Chicago Street Journal - Friday, April 14 2017

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February 2017

Ron Carter1 The Artist

Chicago Street Journal ROCK ‘N ROLL Open Call For Artwork LIVES FOREVER. Essays From Chicago Chuck Berry made it possible. and High School Students. — Page 9

— Page 13

— Page 3

April 14, 2017

1 Donation Requested

Volume 23 No. 1


PRO / TRUMP /CON Chicago Speaks! For a city-dweller like me, technically homeless, dependent on Obamacare, SSI and what few government programs that are left, it’s like living in Madrid back when Generalissimo Franco had it surrounded with four fascist columns, and I’m wondering where’s the fifth. Dread and shock of Trump’s awesome blunders and brutality haunt me in my 65th spin around the sun.

Got an event coming up? CSJ Chicago Event’s Calendar — Page 4 Nickel Bags or is that Dime Bags? — Page 6 The Real Organizer of the Bus Boycott. — Page 7

CHARLES PAIDOCK Regional VP National Federation of Federal Employees I have been representing federal employees of the executive office for over 35 year, as an officer of the National Federation of Federal Employees, and must express alarm over the personnel policies and practices under consideration by President Trump, to be applied nationwide. 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump

How to become an "extra" in Chicago. Andre Bellos — Page 9

The federal government, it should be noted, is not a TV show.

ROBERT RUBNER My maternal grandpa, James Franklin King, grew up in the breathtaking mountains of West Virginia. They are now to be removed for the coal beneath them. To trade the prettiest looking countryside on the Earth just to burn the rock beneath and blanket the blue sky with carbondioxide that heats up the planet is stupidity multiplied by the power of greed. POTUS 45 signifies both of these characteristics. While other successful economies like China’s and Germany’s backed their solar power and wind efforts, each nudging the other’s lead in photovoltaic production, the home of the solar cell, USA, is now lead by a solar illiterate. There are even photovoltaic cells made with carbon graphene and batteries, that instead of burning carbon nano-engineer the material to yield non-polluting energy. You can’t obtain graphene from the carbon of coal if you burn it! The 21st century is passing by the USA, which is imprisoned in Trumpland. Trumped voters are awakening to the dumbest ballot they’ve ever tossed. Thuggery and non-empathetic emotionalism will be all they will be known for. Reality is always stated in reverse, while science education is ditched. In single strokes of his weaponized pen, POTUS 45 has destroyed education, solutions to homelessness, made the country sick again, destroyed the work of scientists and technicians dedicated to renewable energy, derailed our future, and drowned his wealthy friends in tax-breaks they don’t need or deserve.

At one time the federal government was considered to be the premiere employer in the country. Positions are competitively sourced, and it takes three years for someone to achieve full career status. This appears to be changing under Trump. While the federal workforce is accustomed to changes with a new President in office, this White House has distinguished itself by declaring itself at war with it’s own personnel. References to civil service as some sort of “swamp” is not a professional assessment of agency personnel.

Spiritual Health.

Frances Beth Harris — Page 10

At the same time the White House operation is riven with disorder, President Trump has appointed his son-inlaw to “fix government,” who promises to “run it like a company.” This implies that federal agencies are presently dysfunctional, staffed by the incompetent, and that private sector firms are the common standard of achievement. One of the initial recommendations is that employees ask for a cut in pay in order to keep their jobs. One can engage in criticism of how government is run at the federal (and state and local levels), and cite examples. But, for every example, there is a counterexample, and one never arrives at the truth. Seniors get their checks each month, food is safe to eat and passports issued, millions of times, month after month, without incident. Continued on Page 4

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February 2017 2 April 2017

Chicago Street Journal

February 2017 April 2017

Chicago Street Journal

Top Salaries 2016: City of Chicago



member being a high school senior and how it was then the most

exciting time of your life? Well, it’s the same for high school seniors today across the city of Chicago. And Chicago Street Journal (CSJ) is excited to announce that it will dedicate and entire issue to the city’s most important citizens. Our youth!

Colony Five On March 30 Colony 5 launched its Civic Tech Initiative with a breakfast at Chicago’s Micro-

In that last CSJ publication for July 2017, we will feature the original, unpublished art and essays of high school students from the Chicagoland area.

soft Technology Center located in the AON facility on Randolph with more than 150 people in attendance. The speakers included Corliss King

Here's a look at top individual salaries for

one of the Co-founders of Colony 5, Danielle

the city of Chicago from 2016. You can dig

DuMerer, Chief Technology Officer, City of

deeper into various agencies on the BGA's

Chicago and Adam Hecktman, Director of Tech- Payroll Database, a free portal that includes nology & Civic Innovation at Microsoft. salary information on public-sector employThe theme for Colony 5’s 2017 campaign is

ees throughout Illinois.

$300,000: Aviation commissioner $216,210: Mayor High Tech Table.” $260,000: Police superintendent $197,724: First deputy superintendent According to Steven C. $185,364: Police chiefs Philpott, CEO XtraMe$170,112: Deputy chief $202,728: Fire commissioner dium and Colony 5 Co$197,736: Deputy fire commissioner founder, “Everyone $250,000: CPS Chief executive officer $225,000: CPS Senior vice president benefits when we reach of finance into distressed communities, develop the talent $195,000: CPS Chief administrative officer found there and bring them to the table able to $195,000: Chief education officer — compete in the marketplace on their own terms.” City colleges $256,250: Chancellor $183,859: Chief financial officer During the event, under the direction of Co$178,607: Executive vice chancellor — fire founder Philip Fairweather, attendees were $202,728: Fire commissioner asked “How can high-tech initiatives best con$197,736: FIRST Deputy fire commissioner nect and work with distressed communities?” $187,680: Deputy FIRE commissionTheir responses were filmed in preparation for erS $185,352: Assistant deputy fire coman upcoming documentary to be produced by missioners Colony 5. “Giving Distressed Communities a Seat at the

Comments at City Council Meetings Colony 5 has created a Civic Tech Entrepreneurship strategy capable of building and supporting a robust pipeline of tech-enabled businesses led by residents of Chicago’s distressed communities. The event was sponsored by Reyes Technologies, Comcast NBC Universal and Microsoft. They’ve recently launched their website at:

Circuit Court Judge Diane J. Larsen ruled in December that you, yes, YOU Chicago, will have the “Right to Speak” at full City Council meetings.

the Colony 5 Incubator Initiative.

The rules for submission: Call for entries May 1, 2017 to June 15, 2017. Submissions must be made by a public or private school teacher. (This includes those who are home-schooled. No student submissions will be accepted.) Students of any age are welcomed to submit their work. Essays are limited to 800 words and must be submitted in Microsoft Word form, ready for publication. (Student’s image should be included.) Art pieces may be of any media or style. (Cameraready submissions only.) Only one submission will be accepted. Follow CSJ on Twitter @ChicagoStreetJo and watch for details. We’re looking forward to the participation of our most gifted writers and artists. Please spread the word. For the 2019 Mayor election word is the west side will be driving a Ford down Madison Street to City Hall or the south side will be Dunkin toward the loop, and even having summer in the winter election with City Treasurer Kurt Summers. However, there is a petition being circulated that states William Calloway For Mayor! The 26 year-old film student at the Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago, who had been organizing, heard about the Laquan McDonald video, and was determined to uncover the account executed by CPD. Calloway lives in the South Shore neighborhood. If not for the efforts of Calloway and journalist Brandon Smith, video of Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke firing 16 fatal shots at Laquan might still be in the hands of investigators and attorneys, and not the public.


or those who remember Beauty Turner of the Ghetto Tours, will Jeff Baker soon be picking up the torch of the legendary “Hey Love” and “I am a writer and a fighter” Turner spirit with Black Beauty Tours? Word is that he is targeting the tourism industry.

The lawsuit was filed last July by Andy Thayer and Rick Garcia citing the city’s violation of the Open Meetings Act. The Mayor and Aldermen, who were elected to serve the citizens of this city, will now be required to listen to the public’s input on decisions that affect their well-being and futures. Subscribe for information on their upcoming CivicTech Challenge and

Theme: “How I see myself and my city in 10 years.” After all, they are the future leaders of this city. So why not let them have some input on the future of the city.

Stay tuned. We predict that things are about to get very interesting at those City Council meetings. Will you be there?

Chicago Street Journal

Advertising Sales Rep This is an outstanding opportunity, selling advertising (print, online): • Initiate sales and marketing calls to prospective or current clients and documents sales efforts • Our ideal candidate must be a self-motivated overachiever with a strong desire to succeed. • Prior sales experience, developing both new accounts and servicing existing accounts is preferred. • Highly disciplined, independent, entrepreneurial, confident, well organized self-starter • Compensation, Base Salary Negotiable.

Call 773 595 5229 For delivery direct to your inbox. Publisher and Editor: Ron Carter Associate Publisher: Sonja Cassandra Perdue Chicago Street Journal 8036 S. Cottage Grove, Chicago, IL 60619. E-mail: 773.595.5229

Columbia University South Street Journal archive: Archived by Columbia University’s Urban Research Workshop (URW), back issues from 1993 to 2006 of

Chicago Street Journal’s predecessor, the South Street Journal, were donated to provide material for URW students to collaboratively research themes such as gentrification, racism, political affairs, and youth development.

or graphic material will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes. Material may be printed without CSJ is free, except special request drop offs and street written permission, upon sales where a $1 donation is requested. credit given to CSJ. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. CSJ assumes no responsibility to return unsolicited editorial or graphic material. All rights in letters and unsolicited editorial Ron Carter, Publisher

and Editor

February 2017 4 April 2017

Chicago Street Journal

returns hidden, hands out governmental positions to clueless family members, takes food out of underprivileged school children mouths and threaten to take away much PRO /TRUMP /CON needed funding of cities that provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants, if they fail to Statistically, the total number of federal employees is about what it was when Eisen- comply with government demands. hower was President. During that period, th many new functions have been undertaken, Donald Trump holds the office of our 45 President. Sadly, this isn’t Saturday Night while the workforce has remained the same. In Illinois, for example, the number Live and I’m not laughing. of federal employees in fact has gone down significantly. Continued from Page 1

During my career, I have worked with many newly elected officials and political appointees from the “outside” or private sector who were intelligent individuals, but who often totally lacked any government experience, and were somewhat lost or overwhelmed when it came to their administrative duties. Some acclimated quickly, while others never did. Fortunately, there was a core of "insiders" who were able to keep the agencies operating without incident. President Trump should perhaps value the individuals who can efficiently operate this nation. CLARA FREEMAN Be careful what you ask for. Voters asked for Donald Trump and they got the reality star and business man. Trump’s time in office is nearing 100 days, leaving voters scratching their heads and wondering what the hell happened. During the campaign, Mr. Trump talked a good game. He had starry eyed Conservatives, die hard Republicans and a few disillusioned Liberals believing he was their great white hope; the only man who could single handedly make America great again. He was going to replace and repeal Obamacare and provide a more affordable healthcare option that would work for all of America’s people. The bill was ill prepared by an over confident speaker of the house, Paul Ryan. For seven years, Republicans had been talking the talk and when time came to deliver, they failed to walk the walk.

less provided money by the government, gets reimbursements from Medicaid and Title X, which then pays for its services. However, Medicaid is funded by the taxpayers, just as every single other government program is. I don’t think most Conservatives have an issue with their money being used to have HIV tests done or STD checks performed, however there is an issue when their money is being used for something that goes against their religious beliefs. For some Christians, birth control is basically a means of abortion, as it stops the conception of life. It is not fair for people to forcefully have to pay for something that directly contradicts their religious beliefs, I mean isn’t that what we have a first amendment for? While Planned Parenthood is legally not allowed to use tax payers money to provide abortions, without Medicaid BRIANNA LYMAN reimbursing them for all their other service they’d likely never have enough money to Abortion is a heavy subject, for the last stay open. According to Planned Parentsixty years or so we’ve seen great strides in hood’s 2013-2014 Annual Report, they the right for women to choose like Roe receive upwards of five-hundred million v.Wade and Planned Parenthood. However, dollars, a collection of federal, state, and in recent years there has been a more popu- local government money. Conservatives, lar movement that strings from the right: like myself, have a hard time understanding defunding Planned Parenthood so that taxwhy we have to bear the responsibility of payers do not subsidize an organization that paying for an organization that provides provides abortions. Now, while anyone who services that completely contradict what does a small amount of research will find Christians believe in. There should be relithat technically Planned Parenthood is not gious exemptions at this point, if you’re a allowed to use tax payers' money to fund Christian who is pro-life then you should be the abortions they provide, it is being arafforded the right to choose whether or not gued that Christian taxpayers are nonetheyour hard earned money is paying for someless providing a space where abortion can thing that you would never pay for. be performed without any say in the matter, which is problematic due to their pro-life I support Christians in their fight to defund stance. Planned Parenthood, and I support Mike

I am a female, I believe in liberty and freedom, and I believe women have the right to choose. It is not the job of the government to dictate what a woman can do with her body, whether she wants to prostitute or terminate her pregnancy. The government, in all aspects of life, should play a very limited role. Keep the government out of my uterus or bring the government into foster care. Whether or not we like to think about it, babies who aren’t aborted could very well end up in an abusive foster home Exactly what has president Donald Trump or living a life of desperation, not to say that accomplished within the span of his 100 plenty don’t end up just fine though. Having days? He’s detained legal Immigrants at a child is a big responsibility, and many airports and separated children from their cannot handle it. There is no shame in that, parents. He’s insulted blacks in inner city but who is Big Brother to tell us that we communities, taken away important funding have no other choice but to try and do so? to women and children health, taken ceremonial lands from the legacy of Indian naWith that being said, I do not believe that tions, for the sake of a pipeline, rebuked Planned Parenthood should be subsidized environmental changes, told lies about forby taxpayers. To start with, it’s important mer president Barack Obama, placed fear for people to understand that the tax-payer into the minds of journalists, selected money that goes to Planned Parenthood is known racists to head important his governnot specifically designated for them. Rather, mental offices and thinks Putin is his next Planned Parenthood, which is still nonethebest friend. This president keeps his tax

Pence. I also support the women who choose to have an abortion, I support the doctors that perform this procedure, and I emotionally support organizations that help to provide such care. However, economically speaking, I do not support these organizations nor doctors. It’s morals vs. politics. I lean right, while I personally don’t like abortions, I have no right to tell someone what they can or can’t do with their body, which is why I am pro-choice. I side with the Constitution, our first amendment, and our religious freedom. Abortion goes against the teachings of the Church, and if followers of said Church don’t want to be part of something that directly contradicts their morals and beliefs then I stand beside them, using the first amendment as their validation.

Send all of your PRO /TRUMP / CON editorials to CSJ at

In Chicago and across the country, Saturday, April 22 is Red, Black, Clean and Green and Day. Justice Or Else Local Organizing Committees invites you, to be the mean cleaning machine on your block. Join one of your community organizations, such as The Black Star Project or gather together your neighbors and get mean and green. When we look around our communities on the day after, we should see a difference in our efforts. MAKE US PROUD CHITOWN. Why? Because that’s how we roll!

Get ready to save lives! Advocacy Day At The Capitol. Wednesday, May 10. Join the march on Springfield to save women’s lives.

Illinois Governor Rauner has proposed to cut 50% of the funding for breast and cervical cancer screenings and treatments for uninsured and underinsured women. Your financial status SHOULD NOT be the determining factor in needed life or death medical treatments. Not in Chicago, the State of Illinois or the world! Visit www.ChicagoBrea AdvocacyDay/ or call 312-942-0335 for information.

SALUTE TO SENIORS. Exclusively US Celebration! Age Friendly presents a Celebration of Seniors. “Changing the Way… We Age! On Saturday, May 20. 10 AM to 3 PM. Blocking off the blocks at 63rd and Halsted from Union to Sangamon . Come celebrate. Call 773-6094863 or send an email to EnglewoodVillage63@g for info.

Chicago Street Journal

Rosenwalk Dedicated Alderman Dowell Celebrates Historic Grand Opening of the Rosenwald Courts Apartments. Fulfilling a promise she made when first elected, Alderman Pat Dowell hosted the historic grand opening of the new Rosenwald Courts Apartments located on 47th Street between Michigan Ave. and Wabash Ave. Vacant since 2000, the Rosenwald was home to such AfricanAmerican luminaries as the poet Gwendolyn Brooks, boxer Joe Lewis, music producer Quincy Jones and singer Nat "King" Cole. The building was originally developed in 1929 by Julius Rosenwald, President of Sears Roebuck & Company, as housing for AfricanAmerican residents during the time

of strict segregation. The renovated Rosenwald Courts Apartments now boasts 239 updated one- and twobedroom units for seniors and families. Additionally, the building contains thousands of square feet of retail space on the first floor, with prospective tenants including: Sip and Savor, Illinois Service Federal Bank, Michelle's Old Fashioned Ice Cream and a small grocery store. Thank you to everyone who made this wonderful project possible. Thank you to Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the entire team at the Department of Planning and Development for their hard work, Eugene Jones CEO of the CHA, David Roos and Jim Bergman - the developers of this great building - and their development teams at Iceberg Development, Evercore Cos, RCAP LP, the Lightengale Group and Roos Enterprises Inc., community activist Bobbie Johnson and the countless others who made this dream a reality.

February 2017 April 2017


February 2017 6 April 2017

Black Owned RideSharing App to Compete with Uber, Lyft in U.S. and Abroad With the immense success of companies like Uber and Lyft, ridesharing technology has boomed into a multi-billion dollar industry within the past decade. Now a new platform is looking to stake its claim in the marketplace. Moovn is a ride-hailing mobile application founded by Godwin Gabriel. The app currently operates in 7 U.S. cities (Washington, DC, Chicago, IL, Boston, MA, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA, San Francisco, CA, New York, NY) and 1 city in Africa (Dar-EsSalaam, TZ), with plans to rapidly expand in both Western and emerging markets. In a recent interview with UrbanGeekz, Gabriel explains how he taught himself how to code, in order to launch the beta version of his app. Saying his beta launch was “amateurish at best,” he goes on to explain how the platform transformed into what it is today: “It wasn’t until we received investor backing that I was able to hire and collaborate with a team of seasoned developers to transform the platform into what we have today.” When asked what his biggest challenges are, he says, “The market, for the most part, is currently being dominated by Uber and Lyft with these companies enjoying the benefits of having first mover advantage with the transportation technology space. However, we’re confident that the global market remains sizable enough for all of us to fit in and play.” Considering the rise of smartphone usage across the continent of Africa, operating there seems to be a good business strategy. It’s also a market that hasn’t been explored by the big brands in the industry.

Chicago Street Journal

But CHICAGO — The city of Chicago has begin charging people a tax for each bag they use to haul groceries and other items purchased at retailers in the city. But while the tax will produce income for the city, it remains to be seen how much the tax will actually do to reduce the number of plastic bags Chicagoans use - a major selling point for such taxes in Chicago and other locales.

Some of the biggest cities in the United States have taken it upon themselves to wage a war on plastic bags under the guise of environmentalism. Plastic bag fees are merely a stealth tax hike that disproportionately hits families that go grocery shopping more frequently. Reusable bags tend to be unsanitary, which causes major problems when they’re being used to tote fresh produce and other groceries. A study in the journal Food Protection Trends found that food -borne illnesses could skyrocket with the increased adoption of reusable bags. The study found that 99 percent of reusable bags tested contained bacteria; the figure was 0 percent in new bags, or single-use plastic bags. These bacteria were frequently dangerous, with E. Coli being shockingly common in reusable bags. So Chicago’s bag nannies are taking your money under false pretenses, spending it on something unrelated to its stated purposes, failing to solve the problem they claim they’re addressing, and possibly making you sick in the process.

some policy experts aren’t convinced the new measure will be any more effective than the last one. Kevin Glass, policy director for the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, told the Cook County Record that assessments of plastic bag taxes in other cities have shown they may not have the environmental impact public officials hope for. “I have no doubt that they’re put forward with good intentions, but, you know, the numbers show that they’re largely ineffective on the environmental aspect of their justification,” Glass said, citing a Washington Post review of the Washington, D.C.’s 5-cent tax heralded as a way to clean up the Anacostia River. The review found that more of the money put in the Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Fund was used for school field trips and worker salaries than for cleanup projects on the river. Additionally, taxes that have been put in place on various levels in states like California, Texas and Virginia, among others, haven’t proven to change consumer behavior, Glass said. Another unexpected downside could be the reusable bags encouraged as substitutes, which public health experts have said could pose a risk because of the germs they carry. Tax rates vary among AC_Green_Logo.jpgthose who have put them in place. Washington, D.C., charges less than the new rate in Chicago, but some charge much more. Some, like the Better Government Association, have publicly criticized the few cents the city of Chicago settled on because it’s unlikely to actually deter shoppers from using plastic bags, making the tax just another revenue stream for the city. The city expects to bring in $12.9 million from the tax next year. Glass said he thinks the mayor’s intentions are genuine, but he said the few cents per bag will add up for low -income shoppers, who may be disproportionately affected by the charge. He said he believes neither a ban nor a tax has enough of an upside to be worthwhile. “It’s a surprisingly complicated issue, but the downsides, I think, across the board, really outweigh the upsides,” Glass said. “This is an evolution of what Chicago has been trying to do. And they’ve obviously failed multiple times before at what they’re aiming for. I just worry that they’re going to try over and over again to restructure or reorient how they’re either taxing or prohibiting bags and none of it’s going to see the upside they’re really searching for.”

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s $8.2 billion budget passed with unanimous support of the Chicago City Council on Nov. 16, including a tax on consumers for paper and plastic bags. The 7-cent bag tax on plastic and paper bags at the grocery store — or at any Chicago store without reusable bags — follows efforts around the country to change consumer behavior and reduce waste and harmful environmental impact. Consumers can avoid paying the tax by bringing their own reusable bags, thereby keeping plastic and paper substitutes out of landfills. At the same time, retailers receive 2 cents every time the tax is levied and the rest goes to the city. The average Chicago resident uses 500 plastic bags a year, totaling 1.3 billion for the whole city, according to environmental experts. The tax reverses a partial ban that went into effect more than a year ago. The ban required large retailers to replace thin plastic bags with thicker ones that are deSources: signed to be reused. But consumers weren’t reusing the bags, which are more expensive to make.,


According to Forbes Magazine in 2016 there were 1,810 billionaires with a net worth of $6.5 trillion.

February 2017 April 2017

Chicago Street Journal


The Real organizer of the Bus Boycott

E.D. Nixon: The Forgotten Hero Edgar Daniel Nixon (July 12, 1899 – February 25, 1987), known as E. D. Nixon, was a civil rights leader and union organizer in Alabama who played a crucial role in organizing the landmark Montgomery Bus Boycott there in 1955. The boycott highlighted the issues of segregation in the South, was upheld for more than a year by black residents, and nearly brought the city-owned bus system to bankruptcy. It ended in December 1956, after the United States Supreme Court ruled in the related case, Browder v. Gayle (1956), that the local and state laws were unconstitutional, and ordered the state to end bus segregation. Nixon was president of the local chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the Montgomery Welfare League, and the Montgomery Voters League. At the time, Nixon already led the Montgomery branch of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters union, known as the Pullman Porters Union, which he had helped organize. Martin Luther King Jr. described Nixon as "one of the chief voices of the Negro community in the area of civil rights," and "a symbol of the hopes and aspirations of the long oppressed people of the State of Alabama."[1] Edgar D. Nixon was born to Wesley M. Nixon and Sue Ann Chappell Nixon. As a child, Nixon received 16 months of formal education, as black students were ill-served in the segregated public school system. His mother died when he was young, and he and

new union, the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, helping organize its branch in Montgomery. He also served as its president for many years.[1] Marriage and family Nixon married Alease (who died in 1934), and they had a son, E. D. Nixon, Jr. (1928– 2011). He became an actor known by the stage name of Nick La Tour. His son Lionel Nixon ________________________[2] Nixon later married Arlette Nixon, who was with him during many of the civil rights events.[2] Civil rights activism Years before the bus boycott, Nixon had worked for voting rights and civil rights for African Americans in Montgomery. Like other blacks in the state, they had been essentially disenfranchised since the start of the 20th century by changes in the Alabama state constitution and electoral laws. He also served as an unelected advocate for the African-American community, helping individuals negotiate with white office holders, policemen, and civil servants. Nixon joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), becoming president of the Montgomery chapter and, within two years, president of the state organization. In 1940, Nixon organized 750 African

his seven siblings were reared among extended family in Montgomery.[2] His father was a Baptist minister.[1] After working in a train station baggage room, Nixon rose to become a Pullman car porter, which was a well-respected position with good pay. He was able to travel around the country and worked steadily. He worked with them until 1964. In 1928, he joined the

Americans to march to the Montgomery County courthouse and attempt to register to vote. They were unsuccessful, as the white Democrats used subjective rules to exclude them.[2] In 1954, he was the first black to run for a seat on the county Democratic Executive Committee. Challenging bus segregation

In the early 1950s, Nixon and Jo Ann Robinson, president of the Women's Political Council, decided to mount a court challenge to the discriminatory seating practices on Montgomery's municipal buses, along with a boycott of the bus company. A Montgomery ordinance reserved the front seats on these buses for white passengers only, forcing African-American riders to sit in the back. The middle section was available to blacks unless the bus became so crowded that white passengers were standing; in that case, blacks were supposed to give up their seats and stand if necessary. Blacks constituted the majority of riders on the city-owned bus system. Before the activists could mount the court challenge, they needed someone to voluntarily violate the bus seating law and be arrested for it. Nixon carefully searched for a suitable plaintiff. The final choice was Rosa Parks, the elected secretary of the Montgomery NAACP. Nixon had been her boss, although he said, "Women don't need to be nowhere but in the kitchen." When she asked, "Well, what about me?", he replied, "I need a secretary and you are a good one."\ On December 1, 1955, Parks entered a Montgomery bus, refused to give up her seat for a white passenger, and was arrested. After being called about Parks' arrest, Nixon went to bail her out of jail. After years of working with Parks, Nixon was certain that she was the ideal candidate to challenge the discriminatory seating policy. Even so, Nixon had to persuade Parks to lead the fight. After consulting with her mother and husband, Parks accepted the challenge. Organizing the boycott After Parks' arrest, Nixon called a number of local ministers to organize support for the boycott; the third man he called was Martin Luther King Jr., a young minister who was newly arrived from Atlanta, Georgia. King said he would think about it and call back. When King responded, he said that he would participate in the boycott Nixon met with Rev. Ralph David Abernathy and Rev. E.N. French to plan the program for the next boycott meeting. They came up with a list of demands for the bus company, named the new organization the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), and discussed candidates for president of the association. Nixon recommended King to Abernathy and French because Nixon believed that King had not been compromised by dealing with the local white power structure. Nixon shared his labor and civil rights contacts with the MIA, organizing financial and other resources to help manage and support the boycott. These were critical to its success. Successful boycott What was expected to be a short boycott

lasted 381 days. Despite fierce political opposition, police coercion, personal threats, and their own sacrifices, the he boycott continued. Bus ridership plummeted, as blacks were the majority riders in the system, and the bus company was on the verge of financial ruin. In late January a bomb was set off near the home of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and on February 1, 1956, a bomb exploded in front of Nixon's home. On June 5, 1956, a three-judge panel of the US District Court ruled on Browder v. Gayle and determined that Montgomery's segregation law was unconstitutional, violating the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution. On November 13, 1956, the US Supreme Court upheld the lower court's ruling. On December 17, 1956 the Supreme Court rejected appeals by the city and state to reconsider its decision. At a later rally at New York City's Madison Square Garden, Nixon talked about the symbolism of the boycott to an audience of supporters: “I'm from Montgomery, Alabama, a city that's known as the Cradle of the Confederacy, that had stood still for more than ninety -three years until Rosa L. Parks was arrested and thrown in jail like a common criminal.... Fifty thousand people rose up and caught hold to the Cradle of the Confederacy and began to rock it till the Jim Crow rockers began to reel and the segregated slats began to fall out.” After the boycott Nixon's relationship with the MIA frequently had sharp disagreements with others in the group and competed for leadership. He expressed resentment that King and Abernathy had received most of the credit for the boycott, as opposed to the local activists who had already spent years organizing against racism. But King admired Nixon, describing him as "one of the chief voices of the Negro community in the area of civil rights," and "a symbol of the hopes and aspirations of the long oppressed people of the State of Alabama." Nixon resigned his post as MIA treasurer in 1957, writing a bitter letter to King complaining that he had been treated as a child and a "newcomer." Nixon continued to feud with Montgomery's Black middle class community for the next decade. By the late 1960s, through a series of political defeats, his leadership role in the MIA was eliminated. After retiring from the railroad, Nixon worked as the recreation director of a public housing project. He continued to work for civil rights, especially to improve housing and education for blacks in Montgomery. 1985, Nixon received the Walter White Award from the NAACP. In 1986, a year before his death, Nixon’s house in Montgomery was placed on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage, in recognition of his leadership in the state.[1] Nixon died at the age of 87 in Montgomery on February 25, 1987.

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February 2017 8 April 2017

Chicago Street Journal

Chuck Berry 1926– 2017

Chicago Street Journal

February 2017 April 2017


I’m sure you’ve noticed that there has been a tremendous amount of film work that has come to Chicago in recent years. Never before has there been so many productions and so much work available for extras in Chicago.

When you are called, they will tell you what type of clothing to bring, along with your call time and location. Wardrobe is important because as an extra it’s your job to enhance the scenes with a certain dimension. There are people on the set who will assist in making sure you have the correct look. (Or dimension.) But it is not something to rely on every time I started in this business in 2010, working as an you work. You need to bring something to the extra on various film projects. As a child, like table. many others, my dream was to move to Los Being on set can be a big waiting game so Angeles and “make it” as an actor. The uniprepare yourself. Bring snacks, reading mateverse has a way of working things out. For rial, etc., to help pass the time. You could have those studying and aspiring actors and aca long wait before you are called to be in a tresses; pursuing a film career now -- no mov- scene. ing to LA because it’s a reality in our city. Speaking from personal experience, it pays to A question I get asked frequently is, “How did you become an extra?” Breaking into the business of becoming a background actor can be much harder than it appears, but with proper research, it can be done on a regular basis.

Talking about the passing of Chuck Berry Sr., would not be news. A tribute to him would be to dance and sing and wonder what it would be like to live the life of a legend. We have so few true ones. And, Mr. Berry was one. Even in his last days, at age 90, he had spent time producing and making plans to release an album later this year. (I bet you dream about being able to swing like that in your 90’s.) Born on October 18, 1926, into a middle-class family in St Louis Missouri – his father a Baptist deacon, his mother a school principal. Chuck started rolling and he didn’t stop. It might be true that he left here, headed elsewhere on March 18, 2017 but I believe that somewhere out there a new rock ‘n roller is picking “Maybelline” or “Johnny B. Goode” on his guitar. Because Rock ‘n Roll lives forever.

Browsing the web for extra’s casting agencies in your town or city is a great way to start. Select those that have good online reputations. Most casting agencies need you to register. Registration is typically done through e-mail and the information is listed on their web-sites. Registering is painless but it requires you to send in photos of yourself, which discourages many people. Many don’t have professional photos and luckily they are not necessary. (Of course, as you move up in your career the right head-shot and resume become more important.) But, for now, don’t let that stop you. You just need some nice images.

be professional. This means don’t have conversations with the talent, don’t approach them for photos, or ask to leave the set early. Be courteous to everyone. Taking set “conduct” seriously can set you apart in a positive way and determine if you’ll ever get called back. Above all, treat it as you would any other regular job and remain humble and realistic. Following these basic rules can be the difference between being upgraded to a principle role on set or remaining in the background. Extras don’t get upgraded often, so don’t go to the set thinking that you are going to get discovered and become a star. But it does happen. I’ve seen it happen and you’ve got to be in the right place at the right time to make it happen.

So for those still interested in getting involved in becoming a background actor, there is no better time than now, so get out there and Many casting websites have Facebook pages, grow! You may never have this opportunity where their castings calls are listed. It is crucial again in your lifetime. to follow those notices. If you fit the criteria posted you can freely submit the required inAndre Bellos—is an up and coming Chicago formation for those jobs. If you are lucky actor who has appeared as an extra in Chi-raq enough to get booked you will be notified. and Empire.

February 2017

10 April 2017

Chicago Street Journal

God’s Field

the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable angels in festal gathering, and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled One Body in heaven… and to the sprinkled blood that speaks “I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the a better word than the blood of Abel (see Heb. midst of the congregation I will sing your praise.” 12:18,19,22,23a, 24)”. Note: Jesus is called the Heb. 2:22 ‘firstborn’ (see Heb. 1:6, 7, 14 the splendor of angels) and His followers are granted His inheritance The Hebrew word for “sanctuary” is mikdash, as firstborn sons. “Therefore, since we are surwhich comes from the root word kadash, “to be set rounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us apart as sacred.” Other words that share this root also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings include kedushah (holiness), kiddushin (betrothal), so closely, and let us run with endurance the race kaddish (sanctification), kiddush that is set before us (Heb. 12:1)”. “For He who (marking sacred time and so forth). sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have The Tabernacle, called the mishkan, one source. That is why He is not ashamed to presented a form of “mediation” that call them brothers (Heb. 2:11).” provided symbols to help bring “heaven down to earth.” It was a “set When Yahushua (Jesus) asked his talmidim apart place” intended for rest and (disciples) who they understood him to be, intimacy. Note that the gematria of Shim’on Petros (Simon Peter) answered him, the word mishkan is the same as the “Atah hu, haMashiach, ben El Chai” _ “You are word shema, “heart” or “listen”. The word he, the Messiah, Son of the Mighty One who “ekklesia” is the Greek translation of the original lives.” And Yahushua (Jesus) replied, _flesh and Hebrew word “qahal”, which is an assembly, con- blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father gregation and company - The assembly of God’s who is in heaven. “And I tell you, you are Peter, people are being gathered and assembled together and on the Rock I will build my Ekklesia (a folinto an unseen structure, unseen company, and lowing, assembly, congregation) – and the powers unseen family by our unseen Father (not immedi- of Death shall not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18)”. ately visible to the earthly – see Ez. 37:26). In W. The present True Congregation of the Almighty Tyndale’s translation of the Bible into English, he should bear witness of that ‘QAHAL’ empowered translated the word “ekklesia” as “congregation” by the Ruach HaQodesh. “Therefore let us be even though there were churches around when grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be Tyndale was alive. He completed his translation in shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable 1525 (86 years before the King James version) and worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a he associated a church with idolatry and pagan consuming fire (Heb. 12:28, 29)”. religions. He used the word “church” in his trans- “We are not abandoning our being gathered tolation; in relation to pagans and their places of gether in one Place as is the custom and rite of worship as in Acts. 19:37 “For ye have brough some in their institutions and religions that take the hyther these me whiche are nether robbers of place of Christ but we enter the great churches nor yet despisers of you’re goddes.” King we see the Day approaching” (see Heb. 10:25). James translation is ‘you have brought here these The Greek word used in this verse for “assemble men, who are neither robbers of temples, nor yet together” is not “ekklesia”, but “episynagoge”. blasphemers of your goddess”). Not once did Tyn- This word means “gathering together in one dale interpret “qahal” or ekklesia” as a building or place”, “gathered with others already assembled”. “church”. “Ekklesia” is a composite noun made The word is used only in one other verse of scripup of two Greek works: “ek” meaning “out of” or ture, 2Thess. 2:1-3 which is not about attending a “away from”, and “Kaleo” meaning “called”. But place physically here on earth, but of being gathas the community (ha’edah) gathered (bahiqahel) ered in One Place spiritually. It must be an assemagainst them, Moses and Aaron turned toward the bling, a gathering together that is brought about Tent of Meeting; the cloud had covered it and the by, and for, Christ and as such may not look like Presence of Yehovah appeared (Num. 17:7). what we would expect. “Then all the children of Israel went out, and the congregation was gathered together as one man, from Dan even to Beer-sheba, with the land of Gilead, unto YHVH in Mizpah (Judges 20:1). We are not called out to be individual “ones” isolated and alone; we are called out to be together in a heavenly company and community that is being assembled and gathered together in Christ, “who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him” (1 Thes. 5:10). “For you have not come to what may be touched, a blazing fire and darkness and gloom and a tempest and the sound of a trumpet and a voice whose words made the hearers beg that no further messages be spoken to them. But you have come to Mount Zion and to

Art from CSJ publisher of the Great Migration, before on the Cliff Kelley WVON show guest addressing the business of the Great Migration included Arness Dancy of the Black Chamber of Commerce, Normal Williams formerly of Illinois Service Federal and Ron Carter, chairman

About the Spiritual Editor: Frances Beth Harris, as a Florida native enjoys early morning bike, beach and park trails. She is a committee member at the Quaker House of the Palm Beaches and a host on four different shows at: on Thursdays. In 2003, she founded Beth International Ministries. A contemplative community that reveals the active presence of Christ through intercessory prayer, Scripture, music and spiritual mentoring, to advance our efforts against sexism, economic exploitation, complex childhood trauma and human trafficking. You may email or text Beth at: or 561.907.6671.

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February April 20172017

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February 2017

12 April 2017


Chicago Street Journal and safety. They offer training programs for adults and youth. These are paid green-industry job training programs that

Chicago is no ordinary city. Why should you live an ordi-

start throughout the year.

nary life in a place where opportunity is just ripe for the picking? Jump right in and UPZIP that old wary way of life.

If you’ve been searching for that special something to ex-

Throw it off! Step up and out into the new roles that await

pand your imagination and challenge you, while enhancing

you, as your pursue life beyond the common, mundane and

your training and job skills, then this may just be the right

the underpaid.

move for you.


Give them a call at 312-746-9777 or visit their website at

— NEW RESUME — NEW LIFE The green industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. According to a 2015, U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) study from Booz Allen Hamilton, in 2018 green construction will account for more than 3.3 million U.S. jobs–more than one-third of the entire U.S. construction sector–and generate $190.3 billion in labor earnings. Those figures indicate that it may be time to give the green industry some serious consideration as part your possible career choices. Construction is not the only area where the need for skilled labor is growing. GreenCorp Chicago offers training that can open up doors locally and nationally for those interested in pursuing a career or enhancing their skills in the areas of horticulture, ecological restoration and environmental health

In Texas alone, almost 1.26 million jobs in the green building sector are projected between 2015 and 2018.

Chicago Street Journal Ron Carter – THE ARTIST – has been the Publisher and Editor of South Street Journal (SSJ) now Chicago Street Journal (CSJ) for almost 24 years. He has ran for office, been a community organizer, been in the military and is a former Black Panther. Yet, the thing that is mentioned least of all about him is his creative side. The artist in him. So, on this page and the proceeding you can preview just a few of the pieces from his collection. All are available for purchase. In addition, you may even request portraits for Mother’s Day, graduation and wedding gifts. Look for other pieces in future editions. THE ARTIST can be reached at 773-5955229 or send an email to

February April 20172017


February 2017

14 April 2017

Chicago Street Journal southern masters. Therefore, we have to live with the notion that only black life matters. Not that others don't, because they do. But in terms of where we live, or even work, if you are surrounded by others, you have to build within those confines.

Blacks have to unapologetically act as though black life matters most, and at all times. Respectfully, that's the way other races conduct themselves. And it's nothing wrong with that. Your race is like your family. You should always take care of your family, first. That's why during these black days of history, I'll salute my heroes. People, who even through their controversial lives, have inspired millions, and have made a significant impact on their communities.

Leaders like Malcolm X, Carter G. Woodson, Dr. Martin King, Ghandi, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Ida B. Wells, Robert Johnson, Gwendolyn Brooks, John H. Johnson, Madame C.J. Walker, Oprah, Steve Jobs, Haki Madhubuti, Bill Garth, Henry English, Don Starks, Barack Obama, Melody Spann-Cooper, Dr. Eric Whitaker, Charlie Rose, Michael Bloomberg, Father Pfleger, Merry Green, Thurgood Marshall, A. Phillip Randolph, Sidney

Everyday is Black History

Poitier, Harry Belafonte, Bill Cosby, Don Cornelius, Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson. There are others. I'll name more of my inspired heroes as this month continues to honor personali-

Black history is my history. I live it everyday. Therefore, outside of the symbolic gesture that was

ties who transformed lives.

granted to US by old southern masters, I recommend we show our strength by rejecting Black History Month as the only celebrated month for black life.

I love the underdog. I love people who take risks and go against the grain. I also love smart and innovative people who understand their chosen profession--who've built something from nothing. These are every day indi-

Demand that black culture be saluted each and everyday. But that requires

viduals, like myself, who had dreams and sacrificed their names and

that all negroes, even the ones who love old southern masters better than

brand to keep the lights on and stay committed to their vision even when

they love themselves, to shut up and step aside. Because they will perform

the 'background noise' was against US!

like the Samuel Jackson character in DJango Unchained, and express how his southern boss knows what's best for US colored people.

This is one of the main reasons that I founded MG Media. This is my publishing and marketing company, through which I've created three

No, really, I don't like the fact that black people get overly excited when

different magazines over the nearly last two decades, along with the news

Black History Month comes around each year, as though they actually can't embrace black accom- service. I wanted to profile emerging leaders, the best and brightest of my community. I grew-up plishments outside of the month of February. It's absolutely shocking! This goes with what I

seeing too many negative images of black folks. I knew there was more to my race than gangs,

stated a few days ago in one of my Works of Words, that black folks need an image make-over. A

drugs and violent stereotypes.

new definition. A new purpose. WE need a new direction. Because we have lost our way. We are confused to what is expected of US from the southern master.

I'm the kind of dude who just doesn't complain. I'm about action, every day, not just 28 days in February. I deserve more than a few days to have my story told. WE deserve and have earned

Now, when I say (WE), of course I don't mean all. Half of US understand this country very well

more than that! Make sure that we recognize black history as America's history 365. Until the

and what they've done to brainwash the Negro race. We know that nothing we do or say, or no

next edition..... Peace and One Love. I Write to Differ.....Carl West—

matter how much we rise, blacks will always be considered less than by the majority of the old MG Media

Chicago Street Journal

February April 20172017


February 2017

16 April 2017

Chicago Street Journal

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