To provide financial support for the educational and community development activities and programs of the Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce. To promote and develop the economic, civic, cultural and social welfare of the citizens of Butte County, South Dakota through educational programs. To conduct educational programs to encourage the development of small business enterprises in Bute County; To establish technical education programs which will better qualify residents for employment in Butte County; To promote the development of tourism in Butte County through education programs; To promote the use of new technologies, businesses, and education support in Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce Members.
December 2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mona Heimbaugh | President Sheila Hodge | Vice President Lee Capp | Secretary/Treasurer Jade Larson Rachel Woodroof Nikki Hoyme Toniya Canales Matt Kreutz Brittney Miller Heidi Parker | City Council Liason Tallia Nighswonger | Economic Development Miranda Gallagher | Executive Director 509 Grant St | Belle Fourche, SD 57717 Office Hours: 9am – 4pm M-F (605) 892-2676 | events@bellefourchechamber.org www.bellefourchechamber.org The Belle Fourche Chamber of Commerce serves to promote our members, the commercial, civic, and general interests of the city of Belle Fourche, and our trade area. As a voluntary organization our aim is to represent and advocate for our members and the business community as a whole. We are not a civic club, a charitable organization, or department of city government. We are a private, non-profit, taxpaying corporation focused on improving the community and businesses of Belle Fourche. We’re compromised of people — people just like you, who realize that we can accomplish more collectively than individually. CENTER OF THE NATION FOUNDATION NEW & RENEWING MEMBERS HAPPENINGS! NEW MEMBERS: ALBANY FARM JC STAGE STOP RESORT BORNS GROUP SOUTH DAKOTA KIDS BELONG RENEWING MEMBERS: Stereos ‘N Stuff – Keenan Merrell Black Hills Pioneer/Weekly Prospector Dakota Financial Services BHSU Advancement Educational Outreach CATCH ALL EVENTS IN TOWN ONLINE! SHARE YOUR GOOGLE CALENDAR WITH US! WE WANT TO SHOWCASE EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS IN TOWN! Northern gateway 2-DESTINATION Black Hills TOTHE OFFICIAL VISITOR’S GUIDE PROUDLY PRODUCED IN BELLE FOURCHE BFVM_2.indd 3/30/22 1:13PM PICK UP A COPY AT THE CHAMBER OFFICE! CLICK HERE TO VIEW ONLINE! @Center of the Nation Foundation BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Nikki Hoyme Mona Heimbaugh Fallon Hendrickson Dustin Christensen
Gallagher | Executive Director
It was a beautiful night to start our holiday kick off with the Light up the Night festivities. Thank you to CoNBA, Tri-State Museum, and Belle Silver Lining for collaborating with the Chamber to put on this great event together. We ask that you continue to support local through the holiday season.
want to wish you
new possibilities
LETTER FROM OUR DIRECTOR OUR RECENT BUSINESS SPOTLIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OUR UPCOMING CLASSESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONGRATULATIONS! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Each week we are featuring a chamber member business on our Facebook page. IN OCTOBER WE FEATURED.... Butte County Auditors Office Midco Communications Dairy Queen Highmark Federal Credit Union Follow along with us to learn more about our wonderful Belle Fourche businesses. Maybe you’ll even win a prize! POST YOUR EVENT WITH US! ASK OUR OFFICE FOR DETAILS! January 6th & 7th | Personal Finance | 9:00 am – Noon (both days) January 13th- 11th | Entrepreneur Class 9:00 am – 3:00 pm (all days) Congratulations to First Interstate Bank and Black Hills Roundup for a great event of Festival of Trees. Raised $52,000 this year! Thank you to all of our local donations for our tree at Festival of Trees! Congratulations to Black Hills Roundup for their recent PRCA award! Well done, and well deserved! B E L L E F O U R C H E C H A M B E R O F C O M M E R C E T H A N K Y O U T O O U R C H A M B E R M E M B E R S F O R T H E R D O N A T O N O F G F T C A R D S C E N T E R O F T H E N A T I O N W O O L W A R E H O U S E C O M M O N C E N T S I N T E G R I T Y M E A T S P E T E S C L O T H I N G H O D G E B O O T E R Y C O W Y B O Y S T O O M I D - A M E R I C A T R A V E L P L A Z A C R O S S R O A D S T H E O L I V E B R A N C H O F F I C E E M P O R I U M D A K O T A L U M B E R B R A N D I N G I R O N W E S T T I R E L I F E S T Y L E S L A D I E S F A S H I O N H E R S R U D S L U E D E R S L Y N N ' S D A K O T A M A R T S U B W A Y S T E R E O S N S T U F F R A N C H O L O S A G A V E S F A S T B R E A K S C R E E N P R I N T I N G G R A P S B U R G E R S & B R E W S C B H T H E S T A D I U M R E B E L R O S E T H E W I L D B L U E B E L L REMINDER: Reminder that you as a Chamber member have the right to attend our monthly board meetings, review financials, vote on changes, and review meeting minutes.
Aliva L. age 3 yrs old. “ I liked the horse rides and fireworks.” I
all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I look forward to the new year, the
and opportunities that 2023 will bring.
MEMBER 2 MEMBER DISCOUNT CARDS ARE HERE!! Be on the lookout for the discount cards. They will be good until December of 2023. For more info: bellefourchechamber.org/ member-discounts THE CENTER OF THE NATION FOUNDATION RECEIVED OUR FIRST GRANT!! We received a $5000 Capacity Building Grant. We are grateful for this grant as it allows us to hire a grant writer, grant research, and strategic planning along with allowing us to update and replace broken office equipment and update advertising materials. December is the ideal time to start or review your business plan and strategy, and strengthen your business for the year ahead. Entrepreneurs who have business plans are twice as likely to obtain capital and more likely to grow than entrepreneurs who don’t. UPCOMING RIBBON CUTTINGS! Dec.10th | Pooter Q BBQ 4:30pm at the Black Hills Diner. December 13th | Northern Hills Federal Credit Union Open house from 10am to 4pm, and the ribbon cutting will be at 11am. LIKE - SHARE - COMMENT | BE ENTERED INTO A GIVEAWAY! BE SURE TO FOLLOW AND LIKE CENTER OF THE NATION FOUNDATION PAGE! DEC. 7TH | VENUE 519 | NOON LUNCH & LEARN SCHEDULE: MEMBER 2 MEMBER DISCOUNTS! NATIONAL WRITE A BUSINESS PLAN MONTH ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR OUR FOUNDATION! Chamber of Commerce Discount Card 2022 RIBBON CUTTINGS MEALS ON WHEELS REBEL ROSE CAPP’S CORNERSTONE REFINIHINGS
Do you want to help your community? Have fun and meet new people?
We are looking for volunteers to help our planning committee with events. Helping hands is what we need!
Contact our office to get the details!
November 5th Family Photo Sessions12 noon to 4pm at the BHR Mercantile building. Nov 10th Hunter Star Quilt Class at 1 pm Office Emporium & Gone To Pieces Quilt Shop November 10th Holiday Open HousesBelle Fourche Businesses November 11th BFMS Veterans Day Program and BFMS Veterans’ Day Reunion November 11th LeLund Kahler Bridge Dedication –Round-up Road -12(noon) November 12th Family Photo Sessions -12 noon to 4pm at the BHR Mercantile building. November 12th BFACT“Friendsgiving” –Grap’s Back Room –5:00-9:00 –Thank you for supporters of BFACT! November 17-19th FAB –BFHS Fall Play –BF Rec Center Theater November 23, 25-27 Buy Any Rec Center Membership Get An Additional Month Free November 25th Chili Feed by Belle Silver Lining before Parade of Lights at community hall from 5-6 pm | Santa, Grinch & Cowboy Band November 25th Light up the Night Festivities November 25th December CoNBA Drawings November 26th Small Business Saturday November 27th -December 3rdGive Big Week: Chamber Foundation Program November 29th Festival of Trees December 1st Begins December 1, 12 Days of Fitness at the Rec Center December 1st Christmas Open House at Keller Williams December 2-3 Besler’s Cadillac Ranch Cowboy Christmas December 3rd Christmas Belle Program December 3rd DIY Christmas Wreaths 5pm to 8pm -The Wild Bluebell December 3rd 9am-Breakfast with Santa at the Rec Center December 9-11th Christmas Carol Program –Rec Center December 16th Belle Black Friday December 16th Gingerbread Kids Perform at 7 a.m.Tri-State Museum December 16th Polar Express Bus Rides & Santa Clause December 17th Polar Express Bus RidesScrooge Photos December 17th Winter Showcase –LBB + Studio B –Nutcracker –BF Rec Center Theater –6pm December 17th Gingerbread Kids Perform at 2 pm.Tri-State Museum December 18th Family Fun Day, Christmas Crafts: Christmas Around the World at 2 p.m.Tri-State Museum December 21st 7-9pm Holiday Teen Night 5/6 Grade at the Rec Center December 21st 7-9pm Holiday Teen Night 7/8 Grade at the Rec Center & SO MUCH MORE!! Go Online or Scan Code for More Details & Events!