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Who are White Tygër?
Nip Turner – Vocals / Guitar, Chris Hingley – Guitar / Vocals, Ste Timmings – Bass / Vocals & Jack Ryland Smith – Drums
Tell us about your writing method: what motivates you? What gives you the energy to write?
The band said, “Writing for us just comes when it comes, we can be anywhere and we will think of a riff or lyrics etc or even just an idea like a story or the type of song it could be, obviously life helps and the situations it throws at us whether good or bad.”
Nip added, “I think it’s really difficult to keep writing top quality music because it’s so hard to stay inspired especially when life kicks you when you’re down. Times are so hard in the music business atm especially for up-and-coming bands trying to break through and get that lucky break. It’s kind of like a catch 22. It can be great for writing and make it difficult to carry on. That’s why we see a lot of bands pulling the plug because if you aren’t topping your last album then I don’t see the point in going backwards. I’d rather not write at all than write poor music I’d rather leave a good legacy and have 1 or 2 great albums than 10 average ones if that makes sense.”
Tell us about your inspirations? Who are your biggest influences?
“The band go crazy for the classics of rock, AC/DC, Guns N Roses, Metallica, Skid Row and Motley Crue. Hopefully you can hear that come through in our songs.”
Who are White Tygër and who are Tygër, and what’s with the dots above the ‘e’ in the band names?
“Its kind of hard for a new originals band to emerge, you know, to get used to playing with each other, live, so like many we’d started out playing covers. But, once we had our album out, we realised that it could get confusing for fans, not knowing if they were coming to see us play covers or originals or what! We’d been talking about it for a while. We then met our new management and the first item we talked about was exactly this, so we decided ‘Tygër’ is our covers band and ‘White Tygër’ is our originals band.
We’ll be at HRH as White Tygër, and we just can’t wait! There is also a band called White Tiger, don’t confuse us. Those guys can’t spell!!
There is No real reason behind the dots. Originally when the logo was designed it had two stars and not dots so we changed it like Motörhead and Mötley Crüe and it stayed.”
Do you feel you get stronger every day? How so?
“We definitely do, the more we play, the more we grow together as a band. This leads onto excitement and energy and gives us the inspiration to write more material. It’s a fantastic virtuous circle.”
The band come across as party animals, you must have some stories to tell, please share. “Coming to a gig is an escape from reality for many of our fans. Times are hard right now, and people want to be taken away from their lives and escape, to their happy place. We play our part in this as best we can; in a respectfully a way as possible, but we all like to have some fun.
Re particular stories; how much time have you got? We’ve had Ste throwing up in a taxi so instead of throwing up all over the cab and getting fined, he proceeds to remove his cowboy boot and vomiting in there! The taxi driver threw the boot straight at Ste’s head for the carnage that had been caused. Ste returned 3 days later to find that his boot was still there at the scene untouched!! What are the chances of that?
Another good tale we have was Nip, Chris and Ste Went to see Skid Row on home turf in Wolverhampton at KK’S STEEL MILL.... And you can guess the rest... I mean come on its White Tyger watching Skid Row. Denim, leather cowboy boots and enough booze to drown Jaws! It can only end one way!
Long, story short, Nip does the all nighter and shows up to our gig next day after being helped up by his missus.! Quote of the night by someone in the crowd was.... “FUCK*NELL OZZYS HERE” He got on stage with band sh*tting themselves thinking this is gonna be a disaster and he smashed it!!!!!
Tell us what has changed in the band since you recorded “This is the life”
“The band has definitely started to receive more attention from rock fans and consequently becoming more in demand from festivals like yours. We have signed a deal with TowerRok Management will which commence shortly, and we know we’ll be fully in gear from that point to go out there to everyone that wants to hear us. Nip has been writing our second album. We aren’t going to rush to put it out, we know that there are lots of rock fans out there that haven’t heard the first album yet!”