Social Impact Report | Chichester Festival Theatre

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Social Impact Report

Contents Foreword


Mission, vision and values




Our year in numbers


Report scope and methodology


Social impact measures


Children and Young People (0-18s)


Chichester Festival Youth Theatre


Creative Therapy


Work with Schools


Young Carers




Family and Early Years


Careers, Training, Work experience and Apprenticeships (16-30s)


Community & Adult Learning


Social impact summary


Chatter Project


Chichester Centre




Apprenticeships and Trainees


Social Prescribing & CFT Buddies


Youth Advisory Board


Volunteering at CFT


Prologue Ambassadors


Friday Company and FestivALL


Young practitioners



Work experience


Relaxed and Dementia friendly performances

Get into it!


A space for the community



Foreword ‘We will transform lives with our industry-leading community participation programme and strive to be a theatre where everyone can find their place and their voice.’ At Chichester Festival Theatre, we make a difference to those who walk through our doors and participate in our programmes, and we have always been extremely proud of our Theatre’s central role in our community. This report has given us the opportunity to measure the effectiveness of our work and its social impact. It draws on the voices and experiences of hundreds of participants, audiences, partners, visitors and staff, who have given honest and heartfelt feedback. The valuable insights and data collected will strengthen our programme of work going forward. We have evaluated our work using robust social impact indicators which reflect our values and ambition. What follows are some of the headline results from our participants.

Theatre and the arts have the power to inspire and to transform lives, and this report will demonstrate just how much CFT enriches and improves the lives of those within our community. We are grateful to our fabulous staff and volunteers at CFT, including Director of LEAP Dale Rooks and all the LEAP team, whose hard work, dedication and ambition create the opportunities which make the difference. We are also grateful to all our fantastic funders and supporters who enable this work to happen.

Justin Audibert Artistic Director

Kathy Bourne Executive Director


Mission and Values


Chichester Festival Theatre creates inspiring experiences that bring people together – on and off the stage.

Mission and vision

Our values

We want to light a spark in everyone who experiences our shows, inspiring joy and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Creatively ambitious Creativity is at the heart of everything we do. We aren’t afraid to push boundaries in pursuit of our vision and to take risks, shaping the future of theatre.

We will transform lives with our industry-leading community participation programme and strive to be a theatre where everyone can find their place and their voice. We will always aspire to excellence; boldly push boundaries; seek and support current and future voices; and ensure everyone feels that they belong.

Community-minded We are rooted in our community, aiming to inspire and delight through our work on and off the stage. We bring people together and encourage everyone to try something new. Inclusivity champions We are welcoming, open and inclusive to all, fostering a collaborative and respectful environment. Sustainably responsible We support and strengthen sustainability on all fronts: artistic, environmental, organisational and financial.



Introduction Creativity is fundamental for our health and wellbeing, and supports us to live well for longer. Creative Health Review, Dec 2023 All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing

Chichester Festival Theatre is a world-class theatre at the heart of the Chichester community. On and off the stage, we are committed to providing ambitious, inspiring and inclusive arts experiences that improve and transform the lives of those in our community.

Onstage We are renowned for the exceptionally high standard of our productions as well as our work with the community. Each year, we deliver two separate seasons in our two venues – the 1,300 seat Festival Theatre and the 310 seat Minerva Theatre. The summer Festival comprises 10-12 productions originated in Chichester and during the Winter season, we present a broad range of touring work to further diversify our offer. In 2023, we welcomed 311,670 audience members, 89,393 of them from the Chichester area, with 71% of our audience rating their overall experience as outstanding. Our Artistic Vision centres on enabling diverse artists to meet diverse audiences in a safe environment where people from all backgrounds and disciplines, and their ideas, can be nurtured and flourish. Contemporary, 20th century or classical, every piece in our programme this year has something to say about the world around us today.


Offstage A wealth of research demonstrates that engagement in the arts enriches lives and supports positive mental health. We are passionate about delivering high quality activities which bring people together, encourage skills development and boost wellbeing. CFT’s Learning, Education and Participation programme (LEAP) provides over 80,000 participation opportunities annually, for people to get creative and feel inspired by the arts. Our inclusive activities welcome participants of all backgrounds, abilities and ages, with a youngest participant aged three months and oldest, 96 years. In addition, we offer a wide range of specialist events. We also, coordinate a National Apprenticeship Programme and spearhead the Creative County West Sussex Schools Programme. The following figures are taken from the results of 1,031 participant surveys.

98% feel welcome and included in our sessions

93% report a positive impact on

mental health and wellbeing

90% report improved knowledge and skills

93% report improved confidence 85% report improved social and communications skills

93% made new connections and friendships

96% trainees and apprentices have improved their career opportunities

88% report that attending helps them feel part of the community


Year in numbers

Report scope and methodology

Report scope and methodology This Social Impact Report shares the work of CFT from January to December 2023 and measures the social outcomes and longer-term impact of our work through our performances, outreach and participatory programmes. The evaluation process started with the creation of a stakeholder map outlining all those who benefit from the wide range of programmes, activities and events delivered by CFT. Key impact measures were linked to all activities and used as a basis for evaluating the social impact of our work.

A range of evaluation tools were used to gather qualitative and quantitative data and collate evidence. These include: • Stakeholder surveys/questionnaires to measure short, medium and longer term impact, assessing progress in knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours.

Surveys were conducted using a minimum sample size (based on numbers of participants) to ensure statistically robust results and a representative sample. A total of 1,031 surveys were completed with an average response rate, across all groups, of 63%.

• Externally validated tools e.g. The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale • Stakeholder interviews • Participant case studies • Physical surveys (e.g. value walk) used to capture feedback from groups with additional needs • Video snapshots


Social impact measures

Social impact measures The programmes of work and activities outlined in this report have been evaluated using the following measures:


Mental health and wellbeing Provide creative activities which evoke happiness, create a sense of fulfilment and have a positive impact on feelings, attitudes and mood (short/medium term impact). Support longer-term outcomes of reducing stress, building resilience and strengthening coping mechanisms.

Relationships and connections with others Provide creative group activities that support social interaction and the building of new friendships and connections. Support longer-term outcomes of building confidence, reducing social anxiety and loneliness.

Access, inclusion and representation Provide a welcoming, accessible space, removing barriers to participation ensuring creative sessions are open to all. Continue to strengthen links with communities which have been previously underrepresented and reach out to marginalised groups and individuals who may not otherwise engage in the arts.

New knowledge and skills Ensure that learning and development is at the heart of CFT’s work. Deliver high quality training, inspiring and nurturing new passions and talents. Support participants to gain new knowledge and insight, and develop communication, social and creative skills.

Confidence and self-esteem Provide a safe environment for participants to try and achieve new things whatever their age, background or ability. Foster self-belief, self-worth and change attitudes about capabilities – everybody matters and is valued.

Community cohesion Create relevant and purposeful creative programmes that will build relationships and enrich the lives of the communities we serve. Provide participation and outreach activities with wide-ranging opportunities to get involved and also to give back, as a volunteer. Create and maintain partnerships with local organisations to support growth and strengthen impact.

New opportunities and professional networks Support career pathways, build professional relationships, open doors and facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practice. Invest in shaping new talent and growing the creative workforce with sector-leading innovation.



Children and Young People (0-18s) 12

Children and Young People (0-18s)

Children and Young People (0-18s) We run an extensive programme of work with Children and Young People (CYP) through youth theatre activities, formal education projects and targeted outreach initiatives, delivering over 2,068 CYP workshops this year. Alongside these opportunities, our outreach programme reached marginalised and underrepresented communities in partnership with specialist local organisations. Our CYP work enables participants of all abilities and backgrounds to develop their artistic, academic, personal, social and transferable skills. We also work with schools, colleges and universities to inspire students through workshops, one-off

Early Help Family Hub Cultural Education Partnership for West Sussex

Family Support service

Central to our ethos is ensuring that we break down barriers to participation, and therefore we make bursaries available for anyone who may struggle to access activities. Full or part bursaries are available for members from lower socio-economic backgrounds or facing other challenging circumstances. In total we currently provide 104 bursary places for young people and adults in the Chichester District. Local partnerships for our CYP programme this year have included:

Sanctuary Chichester

Home-Start Supporting children and families

Asphaleia providing support for unaccompanied asylum seekers


experiences, theatre visits, and short- and long-term partnership projects.

Providing social opportunities for CYP with disabilities

Providing support services for asylum seekers and refugees

Chapter Contents Chichester Festival Youth Theatre Creative therapy Work with schools Festival Fridays Theatre Experience Days Young Carers Asphaleia Families and Early Years


Children and Young People (0-18s)

Chichester Festival Youth Theatre (CFYT)

‘Being part of CFYT is amazing, I have learned so much and I love the sense of community, it’s like one big family.’ Youth Theatre member


CFYT currently provide weekly workshops for 933 (660 in Chichester District) children and young people aged 5-19. Membership has risen by 23% since 2022. Youth Theatre members are given the opportunity to learn through drama, musical theatre, dance and technical theatre with specialist provision for young people with additional needs. In addition to work at CFT, there are 6 additional thriving youth theatre hubs across West Sussex: Midhurst; Bognor Regis; Littlehampton; Billingshurst; Horsham; Worthing. Young people with a bursary make up 18% (11% Chichester District) of our overall membership. This is a rise of 28% since 2022. We also make provision for 25 West Sussex Young Carers and offer weekly provision for 30 young unaccompanied asylum seekers. Our work with CFYT enables participants of all abilities and backgrounds to develop their artistic, academic, personal, social and transferable skills. Specialist workshops are also facilitated to engage young people with a range of complex additional needs.

We have provided a range of creative workshops including script work and devising, improvisation, dance and musical theatre, singing and vocal technique, stage combat and puppetry. Our Technical Youth Theatre programme has provided young people with opportunities to explore lighting, sound, set design, prop making, digital/film work and other backstage roles. In 2023, CFYT members had the opportunity to participate in a Summer and Christmas production, both supported by professional theatre makers. Our highly successful, sold-out, promenade production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream at West Dean Gardens involved 65 CFYT members, including backstage crew. The Christmas production this year was The Jungle Book and involved 99 CFYT members, on and off stage.

Chichester Festival Youth Theatre

What difference does CFYT make to its members? This data is taken from interviews, case studies and member surveys. 362 surveys were completed by youth theatre members.

Members were asked to reflect on how being part of CFYT had impacted on their confidence, wellbeing and social and emotional skills in the time they had been a member. The data demonstrates that CFYT members felt that youth theatre workshops had contributed to significant personal growth and progress in the following areas:

98% feel welcome and included in CFYT workshops

88% have made new friends 68% get involved in other art

activities (e.g. in school)

81% have a better understanding First joined CFYT

of careers in the arts




I feel confident



I can communicate well with others

Self esteem


I feel valued by people around me

Creative skills


I have gained new knowledge and skills

Mental health and wellbeing CFYT sessions improve my mental health and wellbeing

+43% 0




Children and Young People (0-18s)

What do parents and carers think of CFYT? ‘My son absolutely loves CFYT and gains so much from the sessions. His confidence has improved so much, and he has made lots of new friends. He started secondary school this term and having friends from youth theatre already there has really helped him with the transition. They all look out for each other, it’s like one big family! Thank you to all of the fantastic team at CFT, you are amazing, and we are so grateful for all you do for our children.’ ‘The sessions have been absolutely brilliant for my home-schooled and very shy daughter. They have literally transformed her week. She thoroughly enjoys them, has learned a lot, has made new friends and feels safe and happy to come along each week. We couldn’t ask for more. Thank you.’


98% parents and carers believe

that CFYT workshops support their child’s mental health and wellbeing

96% believe that CFYT workshops have helped build their child’s confidence

94% believe CFYT workshops have helped develop their child’s social and communication skills


kind chatty inclusive social caring educational confidence perfection unique progress





loud positive


welcoming supportive growth awesome

community friendly incredible


family learning fun future collaborative

wonderful bubbly




magical chaotic




We asked our members: “What three words best describe your experience as a member of Chichester Festival Youth Theatre?”


Chichester Festival Youth Theatre


Children and Young People (0-18s)

‘This part of my life is where the most change is happening and CFYT is the one consistent. The day I am too old to go to CFYT, I will probably cry, because I will be losing something that has helped me through some of the most turbulent stages in my life. It’s always been a place of growing, learning and support for me, with no judgement whatsoever.’ ‘I joined CFYT just after I came here from the Ukraine. It really helped me with learning English and with my confidence and speaking.’ ‘Youth Theatre is the one thing that has helped my social anxiety.’

Scan the QR code to hear more from CFYT members


Chichester Festival Youth Theatre

‘CFYT has transformed thousands of lives – giving young people confidence, self-assurance, friendship, the ability to communicate, the power to be their best. The Youth Theatre is simply best in class and everyone in Chichester should share in the pride. We salute the young people who have, through all their hard work, transformed not just their lives, but all of ours as well.’ Gary Shipton, Editor-in-Chief, Sussex World

‘It has long been my contention that Chichester Festival Theatre has one of the finest youth theatres in the country: CFT’s approach to young people is exemplary. Many other theatres and theatre organisations could learn a great deal from their way of working.’ Susan Elkin, Ink Pellet

‘Youth Theatre gave me everything, to be honest. It was an incredible experience. It was my training. It got me my first professional job which was with Running Wild.’ Romina Hytten, Lead Puppeteer and Olivier Award-winner, Life of Pi


Children and Young People (0-18s)

Creative Therapy

Following the pandemic, we identified a need within CFYT community to support the mental health and wellbeing of our young people. In response, we appointed a Creative Therapist to our team and became the first theatre in the country to create this role. A recent survey (2022) was commissioned by NHS Digital and carried out by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The survey found that 18% of young people aged 7-16 had a probable mental health disorder. This is an increase from 1 in 9 young people (pre-pandemic) to 1 in 6. This translates as at least 5 young people in every classroom.

‘I know now that it’s ok to be myself’ Resilience group participant


Our Creative Therapist extends our duty of care to CFYT members through free specialised individual support and weekly group creative therapy sessions. Alongside this she delivers wellbeing training, creates online wellbeing resources, pioneers best creative practice and works to create a culture of care. In 2023, we supported 39 individuals over 120 sessions and facilitated 6 wellbeing groups.

A Therapeutic Resilience Group was initiated to support, develop and strengthen the resilience of a group of young CFYT members. Sessions have focused on Resilience and Transition from Year 6 to 7. Creative therapy techniques were used to explore the 7Cs of resilience: competence, confidence, connection, contribution, character, coping, and control, based on the work of paediatrician, Kenneth Ginsburg. The project had seven participants who attended weekly sessions for 10 weeks. Therapeutic Resilience Project Outcomes and feedback: The Therapeutic Resilience group sessions provided the young people with a secure, creative environment where they were able to reflect on and discuss their thoughts and feelings. The graph opposite demonstrates how attendance at the group sessions contributed to substantial progress and development for the young people involved.

Creative Therapy


What did participants gain from this group?

End of project

I am good at dealing with problems


I can talk about my feelings


I know what I can do to make myself feel better


I am valued by the people around me


I feel comfortable being myself

‘I find myself thinking I’m less of a burden now. I realise fully what helps me to calm down.’ ‘At the start my confidence level was low, now it’s much higher.’


I feel able to be more resilient

+40% 0



‘My child has always had great difficulty communicating when in unfamiliar surroundings, often not wanting to participate or to be left places without the support of family. The first week she insisted I come in with her. She thoroughly enjoyed the creativity and the opportunity to share thoughts and feelings without pressure to contribute. We have found she has become more confident to offer her opinions in unfamiliar surroundings and has been more vocal at home around the dinner table too. It’s a lovely thing to see and hear.’ Parent


Children and Young People (0-18s)

Work with schools Festival Fridays

Festival Fridays is a creative intervention programme designed to empower and support pupils disengaged with formal school learning. CFT works in partnership with eight local primary schools to select a cohort of 15, Year 5 pupils; these pupils then spend each Friday at CFT in place of their school day. Many of the students suffer with lack of confidence, low self-esteem and social anxiety and find everyday classroom learning a challenge. The programme uses theatre practice to support the young people by nurturing their

creative transferable skills, to support and improve in-school learning. The pupils focus on teamwork, communication, imagination, confidence and empathy. Workshops develop these skills through drama, storytelling, art, poetry, music and technical theatre. Each child has an individual learning plan created in partnership with their teacher, ensuring there is focus on individual needs. Ongoing progress is measured against individual objectives and termly assessments, focused on personal and social growth. Baseline

End of term 1

I feel confident to try new things

‘I understand things here, but I don’t understand things at school. I can learn new things better here.’ Festival Fridays participant


I feel confident working with new people I enjoy learning new things I am important to the people around me 0 1 Strongly disagree



4 5 Strongly agree

Work with schools: Festival Fridays

Term One: Progress End of term one assessments indicate positive progress particularly in terms of students’ confidence (16% increase) and self-esteem (10% increase). These are promising results given that the children are still in the early stages of the programme.

What do the children enjoy most about Festival Fridays? ‘I have been making new friends and being more confident. I feel less worried and feel more free.’ ‘I am better at talking to people.’ ‘It’s really fun and I have got better at concentrating.’ ‘It makes me happy.’

What impact is Festival Fridays having on classroom learning? ‘It is hard to put into words how happy I am to see my daughter shine. She has always been the bottom of her class in most things and never had any confidence because she always feels she will get it wrong. She has been so happy coming to the theatre every week and has not wanted to come home because she has so much fun. I am so happy to see her smile.’ Parent ‘She is coming into school much more confidently and has not needed to bring her cuddly with her; this is massive progress. She volunteered to learn a set of words and audition to speak at our Christmas Carol service. She was one of the best and was chosen to represent her class along with two others. These are all massive steps forward for her in terms of learning behaviour, social and emotional development. Thank you.’ Class Teacher 24

Children and Young People (0-18s)

Work with schools Theatre Experience Days

‘Today has taught me new techniques that will really support the devising element of my A-level Drama course.’ Workshop participant


In 2023 4,844 students from 88 schools have attended productions at CFT. Six local schools and colleges (155 students) attended theatre experience days and workshops based on the CFT production of A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller. The days included workshops, talks, and Q&As led by the show’s creative team and cast. The workshops focused on the play’s themes, characters and staging and supported the live theatre element of the A-level and GCSE drama syllabus. Feedback demonstrates that the workshops are highly valued by teachers and students who report that they provide unique insights into the play, enhancing and strengthening classroom learning. A drama teacher from a local Chichester school reported that a previous CFT theatre day had a positive impact on A-level scores for the live theatre element of their paper. She credited higher than usual scores to the level of detail and insight students had gained from the high quality workshops CFT had provided.

What did students gain from the experience? ‘This theatre day gave me a great depth of knowledge about the play, thank you! Also the play was amazing!’

96% of students believed that the

theatre day had given them a deeper insight into the play

88% believed the workshops

at CFT will effectively support their learning in school

86% believed their experience will improve the quality of their written work relating to the play

Work with schools: Theatre Experience Days

In addition to the opportunities for schools at CFT, we work in partnership with Creative County West Sussex (CCWS) to provide bespoke creative learning projects and careers guidance to schools across the county. Professional creative practitioners work alongside teachers to enrich their curriculum offer and provide teacher professional development. Projects this year have included work with motion capture, physical theatre, Shakespeare, puppetry and soundscaping.


Children and Young People (0-18s)

Young Carers

‘It was the best day in the world.’ Young Carer participant


It is estimated that there are 6,000 registered young carers in West Sussex under the age of 18; 41% of this number are between 10-14 years old.

What do young carers gain from the Theatre Days?

CFT has partnered with West Sussex Young Carers (WSYC) to deliver workshops and arts activities specifically designed for the young carers, to raise their social confidence and most importantly, provide time and space away from caring duties and vital respite.

95% felt welcome and included 88% said that their day at CFT

In 2023 we hosted two Theatre Days; 64 young carers attended a performance of The Sound of Music and 60 attended a performance of The Jungle Book. These days give local young carers the opportunity to visit the theatre, experience a backstage tour and workshop, and see a performance. By taking part, young carers learn about the opportunities available for young people at CFT, particularly through CFYT. Any young carer who wants to join the youth theatre is offered a full bursary – currently there are 25 young carers who are CFYT members.

made them feel happy

78% learnt new things about theatre making

84% enjoyed making new friends

Scan the QR code to hear from our Young Carers

Young Carers

‘The best bit was the games and going backstage, I felt like a special guest.’ Young Carer participant ‘CFYT provides young carers with a space for them to build on their confidence and selfesteem whilst spending time away from their caring role. It provides the opportunity for them to socialise in a safe space and build upon their existing skills. A lot of the young carers and parents I work with speak so highly of this opportunity and can notice such a difference in the way their children present. This has also been noted by young carers staff.’ WS Young Carers team, Key worker


Children and Young People (0-18s)


In partnership with Asphaleia, CFT have been delivering weekly creative workshops for young unaccompanied asylum seekers based in West Sussex. We currently work with 24 young people focusing on wellbeing, building confidence, arts skills such as puppetry and physical theatre, and support the young people’s learning of English. These workshops enable them to make friends, develop confidence socially, build skills and have lots of fun. Their work has been recognised with a national Arts Award. More recently, we welcomed 17 of the Asphaleia group, including unaccompanied young people from Sudan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia, for a day at CFT to celebrate their achievements. They had a backstage tour and watched a matinee of The Sound of Music – for almost all of the participants it was their first time in a theatre.

‘I felt proud in drama when I spoke in front of everyone in English.’ Asphaleia member


What do the young people think of the CFYT creative workshops? ‘I am more confident and it helps me get rid of my anxiety.’ ‘It helps me with learning English, respecting each other and feeling strong in my mind.’ ‘The workshops are always full of lots of laughter and fun and provide a safe space for the young people to develop their skills. When I look back to our first workshop with this year’s cohort compared to now, the difference in their confidence, social and language skills is just incredible. I’m so proud of them all and it’s been a joy and privilege to work with them this year.’ Workshop leader


88% of participants said the

workshops have improved their communication and language skills

92% said workshops have

improved their confidence

90% said workshops helped them make connections and build friendships

80% said workshops have a

positive impact on their mental wellbeing


Children and Young People (0-18s)

Families and Early Years

‘This provides essential support as a single mum; I have made great friends here and my little one has gained so much from the sessions.’ Little Notes parent


Each year we welcome over 8,500 families to CFT with more than 60,000 enjoying our family shows. In 2023 we developed a brand new programme of workshops and activities for under-fives. The programme includes regular weekly workshops and outreach sessions in local nurseries where children can explore their creativity through dance, singing, playing instruments and art. Currently we have a total of 88 participants in our regular workshops (72 from Chichester District). We have recently partnered with HomeStart Chichester to enable vulnerable families to access our under-fives provision. We have three families with bursary places and will continue to develop our partnership so that we can offer more support to families with young children. The sessions not only provide creative opportunities for the children, but also importantly, opportunities for parents and caregivers to connect socially with other adults. These sessions also help the adults develop new skills to support creative play at home.

What do parents and children gain from our Early Years activities? ‘This is a friendly, welcoming space and my son loves it. I have actually developed my own confidence too!’ ‘I feel safe in the knowledge that we have something weekly to get out of the house for that provides entertainment and development for my child.’

100% of parents feel that the

sessions help them to connect with their child and develop new ideas for creative play at home

97% feel sessions help to develop their child’s confidence

89% feel sessions help their child’s social and communication skills

Families and Early Years

What do our partners think? ‘I just wanted to thank you on behalf of the Home-Start families who have signed up to the Mini Makers and Shakers classes. Everyone who I’ve spoken to and who has signed their children up to take part has been really grateful for the opportunity to take part in these classes. Classes for pre-school children are valued by so many people but often they are unaffordable to families on low incomes, and so this is a really positive and beneficial offering from the Chichester Festival Theatre.’ Home-Start Chichester Manager


Children and Young People (0-18s)

Truth and Tails: Library and Schools Tour

Pop-Up Family Events

Truth and Tails was an original CFT production for children aged 4-7, staged in 2023. Celebrating differences, the show had a week of performances in the Minerva Bar before touring to local libraries and to primary and nursery schools.

‘A great sense of community and creativity, beautifully staffed and organised.’

‘We were so pleased to work with CFT to bring their amazing tales to our library. It’s great to be able to offer an engaging, free activity to our families. Arts are so important to the development of empathy and imagination in children. We would love to work with CFT again in the future.’ Librarian

In addition to the regular classes, we have hosted a wide range of pop-up events for children and families. Each year, we welcome over 1,200 children and their families to these events which have included: Creation Station, Baby Sensory, Rocket Making Space Station, Bug Hotels, Fold Our City, Baby Broadway, to name a few. Many of these activities and events were provided free of charge or at minimal cost. Our family friendly space in the CFT foyer invites parents and carers to relax and reconnect whilst their children enjoy the toys, games, craft and dressing up in our nooks. This year 2,208 children have enjoyed the additional free play opportunities on offer.

What do participants think of our pop-up events? ‘How lovely it is to have a free activity for the children to enjoy.’ ‘We love CFT and all you put on for families – we are very lucky to live in an area with such a fantastic theatre!’

100% of participants felt that creative family events provide an important addition to the cultural life of the area

73% said the activity helped them to connect with other adults and families

89% agreed that CFT creative sessions support the development of their child’s social and communication skills


Families and Early Years



Careers, training, work experience and apprenticeships (16-30s) 36

Careers, training and apprenticeships (16-30s)

Careers, training and apprenticeships (16-30s) CFT provides a range of opportunities for young people to engage with professional theatre. Our Trainee and Apprenticeships schemes, Young Practitioner programme and Work Experience programme, provide many young people with a mixture of practical and formal training and mentoring, opening up possible career options, and setting them on the road to success in the creative industries. Our training programmes are open to all, and we aim to engage and provide opportunities for individuals from marginalised and disadvantaged groups.


In the last year we have worked with the following partners and national initiatives:

Chapter Contents Apprenticeships and Trainees Youth Advisory Board Prologue Ambassadors Young Practitioner Work experience


Careers, training and apprenticeships (16-30s)

Apprenticeships and Trainees

We currently offer an annual programme of work placements for Apprentices and Trainees. High quality training provides opportunities to develop specialist skill sets that support career development in creative industries or the wider working world. At CFT, an Apprentice is a hands-on role, learning a trade over a two-year period with a recognisable national qualification. A Trainee is also a fully hands-on role, learning a job for a fixed period with training / mentoring.

‘An incredible programme that not only changed my life (I was previously working as a drainage engineer), but has now opened up so many doors.’ CFT Apprentice


Every year, 6-8 Apprentices and Trainees complete their training at CFT across a range of specialisms including Production Management, Technical, Wardrobe, Props, Producing, and Learning, Education and Participation. Each year we work in partnership with our training provider Chichester College, with 20 students from the College joining our backstage teams for the CFYT Christmas show, gaining hands-on practical experience of stage management, lighting, sound, props and costume. This experience often leads to employment at CFT; and in 2023, four

students have joined the team after finishing their courses. We are very proud to have recently won SME Employer of the Year at the national OAL Apprenticeships Awards. The award recognises our work in apprenticeships and in supporting pipelines into the industry, as well as being a strong advocate for apprenticeships across the sector. We are the coordinating venue for The Mackintosh Foundation’s inaugural Regional Technical Apprenticeship Programme. We are also one of the 13 participating venues across the UK, with the programme funding an Apprentice Production Manager at CFT for two years. Currently, we have two mid-career trainees working with us as part of the Theatre Artist Fund’s pilot programme. The fund has been set up to address the skills drain from the arts sector post pandemic, aiming to bring midcareer backstage artists back into the industry and support them to grow their craft.

Apprenticeships and Trainees

This year we have launched our Emerging Artists Development Programme which will nurture five emerging/early career artists or companies who want to develop their practice within a theatrical form. The programme is targeted at those who face the greatest challenge in accessing career development as a result of financial barriers or underrepresentation. Each artist or company will be offered a tailored 7-12 month programme that develops their skills, makes vital connections to other industry professionals, and delivers a creative project that will add to their portfolio of work. Our trainees and apprentices have been successful in securing highly sought after jobs. Our 2023 Technical Apprentice is working in stage management on the UK tour of Calendar Girls; our 2023 Apprentice Production Manager is now working as an Assistant Production Manager at the Royal Shakespeare Company; and our 2023 LEAP Apprentice is working as Learning Coordinator for Frantic Assembly.

‘CFYT brought me into a family – a huge, wonderful, supportive family, one which fosters mutual respect, support and admiration which lasts long after you leave. Working at the theatre under many guises gave me a well-rounded knowledge of our industry and the support was always there and still is – I wouldn’t be where I am without it. Please never stop working tirelessly to grow us into the next generation.’ ‘I’ve been very lucky with the opportunities I’ve been given. I’ve had incredible support through this process; now it’s about taking it and running with it. This Apprenticeship has changed my life and there’s no way I’d be where I am without it.’ Lucy Guyver, Assistant Production Manager at the RSC

Feedback to LEAP Apprentice from External assessor: ‘You are a strong facilitator who lives and breathes the arts sector. This is evident in your passion and your continued activism for enabling opportunities for those who are excluded or displaced within society. Continue to use your voice for good and following this, you will surely grow into an outstanding arts practitioner.’

91% strongly agree that their

experience at CFT opened up new opportunities

64% strongly agree that their

experience connected them with professionals and provided collaboration opportunities


Careers, training and apprenticeships (16-30s)

Youth Advisory Board

The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) are a group of 10 young adults (16-25) who meet five times a year and engage in a two-way conversation with the Board of Trustees and CFT staff, on how best to make the Theatre a more welcoming and diverse organisation for young people. Each YAB member is given a mentor from the CFT team who can support and advise with career pathways, applications, auditions and next steps in their chosen field of work/training. Our Youth Advisory Board is invited to: • identify and champion ways in which CFT can become a more welcoming, inclusive, diverse and innovative organisation for young people

‘The Youth Advisory Board has given me purpose; I will forever be grateful for the many opportunities I have been given.’ Youth Advisory member


• generate fresh, bold ideas in order to help the Theatre actively move forwards in ensuring that the spaces and the programming excite, inspire and resonate • advocate for the voice of young people in theatre and the creative industries.

Youth Advisory Board and Prologue Ambassadors

Prologue Ambassadors

‘I believe Prologue is instrumental in making theatre accessible to younger audiences and being an ambassador allows me to be involved and spread the word about the scheme and CFT. It encourages me to watch more theatre and see shows I otherwise wouldn’t.’ Prologue member

Prologue is a free scheme which gives young people aged 16-30 the opportunity to buy £5 tickets for any of our CFT productions. Our aim is to improve access to world-class theatre and to develop younger audiences. There is a current total of 17,042 Prologue members of which 2,906 live in Chichester District. In 2023, a total of 6,262 Prologue tickets were sold (1,634 to young people living in Chichester District). Prologue events also run alongside our Festival programme. Recent events included a meet and greet with the casts of The Sound of Music and Rock Follies, and a Playwriting Masterclass with investigative reporter and writer of The Inquiry, Harry Davies. The Prologue Ambassador scheme is open to 16-30 year olds who are passionate about theatre and want to develop opportunities for young people within CFT. There are currently 8 Prologue ambassadors who come together for monthly meetings and are given opportunities to develop skills in arts marketing and administration, event organisation and creating digital content.


Careers, training and apprenticeships (16-30s)

Young Practitioner programme

The Young Practitioner Programme at CFT is a part-time, year-long, informal training and career-development programme for 18 to 21 year olds, providing practical experiences to support their entry into the arts sector. In particular, the project engages individuals from marginalised and disadvantaged groups. This year, three Young Practitioners have completed the programme, and we are currently working with a new group of 9 individuals. The small group size ensures that we can best support the young practitioners to achieve their ambitions and provide personalised learning programmes.

‘Being a Young Practitioner is one of the best decisions I’ve made. It’s giving me confidence and I’m learning new skills every week. I feel so well supported, guided and valued.’ Young Practitioner


The programme is delivered through a series of masterclasses, leadership workshops and practical observation opportunities to develop the cohort’s skills and knowledge of working with young people. Throughout the programme there is 1-2-1 support and mentoring to ensure that they are able to achieve personal goals whilst developing them as future workshop leaders and arts professionals.

Young Practitioner and Work experience

Work experience

‘I have learnt so much during my work experience and it has opened my eyes to what happens in a professional theatre – I definitely am interested in working in a theatre in the future.’

CFT offers work experience placements across the year, providing opportunities for individuals aged 15+. Each placement is different, depending on the time of year and department chosen. Some opportunities mix administrative and practical tasks, whilst others are focused on gaining an understanding of technical or production skills. This year we had 63 young people complete work experience across 7 CFT departments – Box Office, LEAP, marketing, wardrobe, wigs, lighting and sound. In partnership with Creative County West Sussex (CCWS), we have developed online career guidance and resources which are available through the CCWS website. We also take part in careers fairs in local schools and further afield. At the fairs we aim to provide young people with an overview of the vast range of employment opportunities in creative industries and share local opportunities and career pathways.

Work experience student



Community and Adult Learning 46

Community and Adult Learning

Community and Adult Learning In addition to our work with young people, we lead a wide ranging programme of work with adults in our community. We aim to offer something for everyone, regardless of background, ability or prior experience, and with no upper age limit (our oldest participant is 96). Our annual programme of community activity includes weekly workshops, bespoke projects, informal sharings and performance opportunities at CFT. Alongside this, our network of local community referral partners enables us to reach, engage and inspire individuals who might not otherwise access our work. We strive at all times to reduce the barriers that people face to access theatre and aim for all projects to be of minimal cost to participants; we also offer bursary places for all our programmes.


Partnerships for our community programme this year have included:

Chichester Centre

Sanctuary Chichester

supporting people needing rehabilitation and treatment within a secure environment.

support for asylum seekers and refugees

Chichester Community Dementia Hub

independent local charity supporting mental health

Chichester Social Prescribing Team

Aldingbourne Trust

providing support for non-medical issues affecting health and wellbeing.

providing support and opportunities for adults with learning disabilities or autism.

Chapter Contents Chatter Project Chichester Centre – Three Trees Company Social Prescribing and CFT Buddies Volunteering at CFT Friday Company and FestivALL Relaxed and Dementia friendly performances Get Into It! A space for the community


Community and Adult Learning

Chatter Project

The Chatter Project provides creative workshops for adults aged 65+ who are living alone or are at risk of social isolation. Workshops are led by professional theatre practitioners with specialisms in collaborating with community participants. The primary aim of the project is to reduce social isolation and support the emotional wellbeing of older people. The workshops are inclusive of people living with dementia and their partners/carers. ‘Creative health encourages social connections, mitigating the effects of loneliness or isolation that we know can be so detrimental to health and wellbeing.’ Creative Health Review (Dec 2023)

‘I look forward to attending the group for the things we do and the company I gain. I live alone, so people are a need in my life.’ Chatter Project member


All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing

The Chatter Project has expanded to run in four locations in our local area: Selsey Methodist Church Hall, Sage House Dementia Support Hub, St James Centre, Birdham and CFT. Currently there are 46 participants, including a small number who engage over the phone. Arti Prashar OBE works at the forefront of arts and dementia practice and has been the lead Artist for the project in the last year. She has nurtured the participants’ love of storymaking and storytelling using a range of participatory, drama and theatre techniques. The work evolved into an audio project, The Chichester Tales, a collection of recordings, original stories, poems, and conversations generated by participants, shared at a celebration event at CFT. Chatter Project participants have completed the externally validated Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Mental Wellbeing Scales (WEMWBS) to assess progress and impact of workshops on mental health and wellbeing.

Chatter Project

Average scores increased from 24/35 to 27/35 demonstrating a 10% increase in overall wellbeing. Whilst this improvement cannot solely be credited to the impact of the Chatter Project, participants are clear about how the workshops support them to make connections and help them to feel less socially isolated.

What do participants gain from the Chatter Project?

‘This is helping me make a new start having lost my husband, meeting new friends has helped.’

75% of participants felt that

‘I feel very much part of a friendly group of people, and I am becoming less shy and able to express things more openly. I look forward to coming each week.’

62% felt the Chatter Project

‘At 85 I do not wish to spend a lonely old age! My faculties are at risk of decline and coming to CFT assists me to delay that.’

Chatter Project workshops help them feel less isolated helped them to feel part of the community

‘I always go home feeling positive.’

81% believed that the Chatter

Project has a positive impact on their wellbeing


Community and Adult Learning

Chichester Centre – Three Trees Company

‘It has been a voyage of discovery doing things I have never done before.’ Three Trees Company member


Since 2017, our Community Team have worked in partnership with the Chichester Centre, a low-secure hospital for adults receiving treatment for mental health difficulties. We provide weekly creative workshops and there are currently eight participants who attend. The group named themselves the ‘Three Trees Company’ after the three wards at the centre: Fir, Hazel and Pine. We work in close partnership with Occupational Therapists from the centre, focusing workshops on belonging and coming together. For most of the participants, these workshops are their first experience of the world of theatre. Workshops include creative writing, storytelling, improvisation and song writing skills – we always take the lead from the participants. This year, the Three Trees Company created a variety show titled In Our Shoes. Written entirely by the group members, the piece covered a broad range of topics and interests: from seafaring and rap music to personal reflections on time spent in hospital.

What do participants gain from the workshops? ‘It’s escaping for once a week.’ ‘It’s a chance to get off the ward and see different faces.’ ‘I have had the privilege of working with CFT and the Three Trees Theatre Company for a few years. Our client group is frequently comprised of people who have been marginalised in society and, as a consequence of mental illness and potential social vulnerability and isolation, have been limited in their ability to access creative opportunities. The workshops enable participants’ voices to be heard and allow for the development of self-expression, confidence growth and trust. We have had the privilege of participants annually performing at the Minerva Theatre and it has been a joy to observe participants’ personal growth and the pride of family members watching their children’s and parents’ confidence blossoming.’ Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist at the Chichester Centre

Chichester Centre – Three Trees Company

85% of participants said that

attending workshops help them feels less isolated

71% of participants said it has helped them to develop new creative skills

86% said workshops have

had a positive impact on their wellbeing


Community and Adult Learning

Social Prescribing and CFT Buddies

CFT Buddies are friendly, trained volunteers who are all passionate about sharing their love for theatre. The Buddies companion scheme matches up a volunteer with an individual who requests additional support for their visit. This includes people with physical access needs, elderly and socially isolated people, anyone on the autistic spectrum or anyone who is anxious about coming to the Theatre alone. We have found from feedback that our volunteer Buddies benefit from the experience just as much as the service users. Each year we support over 130 individuals through the Buddy scheme.

‘The most important support a buddy gives me is company, and they are all so kind, friendly and helpful. It’s lovely to be able to talk to someone and share our experience.’ Buddy scheme user


We partner with Chichester District Council’s Social Prescribing team to support patients to improve their health and wellbeing through connecting with practical and emotional support in the community. The Social Prescribing team refer individuals to us for monthly social visits, phone calls or to attend CFT events and activities. In 2023, 10 individuals were referred to us.

What do participants gain from the Buddy scheme? ‘I don’t know a lot of people in Chichester which can feel quite isolating at times. A buddy enables me to access the theatre which I wouldn’t do on my own. Having a buddy for me is a lifeline, they meet me outside the theatre, and we chat and get to know each other, they will support me to get my ticket and take me to my seat.’ ‘My buddy was simply brilliant. She made the whole afternoon an enjoyable and relaxing experience. Thank you all so much for providing this service.’

Social Prescribing and CFT Buddies


Community and Adult Learning

Volunteering at CFT

CFT has a thriving volunteer programme with 160 individuals aged 18-90 who assist us with our work. These include: Heritage and Archive Groups These groups meet weekly to assist with the upkeep of our ever-increasing archive, including production photographs, videos, press cuttings, posters and programmes. CFT Buddies Our team of trained volunteers offer a free companionship service for audience members (see previous page).

‘As a recent resident of Chichester it has given me the opportunity to meet new people and feel part of the community. I love theatre; so it is lovely to be, in a small way, involved.’ Archive volunteer


Audio Describers Making sure our shows are accessible to everyone is a key priority. Our audio describers detail what’s happening on stage for blind or visually impaired people so they can enjoy our live performances. In 2023, we welcomed two ex-CFYT members to audio describe for The Jungle Book, offering hands-on training. Currently, two volunteer groups meet weekly at CFT, undertaking an 18-month project to digitise historical materials to create yearbooks, annual records of CFT activities (1972–present).

The digital files produced will be accessioned into CFT’s Digital Archive in line with our physical archive, expanding our digital archive without having to handle materials being preserved by West Sussex Record Office (WSRO). Alongside this, volunteers are given IT training and digitisation workshops, and receive additional benefits such as social events, field trips, creative workshops and complimentary tickets. This year our heritage and archive volunteers supported an exhibition in the Festival Theatre foyer displaying archive items from the Noël Coward Trust and CFT, accompanying the run of The Vortex on the main stage at CFT.

Volunteering at CFT

What do volunteers gain from working with CFT? ‘As a newly retired person it enables me to contribute and feel useful to the community.’ ‘It improves my communication skills and my confidence in myself.’ ‘It really brightens me up if I am ever feeling a bit down.’

75% of volunteers reported that

volunteering made them feel part of the community

65% reported that voluntary work helped them to connect with other adults and build friendships

78% reported that they had

developed new knowledge and skills


Community and Adult Learning

Friday Company and FestivALL

CFT runs four weekly workshops in Chichester, Littlehampton and Horsham, for adults aged 25+ with learning difficulties. These workshops develop artistic, personal and social skills in a fun and supportive environment. Our two-day festival (FestivALL) celebrates the creativity and talent of learning disabled and neurodivergent people. The festival features performances from local community groups, with the CFT groups performing original adaptations of Hansel & Gretel and The Pied Piper of Hamelin this year.

How do participants feel about the workshops? ‘I can talk about things that make me safe and confident and I know who to speak to. When I speak to the people here, I know I can trust them.’ ‘I like the connections and the drama, it’s like therapy. I release my emotions and put them into drama, and I express who I am.’

91% of participants strongly agree that workshops help them to make connections and build friendships

61% strongly agree that workshops ‘It feels like a family where I can be around everyone and I can be who I am’ Friday Company member


help to develop their social skills


strongly agree that workshops help them to develop new creative skills

Friday Company and FestivALL


Community and Adult Learning

Relaxed and Dementia friendly performances

We are committed to making CFT a welcoming environment for all. We provide free access list membership to anyone with a disability, which entitles members (and a companion) to 50% discount on all of our performances. This year, 5,455 (905 Chichester District) access members attended performances. As part of our access provision this year we have also offered: Audio described, BSL, Captioned performances, Touch tours and Dementia friendly and Relaxed performances.

‘This is the most inclusive and amazing theatre, our family treasure the memories made here.’ Relaxed performance audience member


Our Dementia friendly performances feature adjustments to sound and lighting, keep houselights on low and audience members are welcome to come and go during the show. We also do a recap after the interval before the second act begins. We welcomed 478 audience members to our Dementia friendly performance of The Sound of Music. ‘It was lovely to share the experience of going to the theatre with my husband who has Alzheimer’s. This was a time we could have a normal life for a few hours.’

At our Relaxed performances, we introduce the show and the characters and highlight any moments that could cause anxiety. We also provide a chill-out area in the foyer so audience members can take a break, but still watch the show on the screen. We welcomed 1,054 audience members to our Relaxed and Dementia friendly performances of The Sound of Music and 626 to the Relaxed performance of The Jungle Book. A survey was conducted following the Relaxed performance of The Jungle Book:

86% of respondents rated their experience as excellent

95% said their experience had a positive impact on their quality of life

Relaxed and Dementia friendly performances

What do audiences feel about the performences? ‘Relaxed performances mean my daughter and I can enjoy the theatre together which means a huge amount. My daughter adores theatre but because of her stimming we often get funny looks. Here we felt safe, and we could relax and enjoy ourselves.’ ‘Coming to CFT means being able to share the magical experience of theatre together with less stress for everyone.’ ‘It means so much to us being able to give our son the experience of live theatre, he loves it and no-one worries if he shouts out or needs to get up. It is something we really enjoy as a family.’

Scan the QR code to hear about our Relaxed performances


Community and Adult Learning

Get Into It! Adult Creative Learning

We recently relaunched our Get Into it! programme, providing a wide range of daytime creative activities for adults. These workshops are open to all but are primarily targeted at adults aged 55+. The programme includes regular weekly workshops of Get Singing, Get Acting and Get Dancing, and a range of drop-in workshops hosted in the Festival Theatre Foyer. These workshops have included: Songwriting, Still Life Drawing, Writing for Fun and Decorative Darning and Repair. 199 individuals (128 from Chichester District) participated in regular Get Into It! workshops in 2023. 538 participants have enjoyed our drop-in workshops.

‘I have discovered abilities I never knew I had, and my physical and mental health have both benefited from my participation’. Get Into It! participant


What do these workshops mean to our participants? ‘The workshops provide me with mental stimulation and encourage my creativity in an accepting and supportive environment. As someone with physical disabilities I am aware that CFT staff have always gone out of their way to ensure that I am meaningfully included in workshops. I have discovered abilities I never knew I had, and my physical and mental health have both benefited from my participation.’ ‘The workshops provide structure to the week and have made retirement more enjoyable and satisfying.’ ‘For the first time in my life it has given the confidence to sing which I never had before.’ ‘Laughter and fun and friends makes me happier for days! The exercise is good too!’

Get Into It!

83% of participants strongly agreed that CFT creative activities provide an important addition to the cultural life of the area

78% strongly agreed that the

workshops had a positive impact on their mental health and wellbeing

100% felt that the workshops had a positive impact on their quality of life


Community and Adult Learning

A space for the community

‘We love this space! There are plenty of areas to sit (the seats are comfy), the coffee is good, and the toilets are nice. It’s a great spot for us to meet as it’s easy to park and accessible for those in our group who struggle with mobility.’ CFT visitor


Our foyer at CFT has become a thriving community hub used for informal catch ups with friends, regular group meetings, family fun and creative drop in activities. We are proud to be a Chichester Warm Space, providing a welcoming, comfortable and accessible space open to all.

We are delighted to see so many members of our community using our facilities. Currently we have a large number of regular groups who use our foyer as a place to hold their weekly meetings, including:

Families and young children can make the most of the space with a range of toys, dressing up, colouring and books available in our nooks. Each year we welcome over 2,200 children to enjoy Family Fun sessions in the foyer.

• German Conversation (U3A)

• Stamp Collecting Club

• Book club • NCT (National Childbirth Trust) • Nordic Walking • Local play reading group • French Conversation (U3A) • Film Club • Spoken Italian • Art Club • Eco Chi

A space for the community

‘Lovely welcoming space, you can always get a seat and have a chat. I come here for Nordic Walking but also often meet friends here and I bring my grandchildren to use the play area,’ ‘We always come here after classes and also on other days - it’s brilliant to have this free facility for children.’ ‘I love the CFT foyer and often come and use it as a meeting space. It’s great with children (and without!)’

We asked our visitors what they value most about the space:

71% Accessibility 98% Space and available seating 79% Close to city centre 54% Free Warm Space 98% Café 60% Family friendly / play area 88% Parking nearby 27% Free Wi-Fi 21% Dog friendly


Social impact summary

Social impact summary Chichester Festival Youth Theatre Mental health and wellbeing Access, inclusion and representation Relationships and connections with others

Creative Therapy Festival Fridays Schools’ Theatre Days Young Carers Asphaleia Early Years and Families Apprenticeships and Trainees Youth Advisory Board

New knowledge and skills

Prologue Ambassadors Young Practitioner programme Work experience

Confidence and self-esteem

Chatter Project Chichester Centre Social Prescribing and CFT Buddies

New opportunities and professional networks Community cohesion


Volunteering at CFT Friday Company and FestivALL Relaxed and Dementia friendly performances Get Into It!



Our thanks Our work in the community is delivered by our incredible Learning, Education and Participation team (LEAP for short!) who work tirelessly to break down the barriers keeping some people from experiencing theatre and being part of our story. Their work is supported by all at CFT and our thanks goes to those who contributed to this report. Our thanks also goes to our participants (aged three months to 96 years old), and to all those who took part in our surveys. If you would like to learn more about our participatory work, please visit




Research, analysis and report by Sue Webb, Evaluation Consultant

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing and the National Centre for Creative Health – December 2023. Creative Health Review – How Policy Can Embrace Creative Health.

Design by Editorial and design direction by Lydia Cassidy, Marketing Consultant Photographs by Tim Hills, Peter Flude, Richard Gibbons, Manuel Harlan, Carl Pendle, Johan Persson

A huge thank you to our brilliant LEAP supporters: Arts Council England, Chichester District Council, David and Jane Cobb, Yvonne and John Dean, The Dorus Trust, The Dora Green Educational Trust, The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust, Nick and Lalli Draper, Elizabeth, Lady Cowdray’s Charity Trust, Epigoni Trust, Friarsgate Charitable Trust, The G D Charitable Trust, George Ide LLP, Harwoods Group, Home Instead Chichester & Bognor Regis, The John Coates Charitable Trust, Professor E. F. Juniper and Mrs Jilly Styles, Liz Juniper, The Noël Coward Foundation, The Mackintosh Foundation, The Maurice Marshal Preference Trust, Eileen Norris, Jerome and Elizabeth O’Hea, Carolyn and Stuart Popham, The Patricia Routledge Foundation, the Shalit family, Greg and Katherine Slay, Alan and Jackie Stannah, Nick and Sue Stern, Theatre Artists Fund, the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Sir Vernon Ellis, Wickens Family Foundation, and all those who support our LEAP work, including those who wish to remain anonymous.

Registered Charity No. 1088552 68

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