issue one
Oh hai! Kelsey - Issue One
H u r r a h ! Yo u’re h e re ! Welcome to the first issue of Kelsey. I ’ v e a l l m y fi n g e r s c r o s s e d you’ll enjoy flipping through the shoots as each issue comes out. Issue one feels extra special as our beautiful model is one of my favourite fashion bloggers, Rhona of Rose Tinted U n c e r t a i n t y. R h o n a h a s t h e most wonderful, feminine shape, legs to die for and an eye for st yle to make anyone jealous. Not only that, but I’m sure you’ll be surprised to hear she’s batting for team shortie.
Model : Rhona
Make-up : Hannah Photographer : Sar
a Nolan
h Sullivan ra Devine
Shot 1 : Floral top/Shorts - Penneys Shot 2/3: Floral dress - New Look Socks/Shoes/Belt - Penneys Shot 4: Jacket/Shorts/Tights - Penneys Shot 5: Skirt/Tights - Penneys Leopard Jacket : New Look Inspire Shot 6/7: Maxi dress - New Look Shot 8/9: Everything- Penneys