabeth Stucker and Mr. James Stucker Mrs. John C. Sturgis Mr. Peter B. Sullivan Rosanne and Bill Sullivan David and Jan Suthard Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sutoris Mrs. William P. Sutter Mr. Wayne N. Svoboda Ms. Loretta Sweeney Dr. and Mrs. Martin Swerdlow Mrs. John S. Swift III Ms. Barbara B. Synnestvedt Mr. and Mrs. Casmir F. Szczepaniak Mrs. Anne Taft Mary Tamarri Ms. Fui Lian Tan and Dr. Robert F. Inger Ms. Abby Tanenbaum Raymond and Anne Tatalovich Mr. and Mrs. John R. Taylor Ms. Jamina E. Tepley and Mr. Michael J. Stoyanovich Mr. Peter Testa and Family Florence M. Theisen Mrs. Jean K. Thiel and Ms. Jennifer Baumeister Ms. Claire Thom Mrs. Frederick B. Thomas Mrs. Phyllis Scholl Thomas Mr. Richard L. Thomas, Jr. Tria and Carson Thomas Gary and Barbara Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson Mr. and Mrs. T. Sands Thompson Janet Thullen Ms. Nancy A. Tichenor Dr. David and Shawn Tiemeier Mr. John C. Tierney Mr. Joseph E. Timmins and Ms. Deanna Versteeg Ms. Mary E. Timmons Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradley Tips Ms. Lorinda D. Tisdell Philip and Sandra Tobin Virginia C. Tolford Virginia Tolk Mrs. Lee Tomic and Ms. Erin Tomic Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Tompkins Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Tousey Mr. and Mrs. Ken Tracey


Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Tracy Ms. Linda Traeger Mrs. Nancy Traylor and Mr. Glen Traylor Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Trees Mr. Richard D. Triggs and Mr. William Jennings Ms. Jane Trueheart-Huels and Mr. Stephen Huels Mr. and Mrs. John P. Tubutis Benny and Tess Tud Ms. Nancy C. Tudor Adam Tumas, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Turban Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P. Turchi Mr. and Mrs. Drew Turitz John and Suzanne Turner Paul and Judith Tuszynski Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan E. Twichell Ms. Hilary J. Tyor and Mr. Peter Tyor Theresa Tyranowski Virginia and Fred Uhlmann Elizabeth A. Uihlein Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Unell Jeremy and Julie Unruh Ellen and Jerry Upton Ms. Elsa Vaintzettel Peter M. Vale Mrs. Virginia C. Vale Mrs. Gerald W. Van Treeck Mrs. Herbert A. Vance Mr. and Mrs. Tim VanTassel Helen M. Vaporis Ms. Joan B. Vatz Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Velten Dr. Jeffery S. Vender Mrs. Kimberly Vender-Moffat and Mr. Stephen D. Moffat Leslie L. Veon and Mark J. Kosminskas Mr. Glen Verber Ms. Phyllis M. Victorson Mr. Joseph N. Virgilio and Mr. Matt Virgilio Susan S. Volckens Sally H. Volkert-Bissell Darlene A. Vorachek Ms. Michele Vovolka Kathy and Joe Vyskocil Mr. and Mrs. Chander P. Wadhwa Ms. Peggy A. Wagener Mrs. Ann D. Wagner Ms. Courtney Walsh Edmond Walsh George and Katrin Walsh Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Walsh Mr. Greg Walters Mr. and Mrs. Gary Walther Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Walvoord Mr. and Mrs. David Wanger Carl and Janice Wangman Jo Nancy and James R. Warren Scot and Lisa Warren Ms. Lisa Warshauer Cynthia D. Washburne Mr. Daniel C. Waters Mrs. Carol B. Watkins Scott Waxman Brian Weatherford and Steven Montgomery Mr. Ronald E. Weil Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Weinberger Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Weiner

Walter Vern Weinert Robert Weinstock Mr. and Mrs. John Weiss Mrs. Mary Ann Wells and Ms. Elizabeth Martin Enid and Kalman Wenig Douglas and Judy Wertheimer Ms. Patricia Wetzel Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wexler Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Wheatley Ms. Ann L. Wheatley-Seamon Mrs. Andrea D. White Mrs. Alice White-Zarov and Mr. Herbert L. Zarov Mrs. Jane C. Whiting Mrs. Linda A. Wicks Ms. Stephanie Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Marc R. Wilkow Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Williams Mr. and Mrs. David Williams Edward and Ana Williams Ms. Wendi Williams and Mr. Steven Buckman Mr. and Mrs. David A. Willis Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Randall Wilson Mrs. Robert H. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Wilson Dr. and Mrs. David P. Winchester Mr. and Mrs. John S. Wineman, Jr. Arlene and Michael Winfield Al and Linda Winick Ms. Rosemarie E. Winslow and Dr. Edward Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Wirtz III Michael A. Wislek Ms. Lexy A. Wistenberg and Mr. Joseph Nepsa Mr. and Mrs. Brett Withey Mr. and Mrs. Jack Witlin Ms. Stephanie Wohlner Ms. Brigette Wolf and Mr. Corey Klein Ms. Norlene Wolfe and Mr. David Taylor Ann S. Wolff Sylvia Wolfson and Seymour Nordenberg Steve and Cynthia Wolpert Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Wolz Dr. Hak Y. Wong Sara Wong, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodbine Mr. Bruce R. Woodbury Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Wood-Prince Ms. Alison Woods Mr. William Worn Delphina Worsley Mr. and Mrs. Greg A. Wright Mr. Joseph F. Wright Ms. Mary Wright Mr. and Mrs. Stanley S. Wyngowski Kathleen Wytmar Mrs. Catherine Wytzka Mr. and Mrs. Isshi Yamada Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Yastrow Mr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Yee Mr. and Mrs. Rick Yeske Dr. Myung Ho Yoon Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young Susan Young Linda and Owen Youngman Nancy Zadek Mr. and Mrs. Mike S. Zafirovski Diane and Lawrence Zalusky

Mr. Joe Zapora Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Zdanowicz Ms. Jennifer Zehr John J. Zei Judith and Paul Zelisko Ms. Holly A. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Zimmermann Jonathan and Lisa Zirin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Zobus Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. Zoph Ms. Jacqueline Zwirner *Deceased

INSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT GIVING Corporations, foundations, government agencies, and organizations provide critical support for the Chicago Botanic Garden’s broad range of public programs, scientific research, capital improvements, endowments, and operational needs. The following generous gifts were made between January 1 and December 31, 2016. $1,000,000 and above Forest Preserves of Cook County • Capital Improvement Bonds • General Operating Support • Plants of Concern United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management • A ssessing Impacts of Climate Change on Rare Plants • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program • Seeds of Success

$500,000 to $999,999 National Science Foundation • A ssembling the Pleurocarp Tree of Life: Resolving the Rapid Radiation Using Genomics and Transcriptomics • Evaluating the Contributions of Horizontally Transferred Bacterial Genes and Endogenous Duplication Events to the Diversification of Diatoms • E xceptionally Well-Preserved Early Cretaceous Seed Plants from Mongolia • Feedback Between Evolution and Demography in Severely Fragmented Prairie Populations of Echinacea angustifolia • The Interplay of Genetic and Numerical Dynamics in Severely Fragmented Prairie Populations of Echinacea angustifolia • Plant Biology and Conservation Research Experiences for Undergraduates From Genes to Ecosystems • Pollination Biology and Domestication of Artocarpus (Moraceae) • Reproductive Isolation, Asynchrony, and Incompatibility in Fragmented Prairie Populations of Echinacea angustifolia • Scent-Mediated Diversification of Flowers and Moths Across Western North America • Systematics, Biogeography and Taxonomy of the Pantropical Legume Genus Cynometra

• Testing the Effects of Phylogenetic Diversity on Restoration Outcomes in Tallgrass Prairie • Workshop to Explore Enhancing Collaboration Between United States and Chinese Researchers in Systematic Biology The Negaunee Foundation • General Operating Support • Invasive Plant Research Endowment • Vice President of Science Endowment • Wonderland Express The Regenstein Foundation • General Operating Support • Joseph Regenstein, Jr. School of the Chicago Botanic Garden • Regenstein Learning Campus • Regenstein Fruit & Vegetable Garden Steans Family Foundation • Farm on Ogden • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm

$250,000 to $499,999 Astellas USA Foundation • Regenstein Learning Campus Helen V. Froehlich Foundation • Constituent Relationship Management Software • Early Childhood Education • Night of 1,000 Jack-o’-Lanterns ITW • All Aboard • General Operating Support • Regenstein Learning Campus • Science Career Continuum • Sponsor, World Environment Day • Summer Dinner Dance Harold M. and Adeline S. Morrison Family Foundation • Farm on Ogden • Science Career Continuum United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture • Windy City Harvest United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program • Genetic Assessment of Management and Restoration Practices of the Federally Threatened Orchid, Platanthera leucophaea • Integrated Waterbird Management and Monitoring: Flyway Model Code Conversion and Model Verification • Native Prairie Adaptive Management Database Services Winston & Strawn • General Operating Support Woman’s Board of the Chicago Horticultural Society • General Operating Support • Growing the Future



$100,000 to $249,999 Anonymous • Farm on Ogden After School Matters, Inc. • Education and Community Programs • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm

Baxter International Inc. • General Operating Support • Science Career Continuum • Sponsor, World Environment Day

BMO Harris Bank • General Operating Support • Principal Sponsor, Antiques, Garden & Design Show • Sponsor, Farm Dinner Series • Summer Dinner Dance

The Boeing Company • Summer Dinner Dance • Windy City Harvest Corps

City of Chicago, Department of Family and Support Services • Windy City Harvest

Daniels & King Management Co., L.P. • Farm on Ogden

The Brinson Foundation • Education and Community Programs

Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation • Sycamore Grove

Discover Financial Services • Science Career Continuum • Supporting Sponsor, Wonderland Express

Glasser and Rosenthal Family • Kris Jarantoski Campus

Forum Fund • Farm on Ogden

Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation • Photovoltaic System for the Plant Production Nursery

Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation • Farm on Ogden • General Operating Support • Windy City Harvest

Institute of Museum and Library Services • Shrub Collection Conservation Survey • Veteran Internship Program The Morris and Dolores Kohl Kaplan Fund - Dolores Kohl Education Foundation • Kris Jarantoski Campus The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation • General Operating Support NorthShore University HealthSystem • All Aboard! • Health Immersion Days • Major Sponsor, Wonderland Express • Presenting Sponsor, Evenings • Sponsor, Bike the Garden • Sponsor, Fall Bulb Festival • Sponsor, Tuesday Morning Music • Sponsor, Wellness Programming • Sponsor, World Environment Day Dr. Scholl Foundation • Keep Growing Campaign Sirius Fund • General Operating Support • Regenstein Learning Campus • Summer Dinner Dance United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program • Plants of Concern

$50,000 to $99,999 Anonymous • General Operating Support Abbott Fund • Regenstein Learning Campus


Bartlett Tree Experts • Plant Expedition Program • Sponsor, Plant Health Care

American Airlines • General Operating Support

HSBC • Education and Community Programs • General Operating Support • Sponsor, Garden Talks Lecture Series Kemper Educational and Charitable Fund • General Operating Support • Kris Jarantoski Campus Midwest Foods • Windy City Harvest Northern Trust • Summer Dinner Dance Polk Bros. Foundation • Windy City Harvest Preservation Foundation of the Lake County Forest Preserves • Green Youth Farm in Lake County Target Corporation • Windy City Harvest United States Department of Interior, National Park Service • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program United States Small Business Administration • Windy City Harvest, Incubator Program

$25,000 to $49,999 Anonymous (2) • Farm on Ogden • General Operating Support • Kris Jarantoski Campus • Windy City Harvest • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm AbbVie • General Operating Support • Sponsor, World Environment Day

Abra Prentice Foundation, Inc. • Horticultural Therapy Services

Michael Reese Health Trust • Windy City Harvest

Aetna Foundation, Inc. • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm

Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation • Plant Expedition Program

Albers/Kuhn Family Foundation • Horticultural Therapy Services • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm

Tyson Foods, Inc. • Windy City Harvest

The J.R. Albert Foundation, Inc. • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm Allstate Insurance Company • Education and Community Programs • General Operating Support Paul M. Angell Family Foundation • Science Career Continuum Bank of America • Sponsor, Model Railroad Garden Alvin H. Baum Family Fund • Farm on Ogden • General Operating Support • Science Career Continuum • Windy City Harvest Beam Suntory • General Operating Support Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois • Farm on Ogden • Windy City Harvest City of Chicago, Chicago Park District • Plants of Concern City Parks Foundation • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program ComEd • All Aboard! • Major Sponsor, Wonderland Express The Eppley Foundation for Research • Harnessing the Power of a Critically Endangered Hawai’ian Plant Food Network Magazine, LLC • Major Sponsor, Garden Chef Series • Sponsor, Wonderland Express Lloyd A. Fry Foundation • Science Career Continuum John R. Halligan Charitable Fund • General Operating Support Lakeshore Beverage • Sponsor, Autumn Brews • Sponsor, Concert Series • Sponsor, Garden Chef Series Make It Better • Sponsor, Garden Talks Lecture Series • Sponsor, Regenstein Learning Campus Opening Walter S. Mander Foundation • Farm on Ogden • Windy City Harvest The James and Madeleine McMullan Family Foundation • Windy City Harvest Corps

United States Environmental Protection Agency • Connecting Climate to Communities Initiative United Way of Metropolitan Chicago • General Operating Support U.S. Bank • Harvest Ball • Windy City Harvest Walgreens • General Operating Support

$10,000 to $24,999 Abbott Laboratories • General Operating Support Ball Horticultural Company • General Operating Support Craig Bergmann Landscape Design, Inc. • Sponsor, Antiques, Garden & Design Show Bonterra Organic Vineyards • General Operating Support Booth Hansen • Summer Dinner Dance Foundation Franklinia • Plant Expedition Program W. W. Grainger, Inc. • Supporting Sponsor, Wonderland Express Hanley Foundation • Farm on Ogden • Windy City Harvest • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm Honeywell Building Solutions • General Operating Support Illinois Department of Natural Resources • Plants of Concern William T. Jaffee Foundation • Science Career Continuum Joe & Ross Ice Cream • General Operating Support JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. • Summer Dinner Dance Lake County Forest Preserves District • Plants of Concern The Lumpkin Family Foundation • Windy City Harvest Michigan State University • Development of Database for the Integrated Crop Pollination Project Openlands • Plants of Concern


Edmond and Alice Opler Foundation • Horticultural Therapy Services Peoples Gas • Science Career Continuum Pinsof-Plonsker Family Fund • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm Plante Moran • Sponsor, Antiques, Garden & Design Show Prince Charitable Trusts • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm Reed Smith • Regenstein Learning Campus • Summer Dinner Dance

Berends Hendricks Stuit Insurance Agency, Inc. • General Operating Support William Blair & Company • Summer Dinner Dance Burling Bank • Farm on Ogden Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. • General Operating Support The Butz Foundation • Carillon Concert Series Canaccord Risk Arbitrage • Harvest Ball

Renaissance Chicago North Shore Hotel • General Operating Support

Center for Plant Conservation • Seeds of Success Interns

Sacks Family Foundation • Farm on Ogden

Chicago Gallery News • General Operating Support

SavATree • Principle Sponsor, Tree Health Care

City Escape Garden & Design • General Operating Support

Siragusa Family Foundation • Science Initiative - Green Challenge

William J. Clancy Foundation • Science Career Continuum

Spear Family Charitable Fund • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm

Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Chicago • General Operating Support

Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust • Horticulture Internship Program

Interior Elements, Ltd. • General Operating Support JULIE, Inc. • Sponsor, Fall Bulb Festival The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation • General Operating Support Kaplan Foundation Fund/ Carol and Ed Kaplan • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm Bertha Lebus Charitable Trust • College First Les Dames d’Escoffier • Farm on Ogden Local Foods • Farm on Ogden Luxe Interiors + Design • General Operating Support MacLean-Fogg Company • General Operating Support Mariani Landscape • General Operating Support Marquette Associates, Inc. • General Operating Support

CSX Transportation, Inc. • General Operating Support

The Medline Foundation • General Operating Support

Tom E. Dailey Foundation • Model Railroad Garden

MILIEU Magazine • General Operating Support

Frank G. and Gertrude Dunlap Fund • General Operating Support

Mondelēz International • General Operating Support

Eileen Fisher, Inc. • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation • Plants of Concern

Farm Aid • Windy City Harvest

Neopolitan • Summer Dinner Dance

Michael and Jennifer Faron Foundation • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm

Old Republic International Corporation • General Operating Support

Flower Magazine • General Operating Support

Project Exploration • Science Career Continuum

GCG Financial, Inc. • General Operating Support

Olivia Bea Ross Foundation • Buehler Enabling Garden

Gewalt-Hamilton Associates, Inc. • General Operating Support

Sexton’s Landscape Concepts, Inc. • General Operating Support

The Grainger Foundation • Zebra Mussels Project

Shire • General Operating Support

Amli Management Company • General Operating Support

Half Acre Beer Company • General Operating Support

Siemens Industry, Inc. • General Operating Support

Laurance Armour Memorial Trust at the Chicago Community Trust • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm

Sally Mead Hands Foundation • General Operating Support

Sodexo, Inc. & Associates • General Operating Support

Hilco Global • General Operating Support

Solberg Manufacturing, Inc. • General Operating Support

Gertrude E. Hill Foundation • Education and Community Programs

Spaces For Play, Inc. • General Operating Support

Intelligent Medical Objects, Inc. • General Operating Support

Tawani Foundation • General Operating Support

State Farm • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm The Trillium Foundation • Science First UL • Sponsor, World Environment Day United States Department of Agriculture, National Resources Conservation Service • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program Ventas Charitable Foundation • General Operating Support

$1,000 to $9,999 Anonymous • General Operating Support American Agricultural Insurance Company • General Operating Support

Aspire Capital Partners LLC • Harvest Ball Association of Science-Technology Centers Incorporated • Science Career Continuum Barilla America, Inc. • General Operating Support

United Conveyor Foundation • General Operating Support

United States Geological Survey • Conservation and Land Management Internship Program Ventas Realty Limited Partnership • Harvest Ball Whole Foods Market • Windy City Harvest Youth Farm The Winnetka Garden Club • Kris Jarantoski Campus Winona Corporation • General Operating Support Woods Fund of Chicago • Windy City Harvest The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund • Conservation Plan Development and IUCN Red List Assessment for Artocarpus annulatus

MATCHING GIFTS Anonymous Abbott Fund Akzo Nobel Inc. Allstate Insurance Company American Agricultural Insurance Company Amsted Industries Foundation Aon Foundation ArcelorMittal Arch Insurance Group AT&T Foundation Baxter International Inc. Beam Suntory, Inc. The Benevity Community Impact Fund BMO Harris Bank The Boeing Company BP America Inc. Leo Burnett Company, Inc. Caterpillar Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Chubb & Son CME Group Community Foundation CNA Foundation Corning Incorporated Foundation The Davey Tree Expert Company Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc. W.W. Grainger, Inc. IBM Matching Grants Program ITW Johnson Controls Foundation, Inc. Jones Lang LaSalle Kayne Anderson Capital Advisors Foundation The Kresge Foundation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Macy’s, Inc. Markel Corporation Robert R. McCormick Foundation McDonald’s Corporation Motorola Solutions Foundation Northern Trust Paypal Gives Employee Engagement Fund PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer Foundation Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. Tiff Charitable Foundation UBS



U.S. Venture/Schmidt Family Foundation Inc. United Technologies Matching Gifts Program Wege Foundation Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation Zurich American Insurance Company



Anonymous 3 Floyds Brewing American Airlines Arena Americas Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University Ball Horticultural Company Beam Suntory Mrs. Mary Jo Bennett Craig Bergmann Landscape Design, Inc. Bernat & Bernat, P.C. Blaum Brothers Distilling Company Bonterra Organic Vineyards C. H. Distillery Cannonball Wine Company Cass Winery Chicago Gallery News Cider Brothers Cooper’s Hawk Winery Copper Fiddle Distillery Crystal Lake Brewing Company Dawes Arboretum Discover Financial Services Exit Strategy Brewing Company Few Spirits Flower Magazine Forbidden Root Brewery Frankfort Spirits Fresh Coast Distributors Goose Island Beer Company Guarachi Wine Partners Half Acre Beer Company Heritage Wine Cellars, Ltd. High Country Roses Mary Johnson Hill Mr. Charles Hinshaw Honeywell Building Solutions Susan and Graham Jackson Koval Distillery Posy Krehbiel Lake Forest Garden Club Lake Forest Library Longwood Gardens LUXE Interiors + Design Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens Midwest Wine Selections - Artic Brands MILIEU Magazine Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Miller Montgomery Botanical Center Moore Farms Botanical Garden Morris Arboretum The Morton Arboretum North Shore Distillery, LLC NorthShore University HealthSystem Off Color Brewing Oppidan Spirits Platinum Cellars Progressive Tree Service Purple Wine & Spirits Quincy Street Distillery Radius Garden Renaissance Chicago North Shore Hotel Round Barn Winery SavATree

The Service Club of Chicago Shock Top Brewing Company Dr. Tatyana Shulkina Frances N. Slisz Small Town Brewery Smylie Brothers Brewing Company Spring Meadow Nursery Inc. Tech One Biomedical Services Temperance Beer Company Terlato Wines International Terra Nova Nurseries Trek Bicycle Store of Highland Park United States Department of Agriculture, ARS Subtropical Horticultural Research Station Vanderbilt University Greenhouse Vermont Willow Nursery Villa Gabriella Organic LLC Villa Graziella Wines Vitani Spirits Walters Gardens, Inc. Weather by Request Mrs. Carol Weibel Whiskey Acres Distilling Co. Ms. Nike Whitcomb Winesellers, Ltd. Winston & Strawn Wollersheim Winery

GARDEN HERITAGE SOCIETY The Garden Heritage Society recognizes Garden friends who have thoughtfully provided for the Garden in their estate plans or through planned gifts. Planned gifts include charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, gifts of retirement plan assets, and will or trust provisions. This list represents Garden Heritage Society Members through December 31, 2016. Anonymous (22) Marilynn Alsdorf Charles J. Balkin III Ms. Rosanne M. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Behrens Diane R. Bergen Mrs. Earl C. Bodine Ms. Andrea K. Boehmer Mrs. Carl J. Bohne, Jr. Ms. Beverly J. Bystricky Ms. Marilyn S. Cannino Mrs. Robert Adams Carr* Nancy Carroll Ramona H. Choos Miss Barbara Clarke Leslie Anne Clausen Mr. Robert B. Cole † Mr. Kevin J. Count and Mrs. Sharon L. Count Mrs. Robert W. Crowe Mr. and Mrs.* John E. Deimel Valentine and Dolores Derer Amy T. Dickinson Drs. Richard F. and Linda Y. Dods* Dorothy F. Doherty Mrs. Clarissa Y. Downey Joane K. Dumke* Val Egem Binnie Ferrand Robert F. Finke Mrs. Robert L. Flink, Jr. Georgiann Flowers Ms. Lucinda Fuller Jennifer Gilchrist

Mr. Larry Goldberg and Mrs. Simone Goldberg Marsha and Michael Goldstein Dr. Neal J. and Mrs. Alison H. Gordon Jean and John Greene Laurence R. Hall Thomas and Alexandra Harder Martha Bacon Hartfiel Mrs. Bennet B. Harvey, Jr. Robert D. Hevey, Jr. and Constance M. Filling Mrs. Edith F. Hicks* Ronald and Marci Holzer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Horwitz Nancy W. Jacobs Janice Meeg Johnson Tim Johnson and Kristen Webber Beverly Joutras Joseph Katz Judy and John Keller Esther G. Klatz Adele P. Kleine † Marilyn Knilans Penny Kohlmeyer Jeanette R. Kopstain Hope Lepley Mr. Bruce and Mrs. Laura M. Linger Jane Lord* Ms. Cynthia J. Macfarland Mr. and Mrs. David E. Mason Mrs. Mary Mix McDonald Sherry L. McFall and Kenneth J. Porrello Stephen R. and Constance G. Meisinger Mary Louise Mellon Peter H.* and Bettina M. Merlin Margaret and Craig Milkint Jason Mitan Ms. C. Jane Mueller Carl F. and Nancy B. Mueller Jan and Susan Muller Dr. and Mrs. David L. Nahrwold Mrs. Robert Palmer Glenn W. Peisker Rich and Corinne Peters Shirley M. Petry Elizabeth S. Pocock Janet Meakin Poor Mr. William H. Redfield Sandi Redman Elizabeth B. Roghair Kenneth W. and Cynthia A. Rosenthal † Ms. Verie E. Sandborg Douglas M. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey G. Schuett Robert and Charlene Shaw Sophia Shaw Pamela and Robert L. Shirley III John Slater David Byron Smith Robert* and Gertrude Smutney Ms. Janet E. Straw Helen S. Sutter Louise Ingersoll Tausché Richard and Helen Thomas Mary M. Walther Ernest P. Waud III Dianne M. Weinand † Nicole S. Williams and Lawrence J. Becker Robert and Vivian Zahniser † New members who joined in 2016 * Deceased

BEQUESTS AND TRUST INCOME RECEIVED Nadine Diane Armato Beatrice K. Bateman Vivian E. Conner Frank B. Foster Maurice Fulton Jeffrey W. Korman Marian E. Nelson Laura S. Pinkert

GIFT ANNUITIES ESTABLISHED Marilyn Bodine in honor of Earl C. Bodine Robert B. Cole

2016 VOLUNTEERS In 2016, more than 2,000 volunteers gave their time and service to the Chicago Botanic Garden for a remarkable total of 111,833 hours. Dora Aalbregtse Sally Aaron Michele Abrams Arthur Abt Marcia Achenbach John D. Adams Phyllis Adams Carol E. Adelman Sheila Aivaz Carole D. Akemann Judith A. Akers Roxane Allen Jennifer Altin Leah Altman Roz Ament Vasiliki Analitis Alison Anastasio Kristine N. Andersen Susan M. Andersen Cynthia E. Anderson Richard Anderson Suzy Andrews Peggy Anselmo Robin Anstaett Donna Argentin Silvio Argentin Harold Armstrong Patricia K. Armstrong Germaine W. Arnson Lawrence Aronson Kenneth J. Ashley Harry J. Ashner Karen Auer Daniel Auerbach Malgorzata Bach Gloria Backman Stephany Badillo Phyllis Baer Richard S. Baer Donna Baiocchi Noelle Baker Timothy Balassie Janet R. Ballenger Laura Balon Tasha Banks Esther A. Bannier Lauren Banovz Cintia Baptista Jane C. Bareng-Werner Jufang Barkalow Rise L. Barkhoff Joanne Barnes


Fabian Barriga Kathleen Barry Elizabeth Bartlett Derek L. Barton Cathleen Bartone Therese N. Bartunek Andrea M. Basalay Anne Basten Christine Batalden Barbara Jill Bates Sylvia Baum Barbara Baumstark Alvin R. Beatty Elaine C. Beck Janet Beck Janice Becker Louis Becker Jeff Beckman Lisa Beckwith John Beeftink Victoria Behrens Ellyn A. Beilmann Martha Belew Andre L. Bell Joan Berenbaum Judy Berg Daria Berman Marianne Bestler James Beyreis Marijon Binder William J. Blackburn, Jr. James Blair George C. Blanas Patricia Bland Leonard Block Catherine Bloome Alex Bloss Mary Blumer-Reed Barbara J. Boba Diane Boehm Elaine Bogetz Nancy A. Bohaboy Maurine Bohne Cheryl L. Bokelmann Robert Terrance Bonace Martina Bonifazi Gayle Booth Linda A. Borcover Mary S. Borecki Mary Boss Gail Botwin Martha D. Boudos Raelene L. Bowman Elizabeth Boyle Troy Brackett Irene E. Bradley Laura Bradley David Branigan Kathy Branigan Kenneth Braun Sherwin J. Braun Laurel Breitkopf Jacqueline Brennan Bobbie Brenner Robert Brill Angelika Brinkmann-Busi Ulrika Brissman Randee Broder Melanie Bromberek William E. Bronner James Brooks Thomas Brooks

Lee Brotcke Patricia Browder Frances Brown Patricia R. Brown Sandra Brown Wendell Brown David W. Bruce Annie Bruckner Alice M. Bruening Lydia Brunner Richard Brunner Carol Brusslan Beth Buchsbaum Kathy Buckley Dolores A. Budelier Janice Buell Michelle Burge Diana Burns Ginger Burns Michelle Burns Richard C. Burnstine* Delano J. Busczynski Gretta Buttelmann Jennifer Cain Vocu Mary Ann C. Cammarata Danielle Campanella Carolyn Campbell Eileen Campbell Evalyn Campbell Mary Campbell Susan M. Canter Barbara Carberry James Carberry Michele Carbonara Marion Cartwright Dianne Casuto Barbara P. Cesal Adrienne Chabowski Susan R. Chadd Anne Champagne Sharon Chefitz Nancy G. Chen Mary S. Chingwa Brenda Choos Judy E. Chupinsky Corinne Clarke Carol A. Cleave Meridith B. Clement Annie Cochran Janice Cole Craig Coleman Joanne Colen Susan L. Colten Cynthia P. Colvin Ron Compere Camille Conlan Stephen Connell Jean Connolly Judith Connolly Irene Constantinidis George Cook Sara Cooper Natalie Cordea Lizette Cortez Bobbi Costlow Nancy Cottrell Anne Coughlin Barbara Coughlin Joanne Courtney Nancy Cowger Nancy Crawford Wylie Crawford

Aldo J. Crovetti Elizabeth R. Crowe Milton Cruz Carol Currier Karen I. Cwik Marilyn Czerniak Ginalyn Daileg Allison D. Daley Suzanne D. Dalton Michael Daly Kris DaPra Marilyn Darby Claudia C. Davidson Jessie V. Davidson Barbara Davis Joan Davis Karen Davis Laurie B. Davis Katharine Dawson Elizabeth de la Baume Silverio de la Cruz Sabine de La Panouse Judith De Mint Ann E. Deakyne Phyllis DeAngelis Mary Debacker Mary Jo DeBates Mary M. Demcak Emily Denesha Gail Denham Varun Devulapalli Lindsey S. Dewis Joe Di Bartolo Peggy Di Pietro Justine R. Dial Christine Dick Joan W. DiLeonardi Kandye Dille Elizabeth Dimond Karen J. Dimond Norman Dimond Tony DiVagno John J. Dobrozsi Joan Dobson Patricia Dodson Peter Dogiakos Rita Dolan Judy A. Doll Jane Donaldson Maureen A. Dondlinger Kenneth Dorn Chanda Doshi Rajendra Doshi Sandra Dosick Robert Dubler Joan R. DuDeVoire Gayle Dudley Kathryn W. Eber Carolyn Eby Shirley Edelman Trevor Edmonson Debra Egger Ann Eiden Diane Eisele Marlene Eisen Margaret Eissa Janet Eldred Ward Eldred Peter Eldridge Chris R. Ellicott James Ellis Renee Elworthy

William Elworthy Amanda Eness Terren Engle Ruth E. Epstein Kristine E. Erickson Susan Erickson James Faber Jo Ann Faber Michael Fahle Fran Faller Carmine Fantasia Jennifer L. Faron Roberto Farris Erin Faulkner Matt Faust Anne B. Fay Jodi Fedoruk Christine Fee Joan Feinstein Norma L. Felbinger Donna Feldman Julie Feldy Elizabeth I. Ferrari James Fessler Mark Findlay Karen M. Finerman Jeff Finfrock Dennis E. Finnegan Karen S. Firnbach Susan Fischer Adrian Fisher Lynda Fisher Rebecca C. Flanagan Dena Fleming Juan Flores Georgiann Flowers Jean Foley Valerie R. Foradas Sharyn H. Fradin Linnea Fraser Joan Frazier Joyce G. Frehling Nathaniel Fremont Donna P. Frett Melissa J. Frey Wendy Frey Perlman Rae H. Fritz Steve H. Fritzshall Linda Frost Kay Furey Mary D. Futter Neal Gadlin Susan Gainer Sharon Ganellen Arlene S. Gaps Donna L. Garfield Kathleen Garness Daniel H. Garrison Tina Garrison Barbara Gartley Aldona Garvinskas Alan Gault Katherine A. Gehrke Nina Geishecker Monica R. Geocaris Mary Getz Nancy Giardina Sue Gieske Beth Giglio Susan Gill Nancy R. Gilmore Robert C. Ginocchio

36 *Deceased



Joanne Ginter Linda Gittel Tala Glass Marcia Glenn Richard Glogowski Sue Goad Gwenne P. Godwin Sue Golan Fred Gold Gail Goldberger Lionel Goldblatt Samuel J. Goldman Carol Goldstein Janice S. Goldstein Jay Goldstein Barbara Golomb Albert Gonzalez John C. Goodall, Jr. Carol Goodman Joan E. Goodman Sherry P. Gormanous Michael Grady Carie Graham Claire Graham Robert Grannick Cindy Grau Colleen Graudins Donna Green Sheldon Greenberg Bruce L. Greene Diane Greening Robert M. Gregg Ronni T. Grey Kenneth Griesemer Brian Griffin Jackie Grom Noemi Gros Tony Gross Lawrence Grube Radmila Grubnich Nancy Grunde Thomas Guagliardo Grace Guarraia Jacquelyn J. Guest Frederick W. Gullen Leon Gurny Mark Guth Anita Gutof Richard Gutof Cheryl L. Haack Robin Haas Doan Patricia Hagenah Jim Hagensick Peggy Hallen Michael R. Halpern Toby Halpern Linda Haman Jo Hammerman Patricia C. Hammes Jane Hampson Julie Hansen Eva Haraldsdottir Toni Harkness Linda Harris Michael Harris Jennifer Harris-Somogyi Deborah L. Harrison Lucy C. Harrison Susan Harrison Rosemary A. Hart Melonnie Hartl Tracy L. Hartlieb Marilyn Hartmann

Lois L. Harvan Tania Haskett Karen Hathaway Thomas Hathaway Anne M. Hazelwood Anne W. Healy Nancy Heath Lee Heiman Robert Heinzen Patti F. Helfand Beverly Helm Harry Hepperlen Donna Herendeen Susan M. Hering Karen M. Herkes Karen Herold Ruby Herron Robert Hertel Merle Heuberger Robert D. Hevey, Jr. Susan B. Higgins Ann Hindes Charles Hinshaw Renee Hirsch Lisa Ho Marian Hofherr Mary Holloway Denyse Holt Brad S. Hopkins Mary Hopkins Anne S. Horn Ellen B. Horn Martin Horn Virginia A. Hotaling Roger Hotham Antoinette I. Houk Carol Howard Connie B. Howes Mary Hoyer Betty Hsieh Deborah A. Hudson David Hughes, Jr. Mike Humphrey Harry J. Hunderman Teresa G. Hutchins Edmund M. Hutchinson Shirley E. Hutchinson Cecil Hynds-Riddle Beryl Ibbotson Brian Ibbotson* Sandy Incorvia Rita C. Inserra Cassandra Intagliata Susan J. Ipsen Barbara Isaacson Luzstella Isaza Steven Isenberg Lisa Ivey Eula Iwan Lois Jackim Leslie Jacobs Nina Jacobsen Susan Jacobsen David Jaeschke Paige Janko Peritt Holly J. Jansen Kirsten Ann Jantze Tim Jarosch Leona M. Jashelski Carole Jassen Ralph Jassen Elizabeth Jayapalan Jay Jayapalan

Alicja Jedlicki Marcia A. Jendreas Betsy Jenkins Gregory Jerzyk David Johannesen Kenneth L. Johnson Rosalie Johnson Patricia A. Johnston Susan R. Jona Patricia Jones Patricia Joyce Elaine M. Juhl Megan Jurasic Brian M. Kaczynski* Robin Kafenshtok Aaron Kaiser Jessica Kamen Deborah J. Kamin Lawrence P. Kampwirth Neil Kanemoto Chae Hee Kang Leslie Kanofsky Eileen Kaplan Michael Karch Emelyn B. Karson Michael D. Katz Allan Kaufman Diane K. Kearney Patrick C. Kearney James Keenan Jan Keevil June Keibler Cheryl M. Keifer Victoria Keller Larry C. Kelliher Linda Kellough Dorothy Kelly John Kelly Ann Kennedy Mary F. Kennedy John R. Kenny Marnee M. Kenny Mary Ellen Keranen Jane Kero Irene Khayet Elizabeth S. Kiefer Shelley B. Kiefer Suzanne Killen Anne Kim William King Barron C. Kinstler James Kirk Marilyn Kirk William Kirkpatrick Kathryn Klaiber Nancy Klaud Judy O. Kleiman Carole Klein-Alexander Rheva Klow Mark Kluge George Knuth Judy Knuth Joyce G. Koch Robert Koch Toby Koch Glenn Kohlmeyer Penny Kohlmeyer Judy F. Kohn Eriko Kojima Vanessa Komada Diane Kondziolka Richard Konopka Edmund J. Konwinski

Jenna Korobova Mary E. Korte Valerie Kot Dorothy S. Kramer Kay Krause Marcia Kraut Marlene Kraybill Kenneth A. Krebs Jack Kreitinger Joan Krimstein Alan D. Krueger Kim Kucik Lila K. Kudzin Carolyn Kuechler Nancy H. Kurz Susan Kuse Diane M. Kuzma Mary Anne Kwasek Hailey Laari Linda Laatsch Gayle A. Laboda Deborah A. Lakowski Loretta J. LaMothe Marty Landorf Martin Landwehr Wendy Landwehr Linda M. Lane Patricia Lanigan Vern L. Lappe Jack Larsen Karen Larson Marilyn A. Lasher Ann M. Laudermilk Nancy Jane Lauren Elisabeth A. Lavery Alan Lavitt William Lebensorger Dona H. LeBlanc Donna R. Lebovitz Kathleen M. Leck Lawrence Leck Sandra Lee Susan Lee David Leibowitz Naomi Leithold Iwona Lejmbach Stanley Leon Hope Lepley Sue Lerch Crystal LeRoy Peggy Lester Janet Leszczynski Julie Lettner Cheryl Lettvin Barbara S. Levin Phyllis N. Levin Aaron Levine Charles Levine Leslie Levine Sharee Levinson Beth K. Levy Linnea Levy Geraldine Lewis Amy M. Lewitz Jane Li Luk Chiu Li Sheila Liao Nancy E. Liberman Sharon G. Lieberman Lauralyn Lin Patricia A. Lindberg Sophia Lindholm Sandy Linke

Sharon L. Lippner Suzanne Lipsey Ed Lisserman Amy A. Litner Chenghwei Liu Sabrina Liu Connie C. Loeffl Susanna Lohmar Linda Lopata Joani Lowry Arlene A. Lubarsky Mary V. Lucas Jerome Lukasik Patricia Lundquist Susan Lunn Karen S. Lustig Robbi Lustig Regina M. Lynn Susan Lyon Jean E. Lytle Jacqueline Macaluso Jeffrey MacDougall Gerald Macek Jessica MacQueen Joseph Madda Linda Magad Rebecca V. Maganuco Michael W. Magiera Ed Magin Marilyn Magrames Barbara G. Mahany Susie Mahon Irene V. Maksym Carol A. Mallquist Dorsey J. Mals Joanne Manella Kay Manion Valerie W. Maniscalco James E. Mann Stephen A. Marcus William Margolin Howard Marks Helen K. Marshall Elizabeth Martin Susanne Masi Mary Alice J. Masonick Maria Mastroianni Dorothy K. Matsumoto Laura A. Matz Melissa Maurer-Ford Mary Maus David Mayer Susan A. Mayfield Judith Mayzel James Mc Cool Lucy McAuley Sarina C. McBride Megan McCabe Pamela McCann Ian McCarthy Nina McCune Jeanne McCurry Rodger D. McDowall Susan McFaul Margaret McIntosh Patricia McKay William S. McKay, Jr. Ashley McMullin Thomas McMullin Scott McNeill Carol Meravi George F. Meravi Maryann Metz

Constance M. Meyer Jack Meyers Eileen M. Michal Linda Mihel Barbara Mikulicz Laura Milkert Barbara J. Miller Brandy Miller Claudia Miller Joel Miller Michelle Miller Jackey Mills Norma Mills Irwin Mishoulam Christine K. Mitchell Kathryn B. Mohr Phyllis L. Monjar Brenda Monson William Mooney John W. Moore Nancy Moore William Moore Nicole Morais John E. Morgan Nancy Lynne Morton Judith Moskal Kay Moy Rhoda E. Muchmore Elaine Mueller Sue Mueller Louis Mule Kristin Muntean Joyce Murphy Mary Jo Murphy Richard J. Murphy Ann Murray LouEllen W. Murray Felicia Nadborne Leonard S. Nadborne Mary K. Nagle Thomas Nakic Mark Nash Michael Naughton Dorothea Nawara Andrew J. Neill Patricia Nelson Sarah Nelson Margaret B. Nerger Damian Neuberger Judith Neuberger Bonnie Neuenschwander Harlene Newman Fayette A. Nichols John Nickel Choon Nikodem Zehava L. Noah Sally Nochowitz Karen Nolan Gilbert H. Nore Eve B. Nortman Judy Novicki Claudette Nowell-Philipp Pauline Noznick Marcia O’Connor Patricia O’Conor Kathleen O’Dekirk Karen O’Hayer Alice O’Laughlin Susan K. O’Neill Edward O’Reilly Laura Obenauf Ronald Oberman Tobi Oberman

Barbara Offenberg Kitty Okano Sally A. Olds Ronald J. Olech Jane Oliphant Robert Oliphant Maria Olivares-Hernandez Graciela Olmedo Robert J. Olson Ann D. Onderdonk Lester Ordman Nancy S. Owen Eileen K. Owens Katherine Padilla Susan A. Page Rosemary Palicki Susan E. Panitch Allan Pantle Elizabeth Pantle Susan M. Paprocki Prutha Parikh Ok Ja Park Joan Parker Michael D. Parker Scott Parkhurst Robert Parr Leslie Paset Maria Pasquesi Veronica M. Patt Carol R. Patterson Nancy B. Paul Richard Pawell James R. Pearson John Peart Dorothy R. Peck Leslie Pedley Eileen Pedtke Beatrice Pekkarinen Alison Perlman Geoff Perlman Judy Pesce Corinne M. Peters Kurt Peters Amelia Peterson Ann K. Peterson Kathleen Petty Michael Philipp Cynthia N. Phon Meline Pickus Ruth Piper Judith B. Pittel Bernadette Pivnicka Annette Pletcher Jerome Podolsky Barbara Polikoff Warren M. Polley Carol Pontikes Anita Portugal Ronald Portugal Noreen F. Potempa Dennis G. Powell Ellen Powell Kathlene Powers Sue Ann Powers* Stefanie Premarathna Kenneth R. Press Anita Preston John T. Preston Carole Preti Manny Price Mary A. Price Thomas Priscal Mark Prosperi

Susan Prosperi Lynn M. Pullan Dorothy Purpura Laima Puzzo Gail Pyndus Matthew Quigley Karen Quinn Mary Rafferty Marta Raiff Gregory T. Rajsky Charles Ramsey Penelope J. Randel Stella Rangel Rajini Ranji Christine J. Rascati Peggy Rash Ronald W. Rathberger Maria Rebelo Beverly Reddy Carolyn M. Reeder Ann Reilly June Reimer Nancy Reise Mark Rekoske Virginia Renfroe Martin Resendiz Carmen E. Reyes Scott Reynolds Joan L. Richards Rick Riedl, Jr. Filiberto Rios John Rischke Jeff Roberts Kathy Robin Deborah Robinett Eric J. Robison Judith Robles Alaina Roche Naama Rolnik Margaret Ronan Elizabeth Root Lucy Root Merle Rose Marlene Rosecrans Virginia L. Rosen Susan Rosenbacher Sandra Rosenbaum Mark Rosenblum Allison Ross Holly B. Rothschild Ila S. Rothschild John S. Rothschild Louise M. Rothschild Edith S. Rowell Aviva Rubin Marla Rubin Barbara Rubins Karen Ruby-Edidin Joanna Rudenborg Jolanta Runge Stephen B. Ruskin Ann M. Russell Donald Rustemeyer William H. Rustemeyer, Jr. Anne C. Ruzicka Michael E. Rzepka Laurence Sacherer Michael Sackheim Jacquelyn L. Saegebrecht Joyce Saeks Jill M. Sahakian Julie Salk Leslie Sanchez *Deceased




Elizabeth M. Sanders Vivian Sarashinsky Drew Satherlie Charles J. Scannell Charles Scheck Katharine Scheck Heddi Schellbach Ruth C. Schiff Marilyn Schiller Herb Schinberg Dianne Schlair Dan Schlitz Carole Schmarak Stephanie Schmidt Joanne Schmitz Phyllis Scholl Thomas Carolina Schottland Steven Schroeder Forrest Schroeder-Einwiller Gyong S. Schuessler Jan Schultz Sarah A. Schultz Susan Schultz Joanne Schulz Karen L. Schuman David Schwaegler Alan C. Schwartzenberg Emil A. Schwarz Lisa D. Schwarz Charlynn D. Schweingruber Rose Anne Scott Barbara L. Seegert Cissy Segal Roslyn Seidenberg Louis Seif Inge Serpe Diane Seymour Assad Shafie Debra Shandling Sesha Shankar Ann F. Shanks Lauren Shapiro Esha Sharma Elizabeth Sharp Robert W. Sharp Charlene H. Shaw Robert E. Shaw Christine Shea Natalie Shefsky Judith A. Shields Ewa Shimasaki Faith Shulruff Rebecca J. Siegel Vicki Siegelman Dianne Siekmann Justin Sigalos Esther B. Silberman Sharon R. Sill Lorelle Silverman Sue Simler Elaine Simon Louise Simonson Janice A. Simpson Eenam Sin Eileen R. Sirkin Barbara Sirovatka Joshua Sissman Bev Skoog Steve Skoropad John B. Slater Sheryl Smetana Jane S. Smith Sandy Smith

Joseph F. Smoley Mary F. Smoley Mary Ellen Snyder Jean Sodemann Rita Soltan Lorraine E. Sorenson James Spannagel Kathleen K. Spear Naomi Spector Curtis Speed Ross D. Spencer Lynn Sperling Elizabeth Spratley Teresa Springs Amy Spungen Dorr St. Clair Shirley P. Stang Joyce E. Stemp Rachel N. Stempel Ann W. Stevens Leigh Stewart Douglas J. Stieber Marsha P. Stiegel Elizabeth Stogner Annemarie Stohl Karla M. Stone Barbara J. Stone-Theobald Nancy L. Stonis Kathleen Straznickas Darwin Stuart Julia N. Studier Rae Stuhlmacher Bruce Styler Drew Suarez Diane J. Suciu Nick N. Suciu IV Casey Sullivan William M. Sullivan Agnieszka Surowka Eileen H. Sutter Jennifer Swain Susan S. Swan Paul Swanson John F. Swenson Jennifer Swilik Roberta Taormina Ileane Tatar Cynthia Tauber Amy K. Taylor Ann L. Taylor Sheryl Temple Lyn Tepper Sandie Tepsick Jennifer Thiermann Kathleen Thomas Linda A. Thomas Diane C. Thompson Susan M. Thompson Catherine Thomson Jeanette Thornton-Schwab Judy Thorson Nancy Thorson Celeste J. Thurlwell Elaine Tinberg John D. Todd* Brenda Tolbert Linda Tolchin Linda F. Tomchuck Nicholas Tschaika Erin Tucker Nancy C. Tudor Suzanne H. Turner Ruth Tuttle

Paula Twilling Mary Tworek-Tupper Ed Ude Lydia Uhlir Michelle Uting Viveca Valcy Yolanda Valencia Brian Valleau Miguel Vallejo Robert Van Daal Carol A. Van Driel Paula Van Singel Anne S. Vanderbilt Penny Vanderhyden Richard W. Velders Mary K. Velez Jill Venskus Patricia C. Vogtman Raymond J. Wachala Mary E. Wadleigh Allen Wagner Doris Wagner Nancy H. Waitz Cynthia S. Wakat Kathleen Wales Alice C. Walker Angela Walker Charles Walker William R. Wallin* Karen A. Walsh Lisa Walsh Mary M. Walther Jacqueline Wang Laura Warren Sandra K. Washburn Lydia M. Wasniewski Steve Wasserman Theo S. Watanabe Richard G. Watson Jennifer M. Watts Susan Watts Tianna Weathington Kristen Webber Barry H. Weber Donald Weil Esther Weiner Lawrence R. Weiner Barbara S. Weisenburger Bonnie Weiss Margaret Weiss David Weisskopf Joshua Weisskopf Susan Wenderski Jasmin Wesley Barbara Wessel Georgia West Henry J. West Naomi Wexler Holly Whedbee Sarah Whidden David B. Whiting Jacquelyn Whitler Neil Whitman Richard Whitney Sally Wieclaw Carolyn Wiggins Dolph Williams, Jr. Ann Wilson Barbara M. Wilson Carol A. Wilson Don Wilson Robin Wind Carolyn Wing

Janie Winkler Lisa Winkler Peter Winkler Martin Winn John Wiseman Kenneth Witcher Jay R. Wolff Jeannette C. Wolff Marylyn R. Wouda Janice Wright Anna F. Wu Tony C. Yang Emily D. Yates Bill Yen Paul Young Lisa A. Youngberg Nancy Zadek Robert G. Zahniser Pearl Zaid Julie Zaideman Russell A. Zapel Leon R. Zar Wendy Zar Miles J. Zaremski Dinah M. Zeiss Karen J. Zera Chelsea Zhao Angela Zhou Michelle G. Zimmer Denice Ziobro Mary A. Ziomek Myra G. Zissman Deborah Zlotnik Leslie Zuckerman Sharon W. Zulkie Victor J. Zurczak *Deceased

CORPORATE PARTNER VOLUNTEERS We are grateful to the following corporate partners for encouraging their employees to share their time and effort on group volunteer days at the Chicago Botanic Garden in 2016. Abbott Laboratories AbbVie Astellas Pharma US Baxter International Inc. BMO Harris Bank Discover Financial Services W.W. Grainger, Inc. Northern Trust Shire



Jeanie Van Nice Cassandra Vermillion Kim Visokey

Officers as of 12/31/2016

Associate Members

Carolyn Katz President Anne Healy First Vice President Marianne Bestler Second Vice President Barbara Kehoe Third Vice President Jill Delaney Treasurer Ann Balusek Secretary

2016 Active Members Dora Aalbregtse Janice Beck Calvine Bowen Barbara Brown Bean Carroll Sue Cozzens Alicia Crawford Liz Crowe Jill Danaher Nancy Dorr Jody Elting Valerie Foradas Lynn Foster Alice Goltra Susan Green Mary Hill Betsy Hough Beth Jernigan Marcy Johnson Betsy Karp Liz Kendall Kitty Kirby May Cat Kneibler Judy Konen Nancy Kurz Celine Lillie Joani Lowry Patsy Magner Valerie Maniscalco Jennifer Martay Michelle McCarthy Michelle McKenna Betty McLean Madeleine McMullan Ann Merritt Barbara Metzler Mary Alice Miller Kate Morris LouEllen Murray Nicole Peterson Juli Priebe Elizabeth Pruett Marina Puryear Carole Read Glo Rolighed Holly Rothschild Carole Sandner Beth Schroeder Melissa Shennan Lisa Smyth Susan Spears Margie Strauch Jennifer Tippet Susan Tupper Sophie Twichell

Cheri Allen Mary Boyer Chris Chandler Maggie Coleman Catherine Denckla Marilyn Heath Lucia Heyworth Hélène James Weezie Monroe Brooks Morgan Ginny Noyes Patti Ross Lois Steans Louise Tausché

Honorary Members Peggy Carr* Janet Meakin Poor

Nonresident Members Liz Bacon Liz Farwell Barbara Hansen Lorill Haynes Judy Herb Penny Horne Gina Jannotta Roberta Lynch Gwen McConnaughy Gail Miller Jane Pearsall Heather Scott Susie Volckens *Deceased

THE GUILD OF THE CHICAGO BOTANIC GARDEN Officers as of 12/31/2016 Amy P. Brock Co-President Emily Reynolds Co-President Kimberly J. Burt Immediate Past Co-President Julie S. Saunders Vice President, Membership Kim Vender Moffat Vice President, Nominating Katie Kirtley Vice President, Programming Amie Alfe Treasurer Carolynn J. Pfaff Secretary

2016 Members Pim and Brayton Alley Melissa Anton Lindsey C. Axel Paget Bahr Lindsay Baumann Dina Searle Brown Jennifer Brown Toni Canada Susan Canmann Colleen and Brendan Carroll Maxie Clarke

Nicky Creamer Cory Daverman Emily DeGroot Phoebe and Spencer DePree Amy DeVore Katie Donovan Paige Dorn and John Gribbin Abby Dunn Isabel and John Fiore Molly Flavin Anna Gjerlow Sophie Goodwillie Colleen Heidkamp Whitley Bouma Herbert Megan Hoffmann Merrill Hoyer Daniel Kehoe Leigh Keyser Jennifer Kiefer Peggy King Katie Kirtley Lance Lawson Kim Lewis Anne S. Loucks Emily and John MacEntee Leslie Martin Caroline Masterson Kim Meardon Susan B. Merlin Peyton H. Merrill Britt Miller Jennifer Neighbours Katherine and Richard Peterson Marion Rice Erin Ritchie Bobbi Rowe Elizabeth D. Ryan Todd Schwebel Wendy Fix Shpiz Bevin Skoglund Megan Sleight Chrissy Taylor Sally Brown Thilman Kendra Thornton Sarah Roberts Vaile Steven M. Valenti Carrie Wilson

Sustaining Members Laura Ferris Anderson Annie O’Scannlain Barlow Kimberly Beard Elizabeth and Chandler Bigelow III Donna G. Brunso Preston Cain Kate Fisher Fitzgerald John D. Fornengo Andrea Garber Rebecca and Victor Garces Karen Hawkins Jennifer and Sanford Kasten Jennifer P. Keenan Brooke and James Kuehnle, Jr. Anita Livaditis Stephanie Madigan Kathryn Bader Mangel Gloria S. Masterson Carrie C. McNally Eileen Murphy Shawna and Jay Owen Hilary C. Semple Lee Thinnes Anne C. Tucker

2016 ANTIQUES, GARDEN & DESIGN SHOW COMMITTEE Mr. and Mrs. Brayton B. Alley Mr. and Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bahr Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Balusek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Jesse C. Belcher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip D. Block IV Mr. and Mrs. R. Clayton Brock Mr. and Mrs. Jack Regan Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Brunso Mr. and Mrs. John H. Bryan Mr. and Mrs. John H. Buehler Mr. and Mrs. Allan E. Bulley III Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Randolph N. Burt Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Busch Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Butz Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Canmann Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Chereskin Mr. and Mrs. Kevan K. Comstock Ms. Anne Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Crowe Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Daverman Mr. and Mrs. Barrett C. Davie Mr. and Mrs. E. Austin DePree Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Deveny Mr. and Mrs. William C. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Patrick C. Eilers Mr. and Mrs. Robert Everest Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Ferrante Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gaines Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Galvin Mrs. Myla Frohman Goldstick Mr. and Mrs. Chip B. Grace Ms. Karen Z. Gray Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hagenah Mr. and Mrs. David D. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Haleas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hall Mr. and Mrs. John B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. David O. Hawkins Ms. Leslie S. Hindman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Hoban Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Holstein IV Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Seth E. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kane Mr.* and Mrs. Jack Karp Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Kasten III Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanford Kasten Mr. Thomas E. Keim Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Kracik, Jr. Ms. Donna La Pietra and Mr. William H. Kurtis Ms. Julie Latsko Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Levy Mr. and Mrs. Alec N. Litowitz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Livaditis Mr. and Mrs.* Barry L. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Cameron McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McNally V Ms. Kimberly Merlin Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Merlin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Murphy Mr. and Mrs.* Thomas C. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. William A. Osborn



Mr. and Mrs. Homi B. Patel Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Pfaff Mrs. Frank A. Priebe, Jr. Ms. Trisha Rooney Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Savarie Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Scheyer Mr. and Mrs. Matson F. Schwalm Mr. Todd D.H. Schwebel Mr. and Mrs. William D. Smithburg Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Srodon Ms. Amy Swartchild Mr. and Mrs. James H. Swartchild, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stefan M. Szczerba Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thomas Thilman III Mr. and Mrs. F. Andrew Thinnes III Mr. and Mrs. T. Sands Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tobin Ms. Anne C. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turitz Mr. and Mrs. Brian Uihlein Mr. and Mrs. James D. Vermillion Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Waters Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick B. Wood-Prince *Deceased

2016 AMERICAN FLOWER SHOW SERIES PARTICIPATING PLANT SOCIETIES American Rhododendron Society Bromeliad Society of Greater Chicago Cactus & Succulent Society of Greater Chicago Central States Dahlia Society The Garden Club of America The Garden Club of Barrington The Garden Club of Evanston Garden Guild of Winnetka Kenilworth Garden Club Lake Forest Garden Club Winnetka Garden Club Garden Clubs of Illinois District IX Garden Photographic Society Gardeners of the North Shore Hoosier African Violet Society Ikebana International Ikenobo Ikebana Chicago Chapter Illinois Mycological Association Illinois Orchid Society Midwest Bonsai Society Midwest Daffodil Society Midwest Fruit Explorers North American Lily Society Northern Illinois Gesneriad Society Northern Illinois Hosta Society Northshore Iris & Daylily Society Roadside Flower Sale Chicago Botanic Garden Volunteers Sogetsu School of Illinois Ikebana Wisconsin-Illinois Lily Society


CHICAGO HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Board of Directors Officers as of 12/31/2016 Robert F. Finke Chair Timothy A. Dugan Vice Chair, Nominating & Governance Peter M. Ellis Vice Chair & Secretary John L. Howard Vice Chair Thomas E. Lanctot Vice Chair, Government Affairs Catherine M. Waddell Vice Chair, Science and Education Susan A. Willetts Vice Chair & Immediate Past Chair, and Chair, Audit Nicole S. Williams Vice Chair, Finance & Investment Jean M. Franczykº President and Chief Executive Officer Kris S. Jarantoski Executive Vice President and Director Thomas J. Nissly Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer James F. Boudreau Executive Vice President, External Affairs Jennifer Schwarz Ballard, Ph.D. Vice President, Education and Community Programs Aida Z. Giglio Vice President, Human Resources Ginny Hotaling Vice President, Government Affairs Gregory Mueller Ph.D. Chief Scientist and Negaunee Foundation Vice President of Science Harriet Resnick Vice President, Visitor Experience and Business Development

2016 Board of Directors Sharon Brady Amy P. Brockº Neville F. Bryan John H. Buehler Kimberly Burtº Michael J. Busch Susan Keller Canmann David R. Casper Robin Colburn John C. Connery II Jill M. Delaney James W. DeYoung Anthony L. Farino Steve Fradkin Thomas C. Freyman Dorothy H. Gardner Steven J. Gavin Arthur J. Gibson Nancy Gidwitz Ellis M. Goodman John K. Greene Charles V. Greener Joseph P. Gromacki William J. Hagenah Caryn L. Harris Robert D. Hevey, Jr.

Thomas B. Hunter III Jane Irwin Gregory K. Jones Todd Kaplan Jennifer M. Kasten Carolyn Katzº Angela Korompilas M. James Leider Benjamin F. Lenhardt, Jr. Diane vS. Levy Laura M. Linger Daniel I. H. Linzer Alec Litowitz Anne Loucks Josephine P. Louis Michael J. McMurray William E. Moeller Jane Park George A. Peinado Janet Meakin Poor Toni Preckwinkleº Bob Probst Arnold Randallº Susan L. Regenstein Emily Reynoldsº John C. Robak John Rugel Ryan S. Ruskin Robert E. Shaw Tom Skilling Greg Smith Maria Smithburg Harrison I. Steans Pam F. Szokol Collette Taylor Richard L. Thomas

2016 Life Directors Marilynn B. Alsdorf J. Melfort Campbell Barbara Whitney Carr Gary P. Coughlan Peter R. Crane John V. Crowe Suzanne S. Dixon Thomas A. Donahoe Peter B. Foreman Ralph F. Fujimoto James J. Glasser Florence S. Hart Pamela K. Hull Posy L. Krehbiel Bill Kurtis Donna La Pietra Mary Ann S. MacLean* Robert H. Malott Mary L. McCormack Mary Mix McDonald Jeanine McNally Peter H. Merlin* Jane S. O’Neil* William A. Osborn Homi B. Patel John E. Preschlack Anne O. Scott David Byron Smith Susan Stone Howard J. Trienens Ernest P. Waud III Arthur M. Wood, Jr. º ex officio *Deceased

FOREST PRESERVES OF COOK COUNTY as of 12/31/2016 Toni Preckwinkle President Arnold Randall General Superintendent

Board of Commissioners Luis Arroyo, Jr. Richard R. Boykin Jerry Butler John P. Daley John A. Fritchey Bridget Gainer Jesús G. García Gregg Goslin Edward M. Moody Stanley Moore Sean M. Morrison Timothy O. Schneider Peter N. Silvestri Deborah Sims Robert B. Steele Larry Suffredin Jeffrey R. Tobolski

Botanic Garden Committee Gregg Goslin Chairman Timothy O. Schneider Vice Chairman Luis Arroyo, Jr. Jerry Butler John P. Daley Sean M. Morrison Deborah Sims Robert Steele Larry Suffredin

For the complete 2016 contributors list, including tribute gifts and Chicago Botanic Garden staff, go to annual_report

Front cover Regenstein Learning Campus and Bird Island Inside cover spread The Great Basin and Lakeside Gardens Photo by John Faier Outside back cover Circle Garden Photo by John Faier

We cultivate the power of plants to sustain and enrich life.

Farm on Ogden, a partnership between the Chicago Botanic Garden’s Windy City Harvest and the Lawndale Christian Health Center, will offer jobs training and access to healthy, locally grown food in the North Lawndale neighborhood of Chicago. The community food hub is scheduled to open in fall 2017.



1000 lake cook road glencoe, illinois 60022

US POSTAGE PAID NORTHBROOK, IL One of the treasures of the Forest Preserves of Cook County

To view our Annual Report online, please visit

Circle Garden in summer


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