The CJHS Constitution

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The CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu Constitution Article 1:

The name of the organization shall be the CJHS

Article 2:

The purposes of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu are: 1) create a rich social environment of activities in the school, 2) to train active future leaders and participants in the Jewish community, and 3) to communicate concerns and ideas that the students have to the administration.

Article 3:


ohybsuyxv sgu.

Section 1: Selection Each school year the current CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu President shall call and conduct elections for the following year’s Va’ad, as stipulated in Article 4, Section 3, Paragraph 4. The Freshman Va’ad representative, as well as any other necessary positions not filled during that election cycle shall be elected at another time, in an election called and conducted by the current president.

Section 2: Classes/types of membership All members of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu have an equal vote in the CJHS Va’ad, although different officers have different roles and authority in the process.

Section 3: Resignations and removals Paragraph 1:

Removal of a

ohybsuyxv sgu

member by the

ohybsuyxv sgu In the event that a member of the ohybsuyxv sgu has acted egregiously in a manner unbecoming of a representative of the student body of CJHS, the thab, with the faculty sponsor’s approval, shall call for a meeting of the entire CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu, including the member accused of wrongdoing. After allowing for a fair hearing that gives the accuser an opportunity to state his or her case, and the accused time to respond, the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu shall enter into closed session, outside the presence of the accused, and may expel that member with at least 2/3

vote. The vote shall be conducted by a secret ballot. Paragraph 2: Resignations To resign, a member of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu must submit a letter of resignation to the president, including the member’s rationale for resigning, at least two weeks in advance of the date of resignation. A copy must be filed with the faculty sponsor. If the thab chooses to resign, he or she must file his or her letter with the finance vice president.

Comment [c2]: Ballot Item 1 (contingent on passing of 1) Comment [c1]: Ballot Item T

Article 4:

Offices and details

Section 1: The organization shall elect a board of officers, properly known as the “CJHS Paragraph 1:

ohybsuyxv sgu”;

President -

they are:

Comment [c3]: This entire section constitutes Ballot Item 1.


The thab shall be responsible for the agenda for all CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu Meetings, shall conduct those meetings, shall facilitate ohybsuyxv sgu projects, and shall be responsible for all administrative communications. The president shall also be responsible for calling and conducting elections as prescribed in this document.

Formatted Formatted


Paragraph 2: Finance Vice President The Finance Vice President shall serve as a surrogate for the president when the president is absent, shall serve as the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu accountant, shall be expected to present to the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu a monthly report on income and expenditures, and shall at the discretion of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year. The finance vice president shall also serve as the liaison between the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu and the CJHS business manager, and shall be responsible for keeping records of and submitting all transactional documents.

Paragraph 3:

Fundraising Vice President The Fundraising Vice President shall oversee all continuous fundraisers and fundraising events, shall collaborate with the Finance

Deleted: Vice-President thabv idx¶ The thabv idx shall serve as a surrogate for the thab when the thab is absent, shall serve as the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu’s representative to the North American Association of Jewish High Schools (see Article 11, affiliations), shall also serve as the liaison to any other affiliate organizations, and shall at the discretion of the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year. Formatted

Vice President to maintain accurate financial records and fiscal responsibilities, and shall also at the discretion of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year.

Paragraph 4: Programming Vice President

The Programming Vice President shall plan each social event, put together any necessary committees required for social events, collaborate with the Communications Vice President, and shall also at the discretion of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year.

Paragraph 6:


Deleted: Treasurer - rczd¶ The rczd shall serve as the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu accountant, shall oversee fund-raisers, shall be expected to present to the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu a monthly report on income and expenditures, and shall at the discretion of the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year. The rczd shall also chair the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu Fundraising Committee (as outlined in Article 5, Section 1, Paragraph 3). The treasurer shall also serve as the liaison between the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu and the CJHS executive director, and shall be responsible for keeping records of and submitting all transactional documents.

Paragraph 5: Communications Vice President

Deleted: ¶ ¶

The Communications Vice President shall record the events of all meetings of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu and shall maintain minutes of those meetings, take attendance of those present at group meetings as necessary, be responsible for all matter of publicity, chair the reform committee, and shall be responsible for inter-club communications, and shall serve as the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu historian, presenting a report ofohybsuyxv sgu activities to the Va’ad during the month of May. The Communications Vice President shall also at the discretion of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year.


Freshman Class Representative The Freshman Class Representative shall serve as the voice of the Freshman class to the CJHS Va’ad, shall encourage Freshman involvement in CJHS programming, and shall also at the discretion of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year.

Formatted Deleted: Secretary - rhfzn¶ ¶ The rhfzn shall record the events of all meetings of the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu and shall maintain minutes of those meetings, take attendance of those present at group meetings as necessary, be responsible for all matters of publicity, and shall serve as the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu historian, presenting a report of CJHS ohshnk,v sgu activities to the CJHS Va’ad during the month of June. The secretary shall also chair the CJHS Social Committee (as outlined in Article 5, Section 1, Paragraph 1) at the discretion of the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year. Deleted: Freshman class representative - y v,hf ,dhmb¶ The y v,hf ,dhmbshall serve as the voice of the Freshman Class to the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu and shall also at the discretion of the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year.

Paragraph 7:

Other Class Representatives -

,urhjt ,u,hf hdhmb


In the event that representation from every class is not reflected once the previously listed positions are filled, a position or positions for the representation of those classes excluded from the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu shall be automatically created. He or she shall serve as the voice of his or her class to the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu and shall also at the discretion of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu serve as chair or member of various ad hoc committees during the year.

Section 2:

Comment [c4]: This section constitutes Ballet Item 2.

Term of office The term of office for all members of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu (except the Freshman representative) shall begin on the day after graduation directly following their election, and end on graduation day of the following academic year, according to the official CJHS calendar. The freshman representative’s term shall begin as soon as his or her election has been announced to the school by the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu thab and shall end on graduation day. In the event of a vacancy, the term of the officer filling the vacancy shall begin at the president’s discretion and shall end on the graduation day. Following their election to the ohybsuyxv sgu, members shall be expected to work closely with the outgoing Va’ad to plan for the following year.

Section 3:

Deleted: first day of Summer Deleted: Break Deleted: the last day of Finals we Deleted: ek, Deleted: administrative Deleted: the last day of Finals. Deleted: last day of Finals

Nominations and elections All members of the CJHS the CJHS student body.

ohybsuyxv sgu

shall be elected by

Paragraph 1: Eligibility For the position of thab, one must have served as a member of the ohybsuyxv sgu for at least one year. Any other position is open to any other student (except grade-level positions restricted to members of specific grades). Paragraph 2: Nomination procedures In order to be a candidate for all offices, an individual must acquire signatures of permission from parents, the student’s advisor, an administrator, and the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu faculty sponsor. The thab shall be the officer to accept and note nominations.

Comment [c5]: Ballot Item 3 Deleted: and not have served as thab before

Paragraph 3: Election procedures There shall be at least a one-week period for potential candidates to file for candidacy prior to the start of the campaign period. There shall be a campaign period of two weeks following the deadline for filing candidacy, concluding with election day. On election day, there shall be a session of the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes assembled, during which all the nominated and eligible candidates may make speeches of at most three minutes. Directly following the conclusion of the speeches, secret ballots shall be distributed by the president to each student present and collected in a manner that preserves secrecy of the vote, by the president. If a student is absent, the president shall contact him or her as soon as possible to register his or her vote. Results shall not be tabulated until all student ballots have been cast. Following the elections, the president shall wait 48 hours to announce the results. Paragraph 4:

Comment [c6]: Ballot Item T

Deleted: counting of the votes Comment [c7]: Ballot Item T

Dates The deadline for filing shall be the first Wednesday of the month of May. That deadline shall be preceded by at least a one-week filing period, beginning at latest on the final Wednesday in April. The campaign period shall end on the Wednesday two weeks following, and elections shall be held on the third Wednesday of May, calendar permitting. The freshman officer elections shall be held in September and October. The deadline for filing shall be the third Wednesday in September (preceded by at least a one week filing period). The campaign period shall last two weeks and conclude with a candidates’ forum on the first Wednesday in October, followed immediately by balloting. If the president deems it necessary, he or she may call elections for positions that have become vacant or which were not filled during the spring election cycle at dates according to his or her discretion. The thab shall set the dates for all regular elections for the following year during the month of May, and schedule it on the school calendar.

Paragraph 5:

Deleted: of the entire school body

Voter eligibility Members of the student body shall all

Comment [c8]: Ballot Item T

Deleted: ’

Comment [c9]: Ballot Item T Deleted: Paragraph 5: Deleted: Dates precluded by the calendar¶ The deadline for filing shall be the first Wednesday of the month of May. That deadline shall be preceded by at least a one week filing period, beginning¶

have a vote in all CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu elections, excepting outgoing seniors in elections for offices with terms commencing when those seniors will have graduated, and except for positions (such as grade level positions) by which they are not represented. Paragraph 6: Run-Off In the event that more than two candidates file for candidacy to a position on the ohshnk,v sgu, the top two vote-getters will be placed in a run-off following the final counting and announcement of the results. If one candidate receives a majority in the initial election, he or she is automatically elected.

Comment [c10]: Contingent on Ballot Item 3 Deleted: If the president of the Va’ad is not an outgoing Senior, he or she will not be eligible to vote in Va’ad elections.

Paragraph 7: Tie In the event of a tie in any election, the president shall vote to break the tie. Comment [c11]: Ballot Item 3

Paragraph 8: The President As A Candidate


In the event that the sitting president is a candidate for election for the following year, the highest-ranking senior member of the ohybsuyxv sgu will fulfill the president’s election responsibilities throughout the election process.

Section 4:

Vacancies In the event of vacancies, the ohybsuyxv sgu must take swift action to fill the empty position(s). Paragraph 1: Filling vacancies In the event that there is a resignation or revocation of membership resulting in a vacancy (of any member other than the president), the president shall call an election for that position, giving candidates one week to file for candidacy, a one-week campaign period, and a forum for speaking directly to an assembly of all CJHS students directly prior to balloting (following procedures for balloting set out in Article 4, Section 3, Paragraph 3). Paragraph 2: Filling a presidential vacancy

Comment [c12]: Contingent on Ballot Item 1

In the event that the office of thab is vacant, the Finance Vice President shall automatically serve out the remainder of the president’s term, and follow the procedures set out in Article 4, Section 4, Paragraph 1 for filling vacancies, for filling the office of Finance Vice President.

Article 5:

Deleted: thabv idx


Section 1:

Standing Committees The ohybsuyxv sgu shall have the option to establish certain committees on an annual basis. Paragraph 1: The Social Committee -

Comment [c13]: Ballot Item T

,ucr, ,sgu

The ,ucr, ,sgu shall be responsible for planning social events both during and outside of the school day. It shall be chaired by the Programming Vice President of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu. Larger events shall be coordinated with the official school calendar and planned during the preceding month of May. Paragraph 2: The Reform Committee -

Comment [c14]: Contingent on Ballot Item 1 Deleted: secretary

,sghn vsgu

The ,sghn vsgu shall be the student forum for discussing school policy in order to present to the administration the student body’s view. The committee shall also be responsible for considering internal ohybsuyxv sgu reforms and amendments to this document. Paragraph 3: The Fundraising Committee –

ohpxf xuhd sgu Deleted: ¶

The Fundraising Committee shall be responsible for raising money for the ohybsuyxv sgu. It shall be chaired by the Fundraising Vice President of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu as enumerated by Article 4, Section 1, Paragraph 3. Comment [c15]: Contingent on Ballot Item 1 Deleted: rczd

Section 2:

Ad-Hoc Committees The ohybsuyxv sgu shall have the power to establish certain ad-hoc committees as they deem necessary.

Paragraph 1: Procedures for establishing and staffing ad-hoc committees Committees can be established either for a single project or the full year. Committees shall be formed by a simple majority vote of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu, committee chairs shall be chosen by the thab, and membership in the committee shall be solicited either by general or private invitation from the chair. A committee shall be disbanded at the completion of its task or term as dictated by the Va’ad.

Article 6:

Comment [c16]: Proposed changes to this section are contingent on Ballot Item 1

Finance The ohybsuyxv sgu shall be responsible for raising its own money in order to maintain a balanced budget, and shall monitor its financial state in keeping with ethical and open practices.

Section 1:

Oversight As enumerated in the duties of the Finance Vice President in Article 4, Section 1, Paragraph 2, the Finance Vice President shall be responsible for oversight and maintenance of all transactions conducted by the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu. The Finance Vice President shall be responsible for an independent accounting for Va’ad monies at all times, and shall present a report of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu’s budget at a CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu meeting at least once monthly.

Section 2:

Disbursement of funds The CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu shall have the power to disburse funds for events and causes it deems worthwhile by a simple majority vote.

Article 7:

Deleted: treasurer

Deleted: rczd

Maintenance of funds All monies belonging to the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu shall be deposited and disbursed through a bank account established for the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu by the business manager. The Finance Vice President shall follow all procedures set out by the business manager and Va’ad advisor for depositing and disbursing funds.

Section 4:

Deleted: treasurer

Source of funding The Fundraising Vice President shall oversee all fundraising campaigns initiated by the ohybsuyxv sgu, and as enumerated in Article 4, Section 1, Paragraph 3, shall chair the fundraising committee in order to do so.

Section 3:

Deleted: rczd

Rules of procedure

Deleted: treasurer

Comment [c17]: Ballot Item 4

Section 1: Resolutions on behalf of the student body If a member of the student body wishes to bring forth a resolution, he or she may propose it to a ohybsuyxv sgu member at either the Breakfast Club meeting or at a monthly open CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu meeting. The CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu, with a simple majority vote, can bring resolutions to the student body for ratification. Ratification can be achieved by a majority vote of all students in the school. If the resolution is ratified by the student body the president of the CJHS Va’ad shall be obligated to bring this resolution to the attention of the administration..

Section 2:


ohybsuyxv sgu


The CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu shall meet at least once weekly, when school is in session. They shall hold an open meeting at least once monthly. Paragraph 1:

Attendance All ohybsuyxv sgu members are expected to be present at every meeting. In the event that a member is unable to come, he or she must file a letter indicating that they cannot attend and their reason for missing at some point in advance of the meeting.

Paragraph 2:

Quorum Quorum shall be defined as 2/3 attendance by members of the ohybsuyxv sgu.

Paragraph 3:

Procedures As outlined in their duties in Article 4, Section 1, the president shall prepare an agenda for every meeting in advance, and the Communications Vice President shall take detailed minutes of the proceedings. The Finance Vice President shall present a monthly report of the ohybsuyxv sgu’s budget, and all committee chairs shall prepare a report on their activities at least once a month, or at the thab’s discretion.

Paragraph 4:

Open Meeting An open meeting shall be defined as a normal CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu meeting, but open to any member of the community who wishes to attend. Students may propose resolutions for approval by the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu (and ratification by the student body) and initiatives for ohybsuyxv sgu approval at open meetings. They

Comment [c18]: Ballot Item 5 Deleted: “Breakfast Club” Meetings Deleted: The CJHS ohshnk,v sgu shall conduct at least monthly (calendar permitting) meetings of the student body, in small groups. The purpose of the Breakfast Clubs is to serve as the mechanism through which the student body can express comment and feedback to their representatives, and through which they can speak as a single student body on issues of importance. Paragraph 1: Size and responsibility¶ At the beginning of the y v,hf ,dhmb’s term, the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu shall meet to divide the student body into groups of no more than 20, with each representative serving as chair of a single group. The groups should be as small as possible.¶ Paragraph 2: Procedures¶ Each Breakfast Club meeting must be announced at least seven days in advance. The CJHS Va’ad shall draft an ... [1] Deleted: on behalf of the student body Deleted: Breakfast Clubs Deleted: (present at their Breakfast Club) taken together. Deleted: If a member of the student body wishes to bring forth a resolution, he or ... [2] Deleted: “ Deleted: ” Comment [c19]: Contingent on Ballot Item 1 Deleted: secretary Comment [c20]: Contingent on Ballot Item 1 Deleted: treasurer Comment [c21]: Ballot Item T Deleted: Paragraph 4: Order

Rules of

Deleted: Rules of order not outlined ... [3] Deleted: 5 Deleted: Breakfast Clubs

may also request time on the agenda with the thab for discussions and clarifications with CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu members on a particular subject.

Article 9:


Section 1:

Ratification of amendments

Amendments to this document shall be considered official if they are approved by 2/3 majority of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu, by the school administration, and by a 2/3 majority of the student body. Amendments should be submitted in writing to all members of the student body, shall be discussed in Town Hall meetings, and then voted on in an assembly of all students together.

Section 2:

Periodic review of this document

Every two years, the reform committee shall be responsible for a comprehensive review of this document to ensure its relevance to the school.

Article 10:

Advisor There shall be at least one advisor to the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu from the CJHS faculty. He or she shall serve an advisory role, and where noted in this document, shall carry certain official functions for the organization.

Article 11:

Affiliations Affiliations between the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu and certain outside organizations may be defined and approved by a simple majority of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu, and with administrative approval.

Article 12: Interpretation It shall be the responsibility of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu to settle questions of interpretation related to this document.

Article 13: Ratification This document shall be considered ratified if it is approved by unanimous consent of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu, by the school administration, and by a 2/3 majority of the student body. A text of this document shall be given to the student body, shall be discussed in Breakfast Clubs, and then voted on in an assembly of all students together.

Signed, CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu thab, signifying unanimous approval of the CJHS ohybsuyxv sgu and the 2/3 majority approval of the student body

Signed, Head of School

Signed, Director of Religious Life

Signed, CJHS

ohybsuyxv sgu


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Caroline Musin

3/18/2007 12:33:00 PM

The CJHS ohshnk,v sgu shall conduct at least monthly (calendar permitting) meetings of the student body, in small groups. The purpose of the Breakfast Clubs is to serve as the mechanism through which the student body can express comment and feedback to their representatives, and through which they can speak as a single student body on issues of importance. Paragraph 1:

Size and responsibility

At the beginning of the y v,hf ,dhmb’s term, the CJHS ohshnk,v sgu shall meet to divide the student body into groups of no more than 20, with each representative serving as chair of a single group. The groups should be as small as possible. Paragraph 2:

Procedures Each Breakfast Club meeting must be announced at least seven days in advance. The CJHS Va’ad shall draft an agenda for these meetings. At each meeting the ohshnk,v sgu should offer a comprehensive report on their activities and solicit feedback on their activities and school issues. If a student wishes to propose a specific ohshnk,v sgu action, he or she may do so to a ohshnk,v sgu member at his or her Breakfast Club meeting or at one of

the monthly “open” CJHS meetings. Page 9: [2] Deleted

Caroline Musin

ohshnk,v sgu

3/18/2007 12:36:00 PM

If a member of the student body wishes to bring forth a resolution, he or she may propose it to a ohshnk,v sgu member at either the Breakfast Club meeting or at a monthly “open” CJHS ohshnk,v sgu meeting.

Page 9: [3] Deleted

Caroline Musin

3/18/2007 12:40:00 PM

Rules of order not outlined here shall be guided generally by “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

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