The Wind in the Willows digital programme | Chichester Festival Theatre | Winter 2022/23

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Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats. Living so close to Chichester Harbour and the Canal, many people may agree with Ratty’s famous words from The Wind in the Willows; but we’d add that there is also nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as watching Chichester Festival Youth Theatre’s annual Christmas show! It’s a joy to welcome you to Dale Rooks’s new production of this delightful tale. Enhanced once again by Simon Higlett’s inspired set design and Ryan Dawson Laight’s enchanting costumes, it boasts a cast of 64 young people to bring Kenneth Grahame’s immortal tale to life for a new generation.

Alan Bennett’s witty adaptation established itself as a classic when it premiered at the National Theatre in 1990; with music and additional lyrics by Jeremy Sams, it’s a treat for adults and children alike. And what better time to celebrate the glorious wildlife we are lucky enough to have around us? The Sussex Wildlife Trust introduce us to Ratty, Mole, Badger and Toad’s real-life counterparts in this programme. There’s plenty more family entertainment to come this Winter season, including a star-studded traditional pantomime – Mother Goose with Ian McKellen, John Bishop and Anna-Jane Casey; and the UK’s first ever professional touring production of the uplifting musical comedy Bugsy Malone. We hope you enjoy today’s performance from our marvellous Youth Theatre, and to see you again soon.

Executive Director Kathy Bourne

Artistic Director Daniel Evans

WINTER 2022 - 23

MOTHER GOOSE Ian McKellen, John Bishop and Anna-Jane Casey star in a hilarious, family-friendly panto that promises to be the ultimate theatrical feast – full of fun, farce and surprises that will make you honk out loud! Ages 6+

FESTIVAL THEATRE 7 – 11 February

WINTER 2022 - 23

BUGSY MALONE Alan Parker’s world-famous movie becomes a spectacular theatrical experience. Packed with instantly recognisable songs including My Name is Tallulah and Fat Sam’s Grand Slam, this is a joyously uplifting musical comedy! Ages 6+

FESTIVAL THEATRE 15 – 19 February

CFYT Find your group across West Sussex CFYT holds weekly sessions at eight locations across West Sussex for young people aged 5 to 25 and is for anyone who wants to discover new skills, build confidence, make friends and have fun!

‘It’s about the people you meet and the friends that you make’ Youth Theatre Member

‘I found people that really made me feel like myself’ Youth Theatre Member

Sessions take place in Chichester, Billingshurst, Bognor Regis, Burgess Hill, Horsham, Littlehampton, Midhurst and Worthing.

‘It was amazing to see my son performing with such confidence’ Youth Theatre Parent

Alongside drama sessions we also offer Youth Dance, Musical Theatre, Technical Youth Theatre and sessions for young people with additional needs (these groups are CFYT Wednesday in Horsham and CFYT Friday in Chichester); so choose a group that's right for you and join us!

‘Tech Youth Theatre is an ‘CFYT is the highlight of my week’ amazing, hands on experience’ Youth Theatre Member

Technical Youth Theatre Member

Find out more at

CFT BUDDIES At a Crazy for You Dementia Friendly performance this summer, CFT Buddies were on hand to offer support – particularly for a group of 30 people making their first visit to CFT. Afterwards, their organiser Jacky wrote: ‘Fabulous: no other word will do. We loved every moment. Thank you again for making our trip possible.’ Our CFT Buddies scheme is a free companion service for audience members who may not feel comfortable attending the Theatre on their own or need a little extra support during their visit. Buddies are available free of charge to accompany individuals to attend any event at the Theatre. Working in partnership with Chichester District Council’s Social Prescribing Team, people are also being referred to us for monthly social visits, or to attend activities across the district. Louise Rigglesford, Senior Community and Outreach Manager, says: ‘We know that lack of transport is a barrier to people making use of Buddies, so our next aspiration is to provide training for our volunteers so they can become transport providers as well.

‘Currently we have 15 volunteer Buddies, and will be looking to recruit 10 more in 2023.’ Annette Bulbeck and Claire Rainey, Regional Marketing Coordinators for Rathbones Investment Management, are delighted with the company’s continued sponsorship of the scheme. ‘Rathbones has been the scheme’s principal corporate supporter since its inception. CFT is attended by our staff and clients, some of whom would like to make use of this scheme; others may require the service in the future. Members of the Rathbones team are also looking forward to training as volunteer Buddies.’ To learn more about CFT Buddies, visit If you’re interested in becoming a Buddy, visit







Chichester Festival Youth Theatre

THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS By Kenneth Grahame Adapted for the stage by Alan Bennett Music and Additional Lyrics by Jeremy Sams


By Charlotte Owen, WildCall Officer for Sussex Wildlife Trust

Meet the real-life residents of the riverbank and beyond that inspired Kenneth Grahame’s much-loved characters.


(Lutra lutra ) ‘A broad, glistening muzzle showed itself above the edge of the bank, and the Otter hauled himself out and shook the water from his coat.’ The rare and elusive Otter is making a welcome return to Sussex after an absence of nearly 50 years, reflecting a big improvement in the state of our rivers and wetlands after long-term conservation efforts. A top predator, the Otter specialises in catching fish and is an excellent swimmer, perfectly adapted for a life in the water. They have webbed feet and can close their ears and nostrils when they dive, while their dense fur is so waterproof that their skin never actually gets wet. Size: 60-80cm long, plus tail (1-2 bed pillows) Weight: 6-8kg (2 pet cats) Habitat: Rivers and wetlands Lifespan: Up to 17 years Did you know? An Otter can hold its breath for about 30 seconds when swimming underwater


(Arvicola amphibious ) ‘Supposing we drop down the river together, and have a long day of it?’ Ratty is in fact a Water Vole, a common sight back in 1908 when the book was first published but now a riverside rarity. Numbers in Sussex are critically low but there are still two main strongholds: one on the Chichester Coastal Plain, and one on the Pett and Rye Levels. True to character, Water Voles love messing about on rivers as long as they have earthy banks to burrow into and plenty of lush bankside vegetation for food and shelter. Listen out for the distinctive ‘plop’ of a Water Vole diving in for a swim. Size: 14-22cm long, plus tail (could sit on an A5 piece of paper) Weight: 150-300g (1-2 packets of biscuits) Habitat: Rivers and wetlands with slow-flowing water Lifespan: Often less than a year Did you know? 227 different plant species have been identified in the Water Vole’s diet


(Meles meles ) ‘Badger... lived his own life by himself, in his hole in the middle of the Wild Wood.’ The nocturnal Badger is our biggest land predator and a relative of the Stoat, Weasel and Otter. Most Badgers are very social creatures, living underground in family groups known as clans. Their home is an elaborate system of tunnels and chambers called a sett, which may be centuries old, and Badgers are very particular about keeping their home clean. Each clan defends their own territory, marking the boundaries with a series of latrines (shallow toilet pits) to warn off intruders. Size: 75-100cm long (about the width of a doorway) Weight: 7-13kg in spring; 15-17kg in autumn, ready to hibernate (similar to a Cocker Spaniel) Habitat: Woodland, gardens and urban greenspaces Lifespan: Up to 14 years Did you know? Badgers have inspired more British place names than any other animal


(Mustela nivalis ) ‘You can’t really trust them, and that’s the fact.’ The feisty Weasel is our smallest carnivore – so small that it can supposedly slip its head through a wedding ring. Its long, slinky body is well-adapted to winding through the twists and turns of the tiniest tunnels in search of rodent prey, so there’s nowhere to hide. Running isn’t much use either; Weasels are quick and agile above or below ground, and will even tackle an animal several times their own size. They’re often seen as vicious and greedy but their high metabolism demands they eat a third of their own body weight daily. Size: 17-2cm (the length of a dinner fork) Weight: 60-120g (1-2 tennis balls) Habitat: Woodland and long grass along hedgerows, rivers and ditches Lifespan: 1-2 years Did you know? Not long ago, a Weasel famously took flight on the back of a Green Woodpecker when its ambitious attack didn’t go quite as planned


(Talpa europaea ) ‘The Mole had been working very hard all the morning, spring-cleaning his little home.’ Moles spend almost their entire lives underground in a network of permanent tunnels. They are usually solitary and highly territorial. Moles are expert excavators, using their spade-like paws to dig a series of passageways and chambers. This tunnelling activity leaves a tell-tale trail of spoil heaps at the surface, known as mole hills. A Mole’s burrow is more than just a place to live; it acts as a giant pitfall trap for unsuspecting earthworms, which are quickly detected and eaten by the resident mole thanks to its supersensitive whiskers. Size: 11-16cm (about the length of a short ruler) Weight: 70-130g (a small apple) Habitat: Meadows, farmland, woodland, gardens – almost anywhere with soil that can be dug Lifespan: 3 years Did you know? A Mole can dig 20 metres of tunnels in a single day


(Bufo bufo ) ‘I’m such a clever Toad.’ Cars and Toads really don’t mix. Traffic poses the biggest threat to migrating Toads as they return to their ancestral breeding ponds each spring, faithfully following the same routes every year. Some may only need to walk a few metres but others will embark on a long-distance hike of several kilometres – only to find their route is now criss-crossed by dangerous roads. Toads favour deep ponds and lay their spawn in a long thread, like a string of pearls wrapped around underwater plants. Size: Males up to 8cm long; females up to 10 cm (would fit in the palm of an adult hand) Weight: Up to 80g (3 AA batteries) Habitat: Woodland, hedgerows, grassland, gardens and ponds Lifespan: Up to 12 years Did you know? In spring, volunteer Toad patrols gather at migration hotspots to help Toads cross the road safely

To find out more about Sussex Wildlife Trust and how you can become a member or support their work through volunteering please visit:

Sussex Wildlife Trust


(Erinaceus europaeus ) ‘The sight of these greedy young hedgehogs stuffing themselves with fried ham makes me feel positively famished.’ Small, round and covered in spines, the unmistakeable Hedgehog is one of our most familiar wild mammals. Once a common sight, Hedgehogs have declined drastically as changes to both urban and rural landscapes have made life much tougher for them – but wildlifefriendly gardens can be a real haven. Hedgehogs eat all kinds of creepy crawlies from earthworms to crunchy beetles, and will also hoover up fallen fruit, berries and birds’ eggs. They need to fatten up in autumn to prepare for their winter hibernation, which may last several months. Size: 15-30cm (0.5 – 1 long ruler) Weight: up to 2kg (up to 7 baking potatoes) Habitat: Woodland edges, hedgerows, pastures, parks and gardens Lifespan: 2-3 years but sometimes up to 10 Did you know? Their spines are modified hairs, and the average Hedgehog has about 7,000 of them

At Sussex Wildlife Trust we are working for a recovery of wildlife in our rivers, at sea and on the land. We want Sussex to be a place where people and wildlife can thrive together. A place where a diversity of people can connect to the wild and who value the world we live in. For 60 years, we have looked after a network of nature reserves brimming with wildlife - from woods and heaths to wetlands and flower-rich meadows. Coastal reserves such as Rye Harbour, ancient woods like The Mens, heaths like Iping Common and flower-rich chalk grasslands like Malling Down, are safe havens for rare and threatened wildlife and can be enjoyed by all. We also work hard to protect and enhance the marine environment – our Sussex by the Sea. Since 1961 we have been deepening people’s understanding and appreciation of our vulnerable and beautiful natural world. We engage with many people – toddlers, school children, students and adults of all ages – inspiring them about wildlife, providing opportunities for contact with and understanding of nature. We also work with landowners, farmers and local communities to protect and enhance our environment. We support people to understand that nature provides so much bounty for human needs – like healthy food, clean water and fresh air. We also speak up for nature, arguing for our wildlife and habitats to be properly protected and considered in all decision making. All this is underpinned by wildlife information – an evidence base we manage on behalf of many partners from around the county. We are working with many of you in ‘Our Wild Sussex’ taking action together to increase wild places which are joined up, so that wildlife can move throughout the landscape. If we achieve this then more people will have opportunities for connection with nature.

A BIT OF ANI Designer Ryan Dawson Laight is back giving the CFYT Christmas show his trademark flair with a touch of Wild Wood magic. We spoke to Ryan about designing costumes for a cast of animals! My favourite costume design this year has to be the Mice, I love playing with scale and the mouse ears we have created this year are extremely joyful. The biggest challenge by far is trying to be original. This is my fifth Wind in the Willows production, so trying to find new ways of creating animal shapes is essential . Mostly ideas come from new versions of a script and the aesthetic conversations between the set designer and director. It’s always a collaborative process, trying to find a vision for the whole creative process. I am mostly obsessed with Badger’s costume, I would like to think I could carry at least one piece of it off in my home town of Brighton!

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Match the animal print to the animal below. Answers available at




4 7 5


TOAD N0.___



MOLE N0.___

HORSE N0.___



Can you find the thirteen animals hidden below? Words can be found forwards, backwards, up, down and diagonally! Answers available at






Create your own duck bookmark.

2. Fold in half to make a triangle.

3. Fold one side of the triangle up so that the bottom point meets the centre point.

4. Do the same on the other side.

6. Fold one side of the top point down to meet the bottom of the triangle.

7. Tuck the bottom point behind the last point you made. Then do the same with the other point.

8. You should now have a diamond. Turn your diamond so the folded triangle is on top and decorate how you like.

1. Start with a square piece of paper.

5. Unfold both sides so your paper looks like this.

THE CAS Osian Barnes

Amelia Boxall-Tullett

Annalise Bradbury

Libby Bradbury

Edward Bromell

Lucy Burborough

Olive Dixon

Spencer Dixon

Isla Donaldson

Emerson Fisher

David Francis

Milly Frymann

Annie Jenkins

Jena Juggins

Callum Jurd

Mihika Katikaneni

Jack Keane

Dominic Lacey

Keira McGuiness

Ella O’Keeffe

Luc Oratis

Kitty Peirson

Noah Peirson

Courtesy Phiri

George Stanbridge

Nell Stringer

Jack Taylor

Grace Thompson

Priya Uddin

Tom Uren


Evie Adekoya

Kitty Alden

Alfie Ayling

Lily Barkes

Lucy Campbell

Richard Chapman

Florence Clery

Olivia Cogger

Honami Davies

Olivia Dickens

Lyla Garner-Gibbons

Angela Griffiths

Tilly Groves

Milena Harrison

Niamh Hughes

Maisie Jackson

Poppy Lloyd

Joseph Mackley

Teddy Mackley

Oscar Marjoram

Louis Matthews

Francesca McBride

Lucy Pitts

Alice Roberts

Maya Roberts

Evelina Rudasa

Barney Scutts

Lauren Solliss

Benjamin Webb

Melis Welch

Zac Westmore

Caleb Wood

Cayden Woodall-Jones

Gaby Yuen

Chichester Festival Youth Theatre

THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS By Kenneth Grahame Adapted for the stage by Alan Bennett Music and Additional Lyrics by Jeremy Sams CAST (in alphabetical order) Evie Adekoya Kitty Alden Alfie Ayling Lily Barkes Osian Barnes Amelia Boxall-Tullett Annalise Bradbury Libby Bradbury Edward Bromell Lucy Burborough Lucy Campbell Richard Chapman Florence Clery Olivia Cogger Honami Davies Olivia Dickens Olive Dixon Spencer Dixon Isla Donaldson Emerson Fisher David Francis Milly Frymann Lyla Garner-Gibbons Angela Griffiths Tilly Groves Milena Harrison Niamh Hughes

Mouse Weasel Badger Mole Clerk and Rabbit Ronald Rabbit Duck and Mouse Mouse Albert Weasel and Guard Otter and Goaler’s Daughter Toad Mouse Rabbit Rabbit Duck and Mouse Squirrel Ratty Hedgehog Rabbit Albert Barge Woman and Crow Chief Rabbit Rose Squirrel Chief Weasel Mole Weasel

First performance of this production of The Wind in the Willows at Chichester Festival Theatre, 17 December 2022. This amateur production of The Wind in the Willows is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd on behalf of Samuel French Ltd. The videotaping or making of electronic or other audio and/or visual recordings or streams of this production is strictly prohibited, a violation of United Kingdom Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and an actionable offence.

Mouse Chief Hedgehog Ferret Motorist and Weasel Hedgehog Toad Mouse Mouse Train Driver and Ferret Traveller and Fox Ferret and Policeman Weasel and Salesman Magistrate and Crow Chief Squirrel Weasel Norman Sergeant Fred Ferret Motorist and Rabbit Weasel Rabbit Robert Mouse Fox and Traveller Hedgehog Ferret Ferret Fox and Traveller Ferret Duck and Mouse Badger Ferret Rabbit and Laundress Ratty Otter Chief Traveller and Fox Squirrel Weasel Duck and Mouse Ferret

Maisie Jackson Annie Jenkins Jena Juggins Callum Jurd Mihika Katikaneni Jack Keane Dominic Lacey Poppy Lloyd Joseph Mackley Teddy Mackley Oscar Marjoram Louis Matthews Francesca McBride Keira McGuiness Ella O’Keeffe Luc Oratis Kitty Peirson Noah Peirson Courtesy Phiri Lucy Pitts Alice Roberts Maya Roberts Evelina Rudasa Barney Scutts Lauren Solliss George Stanbridge Nell Stringer Jack Taylor Grace Thompson Priya Uddin Tom Uren Benjamin Webb Melis Welch Zac Westmore Caleb Wood Cayden Woodall-Jones Gaby Yuen

Supported by The Wind in the Willows Commissioning and Patrons Circles: Maggie and Patrick Burgess, Michael Coates, Mrs Veronica J Dukes, Elfrida Fallowfield, Jac Hepworth, Colin and Gay Kaye, Sara Kelly, John and Chrissie Lieurance, Vaughan and Sally Lowe, Sayers/Strange Family, Dr Jeremy and Dr Linda Shaw, Greg and Katherine Slay, Howard M Thompson, Bryan Warnett of St James's Place, and all those who wish to remain anonymous.

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#WindInTheWillows ChichesterFestivalTheatre





CREATIVE TEAM Director Set Designer Costume Designer Musical Director and Orchestrator Lighting Designer Sound Designer Movement Director Assistant Director Fight Director

Dale Rooks Simon Higlett Ryan Dawson Laight Colin Billing James Whiteside Gregory Clarke Jade Hall Ella Jarman Dan Hill

Joshua Vine Lucy Guyver and John Page Amy Jeskins Sabrina Cuniberto Katy Adeny, Emily Baraclough, Milly Blu, Hannah Boothman, Delphine Dubarry, Jordan Edwards, Kingsley Hall, Kate Healy, Yasmin Rizvi, Julie Sayers, Janie Stephenson, Josie Thomas, Rosie Whiting Wardrobe Assistants Francesca Symonds and Abbie Hart Wigs Manager Shelley Gray Head of Props Charlotte Neville Prop Maker Sarah Crispin Sound No. 1 Neil Rose Sound No. 2 Fuzz Guthrie Radio Mic Runner Finley Bradley Lighting Programmer Andrew Leighton Automation and Show Crew Leoni Commosioung, Abbie Gingell, James Sharples Producer Production Managers Head of Wardrobe Costume Supervisor Costume Makers

Sally Garner-Gibbons Andrew Reed Georgia Dacey

Company Stage Manager Deputy Stage Manager Assistant Stage Manager

Janette McAlpine Tracy Clayton and Emily McAlpine Anastasia Alexandru, Jenny Beadle, Ellie Bradbury, Tom Chown, Amy Glenister, Paula Glenister, Hannah Hogg, Hester Johnson Cadwell, Kimberley Kotin, Susan Mulkurn, Lesley McGovern, Sue O'Keeffe, Lewis Rennison, Louise Rigglesford, Riley Stroud, Becky Stuckey, Margaret Todd, Laura Wadey, Sue Webb

Chaperone Manager Deputy Chaperone Managers Chaperones

Chichester Festival Theatre gratefully acknowledges the support from the families of Youth Theatre cast and crew members. With special thanks to the following for all their support and dedication: Scenery built and painted by Capital Scenery, Production Carpenter Kieran Patrick, Barge built by Dave Branchflower, John Rockliffe for tubular bells hire, Lily Coull, The Umbrella Rooms, Thomas Arnold and Mark Flashman at Lollipop Printing. Rehearsal photography Tim Hills Production photography Manuel Harlan Programme design Davina Chung

TECHNICAL YOUTH THEATRE & CHICHESTER COLLEGE TECHNICAL STUDENTS Junior Assistant Stage Managers Junior Prop Maker Junior Costume & Hair Assistants

Junior Follow Spot Operators Junior Radio Mic Runners Junior Lighting Design Assistant

Elliott Mace, Hanna O’Connor, Henry Reeder, Victoria Richards Laura Hackett Robyn Ashley, Gabriella Carey, Sophie Dodd, Ellie Lyons, Caitlin Mills, Henry Reeder, Leia Sanders, Michelle Spiller, Ellie Spurgeon, Fran Stewart-Thomas, Charlotte Thornton, Ella Watkins, Luna Wells Laura Hackett and Ethan Low Nathan Martin and Haydn Potter Claire Loveday

MUSICIANS Keyboard Percussion Cello Woodwind Bass Brass

MUSICAL NUMBERS ACT ONE Prologue – The Wind In The Willows Duck’s Ditty Campfire Song Mister Toad The Crash and Entrance to Courtroom Mice Carol Singers In The Bleak Midwinter ACT TWO The Bargewoman’s Song Where’s Toad? Weasels In Toad Hall – The Fight Finale – The Party

Colin Billing Gerry Berkley Helen Downham Chloe Percy-Smith Oz Dechaine Dan Taylor


COLIN BILLING Musical Director Previously at Chichester, Musical Director and Orchestrator for The Wizard of Oz, Musical Director for Pinocchio (2020 & 2021), Sleeping Beauty, Beauty And The Beast, Peter Pan, A Christmas Carol and The Hundred And One Dalmatians (Festival Theatre). Theatre credits as Musical Director include Lend Me A Tenor – The Musical (Gielgud Theatre and Theatre Royal Plymouth), West Side Story (RWCMD), Lift Off! (opening show at Leicester’s Curve), Chasing Fate (Birmingham Hippodrome), Marina Laslo’s Russian Romance (Barbican Hall), The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe (Leicester Haymarket); as Musical Director/ THE COMPANY

Orchestrator Sleeping Arrangements (Landor Theatre and UK tour); as Musical Director/ Arranger Beyond Phantom (UK tour), Kaye’s The Word (New End Theatre and tour), Friends Like Us (Arts Theatre), The Maladjusted Songster (Plush Rooms San Francisco); as Musical Director/Arranger/Orchestrator The Wizard Of Oz (Leicester Haymarket), Three Men In A Boat (UK tour), No One In The World (Cochrane Theatre), Brenda Bly – Teen Detective (world premiere, Bridewell Theatre); as Musical Supervisor/Arranger A Spoonful Of Sherman (St James’ Theatre), Bugle Boy (UK tour), Christmas With The Salvation Army (Royal Albert Hall); as Musical Supervisor/Orchestrator Bumblescratch (workshop and demo album),

Godspell (UK tour), City Of Angels (LSMT/ Bridewell Theatre). Vocal Coaching and Musical Theatre workshops include London School of Musical Theatre, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, Chichester Festival Theatre, Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of Warwick, University of Chichester and Big Little Theatre School of which he is Co-Founder. GREGORY CLARKE Sound Designer Previously at Chichester Pinocchio (2020 & 2021), The Wizard Of Oz, The Butterfly Lion, Sleeping Beauty, The Watsons, The Midnight

Gang, Beauty And The Beast, Peter Pan, A Christmas Carol, Mrs Pat, The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. Theatre includes All Of Us, Medea, The Doctor’s Dilemma, Misterman (National Theatre); Brian & Roger, The Boy Friend, The Bridges Of Madison County, The Bay At Nice, Fiddler on the Roof (Menier Chocolate Factory); The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾ The Musical, My Night With Reg, Goodnight Mister Tom, The Vortex, A Voyage Round My Father, And Then There Were None, Some Girls, What The Butler Saw (West End); Super High Resolution (Soho Theatre); Orpheus Descending (Theatr Clwyd/Menier); Richard III (Druid/Lincoln Center NY); Rosmersholm (Duke of York’s);

The Color Purple (Broadway); All Of Us, The Goat, Or Who Is Silvia? (Theatre Royal Haymarket); The Truth (Wyndham’s); All’s Well That Ends Well, The Merry Wives Of Windsor, The Two Noble Kinsmen, The Alchemist (RSC); Journey’s End (Duke of York’s/New York, Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Sound Design); Equus (Gielgud/New York, Tony Award for Best Sound Design); Welcome Home Captain Fox!, My Night With Reg, Versailles, The Night Alive, A Voyage Round My Father, The Philanthropist (Donmar); Clarence Darrow, A Flea In Her Ear, National Anthems, Six Degrees Of Separation (Old Vic); The House Of Shades, Albion, Against, The Merchant Of Venice, Cloud Nine (Almeida); The Realistic Joneses (Theatre Royal Bath); A Doll’s House (Lyric Hammersmith); The Night Alive, The Philanthropist, Pygmalion (New York). JADE HALL Movement Director Previously at Chichester, Assistant Director Pinocchio (2021, Festival Theatre). Jade studied Musical Theatre at Performers College, Essex, where she was awarded a full scholarship. During her training she also gained her ISTD teaching qualifications in three dance DALE ROOKS ELLA JARMAN

disciplines. Upon graduation she appeared in numerous trade shows and charity events around London including The Dorchester and Grosvenor Hotels. She has also worked with many production companies including Paul Holman Associates, Qdos and Paul Hammond Productions. Jade has taught at various dance schools across the UK including at the Junior school, Performers College, Essex. She has choreographed for some of the UK’s leading cabaret acts including Shane Nolan, Karen Tomlinson and Lee Pashley, alongside working for Cove communities as head of in-house entertainment. Jade is the Youth and Outreach Coordinator for the Learning Education and Participation (LEAP) department at Chichester Festival Theatre, and works closely with the Youth Theatre as a lead practitioner, focusing on dance and musical theatre. SIMON HIGLETT Set Designer Previously at Chichester: The Butterfly Lion, The Midnight Gang, The Chalk Garden, The Norman Conquests, Mrs Pat, Amadeus, Stevie (also

Hampstead); The Resistible Rise Of Arturo Ui, Singin’ In The Rain, Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead, Collaboration/Taking Sides, Nicholas Nickleby (all West End transfers); A Marvellous Year For Plums, The Grapes Of Wrath, The Circle, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists. For CFYT: Pinocchio (2020 & 2021), The Wizard Of Oz, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty And The Beast, Peter Pan, A Christmas Carol, The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe. Forthcoming and recent designs include Noises Off (UK tour & West End), Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (Leeds and UK tour), Derren Brown’s Showman (West End/UK tour), The Barber Of Seville (Garsington), The Yeoman of the Guard (Grange Festival), Private Lives (Bath and tour including CFT), Big the Musical, An Ideal Husband (West End), Song At Twilight, Racing Demon (Bath), Don Giovanni and The Magic Flute (Scottish Opera), Some Mothers Do ‘Ave ‘Em (UK tour). Other highlights: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (UK tour), Twelfth Night, Love’s Labour’s Lost


and Love’s Labour’s Won (RSC/West End), Blithe Spirit (West End/USA), The Price (Bath/West End), All Our Children (Jermyn Street), The Force Of Change (Royal Court), Yes Prime Minister, Amy’s View, Hay Fever (West End), Accidental Death Of An Anarchist (Donmar), The Merry Wives Of Windsor (Stockholm), Haunted (offBroadway), The Importance Of Being Earnest, Mrs Warren’s Profession (Washington DC), Peer Gynt and The Brothers Karamazov (Manchester Royal Exchange), Enemies, Whistling Psyche, The Earthly Paradise (Almeida), Kean and Pygmalion (Old Vic), A Russian In The Woods, Singer, Thomas More (all RSC). ELLA JARMAN Assistant Director Ella is a Practitioner for Chichester Festival Youth Theatre. She was Youth Theatre Apprentice (2017-18) and, as a former member of CFYT, performed in Peter Pan, #YOLO (NT Connections), HighTide Festival and Pass it On Project Radio Plays. She also appeared as a Dior Model in Flowers For Mrs Harris

and a Citizen in An Enemy Of The People. Other work at Chichester includes Assistant Director for Crossing Lines and Director/Project Manager for The Art Of Trouble. Other credits include Anne Croft in There Is A War, Mary in The Beat And The Pulse and Camillo/Antigonus in The Winter’s Tale (Theatre Municipal de Fontainebleau); Director for Sky Cinemas Swinging 60s Musical Experience and for Cars In Film Immersive Musical Theatre Experience (Sky Cinema/Goodwood Revival); A Clockwork Orange (Brighton Fringe Festival); Why Do They Never Take Coloured Photographs (Cass Sculpture Park installation); Aida and Nabucco (Ellen Kent Opera); Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (Brighton and Southsea); Director for Making Of The Italian Job Cars In Film exhibition (Sky Cinema/ Goodwood Revival); and workshops with children and adults with additional needs in conjunction with The Company and SASBAH. Films include the shorts Mis Per, ‘Til Death Do Us Part, Love Letters. Trained at The Fontainebleau School of Acting (Fonact), France.


RYAN DAWSON LAIGHT Designer Previously at Chichester Pinocchio (2020 & 2021), The Wizard Of Oz, Crossing Lines, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty And The Beast, Peter Pan, A Christmas Carol, Grimm Tales. Theatre includes My Brilliant Friend (National Theatre, Associate Costume Design alongside Soutra Gilmore); Don Quixote, The Tempest, The Snow Queen, Peter Pan, Brave New World, Swallows And Amazons, Dracula, A Christmas Carol, Alice In Wonderland, Hamlet, Macbeth, As You Like It, Henry IV, King Lear and Treasure Island (Creation Theatre); for Le Gateau Chocolat Duckie (Royal Festival Hall), Icons (Edinburgh Festival), Black (Unity Theatre Liverpool/Soho Theatre) and Le Gateau Chocolat (Menier Chocolate Factory); HMS Pinafore, Chess, Blondel and The Mikado (Union Theatre national tours); for the Brit School Landmines (Oval House) and Sticky and Infinite Joy (Southwark Playhouse); Chip Shop The Musical (Octagon Theatre Bolton); Ice Cream Opera (Freedom Arts Studio). Dance includes Botis Seva’s BLKDOG (Sadler’s Wells, Olivier Award Best New Dance 2019); Blak Whyte Gray (Boy Blue/Barbican, Olivier Award Nomination 2018); REDD

(Boy Blue/Barbican Theatre); Madhead (NYDC/ Sadler’s Wells); Wasteland, Coal (Gary Clark Company, UK Theatre Award for Achievement in Dance); Toro, Mariposa, Ham and Passion (DeNada Dance Theatre); Drew McOnie’s Drunk (Leicester Curve/Bridewell Theatre) and Good Morning Midnight (Jermyn Street Theatre); Genius (Anjali); New Ways Of Living (Pink Fringe Brighton); Je Suis (Aakash Odedra Company/ Lillian Baylis Studio/Sadler’s Wells); Ruffle (Carlos Pons Guerra/Rambert Dance/Lowry Theatre); Hear Hear (Deaf Men Dancing/ Sadler’s Wells). Instagram @laightyboyy DALE ROOKS Director Dale Rooks’s promenade production of Michael Morpurgo’s Running Wild was staged for Festival 2015, winning the UK Theatre Award for Best Show for Children and Young People. She co-directed, with Tim Sheader, a re-imagination of Running Wild for Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre 2016 and a UK tour in 2017. In 2018, Dale directed the world premiere production of The Midnight Gang (based on David Walliams’s novel) in the Festival Theatre, and in 2019 directed the world premiere


of Michael Morpurgo’s The Butterfly Lion in the Minerva Theatre. Dale’s other directing credits for Chichester Festival Youth Theatre include Pinocchio, The Hundred and One Dalmatians, The Witches, The Firework-Maker’s Daughter, Toad of Toad Hall, The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, A Christmas Carol, Alice In Wonderland, Peter Pan and Beauty And The Beast. She has also directed for the National Theatre (NT Connections), Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre, Royalty Theatre London, Brighton Dome, London Thames Festival, International Youth Arts Festival and the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Other credits include Stage Director for The Shakespeare Schools Festival, opera projects with West Sussex Schools and the BBC Concert Orchestra players, and European Schools’ Drama Project with companies in Normandy, France. Dale has worked as Education Specialist for the London based company Artichoke, designing and creating a programme of work for schools in London and Brooklyn, New York, and on a further live arts project as part of the Liverpool City of Culture Celebrations. She has also spearheaded the West Sussex Cultural Education Partnership. Dale is Director of Learning, Education and


Participation (LEAP) at Chichester Festival Theatre and works extensively with children and young people. She is a Board member for West Sussex Music Hub and for Creative County West Sussex, as well as a Governor for Bishop Luffa School, Chichester. JAMES WHITESIDE Lighting Designer Previously at Chichester Pinocchio (2020 & 2021), The Wizard Of Oz, Sleeping Beauty, The Midnight Gang, Beauty And The Beast, Peter Pan, A Christmas Carol, The Hundred And One Dalmatians, A Marvellous Year For Plums, The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe, Alice In Wonderland and The Snow Queen (Festival Theatre), Miss Julie/Black Comedy, The Witches, The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, Wallenstein and Funny Girl (Minerva Theatre), Running Wild (Festival Theatre and UK tour). Theatre includes Dirty Dancing, Bridgerton (Secret Cinema); Flight (RCM); The Dumb Waiter (Hampstead Theatre); Torch Song (Turbine Theatre); Ain’t Misbehavin’ (Southwark Playhouse/Mercury Colchester); The Art Of Success, The Taste Of The Town, Love’s Labour’s Lost (Rose, Kingston); Tango Moderno, Shirley Valentine, Love Me Tender (UK tours); The Borrowers (Sherman Theatre Cymru); Unfaithful (Found 111); The House Of In Between (Theatre Royal Stratford East); Jumpy (Theatr Clwyd); The Royale, Disgraced, Fear (Bush Theatre); Deathtrap, A Voyage Round My Father (Salisbury Playhouse); The Last Tango, Dance Til Dawn, Midnight Tango, Never Forget, Footloose (West End and UK tours); The Night Before Christmas, Little Sure Shot, Salonika (West Yorkshire Playhouse); Monsieur Popular, Animal Farm (Theatre Royal, Bath); Far From The Madding Crowd (Watermill Theatre); The Dumb Waiter (Print Room); The Jungle Book (Citizen’s Glasgow); Stroke Of Luck (Park Theatre); Bully Boy (St James Theatre); Holding The Man (Trafalgar Studios); The Female Of The Species (Vaudeville); April In Paris, The Odd Couple, Moonlight And Magnolias, Twelfth Night (Perth Theatre); James And The Giant Peach (Birmingham Stage Company); The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo’s Child, Room On The Broom and The Snail And The Whale (Tall Stories Theatre Company).


HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH ‘Magnificent.’




‘It doesn’t get better than this’ Daily Mail

Charlie Stemp Carly Anderson Tom Edden

CRAZY FOR YOU Music & Lyrics by George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin Book by Ken Ludwig Direction & Choreography by Susan Stroman




Zoe Ellis

Mark Foster


LEAP Co-ordinator

Isabelle Elston

Community & Outreach Trainee

Judy Fowler Victoria Illingworth

Lauren Grant

Rear Admiral John Lippiett CB CBE

Jade Hall

Harry Matovu KC Caro Newling OBE

Hannah Hogg

Nick Pasricha

Shari A. Jessie

Deputy Director of LEAP Youth & Outreach Co-ordinator - Musical Theatre Youth & Outreach Manager Creative Therapist

Philip Shepherd

Head of Props Workshop

Ryan Pantling

Sound Technician

Neil Rose

Deputy Head of Sound

James Sharples

Senior Stage Crew & Rigger

Graham Taylor

Head of Lighting


Theatre Manager

Judith Bruce-Hay

Stephanie Street

Louise Rigglesford

Hugh Summers

Senior Community & Outreach Manager

Jean Vianney Cordeiro

Dale Rooks

Director of LEAP

Tina Webster

Brodie Ross

Deputy Director of LEAP (Maternity Cover)


Riley Stroud

Cultural Learning & Education Apprentice

Kate Bassett

Literary Associate

Charlotte Sutton CDG

Casting Associate

Chris Edwards

Duty Engineer

Daren Rowland

Facilities Manager

Graeme Smith

Duty Engineer

Josh Allan Caroline Aston Becky Batten Laura Bern Jenny Bettger


Jessica Blake-Lobb Development Officer

Laura Blake

Fundraising Consultant

Julie Field Sophie Henstridge-Brown

Helen Campbell

Friends Administrator

Lydia Cassidy

Senior Development Manager

Lorna Holmes

Box Office Assistant Audience Insight Manager Head of Marketing Marketing Manager Box Office Supervisor Marketing Manager (Corporate) Deputy Box Office Manager

Minerva Supervisor Head of Customer Operations

Karen Hamilton

Senior Duty Manager

Will McGovern

Deputy House Manager

Sharon Meier

PA to Theatre Manager

Gabriele Williams

Deputy House Manager

Caper & Berry

Catering Cleaning Contractor Security

Development Manager (Maternity Leave)

James Morgan

Box Office Manager Head of Press

Joanna Walker

Director of Development

Rachael Pennell

Marketing Officer

Megan Wilson

Events and Development Officer

Kirsty Peterson

Box Office Assistant

Catherine Rankin

Box Office Assistant (Casual)

Jenny Thompson

Social Media & Digital Marketing Officer

Kathy Bourne

Executive Director

Emilie Trodd

Box Office Assistant (Casual)

Daniel Evans

Artistic Director

Julia Walter

Creative Digital Producer

PA to the Directors

Claire Walters

Box Office Assistant

Director of Planning & Projects

Joanna Wiege

Box Office Administrator

Jane Wolf

Amy Jeskins Loz Tait

Dresser Head of Wardrobe Head of Costume

Stage Door: Bob Bentley, Janet Bounds, Judith Bruce-Hay, Caroline Hanton,

Ushers: Miranda Allemand, Judith Anderson,

Karen Taylor

Board Support

Deputy Wigs, Hair & Make-Up

Abbie Hart

Box Office Supervisor Box Office Assistant (Casual)


Shelley Gray

Keiko Iwamoto, Chris Monkton, Sue Welling

James Mitchell Lucinda Morrison


Director of Marketing & Communications

Development Manager

Julia Smith

Ben Geering

Goldcrest Guarding

Charlotte Stroud

Patricia Key

Charlie Gardiner

DIGITAL & SALES Maintenance Engineer

Lez Gardiner

Minerva Supervisor



Georgina Rae

Charlotte Neville

Box Office Assistant

Maria Antoniou, Izzy Arnold, Jacob Atkins, Carolyn Atkinson, Brian Baker, Richard Berry, Emily Biro, Gloria Boakes, Alex Bolger, Dennis Brombley, Judith Bruce-Hay, Louisa Chandler, Jo Clark, Gaye Douglas, Stella Dubock, Amanda Duckworth, Clair Edgell, Olivia Elgood, Lexi Finch, Suzanne Ford, Suzanne France, Jessica Frewin-Smith, Nigel Fullbrook, Barry Gamlin, Charlie Gardiner, Jay Godwin, Anna Grindel, Caroline Hanton, Justine Hargraves, Joseph Harrington, Joanne Heather, Daniel Hill, Marie Innes, Keiko Iwamoto, Flynn Jeffery, Joan Jenkins, Pippa Johnson, Julie Johnstone, Ryan Jones,

FINANCE Alison Baker Sally Cunningham

PRODUCTION Payroll & Pensions Officer Purchase Ledger Assistant

Amanda Hart

Accounting & Report Analyst

Krissie Harte

Finance Officer

Katie Palmer

Assistant Management Accountant

Simon Parsonage

Finance Director & Company Secretary

Amanda Trodd

Management Accountant

Protozoon Ltd

IT Consultants

Amelia Ferrand-Rook Claire Rundle Joshua Vine Nicky Wingfield Jeremy Woodhouse

Emily Oliver

Accommodation Co-ordinator

Alexandra Langrish, Maille Lyster, Judith Marsden,

Production Administrator

Emily McAlpine, Janette McAlpine, Fiona Methven,

Trainee Producer

Isabel Owen, Martyn Pedersen, Susy Peel,


Kirsty Peterson, Helen Pinn, Barbara Pope, Fleur Sarkissian, Nicola Shaw, Janet Showell,

Steph Bartle Finley Bradley Leoni Commosioung

Lorraine Stapley, Sophie Stirzaker, Angela Stodd, Deputy Head of Lighting Technical Theatre Apprentice Stage Technician Senior Prop Maker

We acknowledge the work of those who give

Technical Director

so generously of their time as our Volunteer Audio Description Team: Tony Clark, Robert

Senior Sound Technician

Gillian Watkins

HR Officer

Lucy Guyver

Production Manager Apprentice

Helena Berry Rob Bloomfield

Katie Hennessy Heritage & Archive Manager Heritage & Archive Assistant

Kim Wylam, Jane Yeates

Sam Garner-Gibbons Fuzz Guthrie

Youth & Outreach Trainee

Sue Welling, James Wisker, Donna Wood,

Sarah Crispin HR Officer

Anastasia Alexandru

Christine Tippen, Charlotte Tregear, Andy Trust,

Video & AV Technician

Jenefer Francis


Chris Monkton, Ella Morgans, Susan Mulkern,

Production Administrator


Adrien Corcilius HR

Jan Jordan, Jon Joshua, Sally Kingsbury, Producer

Mike Keniger Andrew Leighton Zoe Lyndon-Smith Karl Meier

Props Store Co-ordinator Head of Sound Senior Lighting Technician Technical Theatre Apprentice Head of Stage

Dunn, Geraldine Firmston, Suzanne France, Richard Frost, David Phizackerley, Christopher Todd


SUPPORT OUR 60TH BIRTHDAY APPEAL Birthdays are for sharing and we are working harder than ever to help everyone join in. Your donation will mean more people can be part of our celebratory anniversary year. We’re proud of CFT’s 60-year history of making and sharing stories for all. So to celebrate our 60th Birthday, we’re doing even more to ensure everyone can get involved – whether that’s through providing bursaries for our Youth Theatre, offering relaxed and dementia-friendly performances, or training our volunteer Buddies to assist isolated people with theatre visits. We’re continuing to offer tickets starting from £10 for our Festival Theatre shows, as well as a full range of audio described, captioned and signed performances.

We still need your help to raise £100,000 this year to enable everyone to be part of CFT’s birthday year. However much you choose to donate, your generosity will make a real difference to those most in need.

Make your gift today at or call 01243 812915

Th ank yo u

‘What I really like with Chichester is I feel valued here’ Kathy, Access Member

S U P P O R T E R S 2022

INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT BENEFACTORS Deborah Alun-Jones Robin and Joan Alvarez David and Elizabeth Benson Philip Berry George W. Cameron OBE and Madeleine Cameron Sir William and Lady Castell John and Pat Clayton David and Jane Cobb John and Susan Coldstream Clive and Frances Coward Yvonne and John Dean Jim Douglas George and Natasha Duffield Mrs Veronica J Dukes Melanie Edge Sir Vernon and Lady Ellis Huw Evans Val and Richard Evans Sandy and Mark Foster Simon and Luci Eyers Angela and Uri Greenwood Sir Michael and Lady Heller Liz Juniper The family of Patricia Kemp Roger Keyworth Vaughan and Sally Lowe Jonathan and Clare Lubran Selina and David Marks Mrs Sheila Meadows Jerome and Elizabeth O’Hea Graham and Sybil Papworth Mrs Denise Patterson Stuart and Carolyn Popham Jans Ondaatje Rolls Dame Patricia Routledge DBE David and Sophie Shalit Simon and Melanie Shaw Greg and Katherine Slay Christine and Dave Smithers Alan and Jackie Stannah Oliver Stocken CBE Howard Thompson Peter and Wendy Usborne The Webster Family Community Fund TRUSTS AND FOUNDATIONS Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation The Arthur Williams Charitable Trust Artswork The Arts Society, Chichester The Bateman Family Charitable Trust The Bernadette Charitable Trust The Bondi Foundation The Chartered Accountants’ Livery Charity D'Oyly Carte Charitable Trust Elizabeth, Lady Cowdray's Charity Trust The Foyle Foundation The G D Charitable Trust Hobhouse Charitable Trust

The John Coates Charitable Trust The Noël Coward Foundation The Roddick Foundation The Patricia Routledge Charitable Trust Rotary Club of Chichester Harbour Theatres Trust Wickens Family Foundation FESTIVAL PLAYERS John and Joan Adams Dr Cheryl Adams CBE Judy Addison Smith Mr Brian Baker The Earl and Countess of Balfour Matthew Bannister Mr James and Lady Emma Barnard (The Barness Charity Trust) Franciska and Geoffrey Bayliss Julian and Elizabeth Bishop Martin Blackburn Sarah and Tony Bolton Janet Bounds Pat Bowman Lucy and Simon Brett Nick and Carol Brigstocke Adam and Sarah Broke Therese Brook Jean Campbell Julie Campbell Ian and Jan Carroll Sir Bryan and Lady Carsberg CS and M Chadha Sally Chittleburgh David and Claire Chitty Mr and Mrs Jeremy Chubb Denise Clatworthy David and Julie Coldwell Mr and Mrs Barry Colgate Mr Charles Collingwood and Miss Judy Bennett Michael and Jill Cook Freda Cooper Brian and Claire Cox Ken and Lin Craig Susan Cressey Deborah Crockford Jonathan and Sue Cunnison Rowena and Andrew Daniels Jennie Davies The de Laszlo Foundation Yvonne and John Dean Clive and Kate Dilloway Peter and Ruth Doust John and Joanna Dunstan Peter Edgeler and Angela Hirst Glyn Edmunds Anthony and Penny Elphick Caroline Elvy Sheila Evans Gary Fairhall Lady Finch Colin and Carole Fisher Beryl Fleming Karin and Jorge Florencio

Jane Fogg Robert and Pip Foster Jenifer and John Fox Terry Frost Mr Nigel Fullbrook George Galazka Robert and Pirjo Gardiner Wendy and John Gehr Jacqueline and Jonathan Gestetner Marion Gibbs CBE Stephen J Gill Robin and Rosemary Gourlay R and R Green Reverend David Guest Ros and Alan Haigh Dr Stuart Hall Rowland and Caroline Hardwick Dennis and Joan Harrison Roger and Tina Harrison David Harrison Robert and Suzette Hayes Andrew Hine Hania and Paul Hinton Christopher Hoare Dame Denise and Mr David Holt Gill and Tim Howard Pauline and Ian Howat Barbara Howden Richards Richard and Kate Howlett Chris and Lin Hughes John B Hulbert Mike Imms Mrs Raymonde Jay Melanie J Johnson Nina Kaye and Timothy Nathan Rodney Kempster Nigel Kennedy OBE Geoffrey King James and Clare Kirkman Frank and Freda Letch Mrs Jane Lewis Tony and Janet Lindley John and Jenny Lippiett Amanda Lunt Jim and Marilyn Lush Dr and Mrs Nick Lutte Nigel and Julia Maile Sarah Mansell and Tim Bouquet Sue Marsh Adrian Marsh and Maggie Stoker Charles and Elisabeth Martin Trevor and Lynne Matthews John and Sally-Ann McCormack Tim McDonald Jill and Douglas McGregor James and Anne McMeehan Roberts Andrew McVittie Mrs Michael Melluish Celia Merrick Stephen and Ann Miller Jenifer and John Mitchell David and Di Mitchell Sue and Peter Morgan Roger and Jackie Morris Terence F Moss

Mrs Mary Newby Bob and Maureen Niddrie Pamela and Bruce Noble Eileen Norris Jacquie Ogilvie Margaret and Martin Overington Mr and Mrs Gordon Owen Graham and Sybil Papworth Richard Parkinson and Hamilton McBrien Nick and Jo Pasricha Simon and Margaret Payton Terry and John Pearson Stephen and Annie Pegler Jean Plowright Barbara Pope John Pritchard Trust Brian and Margaret Raincock David Rees The Rees Family Tom Reid and Lindy Ambrose Adam Rice John and Betsy Rimmer Robin Roads Philip Robinson Nigel and Viv Robson Ken and Ros Rokison Graham and Maureen Russell Clare Scherer and Jamie O'Meara Dr David Seager John and Tita Shakeshaft Mrs Dale Sheppard-Floyd Jackie and Alan Sherling David and Linda Skuse Monique and David Smith Simon Smith Mr and Mrs Brian Smouha David and Unni Spiller Marilyn Stein Elizabeth Stern Barbara Stewart Peter Stoakley Anne Subba-Row Professor and Mrs Warwick Targett Harry and Shane Thuillier Mr Robert Timms Miss Melanie Tipples Alan and Helen Todd Tricia Tull Peter and Sioned Vos David Wagstaff and Mark Dunne Ian and Alison Warren Brett Weaver and Linda Smith Chris and Dorothy Weller Bowen and Rennie Wells Judith Williams Angela Williams Lulu Williams Nick and Tarnia Williams David and Vivienne Woolf Angela Wormald And all those who wish to remain anonymous

‘Chichester Festival Theatre enriches lives with its work both on and off stage. It is a privilege to be connected in a small way with this inspirational and generous-hearted institution, especially at such a challenging time for everyone in the Arts.’ John and Susan Coldstream, Benefactors and Festival Players

S U P P O R T E R S 2022


Prof E.F Juniper and Mrs Jilly Styles

Gold Level

Silver Level

CORPORATE PARTNERS Addison Law Criterion Ices Covers Timber & Builders Merchants

FBG Investment J Leon Group

Jones Avens Oldham Seals Group

The Bell Inn William Liley Financial Services Ltd

Please get in touch for more information: | | call 01243 812911

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