CSO Program Book - Cavalleria rusticana Libretto

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Cavalleria rusticana

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association remembers with gratitude

Nelson D. Cornelius for his endowment bequest, which generously supports these performances.

The appearance of the Chicago Symphony Chorus is made possible by a generous gift from

Jim and Kay Mabie.


CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA RICCARDO MUTI Zell Music Director Thursday, February 6, 2020, at 8:00 Friday, February 7, 2020, at 8:00 Saturday, February 8, 2020, at 8:00

Cavalleria rusticana, Melodrama in one act Music by Pietro Mascagni Libretto by Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti and Guido Menasci Based on the play and short story by Giovanni Verga

Riccardo Muti Conductor cast

Santuzza, a peasant girl.............................Anita Rachvelishvili mezzo-soprano Turiddu, a young peasant......................................................... Piero Pretti tenor Lucia, his mother................................................. Ronnita Miller mezzo-soprano Alfio, a carter......................................................................... Luca Salsi baritone Lola, his wife.......................................................... Sasha Cooke mezzo-soprano Villagers Chicago Symphony Chorus Duain Wolfe Director A village in Sicily on Easter Sunday, 1880

These performances receive generous support from the Nelson D. Cornelius Endowed Concert Fund. The appearance of the Chicago Symphony Chorus is made possible by a generous gift from Jim and Kay Mabie. Bank of America is the Maestro Residency Presenter. United Airlines is the Official Airline of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.


synopsis Cavalleria rusticana is set in a square in a small village in Sicily in the late nineteenth century. At dawn on Easter Sunday, Turiddu serenades his mistress Lola (“O Lola ch’ai di latti la cammisa”). The villagers enter the square, celebrating the spring morning. After they leave, Santuzza appears, looking for Turiddu at his mother’s tavern. Mamma Lucia (Turiddu’s mother) tells Santuzza that Turiddu has gone to Francofonte to buy wine, but Santuzza replies that he was seen in the village late last night. Surprised, Mamma Lucia invites Santuzza into her house. Santuzza declines, reminding Mamma Lucia that she has been excommunicated. Mamma Lucia asks what she knows of Turiddu, but before Santuzza can say more than that her heart is breaking, the villagers assemble in the square to greet Alfio, the village carter, who has just returned. He sings of his love for his wife Lola (“Il cavallo scalpita”). Mamma Lucia greets him, and when he asks for her special wine, she tells him that Turiddu has gone to get some. Alfio replies that he saw Turiddu early that morning. Mamma Lucia is again surprised, but Santuzza warns her to keep quiet. Alfio tells everyone to go into church as a choir sings a Regina coeli. Santuzza and Mamma Lucia pray with the villagers (“Inneggiamo, il Signor non è morto”), who file into the church for Easter services. Alone with Mamma Lucia, Santuzza tells her tragic story (“Voi lo sapete, o mamma”): Turiddu had been in love with Lola, but he went into the army, and by the time he returned, she had married Alfio. Turiddu took up with Santuzza, who fell deeply in love with him. But Lola seduced Turiddu away from her, leaving Santuzza without love and without honor. Turiddu arrives. He tries to evade Santuzza’s attempts to speak to him, and when she tells him that he had been seen that morning near Lola’s house, he accuses her of spying on him. She replies that she heard it from Alfio’s own lips. Turiddu becomes furious, asking whether she wants him killed, and pushes her away. She accuses him of being in love with Lola, which he denies. He derides her jealousy as she declares her love for him (“Bada, Santuzza, schiavo non sono”). Their argument is interrupted by Lola, who strolls by singing (“Fior di giaggiolo”). She asks 4

Turiddu if he has seen Alfio and asks Santuzza whether she is going to mass. When Santuzza says that mass is for those who have not sinned, Lola gives thanks to God, infuriating Santuzza. Turiddu, embarrassed, wants to leave, but Lola urges him to stay. Lola ambles off into church. Santuzza pleads with Turiddu to stay (“No, no, Turiddu, rimani ancora”), but he orders her to leave. She threatens him; when he says that he doesn’t give a damn that she is angry, she curses him, and he throws her to the ground and stalks away into the church. Alfio arrives, and Santuzza tells him about Lola and Turiddu. But when he swears vengeance on them, she is suddenly contrite—but it’s too late. The mass ended, the villagers file out of the church. Turiddu tells Lola to stay. She agrees, and Turiddu leads everyone in a rousing drinking song and a toast to Lola (“Viva il vino spumeggiante”). Alfio arrives. Turiddu welcomes him and offers him some wine, but Alfio declines. Turiddu pretends not to care. Lola, frightened, is led away by the village women. A tense standoff between Turiddu and Alfio ensues, during which Turiddu challenges Alfio by biting his ear. Turiddu, remorseful, admits that he has done wrong, especially to Santuzza, who will be abandoned if he dies. Then he swears to plant his dagger in Alfio’s heart. Alfio coldly tells him that he will be waiting for him behind the orchard, and leaves. Alone, Turiddu calls for his mother and tells her that the wine has made him giddy and that he is going out. But he wants her blessing, just as when he went away into the army, and if he does not return, he wants her to be a mother to Santuzza, whom he had promised to marry. Mamma Lucia, troubled, does not understand; Turiddu blames it on the wine and asks her to pray for him. Then he kisses her goodbye and rushes off. Mamma Lucia, frightened, calls out to him. Santuzza enters and the two women embrace. In the distance, a woman cries out that Turiddu has been killed. The villagers rush in, crying, as Santuzza and Mamma Lucia fall senseless. Synopsis by Linda Cantoni for Regina Opera Company, reprinted with permission


La vicenda si svolge in un paese della Sicilia, il giorno di Pasqua.

The action is set in a village in Sicily on Easter Sunday.

preludio prelude Siciliana Siciliana Turiddu Turiddu (a sipario calato) (behind the curtain) O Lola, ch’hai di latti la cammisa O, Lola, white and red as the cherry, Si bianca e russa comu la cirasa, In your nightdress white as milk, Quannu t’affacci fai la vucca a risa, When you appear at the window you smile; Biato cui ti dà lu primu vasu! Happy he who gave you your first kiss! Ntra la porta tua lu sangu è sparsu, The mark of blood is over your door, E nun me mporta si ce muoru accisu . . . But I care not if I am killed; E s’iddu muoru e vaju’n paradisu If through you I die and go to Paradise, Si nun ce truovo a ttia, It will not be Paradise for me mancu ce trasu. Ah! unless you are there. Ah!

atto unico


coro d’introduzione

introductory chorus

Una piazza nel paese. Nel fondo, a destra, chiesa con porta practicabile. A sinistra l’osteria e la casa di Mamma Lucia. La scena sul principio è vuota. Albeggia.

A square in the village. In the background, right, a church with a door. On the left, the inn and Mother Lucia’s house. At first, the stage is empty. Dawn is breaking.

Coro Chorus (di dentro) (from within) Ah! Ah! Donne Women (di dentro) (from within) Gli aranci olezzano sui verdi margini, The orange trees in the green groves Cantan le allodole tra i Scent the air; the larks sing through the mirti in fior; flowering myrtles; Tempo è si mormori da orgnuno il tenero Now is the time for everyone to murmur Canto che i palpiti raddoppia al cor. The tender song, which quickens the heart.

(Please turn the page quietly.)


Uomini Men (di dentro) (from within) In mezzo al campo tra le spiche d’oro Across the fields amid the golden corn Giunge il rumor delle vostre spole, The sound of your shuttles reaches us Noi stanchi riposando dal lavoro In our fatigue, lightening our labor. A voi pensiam, o belle occhi-di-sole. We think of you, sweet rays of sunshine. A voi corriamo, come vola l’augello We hasten to you as a bird flies al suo richiamo. to his mate’s call. Donne Women Cessin le rustiche Opre: Now cease your rustic tasks; La Vergine Serena The blessed Virgin is gladdened Allietasi Del Salvator; By the Savior; Tempo è si mormori da ognuno il tenero Now is the time for everyone to murmur Canto che i palpiti raddoppia al cor. The tender song, which quickens the heart. Uomini Men In mezzo al campio, ecc. Across the fields, etc. Donne Women Gli aranci olezzano, ecc. The orange trees in the green groves, etc.

scena scene Santuzza e Lucia

Santuzza and Lucia

Santuzza Santuzza (entrando) (entering) Dite, mamma Lucia . . . Tell me, mother Lucia . . . Lucia Lucia (sorpresa) (surprised) Sei tu? Che vuoi? You? What do you want? Santuzza Santuzza Turiddu ov’è? Where is Turiddu? Lucia Lucia Fin qui vieni a cercare Il figlio mio? Have you come here to look for my son? Santuzza Santuzza Voglio saper soltanto, I beg you to forgive me. Perdonatemi voi, dove trovarlo. I only want to know where I can find him. Lucia Lucia Non lo so, non voglio brighe! I do not know. Don’t bother me!


Santuzza Santuzza Mamma Lucia, vi supplico piangendo, Mother Lucia, in tears I implore you, Fate come il Signore a Maddalena, Be merciful as Our Lord was to Magdalene Ditemi per pietà, dov’è Turiddu? . . . And tell me where Turiddu is . . . Lucia Lucia È andato per il vino a Francofonte. He went to Francofonte for the wine. Santuzza Santuzza No! l’han visto in paese ad alta notte. No! He was seen in the village late last night. Lucia Lucia Che dici? What are you saying? Se non è tornato a casa! He’s not returned home! (avviandosi verso l’uscio di casa) (turning toward the door of her house) Entra! Come in! Santuzza Santuzza (disperata) (desperately) Non posso entrare in casa vostra. I cannot enter your house! Sono scomunicata! I have been damned! Lucia Lucia E che ne sai del mio figliuolo? What then do you know of my son? Santuzza Santuzza Quale spina ho in core! What a thorn I have in my heart!

sortita di alfio con coro Alfio, Coro, e dette

scene with alfio and chorus Alfio, Chorus, and the above

Alfio Alfio II cavallo scalpita, The horses’ hooves thunder, I sonagli squillano, The harness bells jingle, Schiocchi la frusta. Ehi là! The whip cracks. Get along! Soffi il vento gelido, Let the wind blow cold, Cada l’acqua o nevichi, Rain or snow fall, A me che cosa fa? What care I? Coro Chorus O che bel mestiere O a carter’s life Fare il carrettiere, Is a fine life, Andar di qua e di là! Going from place to place! Alfio Alfio Schiocchi la frusta! The whip cracks!

(Please turn the page quietly.)


M’aspetta a casa Lola Che m’ama e mi consola, Ch’è tutta fedeltà. Il cavallo scalpiti, I sonagli squillano, È Pasqua, ed io son qua!

At home, awaiting me, Is Lola, who loves me and comforts me And is ever true. The horses’ hooves thunder, The harness bells jingle, It’s Easter, and here I am!

Coro Chorus O che bel mestiere, ecc. O a carter’s life, etc. Alfio Alfio Ehi là! Schiocchi la frusta! Get along! The whip cracks! Son qua! Here I am! O che bel mestiere, ecc. O a carter’s life, etc. È Pasqua, ed io son qua! It’s Easter, and here I am!

scena e preghiera

scene and prayer

Lucia Lucia Beato voi, Compar Alfio, You are lucky, friend Alfio, Che siete sempre allegro così! To be always so gay! Alfio Alfio Mamma Lucia, Mother Lucia, N’avete ancora di quel vecchio vino? Do you still have some of that vintage wine? Lucia Lucia Non so; Turiddu è andato a provvederne. I know I haven’t; Turiddu has gone to get some. Alfio Alfio Se è sempre qui! But he’s still here! L’ho visto stamattina vicino a casa mia. I saw him this morning near my house. Lucia Lucia (sorpresa) (surprised) Come? What? Santuzza Santuzza (rapidamente a Lucia) (quickly to Lucia) Tacete! Hush! (Dalla chiesa odesi intonare l’Alleluja.)

(From the church is heard the Alleluja.)

Alfio Alfio Io me ne vado, ite voi altre in chiesa. I’m going; you women go to church. (esce) (exit) 8

Coro Interno (dalla chiesa) Regina coeli, laetare. Alleluja! Quia, quem meruisti portare. Alleluja! Resurrexit sicut dixit. Alleluja!

Chorus (inside the church) Queen of Heaven, rejoice. Alleluia! For He whom you did merit to bear, Alleluia! He has risen as he said. Alleluia!

Santuzza, Lucia, e Coro Esterno (sulla piazza) Inneggiamo, il Signor non è morto, Ei fulgente ha dischiuso l’avel, Inneggiamo al Signore risorto, Oggi asceso alla gloria del Ciel!

Santuzza, Lucia, and Chorus (in the square) Let us rejoice that Our Lord is not dead, And in glory has opened the tomb! Let us rejoice that Our Lord is risen again And today is gone up into the glory of Heaven!

Coro Interno Chorus (dalla chiesa) (inside the church) Alleluja! Alleluia! (Tutti entrano in chiesa tranne Santuzza (All enter the church except Santuzza e Lucia.) and Lucia.)

romanza e scena Lucia e Santuzza

romance and scene Lucia and Santuzza

Lucia Lucia Perchè m’hai fatto segno di tacere? Why did you signal me to be silent? Santuzza Santuzza Voi lo sapete, o mamma, prima d’andar O mother, you know that before he went for soldato, a soldier Turiddu aveva a Lola eterna fè giurato. Turiddu had sworn eternal faith to Lola. Tornò, la seppe sposa; On his return, he found her married, e con un nuovo amore volle And sought with a new love to quell spegner la fiamma che gli bruciava il core: The flame which burned in his heart: M’amò, l’amai. He loved me, I loved him. Quell’invida d’ogni delizia mia, But she, envious of my only delight Del suo sposo dimentica, And forgetful of her husband, arse di gelosia . . . burned with jealousy . . . Me l’ha rapito . . . priva dell’onor mio rimango: She stole him from me . . . and I am left disgraced; Lola e Turiddu s’amano, Lola and Turiddu are lovers, io piango, io piango! and I am left to weep, to weep! Lucia Lucia Miseri noi, che cosa vieni Lord have mercy! What is this you’ve come a dirmi to tell me In questo santo giorno? On this holy day?

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Santuzza Santuzza Io son dannata. I am condemned! Andate, o mamma, ad implorare Iddio, O mother, go and pray to God E pregate per me. Verrà Turiddu, And pray for me, too! When Turiddu comes, Vo’ supplicarlo un’altra volta ancora! I will plead with him once again! Lucia Lucia (avvicinandosi alla chiesa) (going toward the church) Aiutatela voi, Santa Maria! Holy Mary, have mercy upon her! (esce) (exit)

scena scene Santuzza e Turiddu

Santuzza and Turiddu

Turiddu Turiddu (entrando) (entering) Tu qui, Santuzza? You here, Santuzza? Santuzza Santuzza Qui t’aspettavo. I was waiting here for you. Turiddu Turiddu È Pasqua, in chiesa non vai? It is Easter; aren’t you going to church? Santuzza Santuzza Non vo. Debbo parlarti . . . I cannot. I must speak to you . . . Turiddu Turiddu Mamma cercavo. I was looking for my mother. Santuzza Santuzza Debbo parlarti . . . I must speak to you . . . Turiddu Turiddu Qui no! Qui no! Not here! Not here! Santuzza Santuzza Dove sei stato? Where have you been? Turiddu Turiddu Che vuoi tu dire? What do you mean? A Francofonte! At Francofonte! Santuzza Santuzza No, non è ver! No, it’s not true!


Turiddu Turiddu Santuzza, credimi . . . Santuzza, believe me . . . Santuzza Santuzza No, non mentire; No, do not lie; Ti vidi volger giù dal sentier . . . I saw you returning down the road . . . E stamattina, all’ alba, t’hanno scorto And this morning at dawn you were seen Presso l’uscio di Lola. Near Lola’s door. Turiddu Turiddu Ah! mi hai spiato! Ha! You were spying on me! Santuzza Santuzza No, te lo giuro. A noi l’ha raccontato No, I swear it. Alfio, her husband, Compar Alfio, il marito, poco fa. Was telling us just now. Turiddu Turiddu Così ricambi l’amor che ti porto? Is this the way you return the love I bear you? Vuoi che m’uccida? Do you want me killed? Santuzza Santuzza Oh! questo non lo dire . . . Oh, do not say such things . . . Turiddu Turiddu Lasciami dunque, lasciami; Leave me then, leave me; invan tenti sopire In vane you try, Il giusto sdegno colla tua pietà. With your pleas for pity, to lessen my scorn. Santuzza Santuzza Tu l’ami, dunque? Then you love her? Turiddu Turiddu No . . . No . . . Santuzza Santuzza Assai più bella è Lola. Lola is far more lovely. Turiddu Turiddu Taci, non l’amo. Be quiet, I do not love her. Santuzza Santuzza L’ami . . . . Oh! maledetta! You do love her . . . a curse upon her! Turiddu Turiddu Santuzza! Santuzza!

(Please turn the page quietly.)


Santuzza Santuzza Quella cattiva femmina ti tolse a me! That wicked woman stole you from me! Turiddu Turiddu Bada, Santuzza, schiavo non sono Take care, Santuzza, I am not the slave Di questa vana tua gelosia! Of this mad jealousy of yours! Santuzza Santuzza Battimi, insultami, t’amo e perdono, Beat me, insult me, I love you and forgive you; Ma è troppo forte l’angoscia mia. But my anguish is too much to bear.

stornello di lola Lola e detti

lola’s refrain Lola and the above

Lola Lola (dentro alla scena) (off stage) Fior di giaggiolo, O flower of the iris, Gli angeli belli stanno a mille The angels in their beauty stand in cielo, a thousandfold in Heaven, Ma bello come lui ce n’è uno solo. Ah! But only one there is as handsome as he! Ah! (entrando) (entering) Fior di giaggiolo . . . O flower of the iris . . . Oh! Turiddu . . . è passato Alfio? Oh! Turiddu . . . has Alfio been here? Turiddu Turiddu Son giunto ora in piazza. I’ve just come into the square. Non so . . . I do not know . . . Lola Lola Forse è rimasto dal maniscalco, Perhaps he was kept at the blacksmith’s, Ma non può tardare. But he can’t be long. (ironicamente) (ironically) E voi . . . sentite le funzioni And you . . . are you listening in piazza? to the service from the square? Turiddu Turiddu Santuzza mi narrava . . . Santuzza was telling me . . . Santuzza Santuzza (tetra) (darkly) Gli dicevo che oggi è Pasqua I was saying that today is Easter, E il Signor vede ogni cosa! And the Lord sees everything! Lola Lola Non venite alla messa? Aren’t you coming to mass?


Santuzza Santuzza Io no, ci deve andar chi sa Not I: only they can go Di non aver peccato! Who know they are free from sin. Lola Lola Io ringrazio il Signore e bacio in terra! I thank the Lord and kiss the ground! Santuzza Santuzza (ironicamente) (ironically) Oh, fate bene, Lola! Oh, you’re so good, Lola! Turiddu Turiddu (a Lola) (to Lola) Andiamo, andiamo! Come, let us leave her! Qui non abbiam che fare. Why do we stay here? Lola Lola (ironicamente) (ironically) Oh! Rimanete! Do stay here! Santuzza Santuzza (a Turiddu) (to Turiddu) Si, resta, resta, ho da parlarti ancora! Yes, stay, oh stay, I’ve more to tell you! Lola Lola E v’assista il Signore: Io me ne vado. The Lord be with you: I’m going. (entra in chiesa) (goes into the church)

duetto duet Santuzza e Turiddu

Santuzza and Turiddu

Turiddu Turiddu (irato) (angrily) Ah! lo vedi, che hai tu detto . . . ? Ah, you see? What have you said . . . ? Santuzza Santuzza L’hai voluto, e ben ti sta. You wished it; then so be it. Turiddu Turiddu (le s’avventa) (rushing forward) Ah! per Dio! Ah! By Heaven! Santuzza Santuzza Squarciami il petto! Tear me to pieces!

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Turiddu Turiddu (s’avvia) (turning away) No! No! Santuzza Santuzza (trattenendolo) (holding him back) Turiddu, ascolta! Turiddu, listen! Turiddu Turiddu Va! Go away! Santuzza Santuzza No, no, Turiddu, rimani ancora, No, no, Turiddu, stay with me awhile. Abbandonarmi dunque tu vuoi? Why do you seek to fly from me? Turiddu Turiddu Perchè seguirmi, perchè spiarmi Why do you follow me and spy on me Sul limitare fin della chiesa? Without respite to the very doors of the church? Santuzza Santuzza La tua Santuzza piange e t’implora; Your own Santuzza weeps and pleads with you; Come cacciarla così tu puoi? How could you drive her away like this? Turiddu Turiddu Va, ti ripeto, va, non tediarmi, Go, I say, do not plague me; Pentirsi è vano dopo l’offesa! Vain is your repentance after what you have done. Santuzza Santuzza (minacciosa) (threateningly) Bada! Take care! Turiddu Turiddu Dell’ ira tua non mi curo! I do not heed your anger. (La getta a terra e fugge (He throws her to the ground and flees in chiesa.) into the church.) Santuzza Santuzza (nel colmo dell’ira) (in a fury) A te la mala Pasqua, spergiuro! May your Easter be cursed, you traitor! (Cade affranta ed angosciata.) (She falls, overcome with anguish.) (Entra Alfio e s’incontra con Santuzza.)

(Alfio, entering, encounters Santuzza.)

duetto duet Santuzza e Alfio


Santuzza and Alfio

Santuzza Santuzza Oh! Il Signore vi manda, Compar Alfio. Oh! The Lord has sent you, Good Alfio. Alfio Alfio A che punto è la messa? How far on is the mass? Santuzza Santuzza È tardi ormai, ma per voi It’s nearly over . . .but listen! Lola è andata con Turiddu! Lola has gone with Turiddu! Alfio Alfio (sorpreso) (in surprise) Che avete detto? What are you saying? Santuzza Santuzza Che mentre correte all’acqua That while you go driving E al vento a guadagnarvi il pane, In rain and wind to earn your living, Lola v’adorna il tetto in malo modo! Lola is adorning your head in an ugly way! Alfio Alfio Ah! nel nome di Dio, Santa, What! In Heaven’s name, Santa, che dite? what are you saying? Santuzza Santuzza Il ver. Turiddu mi tolse l’onore, The truth. Turiddu stole my honor, E vostra moglie lui rapiva a me! And your wife has stolen him from me! Alfio Alfio Se voi mentite, vo’ schiantarvi il core! If you’re lying, I’ll tear your heart out! Santuzza Santuzza Uso a mentire il labbro mio non è! My lips are not in the habit of uttering lies! Per la vergogna mia, pel mio dolore, It was the bitter truth I told you, alas, La trista verità vi dissi, ahimè! In my shame and my sorrow! Alfio Alfio Comare Santa, allor grato vi sono. Neighbor Santuzza, then I am grateful to you. Santuzza Santuzza Infame io son che vi parlai così! I am vile to have told you this! Alfio Alfio Infami loro: Ad essi non perdono; It is they who are vile: I will not forgive them; Vendetta avrò pria che tramonti il dì! I will have vengeance before the sun goes down! Io sangue voglio, all’ ira m’abbandono, I will have blood, my rage shall know no bounds, In odio tutto l’amor mio fini! And all my love shall end in hate. (escono) (they exit)

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intermezzo sinfonico

symphonic intermezzo

scena, coro, e brindisi

scene, chorus, and toasts

(Tutti escono di chiesa. Lucia traversa la scena ed entra in casa.)

Lola, Turiddu, e Coro

(The people come out of the church. Lucia crosses the stage and goes into her house.)

Lola, Turiddu, and Chorus

Uomini Men A casa, a casa, amici, ove ci Let us go homeward, friends, to where aspettano le nostre donne, andiam! our womenfolk await us! Or che letizia rasserena gli animi, Let us hasten without delay now that Senza indugio corriam! Gladness has soothed our hearts. Donne Women A casa, a casa, amiche, ove ci aspettano Let us go homeward, friends, to where I nostri sposi, andiam! Our husbands await us! Or che letizia rasserena gli animi, Let us hasten without delay now that Senza indugio corriam! Gladness has soothed our hearts. Turiddu Turiddu (a Lola, che s’avvia) (to Lola as she goes) Comare Lola, ve ne andate via Mistress Lola, are you going Senza nemmeno salutare? Without a word of greeting? Lola Lola Vado a casa; non ho visto Compar Alfio! I must go home; I have not seen Alfio! Turiddu Turiddu Non ci pensate, verrà Don’t give it a thought; he’ll be coming in piazza. to the square. (al coro) (to the chorus) Intanto amici, qua, beviamone un bicchiere! Meanwhile, friends, come let’s drink together! (Tutti si avvicinano alla tavola (All come to the inn table and take wine dell’osteria e prendono i bicchieri.) cups) Viva il vino spumeggiante Nel bicchiere scintillante Come il riso dell’amante Mite infonde il giubilo! Viva il vino ch’è sincero, Che ci allieta ogni pensiero, E che affoga l’umor nero, Nell’ ebbrezza tenera.


Hurrah for the sparkling wine Bubbling in the glass, Bringing happiness Like a lover’s smile! Hurrah for friendly wine That livens every thought And banishes melancholy In cheerful drinking!

Coro Chorus Viva! Hurrah! Turiddu Turiddu (a Lola) (to Lola) Ai vostri amori! To your love! (beve) (He drinks.) Lola Lola (a Turiddu) (to Turiddu) Alla fortuna vostra! To your good fortune! (beve) (She drinks.) Turiddu Turiddu Beviam! Drink up! Coro, Turiddu, e Lola Viva! Beviam! Rinnovisi la giostra!

Chorus, Turiddu, and Lola Hurrah! Drink up! Continue the tournament!

Coro Chorus Viva il vino spumeggiante, ecc. Hurrah for the sparkling wine, etc. (Entra Alfio.)

(Alfio enters.)

finale finale Alfio e detti

Alfio and the above

Alfio Alfio A voi tutti salute! Greetings to you all! Coro Chorus Compar Alfio, salute! Greetings, friend Alfio! Turiddu Turiddu Benvenuto! Con noi dovete bere: Welcome! You must drink with us: (empie un bicchiere) (fills a glass) Ecco, pieno è il bicchiere. Here, I’ve filled you a glass. Alfio Alfio (respingendolo) (rejecting it) Grazie, ma il vostro vino io non l’accetto, Thank you, but I cannot accept your wine. Diverrebbe veleno entro il mio petto. It would turn to poison inside me. Turiddu Turiddu (getta il vino) (throwing the wine away) A piacer vostro! As you please! (Please turn the page quietly.)


Lola Lola Ahimè! che mai sarà? Alas! How will this end? Alcune Donne (a Lola) Comare Lola, andiamo via di qua. (Tutte le donne escono conducendo Lola.)

Some Women (to Lola) Mistress Lola, this is no place for us. (All the women go out, taking Lola with them.)

Turiddu Turiddu Avete altro a dirmi? Have you anything else to say to me? Alfio Alfio Io? Nulla! I? Nothing! Turiddu Turiddu Allora sono agli ordini vostri. Then I’m at your service. Alfio Alfio Or ora? Right away? Turiddu Turiddu Or ora! Right away! (Alfio e Turiddu si abbracciano. (Alfio and Turiddu embrace: Turiddu morde l’orecchio destro di Alfio.) Turiddu bites Alfio’s right ear in challenge.) Alfio Alfio Compar Turiddu, avete morso a buono . . . Friend Turiddu, you bit my ear . . . (con intenzione) (meaningly) C’intenderemo bene, a quel che pare! I am sure we understand each other! Turiddu Turiddu Compar Alfio! lo so che il torto è mio: Friend Alfio, I know that I have wronged you; E ve lo giuro nel nome di Dio And I swear to you by Heaven above Che al par d’un cane mi farei sgozzar, That I would cut my throat like a dog Ma . . . s’io non vivo, Save that . . . if I do not live, Resta abbandonata . . . Povera Santa! . . . Poor Santa! . . . will be left deserted . . . Lei che mi s’è data . . . She who gave herself to me . . . (con impeto) (violently) Vi saprò in core il ferro mio piantar! But I can plant my knife in your heart! Alfio Alfio (freddamente) (coldly) Compare, fate come più vi piace; My friend, do as you please; Io v’aspetto qui fuori, dietro l’orto. I’ll wait for you outside, behind the orchard. (esce) (exit)


Lucia e Turiddu

Lucia and Turiddu

Turiddu Turiddu Mamma, quel vino è generoso, e certo Mother, that wine is strong, and in truth, Oggi troppi bicchieri ne ho tracannati . . . I’ve drunk too much of it today . . . Vado fuori all’aperto. I must go out into the fields. Ma prima voglio che mi benedite But give me first your blessing, Come quel giorno che partii As you did that day when I went off soldato. as a soldier. E poi . . . mamma . . . sentite . . . And then . . . mother . . . listen . . . S’io . . . non tornassi . . . If I should not return . . . Voi dovrete fare da madre a Santa, You must be a mother to Santuzza, Ch’io le avea giurato di condurla all’altare. Whom I promised to lead to the altar. Lucia Lucia Perchè parli così, figliuolo mio? My son, what is this you’re saying? Turiddu Turiddu Oh! nulla! È il vino che mi ha suggerito! Oh, nothing! It is the wine within me speaking! Per me pregate Iddio! Pray to Heaven for me! Un bacio, mamma . . . un altro bacio . . . addio! One kiss, mother . . . one more kiss . . . farewell! S’io non tornassi fate da madre If I do not return, you must be a mother a Santa; to Santuzza; Un bacio, mama, addio! A kiss, mother, farewell! (L’abbraccia ed esce precipitosamente.) (He embraces her and rushes out.) Lucia, Santuzza, e Coro

Lucia, Santuzza, and Chorus

Lucia Lucia (disperata, correndo in fondo) (desperately, hurrying after him) Turiddu? Che vuoi dire? Turiddu! What do you mean? Turiddu! Turiddu! Ah! Turiddu! Turiddu! Ah! (entra Santuzza) (enter Santuzza) Santuzza! . . . Santuzza! . . . Santuzza Santuzza (getta le braccia al collo di Lucia) (throwing her arms around Lucia’s neck) Oh! madre mia! Oh mother! (La scena si popola. Si sente un mormorio lontano.)

(The scene fills with people. A confused noise is heard from the distance.)

Una Donna Hanno ammazzato compare Turiddu!

A Woman Turiddu has been killed!

(Tutti gettano un grido.)

(They all scream.)

English Translation by Lionel Salter, noted British writer, broadcaster, and conductor front cov e r : Detail of the side of a Sicilian cart depicting a scene from Cavalleria Rusticana by Pietro Mascagni. Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images


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