The replica is part of a traveling exhibition called A Call to Honor: Tomb of The Unknown Soldier. The Americanism Committee of the Exchange Club in Rome, Georgia, is responsible for the exhibition and brings the replica to all parts of the United States. It was constructed by Phillip Burkhalter Builders of Rome in 2015.
It is the hope of the Exchange Club of Rome and the National Exchange Club that the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform are never forgotten, for without their supreme sacrifice of their lives, and in the case of the unknowns, their identity, our way of life would not be possible.
The tomb is an exact half size of the actual Tomb at Arlington. All of the artwork was carved with a hand Dremel and it was painted to resemble the marble of the real one at Arlington National Cemetery by Mr. Chuck Schmult, a wellknown and extremely talented Rome, Georgia artist.
Unknown Soldier OF THE
r e p l ica
coming to
belle fourche
AUG. 10 -11 “The importance is we need to never forget the sacrifice by what this replica and what the real tomb in Arlington, Virginia represents.”
Between the two lies a crypt that once contained an Unknown from Vietnam (middle). However his remains were positively identified in 1998 through DNA testing as First Lieutenant Michael Blassie, United States Air Force, and were removed to his hometown. Those three graves are marked with white marble slabs flush with the plaza. The replica includes these symbolic crypts just in front of the tomb.
The history of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was also an important part of the event. The representatives from the Call to Honor tell people about what the tomb symbolizes. The tomb also represents a place for “A soldier never really dies until he those who lost loved ones who could is forgotten, tomb guards are never not be returned, to pay tribute and going to forget, and we added to that mourn. While those who guard the with our own little tomb make sure saying, neither the soldiers’ spirwill we, because its live on. they did it for “The importance us.” The Guard is is we need to changed every never forget the thirty minutes sacrifice by what during the sumthis replica and mer (April 1 to what the real Sept. 30) and evtomb in Arlingery hour during ton, Virginia the winter (Oct 1 represents and to Mar 31). The that’s the sacriTomb in Virginia fices of not only is guarded, and their lives but has been guardtheir identity ed, every minute for us so we can of every day since enjoy the free- BILL KING 1937. doms we enjoy in America,” said 7 AM - 7 PM | 512 6TH AVE. The Tomb was Bill King, placed at the FREE | BELLE FOURCHE COMMUNITY HALL A Call To Honor: head of the grave of The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier the World War I Unknown. West of Replica Project Manager. this grave are the crypts of Unknowns from World War II (south) “The tomb guards have the best and Korea (north). phrase that we’ve heard,” said King.