Chicago Street Journal, August 1 - 14, 2013

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Chicago Street Journal

August 1-14, 2013

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$FREE$ $1 Donations Requested Aug 1— 1—19, 2013 Vol. 1 No. 1

773 668668-5318

Presidential Inauguration, President Barrack Obama the paid honor to the historical event of Black Wall Street Tulsa Oklahoma, and the remaining decedents.

The tenth National Black Business Month encourages consumers and institutions to visit at least one black owned business on each of the 31 days of August. Year of Jubilee marks the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation (Continued on page 14)

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By Michele Banks Tio Hardiman, executive director of the CeaseFire Violence Interrupters, Inc



would’ve thought that the beautiful silver screen siren, Angelina Jolie, would share such a private moment in her life with us, the less fortunate. Continue on page 7

As the City of Chicago decriminalized marijuana use, Governor Pat Quinn signed a bill that makes medical marijuana legal in Illinois, joining 19 other states around the country. Rule making for the medical marijuana bill will not be done until the end of April 2014, so actual legal growing of medicinal pot starts after that. The measure allows Illinois doctors to prescribe as much as two-and-a-half ounces of marijuana every 14 days to patients the doctors believe need the drug. The pot would be provided locally by licensed growers and dispensed under strict state regulations. The crowd of medical marijuana proponents applauded as the governor sign the bill that passed over two months ago. "This bill is a very carefully-drafted bill to make sure it's done right, and we want to make sure it's always done right in Illinois," said Quinn. A patient must be at least 18 and suffering from one of 40 debilitating medical conditions - like MS, cancer, HIV-AIDs. The patient must have a relationship with a doctor and prove that. The patient undergoes a criminal background check, and will ultimately be allowed to buy two-and-ahalf ounces of marijuana every 14 days from a state-controlled dispensary. There will be 60 dispensaries located around Illinois. The marijuana will come from 22 cultivating centers - pot growing warehouses in Illinois overseen and taxed by the state. Some in the medical community think medical marijuana's risks may outweigh its benefits, and some in law enforcement worry about poten-

2nd Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (Continued on page 10)


Demands Meeting with Slutkin/UIC officials By Chinta Strausberg Flanked by more than 30 people including his wife, Alison, Tio Hardiman, executive director of the CeaseFire Violence Interrupters, Inc., held a press conference at a West Side church to denounce his unfair dismissal by Dr. Gary Slutkin who now blames the University of Illinois at Chicago. While the finger-pointing continues as to who is to blame for firing Hardiman, who headed CeaseFire for Slutkin, supporters like Rev. Ira Acree, pastor of the Greater St. John Bible Church, 1256 N. Waller where the press conference was held, and elected officials like Rep. La Shawn Ford (D-8TH) are demanding answers about his “unfair” dismissal. “It is my hope that Ceasefire continues to be strong after almost 14 years of hard work and millions of dollars invested to build Ceasefire,” said Rep. Ford. “Tio Hardiman and Gary Slutkin

“Sometimes you have to pick the gun up to put the Gun down.” ― Malcolm X As the State of Illinois address concealed weapons:

CPS CEO Byrd-Bennett and Mayor Rahm Emanuel

By Barbara J. Baker As students, teachers and staff prepare for the next school year, their protesting against the Chicago Public School (CPS) mandate to close the district's $1 billion budget deficit; their outrage focus on the election of 2015 in the closing of 50 campuses and cutting budgets at schools citywide. CPS action resulted in 49 schools to close removing five from the initial list and delayed closure for another by one year and removed one school for consideration for turnaround. Along with the school closing, more than 2,100 Chicago Public Schools employees could be laid off, bringing the total number of pink slips to 3,000 in two months. CPS officials said they will notify 1,036 teachers and 1,077 non-teachers of the layoffs. Jackson Potter, staff coordinator for the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU), said 30 percent of teachers in the Chicago school system are African -American, but 43 percent of all teachers being laid off are black. The CTU reported that CPS is creating a vi-

cious cycle of disinvestment and population suppression that severely limits the ability of African -American communities on the South and West sides to reemerge as thriving neighborhoods. Eighty-eight percent of the students affected by school actions from 2001 to 2012 were AfricanAmerican. Only 125 of the 16,119 total students—0.78 percent—are white. CTU stated by closing the schools, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and CPS are declaring these communities’ dead zones that are unworthy of targeted investment. Hundreds of music, art, world language and core content teachers added to school rolls to enhance Mayor Emanuel’s program for a longer school day will likely be cut as a result of the new school-based budgeting model proposed by CPS. The CTU has found that schools from across the district are seeing cuts in the magnitude of 10 percent to 25 percent as the district continues its governance amidst a record number of school closings and an ongoing state pension crisis. However, CPS reported an increase of 63% high graduates compared to 43% ten years ago. It serves 403,000 students in 681 schools being the nation’s third-largest school district. The closings affect 40,000 CPS students and parents. CPS CEO Byrd-Bennett said. “Our work is just beginning – and cannot do this work alone. With parents as active partners and an engaged community, there is no limit to what can achieve. I look forward to working together with parents and our school communities to create a fresh, positive start for their new school this fall.” Karen Lewis CTU President said, “School closings are the largest amount ever closed at one time in any city in America. Parents and community members are outraged that Barbara ByrdBennett, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Board of Education would close that many schools, espe(Continued on page 5)

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August 1-14—19, 2013

Chicago Street Journal

Rev. Charles Koen, one of the nation’s leading civil rights leaders and a human rights icon, most known for his efforts to issues in Cairo, IL, from the historical segregation as imposed by law, discrimination and violence. Koen was persecuted on August 25, 2011, and was sentenced by the State of Illinois on August 25, 2011 to 12 years in prison for crimes related to his work. Though his faith remains strong, he is in poor health and is working to appeal what many say an unjust conviction and needs moral and financial support. A fUNDRAISER & RALLY FOR REV. DR. CHARLES E. KOEN on Saturday, August 10, 2013 * 5PM to 9 PM, at The Heritage Plaza, 1500 W. 95th Street, Chicago, IL. Speakers Internationally Renowned Civil Rights Counsel, Attorney Standish Willis and U.S. Representative Danny K. Davis. Other Supporters & Speakers Include: Dr. Webb Evans, Chuck Harris, Zaki Baruti, Jeff Baker, Josephine Wade ,Linda Mallory, Father George Clements, Bruce Crosby, Attorney Williams Jackson, Ezra McCann, Donald Muhammad, Bishop Jackson, and many more.

IDES Recovers $44 Million from Unemployment Cheats. In 2012, more than $44 million was recovered from 20,000 people who wrongfully collected unemployment insurance, the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) said Federal tax returns were confiscated from those who refused IDES’ offer of a repayment plan. So far this year, IDES has asked the Internal Revenue Service to seize an additional $226 million from 71,000 people who either purposefully defrauded the IDES or should have known they were not entitled to the temporary benefits. “Not only are we criminally prosecuting benefit fraud, this shows we are fighting to claw back the money,” IDES Director Jay Rowell said. “Every dollar we get back means businesses will pay less in taxes so they can use that money to hire more employees and help grow our economy.” This is the second year that IDES can garnish federal tax returns following reforms enacted in 2011. The initiatives to fight fraud, increase tax fairness and reduce costs for businesses are part of Gov. Pat Quinn’s plan to improve the state’s climate for job creation and strengthen the Illinois economy. Protecting the integrity of the Trust Fund is paramount. Money that pays for unemployment insurance benefits comes from a business payroll tax. The Trust Fund’s balance is among the factors considered when determining the payroll tax amount. The lower the Fund balance, the higher the payroll tax. Unemployment insurance’s temporary dollars most often pay for essentials at the neighborhood grocery, gas station and clothing store, thereby supporting the local economy. Every $1 in unemployment insurance benefits generates about $1.63 in economic activity.

Potential boycott of Schaumburg is brewing after village official brags about their murder rate National Block Club University (NBCU) reached out to the people of Schaumburg and Elgin seeking widespread help for the anti-volience efforts. A media contact from Schaumburg forwarded the request to the Village of Schaumburg’s Information Officer, responded to the fact that Schaumburg has enjoyed only 3 murders in 7 years and issued a deadline of one week to remove the title Schaumburg off of NBCU’s website. Totally shocked at the level of insensitivity, the founder of National Block Club University, Syron Smith, responded with a letter to the six trustees and the village president asking for an apology for the lack of concern being displayed to a fellow American. With no response of the lack of compassion from this administration. NBCU will focus on a petition drive from 20 neighborhoods in Chicago to possibly boycott spending in the Village. National Block Club University is an Illinois not for profit since 2003 designed to combat violence across 167 of America’s most dangerous neighborhoods block by block. Additional information Syron Smith 312 405-8844 or email him at

Aldermen Sawyer supports “No TV Week 2013

Alderman Roderick T. Sawyer of the Sixth (6th) Ward supported No TV Week 2013. No TV Week sponsored by Acts of Love which was founded by 6th Ward resident William E. Hall. The sixth ward has partnered with Acts of Love previously on high successful book drives. For one week they are asking families to not watch any television and do events as a family. “No TV Week is week for imagination and love to saturate homes across Chicago,” William Hall said. “Turning off the television for one week, and spending time as a family will start what we hope are new family traditions that can improve the character of young people and the conditions of homes across the City of Chicago." Alderman Sawyer joined at least 3 public schools, multiple community organizations and a growing number of residents in supporting No TV Week. “At a time where there are so many issues going on in our community,” Alderman Sawyer said, “ there is no better time for a project that focuses on re-establishing family connections.” Aysha Butler, President of the Resident Association of Greater Englewood (R.A.G.E.) who supported the event added, "R.A.G.E. is in complete support for of No TV week because too often our young people are being raised by reality shows, videos, etc. who does not always have their best interest in mine. No TV week give families and young people the opportunity to genuinely connect without any distractions, which we feel should happen more frequently especially in our communities." No TV Week 2013 at

Black Firefighter's Museum,

The City Council approved an ordinance that leases the vacant firehouse located at 5349 S. Wabash Avenue on a $1, 10 year lease to Morris Davis, retired firefighter and founder of the museum. Earza McCain, who has lead many of the fights for African American firefighters said the museum will honor black firefighters and their many contributions and inventions towards firefighting and is set to open next year.

The U.S. Department of Labor making availability approximately $26 million in grants to improve the long-term labor market prospects of youth involved in the juvenile justice system. The “Face Forward” grants are designed to give youth a

The “Rock” Charles Dutton said hold him accountable to making a movie on Harold Washington which he say he can play the part well, and producing a movie on the Black Wall Street of Tulsa Okohomo as he said on the Chicago’s Black Business Network, radio program? In and out of Chicago is Bill ‘Dock” Walls, question is will he have to address the same challenge of where he really live for the next Mayoral election as the present mayor did.. Dock will be interested to know the City Counsel ward changes are not over yet. League of Women Voters of Chicago, Jodi Biancalana, Bruce Crosby, Will Crosby, Stephanie Crowell) Ignazia Angela Daidone, Jim Ignatowski) Gearld A. Judge, Amelia Kabat,Ernie) Luasik,Keith McDoanld, Robert McKay) ) No. 13-cv-2455 Lynn Seermon, Patricia Swindle and ) Alonso Zara Goza) PLAINTIFFS, ) JURY DEMANDED V. ) CITY OF CHICAGO, a municipal corporation, ) the defendant, the City of Chicago, is acting under color of law to deny plaintiffs their right to vote. As former White House chief of staff Bill Daley announced that he is forming a committee to explore running for governor in 2014, Crosby forward a letter to Dorothy Brown if she would consider doing the same. The big 100 years will be for Webb Evans this year on 79th Street Black Wall Street District They was a meeting with the City of Chicago contract procurement off and question raised on the contracts still up in the air for Black Chicagoans. Stephen Mitchell, Beverly Washington, Michelle Browne, and Kimberly Swift tendered their resignation from the BARCC Leadership Team, saying that When joining BARCC, with the goals of making Bronzeville a safer, cleaner and more vibrant place to live, a number of them disagree about the method to reach those goals. But they are thankful with the opportunity to serve and look forward to still working with the organization. Jackson possibly doing an article for the entertainment services for Chicago Street Journal? Oh that’s Jovan Carter Dancer / Tribute Artist offer to the community. Marc Loveless, says he is with a group of members have come together to reorganize the NAACP South Side Branch and have the organization to be compliant and consistent with the ideals of the NAACP. Marc Loveless says, For purpose of clarity the NAACP South Side Branch of the NAACP lead by Rose Joshua was dissolved as a Illinois organization. They not only failed to file the correct paper work with the Secretary of State office, but they have not filed documents with the Attorney General's office to allow them to solicit funds. As a result the Illinois Secretary of State's Office dissolved the organization in 2009. A group of members have come together to reorganize the NAACP South Side Branch and have the organization to be compliant and consistent with the ideals of the NAACP. Drugs and Low-Income. Just Mariergue is decriminalize in Chicago and the Stte of Illinios pass laws for medical maruigia, In at least 36 states, Republicans have introduced legislation requiring applicants to public assistance programs - including food stamps, unemployment benefits and heating subsidies - to pass a drug test before receiving help. They're selling it as a route to kill two societal ills with one budget-slashing stone. By erecting barriers to aid for all (and denying it to needy people suffering from addiction), these lawmakers claim they'll ameliorate both drug problems and economic hardship. In fact, according to Ohio state Sen. Tim Schaffer, implementing a drug test mandate will "end the cycle of poverty by referring drug users to treatment and providing safety for children." He called the new restriction "the compassionate thing to do." The Name of Richard Pegue Was Officially Placed Into Nomination Into The Radio Hall Of Fame but will he get into the Radio Hall of Fame'

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Chicago Street Journal

Darva Watkins, Marketing Associate: Sonja Perdue, Chicago’s Black Business Publisher and Editor: Ron Carter Network, Darva Watkins Business Management: Triple Consultants Chicago Street Journal; 80312 S. Cottage Entertainment Editor, Lydia Katherine. Grove, Chicago, IL 60619 Writers: Chinta Strausberg, Sonja Predue, South Suburb office 18419 S. Halsted, GlenMichael Ciric, Donnell Robinson, Sonja Purwood Plaza, Glenwood, Illinois due, Michele Banks, Francine Jeffries, 773.668.5318. Melody Boykin. Correspondent: Carl West, E-mail: National; Kam Williams. Advertising Sales: Copies. Digitized issues of the Chicago Street Journal, newspaper that has been a powerful voice of the Southside Community; several years‘ worth of back issues, dating from 1993 have been donated to Columbia University for this project. As it expands, the Southside Chicago archive will allow successive URW classes to read and collaboratively analyze articles from several such community newspapers, using them as a basis to conduct primary

research on themes such as gentrification, racism, political affairs, and youth development. of SSJ are free, except special request drop offs and for streethawkers, street hawkers $1 each. Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. SSJ assumes no responsibility to return unsolicited editorial or graphic material. All rights in letters and unsolicited editorial or graphic material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes. Material may be printed without written permission, upon credit given to SSJ.

Chicago Street Journal

August 1-14, 2013

The 20th Annual Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards, recognizing outstanding achievement in neighborhood real estate development, community building and organizing. The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Awards for Architectural Excellence in Community Design, celebrating the best of community design, landscape design and architecture. A monetary award will be presented to winners, who will be announced and honored on February 20, 2014 at the Chicago Hilton. Apply online or get more details on the awards Applications for all awards are due on September 12, 2013.

From the State of the Black Union conference, Tavis Smiley is gathering African-American advocates to press the case for a “Black agenda.” at Chicago State University in 2010 to The Chicago Urban League, the Nations Advancemend of Colored People, and National Action Network presented the Black Agenda to the White House earlier this year. Now the State of Black of Black Chicago Congress (SBCC) held on Saturday, June 1, 2013 at Chicago State University.

engagement in the 9 issue areas; 3) increase unity and organizational capacity within the community of African descent in Chicago in order to bring resources and strength in numbers to bear in the 9 issue areas; and 4) promote ongoing activities in order to sustain engagement of the community in the 9 issue areas or other issues as they arise. It was also agreed that the name of the effort would be, the State of Black Chicago Congress (SBCC), and that the actual Congress would be held in Spring 2013. The steering committee for the State of Black Chicago Congress is comprised of leaders from all walks of life in Black Chicago, ranging from academics, former Cook County Clerk of the Cir- and current elected officials, cuit Court Dorothy Brown ministers, and business and

Focus Group Black Media, New Media & Technology Business Development and Opportunity Crime and Violence Educational Access and Resources Youth Engagement and Leadership Development Health Joblessness and Housing Politics Spirituality, Religion, and the Black Church in the 21st Century Nearly 1,000 participants were in attendance to hear presentations in the nine issue areas, and to voice their views about the solutions that had been developed in the focus group meeting process. Frustration and achievement, bitterness and admiration, characterize modern black Chicago. Thus, Dr. Martin Luther King's attempt to integrate housing in 1966 was met by rioting; Fred Hampton and the Black Panthers' radicalism resulted in his death; Ernie Banks' athletic accomplishments and Jesse Jackson's political initiatives meet adulation and respect. The election of Harold Washington to Barack Obama; the the losing 1.3 million population to now about 800,000. Still State Rep Monique Davis pandering to radical anti-white conspiracy theories against African Americans in Chicago. The story is one of progress and growth within an unmistakable historical pattern. In late June 2012 former Cook County Board President Bobbie Steele and Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court Dorothy Brown, convened a group of concerned leaders to develop a strategy to mobilize the community of African descent to resolve some of its most pressing problems. Nine issue areas were identified to be most significant to the community. After a few meetings, it was agreed that the goals of the effort would be to: 1) mobilize all segments of the community of African descent to address the 9 issue areas; 2) create a sustainable plan of action (an agenda) designed to promote community

Chairs/Co-Chairs Dr. Garrard McClendon and Mr. Michael House Mr. Jonathan Jackson and Mr. John Roberson Attorney Lewis Myers and Ms. Pat Hill Dr. Michael Toney, Dr. Horace Hall, and Dr. Frances Carroll Dr. Lance Williams and Ms. Corinthia “New Sense” Federick Dr. Linda Murray Mr. Harold Davis Dr. Valerie Johnson, President Bobbie Steele, and Dr. Robert Starks Pastor Marshall Hatch, and Pastor Corey Brooks community leaders. They include: Dr. Carol Adams, Honorable Clerk Dorothy Brown, Dr. Frances Carroll, Dr. Cathy Cohen, Mr.

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August 5-10th. ENGLEWOOD MINISTER HOLDS ‘BATTLE OF THE BLOCK’ WITH BLACK/MEXICAN GANGS FOR PEACE- Pastor Pervis L. Thomas, head of New Canaan Land MBC, 5957 S. Peoria, is holding a sixth annual Englewood “Battle of the Block Peace Tournament, From August 5th to 6h, the tournament will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. From August 7th through August 9th, the tournament will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. On Saturday, August 10th Pastor Thomas is holding the championship game, which begins at 5 p.m. For further information, call Pastor Thomas at 312.479.4392. August 8th. Commissioner Robert Steele is hosting a golf outing at Cog Hill Golf and Country Club, 12294 South Archer Avenue in Lemont, IL. Registration-7:30 am; Shotgun Start-9:00 am; Dinner-2:00 pm. RSVP by Contact: 773-413-8644 or th

August 8 , 6pm; Wentworth Gardens (3770 S. Wentworth) , Dances of West Africa, NAJWA Dance Corps performs; includes dancers, live drumming, narration and audience participation. 4:30pm, HipHop Theater, Kuumba Lynx workshop featuring hip hop music and culture. , 5:15, Ricardo Gamboa/Paleta Carts, Free Street Theater's improvisation - a Mexican paleta cart from which customers request a performance instead of ice cream Thursday August 8, "First Annual Senior Ice Cream & Cupcake Social"@ Brown Sugar Bakery 328 E. 75th Street, 11am -1:30pm, For more information please contact Shenita Batie -6th Ward Coordinator, Mon-Thur 10am-4pm, 773-6350006 August 17th, Fuller Park (331 W. 45th

St.) Block Party (In conjunction with Alderman Dowell's Back-to-SchoolExtravaganza) 12pm

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The United American Progress Association under the leadership of Dr. Webb Evans & Min. Rahim Aton andthe UAPA meetings every 4th Mon. @ 7pm @ 1716 W. 79th St. Chgo, IL.. The UAPA is in it's 52nd year promoting the Theme: BUY BLACK! Preparing for the Buy Black Parade in August, Garvey Parade in August,

The Monarch Awards Foundation and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. – Xi Nu Omega Chapter will host its’ 7th Annual Community Expo featuring the 23rd Music & Arts Explosion on Saturday, August 17, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00p.m. This FREE event will be held at Bethany Lutheran Church 9147 S. Jeffery Blvd. in Chicago. The Foundation will also showcase the services of community organizations and the products of local merchants. The Expo will feature a showcase of local performers, including musicians, step teams, dance troops and spoken word artists. This event is FREE to the public. For info visit call 708.824.8623.


Sun. Aug. 25th – Red, Black, & Green Ball/ Tickets $25.00 / Venue $400.00 August 24 - The A. Philip Randolph Pullman Porter Museum host a triple celebration to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, pay tribute to A. Philip Randolph -- the visionary who inspired the March -- and to commemorate the founding anniversary of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first Black labor union in America to be chartered under the AFL. The two -day, triple celebration takes place at the Museum at 10406 S. Maryland in Chicago's historic Pullman community. It begins on Saturday, August 24, when all of the events are free and open to the public and will climax on Sunday, August 25, with a fundraising reception at the Museum.

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August 1-14—19, 2013

Chicago Street Journal

are going through a change of Community activist Patricia Hill, delinquent and hasn't paid since. income, you know different changes former Chicago police officer and Surrounded by supporters from in their life and you don't just kick school teacher was forced from anyone out on the street." her home of 18 years. Once the Executive DirecHome video shows an activist tor of the African Ameriheckling deputies as the boards can Police League, Hill is went up at her home on her now blasting law enforce62nd birthday. ment, the banks and the It's her second eviction is less judicial system that enthan two years. The Cook forced her eviction. County Sheriff's Office says Hill "You are forced to go refused to leave the first time outside the law," she says. back in March 2012. "They don't honor the law "I will tell you this, the root and there's documentation of this is not based on my inabil- Community acitivist Pat Hill gartered supporters they don't honor the law so from the Chicago Anti-Eviction Campaign, Occupy why should we honor the ity to pay," Hill says. Hill's story is a familiar one Our Homes Chicago and other activists in oppos- law." ing the eviction from her home on 36th and Wanationwide. She says her hous- bash. Sheriff Tom Dart lost ing crisis started about three confidence in some of the years ago when her mortgage the Chicago Anti-Eviction Cambanks and whether they were doing abruptly increased. paign and Occupy Our Homes Chievictions in good faith. In Hill's "The mortgage company that I cago. case, the sheriff's office says everyhad supposedly went out of busiThe website Zillow shows the thing squared up, everything was ness. I never was notified I got a four bedroom, four and a half bathlegal and they had to carry it out. new mortgage company," Hill exroom property was listed for sale The trustee on Hill's mortgage is plains. "I just received a notice last May. The listing was removed a BNY Mellon. They emailed a statesaying my mortgage was going to month later. ment saying in part they are not increase $500 per month more and "I just feel like the bank should responsible for the foreclosure proso I refused to do that and I kept be working with her to keep it," ceedings. sending in the regular mortgage." Hill's neighbor, Kisha May says. Hill was eventually considered "It's too many people out here that

M a y o r Rahm Emanuel bestowed an official City of Chicago Landmark plaque to DuSable High School, citing the Bronzeville building's long history of community service Mayor Rahm Emanuel during an official Chicago Landmark plaque to while produc- DuSable High School ing graduates that rose to the top of their fields in entertainment, music, publishing, athletics, and other professional endeavors. The rectilinear, three-story building at 4934 S. Wabash Ave. opened in 1935, when Chicago's rapidly-growing African-American community was predominately confined to a narrow corridor of neighborhoods on the South Side. As the first high school in Chicago exclusively built to serve African-American students, DuSable evolved as a physical manifestation of Southern immigrants' efforts to improve conditions for themselves and future generations. Under the leadership of school music instructor Captain Walter Dyett, DuSable became one of the most famous high schools in the history of jazz, producing many notable musicians like Dorothy Donegan, Von Freeman, Gene Ammons, Sonny Cohn, John Gilmore, Johnny Griffin, Ella Jenkins and others. Other noted alumni include singers Nat King Cole and Dinah Washington; television producer Don Cornelius; comedian Redd Foxx; Mayor Harold Washington; publisher John H. Johnson; NBA players Nate Clifton, Kevin Porter and Maurice Cheeks; author Dempsey Travis; and historian Timuel Black. "We celebrate the legacy of DuSable High School and its talented and accomplished alumni who tirelessly advocated for landmark status," said Alderman Pat Dowell, 3rd Ward. "This school was an anchor for those arriving to Bronzeville through the Great Migration and continues to support and educate our youth today." It's named for Chicago's first non-Native-American settler Jean Baptiste Pointe Du Sable, known today as the "Father of Chicago." The building was constructed at a cost of $2.8 million, exclusive of equipment and furnishings, and originally enrolled approximately 2,600 students. In later years, the facility accommodated more than 4,000 students. The building was originally suggested for formal landmark designation by the DuSable Alumni Association with the cooperation of Ald. Pat Dowell (3rd). City Council approved the landmark designation in October 2012. As an official City of Chicago landmark, the building's exterior elevations are protected from significant alterations or demolition.

Harper High School in Englewood, hosted its’ first Student Art Exhibit, titled “The Grey Area”. It was well attended by parents, community members, local administrators, staff, students and alumni. Ms. Neely, director and principal of Harper’s Pass Program, commented on her amazement on the quality and variety of student work exhibited. Highlights included significant social justice statements with drawings of cityscapes, many everyday scenarios, animation, animals, abstracts, masks, crafts, graffitti and a new mural-one of many, of African tribal markings. The students welcomed their parents and other visitors, discussing their artwork fluently when asked questions while taking pictures. Many expressed aspirations to pursue careers in the arts. Deonta Dean and Kalen Northern, students and creators of detailed cityscapes expressed interest in Architecture. Much thanks to their teacher, Ms. Pamela Adams, and the parents of such gifted students.

Chicago Street Journal (Continued from page 1)

one time in any city in America. Parents and community members are outraged that Barbara Byrd-Bennett, Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Board of Education would close that many schools, especially amidst the current climate of youth violence”. “And this is by design.” said Lewis. “These actions unnecessarily expose our students to gang violence, turf wars and peer-to-peer conflict. Some of our students have been seriously injured as a result of school closings.” An independent board issued a report opposing the closing of 13 of Chicago’s schools, but Mayor Rahm Emanuel has expressed that he will not follow the report’s recommendation. CPS stated in a press release by consolidating underutilized and under-resourced schools, CPS can redirect its limited resources into higher performing ‘Welcoming Schools’ that will provide the investments needed to create a quality, 21st century education for every child. These investments include: Air conditioning in every classroom, a library in every school, iPads for all students in grades 3-8, New and upgraded technology supports including expanded Internet bandwidth Improved ADA accessibility; Upgraded facilities and cosmetic improvements, including fresh paint, masonry work, new windows, new ceilings and floors, and others Improved food service capacity Customized school safety plans, including Safe Passage programs at every welcoming to provide safe routes to and from school. CPS is also adding 10 new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programs, six new International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes and a new Fine Arts program in Welcoming Schools to ensure that students in every neighborhood have access to high-quality programs. Ease the transition and provide students with a safe and positive learning environment in the fall,

August 1-14, 2013

Nationally the Color of School Closures? CPS are putting in place robust social and emotional supports to help students develop the skills to cope with change. Each school will convene working groups to share best practices to ensure the welcoming school community encompasses the success of both prior schools. In addition the Chicago Police Department (CPD) is working with each school community and other city agencies to expand Safe Passage to and from school, and inside the classroom. Byrd-Bennett’s proposal to consolidate underutilized schools stated, "Four different school syswas informed by the recommenda- tems are in a power and money tions of the independent Commis- struggle & the children are not their sion on School Utilization and a concern “He sent me a link of how comprehensive and the State legislator coordinated engagepassed a bill to prohibit ment process over private schools from seven months that using public funds. allowed over 34,000 ‘Stand For Children’ an members of the organization that works school community with parents from every to provide feedback. side of the city, its direcHowever, many tor, Juan Jose Gonzalez are still convinced in said “This has been a what they say, this challenging year in CPS, handpicked Board now the shift towards made some bad making the transition in decision. There were The Chicago Teachers the fall as smooth as many tearful, com- Union President Karen possible. munity leaders in the Lewis said. “Most of “We knocked on over audience. 11,600 doors across the An interview with the campuses south and west sides of a retired educator in are in the Black the city in impacted Gary, IN school school boundaries, givsystem illustrated community. ... ing parents direct and that when a school “And this is by clear information about was closed & stuwhat's happening”. dents were trans- design.” Gonzalez said, “Time ferred to another and again, we didn't hear school, soon that screaming but heard school then became overcrowded. pragmatic voices that just wanted Another interview with Ukali, a quality school options for their community leader in New Orleans kids.” He adds. “Now we need to

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Philadelphia is set to close 23 public schools, nearly 10 percent of the city's total. 81 percent of students impacted by school closings are black, even though they make up only 58 percent of the population.

Mass school closures have sadly become a commonplace occurrence in urban school districts across the country. Unlike the occasional school closures that happen naturally due to shifting populations or new facilities, these mass closures are catastrophic blows to the communities to which those schools belong. And as U.S. Department of Education data suggests, the most recent rounds of mass closings in Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia disproportionately hurt Black and low-income students. To highlight these disparities, the National Opportunity to Learn Campaign released this infographic. Beyond disparate impact, there is also no evidence to suggest that these kinds of school closures actually work the way policymakers claim. Reports have shown that the majority of students who are affected do not get placed in schools that perform any better—and in the case of Philadelphia, many students are sent to schools that perform even worse. And though closures are often touted as a way for districts to save money in tough economic times, those savings often fail to materialize and in reality cost taxpayers millions in hidden costs. The discriminatory impact of school closures will only exacerbate the hurdles that young black men face as they chart a course through high school, college, and the workforce. Last fall, the Schott Foundation for Public Education reported that only 10 percent of Black males in the United States are deemed proficient in eighth-grade reading, and only 52 percent are graduating from high school in four years. As Schott President John H. Jackson puts it, “These unconscionable outcomes for these young boys and men are not reflective of their potential nor their abilities—but a direct result of denying them equitable supports and resources they need to be fully engaged and hold the Board of Education accountable for their role in ensuring a smooth transition.” Community activist Pat Hill who once taught in Chicago schools pointed out that, the protestors against closing schools are emotionally driven versus strategically directed. “It has become clearer that the powers orchestrating these protests want to keep it that way”. Hill explained. “For example, the constant focus on Barbara Byrd Bennett versus the Board members. Hill pointed out one of the more influential board members is the mother of Hip-Hop artist "Common". “How many groups or organizations that are opposed to school closings have approached her, Dr. Hines?” Hill proposed. With that, ’Action Now’ parents and community members did hold a “School Board Bullies Bus Tour” at the homes of three CPS members. The first stop was at the home of CPS member Andrea Zopp at 10920 S. Oakley Ave in Chicago. Zopp is the President of the Chicago Urban League which protectors say the CUL leader is going against the mission for economic, educational and social progress for African Americans by deciding to support the closing of at least 50 schools, the majority of which are in AfricanAmerican communities. The bus went on to Board of Education President David Vitale’s house, 4925 S. Woodlawn, then continue to Penny Pritzker’s home at 1875 N. Orchard. At each Board member’s home, protesters spoke against school closings, with chants and signs and left i n fo r m a t i o n a t s u r r o u n d i n g neighbors’ homes. They also placed suspension notice yard signs at their homes. Questions continued to be raise for an elected School Board. The Chicago school board is appointed by the mayor, which Lewis said the fight must eventually move to the

ballot box. CTU launched its series of voter registration and education workshops where a capacity crowd of nearly 150 CTU rank-and-file members, retirees, Grassroots Education Movement allies and others were trained to become deputy voter registrars. "Our next plan is to have to change the governance of CPS”. Said Lewis "Clearly this kind of cowboy-mentality, mayoral control is out of control". We're starting our deputy registration, and we will be registering voters across the city." “This is the mayor's 25 percent solution. Yet, who will be held accountable when one of our students is harmed as a result of these policy decisions? And, who will be the ones to ensure justice is served?" Their goal is to push the mayor and others who backed the school closings out of office, and to gather support for an elected school board. Mayor Emmanuel brushed off the politics indicating to reporters in two years Chicago will see improvements in the school system. Lewis said schools cannot be saved by closing them, and communities cannot prosper without highquality schools. CPS is contributing to a vicious cycle of disinvestment and population flight that severely hinders the possible revival of established African-American and integrated communities. “With all the closures that have taken place that target low-income minority communities, a disproportionate number of teachers that dedicate their lives to those students in those communities are AfricanAmerican teachers,” Potter said. “So when they target those schools and get rid of those teachers that are having a disparate impact.” He acknowledges that’s because school administrators seem to be targeting under-performing schools. The union is considering filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Students wait to accept their degrees at the 2013 Commencement ceremony held May 3rd

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August 1-14—19, 2013

president has not focused on adJahmal Cole, Ms. Mary Datcher, dressing issues of particular imporMr. Harold Davis, Jr., Dr. Michael tance to the black community or on Dawson, Pastor Cy Fields, Dr. Val- successfully tackling a black erie C. Johnson, Mr. Kenny John- agenda. The Congressional Black son, Ms. Klyn Jones, Dr. Christo- Caucus was especially critical of pher Reed, Mr. John Rogers, Mr. the Obama administration’s silence Marcus Smith, Honorable President on black unemployment, for inBobbie Steele, Dr. Michael Toney, stance. Dr. Robert Starks, and Dr. Lance However, early this year Williams. President Obama met with AfriIn an effort to mobilize all seg- can American leaders at the ments of the community of African People QuickFacts Chicago descent, the steerPopulation, 2012 estimate ing committee 2,714,856 convened t wo Population, 2010 (April 1) estimates base 2,695,598 community meetings on March 11, Population, percent change, April 1, 2010 to 0.7% 2013, and on April July 1, 2012 30, 2013 at the Population, 2010 2,695,598 historic Quinn White alone, percent, 2010 (a) Chapel. At the 45.0% first meeting, leadBlack or African American alone, percent, ers in the commu- 2010 (a) 32.9% nity were informed American Indian and Alaska Native alone, about the effort in percent, 2010 (a) 0.5% great detail, and Asian alone, percent, 2010 (a) were asked to sign 5.5% up to participate in Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander focus group meet- alone, percent, 2010 (a) Z ings in the 9 issue Two or More Races, percent, 2010 areas. 2.7% The purposes Hispanic or Latino, percent, 2010 (b) 28.9% of the focus group meetings were to White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent, 31.7% discuss the prob- 2010 lems and challenges associated with White House. They discussed each issue area, and to formulate his plan to strengthen the econsolutions (solution papers for each issue are may be found at omy for the middle class and to build ladders of opportunity, ). The focus group meetings were through increasing access to job convened and chaired by commu- training programs, partnering nity leaders, ministers and academ- with high-poverty communities ics that are active in each issue area. to help them rebuild, and en-

Chicago Street Journal

(Continued from page 3)

Nationally -(The Root) — President Barack Obama has been a target of endless criticism since taking office, most notably from conservative corners, as well as from some blatant racists. But despite the nearly universal support he enjoyed among African Americans in both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, some of his most impassioned critics have come from within the black community, and some of their most passionate criticism has focused on the concern that the first black

couraging companies to invest in disadvantaged neighborhoods. The leaders also highlighted their goals to continue to build momentum for Congress to act in the best interests of the American people by supporting policies that help move the country forward. The question now emerging since the president’s decisive re-election is whether we’ll see greater focus on issues of particular importance to the black community in the second Obama term, and if so, which issues

Chancellor Cheryl Hyman congratulates the Class of 2013. Nearly 4,000 students are expected

Largest Class in More than Two Decades

to complete an associate's degree at City Colleges of Chicago this year, a nearly 80 percent increase since City Colleges' Reinvention initiative began in 2010 and the highest number of graduates in more than 20 years. "All of us at City Colleges are proud of this historic group of college graduates," said Chancellor Cheryl Hyman. "Their achievements prove that putting education first pays off, and offer more evidence that the student-centered reforms we've implemented in recent years are providing a solid pathway to further education and 21st century careers." City Colleges expects its 2013 graduation rate to increase to 12 percent, the highest level in more than a decade. CCC saw a five percent in-

crease in credit enrollment between 2010 and 2012. In recent years, City Colleges has invested in key student services including: tutoring, academic advisors, transfer specialists, career and transfer centers, veteran centers, and Wellness Centers, among other services. In December 2011, Mayor Emanuel and Chancellor Hyman launched the College to Careers program which partners industry leaders with City Colleges faculty and staff to ensure City Colleges occupational programs meet

employer demand and prepare students to seize careers in the region's fastest-growing fields. Illinois Lieutenant Governor Sheila Simon, who shares City Colleges' commitment to ensuring students have quality, affordable postsecondary education options, delivered a moving keynote address that celebrated the achievements of outstanding City Colleges students.

Chicago Street Journal

(Continued from page 1)

tial abuse. House co-sponsor Chris Welch of Maywood predicted future general assemblies will consider legalizing pot for general use. The Illinois Department of Public Health will be in charge of issuing medical marijuana cards to patients and their caregivers, who could purchase and administer pot on behalf of those who are ill. Patients and caregivers would be fingerprinted, undergo background checks and must promise not to sell or give away marijuana. Workers at grow centers and dispensaries will undergo the same vetting. The state will license 22 growers, one for each State Police district, as well as up to 60 dispensing centers to be spread across the state. Exactly where those growers and sellers could locate will be up to state regulators. Local communities could enforce strict zoning laws, but they could not prevent a grower or dispensary from setting up shop in town. Growers and dispensaries will be charged a 7 percent "privilege tax," which will be used to enforce the medical marijuana law. Patients will be charged a 1 percent tax for purchasing pot, the same rate that applies to pharmaceuticals. Additionally, growers and dispensaries would be banned from donating to political campaigns. The Chicago City Council moving closer to legalizing pot voted overwhelmingly last year decriminalize possession, joining a wave of states and big cities that have opted for fines instead of arrests for small amounts of the drug. Chicago police can issue tickets

of $250 to $500 for someone caught with 15 grams or less of pot — the equivalent of about 25 cigarettesized joints. Given that more than 18,000 people are arrested for pot possession in Chicago each year, could generate millions of dollars for the city. Mayor Rahm Emanuel's administration did not say how much it anticipates raising. But based on the more than 18,000 arrests made for small possession in the past year, the city stands to gain from $4.5 to $9 million, depending on the amount of the ticket officers decide to write and how many people actually pay what they owe. The state's medicinal marijuana system will not be in place until 2014 and the grown product for dispensaries will not be available until the second half of 2014 at the earliest. Marijuana use would be banned in public, in vehicles, around minors and near school grounds. Property owners would have the ability to ban marijuana use on their grounds. Employers would maintain their rights to a drug-free work place, meaning someone with a valid medical marijuana card could be fired for using the drug if their employer prohibits it. Legislators tried to get around that prohibition by providing a loophole in the law that would allow veterans to receive a prescription for pot from someone other than the primary care provider, but advocates say the federal government's stance prevents veterans from having honest conversations about the possible benefits of medical marijuana.

Moringa (The Miracle Tree) is the absolute best in whole food nutrition. It contains everything the body needs to become healthy. There is no other tree like it according to scientists.

August 1-14, 2013

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riddle your body? If I hit a nerve, I’m glad if it’s ho would’ve thought going to wake us up to that the beautiful the real cause of diseases silver screen siren, of the mammary and reAngelina Jolie, would share such a private moment in productive organs. They her life with us, the less fortunate. are often a result from This is not a sarcastic play on words… unfortuhormonal influence from nately it’s the sad truth that the privileged can ‘live’ meat and dairy products and the less fortunate will die an early and painful and other food ingredients such as GMOs, death. You may feel this is an unfair assessment of (genetically modified organisms), sweetener replacethe headlines which recently revealed Angelina’s ments, etc . If you do a little research you’ll find that recent ‘voluntary’ double mastectomy. there is a direct correlation to many of these cancers. I do feel compassion for Angelina and her family. It’s not rocket science. If you eat animals that have They are blessed to have the best that money can buy. been fed huge amounts of hormones, steroids, and That brings up an interesting question, “can money antibiotics, their meat and milk will contain the same buy life”? The answer is ”yes it can”. To some, this hormones and antibiotics that invade your body and may be a surprise, but for the majority this is just cause bleeding and tumor irregularities, premature more of the same, but the gap between the’ haves’ and breast growth as well as mammary over-growth (big the ‘have nots’ gets wider and wider every year. breasts), leaky or painful breasts, or reproductive To refresh your memory, according to the gene challenges, just to name a few. I guarantee you will be test results, Jolie has a high percentage of getting hard-pressed to find life-long vegans who have breast breast cancer due to her mother having tested positive or prostate cancer. for the "faulty" BRCA1 gene and having subsequently While breast cancer prevention is the subject of died of ovarian cancer at age 56. Jolie’s breast rethis article, keep in mind that women are constantly moval reduces the possibility of getting breast cancer steered toward body re-orientation directed by male from 87 percent "to under 5 percent." That’s a sure scientists. The ‘feared’ mammogram fits that catebet one might say to eliminate the offending mamgory. The medical community would have you bemary all together by undergoing a preventive double lieve that there is only one form of testing to reveal mastectomy at the age of 37. the onset or existence of cancer. If you do a little reBut I have a couple of questions. First, I’d like to search, you’ll discover breast care alternatives on the know what preventive measures have been put in Internet that can replace painful mammograms (which place for males? How likely is a man going to unexposes the patient to high amounts of radiation annudergo a preventive “double testicle removal, or orally). Unfortunately, insurance coverage isn’t availchidectomy, to prevent prostate cancer? I’d bet you able for the more ‘humane’ or alternative tests but can count them on one hand. Why is this country masfortunately the alternative for tectomy happy? Could it mammograms are relatively have to do with a hefty inexpensive. A little bit of reprice tag dominated by search can save you a lot of the male surgeons? The money and heartache especially cost can range from if you are willing to make the $15,000 to $75,000 denecessary dietary changes to pending upon the restoraincrease your chances of avoidtive cosmetic surgery and ing killer cancers. aftercare of the wounds. So, in closing, my advice to my Perhaps you aren’t readers and Jolie, is watch what comfortable with my you put in your mouth because questioning the medical it can determine whether you profession. My question anonymous mastectomy patient photo. will have to go under the knife to you is “why – voluntarily or involuntarily. aren’t you questioning your medical professionals For questions on preventive wellness tips look me when it comes to health care?” What about asking up on YouTube – Michele Banks, Wellness Coach. them what you can do to prevent getting these tating diseases besides female castration? I personally All information in this column is intended for feel some of these surgeries are antiquated, barbaric your general knowledge only and is not a substipractices that resemble chop shop mentality, but I do tute for medical advice or medical treatment and acknowledge the lives that have been saved, but more is not intended to replace professional medical lives can be saved and the horror of such radical suradvice. Always seek the advice of your physician geries can be minimized by exploring alternative or other qualified health care provider regarding methods. questions you may have about any medical conHas it ever occurred to you that what you put in dition. your mouth has a major effect on what diseases will

By Michele Banks



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August 1-14—19, 2013

(Continued from page 2)

chance at success by offering support services,and skills development that can help them obtain employment and overcome the stigma of a juvenile record. Approximately 26 grants of up to $1 million each will be awarded to serve juvenile offenders between the ages of 16 and 24. Eligible participants must be between ages 16 and 24, and must have been involved in or currently involved in the juvenile justice system or be candidates for state juvenile diversion programs. The solicitation for grant applications, which includes information about how to apply, is available at

Northwestern Uni. to pay nearly $3 mil in Grant fraud claims Northwestern University will pay the United States $2.93 million to settle claims of cancer research grant fraud by a former researcher and physician at the university’s Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Center for Cancer in Chicago. Northwestern agreed to the settlement in a federal False

Chicago Street Journal

Claims Act lawsuit that was unsealed today after the government investigated the claims made by a former employee and whistleblower who will receive a portion of the settlement. Northwestern allegedly allowed one of its researchers, Dr. Charles L. Bennett, to submit false claims under research grants from the National Institutes of Health. The settlement covers improper claims that Dr. Bennett submitted for reimbursement from the federal grants for professional and consulting services, subcontracts, food, hotels, travel and other expenses that benefited Dr. Bennett, his friends, and family from Jan. 1, 2003, through Aug. 31, 2010. The allegations were made in a civil lawsuit filed under seal in 2009 by Melissa Theis, a former employee of the Lurie Cancer Center, who will receive $498,100 in settlement proceeds. Northwestern, which fully cooperated during the investigation, did not admit liability as part of the settlement. But did agreed to pay the settlement within 14 business days. Under the federal False Claims Act, defendants may be liable for triple the amount of actual damages and civil penalties between $5,500 and $11,000 for each violation. Individual whistleblowers may be eligible to receive between 15 and 30 percent of the amount of any recovery.

Jesse White Awards over $5 Mil In Adult Literacy Grants Secretary of State and State Librarian Jesse White has awarded nearly $5.5 million in FY14 Adult Literacy Grants to help students develop and enhance their reading, math, writing and language skills. “I am pleased to provide nearly 200 local literacy providers with funding that

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White joined with dozens of volunteers representing the approximately 300 people who die each year waiting for a transplant to “Wave Away the Waiting” on the 17th annual National Minority Donor Awareness Day. The event, which was held on the plaza of the James R. Thompson Center, served to encourage organ donation in multicultural communities. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), last year in Illinois: There were 2,159 African-Americans on the waiting list and only 81 became donors. There were 858 Hispanics on the waiting list and only 25 became donors. There were 234 Asian-Americans on the waiting list and only 7 became organ donors. In Illinois, 5.3 million people are registered as organ/tissue donors, yet there are 5,000 people waiting for transplants. National Minority Donor Awareness Day aims to educate people about the need for organ, eye and tissue donation within multicultural communities. Nationally, minorities made up over 56% of the national waiting list for organ transplant, however, accounted for only 34% of actual organ donors. To join the organ and tissue donor registry, visit

will allow adult students to achieve their utmost potential,” White said. “I will continue to do all I can to ensure that every citizen of this state has access to quality literacy programs.” Nearly 22,000 students are served by adult literacy programs around the state. More than 8,500 volunteer tutors provide training for students to obtain skills that put them on the path to lifelong learning. Adult Volunteer Literacy Grants provide training for volunteers who tutor adults over age 16 in basic reading, math, writing or language skills. Participating literacy providers may include libraries, volunteer tutoring organizations, community-based organizations, community colleges, regional offices of education, schools (individual and public), pre-school

programs, school districts, domestic-violence shelters and correctional facilities. People interested in becoming volunteer tutors are encouraged to contact the Illinois Adult Learning Hotline at 1-800-321-9511.

City Vehicle Sticker Overhaul. City Clerk Mendoza introduced legislation that will mark the first major overhaul of City Vehicle Stickers in 100 years. The ordinance authorizes the Clerk's Office to transition from seasonal City Sticker sales to Year-Round sales. This year will be the last time residents receive a June-to-June sticker. The first phase will be focused on educating the public about the upcoming changes to be implemented in 2014.

Chicago Street Journal

(Continued from page 1)

Within Barbara Giles-Tillman new book “The Caliber of a Woman,” is the motivational spirit of gauging life. Get ready to be inspired and transition within her character Simone’s life. Be ready to engage in a new understanding of how to live a traditional life or be willing to question whether this is the life for you! Question that direction or Cliché that encounter’s each life exposing that even the best laid plans can fail. Nonetheless, they can become reconstructed by you though knowledge and experience. YES, this book will challenge customary methods, thinking, and living. It will re-route you to a structured life

revisit the idealism of your desires that are obscured in belief and customs. From all those role models and criteria’s that Simone had grown up with, were they the standards of societies requirements to become a success? Unbeknownst to Simone, this sustained ideology has since gone to the wayside. Read as the realities of life takes on an alternate path to a different world outside of the fairy tale. Then how she must come to terms when it does. As she poses the question, “in the poem never asked,” “What is the sense of tradition, religion, or custom without logic or reason behind it?”

and Dr. Ron Ford, Chris Base of JammChicago,Barbara Giles –Tillman, Larissa Tyler of the Citizen Newspaper and Marshall Thompson of the Chilites, , , Myself .

path to success. It will reach out to anyone who has not yet figured out an obvious action to triumph over a defeat or loss of spirit. Many people are similar in thoughts like Tillman’s character Simone. Basically, we are born in a world of innocence and of hope, and grow up thinking of a predestined life that leads to happiness. Within the book, “The Caliber of a Woman,” it will encourage one to

For her answer and to get your answer, purchase a copy of, “The Caliber of a Woman. “ By Barbara Giles-Tillman. @Barnes & Nobel, e-books, and Http;// www. Envisioning BGT 773-598-9257, PH# (773-598-9257 Fax Number: N/A,

August 1-14, 2013

Trichologist Practitioner Marvelette Jackson boosts national awareness on how hair loss is connected to wellness. Restore the “whole you” – from the inside out. – Think back to the last time you had a medical examination. Did your health care provider conduct a hair and scalp analysis? If not, then it was not a complete examination. Fortunately, the medical field is continuously evolving, and now, there is a growing collaboration between medical doctors and Trichologists to make the analysis of the hair and scalp a part of a routine health exam. According to Trichologist Marvelette Jackson, owner of Touch of Perfection Salon, TrichoScience Clinic and Institute of TrichoScience Education (ITSE),located in Chicago, “If you had a toothache, you’d make an appointment to see a dentist. Dermatologists specialize in problems and diseases affecting the skin. When a person is suffering from health conditions that have reached the point of showing symptoms in their hair and on their scalp, such as baldness, hair breakage, dry or sudden hair loss, then, it is time for them to schedule an appointment with a Trichologist. With early detection, most of these conditions are treatable.” Many people are unfamiliar with the term, Trichology. Trichology is a para-medical branch of medicine that focuses on the study of hair and scalp disorders. It involves an in-depth study of the functionality of chemistry and physics, as they relate to the anatomy and

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ph ys i o lo gy o f th e h e al th o f hair. Formal study in this particular field dates back to 1902. In a recent interview on CBBN Business Journals, Ms. Jackson indicated that, “Hair loss has reached epidemic portions, worldwide. No one is exempt -- men, women and children alike are displaying the effects of this dis’ease caused in part by lifestyle choices, genetics and poor styling c h o i c e s . ” Long-time client, E. Ellis states that, “Trichologist Jackson is knowledgeable and informative about her craft. Her level of expertise surpasses what you would expect to receive from a hairstylist. She diagnosed and corrected several unforeseen conditions that I’d experienced over the years with my hair and scalp. I’m very satisfied with the results.” November 12-14, 2013, Ms. Jackson will be a featured speaker at the upcoming 2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Cosmetology &Trichology hosted by OMICS Publishing Group. OMICS publishes scientific journals and organizes events throughout the year to support the progress of research and developments in the scientific industry. The theme for this year’s event is “To Share Novel approaches which enhances Beauty & Skin Care,” which includes topics, such as “Hair lost management and advances in Trichology.” Hair loss, breakage and other visible scalp conditions are indicators of your overall health and wellness. Isn’t it great to know, that Trichologists have only one mission and that is to “restore the “whole you” – from the inside out.” For more information visit

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August 1-14—19, 2013

(Continued from page 1)

At the rate of at least two murders per day, 2013 is on pace to exceed the 506 murders that occurred in Chicago last year. Chicago: the issues facing the city that have led to Chicago being a focus of national attention as it relates to violence and gun control. The community leaders and elected officials touch on why Chicago is losing its children to violence at an alarming rate coming up with many strategies for change In response to such dire statistics, 9th Ward Alderman Anthony Beale is in support of comprehensive, common sense gun legislation for the city, state and nation. “I disagree with the National Rifle Association’s assertion that the “only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.” Millions of gun owners and non-gun owners alike know that’s not true. Better gun enforcement and stronger gun laws are both needed to reduce gun violence. More guns mean more gun murders and more gun suicides,” explains Beale. As co-sponsor of the City’s Gun Ordinance, Beale says he will work with Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy in support of new Chicago gun legislation.

Saint Sabina votes to post ‘No Guns Allowed” signs on all of its buildings Pfleger praises Senator Collins for her ‘no’ vote; vows to bust out others By Chinta Strausberg Referring to state lawmakers who voted to override Gov. Quinn’s changes to Illinois’s Concealed Carry bill, Saint Sabina’s Parish Council voted to post “no guns allowed” signs on all of its buildings and schools with Father Michael L. Pfleger urging others to follow suit. Saying he takes this personally given the recent 72 shootings and 12 killings over the holiday weekend, Pfleger said, “We want to put signs up immediately where we stand.

Chicago Street Journal

We’re disappointed in Springfield. I’m override Quinn’s ashamed of the legislators who voted for it. amendatory veto “If any legislator who voted for this bill and the Senate comes to our church, I will call them out for voted 41-17. voting for this horrible bill that the NRA sponAnd, though sored. We will put signs up on our buildings as Father Pfleger said quickly as possible to make it clear that we do if any of those not want guns here unless you are turning a who voted to overgun in,” Pfleger said. ride Quinn’s During the Parish Council meeting, mem- amendatory veto bers voted in favor of posting the no guns comes to Saint allowed signs including an amendment that Sabina, he will call made one exception. The only guns allowed on them out, Rep. Saint Sabina property will be at the Rectory Monique D. Davis Office, 1210 W. 78th Place, where they can (D-27) who voted “Parts of my district already resemble the wild West. turn in any guns without any questions asked. to override his Today I voted, once again, to reject the false premise When asked if others should follow suit, amendatory veto Pfleger said, “I urge every church, stores, busi- because the federal that more guns will make our streets safer.” nesses, everybody needs to put signs up to take government gave State Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins a stand on this thing about guns.” them a July 9th Praising, Illinois Senator Jacqueline deadline to have a Collins (D-16th) for voting against HB No. concealed carry law in place. Illinois is the last criminals should be caught. What would you 183’s override amendatory veto, Pfleger said state to pass such a law. do if they had on uniforms from other counshe is to be commended for her eloquent reDavis disagreed with the governor on his tries? When have you ever heard of more chilmarks on the floor and her stand to bar guns opposition to carrying guns in dining restaudren being buried than seniors? For those of us from places like restaurants that serve liquor rants where alcohol is served. She said 77 who have a voice, it’s criminal not to speak and schools. The Senate voted 41 yeas and 17 lawmakers voted to override Quinn’s bill when up.” Davis criticized those who “don’t want to nays. “it takes only 71 votes. be against any administration. I have to stand On the Senate floor, Collins said, “Parts “Even if I had voted ‘no,’ it was going to up for my community,” she said. of my district already resemble the wild West. pass,” Davis told this reporter. “The trouble Taking another swipe at city officials, Today, I voted, once again, to reject the false we are having in Chicago is the illegal guns, Rep. Davis said Supt. McCarthy’s proposal to premise that more guns will make our streets not the legal guns.” hire 21-year-olds for policemen when the cursafer.” She is also opposed to the governor’s rent law is 25 is unacceptable. She has a better In explaining her vote against overriding demands to force people to have 16-hours of idea. Gov. Quinn’s amendatory veto of the conweapons training. “We cannot keep pretending “I want the mayor and the governor, with cealed-carry legislation, Collins said the senathat Chicago is an island. We have more gun my help, to establish a commission or task tor’s “were faced with a Hobson’s choice: to laws, but we have the highest crime rate. It force to guide the National Guard on a daily turn down a chance to make Illinois’ condoesn’t make sense,” said Davis. basis. I want them to serve and protect this cealed-carry law less risky, or to allow a ‘wild She took her anti-violence push one step city. Are we paying for a park district we can’t west’ scenario in which concealed carry befurther by calling on the federal government to use? I want former Police Superintendants comes legal dispatch the National Terry Hillard and Jody Weis along with Father tomorrow by Guard to Chicago espePfleger to direct the activities of the National court order cially after the last two Guard on a daily basis,” said Davis. and no law is shootings of babies. Referring to the fatal shooting of 23-yearin place to While Davis said most old Terrance Graves, a newspaper vendor who restrict how believe the shootings are also sold fresh fruit at 99th and Halsted, Davis and where gang-related or mistaken said, “He had a disagreement with some youth firearms are identity, she asked, fighting over (drug) territory. They killed him carried.” “then what about the and the community should be outraged.” Davis Making shootings of these bapraised Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-14th) for standit clear, bies”? ing with her on this vote. “The tragedy is peoCollins said Davis took a swipe at ple can object, but what is your solution”? she voted her “If any legislator who voted for this bill comes Police Supt. Garry “I want the governor to bring in the Naconstituents to our church, I will call them out for voting for McCarthy who said tional Guard to stem the crime,” she said. wishes. “I crime is down compared When told some critics feel their presence this horrible bill that the NRA sponsored…” kept faith with Father Michael L. Pfleger to the same time last would be another level of harassment to the my constituyear. “Tell that to the black community, Davis strongly disagreed. ents who live mother of the baby who “Why would it be police harassment when every day in embattled neighborhoods…. I is burying her child,” quipped Davis. “This is they would be standing guard around our remain committed to laws that protect our not a normal situation where more children are parks? If gunfire erupts, the National Guard neighborhoods and our children from the dying than older people.” would respond.” scourge of violence.” “I want the National Guard to come into Davis said her idea is better than those Despite her pleas and others for cooler Chicago to serve and protect the people. Kids who just “sit around waiting for the net headheads to prevail, the House voted 77-31 to have been killed recently in three parks. These (Continued on page 11)

Letters to the Editor

Those that Bomb Dear Editor rom Obama, all the way to the mayor of Chicago, the news media should stop engaging these gun tragedy pimps for the purposes of pushing laws through that restrict law abiding citizens! Why doesn't Obama round up all the other gun tragedy pimps and canvas the middle east for the families of victim of drone strike collateral damage? Would you rather criminals start using bombs, don't you think its the perfect opportunity to discover the root cause of armed violence and stop using tragedy in other locations as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens? The problem stems from an interaction with person or persons which drove a twenty year old

F Dear Editor hicago teachers ended a three day march throughout the city to protest the closure of over 50 public schools Mayor Rahm Emanuel says the city can’t afford. But while Emanuel says there’s no money in the budget for schools, he does expect residents to foot the bill for a new stadium. Even though Mayor Emanuel won’t allot more public funds for public schools, he has a plan to use public dollars to help fund a stadium at DePaul University, a private, Catholic university. Emanuel’s plan entails having the university pay $100 million towards development of a


new DePaul Blue Devils arena, while the city would add an additional $70 million. The city would pay its portion of the bill through the general tax fund and tax incremented financing, which assumes that new construction projects will increase real estate values, and raises property taxes to the levels of projected future values. As one might imagine, not everyone is on board with Emanuel’s plan. “Our biggest concern is killing the neighborhood with a venue that sits vacant for most of its useful life and, the only time it is used, it’ll be largely an alcohol-focussed sporting venue that

will bring unwanted rowdiness, security and parking issues,” said Tina Feldstein, president of the Prairie District Neighborhood Alliance. An independent board issued a report opposing the closing of 13 of Chicago’s schools, but Mayor Rahm Emanuel has expressed that he will not follow the report’s recommendation. “The board will take what they’ve said [and] work through it, but do what we need to do as a city because this…has been deferred through the years…We haven’t addressed it in the past — both on the academic side and on the financial side,” Emanuel said.

Chicago Street Journal

August 1-14, 2013

Page 11

(Continued from page 10)

line and killing along 79th Street, Halsted Street, Auburn Gresham community, Cooper Park and the many other places where gunfire has erupted killing innocent lives. “Yes, I am angry over these shootings,” she said admitting she is frustrated at the spike in gunfire. “What would happen if these were white children, Irish children or Jewish children? What would happen in Chicago then? I cannot understand the idea of children not being allowed to be children. “My objective for calling in the National Guard is to have people a bit more fearful of those shooting into a crowd or being caught for killing someone. I am not saying bringing them in will end the shooting, but we’re in a crisis,” Davis said. “The federal government needs to be involved given the spike in shootings in Chicago. I want President Obama to send someone to be a part of this task force I am proposing to alleviate what is going on. I do know that people want jobs. They want to work, but I don’t believe if you’re not working it makes you a killer,” she said in criticism of those who blame the shootings on the unemployed. Proving her point, Davis said, “When we were in slavery and were released, they were not trying to find weapons to kill each other. These shootings are unacceptable, and I don’t want to be quiet about it. A child should not have to stay in the house because they might be killed. It’s insane.” “If the Chicago police cannot catch these shooters, then the National Guard can be here to protect the children. My heart is in the right place…. “ To faith leaders, Davis asked, “How can you preach to a bunch of people without talking about violence? How can you not preach about innocent people losing their lives? We should be outraged about it.” In fact, Rep. Davis said those who know the identity of the shooters including their own children should turn them into police. “It could save the kid’s life. If you have a child who has gone astray and has weapons and are doing things that are wrong, then do them a favor...turn them in and save their lives.” And to the critics who are urging the community to police itself, Davis said that’s impossible. “We don’t have that kind of training. We need those who do have the training to be available to protect us.”

Lastly, Rep. Davis said some activists are missing the boat because “liquor billboards are coming back into our community. The black community will once again be inundated with these signs. For years, thanks to Father Pfleger and others, they were prohibited and now they are back. Are we not going to say anything because the mayor is our friend”? She asked. Davis said it’s fight-back time.

Ron Carter, Publisher and Editor


fter nineteen years of publication, the final issue of South Street Journal has come. And say hello to Chicago Street Journal. But that doesn’t necessarily mean our readers will never see the in-depth coverage that South Street Journal produced. Over the nineteen years, most of our competitors either went out of , but the SSJ kept going. And now with the emerge of Chicago Street Journal it will be stronger. The newspaper’s name is fitting for the demand for SSJ resurface and to expand beyond the south streets of Chicago. We decided to embrace a name more reflective of the reach of our circulation that we have become—a vibrant, community-based, media organization that is well poised to meet the changing information needs of the communities. Chicago is a diverse city with a rich history and it deserves a robust, local paper that provides local news, features, opinion and people of the street coverage of the personality, culture and sense of this community. Each issue we will have in-depth stories about local people and the community issues that inspire, entertain and create anticipation for readers. Although African American interest is still at the core of what we do so well, our future will increasingly use various citywide platforms to provide our valuable services.” The new publication, with a section devoted to local news and a section for education, entertainment, and of course politics of Chicagoland and other articles. You are going to find neighborhood news you won’t find anywhere else. The most local, the most relevant stories about

living here. The paper made an effort to cover local events and Chicago-wide events that affected its coverage area. South Street Journal was never the most profitable paper, but the reporting mission always stayed responsible for maintaining good coverage. Reflecting on the nineteen years, we always remained strong, even amidst economic pressures. “We have been blessed by several very strong editors and writers who understood the communities very well, she as Ms. Beauty Turner. “I believe the primary role of a community publisher — in print and digital — is to create a sense of community. We’ve worked hard and sincerely to accomplish that goal.” Our brand promise is to provide relevant information for all of our readers in Chicagoland, create and aggressively resolutions to be aggressive community advocates for the areas we define as our markets. South Street Journal served from 1993 through 2012, during which time, the newspaper’s representation grew beyond the norm of news. It was inherited it from TRUTH of Chicago Public Housing and retargeted the community newspaper focusing on Mid South community now known as Bronzeville neighborhoods; it soon expanded coverage to the entire South Side. In 2007 the newspaper founded and sponsored Black Wall Street Chicago, now with 17 districts will be represented in the pages of Chicago Street Journal. It hit the ground running and never stopped While the paper usually dealt with Southside neighborhoods, it occasionally touched on issues relevant to Chicago coverage area. With its coverage Columbia Univer-

sity of New York City formed the Southside Chicago, a research archive that provides students with direct experience in social science research. This project is part of the Urban Research Workshop (URW), which is analyzing Chicago‘s Southside black communities, with particular focus on changes in these communities since the early 1990s. This archive currently contains digitized issues of the South Street Journal, a local community newspaper that has been a powerful voice of the Southside Community; several years‘ worth of back issues, dating from 1993 to 2006, have been donated to Columbia University for this project. Reading the paper’s archives, one gets a very local, ground-level look at the communities’ history. It traces the rise of Bronzeville, the fall of public housing, efforts to preserve Englewood neighborhoods. It chronicled tensions between newer and more established residents and tried to give them both a voice. As it expands, the Southside Chicago archive will allow successive URW classes to read and collaboratively analyze articles from several such community newspapers, using them as a basis to conduct primary research on themes such as gentrification, racism, political affairs, and youth development. The ending of the South Street Journal is really a loss. But the past history is our guide to the future to serve: relevant information, marketing solutions and community advocates. Please give us your input, your ideas, stories and of course advertising support to a readership that is waiting to see you in Chicago Street Journal. Join us at one of the receptions on the north, west and south sides of Chicago with your news and ad in the special safe keep first addition!

Letters to the Editor (Continued from page 10)

marksman to violence, that is the point at issue, to know when one crosses the line against others! In this case many people crossed the line with the twenty year old assailant years ago, and just like all the other massacres that have occurred in history, no one has ever tried to ascertain what sets these individuals off, because his choice of weapons didn't kill six adults and twenty children, intent did! In every instance, the battle cry usually is just "I'll show you, I'll show you all". Its time to figure out what injustices have been perpetrated against these individuals to bring their anger to the point of harming others? The Ten Commandments are a prime factor in making the determination of weather individuals cross the line against their fellow man with first, a belief in anything other than The Creator, of which the first four commandments are specifically for that purpose deterring people from being misled in the worship of persons, places, or things. The other six commandments just merely reflect that people should leave others and their belongings alone, and as a matter of fact, one of the last six commandments states that we should not even desire what belongs to anyone else!? Do you think now would be an excellent time to figure out what injustices have been

perpetrated against these individuals to make an effort to suppress violence in its early stages? But then again, some individuals have a mindset that harassment of other people, is just clean American fun, however, some offenses committed in this country, are worthy of death in other countries. I wonder how many people that knew these individuals that commit mass murders are now saying to themselves, I wonder if my mistreatment of these individuals in any way drove them to this? If by some remote chance that I am correct in my assumptions that the young man's animosity was directed in places & at people who he felt was the source of all of his dilemma, then there's more where he came from! Banning weapons is not the answer!? Recordingangel1

On the State of the Union from the President Dear Editor,


n his State of the Union message, President Obama outlined an ambitious plan to revitalize communities and reinvigorate our economy. Many low-income, black communities in Chicago struggle with lack of jobs. Practical basic skills training for a changing labor market. Of course, realistic employment and apprenticeship training accessible to resident remains a critical need our residents need. We need to take action now to support the President’s goals and meet the needs of residents as well. We need jobs. The President recognized this need, when he said: “Tonight, let’s also recognize that there are communities in this country where no matter how hard you work, it is virtually impossible to get ahead. ... inescapable pockets of poverty, urban and rural, where young adults are still fighting for their first job. America is not a place where the chance of birth or circumstance should decide our destiny. And that’s why we need to build new ladders of opportunity into the middle class for all who are willing to climb them.” But here in Chicago, we are not using these resources for employment and contracting that we have now, and have had for years. There are so many looking desperately for those ladders. In communities plagued by disinvestment and violence, Congressman Danny Davis issued a casual call for a meeting to anyone interested in resident business and hiring. There were no ads or flyers, just word of mouth. Less than two weeks later, nearly 100 peo-

ple crowded into Wallace’s Catfish Corner’s banquet room. They honestly shared their stories of desperate, persistent job searches throughout the metropolitan area. Yet hindered by low income in previous life Right now, right here, we already have some ladders that can help residents of struggling low-income communities, hard-hit by the Great Recession, as well as by the persistent grind of racism and discrimination that is both our legacy and reality today. These resources - these ladders - are governed by federal regulations for funds from various federal agencies; HUD and DOT are just two. The agency’s appropriations are already included in federal funding to local city, state and local agencies, as well as their contractors. Each one is liable to develop and implement community hiring and communitybased small business contracting. The agencies and programs are widely diverse. They can include the Governor’s Illinois Jobs Now! Plan, Cook County’s Neighborhood Stabilization Grant Program (NSP) as well as the City’s annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) appropriations from Congress.

Jesse L. Jackson

Page 12

August 1-14—19, 2013

Chicago Street Journal

The City Council’s Progressive Caucus “What we’re really trying to do is assist “If we’re gonna root out corruption in moved to hold Mayor Rahm Emanuel to the mayor in codifying this — making this city — if we’re gonna make a stand the campaign promises he made to sure we can continue an open, honest and that it’s unacceptable at any level — then strengthen and expand the inspector gen- transparent government that he sought we have to give the inspector general the eral’s powers and give the watchdog un- when he was running for mayor and that tools necessary here,” Fioretti said. fettered access to city documents. we continue to seek,” Sawyer said. A top mayoral aide, who asked to reEmanuel has made it clear he has no Waguespack said it’s one thing to “fail main anonymous, accused the same four intention of introducing a legislative rem- on your campaign promises.” It’s quite aldermen of “hiding underneath their edy to an Illinois Supreme Court ruling another to “hold it up this long.” That can desks” when Emanuel tried and failed to that could tie Inspector General Joe Fergu- only mean one thing, he said. give the City Council’s handpicked inson’s hands and insulate Emanuel and his “There’s something going on they don’t spector general the same power that Ferstaff from investigation. want [the inspector general] to see. ... Peo- guson has. Ferguson has fired back by warning of ple getting contracts [who] shouldn’t be Twice since the Supreme Court ruling, “increased waste, fraud and misconduct” getting contracts through the executive Emanuel has made it clear he has no intenby city employees and contractors. branch. Forensic audits that should take tion of introducing a legislative remedy. Four members of the City Council’s place that people don’t want to have take “The IG has independence on their now splintered Progressive Caucus — place because it would ferret out more budget, independence on their hiring, Bob Fioretti (2nd), Roderick Sawyer (6th), corruption, more mismanagement and which is one of the things that’s been Scott Waasked for years. ... The IG gu e s p a c k has the same power and (32nd) and John capability that the state IG Arena (45th) — and the federal IG’s have,” stepped into the he said last week. middle of that Last month, the Illinois fight. Supreme Court ruled Th e y ununanimously that Ferguveiled a series son does not have of ordinances Bob Fioretti (2nd), Roderick Sawyer (6th), Scott Waguespack (32nd) and John Arena (45th statutory authority to that would grant the inspector general’s more waste in city government,” he said. enforce his subpoenas of city documents. office the ability to control its own personWaguespack said he doesn’t know Instead, the IG has to rely on the corporanel and “serve, enforce and defend” its whether Emanuel is protecting Daley or tion counsel to enforce its subpoenas. own subpoenas; guarantee the inspector protecting himself. When the corporation counsel chooses general “no less than 1 percent” of the city “All I’m trying to do is to make sure the not to enforce those inspector general budget, and compel the city to cooperate IG [can] get that subpoena power so the subpoenas or has a conflict of interest, the with office’s audits, program reviews and taxpayers of this city can find out what inspector general’s only recourse is to hearings in addition to investigations. was really going on,” he said. appeal to the mayor — even when the Sawyer noted that candidate Rahm Although only four aldermen appeared investigation either targets or involves the Emanuel made all of those promises — at Thursday’s City Hall news conference, mayor’s office. and more — in December 2010 at a joint Fioretti claimed overall City Council supThat literally means that, whenever the news conference on ethics with Fergu- port “in the teens.” That’s still short of the mayor’s office wants to stymie a highson’s predecessor, David Hoffman. 26 votes needed for passage. level investigation, all it needs to do is put The mayor even promised to extend the But he expects to draw more support by an attorney in the room. That way, the inspector general’s powers to include the building public pressure on an ethics issue corporation counsel’s office can claim City Council, the Emanuel-chaired Public that, he believes, aldermen can ill-afford attorney-client privilege and refuse to Building Commission and the Chicago to ignore in the wake of the Hired Truck, comply with subpoenas issued by the inPark District. That hasn’t happened, ei- city hiring and minority contracting scan- spector general. ther. dals and years of contract cronyism.

Contributing Correspondent: Carl D. West


his hurt me to write. This really hurt me to even create the copy title above. I was extremely sad when the news program I was watching broke in with an exclusive news item. Then after seeing the civil rights leaders' first son walk out of e court room in the nation's capital, it sadden me even more. But the final nail in my coffin, was when this dude from the government read the charges and outlined the alleged scheme, it floored me. This mess is absolutely amazing and shocking! I always said that the rise of President Barack Obama somehow destroyed the dreams of Jesse Jackson, Jr as the Negro golden child who could lead this nation. And I've stated many times in past Works of Words, that former Congressman Jackson was normally always the smartest person in the room wherever he appeared and he once had a remarkable upside with unlimited potential. I admired his intellect and knowledge of politics. As former U.S. Rep. Jackson and his wife, former Chicago Ald. Sandi Jackson, pleaded guilty in what prosecutors said was a conspiracy to siphon about $750,000 in federal campaign funds for their personal use. Jackson Jr. entered a negotiated plea of guilty on one felony count of conspiracy to commit false statements, mail and wire fraud. Prosecutors say the couple enjoyed a life of luxury with campaign cash. About 3,100 personal purchases were made on campaign credit cards, totaling $582,772.58, prosecutors said. Pressed by the judge on whether he was freely entering the plea, the former congressman acknowledged he had been under psychiatric care but said he had not been treated for addiction to alcohol or narcotics. Asked whether he understood what was happening, he answered, "Sir, I've never been more clear in my life." Sandi pleaded guilty to one charge of willingly filing a false tax return, tied to the same allegations. Both Jacksons appearing in dark suits, and had the opportunity to make personal statements. But only Jesse replied with a brief reply. Sandi chose to just answer the judge's questions with "Yes, sirs" and "Guilty." Jackson Jr. spoke softly during his hearing and momentarily dried his eyes. When asked by Judge Wilkins how he would plead, Jackson answered: “I am guilty your honor.” Jackson Jr. was present for his wife's hearing proceedings as well. They left the courtroom holding hands. When leaving the courtroom, Jackson Jr. told a reporter, "Tell everybody back home I'm sorry I let 'em down, OK?" At a press conference following the hearing, Jackson Jr. attorney Reid Weingarten said Jackson's health problems contributed to his crimes. As part of Jackson Jr.'s plea deal, the parties have agreed that sentencing guidelines call for a term of between 46 and 57 months in prison. He will be sentenced June 28. And after his release from an expected prison term, he might face additional years of supervised probation. Sandi Jackson's sentencing is scheduled for July 1. She could face a possible prison term of 18 to 24 months and $4,000 to $40,000 in fines. Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr., and other family members walked through the courthouse, arms linked together showing solidarity. Married for more than 20 years, Jesse and Sandi have a 12year-old daughter and a 9-year-old son and this could have an adverse affect on them for years to come.

Chicago Street Journal Dr. Webb Evans, President of the United American Progress Association and Rev. John McEwen, associate pastor of the Cathedral Baptist Church 4821 S. Wabash Ave held an Economic program at the Cathedral Baptist Church 4821 S. Wabash Ave., to get more church members to spend their money with business owners who live in the community. Dr. Webb Evans states that when it comes to economics the Black church are the greatest sleeping giants we

August 1-14, 2013

have. Most of them don’t spend their money with the business people who live in the community, Webb Evans stated that he believe they don’t realize how much they are destroying their own community by not spending money with the business owners who live in the community. Most of the Pastors are as guilty as the members. “We are looking forward to all members and friends to join us in making the program at the Cathedral Baptist Church where Rev. Otis Anderson is pastor to be a great success.” Said Dr. Webb.

Pastor Ira Acree, head of the St. John Bible Church, 1256 N. Waller, Thursday called for a meeting with Dr. Gary Slutkin who began the CeaseFire program along with UIC officials to find out the reason why Slutkin fired Hardiman. Acree said it's no time for "egos and personality clashes" when children are being killed in the streets of Chicago. (Continued from page 1)

man,” said Pastor Acree who read lence,” Hardiman said. “Now Dr. should find a respectful resolution to off a list of other clergy supporting Slutkin is changing his story saying the career of Tio Hardiman. Hardiman. he did not want to renew my con“Tio Hardiman has made great Tired of the varying reasons tract. He is telling people that the s t r i d e s f o r C e a s e f i r e . H e now being given as to why Hardi- UIC fired me and not him, but that has established strong is not true. community relation“Dr. Slutkin also lied to ships across the city and Rep. Ford” about why he state so a peaceful resofired Hardiman. When all lution would keep to the charges were dropped mission of Ceasefire.,” against Hardiman, which said Ford. were within 30-days, he At a press conferand his wife reconciled ence held outside of the same day. “I stand Acree’s church, Hardiwith my husband 100 man was flanked by percent, and I am standmore than 30 black and ing by my husband’s Latino leaders who side,” said Mrs. Hardidon’t understand why man. Slutkin abruptly fired Hardiman said with his Hardiman after initially evaluations all being putting him on adminis- Dr. Gary Slutkin of University of Illinois at Chicago excellent and violence trative leave after his was down by 43 perwife accused him of domestic bat- man was fired, Acree told reporters, cent under his watch during the first tery. Hardiman said Slutkin’s rea- “We need a meeting with Dr. Slut- six-months of 2013 in the CeaseFire sons are now beginning to conflict kin and the chancellor of the Uni- Zones, he wants to know why did each other. versity of Illinois (at Chicago) and Slutkin renew his contract. “Dr. It is my hope that Ceasefire community leaders. You owe that to Slutkin, who began CeaseFire, continues to be strong after almost us. There is a whole lot of explain- needs to man up and tell people why 14 years of hard work and millions ing to do. We have confidence and he didn’t renew my contract,” said o f d o l l a r s i n v e s t e d t o comfort level with him. The fight is Hardiman. build Ceasefire Tio Hardiman and too serious for personality clashes Pastor Acree said, “We are here Gary Slutkin should find a respect- and egos. It’s too serious for that to offer our support to Tio. We apful resolution to the career of Tio kind of stuff,” Acree said. preciate his commitment to our Hardiman. Hardiman was initially placed community. Under his leadership, Tio Hardiman has made great on leave after his wife filed domes- he has been able to put 300 plus s t r i d e s f o r C e a s e f i r e . H e tic battery charges against him and people to work and that is a big deal has establish strong community as a result Slutkin placed him on to many ex-felons who have a diffirelationships across the city and administrative leave but the next cult time finding a job. They get an state so a peaceful resolution day fired him without notice, with- opportunity to work. When people would keep to the mission out a reason and no severance pay. don’t work, unfortunately some of of ceasefire. Hardiman said his firing “was not them resort to desperate measures Acree praised Hardiman for fair” and that over the past decade and Tio has kept these guys off the giving jobs to ex-felons as Violence he has raised more than $50 million street. Interrupters; a program created by for Ceasefire and $5.7 million along “At a time when our kids are being Hardiman, and said that helped to with $1 million from the city prior gunned down, we do not have a lot “channel their energies into some- to his dismissal. of room for egos and personality thing positive, turning people In addition, under Hardiman’s clashes. We need people who are on around, interrupting violence. This leadership, CeaseFire has been rep- the ground and who are making a is a big deal. People look down on licated in 15 Chicago communities, difference to reduce this epidemic of this as being miniscule or nothing 7 cities in Illinois, 15 cities nation- violence,” said Acree. but that is a big deal because when wide as well as abroad including “We need a meeting with Dr. Slutpeople don’t have economic oppor- England, Iraq and South Africa. kin, community leaders and the tunities, you become desperate. “More than 30 cities and 20 nations chancellor. If is a personality clash, Desperate people resort to desperate concerned about their own levels of then say that. If he has an issue with measures…. shootings and killings have ex- his personal family problems, then “We appreciate that kind of pressed interest in learning more say that, but we will not stand by work that he is doing. At a time like about the CeaseFire model,” said idly while our kids are being gunned this when our kids are being gunned Hardiman especially the Violence down in a war zone,” said Acree down in the streets like it’s Afghani- Interrupters that he created. who said Hardiman is needed on the stan, you don’t need to be guilty of “The UIC doesn’t have a written streets of Chicago to stem the viogetting rid of people like Tio Hardi- policy regarding domestic vio- lence.

Page 13

CHICAGO – Two ministers repreence afterward outside the courtsenting the National Action Nethouse. work were in Durant, Okla., to Both ministers have been in the fight for justice for five Africanforefront of the struggles for social American student athletes at Southjustice in Chicago, most recently eastern Oklahoma State University in the rallies to protest the acquittal who were expelled over an April of Trayvon Martin’s killer. Fools’ Day prank. The five, Matthew One of the students, Leatherwood, Jercolby Krishon Daye, is from Bradley, Krishon Daye, Chicago, and his mother Arinzechukwu "Izzy" approached the netEziakor, and Keith work’s founder, the Rev. Craddock, are each Al Sharpton, about charged with five misdespeaking up for the meanors and one felony young men recently count. Warrants were when he visited Greater issued for their arrests, St. John Bible Church, but they turned themwhere the Rev. Ira Acree selves in. Leatherwood, is pastor. Bradley and Eziakor are On April 1, the athGreater St. John from Dallas, Tex., and letes, all football play- Bible Church, Keith Craddock is from ers, allegedly put on ski where the Rev. Ira Charlotte, N.C. masks to go knocking Acree is pastor. “We felt that criminal on the doors of some charges were in fact white friends’ homes appropriate at this saying “stick time,” District 19 Atup,” frightening them torney Emily Redman. and then running away, Rev. Acree said: “We Rev. Acree said. He understand that this added that they carried was a very foolish no weapons, and no one prank, and these stuwas hurt. dents deserve some The school has reform of censure, but fused to release their why should their lives transcripts, and the disbe ruined forever? trict attorney has filed There has to be a better charges. Two of the way of handling this? students were graduating Rev. Hatch said they seniors. The students are want Redman to drop also barred from campus the charges. and their scholarships “We want the univerwere revoked, Acree Rev. Marshall sity to accept their Hatch Sr., pastor said. apologies and release Acree and the Rev. of New Mount Pil- their transcripts so these Marshall H a t c h grim Missionary young men can go on Sr., pastor of New Baptist Church with their lives,” he said. Mount Pilgrim Mission“They've already paid an ary Baptist Church plan to meet awful price for their immature conwith the students, known as the duct.". Durant 5, the university president, The students have filed suit over Larry Minks, and the district attorthe handling of the expulsions, and ney on Tuesday afternoon. The the National Association for the students are due in court on at 9 Advancement of Colored People a.m. Wednesday to enter their pleas has protested on their behalf saying of not guilty on all counts. The the students’ rights to due process ministers will hold a press conferwere violated.

No Matter What The Test May Be God Will Take Care of You

“God can do anything, but Fall”.


Bishop Lucius Hall, Pastor

First Church Of Love and Faith Schedule of Services: Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Live Taping and Broadcast on WGCI -AM 1390 - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday Worship Service 7:30 p.m. Saturday Channel 25 (Comcast) 7:00 p.m.

Leon Daniels, Pastor 821 West 69th Street Bible Study Tuesday 7 pm Wed 6 pm Fri. Service 7 pm Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Service 11 am 773-487-9062

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August 1-14—19, 2013

(Continued from page 1)

Proclamation and fiftieth anniversaries of the Auto Row Demonstrations in San Francisco and the March on Washington. Frederick E. Jordan hardly had any financing options when he started his engineering and construction management company in 1969. Despite the rough start, F.E. Jordan Associates Inc. has three national offices and has completed over 1,000 projects; one project including resurfacing President Obama's street in Chicago. Jordan Associates clients include, but not limited to Bank of America, Procter & Gamble, and transportation departments in Washington. It's not easy being a black business owner. Black business owners carry the stereotype of not being professional, not completing a job, or

Chicago Street Journal

and Executive Editor of eAccess Corp, to have August recognized as National Black Business Month. Jordan and Templeton chose August because it was the month that most black family and social events occur. Not only does Jordan and Templeton think that black business are treated unfairly by consumers, they also believe that the reason unemployment is so high among blacks is Jordan (left) and because there isn't that Templeton Photo Black Enterprise many black owned busia poor job will nesses. "Our research be done. It has indicates that there should nothing to do be 2.5 million Africanwith race; it Americans in business has everything and we only have half to do with what kind of business owner the that many. If one look at the black and white person is. It can't be denied that these charac- unemployment disparity the essential idea is teristics frustrate customers, but no business is the only way African Americans going to get perfect and to place these traits on one race in the level of employment is the need to support business is just flat out short sighted. Another, black businesses," said Templeton to Black unfair circumstance is the margin of error al- Enterprise Magazine. lowed. The majority of black consumers pracBlack Business Month's website list 31 tice a stringent "no mistakes on my money practical ways to support black-owned busipolicy" with black owned businesses. All right, nesses in August. One is to patronize a blackyou got poor service at one black owned busi- owned hotel while traveling. Another suggesness. That's not a good reason to turn your tion is to do business with other black entreback on all of them. preneurs. Patronize a black restaurant in AuIn an attempt to get attention to the needs gust. of black entrepreneurs, Frederick Jordan partnered with John William Templeton, President

(Continued from page 1)

By Everloyce McCullough has had representation at BWSC summits since he was the U.S. Senator. Carrying on that spirit during the 2013 On the occasion of the second inauguration of President Barack Obama, the lessons of history strongly recommend a second-term agenda for African-Americans. Certainly by all indicators the Black community has not witness as other ethnics the presence of economic parity of business ownership in their respected communities. Inasmuch, May 19, 2007 South Street Journal on its salute to Malcolm X hosted a forum for a business agenda. The body embraced what is now known as Black Wall Street Chicago; and simultaneously the Chicago League in 2007 launched ProjectNext business development in Chicago. In doing so Cheryl Jackson, the former CEO of CLU proclaimed “Chicago will be the next “Black Wall Street”, tailored from Tulsa Oklahoma of 1921, where African Americans were in control of their economics; just as in Chicago’s China Town, Greek Town and Little Village, now even the near west and south side of the Loop has quietly became classified as the new “White Wall Street” from the new development in the last ten years. The Illinois State Senate Passes Resolution SR 0432 recognizing Black Wall Street District Chicago ( The SR 0432 resolution comes on the heels of two recent proclamations from Illinois State Senator Donne Trotter in August, and from the Honorable Dorot h y Brown, clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County Circuit Court of Cook County in September. Senator Kwame Raoul (D) 13th District, along with Representatives William D. Burns (D) 26th District and Andre M. Thapedi (D) 32nd District has signed on to the campaign. This is a welcomed recognition of the labor and energy of the Chicago team. "This makes all of the hard work by our volunteer staff worth the blood, sweat and tears." he said "We are pleased with this recognition but there's still a ways to go yet, but it is indeed a positive development and a step in the right direction." In addition, lead by the South East Chicago Chamber of Commerce the State of Illinois House of Representative General Assembly passed the resolution for Stony Island as a Black Wall Street District sponsored by former Representative Melvin Colvin. 71st Street to 95th Street of Stony Island. In the making State Senator, Jacqueline Collins is proposing legislation for 69and 79th Street, and Congressman Bobby Rush is preparing for National Recognition of Black Wall Street. A closer look at economic, during Black History Month of 2012; the Trillion Dollar African American consumer market was presented by Nielsen's Ratings, hosted by DuSable Museum of African American History, since that time BWSDOC has secured its 17 Districts in Chicagoland and met with the City of Chicago on the adoption of the Districts. With the theme of “All Eyes on the District” BWSC is continuing the agenda with Summit XX on Saturday November 9, 2013. This summit the focus: 1. How we facilitate directives and support of the Black Wall Street District, and encourage appropriate commercial developers, public and private at the earliest signs of development that is available for lease / sale. Truly this is the optimal to move forward across the city . This is not just about today, but for future generations avoiding what should have happen before this generation. Of course, the adoptions of the agenda items are long-term stability with short-term progress. There is an opportunity here to bring different interests together in the best interests of the Black Wall Street District economy movement.

Chicago Street Journal

METRA Chairman Brad O'Halloran Broke State Law By Michael Ciric,


hings just keep getting worse with the METRA Scandal. Apparently METRA Chairman Brad O'Halloran Broke State Law when he simultaneously took pay from another government body. And the man has no way out of this one folks because he knew exactly what he was doing. How do we know? Well, he didn't make a move to have his Orland Park Trustee pay stopped until July 12th which was well after the METRA Scandal had blown up into a public brouhaha. You know, it is bad enough that

Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan has his hands all over the METRA Scandal but I suspect that is just the tip of the iceberg. The Regional Transit Authority (RTA), who is charged with the task of overseeing the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), PACE and METRA have allowed Madigan to use it and its agencies as a personal playground for patronage and nepotism. And where is Illinois State's Attorney Lisa Madigan in all this? Hiding under the Madigan Rock as usual! Dammit already! It is high time that elected officials charged with keeping the public trust do exactly that because the laundry list is getting longer by the hour as the thieves in Illinois Government pilfer a state already on the brink of bankruptcy. There are those who say that the collapse of Detroit is something of an anomaly - but it isn't. The illicit actions of public officials across this nation is rife. But nowhere is it as bad, at least in terms of its arrogance, than right here in the State of Illinois. The Illinois Public Pension System currently show some 389,345 line item payouts and (Continued on page 16)

August 1-14, 2013

Page 15

your bill. Whatever service you received then, you will receive now. The public utility commission regulates the transmission and distribution to ensure the safety and reliability of your services. What is important to understand is that you can choose who to buy the exact By Francine Jeffries will be the largest transfer of same gas and energy from, but at e have just witnessed wealth in history. different prices. How do you know one of the most imporIn the past, one utility provided who to choose? tant pieces of history the three components of your Many electric and gas suppliers in the United States. On January energy service: 1) the generahave surfaced in Illinois. These 21, 2013, the inauguration of the tion; 2) the transmission; and 3) suppliers are authorized to negoti44th President, Barack Hussein the distribution. Legislatures and ate power prices on behalf of cusObama was sworn into office. the public utility commissions of tomers. So let the competitions

to share in the wealth is vast. Each state is governed independently. Illinois law has created Municipal Aggregation. This allows municipalities and counties to purchase electricity on behalf of its residents and commercial customers. Currently IPA (Illinois Power Agency) negotiates prices on behalf of the residential customer statewide. Now, the municipalities can negotiate for your community. In some communities, you will have to opt out to switch to the provider you choose. Whatever the case, you can now choose. This choice The United States continues to forty one states to date, including begin. These suppliers have cre- allows you to conserve on your make historical decisions. DeIllinois, have deregulated this ated opportunities for consumers energy as well. regulation, one such historical process. You ask, “What does Some suppliers offer incentives to become contractors and sell on event, gained momentum in the this mean to me”? Freedom of when you conserve on the amount their behalf. As a contractor, you 1970’s. Originating from the choice, wealth, and conservation can sign up people with the chosen of energy you use. By simply deNixon administration, the deregu- to name a few things. provider and develop an economic termining which is most important lation of transportation came in With the deregulation of enopportunity for each person signed to you, you can choose a provider 1971. Can you remember when ergy, you are now able to go diup. By simply educating customers that will shift economic wealth and AT & T controlled telecommuni- rect and choose the company that for a product that they already use opportunity to you and conserve. A consultant can assist you with a can create a meaningful income. cations? That changed when AT produces energy, or the company who buys it on your behalf to sell to For example, one company that has price comparison so that you can & T was forced to split in 1984 made headway as a supplier is Am- choose the supplier that best fit and President Clinton signed into you – the generation. The actual bit Energy. Ambit offers a number your needs. The same energy at transmission of electricity across law the telecom industry deregupotentially lower prices as well as of incentives to the contractor as poles and wires and natural gas lations in 1996. The last deregulaan opportunity to financially benewell as the consumer even to the through pipe lines will still be the tion to come is energy which fit? Well, that’s a no brainer for option of FREE energy! For the responsibility of your local utility came about in the Bush era. The me. For more information consame energy and gas, their prices company, Com-Ed and Ameren in United States is currently transitact me at francineIllinois. Don’t get too excited, Com have historically been cheaper. tioning away from local energy With energy being close to a $300 -Ed and Ameren will still respond monopolies. Energy deregulation billion dollar industry, opportunity to emergencies, power outages, meter readings as well as generate


With the first stage of the Pullman Park Development well underway, the City of Chicago introduced an ordinance on behalf of 9th Ward Ald. Anthony Beale that would authorize up to $11 million in TIF money to help finance the site work and infrastructure in preparation for 67,000 sq. ft. of more retail space. The longdormant 180-acre former Ryerson Steel site stretches along the Bishop Ford Expressway between 104th and 111th Streets. It now boasts a nearly completed Walmart. The first Ross Dress For Less on the South Side and Planet Fitness Health Club will anchor the north end being funded through the TIF.

“When they elected me 14 years ago, I promised my constituents we would one day have again grocery stores, shops and businesses where they live,” said Beale. “They wouldn’t have to leave their communities to find fresh food or work. It’s been a long time coming, but our patience and perseverance are paying off, especially the unprecedented job creation.” As envisioned, Pullman Park will include 400,000 sq. ft. of big box retail; 50,00075,000 sq. ft. of neighborhood retail; 1,100 new residential units, as well as an indoor and outdoor recreational space. It promises to significantly increase the tax base of 52 acres of previously vacant industrial land. David Doig heads the not-for-

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profit Chicago Neighborhood Initiatives, which is developing Pullman Park in partnership with U.S. Bank, the city and state. “I watched from my office window a helicopter moving air-conditioning equipment to the roof of Walmart,” says Doig, a shepherd of the project for many years. “It was pretty exciting to see the progress that’s been made, knowing what it will mean to the community.” Beale, who saw the helicopter as well, noted, “You don’t often see that over here, not for good reasons any way. It makes me feel like a kid again with all this positive activity going on – people doing construction, gearing up to open, prepping for the next phase. We’ve finally turned the corner.”

New Plant for the 9th Ward Officials from Method announce that the company will open a flagship manufacturing facility in the Pullman neighborhood on Chicago’s south side. The new space, which will bring about 100 manufacturing jobs, comes after a long effort to bring the company’s first U.S manufacturing facility to Illinois. The facility will be located near the intersection of East 111th Street and South Doty Avenue. Method expects to break ground in November 2013, and be fully up and running by early 2015. Located in the 9th ward, continuing the process of transformation occurring in the area. Pullman is one of the neighborhoods in Mayor Emanuel’s Chicago Neighborhoods

Now program, which works to drive investment to targeted areas around the city. Tens of millions have been invested in roads, parks, streets, and more in the Pullman neighborhood. Pullman has been designated as one of the 2011 “10 Great Neighborhoods” by the American Planning Association, Method’s flagship location will create a destination spot for visitors and Chicago residents alike. “I am thrilled Method has chosen the Pullman neighborhood for their new facility,” said Beale. “Pullman is currently undergoing a process of restoration; Method’s arrival will certainly continue the neighborhood’s revival, spurring economic growth as their facility becomes an engine of development and a community attraction.” The City expects the Developer (CNI) to apply for between approximately $8-9 million toward the reimbursement of TIF-eligible expenses, including but not limited to site acquisition and site preparation. The City will also provide TIF funding for job training. In addition, the company is applying for credits under the State's Enterprise Zone program. Method will be eligible for tax credits worth $1.1 million over ten years based on creating and retaining 65 jobs. The tax credits are linked to performance and the company is not eligible for them unless it meets its commitment to create new jobs and invest in the community. Method will also be eligible for training grants to enhance the quality of its workforce.

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August 1-14—19, 2013

Pundits pointed fingers at a city that promised too much, spent with abandon, and relied heavily on a single industry. They cite a poorly run government, myopic city planners, and even fraud. In most cases, they are right. But the largest driver of Detroit's demise is a simple, startling fact: the city's population declined 65% in the last six decades. No city can survive such an exodus; it's actually amazing Detroit's finances lasted this long. The City was home to 1.9 million people in 1950, at the time nearly identical in size to Los Angeles. Today, 700,000 inhabit Detroit, or less than a fifth the size of L.A. That works out to 2.2 people leaving Detroit every hour, 24 hours a day, for the last 63 years. If the number of people who left Detroit in the last sixty years formed their own city, it would be the nation's ninth largest, ahead of Dallas, Texas. The financial woes linked to Detroit's shrinking population have been known for decades. A 1991 article in the Times-News was prescient: "Detroit's population loss could be financial disaster," it wrote. Detroit total city spending was cut by more than $1 billion, or 33%, between 2006 and 2010, including a 77% reduction in "recreation & culture" spending, a 72% cut in capital outlays, a 41% reduction in spending on roads, and a 44% cut in "health & welfare" spending.

But the city made pension promises during a period when its taxpayer base was more than twice the size it is today. With an unemployment rate of 16% — more than double the nationwide average — there is a shrinking base of workers left to tax. And with a median income of

$27,000, or about half the nationwide average, those who are employed have little income to tax. According to Detroit News, nearly half the city's 305,000 properties didn't pay their tax bill last year. Seventy-seven city blocks had only one owner who paid property taxes in 2012. What Detroit's fall means for investors may be more symbolic than direct. Investors hold some $1 billion in Detroit general obligation bonds, and $5.3 billion of bonds backed by the city's water and sewer revenue. That's barely a rounding error in the $3.7 trillion municipal bond market. And not all of Detroit's bonds' value will be lost; part will be recovered


Chicago Street Journal post-bankruptcy, and parts are backed by bond insurance companies. The direct investing fallout from the city's bankruptcy is nil. Symbolically, Detroit three lessons. First, Detroit shows how organizations that can't adapt eventually crumble. Before it was a technology hub, San Francisco relied on shipping, and before that, gold mining. Before New York was the financial capital of the world, it was the garment capital of the world. Detroit enjoyed the auto boom, but never found its second act. History provides two constants: change, and punishment for organizations that don't adapt to change. Second, Detroit provides a sad lesson in the need to save for one's self. Tens of thousands of retired Detroit public workers wait anxiously for word on if, and how much, their pension benefits may be cut. Their story may not be unique. According to Credit Suisse, 97% of S&P 500 companies with pension plans are underfunded. The Congressional Budget Office wrote in 2011 that, "By any measure, nearly all state and local pension plans are underfunded." Last, Detroit was overwhelmingly reliant on the auto industry. When the fate of three companies — General Motors (NYSE: GM), Ford (NYSE: F), and Chrysler — turned, so went the entire city's fate. Evan Soltas of Bloomberg wrote, "Detroit's dependence on cars wasn't exactly the problem. It was dependence itself. Cities should never go all in on any industry, cars or otherwise. It didn't realize that until it was too late." Detroit, Michigan just filed for bankruptcy, do you think Chicago, Illinois is any different The school closings is an economic & demographics issue! Every board up house and vacant lot represents revenue that's no longer available to

finance schools! In addition, those empty boarded up buildings & vacant lots represents children that would attend school! No money to run the schools & the declining at-

(Continued from page 15)

within that number are a fair number of double and triple-dippers. Sadly that isn't even the half of it as we must contend with the current crop of state crooks who have yet to retire. The Public Pension System list will only grow exponentially as people like METRA Chairman Brad O'Halloran get added and receive credit based on their annual salaries. And that is what makes O'Halloran's double paycheck that much more egregious. Brad O'Halloran knowingly took a Board of Trustees Paycheck

for 16 months before notifying Orland Park, Illinois to stop paying him his Village Salary. And that was on the heels of the Metra Scandal. Gee? Do you think it is high time he resign or the powers that be move to fire him? Damn Right! Just Talkin' 'Bout Shaft Man! As for Illinois State's Attorney Lisa Madigan? Well the time has come for her to either shit or get off the pot. Where are the indictments? What about an honest investigation into her step-father's use of clout to reward political loyalists? And yes Lisa that would include the rewarding of your Brother-In-Law Jordan Matyas who holds down a cushy job as an RTA Deputy Executive Director due to questionable circumstances. Naturally any and all calls for Indictments and/or Investigations have fallen on the deaf ears of Lisa Madigan. Maybe the time

tendance of the children in the schools are collateral damage of disenfranchisement of people! F o o l i s h b e s t , Morgan Housel, Contributor,

has come for an investigation into the conduct and inaction's of our State's Attorney. Then again maybe its best she just resign.

As for this METRA Scandal, well, the entire METRA Board of Directors need to resign immediately! And while we are at it - the RTA either needs to be completely gutted or abolished as they clearly aren't doing a very good job at overseeing the transportation agencies under its wing. But I wouldn't stop there either as the CTA has some serious political corruption, nepotism and patronage issues of its own and must be cleansed as well. And since there are Federal Dollars involved in the running of these transportation units the time has come for the U.S. Attorney General to file charges on behalf of the U.S. Department of Transportation and if that doesn't happen? Then a Congressional Hearing and Investigation is warranted. Tax dollars, whether Federal or State, are not provided for public officials and their cronies to use as they please. I have long said that there is a cost associated with corruption - are you starting to believe me? I hope so because it doesn't end here - or limited to places like Chicago, Bellwood and Cicero. Those are just some of the obvious examples and you shouldn't delude yourselves into thinking it isn't happening in townships and municipalities all over this state. It is! Political corruption, nepotism and patronage is rife and rampant here!

Chicago Street Journal

‘WE WANT TO CONTROL OUR OWN MONEY’ By Chinta Strausberg Following his dream, Harold Davis, president of the “79th Street Indoor Mall, 1706-08 East 79th Street, Chicago, Illinois, has opened one of several one-stop-shop stores located in the black community he says will give an economic boost, pride and jobs to African American neighborhoods and where you can also pay your bills and buy your Mother’s Day gifts right in the ‘hood. When you walk in the store, you’ll see a table of brand new shoes, that cost $60.00, and boots for $40.00, both made in Ethiopia. There is another table full of exotic female underwear, shelving full of household goods, clothing for men and women, an array of cell phones, cleaning items, Pampers, car products, body oil, drugstore items with more products on the way including a coffee shop complete with Wi-Fi service. “We are a Wi-Fi hot spot on 79th Street which means anybody can come here with their computer and hook up and work from the building” just like other popular coffee places, said Davis. “We want to be like the dollar store, but we have many more items.” On the cell phones, Davis said he carries the brands of 15 different

carriers. “You can pay your light bill, your phone bill and your cable bill and 500 other bills at this store. “We have computers coming in for kids to do their homework, but adults will have to pay for working on the computers,” said Davis. Included under this one-stopshop business concept are incubator spaces for those people who want to start up a business but can’t afford a

store. “You can come in for $175.00 and share space with somebody, but if you want your own corner, that will cost $300 a month,” said Davis. “That gives you up to ten copies on the copy machine, access to a fax machine and free Wi-Fi. You don’t have to go out and pay $1300 a month to get visibility. It will be your office.” Davis is in partnership with several African American entrepreneurs including Al Perkins, the vice president, Herbert Hedgeman, Kublai Toure, and Mark Hines. Al Perkins, who is one of several investors, said, “We intend to expand this one store into one of five

or six stores in the black community. We are working on that now. It’s going to be a neighborhood store,” he said explaining that more products are on the way including the popular beauty products, stockings and other items. When asked why is he one of the investors, Perkins said, “We need to control our economy. We bring millions of dollars into the community every week but it is taken out the same day,” he said referring to other ethnic businessmen and women who operate stores in the African American community and take with them the proceeds to areas where they live. “We don’t control any of that money,” Perkins said. Some of the proud vendors are Rev. Willie McGee, who has a Wednesday 8 p.m. gospel show on WGBX and on Tuesday’s through Friday’s 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Lonnie Lewis, an author and entrepreneur and Sembend Nathanyahu who is the lead vocalist for the Black Elegance vocal group he began in 1976 and the African Connection Discussion Club. Former Water Reclamation District Comm. Patricia Horton said, “This is a product of what we’d like to see in our communities and in our neighborhoods—black businesses. I’d like to think of this as being a launching board of many more businesses to come. Some would think of it as being a community mega ball or an incubator for those launching off their businesses.”

August 1-14, 2013

Page 17

A.R.I.S.E. Entrepreneur Program Do you dream of starting your own business? Does your current business need a boost? A.R.I.S.E. is a 7-week entrepreneur-training program to equip individuals with education and resources to launch and maintain successful businesses. A.R.I.S.E. kickoffs with a FREE Business Networking Reception that joins prospective business owners and potential A.R.I.S.E. participants with individuals and organizations that play key roles in the development of new businesses. A.R.I.S.E. concludes with a Business Expo and Career Fair, providing a venue for A.R.I.S.E. students to officially launch and showcase their businesses. At the culmination of the program, the top 10 businesses are acknowledged and awarded seed money totaling over $10,000. A.R.I.S.E. offers continued support and education to alumni through monthly workshops and a monthly newsletter.

Call for End to Payday Lending Joint Report Highlights Need for Strong Action by Federal and State Regulators Leading financial justice organizations from four key states today called on federal and state regulators to ban all types of payday lending. The organizations, from California, Illinois, New York, and North Carolina, released a report highlighting the need for strong state and federal laws and filed detailed comment letters with federal regulators urging strong action to end payday lending by banks. The report, “The Case for Banning Payday Lending: Snapshots from Four Key States,” describes state and local battles against the payday lending industry, comparing experiences of states that ban payday lending through strong state usury caps with states that permit payday lending. The state snapshots underscore how payday lenders charge triple-digit APR loans that trap millions of people in long-term cycles of debt, in states without strong laws that prohibit payday lending. The report–released by California Reinvestment Coalition, New Economy Project (formerly NEDAP), Reinvestment Partners, and Woodstock Institute–calls on states and federal regulators to end all forms of payday lending. Joined by more than 100 groups from the four states, the four organizations also submitted detailed comment letters that strongly support guidance proposed by two federal banking regulators, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which would curb payday lending by banks. The comment letters also called on the OCC and FDIC to further strengthen their proposed guidance by prohibiting banks from reaching into customers’ accounts to collect on loans and by capping fees and interest. For more information, contact: Illinois: Courtney Eccles, Woodstock Institute, 312-3680310

Urban Juncture, Inc. Announces Beginning of Construction of Bronzeville Cookin' Bernard Loyd, President of Urban Juncture, Inc. has announced the start of construction of the first phase of Bronzeville Cookin' project at 51 st Street and the CTA Green Line in the heart of the historic Bronzeville community. Bronzeville Cookin' will be a unique dining destination and culinary incubator celebrating the cuisines, cultures, and communities of the African diaspora. Three distinctive, locally-owned and operated restaurants will share a sustainably-rehabilitated, turn-of-the century building with each highlighting a different aspect of black cuisine. In addition, Bronzeville Cookin' includes a market for fresh produce and juice and a rooftop farm providing local produce. Adjacent parking will provide easy access.




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Page 18

August 1-14—19, 2013

Chicago Street Journal

Chicago Street Journal “Launch Party” ~~ Wednesday, August 7th from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m at Royal Coffee located 6734 N. Sheridan Road. FREE EVENT. R.S.V.P. HERE! Gathering Of The Eagles – Convocation. Free Event August 8th – 11th at Liberty Temple located at 2233 West 79th Street in Chicago. Visit to register. This is a FREE EVENT. At the “Easy Clean Car Wash” 2637 East 100th Street (100th & Torrence) Get a $7.00 wash. Don’t forget to clip your money saving coupon in the current issue of CSJ. Visit Tell them you saw it in Chicago Street Journal. "ONLI STUDIOS is selling a growing line of hot dynamic Black Age graphic novels & comic books in the Trading Post Gift Shop of the DuSable Museum of African American History. Great for fans, students, readers, educators, collectors & you!" Are you in it to win? Enter our contest today. Follow Comedian Aaron Foster on Twittter @AaronFosterNet for laughs and info upcoming shows. Boring. Don't let this happen at your child's next birthday party. Popout cakes. Karaoke. Tables. Games. Chairs. Tents much more. At “Chicago Party Place” Visit us here: “We know coffee from its root.” Royal Coffee Corporation. Come dine with us at 6764 N. Sheridan in Chicago. Authentic Ethiopian Cuisine. Open 7 days a week. Visit What is Trichology? Ask Ms. Jackson. For more information visit T h e f u t u re i s NOW ! Visit for details. Chicago’s Black Business Network. Changing the way that Chicago connects. Follow us on Twitter @ChiBlkBusNet


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Follow Comedian Aaron Foster on Twittter @AaronFosterNet for laughs and info upcoming shows. catch JOHN DANTE'S INFERNO, a Playboy's Life by Anthony Valerio. Print/E. Immigrant to Chicago to 2nd in command Playboy Empire. Chi legends Shel Silverstein, John Dante, Lenny Bruce, others. A great story of friendship & love. Follow Chicago Street Journal on Twitter @ChicagoStreetJo for our latest news and updates. CSJ is seeking Communication Specialists to start immediately. Call 773-609-2226 for information. FREE CONCERT – Saturday, August 10th with Psalmist Eddie James. Bring your youth. Bring your group. Bring your organization. “Experience The Power.” Experience the Anointing” Hosted by Liberty Temple Full Gospel Church. To R.S.V.P. Are you a writer? Chicago Street Journal (CSJ) is seeking writers for upcoming edition. Contact Ron Carter, Publisher and Editor at 773-668-5318. Columbia University (New York) is producing a book and documentary on the life and times of Ron Carter, Editor and Publisher of South Street Journal. View details of the project. CLICK HERE. Download your “FREE” copy of “Black America: Asking Ourselves The Tough Questions” on Amazon 08/01 to 08/05. You don’t need a Kindle. Order PC version. Click here to order. Got a response to one of “Tough Questions?” Post your answers online HERE. Follow CSJ on Twitter @ChicagoStreetJo Tell a friend. When at work, listen to WJPC FM CHICAGO, The Soul of Chicago. Listen now at:

Chicago Street Journal

August 1-14, 2013

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BATES FOUNDATION FIGHTS CANCER WITH F “KNOCKING OUT BREAST CANCER" FASHION SHOW Melody Boykin is a Native of Chicago IL and has always had a visual eye for fashion. She has experience in the fashion retail industry which has resulted from her formal training in fashion at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Melody's desire to help transform images from the inside out led her to luxury fashion sales at Bloomingdales, and then to become an independent visual merchandise coordinator working with multiple stores around Chicago. She has now combined her love of fashion, marketing and Black American history into the formation of Black Fashion America an online promotional media directory preserving, inspiring, connecting and promoting black fashion around the country. You can connect with her at,, and blackfashionamerica.

Couture Fashion Is The New Local Boutique Treasure Find We use to associate luxury fashion with the big name stores such as Saks Fifth Ave, Nordstroms and Bloomingdales. Inner City Fashionista’s took special trips down town to shop the mag mile for high fashion. Well Not in Chicago? Local Boutiques have long since stepped up to the game offering compelling Luxury high fashion to their clientele. Such is the case with True Essence boutique located 1109 w. Chicago oak park IL, who features a taste of luxury fashion by talented Chicago designer Tamara Ellingson. Tamara is a native of Wisconsin, and a recent grad from the International Academy of Design & Technology here in Chicago. After spending time with designer Barbara Bates, Tamara has positioned her brand J Vieve named after her grandmother Genevieve, as a soon to be leading force in the world of high

“Chicago Couture Fashion Designer To Make “The Trip” For Many Fashion Lovers it’s no secret that New York Fashion week is the mother and of fashion in the US, where all fashion jewels sparkle, that is talented fashion designers. That’s why, Its no surprise that Chicago’s fashion Designer Khalilah Willis aims to take join the party, currently with her campaign Project NYC. projects/projectnyc-fashionweek. Khalilah is a native of Chicago and is the founder of Cayenne Couture Atelier “Fashion Sewing and Design” where she specializes in making custom apparel, with 45% off designs made by hand. Khalilah’s mission for Cayenne Couture Atelier is to bridge the gap between the DIY “Do it your self” fashion ,after recognizing that basic home sewing skills were lacking as a necessity in today’s modern home. Housed in the new Bridgeport art center, located 1200 West 35th St. Chicago, IL. 60609 Cayenne Couture Atelier offers sewing and fashion design workshops in which stu-

fashion. She targets young women with the brands bold, classy and Sophisticated Designs. Partnering with Brandy Buchanon, owner of True Essence Boutique, exposes the brand to high fashion lovers who can save gas, time and experience quality designed garments locally. The brand is exclusively offered in store at the oak park boutique. To view full collections of J Vieve by Tamara Ellingson visit http://

dents are empowered and inspired to learn the ins and outs of sewing their own work of art in the sewing 101class. Summer camps for youths age 8-16 are also available along with open fashion studio time every Thursday. To register to take a class with Khalilah or connect visit,

Foundation partners with Sinai Health Systems and Loretta Hospital on breast cancer education projects Join the fight with pre-fashion show events The Barbara Bates Foundation today announced that the 2nd Annual “Knocking Out Breast Cancer” Fashion Show will be held on Sunday, October 13th at Venue One, 1044 W. Randolph St. This second annual fashion show raises funds for breast cancer education and awareness targeted to women of color. Proceeds from the Fall 2013 Fundraiser/Fashion Show will benefit Sinai Health Systems and Loretta Hospital. In 2012, The Bates Foundation raised $50,000 that was targeted to Sinai Urban Health Institute’s (SUHI) “Helping Her Live” program. This outreach program sends health workers into the community to teach minority women about the importance of getting mammograms. The event is unique in that all the models are survivors of breast cancer or currently battling the disease. Barbara Bates is herself a breast cancer survivor. Bates is the first person to tackle an event of this kind that supports cancer research specifically targeted to women of color in the Chicagoland area. “Through my experiences I learned that breast cancer does not have a “type”, said Bates. “It can strike anyone despite their race, age, size or even family history and I wanted to use my uniquetalents and gifts to help others learn about this disease and perhaps help save their lives.” There will be a series of events leading up to the October Fashion Show, including what the planning team calls “Your Small Change for Change”” where mannequins are dressed in pink tulle fabric and taken to locations across the market. Supporters can give their extra change to support the effort and learn more about other ways to support the Foundation’s efforts. August 3, 2013; Small Change for Change, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at algreen’s 35th & Martin Luther King Drive Fishman Fabrics, 1101 S. Des Plaines St. Norman’s Bistro, 1001 E. 43rd St. Take 1 & Cut Salon, 1315 S.

Michigan Ave. Saturday, August 17, 2013 McDonald’s 1st Annual Breast Cancer 5K Run/Walk, 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. Pre-Registration and Fee $25.00 McDonald’s Campus, 2915 Jorie Blvd. Oakbrook, IL. August 22, 2013, Contessa Bottegga, 1 E. Delaware St. 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. September 21, Chicago Football Classic. Small Change for Change Soldier Field Sunday, October 13th, Knocking Out Breast Cancer a Fundraiser and Fashion Show; Reception 5:00 p.m., Fashion Show 7:30 p.m., Celebrity Party - 9:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Venue One, 1044 W. Randolph St. Tickets $250.00 All events benefit breast cancer education through at Sinai Health System and Loretta Hospital.

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August 1-14—19, 2013

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Chicago Street Journal

with good conversation, ambition and health conscience are what i find most attractive. I would like us to talk about our dreams, successes, failures and be each others support. I'm really into fitness so it would be good to have someone to bike, workout, or maybe do yoga with.

Q. What's next for Ben Lane? A-Creating a positive impact on the world one mind at a time!!! LOL One day.. I honestly don't know what's next though. I want to be known internationally for my talents and to be an inspiration to others to follow their dreams. I've learned to take life a day at a time, opportunities can come at any moment. I just try keep an



"You don't have to be a genius or a or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream."- Michael Dell A man with many hats makes more than a fashion statement, he captivates an audience of many even when he is not performing, he illustrates the dynamics of charisma, even when he is t drawing, he is a man of the arts. One such man who truly seizes those priceless moments in the pursuit of success, happiness and fulfillment. Just wrapping up the Chicago stage play 'Love Jones' at the DuSable Museum, Chicago's own, Ben Lane.

Q. What's the most common stigma surrounding black male actors, how do you respond?

A. -I feel the most common stigma for black male actors is in regards to how serious we are about the craft. Some actors just do it for a check or fame, which gives a bad perception for those who do it because they love it. It holds a different degree of performance and professionalism. Q. What's the hardest career decision you've made so far?

A. -My hardest career decision was leaving a secure government job after 5 years to pursue my passion. I liked working there but I LOVE creative expression and felt unfilled in that area. So I took a leap of pure faith and with the support of God, family. friends it has proven to be a good idea. A struggle at time but good nonetheless.

Q. With all of your projects, when do you find time to date?

A. -Unfortunately, there is very little time for that at the moment. At this stage in my new career, it's like a newborn baby and requires all my attention. I try to date but have yet to find a woman that can handle my circumstance. Which is understandable because for a relationship to truly work it takes nurturing. I currently don't have that type of time, so I come off a bit selfish. But this too shall pass and I'll be ready for that part of my journey when it comes.

Q. What's do you find most attractive about a woman? -I love a woman that acts like LADY but can also be a little raw, dainty yet rough. A woman

open heart and mind and follow God's lead, He won't steer me wrong. Ben starred for the 4th time in "Love Jones Chicago: Stage Play" on July 27th at DuSable Museum. For more information you can check out Thank you for the love. Peace and blessingsBen Lane Lydia Katherine

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