2020/21 Annual Report

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All photos by Todd Rosenberg unless otherwise noted on t h e c ov er

CSO Sessions: Mendelssohn Octet


DEAR CSOA FRIENDS AND FAMILY, The mission of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is to enrich, inspire and transform lives through music. To “enrich and inspire” during the 2020/21 Season, the CSOA literally transformed the way it reached audiences. It evolved its programming to include more underrepresented voices, developed an extensive suite of virtual performances to enjoy online and responded to evolving health guidelines by redefining how to safely perform on stage and — at long last — to welcome audiences to concerts in Orchestra Hall once again. Each effort bore the hallmark artistic excellence for which the Chicago Symphony Orchestra is known, but there was also something deeply personal about the season. We were inviting the Orchestra into our homes with concert streams. Watching the Orchestra members with the benefit of high-definition audio and visuals gave us a new appreciation for their incredible musicianship, which only increased our desire to hear them perform live. The optics of a dramatically lit, empty Orchestra Hall, combined with the intimacy of chamber music, were especially poignant. After months of anticipation, the happy reunion of CSOA audiences and the Orchestra took place in the late spring of 2021 for three weeks of concerts. The continuous artistic guidance of Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti, the dedication of the Orchestra members, collaboration across the organization and discussions with city and public health officials made those concerts possible. It was incredibly moving to once again experience the electricity that exists in Orchestra Hall when it is filled with eager listeners and the extraordinary music-making of the CSO. We should be incredibly proud of how the CSOA triumphed above the challenges of last season to create a more tightly knit family, strengthened by the shared value that its music plays in our lives and within the broader community. As we look to the organization’s future, I am so pleased to welcome Mary Lou Gorno into her new role as Board Chair. I know she will enjoy, as I have, working with such a dynamic and dedicated group of Trustees. The CSOA’s affiliate groups, including the Governing Members, Women’s Board, League, Overture Council, Negaunee Music Institute Board, African American Network and Latino Alliance, echo the Board’s commitment to the success of this organization. Added to their support is the incredible generosity of a team of individual donors, foundations, corporations, sponsors and volunteers. I also want to extend my thanks to CSOA President Jeff Alexander, whose thoughtful leadership honors the Orchestra’s legacy while also ensuring its future success. This season’s achievements were a testament to the incredible efforts of Jeff and the staff, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to produce its virtual programs and to transition safely back to live performances. It has been a privilege to serve as Board Chair of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association. Thank you for the honor of this opportunity.

Helen Zell Chair, Board of Trustees Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association




DEAR FRIENDS, In the face of the most challenging circumstances since its founding in 1891, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association (CSOA) reimagined how to keep music present in people’s lives during the 2020/21 Season. Music is vital for the health of our culture and society. By providing life-affirming musical experiences for our dedicated audiences, the CSOA revealed new possibilities for sharing the transformative power of music not only during a time of uncertainty but also as the organization moves further into the 21st century. In the fall of 2020, CSOtv became the epicenter for accessing CSOA programming: our de facto stage as Symphony Center remained closed to audiences. Accessible via cso.org, CSOtv offered a range of free and subscription offerings from newly filmed and archival concert performances to programming designed for children and young musicians. The main feature of CSOtv was the CSO Sessions series, which was created with artistic guidance from Riccardo Muti. Viewers delighted in the chance to see and hear our talented Orchestra members filmed and recorded in high definition in 22 episodes released between October and June. This subscription series provided audiences anywhere in the world a front-row seat to the exceptional artistry of the musicians of the CSO performing repertoire spanning from the Baroque period to today. In fact, four world premieres were included in two episodes curated by Mead Composer-in-Residence Missy Mazzoli — particularly innovative programs that concluded her threeyear residency. The CSO Sessions series created a beautiful and often deeply moving portrait of the members of the CSO, who, in addition to their remarkable performances, offered personal introductions to the pieces of music included in each episode. One journalist referred to the series as “a love letter to both the CSO’s stellar players and to Orchestra Hall.” For the many who watched CSO Sessions, each episode was a heartfelt gift from the Orchestra to its devoted fans. To add to the performances recorded during the season, four archival broadcasts were made available for free on CSOtv on a series titled From the CSO’s Archives: Great Music From Chicago. These performances originally appeared on WGN-TV during the 1950s and ’60s and provided a nostalgic glimpse of the CSO’s legacy on film. Listeners also had the chance to enjoy past CSO performances on the greatly expanded CSOradio broadcast series on the WFMT network. Reminding viewers of the power of a full orchestra on the stage and special energy of a hall full of eager listeners were a variety of previously filmed, live concerts offered as free content on CSOtv. These included the 2014 performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Chorus conducted by Muti and performances by former CSO Music Director Sir Georg Solti conducting Beethoven’s Seventh and Fifth symphonies. Other filmed presentations included a virtual recital by the Lincoln String Quartet filmed during the 2019/20 Season and an hourlong video that highlighted the trumpet’s key role in military and orchestral music produced by CSO trumpet John Hagstrom, the Pritzker Military Museum & Library Chair, that was released on Veterans Day.


In addition to performances by the Orchestra and its members, Symphony Center Presents On Demand featured several guest artists and ensembles on CSOtv, including a piano recital by Jorge Federico Osorio, a holiday performance by Chanticleer recorded in San Francisco and a concert by the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Septet featuring a new composition by its director Wynton Marsalis. The high production value of these concerts resonated with SCP audiences who rely on the series for outstanding piano and jazz performances, as well as concerts that are part of their annual holiday celebrations. As CSOA offerings expanded dramatically online last season, there was constant planning to return to live concerts with an audience in Orchestra Hall as soon as safely possible — a goal that was realized with three weeks of concerts in the spring of 2021. The first concert, on May 27, was the Orchestra’s first performance for an audience in the hall in more than 14 months. Each of the three concerts was a celebration. The first, appropriately titled Fanfare and conducted by CSO trombone Michael Mulcahy, featured members of the CSO brass and percussion sections in a festive program of works by American composers. The next program was conducted by former Sir Georg Solti Conducting Apprentice Erina Yashima and featured a composition by the incoming Mead Composer-inResidence Jessie Montgomery. The final program welcomed Edo de Waart, who conducted works by Mozart and Wagner. These concerts were an important step symbolically and logistically as we prepared to resume performances for the full Orchestra and capacity audiences in Fall 2021.

“ Music is vital for the health of our culture and society. By providing life-affirming musical experiences for our dedicated audiences, the CSOA revealed new possibilities for sharing the transformative power of music not only during a time of uncertainty but also as the organization moves further into the 21st century.”

The CSO’s Negaunee Music Institute reached audiences virtually and in person throughout the 2020/21 Season. It hosted concerts in the community that brought outdoor performances to residents of senior centers and healthcare workers to ensure that those who needed the healing power of live music had it. It adjusted its school programs to provide virtual resources to students and teachers, as well as community members, including parents who have lost children to gun violence through the Notes for Peace project. CSO musicians trained young musicians in online classes and coachings and were featured on an extremely popular Orchestral Excerpt Insights series made accessible through the CSO’s website and social media channels. With its virtual offerings on CSOtv, NMI reached young audiences with a new series of educational videos that combined contemporary children’s literature with classical music performed by members of the CSO and special guests. In addition, the Civic Orchestra of Chicago presented six episodes of chamber music performances and a season finale featuring Principal Conductor Ken-David Masur leading 44 Civic musicians on the Armour Stage at Orchestra Hall. The breadth of its offerings and impact on the people of Chicago were synthesized in the Negaunee Music Institute Showcase video featuring performances by musicians from the Percussion Scholarship Program, Civic Orchestra of Chicago, Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative and more.


I would like to express my sincere thanks to Helen Zell, who has served the CSOA as Board Chair since 2016. I am grateful for her insight and counsel, her generosity and ability to approach present challenges while always keeping the future success of the organization front of mind. The amount of time and energy she has given while serving as chair is a testament to her devotion to this organization. During her time as chair, she oversaw the CSO’s 125th anniversary celebration; cultivated new board members and donors; oversaw the development of a 10-year strategic plan; helped the CSOA reach a five-year agreement with the CSO musicians; established new guidelines to develop the CSOA’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts; contributed to many of the CSO’s recent commissions of new works; eagerly supported the Orchestra on numerous national and international tours in addition to special projects at Orchestra Hall, and, of course, most recently stewarded the organization through the pandemic with remarkable results. I am so grateful to the CSOA family for making the 2020/21 Season a success despite all odds. The challenges of this year were met with the enthusiasm of the musicians of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the creativity of the Negaunee Music Institute, the incredible resourcefulness of the staff and the dedication of our Board of Trustees. The CSOA’s commitment to its mission resulted in an outpouring of generosity from the CSOA’s volunteers, patrons and donors for which we are truly thankful.

Jeff Alexander President Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association




The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association ended its fiscal year in a strong financial position, despite continued headwinds from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Operating revenue was reduced to less than $1 million, compared to pre-pandemic operating revenue of $28.5 million in 2019. The lower operating revenue, driven by an inability to hold in-person concerts due to government mandates to curb the pandemic, led to a need for significant expense reductions and ongoing strong contributed support. The Association invested in innovative new digital programming through CSOtv as a way to remain connected with our “family” of CSO supporters while broadening our reach and delivering on our mission. Along with the normal withdrawal from our endowment to support operating needs, we leaned on our Other Investments fund with a $3 million draw from that fund. The broad-based approach to new programming, disciplined use of our investments, continued operating support from donors and responsible expense management — including the collaboration of all employees in meaningful compensation reductions — resulted in operating income of $1.65 million for the year. The net assets of the Association grew by more than $100 million to $348.7 million at June 30, the result of improvements in the value of our investments, significant new gifts to our Endowment and Other Investment funds and reductions in our pension and interest rate swap liabilities and bonds payable. Endowment and other investments assets were valued at $462 million at June 30, 2021, compared with $361 million at June 30, 2020. Financial sustainability remains a critical pillar of the Association’s long-term strategic goals and, even with the challenges of the past year, our financial footing is strong. The last year also brought into focus the shared goals of all those who work for and with the CSO and those who support the organization with their generosity. We have worked collectively to advance the mission of the CSO to enrich, inspire and transform lives through music, community engagement and education — locally, nationally and internationally. We will continue to respond to the evolving challenges of the pandemic so that we can gather safely to enjoy the artistry of the world-class Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Chorus, the Civic Orchestra of Chicago and many guest artists on our Symphony Center Presents series.

Renée Metcalf Treasurer Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association




[All dollar figures in thousands]

For the Years Ended

June 30, 2021

June 30, 2020

Ticket revenue



Other operating revenue



Total operating revenue



Total support, net of fundraising event expense



Total operating revenue and support



Total operating expenses





Endowment, other investments, beneficial interest in trusts



Total assets



Bonds payable



Net assets



Operating income / (deficit)

* During FY21, 194 paid concerts were canceled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to reduced total operating revenue. ** During FY20, 110 paid concerts were canceled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to reduced total operating revenue. For a copy of audited financial statements, please contact the Finance Department at 312-294-3302.




In June 2020, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to ratify new guidelines that formally establish a process to track the evolution of the CSOA’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts in programming and practices for audiences, artists, employees and Trustees. Five framework groups were formed in 2021, with participation by more than 60 members of the Board of Trustees, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Chorus, Civic Orchestra of Chicago and CSOA administration. With guidance from DEI consultant Heather McClean, the groups were convened to oversee planning, accountability and regular reporting in the following areas of operation: musicians and artists, Trustee recruitment and retention, management and staff, Negaunee Music Institute at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and audience development. During the 2020/21 Season, each framework group developed a mission statement and three goals to be prioritized by administration leadership for delivery over the coming seasons. In June 2021, the groups presented their first report to the Board of Trustees. CSOA management will continue to report annually on the established priorities, progress made and future goals in the five aforementioned areas.

Musicians and artists

Framework groups

Trustee recruitment and retention

60+ Management and staff

Negaunee Music Institute at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

members of the Board of Trustees, Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Chicago Symphony Chorus, Civic Orchestra of Chicago and CSOA administration

Audience development



CSO Sessions: Mozart Gran Partita


CSO Sessions

From the CSO’s Archives: From the CSO’s Archives: Great Music From Chicago


CSOtv To help audiences stay connected with music during the hiatus from live concerts, the CSOA launched a new streaming platform, CSOtv, in fall of 2020. Expanding upon the success of past performance videos and archival recordings released during the earliest months of the pandemic, CSOtv offered newly filmed performances by members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, historic CSO concerts, educational videos and special features throughout the season.

CSO Sessions Anchoring the new digital content available on CSOtv was the CSO Sessions series, created with artistic guidance from Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti and featuring musicians of the CSO performing in chamber ensembles. Beautifully filmed in Orchestra Hall, each of the 22 episodes that premiered in 2020/21 provided patrons a front-row seat to the artistry of CSO musicians. To ensure a safe filming process at Symphony Center, health guidelines were developed in consultation with Dr. Emily Landon of University of Chicago Medicine, and Rush University System of Health administered weekly COVID-19 tests to musicians, stagehands and staff. In addition to these partnerships, the CSO Sessions series was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the CSO musicians, Board of Trustees and CSOA staff. Many of the latter took on new roles such as camera operators or score readers. We are grateful to longtime CSOA photographer Todd Rosenberg for overseeing our video activities and for his skilled camera work and editing abilities, and to CSOA  Audio Engineer Charlie Post who so beautifully captured these performances.

“ The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is my musical family, and I am eager to return. Until that time, these streamed performances highlight the talents of this wonderful ensemble. Here, the public is able to witness the great technical abilities and artistry in detail of some of the best musicians in the world. Chicago should be very proud to have such an orchestra.” Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti

Sponsorship support for CSO Sessions was generously provided by the Zell Family Foundation; an anonymous donor; Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Fund; JCS Arts, Health and Education Fund of DuPage Foundation; the Julian Family Foundation, in honor of Cristina Rocca; Cynthia M. Sargent; Megan and Steve Shebik; Betty W. Smykal; Tawani Foundation; National Endowment for the Arts; ITW, and PNC.

Official Airline of the CSO

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra thanks the following donors who provided major support for new music programming: the Zell Family Foundation, Cynthia M. Sargent, the Sally Mead Hands Foundation and the Julian Family Foundation. The Mead Composer-in-Residence is endowed through the generous support of Cindy Sargent and the late Sally Mead Hands. The world premiere, CSO MusicNOW commissions of Nicole Mitchell’s Cult of Electromagnetic Connectivity and Courtney Bryan’s Requiem were made possible through the generous support of Helen Zell.


Watch CSO Sessions

Throughout the season, iconic chamber works such as Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos, Mozart’s Gran Partita, Mendelssohn’s Octet for Strings and Messiaen’s Quartet for the End of Time were performed alongside music by living composers such as Amanda Harberg, Paola Prestini, Caroline Shaw, Joan Tower and Mead Composers-in-Residence Missy Mazzoli (2018-21) and Jessie Montgomery (2021-). The series also showcased works by African American composers Nicole Mitchell, Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson, Florence Price, Tomeka Reid, Wadada Leo Smith and George Walker; Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, a British composer of African descent, and Guadeloupeborn French composer Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges. From his home in Ravenna, Italy, Riccardo Muti led a coaching session via Zoom with four CSO musicians as they prepared Rossini’s Sonata No. 6 in D Major, which was featured in a CSO Sessions episode that premiered in October. In addition, former Sir Georg Solti Conducting Apprentice Erina Yashima returned to Symphony Center to conduct seven CSO musicians and Chicago-based actor James Earl Jones II in a performance of Stravinsky’s The Soldier’s Tale. Missy Mazzoli concluded her three-year tenure as Mead Composer-inResidence by curating two episodes of CSO Sessions, which were released in June 2021. The programs featured the music of seven composers and included four world premieres, two of which were CSO MusicNOW commissions: Nicole Mitchell’s Cult of Electromagnetic Connectivity and Courtney Bryan’s Requiem. Alexander Hanna, the David and Mary Winton Green Principal Bass Chair, performed as soloist in Dark with Excessive Bright, Mazzoli’s virtuosic concerto for double bass and chamber orchestra.

Support for Symphony Center Presents On Demand was generously provided by Exelon.

Symphony Center Presents On Demand Funding for the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Septet concert and for jazz educational programs (see page 39) during the 2020/21 Season was generously provided by Dan J. Epstein, Judy Guitelman and the Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation.

The engagement of Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Septet was supported by the Arts Midwest Touring Fund, a program of Arts Midwest that is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, with additional contributions from the Illinois Arts Council Agency and the Crane Group.

Several guest artists and ensembles appeared on CSOtv as part of the Symphony Center Presents On Demand series. Mexican-born pianist and Chicago-area resident Jorge Federico Osorio opened the series with an intimate recital recorded in Orchestra Hall, featuring works by Granados, Debussy, Brahms and more. The beloved a cappella ensemble Chanticleer presented A Chanticleer Christmas: From Darkness to Light, a visually stunning film recorded in the San Francisco Bay Area that captured the magic of the group’s annual holiday concert. The series also featured a concert, filmed in New York City, by the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Septet with Wynton Marsalis. Seven of jazz’s finest soloists performed The Democracy! Suite, a new composition written by Marsalis in response to the political, social and economic struggles facing Watch the nation.

Symphony Center Presents On Demand highlights


CSO for Kids For more than 100 years, young people have explored the wonder of classical music through the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s concerts for children. The CSO’s Negaunee Music Institute continued to reach young audiences throughout the 2020/21 Season with a new series of educational videos that used classical music to bring contemporary children’s literature to life. Featuring performances by CSO musicians, engaging animation and narration by guest artists — including Chicago’s First Lady Amy Eshleman; jazz musician Kurt Elling; poet, sociologist and educator Eve L. Ewing; author, children’s musician and early childhood development specialist Jim Gill, and Grammy-nominated children’s rocker Justin Roberts — these videos were streamed on CSOtv and social media for free. In addition, parents and teachers were provided with supplemental educational resources to deepen children’s engagement.

Civic Orchestra of Chicago The Civic Orchestra of Chicago — the CSO’s prestigious ensemble for earlycareer musicians — presented a free series of concerts, filmed at Symphony Center and beyond, on CSOtv. Six episodes featured chamber music by diverse composers from the 18th to 21st centuries, including two programs of music by living composers that were curated by the Civic Fellows. For the season finale, Principal Conductor Ken-David Masur joined 44 Civic Orchestra musicians onstage in Orchestra Hall to perform Missy Mazzoli’s Sinfonia (for Orbiting Spheres) and Schumann’s Fourth Symphony.

From the CSO’s Archives: Great Music From Chicago In 1951, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra became the first American orchestra to appear on a weekly television series. Originally called Hour of Music and later Great Music From Chicago, these concerts were carried over WGN-TV and featured world-renowned conductors and soloists, along with members of the Orchestra. During the 2020/21 Season, four of these archival concerts were streamed on CSOtv. Programs featured then CSO Music Directors Désiré Defauw and Jean Martinon, former Associate Conductor Walter Hendl, violinist Isaac Stern and Frank Miller, longtime principal cello of the CSO.

CSOtv Features A variety of free videos premiered on CSOtv throughout the season, including previous concerts of the CSO, newly recorded performances and special programs.

My Magic Breath, Maybe Something Beautiful and Exquisite were produced in collaboration with Chicago Children’s Theatre.

Support for CSO for Kids was provided by Abbott Fund, Archer Daniels Midland Company, John Hart and Carol Prins, Kinder Morgan, PNC, Megan and Steve Shebik, Michael and Linda Simon, the Walter and Caroline Sueske Charitable Trust and an anonymous family foundation. Allstate Insurance Company is the CSOA Youth Education Program Sponsor.

The 2020/21 Civic Orchestra of Chicago season was generously sponsored by The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation. Major funding for the Civic Orchestra Fellowship Program is provided by The Julian Family Foundation. The Negaunee Music Institute is endowed by a generous gift from The Negaunee Foundation. 2020/21 Civic Orchestra of Chicago programs were sponsored in part by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

CSO Sessions: Home for the Holidays

Cynthia Yeh and Kenneth Olsen

CSOA staff member Dana Navarro

Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti (on screen) and CSO musicians Richard Hirschl, Daniel Armstrong, Susan Synnestvedt and Baird Dodge

Photographer and videographer Todd Rosenberg

Alexander Hanna and CSO musicians

Jennifer Gunn and William Buchman

Keith Buncke

Gina DiBello

Stephen Williamson

CSO Sessions: Dvořák String Sextet

CSO Sessions: Stravinsky The Soldier’s Tale featuring conductor Erina Yashima and actor James Earl Jones II

John Bruce Yeh

Oto Carrillo

CSOA staff member Joe Sherman

CSOA staff members Shelley Baldridge and Carolyn Stoner

CSOA staff member Charles Braico

“ The [CSO Sessions] series is a kind of love letter to both the CSO’s stellar players and to Orchestra Hall ... a winning combination of warm intimacy and elegant formality. The CSO’s high production values are a relief and a delight.” Musical America


Jorge Federico Osorio

A Chanticleer Christmas: From Darkness to Light

Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Septet with Wynton Marsalis: The Democracy! Suite


“ [CSO for Kids videos] were a wonderful way to connect my curriculum to the arts and remember that in times of darkness, music is a light.” Jack Beven, first-grade teacher, Galileo Elementary School

My Magic Breath

The Music in George’s Head

May There Always Be Sunshine

o l 's Sch oOUT! Maybe Something Beautiful


School’s Out!

Illustrations by Michelle Polizzi (My Magic Breath), Stacy Innerst (The Music in George’s Head), Susie Signorino (May There Always Be Sunshine), Rafael López (Maybe Something Beautiful) and Cozbi A. Cabrera (Exquisite)

Civic Orchestra of Chicago and Principal Conductor Ken-David Masur

Civic Orchestra of Chicago: Form the Fabric


Muti Conducts Beethoven 9

CSO Virtual Recital: Lincoln String Quartet

Solti’s Beethoven: The Fifth Symphony Revisited

Tribute to Veterans: Trumpeting the Power of Music


SHOWCASE The Symphony of Rhythm: Solti Conducts Beethoven’s Seventh

Negaunee Music Institute Showcase


Concerts from May 27-June 13, 2021, were generously sponsored by the Zell Family Foundation. The appearance of Erina Yashima was generously sponsored by the Julian Family Foundation. The CSOA thanks Bank of America and United Airlines for their support of the CSO. The CSOA acknowledges support from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.

Audiences Return to Concerts at Symphony Center On May 27, 2021, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra returned to Orchestra Hall for its first performances for audiences in more than 14 months. The program, appropriately titled Fanfare, featured triumphant music by American composers, performed by members of the CSO brass and percussion sections, conducted by CSO trombone Michael Mulcahy. Musicians, patrons and staff were overjoyed to return to Symphony Center, which, like other arts venues worldwide, had been shuttered by the COVID-19 pandemic since March 2020. In attendance at this special concert were workers from Rush University System for Health, who delivered more than 1,250 screening tests to CSO musicians and staff during the pandemic. Two additional weeks of concerts followed, including a program conducted by former Sir Georg Solti Conducting Apprentice Erina Yashima and featuring works by Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Franz Schubert, Zoltán Kodály and Jessie Montgomery, the CSO’s incoming Mead Composer-in-Residence. Guest conductor Edo de Waart, a longtime favorite on the Orchestra Hall podium, closed the three-week concert run with performances of Mozart’s Overture to Don Giovanni and Symphony No. 40 and Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll.

Women’s Board member Ruthie Ryan and Rich Ryan

CSOA President Jeff Alexander, CSO horn and Chairman of the Members’ Committee James Smelser and Board of Trustees Chair Helen Zell

Photos by Anne Ryan


“ With these concerts, we take an important step toward putting this difficult period behind us. Here the spiritual food of culture brings us together again as it has for so many years. Music is not entertainment; it is a mission. It stimulates our greatest emotions and activates our intellectual curiosity. It improves the health of our minds, and in so doing, cultivates the health of our society. Let us heal our hearts with great music.” Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti

Conductor Michael Mulcahy and CSO musicians

Conductor Erina Yashima and CSO musicians

“ The sense of pure elation was palpable… [The CSO musicians’] sound was as full and beautiful as ever.” WTTW

Photos by Anne Ryan

Rush University System for Health employees, CSO musicians and CSOA staff member Anne MacQuarrie

Conductor Edo de Waart and CSO musicians



Percussion Scholarship Program member Bridget Hemesath

Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative Fellow Zachary Allen


CSO in the Community Musicians of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra performed three outdoor, socially distanced concerts for healthcare workers and residents of senior centers in August 2020. Organized by the CSO’s Negaunee Music Institute, the concerts provided moments of much-needed human connection amid the isolation and stress of the pandemic. Residents of the Breakers and Montgomery Place enjoyed chamber and solo music at their retirement communities, respectively located in the Edgewater and Hyde Park neighborhoods. On the city’s west side, staff from Esperanza Health Centers, Lawndale Christian Health Centers, Sinai Hospital and Saint Anthony Hospital gathered for a performance in Douglass Park.

Simon Michal and Weijing Wang Residents of Montgomery Place

CSO mixed trio at Montgomery Place

“ What a wonderful gesture of thanks and acknowledgment for our front-line health workers who have given so much during these past few months and have been such a remarkable source of inspiration. To offer them this rare moment of beauty and reflection during challenging times of uncertainty was a wonderful gift indeed.” Vice President of External Affairs Ricardo Cifuentes, Esperanza Health Centers


CSO string quartet at Douglass Park



CSO oboe-English horn quartet at the Breakers

Gene Pokorny

CSO wind quintet at Douglass Park

Audience members at Douglass Park

Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson


Civic Orchestra of Chicago During the 2020/21 Season, members of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago continued their training remotely through studio classes with CSO musicians and a variety of professional development workshops. Performance opportunities included the Civic Orchestra’s series of concerts on CSOtv (see page 17) and a mock audition intensive that involved all 85 members of the ensemble working closely with 37 CSO musicians. The Civic Fellows, a group of nine Civic musicians, engaged in additional professional development activities, including a virtual songwriting project with former prisoners and young people who reside in the U.K. Students from Chicago Public Schools who participated in the CSO-Connect school partnership program enjoyed a virtual performance and visit from the Civic Fellows. In addition, the Fellows curated two programs of contemporary music for the Civic Orchestra’s CSOtv series, one of which featured works selected through a global call for scores that garnered more than 200 submissions.

Civic Orchestra of Chicago percussion Taylor Hampton

2020/21 Civic Fellows


School Partnerships With most local schools operating remotely for at least part of the 2020/21 school year, the Negaunee Music Institute adjusted many of its school programs to continue providing resources for students and teachers online. Educators in approximately 200 schools used CSO for Kids videos (see pages 17 and 25) in their classrooms to supplement curriculum across a variety of subjects — including music, reading and art — and to support students’ social and emotional learning. Students from five schools across Chicago and the suburbs partnered with local senior centers to create their own artwork and video based on May There Always Be Sunshine, the third video in the series. Nine schools participated in CSO-Connect, a partnership between the Negaunee Music Institute and Chicago Public Schools (CPS). Teams of teachers from each school participated in workshops to develop an arts-integrated curriculum, centered on the theme of music and emotion, for hundreds of students in first through eighth grades. Members of the Civic Orchestra continued to mentor CPS students through virtual coaching sessions with high school musicians. Additionally, music teachers in CPS and suburban schools enjoyed free access to episodes of CSO Sessions. After students viewed the performances, CSO musicians joined several classrooms for virtual conversations.

“ Our Sinfonietta Orchestra class watched the CSO Sessions episode of Stravinsky’s The Soldier’s Tale before our Q&A session. … The [Q&A] session was a great connection moment with the musicians, as our students realized that CSO musicians are human, too, and have been through, or are going through, a lot of the same things that they are as high school students. It was a highlight of the school year!” Orchestra Director Devon Morales, Lane Tech College Prep High School

Artwork created by local students and seniors

Students at Harriet Tubman Elementary School, a CSO-Connect partner


Training of Young Musicians Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti coached five fellows of the Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative (CMPI) in a master class on March 31, 2021. With Maestro Muti joining virtually from Italy, the young musicians performed chamber music in Orchestra Hall for an audience of more than 220 households watching via livestream. CMPI’s mission is to identify and develop gifted and motivated orchestral students from underrepresented backgrounds for acceptance into top-tier classical music programs in preparation for careers as professional musicians. The CSO’s Negaunee Music Institute is one of 12 CMPI Advisory Council partner organizations. Throughout the school year, each student in the Percussion Scholarship Program (PSP) received two lessons per week via video conference, and older students mentored younger students through video practice sessions every day. While students primarily recorded recitals from their homes, several PSP members came to Symphony Center in spring of 2021 to film performances for the first annual Negaunee Music Institute Showcase (see page 27). During the 2021 Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra Septet’s virtual residency (see page 16), students from local music programs participated in two virtual Q&A sessions with members of the ensemble, as well as a virtual interview and Q&A with trumpeter-composer Wynton Marsalis. In addition, students were provided free early access to the ensemble’s virtual performance of The Democracy! Suite, which premiered on CSOtv as part of the Symphony Center Presents On Demand series.

Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative fellows and mentors with Riccardo Muti (on screen)

“ Playing for Maestro Muti was one of the highlights of my musical career so far.” Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative Fellow Esme Arias-Kim


Notes for Peace

“ I’m honored to have you do this for my son. I have to tell his story. This helps me do that.” Aimee Giles

Notes for Peace, a project of the Negaunee Music Institute, empowers parents who have lost children to gun violence to create original songs honoring the lives and memories of their loved ones. In fall of 2020, Notes for Peace music videos were showcased as part of Strides for Peace: The Race Against Gun Violence, an annual event that raises funds for Chicagoarea community organizations that work to reduce and respond to gun violence, and the Peace Studio’s 100 Offerings of Peace, a project that brought together artists from many fields to create artwork in response to both the COVID-19 pandemic and the movement for racial justice. With leadership from teaching artists of the U.K.-based Irene Taylor Trust, Civic alumni Roslyn Green and Juan Olivares and the Civic Fellows, 12 new songs were composed and professionally recorded during the 2020/21 Season and are available, alongside family photos and lyrics, on notesforpeace.org. Since 2017, nearly 70 families have written songs in memory of their loved ones.

“Myles of Smiles” by Aimee Giles and Sara Lee for Aimee’s son Myles Frazier

“My Golden Child” by Sharon Purnell and Juan Gabriel Olivares for Sharon’s son Damien Purnell

“Someday They’ll Write a Song About You” by LaWanda Sterling and Rex Horan for LaWanda’s son Jeremiah Sterling

“ I reach and reach for things my arms can never touch. I never thought I would be blessed with something so beautiful. This made my day, my week, my month, my last 10 years.” LaWanda Sterling


Orchestral Excerpt Insights Orchestral Excerpt Insights is a free series of educational videos featuring musicians of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra performing and sharing personal insights about musical excerpts regularly requested in orchestral auditions. The series premiered in the 2020/21 Season and is produced by the Negaunee Music Institute, adding to the range of educational resources available to music students and teachers.

Robert Chen on Strauss’ Ein Heldenleben

Jennifer Gunn on Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 6

Esteban Batallán on Mahler’s Symphony No. 5




As the pandemic prevented the CSOA from safely welcoming audiences to Symphony Center until late May 2021, musicians and staff alike embraced the opportunity to develop digital content in lieu of live, in-person concerts and events. In addition to the release of recorded performances on new platforms like CSOtv, CSOradio programming was expanded. The season also provided a chance for audiences to hear directly from CSO musicians in new ways — through interviews, podcasts, educational videos and more. This digital content has been made available through a new online hub called Experience CSO and shared broadly through social media and email campaigns.

CSO Sessions



Solti’s Beethoven: The Fifth Symphony Revisited

9,520 plays

CSO Sessions Episode 2

6,963 plays



35,504 plays


Muti Conducts Beethoven 9

7,145 plays

CSOtv Features

CSO for Kids

Most-viewed content:

135,726 total plays on CSOtv, SeptemberJuly 2021. Top three series:

Most unique viewers

December 2020 — a record-setting month:


Most plays

Highest viewing time

328,778 minutes



The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association thanks Bank of America for its special support of the CSOradio Broadcast series.

Generous support for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association’s media portal is provided by the Walter and Karla Goldschmidt Foundation.

CSOradio The CSOradio broadcast series brings unparalleled live performances to thousands of listeners weekly. It features live concert performances by the CSO, recorded in Orchestra Hall, alongside selections from the Orchestra’s catalog of recordings. The series airs on Sundays on WFMT 98.7 FM in Chicago, then is syndicated on 504 stations in 41 states and Puerto Rico. During the 2020/21 Season, the CSOA and WFMT also presented two Tuesday radio broadcast series, which helped grow the number of Tuesday evening listeners by 350%. From the CSO’s Archives: Maestro’s Choice, curated by Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti, featured 24 broadcasts from April through September 2020. Next, 41 broadcasts aired as part of From the CSO’s Archives: The First 130 Years. Prepared with support from the Rosenthal Archives of the CSOA, the series was part of the Orchestra’s 130th season and focused on its extensive discography, featuring Grammy Award–winning releases, as well as recordings highlighting virtually every era in CSO history.

Experience CSO In February 2021, the CSOA launched the website Experience CSO, a new source for music lovers to immerse themselves in the sounds and stories behind the music of the CSO. The site offers articles, audio and video featuring the CSO and Chicago Symphony Chorus, as well as artists on the Symphony Center Presents series and members of the CSOA family, including the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, donors and volunteers. Experience CSO replaces Sounds & Stories, but the new site features popular S&S components, including CSOradio broadcasts, concert clips, playlists, interviews and more. Since its launch, Experience CSO has averaged 19,667 unique page views per month. Special features in the 2020/21 Season included a compilation of articles, playlists and videos in celebration of Black History Month (February 2021), Women’s History Month (March 2021), Volunteer Appreciation (April 2021) and Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (May 2021). Experience CSO also marked the conclusion of Missy Mazzoli’s tenure as Mead Composer-in-Residence with a series of articles and videos featuring Mazzoli discussing her time in this role (May/June 2021).


interMISSION @ the CSO

intermission @the cso

Created and produced by John Hagstrom In this podcast series, which premiered in September 2020, Chicago Symphony Orchestra musicians engaged in behind-the-scenes conversations about what it takes to make this one of the world’s greatest orchestras. Hosted by CSO trumpet John Hagstrom, the Pritzker Military Museum & Library Chair, the podcast featured interviews with 28 guests — including CSO musicians, staff and special guests — about all things CSO. Seven episodes, averaging 142 production hours each, were released in the 2020/21 Season and were downloaded 11,250 times. Listeners hailed from 73 countries, with the largest audiences coming from the USA, India, Japan, Spain, Germany and Canada.

Support for interMISSION @ the CSO is generously provided by Phyllis Bleck and Bruce Oltman.

Social media stats










As of July 2021


*increase of 35%


As seen on social media:

Solti‘s Beethoven: The Fifth Symphony Revisited CSO Sessions: Ravel String Quartet

Celebrating J.S. Bach‘s birthday

CSO Sessions: Beethoven Septet in E-flat Major

My Favorite CSO


Civic Orchestra of Chicago: Mazzoli Sinfonia (for Orbiting Spheres)

My Favorite CSO

CSO Resound The CSO’s audio team — first-time winner Charlie Post along with David Frost and Silas Brown — won a Grammy Award in the category Best Engineered Album–Classical for Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 13 (Babi Yar) in March 2021. The CSO Resound recording features Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti leading the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Men of the Chicago Symphony Chorus (prepared by Chorus Director Duain Wolfe) and bass Alexey Tikhomirov.

riccardo muti chicago symphony orchestra & chorus alexey tikhomirov







Despite being closed to in-person traffic, the Symphony Store saw great success over the course of the fiscal year. Annual revenue came in just over $132,000 — more than triple the initial sales goal, with a 182% increase in web revenue compared with the previous fiscal year. A variety of promotional offers and incentives contributed to this tremendous increase in sales. Highlights included the annual Holiday Sale, which brought in more than $41,000 in revenue over 714 orders, and the inaugural Summer Sale in July. New this year was the sale of face masks. In September 2020, two face mask designs were made available in the Symphony Store. The Chicago Flag design was the top-selling item store-wide this year, generating nearly $7,800 revenue with over 600 units sold. In total, over 1,500 face masks were produced and distributed to store customers, supporters of the Sounds of Celebration event, CSO musicians and CSOA employees.



CSO brass quintet in Sounds of Celebration: An Evening at Home with the CSO


Spotlight on Philanthropy The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association gratefully acknowledges the many individuals, philanthropic foundations, government agencies and corporate partners who contributed a total of $19.8 million in direct operational support during the 2020/21 Season. This amount includes gifts to Music Ahead, a matching challenge made possible through leadership support from the Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Fund, the Julian Family Foundation, the Zell Family Foundation, the Negaunee Foundation and Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse.

2020/21 Donor Support

The total amount raised throughout the season was $53.2 million, including funds contributed for general operations during the 2020/21 and future seasons, gifts for CSOA endowment funds and for fixed assets, gifts from unrestricted estate bequests and gift commitments to SEMPRE ALWAYS: The Campaign for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.



gifts to the Music Ahead matching challenge





first-time donors


ticket donations

$19.8 MILLION direct operational support



SEMPRE ALWAYS: The Campaign for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra is a $175 million fundraising effort to provide the secure footing needed to promote the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s preeminent role as a cultural icon showcasing musical brilliance, leadership and innovation. With an inaugural commitment and challenge from Helen and Sam Zell, leading members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association family have made substantial gifts as unrestricted campaign contributions. These gifts will allow the CSOA to begin achieving goals of a long-term strategic plan that focus on enhancing the Orchestra’s world-class status, while boldly and openly addressing systemic fiscal challenges. The CSOA is grateful for a number of commitments that provide ongoing endowment support for programs, facilities and positions, including the Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz Fund for the Assistant Concertmaster Chair and Symphony Center Arcade, the Steven and Megan Shebik Community Engagement Programs Fund, the Cathy and Bill Osborn Associate Concertmaster Chair, the Dora and John Aalbregtse Piccolo Chair and William and Elisabeth Adams’ underwriting of Box S in Orchestra Hall. A complete list of SEMPRE ALWAYS donors can be found online.

Planned Giving Bequests Legacy gifts to support the CSOA’s future endeavors


Planned gifts, including bequests through a will, trust or retirement plan, or established through an annuity, help ensure that the CSOA can continue to share the transformative power of music with future generations. During the 2020/21 Season, the CSOA received more than $7.6 million in gifts from the estates of CSOA family members. This is more than the Association has received in legacy gifts in a single fiscal year in more than five years.

gifts from the estates of CSOA family members

The CSOA gratefully remembers Christopher Culp, CSOA trustee and more than 20-year subscriber; Isak and Nancy Gerson, 50-year subscribers who were involved with the Governing Members and League of the CSOA, and Raymond Niwa, a member of the CSO violin section from 1951 to 1997. Their gifts make up a vital foundation that helped to support the organization in a year of uncertainty and change.

Cynthia Yeh

Theodore Thomas Society

Civic Orchestra alumna Dara Hankins and cellist Yo-Yo Ma

The CSOA’s planned giving society Named in honor of the founder and first music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Theodore Thomas Society recognizes those who make financial plans — in any amount — to benefit the CSO in the future. Stradivarian Associates, a unique group within the Society, are those members who provide documentation for an irrevocable planned gift of $50,000 or more or a revocable planned gift of $100,000 or more. Through special activities and access to VIP Patron Services, the Theodore Thomas Society honors its members by enhancing their appreciation of music as well as their inclusion in the CSOA family.

Across the CSOA Family Governing Members The CSOA’s first established philanthropic society The Governing Members (GMs) have been dedicated to ensuring the Orchestra’s success since 1894. In the 2020/21 Season, GMs participated in a variety of virtual events, including a conversation with Civic Orchestra Principal Conductor Ken-David Masur, a presentation about the CSO’s audition process, a behind-the-scenes look at the CSO Sessions production process and a series of Community & Conversation virtual happy hours.

Women’s Board A group of dynamic women leaders producing fundraising events and activities to benefit the CSO On October 24, 2020, the Women’s Board presented Sounds of Celebration: An Evening at Home with the CSO, a virtual fundraising event held in lieu of the annual Symphony Ball gala. The evening’s main attraction — a free, hourlong online broadcast — featured performances by CSO musicians and cellist Yo-Yo Ma, as well as special appearances by Zell Music Director Riccardo Muti and a star-studded lineup of guests. With leadership from Women’s Board Co-chairs Ruthie Ryan and Cynthia Scholl, Trustee Co-chair Robert Kohl and Women’s Board President Shelley Ochab, along with Northern Trust as presenting sponsor, Sounds of Celebration exceeded its fundraising goal and raised more than $920,000 for the CSOA.


League of the CSOA

Fall in Love with Music

The CSOA’s largest volunteer group, supporting educational programs and audience development The League of the CSOA adapted its signature fundraising event, Fall in Love with Music, into a virtual celebration of music and love on March 21, 2021. Hosted by CSO bassoon Miles Maner, the musical program featured acclaimed violinist Joshua Bell and CSO musicians Baird Dodge, Lawrence Neuman, David Griffin and Qing Hou. Past Fall in Love with Music guests, including Marin Alsop, Emanuel Ax, James Gaffigan and Leif Ove Andsnes, made special appearances. Under the leadership of co-chairs Jessica Erickson and Mimi Duginger, the event raised $54,000 — more than double its goal — for the CSOA’s educational and community engagement programs.

Overture Council The CSOA’s young professionals’ network Throughout the season, the Overture Council (OC) hosted more than 18 virtual events, including its annual Soundpost series, which explores the innovative side of classical music. Soundpost events featured themes including art, graphic design and musical experiences; music by Black composers and musician-inspired activism, and the art of jazz improvisation. Members of the OC also participated in exclusive conversations with guest artists, as well as joint events with the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, the CSO Latino Alliance, the League of the CSOA and young professionals’ networks from the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and Houston Symphony. Joshua Bell (photo by Lisa Marie Mazzucco)

Western Suburbs Ambassadors A group of committed advocates for the CSOA Members of the Western Suburbs Ambassadors (WSA), a group formed during the 2019/20 Season, subscribe to the CSO at Wheaton series and give generously to support concerts, educational programs and community engagement activities. In recognition of their support, the CSOA offers benefits and recognition tailored to the western suburbs and the CSO at Wheaton series. In February 2021, members of the WSA joined CSO trumpet John Hagstrom, the Pritzker Military Museum & Library Chair, for an exclusive conversation following a Salon Series virtual event.

National and International Friends A group that supports the CSO’s unparalleled global legacy The National and International Friends of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra help to share music that captivates and inspires audiences both at home and abroad. Members enjoy unrivaled access to the music and musicians of the CSO, whether in Chicago or on tour, through a range of personalized benefits.


African American Network A group that engages Chicago’s African American community through unforgettable musical experiences Established in 2016, the African American Network (AAN) presents curated programs to create connections and conversation through music. The AAN seeks to serve and encourage individuals, families, educators, students, musicians, composers and businesses to discover and experience the timeless beauty of music. In the 2020/21 Season, AAN members enjoyed episodes of CSO Sessions and joined virtual events with the Overture Council, Lyric Young Professionals, Chicago Musical Pathways Initiative and more.

Latino Alliance A group of professionals and music lovers that connects the CSO with Chicago’s diverse Spanish-speaking community For its annual holiday event, Noche Navideña, the Latino Alliance hosted a Facebook Premiere featuring a special performance that highlighted the diversity and traditions of Hispanic and Latin cultures, as well as holiday favorites and classical music. In June 2021, the Advisory Board of the CSO Latino Alliance presented a livestreamed concert titled Fiestas, ferias y danzas, in which musicians of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago performed a specially curated program of music by Latino composers.

Ensemble Español Spanish Dance Theater in the Latino Alliance’s Noche Navideña virtual event


Chicago Symphony Orchestra Riccardo Muti Zell Music Director

Duain Wolfe Chorus Director and Conductor Missy Mazzoli Mead Composer-in-Residence VIOLINS

Robert Chen Concertmaster The Louis C. Sudler Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor Stephanie Jeong Associate Concertmaster The Cathy and Bill Osborn Chair David Taylor Yuan-Qing Yu Assistant Concertmasters* So Young Bae Cornelius Chiu Alison Dalton Gina DiBello Kozue Funakoshi Russell Hershow Qing Hou Blair Milton Sando Shia Susan Synnestvedt Rong-Yan Tang Baird Dodge Principal Lei Hou Ni Mei Fox Fehling Hermine Gagné Rachel Goldstein Mihaela Ionescu Sylvia Kim Kilcullen Melanie Kupchynsky Wendy Koons Meir Matous Michal Simon Michal Aiko Noda Joyce Noh Nancy Park Ronald Satkiewicz Florence Schwartz VIOLAS

Li-Kuo Chang Acting Principal The Paul Hindemith Principal Viola Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor Catherine Brubaker Youming Chen Sunghee Choi Wei-Ting Kuo Danny Lai Diane Mues Lawrence Neuman Max Raimi Weijing Wang


John Sharp Principal The Eloise W. Martin Chair Kenneth Olsen Assistant Principal The Adele Gidwitz Chair Karen Basrak Loren Brown Richard Hirschl Daniel Katz Katinka Kleijn David Sanders Gary Stucka Brant Taylor BASSES

Alexander Hanna Principal The David and Mary Winton Green Principal Bass Chair Daniel Armstrong Joseph DiBello Robert Kassinger Mark Kraemer Stephen Lester Bradley Opland HARPS

Sarah Bullen Principal Lynne Turner FLUTES

Stefán Ragnar Höskuldsson Principal The Erika and Dietrich M. Gross Principal Flute Chair Emma Gerstein Jennifer Gunn PICCOLO

Jennifer Gunn The Dora and John Aalbregtse Piccolo Chair OBOES

William Welter Principal The Nancy and Larry Fuller Principal Oboe Chair Michael Henoch Assistant Principal The Gilchrist Foundation Chair Lora Schaefer Scott Hostetler ENGLISH HORN

Scott Hostetler



E - F L AT C L A R I N E T


Stephen Williamson Principal John Bruce Yeh Assistant Principal Gregory Smith John Bruce Yeh BASSOONS

Keith Buncke Principal William Buchman Assistant Principal Dennis Michel Miles Maner CONTR ABASSOON

Miles Maner HORNS

David Cooper Principal Daniel Gingrich Associate Principal James Smelser David Griffin Oto Carrillo Susanna Gaunt TRUMPETS

Esteban Batallán Principal The Adolph Herseth Principal Trumpet Chair, endowed by an anonymous benefactor Mark Ridenour Assistant Principal John Hagstrom The Pritzker Military Museum & Library Chair Tage Larsen

David Herbert Principal The Clinton Family Fund Chair Vadim Karpinos Assistant Principal Cynthia Yeh Principal The Dinah Jacobs (Mrs. Donald P. Jacobs) Principal Percussion Chair Patricia Dash Vadim Karpinos James Ross LIBR ARIANS

Peter Conover Principal Carole Keller Mark Swanson ORCHESTR A PERSONNEL

John Deverman Director Anne MacQuarrie Manager, CSO Auditions and Orchestra Personnel S TA G E T E C H N I C I A N S

Christopher Lewis Stage Manager Blair Carlson Paul Christopher Ramon Echevarria Ryan Hartge Peter Landry Todd Snick


Jay Friedman Principal The Lisa and Paul Wiggin Principal Trombone Chair Michael Mulcahy Charles Vernon BASS TROMBONE

Charles Vernon TUBA

Gene Pokorny Principal The Arnold Jacobs Principal Tuba Chair, endowed by Christine Querfeld

* Assistant concertmasters are listed by seniority. The Louise H. Benton Wagner Chair currently is unoccupied. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra string sections utilize revolving seating. Players behind the first desk (first two desks in the violins) change seats systematically every two weeks and are listed alphabetically. Section percussionists also are listed alphabetically.


Chicago Symphony Chorus

Duain Wolfe Chorus Director and Conductor Cheryl Frazes Hill Associate Director Jennifer Kerr Budziak Assistant Director Andrew Lewis Assistant Director Benjamin Rivera Assistant Director Gretchen Adams Michele Braché Agpalo Geoffrey Agpalo Alicia Monastero Akers Melinda Alberty Ashley Armstrong Melissa Arning Megan E. Bell Laney A. Benson III Nicole Besa Laura Boguslavsky Madison Bolt Eileen Marie Bora Humberto Borboa Michael Boschert William Bouvel Michael Brauer Evan Bravos Matthew Brennan Michael Brown Terry L. Bucher Erich Buchholz Jennifer Kerr Budziak Laura Bumgardner Hannah Busch Diane Busko Bryks Lieve Buzard Anastasia Cameron Balmer Andrea Caruso Michael Cavalieri Joan Cinquegrani Bethany Clearfield Joseph Cloonan Nathalie Colas Natalie Conseur Magaly Cordero Ryan J. Cox Emily Crisp Sandra Cross Angela De Venuto Allison Deady Leah Dexter Chris DiMarco Micah A. Dingler Claire DiVizio

Hannah Dixon McConnell Katarzyna Dorula Meredith Taylor Du Bon Kathryn Kinjo Duncan Ashley Eason Stacy Eckert Nora Engonopoulos Jared Velasco Esguerra Nicholas Falco Andrew Fisher Megan Fletcher Kemper Florin Leigh Folta Henriët Fourie Carl Frank Kirsten Fyr-Searcy Ace T. Gangoso Klaus Georg Dimitri German Liana Gineitis Jennifer Gingrich David Govertsen Mary Lutz Govertsen Josh Green Nida Grigalaviciute Kimberly Gunderson Amy Gwinn-Becker Elizabeth Haley Kevin Michael Hall Ashlee Hardgrave Adam Lance Hendrickson Megan Hendrickson Daniel Julius Henry Jr. Jianghai Ho Betsy Hoats Michaël Hudetz Ingrid Israel Mikolajczyk Margaret Izard Taylor Jacobson Carla Janzen Garrett Johannsen Amy Allyssa Johnson Alison Kelly Robin A. Kessler Jung Kim

Jess Koehn Tasha Koontz Lisa Kotara Susan Krout Alexandra Kunath Joe Labozetta Mathew Lake Katelyn Lee Rosalind Lee Kristin Lelm Lee Lichamer Amanda Compton LoPresti Kathleen Madden Suzanne Ma-Ebersole Dorian McCall Bill McMurray Mark James Meier Eric Miranda Rebecca S. Moan Stephen Mollica Randall E. Moore Patrick Muehleise Keith A. Murphy Lillian Murphy Nathan S. Oakes Máire O’Brien Rachel Olson Wha Shin Park Clarissa Parrish Short Steven Michael Patrick Douglas Peters Amy Pickering Cari Plachy Sarah Ponder Elvira Ponticelli Robert J. Potsic Angela Presutti Emily Price Ian R. Prichard Nicholas Pulikowski Antonio Quaranta Margaret Quinnette Leo Radosavljevic Julia Rahm Peder Reiff

Stephen Richardson Alyssa Rick Alexia Rivera Benjamin Rivera Nicoleta Roman Brennan Runzo Kyle Sackett Sladjana Saric Cole Seaton Cindy Senneke Andrew Seymour Joe Shadday Aaron Short Cassidy Smith Joseph Smith Brandon Sokol Marie Sokolova Emma Sorenson Rachel Sparrow Kevin St. John Meaghan Stainback Sean Stanton Heidi Jo Stirling Ryan Townsend Strand Alan Taylor Samantha Thielen Paul W. Thompson Scott Uddenberg Anna VanDeKerchove Elizabeth Vaughan Vince Wallace Corinne Wallace-Crane Aaron Wardell Rebecca Watts Peter Wesoloski Eric West Debra Wilder Megan Wilhelm Jonathan Wilson Juan Zapata REHEARSAL PIANISTS

John Goodwin Sharon Peterson Andrew Rosenblum


Civic Orchestra of Chicago

Ken-David Masur Principal Conductor VIOLINS

Jamie Andrusyak Fahad Awan Joshua Burca Hannah Cartwright Aviva Chertok Hannah Christiansen* Joy Curtin Joe DeAngelo Diego Diaz John Heffernan Alexandria Hill Pauline Kempf Diana Kim Elliot Lee Luke Lentini* Allison Lovera Amanda Marshall Marianne Martinoli Zoë Merrill Tabitha Oh Rachel Peters Anna Piotrowski Owen Ruff Arianna Schickel Naomi Schrank Kristen Seto Genevieve Smelser Brent Taghap Weilu Zhang

* Civic Orchestra Fellow


Ye Jin Goo Rachel Mostek Sofia Nikas Hanna Pederson Bethany Pereboom* Teddy Schenkman Taisiya Sokolova Josephine Stockwell Chloé Thominet Seth Van Embden Benjamin Wagner CELLOS

Najette Abouelhadi* Eva María Barbado Gutiérrez Philip Bergman* Noémie Golubovic Jingjing Hu Victor Huls Martin Meyer Charlotte Ullman BASSES

Adam Attard Nick DeLaurentis Emmett Jackson Wesley Jones Maggie Lin Lindsey Orcutt Isaac Polinsky Vincent Trautwein


Evan Fojtik Alexandria Hoffman* Eric Leise OBOES

Erik Andrusyak Samuel Waring Laura Yawney* CLARINETS

Laurie Blanchet Nicolas Chona Gilwoo Kim BASSOONS

Edin Agamenoni Marlene Ngalissamy Nicholas Ritter HORNS

Abigail Black* Fiona Chisholm Kayla Howell Katherine Seybold Kelsey Williams TRUMPETS

David Nakazono Dan Price Michael Terrasi


Ignacio del Rey Tomas-Biosca Brian Johnston BASS TROMBONE

Robinson Schulze TUBA

Jarrett McCourt T I M PA N I


Joseph Bricker* Taylor Hampton KEYBOARD

Pei-yeh Tsai HARP

Eleanor Kirk LIBR ARIAN

Elizabeth Bellisario


Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Board of Trustees OFFICERS

Helen Zell Chair Mary Louise Gorno Vice Chair, Chair-Elect Steven Shebik Vice Chair Liisa Thomas Vice Chair Renée Metcalf Treasurer Jeff Alexander President Renay Slifka Secretary of the Board Stacie M. Frank Assistant Treasurer Dale Hedding Vice President for Development HONOR ARY TRUSTEES

The Honorable Lori Lightfoot, Honorary Chair The Honorable Richard M. Daley Lady Valerie Solti † TRUSTEES

John Aalbregtse Peter J. Barack H. Rigel Barber Randy Lamm Berlin Roderick Branch Susan Bridge* Kay Bucksbaum Robert J. Buford Leslie Henner Burns Debra A. Cafaro Marion A. Cameron-Gray George P. Colis Keith S. Crow Stephen V. D’Amore Timothy A. Duffy Brian W. Duwe Graham C. Grady

Ex-officio * Trustee

† Deceased

Lori Julian Geraldine Keefe Donna L. Kendall Thomas Kilroy James Kolar Randall S. Kroszner Josef Lakonishok Patty Lane Renée Metcalf Britt M. Miller Mary Pivirotto Murley Sylvia Neil Shelley Ochab* Gerald Pauling Michael A. Perlstein* Jose Luis Prado Dr. Irwin Press Col. Jennifer N. Pritzker Dr. Mohan Rao Burton X. Rosenberg Kristen C. Rossi E. Scott Santi Steven E. Shebik Marlon R. Smith Walter Snodell Daniel E. Sullivan, Jr. Scott Swanson Nasrin Thierer Liisa Thomas Terrence J. Truax Frederick H. Waddell Paul S. Watford Paul R. Wiggin Craig R. Williams Robert Wislow Helen Zell Gifford R. Zimmerman


William Adams IV Mrs. Robert A. Beatty Arnold M. Berlin Laurence O. Booth William G. Brown Dean L. Buntrock Bruce E. Clinton Richard Colburn Richard H. Cooper Anthony T. Dean Charles Douglas John A. Edwardson Thomas J. Eyerman James B. Fadim David W. Fox, Sr. Richard J. Franke Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. H. Laurance Fuller Mrs. Robert W. Galvin Paul C. Gignilliat Joseph B. Glossberg Richard C. Godfrey William A. Goldstein Mary Louise Gorno Howard L. Gottlieb Chester A. Gougis Mary Winton Green Dietrich Gross David P. Hackett Joan W. Harris John H. Hart Thomas C. Heagy Jay L. Henderson Debora de Hoyos Mrs. Roger B. Hull Judith A. Istock William R. Jentes Paul R. Judy

Richard B. Kapnick Donald G. Kempf, Jr. George D. Kennedy Mrs. John C. Kern Robert Kohl Fred A. Krehbiel † Charles Ashby Lewis Eva F. Lichtenberg John S. Lillard Donald G. Lubin James W. Mabie † John F. Manley Ling Z. Markovitz R. Eden Martin Arthur C. Martinez Judith W. McCue Lester H. McKeever David E. McNeel John D. Nichols James J. O’Connor William A. Osborn Mrs. Albert Pawlick Jane DiRenzo Pigott John M. Pratt John W. Rogers, Jr. Jerry Rose Frank A. Rossi Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Cynthia M. Sargent John R. Schmidt Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Robert C. Spoerri Carl W. Stern Roger W. Stone † William H. Strong Louis C. Sudler, Jr. Richard L. Thomas Richard P. Toft Penny Van Horn


Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Administration Jeff Alexander President PRESIDENT’S OFFICE

Guillermo Muñoz Küster Executive Assistant to the President Renay Johansen Slifka Secretary of the Board of Trustees Mónica Lugo Executive Assistant to the Music Director Human Resources Lynne Sorkin Director Natalie Chan Coordinator A R T I S T I C A D M I N I S T R AT I O N

Guillermo Muñoz Küster Executive Assistant & Associate Artist Coordinator, CSO James M. Fahey Director, Programming, Symphony Center Presents Randy Elliot Director, Artistic Administration Monica Wentz Manager, Artistic Planning & Special Projects Lena Breitkreuz Artist Coordinator, Symphony Center Presents Caroline Eichler Artist Coordinator, CSO Phillip Huscher Scholar-inResidence & Program Annotator Pietro Fiumara Artists Assistant

Engineers Tim McElligott Chief Engineer Michael McGeehan Lead Engineer Kevin Walsh Dan Platt Electricians Robert Stokas Chief Electrician Doug Scheuller Stage Technicians Christopher Lewis Stage Manager Blair Carlson Paul Christopher Ramon Echevarria Ryan Hartge Peter Landry Todd Snick

Chorus Carolyn D. Stoner Manager Shelley Baldridge Assistant Manager & Librarian

Negaunee Music Institute at the CSO Jonathan McCormick Director, Education & the Negaunee Music Institute Jon Weber Director, School & Family Programs Molly Walker Orchestra Manager, Civic Orchestra of Chicago Katy Clusen Manager, School & Family Programs Sarah Vander Ploeg Coordinator, School & Community Partnerships Robert Curl Operations Coordinator, Civic Orchestra of Chicago



Vanessa Moss Vice President Heidi Lukas Director Michael Lavin Assistant Director, Operations, SCP & Rental Events Jeffrey Stang Production Manager, CSO Joseph Sherman Production Manager, SCP & Rental Events Charles Braico House Manager Michael Manning Manager, Audio Media & Operations Charlie Post Audio Engineer Rosenthal Archives Frank Villella Director Orchestra Personnel John Deverman Director Anne MacQuarrie Manager, CSO Auditions & Orchestra Personnel Facilities John Maas Director

Stacie Frank Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Renay Johansen Slifka Executive Assistant Accounting Kerri Gravlin Director, Financial Planning & Analysis Sarah Lombardi Controller Paulette Jean Volf, Janet Kosiba Assistant Controllers Janet Hansen Payroll Manager Marianne Hahn Accounting Manager Monique Henderson Senior Accountant Hyon Yu General Ledger Manager Cynthia Maday Accounts Payable Manager Ted Sofios Payroll Assistant Information Technology Daniel Spees Director Douglas Bolino Client Systems Administrator Jackie Spark Lead Technologist Kirk McMahon Technologist


Ryan Lewis Vice President Melanie Kalnins Director, Marketing & Business Analysis Sheila Jones Director, Community Stewardship/ African American Network Web Systems and Applications Steve Burkholder Manager Marketing Elisabeth Madeja Director Lauren Matson Manager, Retention Marketing Alexis Diller Manager, Digital Engagement Jerry Downey Coordinator, Loyalty Marketing Olivia Serrano Coordinator, Audience Development Creative Todd Land Director Sophie Weber Creative Services Manager Eddie Limperis Designer Emily Herrington Junior Designer Content Frances Atkins Director Laura Emerick Digital Content Editor Gerald Virgil Senior Editor Kristin Tobin Designer & Print Production Manager Communications and Public Relations Eileen Chambers Director Dana Navarro Manager Clay Baker Coordinator Sales and Ticketing Joseph Fernicola III Director Patron Services Pavan Singh Manager Patrice Fumbanks Supervisor, Hospitality Lead Aislinn Gagliardi Supervisor, Patron Loyalty Lead Preferred Services Robert Coad Manager, VIP Services Brian Koenig Manager, Group Services Box Office Joseph Garnett Manager Steve Paulin Assistant Manager The Symphony Store Tyler Holstrom Manager


Dale Hedding Vice President Jeremiah Strickler Executive Assistant Bobbie Rafferty Director, Individual Giving & Affiliated Donor Groups Allison Szafranski Director, Leadership Gifts Alfred Andreychuk Director, Endowment Gifts & Planned Giving Charles Palys Major Gifts Officer & Administrator Rebecca Hill Major Gifts Officer Dakota Williams Associate Director, Education & Community Engagement Giving Karen Bullen Manager, Endowment Gifts & Planned Giving Richard Riedl Manager, Governing Member Gifts Emily McClanathan Manager, Strategic Development Communications Erin Gernon Prospect Research Specialist & Moves Management Coordinator Neomia Harris Senior Assistant, Individual Giving Programs & Planned Giving Institutional Advancement Susan Green Director, Foundation & Government Relations Nick Magnone Director, Corporate Development Jennifer Urevig Manager, Corporate Development Jennifer Harazin Grant Writer Donor Engagement and Development Operations Liz Heinitz Senior Director, Development Operations & Annual Giving Lisa McDaniel Director, Donor Engagement Caitlyn Cushing Associate Director, Donor & Development Services Kimberly S. Duffy Senior Donor Engagement Manager Jocelyn Weberg Manager, Annual Giving Kristopher Simmons, Ariana Strahl Managers, Donor Engagement Julia McGehee Coordinator, Donor & Development Services Jamie Forssander Coordinator, Donor Engagement


Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Governing Members The Governing Members are the CSOA’s first philanthropic society, which celebrated its 125th anniversary in the 2019/20 Season. Its support funds the CSOA’s artistic excellence and community engagement. In return, members enjoy exclusive benefits and recognition. For more information, please contact 312-294-3337 or governingmembers@cso.org. GOVERNING MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Michael Perlstein Chair Jared Kaplan † Immediate Past Chair Nancy Dehmlow Vice Chair of Member Engagement Charles Emmons, Jr. Vice Chair of the Annual Fund Jay Rothenberg † Vice Chair of Nominations & Membership GOVERNING MEMBERS

Anonymous (5) Dora J. Aalbregtse Floyd Abramson Fraida Aland Sandra Jo Allen Robert A. Alsaker Megan P. Anderson Dr. Edward Applebaum David Arch Dr. Kent F. Armbruster Dr. Andrew J. Aronson Carey August Marta Holsman Babson Ed Bachrach Mara Mills Barker Judith Barnard Merrill Barnes Peter Barrett Roberta Barron Roger S. Baskes Robert H. Baum Dr. Robert A. Beatty Arlene Bennett † Edward H. Bennett, III Meta S. Berger Ann Berlin Phyllis Berlin Ronald Bevil William E. Bible Mrs. Arthur A. Billings Tomás G. Bissonnette Dianne Blanco Judy Blau Merrill Blau Dr. Phyllis C. Bleck Ann Blickensderfer

Terry Boden Suzanne Borland James G. Borovsky Adam Bossov Janet S. Boyer John D. Bramsen Roderick Branch Jill Brennan Bob Brink † Mrs. William Gardner Brown John D. Brubaker † Sue Brubaker Patricia M. Bryan Gilda Buchbinder Samuel Buchsbaum Lisa Dollar Buehler Rosemarie Buntrock Elizabeth Nolan Buzard Lutgart Calcote Thomas Campbell Vera Capp Mary Anne Carpenter Wendy Alders Cartland Judy Castellini Tina Chapekis Mrs. William C. Childs Linton J. Childs Frank Cicero, Jr. Dana Green Clancy Patricia A. Clickener Mitchell Cobey Jean M. Cocozza Robin Tennant Colburn Lew Collens Jane B. Colman Mrs. Earle M. Combs III † Dr. Thomas H. Conner Cecilia Conrad Jenny L. Corley Patricia Cox Sarah Crane Mrs. William A. Crane Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven R. Bert Crossland Rebecca E. Crown Catherine Daniels Mrs. Robert J. Darnall Dr. Tapas K. Das Gupta Michael C. Dawson Roxanne Decyk Nancy Dehmlow Duane M. DesParte Janet Wood Diederichs Paul Dix Mrs. William F. Dooley Ann Drake Dr. David Dranove Robert R. Duggan Frank A. Dusek Judge Frank H. Easterbrook Dorne Eastwood Mrs. Larry K. Ebert Louis M. Ebling, III

† Deceased Italics indicate Governing Members who have served at least five terms (15 years or more).

Jon Ekdahl Kathleen H. Elliott Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis Charles Emmons, Jr. Janice Engle Scott Enloe Dr. James Ertle Dr. Marilyn D. Ezri Tarek Fadel Melissa Sage Fadim Jeffrey S. Farbman Sally S. Feder Signe Ferguson Hector Ferral, M.D. Harve Ferrill † Constance M. Filling Daniel Fischel Jennifer J. Fischer Adrian Radmore Foster David S. Fox Rhoda Lea Frank Paul E. Freehling Mitzi Freidheim Philip M. Friedmann Malcolm M. Gaynor Robert D. Gecht Frank Gelber Lynn Gendleman Dr. Mark Gendleman Rabbi Gary S. Gerson Karen Gianfrancisco Ellen Gignilliat James J. Glasser Madeleine Condit Glossberg Judy Goldberg Mary Anne Goldberg Anne Goldstein Jerry A. Goldstone Marcia Goltermann Mary Goodkind Dr. Alexia Gordon Michael D. Gordon Donald J. Gralen Dr. Ruth Grant Mary L. Gray Freddi L. Greenberg Joyce Greening Dr. Jerri Greer D. Kendall Griffith Jerome J. Groen Jacalyn Gronek Mrs. John Growdon John P. Grube James P. Grusecki Joel R. Guillory, Jr., M.D. Dr. John W. Gustaitis, Jr. Anastasia Gutting Gary Gutting † Lynne R. Haarlow Mrs. Ernst A. Häberli Joan M. Hall Dr. Howard Halpern Mrs. Richard C. Halpern

Anne Marcus Hamada Joel L. Handelman John Hard Mrs. William A. Hark Dr. Dane Hassani James W. Haugh Thomas Haynes James Heckman Patricia Herrmann Heestand Mary Mako Helbert Dr. Scott W. Helm Marilyn P. Helmholz Richard H. Helmholz Dr. Arthur L. Herbst Jeffrey W. Hesse Marjorie Friedman Heyman Konstanze L. Hickey Thea Flaum Hill Mary P. Hines Suzanne Hoffman Anne Hokin William J. Hokin † Wayne J. Holman III Richard S. Holson III Fred Holubow James Holzhauer Carol Honigberg Janice L. Honigberg Nancy A. Horner Mrs. Arnold Horween Frances G. Horwich Dr. Mary L. Houston Heidi Huizenga Patricia J. Hurley Barbara Ann Huyler Michael L. Igoe Sandra Ihm Craig T. Ingram Verne G. Istock Linda J. Kenney, PhD Nancy Witte Jacobs Dr. Todd Janus John Jawor Justine Jentes Mrs. William R. Jentes Brian Johnson Ronald B. Johnson Dr. Patricia Collins Jones Edward T. Joyce Carol K. Kaplan † Jared Kaplan † Claudia Norris Kapnick Lonny H. Karmin Barry D. Kaufman Kenneth V. Kaufman Marie Kaufman Don Kaul Ellen Kelleher Molly Keller Jonathan Kemper Nancy Kempf John C. Kern † Elizabeth I. Keyser


Leslie Kiesel Emmy King Susan Kiphart Carol Evans Klenk Jean Klingenstein Janet L. Knauff Henry L. Kohn, Jr. Joseph Konen Jack Kozik Dr. Mark Kozloff David Kravitz Dr. Michael Krco MaryBeth Kretz Dr. Vinay Kumar Rubin P. Kuznitsky John LaBarbera Maria Lans Stephen M. Lans William Lawlor Flora Lazar Sunhee Lee Eleanor Leichenko Sheila Fields Leiter Jeffrey P. Lennard Laurence H. Levine Mrs. Bernard Leviton Dr. Edmund J. Lewis Gregory M. Lewis Carolyn Lickerman Mrs. Paul Lieberman Dr. Philip R. Liebson Patricia M. Livingston John S. Lizzadro, Sr. Jane Loeb Amy Lubin Anna Lysakowski Carol MacArthur Mrs. Duncan MacLean Dr. Michael S. Maling David A Marshall Judy Marth Patrick A. Martin BeLinda I. Mathie Howard M. McCue, III Ann Pickard McDermott Dr. James L. McGee Dr. John P. McGee II † Sharon McGee Mrs. Lester McKeever John McKenna Mrs. Peter McKinney Mrs. James M. McMullan James E. McPherson Paul Meister Mary Mittler Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Charles A. Moore Emilie Morphew, M.D. Kate Morrison Christopher Morrow Daniel R. Murray Eileen M. Murray Stuart C. Nathan Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr. Edward A. Nieminen

Dr. Zehava L. Noah Kenneth R. Norgan Gerard M. Nussbaum Martha C. Nussbaum William A. Obenshain Shelley Ochab Maria Ochs Mrs. James J. O’Connor Eric A. Oesterle Mrs. Norman L. Olson Joy O’Malley Thomas Orlando Beatrice F. Orzac Gerald Ostermann James J. O’Sullivan, Jr. Bruce L. Ottley China I. Oughton † Evelyn E. Padorr Dr. Pamela Papas Bruno A. Pasquinelli Timothy J. Patenode Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Michael Payette Frances Penn Mrs. Richard S. Pepper Jean E. Perkins Michael A. Perlstein Bonnie Vaughn Perry Dr. William Peruzzi Robert C. Peterson Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Sue N. Pick Stanley M. Pillman Virginia Johnson Pillman Betsey N. Pinkert Julia Vander Ploeg Harvey R. Plonsker John F. Podjasek, III Judy Pomeranz Stephen Potter Carol Prins Elizabeth R. B. Pruett John Wells Puth Duane Quaini Diana Mendley Rauner Susan Regenstein Mari Yamamoto Regnier Ruth Anne Rehfeldt Emilysue Pinnell-Reichardt Mary Thomson Renner Burton R. Rissman Charles T. Rivkin Carol Roberts John H. Roberts William C. Roberts David Robin Dr. Diana Robin Bob Rogers Kevin M. Rooney Harry J. Roper Saul Rosen Sheli Z. Rosenberg Michael Rosenthal Dr. Roseanne Rosenthal Betsy Rosenzweig

† Deceased Italics indicate Governing Members who have served at least five terms (15 years or more).

Doris Roskin Lisa Ross Dr. H. Jay Rothenberg, M.D. † Roberta H. Rubin Susan B. Rubnitz Sandra K. Rusnak David W. “Buzz” Ruttenberg Mary A. Ryan Mrs. Patrick G. Ryan Richard O. Ryan William G. Ryan Norman K. Sackar Anthony Saineghi Agustin G. Sanz Inez Saunders David A. Savner Karla Scherer David M. Schiffman Judith Feigon Schiffman Rosita Schloss Shirley Schlossman Douglas M. Schmidt Al Schriesheim Donald L. Schwartz Dr. Penny Bender Sebring Chandra Sekhar Dr. Ronald A. Semerdjian Mrs. Richard J. L. Senior Ilene W. Shaw Pam Sheffield Dr. James C. Sheinin Richard W. Shepro Jessie Shih Elizabeth Shoemaker Morrell McK. Shoemaker, Jr. † Stuart Shulruff Honorable Richard J. Siegel, Ret. Adele Simmons Linda B. Simon Larry G. Simpson Craig Sirles Miyam Slater Valerie Slotnick Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Charles F. Smith Diane W. Smith Louise K. Smith Mary Ann Smith Stanton Kinnie Smith, Jr. Stephen R. Smith Mrs. Ralph Smykal David A. Sneider Diane Snyder Kimberly Snyder Kathleen Solaro Ida N. Sondheimer † Linda Spain Orli Staley William D. Staley Helena Stancikas Grace Stanek Dr. Eugene Stark Leonidas Michael Stefanos Carol Stein Momoko Steiner †

Mrs. Richard J. Stern Liz Stiffel Mary Stowell Lawrence E. Strickling Patricia Study Cheryl Sturm Nancy K. Szalay Gregory Taubeneck David A. Thomson † James E. Thompson Dr. Robert Thomson Scott Thomson † Carla M. Thorpe Joan Thron David Timm Mrs. Ray S. Tittle, Jr. Anne Coulter Tobey John T. Travers David Trushin Paula Turner Robert W. Turner Henry J. Underwood Zalman Usiskin Mrs. James D. Vail III Dr. Cynthia M. Valukas † John E. Van Horn Mrs. Peter E. Van Nice Mrs. Herbert A. Vance † William C. Vance Thomas D. Vander Veen Dr. Michael Viglione Catherine M. Villinski Christian Vinyard Theodore Wachs Mark Wagner Bernard T. Wall Nicholas Wallace Paul S. Watford Dr. Catherine L. Webb Jeffrey Webb Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Mrs. Joseph M. Weil † Dr. Jamie Weiner Chickie Weisbard Richard Weiss Barbara Weller Barbara H. West † Carmen Wheatcroft Mrs. H. Blair White M. L. Winburn Stephen R. Winters Peter Wolf Laura Woll Dr. Hak Yui Wong Courtenay R. Wood Michael H. Woolever Debbie K. Wright Ronald Yonover Owen Youngman David J. Zampa Dr. John P. Zaremba Anne Zenzer Richard E. Ziegler † Karen Zupko


Negaunee Music Institute Board Liisa Thomas Chair Lori Julian Vice Chair John Aalbregtse David Arch Leslie Burns Richard Colburn Chuck Emmons Judy Feldman Rumi Morales Mimi Murley Margo Oberman Gerald Pauling Mohan Rao Harper Reed Steve Shebik Paul Wiggan

Volunteer Programs OVERTURE COUNCIL

John Dunson President Kathryn Davies President-Elect Kim Ellwein Membership & Social Media Chair Leah Williams Activities Chair Anatoliy Mushtuk, Khrystyna Musiy External Relations Co-chairs Aileen Markovitz Communications Chair Ben Levy, Taylor Poulin Soundpost Co-chairs Nick McWilliams Secretary LEAGUE

Sue Bridge President Bill Ward President-Elect and Vice President of Administration Sharon Mitchell Vice President of Membership Sharon Quigley Vice President of Finance Eileen Conaghan Vice President of Fundraising Christine Uhlig Vice President of Events Margo Oberman Vice President of Areas Nancy Friedman Vice President of Education Denise Stauder Chair of Strategic Planning Renita Esayian League Secretary Mary Beth Dietrick Member-at-Large Ted Tabe Member-at-Large WOMEN’S BOARD

Shelley Ochab President Elizabeth A. Parker Immediate Past President Kim Shephard, Claudine Tambuatco Communications/Governance Chairs Juli Crabtree Community Engagement Chair Judith E. Feldman Membership Chair L AT I N O A L L I A N C E

Ramiro J. Atristaín-Carrión, Rina Magarici Co-chairs Angélica Cano Michael Delgado Jesús Del Toro Henry Johanet Stephanie Londoño Nancy Pulecio Juan B. Solana


Sheila A. Jones Director Renee C. Baker Artistic Consultant Darlene and Howard Sandifer Educational Ambassadors Javante Smith Multicultural Ambassador Doris Davenport Political Liaison Stan West Historian, International Jurist Ayana Henderson Marketing Consultant Meisha Moore-Robinson Senior Citizens’ Ambassador Rickey Williams Community Youth Outreach DuRhonda Baskett Palmore Photographer Ms. Phumzile Pride Mazibuko South African Consul General Katherine Hicks

Corporate Partners C S O R A D I O B R O A D C A S T S E R I E S

Bank of America


United Airlines

$ 1 0 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

Allstate Insurance Company Exelon ITW Northern Trust $ 5 0,0 0 0 – $ 9 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (1) Abbott PNC Bank

$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 4 9, 9 9 9

Abbott Fund Chicago Capital Jenner & Block LLP Mayer Brown LLP S&C Electric Company Fund Sidley Austin LLP Tiffany & Co. $ 1 0,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

Archer Daniels Midland Company GCM Grosvenor Goldman Sachs & Co. Latham & Watkins LLP McKinsey & Company Oxford Bank & Trust $ 1,0 0 0 – $ 9, 9 9 9

American Agricultural Insurance Company Baird Central Building & Preservation L.P. Entercom Chicago Fellowes, Inc. Italian Village Restaurants Parkway Elevators Sahara Enterprises, Inc. Segal Consulting Shetland Limited Partnership Shure Incorporated Starshak Winzenburg & Co. Ventas Vienna Beef Vomela Walgreens Weiss Financial, Inc.

Foundations and Government Agencies $ 1 0 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

Anonymous (2) Paul M. Angell Family Foundation The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Julius N. Frankel Foundation JCS Arts, Health and Education Fund of DuPage Foundation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation National Endowment for the Arts The Negaunee Foundation Sargent Family Foundation TAWANI Foundation Zell Family Foundation $ 5 0,0 0 0 – $ 9 9, 9 9 9

The Brinson Foundation The Chicago Community Trust Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund, in memory of Joanne Strauss Crown Sally Mead Hands Foundation Illinois Arts Council Agency Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 4 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous Barker Welfare Foundation The Clinton Family Fund Crain-Maling Foundation Crown Family Philanthropies Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation John R. Halligan Charitable Fund Leslie Fund, Inc. Bowman C. Lingle Trust Hulda B. and Maurice L. Rothschild Foundation $ 1 0,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous Robert and Isabelle Bass Foundation The Buchanan Family Foundation City of Chicago Department of Special Affairs and Cultural Events Darling Family Foundation Irving Harris Foundation Miriam U. Hoover Foundation Pritzker Traubert Foundation Charles and M. R. Shapiro Foundation The George L. Shields Foundation Tully Family Foundation $ 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 9, 9 9 9

Harry F. and Elaine Chaddick Foundation Franklin Philanthropic Foundation Hoellen Family Foundation Hunter Family Foundation Kovler Family Foundation The Mayer & Morris Kaplan Family Foundation Siragusa Family Foundation $2,500–$ 4,999

The Allyn Foundation, Inc. Arts Midwest Touring Fund Charles H. and Bertha L. Boothroyd Foundation William M. Hales Foundation Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation


$ 1,0 0 0 – $ 2 , 4 9 9

Brown-Monson Foundation Ingenuity Geraldi Norton Foundation Walter and Caroline Sueske Charitable Trust

SEMPRE ALWAYS: The Campaign for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association gratefully acknowledges the donors who have made a commitment in support of the future of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, as of June 30, 2021. Anonymous (5) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Ruth and Roger Anderson Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner Brown Kay Bucksbaum Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock The Davee Foundation William A. and Anne Goldstein Mary Louise Gorno Howard Gottlieb Mr. Graham C. Grady Heestand Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. † William R. Jentes Julian Family Foundation Estate of Esther G. Klatz Jim † and Kay Mabie Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz Mr. Robert Meeker Estate of Gloria Miner Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Murley Mr. Daniel R. Murray Cathy and Bill Osborn Andra and Irwin Press Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Sage Foundation, Melissa Sage Fadim Megan and Steve Shebik Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Thierer Family Foundation Richard and Helen Thomas Penny and John Van Horn Catherine M. and Frederick H. Waddell Craig and Bette Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wislow Helen and Sam Zell Estate of Rita Zralek

Individual Annual Support The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association gratefully acknowledges the following individuals for their annual gifts and commitments in support of the CSOA through July 1, 2021. To learn more, please call Bobbie Rafferty, director, individual giving and affiliated donor groups, at 312-294-3165. $ 1 5 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

Anonymous (3) Rosemarie and Dean L. Buntrock Kenneth C. Griffin Charitable Fund Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross Ms. Dinah Jacobs The Julian Family Foundation Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal † The Negaunee Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William A. Osborn COL (IL) Jennifer N. Pritzker, IL ARNG (Retired) Megan and Steve Shebik Zell Family Foundation $ 1 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 1 4 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (3) Ms. Nancy Dehmlow Judson † and Joyce Green James and Brenda Grusecki Jim † and Kay Mabie Judy and Scott McCue The James and Madeleine McMullan Family Foundation Robert E. † and Cynthia M. Sargent Catherine M. and Frederick H. Waddell $ 75 ,0 0 0 – $ 9 9, 9 9 9

Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab John Hart and Carol Prins Pamela Kelley Hull and Roger B. Hull † Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. Lisa and Paul Wiggin $ 5 0,0 0 0 – $ 74 , 9 9 9

Anonymous Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Robert H. Baum and MaryBeth Kretz Patricia and Laurence Booth Kay Bucksbaum Mr. & Mrs. James B. Fadim Dr. Eugene and Mrs. SallyAnn D. Fama Rhoda Lea and Henry S. † Frank Mrs. Sally Hands † Mrs. Janet Kanter James and Renée Metcalf Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Murley Susan Regenstein Patrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Foundation Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation Shure Charitable Trust Michael and Linda Simon Liz Stiffel

$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 4 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William Gardner Brown John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Bruce and Martha Clinton for The Clinton Family Fund John and Fran Edwardson Mr. Daniel Fischel and Ms. Sylvia Neil Lewis-Sebring Family Foundation Walter and Kathleen Snodell Mary Stowell Ms. Liisa M. Thomas and Mr. Stephen L. Pratt Richard and Helen Thomas Penny and John Van Horn $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 3 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Peter and Elise Barack Julie and Roger Baskes Mrs. Janet R. Bauer Randy L. and Melvin R. † Berlin Robert J. Buford Ms. Marion A. Cameron-Gray Mr. & Dr. George Colis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen V. D’Amore Ms. Debora de Hoyos and Mr. Walter Carlson Ms. Ann Drake Timothy A. and Bette Anne Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Brian Duwe Neil Fackler Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Richard and Alice Godfrey William A. and Anne Goldstein Mary Louise Gorno Mr. Graham C. Grady Mr. Collier Hands Mr. & Mrs. Jay L. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Verne G. Istock Mr. & Mrs. † William R. Jentes Ms. Geraldine Keefe Ms. Donna L. Kendall Anne and John † Kern Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kilroy Mr. & Mrs. James Kolar Randall S. Kroszner Long Story Short Media Ling Z. and Michael C. Markovitz Ms. Britt Miller Dr. Charles Morcom Daniel R. Murray Ms. Elizabeth Parker and Mr. Keith Crow Mr. & Mrs. Don Phillips Mary and Joseph Plauché Andra and Irwin Press Diana and Bruce Rauner Dr. Petra and Mr. Randy O. Rissman Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Mr. & Mrs. Jason and Kristen Rossi Mr. & Mrs. Scott Santi Mr. John Schmidt and Dr. Janet Gilboy Sidney Kohl Family Foundation Bill and Orli Staley Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Sullivan Thierer Family Foundation Terrence and Laura Truax

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Mr. † & Mrs. H. Blair White Craig and Bette Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wislow Mr. Gifford Zimmerman $ 2 0,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (2) Nancy A. Abshire Arnie and Ann Berlin Dan J. Epstein Family Foundation Ronald B. Johnson Barbara and Kenneth Kaufman Richard P. and Susan Kiphart Family Alexandra and John Nichols Mr. & Mrs. John Pratt Ida N. Sondheimer † and Family, in memory of Joseph Sondheimer Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Toft $ 1 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 1 9, 9 9 9

Anonymous (4) Henry and Gilda Buchbinder Ms. Sarah Crane Mrs. Carol Evans, in memory of Henry Evans Irving Harris Foundation, Joan W. Harris Mr. & Mrs. R. Helmholz Mr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Holman III The King Family Foundation Kay and Fred † Krehbiel Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Krueck Ms. Betsy Levin Dr. Eva Lichtenberg and Dr. Arnold Tobin Mr. Philip Lumpkin Mr. David E. McNeel Charles A. Moore Edward and Gayla Nieminen D. Elizabeth Price Roy and Irene Rettinger Foundation Mr. † & Mrs. David Savner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Mr. Marlon Smith and Ms. Dominique Brewer Mrs. Carol S. Sonnenschein Dr. & Mrs. Eugene and Jean Stark Carl W. Stern and Holly Hayes-Stern Mr. & Mrs. William C. Vance Mr. Christian Vinyard Dr. Marylou Witz $ 1 1, 5 0 0 – $ 1 4 , 9 9 9

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Applebaum Ann and Richard Carr Mr. Philip Darling Ms. Shawn M. Donnelley and Dr. Christopher M. Kelly Mr. † & Mrs. David A. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Earle Dr. Mahalakshmi Halasyamani and Matthew Davis Marguerite DeLany Hark Pati and O.J. † Heestand Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hibbard Leland E. Hutchinson and Jean E. Perkins Dr. Maija Freimanis and David A. Marshall Emilie Morphew, M.D. Jerry Rose David and Judy Schiffman

$ 7, 5 0 0 – $ 1 1, 4 9 9

Anonymous (2) Mrs. Rosa Acevedo and Mr. Jose Luis Prado Jeff and Keiko Alexander Geoffrey A. Anderson Peter and Betsy Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Benck Henry R. Berghoef and Leslie Lauer Berghoef Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Merrill and Judy Blau Ms. Terry Boden Adam Bossov Mr. Donald Bouseman Joyce Chelberg Dr. Edward A. Cole and Dr. Christine A. Rydel Sue and Jim Colletti Dr. Thomas H. Conner Mr. Lawrence Corry Janet Wood Diederichs Mr. & Mrs. William Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Charles and Carol Emmons Constance M. Filling and Robert D. Hevey Jr. Mr. David Fox Nancy and Larry Fuller Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gendleman Jeannette and Jerry Goldstone Mr. Gerald and Dr. Colette Gordon Sue and Melvin Gray Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gray Kendall Griffith Lynne R. Haarlow Joan M. Hall Mrs. Richard C. Halpern Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Heagy Richard and Joanne Hoffman Fred and Sandra Holubow Janice L. Honigberg Miriam U. Hoover Foundation Carter Howard and Sarah Krepp Tex and Susan Hull Ms. Patricia Hurley Merle L. Jacob Mr. & Mrs. † Howard Jessen Mr. & Mrs. † George E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Keller Mr. Alfred Kelley Dr. June Koizumi Nancy and Sanfred Koltun Mr. Craig Lancaster and Ms. Charlene T. Handler Mr. Stephan Lans Mr. Jeffrey Lennard Mr. † & Mrs. Paul Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. John Lillard Robert † and Judy Marth Ms. BeLinda Mathie and Dr. Brian Haag Mr. & Mrs. Lester McKeever Mr. Frank Modruson and Ms. Lynne Shigley Mrs. Frank Morrissey Mrs. Ray E. Newton, Jr. Ms. Susan Norvich Ms. Martha Nussbaum Mr. † & Mrs. Norman L. Olson Mr. Bruce Oltman The Osprey Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James O’Sullivan, Jr.

Pasquinelli Family Foundation Mr. † & Mrs. Albert Pawlick Richard and Frances Penn Roxy and Richard † Pepper Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Perlstein Ms. Emilysue Pinnell Harvey and Madeleine Plonsker Mr. Rudolph Rasin † Mr. John W. Rogers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Roper Jay † and Maija Rothenberg Mr. & Mrs. Rich Ryan Mr. Richard Ryan Rita † and Norman Sackar Mr. David Sandfort Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scholl Al Schriesheim and Kay Torshen Joan and George Segal David and Judith L. Sensibar The Earl and Brenda Shapiro Foundation Ilene and Michael Shaw Charitable Trust Ms. Courtney Shea Jessie Shih and Johnson Ho Julia M. Simpson Mr. Larry Simpson Dr. & Mrs. R. Solaro Roger and Susan Stone Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. † Louis Sudler, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Taubeneck Kelly Thedinger Ksenia A. and Peter Turula Mrs. Elizabeth Twede Dr. Nanajan Yakoub Ronald and Geri Yonover Foundation David and Eileen Zampa $ 4 , 5 0 0 – $ 7, 4 9 9

Anonymous (12) Fraida and Bob Aland Sandra Allen and Jim Perlow Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Alsaker Mr. Edward Amrein, Jr. and Mrs. Sara Jones-Amrein Megan P. and John L. Anderson Cushman L. and Pamela Andrews David and Suzanne Arch Dr. & Mrs. Kent Armbruster Drs. Iris and Andrew Aronson Mrs. Jeanne B. Aronson Marta Holsman Babson Mr. Neal Ball Ms. Bonnie Barber Ms. Sandra Bass Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni † and Elaine Klemen Donna and Mike Bell Mr. Lawrence Belles Mr. Thomas Berg Meta S. and Ronald † Berger Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. D. Theodore Berghorst Dr. Leonard and Phyllis Berlin Mr. Howard Bernick Mrs. Arthur A. Billings Ann Blickensderfer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Block Mr. & Mrs. John Borland

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Janet S. Boyer Ms. Jill Brennan Mrs. Sue Brubaker John D. Brubaker † Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Buchsbaum Linda S. Buckley Ms. Lutgart Calcote Ms. Vera Capp Wendy Alders Cartland Mia Celano and Noel Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Candelario Celio Mr. James Chamberlain Ms. Margaret Chaplan Mr. & Ms. Keith Clayton Patricia A. Clickener Ms. Jean Cocozza Douglas and Carol Cohen Jane and John C. Colman Mrs. Francie Comer † Jenny L. Corley in memory of Dr. W. Gene Corley Mari Hatzenbuehler Craven R. Bert Crossland Constance Cwiok Dancing Skies Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Tapas K. Das Gupta Decyk Watts Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Charles Demirjian Duane M. DesParte and John C. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Douglas Dr. & Mrs. James L. Downey David and Deborah Dranove Mr. Robert R. Duggan Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Dusek Judge Frank Easterbrook Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eastwood Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Ebert Mr. & Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III Charles and Lois Edwards Jon Ekdahl and Marcia Opp Mr. † & Mrs. Richard Elden Thomas Eller Michael and Kathleen Elliott La and Philip Engel Dr. & Mrs. James Ertle Jeffrey Farbman and Ann Greenstein Mr. & Mrs. Dean Fischer Mrs. Roslyn K. Flegel Mrs. John D. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Willard Fraumann Jerry Freedman and Elizabeth Sacks Susan and Paul Freehling Dr. † & Mrs. Uwe Freese Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr. Robert D. Gecht Sandy and Frank Gelber Rabbi Gary S. Gerson and Dr. Carol R. Gerson Camillo and Arlene Ghiron Dr. & Mrs. Richard Gieser Mr. & Mrs. James J. Glasser Judy and Bill Goldberg Lyn Goldstein Mary and Michael Goodkind Dr. Alexia Gordon Mrs. Amy G. Gordon and Mr. Michael D. Gordon Donald J. Gralen Hanna H. Gray

Ms. Freddi Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Byron Gregory Mr. & Mrs. John P. Grube Anastasia and Gary † Gutting Stephanie and Howard Halpern Anne Marcus Hamada Hill and Cheryl Hammock John and Sally Hard Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Hassan Dr. Dane Hassani Thomas and Connie Hsu Haynes Mr. Dale C. Hedding David Hefter Dr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Herbst Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Hesse The Hickey Family Foundation William B. Hinchliff James and Eileen Holzhauer Frances and Franklin † Horwich James and Mary Houston Michael and Leigh Huston Michael L. Igoe Mr. Craig T. Ingram Ian and Valerie Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Stan Jakopin Dr. & Mrs. Todd and Peggy Janus Mr. John Jawor Ms. Justine Jentes and Mr. Dan Kuruna Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaplan/Kaplan Foundation Jared Kaplan † and Maridee Quanbeck Mrs. Lonny H. Karmin Ms. Ethelle Katz Barry D. Kaufman Larry † and Marie Kaufman Don Kaul and Barbara Bluhm-Kaul Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keiser Jim and Ellen Kelleher Mrs. Elizabeth Keyser Mr. & Mrs. Gene Kiesel Mr. & Mrs. James Klenk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Knauff Cookie Anspach Kohn and Henry L. Kohn Joseph and Judith Konen Dr. & Mrs. Mark Kozloff Eldon and Patricia Kreider David and Susan Kreisman Drs. Vinay and Raminder Kumar Mr. & Mrs. Rubin P. Kuznitsky Mr. John LaBarbera Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Langrehr Mr. William Lawlor, III Mr. & Mrs. Dean Leff Anne E. Leibowitz Fund Sheila Fields Leiter Mary and Laurence Levine Mr. † and Mrs. Howard Lickerman Dr. Philip R. Liebson and Mrs. Carole F. Liebson Robert † and Joan Lipsig Jane and Peter Loeb The Loewenthal Fund at The Chicago Community Trust Renée Logan Dr. Anna Lysakowski Carol MacArthur Mr. & Mrs. † Barry MacLean Mr. Glen Madeja and Ms. Janet Steidl Sharon L. Manuel Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Martin

Ann Pickard McDermott Dr. † & Mrs. John McGee II Dr. & Mrs. Peter McKinney James Edward McPherson and David Lee Murray † Dr. Ellen Mendelson Mr. Robert O. Middleton Mr. Llewellyn Miller and Ms. Cecilia Conrad Dr. Toni-Marie Montgomery Drs. Bill † and Elaine Moor Catherine Mouly and LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. † Richard Nopar Bill and Penny Obenshain Margo and Michael Oberman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ochs Mr. & Mrs. William J. O’Neill Kathleen Field Orr Dr. Stephanie Pace and Robert Marshall Mrs. Evelyn E. Padorr Minsok Pak and Carrie Shuchart Ms. Pamela Papas Dianne M. and Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Mr. Michael Payette Bonnie Perry Dr. William Peruzzi Mr. Robert Peterson Lorna and Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr. Stanley M. and Virginia Johnson Pillman John F. Podjasek III Charitable Fund Mr. & Mrs. † Andrew Porte Stephen and Ann Suker Potter Ms. Elizabeth R. B. Pruett Mr. & Mrs. John Puth Mr. Duane Quaini Ms. Helen Reed Ruth Anne Rehfeldt Dr. Rutbert D. Reisch Dr. Hilda Richards Mary K. Ring Burton and Francine † Rissman Charles and Marilynn Rivkin Ms. Carol Roberts William and Cheryl Roberts Dr. Diana Robin Kevin M. Rooney and Daniel P. Vicencio Mr. & Mrs. Saul Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rosenberg D.D. Roskin Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Rossi Mrs. Susan B. Rubnitz Tina and Buzz Ruttenburg William and Mary Ryan Anthony Saineghi Karla Scherer Mr. † and Mrs. Nathan Schloss Donald L. and Susan J. Schwartz Dr. Howard Schwartz and Dr. Ruth Grant Mr. & Mrs. Chandra Sekhar Diana and Richard Senior Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Shields Stuart and Leslie Shulruff Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Siegel Ms. Ann Silberman Mr. † & Mrs. John Simmons Craig Sirles Valerie Slotnick Mrs. Jackson W. Smart, Jr. Charles F. Smith

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Mrs. Diane W. Smith Mary Ann Smith David A. Sneider James and Diane Snyder Kimberly M. Snyder Mrs. Carol S. Sonnenschein Robert and Emily Spoerri Dusan Stefoski and Craig Savage Carol D. Stein Ms. Momoko Steiner † Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Stoll Lawrence E. Strickling and Sydney L. Hans Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Cheryl Sturm Ms. Minsook Suh Mr. & Mrs. Robert Szalay Mr. James Thompson Joan and Michael Thron David Timm Ray † and Mary Ann Tittle Bill and Anne Tobey James M. and Carol Trapp John T. and Carrie M. Travers Mrs. Robert Trotter Joan and David Trushin Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Turner Zalman and Karen Usiskin Dr. Michael Viglione Mr. † & Mrs. Vincent Villinski Ms. Raita Vilnins Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Wall Dr. Catherine L. Webb Mr. Jeffrey J. Webb and Ms. Catherine Yung Mr. † & Mrs. Jacob Weglarz Abby and Glen Weisberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Weiss Marc Weissbluth in memory of Linda Weissbluth Bert and Barbara Weller Carmen and Allen Wheatcroft M.L. Winburn Stephen R. Winters Peter and Marlee Wolf Sarah R. Wolff and Joel L. Handelman Michael † and Laura Woll Dr. Hak Wong Stephanie Wood Michael H. and Mary K. Woolever Mari Yamamoto Regnier Mr. Laird Zacheis and Ms. Sunhee Lee Ms. Karen Zupko $ 3,500–$ 4,499

Anonymous (6) Elaine and Floyd Abramson Ms. Patti Acurio Ms. Doris Angell Dr. Edward Applebaum and Dr. Eva Redei Carey and Brett August Ed Bachrach Paul and Robert Barker Foundation Mr. Merrill and Mr. N.M.K. Barnes Roberta and Harold S. Barron Martin and Jill Baumgaertner Kirsten Bedway and Simon Peebler Mr. Ken Belcher Jim † and Dianne Blanco Cassandra L. Book

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan Mr. Charles Capwell Mrs. Caryn Jacobs and Mr. Daniel Cedarbaum Linton J. Childs Jan and Frank Cicero, Jr. Peter and Hedy Ciocci Mitchell Cobey and Janet Reali Lewis Collens Nancy R. Corral Ms. Jane Cox Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cremieux Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Darnall In Loving Memory of Alice Furumoto-Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Ellis Scott and Lenore Enloe Marilyn D. Ezri, M.D. Dr. Gail Fahey Judith E. Feldman Donald and Signe Ferguson Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Finkel, in honor of Robert Coad Ms. Irene Fox Arthur L. Frank, M.D. Judy and Mickey Gaynor Timothy and Joyce Greening Dr. Jerri E. Greer Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Groen Jacalyn Gronek James W. Haugh Scott Helm Ms. Dawn E. Helwig Marjorie Friedman Heyman James and Margot Hinchliff Mrs. Edwin P. Hoffman Suzanne Hoffman and Dale Smith Dr. & Mrs. James Holland Dr. Ronald L. Hullinger Joni and Brian Johnson Jonathan and Nancy Lee Kemper Mr. Thomas Kmetko Averill and Bernard † Leviton Gregory M. Lewis and Mary E. Strek Dr. Herbert and Francine Lippitz Patricia M. Livingston Mr. Russ Lyman Mr. Daniel Macken and Mr. Merlyn Harbold Ms. Mirjana Martich and Mr. Zoran Lazarevic Dr. & Mrs. Walter Massey Dr. & Mrs. James McGee Bill McIntosh John and Etta McKenna Jane and Bruce † McLagan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Meister Eileen M. Murray Ms. Victoria Nee Kenneth R. Norgan Mrs. Janis Notz Mr. Thomas Orlando Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Ostermann Mr. Bruce Ottley Mr. Timothy J. Patenode Dr. & Mrs. † Ray Pensinger Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Pinkert Mr. Ed Platcow Mary Rafferty Dorothy V. Ramm Ms. Evelyn R. Richer Jerry and Carole Ringer

David and Kathy Robin Erik and Nelleke Roffelsen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ross Ms. Roberta H. Rubin Mr. Agustin G. Sanz Raymond and Inez Saunders Shirley and John † Schlossman Douglas M. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scorza Dr. & Mrs. James C. Sheinin Richard W. Shepro and Lindsay E. Roberts Elizabeth and John Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Smies Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Smith Joel and Beth Spenadel Helena Stancikas Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Stefanos Mrs. Marjorie H. Stephan Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Henry and Janet Underwood Eric Vaang Mr. Peter Vale Ms. Julia Vander Ploeg Thomas D. Vander Veen, Ph.D. Mr. David J. Varnerin Theodore and Elisabeth Wachs Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wagner Nicholas and Jessica Wallace Samuel † and Chickie Weisbard David and Kerstin Wellbery Ms. Lois Wolff Courtenay R. Wood and H. Noel Jackson, Jr. Ms. Debbie Wright Owen and Linda Youngman $2,500–$ 3,499

Anonymous (8) Ms. Susan Adler Dr. & Mrs. Carl H. Albright Dr. Diane Altkorn Sharon and Charles Angell Mychal P. Angelos, in memory of Dorothy A. Angelos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ascoli Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Asner Ms. Marlene Bach Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barber Mr. Carroll Barnes James and Bartha Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Berner, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harrington Bischof Mrs. Nancy Blum Ms. Virginia Boehme Mr. James Borkman Mr. Douglas Bragan Ms. Susan Bridge Mr. Lee M. Brown and Ms. Pixie Newman Jack M. Bulmash Jack Buoscio Ms. Jeanne Busch Robert D. Carone Mrs. Eileen Conaghan Mr. Howard Conant Peter and Beverly Ann Conroy Matt and Carrie Cotter Ms. Juli Crabtree Mr. Ivo Daalder and Mrs. Elisa D. Harris

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Thomas E. II and Barbara C. Donnelley Family Fund Ingrid and Richard Dubberke Josephine Lewis and Morton Dubman Linda Dykes Mr. & Mrs. Estia Eichten Ms. Shirley Evans-Wofford Mr. Conrad Fischer Mrs. Donna Fleming Ginny and Peter Foreman Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler Mr. & Mrs. Louis Freidheim, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd A. Fry III James and Rebecca Gaebe Dr. & Mrs. Paul B. Glickman Mr. David Glueck Isabelle Goossen Michelle and Gerald M. Gordon Merle Gordon Mr. Andrew Gore Mr. Peter Gotsch and Dr. Jana French Thomas † and Delta Greene Dr. & Mrs. Chester Handelman Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Handler Mr. Joseph Harmon Mrs. John M. Hartigan Ms. Kyle Harvey Mr. Bradley J. Henderson Ms. Leigh Ann Herman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hill The Rev. Melinda Hinners-Waldie and Mr. Benjamin Waldie Mr. Harry Hunderman and Ms. Deborah Slaton Cynthia Jamison-Marcy Peter and Stephanie Keehn Ms. Helen Kessler Mr. & Mrs. † W. K. Ketchum Anne G. Kimball and Peter Stern Mr. & Mrs. Norman Koglin Akiko and Shohei Koide Mr. Ken Krantz Mrs. Leona Krompart Bob and Marian Kurz Mr. Michael Licitra Mrs. Gabrielle Long Sherry and Mel Lopata Ms. Jean Lorenzen Daniel and Karen Maki Dan and Lynne Mapes-Riordan Barbara and Larry Margolis Arthur and Elizabeth Martinez Mr. † & Mrs. Lowell Mason, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Mass Igor and Olga Matlin Mr. † and Mrs. George Maze Ms. Marilyn Mccoy Mr. & Mrs. William McDowell, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Mcleod Sheila and Harvey Medvin Dr. Leo and Catherine Miserendino Mr. Carl and Maria Moore Mr. Vijai Moses Shankar and Katharine Nair Mr. † & Mrs. Kenneth Nebenzahl Mr. † & Mrs. Herbert Neil, Jr. Mr. † & Mrs. William Neiman David † and Dolores Nelson Mr. & Mrs. James Nowacki

Sarah and Wallace Oliver Ms. Diane Ososke Garry and Joanne Owens Mr. & Mrs. Norman Perman Mr. Christopher Pickering Barry and Elizabeth Pritchard Robert J. Richards and Barbara A. Richards Lyn Ridgeway Roberts Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rusnak, Jr. John Jeral Sabl Bettylu and Paul Saltzman Ms. Cecelia Samans Ms. Judy Saslow Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Schnadig Gerald and Barbara Schultz Susan and Charles Schwartz Stephen A. and Marilyn Scott Drs. Deborah and Lawrence Segil Ms. Gail Seidel Ellen and Richard Shubart Margaret and Alan Silberman Jack and Barbara Simon Dr. Stuart Sondheimer Charles and Joan Staples Steinway & Sons Mrs. Marjorie Moretz Stinespring Barry and Winnifred Sullivan Wan Suwandi Mr. † & Mrs. Richard Taft Ayana Tomeka Howard † and Paula † Trienens Mr. Jay Tunney Mr. & Mrs. Allan Vagner Jim and Cindy Valtman Robert J. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson Mr. Lawrence Wechter Barbara and Steven Wolf Peggy and Ted Wolff Ms. Camille Zientek Drs. Donald Zimmerman and Susan Pearlson Mr. Gerald A. Zimmerman $ 1, 5 0 0 – $ 2 , 4 9 9

Anonymous (13) Richard † and Louise Abrahams Michael and Mary Abroe Ms. Linda Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Allen Mrs. Evelyn Alter Dr. Charles and Marie Grass Amenta Dr. & Mrs. Robert Arensman Ms. Bernice Auslander Richard and Janice Bail Rob and Denise Baptista Mr. Robert Barkei Thomas Barta Howard and Donna Bass Mr. Ronald Bauer Ms. Elaine Baumann Mrs. Gail Belytschko Mr. Michael Berman Mr. & Mrs. Loren Berry III Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Bezold Mr. Poul Bjerre-Jensen In Memory of John R. Blair Virginia Blanford

Dr. Roger Blickensderfer Dr. H. Constance Bonbrest Mr. & Mrs. Fred P. Bosselman Mrs. Joyce Bottum Drs. Nader and Mandan Bozorgi Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bramsen Mr. Roderick Branch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Breu Mr. Michael Brewer Chris Brezil Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brightfelt Andrew and Gail Brown Mrs. Dan Brusslan Sue and John Buchanan Mr. † and Mrs. Allen Buhler Mr. & Mrs. John Butler Kay and Rhett † Butler Mr. & Mrs. Charles Callard Robert and Kay Carlson Mr. & Mrs. John Chapman Mr. Myron Cherry Mr. Donald Clark Ms. Kathryn Collier Mr. Ronald Combs Mr. William Conlon and Ms. Patricia Habicht Mr. & Mrs. Richard Corrado Ms. Susan Craw Mr. Earle Cromer III Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dam Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniels Kathleen Lockhart and James Dixon Kevin and Kelly Dockery Mr. & Mrs. Otto Doering III Elaine and Jay Dolgin Ms. Maureen Dooley Natalie and Joshua Dranoff Tom Draski Mr. Robert Druzinsky and Ms. Renee Friedman Mr. Howard Dubin Ms. Paula Ebert Mr. Charles Ebner Gary and Deborah Edidin Patricia and James Edwards Edward and Nancy Eichelberger Ms. Paula Elliott Ms. Laura Engelstein Mrs. Doris Esko Mr. & Mrs. William F. Farley Sally S. Feder Sheri and J. Bradley Fewell Ms. Mary Fields Debra Fienberg Sandra E. Fienberg Henry and Frances Fogel Mr. Matthew Fox Mr. Timothy Fox Ms. Elizabeth Friedgut Dr. & Mrs. Willard A. Fry Jan Gaines and Andrew S. Kenoe Mr. John Gardner Dr. & Mrs. T. H. Gasteyer Nancy Gavlin Lawrence and Amy Gillum Mr. Timothy Gleason Ms. Barbra Goering Eunice and Perry Goldberg Mr. Stanford Goldblatt Mr. † & Mrs. Samuel Golden

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Dr. & Mrs. Marshall D. Goldin Dr. Robert Golub and Dr. Deirdre Dupre Ms. Eileen Good Ms. Sarah Good Gordon and Nancy Goodman Mr. Jacques Gordon Dr. Michael Greenwald Ms. Jean Griffin Gregory Grobarcik Mr. Tom Guensburg Mrs. Marguerite Guido Jennifer Haar Mr. & Mrs. John Hales Ronald and Diane Hamburger Mrs. Terri Hanson Nancy and Thomas Hanson Mrs. Dorothy G. Harza John Heaton and Margaret Martin-Heaton Neal Heriaud and Ann Platzer Mr. David Heroy Barbara Herzog Pat and Joseph Hinkel Dr. Richard Hirschmann Ms. Linda Hirt Mrs. & Mr. Elizabeth Hoffman Mrs. J. Holmbeck Mr. Stephen Holmes Rose Marie Houston Cheryl Istvan Ms. Kineret Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jencks Ms. Kathleen Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kallembach Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kallman Thomas and Reseda Kalowski Mrs. Louise Kasch Cantor Aviva Katzman and Dr. Morris Mauer Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keethers Ms. Kola Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kirkpatrick Jack and Terry Klecka Jean Klingenstein Mr. Howard Korey Dr. Michael Krco Dr. & Mrs. Ken Kuo Ms. Michele Kurlander Ms. Barbara Lanctot Mr. John Lansing Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lederer Ms. Nicole Lehman Ms. and Ms. Ida Lessman Mr. Robert Letchinger † Dr. & Mrs. Murray Levin Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Levin Mr. Jerrold Levine Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Lewis Stewart and Susan Liechti Dr. Peter Littlewood Mr. Melvin Loeb Robert Losik Ms. Karen MacKay Ms. Janice Magnuson Mr. Timothy Marshall Ms. Molly Martin Mr. Marco Martinez Robert and Doretta Marwin Marilyn and Myron Maurer

Patricia and Richard May Ms. Jane McCarthy Mary McCarthy Mr. William McCune Ms. Patricia A. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. George C. McKann Mr. & Mrs. William McNally Mrs. Erma Medgyesy Mr. & Mrs. John Meeker Mr. Zarin Mehta Ms. Claretta Meier Lois and Hugo J. † Melvoin Mrs. Robert Mendelson Ms. Ruth Migdal-Brown Mr. Aaron Mills Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moeller Lloyd and Donna Morgan Mr. Thomas Morris David H. Moscow Allison Moulton Phyllis and Zane Muhl Lewis Nashner Ms. Yana Nedvetsky Kay A. Nelson Dr. & Ms. Richard Newcomb Mr. Jack Newsom Fr. Charles Niblick Eleanor Nicholson Mr. William Novshek Ms. Julia Nowicki and Dr. Timothy Sanborn Mr. Franklin Nussbaum Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. O’Donnell Ms. Christine Lee Oler Marjory Oliker Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oppenheim Dr. James Orr Richard and Carolyn Palas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Paszczyk Ms. Joan Lardner Paul Jennifer Pavelec Mrs. Victorina Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn Mr. Paul Phillips, Jr. and Mr. Lloyd Palmiter Lee Ann and Savit Pirl Dr. Joe Piszczor Larry and Judy Pitts Don and Martha Pollak Christine and Michael Pope Susan Poser and Stephen DiMagno Charlene H. Posner Barry and Eunice Preston Mr. & Mrs. Brad Price Chris and Elizabeth Quigg Mr. & Mrs. † Neil K. Quinn Mr. Jeffrey Rappin Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Rasio Ms. Polly Rattner Ms. Carol Rech Mrs. Enid Rieser Mr. Alexander Ripley Chauncey Robinson Mr. & Mrs. John Robinson Mr. James Rocks Steve Roper Ms. Elaine Rosen Ms. Lisa Ross Mr. Maris Roze Mr. Nicholas Russell

Cassandra Salgado Mr. † and Mrs. William Sample Mr. Laurence Saviers Michael and Judith Sawyier Margaret Schaefer Kathleen and Anthony Schaeffer Ms. Penelope Schaschwary Mrs. Rebecca Schewe Barbara and Lewis Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schnell Schultz Family Private Foundation Edward and Irma Schwartz Ms. Marilyn Schweitzer Thomas and Maryellen Scott Ronald and Nancy Semerdjian Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Sennett Mr. Mark Sexauer Dr. Lemuel Shaffer Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Sheinkop Carolyn M. Short Mr. David Showalter Mr. Thomas Simpson Christine A. Slivon David and Laraine Spector Michael Spertus and Wendy Jablow Spertus Mr. Stephen Spigel and Ms. Diana Williams Lavanya Srinivasan Mrs. Julie Stagliano Ms. Denise Stauder Ms. Sue Stealey Ms. Corinne Steede Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stein Mr. Richard Stein Mr. Irving Stenn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stern Donna Stroder Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sutherland Sharon Swanson Mrs. Florence and Ron Testa Ms. Alison Thomas Mr. Jay Tremblay Mrs. Denise Turcotte Trevor Turk Michael Urbut and Barbara Kirchick Urbut Gayle and Loren Veltrop Henrietta Vepstas Todd and Cari Vieregg Ms. Donna Vos Mr. Les Wallinga In memory of Abby S. Magdovitz-Wasserman from David Wasserman, M.D. Cynthia and Ben Weese Mr. David Weible In honor of Larry Neuman and Qing Hou Mrs. William White Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wick Jamie Wigglesworth AIA Robert J. Wilczek † and Shirley Pfenning Jennifer D. Williams Mr. Randall Winans Ted Windsor & Associates Consulting Actuaries Mr. Robert Winn Herbert and Ruth Winter Foundation Joseph Wisne Mr. Joseph Wolnski and Ms. Jane Christino Mark and Randi Woodworth Mr. Robert Yarbrough

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Susan Schaalman Youdovin and Charlie Shulkin Ms. Janice Young William Zeng Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Zitnik Dr. Michael P. Zygmunt $ 1 ,0 0 0 – $ 1 , 4 9 9

Anonymous (15) Leonard C. Achtenberg and Steve Livesey Ann Acker Ms. Beth Adamoli Mrs. Rebeca Adams Ms. Elizabeth Adkins John Albrecht Patrick Alden Ms. Rochelle Allen Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Altman Mary Jane and Bob Asher Jack and Carol Aten Fund Athena Fund Ms. Donna Baiocchi Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baird Mr. T. Banulis Mr. Peter Barrett Nita and Alvin Barshefsky Ms. Barbara Barzansky Ms. Colleen Batcheler Ms. Brenda Battle Robert and Linda Baum Ms. Ellen Bechthold Mr. & Ms. Rodger Bechtold Ellen Becker Paul Becker and Nancy Becker George Bell Ms. Bonnie Benson Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Bergen Gene and Natalie Bernardoni Mr. John Berwanger Ms. Elizabeth Bjerklie Mr. & Mrs. Charles Black Mr. Virgil Bogert Mr. Thomas Bookey Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bowey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Boyd Carl and Kathryn Boyens Ms. Daryl Brand Mr. & Mrs. Eric Brandfonbrener Ms. Ann Bratton Ms. Danolda Brennan Kyle Brennan Dr. Richard H. Brewer Mr. Anthony Bruck Ms. Nancy Bunge Alicia Bunton Katrina Burns Mr. & Ms. John A. Burrell Mr. George Burrows Bob and Lynn Burt Ms. Gwendolyn Butler Mr. Jay Byron Mr. Robert Byron Mr. † & Mrs. Wiley Caldwell, Jr. Ms. Evalyn Campbell Rachel Cantzler Mr. Derrell Capes Mr. Ray Capitanini Mr. Thomas Carmichael

Drs. Virginia and Stephen Carr Mr. Walter Carr Dr. Norman Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Donald and Linda Cassil Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Chalmers Mr. Rowland Chang Mr. John Chavez and Ms. Lisa Gershonson Ms. Melinda Cheung The Chicago Community Foundation Harriett and Myron Cholden Bruce Christian Erin Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Chung Nancy J. Clawson Mr. Thomas Clewett Mr. Lawrence Cohan Mr. Mimis Cohen and Mrs. Andrea Biel-Cohen Dr. Cherise Cokley and Mr. Pascal Nyobuya Ms. Ruth Colby Ms. Elaine Collina Ann Collins-Dole E. and V. Combs Foundation Anne Cooper Mrs. Edward Cooper Joe and Judy Cosenza Mr. Phil Cottrell Kristen and John Courtney Ms. Susan Cremin Mr. & Mrs. Ellen and Henry Criz Mrs. Barbara Flynn Currie William and Janice Cutler Robert Allen Daugherty Mr. Adam Davis Greg Davis Muller Davis † and Lynn Straus Ms. Kathy Dehoff Mr. Dennis Delavara Mr. Marc DeMoss Mr. Robert Deoliveira Ms. Marcia Devlin Mrs. Ruthanne Dewolfe Mr. Stephen Diamond Ms. Amy Dickinson and Mr. James Futransky Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Dickinson Mrs. Susan F. Dickman Mr. David Dickson Linda and Peter DiDonato Amy Dieschbourg Mr. William Dietz, Jr. Ms. Joan Donahue The Donnelley Foundation Mr. Fred Donner Dr. & Mrs. Heratch Doumanian Mrs. Susan Duda Cara Duffy Mrs. Janet Duffy Ms. Elizabeth Duquette Dr. Thomas Durica and Sue Jacob Lori Eich Adam Eichelkraut Mr. David Epstein and Ms. Susan K. Gordy Mr. & Mrs. A. Gerald Erickson Keith and Diane Ertner Nancy Estrada Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Eyerman Paul † and Clare Faherty Ms. Fran Faller Steven and Carol Felsenthal

Mr. & Mrs. Joel Fenchel Ms. Hazel Fisher Mrs. Laura Fisher Hazel Fisher-Gable Mr. & Mrs. Edward Fitzpatrick Ms. Lisa Flynn Dr. & Dr. James Frederiksen Ms. Diane Tkach and Mr. James F. Freundt Mr. Henry Frisch Mr. Calvin Frost John and Nancy Furr Ms. Cecile Gagan Peter Gallanis Navneet Garg Mr. John Garra Leonora Gatewood Drs. Henry and Susan Gault Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gepson Arlene Ghiron Mr. & Mrs. David Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gilbert Peter Gilbertson Kik and Si Gilman Ms. Alice Ginsburgh William and Ethel Gofen Norman † and Barbara Gold Robert and Roberta Goldman Evgenia Golubeva Mrs. Nancy Good Goodman Law Group Chicago Frederick Goodnow Mr. & Mrs. William M. Goodyear, Jr. Dr. Edward Gordon Mr. & Mrs. James Gorter Dr. Numa Gottardi-Littell Enid Goubeaux Mrs. Patricia Goyette-Gill Michelle Goyke Mike and Mary Grady David and Elizabeth Graham Bob and Lois Graham Luke Granfield Mr. Ellsworth Grant Brooks and Wanza Grantier Delmon and Sherry Grapes Mr. & Mrs. David Greenstein Mr. Andrew Griffin Mr. & Mrs. L. Dale Griffith Esther Grimm Ms. Marilyn Grogan George F. and Catherine S. Haber Mary Hackenbracht Mr. Christopher Hagen Mrs. Zahraa Hajjiri Mrs. Mary Hallman Mr. & Mrs. Errol Halperin Ms. Lee Hamilton Mrs. Susan Hammond Charlotte Hampton David Hansen Mr. Michael Hansen and Ms. Nancy Randa Mr. Charles Hanusin Mr. Steve Harris Mr. & Mrs. Julian Harvey Robert and Margot Haselkorn Mr. Joseph Hass Mr. William P. Hauworth II Elizabeth A. Hebert

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Greg Heidrich Mr. † and Mrs. Robert Heidrick Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Heisler Mr. Robert Heitsch Mr. Stephen V. Heller Janet and Bob Helman Alex Hemmer Ms. Betty Henneman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hentschel Mr. Richard Herman Mary Jo and Stephen S. Herseth Alan Hersh Mr. Keith Hickman Mr. Felipe Hillard Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hilliker Ms. Judith Hirsch Ms. Carol Hoelter Ms. Debbie Hoffman Ms. Sharon Flynn Hollander Vicki and Thomas Horwich Foundation Mr. & Mrs. R. Howell, Jr. Ms. Amanda Howland and Dr. Phillip E. Lane Michael S. Huckman Dr. Julia Hulcher Mr. Thomas Humes Ms. Bobbie Huskey Ms. Amey Hutchins Giovanna Imbarrato Mr. Michael Imbrogno Ms. Laurie Imhof Edward Ingram Ms. Hiromi Ishikawa Allan Izzo Ms. Kasey Jackson Egill and Ruth Jacobsen Ms. Judith Jahant Father Daniel Jarosewic Judith Jenkins John Jenkins Miss Doris Johnson Mr. Michael Johnson Mrs. Edith Johnston Dr. Theresa M. Judge Ms. Paula Kahn Mr. Gilbert Kanter Roula and George Karcazes George Karkazis Mr. & Mrs. David Karnes Charles Katzenmeyer Ms. Jane Keane Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keller Laura Kelley Mr. Philip Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Richard Keyser Ms. Lynne Kiesling Mr. & Ms. John Kineman Mr. & Mrs. Neil King Kathy Kirn and David Levinson Dr. Jay and Georgianna Kleiman Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Dr. Janice R. Klich Dr. & Mrs. Thornton C. Kline, Jr. Mr. Douglas Knuth Ms. Diane Koenker Ms. Jeanne Koons Brae Korin Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kreiter Ms. Mary Jane Krutt

Mr. Konstanty E. Krylow Mrs. Linda Lane Mr. Larry Lapidus Ms. Pamela Larsen Jules M. Laser Ms. Karen Latchford Mr. Lincoln Lauhon Sharon and Bill Lear Ms. Foo Choo Lee Mr. Young Lee Neal Lenhoff Mrs. Mary Lent Mr. Stephen Lester John and Jill Levi Mrs. Richard Levi Mrs. Saralyn Levine Mrs. Nancy Liley Sara Lindholm Toby Lipton Chang Liu Ms. Alma Lizcano Diane and William F. Lloyd Mr. & Mrs. John Lloyd-Still Mr. † & Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus Kathleen Logan Mrs. Harriett Long Mr. Dennis Lord Mr. Jay Luchsinger Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lutz Ms. Leslie Luxem Mr. Edward Mack Kenje Mallot Drs. Bruce and Barbara Malm Mr. Charles Mann Mr. Stephen Mannasmith and Ms. Mary Billington Mr. & Mrs. Roland Martel Sean Massung Dr. Ann B. Matasar Margaret and Michael McCoy Robert and Jane McDermott Mother Richard McDonough Bonnie McGrath Mr. Charles McKee Dr. & Mrs. Robert McMillan Carolyn McPherson Mr. & Mrs. Leland V. Meader Ms. Linda and Mr. Joe Meisel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Meyers, Jr. Michuda Construction Inc. Marilyn Mitchell Dr. Anthony Montag † and Dr. Katherine Griem Ms. Rosellen Monter Sanford and Monica Morganstein Ms. Vivian Mortensen John Mugge Mr. J. Thomas Mullen Dr. Gil Munoz Mr. George Murphy Ms. Marilyn R. Murray and Mr. David J. Pichurski Ferdinando Mussa-Ivaldi Jim and Marion Myers Mr. & Mrs. Michael Nash Mr. & Mrs. Alan Nesburg Ms. Carolyn Neuman Richard Neville and Karen Shields Mrs. Doris Nice

Jeff Nichols Mr. Alex D. Niekamp Mr. & Mrs. † Bernard Nusinow Mr. Douglas Nygaard Mr. & Mrs. Delano O’Banion Jason O’Connor James J. and Ellen O’Connor Ms. Shawn-Laree O’Neil Mrs. Ann Oros Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Osterberg Dr. Derya Ozyurt Marco and Daniela Pagani Helen and Joseph Page Mr. David Painter Ms. Joan Pantsios Timothy Park Ms. Audrey Paton James W. Pellegrino James Percifield Robert and Barbara Perkaus Ms. Dona Perry Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Peterson Rita Petretti Ed Pierson and Elaine Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Howard Pizer Mr. John Plampin Mal and Mickey Poland Mr. Neil Posner Ms. Joan Powers Mr. & Mrs. Steve Preins Meg and Jim Prendergast Ms. Anita Preston Allan and Carla Price Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Prinz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pritzker Mr. Steven Prorak Mrs. Sharon I. Quigley Mr. George Quinlan Mr. Richard Radek and Mrs. Mary Helgren Ms. Tara Raghavan Mr. & Mrs. Norman Raidl Mr. Terrence J. Ransford Joel and Marikay Raphaelson Anna Rappaport and Peter W. Plumley Ann and Bob † Reiland, in memory of Arthur and Ruth Koch Mr. & Mrs. David Reynolds Mr. Richard Rezac and Ms. Julia Fish Benjamin and Florence M. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rieser, Jr. Ring Family Foundation Mr. Paul Rink Mr. Steven Roess Cristina Romero Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rooney Gary Ropski and Barbara Schleck Mr. † & Mrs. Sherman Rosen Mrs. Babette Rosenthal Marsha and Robert Rosner Joan and Ashley Ross Mr. & Ms. Kevin A. Russell Ms. Rita Ryland Ms. Marcia Sabesin Ms. Judith Sandstrom Shabnum Sanghvi Mr. & Mrs. Steven Sarovich Mrs. Mary Sartin Mrs. Bonnie Saunders

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Mr. & Mrs. † Lawrence Sauter Mr. Samuel Sax Marie-Claude Schauer Mr. & Mrs. Eric Scheyer Linda Schurman Mrs. Illeane Schwartz Ms. Valerie Serzen Ms. Midge Shafton Leila Shakkour and Michael Thorne Xiaokui Katie Shan Dr. & Mrs. Charles Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shapiro Ms. Kim Shepherd Judith and Fernando Siaba Dr. & Mrs. Mark Siegler Richard Sikes Ms. Sharon Silverman Lynn B. Singer Janet and Stephen Smith Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Smith Nancy J Smith Pamela and Charles Smith Richard Smith Ms. Sarah Smith Dr. & Mrs. Richard Snow Frank So † and Deborah Huggett Dr. Sabine Sobek Ms. Ronnie Sokol In Memory of Timothy Soleiman Ms. Sondra Sonneborn Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Sonnenschein Mr. Ronald Spears Mr. George Speck Mr. & Mrs. George Spindler Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stepansky Ms. Judith Stephen In memory of Marjorie Stone Deborah Stonebreaker Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Stresen-Reuter, Jr. Ms. Barbara Struthers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stuckey Mr. Phillip Sylvester Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Tamkin Ms. Deborah Tate Mr. & Mrs. A. Robert Taylor Ms. Susan Taylor Terry Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Howard Tiffen Lamar Tims Bruce and Jan Tranen Ms. Joanne Tremulis Ms. Jean True Kok-Chi Tsim Ms. Linda Turner Ellen and Jerry Upton Dr. Joyce Van Cura Ms. Betty Vandenbosch Olga Vasilieva Indre Vepstas Dr. Pietro Veronesi Jim and Mary Vieregg Frank Villella and Eduardo Hernández Mr. John Vinci Ms. Carol Vix Ms. Kathleen Vogt Mr. Frank Walschlager Mr. & Ms. Terrence Walsh The Acorn Foundation

Mrs. Patricia Warren Mrs. Hempstead Washburne Judge Eugene Wedoff Mr. & Mrs. Joel Weisman Mr. Michael Welsh and Ms. Linda Brummer-Welsh Drs. Anne and Dennis Wentz Dr. & Mrs. Robert Wertz Ms. Rebecca West Ms. Zita Wheeler Mr. Alfred White Ms. Ellen Hunt and Mr. Charles White Mr. & Mrs. † William White Mr. James Wicklund Mr. Todd R. Wiener and Ms. Paula Jacobi Rob Wienhoff Dr. Katherine Wier Mark Wilcox Mr. Aloysius Wild and Dr. Caer McCabe Mr. Gary Wilhelm Mrs. Adrienne Wilk John Wilkinson Scott R. Williamson and Susanna E. Krentz Ms. Christine Wilson Mr. William T. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Alex Winkler Mr. Bruce Winograd Ms. Florence Winters Dr. Joseph Wise Mrs. Iris Witkowsky Mrs. Eugene Wollaston Alton Wong, M.D. Mrs. Jane Stroud Wright Ms. Mary Wysham Take Yamamoto In memory of Anthony C. Yu Dr. & Mrs. John Zaremba Ms. Mary Zeltmann Mrs. Yun Zhou and Fang Wu The Charles A. Zika Family Dr. & Mrs. Larry Zollinger Ms. Barbara Zutovsky $500–$999

Anonymous (24) Mr. Olufemi Aboyeji Mr. Daniel Acosta Mr. David Adams Mr. Douglas Adams Mr. George Adams Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Adelman Mr. Endre Agocs Christopher Ahmuty Ms. Judith Akers Ms. Alison Alexander Mr. † and Mrs. Walter Alexander Ms. Jill Althage Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Anderson Ms. Elizabeth Anderson Gay Anderson Karen Anderson Mr. & Ms. Paul Anderson Ms. Tammy Anderson Mr. Harold Andrews Ms. Barbara Arneson Paul Astolfi Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Atkin Mr. James Atkinson and Ms. Victoria Grigelaitis

Joel Augustin Ms. Patricia Austin Mr. Cameron Avery and Ms. Lynn Donaldson Mr. James Babb Dr. & Mrs. James Bach Dr. Richard Baer Mr. James Baird and Ms. Wendy Stock Dr. Peter Baker Mr. & Mrs. Ross Baker Jon W. and Diane Balke Mr. Terry Bangs Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Barliant Dr. Robert Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baron Mr. James Barry Mr. Wilbert Bartelt Mr. & Mrs. James Baughman Michael Baughman Mrs. Virginia Baumann Mr. & Mrs. William Baumgardt Ms. Patricia Bayerlein Mrs. Elizabeth Beck Robert Becker Marie M. Beckman Dr. & Mrs. Enrique Beckmann Dr. Dennis Beedle and Dr. Margaret Baumann Mrs. Karen Begley Ms. Susan Bekenstein Ms. Martha Bell Mr. Jeff Benson Dr. & Mrs. David Berkson Dr. & Mrs. Gustavo Bermudez Mr. Stephen Berry Ms. and Mr. Barbara Bresnahan Mike Biarnesen Mrs. Julie Biller and Dr. Stuart Berger Ms. Andrea Billhardt Ms. Suzi Birz Mr. Joe Blackburn Mr. & Mrs. David C. Blickenstaff Ms. Lesley Bloch Mr. Robert Bloch and Ms. Barbara Kahn Ms. Barbara Blough Mr. & Mrs. David Blumberg Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Bobrick Mr. Bruce Bochner Ben and Jean Bogner Mr. & Ms. Kenneth Boldt Leah Bolek Ms. Jane Bolkema Mr. Mark Bonamer Timothy and Karen Bondy Barbara Jean Bowers Mr. Bruce Boyer, Ph.D. Dr. & Mrs. James Boyle Dr. & Mrs. E. Boone Brackett Mr. Michael Brannan Mr. & Mrs. Walter Braun Franklin Brehmer and Sara Farr Mr. William Briggs Mr. Danny J. Brown Elizabeth Brown Mrs. Patricia L. Brown Mr. Barry Bruckner Ms. Halina Brukner Mr. Robert Buist Mr. Edward Burkhardt Mr. Christopher Burns

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Mr. David Burrage Dr. Robert Buschmann Ms. Bonnie Bush Janna and David Caldarellli Richard Caldwell and Carol Caldwell Mr. Benjamin Callard Mr. Gregory Cameron Mr. Dennis Carlin Mrs. Susan Carlton David and Orit Carpenter Ms. Mary Carpenter Mrs. Marilyn Carson Mr. & Mrs. † Blouke Carus Ms. Judith Casey Ms. Peggy Casey-Friedman Mr. Kyle J. Cash Ms. Erin Cavanaugh Mary Chaiken Virginia Chao Mr. & Ms. William Charles Mr. Bruce Chase Mr. & Mrs. Robert Chatterton, Jr. Dr. Horner Chen Ms. Sharon Chen Lisa Chessare Dr. Christakes Greg Christoff Michael Chu Mr. & Ms. George Clay Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Cleveland Dr. Bradley Clifford Mr. Edward Clinton Mr. Edward Clinton, Jr. Mr. Robert Coad and Mr. David Ellis Robert Coen and Marjorie Coen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cohan Mr. Joseph Cook Mrs. Sharon R. Cooper Ms. Judith Corbeille Miss Amanda M. Corrigan Mr. Kevin Corrigan Daniel Cortese Mr. Ron Corthell Mark Costaldi Mr. J. C. Costen and Dr. Sarah F. Orwig Mr. Derek Cottier Dr. Gregory Cowell and Mrs. Janine Glavas Mr. & Mrs. James Cox Christopher Crawl Dr. Penelope Crittenden Mr. & Mrs. Dan Crowe Mr. † and Ms. John Crowe Mr. Gar Crowell Dr. Atlee M. Cunningham, Jr. Mr. Frank Cunningham Mrs. Nancy Cunov Ms. Jane Curry Mr. & Mrs. John Czekaj Ms. Joellen Daly Mr. Brian Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Jack Daniels Christina or Oleh Danyluk Ms. Barbara Davis Ms. Katherine Davis Sue and Kent Davis Norma E. Davis Willis Marilyn and Robert Day Mr. Eric C. Dean

Mr. Lyle Degarmo Mr. & Ms. Harlan Dellsy Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dennis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph DeSalvo Mr. James Des Jardins and Ms. Beverly Serrell Mr. Daniel De Vere Gamal DeWeever Mr. Salvatore di Menza Mr. Jerome Dienstag Mrs. Mary Dietrick Mr. Paul Dietterich Mr. Brian DiPaolo Mr. Dwight Dively Mr. & Ms. Timothy Divis Ms. Louise Dixon Phil Dixon Bernard and Sally Dobroski Kevin and Colleen Doherty Mr. Leonard Dominguez Ms. Katherine Donaldson Ruth and Joseph Doninger Mr. Matthew and Mrs. Alexandria Dornauer Mr. Pete Douville Mrs. Lauri Draggoo Ms. Carol Dragon Mr. Paul Drennan Ms. Rosanne Druian Michael Duff Miss Ann Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dulski Mr. & Mrs. Jon Dutcher Ms. Roma Dybalski Mr. John Dyble Kimberly Eaton Mr. Jeremy Eden Mr. Hugh Edfors Jay and Sue Edmondson Charles L. Edwards Carol Egan Mr. Peter Egan Richard Egen and Donna Egen Ms. Anne Egger Mary Kay Eilers Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Eisenberg Sondra and Karl S. Eisenberg Reese and Jeanne Elledge Dr. & Mrs. Michael Ellman Mrs. Reiko Endo Mr. Cameron Erens Mr. Hans Eschenbach Mr. & Mrs. Robert Evans Ms. Antoinette Ewing Maurizio Facheris Mr. Brian Fagan Joya Fain Mr. & Mrs. Burt Fainman Denise Farris Mr. Daniel Feerst Mr. & Mrs. Robert Feitler Ms. Ellen Feldman Mr. Joel Feldman The Fellows Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ferencz Ann Field Ms. Lindsay Fielding Ms. Deborah Fineberg Ms. Mary Ann Fischer Susan E. Fisher and Larry I. Yellen

Mrs. Lisa Fisher Mr. Dale Fitschen Honoria Fitzgerald Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald and Ms. Mary K. Krigbaum Evelyn T. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Jon Fjortoft Ms. Nancy Flannery Mr. Marvin Fletcher Ms. Marcia Flick Ms. Susanne Flood Ms. Anita D. Flournoy Mr. & Mrs. Tom Folz Mr. Paul Fong Heather Foote David Foster and Dale Hoiberg Mr. & Mrs. Don Foster Ms. Kendra Foster Dr. Robert Fourer Mr. & Mrs. William Fowler Mr. & Ms. Arthur Fox Mr. Stanley Fox Lawrence and Pamela Frankel Mr. Craig Freedman and Mr. Mark Sibul Mr. Dietrich Freigang Fred Freitag Sara Friedle and Michael Towler Ms. Nancy Friedman Sarah Friedman Ms. Gwyn Friend and Mr. Larry Bennett Steven J. Fuchs Dr. Yukio Fukayama Ms. Linda Fuller Ms. Mary Fulton Mr. William Furlong Mr. John Furrer Steve and Helene Gabelnick Jane M. Gaines Mr. Nathan Galer Ms. Joan A. Gall Dr. Cheryl Gallagher Mr. George Galland Ms. Rose Galloway Ms. Ruth Ganchiff Mr. Robert Ganja Mr. Paul Gearen Elizabeth Geilen Ms. Carol Genutis Eric and Angie Gershenson Dr. Nancy Gettes Mrs. Edgar Gettleman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gibes Mr. Ben Gierl and Ms. Karla Hayter Mr. Daniel Gilmour III Norma Gilson Dr. & Mrs. David Ginsburg James Ginsburg and Patrice Michaels Ms. Leslie Gitlin Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gladfelter Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Glazer Mrs. Babette Glazier Mrs. Robert Glick Ms. Pauline Glinka Dr. Thomas Glonek Mrs. Joseph Glotzbach, in memory of Joseph F. Glotzbach Mr. Lionel Go Ms. Judith Golan

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Mr. Robert Goldman Dr. & Mrs. Robert Goldman Ms. Jill Goldy Ms. June Golin Mr. & Mrs. James Goodman Mr. Lawrence Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Marc Gordon Mr. Robert Gordon Mr. Harold Gorelick † Ms. Shelley Gorson Mr. William Gracie Karen Grant Henriette Gratteau Green River Films Mrs. Malcolm Greenebaum Ms. Katherine Gregg Catherine Griffin Mr. John Griffin Mr. John Grimes Mr. & Mrs. Jim Grotelueschen Mr. H. Grundke Mr. Adam Grymkowski Richard Gunther and Kathleen McLaughlin Andrey Guskov Mr. & Mrs. Todd Gustafson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gustis Grace Gutekunst Lisa Guynn Ms. Cheryl Haack Mr. Tsuneo Hachiuma Robin Tieken Hadley Mr. David Haeckel Loren Hagen Timothy R. Hale and Katherine Grace Hale Mr. H. Hall Ms. Annamaria Hallagan Ms. Hjordis Halvorson Susan Hamburger Rev. William Hamilton Ms. Elayne Hanert Mr. Larry Hanes Mr. Joseph Hanley Ms. Linda Hanna Mr. Brian Hanson Ms. Willodean Harness Kirk Harris Mr. Leonard Harris Mr. Michael Harris Mr. Richard Harris Donald Hartung and Lois Hartung Charles Harvey and Yvonne Yamashita Bonnie S. Hawkins Mr. Jo Hays Mr. Steve Hazard Qixin He Father Donald Headley Mr. John Heath Ms. Kay Heikkinen Ms. Angeline Heisler Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hendricks Mr. Kenneth Henry Mrs. Patricia Henry Mr. Paul Herrmann Ms. Jane Herron Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hess Ms. Phyllis Hill Mr. Stephen Hillyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hindsley

Mr. Matthew Hinerfeld Mr. Paul Hitterman Ms. Janelle Hoekstra Ryan Hook Mr. James Hoover James and Deborah Hopkinson Mr. † & Mrs. Christopher Horsch Michael Horsley Mr. & Mrs. Larry Horwich David R. Houck, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. John Howland Mr. & Mrs. David Hubbard Mr. James Huberty Mr. Dennis Hughes Christopher Hurley Ms. DeVerille Huston Richard Hutt Mr. Frederick Hyle Liza Illuzzi Michael Illuzzi Nicole Imparato James Ingolia Mr. Robert Irving Mr. Barry Isaacson Mr. Howard Isenberg Ms. Cheryl Iverson Cheryl Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Cary Jacobs Mr. Joshua Jacobs Mr. Chris Jacobsen Matt James Mr. Paul James Ms. Regina Janes Mr. Daniel Jares David and Christina Jarvis Mr. & Mrs. Joel Jastromb Mr. & Mrs. William Jastrow Ms. Linda Jenewein Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Jerabek Mr. & Ms. John Jerak Mr. Edward T. Jeske and Mr. John F. Hern Mr. † & Ms. Robert Jillson Ms. Patricia Johansen Mr. & Mrs. Craig and Karen Johnson Ms. Janis Johnson Marshall Johnson Maryl Johnson, M.D. Mr. Michael Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Roy Johnson Suzanne Johnson Ms. Janet Jones Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Jones Emely and James Jordan Mr. Jeffery Jordt Dr. Rebecca Josefson Mr. Jeffrey Jungk Mr. Bruce R. Kaden Ms. Donna Kahan Ms. Barbara Kahn Mr. Kurt Kaiser Ms. Janet Kalin Mr. † & Mrs. Ernest A. Karmin Mrs. Marion Karras Judy Kass Mr. Michael Kaufman Mr. Mark Kearns Kathryn and Michael Kemp Tony Kempf

Ms. Christina Ketron Andrew Kim Ellen King Marlene King Mrs. Judith Kinney Mr. Robert Kinsman Mr. & Ms. Gordon Kirk Ms. Tomoko Kizawa Kenneth Klassman Mr. Michael Kleppinger Anna Z. Kleymenova Mrs. Pat Kline Ms. Erika Knierim Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Koch Mr. Fujio Kohagizawa Mr. & Mrs. James Kolata Ms. Linda Konitz Eliot Konz Mrs. Tatiana Kopp Ms. Susan Kosinski Mr. John Kowalczyk Lawrence Krantz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Krasovec III Mr. & Mrs. David Kravitz Ms. Margaret Kreczmer Mr. Joe Kreider Mr. & Mrs. James Krema Dr. Elliott Kroger Mr. & Mrs. Larry Krucoff Dr. † and Mrs. Klaus Kuettner Mr. Stephen Kuhr Mr. & Mrs. John Kulczycki Ms. Nancy Kullman Mr. Pravin Kumar Mr. Stefan Kwiatkowski Chaeyoung Kwon Dr. Mila Kyncl Mr. Thomas Lad Charles and Dianne Laff Mr. Stephen Lahaie Ms. Diana Laitar Lisa and Bill Landes Peter Landon Mr. David Landsittel Ms. Janet Lang Miss Ellyn Lanz Mr. Jeffrey Larney Dr. Eleanor Laser Dr. James Lash Ms. Patricia Lauber Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lauesen Ms. Mary LaViolette Ms. Kam Law Ms. June Learner Dr. Gerald Lee Ms. Robin Lee Dr. Carolyn Leeb Ms. Kim Leffert Mr. Carl Lehnen Ms. Barbara Leiber Mr. Ned Leiby Dr. † & Mrs. H. Leichenko Mr. Jonathon Leik Drs. Cindy and Michael Leland Mr. & Mrs. John Lemker Ken Leng Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Leracz Chase and Mark Levey

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Ms. Barbara Levin Abby and Jonathan Levine Mrs. Rebecca Levine Mr. David Levy Ms. Carol Lewensohn Constance Lewis † and Lawrence Lewis Mary Beth Licioni Mrs. Shirley Lieb Mr. Ross Lillie Mrs. Jon Lind Mr. Robert Lindgren Mr. George Liu Luzheng Liu Mrs. Linda Sacia and Mr. Herman Loellbach Charles and Mary Lofgren Mr. Robert Logan Vicki Logan Mr. & Mrs. George Lombardi Robert and Barbara Long David A. Long Jr. John and Carol Long Dr. & Mrs. S. Loomis Mr. Joel Lowery Fr. Thomas Loya Mrs. Jane Lucas Ms. Phylis Ludwig Maiya and Richard Lueptow Mr. Wayne Lueptow Mrs. Charlette Lukes Ms. Melissa Lupella Thomas and Cindy Macchione Richard Machonkin S. Stella Mah Ms. Sharon Maholland Kristine Mahon Mr. Eric Makstenieks Kenneth J. Malek, Remian LLC Cindy Malin Barbara and Joseph Mallon Edward Malone Ms. Regina Manley Gail and Frederick Manning Mark and Wendy Manto Mr. & Mrs. Michael Markman Mr. Craig Marr Mrs. Anne Martin and Mrs. Edith McGovern Drs. Annette and John Martini Mr. Charles Mattenson Dr. † & Mrs. David Matteson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Mattson Mr. John Maurus Dr. & Mrs. Paul Maxwell Ms. Ann May Ms. Helen McArdle Mr. & Mrs. Charles McCall Ms. Darlene McCampbell Mr. Patrick McCarthy Ms. Elaine McCluskey Mr. William and Karen McConnell Mr. Frank McCoy Mrs. Hilary McCutcheon Mr. William McDermott Mr. Joseph McDonald Mr. Ronald McDonald Ms. Barbara McDonough Linda McGowan Ian and Camille McLeod Alan and Kim McQuiston

Ms. Donna L. Meagher Mr. Daniel Medrea Mr. Robert Meeker Mr. John Meeks and Ms. Susan Benner Bruce and Carol Meier Dr. † & Mrs. Jack L. Melamed Ms. Donna Melkonian Dr. † and Mrs. Gerald Mendel Mr. Michael Meshenberg Wilma Metz Dr. Boyd Metzger Mr. Donald Metzger and Mrs. Susan Anderson Mr. David Meyer Mr. Joel Meyer Michelle Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Micatka Amy Michalak David and Janet Midgley Ms. Laura Milani Ms. Dianne Millard Donna Miller Marylyn Zax Miller Dr. & Mrs. Sheldon Miller Mr. Ellsworth Mills Fr. Sterling Minturn Mr. & Mrs. David Mintzer Ms. Danila Miranda Ms. Sarah Mirkin Mr. † & Mrs. Michael Mitchel Mr. & Mrs. Sid Mitchell Camilo and Shawn Mitchum Mr. Samuel Mitrani Jennifer Mitropoulos Ms. Pauline C. Mittag Mr. Fred Mittelstaedt Ms. Mary Mittler Dr. Gary Mo Dr. & Mrs. Donald Moel Dr. Norman Moline Phillip Moll Ms. Whitney Molsen Mr. Sanford Moltz Dr. Jeffrey Mono Ms. Susan Montgomery David E. Blatt and David M. Moore John Morgan Joyce and Rick Morimoto Mrs. MaryLouise Morrison Mr. Steven Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Moschandreas Dr. & Mrs. Jonathan Moss Mr. Manigirdas Motekaitis Mr. & Mrs. Donald Motz, Jr. Janice Mouton Mr. & Ms. Michael Moynihan Mr. John S. Mrowiec and Dr. Karen L. Granda Mr. Gregory Mueller and Mrs. Betty Strack Kimberly Mulder Dr. Janice Mulqueeny Ms. and Mrs. Kristin Munsch Jeanette Murphy Ms. Roselen Murphy Ms. Diana Myers Mr. Scott Myers Mr. David Narefsky Ms. Linda Naru Paul Neff Ms. Janet Neiman Reed

David Nelson Deborah J. Nelson Robert Nelson and Brett Bunke Ms. Linda Neumann Mr. Robert Newman Mr. Daniel Ng Mr. Damian Ng Mr. Allan Nichols Mr. Anthony Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Nikkel Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Nitecki Mr. & Mrs. Ron Nobles Richard Nock and Wilma Nock Mr. Larry Nodulman Dr. Susan Noel Mr. † & Mrs. John D. Norcross Ms. Kathy Nordmeyer Mr. James Norr Ms. Jane Nosbisch Mr. & Mrs. James Nutt Sharon and Lee Oberlander Mr. & Mrs. Martin Oberman Ms. Ann O’Brien Mr. Brien O’Brien and Ms. Mary Hasten Jacquelyn O’Brien Ms. Kathleen O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. John W. O’Brien Felipe Ochoa Ms. Laurie Odell Mr. Thomas O’Keefe Mark O’Leary Larry and Karen Olson Dr. Mark Olson Mrs. Myrna Orenstein Ms. Margaret Ortenzo Mr. Ronald Orzel Amy Osler and Michael Lowenthal Hillary O’Toole Michael Pagano Miss Ronna Page Ivan Pal Ferenc Paller Mr. & Mrs. Tomas Palubinskas Elizabeth Ransford Mr. & Mrs. Sam Paravonian Dan and Diane Parrlli Katie Parsons Mr. Robert Parsons and Ms. Victoria Herget Robert Passeri, Jr. Donald and Marva Paull Mr. Barry Pearl Mrs. Paula Pederson and Mr. Raymond Olson Jacqueline Perkins Ms. Carrie Perman Mr. Robert Petkus Genevieve Phelps Mrs. Bonnie Phemister Ms. Jeannine Phillips Mr. Matthew Phillips James and David Pickard Dr. Steven Pierson Dr. Dan Pietrini Dr. & Dr. Robert Pildes Mrs. Sherri Pincus Mrs. Joan Pines Luz Pinilla Ms. Ilana Platt Bonnie Podolsky

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Mr. & Mrs. Joel Pokorny Mr. Roy Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pool Mr. Roland Porter Dr. Susan Porterfield Dr. Greg Portland Darla Posey Mr. Thomas Postek Lawrence and Carol Poston Dr. Rollin R. Potter Will Prebil Ms. Leslie Prellwitz Ms. Eleanor Prince Ms. Cadence Prymicz Mr. Joel Ramos Mrs. Tracy Raoul Louis Rathje Dr. & Mrs. Pradeep Rattan Mrs. Aldona Rauchas James Ray Mrs. Donna Rayner Anne Reagan-Maclean Ms. Joan Rearick Mrs. Thomas K. Rees, Sr. Jack W. Reeves James Reichardt Mr. James Reid Mr. Ken Leone and Ms. Sue Reid Mr. & Mrs. Alan Reinstein Rev. & Mrs. Fred Reklau Alicia and Myron Resnick Ms. Audrey Reynolds Ms. Jacqueline Rice Mr. & Mrs. Edward Richard Dr. Tehemina G. Richardson Richard Lanyon and Marsha Richman Patricia Richter Ms. Gail Rietze Ms. Edith Riley Dr. Edward Riley Jim Ritter and Victor Tousignant Ms. Catherine Robbins Dr. & Mrs. David Robert Cassandra Roberts Dr. Dennis Roberts Drs. William L. and Jean Robinson Ms. Janice Rodgers Dr. Robert Rodriguez Joan Roebuck Ms. Anita Rogers Ron and Jill † Rohde Mr. Matthew Rooney Mr. William J. Rosas Al † and Mimi Rose Mr. Donald Rose Mr. Christopher Rosean Dr. & Mrs. Louis Rosenblum Dr. & Mrs. Julio Rossi Mr. & Mrs. Warren Rouse Ms. Gretchen Rubin Mr. Eric Rubio Mr. John Ruby Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ruestow Mr. Jared Rugen William Rush Nicholas Russell Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Ruthman Priscilla E. Ryan and Frank Battle

Dr. Diane Saber Mr. James Sack and Mr. Carl F. Petry Mr. Bruce Sagan and Ms. Bette Cerf-Hill Drs. David and Karen Sager Mr. & Mrs. Sam Sallerson Ms. Natalie Saltiel Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sanders Michelle Sanders Mr. John Sandry Dr. Natalie Santiago Mrs. Karyn Saucedo Ms. Mary Sauer Mr. & Mrs. Gary Saunders Mr. Greg Savage Mr. Paul Savio Ms. Christine Saxine Mr. Dean Sayles Ms. Alice Schaap David Schabes Paul and Kathleen Schaefer Ms. Mary Schafer Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Scherubel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schlesinger Ms. Ellen Schlichting Mr. J Andrew Schlickman Ms. Sharon Schmid Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schmidt Paul Schneider Mr. & Mrs. John Schofield Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Scholz John J. and Barbara L. Schornack Mr. James Schorr Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schroeder Mr. Edwin Schroeder Mr. Stephan Schuele Ms. Virginia Hall Schulte Mr. † and Mrs. Frederick Schultz Elizabeth Schumacher Mr. & Ms. Stephen G. Schwegman James and Darlene Schweitzer Ms. Gerry Sczygiel Mr. Joseph Seliga Mrs. Seta Semerdjian Dr. Anna Serafini Ms. Susan Serbinski Ms. Suzanne Shade Mr. & Mrs. Gunjan Shah Mr. Todd Shamaly Mr. Gary Shapiro Jane A. Shapiro Dr. Jerry and Eunice Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Myron Shapiro Tom and Nancy Sharp Mrs. Maureen Shea Ms. Jeanie Sherwood Mr. & Mrs. William Shropshire Ms. Nailah Siddique Mr. Dennis Siebold Mr. David Siedlecki Ms. Ilene Simmons Ms. Donna Jean Simon Mr. & Mrs. Marc Simon Nancy Simonian Mr. Dick Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Singer Ms. Mary Sjoerdsma Mr. Demetrios Skias Mrs. Elizabeth Sklarsky

Mr. Kenneth Small Arthur Smith and Tracey Truesdale Dr. Daniel Smith Mr. & Mrs. Howard Smith Jeffrey Smith Kevin Smith Max Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Smith Mr. Reeves Smith Mr. & Mrs. Marty Smith Ms. Toni Smith Mr. & Mrs. David Sokol Ms. Joan Solbeck Ms. Nilda M. Soler Mrs. Shirley S. Solomon Ms. Marcia Solvsberg Judith Sommers Ms. Karen Sonderby Junkan Song Deana Sons David, Anna and Alexandra Sosa Ms. Fran Spellman Avery and Linda Spence Faith Spencer Mr. William Spielberger Mr. Lester Spielman † Mr. Michael Sprinker Mr. & Mrs. Michael Stack Mr. † & Mrs. Thomas Stafford Matthew Stagner Waymon and Cheryl Starks Mrs. Leah Steele George and Julie Steffen Dr. & Mrs. Jay Steinberg Ms. Salme Steinberg Mr. & Mrs. R. A. Steinke John Steman Ms. Elaine Stern Mr. Richard Stevens Dr. & Ms. Houston Stokes Mr. Tracy Stollberg Mr. & Mrs. Errol Stone Phillip Stover and Annette Stover Mr. Stephen Straus Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Strauss Mr. & Mrs. John Streit Mr. John Stroud Patricia Study Mr. Edward Studzinski Mr. & Mrs. Jackson D. Sturgeon Mr. Richard Sugar Ms. Brenda Sumberg Mr. James Suppes Mr. Arthur Sussman † Mr. Douglas Susu-Mago Jacob Swider-Rogers Mr. Raymond Swisher Mr. & Mrs. Steven Szalaj Brigid Tabour Ms. Claudine Tambuatco Mr. Robert Tanaka Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Tatar Mr. Charles Tausche Charles Taylor Ms. Nancy Temple Mr. Frank TenBrink Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ter Molen Mr. Thomas D. Terpstra and Ms. Ilene Patty

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Dahlia and Joseph Tesher Mr. Frederick Test Mr. Thomas Theodore Ms. Barbara Thomas Mr. Floyd Thompson Mr. Kenneth Thompson Connie and John Thullen Marcia Tiede Mr. & Mrs. Myron Tiersky Ms. Nancy Tieszen Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Tinaglia Mr. Michael Tobin Ms. Michelle A. Tolliver Betsy Tolstedt Roseanna Torretto Ms. Carol Turchan Dr. & Mrs. David Turner Mr. Jerzy Tyczynski Liat and Tali Tzur Cynthia Van Osdol Mrs. Natalie Van Straaten Ms. Stacy Vandenput Mr. David Vanderberg Frances and Peter Vandervoort Ms. Ruth Vanwitzenburg Mr. Leonardo Vargas Mr. David Vasak Ms. Lois Vasko In honor of Phyllis Tuccori Mr. Robert Verville Mr. Walter Vestal Mr. Jeffrey Vieregg Mr. & Mrs. John S. Vishneski III Ms. Darla Vollrath Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wagner Ms. Janet Wahl Alex J. Walker Dr. Elsie Walker, M.D. Ms. Margaret Walker Jeanie Wallenstein Ms. Mary Walsh Ms. Pamela Walsh Mr. Timothy Walsh Ms. Carol Ward Mr. & Mrs. John Ward Mr. & Mrs. William A. Ward Ms. Jeannine Warkow Dr. & Mrs. Sherwyn Warren Mr. Duane Waugh Mr. & Mrs. Howard Wax Ms. Elissa Weaver Mr. † & Mrs. William Weaver, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Weber Mr. James Wees Mr. David Weidenfeld Mr. Joshua Weikersheimer Ms. Michelle Weiland Ellen Weiss Ms. Kimberly Weiss Mr. J. Welch Ms. Patricia Werhane John and Connie R. Wesley Ms. Sharon West Mr. Charles and Mrs. Anita Whalen Mr. John Wheeler Ms. Niamh Whelan-Reiter and Mr. Scott Reiter Laura Whisler Mr. Howard White

Mr. & Mrs. Fritz Wildermuth Mr. Steven Wilhelm Ms. Amy Williams Ms. Kathy Williams Mr. & Ms. Neil Williams Mr. & Ms. Richard Williams Mr. Jack Williamson Mrs. Barbara Wilson Mr. Robert Wilson Ms. Louise Winograd Mr. Richard Winship Bruce and Joan Winstein Rita Wise Mrs. Kathleen Witt Ms. Elizabeth Wolf Dr. Jennifer Wolfe Mr. Ronald Wolford Ms. Linda Woloshin Ms. Rhonda Woodard Dr. Ira Wool Mr. Edward Wosylus Mr. & Mrs. Donald Woulfe Sibyl Wray Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wunderink Dr. Travis Yamanaka and Yuri Yatsuda Huan Yan Mr. Tony Warfield and Dr. Wen-Ho Yang Dr. John S. Yao M.D. and Dr. Pauline A. Mysliwiec M.D. Dr. Elizabeth Yepez Ms. Diane Yetter Ms. Agnes Yoo Angelene Youngman Mr. David Clark and Ms. Aveva Yufit Mrs. Tatiana Zabotina Mrs. IdaLynn Zahour Mr. Christopher Zahrobsky Anne Zeidman Irene Ziaya and Paul Chaitkin Mike Zimmerman John Zimnie and Linda Zimnie Mr. Trevor Zuck

$ 1 0 0,0 0 0 – $ 1 4 9, 9 9 9

Negaunee Music Institute at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

$ 1 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 1 9, 9 9 9

The Negaunee Music Institute connects individuals and communities to the extraordinary musical resources of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. The following donors are gratefully acknowledged for making a gift in support of these educational and engagement programs. To make a gift or learn more, please contact Dakota Williams, associate director, education and community engagement giving, at williamsd@cso.org or 312-294-3156. $ 1 5 0,0 0 0 A N D A B O V E

The Julian Family Foundation The Negaunee Foundation

Allstate Insurance Company The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation The James and Madeleine McMullan Family Foundation $ 75 ,0 0 0 – $ 9 9, 9 9 9

John Hart and Carol Prins National Endowment for the Arts Megan and Steve Shebik $ 5 0,0 0 0 – $ 74 , 9 9 9

Anonymous Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Judy and Scott McCue Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal † Polk Bros. Foundation Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation Shure Charitable Trust Michael and Linda Simon Mr. Irving Stenn, Jr. $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 4 9, 9 9 9

John and Fran Edwardson Bowman C. Lingle Trust $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 – $ 3 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous (2) Abbott Fund Barker Welfare Foundation Crain-Maling Foundation $ 2 0,0 0 0 – $ 2 4 , 9 9 9

Anonymous Illinois Arts Council Agency Richard P. and Susan Kiphart Family Leslie Fund, Inc. PNC Charles and M. R. Shapiro Foundation The George L. Shields Foundation, Inc. Bruce and Martha Clinton for The Clinton Family Fund Ellen and Paul Gignilliat Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Mr. Philip Lumpkin D. Elizabeth Price Sandra and Earl Rusnak, Jr. Lisa and Paul Wiggin Dr. Marylou Witz $ 1 1, 5 0 0 – $ 1 4 , 9 9 9

Nancy A. Abshire Mr. † & Mrs. David A. Donovan Halasmani/Davis Family $ 7, 5 0 0 – $ 1 1, 4 9 9

Archer Daniels Midland Company Robert and Isabelle Bass Foundation, Inc. Robert H. Baum and MaryBeth Kretz The Buchanan Family Foundation Sue and Jim Colletti Mr. Lawrence Corry Mr. & Mrs. † Allan Drebin

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Mrs. Carol Evans, in memory of Henry Evans Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Richard and Alice Godfrey Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Mr. Glen Madeja and Ms. Janet Steidl Ms. Susan Norvich Robert E. † and Cynthia M. Sargent Siragusa Family Foundation Ms. Liisa M. Thomas and Mr. Stephen L. Pratt Penny and John Van Horn Dr. Nanajan Yakoub $ 4 , 5 0 0 – $ 7, 4 9 9

Mr. Lawrence Belles John D. and Leslie Henner Burns Ms. Marion A. Cameron-Gray Ann and Richard Carr Harry F. and Elaine Chaddick Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dunkel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geraghty Dr. June Koizumi Anne E. Leibowitz Fund Mr. Robert Middleton Segal Consulting $2,500–$ 4,499

Anonymous Ms. Patti Acurio Charles H. and Bertha L. Boothroyd Foundation Mr. James Borkman Mr. Douglas Bragan Mr. & Ms. Keith Clayton Dr. Edward A. Cole and Dr. Christine A. Rydel Mrs. Roslyn K. Flegel William B. Hinchliff Dr. Ronald L. Hullinger Italian Village Restaurants Dr. Leo and Catherine Miserendino Margo and Michael Oberman The Osprey Foundation Mary and Joseph Plauché Mr. & Mrs. † Andrew Porte Benjamin J. Rosenthal Foundation Mr. David Sandfort Jessie Shih and Johnson Ho Mr. Larry Simpson Dr. & Mrs. R. Solaro Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Struthers, Jr. Abby and Glen Weisberg $ 1,0 0 0 – $ 2 , 4 9 9

Anonymous (5) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse John Albrecht Dr. Diane Altkorn Mr. Edward Amrein, Jr. and Mrs. Sara Jones-Amrein Dr. & Mrs. Robert Arensman Ms. Marlene Bach Mr. Peter Barrett Howard and Donna Bass Ms. Elaine Baumann Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bible Ann Blickensderfer Mr. Thomas Bookey Adam Bossov Mr. Donald Bouseman

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bowey, Jr. Mr. Lee M. Brown and Ms. Pixie Newman Jack M. Bulmash The Chicago Community Foundation Patricia A. Clickener Mr. Howard Conant Matt and Carrie Cotter William and Janice Cutler Robert Allen Daugherty Mr. Adam Davis Mr. Robert Deoliveira Ms. Amy Dickinson and Mr. James Futransky Mrs. Susan F. Dickman Dr. Thomas Durica and Sue Jacob Lori Eich Edward and Nancy Eichelberger Elk Grove Graphics Charles and Carol Emmons Judith E. Feldman Ms. Lola Flamm Mr. David Fox Lee Francis and Michelle Gittler Jerry Freedman and Elizabeth Sacks Ms. Elizabeth Friedgut James and Rebecca Gaebe Peter Gallanis Camillo and Arlene Ghiron Dr. & Mrs. Paul B. Glickman Goodman Law Group Chicago Gregory Grobarcik George F. and Catherine S. Haber Mrs. Zahraa Hajjiri Mr. & Mrs. John Hales Charlotte Hampton Ms. Dawn E. Helwig Mr. Felipe Hillard Dr. & Mrs. James Holland Ms. Sharon Flynn Hollander Michael and Leigh Huston Ms. Kasey Jackson Egill and Ruth Jacobsen Thomas and Reseda Kalowski Cantor Aviva Katzman and Dr. Morris Mauer Dr. Jay and Georgianna Kleiman Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Mr. & Mrs. Norman Koglin Mr. John Lansing Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Levin Mr. Jerrold Levine Mr. † & Mrs. Gerald F. Loftus Robert Losik Mr. Daniel Macken and Mr. Merlyn Harbold Sharon L. Manuel Ms. Mirjana Martich and Mr. Zoran Lazarevic Marilyn and Myron Maurer Mr. & Mrs. William McDowell, Jr. Marilyn Mitchell Catherine Mouly and LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. Phyllis and Zane Muhl Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Murley Edward and Gayla Nieminen Mr. & Mrs. Delano O’Banion Mr. Bruce Oltman Ms. Joan Pantsios Ms. Audrey Paton Dianne M. and Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Kirsten Bedway and Simon Peebler Dorothy V. Ramm

Ms. Carol Rech Ruth Anne Rehfeldt Dr. Hilda Richards Mary K. Ring Cristina Romero Mr. Nicholas Russell Mr. Laurence Saviers Mr. & Mrs. Eric Scheyer Gerald and Barbara Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Scorza Stephen A. and Marilyn Scott Xiaokui Katie Shan Dr. & Mrs. Richard Snow Dr. Sabine Sobek Mr. George Speck Joel and Beth Spenadel Mrs. Julie Stagliano Ms. Denise Stauder Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stepansky Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Stoll Walter and Caroline Sueske Charitable Trust Sharon Swanson Ms. Deborah Tate Terry Taylor Mrs. Florence and Ron Testa Ayana Tomeka Dr. Joyce Van Cura Henrietta Vepstas Dr. Pietro Veronesi Mrs. Hempstead Washburne David E. and Kerstin Wellbery Jamie Wigglesworth AIA Ms. Christine Wilson Mr. Robert Winn ENDOWED FUNDS

Anonymous (3) Cyrus H. Adams Memorial Youth Concert Fund Dr. & Mrs. Bernard H. Adelson Fund Marjorie Blum-Kovler Youth Concert Fund CNA The Davee Foundation Kelli Gardner Youth Education Endowment Fund Mary Winton Green William Randolph Hearst Foundation Fund for Community Engagement Richard A. Heise Peter Paul Herbert Endowment Fund The Kapnick Family Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust The Malott Family Very Special Promenades Fund The Eloise W. Martin Endowed Fund in support of the Negaunee Music Institute at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra The Negaunee Foundation Nancy Ranney and Family and Friends Toyota Endowed Fund Virginia C. Vale† The Wallace Foundation Zell Family Foundation

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.



Members of the Civic Orchestra receive an annual stipend to help offset some of their living expenses during their training in Civic. The following donors have generously underwritten a Civic musician(s) for the 2020/21 Season. Nine Civic members participate in the Civic Fellowship program, a rigorous artistic and professional development curriculum that supplements their membership in the full orchestra. Major funding for this program is generously provided by The Julian Family Foundation. To learn more, please contact Dakota Williams, associate director, education and community engagement giving, at williamsd@cso.org or 312-294-3156. Nancy A. Abshire Marianne Martinoli, violin Dr. † & Mrs. † Bernard H. Adelson Rachel Mostek, viola Robert H. Baum and MaryBeth Kretz Pei-yeh Tsai, keyboard

Richard and Alice Godfrey Joy Curtin, violin

Ruth Miner Swislow Charitable Fund Brent Taghap, violin

Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Hanna Pederson, viola

Lois and James Vrhel Endowment Fund Emmett Jackson, bass

Mary Winton Green Adam Attard, bass

Dr. Marylou Witz Hannah Christiansen,** violin

Jane Redmond Haliday Chair Noémie Golubovic, cello

Anonymous Philip Bergman,** cello

The Julian Family Foundation Taylor Hampton, percussion Laura Yawney,** oboe

Anonymous Maggie Lin, bass Robinson Schulze, bass trombone

Lester B. Knight Charitable Trust Laurie Blanchet, clarinet Eric Leise, flute Maki Omori, violin Nicholas Ritter, bassoon Arianna Schickel, violin

Theodore Thomas Society

Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett John Heffernan, violin League of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association Alexandria Hoffman,** flute

Mr. Lawrence Belles and The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Fahad Awan, violin

Leslie Fund Inc. Joseph Bricker,** percussion Abigail Black,** horn Tabitha Oh, violin

Sue and Jim Colletti Bethany Pereboom,** viola

Phillip G. Lumpkin § Najette Abouelhadi, cello

Lawrence Corry Kayla Howell, horn

Glen Madeja and Janet Steidl Genevieve Smelser, violin

Robert and Joanne Crown Income Charitable Fund Nicolas Chona, clarinet Evan Fojtik, flute Martin Meyer, cello Sofia Nikas, viola Katherine Ritter, horn Naomi Schrank, violin

Judy and Scott McCue and The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Luke Lentini,** violin Kristen Seto, violin

Mr. † & Mrs. David A. Donovan Lindsey Orcutt, bass

Ms. Susan Norvich Eleanor Kirk, harp

Mr. & Mrs. † Allan Drebin and The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Erik Andrusyak, oboe

Sandra and Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. Anna Piotrowski, violin

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geraghty and The Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation Hannah Cartwright, violin

Nancy Lauter McDougal and Alfred L. McDougal † Brian Johnston, trombone

Barbara and Barre Seid Foundation Ignacio del Rey, trombone Jarrett McCourt, tuba

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Jamie Andrusyak, violin Daniel Price, trumpet

The George L. Shields Foundation Inc. Eva María Barbado Gutiérrez, cello Ben Roidl-Ward, bassoon Seth Van Embden, viola

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Glossberg Victor Huls, cello

The David W. and Lucille G. Stotter Chair Pauline Kempf, violin

Mary Louise Gorno Chair Listed below are generous donors who have made commitments to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra through their wills, trusts and other estate plans, including life-income arrangements. The Society honors their generosity, which helps to ensure the long-term financial stability and artistic excellence of the CSOA. To learn more, please contact Director of Endowment Gifts and Planned Giving Al Andreychuk at 312-294-3150. S T R A D I VA R I A N A S S O C I AT E S

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra is pleased to recognize the following individuals for generously creating a revocable bequest of $100,000 or more, or an irrevocable lifeincome trust or annuity of $50,000 or more, to benefit the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association, as of June 2021. Anonymous (7) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Lisa J. Adelstein Jeff and Keiko Alexander Evy Johansen Alsaker Robert A. Alsaker Geoffrey A. Anderson Mychal P. Angelos, in memory of Dorothy A. Angelos Marlene Bach Dr. Jeff Bale Mr. Neal Ball Sally J. Becker Marlys A. Beider Dr. C. Bekerman Martha Bell Mike and Donna Bell Celine Bendy Julie Ann Benson K. Richard and Patricia M. Berlet Merrill and Judy Blau Ann Blickensderfer

† Deceased  ** Fellow   § Partial sponsor Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Danolda Brennan Mr. Leon Brenner, Jr. Mitchell J. Brown Charles Capwell and Isabel Wong Mr. Frank and Dr. Vera Clark Patricia A. Clickener Judith and Stephen F. Condren Anita Crocus Harry and Jean Eisenman Dr. Marilyn Ezri Mrs. William M. Flory Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox, Sr. Rhoda Lea Frank Mary J. and Ronald P. Frelk Penny and John Freund Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Gignilliat Merle Gordon Mary Louise Gorno Dr. & Mrs. David Granato Mary L. Gray Mary Winton Green Dr. Jon Brian Greis Nancy Griffin John and Patricia Hamilton John Hart and Carol Prins Mr. William P. Hauworth II Thomas and Linda Heagy Mr. R.H. Helmholz Stephanie and Allen Hochfelder Concordia Hoffmann Stephen D. and Catherine N. Holmes Frank and Helen Holt Mark and Elizabeth Hurley Michael L. Igoe, Jr. Ms. Darlene Johnson Ronald B. Johnson Roy A. and Sarah C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Lori Julian Jared Kaplan † and Maridee Quanbeck Wayne S. and Lenore M. Kaplan Howard Kaspin James Kemmerer Robert Kohl and Clark Pellett Edwin and Karen Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kubicka Robert B. Kyts Memorial Fund Charles Ashby Lewis and Penny Bender Sebring Robert Alan Lewis Dr. Valerie Lober Glen J. Madeja and Janet Steidl Sheldon H. Marcus Marilyn G. Marr James Edward McPherson Janet L. Melk Dr. Leo and Catherine Miserendino Drs. Elaine and Bill † Moor Charles Moore Craig and Rose Moore Mrs. Mario A. Munoz John H. Nelson Muriel Nerad Edward A. and Gayla S. Nieminen Ms. Kathy Nordmeyer Diane Ososke Dr. Joan E. Patterson Donald Peck

Mrs. Thomas D. Philipsborn Judy Pomeranz Neil K. Quinn Randall and Cara Rademaker Al and Lynn Reichle Ann and Bob Reiland Wendy Reynes Dr. Edward O. Riley Charles and Marilynn Rivkin David and Kathy Robin Jerry Rose Mr. James S. Rostenberg Richard O. Ryan John A. Salkowski Cecelia Samans A. Wm. Samuel Franklin Schmidt Joanne Silver Mr. Craig Sirles Betty W. Smykal Annette and Richard Steinke Mrs. Deborah Sterling Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strong Mrs. Gloria B. Telander Karin and Alfred Tenny Richard and Helen Thomas Ms. Carla M. Thorpe Dr. Richard Tresley Paula Turner Robert W. Turner and Gloria B. Turner Mr. & Mrs. John E. Van Horn Mr. Christian Vinyard Craig and Bette Williams Florence Winters Stephen R. Winters and Don D. Curtis Dr. Robert G. Zadylak Helen Zell MEMBERS

Anonymous (29) Valerie and Joseph Abel Louise Abrahams Patrick Alden Richard and Elynne Aleskow Judy L. Allen Ann S. Alpert Ms. Judith L. Anderson Steven Andes, PhD Catherine Aranyi Dr. Susan Arjmand Mr. & Mrs. Randy Barba Mara Mills Barker Dr. & Mrs. Robert Beatty Joan I. Berger Robert M. Berger John L. Browar Catherine Brubaker Joseph Buc Edward J. Buckbee Michelle Miller Burns Mr. Robert J. Callahan Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Car Mr. & Mrs. William P. Carmichael Dr. Marlene E. Casiano Beverly Ann and Peter Conroy Sharon Conway Mr. Jerry J. Critser Ron and Dolores Daly

Mr. & Mrs. John Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Clyde H. Dawson Sylvia Samuels Delman Mrs. David A. DeMar Ms. Phyllis Diamond Mr. Richard L. Eastline Nancy Schroeder Ebert Robert J. Elisberg Richard Elledge Charles and Carol Emmons La and Philip Engel Tarek and Ann Fadel James B. Fadim Leslie Farrell Donna Feldman Frances and Henry Fogel Allen J. Frantzen Nancy and Larry Fuller Dileep Gangolli Miss Elizabeth Gatz Dr. & Mrs. Mark Gendleman Steve and Lauran Gilbreath Mr. Daniel Gilmour, III Mr. Joseph Glossberg Adele and Marvin † Goldsmith Douglas Ross Gortner Chet Gougis and Shelley Ochab Ms. Elizabeth A. Gray Delta A. Greene Mrs. Barbara Gundrum Lynne R. Haarlow Mrs. Robin Tieken Hadley Mr. Tom Hall Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hallett Dr. Donald Heinrich William B. Hinchliff Mr. Thomas Hochman Jack and Colleen Holmbeck Mrs. Walter Horban James and Mary Houston Mr. James Humphrey Merle L. Jacob Dinah Jacobs Ms. Jessica Jagielnik Mrs. Marian Johnson Ms. Janet Jones Marshall Keltz Valerie and George Kennedy Paul Keske Mr. & Mrs. Frank L. Klapperich, Jr. Mrs. LeRoy Klemt Sally Jo Knowles Mrs. Russell V. Kohr Ms. Barbara Kopsian Liesel E. Kossmann Eugene Kraus Thomas and Annelise Lawson Dr. & Mrs. David J. Leehey Ms. Nicole Lehman Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Levy Ms. Sally Lewis Dr. Eva F. Lichtenberg Mr. Michael Licitra Dr. & Mrs. Philip R. Liebson Bonnie Glazier Lipe Candace Loftus Suzette and James Mahneke Ann Chassin Mallow

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Sharon L. Manuel Mrs. John J. Markham Judy and Scott McCue Mr. William McIntosh Leoni Zverow McVey and Bill McVey Dorothe Melamed Marcia Melamed Dale and Susan Miller Michael Miller and Sheila Naughten Thomas R. Mullaney Daniel R. Murray Dolores D. Nelson Franklin Nussbaum Mr. & Mrs. Paul Oliver, Jr. Wallace and Sarah Oliver Lynn Orschel Dr. David G. Ostrow and Mr. Rafael Gomez Helen and Joseph Page George R. Paterson Dianne M. and Robert J. Patterson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Perlstein Elizabeth Anne Peters Mr. Lewis D. Petry Judy C. Petty Karen and Dick Pigott Lois Polakoff D. Elizabeth Price Dorothy V. Ramm Jeanne Reed Ms. Oksana Revenko-Jones Karen L. Rigotti Don and Sally Roberts Ms. Elaine Rosen Mrs. Ben J. Rosenthal Dr. Virginia C. Saft Craig Samuels Sue and William Samuels Paul and Kathleen Schaefer Mrs. Milton Scheffler Mr. Douglas M. Schmidt David Shayne Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Anne Sibley Larry Simpson Thomas G. Sinkovic Rosalee Slepian Mary Soleiman Jim Spiegel Julie Stagliano Denise M. Stauder Karen Steil Timothy and Kathleen Stockdale Mr. John Stokes Jeffrey and Linda Swoger Mr. John C. Telander Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Thorson Karen Hletko Tiersky Myron Tiersky Jacqueline A. Tilles Mr. James M. Trapp Mr. Donn N. Trautman Mike and Mary Valeanu Frank Villella Mr. Milan Vydareny Dr. Malcolm Vye Adam R. Walker and BettyAnn Mocek Mr. Frank Walschlager Louella Krueger Ward

Dr. Catherine L. Webb Karl Wechter Claude M. Weil Joan Weiss Mr. Thomas Weyland Lisa and Paul Wiggin Linda and Payson S. Wild Kayla Anne Wilson Robert A. Wilson Nora M. Winsberg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Wolf Beth Wollar IN MEMORIAM

Listed below are individuals who were Theodore Thomas Society members and patrons who made exceptional commitments to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra through their estates. They are remembered with gratitude for their generosity and visionary support. Anonymous (9) Hope A. Abelson Elizabeth E. Abler Richard Abrahams Frances B. Abrahamson Donald Alderman Sara Anastaplo Ruth T. and Roger A. Anderson Elizabeth M. Ashton Irwin Askow Jacqueline and Frank Ball Wayne Balmer Paul Barker Leland and Mary Bartholomew Patricia Anne Barton Barbara Burt Baumann Hortense K. Becker Arlene and Marshall Bennett Norma Zuzanek Bennett Sally J. Benson Harriet and Harry H. Bernbaum Lenore M. Berner Naomi T. Borwell Kathryn Bowers Harriet B. Brady Marjorie L. Bredehorn Howard Broecker Claresa Forbes Meyer Brown George and Jacqueline Brumlik Dr. Mary Louise Hirsch Burger Marie Kraemer Burnside Norma Cadieu Wiley Caldwell Elizabeth R. Capilupo Charles R. Casper Margaret G. Chamales Marcia S. Cohn Milton Colman Robert Cooke Nelson D. Cornelius Anita J. Court, Ph.D. Christopher L. Culp Barbara DeCoster Billie Dale Delevitt Robert L. Devitt Azile Dick

Edison and Jane Warner Dick James F. Drennan William B. Drewry Robert L. Drinan, Jr. Daisy Driss William A. Dumbleton Evelyn Dyba Marian Edelstein Estelle Edlis Dr. Edward Elisberg Kelli Gardner Emery Joseph R. Ender Shirley L. and Robert Ettelson Shirley Mae Evans Mildred F. Fanslau Dr. James D. Fenters Leslie Fogel Robert B. Fordham Herbert and Betty Forman Richard Foster Etha Beatrice Fox Elaine S. Frank Henry S. Frank Herbert B. Fried Dr. Muriel S. Friedman Gustave D. Friesem Hynda and Maurice Gamze Florence Ganja Alan J. Garber William and Helene Gardner Martin and Francey Gecht Isak Gerson Betsy N. and James R. Getz Mrs. Willard Gidwitz Lyle Gillman Marvin Goldsmith Elizabeth S. Graettinger George Graham William B. Graham Richard Gray David Green Allen J. Greenberger Dr. Robert A. Greendale Mrs. Ann B. Grimes Ernest A. Grunsfeld III Elizabeth and Paul Guenzel Cecile Guthman Betty and Lester Guttman A. William Haarlow III Grace and Vernon Hajeck Clarine and James Hall Julie and J. Parker Hall Richard Halvorsen Leah C. and Robert J. Hamman CAPT Martin P. Hanson, USN Ret. Mrs. David J. Harris Polly Heinrich Mary Mako Helbert Lawrence J. Helstern Adolph “Bud” and Avis Herseth Marriane Deson Herstein Mary Jo Hertel Helen Hoagland Blanche Hoheisel Eugene P. Holland Allen H. Howard Hugh Johnston Hubbard Joseph H. Huebner

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Helen Igoe Mrs. Henry Isham Barbara Isserman Robert Johnson Phyllis A. Jones Joseph M. Kacena Stuart Kane Morris A. Kaplan Roberta Kapoun Paul Keske Esther G. Klatz Russell V. Kohr Jeffrey W. Korman William Kruppenbacher Karen Kuehner Evelyn and Arnold Kupec Ruth Lucie Labitzke Louise H. Landau Alice M. La Pert Sadie Lapinsky Caressa Y. Lauer Robert A. Leady Arthur E. Leckner, Jr. Patricia Lee Christine D. Letchinger Lena T. Levinson Richard Alan Livingston Marion M. and Glen A. Lloyd Mary Longbrake William C. Lordan Arthur G. Maling June Betty and Herbert S. Manning Kathleen W. Markiewicz Ellen and Robert C. Marks Irl and Barbara Marshall Eloise Martin Virginia Harvey McAnulty Helen C. McDougal, Jr. Lillian E. McLeod Eunice H. McGuire Carolyn D. and William W. McKittrick Carolyn and Bruce McPherson Jack L. Melamed, M.D. Hugo J. Melvoin Richard Menaul Shirley R. Mesirow Phillip Migdal Kathryn and Edward Miller Micki Miller Gloria Miner Beth Ann Alberding Mohr Bill Moor Kathryn Mueller Marietta Munnis Leota Ann Meyer Murray David H. Nelson Helen M. Nelson Sydelle Nelson Otto Nerad John and Maynette Neundorf Piri E. and Jaye S. Niefeld Raymond and Eloise Niwa Joan Ruck Nopola Carol Rauner O’Donovan T. Paul B. O’Donovan Mary and Eric Oldberg Bruce P. Olson Suzanne and Brace Pattou

Dorothy and William G. Paulick, Jr. Mary Perlmutter Bette G. Petersen Helen J. Petersen Madge and Neil Petersen Maxine R. Philipsborn Walter Placko Elaine and Harold H. Plaut Charles J. Pollyea Miriam Pollyea Virginia and Eugene Pomerance Halina J. Presley Samuel Press Alfred and Maryann Putnam Christine Querfeld Ruth Ann Quinn Muriel F. Reder Walter Reed Daniel Reichard Paul H. Resnik Sheila Taaffe Reynolds Joan L. Richards J. Timothy Ritchie Dolores M. Rix David M. Roberts Rosemary Roberts Virginia H. Rogers Jill N. Rohde Irmgard Hess Rosenberger Ben J. Rosenthal Harriet Cary Ross Anthony Ryerson Margaret R. Sagers Beverly and Grover Schiltz Erhardt Schmidt Muriel Schnierow Donald R. Schreiber Barbara and Irving Seaman, Jr. Margaret and Edwin Seeboeck Nancy Seyfried Denise Selz Joseph J. Semrow Ingeborg Haupt Sennot Soretta and Henry Shapiro Muriel Shaw Mr. Morrell A. Shoemaker Rose L. and Sidney N. Shure Mr. William F. Sibley Dr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Siegel Joan H. and Berton E. Siegel Peter E. Sincox Mr. Allen R. Smart Jean H. Smith Peggy E. Smith-Skarry Willis B. Snell Karen A. Sorensen Georgette Grosz Spertus Edward J. and Audrey M. Spiegel Vito Stagliano Mrs. Zelda Star Mr. Charles J. Starcevich Curtis D. Stensrud Lucille G. and David W. Stotter Helmut and Irma Strauss Franklin R. St. Lawrence Robert Sychowski Dr. Gerald Sunko Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swanson

Ruth Miner Swislow Robert Sychowski Andrew and Peggy Thomson J. Ross Thomson Sue Tice Beatrice B. Tinsley C. Phillip Turner Paul D. Urnes Ted Utchen Robert L. Volz Lois and James Vrhel Cecilia Sue and Burton J. Wade Louise Benton Wagner Michael Jay Walanka Nancy L. Wald Jeanne Walker Josephine Wallace Laurie Wallach Jean Angus and Ferre C. Watkins Virginia O. Weaver Ann Dow Weinberg Marco Weiss James M. Wells Barbara Huth West Joyce Hadley Williams Arnold & Ann Wolff Ronald R. Zierer Rita A. Zralek

Outright Endowment Gifts Anonymous (3) Dora J. and R. John Aalbregtse Mr. & Mrs. William Adams IV Barbara Blair, in memory of John R. Blair Harry and Jean Eisenman Elaine and Zollie Frank Fund Richard † and Mary L. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich M. Gross Edward Inbusch Mr. & Mrs. † William R. Jentes Mr. & Mrs. Paul Judy Lori Julian Ms. Kola Kennedy Emi Matsuda Mr. Robert Meeker Jean Shin Nanjo The Negaunee Foundation Andra and Irwin Press Sheli Z. and Burton X. Rosenberg Roycroft Chamber Music Festival Megan and Steve Shebik Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr. Mr. † & Mrs. Ralph Smykal Karen Visser Catherine M. and Frederick H. Waddell Helen and Sam Zell Everett Zlatoff-Mirsky

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.


Contributed Gifts and Services The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association is grateful to Steinway & Sons for its generous support. Allium String Quartet American Airlines Apland Baker & McKenzie Banfi Big Foot Media Boleo Booth Hansen Boston Consulting Group Bridges Mavrakakis LLP William Buchman Sarah Bullen Capstone Financial Advisors Li-Kuo Chang Chicago Bears Chicago Cultural Center Chicago Magazine Chicago Tribune Company DLA Piper LLP (US) Baird Dodge Duckhorn Portfolio Forbidden Root Frederick C. Robie House Garrett’s Popcorn Susanna Gaunt Gemini Graphics, Inc. Daniel Gingrich Goddess and the Baker Goose Island Beer Co. Green River Films

Greenwich Studios David Griffin Henry Griffin Jennifer Gunn John Hagstrom Haymarket Opera Company Hewitt Associates HispanicPro Qing Hou Iron Galaxy Studios Iwan Ries & Co. Robb Jibson, So Midwest Gabrielle Johnson Kathy Jordan Nicholas Joseph Katherine Anne’s Confections Carole Keller Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises Lincoln Park Zoo Long Story Short Yo-Yo Ma Miles Maner Mayer Brown LLP McDermott Will & Emery McKinsey & Company The Napa Valley Reserve National Hispanic Sales Network Larry Newman Nicado Publishing / NegociosNow Nico Osteria Jonathan Pegis PianoForte Studios PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Tian Qin Danny Romano Roy Estate Ruthie and Rich Ryan Lora Schaefer

Cynthia and Michal Scholl The Segal Group Services International Courtney Shea Show Services Slover Linett Strategies James Smelser Mike Smith, Photographic Soldier Field The Sound Co-Op, LLC Steinway Piano Gallery Chicago Susan Synnestvedt David Taylor Benjamin Teichman Theatrical Lighting Connection Think-cell Tiffany & Co. Time Out Chicago Tootsie Roll Union Station United Airlines Virtue Cider Walgreens Susan Warner WBBM WBEZ WDCB WFMT Wheaton College Rainn Wilson WLS-FM Wrigley Field WXRT Cynthia Yeh Yuan-Qing Yu

† Deceased Italics indicate individual or family involvement as part of the Trustees or Governing Members of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association.



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